(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let's start there in verse number three, Jude chapter one, verse number three, which reads, Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. The title of the sermon tonight is earnestly contend for the faith. Earnestly contend for the faith. Okay, so we ought to have contention sometimes, right? I mean, we shouldn't be seeking contention for no reason. Hey, but when it comes to faith, when it comes to our salvation, the gospel message, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, we should contend for that. You know, our top video on YouTube for our church is not one of my videos. It's Brother Callum's video when he exposed the false gospel of the ICOC, the International Church of Christ. And that's our top video. Praise God, I'm so happy that it is, okay? Because that demonstrates that our church or Brother Callum at the very least is earnestly contending for the faith. And that video has gone out. It's had the most views. Many people have testified that that servant has helped them to walk away from that church and come to the truth of the gospel. And so that is our jobs to find people that have been deceived by false faith, false gospels, and to preach them the truth. So we're going to start there in verse number one. Verse number one, Jude, the servants of Jesus Christ and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ and called. The first thing that I want to take out of this, out of the book of Jude here, is who Jude is, okay? Now we learned something about Jude. He is the brother of James. Now there are two people in the Bible that may fit that criteria and I'll let you know which Jude this is. So if you can for a moment, please keep your finger there and go to Matthew 13. Go to Matthew chapter 13 and verse number 55. Matthew 13 verse number 55. So to determine who Jude is, we just need to figure out, okay, where does the Bible mention Jude being the brother of James? Well if you go to Matthew 13 verse number 55, we get introduced to some of the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. So we would call them half brothers and half sisters because they're children of Mary and of Joseph, all right? In Matthew 13 verse number 55 the Bible reads, is not this the carpenter's son, of course referring to Jesus Christ, is not his mother called Mary and his brethren, so who are his brethren? James, so there's James mentioned, and Joseph and Simon and Judas. So Jude is just another form of the name Judas. Now of course we don't commonly refer to, I don't think, I've never met anybody named Judas. The reason being of course that name is made famous because of Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus Christ. But I have heard of people whose name is Jude and this is another variation of Judas, okay? You don't get the idea of a betrayer when you think of the name Jude, okay? But we see here that Judas or Jude, yes, is a brother of Jesus and is a brother of James, the half brother of Jesus Christ. So the first idea of who this Jude is would be, well that's Jude the brother of James who is of course the brother or half brother of Jesus Christ. And so I do believe this is the right interpretation or the right view that Jude is the brother, the half brother of Jesus Christ. Now there are some that say, well no it's Jude the apostle. So let's go there. Let's go to Luke chapter 6 please. Go to Luke chapter 6. Go to Luke chapter 6 and verse number 13. Luke chapter 6 and verse number 13. Because there was a Jude, there was a Judas, not just a Judas Iscariot, but there was another Judas who was an apostle of Jesus Christ. So if you go to Luke chapter 6 verse number 13, Luke chapter 6 and verse number 13, the Bible reads, and when it was day he called unto him his disciples and of them he chose 12 whom he named apostles. Now that's important. So these 12 they're not just regular disciples but they're named apostles. We know the 12 apostles. Verse number 14. Simon whom he also named Peter and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus and Simon called Zelotes. Now look at this verse number 16. And Judas the brother of James. Well we saw when we saw the book of Jude, he introduced himself as the brother of James. So you had Judas here the brother of James and Judas Iscariot which also was the traitor. So you see there were two Judases that were disciples or apostles of Jesus Christ. Judas the brother of James and Judas Iscariot. Now you might say well why don't you take the position pastor that the Jude that is writing here is one of the apostles that I mentioned here. Well if you go back to the book of Jude, let me explain to you why. Go back to the book of Jude and drop down to verse number 17. Verse number 17 in the book of Jude. This is what Jude says all right in verse number 17. He says but beloved remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. So Jude is telling the reader hey you know remember the words that the apostles spoke, the apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. So he's not identifying himself as one of these apostles. He says no there were apostles remember what they taught. So it cannot be Jude the brother of James of the apostles because this Jude is differentiating himself from those apostles of Jesus Christ. And so this brings us I believe to the right interpretation that the Jude that is writing this book is Jude the half brother of Jesus Christ. Okay so is that really important or not really? Of course what's most important is what is contained in this letter but we should of course you know study the Bible and you know there's great truths there's great parallels in the Bible. The Bible never contradicts itself. I think the Bible is wonderful when you just dig in a little deeper. So let's go to verse number two. What does he write? He writes mercy unto you and peace and love be multiplied. Then he says verse number three beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation. So Jude says look brethren he's writing to the brethren I want to write to you about the common salvation. Now praise God you know we should never get tired of hearing the gospel. Now of course we shouldn't be coming to church and all we hear you know Sunday morning Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening is the gospel again and again and again and again. No we should learn other things we should move on from there but the right thing to do is time to time is to preach about the gospel. To preach about the common salvation that we've all had. We should never become you know weary of hearing that great truth. It's so important that we you know repeat and remind ourselves of salvation which is salvation by grace through faith without works. Okay it's good to hear this but then he says it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. So when we talk about earnestly continuing for the faith this is not saying that we should earnestly contend for every single doctrine. Now I think we should in largely contend for you know all the doctrines that are contained in the bible but specifically that has been referred to here is we ought to be contending earnestly containing for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. So this is the one this is the faith the doctrine that led us to the common salvation. So he wanted to write just about salvation but then he realized man you know what not only do I need to mention to you know refer to salvation here but we need to be fine for this. We need to be contending for gospel. We need to be contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Why should we contend for this faith? Because there are others coming preaching another faith preaching another gospel another form of salvation and if we don't combat them if we don't expose them brethren then we're going to defile and corrupt our church. It's important that we contend for the faith we contend for salvation. You know we should never allow someone to come into our midst come into our church preaching a false gospel and just letting them have a free ride. No we should earnestly contend for that faith and tell them you're wrong let me tell you about the right gospel and the rest of Jude is basically warning us about false brethren or false prophets that will come in our midst and you know attempt to teach a false gospel. Attempt you know attempt to preach things that are contrary to God's word. Now it says we should earnestly contend for the faith. The word earnest um actually if you don't know my middle name is Ernesto or Ernest. That's what okay we should earnestly contend for the faith to to be earnest is to be serious or to be zealous to be passionate right. This is a this is a topic that you know should be number one for our church the topic of salvation the common salvation the faith that has given us salvation that ought to be the doctrine that we're most passionate about okay. We don't want to see that doctrine become corrupt in our church and so what I like about this passage you know there are two main things that will cause you to be uh to act earnestly or to be zealous and fired. I find there are two things that drive my passion for the Lord right. Number one of course is just my love and appreciation for Jesus Christ for the sacrifice of God for you know my salvation just my love for God in general you know is something that drives me to be passionate for the Lord to do the works of the Lord but sometimes it's the works of the false prophets it's the doctrines that are being taught incorrectly it's when I see people take God's word and twist it and teach corruptible things that also fires me up that also gets me zealous you know um I'm sure like I mentioned brother Callum with his his sermon that's number one on our channel I'm sure just you know thinking back at his old church and the false gospel the false faith that was being taught there you know caused him to just earnestly contend for the faith and expose them for the lies and for the corrupt church that they are and so those are two great motivating factors just so your love for God your appreciation but also when you see false prophets and their works and you see you know the Mormons or the JWs going door to the soul winning you know not soul winning but you know doing their work you know that should drive us to go no you know we're going to combat that we're going to contend for the faith we're going to do what we can to get out there and preach the true salvation the common salvation of Jesus Christ now look at verse number four it says for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ there's so many things that I mentioned in this verse number let's break it down number one these people creeping unawares they come into churches why is it unaware because we think they're a believer we think they're like us they're going to talk like us they're going to sound like us you know what and and unfortunately this is going to happen in churches okay we have people come in and we think they're a true believer we might even grow in love and appreciation for that person and then it finds out they're coming unaware they're coming in and they're a false prophet or false brethren okay in fact what we see in this passage they're not just false brethren but these people are reprobates why do I say that because it says who were before of old ordained to this condemnation so they're condemned that they're already ordained to be condemned by God this is not teaching a Calvinistic view that's before someone is even born they're already condemned by God or saved by God and they got no choice over it no this is not about the reprobate that has gotten themselves to a point where they've rejected God and God has rejected them and well now this person is ordained to condemnation okay ungodly men it says turning the grace of God into lasciviousness now lasciviousness is basically lust you know our sexual desires these kinds of things so they come uh seeking as it were the grace of God but really the purpose of coming to church brethren is for their own sexual disgusting you know lust that they have all right and uh you know this is why you know churches can be a place where wicked men like this come in uh trying to take advantage maybe of the women in the church okay why is that because commonly we think of church as a place that we can trust people right I mean if someone's coming to church and they're and they sound biblical they sound right they're doing the right things you start to develop a trust in that person so these people creeping unawares hoping that you would trust them and they will take advantage they've got their own sexual filthy sexual desires you know this is why as well in many churches you know you got your homosexuals that come in and they they look for the boys they look for advantage to look for little boys pedophiles right I mean this happens you know this happens in churches we can point at the Catholics and yeah many of those priests are you know homosexual pedophile uh wicked men ungodly men but it can also happen in independent fundamental baptist church in fact it did happen okay um going back I don't know maybe a decade now there was an independent fundamental baptist church in Queensland in Brisbane where the pastor's son uh crept in unawares you know was leading the youth group and sodomized a bunch of boys you know pedophiles and these these people are false prophets they've been ordained unto condemnation all right what else do these what else can these false prophets look like well it says at the end of verse number four and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ okay you know what this sounds like to me this sounds like that that stupid oneness theology where Jesus and the father is just one hey so what are they denying well it says here denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ okay so instead of saying well there's two well we know there's three the trinity that's always just one it's one person or they're denying it remember just go back to verse number one there verse number one which said to them that are sanctified by God the father and preserved in Jesus Christ okay if you say Jesus Christ is God the father you know you're denying that there's the the father and there's the son you're saying it's just the one person hey those that come and teach oneness theology brethren they are false prophets as well they're false brethren as well okay so we get this picture now what I really want to just focus on there of course is that they creeping unawares and we need to remember and just be be aware now we can't stop this completely okay we can't stop a false brother a false prophet creeping into the church necessarily now hopefully we're you know on guard hopefully we pay attention and and look for those red flags but even when Jesus Christ appointed his 12 apostles we know one of them was a devil one of them was a betrayer I'll just quickly read to you from John 13 verse 21 John 13 21 reads when Jesus had thus said he was troubled in spirit and testified and said verily verily I say unto you that one of you should betray me verse number 22 then the disciples looked one on another doubting of whom he spake Jesus Christ says look one of you 12 is going to betray me one of you 12 is a reprobate one of you 12 do not believe on me and they just look amongst each other there's only 12 our church is bigger than 12 there's only 12 of them they look at each other they can't figure out who it is okay why because they creep in unawares they look and sound like any other Christian but as time goes on they're going to reveal themselves to be this wicked person so you know ideally I would I hope we would never have these people creep into our church but the reality is it's going to happen okay and we can't beat ourselves up for saying oh man we should have noticed this right you know yeah you know we should have put a stop to this before they came in you don't really know you know I don't want to be you know just casting doubt on everybody that walks into the church you have to give them time to reveal themselves to be that wicked person okay look at verse number five I will therefore put you in remembrance though you once knew this how the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not so the topic of is false brethren okay and now what Jude does he compares false brethren false prophets to a list of other people that have done wickedness okay so we know when the Lord delivered the Israelites out of Egypt okay many of them did not believe it says they're afterward destroyed them that believe not there were those that believed on the Lord God there were those that were following Moses and seeking you know to worship the the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob but there are others there just for the ride there are others there to take advantage right there were others there that truly did not believe in the Lord and these cause problems amongst the people and of course the Lord would ultimately destroy these individuals so the false brethren are being compared to these people they come in they join in amongst the the believers but then eventually they found out and the Lord will destroy them now look at verse number six and verse number seven now we've got to be careful with how we read this okay these verses many people read these verses six and seven and they combine them together it's very dangerous to do that let me explain to you why let's read it verse number six and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he have reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day so we learn about these angels that did not leave their first estate i think everyone agrees these are fallen angels these are devils okay now what is it that caused them to sin though and you know what the people will do is they'll read verse number seven they go oh verse number seven gives us the reason why the angel sinned so they read verse number seven even as so even as see the same as sodom and gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire so what do we learn about sodom and gomorrah no surprise to our church these were homosexuals these were pedophiles these were lesbians these are the lgbt okay and god destroys them uh with vengeance of eternal fire but because they sought after strange flesh okay what they do is strange okay the word queer it means strange these people are queer they're strange right they'll say well because these people the sodomites they went after strange flesh well then so did the angels which fell from heaven they went after strange flesh and then they'll apply this to genesis chapter 6 with the sons of god they'll say a fallen angels that married women on the earth okay and they they offspring were giants something like that okay what are they what are they doing they're combining the angels with what took place in sodom it might sound that way but you know you got to keep it within context we know this is about false brethren now first of all i'll go over that i'll go over those passages and break it down for you but first of all let's understand what these angels that left the first estate did okay can you please keep your finger there and go to revelation chapter 12 go to revelation chapter 12 go to revelation 12 i'm going to read to you from isiah 14 verse number 12 you're going to revelation 12 which is future events that still have not taken place i'm going to a past event in isiah 14 verse 12 which reads how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations so we know the story of lucifer who is satan all right he was cast out of heaven he was cast down to the ground hey he left his first estate his estate was heaven and because he's rebelled against god he was cast down to this earth okay now one thing that we learned in the bible he still has access to heaven he travels back and forth between heaven and earth okay every now and again for some reason he has to present himself before the lord and he's there accusing the brethren and so what we learned there of course then if this took place in the past there were other angels that did similar things maybe they were influenced by satan in this very time where these people where these angels rebelled against the lord now you know if you go to revelation 12 we see this play out again in revelation chapter 12 in verse number 7 revelation chapter 12 verse number 7 this is about future events still yet to come but it says and there was a war in heaven michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels of course the dragon is the devil verse number eight and prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven so right now the devil can go to heaven back and forth okay presents him before the lord but when this takes place it says neither was their place found any more in heaven they could never return back to heaven verse number nine and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him okay so just like future events satan and his angels are being cast out of heaven well i do also believe that in the past because that's why we have devils on this earth not only was satan cast out of heaven for rebelling against the lord but so did his angels so did other angels on the earth and this is them leaving their first estate leaving their place as worshippers as servants of god and coming to the earth to defile the hearts of men all right now what i want to do i actually will if i would go back to jude go back to jude and verse number five jude and verse number five i just want to illustrate this for you so this cup represents false brethren or false prophets okay and so this chapter is about false brethren okay that's what that cup represents all right so when we look at verse number five it says i will therefore put you to remembrance though you knew this knew this sorry that though ye once knew this how that the lord having saved the people at the land of egypt afterward destroyed them so these are them that believe not this cup represents those that came out of egypt but did not believe on the lord so the false brethren the false prophet is being compared to those that believed not when they came out of egypt okay that's verse number five full stop at the end of verse number five verse number six and the angels so this cup represents those angels this one here i'll put it here and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day so the false brethren is being compared to these angels which have this reservation under darkness unto judgment of the great day okay full stop and then verse number seven even as sodom and gomorrah so these are the sodomites the next cup there even as sodom and gomorrah and the city is about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire so what do we learn there that the sodomites are being compared to the false brethren so when we read all these passages okay we get to verse number five the false brethren are like those that did believe not okay verse number six the false brethren are like these angels that have their reservation in darkness okay and then we get to verse number seven these false brethren are like the sodomites the homosexuals of old okay but as i said some people combine verses six and seven and they'll say well the angels are like the sodomites that you've missed the point let's talk about the false brethren is like that group like that group like that group it's not saying this group is like this group okay so i'll have to explain all that soon in fact let me prove it to you right now keep your finger there and go to second peter chapter two because second peter chapter two is almost like a parallel passage to the book of jude you know it covers false prophets as well and if you compare these two passages second peter chapter two in the book of jude honestly you'll see so many similarities okay so let's go to second peter chapter two in verse number one so i just want to prove to you that the angels are not being compared to the sodomites all right second peter chapter two verse number one it says but there were false prophets among also among the people even as thereof be there shall be false teachers among you who privilege shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction so what's the topic about in this chapter the false prophets the false teachers okay that represents this cup drop down to verse number four for if god spared not the angels that sinned well now we're talking about the angels remember that second group well second peter has it in a different order so i'm going to put the angels right here because they're mentioned first there in verse number four for if god spared not the angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment now those that are trying to combine the sins of the angels they want it to be the same as the sodomites right but notice verse number five it says and spared not the old world but saved noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly so now you see uh second peter is not combining the fallen angel with the sodomites but rather what breaks up with that those two groups is the flood those that did not uh go on the ark those that were wicked during the day of uh of noah and god judged those wicked people well and they died in the flood were the false prophets the false brethren again have been compared to those fallen angels and now being compared to the wicked that's caused god to destroy the earth with a flood and then look at verse number six it just continues on the third group and turn in the cities of sodom and gomorrah so now we have the homosexuals we have the sodomites okay into ashes condemn them with an overthrow making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly so what do we learn in second peter chapter two it says here the first brethren are like their fallen angels they're like the wicked that sinned during the flood of noah and they're like the sodomites but notice that this passage has not combined them together the the flood is separating those two events so when we go back to the book of jude you know if you look if you look at just these two passages together you know that confirms that the angels are not committing the same sins that the sodomites did and then and then you know people try to take that and create that crazy doctrine that angels can procreate with women okay now you say well why the angels mentioned here how is it that false brethren can be compared to angels and we'll cover that soon we'll cover that soon as we keep going through this uh chapter back to the book of jude look at verse number eight likewise also these filthy dreamers which filthy dreamers the false prophets the false brethren okay these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise dominion and speak evil of dignities all right so what are these false prophets like they've got perverted thoughts filthy dreamers right again they come into church for their own sexual lusts right and so they imagine these things in their mind okay uh they defile the flesh despise dominion what does that mean they hate authority okay they don't like a pastor-led church for example okay they don't like uh being told what to do by their boss in work in the workplace they don't like to follow the guidelines of the governments during covert that's what that's a crazy example but you know essentially these people hate authority okay they hate you know no it's they're like satan right satan wanted to be like the lord god he wanted to be like the most high okay he he hates an authority he hated to be under god he wanted to be like god well so these false prophets okay they're not happy to come into church and sit under the preaching of a pastor rather they they hate that thing right because then it says and speak evil of dignities dignity so that's someone that has a higher position than they do they hate those people they speak evil of those people okay they want to take down the authorities so they can become the authority themselves isiah 14 14 these are the words of satan he says i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high satan was not content to serve the lord he was not content to be under the lord no he wanted to be like the most high well false prophets false brethren that come in here you know coming to church or you know what they they're seeking they're seeking their own status they're seeking to be promoted they're seeking to take down the existing leadership on the church and put themselves into that position jude verse 9 yet michael the archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of moses does not bring against him a railing accusation but said the lord rebuke thee now i'm not sure why when when moses passed away you know obviously what we get told here is that the devil wanted the body of moses wants to do something to the body of moses and we've got michael the archangel that is disputing with the devil okay now what it's telling us here is that michael the archangel is very careful he would not bring against him against the devil against satan a railing accusation okay he did not want to falsely accuse the devil even though the devil is wicked even though the week the devil has wicked purposes for the body of moses even michael the archangel is careful not to lie about satan not to not to come to heaven and say lord satan tried to do x y and z when it's not true okay he was careful not to bring a railing accusation but said the lord rebuke thee all right so this tells us we have to be careful with how we deal with false prophets okay now unfortunately i've seen christians you know uh seek to um expose false prophets which they should try to do but then you'll they'll lie about that person okay they'll bring a railing accusation okay a false accusation about that person all right but that's not how even michael the archangel dealt with the most wicked one which is satan okay we have to be careful when we expose the wicked that we do it truthfully okay truthfully and um you know what these false prophets they want to be like the devil where they will dispute okay with you okay don't get caught in that trap of disputing with these false prophets false teachers if they come into church and we give them that first and second admonition and they don't listen to us we reject them we say the lord rebuke thee we don't have to you know dispute with them we don't have to continue a long argument with them but everybody if these are reprobates if these are teaching a false gospel coming with a different faith for different teaching oneness theology we need to say the lord rebuke thee okay and get them out of the church it's not for us to spend time disputing with these individuals now it's so important that we don't speak false things about false prophets okay there's two reasons why number one it'll destroy your own testimony or reputation okay you say a lie about a false prophet people will ultimately find out that you're lying and you'll destroy your reputation why would people want to believe what you have to say but the second thing which is more harmful is when you lie about someone it naturally causes people to go and support the person you're lying about even if they're a false prophet even if they're teaching wrong things if you've lied about them people are going to naturally just been drawn toward that person that's the worst thing you know the reason you expose a false prophet is to draw people away from that person not to push people to that person to bring their support because you know amongst many people they've got a bleeding heart right they've just oh man this person was treated unfairly this someone lied about this person i'm going to go and defend that person even if they're wrong even if they're false prophet even if they're a reprobate people will go and defend that individual and so we need to be careful about the words we speak how we expose the false prophets in our day verse number 10 but they speak evil of those things which they know not but they sorry but what they know naturally as brute beasts in those things they corrupt themselves so this is comparing the false prophets the false brethren with mark of the archangel mark of the archangel is careful about what he's going to say he wants to speak truthfully he doesn't want to bring a railing accusation but the false prophets they speak evil of those things which they know not okay the false prophet they love to run their mouths okay they'll happily lie they'll happily bring false accusations right they'll just keep lying they'll keep accusing for their own purposes the bible says they're brute beasts okay beasts are animals brutes means stupid they're stupid why do we want stupid animals in our church hey we come across someone like this we kick them out say the lord rebuke thee and we get them out of our church okay now notice this what something that happens with a lot of these false people we don't always as i said we don't need to be on this mission to just expose every single person that we feel a little bit uncomfortable about because ultimately they will expose themselves by their wickedness because at the universe number 10 it says in those things they corrupt themselves okay so by running the mouth by lying they corrupt or expose themselves for the lies that they are all right i don't need to spend three hours to create a youtube video exposing somebody okay now if there's someone wicked brethren they're going to expose themselves with the wickedness that they speak and then you'll know this person is a false brethren get them out of the church you know second timothy chapter three verse nine says but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was okay so we sometimes have just have you patient with people right we don't always know you know is this a sheep is this a wolf is this guy is this guy you know what is he is is he a brute beast is he coming to hurt our church you know what we need to just tread carefully don't bring any railing accusations okay just just be patient okay and eventually these people will manifest themselves for their corrupt ways okay verse number 11 woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward and perished in the gainsaying of Cory so now we learn their motivation okay and we've already seen some of them of course but their their reasons for coming into church what their what their purpose is what their mission is okay number one they have gone in the way of Cain we know Cain and Abel the story of Cain Abel Cain brought forth a blood sacrifice unto the lord and the lord received that sacrifice with Cain who brought from the fruit of the ground right his fruits and veggies that he planted and so Cain attempted to appease god with a bloodless sacrifice with the works of his hands and this of course pictures a false gospel salvation once again is by grace through faith without works Cain tried to bring a workspace bloodless sacrifice unto the lord okay so one reason these people come into churches they look for a church that believes salvation by grace for faith they know i want to come into that church and corrupt that church and preach a workspace gospel okay they're just wicked people all right next one it says and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward so Balaam was a prophet that would preach whatever you wanted him to preach as long as you paid him you paid him well he would preach whatever you wanted him to you know whatever you wanted him to preach you paid him he did it for the money okay he was greedy he did it for the money you know what some people come to church because they know there's a collection there's an offering of people putting the money together and they say i want a bit of that i want a piece of that money so they they come into church and i'll take their positions of leadership uh for the for the wealth because they're greedy okay they want to take advantage of god's people and then it says and perish in the game saying of cori cori is cora in the bible who rebelled against moses authority right he said just like satan right he didn't want to be under the authority of god well cora did not want to be under the authority of moses he said hey we're all holy we can all preach we're all people of god and you know he wanted to elevate himself as you know in a higher position than what he already was and so some people as we already saw they hate dominion they had authority they speak evil of dignities and they want to raise themselves up to be that authority in the church so we need to be careful if you start seeing these things creep up in individuals they may very well be false brethren okay now we cannot have people in our church like this okay we cannot allow people once they've exposed themselves that it's very clear you know we can't say well maybe they'll reform their lives maybe they'll fix things up maybe they'll get on the program and let's put up with them we don't want to have any turmoil or conflict you know we ought to just love everybody no we should not have these people in our church why because verse number 12 says these are spots in your feasts of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear you know sometimes in church we have maybe some food together right we celebrate we share with one another and not just food we can support one another edify one another right these people come in to take advantage of the feast they come take advantage of the generosity of the brethren okay that's why they come they want to take take take they don't want to give if you look at keep keep telling here it says clouds are they without water carried about of winds they don't want to give in return okay so they're clouds and you know normally when you see a rain cloud you know you're looking for the blessings of rain you know and it is a blessing for rain to fall on the earth okay because then you can grow your plants grow you know your garden needs it your crops need it if you're a farmer we need it to drink amen and it's a blessing for it to rain but these are clouds that don't rain they've got no substance they're carried about by winds they're unstable okay so they take take take from church and they give nothing in return it says trees whose fruit witherth without fruits hey they're without fruits okay and this goes in line with what christ taught us in matthew 7 18 which says a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruits neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruits okay so they're a corrupt tree they can't bring forth good fruit meaning these people cannot see other people saved okay lately or not maybe not so lately but over several months you know been hearing about you know even unsaved people can get other people saved even judas iscariot you know he was may have been you know the best soul winner amongst all the apostles no if he's a corrupt tree he's without fruits he can't bring forth good fruits all they can do is bring forth corrupt fruit why because they're preaching a false gospel right they're mad madam in the waters of the faith and their converts their fruit is the corrupt fruit which then comes along also speaking the same things teaching that salvation is by works or by repenting of your sins or by getting baptized all these kinds of things have come they bring forth corrupt fruit because they they seek to destroy the gospel of jesus christ the next phrase is quite interesting in this verse it says twice dead how can someone be twice dead well number one before any of us got saved we all died spiritually you know we suffer that spiritual death and when we are saved then we're made spiritually alive once again you know a spirit is quickened all right we're made alive but everyone that is unsaved right now is once dead because they're spiritually dead and we know if that person does not get saved and they die physically well they're going to end up in hell okay if they don't believe in jesus christ and they die they twice die spiritually and physically they're going to be in hell these people have not died physically but it's as if they've died physically it's as if they've already died that death meaning they're already on their way to hell they're already experiencing hell on earth why because they're reprobate they cannot be saved okay it's as plucked up by the roots twice dead okay so they're walking this earth but they're like a zombie they're literally like a zombie right spiritually dead you know as it were physically dead as far as god is concerned this person is on his way to hell and there's nothing he can do to change this look at verse number 13 it confirms that teaching verse number 13 says raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame so they like to see raving waves unstable right wandering stars uh to whom look at this to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever so if if the blackness of darkness we're not referring to hell out of darkness if they've got a reservation there where are they going to end up that's exactly they're they've they've already got a reservation there okay they're on their way to meet their reservation they're going to go into that blackness of darkness forever there's nothing these people can do okay and i i mentioned why is it that these false brethren are being compared to the fallen angels okay is it because of their sexual sins no that was sodom gomorrah the reason they've been compared to those fallen angels if we look at go back to verse number six again verse number six it says and the angels which kept not their first estates but left their own habitation look at this he have reserved so they've got a reservation as well in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day these angels that are in these chains of darkness they're finished okay they've got no second chance christ did not even come to die for angels okay well just like these false brethren these false prophets they are reprobates okay because they too like these fallen angels have their reservation in the blackness of darkness forever okay this is not teaching us that these angels committed some sexual sins no the sexual sins are the sodomites the homosexuals right the the false brethren have been compared to the to their sexual desires like the sodomites and they've been compared to their reservation in the darkness of hell like these fallen angels okay so you can see once again the consistency in the book of jude let's keep going and by the way this is why we should never have these people in the church once they expose themselves there's no reformation okay they're already twice dead they've really got their reservation in hell we can't think well maybe they'll fix their life up now maybe they can get right on the gospel no once they expose themselves to be a reprobate they're never welcome back listen our church will never welcome homosexuals and pedophiles i don't care how much people claim they've repented and they fix their life up no they've got their reservation there's nothing this church can provide them they're just going to seek to come into church and take advantage of the brethren and to repeat the same sins that they've done in the past hey you know what they need they need to be chained up like these fallen angels into and be cast into that darkness forever they're not welcome in our church verse number 14 and enoch also the seven from adam prophesied of these so even enoch prophesied about false brethren false prophets saying behold the lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints so um there are two thoughts as to what enoch was preaching about and i've kind of gone back and forth between the two and uh number one a lot of people believe that what enoch is prophesying here is the lord coming back at the end of the um at the end of that final seven year period uh you know the battle of armageddon on the white horse and then uh you know many saints of course the saints come on their horses as well following jesus christ that was my belief for a long time but i now believe this is referring to the rapture okay now i'll just show you why i'll just read it to you in first thessalonians chapter 3 verse number 13 first thessalonians chapter 3 we know first thessalonians is all about the rapture especially chapter 4 okay but chapter 3 verse number 13 says to the end he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before god even our father at the coming of our lord jesus christ with all his saints so what it tells us the coming of christ we know that chapter 4 of first thessalonians refers to the rapture as the coming of christ well that coming is with all his saints why is he coming with all his saints because those that have already died and gone to heaven hey they need to come back and get their resurrected bodies and so christ is coming back with all his saints okay why else do i believe this is about the rapture well verse number 15 if we keep going in jude look at verse number 15 when he comes with his ten thousand of saints it says verse number 15 to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him so it says when he comes with the ten thousand of saints he comes to execute judgment upon all that tells me that he has not yet executed judgment so if this is revelation 19 christ coming on the white horse we know he's already started his judgment we know that the the trumpet judgments and the vile judgments have already taken place okay and then he comes and finishes off the job but if this is about the rapture yeah he comes to execute judgment once he raptures the believers then he pulls out his wrath upon this world and that's him executing judgment upon all the wicked verse number 16 these are murmurers again talking about the false prophets the rapids okay these are murmurers complainers brethren if you don't know me already i'm sure i've said it many times in my sermons i hate murmuring and complaining okay i despite my kids know i hate it okay you know they're better off just being quiet if you know if they don't like something done in the house they're better off just being quiet than murmuring complaining my kids know this if you know me as a pastor you know i hate this and say why do you hate it number one well first of all it's annoying but number two it's an attribute of a reprobate are you a murmuring complainer you know do you moment complain about church you know it's a bad attitude to have it's it's horrible horrible attitude right it's the it's the attribute of a reprobate these are murmurers complainers walking after their own lusts what are they trying to do they're trying to make people unhappy in church right oh this could be better that could be better the preaching's poor why don't we do this why don't we do that why isn't it like this okay and everyone else you know yeah they were happy at church and once you have the murmuring complainer come in everyone's unhappy okay that oh they're trying to gain a following they're trying to take down leadership they're trying to be the one that gets the recognition in the church all right walking after their own lusts and their mouth speakers great swirling words having men's person in admiration because of advantage okay so they seek to get people on their side for their advantage verse number 17 but beloved remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our lord jesus christ and we looked at verse number 17 already just to identify who jude was verse number 18 how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts so not only are these reprobates whiners complainers and murmurers but they're also mockers okay so what does that look like well basically you know preacher gets behind the pulpit preaches truth from god's word that person will mock that truth okay or they'll mock the messenger of the truth they'll mock the preacher and i know better oh did you hear that yeah well actually this is the truth okay they mock and oh he doesn't know right they mock the truth they don't identify the truth why because they're reprobate that's why they've been given over to a reprobate mind they remember brute beasts they're stupid animals okay they don't understand the truth you know if you have people in church who are mocking the truth mocking the preacher that's preaching the truth you know that should be a red flag straight away you know as as someone that might be one of these false brethren look at verse number 19 these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit so they're not saved once again right they don't have the spirit twice there they are okay now when it says here uh these be they who separate themselves i was wondering what this could mean obviously they don't separate themselves in the sense that they leave church or they don't want to be in church or something like that no because they want to be in church for their advantage they want to be in church to corrupt god's people okay and so what i believe this again ties with that mocking idea so they separate themselves from the truth okay they don't follow the truth you know they they try to lead i guess uh a falling away apostasy you know within the church against the truth of god's word you know for example you know our church we believe in the king james bible we believe it's the perfect preserved word of god for us in english you know someone might come and try to say well that's archaic hard to understand you know let's read this other bible let's use these other books you know these other bibles other books and they might try to encourage the people in the church to turn to the niv or to the new king james or to the nasp or something like that well they're separating themselves from the truth of god's word you know this is another red flag on people that try to bring in corrupt manuscript or corrupt bibles all right now verse number 20 now we've identified what these false prophets are now let me just say something just because somebody comes into church and might behave in some way similar to this it doesn't necessarily mean that they're a false they're false brethren it doesn't necessarily mean that they're reprobates what we learn is these reprobates are do all of these things okay this is how wicked they are okay they can be identified not just by one small thing or one thing in this list okay but rather they make up the majority that you see in this the book of jude tells us the kinds of red flags that we should should be looking for uh you know amongst the brethren so if we if we're in church someone does something a bit unusual say that's a bit of a red flag but they're like the rest of their life the rest of the time in church they're just wonderful normal people right you know you can't just well that guy's a reprobate there's one red flag now obviously this you know the i to identify these people there are multiple things multiple red flags that come up you know that help you identify this person ultimately they're going to expose themselves anyway for for their wickedness and so what we get left with for the rest of the chapter is how we yes i identify but now how we ought to behave ourselves amongst in the situation if it comes up okay because it says here in verse number 20 now referring to us not pointing to the non-believing reprobate now talking about god's people verse number 21 keep yourselves in the love of god looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ unto eternal life okay so this is important we want to be balanced christians we don't want to be like oh man brother so-and-so red flag reprobate we need to remember that we need to keep ourselves in the love of god and in the mercy looking for the mercy of the lord jesus christ this keeps us balanced okay we ought to have love for the brethren just because someone does something wrong you know we should be able to forgive them love them right and not just think there's some reprobate false prophet okay and again if someone does something wrong we should be merciful we should have the mercy share that mercy of christ you know and this again helps us keep that that balance and if we keep going uh verse actually you know what i've i missed first i knew there was something wrong i missed verse number 20 let's go back to verse number 20 it says by ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost so we've been instructed here to build yourselves up how do we build ourselves up on your most holy faith this is why it's important that we in church remember to preach about the gospel okay again we don't want to be hearing at every service hey but when it's important to bring it in if it's if it's supporting existing doctrines that you're preaching bring it in you know no one's getting sick and tired of that we need to build ourselves build our church on our most holy faith okay this is critical praying in the holy ghost this is critical we want to build our church we want to make sure the people that make up our church also believe in that same most holy faith this is why it's called at the beginning of jude the common salvation all right you see if we don't preach the truth if we don't preach the truth of the gospel and we don't expose the false gospels right we don't expose those that teach you got to repent of your sins turn from your sins to be saved then what's going to happen instead of building our church on our most holy faith we're going to build our church on multiple gospels and it's very unfortunate i've seen good i've been part of a good ifb church that was not built it maybe it was built initially but eventually over time it stopped building itself on the most holy faith and what happened they allowed preachers to come in that taught you got to repent of your sins to be saved and then ultimately you've got a church where half the congregation believes that salvation is by grace through faith alone on the finished work of christ alone okay they realize that they cannot turn from their sins until they're saved and then they can do things for god then they have the power of god to do to live a more clean and holy life and then you've got the other half of the congregation that teaches or believes no you've got to turn from your sins you know what if you're a drunkard you've got to give up on that alcohol to be saved if you're a fornicator you've got to give up on that fornication to be saved and so they bring in a workspace gospel and it's so sad i've been there i've been into a church where the statement of faith is correct where they where their tracks are correct where their gospel message how to be saved on their website is correct where the preachers themselves have said that repenting of your sins is a false gospel but they've allowed other men to come in they come in unawares as we saw here they crept into these churches and they start preaching their false gospel and instead of building up the church with the most holy faith they took me i don't know too embarrassed to call out these false prophets when they should have called them out and before you know it they've corrupted the minds of people you know they've got their corrupt fruit in the church and the church now is split you know half of it believes salvation by grace alone the other half believes you've got repenting of sins to be saved and it's sad state of affairs what do you do then then the pastors they won't preach hard they won't preach the gospel clearly they'll preach the gospel it's just muddy and it satisfies both groups because it's so unclear it's so muddy that anybody with any kind of ulterior gospel can think oh yeah that's what i believe because it's so unclear you know we can't allow new life about the church to go down that path i don't believe it ever will you know as long as i'm the pastor as long as you know the members are listening today i know how zealous and passionate you are for the gospel i don't believe it's going to happen but it could happen in subsequent generations and so we need to teach our children to continue building the church right upon our most holy faith i already covered verse number 21 let's go to verse number 22 we talk about the love of god in verse number 21 of the mercy of jesus christ why and of some have compassion making a difference this is why we someone comes to the church and they act a bit weird they say a bit of weird things that's it false prophet get out of here the lord rebuke thee we can't be like that brethren why does it say and others or sorry and of some have compassion we need to have compassion we can only be compassionate with people visitors people that don't know the bible world newly saved people maybe even unsaved people they come to church and they're just honestly trying to find the truth we need to show that compassion we need to show the love of god we need to show them the mercy of jesus christ making a difference okay we don't want to run out everybody that is wrong on the gospel because that might be our opportunity to show them love compassion making a difference teaching the gospel getting them saved pulling them out of the influence of a false prophet okay verse number 23 and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire others you've got to instill hey they think they're saved you got to tell them no you're on your way to hell you believe a false gospel let me tell you the truth i need to pluck you out of hell i need to pull you out of the fire and others say we fear pull them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh and why is that mentioned there because they believed going to heaven was about keeping your flesh unspotted okay they think well i've got to keep my flesh unspotted but the truth is we all have spotted flesh because we're all sinners and so they've got to hate that idea they're going to hate the thought well i'm going to go to heaven by removing the spots of my flesh and just recognize and admit hey i'm a sinner and i need a savior and the only way to be saved is by believing the lord jesus christ amen but we need to give them that fear so many people on the sunshine coast believe they're going to heaven because i'm a good person all right but no we got to show them no your flesh is spotted and we're going to pull you know tell them hey listen you're on your way to hell you know what it doesn't give me any joy telling you this okay but you need to wake up to reality you believe a false gospel you're on your way to hell i want to pull you out of the fire okay and then it keeps going verse number 24 now unto him that is able to keep you from falling see we need to be careful okay yes there are false prophets false teachers corrupting god's word but we need to be careful that we don't fall that we don't apostatize and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy what a beautiful thing you know what when we're presented before god we're going to be presented faultless when god looks upon us you know on that day he's not going to see our sins our sins have been paid for in jesus christ you know those sins have as far as the east is from the west okay christ took the punishment and we know we're not perfect brethren but when we stand before god he's going to see us in the righteousness the faultlessness of jesus christ what a beautiful thing you know there are some people that believe you know your life is going to be put on a on a big screen and all your sins are going to be shown and you're going to be embarrassed for all the wrong things you've done that's not true we're presented faultless praise god before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy verse number 25 to the only wise god our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both from now and ever amen what a great way to end the book of jude and so brethren just in conclusion you know let's take heed of the words that are spoken here you know be aware that we could fall ourselves okay we can't allow these people to creep into our church well they will creep in unawares but once they've been exposed we need to cast them out of the church we can't think they're going to reform their lives and and fix things up you know these people that are uh being compared to you know people from sodom and gomorrah no homosexuals are allowed in my church you know if there's a homosexual listening online you are not allowed in our church okay i don't even want to see you here okay and uh people that are reprobate they're not welcome in our church okay but unfortunately you know it's part of the struggle these people are going to creep in unaware sometimes but you just need to be patient give time show compassion show love because you don't want to confuse somebody that's just truly seeking the truth and labeling them as a false prophet okay let's pray