(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I was back to 1st Corinthians chapter 5, 1st Corinthians chapter 5, and I'm really struggling with this humidity, what? It's 75% humidity. I don't know how long it takes to get past it guys. I'm sorry, but yeah, if you guys want to give me water, or just throw water at me, it'd be good. 1st Corinthians chapter 5, the title of the sermon this morning, I'm not taking it from any of the verses, but the title of the sermon this morning is Church Discipline. Church Discipline. The reason I wanted to call it that, rather than just a verse from the passage, is so if you ever wanted to look up, what did Kevin teach about Church Discipline again? You know, if we ever have to carry out Church Discipline, we can go back and look at this chapter, go back to this sermon, refresh our memories. And I think it's important, it's a very important topic, because a lot of churches, when it comes to Church Discipline, are very coy, very quiet about it. Okay, they don't really open up to their members about people being disciplined, or sometimes people leave the church and it's all hush-hush and rumors start. I'd rather be an open and honest church about what's going on. If there's ever a time where we actually have to carry out Church Discipline and kick someone out of the congregation, that everybody would be aware of that. Okay, not because we all want to laugh that person to scorn or anything like that, but it's so we know, hey this person needs prayers, this person needs help, you know. And in light of what we're going to read in this chapter, hopefully this gives you some insight of how we ought to handle Church Discipline in the church. And you know, we're also going through some of these sins. Let's have a look at this very quickly in verse number 11. So on Thursdays, not every Thursdays, but we're going through slowly, we're going through this list of sins that will get you kicked out of church and we're going to going into detail about these sins. We're going into detail of what these sins do and how it destroys yourself and how it destroys the church congregation. Now I'm not going to go into any great detail about these sins. What I really want to cover this morning is the more the practical things about kicking someone out of the church, the practical things about Church Discipline. So I hope that it's a blessing to you, okay. But you know, I'm already uncomfortable as far as, you know, the weather is concerned. But this is pretty, this is a pretty uncomfortable chapter as well. So hopefully, you know, we haven't got our normal nice leather seats. You know, it's hot, we haven't got fans, we haven't got the air conditioner and we've got a hot topic as well. So I'm hoping that everyone's just just, you know, just, you know, hopefully you need to be cooled off after the sermon, you know what I mean. So let's look at verse number one. Verse number one. It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication as is not so much named, so not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife. So look, the first thing, the very first verse out of this chapter ought to make you cringe, right. That it says there that it is reported commonly. So this was known by the whole church or just commonly known in the church that there was a man, there was a brother in the church who had taken his father's wife to himself as committing fornication with his father's wife. That's pretty disgusting. That's pretty vile. That's pretty wicked to the point where even Paul says not even this sin is named among the Gentiles. I mean not even the unbelieving world is committing such a sin. That is not something that's commonly, you know, reported amongst the world but it's commonly reported amongst this church. It's commonly reported amongst the Corinthian church. What a disgusting and vile sin and I kind of think about how can this situation even come to be. Now first thing I just want you to notice, I don't believe this is his mother. I think the fact that it says his father's wife is more so probably his stepmother. You know it's possible that his mother's passed away, his father's taken on a second wife, she's lived with them and my only way to understand this is possibly the father's passed away now and they find themselves living together in this situation, the stepmother and the father's son and you know he's pretty much taken her as his concubine I suppose and you know Paul says there is fornication among you. There's fornication among you. I find this alarming, alarming that it's reported commonly in the church that there seems to be no action being taken that this man is in such a wicked sin. Look at verse number two. Paul says and ye are puffed up. He says to the church you're puffed up. Why? Because they allow this sin to carry on in the church without carrying out church discipline, without making an example of this situation he says because you've done no action, because you accepted in the church you are puffed up, you are prideful and have not rather mourned. So this church should have been mourning, this church should have been weeping about such a great sin in their church but rather puffed up. They're more righteous than God himself. They're accepting of this sin knowing full well that God would definitely not allow this amongst the presence of his people. And then it says that he hath done, so pay attention to this phrase here, that he that have done this deed might be taken away from among you. Had they mourned, had they wept, had they not been puffed up they would have put this man away from among them. They would have made sure they carried out church discipline. They would have made sure they had kicked this man out of the church but because they were so puffed up, because there were so many problems in this church, the visions among them, strife, envy and all that kind of stuff, they put up with this sin. Okay and let me tell you now if this church ever becomes like the church of Corinthians where it's divided, where there's strife, where there's arguments amongst members, where we're not united in one mind, we too will start to allow certain sins, certain wicked sins into this church. Okay it's so important that we stand united as we've read throughout the previous chapters in this book. So you know the right thing for this church to have done was to kick this individual out of the church. Verse number three, for I verily, so Paul says I verily as absent in the body but present in spirit have judged already. He goes look I don't even need to be among you. I'm absent from you. I'm away from you. I'm writing this letter but I can already make judgment. I can already tell you what the correct measure is, the correct judgment is for this man. And then he says as though I were present concerning him that have done so, that have so done this deed. You know this isn't a difficult decision. Okay if we find someone in our church that's doing these great wicked sins that we see in this list, this ought not to be a difficult decision for us. Okay we can be absent from the body. We can be away from the church and we would know full well that this individual needs to be kicked out of the church. The only reason it might be difficult is because it's a family member. It's a loved one. It's someone we care about deeply and that's why you ought to be mourning about it if someone that we love in this church is committing a great sin. But it shouldn't be a hard decision to know hey this person needs to be taken out of the congregation. This person needs to be kicked out of the church. Okay verse number four, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now I just want you to notice that this isn't just Paul. Okay this is just Paul's view. This isn't just man's opinion as far as kicking someone out of the church, but it's in the authority, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together and my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such and one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. So kicking someone out of the church isn't just some, the opinion of the pastor. It's not just the opinion of the church. It's not just the opinion of Paul, but it's the opinion, it's the judgment of the Lord Jesus Christ. It's in his power that we would need to at some point potentially, I hope not, but at some point potentially kick someone out of the church for the great sins they have done. So never have the mindset and I've seen this in other churches where a pastor has had to make that decision. A pastor has had to kick someone out of the church and then who does the congregation criticize? The pastor. That's who they criticize. They don't think well this is what the Lord Jesus Christ demands of them. They don't think that this is in the name and in the power of Christ that this person needs to be delivered out of the church for the destruction given over to Satan the verse said there. Okay this is something spiritual. This is something that the Lord Jesus Christ demands of, but I just want you to notice a few things here. Someone that is kicked out of the church for these wicked sins is being delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh. That's pretty harsh. That's pretty hard okay but it's the truth. Okay if someone gets kicked out of the church then spiritually they are being given over to Satan for Satan to destroy that person and that sounds that sounds pretty hard. Now I say that to you because you don't want to be someone that gets kicked out of the church. Okay you don't want to be someone that has these sins in their life openly rebellion against God you know hiding this sin from the congregation and then you know being found out and being kicked out of the church for Satan to do what he wants to you. I mean that'd be pretty scary okay that's number one. So you know you want to make sure if some of these sins are in your life or you know today or in the past at some point that you find the power to overcome that sin okay and that power is found in the Lord Jesus Christ okay and look there's another concept that I want you to think about is that this man hadn't been delivered unto Satan just yet even though he was in this great sin Paul says look you need to cast him out you need to kick him out so that Satan is given the ability to destroy that person. That means what does that mean that means that the church of God the house of God has a great blessing in it that blessing is a spiritual protection from Satan himself. I don't know if you've ever considered that but church being in church being a member of a church being a regular attendee of church provides you a spiritual protection from Satan. Okay now we know that Satan goes about roaring as a lion roaring and seeking to you know whom he may devour we know that but there is a special protection for God's people that are assembled in the church okay now I bring that to your attention because you don't want to be someone that forsakes the assembling of yourselves together you don't want to be someone that skips church on purpose for no reason whatsoever. I know there are legitimate reasons to not be in church I understand that but you don't want to be someone like this person that gets kicked out of the church that you know you voluntarily say you know what I'm not going to church this week I'm not going to be part of church you know because when you skip church one week you know it makes it easier to skip it the second week it makes it easier to skip it that month and before you know it that protection that hedge of protection that spiritual protection of the church will be removed from you and Satan can have his way with you as well and you're not even kicked out of the church you're just voluntarily giving yourself over to Satan and his wickedness okay so I really appreciate that we have visitors today right from Papua New Guinea because that concept is true you know wherever you you travel and visit you need to find yourself a church especially if you're going to be away for a long period of time you want to find a congregation of believers knowing full well that there is a protective spiritual hedge in a church that I can attend okay now the other thing that I want you to pick up here is even though this man was in great sin even though this man's flesh is going to be given over to Satan to be destroyed he's still a saved believer believe it or not he's still a saved believer look at verse number five to deliver such and one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus was this person saved yes now here's the thing in a lot of churches someone that's doing a wicked sin like that guess what they're going to be saying he's not saved oh yeah I mean for him to be doing such a wicked sin that man cannot be saved but what do we find here that a believer can also do these great and wicked sins why because we still have the flesh right this man had had not had not been walking in the spirit you know he'd been walking according to the flesh you know yeah he hadn't been crucifying that flesh daily and you know he was bringing this sinful you know this sin amongst upon himself but his spirit is saved and I want you to pay attention to the words because I don't want you to misunderstand what it says here it says that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus what is the day of the Lord Jesus it's the rapture right many references in the bible talking about the day of the Lord Jesus Christ it's the rapture so it's not saying here because some people have read this and say well hold on maybe he's being given over to the devil so that he would be that he he would be saved you know some people have said that because it kind of sounds like it says that he like the spirit may be saved so it's kind of like potentially he's not saved now but there's a future salvation for him should he be under the attack of the devil and then you know repent and turn to Christ or something like that but it's not it's not saying that it's saying that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ why is that important because at the rapture he's going to receive his resurrected body at the rapture is going to receive that body which does not struggle with sin that body which is perfect that is is not corrupted that is immortal and so he's in the flesh right now this flesh you know Lord willing will be destroyed by the devil but the spirit would be saved for that new resurrected body that's what it's teaching here that here that spirit would be saved for that day so he would receive his new resurrected body and no longer be oppressed by this sin that he has upon himself I mean that just proves that this man was saved because he's going to be raptured on the day of the Lord Jesus Christ is going to receive his resurrected body okay so again never judge someone's salvation just because of their sin you know I mean even a sin as wicked as this you know don't think oh we got to cast him out because he's an unsaved devil and we never want to see him again because there is a time for him to be reconciled and we see that later on in second corinthians in the book of second corinthians um now it says here in verse number six well actually before I read verse number six I just want you to notice a couple of things here because verses six seven and eight I've often heard taken out of context okay often when I hear verses six seven and eight preached it's completely removed from this chapter okay so the first thing I want you to notice is that verses one to five which we've already read is about this man in fornication right it's about this man being kicked out and given over to satan okay but then verses nine if you want to look at verse number nine it says I wrote unto you in an epistle not to accompany with fornicators and then we continue reading to verse 13 where again it's talking about you know uh kicking people out of the church okay so verses one to five is about kicking someone out of the church and verses nine to thirteen is about kicking someone out of the church now sandwiched between those verses are verses six seven and eight so the reason I say that to you is again because I've heard six seven eight completely removed from the context and I'm going to explain that to you a bit later but I believe verses six seven and eight you know it's not a coincidence that it's sandwiched between these passages because it continues the same thought it's about the same thing okay look at verse number six your glorying is not good why were they glorying because they were puffed up that's what he's saying your glorying is not good the memory verse know ye not that little leaven leaveneth the whole lump what are we talking about here what are they glorying what are they puffed up about the fact that they allow this man in the church to be involved in such great fornication such great wickedness then it says know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump what is leaven it's like yeast it's an old it's an old leaven is like an old fermented uh dough that when you mix it with new dough it rises just like yeast does for bread it rises the bread right so it's soft and fluffy that's how people genuinely like to eat bread so he uses this example of this man in his great wickedness and this man is the one that's been described as the little leaven because if you allow a wicked person like that in the church guess what it'll spread to the whole church if you allow a church if you allow wicked people in your church committing great sins that is commonly reported reported everybody knows about it and yet everyone's accepting of it guess what it's going to taint every person in the church everybody will say well hold on that person can be part of the church look at the great sin that he does hey i can i can dabble in a little bit of that sin myself you know it's fine because that's the influence of sin people that are involved in sin want others to also be involved in sin okay for some reason people find like a like a justification you know i'm i'm struggling with this sin but if everyone's struggling with this sin then it's okay and that's that's what happens to a church if you allow a little leaven a little wicked that wicked person to coexist with everybody else in the church service they're going to influence everybody in a negative way and of course we can take a practical personal application to this as well of course we can say hey if we allow a little leaven a little sin in our life yes it can leaven the whole lump hey that's why we ought to be walking in the spirit that's why when we do sin we ought to be confessing our sins to the lord jesus christ and maintaining a good fellowship with him keeping a short account with god yes we're going to sin every day yes we're going to be wicked yes we still have this old flesh but you know ensure that that leaven is taken out of you when you sin by confessing those to christ and asking him to forgive you okay but i want you to understand the context the context of this is the church the little leaven is that wicked man that was going to taint the whole church with his sin all right now look at verse number seven purge out therefore the old leaven purge out what does that mean get rid of it what are we talking about kicking people out of the church you understand how keeping this in context helps understand the passage helps understand these verses purge out the old leaven purge out that fermented because you know leaven many times in the bible is a picture of sin not always it's also a picture of the kingdom of god it can be used in a positive sense but many times it's used in a negative sense in fact jesus christ mentions a couple of times about the leaven of the pharisees uh but it's it's uh it's sin purge out there for the old leaven or kick the guy out of your church that year may be a new lump a lump without that leaven as ye are unleavened but then look at this for even christ our passover is sacrificed for us for even christ our passover is sacrificed for us now this is what i mean by people taking things out of context because verses six seven and eight people i've heard preachers say this they take those passages and say well this is about the lord's supper this is a badass partaking of um you know the grape juice and the unleavened bread and they take these passages to teach on the lord's supper but it's actually about kicking someone out of your church if you keep it in context you see how how you know you can look at a passage and come to a different conclusion and why it's so important to make sure when you read your bible you read the whole book read the whole chapter read the verses surrounding a passage because it's going to enlighten your understanding of what god's primary application is for those verses and look the bible is so deep there's always secondary applications there's always third applications and fourth applications you know the bible is like it just you can you just you just continue unraveling it yeah the more you read it the more you understand it the more you see correlation between verses the more deep you're going to get into the in the bible but never forget the primary application because that's the key thing that god wants us to understand okay but uh so christ our passover now you guys ought to know what the passover is i think okay that's one of the one of the most basic teachings that you get about the old testament that passover if you remember when israel was was still in in when the children of israel was still in egypt and the lord was going to deliver them out of egypt the last plague that the lord does on the egyptians is to kill all the first bonds all the first one you remember that whether it was man or whether it was cattle but for the jews to be protected or for the israelites to be protected from that uh that punishment they were to take a lamb and actually you know what let's read it let's go there uh let's go to exodus chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 let's read it exodus chapter 12 keep a finger in first corinthians 5 if you can and go to exodus chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 verse 1 and the lord spake unto moses and aaron in the land of egypt saying this month shall be unto you the beginning of months it shall be the first month of the year to you speak ye unto all the congregation of israel saying in the 10th day of this month shall uh they uh they shall take to them every man a lamb according to the house of their fathers a lamb foreign house so this was a practice to be done once a year on this first month of the year verse number four and if the household be too little for the lamb let him and his neighbor next unto his house taken according to the number of the souls every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb so if your family is a smaller family you can actually invite your neighbors to come and partake of the passover together if the lamb is too much for one family okay now uh sorry well what this was on guys this number five this number five your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year you shall take it out from the sheep or from the goats and it's important that the lamb was without blemish because christ is our passover lamb we just read that in first corinthians chapter 5 okay so christ was without sin and so the lamb had to represent something that was pure and good and without blemish without any sin a male of the first year you shall take it out from the sheep or from the goats and you shall keep it until up until the 14th day of the same month and the whole assembly of the congregation of israel shall kill it in the evening so the passover was to take place in the 14th month of the first year once a year verse 7 and they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side on two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses wherein they shall eat and they shall eat the flesh in that night roast with fire and unleaven bread remember that unleavened bread what did we read about that was covered in first corinthians chapter 5 as well right the unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it eat not of it raw nor sodden at all with water that means sodden means it's an old word for boiled with water so don't boil it but roast with fire his head with his legs and with the pertinence thereof pertinence is like you know all the organs all the guts as well you know roast the whole thing eat not of it raw oh sorry uh verse 10 and you shall let nothing of it remain until the morning and that which remaineth of it until the morning you shall burn with fire so you got to eat eat eat that that day and if there's anything left over the next day you just burn the whole thing you don't eat it again okay and of course what does that picture the fact that christ was crucified once for sin okay you partake of it once and then whatever was left should be destroyed it's not going to be eaten again because christ lady's laid his life down once okay now um uh verse 11 and thus shall you eat it with your loins girded your shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand and you shall eat it in haste it is the lord's passover for i will pass through the land of egypt this night and will smite all the firstborn in the land of egypt both man and beast and against all the gods of egypt i will execute judgment i am the lord and the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are and when i see the blood i will pass over you that's what the passover represented is that when god sees the blood of the lamb he will make sure that the israelites will not be hurt by this plague he will pass over them and will instead hurt those that do not have the blood that is a picture of our savior that is a picture of the shed blood of christ on the cross when you believe in the lord jesus christ you are clean from all your sins right you're cleansed through the blood of christ and when god looks at you if you if you put your faith in christ he will pass over you in judgment he will not judge it because the blood of christ has been spilled and his righteousness is upon you and we see this type we see this picture in the old testament picturing or pointing people to christ having that object lesson so they would understand that in the future there would be one to come that would fulfill this it's a symbolism of christ and his blood and the blood shall sorry verse 13 and the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses i read that already where you are and when i see the blood i will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when i smite the land of egypt okay now i want you to notice verse 14 it's the last verse i'm going to read in this chapter verse 14 and this day shall be unto you for a memorial so what's the passover it's a memorial and you shall keep it a feast pay attention to that phrase okay and you shall keep it a feast to the lord throughout your generations you shall keep it a feast so he says it twice you're going to keep this feast you're going to keep this feast you shall keep it as a feast by an ordinance forever now what's forever does it ever end it's eternal the passover is a feast to be kept forever all right now i want you to just just keep that in mind and i'm going to just go back to first corinthians chapter five now first corinthians chapter five because i want to first explain to you my understanding of this passage okay keeping it in context and then i'm going to show you how other people have different views okay just just for your information just for your information so back to first corinthians chapter five verse number eight now remember that phrase look at verse number eight therefore let us keep the feast isn't that what we just read in in old testament in the exodus that they allow to keep that feast forever now paul is saying to the church therefore let us keep the feast what does that mean on the 14th day of the first month that we need to be doing the passover like they did like take a lamb without blemish invite the neighbors over you know you know you take the blood and put it on the doorpost is that what we're meant to be doing no how do we keep the feast of the passover in the new testament therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven what was the old leaven the wicked man in the church that was to be kicked out right not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice what's malice it's uh intent to cause harm and wickedness that's something that's exceedingly sinful exceedingly bad okay but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth what sincerity being honest and without compromise truth obviously sorry no sincerity is being genuine and not hypocritical okay god wants us to be a church that's genuine and not hypocritical okay because if we're preaching against sin and yet we allow a wicked man like this in our church that's being hypocritical okay and uh a bit of sincerity and truth truth is to be honest without compromise okay being open and honest about things okay so if we ever kick someone out of the church i'm going to be someone that tells you the honest truth why that person's been kicked out of the church okay because we don't want to hide it and then let rumors spread and make things worse than they ought to be but i just want to show you how is the passover kept this this is a type old testament type we know the lamb represents jesus christ but what does the unleavened bread represent a a pure true and sincere church and the old leaven represents the man or the person in the church that ought to be cast out of the church so they don't leaven the whole lump do you see that do you see how the type in the old testament fulfills how a new testament church ought to practice you know church discipline and again like i said some people take these verses and say well no that's about the lord's supper but hold on is he even talking about the lord's supper in fact it's chapter 11 where we act paul actually teaches we won't go there but it's chapter 11 that paul teaches on the lord's supper to the corinthian church it's it's many chapters later where he covers that topic okay now so how do we keep the feast how do we keep the feast of the passover well christ right christ is our passover and it's something to be kept forever so if you put your faith on christ guess what christ is your eternal passover christ is our passover okay you've put your faith in christ that is you keeping the feast of the passover and as a church keeping ourselves unleavened when there is leaven the old leaven the wicked man we need to cast that person out of the congregation okay within the context of this chapter now i don't know if you guys have ever heard this taught before okay i haven't okay but as as i study this chapter you cannot remove these verses away from the rest of what's going on here and notice how important the words so it said in verse number eight not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness now if you look at verse number 13 verse number 13 in the chapter first corinthians chapter 5 verse 13 look at this but them that are without god judgeth therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person so what's the wickedness the wicked person that we need to cast out the old leaven that we need to get rid of in the church now let me say this um there are some people some and i'm not i'm not criticizing these pastors i'm not criticizing these churches i just want to make you understand how we can you know genuine saved believers can look at the same passage and come to a different conclusion because some people will look at this and say well we're to keep the feast of the passover and they associate this with the lord's supper now i i i do not believe the passover the the feast of the passover has anything to do with the lord's supper you know the lord's supper where we take part of the the juice the grape juice and and the young leaven bread i don't believe i don't believe the lord's supper is a continuation of the passover i don't believe it's it's the passover in the new testament though there are some similarities and those similarities is the fact that they point back to christ okay point back to christ sacrifice and that's pretty much the only similarity but when you have types in the old testament and they've been fulfilled then it's done away with and the worst thing is when christians go and think hey we need to keep the passover we need to go and celebrate get together and and partake of an old testament practice and think well god still wants us to keep the passover because they read this chapter and said what's this to keep the feast yeah but you've totally removed it from the context all right and they partake of the lord's passover and they think they're doing god a service they think they're praising god they're not because christ has come and what was a type what was a picture of christ christ has come and fulfilled that and christ i don't know if you've heard this term before christ is the anti-type when you see types in the bible it's to point to the anti-type when you see israel going through the red sea and that's called the baptism that's a type of the new testament baptism you know where we we we uh you know um you know immerse in the water and rise out of the water that was a type and the new testament baptism is the anti-type the type was the passover and the anti-type is christ and his crucifixion okay don't waste your time with types okay don't think that i need to do the old types the old feasts uh to please the lord no you just need to put your faith and trust in god you put your faith and trust in christ and his sacrifice that's you keeping the passover that's you keeping the passover for all eternity okay and another example is the sabbath day the sabbath day i don't know if i've got a reference to that um because people read these passages and they think they need to they need to continue keeping these things let me just see if i if i uh actually took down that um so just bear with me oh yeah yeah i did actually did exodus chapter 31 verse 16 i'll just read it to you exodus 31 16 says wherefore the children of israel shall keep the sabbath to observe the sabbath throughout their generations for a perpetual covenant what's perpetual it's continuing it doesn't end okay it is a story between me and the children of israel forever for in six days the lord made heaven and earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed so hold on now we're meant to be observing the sabbath day you know the seventh day adventures for example believe hey we got to keep observing the sabbath day because god said it's forever yeah but you've not read the book of hebrews right hebrews chapter 4 where it says that the seventh day is a representation of what christ has done for us that the resting on the seventh day represented a rest from our works for salvation jesus christ is our sabbath rest and jesus christ is the anti-type to the type of what the sabbath was and then people say well hold on we still see the sabbath being mentioned in the new testament yeah because that's what they call saturday okay it's shabbat in the hebrew i'm going back to the hebrew sorry guys so but they that's what saturday is okay so when you read sabbath in the new testament it's because it's saturday that's what that's what they're saying it's not saying that they're observing the sabbath it's just that they're probably meeting on saturday or they're doing some works for the lord on saturday it's fine okay because the fulfillment of the sabbath was jesus christ okay let me give you just an analogy of this a real life analogy so obviously christina's pregnant with our 10th child and we've got some ultrasound pictures and every now and again christina looks at those ultrasound pictures because you know she wants to see you know what her baby might look like and just have a look at the face you know is it like the other kids you know who who might he look like but do you think after she goes through labor and delivers that baby do you think she's going to grab those ultrasound pictures and go oh my baby or do you think she's going to grab the newborn and hug the newborn and kiss the newborn and praise the newborn what do you think she's going to do is she going to go for the the type or is she going to grab the energy type the real baby and celebrate and hug that baby do you think she's going to take those ultrasound pictures say my baby's here you think i'm going to post pictures on facebook of the ultrasound pictures after the baby's born right no once the baby's here that's the main thing right the ultrasound pictures don't matter anymore okay it's just a foreshadowing it's just a picture of what was to come which is that newborn child all right or what if samuel turns one when does he turn the one next month samuel turns one next month let's say you know like birthday parties you do a cake and presents do you think christina's going to you know when we're going to sing happy birthday to to samuel do you think she's just going to bring photographs of samuel and say all right say let's sing happy birthday to samuel look at his photos no you'll be like where's samuel like we're singing to him let's just get samuel here right that's i mean that sounds stupid right that's how stupid it is to go back to the old testament types and celebrate and worship that in that way when the lord jesus christ has already come and we need to have our eyes upon him and not the not the types of the old testament if you ever get invited hey i'm going to have a passover feast would you like to come just say no i've got jesus christ jesus christ and we have the new testament ordinance of how to look back at his sacrifice which is the lord's supper okay but i just want to show you how people can take these passages right and they say well see the passover was done once a year and so the lord's supper ought to be done once a year okay that's what they get it from that's what they get it from because they think of it as a continuation of the passover rather than thinking well hold on christ was the passover lamb and that has been fulfilled and again i'm not criticizing because look if if god wanted us to do it a certain way you know the lord's supper you know do it this many times a year or he would have told us okay he leaves this open for every church to make a decision about that you know some churches have a closed uh communion policy or a close communion policy we here have an open community communion policy and let me tell you don't make that a big problem don't make that the issue okay you know i've heard people say you know i'm not going to this church because they do closed communion are you serious is that what you're going to base your fellowship with because that church does closed communion so i'm not going to partake of that i mean i've heard christians say that when they've got a good church to go to and yet they don't want to be part of it because of the way they do communion but i just want to show you how people can take this verse and i can understand why they do things a certain way i can understand why they interpret things a certain way uh even though i disagree with it but i can understand and yet i will give them the benefit of that because here's the thing here's the thing that you're going to understand the kind of people that you ought to feel like we're talking about this all ties in together right we're talking about kicking people out of the church people that we ought not to fellowship with who are the people that we ought to fellowship with who are the people that we ought to be in company with well first of all let me give you some ideas people that have the right gospel people that have the right jesus christ people that have the right spirit okay if someone comes to you with another jesus another spirit another gospel those people are not people you ought to fellowship with that's not a church that you ought to be part of okay that's number one now if they got the right gospel great what else would you like in a group of people that they're king james only that they believe that god has given us a preserved word of god pure without error okay especially if you're looking for a church you want a church that is doing so winning and look here's the thing if that church is not doing so winning then if you've got no other option you go so winning right but you want to make sure that you're in a church where the pastor will support you and even if you're the only one doing it that they're not against so winning because that's the first works that the lord jesus christ has left us that's the great commission that the lord jesus christ has left us okay so we've got the right jesus we've got the right spirit right gospel we've got the king james we've got a good church now what well does this church allow wicked people that we see in this list is this church made up of people that are what does verse um 11 say that are fornicators covetous idolaters railers drunkards and extortioners in the church are they allowing those people in the church well if they do that's probably that's not the church you want to be in why because that leaven's going to leaven you that leaven's going to leaven the whole lump okay now these are the things that you need to be mindful of when you choose your friends when you choose your fellowship when you choose your church these are the things okay these are the things that you should divide over okay but are you going to divide over how people do communion are you going to divide over these doctrines where people read passages and come with a different even though i disagree with them do you think that's going to cause me to break fellowship with people and yet that's what i see and that's what i see i see people not wanting to go to this church because they've interpreted this passage differently than they you know even though the church is the right gospel even though the church teaches from the king james bible even though the church is is pure and unleavened and doing the best they can to serve the lord they'll find some issue and say well i don't want to be part of this church because what they teach about this and yet what do they do they go with their mates they hang out with their drunkard friends their fornicating friends that is hypocrisy when you look at your brethren and you decide to create divisions over things that are trivial or things that are secondary or tertiary in nature and yet you go well i don't have any fellowship i'm going to hang out with my worldly mates i'm going to hang out with my friends that are drunkards and fornicators that's fine because they're not safe that's not fine and we'll read later on that you're not even to company with people like that that are in the world okay and that's why we ought to not have people like that in our church we ought to kick them out what does jesus say about um i don't know if i've got the reference but he says beware of the 11 of the pharisees um i think it says which is hypocrisy okay which is and that is that is hypocrisy when you have when you're saying hey like you know this church differs a little bit here i'm not going to be part of it but then you go hang out with your worldly mates that are all into all these kind of sins that is hypocrisy don't divide over non-essential matters these are the key things the right christ the right gospel the right spirit an unleavened church that's serving the lord that's king james only and doing the soul winning that's what you want in a church if you've got that you're doing a lot better than many people out there okay if you've got that you're blessed okay now let's go on to verse number are you still in first corinthians chapter five first corinthians chapter five let's go to verse number um nine verse number nine first corinthians chapter five verse nine i wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators so paul is saying look i've written to you in the past this isn't my first letter to you even though it's called first corinthians there was a letter previously that he wrote to them okay so i wrote unto you an epistle not to company with fornicators verse number 10 yet not all together with the fornicators of this world nor with the uh the covetous or extortioners or idolaters for then must ye needs go out of the world okay so we ought not to be making friends with the unsaved people who commit these sins okay oh but they're better friends than people in church yeah you're not meant to company with them okay they may be better friends they may very well be but the command of the lord is not to be they're friends not to fellowship and i know there are situations where you can't help it i know we need to be in work i know we need to be you know out in in the world from time to time and i know we have family members that are not saved and i know i know you know i understand there are some things you cannot help you know you're you know there might be a work function that you need to be part of for whatever reason okay and and there might be drunkenness going on or whatever okay now if you can avoid it avoid it but i know sometimes you know your work requires you because it is a work function or whatever okay but as much as is in you possible don't company with these kind of people these are worldly people and then verse number 11 verse number 11 but now so in this letter corinthian church now i have written unto you not to keep company if any man is called a brother so as someone that is saved someone in the church that is a brother or a sister someone that is safe and look does paul need to say this to them he's already written to them that they shouldn't be you know fellowshiping with these kind of people in the world i mean shouldn't you say well even more so in the church and yet paul has to tell them look i have to tell you i have to write to you now not just the world but your brethren you're saved brothers and sisters i'll just read it again but now i have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such and one know not to eat so i'm not going to go into any great details about this sin again we're doing that on thursdays but a fornicator is someone that's committing sexual relations outside of the marriage and that that obviously represents this man that's with his father's wife covetous people who desire or lust over material possessions an idolater someone that worships idols a railer you know a person that insults or scoffs about about somebody you know and or or to somebody about somebody else that's a railer a drunkard someone that's intoxicated with alcohol or drugs or it just has loss of control in that sense you know is not sober-minded an extortioner someone that obtained something from somebody with threats or by force or by blackmail that's an extortioner we all want to have people like that in this church okay now verse number 12 for what have i to do to judge them also that are without do not ye judge them that are within so we need to judge within within our church okay but them that are without so those that are outside of the church god judgeth therefore therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person okay that's the end of the chapter therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person that's the that's the command that's the bible teaching it might seem harsh and if we ever do that yes it's gonna hurt okay especially if you love that person but that is the command of god because we ought to love god more than we love our brethren you know we ought to be doing his work his words and keeping his works rather than pleasing man okay now so there are certain people that we are commanded to kick out of the church now what i want to talk to you about is just a practical thing so if this happens in our church and i want i want you to to know okay because i want you to hold me accountable as well okay if we have someone in the church that has these sins and i allow it you go kevin remember that remember that chapter you know first corinthians chapter five you know we need to keep each other accountable and obviously there's there's leadership within with me as well but let me just say a couple of things here if you're one of these people that has these sins in their life i'm saying right now i'm not saying in the past okay now let me just say this as well i mean this church is about five months old i don't think it's even five months yet it's about five months old and as far as i'm concerned when this church started it's a clean slate i really don't need to know about your sins in the past i don't need to know whether you're a drunkard and i'm sure some of you were or a fornicator i'm sure some of you've done that or whatever you know as far as the church starting it's a clean slate across the board i'm not going to carry out church discipline for something you did five years ago okay or something that you did six months ago before the church started or if someone's a new person in the church you know and you know they've done something in the past i'm not going to hold that against them okay you know we start as far as this church as far as i'm concerned it's a clean slate now we shouldn't be naive you know especially if there are people that have done some of these sins that they're capable of doing that in their flesh you know i'm going to be you know i'm going to watch over your souls i'm going to make sure you know that uh you know i'm not completely ignorant of that but i'm not going to call that person out as guilty having done something in the past right now this is a command for the whole church to kick this person out of the church obviously i'm not going to know everything and if you guys know somebody in the church that is in these sins then you need to let me know about it okay you need to let me know about it but even better even better than that if you yourself are in this sin any of these sins then even better than that is you tell me yourself you tell me you know why because if you tell me and you come you know what that tells me that tells me that you're honest and you want to sort this out okay and what was what was the problem with this church in carinthians is they were puffed up and paul says you should have been mourning if you come to me and say you know pastor you know kevin brother i struggle with this sin in my life to this day you know what i will mourn with you i will weep with you i will come and i will fast and pray with you and we will seek the lord's power to help you overcome that sin in your life and i will help you put an action plan together to get this sin out of your life okay and if we do all of that and you still fail then i'm gonna have to kick you out but at least i know you're trying but if you're keeping it a secret and somebody in the church comes to me about it i'm gonna have to make diligent inquisition about it okay now again don't be someone that comes up with false accusations and a false witness i don't want to hear that okay turn to uh let's see turn to deuteronomy chapter 19 deuteronomy chapter 19 deuteronomy chapter 19 because the bible has a process okay god's given us a process of bringing an accusation against somebody okay deuteronomy chapter 19 verse 15 deuteronomy 19 verse 15 it says this one witness one witness shall not rise up against the man for any iniquity or for any sin or in any sin that he sinneth at the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses shall the matter be established so if i have one person come and says you know what i saw brother so-and-so stagger out of the pub you know drunkard vomiting that's one witness you know oh i'll probably approach that brother and ask him you know but i can't really carry anything out i mean if he denies it if he denies it i've only got the one witness but if i've got two witnesses i've got three witnesses then that matter can be established and then we can cast that person out of the church does that make sense but one witness is not enough you know you can't come to me and say well you know and let's say let's say the guy turns up completely drunk off his face the church and you say pastor kevin i told you i told you what no it was one witness okay it was one witness and we need to follow the law of god but uh look at verse number 16 because there is punishment for a false witness as well deuteronomy 19 verse 16 if a false witness if a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong then both the men between whom the controversy is shall stand before the lord before the priest and the judges which shall be in those days and the judges shall make diligent inquisition that's what i mean by diligent inquisition let's investigate this matter okay investigate this matter if there's a false accusation especially and behold if the witness of the false witness sorry if the witness be a false witness and have testified falsely against his brother then shall you do unto him as he had thought to have done unto his brother so shall they put the evil away from among you so if you come to me and you falsely accuse you're a false witness you're trying to get someone kicked out of the church and you say you know so-and-so's in fornication and that brother says i'm not that's that's a that's a lie and it's come and we do diligent inquisition we find that you you're a false witness you're a false report then you're the one that gets kicked out of the church you get to you you you suffer the consequence of trying to get someone else to be punished or or go through that church discipline does that make sense so we need to make sure if we're going to bring an accusation against someone and we ought to when it comes to this list of sins but that we make sure that it's solid that it's true okay not just some rumor okay and i'll probably hear rumors anyway there's always rumors there's always rumors but we need to make sure that it's a true witness or you're going to be the one that gets kicked out of the church okay so that i just want you to understand the process but even better if you're in these sins you come to me about it because i'll be more merciful you know i'll be willing to help you through that and again if if how does that work with the two witnesses well here's the thing if you've admitted that you're in that sin and i'm working with you to overcome that sin there's the two witnesses there's your there's your witness and there's my witness okay but uh you know what this reminds me of a little bit as well i used to work i said employ a lot of people and sometimes employees would slack off and they wouldn't be pulling their weight and so you know commonly people are like i just sack them well hold on no i mean they've got the training you know they're they've been a good worker in the past maybe they just need a little help and we put them on a program to help them get back to where they ought to be you know let's we give them a month for example you know at the end of this week i need you to do this have this much productivity at the end of this week you know this much and you need to get to the point where you're back on board where you're back you know i'm willing to work with you because i want to lose you and then get someone else and train them and go through all that process again and you know why that's so important is because that person truly knows that you know their pastor loves them truly knows that person's willing to work with them and help them to get past this sin and if you get past it praise god you can continue being a member in the church but let's also be merciful to people that are new christians you know people are doing these sins all the time they get saved they don't a lot of them don't know about these that these things are great wicked sins and so they come to the church or they're new to the church and yet we know they're in these sins just just be patient be merciful you know give me the opportunity as well to be able to talk with these people and let's say let's say a boyfriend and a girlfriend that are living together come to the church you know i'm not going to kick them out in day one because they're committing fornication but i will approach them probably in week number two if they've come back and address this with them and say look the bible teaches you know you can't continue this relationship either you get married or you break this relationship or you get out of the church because i'm going to have to kick you out of the church if you continue fornicating in the congregation and let me say this as well again if i ever do kick someone out of the church i will tell you i will tell you that we've kicked them out of the church and i'll tell you why i might not go through every little bit of detail but i'll say it's because of fornication fornication or something you know it's because of drunkenness or something like that okay i don't need to give you the whole life story and you know destroy them even more than necessarily because you know that that's that's god's way of of casting them out of the church and letting satan to to destroy them now is that the end of it so someone gets kicked out of the church i know i'm going a bit long but i think this is important okay if you can turn to second corinthians second corinthians chapter two second corinthians chapter two because there is a process for restoration there is a process to have this person that's been kicked out of the church to be allowed back into the congregation because isn't that what we want do we really want them out attacked by satan for the whole is that really the the end goal no the end goal is we want them to be repentance we want them to get right with god we want them to get right with the church i mean back amongst us fellowshiping with us you know for us to be a blessing to them and for them to be a blessing to us for us to be able to worship the lord together isn't that the end goal of course it is look at second corinthians chapter two verse five so this is another letter this is the third letter that paul has written to the corinthian church and verse number five he says this but if any have caused grief he hath not grieved me but in part that i may not overcharge you all sufficient to such a man is this punishment which was inflicted of many so he's talking about this man if you read the whole thing you'll understand it's the same man that he spoke about in first corinthians chapter one in chapter five that he's saying this man has had the punishment and then uh has taken his punishment look at verse seven so that contra wise ye ought rather to forgive him and comfort him lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with swallowed up with over much sorrow so this person paul is saying to the church now you ought to forgive them why because this person has come back he's suffered enough he suffered the punishment of satan enough he wants to get right with god he wants to get right with the church he's apologized to the church and paul is saying you need to forgive him and you need to comfort him you need to forgive him and comfort him this proves that he was repentant at this point in his life and he apologized to the church and if someone that is kicked out of the church comes to me and says kevin i want to get right with god i want to get right with you i want to be back in fellowship praise god praise god for that and i will get them to come and not only do they have to apologize to me but i'm going to get them to stand up here and apologize to the church and when that happens you forgive them that's it you forgive them and you it's behind us we move forward you don't bring it up to them again that's not forgiveness once you forgive something just the same way god has forgiven you for your sins he's put them as far as the east it's from the west we do the same for someone that's been kicked out of the church but brought back in because they've been repentant for what they've done okay you don't bring it up again we move on with our church why do we forgive him look at verse number eight wherefore i beseech you that you would confirm your love toward him for to this end also did i write that i might know the proof of you whether you be obedient in all things so the reason i wrote to you first corinthians is to see whether you're going to be obedient to the word of god and they did they kicked this guy out okay but now he wants back in okay verse number 10 to whom you forgive anything i forgive also and if i forgive anything to whom i forgave it for your sakes forgave i it in the person of christ so look at the warning in verse 11 the warning so why ought we to forgive that person okay look at verse 11 lest satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices so this is the role satan plays in church discipline first you cast them out of the church so satan can have his way with them okay but if that person is repentant and wants to be back in the church and apologizes but we refuse to forgive him satan's going to destroy our church do you see that lest satan should take getting advantage of us so that's why and you might say well that person's done such a great sin i can't forgive him well if you can't forgive him then satan's going to have his way with the church we ought to forgive him because again church ought to be this protective hedge from satan do you see that so if someone wants forgiveness you better forgive them okay first of all because it's it's the right thing to do okay because god's forgiven us we ought to forgive others but also because we want to protect this church from satan taking advantage of us if we have an unforgiven heart and unforgiven spirit that's an open door for satan to come and destroy us okay um that's that's what i had for you this morning i hope that's something there's been some things that you've learned there let's just pray