(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Genesis chapter 10 verse 1, Genesis chapter 10 verse 1 says now these are the generations of the sons of Noah the total for the sermon this morning is the sons of Noah, okay, the sons of Noah and I'll just tell you this chapter is challenging. There's a lot of names genealogy It's probably when it comes to preparing sermons I would say this one took me the longest if I worked out all the hours I spent going through this It's taken me the longest out of anything I've ever preached, okay I'm actually well, yeah I mean as far as preaching week in week out definitely the most research I had to do and so I hope we can take Something out of this because it is challenging obviously when you have a heap of names You know what kind of you want to you want to end a sermon with some practical applications as well So actually that was the easiest part of the sermon But the hardest part was going through all these names and trying to see what the Lord is teaching us And you know, I don't want to become people that read for general genealogies and it just goes over your head And I must admit that you know, I can't say that's never happened to me You know you read for a bunch of names you want to get through it as quickly as possible to get through the rest of The Bible but you know God gives us this detail for his reason there's always something behind it and what you'll find is a lot of these names are the Descendants of a lot of these people play prominent roles in the Bible okay, or we can also look at our modern day and And see how some of these nations some of the families and nations that exist today where they've come from You know, maybe you'll find some of your answers to see as we go through this list So we'll start going off going through it there in Genesis chapter 10 verse 1 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah Shem ham, of course and Japheth And of course those were the three sons of Noah that went on the ark with him And it says here and unto them were sons born after the flood Okay, so they had children after the flood though in obedience to the Lord who told him to be fruitful and multiply They had sons after the flood and verse number two the sons of Japheth now. I've mentioned to you guys last week I think it was that Japheth would become the father of the Europeans largely the Europeans Okay. Now when when I say these things when you hear these things said, you know, Japheth would be the father of the Europeans Ham the father of you know, sort of the Africans and and things like that and and and Shem of sort of the You know, so, you know people from Arabia and and those kinds of countries Obviously, we've gone thousands of years after this and there's been you know Mixing, you know intermarrying amongst all these kinds of people. Okay, so obviously What we see today may not necessarily be fully accurate to what we know of the nations today Okay, I don't know about you guys if you've done a DNA test I have yes a large portion of my background is from South America or Central Central to South America But then there were other things that were random, you know, just random other places in the world because obviously we've been mixed You know, we're heavily mixed and I hate that's the idea of people You know lifting up one race above enough after another I totally hate it because we're all of one blood what we see here You know Noah is our grandfather, you know Noah's our granddaddy is the one that came off the ark and we all can trace our heritage Back to Noah and back to one of his sons. Okay, but still it's interesting to go through this So let's have a look at verse number two and the sons of Japheth and of course, like I mentioned there the Europeans what one of his sons is Goma there and Goma became the progenitor of what we know today when we read the Bible the New Testament of the Galatians of the Galatians Okay, which you know Galatia today is in modern-day Turkey But the people of Galatia at the time of writing at least anyway had a Celtic background They have a more of a Celtic, you know European background and then after Goma it says Magog You may be familiar with the word with the name Magog in the Bible You probably know of Gog and Magog, you know and That's where we the Magog would be the progenitor of the Mongols of the Mongols Okay, if you know what the Mongols the Mongolians are They're people that resided in in sort of in what we you know of Russia today Or like most of most of the descendants are lived moved and in Russia and also in China Okay, and that's why when you look at the Mongols, they look like this half breed of Asian and European people It's kind of like this mix that's happened there. They're the Mongols. And of course, that's where you get the idea Well, maybe if you've heard of prophecy teaching people speak about, you know The last days Gog and Magog and they point to Russia, you know, you know making war against you know against the Lord one of the one of the great misconceptions with that is a lot of people prophecy teachers teach that the Battle of Gog and Magog will happen, you know either prior to the rapture or during the you know the seven seven year period which Daniel prophesizes off But actually if you read the book of Revelation the Battle of Gog and Magog occurs at the end of the millennial reign So Christ is reigning for a thousand years. Satan is then loosed from his bottomless pit and then he gets armies from Magog and and they make war against Jesus Christ and his nation, of course, I don't want then to turn around and go well see those Mongols I knew they were evil people. All right, because there's easily a thousand years that take place before that war Okay So obviously that's talking about people of that region Whoever's living during that region at that point in time will be the ones making war. Okay against Jesus Christ and Another one next name there is Madai and many of these names you start to see a lot of the people The peoples that would come from them. They're named all places Cities are named after these people. So it says Madai there. That's where you get your Medes from Okay, and then it says and Javan and Tubal Tubal would become the progenitor of Settlements that went into the Iberian Peninsula and even into Italy. Okay, Tubal there and then and Mesha and Tyrus verse number three and the sons of Gomer Ashkenaz Riphath and Togamah, okay, so Ashkenaz that's probably one that we want to stop and talk about for a minute Okay, so if you guys know there are when we talk about the Jewish people modern day, I'm talking about modern-day Jewish people Okay, they usually divide themselves into two categories And one of those is the Ashkenazi Jews is the Ashkenazi Jews All right. Now the word Ashkenaz basically means Germany or German. Okay. Now this is why when you look at the Ashkenazi Jews Have you ever wondered why they're totally white? Why they're blonde hair white is because they're not actually Semitic people we're looking here at the descendants of The Europeans, okay And the reason why they're Jews isn't because well maybe like I said, we're all intermixed some you know We could make the argument that maybe you know, Abraham is their father Biologically, but he's probably the father of many of us biologically We've all the mixing that's occurred over thousands of years, but they're predominantly of European you know background, you know and You know, the reason they're Jews today isn't because of their DNA the reason they're Jews is because of their religion Okay, and that's something you got to keep in the back of your mind is when the Bible speaks of Jews in the Bible It's not necessarily the modern-day Jews because the Jews of the Bible are largely those that came from those the nation of Israel Okay Especially toward the end when they when they were divided into the two kingdoms But what we call Jews today that may not have any reference in fact many times when it comes to the Ashkenazi Jews really have nothing to do with The Israel of the Bible. Okay with the Israel of the Bible. In fact, their religion is a Christ rejecting religion Okay Judaism is a Christ rejecting religion which plays which has nothing to do of the Old Testament Because if you were an Old Testament believer, even though you did not know of Christ That's basically Old Testament Christianity everything about their faith pointed to the coming of Christ You know that the true Israelites of the Old Testament were believers and when Christ came on the scene They accepted Christ as their Savior by default Okay, because the religion of the Old Testament is not the same as the religion of modern-day Judaism Okay, just keep that in the back of your mind here that you know That the Ashkenazis are actually Europeans here. Okay Ashkenazis Now, you know when I did Christina also did her DNA tests and you know what was found in her 1.1% Ashkenazi. All right Let's talk about this for a moment because I want to I want to cover this very quickly Because there are some Christians many many Christians many churches today that teach the Jews are very special people You know if you bless them, you know God's gonna bless you and God's gonna bless you and some of you guys know I got locked out of my house What's the last week of the week before and I've got a locksmith to come and open the door And I mean these guys were white as you know I thought that would from Germany or Ukraine or something and I asked them also, what's your background? They said oh, but we're Israeli We're Jews from Israel, you know And so the idea would be what did you give him a tip because if you gave him a tip and you blessed him Then God will bless you. That's I mean Honestly, it sounds ridiculous, but a lot of churches a lot of Christians teach this. Okay now my wife 1.1% Ashkenazi, you know what? In in these Christian Zionist realms. My wife would be just a regular Christian your plan be Gentile, you know, you're lucky, you know You're lucky the Israelites rejected Christ because your plan be you know Because they rejected Christ Christ and had to make a decision of dying the cross and and making himself available to the Gentiles But you know my wife if she decided to become a Christ rejecter if she says you know what this Christianity stuff I don't care. I'm 1% Ashkenazi Jew. I'm gonna turn to Judaism She'll probably be more important to the eyes of believers of Christians as a Christ rejecter Right believe in a false gospel Okay, because of a 1% DNA test that came then just being a child of God I mean, this is what I this is what I really despise This is what I hate about a lot of churches today when they lift up People because of their DNA because of their background now I don't mind if you decide to bless my wife. It's actually a blessing to me But bless her because she's a child of God not because she's 1.1% Ashkenazi And I just very quickly I remember going to a wedding for someone in my I won't mention the name But I went to a wedding and one of the relatives the guy was wearing one of those little Jewish hats back his head and I think I don't know if I asked the question or someone came out to me because Yeah, he's actually not Jewish. He's like Spanish or something But he found out someone in his descendants he was a Jew so now he's converted to Judaism, that's just ridiculous Apparently the guy was it was supposed to be a Christian prior to that. Okay Anyway, I just wanted to show you this that actually that they're Europeans They even call themselves after the one who would bring forth the Europeans not the one who would bring forth the Israelites You know in this story, so I hope that's interesting for you and then of course Ashkenaz verse number three Ashkenaz and rip ripath and Togamah Togamah would become the progenitor of the Turks verse number four and the sons of Javan Elisha and Tarshish now Tarshish would be familiar to a lot of you guys You know the prophet Jonah is very popular Of course God called Jonah to go and preach the Ninevites and Jonah Afraid he didn't want to do the job He tried to run away and he went as he was trying to run away from the Lord He was headed toward Tarshish Okay So you'll read about that place quite often in the Bible and Tarshish is a is in southern Spain is in southern Spain Okay Then there's Kitum and Kitum is basically Cyprus the island Cyprus Where Barnabas was from remember Barnabas or Barnabas was a Jew, but he was born and grew up He was from Cyprus and he he joined Paul in his missionary journeys And even when he had that contention with Paul remember that about Mark they had that an argument about Mark Well Barnabas took Mark to Cyprus to go and edify the Saints there to go and and confirm the Saints there So there were definitely believers in Cyprus verse number five verse number five By these were the Isles of the Gentiles and this is the first mention of the word Gentiles Okay, so it is primarily a reference to the Europeans But of course as many things in the Bible it starts to become a reference to anybody outside of the nation of Israel Okay, this is where the first mention of the word Gentiles comes from Gentiles just means nations. Okay So by these were the eyes of the Gentiles divided in their lands And something else I want you to notice Bible often talks about in this chapter about division being divided divided in their lands everyone after his tongue after their families in their Nations, okay verse number six. So we've gone for the Europeans verse number six and the sons of Ham Cush now remember Ham he would have his son would be cursed Remember by Noah in the previous chapter and that would be Canaan, but you'd look at his sons. Yeah, it says Cush and Mizraim and Put or Put and Canaan. Okay. Now the Cush Cush or the Cushites would become the Ethiopians okay. I mean even if you just did a Google for Cushites, it'll show you that basically these are your Ethiopians. Okay. So this is now Africa We're talking about Africa here and then Mizraim Mizraim would be the country next to Ethiopia, which is Egypt. Okay, they're the Egyptians Put that would be the people from Libya Well, sorry Libya is next to next to Egypt in northern northern Africa Sorry got that confused and then it says Canaan and Canaan of course the Canaanites obviously that's that's one of the easy ones for us Canaan which was cursed by Noah But even though they were cursed by Noah You know, they still they can still be saved I don't want you to get this idea that just because this is the case or people were ungodly You know, Jesus Christ was still this is the still the Savior He came to die for the sins. And in fact one of the apostles of Jesus Christ was Simon the Canaanite Simon the Canaanite. Okay. So yes, these these people were cursed of course But Jesus Christ came to be the curse for us Okay so of course anybody even if you're you're cursed in that sense the descendants is this descendants could still be Believers of the Lord Jesus Christ they can still be saved verse number seven verse number seven and the sons of Cush Seba and Havilah and Sabta and Rhema and Sabtetcha and the sons of Rhema, Sheba and Dedan. All right, so what we'll keep What I want to do I want to just skip To verse 13 for now. So I don't want to I don't want to lose what we're up to. Let's skip to verse 13 we're just going through the sense of Ham here and verse number 13. It says and Mizraim and Laddam and Annam and Lehabim and Nefertim and Paphrasim and Cassilim, Rob can you come up here and read it for me again? No, let's stop here and and Cassilim out of whom came Philistim Now that should sound familiar if you know your Bibles pretty well and it says and Kaftarim Okay, so Philistim is basically the progenitor of the Philistines Okay, we read about the Philistines as being one of the primary enemies to Israel Of course, you know Goliath was a Philistine, you know Goliath who David defeated was a Philistine So this is where their descendants or their ancestor comes from And some people make the mistake I understand why but they make the mistake of thinking that Palestinians today, you know those that live in the in Palestine that they're also Philistines, okay. Now they may live in the same areas of this as the Philistines today, but they're not the same people Okay, they're not the same people as the as the Philistines and the reason why The people that live in Palestine became known as the Palestinians. That was not a name that was known for its threat history Okay, after World War one when the British would take control of the land They started to call the people that lived on the land of Palestine the Palestinians started to call them now They were known as Palestinians whether they were Muslim or whether they were Jews or whether that was just something else My point is the Palestinians are a mix of people mix of different faiths Okay, you could have been a Jew living on the land during that time and you would be called a Palestinian okay, and so You know, this is this is what's funny about was not funny I mean, it's so wicked about you know, supporting one nation just called the court just because they called Israel versus the Palestinians is That you know these people Made of Jews and Muslims and and a mix of all kinds of people. It's the same type of people. You're just choosing one side Over another because of their religion. Okay, because Palestinians are predominantly Muslims You know and and Israel are predominantly Jews and so people choose who they want to support You know based on a false religion based on a false religion Now how many of you guys care so about you know, the the battles in the past between the Serbs and the Croatians Okay, you know the Serbs and the Croatians are basically the same kind of people that they're the same Slavic people They've been they've been intermarried, you know, they got the same descendants is but you know What differentiates between the Croatians and the Serbians or the Croatians are Catholics predominantly and the serbians are predominantly Orthodox Okay, so who you're gonna choose, you know in there in their battles in the previous wars and and previous conflicts who you're gonna support What it's the same people, you know, and you're gonna have to make it you make a decision I support this or that because of their false religion. I mean how ridiculous to choose a side of a false religion That's what happens today in churches. I'm gonna support Israel. Yeah, it's a false religion In fact the Muslims have a greater respect of Jesus and I know it's another Jesus But still right then the Jews the Jews believe Jesus is a false prophet they believe he's burning in hell in in in Basically burning excrement. All right in hell today, you know, they believe he was cursed that is wicked At least the Muslims think that he was a you know, a prophet of God which which is true, but he's beyond that He's not just a man is not just a proper look they're both wicked false religions I'm not saying Islam is better than Judaism or Judaism is better than Islam I'm just saying start thinking for yourself, you know start thinking about hey These are people that Jesus came to die for they both deserve to hear the gospel They both need to hear the gospel They both need to be saved and in fact many Jews today are reprobate because how how long can you go denying Christ? You know and speaking blasphemies against him before God gives you over, you know, so be mindful, you know Don't don't don't drink the Kool-Aid, you know God I love how God gives us this information because we can then learn from it. Okay, and and apply these things We don't become racist. We don't start elevating one nation above another because of false religion how ridiculous That's crazy Anyway, let's keep going Verse number 15 verse number 15 and Canaan begets Sidon his firstborn and heath So Sidon if you guys know we went through the book of Luke before we had people from Tyre and Sidon These were Gentile nations from Tyre and Sidon many of them would come to Christ and be healed and he is preaching Many of them would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Okay, so this is these are descendants of Canaan once again. Hey Canaan was cursed Hey, but his descendants did some a lot of them did the right thing when Christ came they believed on him Okay, and they sought after him and then heath would be the progenitor of the Hittites you read about them in the Bible verse number 16 and the Jebusites and the Amorites and the Gercosites, so those people are mentioned many times in the Bible as well and the Hivites and the Archites now The Archite will be the progenitor of basically the Lebanese Okay and the Sinites verse 18 and the Arvadites Now the Arvadites they settled in modern-day Syria. Okay, but they're not quite the Syrians Okay, they settled in what we call modern-day Syria, but they're not really the Syrians as a predominant. They're sort of a smaller type group of people that live in Syria and then it says and the Zemarites and the Hamathites and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad. So here's the thing about the Canaanites as well You need to keep in mind. We don't know a lot about them because I mean well many of them were wiped out When you know Joshua would lead lead Israel into Canaan Yes, many of them survived many of the people were were left to live but the command from God was to wipe them completely out Wipe them out. So, you know many of them, you know a lot of these people We don't really know anything about them because they probably were wiped out. Okay throughout history That's another thing you got to keep in mind as you go through these things You're not necessarily going to find every name somebody that you know group people that live in modern-day nations because of wars and because of you know Pestilences and things that happen throughout history. A lot of people could have been wiped out for that were descendants of these people verse number 19 and the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon and as thou comest to Gerar unto Gaza as thou goest unto Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zeboim even unto Asher. So here's what's interesting the Sodom and Gomorrah. We know how wicked these people became Okay, they became extremely wicked God would rain down fire and brimstone upon them and they were descendants of Canaan and of course Canaan remember the curse Kind of makes sense to me that these people would become some of these people would become extremely wicked and God God will rain down fire and brimstone I kind of wonder is that part of the curse that you know Noah prophesied of as well in the previous chapter would make sense to me verse number 20 These are the sons of Ham after their families after their tongues in their countries and in their nations Okay, so we've gone through the sons of Ham now now we're going to go on to Shem verse number 21 unto Shem also So Shem is where we get the term like another way of saying Shem is Sem Okay, and that's where we get the terms the Semites from okay now Basically, if you are I you know, if you hate the Jews or something, which I don't okay, don't ever say that Okay, I'm saying everyone's equal in the sight of God All right, but here's the thing if you do people will call you an anti-Semite Okay, and that's where the term comes from but what you'll find is the word Semite or the Semites are a large group of people okay a large group of people here and of course, you know the Israelites of old in the Old Testament would be descendants of Shem here but verse number 22 in the children of Shem Elam now Elam would be the progenitor of the Persians So Eve that that's your people. Okay, that's your grandfather there Elam and Asher Okay, Asher would become the progenitor of the Assyrians So that's like the you know a minority group in Iraq that are largely Christian at least to have a Christian background to some extent and then it says I'm an Afak said that he's the progenitor of the Chaldeans and Lard and Aram and Aram would be the progenitor of the Syrians Okay. Now the language of the Syrians is Syriac Okay, Syriac, but another name given to that is Aramaic. Yeah, so that's what we get Aramaic from from his name Aram Aram Aramaic, okay verse number 23 and The children of Aram us and that one's an interesting one are the land of us is where we read that job You know job would live on the land of us. So it's possible that Job was a descendant of of us here and then it says and whole he would be the progenitor of the Armenians and Gita, he would be the progenitor of Pakistan and after Afghanistan people and mash. That's the people of Kuwait's mash All right, hope this is interesting for you guys Let's go through this right verse number 24 and a fact said begat sailor and sailor begat Eber Alright, so keep your finger there and turn to Luke chapter 3, please. We're going to go to the genealogy of Jesus Christ here Luke chapter 3 Because Eber would be the line that Jesus Christ would come come out of okay Eber Luke chapter 3 verse 34 Luke chapter 3 verse 34. It says this is of course the you know one of the genealogies of Christ Speaking of Christ being a son of and then it keeps going on and it says here verse 34 Which was the son of Jacob which was the son of Isaac, which was a son of Abraham. So we're going back Okay, we're working our way back which was a son of Farah which was a son of Nacor which was a son of Sarich which was a son of Ragu which was a son of Phalak which was a son of Heba Okay, so in the New Testament, we've got Heba with a H and in the Old Testament We've got Eber without the H. Okay. So this is where we divide the term the Hebrews from Okay, and we talk about the Israelites be all Abraham being a Hebrew The reason is called a Hebrew is because he would be a descendant of Heba Okay, so if that's interesting go back to Genesis chapter 10, please Genesis chapter 10 verse 25 Genesis chapter 10 verse 25 That's why again the Israelites were known as the Hebrews because they would come through that line of Eber or Heba verse number 20 Genesis 10 verse 25 and unto Eber were born two sons The name of one was Peleg for in his days was the earth divided. Okay, so here's what's interesting Remember we talked about pay attention to when this chapter talked about divisions and stuff like that. Well, it seems like Eber would call his son Peleg because the nations were divided and of course in the next chapter we get the detail of why the Nations got divided and that has to do with the Tower of Babel Okay So the best way I can understand this is that the story of the Tower of Babel and how God confounded the language Would be around the time that Peleg would be born in order for his father to call him by that name Okay, so that's what when the Bible talks about the places being divided that's because of what we're going to learn in the next chapter next week All right, and then it says for in his days was the earth divided and his brother's name was Joktan Okay, Joktan, so Peleg would be would you know Abraham and the Israelites would come, you know We said Eber and then from Peleg. Okay, but there was a his brother was Joktan And this is this is important for you to remember Okay, so the Israelites of the Old Testament remember this would be descendants of Peleg, but Peleg had a brother called Joktan Okay, keep that in mind as we keep going through this. All right, and The sons of Joktan we're going to read here very quickly We're basically would make up the the most significant part of the Arabian people Okay most of the Arabian people would be a descendants of Joktan verse number 26 and Joktan begat Elmodad and Sheleph and Hazar, Mavith and Jeera and Haderam and Uzel and Diklah and Obel and Abimeel and Sheba. Stop at Sheba because you guys are probably familiar with the Queen of Sheba The Queen of Sheba would come to Solomon to see how great God, you know How God had blessed the nation of Israel to see the riches to see their power But also to learn great wisdom from Solomon and we learn later on in the New Testament that Solomon gave this Queen the gospel you know she got saved and You know I I may have taught on Queen Sheba in the past and if I did I probably made a mistake and I said she came from from Africa Okay, but actually the descendants here are Arabians Okay, so from the Middle East okay, and I looked this up on the internet and basically there's divided people No, she was from Africa. No. No, she was from you know, Arabia, you know, but as I've gone through this I actually now believe she come from Arabia. All right and Verse number 29. Oh because people say that Sheba was Ethiopia, but we've already seen That the Kashites the Kashites were the Ethiopians, but then again, I mean there's mix there's people are mixing all the time so, I don't know, you know, you know, these are things you just you just have to take you know, a Biblical approach and I understand how human history evolves and changes over time as well verse number 29 and Verse number 29 Now the reason I wanted you to understand that these are descendants of Joktan and Not of Peleg because out of Peleg would come the Israelites is because of the name mentioned here in verse number 30 it says these these Arabians as they'll goest unto Sifa Amounts of the east so this is where they resided Okay, and this is where we get the term the Sepharic Jews from the Sepharic Jews Okay, so the Sepharic Jews are not your Eastern European Jews But I kind of like your North African or Western European Jews a lot of the Jews that came from Portugal and Spain And Northern Africa There you're like your darker-headed ones and stuff like that. They're known as Sepharic Jews Now the reason I wanted to bring that to your attention is that we've got these two groups of Jews All right The Ashkenazi Jews that are European and the Sepharic Jews and they all claim to be you know Descendants of Old Testament Israel or the Israelites, but none of them are in that line Like I'm just gonna go with what the Bible teaches me here, okay again I understand there's intermixing, intermarriage, people move all this stuff happens But it's funny to me that the modern-day Israelites We call them by these names and they're not even descendants from Abraham or you know, or the Old Testament Israelites So, you know the Sepharic Jews You know, they're descendants of Joktan not of Peleg Okay So I just thought that was interesting And again just shows you how stupid it is for us to be elevating one people over another We don't even know where they're from because it's not important. It's not important. Okay, I mean it's important for us So we know our geography. We know the people the people that people, you know, God is fighting against, you know Some interest to yourself maybe you know You know, you can see a little bit of your background who your grandfather would have been but at the end of the day We're all one blood, you know, we're all from Noah and verse number 31 verse number 31 These are the sons of Shem and their families after their tongues in their lands after their nations These are the families of the sons of Noah After their generations in their nations and by these were the nations divided this word again divided in the earth after the flood All right. Now what I want to do is go back to verse number eight I hope that was interesting for you guys That's basically a lot of my time researching was basically going through these names and obviously I don't have an answer to every name there but you can kind of see where people come from or at least these nations and these families and Let's go back to verse number eight now because I want to talk about Nimrod so Nimrod is someone that's very I Don't know. He's got it. He's got a bit of a bad reputation, you know in the secular world and I'm just going to look one thing I want to tell you guys is I Always I always cherish My natural reading of the Bible. Okay as a safe person who has the Holy Ghost Okay, I want to know the Bible I'm sure God wants me to know my Bible and especially as a young person you read through the Bible and you're reading things a Lot of things just come naturally, you know Knowing that Jesus is a son of God just comes naturally Once you read that name like almost a thousand times in the New Testament and you constantly see him being referred to as a son Of God, that's just a natural thing. You don't then start to hold on it. Maybe it's the Holy Spirit Maybe he's got the Father. No, no, that's where you you know, you start to to you know, really You know you you bring your own, you know your own preconceived ideas your own You know limits of your hearts and of your mind of your flesh and you start to change things or try to adapt things in The Bible. Okay. I put a lot of weight into just my natural reading Okay, and sometimes when someone says oh that's about that. I'm like really and that's about actually say that okay because I was on the plane one day down to Sydney I was sitting next to a Jehovah Witness woman and She started to say to me. Oh that Nimrod Have you heard about Nimrod and she started to tell me about all these wicked things that look maybe he was wicked I don't know But he said tell me all these wicked things that he did and I said to her can you just show me that in the Bible? she's like well Then she put out her app. She had like a movie about Nimrod, you know, she wanted to show me that it's like The things you're saying to me are they in the Bible? Now you told me that you believe the Bible you told me that your faith is based on the Bible Can you show me that in the Bible and she was stumped? okay, because here's the thing the Jehovah Witnesses do not believe in the Trinity and they use the the let's call it a myth for Now, I don't know how true it is about Nimrod to teach against the Trinity Okay, and that's what I want That's why I wanted to separate these verses because we're touching upon some other things here but let's go back to verse number eight verse number eight and And Well, actually before we read it before we read it let me tell you about the the story of Nimrod the so-called story of Nimrod apparently Nimrod marries a woman called Semiramis, okay marries this woman now depending on the story that you're reading It may have been his mother. He may have married his own mother. Okay, that's that's one version of it I couldn't work out. I looked at many references online and they had different versions of this Okay, but apparently Nimrod marries his mother then he dies and he becomes worshipped as the Sun God Okay, he calls himself a god and is worshipped as the Sun God But then his mother Semiramis gives birth to a son called Tamars Tamars and apparently she claimed that was Nimrod reincarnated and so you've got God the Father God the Son and Semiramis acting like a Virgin Mary of the Roman Catholic Church, okay The other version that I found was that Nimrod marries Semiramis but it wasn't his mother and then she gives birth to Tamars the son and her son Tamars marries his mother Because he's Nimrod reincarnated or something. Okay, and it's God the Father God the Son and That's why a lot of people think the Holy Spirit is like this female, you know, but here's the thing I tried to look this up and you know what prior to 1853 prior to 1853 There's no evidence of this story. Anyway, there's not there's no written literature about this at all There's no historical evidence. There's no historical writings. There's no archaeology that supports this okay in 1853 a guy called Alexander Hislop, which I believe was a pastor of a Presbyterian Church in Scotland He came up with this story Okay He did some research but really used a lot of conjecture Used a lot of just filling in the gaps To come up with a story of Nimrod marrying his mother or whatever Tamars marrying his mother Okay, so it's really just some wild conjecture conjecture, but it really caught fire It became very popular and even to this day a lot of Christians believe this story to be true Okay. Now I no longer believe the story to be true when I started to look into it because there's nothing else It's just this one guy that came up with it. Okay, there's nowhere nothing else written about it in history Okay, but the problem I have with this like I said the Jehovah Witnesses but not just the Jehovah Witnesses will use this to preach against the Trinity and say who say the Trinity is this pagan teaching all the Way back to Nimrod and his mother and Tamars and marrying mother someone married the mother or something like that Okay, and that's why they reject the Trinity because they believe it's got these pagan roots Now look if this story was so important, you know was so true so important and we should Revolve our beliefs and our doctrines around it. God would have put in the Bible. Okay, God would put in the Bible All right, so, you know, I do I'm gonna take a lesson from all this later on as we go through it Okay, but let's just read what the Bible says. Let's just let's just see what God says about Nimrod Okay, and again, I'm just and reading my Bible just naturally as a child a lot of the doctrines I believe it just the stuff that I read naturally as a child Okay, without any bias any preconceived ideas without any sort of you know fancy stories messing up my mind as I read things but verse number eight and Cush again, you know the the progenitor of the Ethiopians began Nimrod He began to be a mighty one in the earth. All right, so becomes a mighty person verse number nine He was a mighty hunter before the Lord So what do we learn about him now? He's a hunter and he's a mighty hunter before the Lord So there's something about the Lord here the Lord God, okay Wherefore it is said even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord So whatever he was mighty for he became known as the mighty hunter before the Lord that was his title Okay, that's what he became known as So what we're going to do is basically just just look at so some people say Nimrod was this wicked man Right, you know became the Sun God This is interesting because if he's a if he's calling himself God It would be strange that his title would be a mighty hunter before the Lord meaning that the Lord is not Nimrod Okay, I mean that that would be Contradictive to what people say that he called himself a god or or his mother called himself a god or something like that But let's just have a look at this if we go to what does it mean to be before the Lord because they will say Well, he was hunting for men's souls and he was hunting against the Lord. That's what he means by before Lord He was against the Lord. He was teaching false doctrine He was damning people to hell and is this wicked man, but really I mean we should compare scripture with scripture You know, we should take what the Bible says especially the book of Genesis we're looking at the book of Genesis Let's say what the book of Genesis says keep your finger then turn to Genesis 13 13 Genesis 13 13 The Bible says here but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord Exceedingly, okay. I just want to show you this reference before the Lord in the Bible go to Genesis 1822 1822 because you might say we'll see these Sodom and wicked before the Lord. They're like against the Lord. That's what he means Genesis 18 22 Genesis 18 22 Bible says and the men turned their faces from thence and went towards Sodom, but Abraham stood yet before the Lord Okay, so is this saying you're against the Lord or is it saying you're in the presence of the Lord? But let's go to Genesis 19 verse 27 Genesis 19 27 and Abraham gets up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord Now go to Genesis 27 verse 6 Genesis 27 verse 6. I Just want you to see how the Bible uses this phrase right Genesis 27 verse 6 The Bible says and Rebekah spake unto Jacob her son saying behold I heard thy father speak unto Esau thy brother saying Bring me venison and make me savory meat that I may eat and bless thee before the Lord before my death Okay So I think just looking at these passages and seeing how the book of Genesis at least and look beyond you look at the book Exodus because these were all written by Moses You see this phrase used over and over and over again before the Lord before the Lord before the Lord And what it basically means is in the presence of the Lord You know or how the how the Lord perceives that you know how the Lord sees that he saw the wickedness of Sodom You know that was brought up before before him, you know It was it's how God sees something or that is in the presence of that happening Okay, I mean I just want to go with the Bible teachers I don't want to start, you know twisting the scriptures here Okay, so if we look at Nimrod then back to Genesis chapter 10 verse 9 And is the look the Bible tells us the Holy Spirit is telling us that is a mighty hunter before the Lord My take is that this guy seemed maybe is maybe it's okay. I'm not saying he's a believer I'm not saying he's wicked me. He could be wicked I'm not saying he's the greatest person on the earth. I don't know but why is it important as a mighty hunter again? Keeping the themes of what we see in the book of Genesis is because in the previous chapter God said you can eat animals and the fear of man came upon the animals that they would flee from man And of course now what do you need you need hunters? We need people to go and hunt animals, right? This is a new skill that people need to learn and what I read here is just a natural reading of that Is that Nimrod became a great hunter? And I became well known for his hunting techniques You know, he probably was able to teach a lot of people and became mighty in that sense became well known You know became famous because he became a great hunter and says before the Lord now It seems like the Lord saw him as a great hunter What that means I can't really tell you and then his reputation was they became Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord Okay, I'm trying to be as biblical as I can you can disagree with me I'm just trying to be as biblical as I can. Okay without going to some material from the 1800s Which have nothing it has no historical backing Okay, a lot of people would rather take the material from 1800s with no historical backing. Okay, then what I'm preaching today Verse number 10. Let's go to Genesis 10 verse 10 Genesis 10 verse 10 It says about Nimrod and the beginning of his kingdom was Babel So if Nimrod has a kingdom of course being a mighty person he became a king Okay, and Babel is you know, what we know is Babylon Okay, that would be and we know the Tower of Babel and stuff like that and these other cities became a king You know to these other cities here Beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Eric and Akkad and Calni in the land of Shina Okay. Now I just want to go and look at other references what the Bible says about Nimrod. Okay, so keep your finger there and Go to Micah chapter 5 Micah chapter 5 and While you're turning to the book of Micah, I'm going to read to you from 1st Chronicles Chapter 1 verse 10, which is nothing more not nothing new information But just says and Cush begat Nimrod he began to be mighty upon the earth just reinforcing the fact You know that Cush gave birth to Nimrod and Nimrod was mighty Okay, but you guys are turning to Micah chapter 5 verse 2 Micah chapter 5 verse 2 This is a prophecy of Jesus Christ. It says but thou Bethlehem Ephratah That's what Bethlehem where Jesus will be born It says though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me That is to be a ruler in Israel whose going forth have been from old from everlasting So that's about Jesus now. We'll drop down to verse number five Verse number five it says and this man that's about Jesus and this man Jesus shall be the peace When the Assyrian shall come into our land and when he shall tread in our palaces Then shall we rise against him seven shepherds and eight principal men And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof Thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian when he cometh into our land and when he treadeth within our borders Okay, so saying what's that about mentions the land of Nimrod here because remember Nimrod was the king over Babel which became Babylon Okay, Babylon and the southern kingdom of Judah would be taken into captivity by who by Babylon They were taken in there into Babylonian captivity And why does it keep talking about the Assyrians as well in this verse is because the northern kingdom of Israel Would be taken into captivity by the Assyrians Okay So this is a prophecy that Jesus Christ would come and deliver the Israelites from their enemies from those that have taken them captive okay, but this is Hundreds of years after Nimrod right the land of Nimrod, okay Yes, they were wicked people they had their false gods and religion when it comes to this time But that doesn't really tell us anything about Nimrod himself. Okay, because again things change things develop I mean, there's a lot of things that happen again. I'm not saying Nimrod was this godly man I'm not trying to say that I'm just saying let's just stick to what the Bible says, you know, let's not go beyond that Let's not go beyond that because that's where you get to a lot of problems. Let's say Nimrod was a decent guy Let's say that's the truth, you know, there's a decent guy and we're going this guy's wicked call himself a god, you know It's a reprobate Pretty bad on the guy, you know But anyway, if you go back to Genesis 10 now Genesis 10, we're almost done now Genesis 10 we're almost done verse number 11 verse number 11 And it says here out of the out of that land went forth Asia So Asia if you remember he was a progenitor of the Assyrians. It says and builded Nineveh Okay, so Nineveh we know the city of Nineveh where Jonah was sent to preach and the city of Rehoboth and Calah verse number 12 and Reason between Nineveh and Calah the same is a great city. Now. I'm not sure if it's saying reason is a great city That's what it sounds like to me. But Nineveh also in the book of Jonah was called that great city or a great city I think it's called in the book of Jonah. So it may be a reference in about maybe these were all great cities Okay, just a thought there but what I want to take we've gone through all the verses down the chapter I hope that was interesting I'll try to wrap it up now But there's three lessons that I want to take from From this chapter free lessons that we can I always want to try to take something applicable, right? Three lessons number one is do not elevate extra biblical resources as truth All right, the Bible Jesus said in John 17 thy word is truth Okay, if we're going to build our life our practices our doctrines our way of living on truth The only resource we have guys, especially going that fine history is this book this we know this is a hundred percent correct All right And I love how God just tells us so much because it'll be so easy to prove the Bible wrong If he was just written by men Okay, and we men make them say it'd be so easy to prove it wrong Look at all those lists of names and where they went and all the geography on the peoples Hey, we have the people today You know the descendants of these names war happened today, you know But if someone was just making things up take the Book of Mormon All right, the Book of Mormon, you know the more Mormons they have that book and they teach that basically, you know in in In the Americas the primitive Indians that they were Jewish people as well and they talk about all these people You know all these native Indians and talk about where they migrated and their family lines and all that kind of stuff But none of that is supported by history. I know historical writings about it There's no archaeology that can be found about these places and these people and it proves the Book of Mormon false Okay, but we have God here thousands of years ago given us this information and every time it's just proven, right? You know all the archaeology that gets digged up is just basically in line with the Bible I mean look though, he's you know, the archaeologists may have this spin on things, you know But at the end of the day, there's nothing that they found that's really contradictory to the Bible Okay, they might say well, this is not you know, we've not found any archaeology Archaeology evidence for this thing, but then many times You know some years later they do find you know, I don't care. I'm not basing my faith on Archaeology and I'm basing that upon the Word of God, which is truth. It's always proven to be true I'm not against extra biblical resources for a bit of information But look if the Bible does not really point to that I'm not really supporting that strongly in any kind of sense. Just just put it aside as a story You know as a make-believe for now And then if you do find things in the Bible that seem to be proving that true Then maybe you can start thinking about it, but don't waste your time You got it. Look your time is limited on this earth. This Bible is a big book I've read it several times, but when I study to preach a sermon Learning new things all the time and there's plenty I think you've got forever the whole life to learn things in the Bible Just keep your study in the Word of God Alright second lesson. I want to take from this is don't go around worshiping the Jews. Please don't be a church I don't want you to be people that worship You know, you've got to bless these people Oh, man God's got a special eye upon them and what we see from the Word of God these titles Sepharic Jews and Ashkenazi Jews They're not even the oldest of Israelites Alright, I mean like again I'm not saying that they don't have any descendants because again We've got thousands of years of intermixing and all those kind of things but the titles they give themselves Why should I even even if you were people that God says you should worship? When why would I worship them then if they're not even from? That line of Peleg and Eber and Abraham and all those kinds of things, you know, so please don't go around worshiping The Jews, you know don't start preferring one people over another, you know And especially over religion false religion don't start favoring people over false religion How ridiculous of you as a believer of Jesus Christ, you know, how how anti-christian? Is that to be favoring one nation over over the other, you know? And then the third point that I have here guys is that Jesus came for all As I was going through this list of people I said to I mean, I really know this I really know we're all one blood but I started to realize You know because you still think of nations, you know, I consider myself Australian, you know And I you know a little bit Chilean because that's my ethnicity and stuff like that But as I'm reading through all these names I'm saying man, these are just my grandfather. This is my grandfather That's my uncle. That's my You know, I probably you know My great-great-grandfather probably married that person's great-great-great-great granddaughter You know, we're probably all mixed and just as I'm going through this chapter I realize man, we're all one blood You know, I'm not going to favor. It doesn't matter. I don't care what you look like I don't care what you look like. I don't care about the color of your skin And this is how we should be as believers, but I'm just reminded as I'm going through this, you know Thank God for Noah. Thank God that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord and that through him You know Jesus Christ came for all Jesus Christ came and died for all, you know He didn't come just for the Jews and well, they rejected me. It's like what God doesn't have control over his Over things like the Jews have more control over God So well, I need to go to plan B I need to die on the cross now and offer myself to the Gentiles But Jesus Christ came and died for all and the Bible says in Acts 17 26 and have made of one blood all Nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth. God has made us one blood. We're one blood guys Okay, we're one blood Take your Bibles and turn to Isaiah 49, please. Isaiah 49 Isaiah 49 verse 5 We're almost done now Isaiah 49 verse 5 And now saith the Lord that formed me from the womb to be his servant to bring Jacob again to him Though Israel be not gathered yet Shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord and my God shall be my strength and he said it is a light thing That thou shouldst be my servant to rise up the tribals of the earth That thou shouldst be my servant to rise up the tribes of Jacob So obviously the Israelites and to restore the preserved of Israel so we know that God does care about Israel Then it says I will give also I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles for thou mayest be my salvation Even unto the end of the earth See Jesus Christ came to be a Savior to the Jews. Yes, but also to the Gentiles Okay, and we see that here he's speaking to Isaiah, but this is also prophetic of Jesus Christ who would be a light to the Gentiles and I'm gonna quickly just wrap it up here in mark 11 17. You don't turn there just quickly This is when Jesus Christ came to cleanse the temple and he says You know any taught saying that's them is it not written my house shall be called of all nations The house of prayer to all nations the house of prayer But ye have made it a den of thieves you have made it a den of thieves So, you know the temple of God we often talk about it We about you know Israel or Tiffany's our and that's important Israelites did come to worship and to serve the Lord then offer sacrifices and to pray But God said his temple would be a house of prayer to all nations You see in the Old Testament Anybody of any nation like we saw the Queen of Sheba, you know They could come and offer their praise and their worship. It wasn't just for the Jews wasn't just for the Israelites Okay, you know God is a savior of all mankind Jesus Christ came to die for all of us So, please I know a lot of you have been brainwashed to think you're a second-class citizen in the eyes of God You know the Jews first and then you guys last know we're children of God, you know You're the sons and daughters of God if you believed on Christ I mean, that's the best place to be knowing that God is our Father You know better than knowing who the fathers is here in the in the physical lineage More important to know that God is our Father and you become a son of God by believing on Jesus Christ. Let's pray