(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Deuteronomy chapter 5 verse number 16. Honour thy father and thy mother. Title of the sermon is children submit to your parents. Children submit to your parents. And here in Deuteronomy chapter 5 we have the retelling. Of course the book of Deuteronomy is the retelling of the law. It's when the next generation after they had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years they were to go into the promised land and Moses gives once again the laws the retelling of the law and here in Deuteronomy 5 we have retelling of the 10 commandments. And one of the 10 commandments honour thy father and thy mother. It says as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee children. This is the commandment of God not just from your parents. You are to honour your father and your mother both your parents. It says here there's a promise that thy days may be prolonged and that it may go well with thee in the land which Lord thy God giveth thee. Now you know society is constantly thinking about how do we prolong our lives and often you know we talk about our diets and exercise and living in a you know clean environment you know all these things are necessary to have a long life. Obviously countries nations that have short lifespans often don't have clean running water they don't have good medical help they haven't got good food to eat. God says there's one way you can definitely prolong your life that's simply by honouring your father and your mother and not just prolong your life that you would live longer years but that it may go well with thee. I mean I think life is hard enough right the challenges of life living a long life is challenging enough if you want your life to go well it doesn't mean you won't have any problems but you know compared to most people in the world you want your life to go well and you want to live a long and happy life an easy one for you children is to honour your father and your mother. God's giving you those parents that you would be subject unto them that you would learn how to be subject you would learn how to humble yourself that you would learn guidance and instruction from those that have gone before those that have had greater experience than you and no parent here and certainly not me believe we're some perfect parents not only do your parents know they're not perfect but every parent knows every other parent here in this church is not perfect we all know that we all recognise that and you know what your parents aren't always going to be the best and they're going to make mistakes over the years but you know what even then God's commandment to you is to honour your father and your mother and he gives you this great promise of a long and happy life. Now if you can come with me please to Ephesians come with me to Ephesians, Ephesians chapter 6. Some people might say well pastor that was the old testament those are the 10 commandments given to the covenants of people there in Israel you know not only was it to not only would their days be prolonged not only would their days go well for them but God speaks about their days going well on the land that he's given them and some people might say well see that's got to do with the old testament covenant nation of Israel and the physical land of Canaan that God had given them. Well come with me to Ephesians 6 and I want to show you this Ephesians 6 and verse number 1 Ephesians 6. Ephesians 6 and verse number 1 the bible says children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Children what is the right thing to do? To obey your parents in the Lord for this is right and then it says in verse number 2 honour thy father and mother which is the first commandment we've promised that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth. Now notice he doesn't mention the land which God has given you because you know that has to do with something the old covenant the old land had to do with the physical covenanted nation of Israel. The land is missing from this teaching here but you notice that God takes the same commandment one of the 10 commandments about honouring your father and mother and brings it up here in the new testament preaching to the Ephesian new testament church and he gives the same commandment honour your father and your mother and it's the first commandment we have a promise and that promise being that it may be well with thee that thou mayest live long on the earth. If you ever come up to me say pastor how can I be sure to live the longest life I can on the earth and a good life I just say honour mum and dad honour mother and father and what you see then verse number one is to if you're not sure what it means to honour we say verse number one to give further clarification children obey obey your parents in the Lord for this is right and again children we know that mums and dads aren't perfect this has been a whole series on submission hasn't it and we've spoken about how we ought to submit to the government is the government always perfect nope we spoke about submitting to the pastor the church will submit to the is the pastor perfect nope we've spoken about employees submitting to their employers are your employees always perfect nope and children when you submit to your parents guess what your parents aren't perfect okay and if you don't you know understand that one day when you'll be parents you'll understand exactly what I'm talking about that you you're like no no I'm gonna raise my kids differently you know we're gonna do things right all the time that's not the real world you'll find soon enough that you'll be making some of the same mistakes maybe even greater mistakes than your parents and then you'll be like ah my parents weren't that bad after all but it takes time sometimes to learn these generational lessons but I want to show you very clearly even though it's an Old Testament principle the New Testament picks up that same principle and it's taught to the New Testament church can you come into Colossians 3 Colossians 3 Colossians 3 and verse number 20 Colossians 3 and verse number 20 Colossians 3 verse number 20 this same instruction gets given here in the book of Colossians but a little bit further instruction it says in Colossians 3 20 children obey your parents yep we've seen that in all things for this is well pleasing unto the Lord so children when are you to obey your parents in all things anything your parents ask of you and you know what this is well pleasing unto the Lord children I want you to understand we all want to please the Lord don't we we want the Lord to look down on our lives and say boy that person that individual gives me a lot of pleasure you know I looked out and I just have a smile on my face when I see you know so and so behave this way the greatest thing children that will please your Lord is simply to obey your parents sometimes in all things the Bible says in all things now come with me to Matthew 15 I'll keep talking come with me to Matthew 15 Matthew 15 now when I think about submission and and the series that we've gone through you know throughout throughout these weeks and months so far you know I've often mentioned how you know if the person in authority is asking you to do wickedness to to commit sin we are not to obey we are to obey God right right rather than men we ought to obey God rather than man and that is true you know in in in almost every aspect of life that is most definitely true but sometimes you know children are asked to do something by their parents and children aren't sure I mean children are growing especially young children they're developing they don't know always what is right and wrong right like for example let's say we've got a drunkard of a husband and he says to his wife you know go buy me a beer go you know uh help me help me intoxicate myself I would say to the wife you know better you're an adult you know you know that is you know you should not give your neighbor to drink let alone your husband to drink and you can say to your husband look I'm not doing that look I'll get you a coke I'll get you a coke no sugar I'll get you a Pepsi but I'm not going to get you alcohol because I need to obey my lord god I need to do what is right and wrong I don't have the same expectation myself on children because they don't really know like the husband might say to wife go get me a beer at the pub or something I mean kids can't buy drinks alcohol anyway but hypothetically let's say they could just for the sake of this illustration okay and they say to the kids oh okay your mom won't but can you go and buy me a beer and like a little kid probably like I'm just my dad I guess I gotta do I think I remember the bible saying to obey my parents and all things and they go out there and they buy the alcohol they give it to the dad and I'll show you in a minute why but I believe that child is without you know uh like his judgment from the lord is going to be much lighter if any judgment at all because that child's still in development age it's still growing right I mean I remember I think I showed this before but our brains aren't fully mature aren't fully developed until you're about 26 years old all right so what about a nine year old child what about a 12 year old child it's hard for them to understand the differences between right and wrong and this is why children have parents because parents are supposed to guide direct and teach you know we've all longed suffering and teaching the the commandments of god to their children and so I don't have the same expectation on young children as I do on adults okay I do believe god will judge them differently and sometimes you know especially if you've grown up in a home that is not a Christian home you might be asked for your parents sometimes to do things that are wicked and sinful but I do believe god's going to hold those parents accountable for those commandments they've given the children rather than the children themselves that have enacted those things but I wanted you to turn out and I'll prove that a little bit further but come with me to Matthew 15 I think you're already there Matthew 15 and verse number one Matthew 15 and verse number one now what we have here is this this commandment again it gets brought up by Jesus honoring your father and your mother but this time it's not in context of young children in fact this is in context of adult children okay in Matthew 15 verse number one it says then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem saying why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders for they wash not their hands when they eat bread so they're like your disciples aren't washing their hands they're transgressing the traditions and by the way before you eat bread wash your hands but it's a tradition it's not a commandment of god I want you to understand that okay it's good for you to wash your hands but you can't command that to an individual and say this is the law of god it's the tradition of man okay and Jesus Christ responds verse number three and he answered and said to them why do you also transgress look at this the commandment of God by your tradition for God commanded saying honor thy father and mother and he that cursive father and mother let him die the death well there's another reason for the death penalty in the bible cursing cursing your father and your mother god says if you curse your father mother you deserve to die what does it mean to curse your father and mother to wish harm upon them to seek to destroy the livelihoods and the lives of your father and mother if a child raises up to destroy their parents that child deserves to die according to the perfect law of God look at verse number five but you say so that's what God says but you say whosoever shall say to his father or his mother it is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me and honor not his father or his mother he shall be free thus have you made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition ye hypocrites well did Isaiah prophesy of you now that might go over your head a little bit for me when I read Matthew 15 alone it goes over my head a little bit but I want you to notice that there is a gift involved here okay and in verse number six and honor not his father and mother he shall be free Jesus is saying you've got a rule in your traditions that allows men so these are adult men okay I'll show you in a minute why who are not who you know you're allowing them you're allowing them to just get out get away with cursing their father and mother as long as they bring a gift now let me give you a little bit more understanding of what this is teaching you come with me to mark chapter seven mark chapter seven helps clarify it's the same instruction same teacher same setting but we get a little bit more information about what this gift is mark chapter seven please mark chapter seven and verse number nine so essentially these pharisees are telling individuals oh you curse father and mother that's okay as long as you bring a gift and now you're free all right and jesus says that's your tradition and that's transgressing the commandments of God well in march of the seven verse number nine and he said unto them full well ye reject the commandment of God that you may keep your own tradition for Moses said honor thy father and thy mother and who so cursive father and mother let him die the death but ye say right there it is again but you say if a man shall say to his father or mother it is Corban that is to say a gift but whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me he shall be free and ye suffer or you allow him no more to do ought for his father or his mother making the word of God of none effect through your tradition which ye have delivered and many such like things do ye now verse number 11 let's look at it again but you say for man shall say to his father or mother it is Corban now if you don't know what that i don't know i didn't know what it's not an english word Corban is not an english word okay it's a transliterated word from the greek which is a transliterated word from the hebrew which means a sacrifice or an offering okay that is the gift that is coming and being offered there in the temple so you've got a man who is not honoring father and mother you've got a man that is cursing father and mother as long as they come to the temple and bring their gift they come to the temple and bring the sacrifice the the pharisees are saying you guys are fine it's all settled the fact that you cursed your father and mother the fact that you're not honoring them you're free you're free to go because you brought a sacrifice and you brought a gift here to the temple there's no such thing there's no such thing like that you know and this is a tradition of the pharisees and jesus says look you're transgressing god's law you're letting people get away with cursing father and mother as long as they bring a gift to the temple as long as they bring a sacrifice to the temple they're fine jesus pointing out this great truth you know repeated for us again that we are to honor our parents and look someone coming to bring a gift a sacrifice of course is a grown man okay coming and offering that and even then a grown man is supposed to honor father and mother okay we'll talk about that a little bit more in more detail as we continue honor your father and your mother can you come with me to exodus 21 exodus 21 exodus 21 and verse number 17 exodus 21 verse number 17 you know essentially the teaching here is this guys if you're out cursing your parents you're not honoring your parents you can't just go and do some good task oh but i went to church oh but i want for the sacrifice oh i brought a gift and think oh that's fine you can continue just cursing your parents on not honoring your parents okay that's that obviously that that doesn't work in real life right if you get arrested for stealing a car or something and you're you know you get your your judgment handed down you got to go to prison for six months you can't turn around to the judge oh but i've here's a gift job i mean i guess that works sometimes in some here's a gift judge i'm bringing you a gift i'm bribing you with my good works let me go free you'd say that'd be a corrupt judge to allow that man to go free it doesn't matter what good you've done if you've committed a crime you deserve the punishment that is associated with that crime especially the death penalty man i don't want to curse my parents i don't know about you but i want to live a long and happy life well a good so far so good man if god takes me home tomorrow i'd say i still live the good life you know and i truly believe part of that is just honoring my mum and dad and with my was my mum and dad perfect no were they great parents yeah i'd say they're great parents were they perfect i know okay i love them i appreciate them and even to this day i think about my parents i still honor my mum and dad even to this day and i'll explain to you in a minute how we do that but xs21 verse 17 and he that cursive his father or his mother shall surely be put to death look the barber can't be any clearer on this topic oh what about if they're bad mothers and fathers what if they've done some really horrible things surely then the kids can go out and curse their parents no come with me to leviticus chapter 20 leviticus chapter 20 leviticus chapter 20 verse number nine leviticus 20 verse number nine leviticus 20 verse number nine for everyone that cursive his father or his mother shall be surely put to death he has cursed his father or his mother his blood shall be upon him come with me to deuteronomy please deuteronomy deuteronomy chapter 27 please deuteronomy deuteronomy chapter 27 deuteronomy chapter 27 deuteronomy chapter 27 verse number 16 cursed be he that set off light by his father or his mother and all the people shall say amen cursed be he that set off light by his father what does that mean to set up lights his father or his mother you know we kind of use that terminology to say let's say there's something that's happened and let's say i joke about it you'll say oh you made you made lights you made lights of that situation you know i'm talking about like maybe there's a serious situation there's something serious but you know we laugh it off you've made light of that situation that's kind of what the same okay when children are essentially laughing mocking like i'm not saying joking around with your parents or something like that right or laughing at something your parents did the other day that was funny but like actually trying to destroy their life and their reputation mocking them making lights of their of their lives and their and your upbringing and the the hard work that your parents did to raise you bible says you're cursed if you do that i'm reading these passages to you exodus leviticus do you know what i mean these are lessons that when you're early in your bible reading if you're studying from genesis you should learn that pretty quickly that this is a commandment from god and please don't get involved in interactions either in person or online with children cursing their father and their mother please be careful be careful about what you get involved in say what about genesis we've got exodus leviticus dude on me come with me to genesis chapter nine please genesis chapter nine chapter nine genesis chapter nine we're going to look at at least what i believe to be the very first time completely laid out in the bible where a child essentially curses that their father okay in genesis nine you guys know this story here i'm not going to go into any great depth here but we have uh after noah like noah is a great man not just a great man of faith i mean the human race owes it to noah really like we should not be alive today you know back in genesis 6 god decided to just wipe out mankind but there was one man that found grace in the eyes of the lord noah and then he asked no to do something crazy like build an arc go and build this arc and let's just get all these animals on there bring your family on board that's quite a work quite a task to do i'm sure everybody that observed noah as he was building the arc thought this guy's just nuts this guy's crazy what's he doing noah's a great man we owe our lives to noah he's our great great great great all the way back grandfather right we all have these you know our dna going back to noah at the very least you know after noah came off the arc and he did a great work for the lord a great man of god a great man of faith the bible says he in genesis 9 he did something wrong in verse 120 yeah a great man did something wrong in verse 120 and noah began to be an husbandman and he planted a vineyard and he drank of the wine and was drunken and he was uncovered within his tent was that the right thing to do to get drunk and alcohol it's the wrong thing isn't it noah did wrong so let's call him out for all the mistakes he's done verse number 22 yeah that's what ham did and ham the father of canan saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brethren without so ham walks in sees his drunken naked dad made a mistake didn't he big mistake you know a drunk it ought to be kicked out of the church it's a pretty big mistake anyway he goes and announces the folly of his father to his brothers and it says here in verse number 23 and shem and japheth the other two brothers took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father and their faces were backward and they saw not their father's nakedness and i won't go into the story i won't continue the story there i want to show you the differences between children how they behave with their parents or at least their father when he's made a big mistake you have one child that wants to tell everybody else i mean he essentially told the whole world because that's all that there was as far as human beings were he went to proclaim it to the whole world dad's drunk and naked did you know that what a loser and the other two man yeah that's messed let's let's go cover his nakedness let's cover his shame let's not even look at it we don't want to get involved we'll just go and just let's protect our dad as best as we can it's the first story that we have about a situation like this a wicked child versus good children how they behave to the parents say pastor which side are you on are you on noah's side or on your ham side they both did wrong oh i'm with noah yeah it's good to get drunk and naked like that no oh you're with ham then if you can't support noah you must be we've had no ham was wrong he got cursed his in fact his child got cursed tainan got cursed because of his actions then we have the stories of the canines and they had to be wiped out by the children of god eventually god wanted all the canines wiped out man woman and children for their wickedness you know what side i'm on noah's family fix it noah children honor your mama and father honor your parents have a loving family sort out your differences understand dad's going to make mistakes even if he's a great man of god and even great men of god make mistakes i'm i support families is what i support i've always said what's going to make new life baptist church new life baptist church a strong church are strong families look there's no need to announce your parents mistakes there's no need to announce it to the whole world lest the curse fall upon you and you don't live a long life and your days don't go well for you as we've seen look no one's going to put you to death in in 2024 for cursing your mum and dad i think i don't think there's anywhere in the world that maybe there are places in the world that still do that i don't know but boy do you really want god to be looking down upon your life and saying this person should have died a long time ago for how they treated their mum and dad and i just want to point that out because noah's a great man what a great man of god but he messed up pretty bad it's not about taking sides is it it's about wanting the best for the family and at the end of the day if ham had to say anything to anybody he goes to god he should go to god and say god my dad's messed up here you know i i have to vent about this and i'm not going to go to my brothers and shame my dad but i'm going to go to you lord can you please help my dad to not be a drunkard and not make these mistakes again that would have been the right thing to do or done like his brothers and covered his dad's nakedness and not said anything to his brothers well you have to embarrass your parents like that can you come with me to the proverbs proverbs chapter one please proverbs chapter one proverbs chapter one children honor your father and your mother obey them in all things and understand mum and dad are going to make mistakes and sometimes very big mistakes in life that does not mean you have now permission from god to go curse your parents okay now the book of proverbs children young people teenagers young adults the book of proverbs is really for you really it is you know there are certain books written for certain people you know the book of song of solomon is written for husbands and wives to have a strong marriage you know the book of proverbs is written to young people okay it's the book of wisdom now it's it's good for everybody it's good we all need wisdom okay but like i said your parents aren't perfect your parents don't have all knowledge your parents maybe sometimes have taught you incorrectly okay but i guarantee at least i'm talking about this church here and any other god-fearing church in christ jesus i know those parents want to teach you and guide you in the words that you find in the book of proverbs they your parents might not be the best teachers they might be lousy examples sometimes okay your parents may not even have grown up in a christian home or have much biblical knowledge you might look at your parents and say they don't know that much pastor you know what's my chances of success when my parents don't have as much knowledge as other parents do well i want to tell you children young people that your parents want to give you every word of advice that is found in the book of proverbs take the book of proverbs as these are the words my parents want to tell me and teach me and guide me in even when maybe they can't because of the lack of their ability okay now look at proverbs chapter one verse number eight just very quickly proverbs one eight my son hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not the law of thy mother you see proverbs one begins with a father speaking to his son now come to the last chapter proverbs chapter 31 last chapter in the book of proverbs chapter 31 proverbs 31 proverbs 31 verse number one proverbs 31 and verse number one the words of king lemuel the prophecy that his mother taught him so proverbs begins by words that a father says to his son proverbs ends with words that the mother says to his to his son forever in the book of proverbs are for young people for children you need wisdom you need knowledge and experience mom and dad try their best to teach you in their own way these instructions that are found in proverbs but if you find that my parents just aren't there and you know i feel a little bit left left out because i should have had greater teachers my parents weren't always well look your parents love you and they want you to know these words i want you to understand this is the words that parents want to tell their children if i could be under the inspiration of the holy ghost i'd be speaking problems all right if i could just be under the hand of god and your parents could be under the hand of god without the flesh in the way these are the words that your parents want you to hear so we're going to go for a few problems very quickly come back with me to the start there proverbs one and let's let's we read verse number eight but we'll read verse number seven first proverbs one and verse number seven proverbs one verse number seven the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction children when your parents are trying to give you wisdom and instruction i don't want to hear it i already know yeah whatever i do later the bible says you're being fools fools despise wisdom instruction don't be foolish children verse 8 my son hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not the law of thy mother children you're subject to your parents obey your mum and dad listen to the instructions the law the commandments that your parents are giving you that your parents are giving you this is why verse number nine for they those are the instructions and laws for they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head and chains about thy neck this is like jewelry you look good on the outside right you put on a maybe you have a nice watch or something oh man that watch looks really cool on you you know you have a nice chain around your neck right a crown on your head go man on the out where that person looks well to do that person looks you know uh solid and strong well if you live by the instructions that your parents give you your inward man is going to demonstrate those same characteristics you're going to be seen as wise children quality children people are going to come up to you and say why are your children so good how did you teach them how did you instruct them man when your son is old enough tell him i've got a job for him i want to work for me because i can't find good enough young people out there but your kids are so well behaved i want them working for me and all you need to do is just listen to what mum and dad do say and it's gonna look good on you look i don't want a bunch of slaves running my house or something i want i want to give my kids instructions for their growth and benefit for their for their long life hopefully in good years to come as they serve the lord god parents we've got to be a little strict in our kids and sometimes our kids don't like that strictness but we only have kids we only have you for a short period of time we we know you're going to grow up and leave the home one day we just want you to have good lives happy lives loving the lord you know keeping yourself out of trouble is there's gonna is trouble gonna follow yes trouble is always there but to keep yourself out of max trouble right only deal with necessity trouble i guess troubles of necessities we don't want you to get into more problems than you need to come with me to proverbs chapter 3 verse number 11 problems chapter 3 verse number 11 proverbs 3 11 my son despise not the chastening of the lord neither be weary of his instruction for whom the lord loveth he correcteth even as a father the son in whom he delighteth children don't despise chastening don't despise correction don't despise the rod of correction when your parents need to take out that rod and and use it on their children and it hurts yeah it hurts your bottom and it hurts the heart of your parent they have to do it but i want you to understand when the lord corrects you it says there in verse number 12 for whom the lord loveth he correcteth you know when your parents take that rod and you've done wrong you need to be disciplined it's out of love is what it is our parents always going to apply the rod perfectly no but it's out of love even as a father the son in whom he delighteth you know children if you get disciplined by your parents it's because your parents delight in you they love you they want the best for you it's not like it's almost contrary to your parents heart and say i better pick up that stick and and apply it to the bottom of my child like most parents are like i wish i didn't have to do this but i love my child and i know what god commands of me so i'm going to do it anyway i know in the long run it's going to benefit and bring fruits of righteousness in their lives so children when you're disciplined or you feel like your sibling got it easier than you you got it harder or maybe your parents love you more then that's not true your parents love you equally okay but i don't want you to think that if you your life was a bit stricter than your siblings you got more correction than your siblings you got smacked more than your siblings that means your parents hate you no it's actually your parents love you very much proverbs chapter four please proverbs chapter four proverbs chapter four and verse number one proverbs 4 1 hear ye children the instruction of a father and attend to no understanding look at this for i give you good doctrine forsake ye not my law for everyone your father gives you instruction your parents give you instructions it's good doc doctrine means teaching it's good teaching forsake you're not the law you know even when you think i don't think this is the best dad i don't obey your parents in all things it's good teaching and again i'm talking about here this church here okay i know that and again i'm talking about here this church here okay i know there are wicked parents i know there are dysfunctional families that's not who i'm preaching to right now i'm preaching to god's people that are trying to live a life god's way and children if your parents brought you to church today it's because they want you to learn good doctrine they want the best for you look at verse number three for i was my father's son tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother he taught me also the father saying to their son you know yeah like i'm father you're the son but i was a son once too right i too had a father i too had a mother like this like this is just life it continues it plays out i too got instructed by my parents but i too got chastised by my parents i too got corrected by my parents and now it's your turn and then one day you'll be the fathers and the mothers and you'll be doing the same thing to your children so verse number four says he taught me also and said unto me let thine heart retain my words keep my commandments and live get wisdom get understanding forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth forsake her not and she shall preserve thee love her and she shall keep thee what this is teaching us children is that many times your parents instructions to you are the same instructions they got from their parents oh what do my parents know it's come from grandma and granddad and it's come from their parents and it's come from their parents there's great generate generational wisdom and experience you don't need to learn on your own you don't need to go and figure out what is right and wrong in your own and destroy your lives why don't you listen to the generations that have gone before you and have made huge mistakes and don't want you making the same huge mistakes that they've made can you come with me to proverbs 10 proverbs 10 and verse number one proverbs 10 and verse number one i better speed up a little bit now proverbs 10 verse 1 a wise son maketh a glad father children do you want you make your parents you'll make your parents glad why be wise have wisdom god's wisdom in god's word and it says but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother you know there are mothers that go to the grave heavy-hearted sorrowing all the days of their life until they pass away and die because they raised foolish children i don't want my mum going to the grave like that sorrowing heaviness upset i don't think any kids want their parents living that kind of life well be a wise child don't be foolish take the directions your parents give you come with me to well let's i'm going to move on from that okay i've got a few more problems but i'll move on for the sake of time i want to talk to you very quickly about the age of 20 in the bible we're not going to look any passages you can do your own study in your own time but it seems very strongly to me anyway that the age of adulthood in the bible or the age of full responsibility before the eyes of a god is 20 years and of course the most famous passage and like we we kind of understand that even as a society that's why in australia we say well 18 is when you're an adult like it's close to 20 and then in the united states i think it's 21 the only two places in the world that say it's 20 it's new zealand and japan is that right sister 20 years old so they're following the bible right new zealand is crazy crazy and the japanese crazy but somehow they figured that out right about the age 20 age of 20 is when you're considered an adult you were not allowed to go to war and be a soldier until you're 20 years old there were certain sacrifices that were brought to the temple if you're over the age of 20 and of course when israel rejected going into the promised land all right and they had to spend 40 years in the wilderness who were the ones that died in the wilderness who did god hold completely accountable for that decision those that were 20 years old and over and those that were under 20 were allowed to go back into the promised land all right this is why and parents we need to be and i'll preach about parents one day in the future but we need to understand that our children are still developing they're still growing they're still learning and we want to make sure we direct our children in the right paths um and look if we teach our children in a really bad way and they really mess up their lives you know i truly believe god's going to hold you accountable like you're going to have to wander in the wilderness you know but here's the thing it's not like the children get away with anything they're still responsible it's still accountable to god like even in our society today like let's say let's say a 25 year old robs a bank he's going to have the full brunt of the law laid upon him but what if a 15 year old robs bank we call them juvenile offenders don't we they go for a different court system unrelated to the adult court system like even in society today recognize if a 15 year old does something stupid they're still developing they're not they haven't got all the wisdom they haven't got all their thoughts in place and you know we're going to treat them we're going to be a little bit more gentle with a 15 year old that robs a bank than a 25 year old that robs bank right even society understands that concept and that's kind of what we see in the bible you know it was those that were 20 years and over that had to die in the wilderness but still those under 20 still suffered they still had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years imagine being 19 years old and you're like yes i'm not going to die in the wilderness but 20 or 40 years in the wilderness before we go to the promised land i'm going to be 59 years old by the time i mean even the young generation still suffered they still bear the consequences but they're the consequences of their parents bad decisions now very quickly come with me to second king second kings because when i teach this when i teach this people often say so pass are you saying that i can do anything till i'm 20 years old and i'll get away with it no but there is a principle that i understand that god is going to be more gentle with young people and children than he is with the adults god holds you accountable it seems to me poorly for your actions and behavior by the age like if you're 21 and you just go and mess up your life like oh it's just i had a bad child bringing like i had bad parents i wasn't raised well you can't get away with that anymore you're old enough to know the differences between right and wrong you're old enough to be accountable for your own actions at that point and just to combat that very quickly i know it might be a little bit off topic but it's the story here in second kings chapter two second kings chapter two just in case someone says pastor said if i'm a child i'll just get away with anything okay well we have this great story here in second great story it's it's kind of controversial but anyway let's second kings chapter two verse number 23 this is about elisha and he went up from thence unto bethel and as he was going up by the way there came forth little children out of the city and mocked him and said unto him go up thou bald head go up thou bald head so they're mocking him they're mocking the prophet of god they call him bold i guess nothing wrong with being bold but they're mocking his boldness go up um previously in this chapter we have um elijah he was caught up to heaven in the uh in the in the whirlwind right and the chariots of fire and so i guess that story made its rounds and people like you know elijah went up like this miracle took place and these kids come out look at bold headed elijah you know this story about elijah going up to heaven and whirlwind that must be crazy stuff you go up now bold head go up bold head mocking the prophet of god verse number 24 he turned back and looked on them and cursed them in the name of the lord and there came forth two she bears out of the wood and tear 40 and two children of them wow what a story little children god holds them fully accountable for what they've done to the prophet of god mocking this man say why would that i've had that question how do you understand this part i mean just first of all just take it at surface level that's what happened i mean like be careful about who you mock especially a man of god who's trying to serve the lord faithfully but i'll just i'll just give you an answer this very quickly come with me to leviticus 26 i'm only addressing this because i don't want anyone to walk away thinking pastor said i could be a little child and i can just do anything and it's it's my parents that's going to get punished for it not me all right i don't know a she bear might just come out out of the woods what do we have here snakes all right a red belly snake might just pop out of the grass leviticus 26 leviticus 26 please now if you understand the history of israel um elisha was there and uh these prophets were used by god primarily to the northern kingdom of israel israel the nation was already divided right into two kingdoms northern kingdom of israel southern kingdom of judah where elisha is preaching to the northern kingdom of israel and at that point in time especially with the kings that we read about these were horrible men like this was a wicked nation okay they had turned to idols that were worshiping false gods all right it was a wicked nation and god's trying to help this nation with elijah and then with elijah okay i want you to understand the concept it's not like little children just turn up like little innocent kids this is a wicked generation and you can see by the kids behavior how they felt about the things of god to be mocking the prophet of god like that well god's already warned this nation that these things can happen because in leviticus 26 and verse number 21 leviticus 26 verse number 21 if ye work contrary unto me and will not hearken unto me i will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins and i will also send wild beasts among you which shall rob you of your children and destroy your cattle and make you few in number and your highways shall be desolate one of the curses god tells his people he really warns them before any of this happens gives him long time warning if you don't walk in my ways then the wild beasts are going to come and destroy take your children away destroy your children we see that play out in a very graphic way with elijah so don't think they're just innocent kids just mucking around no no it's a wicked nation generations have turned their backs against the lord you can see by the way the children are behaving 42 of them mocking it's by the way kids be careful when you get into a large group of children same applies online be careful when you get into large groups of social media platforms like kids influence kids and most often the most wicked are going to influence that group the only reason i'm covering that kids number one be careful who you make friends with but number two i don't want to walk away thinking pastor said i can just get away with anything okay no no you're still god's going to hold you accountable for your for your mistakes but obviously he's going to be much more lenient with children because they're still developing which is why it's so important that parents we help our children through this process as they become adults can you come with me to march up to 10 mark number 10 please mark number 10 verse number 6 march of the 10 thank you for your patience march of the 10 the question i think is asked do i obey do i just obey my parents because honoring parents we saw one one one of the condition is to obey your parents and all things all right so what about when i'm 30 years old do i still have to obey my parents and look by 30 obviously you're an adult you are fully responsible for what decisions you make in life but i believe i don't think i don't think i can find a bible verse that would you know is contrary to what i'm about to say i believe that if you're 30 years old and still living with your parents you're still living in their under their umbrella in their house under your you're still under their authority you should still honor their authority even if you're 30 years old in their house you say when am i released from obeying my parents i believe mark 10 6 and many other references we could turn to potentially but mark 10 6 but from the beginning of the creation god made them male and female for this cause so for this reason shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh so then they are no more twain but one flesh i personally believe you're released from obeying your mom and dad if you're living in their house anyway from the time you get married you leave father and mother you cleave to your wife you are now one flesh you are now a new family unit now you don't have to obey mom and dad anymore okay husbands you've become the head of your wife you are fully accountable for your family obviously you should leave mother and father you know i don't recommend living with the in-laws unless it's temporary urgent type scenario but you know you shouldn't make your life where i'm just going to live with mom and dad because that's going to create strange relationship problems okay that you don't want you want to honor your mom and dad and sometimes it's easier to honor mom and dad when you're married when you're not too close to them okay because now you've got to put your spouse first before your parents can you come with me to first Timothy chapter five first Timothy chapter five first Timothy chapter five now just because you're married and you're not required to obey your mother and father anymore does that mean you stop honoring mom and dad of course not okay you don't stop you don't okay now i can curse my mother and father no okay first Timothy chapter five please i just want to talk about aging parents now we already seen a man who was able to come and bring an offering or gift to the temple Jesus Christ said they're still required to honor father and mother but you're giving them to the go-ahead to curse mother and father as long as they come and bring a gift we're talking about an adult man at that point in time and there are times that as our parents age i believe we ought to honor them okay as they age because they worked so hard when you were born they gave you life they changed your nappies right they gave you baths they fed you they worked hard to make sure this child can be brought up and live a good life even when parents still make mistakes they tried their best all right they love you they tried to teach you they tried to guide you you know when i talk to people that have grown up in broken homes and bad parents there are still moments they'll say to me but there was this one time when i really did see my father's love toward me there were these words that my mom said that still resonate to me today and i know she meant best for me even in a broken horrible home there are still you'll find those gems you know because your parents do love you they can have messed up lives but they they still love you and so your parents spend so much time and effort to give you a good life and a good future and then it's just a cycle of life those parents start getting older and they need help they need support all right their bodies start to break down they need assistance oh pastor that's nursing home that's what you do you just chuck them in the nursing home and let them die and we just wait for the inheritance to come in that's the australian way many times well honestly that's that's like what i don't mean anything but i'm just saying like it blows my mind how many times i hear that so my parents again ah yeah yeah i'm gonna take him to the nursing home my mom worked as a nurse in a nursing home and she told me family barely came to visit these people and they just had a lonely life and many times did not see any of their grandkids or their great-grandkids and they just died and nobody cared i don't want my parents going out that way i don't want that i don't believe that's me honoring my mom and dad all right anyway first timothy chapter five and verse number three we have some instructions about elderly people first timothy five verse 30 honor widows that are widows indeed and if any widow have children or nephews let them learn first to show piety at home and to requite their parents requires like to repay well that's kind of what it means right their parents for that is good and acceptable before god look i don't have this mindset i'm just waiting for my parents to pass away for the inheritance man i owe them as they get older i want to be there for them help them if they fall they have a medical need they need help man i'll be the first one there to help my parents i'm not going to neglect my wife or my kids that's my first priority but we see what is good and acceptable to god is to care for your aging parents so i still honor my mother and father i want you to continue honoring your father and mother honoring your father and mother and i know they're not perfect i know they're not the best i know they're not always saved and love the lord and live the exact life you want them to live can you come with me to luke 22 come here to luke 22 you know parents i just i'll just say this it's instructions parents very quickly i know you got rules for your children and you want to make sure you raise your kids as best as you know how and you look at your parents sometimes your parents aren't on the same page as you they're not the best they haven't got the same rules and instructions and i hear it too often i just don't let my kids see my parents anymore because you know they honor your mum and dad they love grandkids and generally speaking grandkids just love their grandparents some connection in their heart don't rob them from that look go and spend one hour with grandma who might be a smoker and you don't want to see your kids see smoking look you've got 24 7 with your kids i don't want my kids to think smoking's okay so i'm going to keep them from grandma or whatever it is all right you got the rest of the 23 hours once you get them back say kids we love grandma but what she's doing is not a good example smoking that's a good time to teach them smoking's not good for you all right you can that smell that stench in the house that dirty feeling the ash that you see laying around you don't want your life to be uh to be like that you know how much it costs to buy a pack of cigarettes you don't want to spend your hard-earned cash on addiction like that and it destroys your lungs and it destroys your health and brings cancer into your life but we still love grandma and then you can teach them hey we're like that's chain smoking grandma in the sight of god as sinners filthy on the inside but still jesus christ accepted us and died for us loved us so much honor your father and mother so it's not just the little children talking to the adults you've got parents hopefully they're still alive show them that you love them that you care that you appreciate them even if they've not been the great parents that you needed over the years on father's day send them a little message happy father's day dad happy father's day happy father's day dad happy father's day happy mother's day mom merry christmas you know even if you don't talk to them just send them a little message send a card send them a photo of the family do something to show them that you honor them and you appreciate them what they've done for you but luke 22 let's end this sermon kids i know it's not always the easiest to obey mom and dad right dads moms and dads go clean up your room you don't ask so and so i don't know whatever you already told me i'm in the middle of roadblocks whatever it is right whatever game you're playing just just obey mom and dad right add some years to your life but you know if i obey mom and dad and i pick up my shoes i might get an extra few days in my life yeah it's worth it two more days to play roadblocks what a crazy activity you want to do right but what about jesus did he obey his father luke 22 of us number 41 and when he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast and kneeled down and prayed saying father if they'll be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done this is jesus going to death to die on the cross to pay for all of our sins to suffer for all of us jesus christ was obedient to death Philippians 2 8 says and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross man the bible says children obey your parents in all things it's that's too hard what did jesus do he obeyed to death now i'm not i'm never gonna ask my kids go and die and neither any parents here we can't die for people's sins or the world sins or anything like that okay that's not something we can accomplish so you're not going to get that commandment to go and die for the sins of mankind or something like that okay but anytime you think the commandments too hard and i'm pretty sure your parents commandments aren't anywhere near as hard as go and die for me son go and die for a wicked sinful people jesus christ is always the best example oh my parents are too strict they're too hard they're not asking you to go and die on a cross and yet jesus example was to be obedient unto death for you and for me one more passage and we'll end please genesis 22 genesis 22 genesis 22 jesus christ god never asks us things that he himself has not done christ we are to walk in his footsteps we're to follow his example like think what is the hardest things your parents have ever asked you to do doesn't even compare to dying on a cross ah it's my life i don't know what kids say my kids don't say that by the way i'm just saying i've learned my lesson not to embarrass my kids i'm just in general okay well in genesis 22 we have another illustration of this okay father abraham and his son isaac genesis 22 verse number seven and you know the story right god asked abraham to go and offer his son as a sacrifice number one we see the obedience of abraham but we also see the obedience of his son isaac and in verse number seven and isaac spake unto abraham his father and said my father and he said here am i my son and he said behold the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for a burnt offering and abraham said my son god will provide himself a lamb for the burnt offering so they went both of them together look isaac's dad we're gonna offer a sacrifice we have the fire here we have the we have the wood we're ready to go but what are we sacrificing that that's a good question verse number nine and they came to the place which god had told of him and abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in order and bound isaac his son and laid him upon the altar laid him on the altar upon the wood what what kind of obedience did isaac have say all right dad i'll lay there tie me up i'll be the sacrifice wow you say well you know jesus obeyed unto death all right that's god perfect son obeying a perfect father well isaac's not a perfect son and abraham's not a perfect father but we know what that's foreshadowed we know that foreshadowed the sacrifice of christ and i just want to show you the obedience of isaac to go dad if you think this is the best all right now of course no harm was done an angel of the lord stopped abraham before anything happened right it's a symbolic it's an object lesson of the gospel no harm was done to the child okay but i just want to point out to you that if you turn around say well yeah yeah okay jesus is our example but he's perfect okay but isaac wasn't and abraham wasn't and even then we see the obedience of the son to his father so children and i look i'm not going to talk about scenarios where you've got you know a father sexually assaulting their children or some some reprobate or obviously you got to the authorities if i hear about anything like that i'm going to the authorities okay i'm talking about everyday moms and dads here at new life at the church that love their children that want the best for them that's who the sermon is targeting this morning all right children you're to submit to your parents you to honor your father and your mother you are to obey them in all things and i want you to understand your parents give you instruction direction rebuke and chastisement for your best for your best for you to have a long life for things to go well for you okay what a commandment of promise it's not even that hard to do really kids and i'm telling you you're not going to be a burden to your mom you're going to be a wise child you know your parents will rejoice in you others are going to talk about boy you've raised great kids and and those are those kids there at new life at the church are so much better than the kids out there you know and you're going to be better than the kids out there you know amongst the community you know and those are the ornaments and the chains that you've got around your neck you know these are wonderful truths from god's words so children please remember to honor your mother and father submit to your parents and hey adult kids as your parents age don't forget them don't forget them you know god asks that you would look out for your aging parents okay they need your help as well all right let's pray