(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright great seeing look at Psalm 19 verse 11 I'm not really going to be preaching on from this psalm, but I just want to pull out one verse there in verse number 11 It says we're obviously we're singing here We're reading about the Word of God how it's sweeter than honey and the honeycomb and then verse number 11 It says moreover by them is thy servant warned and in keeping of them There is great reward great reward We've been going through this series on rightly dividing the Bible and the topic that I want to cover tonight is gifts and rewards gifts and rewards, what are the differences between a gift that we read about in the Bible and Rewards and this is a very basic teaching. I know that a lot of you going to understand the fundamentals of this Nevertheless, you know, there are Christians out there that get these two things confused Okay, when we talk about salvation we talk about a free gift that's been given to us by Jesus Christ But there are a number of Christians so-called Christians out there that name the name of Christ and they believe their salvation Is based on reward if I do God will be merciful to me and I will be saved or something along those lines and so we want to understand the difference between gifts and Rewards and sometimes when we preach about the topic of rewards it sometimes is quite vague I want to give you some rewards some very clear rewards that can read about the Bible So you can be working toward those things and if you're not able to work toward You know, you're not working toward those things start applying certain principles in your life So you can start working toward these rewards now There are some rewards that you're just not going to know about, you know It just comes down to serving the Lord doing the best you can for the Lord But there are other things that are very clear for us in the Bible and those things we need to know about We want to see what God says about how we can try to earn a full reward for our Christian life So what's the different difference between a gift and a reward? Let me just give you the the dictionary definition first of all So when it comes to a gift it is something given to another voluntarily without charge Voluntarily without charge when something's without charge. What are we saying? It's free. Okay, it's without charge It's free and it's given to them a reward is something of value given in return For an act so you give someone a reward when someone's done an act They've done well at something and you rewarded them for the work that they've done But a gift is not based on your acts a gift is voluntarily without charge free Okay free now what I wanted to first begin by going going to James chapter 1 Please go to James chapter 1 in your Bible and the Bible gives us a really great definition of what a gift is again We want to separate gifts from rewards Okay, when it comes to especially when it comes to salvation, but let's go to James chapter 1 verse 17 James chapter 1 verse 17 the Bible says every good gift and Every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights With whom is no variableness Neither shadow of turning you notice it says he talks about the gift of God Every good gift every perfect gift is from above it comes from the Father of lights It comes from God the Father But notice what it says about God the Father here when he bestows these gifts to every man It says that he gives a sorry about him with whom is no variableness Okay, so the gifts that God offers. There's no variableness. There's no difference in the gift that's been given It's the same gift that has been offered unto every man every man woman and child No matter what your background is no matter what your religious background is or what you've done in your life How sinful you are there is no variableness with God when it comes to every perfect gift from above It's the same gift available to all not only is there no variableness in the gift It says here neither shadow of turning Not even you know when you move you might have a shadow and often when you when if you make a small move Your shadow will move even more so it because it because there's a distance from your body So you move a little bit your shadow moves a lot more Not even the shadow of God turns or moves when it comes to his every perfect and good gifts Now this when you read about this in the context of the next verse. This is about salvation. Look at verse number 18 of His own will be get us Sorry of his own will be get he us with the word of truth That we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures So when it comes to being begotten of God being born of God being born again That's that's we're born again by the word of truth, and it's that salvation It's that born-again experience that we can go through that has been referred to here as that every good and perfect gift There is no variableness. It's the same way for anybody to be saved. It's the same way It's an offer made through Jesus Christ being born again by faith on the Lord Jesus Christ And the idea here guys is you know when it comes to giving a birthday gift often we give gifts on birthdays Don't we but it doesn't matter if that child let's say, you know, you give a child a birthday gift It doesn't matter if they've been really well behaved if they've done extra well In that year of life the simple fact is they're turning another year old, you know, we sit down We celebrate their birthday and we get often give them gifts Regardless of how well they sort of behaved as a child on their birthday because we're not celebrating how well they behaved We're celebrating the fact that they were born. Okay, when he came to their birth, they did no work Mother did all the work. She pushed that little baby out. The baby just had to squeeze through Well, once the mother pushes through she does all the work She does all the labor and the baby then is born when it comes to being born again of your salvation It's not your work. Okay. That's why the every good, you know, if the gifts there is no variableness It's all the work has been done by Jesus Christ on the cross when he took all your sins upon himself he died for you rose again three days later and God has given you that free gift. There is no variableness. It's the same gift to everybody It's the same gift to everybody now what I want you to do please is go to Romans chapter 6 Romans chapter 6 I'll get you to turn there while I read to you from Ephesians 2 8 we know these verses very well Okay, Ephesians 2 8 for by grace are you saved? Through faith and that not of yourselves look at pay attention now. It is the gift of God Not of works lest any man should boast so when it comes to Salvation as a gift of God God makes it very clear that it's not of works that it's not of yourselves Because gifts are free Okay, the work that's been done was done in the Lord Jesus Christ in his death burial and resurrection, but was very clear that we're saved by grace Through faith not of works lest any man should boast you see when you start working for something It's no longer a gift when you start working for something now you're asking God for a reward Do you want to really face the Lord on Judgment Day and say Lord well You know I deserve my reward of salvation because look how I worked for you Man, you're gonna come up short if that's what you're trusting in you're you're better off Just receiving that free gift that perfect gift from above that comes from the Father of lights you guys in Romans 6 23 Romans 6 23 again these passages you're all very familiar with it says for the wages of sinners death But the gift of God is eternal life Through Jesus Christ our Lord, okay, so let me backtrack a little bit when I read Ephesians 2 8 & 9 When I read to you for by grace that you say through faith in that not of yourselves It is the gift of God. What is the gift? Some people especially if you come from a Calvinistic Theology they understand they view the gift as faith Though they'll read it this way for by grace that you say through faith Faith is the gift because in their failed theology They believe that God has chosen some to be saved and God has chosen some to be damned Hey, I thought the gift of God had no variableness. I thought it was the same to everybody I thought there was no shadow of turning Well when it comes to Calvinism when it comes to being saved by the gifts there is the difference there is variation According to Calvinism, this is why it's a false religion This is why it's a false way a false gospel is because it doesn't understand the concept of a gift How can faith be the gift? That's it look for those that want to cut my parents here for some of you guys that know Spanish The word grace for by grace says what does it what does grace mean for a great? It's unmerited favor grace is unmerited favor if I'm showing grace toward you I'm showing you unmerited favor. I'm giving you more than you deserve look This is the same thing unmerited favor unmerited means it's a gift. It's free Okay in Spanish. We have the word gratis which means what does it mean that this? Free okay, and that's where you get the word grace from grace gratis is free And so when we read Ephesians 2 89 for by grace. That's what's free What's free the gift for by grace that you say through faith That not ourselves. It is the gift of God What is the gift the grace the grace which offers us salvation and we receive that salvation? Through faith by believing on the gospel and this confirms for us again here in Romans 6 23 But the gift of God is eternal life. It doesn't say the gift of God is faith. It says no It's eternal life. It is the grace. It is the salvation that is the gift of God How do we receive it through Jesus Christ our Lord? Here's the one that did all the work and for us it is gratis. It is grace. It is free Okay, go to Romans chapter 11 verse 5 please Romans chapter 11 verse 5 And some look this you need to get this down if you cannot understand this I fear for your soul if you cannot understand this simple concept that salvation is a free gift. I Worry about you and you need to get this down. You need to understand Romans 11 verse 5 Even so then at this present time. Also. There's a remnant according to the election of Grace again, what's grace free? Okay, and if by grace or unmerited favor look at this then it is no more of works Otherwise grace is no more grace But if you'd be of works, then it is no more grace. Otherwise work is no more work Listen salvation is either by grace or it's by work Okay, and it's up you you can decide how you want to be saved Okay, you either receive the free grace of God, which is the gift not of works a gift or You go for the works and if you go for the work so on this side it is no more grace It is no more God offering you salvation You got to try your best to work your way to heaven and you're never going to do it You're never going to accomplish it. You cannot mix these two things is what this Bible is selling the Bible selling us here It's either grace or grace It's either all free a free gift or it's either all works over here You got to choose which one you want to decide on, you know And please if you think well no it is by grace it is by grace through faith But you've got to have the works. Otherwise, they're not saved Well now you're mixing those two things about what says very clearly if you make it of works It's no more of grace. And if it's grace, it's not of works. You got to decide which Salvation you have what kind of gospel you have? Is it the one that is by a gift? All right. Okay, let's keep reading there. Let's go to actually go to Romans chapter 5 Romans chapter 5 verse 18 It's grace or it's work it cannot be both Romans chapter 5 verse 18 Romans chapter 5 verse 18 Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation This speaking of Adam who sinned and by his By his sin, we're all born to condemnation Okay, and it says here even so by the righteousness of one The free gift just to make it very clear just in case you don't think you don't realize that gifts are free God makes very clear here free gifts game came upon all men Unto justification of life. Who do you think is the one that brought righteousness there? We're talking about Adam who brought condemnation to man who brought righteousness Jesus Christ Okay, and notice that it said in verse number 18 that the free gift came upon all men Unto justification of life. It's not that God chose some and didn't choose others to be saved No, it's been a mate made available to all all cable look at verse number 19 Do all get saved for as by one man's disobedient the disobedience many were made sinners So by the obedience of one that is the obedience of Jesus shall many be made righteous So it's not all but many many are made righteous many believe on him and are saved many receive the free gift Verse number 20 moreover the law entered that the offense might abound but where sin abounded Grace much more abound that as sin have rained unto death even so might grace rain through righteousness unto Eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord listen verse number 20 is X is great news for everybody Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound But where sin abounded grace it much more abound you see you can continue a life of sin Oh, I can't believe you said that well You could you could just continue a life of sin and even if you just live that life of sin Even if you are bounded in sin guess what abounds more than your sins God's grace God's free gift abounds more than any sin You can do okay because Jesus Christ came and died for all your sins your past Present and future sins okay, this is why you can't mix these two things up You cannot come over here and say we got to repent of your sins Why that is work all right? What is sin sin is the transgression of the law if I'm breaking God's law and you're telling me turn from your sins now You're asking me keep God's law the Bible calls that the works of the law no works is separate from God's grace Make sure you understand this make sure you receive the proper gift make sure you're not trusting in a reward Okay, because your reward will never get you to heaven. It's only the free gift of salvation by Jesus Christ Romans chapter 4 please Romans chapter 4 verse 3 Romans chapter 4 verse 3 now we've looked at these passages numerous times, but let's remind ourselves for what saith the scripture Abraham believed God and he was counted unto him for righteousness Now to him that worketh now look at this. We're talking about the difference between gifts and rewards Okay, verse number four now to him that worketh if you want to go to heaven because of your works What's it say here now team that worketh is the reward is the reward not reckoned of grace But of debts what the Bible saying here is your if you're trying to be saved by keeping the works of the law Okay, you're trying to do the works Well, then God owes you a debt because you're working your way So you're trying to work your way to heaven and it's no longer a gift is it what's it called a reward? Rewards are different to gifts, and it's a reward not reckoned of grace not reckoned of grace understand this It's God's grace over here that gives us salvation You're trying to work your way earn the rewards where it's not of grace. You're not gonna get saved Okay, you're not gonna get your the Unmerited favor of the Lord the free gift by working over here, okay? Yes, God's gonna owe you, but it's not gonna be enough to get you saved because you're not perfect Okay, you're still a sinner. You're still a filthy sinner verse number five But to him that worketh not But believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness Let's make that very clear, but to him that worketh not how do you get saved by faith? And you got to have the works no team that worketh not you've got to be all the way over here Understanding the free gift of salvation receiving it for free. Okay. That's how you get saved He that worketh not there are too many too many Christians today that mix these two things yes I want the free gift, but you've got to have the work So you're not saved team that worketh not the Bible says Not you understand that don't work for salvation Don't trust your works for salvation only the gift that's been given to us by Jesus Christ So let's talk about rewards now. Let's talk about rewards, and if you guys can go to Psalm 19 this is where we were reading from originally Psalm 19 and While you're turning I'm going to read to you from the book of Ruth This is probably a not a not very common book We will turn to but I it has a really great definition of the word reward Okay, because I do believe we should be striving once you receive the free gift once you know It's by the grace of God. You know it's just by faith. Yeah, now you're saved now What should you do should you just continue being over here? No, the Lord now wants you to start working for his kingdom start working for his namesake And I start earning rewards and the Bible gives a definition in Ruth chapter 2 verse 12 the Lord recompense look at this the Lord recompense thy Work with a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel under whose wings thou art come to trust, so this is Boaz speaking to Ruth and He says look the Lord's going to recompense your work. He's going to give you a full Reward so when it comes to reward its work you work and God wants to give us Rewards, but this has nothing to do with salvation This is everything to do we've just live in a life that pleases the Lord the Lord Having eternity as your mindset rather than the temple things of this world you guys are in Psalm 19 verse 11 Psalm 19 verse 11 moreover by them the words of God the Bible is thy servant warned and in keeping of There is great reward does God want us to have great rewards Absolutely he's given us his Bible He's given us the scriptures that we would keep them that will walk according to their paths so we can earn Rewards and rewards again nothing to do with salvation Please understand work and reward has nothing to do with salvation Salvation is grace free gift not of works by faith Okay keep those two things separate never mix them the Bible never mixes them you don't mix them Otherwise you've got a false gospel. Okay. Go to Proverbs where can I get to turn yeah go to Proverbs 11, please Proverbs 11 verse 18 and While you turn them going to read so Proverbs 11 18 go there. I'm going to reach you from Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 the Bible says two are better than one Because they have a good reward For their labor a good reward for their labor So we've seen how the Bible uses the term reward by your work by your labor the things you do for the Lord You guys are in Proverbs Proverbs 11 verse 18 the Bible says the wicked worker a deceitful work But to him that soweth righteousness Shall be a sure reward Hey, you want to get rewards in heaven you want to be sure have a sure reward. You've got a soul righteousness You've got to do that, which is right according to God's Word. That's how you can earn rewards in heaven now Let me let me explain this let me just break this down a little bit more a lot of Christians Just have not been taught by their pastors have not been taught in their churches that there are rewards to be earned Okay, they think well. I'm saved and going to heaven that sufficient reward. They'll think it's not a reward It's a gift. You never do anything except believe on Christ All right, that's just step number one now. You're in now. You're you're eternally going to be in heaven You've got eternal life now. What now you start working for rewards and some people don't like this I tell you why they don't like it because they know they haven't done any work for God And they're thinking man. I'm gonna get to heaven and I'm not gonna have much now look if you're saved praise God all right praise God you've got Jesus Christ is your foundation. You're gonna be in heaven regardless, okay? But here's the thing I don't want to just make it to heaven I want to be in heaven and I want to be able to see the rewards that I've worked for the Lord and for the Lord to smile upon me and say hey, they're good and faithful servants. That's what I want from the Lord Is that what you want? I don't just say well good work. You believed on Jesus That's good all right But I want him to know that I've done more to try to strive and to live after his ways To sow to righteousness earn those rewards and we need to know about this again heaven is not communism We don't all get a fair share Okay, it's capitalism you start working now. You start earning rewards in heaven you lay up treasures in heaven today Now is your opportunity till the day you die If you don't do it today when you get to heaven you're gonna be thankful you're there for Jesus Christ But you're gonna regret all the time you had on the earth to not earn those rewards okay now I don't want to talk vague I do want to get to a point where we can understand what some of these rewards are we can start working toward these Things and let me just give you some advice how we can start earning rewards Just just like just some contact some higher level concepts number one When you work for the Lord don't do it to be praised by men. Okay. That's point number one Don't do works to be praised by men Matthew 6 1 Jesus says take heed that you do not your arms Those are good works before men to be seen of them otherwise you have no reward listen to this Otherwise you have no reward of your father Which is in heaven if you just do good works to praise to be seen of men Wow look how good of us Christian you are if that's what you like And you want the pattern on the back and you want anyone to know how good you are Well, that's your reward your reward is people patting you on the back But you're not gonna be rewarded by your father in heaven you're not going to have eternal rewards in heaven I mean look we've probably all done look all of us have pride all of us like to be Padded on the back a little bit. I'm sure we've all at some point have done work Thinking we're doing it for the Lord, but we really were kind of seeking just the praise of men a little bit well Those rewards they're gone. Okay. We need to make sure we have the right mindset. We're doing to serve the Lord We're not doing it to be seen of men now if you're seen of men They praise you praise God, but make sure that's not your motive Okay, is what I'm trying to say now the next thing that I want to talk about just very quickly in Matthew 10 40 Maybe you want to turn there Matthew chapter 10 verse 40, please Matthew chapter 10 verse 40 and this is Probably the most that the easiest the most common way to earn rewards on this earth And this has to do with how we serve one another okay Matthew chapter 10 verse 40 the Bible says He that receiveth you this is Jesus speaking to his soul winners he that receiveth you receiveth me and Here that receiveth me Receive of him that sent me. Did you know if I receive one of my brothers in the Lord here? You know we have a visitor here from the US You know if you if you stop this is a brother in Christ you stop by and you receive him you welcome him You'd be hospitable toward him guess who else you're receiving Jesus Christ You know if you receive Christ guess who else you're receiving the father Okay, the Bible says here verse number 41 he that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophets reward And he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward Man, we're talking about rewards How do we earn rewards just by being hospitable just by being friendly just by being loving toward the brethren in the church Just by being loving by the to the brethren that we meet out and about verse number 42 and whose service shall give to Drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water Only in the name of the disciple verily I saying to you He shall in no wise lose his reward just a cup of water to a disciple to a child God says you're not going to lose your rewards You're going to be given rewards just for serving the brethren just for serving the little children in the church You know sometimes we think of children as a as a hassle. You know they're loud there Why should I serve them a little but if you serve them God says hey you're gonna have a reward in heaven Okay, well what a blessing to know that if I just serve my brethren even though I know your faults You know my faults sometimes we might clash we might not always get along hey But if we show love toward another one another we show servitude toward one another We are doing that as unto the to the Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father and we're not going to lose our Rewards all right now you go to Matthew chapter 16 Go to Matthew chapter 16 verse 27 Matthew chapter 16 verse 27 again a lot of Christians Don't like this idea of rewards. They don't like the idea that some Christians are going to get more than others But here's the thing I mean we usually love the idea like if I if I'm an employer And I've got two employees one guy works super hard. You know he puts in the hours He never you know he's always working hard He's not lazy, and then I've got another employee who's lazy who gets to gets to work late You know try you know gets home as quickly as he can doesn't doesn't really want to go above and Beyond Who do you think I'm going to give the pay increase to? Who do you think is the one that I want to give the bonus when the business does well? It's going to be the hard-working employee. I mean this is just logical we like this idea We like the idea of you work hard you get what deserves to you're a lazy bum you get nothing well guess What's no different in heaven? The more work you do for the Lord the greater your rewards otherwise you can be saved Great, and you can be a lazy bum, but you're not going to get anything in heaven You're not going to get any rewards Jesus Christ speaks about this over and over again look at Matthew 16 verse 27 Speaking of his second coming the Bible says for the son of man shall come in the glory of his father with his angels You say wow we're going to glorify God, but look at this, and then he shall reward every man according to his works Jesus Christ is coming in power in glory. It's going to blow us away He says I want to give you rewards. That's what I come for I want to I want to come and give you my Servants you workers those that have been serving me. I want to come and give you rewards But look at this show reward every man according to what according to his works The more works you do for the Lord the more rewards are going to get is this about salvation Every man according to his works not because works is over here Salvation is without works Okay, salvation is that free gift the difference between the gifts which is free and the reward which we work for once We are saved okay once we understand you cannot be saved over here, okay? No, no, you're saved over here by the free gift available to us by Jesus once you have the free gift now You should be striving to earn those rewards in heaven Jesus wants to come and give you rewards all right now let's talk about five rewards that I want to think about and these five rewards are known as crowns in the New Testament crowns okay and Again it's many times these rewards are vague But these crowns are very specific and it has a lot to do with how we live our Christian life So please go to 1st Corinthians chapter 9 1st Corinthians chapter 9 verse 24 I've got five crowns here. I Think it's pretty common most people recognize these five crowns as they read through the New Testament Five crowns that Jesus Christ wants us to strive for and these crowns are rewards Okay, look at 1st Corinthians chapter 9 verse 24 1st Corinthians chapter 9 verse 24 Know you not that they which run in a race run all but one receiveth the prize So run that ye may obtain The Paul is telling us I want you to get into the race and run now He's going to speak about the incorruptible crown This is crown number one the incorruptible crown And the way you receive this crown the way you obtain this crown number one You've got to get into the race. You've got to start running It's not just about sitting down in church No you got to start living for the Lord and you start putting his will in your life start running the race that is set before you look at verse number 25 and Every man that striveth see requires work Striving everyone that strive for the mastery is temperate in all things We've gone for the fruits of the Spirit the temperate being one of those that's been well balanced as a Christian Loving the things that God loves hating the things that God hates being temperate in accordance to God's Word Temperate in all things now they do it now they do it That's the world they do it to obtain a corruptible crown because you know, they they earn their Trophies, they earn their gold medals, but it's corruptible. It's all gonna fall apart but look at look at the at the anniversary of 25, but we and Incorruptible the rewards we're working for are incorruptible. They're gonna be like they're gonna last forever verse number 26 I therefore so run not as uncertainty So fight I not as one that beateth the air Pause is look. I'm in this spiritual fight. I'm in this spiritual race I'm in this spiritual boxing match because I expect to win. Okay, it's not I have no uncertainty He knows that there's a reward to be earned look at verse number 27 But I keep under my body and bring it into subjection lest by any means when I have preached to others I myself should be a castaway and So what I wanted to show you there was this incorruptible crown verse number 25 The world is seeking a corruptible crown, but we are seeking an incorruptible an incorruptible crown How do we obtain it? We participate in the race. We run the race We develop temperance in our lives being biblically balanced in our lifestyle And then we put our body that's the flesh into subjection How do we put the flesh? You know the carnal body the one that seeks to please itself the one that seeks the sin We put that under subjection to the new man. Of course the new man, you know making efforts to overcome sin Should we strive to work on overcoming sin turning from sin? Absolutely. We should strive to do that We should strive to put out our bodies our flesh under subjection under that new man. Let's work It's all work over here Okay, and if you're able to accomplish this you're able to have great success of this in your life Paul Paul is expecting that he would get the incorruptible crown. I want you guys to start thinking about what's the point? You know, why should I why should I try to you know, walk in the new man? Why should I crucify that old flesh? Well, here's why because this is an offer of an incorruptible crown Okay for the works that you do the incorruptible crown. That's crown number one Please go to 2nd Timothy now 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 6 So I want to show you what the Bible says how we obtain these things, you know 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 6 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 6 the second crown that we see here in the Bible is the crown of righteousness the crown of righteousness 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 6 For I am now ready to be offered This is Paul's talking about now is toward the end of his life and the time of my departure is at hand He says I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course I have kept the faith so we see that same kind of idea where there with the incorruptible crown But then he says verse number 8 henceforth. There is laid up for me a crown of righteousness Which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only But unto them also that love his appearing the crown of righteousness How do we obtain this crown it's given to those that love his appearing Are you looking forward to the second coming of Christ? Are you looking for those new resurrected bodies when the Christ when Christ comes and he descends in the clouds and we're caught up together With the believers that have gone before us caught up with them to get in the clouds So shall we ever be with the Lord? Are you looking forward to that day or are you saying well Lord? Actually, I don't want it to come yet because I've got a lot to do my life You know, I want to experience what it's like to Get married. I want to experience what it's like to have kids. I want to experience what it's like to have grandkids Oh, I have I have goals Lord. I want to travel the world You know if that's your mindset if you're saying what I rather do all these things Can you delay your coming? You're not loving his appearing. You should be seeking to be someone that hey, Lord Please come what did Jesus say when he prayed the model prayer? He says, you know our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven so Jesus Christ Christ was looking forward to the kingdom of God coming upon this earth and it comes with his appearing when he comes back the second Time he's gonna set up his millennial kingdom is we're going to be a rule and reign with Christ That's how we seek. That's how we love his appearing. That's how we can attain this crown of righteousness That's an easy one to attain. I want everybody in this church to have the crown of righteousness If I see you in heaven, you haven't got the crown of righteousness You didn't love his appearing what's going on Hey, this is an easy one that we should be striving to work toward love in the appearing of Jesus Christ Your heart should be on eternal matters not on the temple things that you can have on this earth the new resurrected body overcoming sin completely once we're Raptured with the Lord Jesus Christ That's crown number two the crown of righteousness crown number one was the incorruptible crown and now please go to James chapter 1 James chapter 1 This is this is a very difficult crown. Okay, James chapter 1 verse 2 This is known as the crown of life the crown of life This is a third crown and this one's a tough one, but James chapter 1 verse 2 James chapter 1 verse 2 the Bible says my brethren Counted all joy when you fall into diverse temptations and I've gone over this not long ago But we looked at this reference of temptations has not been a temptation to sin But a temptation when it comes to the trying of your faith the trials of tribulations that we go through in life Okay, Bob says counted all joy when you fall into diverse temptations Knowing this that the trying of your faith work of patience But let patience have a perfect work that you may be perfect and entire once in nothing So we're being instructed brethren when we go in for difficulties rejoice Let it mature you let it let it gain let yourself gain experience and patience and be mature verse number five and if any of you lack wisdom, that's so important because as we're going through trials I know that I make this mistake many times So if I make this mistake, you're gonna make this mistake is I forget to ask God for wisdom I'm like, why am I going through this trial? Why am I going through this difficulty? Oh, well, I don't know Why no no verse number five if any of you lack wisdom? Let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and a bread of naught and it shall be given him See the Lord wants you to know while you go for trials. He wants to give you wisdom He wants you to understand what he's trying to develop in your life He wants you to be able to overcome those temptations But that's going to come from the wisdom that comes from God if you ask of him verse number six But let him ask in faith Nothing wavering for here that wave wave roof is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and toss now We'll just skip down to verse number 12 Because look what it says here verse number 12 blessed is the man that endure of temptation for when he is tried He shall receive the crown of life Which the Lord have promised to them that love him. So how do we get the crown of life? Number one? We've got to love him. We've got to love the Lord right to promise there to those that love him But it's not just loving him It's when we go through these trials when we go through these temptations that we endure it that our faith comes out shining bright Okay, we don't get in a discouraged state. We don't get in a backslidden slight. Oh god. Why me? Why did you allow me to go through this difficulty? That's not going to earn you the crown of life You've got to receive that crown of life and go through that temptation Rejoice in okay rejoice in knowing that the Lord is allowing you to go through this if Anything if you're going for difficulty then you just can't wrap your head around it Why God maybe he just wants to give you the opportunity to earn that crown So come on you can do it the crown of life is around the corner, you know rejoice in the trial rejoice in the tribulation You know, let it test you let it mature you You know come through and love the Lord through that challenge and if you guys can go to Revelation chapter 2 verse 10 Revelation chapter 2 verse 10. He mentions the crown of life again here and Again, it's the same idea, but it's a much harsher state You know for some Christians, you know, some Christians will lose their life for the Lord you know, they will be gone that will go through trials and difficulties and They'll just lose their life. Look at Revelation chapter 2 verse 10 fear None of those things which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tried that's a trial of your faith and Ye shall have tribulation ten days be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life Wow, you know these Christians here that have been thrown into prison they may very well die for the for the cause of Christ They may very very well die for the name of Christ But if they go through it and they die for the Lord God's Jesus is I'll give you the crown of life You know if you go through that difficulty you go through that trial you go rejoice in you die in my name Crown of life automatically, you know, praise God now look we may never have to give our life over like that Okay, but what we saw in James, it's all the trials all the temptations all the difficulties that we go through through in life We can use that as an opportunity as a platform to obtain the crown of life So, how do we obtain it? We come through trials with patience maturing growing in experience We gain wisdom from the Lord to go through that trial loving the Lord again You may lose your life in the name of Christ But the key thing was to go through the trial with gladness if you're able to accomplish this Through your difficulties the crown of life is around the corner. Okay. I don't believe God just tells us this We've no real he gives us these things so we can work toward it. I believe these crowns exist I believe they're gonna fit on some of our heads. Okay, and it's made especially for us You know God tells us about these great rewards and tells us how we can earn them You know, please don't miss this in your spiritual growth. If you guys can go to first Peter chapter 5 now first Peter chapter 5 first Peter chapter 5 And While you turn I'm gonna read to you from Matthew 5 11 Jesus said blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely For my sake he says you're blessed when people are lying about you. You're blessed when you're being persecuted Why verse number 12 rejoice and be exceeding? Exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you Man, if you're being persecuted for Christ rejoice he says Rejoice the prophets before you have been persecuted and it says look great is your reward in heaven Every time that Jesus Christ speak of these rewards. He wants us to work toward him All right This is what's going to get us through difficulties in life when when people are putting us down when they're making fun of our faith I'm just going to rejoice. I know there's more treasures in heaven for me There's greater rewards in heaven for me when you go through that but you guys are in first Peter chapter 5 First Peter chapter 5 verse 1 the fourth crown here is the crown of glory The crown of glory first Peter chapter 5 verse 1 now. This is one that's not available to everybody Okay, this is one that's available only to pastors look at first Peter chapter 5 verse 1 The elders and it's not just every pastor. Let's have a look at it again There's already those conditions as well The elders and elders is a word that's used interchangeably with Bishop or pastor the elders which are among you I exhort Whom am also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partake of the glory that shall be revealed Look at verse number two. This is how we get this crown feed the flock of God Which is among you taking the oversight thereof not by constraints, but willingly not fulfill for Luca But of a ready mind verse number three neither as being Lords of a God's heritage But being in samples to the flock verse number four and when the chief shepherd shall appear You shall receive a crown of glory. There's the crown the crown of glory that fadeth not away So how do we obtain this crown the crown of glory number one? You've got to be a pastor Okay, so if anyone has a desire to be a pastor one day. Hey, there's a crown Okay, but not just being a pastor. You've got to be there verse number two someone that is feeding the flock of God Okay, you've got to put study into your preaching. Okay, you got to dig in deep You've got to give people something they can work toward, you know feed feed people the Bible not just milk, but strong meats You know Christians need a good diet of all things even milks from time to time, but the strong meat as well So my pastors need to study spend time preaching God's Word not just preaching God's Word But taking the oversight thereof, you know looking at the congregation make sure you're tailor the preaching God's Word to the church You know, I don't care about some controversy that's going on on the other side of the world I'd rather make sure when I get here behind the pulpit. I'm preaching something that's going to feed this church It's gonna feed you. I'm not gonna get the crown for worrying about some controversy overseas I'll get the crowd for feeding this church, right the oversight thereof not up what not by constraint, but willingly It's something that you're willing to do not a filthy Luca and it's not something you take on for money Man, if I do this job, I'm gonna get this much money. No, that's not why that's not what that's not gonna Earn you the crown of glory Verse number three neither has been Lord's over God's heritage. I'm not a lord over you. All right I mean I have rule in the house of God Alright, but when you leave the house of God when you leave the church, I have no rule over you Okay husbands dads. You've got the rule in your family. I'm not there to tell you how to live your lives I'm not there to put unnecessary pressures and burdens upon you. That's not my job But what's to say I think verse number three, but being in samples to the flock. That's that's how I work Yeah, I'm not just commanding you like a slave master No, I should set a good example in my life my family my wife my children, you know my service for God I also try to serve it put a good example forward so you can you know be encouraged and you can start working toward You know serving the world as well If a pastor is able to accomplish these things Jesus Christ when he comes back is going to give these good pastors a crown of glory and let me just tell you I want That crown. Okay. I don't want to be just a pastor. I want to be a pastor You know what you did good here's a crown of glory why not Alright, why not because I'm doing it to serve this church to serve the body serving the Lord Jesus Christ It's not about me. Okay, it's not about me But I hey, it's beautiful when Jesus Christ can recognize the work that you've done for him Please go to first Thessalonians now first Thessalonians chapter 2 we're on to the last crown here first Thessalonians chapter 2 and While the the previous crown is not one that we can all attain for the next one We definitely can and before we read number five Let me just repeat what these five crowns were number one the incorruptible crown number two the crown of righteousness number three the crown of life number four the crown of glory number five the crown of Rejoicing the crown of rejoicing first Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 19 For what is our hope our joy or crown of rejoicing are not even ye In the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming for ye are our glory and joy Paul says to the Thessalonian Church you are my crown of glory the fact that you're saved I was able to give you the gospel you believed in the Lord Jesus Christ you receive the free gifts That's my crown of glory Praise God we can all do this You know if you're able to get out there give the gospel we could all do it We can all knock doors preach the gospel see people saved leading to Jesus Christ They are those people are your crown of glory All right, so this is seen so saved okay It's not just how many salvations you do, but it's just doing the work. You know talking to brother Richard You know we're talking about how the Philippines and and other places in the world is so receptive and how unreceptive it is here In Australia, but it's encouraged me to say hey, you know it's not always about the numbers right It's about doing the work all right doing the work. It's so in the sea yes It's harder here, but when I get someone saved here I rejoice even more because I know how hard it is all right praise God We can all do it if you please go to 1st Corinthians 3 1st Corinthians 3 verse 6 I'm almost done now 1st Corinthians 3 verse 6 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verse 6 Paul writes he says I have planted Apollos watered, but God gave the increase Paul says look I watered I sorry Yeah, I I planted you know I was sowing the seed But then Apollos came along later on and watered the grounds and something came out of that God gave the increase verse number seven so then neither is he that plants of anything Neither he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase That's something we need to remember when we see souls say we give the glory to the Lord right Here's the one that gives the increase first number eight Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one look at this and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor Listen if all you're doing for a long time is just sowing the seed planting well you're gonna be rewarded for your labor Okay, it's not just the reaping. It's the sowing It's the watering okay, and the Sunshine Coast needs a lot of sowing it needs a lot of watering Okay, we need to plow that ground pretty hard over here on the Sunshine Coast, but we're still laboring for the Lord We're still working for the Lord and these people that we speak to these people that eventually get saved guess what they're gonna be a Crown of rejoice now. I don't know whether there will be an actual crown on our heads for this one nevertheless It's the people that we rejoice in heaven We will see them in heaven and they're able to turn around and say to you Hey the reason I'm here is because remember five years ago you came to my house You knocked on my door. You gave me the gospel. I believed on Jesus Christ You're gonna be rejoicing for all eternity for seeing this person say they're gonna be your crown The people will be your crown. What an amazing thing It's not just a piece of gold, but the actual people a living reward a living crown So in conclusion guys the differences between the gifts and their rewards when it comes to salvation Please don't forget the gifts are free paid for by Jesus Christ not of works very clean But once you receive the gift once you're saved now you can stay here You're gonna be saved you don't have to do the works, okay? But once you are saved, and you want to serve the Lord you want to earn those rewards you start laboring for him You start doing the works, and I'll just read very quickly to you from revelations 3 11 Jesus says behold I come quickly Hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy crown Listen don't let anybody take your crown. God has these crowns for us He wants us to work for them, but men will stop us this ungodly world will try to stop us Unsaved family will try to stop us even Christians might try to stop us But Jesus Christ says don't let any man take this crown for you He wants us to labor for those rewards labor for those crowns And I think if he's willing to wear the crown of thorns on his head is worthy of the work Okay, because I'm not gonna wear those crown of thorns all right But he's gonna give me these great rewards because he was able to suffer for me He's given me the ability the new man to walk after so earn those rewards in heaven. Let's pray