(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we have been working through the book of Acts and we're up to Acts chapter 9 And I've decided to take the title from verse number 8 that says and soul arose from the earth and when his eyes were opened the title for the sermon tonight is Souls eyes were open souls eyes were open now soul Remember, here's a man who has been persecuting the church He was somewhat responsible for the for the Assassination or the murder of Stephen the the Deacon there at the time and and so there was a great uproar with the Jews against these New this new cult of Jesus Christ and they wanted to wipe them out completely and soul of course is Number one like the number one enemy of the people of God of the New Testament Church at this point in time And then we begin there in verse number one. It says and soul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter Against the disciples of the Lord went unto the high priest and Desired of him led us to Damascus to the synagogues that if he found any of this way Whether they were men or women he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem And so I mean like soul is really wicked this white. He's been able to like Persecute the believers there in Jerusalem. We know that the believers there were scattered abroad They've gone in different places when our souls not satisfied and just driving the believers out of Jerusalem He wants to go and find them there in Damascus Damascus If you don't know is the capital city of Syria and it still is even today the capital city of Syria Okay, so he's going beyond the the borders of Judea, you know, he's crossing into other countries and he's he's like, okay It's not enough to just prosecute people here in Jerusalem and in Judea. Let's go find where they've run away Okay, and so the persecution is great there and he goes to the like I said they're the high priests at the time to get a letter or authority that he can enter into other synagogues and Find these believers these people of the way of Jesus Christ and bring them bound Arrest them and bring them back into Jerusalem. I supposed to face trial for their blasphemy You know against the the Jews religion of that time and then it says in verse number three and as he journeyed he came near Damascus and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven and he fell to the earth and had a voice saying unto him soul soul why persecute us thou me and He said who art thou Lord and the Lord said I am Jesus whom thou persecute us it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks and So Jesus Christ says look you're you're you're actually having a very difficult time you're kicking against the pricks just a You know a phrase to signify that as he's going about trying to persecute trying to cause damage that he himself is Damaging himself in this persecution against the church now. What's really interesting about this? Okay, he's on his journey a light shines He kind of contained himself falls on the earth falls on the ground The light is so powerful because it's the very presence of Jesus Christ and Christ says that he persecutes Him that soul is persecuting Christ But so far we've been reading how souls been persecuted in the believers Souls been persecuted in the New Testament Church or the churches that have you know scattered themselves out abroad In these places, but Jesus Christ says he's the one being persecuted by soul himself And this really you know opens a great truth to us in the Bible that I want to think about tonight if you can come with me to Matthew 25, please come with me to Matthew 25 Matthew 25 and verse number 37 Matthew 25 and verse number 37 this is the parable that Jesus Christ gives in relation to the sheep his sheep and the goats and The separation of sheep being his believers on the goats being the unbelievers of the world And he says these words which kind of really it really um You know highlights the I guess the the importance and the priority of the church In relation to God himself and he says this in Matthew 25 37 You know, you know the story right where Christ says, you know, you're welcome into the kingdom and you've helped me You know you fed me when I was hungry You gave me to drink when I was thirsty and then investment 37 It says then shall the righteous answer him saying Lord When saw we thee and hung good and fed thee or thirsty and gave the drink When saw we thee a stranger and took thee in or naked and clothed thee or when saw we thee sick Or in prison and came unto thee. I mean, that's a really good question. Like when did we do this Jesus Christ? We didn't get to take care of your needs we didn't get to go and visit you when you were in prison and all these things and Verse 140 says in the king shall answer and saying to them Verily I said to you it as much as you have done that unto one of the least of these my brethren You have done it unto me I mean these are really powerful words what we do to one another is what we do unto Christ If we just give a cup of water to the least in the church. It's like we've done it to Christ and This is such an important doctrine And understanding that you just need to really meditate on is that as we serve each other as we serve here in your life Baptist Church, we're doing it unto Christ And why this is important is because when you don't feel like doing it Okay, cuz pastor Kevin let me down again, right? Pastor Kevin forgot to say hello to me and goodbye to me this time and I don't want to serve him I know he's thirsty right now. I mean, I know he needs a cup of water, but I'm not gonna do it Well, like, you know if we do it to me it's like you're doing it unto Christ And when I serve you it's like I'm doing it unto Christ, you know for me this this remembrance For me causes me to want to give the best of my ability to preach and to expound God's Word Because I want to do it unto Christ Like Christ is the Word of God and I want to give him due honor Opening his word and being an expounder in truth without mistakes or minimal mistakes As far as you know all the time in the years that I've been doing this as a pastor And so, you know, we shouldn't just get to this point where we're like, ah, it's brother so-and-so It's sister so-and-so don't really like them all that much. Well, what don't you like Christ all that much? I'll just you know, I don't get along with sister so-and-so over there. I'm just going to ignore her Why would you just ignore Christ? If Christ was in our midst, would you just ignore Christ? Because Christ says what we do to one another is how we do unto him And it's not just the brethren because soul at this point in time is not a brother in the Lord, right? He's not a saved man But yet what he's doing in persecuting the church is him persecuting Christ You know Jesus Christ continues in this chapter in verse number 41 Then shall he say unto them that on the left hand depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire Prepared for the devil and his angels, of course, these are the unbelievers but then he says this for I was in hungered And he gave me no meat. I was thirsty and he gave me no drink I was a stranger and he took me not in Naked and he clothed me not Sick and in prison and he visited me not then shall they also answer him saying Lord When so within hungered or a thirst or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister unto thee Then shall he answer them saying verily I sent you in as much as you did it not to one of the least of these you did it not to me and These shall go away into everlasting punishments, but the righteous unto into life eternal So even the unbelieving world what they do or not do to God's people to God's believers is What they've done or not done unto Christ Jesus and so his soul is persecuting the believers persecuting The new the New Testament Jerusalem Church. He's persecuting Christ and again, this brings great power and boldness and Importance to us as individuals because if you're being persecuted for your faith Alright, if you're being persecuted for being a believer for you know a name in the name of Christ It's like those people have persecuted Jesus Like who's going to come to your defense Christ who's going to bring vengeance to those that have you know treated you poorly Christ Jesus will bring vengeance upon them and So I want to highlight The importance of the New Testament Church and for you its new life Baptist Church How we ought to treat one another how we ought to speak and fellowship with one another how we ought to be forgiven and merciful And gracious to one another because how we treat each other is a reflection of how you're treating Jesus Christ today Isn't that a sobering thought like to me? That is a very sobering thought like I don't want to This spies my brothers in the Lord. I don't want to treat you poorly I don't want to like ignore you or make you Insignificance in my presence when you think I want to be able to get along with as many of you as possible Obviously, there are those that I'm gonna get along better than others because I whatever common interests just get along better in general Just the fact that we're human beings But still it doesn't matter like even if there's someone I don't get along with I better try I better try Because that is a reflection of how I'm treating Jesus Christ even the least of us You know, I think about the least of us being a new believer or a young child or a little babe, you know you know a little baby that maybe is making a lot of noise in church because it's upset like little babies are and we Ah Get that baby out. I'm not saying it happens here. I hope not, you know, get that baby out. It's making too much noise Like that's one of the least of us here Let's make sure we treat each other with you know We've love and honor and esteem in one above the other like sorry esteem in you better than myself and vice versa And it really changes the dynamics of how we serve each other because that's how we serve Christ And so it's so important that this revelation has been given to soul who will become the Apostle Paul and I think this is why he learns this lesson in such a great way Why he's willing to be so sacrificial and so loving towards God's people afterward Because he's he's seen what he's done in reverse how he's persecuted Christ by persecuting the New Testament Church Come back with me to Acts chapter 9, please Acts chapter 9, Acts chapter 9 and verse number 6, Acts chapter 9 and verse number 6 So this is soul now and he trembling and astonished said Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? That's a very good response All right, the one who's been persecuted this whole time What what what do you want me to do Lord? And the Lord said unto him arise and go into the city That's the city of Damascus and it shall be told thee what thou must do Now what I like about this is at the beginning of this chapter He's got permission and authority from the high priest. All right from the earthly Levitical high priest and yet who's the one now instructing him? The real high priest right there heavenly high priest and I'm gonna quickly read to you from Hebrews 5 5 You don't need to turn there, but in Hebrews 5 5 it says so also Christ glorified not himself to be made in high priest But he that said unto him thou art my son to they have I begotten thee So who said to Jesus Christ thou are my son? Well, that was God the Father So who gave or who ordained Jesus Christ as the high priest Christ himself? No the father did the father appointed him this position of a high priest and Then verse number six says and he saith also in another place thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek Alright, so we have two high priests at this point in time the one in Jerusalem earthly Jerusalem Who's given authority to persecute the people of God and Then you have the real high priest in heaven not after the Levitical priesthood But after the order of Melchizedek, you know a special office that has been appointed him by God the Father now issuing him new commands and I think that's really important to highlight which high priest is he going to follow after right? Which high priest is he going to listen to? Praise God, I mean he didn't have much of a choice when that lights has shown on him shine on him and You know the powerful voice of Jesus Christ. He obviously listens to the right high priest and this is important because We need to understand that Religious leaders many times do not speak the truth of God's Word Right. I mean, I hope as a pastor I've proven to you over the years That pastor Kevin gets it right at least ninety nine point eight percent of the time Right and you know My goal is to expound to you the truth of God's Word and I don't want to deviate from that I don't want to give you some other instruction Which God has never given you or to speak thus saith the Lord and the Lord never spoke thus That's one of my concerns getting up to preach. I don't want to be saying things that God never said. Oh So say things that are contrary to what God has spoken But be careful because I mean the greatest religious leader of that time in Jerusalem Was that earthly high priest and the high priest is not a believer of Christ. He's actively involved in persecuting Christ in the church So we need to be careful just because someone holds a title just because someone's ordained into a position Doesn't mean he's someone that loves the Lord or he's even saved You know, what do you be mindful about what kind of churches we attend the kind of pastors and the preachers we listen to Sometimes I get forwarded a sermon from some preacher here or some preacher there or you know Commentaries of of this person from someone's history and I'm like, I don't even know who these people are Are they saved as a children of God one of the first things I try to do when someone recommends a preacher to me Is to find where they preach on the gospel when they preach on salvation. Are they truly saved? Are they truly a brother in the Lord? But my points Brevin is we've got to be careful right like if this preacher says something wrong You need to go with what Christ says you need to go with the high priest of heaven who commands you to do his will Verse number seven and The men which journeyed with him was stood speechless Hearing a voice but seeing no man So the other men that are traveling with soul they I don't think they see a light I can't remember right now. But anyway, they don't see a person. They just hear a voice All right, and then verse of my eight says and solo rose from the earth and when his eyes were opened And when his eyes were opened he saw no man But they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus So the light of Christ was so powerful and I don't know how long He even attempted to look into that light I mean have you i'm sure all of us at some time have attempted to look straight into the sun Like even these LED lights like don't look at it, right? But you know if you if you stare into that for a while you're gonna have these black blotches in your eyes for a little while, right But imagine just for a brief moment Absorbing the fullness of the brightness of the light of Christ. I don't know how long I mean he fell to the ground You know and but I can't even open his eyes to look at Christ, you know in his full glory But the moment he tries to open his eyes, he can't see at all. He's been blinded by this experience by the light of Christ Anyway, it says uh read verse 8 again and solo rose from the earth and when his eyes were open He saw no man, but they led him by the hand and brought him into the masochist So he's done what Christ has asked him to do to go into the city. He was going there Anyway, he was going there to persecute the church, right? That's what he was aiming to do and verse 9 and he was three days without sight And neither did eat nor drink Now, I don't know what the significance is. I wonder if did this is a significance of like Christ Jesus who was Dead and buried for three days and three nights. I don't know if that's the sumptuous significance here where Paul himself is blinded by this And you know it took this long three days to be able to see again, but in verse number 10, it says this Oh and and he's not eating or drinking. I mean I can only assume he's been so overwhelmed by this experience I don't know like he must be like so confused by it so overwhelmed by it that he can't even eat All right Verse number 10 and there were a certain and there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias And to him said the Lord in a vision Ananias and he said behold I am here Lord And the Lord said unto him arise And go into the street which is called straight And inquire in the house of Judas for one called soul of Tarsus for behold he prayeth And have seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in And putting his hand on him that he might receive his sight All right, so we learned a few things that when Paul went into or Saul went into Damascus He stayed with a man named Judas. I guess that's a person that was waiting for him to come I guess he's someone that was going to help Saul go out there persecute and arrest the people of God And now we have Ananias. Ananias is a man who's obviously escaped into Damascus, right? He's concerned for his own safety And then God tells him all right. I need to go to this place. I need to go to this road here You'll find you know, Saul in the house of Judas And I want to inquire about him Now, how would you feel about that? Like Saul will soon see Ananias knows exactly who Saul is Okay, he's been persecuting arresting Right entering the houses of the people of God And then God tells mention to you Like our number one enemy that hates our church that's trying to shut down our church All right, trying to arrest church members as soon as you walk out And somehow God reveals to you. Oh, you need to go and ask about him You need to go and spend some time with that guy I'll be like no God. What are you talking about? Lord? Do you want me to be arrested? Do you want what I don't understand Lord? Why? Why would you lead me to our number one enemy out there who's trying to destroy our church? So I want you to understand like I don't think and you'll see Ananias has a hard time accepting this from a brief period of time But he doesn't he actually obeys the Lord and You know, you know when we read these stories, I want you to remember these are real human beings With the same fears and concerns and worries that we all do I often sometimes think about myself in these stories because I always find it funny when God kind of rebukes people but then I kind of say to myself Yeah, but I would have done that Like I would do that too. I would have those fears too You know instead of just going. Oh, what a horrible people in the bible. I'm like, yeah, I'd be like Ananias I don't know what I'd be confused Lord. Why are you asking me to do this? Can't you send me to Fiji instead? Like there's so many other places there's so many other people that you could send me to Lord You want me to go to the man who's probably going to arrest me as soon as he sees me? Anyway, look at verse number 13 and Ananias answered. So this is how he answers I have heard by many of this man So lots of people have told me about this man, right? How much evil he have done to thy saints at Jerusalem? And here he have authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name So yeah that Perfect. I get where he's coming from. You want me to go to him? Everyone speaks bad like bad about him. He's done so much evil Lord I go to him. He's going to arrest me. He's got the authority of the chief priest to take me into custody And Look at verse number 15, but the Lord said unto him go thy way Just go and do it. Wow, all right for he is a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the gentiles And kings and the children of Israel for I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake So a few things we can learn from here and Number one we see that God speaks of soul or who would become Paul as his chosen vessel unto the Lord Now again, you know in the realm of Christendom, there's a theology out there Which we know as Calvinism or reform theology, right? And every time they read about being chosen or um What's the word? Elected I was going to say the other one, um Predestined that's right predestined. They'll say well This is all a reference of salvation that God has chosen some of us to be saved and some of us To be damned and they'll look at this story of soul and as they say see look he was chosen by God In other words to be saved But is that what this verse says? Let's have a look. What was he chosen for? Verse 15 but the Lord said to him go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me To bear my name before the gentiles and kings and the children of Israel Is that how we get saved? You know if this theology is correct and we're chosen to be saved Then you would read that and say well, this is how we get saved By proclaiming or bearing the name of Jesus to the gentiles to kings and to jews So what must I do to be saved? Speak the name of Jesus to gentiles kings and jews and thou shalt be saved No, that's not what the bible teaches Now I personally do not know at what exact point Soul was saved I have no idea. Okay. Was he saved? At this point when he referred to the Lord Jesus and obeyed him Was at the point where he's blinded for three days and he's got time to contemplate what's transpired Will it be now soon when Ananias heals him from his blindness? People have different opinions different interpretations I don't think it's a really a big deal But I really want to highlight the fact that he wasn't chosen to be saved how some people reflect upon that But chosen to be this vessel this person that God would use to Proclaim his name to other places in this world Something else that we learn about Paul as Saul here I'm sure some of you guys have to come across this Because Saul Paul does say he is a apostle to the gentiles And so some people say well see he only went preaching to the gentiles His gospel was for the gentiles and peter and the others they were for the jews And then sometimes people go as far as saying Well, Paul had one gospel And peter and the others had another gospel. That was a gospel for the jews completely separate from the gospel that Paul preached to the gentiles But here's the thing God himself says these words To Ananias he has chosen Paul for who to preach to who let's look at it again To bear my name before the gentiles there it is. Yes to other nations and kings. All right, and the children of Israel God's own words So to say he it was only for the gentiles And the other apostles were not there for the gentiles and the other possible just for the jews and Paul was only for the gentiles It's stupid Okay, god has chosen him for jews for the children of israel for gentiles and for kings But specifically god will show him how great things he must suffer For my name's sake paul was going to suffer a lot in his ministry All right. This was from the very beginning. He is going to suffer a lot okay, now If you can keep your finger then come with me to come with me to second corinthians Come with me to second corinthians, please second Corinthians chapter one second corinthians chapter one and obviously other apostles other disciples suffered a lot obviously, okay Uh, but paul is someone that we read a lot about his sufferings As he goes about performing his ministry and this was pre-ordained by god that as a chosen vessel He would suffer much for christ's name's sake And he said well, that's really unfortunate for him But he's been causing a lot of suffering himself All right, like he's been persecuting christ himself And now he's going to receive some of that suffering in return But I want you to remember this because some of you think well that's such a bad thing to be suffering for christ And you guys know if you've read the epistles, you know how much christ I mean paul speaks of of sufferings, right? And I want to bring your attention to this in second corinthians chapter one verse number three Paul says blessed be god Even the father of our lord jesus christ the father of mercies And the god of all comfort So he recognizes god what I want to point out here is the god of all comfort Then he says this in verse number four who comfort of us in all our tribulation That we may be able to comfort them which are in trouble in any trouble But the comfort where we've we ourselves are comforted of god Then he says in verse number five for as the sufferings of christ abound in us So our consolation also aboundeth by christ So why was he called to suffer so greatly Was it a punishment because he was causing suffering? Maybe a little bit i'm not sure right but primarily what we learn here is that he would also abound in the consolation Or the comforts the god of all comfort the comfort the consolation That god will give him And then through that process he is able to comfort those others other believers other church people, right? That are going through suffering he can be of consolation and comfort toward them Because of the comfort that god has given him and so This was a look and this is obviously applicable for all of us, right? One of the reasons I mean there are many reasons we might go through tribulations And problems and and whatever hardships and tribulations But one reason is that we would experience the consolation or the comforts of god Like how else Would we ever experience his comfort his consolation? For god to come along inside and say it's okay I'm with you. I'm going to strengthen you. We're going to get through this together How else could we ever experience that closeness? And power of god unless we first ourselves go through some type of trials or difficulties and tribulations And then when you've experienced that And maybe some of you have Then what when you see your brethren Going through difficulties. What should you do? You should console them. You should comfort them right the same way. God has comforted you in your times of difficulties That's when we had to come alongside and comfort one another And so god would use this, you know This man soul who was causing the difficulties causing the persecution causing the sufferings that he too would suffer But then he learned the lesson it's to learn the comfort of god to be confident others that are going through difficulties Back to acts chapter 9 acts chapter 9 and verse number 17 acts 9 And like i've seen this in my life where you know We may have gone through some type of struggle ourselves as a myself as a man or our family and then others who have gone through worse You know say look you're going to come out. All right, you're going to come out on the other side Things are going to work out the lord's going to come through And sometimes yourself you're like, how is god going to come through? I don't get it But you know the love the support and the prayers that have come from the brethren have been such a blessing And again, if what we do to one another reflects of what we're doing for christ We need those opportunities to comfort one another because I want to I want to go to heaven and god and for christ to say Remember that time you comforted me And i'm like, when did I do that lord? Oh that time you comforted brother so-and-so that's when you comforted me It's like oh, yeah, that's right. Whoo, right? Praise god for the opportunity to comfort christ when I could comfort my brethren All right back to acts acts 9 and verse number 17 acts 9 17 And ananias went his way and entered into the house and putting his hands on him said brother soul The lord even jesus that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest have sent me Thou that thou mightest receive thy sight And be filled with the holy ghost And immediately there fell from his eyes as he had been scales and he received sight forthwith and arose And was baptized All right, so at what point was soul saved you might say this is a point when he was saved because this is the point where he received sight and you know, this is like a allegory of receiving the sight of You know seeing christ and receiving him as his savior. It may very well be you might say Well, he wasn't filled with the holy ghost before so he wasn't saved before Yeah But we've seen through the chapters what the film of the holy ghost is It's given to someone who's already saved and it's given him the power to be able to then preach god's word And do some great works for god So that doesn't necessarily mean this is when the holy ghost sort of came and indwelt him or revived that born-again spirit But I can see and then also you can see in this verse that an eye and an eyes calls him brother soul Before he allowed gives him the ability to open his eyes but again Could that brother soul mean he's a fellow believer or could it just mean brother soul in reference to being a physical jew? Right, you know in that sense, uh, you know the brethren as far as physical jew and you know again These are all areas that people kind of debate and argue exactly when soul was saved I don't know i'd be honest with you. I can see the different positions that are out there. I understand them I don't think it's that important anyway, but what we learn here is the moment he is saved he gets baptized, right? He gets baptized. He does the right things And again the the you know, the fact that he's getting getting baptized Once again speaks of his understanding of what baptism represents the death the burial the resurrection Of jesus christ, so he is publicly acknowledging That his faith his trust is on what christ has done for him So this is really amazing that the man the number one enemy of the new testament church Is now a believer All right. He's a he's had an encounter with christ He's had an encounter with adonaius a brother in the lord now he's been baptized How did this happen You know, how did this happen in the life? of soul Because you know, I mentioned before that, you know, if this was a man that was operating in 2024 We'd be very likely calling him a reprobate at this point in time Because of his anger and hatred toward god's people, but I want to show you something very quickly Come with me to act seven. Okay, come with me to act seven act seven And i'm going to read to you from first timothy 112 very quickly I read this last time But in first timothy 112 it says and I thank these are the words of paul and I thank christ jesus our lord Who have enabled me for that he counted me faithful Put in me into the ministry Who was before a blasphemer? And a persecutor and injurious But I obtained mercy Because I did it ignorantly in unbelief And the grace of our lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in christ. Jesus He says man, it's because of god's grace Right, and he he did it Ignorantly, he didn't know that he was actually actively trying to destroy god's people and christ himself He did it out of ignorance But the other thing that I think is really important is we get we got introduced to soul When stephen was stoned to death remember that and I just want to show you these words from stephen in act 7 59 Acts 7 59 and they stoned stephen Calling upon god and saying lord. Jesus received my spirit And he kneeled down and cried of a loud voice Lord lay not this sin to their charge and when he had said this he fell asleep Stephen wow I mean if i'm being stoned to death by god's enemies I don't know if I could say those words Again, I look at myself and i'm like man. These guys are like amazing believers I'd probably be like lord i'm ready for your vengeance I'll take it out on them when you're ready lord. I'm going to be with you in heaven I trust that you're going to take vengeance on these wicked people Stephen like says well don't don't lay it against them in other words forgive them Lord don't don't take vengeance on them because of my death essentially, right? Don't account this wickedness to them lord And souls part of this Like I think about what if stephen did not say these words what if he had different words to say What if he had the words that I would say? Would we have us up an apostle paul afterwards? Like i'm just thinking about it, right? I don't know. It's a hypothetical world out there, but you know would god have just destroyed soul You know in his in his righteous judgment, you know for for causing persecution tribulation Against his son against his people probably You know, but stephen kind of steps in and says these I don't know if he really understands the consequences of what his words would produce But it's like god's given Soul this extra grace so this extra mercy You know listening to the words of stephen, you know the deacon there in in chapter seven You know and I bring this up because A man like soul who's such a great christian like the number one christian in the bible You know got to write most of the books of the new testament You know It was because of several men that god would use You know number one, I believe you can say stephen for sure That stephen would kind of intercede almost for soul and say to god, you know, don't hold it against them And then for someone like ananias to actually obey god Because again, I kind of think of myself as ananias go to our number one enemy. I'm like god i'm hearing you But I don't I don't think i'm understanding you properly. I'm probably gonna do this. I don't think i'm gonna go I don't know. I'm just thinking like you can send someone else god You know, I don't know I could be wrong. Maybe I would it's hard to put yourself in these positions, right? But then you got another man like ananias who obeyed god even though he had concerns about what soul would do to him But he goes there and and uh puts his hands on his eyes restores his vision You know obviously speaks of the lord. I I think he probably baptized soul. We're not sure exactly but probably did There's another there's another man that god uses To bring soul to the forefront of the church and we're going to read about that in a moment But I just want you to think about how god used these different men To bring forth this amazing believer in the apostle paul And it says there in verse number 19 back in acts 9 acts 9 19 And when he had received meat Or food because he hadn't remember he hadn't eaten or drunk for three days. It says he was strengthened Then was soul certain days with the disciples Which were at Damascus So like immediately he gets baptized, right? He eats and then the first thing he does is he seeks a bit of fellowship with other disciples Other believers he gets himself into church if you want to put it that way Okay now I think this is important because I've heard over the years That soul was kind of like this long wolf Just like doing his own thing But not really like you don't really see that like I know he did a lot of things himself God used him mightily But he always looked for fellowship always looked for a church And his ministries of church starting church planting was always done through a local church And even in this scenario soon after he gets baptized he goes and finds other believers there in damascus, okay? And look at verse number 20 and straightway he preached christ in the synagogues That he is the son of god So in damascus there are other synagogues the jewish religion right he enters in there You know and starts preaching christ And and this is you know The very zealous new believer right just just getting in there going into enemy territory territory, right? And preaching christ jesus. I mean, it's great what he's doing. It's great verse 21. It says but all that heard him were amazed and said Is not this he that destroyed them? Which called in the name in jerusalem called on this name in jerusalem? And came hither for that intent that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests So like everyone's confused Everyone knows who soul is. They're like, this is the guy that hates christians This is the guy that hates the name of jesus, but now he's using the same name To preach at that person that man is the son of god Uh verse number 22 but soul increased the more in strength So he got more bold as time went on right and confounded the jews which dwelt at damascus proven that this is very christ And after that many days were fulfilled the jews took counsel to kill him. All right, it didn't take long He's preaching the masochist jesus christ at some point the jews are like We got to kill this dude, right? I mean like the same thing he's trying to do to the to the christians is now been reversed upon him Again, we saw earlier that he would suffer many things for the name of christ And so the jews are seeking to kill our soul so, you know, um What I love about the bible is we have so many great men of god that god uses like, you know, we've got soul here Very zealous, you know what we're about. So right Very confrontational All right, it doesn't take a back step And we have you know, we have a peter and we know that peter over the years Especially on the ministry of christ would speak before thinking right? He'd be rebuked multiple times by jesus Uh, we have uh men like um, john, you know, um known as the one who jesus loved and Uh, we we just have all these different varieties of personalities that come out But we learn something about soul he is wherever he goes he brings confrontation Like not all of them are the same right there are just some that are Just made differently made different like, you know, and you know, we're all made differently and the purpose for that. I believe It's not that we would imitate one another and emulate one another and is that god would use our differences because there are some of you That can reach people that I can't reach And there are some people I can't reach Did I just say that that you can't reach whatever right and there are people that you you can reach that I can't reach right? and so we all have our personalities we all have our our way of conducting ourselves and of speaking and And uh, and there are some that are just like you know what i'm just going to let the cookie crumble However, it is i'm just going to proclaim the truth. I don't care who it offends I'm, just going to walk into a synagogue and i'm just going to proclaim christ Uh, and then that's why you know soul paul would become someone who is constantly in conflict with especially the jews And uh verse number 24 it says But their lane of weight was known of soul And they watched the gates day and night to kill him So they're just waiting the gate of the city was where you enter in and out They're just waiting for soul to leave the city as soon as he leaves they're going to ambush him and kill him Verse number 25 then the disciples took him by night and let him down by the wall in a basket I mean That's just a crazy story Like, you know the disciples like okay. This is the guy who was trying to kill us This is the guy that was persecuting us and now they're saving his life And the way he escapes is by We'll put you in a basket some type of thing, right? And we'll have to lower you buy rope from the wall So you can't like you can't go out in the gates because they're watching your every step Like like it's so exciting like like it's so it's so crazy Like it's just a new believer and he's causing an uproar in the whole city of damascus Anyway, he gets away in verse number 26 and when soul was come to jerusalem He assayed to join himself to the disciples that what assayed is kind of like attempted He assayed or attempted to join himself to the disciples But they were all afraid of him And believed not that he was a disciple. I mean that makes sense, right? He comes back to jerusalem And he's like, hey i'm one of you guys. Can I come to church? I was like, we don't know like could you imagine like our number one enemy? Like wants to come to church one day and you're like pastor kevin You know, our number one enemy's out there. He wants to come in. Do we let him in? We'll be like is there another way to escape out of this building Like is there a window you can let me out of before we let this guy, you know something like that, right? I get I get where the disciples are coming from Like this is the guy persecuting us He's walked into my house. He's arrested. My husband or my wife is you know, like no We can't let him join our church here in jerusalem Completely understand where they're coming from why they're afraid And then look at verse 27, this is the third man that god would use But barnabas took him And brought him to the apostles And declared unto them how he had seen the lord in the way And that he had spoken to him and how he had preached boldly at the masochist in the name of jesus So barnabas comes and goes look I back this man All right, i've i've heard his testimony i've heard the stories this guy is a believer not only is he a believer He's powerfully preaching jesus christ It's barnabas, can you quickly come with me to acts chapter four acts of the four acts before? verse number 36 acts 4 36 So this is the second time we're introduced to barnabas. We'll introduce to him in chapter four to begin with And it says here in verse number 36 acts 4 36 and joseph Who by the apostles was surnamed barnabas which is being interpreted the son of consolation A levite and of the country of cyprus Having land sold it and brought the money and laid it at the apostles feet So this is our first time we got introduced to barnabas So here's one of these men who had land sells it gives it to the cause for the kingdom of god for the work to be done And he's given the surname barnabas, which is a name meaning the son of consolation So the apostles gave him this name You're you are a son of consolation Again, what does it mean to console to comfort? This is what this is barnabas's testimony his reputation He's someone that comforts. He's someone that consoles He's someone that cares So barnabas is in the jerusalem church He sees soul come in trying to come in everyone rejecting him He goes no, you know what? I'm going to give him time. I'm going to go and talk to him I'm going to check him out if he's truly a believer if he's truly genuine If you know i'm gonna i'm gonna you know figure this out and and once he does He goes and puts his reputation on the line And says no this soul is one of us And he's mighty he's been used mightily by god the son of consolation Like if not for barnabas if not for ananias, right if not for Stephen if not for these great men you know who You know Essentially is stepping in for this man soul. I mean who would have him Like, you know these other men played a significant role in having soul be a prominent figure in the new testament church And you know, I just wonder like, you know, are you like these men I want to put that out there right are you a barnabas? You know if you see someone in our church who may not have many friends who may not might be I don't know a little withdrawn A little awkward right whatever it is, you know Are you willing to come alongside and provide them comfort and and encouragement and and lift them up when they're being rejected by others? You know, if not for barnabas again, we don't have the story of the apostle paul God used these other men so mightily to bring forth a great man like paul And I hope you know that god will use me and would use you That you know in our love and service for one another that maybe some paul rises out from here You know and does even greater works achieves greater things Praise god if that's the case If through us we can bring forth one of these people And look soul started. He was really rough around the edges wasn't he? I get a lot of problems a lot of conflicts But they were gracious toward him And that's how we ought to be especially with new believers and i've seen i've seen this over and over and many many of you have i'm Sure, maybe you're one of those new believers. You know the truth of god's word and you're out there proclaiming the truth And you're out there proclaiming the truth finding yourself in constant conflict and struggles not knowing why It's because we need the grace and we need the mercy and we need all of those Additional things to you know to be pleasant to others and of course soul over time would learn these things But you know, he had these men like I said like like a barnabas they would come in set a great example for soul to follow And and yeah to if not for barnabas, you know, this is what's amazing. It's not for barnabas You know soul would still be rejected and would not accomplish great things for god Verse number 28 And he was with them Coming in and going out at jerusalem So now soul is with them with the believers with the new testament church in jerusalem And he's going in and out at jerusalem like in other words There were times he'd live but he'd come back and be accepted by all so now he's an active member of this church, right? Verse number 29 And he spoke boldly in the name of the lord. Jesus and disputed against accretions But they went about to slay him So, I mean he's he's causing arguments everywhere. He's going right now. It's the gretians. It's not the jews It's the gretians that want to kill soul All right, I guess he needs a bit of work on his presentation, right? I've got to work on his interpersonal skills. I don't know right everyone's trying to kill this guy Verse 130 which uh when the brethren knew they brought him down to cesarea And sent him forth to tarsus. So they they kind of sent paul away Okay, he's causing so much trouble too many problems so many arguments. They sent him forth to tarsus where he's originally from by the way And it came to pass as peter passed through all quarters. Oh, sorry. I missed a part there. This was funny They sent him away right out of jerusalem And then verse 31 happens then had the church's rest throughout all judea And galley and cemeria and were edified and walking in the fear of the lord and in the comfort of the holy ghosts were multiplied all right, so Soul was causing a lot of problems right like when he was against them He was causing problems and then when he's one of them, he's still causing problems. But once they send him away Now there's peace Okay Like this is that now like people like things are dying down like the persecution against the church of god Is not as severe as it used to be Believes are multiplying the churches are growing. All right, not only do we have the new testament church now We have believers because of the persecution all in other places all towns. Okay, so there are did it say churches there? In what sorry, what verse was I reading at? 31 yeah, then had the church's rest So because of that persecution from jerusalem now these other places have their own churches, right? Uh, which is praise god for that and uh verse number 32 and it came to pass So we take a break from peter from soul for a moment Now we go back to peter and it came to pass as peter passed throughout all quarters He came down also to the saints which dwelt at litter So peter because of the persecution there are believers all over the place there are churches over places So peter's now going and making the rounds he's going visiting the brethren he's visiting the churches In these areas and then verse number 33 and there he found a certain man named enneas Which had kept his bed eight years and was sick of the policy the policy is essentially some kind of paralysis And in this case this man couldn't walk in verse number 34. It says and peter said unto him enneas Jesus christ maketh thee whole arise and make thy bed and he arose immediately All right. So praise god. This is a believer. He's been suffering this whole time peter then rises helps him heals him and he's able to walk Verse number 35 and all that dwelt at litter and saron saw him and turned to the lord So this is a great testimony of this man and his healing now There are more believers more people trust in the lord because of this miracle that took place verse number 36 Now there was at joppa a certain disciple named tabitha Which by interpretation is called dorcas This woman was full of good works and arms deeds, which she did Arms deeds is she's cares for the poor like she did good to the poor, right? Verse number 37 it came to pass in those days that she was sick and died Whom when they had washed they laid her in an upper chamber So she's completely dead. They wash her body. They get it ready for the burial and they place it in the upper chamber verse number 38 And for as much as litter was nigh to joppa and the disciples had heard that peter was there They sent unto him two men Desiring him that he would not delay to come to them So they hear oh look peter's not far away get him we're mourning we're sad, you know, there are other This woman she's passed away You know bring him here. I guess maybe to preach god's word to provide them comfort, right? I mean just to have a leader of the church their presence would be a real blessing for them And then it says here verse number 39 then peter arose and went with them When he was come they brought him into the upper chamber and all the widows stood by him weeping And showing the coats and garments which dork dorkus had made or made while she was with them Now what i'm like about this the only thing I want to take away from these last verses is uh dorkus's Testimonial reputation that she had left That all these other women are weeping over him and they show peter. Look at all the good things She's done like look at all these gifts that she's done for us how she worked and gave to the poor and to the needy So, you know, I just want to take out of this What kind of legacy Are you leaving on the earth at the moment? You know if you were to pass away today tonight We see later on peter's going to raise you from the dead. I'm not going to be able to raise you from the dead I'll tell you that Okay, let's say you pass away tonight What are people going to say about you Ah that kevin It's good that he's left It was always so selfish, wasn't he? Didn't love the brethren He's always out for his best and no one else's best. I don't know. I don't like what would people say about you I hope it's something positive Hope it's something godly All right brother Jones passes away. There's no brother jones here, but All he cared about was money He just chased You know wealth and prosperity That's all he talked about. That's all he's sought for in life You know, that's a horrible testimony to leave isn't it amongst believers? I want to think about this like really if you were to pass away what would people say about you? You know are we going to say these nice things That these other ladies are saying about Dorcas And so that they miss her they love her right they're they're ready for the funeral they're mourning They invite peter to come to the funeral You know to have a great man of god there with them to comfort them and to guide them a little bit And so yeah, that's the only thing I want to take because there's not much to go. It's just a little story here But only the thing about what are you leaving and if you say pasa, I don't think i'm going to leave a very good legacy Or a very good testimony Then we need to make a change in our lives, right? We want to be I don't know about you, but we want to be seen as sacrificial loving caring Looked out for the needs of others Had a love for the lord a love for lost souls A love for new life baptist church for the kingdom of god a love of understanding god's word a little better To be more like christ In a testimony, they didn't care for the things of the world but had his eyes on eternal things was laying up his treasures in heaven Is that the testimony that we're leaving our children and our church members? I hope so. I hope so But if you haven't got that testimony or that reputation start working at it Right start working at it because I I think I think funerals are it's a bit sad because obviously a loved one's passed away But it's an opportunity for people to say the nice things the good things You know remembering that person's life and the highlights of their life And you know lord willing when you pass away There'd be brothers and sisters and family and friends that would speak highly of you And your love for the lord and your love for god's people Look at verse number 40 Say what was the purpose of that? This is why verse 42 All right, so again another miracle takes place this time in Joppa I think it's referred to as Jaffa now the city or the town in modern day But they saw this great miracle and many believed on the lord. So only the lord can raise the dead They've put their faith and trust on Jesus Christ All right, brethren toad for the sermon was soul's eyes were opened soul's eyes were opened And he very quickly goes from being a persecutor and an enemy to the new testament church To one who's suffering with god's people one who's constantly facing conflict. They have to kind of send him away For a period of time. Okay, and obviously soul will use that time here We're going to talk about that time period in next week But god will use that time to refine soul to make him a little better a little more knowledgeable Right a little more perfected more well-rounded and then god will be able to use soul in such a mighty way All right, brethren. Let's pray