(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we look at Genesis 1 again, in the beginning, now I wanted to call this sermon in the beginning But then I had a quick look I already called one of my sermons before in the beginning So what I decided to call it today is in the beginning God created the title for the sermon this morning is God Created we're looking at creation of heaven and earth here But I want you to notice that straight away in verse number one it says in the beginning Now was there a beginning before the beginning no in the beginning means this is the creation of time Okay, and you know what is generally known? I've heard this said many times and it's true the only way anything can exist is if at the same time you have time Space and matter you need all three elements in order for anything in this world to even exist and here We have in the beginning so God creates time it says God created heaven that's space And then it says and the earth that's matter time space and matter all created at this one time Now it's very important the Bible says here created the heaven now a lot of your modern Translations your new international version the New King James the ESV instead of saying heaven there it says heavens Plural okay that causes a problem for the rest of this chapter because as we look for this chapter Let's have a look look at verse number seven look at verse number seven it says and God made the firmament Okay now what is the firmament look at verse number eight and God called the firmament heaven Say what in the world so if God already created heaven in verse number one But then we see in verse number seven he creates heaven again. What's going on here? Well, we'll understand shortly that God creates a different or he divides the heaven into three He divides the heaven into three But you have a problem if you have these new new versions say heavens already he creates the heavens already Then what is he divided if there's already a number of heavens? That's number one, but the question quite often gets asked You know especially by by the atheist the people that you know don't know their Bibles. They might say well What did God do what would before God created the heaven in the earth? What was God doing for millions of years before you know while he was in heaven? What was he doing for millions of years? Well there was no millions of years there was no heaven in the beginning God created heaven in the earth that means before that It's God Okay, now. This is hard for us to wrap our minds around we know that God is eternal We know he's always been and he always will be we know Jesus Christ says is the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the ending In the end right that's what Jesus Christ says it's it's it's much easier for us to understand eternity To come because you know we're stuck in time right we see We're moving forward in time so we can understand the concept of there being a never-ending Journey for us in heaven for all eternity never ends it never stops But it's hard to understand that it never ended it never began or when in a sense for God now God created the beginning God created time they say God is outside of time What was he doing for millions of years before that there was no millions of years? How do I explain that I can't because I'm a? physical human being that that is Since I've been born into this world. I mean I understand time I understand that time moves Okay, but to understand eternity past is very difficult for the mind to comprehend, and I love it I love the fact that it's very difficult in fact I'd say it's impossible for our minds to fully comprehend because that's that's the God that we worship It's isn't it great to know that the God that we worship is beyond our human You know limited understanding because if we could contain him in our minds He wouldn't be much of a god You know now the reason we know God is because of what he tells us in his word We can stand firm and what he tells us in his word But it's amazing to know that it's internal being without any beginning It's hard it's hard for us to grasp my mind around it mines around it That's great because that makes him worthy of worship. It makes him that great. God that we worship I love the God of the Bible. I love that we can worship a God that has no beginning himself All right now I'm going to read if you guys can just keep your finger there turn to John chapter 1 John chapter 1 and While you're turning to John 1 I'm going to read to you from Hebrews chapter 1 verse 10 It says and thou Lord in the beginning Has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of thine hands You see the reason God created all things is for his own pleasure We'll look at that later on but is that we can we can see the work of his hands the work of God You know as you see the beautiful coastlines here. You know the beautiful oceans the beautiful trees the mountains. You know the hills Just everything that you can see in creation You know you know from the from the large things like stars and planets and and the things that orbit the earth That's amazing, but even to the tiny little details You know the smallest atoms are amazing the way the little organisms work the little things Brother Sam was telling about these microorganisms that live in the soil and how they work I mean to just understand those little things you know just just shows us the amazing works of God's hands But look at John 1 1 this is important because it kind of sounds very similar to Genesis 1 1 in the beginning was the word and The word was with God and the word was God the same was in the beginning with God Now do this word ever have a beginning no it says here the same was in the beginning with God He's already there all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made And this of course is the Lord Jesus Christ You see the first thing we need to understand You know that's what becomes quite clear in the book of Genesis is that God is more than one person Now we don't see that immediately when we read the first verse there in the beginning God created the heaven the earth But we what we see here with John 1 1 it was that it was the Word of God that created all things And that Word of God was Jesus Christ And we know that Jesus Christ takes the instruction and does the will of God the Father And so it's God's the Father God the Father's will to create all things and he did that through his son I'm going to read to you from Revelation 4 11 because the question gets asked. Why did God create? What was the purpose behind that it says thou art worthy oh Lord in Revelation 4 11 to receive glory and honor and power? For thou has created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created Why did God create for his pleasure you see God found it pleased him to create all things He finds joy he finds satisfaction. You know it satisfies the Lord to create to show the works of his hands That's why he created all things and that means you have a purpose if God created you you know for his pleasure You have a purpose in his in his will he wants you to know him. He wants you to walk in his paths He wants you to keep his commandments. He wants you to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved He wants to spend all eternity with you forever It's great to know that you know life is not an accident It's not just a big bang and just things fell into place by accident. You know we have no purpose when you die That's all that's left of you. You just fertilize the grass no It's beautiful to know that the God the creator of all things that we cannot fully comprehend Loves us so much that he's given us a purpose that he pleases him to have created us And he wants to have that walk and fellowship with you Go back to Genesis 1 verse 2 Genesis 1 verse 2 because now we see the third person of the Trinity here It says and the earth was without form and void that means basically was empty It wasn't complete okay, and darkness was upon the face of the deep So we see darkness there and the Spirit of God. There's the Holy Spirit moved upon the face of the waters So it's a beautiful thing that we see just from the beginning of creation all three Persons of the Godhead are there right all three persons of the Trinity we see the Spirit of God moving upon The face of the water, so how did God create the earth well? It's completely dark You know it was it was without form and void and void it was empty and those waters You know so God created water on day one as well the whole earth was was covered by by the waters Verse number three and God said let there be light and there was light And this should show us just the power of God they can just speak things into existence God just says let there be light you know and there it is There's light you know everything that God creates is subject unto him everything that God creates obey He obeys him you know and that's why we see when Jesus Christ is is on that ship And he's able to just calm the seas just by speaking you know that's the same power that we see of God in creation here He just speaks and it is it's God's will verse number four and God saw the light That it was good and God divided the light from the darkness Now weren't you notice in verse number four the kind of God that we worship you see the God that we worship divides light from darkness You know God likes to have distinct things You know he wasn't satisfied with just a darkness there on the earth he creates light to differentiate from the darkness Okay, see God is a God of distinctions God is someone that likes things black and white okay, just a clear division between certain elements Now what I want you to see notice there in in just the fact that God created light I just you don't need to turn them I'm just going to read to you from 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 because there is a Spiritual element to this in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 it says for God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness That's that creation Have shined in our hearts to give the lights of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ You see the the spiritual lesson here of God creating light in darkness Is so we can see that we were once in darkness we once did not have the light of Jesus Christ in our lives We once did not have the light of the gospel But in the same way that God creates light from darkness or he speaks light into existence is the same thing for us guys When we when we get saved that the light of Christ shines in our hearts we become children of light We become children of God and that differentiates us from the world it differentiates us from darkness So should we then walk in darkness when we're children of light of course not we should walk in the light that that Christ shines Right that light is given to us in his word He shines the light so we can walk in his paths Just as much as it's God wanted light to differentiate from the darkness He wants us children of light to be different from this world this world of darkness Genesis chapter 1 verse 5 and God called the lights day and the darkness he called nights and the evening and the morning were the first day So just a couple of things here, you know we see God continue to to divide now He creates day and night because of the light okay creates day and night And it says in the evening and the morning were the first day So it's quite interesting and this is something you probably notice as you read your Bibles is that we think of our days Kind of like we from midnight right midnight is the start of a new day Okay, and in a sense we kind of think of morning as the beginning of the day We get up in the morning, and then the Sun sets But actually the way God sees days he starts with the evening okay, so when the Sun sets That's the point of the new day, and you know that's the way the Israelites would look at days in the Bible So if you if you ever find it difficult to understand days in the Bible. You know keep that in mind That's how God sees days. It's the evening when the Sun sets and you know what we evening time That's the start of a new day until that cycle repeats Okay, so evening, and then the morning were the first day that's how God sees days verse number six and God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters So we see that Christ here or God here is creating a division of waters, okay? And what is this firmament? You know it's not that hard to understand we'll have a look at it soon But it says in verse 7 and God made the firmament and divided the waters Which were under firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so You get the picture here that that God's really interested in division. You know distinctions very important in his creation verse 8 and God called the firmament heaven and the Evening and the morning were the second day say well hold on pastor Kevin didn't God already create heaven Didn't we say that in verse number one yeah, but now we see by the division of waters He's created a division of heavens Okay, a division of heavens, and you know the Bible not the Bible I looked this up, and I really preached on this, but apparently and I don't know how they work this out, but apparently there's a hundred and Forty two million billion liters of water in our atmosphere Okay 142 million billion liters of water in our atmosphere, and I don't know if this is 100% correct But I have looked at this and I couldn't I couldn't find the reference But I remember reading this that if all that water in the atmosphere Just fill if God just did a supernatural thing and all the water of course the clouds But not just the clouds just in our atmosphere if it all just fell on the earth That he would cover every mountain that there wouldn't be any dry land in place if all that water fell And so we see how God creates this division He has water on the earth, but he also has water up in the sky and I've heard some people say that I don't know. I hope it's If it's you I'm not upset with you don't worry about it But I've heard people say the firmament is this hard dome in the sky and as some people believe in that in a flat earth But even even some people that don't believe in flat earth they believe in global if they believe that there was this dome You know it's glass dome of water in the sky But we see that God calls the firmament heaven and why that's important is because In a in verse number 20 just look at verse number 20 and God said let the waters bring forth abundantly The moving creature that hath life and fail that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven So where are these birds flying in the sky in the heaven not in a glass dome? They're not flying inside a glass dome okay They're flying in the sky And I know they're not flying in a glass dome because then they land on the earth they land on the trees I see birds every every day right so they're flying in the heaven meaning. They're flying in the sky They're flying in that first heaven and even even in Spanish you know in Spanish to say the word sky It's the word cielo is that the same in in in Tagalog cielo? You guys use the same word no, that's okay, but the word heaven in Spanish You know what that is cielo the same word cielo. It's where we get the word ceiling from okay ceiling cielo It's the same thing sky and heaven in Spanish we use the same words and we see God here Describing the sky where the birds fly is heaven the same words as where his throne is All right verse number nine and God said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place And the dry land appear and let the dry land appear and it was so so again We see God created another division now He separates the waters on the earth and he allows dry land to appear again a God that divides a God that wants distinction between Waters and dry land verse number 10 and God called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters Caught his seas and God saw that it was good All right, so just that just a reminder there God continues making clear distinctions and divisions Verse number 11 and God said let the earth bring forth grass The herb yielding seed and the fruit tree union fruit after his kind whose seed is in itself upon the earth And it was so and the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed After his kind and the tree union fruit whose seed was in itself After his kind and God saw that it was good and the evening and the morning were the third day So what does God do on the third day? He creates all kinds of you know, grass and and vegetation and and Yeah, just just trees and all those kinds of things appear on the third day But what I wanted to just point your your focus there guys and I've covered this before is that you see that the fruit tree Yields fruit after his kind and the seed itself or the grass the herb Brings forth after its own kind Another truth of God's order of God's creation. Is that everything produces after itself? Okay, here we see a physical Reproduction. Okay, if you want an apple tree, what are you gonna do? You're gonna plant an orange seed to grow an apple tree Now you grow an apple tree you're gonna need to plant that apple seed, right Whatever plant you want. You need to make sure you take the seed of that plant and Guaranteed according to God's Word. It's going to reproduce after its own kind Alright human beings when we have children we reproduce human beings Don't we after our own kind when dogs reproduce they reproduce reproduce dogs after their own kind and what I want to explain to you This is common sense You know every scientist scientific test proves this You can go to your backyard and put whatever seed you want in your backyard and you'll see Scientific proof that everything produces after its own kind But what theory is out there contrary to creation? What theory is being taught in our public school systems? Evolution what does evolution teach that everything is reproduced from the same kind that's you know that within the waters You know millions of whatever it is sorry if I've got it wrong, you know millions of years ago. You know all these you know Chemicals got together formed its first organism some single cell organism in the water that became eventually some jellyfish or something Eventually that that fish went on to dry land and grew legs and then that became a rodent and then that rodent became a monkey And here you are guys, you know, thanks a lot. Thanks a lot for that You know everything produces after its own kind that means your grandfather is not a jellyfish Okay, your grandfather is not some cockroach, you know the apes that the monkeys they're not your ancestors All right, they're not they don't reproduce after I mean they do reproduce after their own kind. Okay, they don't reproduce humans You don't see a dog giving birth to a little baby boy. Okay, it doesn't happen. God's Word is truth Alright, it's amazing And we call them scientists We call them lecturers in our in our in our in our colleges. We call them teachers We give them all these names and they teach such stupidity Such nonsense that anybody can prove anybody can do these experiments and know that everything reproduces after its own kind and this is important this is important because as we go into the into Later in the later chapters of Genesis eventually we're going to get to Genesis chapter 6 And there's a there's a really foreign teaching out there that that that teaches that you know angels fallen angels and human Ladies reproduced and created giants, you know, we'll cover that when we get to Genesis chapter 6 But I want you to remember chapter 1 Okay, everything reproduces after its own kind and if you can believe that truth, then you'll know what I believe about Genesis 6 Okay, because if something else is reproducing that are not the same kind and reproducing something that's not their kind Then we're breaking the laws that God has given us in creation All right, we'll have a look at that later on and we're gonna get there but verse number 14 actually, no Let's let's keep going there So spiritually spiritually speaking if we want to see people get saved if we want people to believe on Christ What do we need to do? What do we need to do? Do we need to drop a church tract in the letterbox? is the church tract gonna reproduce after its own kind a A Church tract might reproduce another church tract. Okay, but what's required of us is to go and knock those doors Preach the gospel as a saved person and then we can reproduce after our own kind, can't we? Okay, a piece of paper is not going to get someone saved. It might get them curious. It might get them asking questions Hey, it might even close the deal for them. It might get them Yes, I believe this because someone has already given them got the gospel and they've just come to realize yes I'm seeing the truth this once again what I heard before or they read the tract they ring a church pastor ask questions That's how I've seen people get saved. You know, I've seen tracts get used they ring the church I got this in my letterbox and then the pastor whoever they rang is able to give them the gospel But still it required someone that is saved spiritually to reproduce someone that is saved spiritually It's the required someone with the Holy Spirit of God in order for them to be born again by the Spirit of God Okay, I'm not against giving out tracts. We've got the tracts Okay, but more important than that is to make sure that you reproduce that you preach the gospel That's how people are born again. All right, so Spiritually speaking the same truth is here. Okay that everything reproduces after its own kind All right, and if one day and we've already done this, right? We've got a church down in Sydney Guess why that church exists because this church reproduced after its own kind We have New Life Baptist Church down in Sydney. We this church reproduced. We've got a group of believers down there right now They're probably getting ready to go soul winning. Okay, there's there's great works of God going down in Sydney But thanks, you know, thanks to this church. Thanks to the prayers of this church Thanks that you guys offered this pastor to go down there and help those flock that flock down there You know everything reproduces after its own kind verse 14 verse 14 and God said let there be lights in the firmament in the heaven to divide the day in the night and Let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years So now God's creating the Sun the moon and the stars. All right now here's an interesting thing It says that he's putting these lights in the firmament of the heaven say hold on Is this the same heaven that the birds flying What do you think yeah, there are some once again and if it's you It's all right. You're all right with me Okay, but still there are some that basically teach the Sun Moon and stars are in this Are in our sky in our local atmosphere Okay, and this is where you get the flat offers and it's really picking up pace on the internet You know if you if you ever get you know involved in those videos on YouTube They sound pretty convincing sometimes but some believe here that you know, did God create I mean is the Bible wrong? Yeah, is it saying the Sun and the stars and the moon are actually in the same atmosphere that the birds flying Well, keep your finger there turn to 2nd Corinthians, please turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 Because we've already seen that God is a divider. We really see that he's divided in his creation Okay And if we know general science We should know that the Sun stars and the moon are not in the same atmosphere I'm not not in the same heaven where our birds fly. It's not in the what we call the sky But 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 this is Paul speaking. I believe about himself He says I knew a man in Christ about 14 years ago Whether in the body I cannot tell or whether out of the body. I cannot tell God knoweth Such and one caught up to the third heaven to the third heaven are the three heavens Third heaven. So here we have someone that is caught up to the third heaven. In fact, I didn't get that everything I wanted to read. Let me just turn there 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 Let's keep reading verse number three Oh, yeah, sorry here verse number three and I knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth how that he was caught up into paradise and heard Unspeakable words which is not lawful for a man to utter. So what does God call the third heaven here? Paradise paradise. Okay. Now this is Paris. This is where when Jesus Christ said to the thief on the cross today Thou shalt be with me in paradise Okay, paradise is not somewhere in hell. It's not somewhere in the center of the earth Paradise is the third heaven. Okay. It's what we got confirmation here in 2nd Corinthians. So well, what is the third heaven? It's it's where God is. It's where the throne of God is. Okay, that's the third heaven. So what's the first heaven? It's the sky. It's our atmosphere. It's where the birds fly So if there's a first heaven, we know that God created a heaven there and it's a third heaven Surely there must be a second heaven somewhere between that of course There is the second heaven is what we call outer space or space. All right, the galaxies the universe That's where all the stars and the moon and the Sun is so you see the Bible is not Contradictive the Bible does not go against common sense, you know common science No, of course not, you know, once we have the entire Bible out of disposal We see that God is creating divisions We see that God is creating divisions in heaven and we see then if God calls The heaven that here resides in the third heaven there also must be a first there must also be a second Hey, this is fine. This is fine with us as believers that believe in common sense science Nothing too complicated right just common sense science and we believe the Word of God. These things are aligned. Okay, perfect. Beautiful I love it verse number 20 please verse number 20 It Says and God said let the waters bring forth abundantly The moving creature that hath life and fail that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven So we cover that already flying in the skies and God created great whales and every living creature that moveth Which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and God saw that it was good So I just want to show you here that on this What day we up to the fifth day the fourth day? The fifth day we have to the fifth day sorry That's the fifth day so on the fifth day we see that God creates whales or sea creatures all the fish and Birds out of what it says out of the water, right? It says in verse 21, which the waters brought forth abundantly Okay, so God uses water to create birds and to create sea creatures now I have a theory behind this and I'll get into that in a moment But let's keep reading it says in verse 22 and God bless them saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas And let fail multiply in the earth and the evening in the morning were the fifth day So we learned something else about God. Okay, he creates he creates all these beautiful amazing things But then he gives a command right what does it say be fruitful and multiply? Because why because we already saw that everything reproduces after itself see God wants his creation to continue He gives even the animals the same command that he will eventually give to man be fruitful and multiply see God Wants this earth covered Okay by living creatures he is he creates animals that fly in the heaven He creates animals that swim in the ocean look neither you and I we can't live underwater Okay, you and I we can't live in this we can't just fly in the sky I mean on your own power. Okay, you can't on a plane But eventually that planes gonna come down anyway, right? We don't have those abilities, but we see every aspect of the earth. God wants it to be filled Okay, and again this goes against everything we know that these scientists teach us, you know The global warming the overpopulation of the world say God says fill the whole earth be fruitful multiply Keep going, you know, but what what what do our schools teach us? What do our scientists teach us? This world is overpopulated, you know, we've got a really and it's not the animals. They need to get rid of right That's it's the human beings and we'll get to the human beings in a moment But we need to get rid of you know We've got too many human beings on the earth. The resources just can't cope look God created the earth that it would be filled Okay, that would be populated beautiful thing look at verse 24 and God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind. So now we're in the sixth day cattle and creeping thing the and the beasts of the earth after his kind and it was so and God made the beasts of the earth after his kind the cattle after their kind and Every creeping thing that creeped upon the earth after his kind and God saw that it was good So just on verse 24 it said and God said let the earth bring forth the living creature So we saw in in day number five God creates the sea animals and the birds from water But then on day number six, we see that God creates all the land animals from the earth Okay, and my theory behind this and I know it's not a perfect theory. Is that I Find that interesting that when you look at animals and you look at the most Colorful and the animals that have the most color like birds birds birds are very colorful, you know I mean you got a lot of sort of your average birds that are brown and black as well But you have like a lot of parrots that have beautiful colors, you know a lot of you know, but Budgies and you know just little parrots cockatiels have presents a lot of color and also fish You know a lot of fish are very colorful very beautiful animals to look at and I think they might have something to do with The fact that they were created out of the water Okay, but then when you look at a lot of our land animals, you know your rhinos your you know horses and your dogs And whatever you you know cats, they're not bright, you know, you don't see a blue cat, you know, you don't see you know I Don't know, you know a red a dog, you know you don't you don't see these colors on these land animals and I think it may have something to do with the fact that They were made out of the earth and that's why a lot of our animals land animals have very earthly colors But then when you see a lot of the fishes and the birds are very colorful A lot of them have colors and I think you know, this is my opinion I'm putting this in the Bible, but I think it might have something to do with how they were created in what they were created Out of so create out of water there Anyway, it's not that important. But let's keep reading verse number 26 verse number 26 before I read 26 So just want to show you God desires that every aspect of the earth is populated, you know land sky Water he wants it filled with animals. He wants it filled with living creatures verse number 26 Also on day number six and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness This is different Okay, did God create anything else out of his likeness out of his image? No, this is the first time we see this and God said now this is very important because look what he says and God said let us Make man, what's us? Hold on God. I thought you were the only one there. Well us because the Trinity Father Son and Holy Ghost all they're involved in the creation of man And I believe this is God the Father speaking passing on instruction to the son who created all things let us make man in our image our image and then after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the Cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth So God created man in his Hold on singular his it's a plural our his image Why because this is the Trinity guys this free persons Father Son and Holy Ghost and yet? They are the one God the one true. God. That's why the Bible uses singular personal pronouns, you know and and and Pronouns of plurality as well to describe the God of the Bible. This is something that's that again We can't fully grasp our minds around. Okay. We understand what the Bible tells us But once again, this is a God beyond our you know putting, you know We can't get something that's created and say this is like God No, God is beyond his creation God is free persons and yet the one God and this this is you know, if you try to break it down It's it can be difficult. In fact, it's impossible if you try to understand every aspect of his nature, you know It's it's the God that we worship He's a great God and he tells us plenty about himself in the Bible But then the Trinity's here also easy to understand it's easy in the sense that yeah free persons easy to understand one God is to understand the Bible tells me and if I have faith in his word if I just believe his word It makes perfect sense just does because the faith all right because of faith and The Bible says there in verse 27 So God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them All right. So a few things I want you to notice it number one. Once again, we're created in his image, but number two We're the most important creation that he made the most important creation Why because it says let them have the minion Hey We have authority over The fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle of the all the earth over every creeping thing that creep Upon the earth God has given us authority over all of the living creatures that he has created upon this earth What does that tell you about you? You're not an animal again. This is where science falsely so-called evolution makes a mess of things They say well, you're just a hairless monkey, right? You're just another animal. No, we're created in the image of God We've been given the minion over all the animals. That means we're not animals We're men and women and God has created us for that purpose. Okay, he loves us This is why he sent Jesus Christ to come and die for us. Just did not die for the animals Okay, he did not die for the devil. He did not die for the fallen angels He came and died for man woman. He came to die for those that were created in the image of God So that's why we're special in God's creation, so he loves us so much because we're made after his image but there is something there is a word in here that I want you to pay attention to look at verse 26 and I'm sorry ladies if this offends you I'm not trying to offend you. All right, and if there's a feminist here I'm definitely gonna offend you it says there verse 26 and God said let us make what man man in our image Does it say let us make man and woman in our image? Says man After our likeness All right and let them have the minion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl yeah and over the cattle and over sorry and Over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeped upon the earth. Look at verse 27 So God created man in his own image. Now. Look at this in the image of God created he him Him in what he was creating the image of God him man And then he says male and female Created he them Okay, now I'm not saying I'm not what I'm not saying here Is that women are not created in the image of God in that in that sense? In us, of course you are because if you know the story we'll get to chapter 2 later on is that woman came out of Man, okay, but I want to notice here is that God's very careful in the way. He describes his image. Okay, he's very careful He says that it's man that was created in his image Okay, and then at the end of verse 27 just says male and female created he them He doesn't mention there in his image But in verse 27 twice created man in his own image in the image of God created he him Okay, a masculine pronoun for the man Now what I'm trying to say here is is that the Bible the Word of God is very careful to convey to us Who God is? God is a man. God is masculine Okay, God is masculine and again one problem that you're finding with Bibles, you know some Bibles these days If they want to make God gender neutral, okay him or he or her or it You know, this is a push. I don't know if it's been happy. It's happening anymore, but I remember in the early 2000s there was a push to change the the masculine pronouns of God into sort of gender Neutral stuff. Okay. Now we see once again. What do we see with God? He creates divisions He wants distinctions and once again when God creates man and woman he makes a distinction Between the male and the female. Okay, God's not into gender neutral stuff. He wants men to be masculine He wants women to be feminine feminine. Okay, and he wants those clear distinction between the two sexes It's not that one is better than the other Both complement one another to fulfill the commands that God has given us here If you're saying maybe you're taking that a bit too far keep your finger there turn to 1st Corinthians 11 Turn to 1st Corinthians 11 just once again We see these 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 6 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 6 And this is about The length of hair between a man and woman and yes the Bible makes it clear that women ought to have long hair and that Men are to have short hair. I haven't got time to preach all that today But if you're interested just read chapter 11 there 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 6 For if the woman be not covered now the covering of the woman in the context here is her hair Her hair gives her her covering for if the woman be not covered. Let her also be shorn All right, but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven let her be covered Okay, so if a woman doesn't want to be covered Paul says well, just just let her shave her whole head off Is that what he really wants now? But if it be a shame it is a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven then let her be covered Okay, she should be covered with her hair But look at verse number seven for a man indeed ought not to cover his head So man not ought not to have long hair why for as much as he is the image There it is that remember he was made in the image of God. He is the image and glory of God So when Jesus was walking the earth did he have long hair? If we're made in the image of God and Jesus Christ is God he had short hair Okay, we're not to be covered with hair like a woman is but then it says here But the woman is the glory of the man Okay So let's backtrack a little bit again about the man verse 7 for as much as he the man is the image and glory Of God but the woman is the glory of the man You know say once again doesn't say that the woman is the is in the image of God or or the you know Is in the image of God anything like that. We see a consistency in the Bible You know God wants to make it very clear that we understand that man you're made in the image of God God is masculine. Okay, and we see when we see the nature of God in the Bible We're seeing masculine attributes of God Okay, and if you want to be a real man you want to be a man after God's own heart you want to be a man You know Has God has God has intended then the best person to look at is the Lord Jesus Christ The way that he was the way he acted. Okay, and to read God's words Hey, this is how God feels about certain sins, then you need to be feel about feel about those certain sins We say God create things What does he want for men to do be productive create set your your mind on something and do it accomplish it We see that God creates everything in six days got men. We're bad at this We start projects and we don't finish it You know But God wants men start your projects and finish your projects and do a good job at it Every time we read this it said and it was good Okay, put your best, you know and your hard work behind the things that you do man Just like God did at his creation Alright, but see God likes distinction. God likes different purposes for different things We see that God separated the light from the darkness. He separates the night from the day He separates the dry land from the sea. He divides the heaven into three And so when God created man and woman he made them different. He made them distinct and with different purposes And I'm so I'm so thankful that my wife doesn't look like a man Alright, I mean, I'm so thankful she doesn't behave like a man You know men when we have our Bible studies, I enjoy it, but I want to live with you my whole life I have enough of you in the Bible studies. All right, I want to get home and be with my wife Okay, we're different. We complement one another okay women. You're the glory of the man, you know, man We ought to glory in our wives. We need to rejoice in our wives Be thankful that God has given us You know that lady that woman so we can live with her for the rest of our lives We need to complement one another go back to Genesis 1 please Genesis 1 Verse 28 So important that God has made distinctions between man and woman Why because look at verse 28 Genesis 1 28 and God blessed them and said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and Over every living thing that moveth upon the earth So the first Commandments the first commandment that God gives to both Adam and Eve to man and woman Is to be fruitful and multiply You see the woman's not less important than a man The only way the man can fulfill this commandment is to be with his wife Okay, and it's a sad thing and I guess I'll cover that later on I'll just say it quickly, but it's a sad thing that Christians need to be told be fruitful and multiply You know, we've fallen into this world's Overpopulation, you know, you know have a couple, you know a couple kids in fact don't have any kids for a long time You know, just just live it up go on a holidays, you know, just get old and then maybe later You know have kids know God's command is be fruitful and multiply. He wants us to have a ton of kids God wants this earth populated. Okay. God wants you to raise a godly seed How are we going to influence the masses? Yeah by getting people saved be fruitful multiplying that sense but also physically, you know Having children getting them to love the Word of God the commandments of God And to and for them to be sold when it's to go out and do the works of God we ought to populate we ought to have as many kids as God will give us and something else I want to just point out here is that feminism feminism, you know, and I think feminism started around the 30s or something and You know the the beginning of feminism was that women would have the right to vote because you know before that only only men voted You know a man would represent his family if you will and he would vote on behalf of his whole family And then when feminism started and look Am I really against women voting giving their opinion? You know these things these things they start out. It's not a big deal Okay, and quite often as Christians we can be fooled into thinking well this seems like a just cause you know Women want more rights, but you see that's not where it ended. That wasn't what it was all about Just like homosexual marriage. It wasn't just about allowing two men or two women to get married It was about destroying marriage completely. That's what the whole purpose is. There's a deeper problem There's a deeper issue behind all these things, you know, and then we get to second wave feminism Which is about having all you know being able to to work any job like a man, you know Having all the same rights, you know You know making making women feel unfulfilled in the home making women feel unfulfilled as a mother You know and go no you can have a greater purpose out in the workplace That's like second wave feminism and now the feminism we have today is so weird, you know, they're against men They're against masculinity, you know, so we have we have women. I'm not against women. I love women I love my wife. I'm thankful for how God created women. I'm thankful for how God created man It makes sense. It complements one another perfect makes sense But it's like we started with feminism over here and I thought it was just about having more rights To have more rights like the men like we're just trying to get a little closer over here But really what I'm saying today is wasn't about the women. It wasn't about giving women rights. It was about taking down the man Feminism hates masculinity Feminism today hates men Okay, and then they say there's a problem with man. They call it toxic maximum I'm kind of say it anymore toxic Masculinity, it's toxic. Let's say it's toxic. It's evil. It's harmful to be a man And so what do we see today? We see men instead of being God godly men like the Bible tells us they become soft They become more feminine and you're not to be a feminine as a man is a sin Okay, I'm not saying they're homosexual but you become a feminine, you know, you know, you don't take responsibility anymore for your family You know, you don't work hard anymore. You know you decide well I'm just gonna send my wife to work. Why do I have to work up? You know, I'm gonna send my wife to work to you know to provide Oh God has created man just like he is the creator of all things. He wants us to work hard for our families He wants us to take responsibility for our families You know if he was just about women have more rights I'd be like that's well, I mean you should get married Anyway, you have all the rights you can have with your husband, you know But the thing is they're trying to take down what it means to be a man. They want to blend of the genders They want to make it no difference between man and woman But you see the problem with Feminism today. It's not that they hate men. In fact, that's what they're trying to do They're trying to create a battle between the sexes, you know, you know women, you know, you've been enslaved by men for too long You know and men you need to make sure you stop enslaving women, you know You need to make sure that you know and get in touch with your feminine side, you know You know learn to be a little softer, you know, no, no, no, no the problem with feminism is they're not against men Well, yes, that's what they that's what they portray, but they're actually against God Okay, because God created man in his image, you know, God created us that we would work hard that we would be masculine He created the vision he created distinction between men and women so we can be fruitful and multiply So women can rejoice, you know to be under, you know, being looked after by man to be provided I mean, this is this is royal. It's like royalty Alright, you get provided by a man a man loves you. He wants to give you security, you know It's inbuilt in a man to want to look after a woman, you know to give her everything She needs in life to provide for her to open her the door for her to open the car door for her That scene is offensive these days. What in the world? That's that's that's me saying you're glorious you're beautiful. I love you. That's the signs of affection Okay, God's done things on a book God's ways the best way God's ways always the best way if you want to have joy and satisfaction in your life Women stay feminine men stay masculine find a husband and wife and live, you know a Life that God wants you to live, you know be fruitful and multiply have your children find joy in your children That's where you're gonna find the ultimate joy in life. Honestly, honestly, it's not your career. It's not your friends It's your family unit. That's where you're gonna find joy. Okay, if you're lacking joy there, you need to work hard You need to work hard. It's what God wanted for us Verse 29 and God said behold I have given you the man and woman Giving you every herb bearing seed Which is upon the face of the earth of all the earth and every tree so not just the animals It's an I'm giving you all the trees I mean all the fruits all the seeds here in the which is the fruit of the tree you'd in seed to you It shall be for meats That's for food and to every beast of the earth and to every foul of the air and to everything that creepeth upon the earth We're in there is life. I have given every green herb for meats and it was so So God has given us a vegetation Fruits veggies, you know herbs seeds For us to sustain our lives, you know, Adam and Eve and all the animals here. They'll fit all vegetarian Okay, all vegetarian. They're all eating every green herb and every meat the question gets asked Well, if Adam and Eve were vegetarian back then that's how God intended it. Shouldn't we be vegetarian today? Now first of all, let me say this I do believe I do believe that we don't eat enough of What the earth produces, you know, I do believe that a lot of our diseases and sicknesses Can be taken care of by eating better, you know eating more seeds, you know we eat today a lot of um What's the what I'm looking for Sorry Process that's what I'm looking for. We eat today a lot of processed foods Okay, and through that that you know, when foods get processed it loses a lot of its nutrients, you know And it's good to learn to eat, you know, eat your veggies kids, you know Mom and dad say to eat your veggies. I'm telling you eat your veggies God created them so you can sustain yourselves Okay, but does that mean that's all we should eat That's I'll tell you why we're not vegetarian today. Go to chapter 9, please Genesis chapter 9 Actually Genesis chapter 3 3 Genesis chapter 3 verse 17 Genesis chapter 3 verse 17. This is after Adam and Eve sin and unto Adam He said because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which I commanded He's saying thou shalt not eat of it Cursed is the ground for thy sake in sorrow shall thou eat of it all the days of thy life Did you know the earth today that we eat from is cursed the earth is cursed today, it's not just Man and woman, you know because of our sin but the entire earth was cursed when man fell Okay So the plants and the veggies the fruits and the seeds that you today do not have the same Nutritional, you know power that it had back back then with Adam and Eve It doesn't have everything that you need to sustain life It's not going to give you everything you need to overcome every sickness and and you know Problems that might come in your health go to Genesis 9 verse 3, please Genesis 9 verse 3 Genesis 9 verse 3 So we saw that God commanded Adam and Eve to eat You know of every every tree and seed and and so forth but look at Genesis 9 3 this is after the flood It says Jesus God saying to our to Noah every moving thing that liveth shall be meats for you every moving thing Yeah, that includes snakes. I mean, I'm not gonna eat a snake but It's moving anything that moves right any animal any creature shall be meat for you even as the green herb I have given you all things Okay, even as the green herb have I given you all things So even as God commanded Adam and Eve to to be vegetarian to eat that was a command of God He then commands Noah you also to add to eat all the things that move of the animals of the creatures Okay, because ultimately to get you know to be completely healthy. You've got to mix your greens and your fruits with meat as well Okay, please don't get into this fad of being, you know, strictly vegetarian or strictly vegan I'm not saying there might be times when you might need to do that because of health reasons to lose a bit of weight or Whatever. I'm all for that but that shouldn't be your way of life Okay You should be someone that is balanced that has a balanced diet of Veggies fruits and also the meats the moon things that God has given us so things have changed for us today We live on a cursed earth. Okay, so obviously the projects that comes out of this earth is not going to be as Beneficial for us as it was in in the days of Adam and Eve and then once it all gets processed all these Modifications made to see that done today. I won't go into all that today even less nutrients Then then what you know, if you just grew out of your own ground verse 31, please Genesis 1 31 almost done here and God saw everything that he had made and behold. It was very good Now it says everything was it was very good and the evening in the morning with a sixth day So God creates everything in six days the heavens the earth all the animals or the plants Man and woman and he says it was very good, you know, fantastic. I love it I love it that God creates all things says it's very good. Let me say this to you Just very quickly because some people think that That the devil that Satan fell during these six days maybe on day number one after God created heaven That's when Satan fell and you know, then then there's massive rebellion in heaven and all this stuff is going on You think that's true if God can see heaven and earth everything is created because man, this is very good You think there's this massive rebellion going on in heaven with Satan, you know Taking taking a third of the angels with him or something like that. No, okay This is not when Satan the six days. No one's rebelling against the Lord. Everything is very good There is no sin at this point in time Okay, it is perfect and I want to cover a couple of things before we wrap up here just very quickly there are two Teachings that come with creation or Genesis one That are that's just false teaching Okay number one It's the day age theory the day age theory and the idea behind that is instead of God creating everything in six literal 24-hour days that he create every day represents a time period You know, maybe a day represents a thousand years or or a day here represents a million years or a billion years Why do you think they want to do that? Why do you think you something want to say? Well, maybe a day represents a billion years Because of evolution really saying how stupid evolution is you want to take something so stupid and put it into the pure? Perfect Word of God. No way Okay, I mean you've got so many problems by doing that and I don't want to go through all of that today I don't want to I don't want to fuel your minds I want you to rejoice in God's creation I don't want to right now feel your minds of all the nonsense that people come up with Okay, but that's one way people try to fit evolution into the Bible another way people try to fit evolution into the Bible is by creating a a Gap between Genesis 1 1 and Genesis 1 2 so it says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth Then they believe between verses 1 & 2 there's this massive gap of millions of years Okay, and then in verse 2 and in that millions of years There was this big rebellion against of Satan and and or some pre-adamic race and then God Destroyed that earth and that's why in verse number 2 It says the earth was without form and void and darkness and say see the earth looks like it's been destroyed You know, so we've gone through this period of verse verse 1 verse 2 millions of years there again What and the dinosaurs probably lived during that time as well. They'll teach What are they trying to do again, they're trying to take evolution Okay, and stick it into the Bible. Okay. Now. I'm not going to go through all that I'm gonna give you every verse why they're all I mean that I could go I could preach entire sermons against these things But I don't want to all I want you to do is turn to Exodus chapter 20 verse 11. Okay Exodus chapter 20 verse 11, which I think in 2017. I gave it to you as a memory verse So if you remember it, this is the best one to combat this nonsense Exodus chapter 20 verse 11 Bible says for in six days the Lord made Heaven and earth in six days. Okay. He made heaven and earth What did God create there in verse number one in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth So do you think there's a huge gap of millions of years then until verse 2? No, it says in six heaven enough for creating that six those six days. Look at this The sea and all that in them is and rest of the seventh day Wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and Hallida I want to know say when six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is All that in them is okay. So did God create heaven? We've angels billions of years and then those angels rebelled somehow on the earth And then billions of years and then and then he creates man and woman all these other things No in six days everything that was created in heaven in earth in the sea the animals Everything was created here in six days There's there's the verse destroys all these other theories all these other theories That's trying to add millions of years add an evolution to the Bible. It's nonsense Exodus 20 verse 11 Confirms we don't need confirmation just read Genesis 1 makes perfect sense God created all things in six days. But once again, it just confirms the truth of what Genesis 1 is speaking about Okay, so please don't and I'm telling you this because I once got caught up in the gap theory I once started to believe because back in the Late 90s. I started to sort of come around to the King James Bible. I was really excited internet was kind of new I was just King James Bible teaching, you know, that's what I type into the searches on Yahoo back then Right King James Bible teaching I came across a website, you know, it's King James. It was teaching the gap theory It's like oh wow, this is something new and I remember going to my brother go You know, it's my brother's not reading to the Bible anything like that But that's my brother saying oh, there's a huge gap between Genesis 1 1 and 1 2 and he goes Kevin. You're an idiot It's like oh, yeah. I am an idiot. I woke up. I just needed those words I just needed someone with clarity and common sense to go. Where does the Bible say that? You know, of course, okay So I'll leave it there if you have any questions about for me after the service, please ask let's just end in a word of prayer