(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. You Well, good morning everyone, welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 296 Song 296 in your song books And if you would stand we'll sing song 200 we'll sing follow-on song 296 Down in the valley with my Savior I would go Where the flowers are blooming and the sweet waters flow Everywhere he leads me I would follow follow on Walking in the footsteps of the crown be one follow follow I would follow Jesus anywhere Everywhere I would follow on follow Follow I would follow Jesus everywhere I would follow on Down in the valley with my Savior I would go Where the storms are sweeping and the dark waters flow? With this hand to lead me. I will never never fear Danger cannot fright me if my lord is near Follow follow I would follow Jesus anywhere Everywhere I would follow on Follow follow I would follow Jesus Everywhere he leads me I would follow on Down in the valley or upon the mountain steep Close beside my Savior would my soul ever keep He will lead me safely in that path that he has trod Up to where they gather on the hills of God Follow follow I would follow Jesus Anywhere everywhere I would follow on Follow follow I would follow Jesus Everywhere my son I would follow on Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again. We just want to thank you guys for this beautiful day. Thank you for our church Thank you for your word. Thank you for our pastor I pray Lord now that you would just bless and everything we say and do how good to be to honor and glory your name We love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all of it. Amen All right, you may be seated and take your blue Mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books And turn to Psalm 139, that'll be page 9 Page 9 in your blue Mountain Baptist song books and we'll sing Psalm 139 Surely thou will slay the wicked Surely thou will slay the wicked Oh God Do you part from me there for ye bloody men Depart from me there for ye bloody men Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee and am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them Lord that hate thee for they speak against thee wickedly for They speak against thee wickedly and thine enemies Take thy name in vain and thine enemies Take thy name in vain Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee and am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee I hate them with perfect hatred I hate them with perfect hatred and count them mine enemies and count them mine enemies Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee and am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee Amen Amen so that's our official June song for the month so every service. We're gonna be singing Psalm 139, right? That's what we're doing so But just some announcements here welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this beautiful Sunday morning and Just some announcements all the service time should be normal today, and so we'll have our afternoon service But also our soul winning time at 1 p.m.. So this afternoon if you want to go out soul winning Meet up here before 1 o'clock. We'll get teamed up and go out and then After the service work well, we'll see how the water feels But either way we could do it. We're gonna have some baptisms today, so I know My daughter Anna is gonna be getting baptized and then Jalen a less go and so So stick around and We didn't just put the water in there, so it's been in there since last Sunday, so it shouldn't be right, or is that new water? Okay, but it's cold Well well there's water in there Just didn't touch it okay well Well there's gonna be some baptisms, but as far as the the warmth of the water. We'll see but So excited about that obviously it's great to see our young ones getting saved and then following the Lord and baptism and so Praise the Lord for that And then the regional sewing times on here just get with the men that lead these up and so we got Monday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday and then the upcoming events we have the men's Prayer meetings Or the men prayer meeting and the women's prayer meeting on here as far as the end of the month for the men's beginning of the month for the women's and so Soloning marathon we have we had to postpone the Philadelphia one for safety reasons though brother Richie doesn't care about safety and he went anyway So but you know what if you want to go that that's great actually seven salvation's out there But we are Rescheduling that so on the 15th of July We're gonna have a soloing marathon in Philadelphia. So so that was like the Reconnaissance mission we'll call it that so as far as that goes and then So that'll be in July July 15th, but we're gonna have the Indianapolis. So winning marathon the 24th of this month, so that's coming up here soon and so If you are wanting to go out to that and you haven't already let us know we're gonna be Getting hotel rooms or we we already have got hotel rooms and all that. So Get with us if you're wanting to go out there and you haven't already told us about that And so that'll be coming up just be in prayer for that Hopefully that'll be receptive and everything But I know there's a lot of people that are coming out to that a lot of silent partners or a lot of a lot a lot of People that haven't gone soul winning that are going to be silent partners that are getting better wanting to learn. So That's exciting there as well And then our chapter memory for the month is Malachi chapter 1 So we're gonna be memorizing the book of Malachi and obviously we're gonna start with chapter 1 And so if you want to join us in that journey this month will be Memorizing Malachi or Malachi one and in our first memory verse for the week and You know an honor Desecration, however, you want to look at this of Pride Month, which This this abomination of garbage that's being shoved in our faces this month is Proverbs 16 18 That's our memory verse for the week, which is pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall So that is our memory verse for the week. And so When people are just like, oh, we're celebrating pride. We're celebrating pride. You have Fox News. You have everybody else just celebrating pride You know Val say is that you know, it's kind of whether they say I just want to be like Yeah, I mean at your own words words are gonna condemn D And so all these people that are just just pushing that garbage And it's just you can't get away from it but But here at Mountain Baptist Church You're gonna hear the truth about what this this Pride Month is about and what all this this garbage that's being Filtered in the air and in the news and everything is being loving and all that Here we know what it is that they're haters of God and we hate those that hate the Lord So the sodomites and all those that are that are a part of this this pride LGBTQ AARP Group Sorry for AARP. Okay. So if you're retired and you have AARP, I'm not against that But who knows what these at, you know, how I mean the alphabet community community the the fags the queers You're like, I can't believe you use that language. I can't believe that you would even be offended at what I would say about them Because they hate God. I hate them and do not I hate them a lord that hate thee and So we're gonna be singing that song maybe we'll bring it into July maybe we'll just keep going with it but This isn't my sermon so Where was I birthdays? Okay. So where we at on birthdays here? Do we have we have Emma's coming up? I? Know my child but Emma's is until Sunday, right? So technically it would be next week So we're celebrating it on Saturday, but and then did we miss anybody I Think we got everybody So we'll sing happy birthday on Emma's birthday, which is next Sunday so and at anniversaries We got the McShay's on there and then Did we did we sing happy anniversary to the Hiles They're on the list but it was June 3rd, right That's not it's never too late. It's only too late for a reprobate but you guys are saved so And then Actually today is the Russell's anniversary so We could sing happy happy anniversary to the Russell's over over the stream so And then and then on the the pregnancy list there we have TR Lasko We have Amanda Spina Jennifer Simes and Alyssa Ford and so be in prayer for all these ladies on the pregnancy list there Everything goes well during the pregnancy during the delivery during the recovery process all that remember to not stop praying for the ladies after they Give birth. That's actually probably when they need more prayer after that but Definitely a blessing there. I Think there's anything else I can think of right now as far as announcements go Again, stick around for some baptisms after the service The offering boxes in the back there if you want to give a tithe or an offering the mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only and Who's reading this morning brother brother Shane's gonna be reading Leviticus chapter 26 after we do one more song All right, take your song books and turn to song 370 370 in your song books we'll sing throughout the lifeline song 370 While the lifeline across the dark wave, you know, we got to stop sorry Dude, I can't leave you out. I totally forgot. I'm sorry Levi go over there It's anniversary Yeah, yeah, you know, I'm getting older I was sitting down there I was like, I can't wait to sing for them And then like you're not picking up your instruments. I'm like what's going that's a rebellion So anyway Treachery Anyway, so here we go. Okay, so we sing to the McShades right last week. Yeah. All right How many years brother? 12 and it was June 3rd. Yep. All right. All right, we're gonna stand up Come on, man Yeah, yeah go it's easy All right sing happy anniversary to the house ready Happy anniversary to you Happy anniversary to you Happy anniversary God bless you Happy anniversary to you There you go, all right now take your song books and turn to song 370 And we'll sing throughout the lifeline ready, here we go Throw out the lifeline across the dark wave There is a brother whom someone should save Somebody's brother Oh who then will dare Throw out the lifeline his peril to share Throw out the lifeline Throw out the lifeline Someone is drifting away Throw out the lifeline Throw out the lifeline Someone is sinking today Throw out the lifeline with hand quick and strong Why do you tarry why linger so long See he is sinking Oh hasten today and throw the lifeboat away then away Throw out the lifeline Throw out the lifeline Someone is drifting away Throw out the lifeline Throw out the lifeline Throw out the lifeline Someone is sinking today Throw out the lifeline to danger fraud man Seeking in anguish where you've never been Winds of temptation and billows of woe soon Dark waters flow Throw out the lifeline Throw out the lifeline someone is drifting away Throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline is sinking today Soon Will the season of rescue be or Soon will they drift to eternity Shore Hey, then my brother no time for delay Throw out the lifeline and save them today Throw out the lifeline Throw out the lifeline is drifting away Throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline is sinking today Alright take your Bibles and turn to Leviticus chapter number 26 Leviticus chapter number 26 in your Bibles and we'll have brother Shane Read that for us Leviticus chapter 26 Leviticus chapter 26 and the Bible reads You shall make you no idols nor graven image neither rear you up a standing image Neither shall you set up any image of stone in your land to bow down unto it for I am the Lord your God You shall keep my Sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary I am the Lord if you walk in my statues and keep my commandments and do them Then I will give you rain and dew season and the land shall yield her increase and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit and Your threshing shall reach unto the vintage and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time and you shall eat your bread to the pool And dwell in your land safely I will give you peace in the land and you shall lie down and None shall make you afraid and I will rid evil beasts out of the land Neither shall the sword go through your land and you shall cease chase you shall chase your enemies and they shall fall before you By the sword and five of you shall chase a hundred and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight and your enemies Shall fall before you by the sword. I will have I will have Respect unto you and make you fruitful and multiply you and establish my covenant with you You shall eat old store and bring forth the old because of the new and I will set my tabernacle among you and my soul shall not abhor you I will walk among you and will be your God and you shall be my people I am the Lord your God which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt that you should not be their bondmen and I have broken the bands of the your yoke and made you go up ring But if you will not hearken unto me and will not do all these commitments If you shall despise my statutes or if your soul abhor my judgments So that you will not do all my commitments, but that you break my covenant. I Also will do this unto you. I will even a point over you terror consumption and the burning argue That shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow apart and you shall sow your seed in vain and your enemies shall eat it I will set my face against you and you shall be slain before your enemies. They that hate you shall reign over you and You shall flee when none pursue with you If you will not yet for all this hearken unto me Then I will punish you seven times more for your sins and I will break the pride of your power and will make your heaven As iron and your earth as brass and your strength shall be spent in vain for your land shall not yield her increase Neither shall the trees the land yield their fruits And if you walk contrary unto me and will not hearken unto me I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins I will also send wild beasts among you which shall rob you of your children and destroy your cattle and make you few in number And your highways shall be desolate and if you will not be reformed by me by these things But will walk contrary unto me Then will I also walk Contrary unto you and will punish you yet seven times for your sins. I will bring a sword upon you that shall avenge the quarrel of my coven and when you are gathered together within your cities, I will send the pestilence among you and You shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy and when I've broken the staff of your bread ten women shall Bake your bread in one oven and they shall deliver you your bread again By weight and you shall eat and not be satisfied And if you will not for all this hearken unto me But walk contrary unto me Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury and I even I will chastise you seven times for your sins and you shall eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters shall you eat and I will destroy your high places and cut down your images and cast your carcasses upon carcasses of your idols And my soul shall pour you and I will make your city's waste and bring your sanctuaries on the desolation and I will not smell the Savior of your sweet odors and I will bring the land in the desolation and your enemies which dwell therein Shall be astonished at it and I will scatter you among the heathen and will draw out a sword after you and your land shall Be desolate and your city's waste Then shall the land enjoy her Sabbaths as long as it lieth desolate and ye be in your enemies land Even then shall the land rest and enjoy your Sabbaths as long as it lieth desolate it shall rest because it did not rest in your Sabbaths when you dwelt upon it and Upon them that are left alive of you. I will send a faintness unto their hearts in the lands of their enemies and The sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them and they shall flee and as a fleeing from a sword and they shall fall when none pursue it and they shall fall one upon another as It were before a sword when none pursue it and you shall have no power to stand before your enemies you shall perish among the heathen and the land of your enemies shall eat you up and They that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in your enemies lands and also the iniquities of their fathers Shall they pine away with them if they shall confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers but their trespass which they trespass against me and that also they have walked contrary unto me and that I also have walked contrary unto them and have brought them into the land of their enemies if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled and Then they accept of the punishment of their iniquity Then I will remember my covenant with Jacob and also my covenant with Isaac and also my covenant with Abraham Will I remember and I will remember the land the land also shall be left of them and shall enjoy her sabbaths while she lieth desolate without them and they shall accept of the punishment of their iniquity because even because they despise my Judgments and because of their soul abhorred my statutes and yet for all that when they be in the land of their enemies I will not cast them away either while I pour them To utter to destroy them utterly and to break my covenant with them for I am the Lord their God But I will for their sakes remember the covenant of their ancestors Whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the heathen that I might be their God I am the Lord These are the statutes and the judgments and laws which the Lord made between him and the children of Israel in the Mount Sinai by the hand of Moses Let us pray Dear Heavenly Father Lord. Thank you to be gathered in your house this morning Just pray you feel past with your spirit. Help us to learn from your word and in Jesus name. Amen Amen You're there in Leviticus chapter 26 and the name of my sermon this morning is wild beasts among you or among us wild beasts among us and Why don't we be preaching on is dealing with curses that are put upon a nation for not keeping his commandments and This obviously the Leviticus 26 is God is talking to the nation of Israel but as you know in the New Testament the kingdom of God was taken from them and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof and So any nation that would follow God's laws could be a blessed nation and God will bless them And so I believe that America has been blessed and the principles that America stood on or used to stand on is a big reason why America was blessed, but now our nation is being cursed and this is one of those curses that that we'll see here is Wild beasts being brought upon us and go to go to verse 14 there just to kind of get some context of what we're dealing with here And verse 14 It says but if ye will not hearken unto me and will not do all these commandments and if ye shall despise my Statutes or if your soul pour my judgments so that you will not do all my commandments, but that you break my covenant I also will do this unto you I will even a point over you terror consumption in the burning ague That shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart and you shall sow your seed in vain for your enemy shall eat it and I will set my face against you and you shall be slain before your enemies they that hate you shall reign over you and You shall flee when none pursue with you if you remember the Bible teaches the the wicked flee when no man pursue it And so the idea is that they're being wicked the righteous are as bold as a lion, right? so There's a difference between being righteous being wicked and here obviously because their wickedness they're gonna flee when no one's even pursuing them Basically, they're afraid of their own shadow But it says here in verse 18 it says and if you will not yet for all this hearken unto me then I will punish you Seven times more for your sins and I will break the pride of your power And I will make your heaven as iron and your earth as brass notice the pride That's that's associated with the fact that they despise they hate his commandments will not keep them And he said he's gonna break their pride the pride of their power Okay, verse 20 it says and your strength shall be spent in vain for your land shall not yield her increase neither shall the trees Of the land yield their fruits and if you walk contrary into me and will not hearken unto me I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins Now here's here's where I'm gonna be getting into in verse 22 and I will also send wild beasts among you which shall rob you of your children and Destroy your cattle and make you few a number and your high plate ways shall be desolate and if you will not be reformed by by me by these things But will walk contrary unto me then will I also walk contrary unto you and will punish you yet seven times For your sins. So notice that it's kind of like if you don't do it for this. I'm gonna I'm gonna keep going and Going down the line on all these different things but So you can have a sermon on all a lot of these different points but the one that I want to focus in on is verse 22 is I will also send wild beasts among you which shall rob you of your children Okay, probably one of the scariest things you can think about is your children being destroyed or your children dying and the idea here Is that wild beasts being among us to where? They could take out our children now go to 2nd Kings chapter 2 2nd Kings chapter 2 and verse 23 And I'll show you a story where kids were Torn by some wild beasts, okay And you know, I live out in the country so obviously I think about wild animals Being around there's bears. There's you know popular or you know, I guess Unpopular opinion here is that there's mountain lions, which there are But for a long time you were like there's no mountain lions in West, Virginia Until until all the iPhones and trail cams caught them all on tape back in the 90s when you didn't have all that stuff Everybody's just like oh you just saw some big cat, you know, it's like that's a big cat, you know but yeah, there are mountain lions, but So obviously there's the fear of like physical animals like physical wild animals And honestly, I pray all the time that well one of my children are safe from all different types of things from obviously people You know people harming them animals You know harming them also just accidents things that they can get into and things that stuff like that So I think all those things are good to be praying that the Lord protects them and keeps them safe and ultimately Safeties of the Lord, but notice what it says here in second Kings verse 23 or to verse 23 This is a story with Elisha. I'm not Elijah, but Elisha In verse 23, it says and he went up from thence under Bethel and as he was going up, by the way This is Elisha going up There came forth little children out of the city and mocked him and said unto him go up thou bald head Go up thou bald head Okay, so you had these children coming out mocking Elisha for being bald, okay now You know, you can say well, maybe it's just some innocent thing or whatever But but honestly this kind of shows that the the mentality of these children That they don't care to just make fun of some guy some some, you know, man That's that and obviously this is a prophet of God. I mean a well-known prophet of God, but But at the same time notice what it says in verse 24 And he turned back and looked on them and cursed them in the name of the Lord so you have this the man of God Elisha cursing these children and notice what happens here it says and there came for two she bears out of the wood and Tear forty and two children of them So that's the story in the Bible, okay, whether you like it or not, it doesn't matter That's in the Bible and so children should beware on who you're mocking The she bears are coming for you and but I you know all joking aside obviously, I'm not saying like if you did that she bears are coming out of the wood, but it did happen and This is something that these are wild beasts and notice that these children Aren't obviously doing what they should be doing It's not like they're just innocent they're standing and not doing anything But at the same time it tear forty and two children of them now Did they die? Well, sometimes terror can mean die Sometimes it doesn't sometimes terror can just mean like basically someone's being like hurt Okay, think about like the the devil's tearing they tore Like on a person and then they came out of them, right? That person didn't die. It looked like he was dead, you know in some cases, but You know, sometimes terror doesn't mean that but it could mean that they were maimed they were you know mauled, you know Either way, it's bad. But at the same time like they may not have all died It doesn't say they died, but they got tore tore up by these bears And so when it talks about them coming out of the wood, obviously we're talking about wild animals, right? We're not talking about like some circus bears that people have been training. These are straight-up wild She bears which you think about this is what I was telling my I tell my children this too Is that we have black bears and usually black bears are more afraid of you anyway, and they're gonna run away Unless you're dealing with a mama bear and her cubs and The Bible even talks about as a bear robbed of her whelps, you know and whelps in the Bible is talking about their their cubs right, so when you're when you think about why these she bears would be so aggressive that Who knows? You know, obviously they probably thought that their children were being that their cubs were in harm's way or something like that. Either way They're wild animals, right? Go to 2nd Samuel chapter 18 the idea of the wood. Okay, so we call it the woods Like I don't know from West Virginia. That's what we call we're going out into the woods, right? But the wood, you know, that's what we're talking about We're talking about the woods the forest where the trees are at, you know the wilderness Now the wilderness a lot of times the Bible would be talking about like a desert place, right? Whereas when we think of wilderness, we're thinking of like like Amazon or something So but at the same time the wood here is it's very interesting on how animals can destroy people Dealing with the wood or in the wild right? Notice what it says in 2nd Samuel chapter 18 verse 5 It says in the king commanded Joab and Abishai and Etai saying deal gently for my son with the young man even with Absalom Absalom and all the people heard when the king gave all the captains charge concerning Absalom. So get the story Absalom's trying to take out take over the kingdom David and his men are fighting with Israel and Absalom and it says so the people went out into the field against Israel and the Battle was in the wood of Ephraim So they're in the woods, right? They're in the forest It says where the people of Israel were slain before the servants of David and there was there a great slaughter that day of 20,000 men so I want you to think about this 20,000 But notice what it says in verse 8 for the battle was there Scattered over the face of all the country and the wood devoured more people that day than the sword devoured Now where the trees? Listen, this isn't this isn't Lord of the Rings where the trees are fighting Okay, the trees didn't eat these people and like, you know, take them out. Okay The wood is talking about the creatures inside the forest. Okay, so And so now you can say well, is that 20,000 more men or more than 20,000 men? Well this let's say 20,000 is all the men that died That means more than 10,000 were killed by the creatures in the woods That's crazy, I mean think about it think about it think about a thousand people dying in the woods by creatures, right? It says that more were slain by the wood Now Absalom you could say well, you know, maybe everybody was caught up into an oak tree like Absalom was right because we know how Absalom died right his head got caught up into an oak tree and he was stuck up there and then obviously Joab came by and killed him, but I Don't think everybody was just like getting caught up into the trees, you know, and And they were just like that literally the trees killed them Okay, even even Absalom didn't die from the tree. Okay. Someone had to come by and kill him. Okay now So when you think about these wild beasts now beast is a term like the Bible doesn't the King James Bible doesn't use the the The term animal, but that's what it is. Okay, so And you know, but they didn't use the term animal back then because I mean obviously we we add words as we go on Dinosaurs not the Bible, but dinosaur wasn't invented until the 1800s and so Beast in the Bible is talking about an animal. Okay when he made the beasts in the creation We're dealing with animals. Okay, and so When you see beasts, we're just talking about animals, but wild animals is what we're talking about. Okay, and You say what's your point? You just you just preach a whole sermon about like beware of bears and things that are in the woods okay, and I was you say where'd this sermon come from? well, my wife is reading through the Bible and and She kind of brought this passage up to me with a thought process of this because you can obviously see like the physical wild beasts Evil beasts, right? But she's like, you know, isn't it interesting that in America? We have all these school shootings with these psychopaths that are killing children And What do you have wild beasts among us Because you I mean why are they going after little kids Why is this stuff going on right because it's a judgment of God. That's why Because when you have a wicked nation this stuff runs rampant God's blessing is coming off of our nation in the school shootings and children being massacred in our country is proof of God's Blessing leaving our country in the curse being put upon it Notice that he's in and listen It's not like it's not like God is the one Like killing these children, but you know, what's going on is God's not stopping it From happening You say well, I can't believe it well You know what? maybe you should get on your knees and start praying to God that he doesn't destroy our children and that his is That his blessing would return you that's what I would say to our nation Because our nation has forgotten God and the nations that forget God shall be turned into hell And We have a bunch of wild beasts that are among us and not only are the wild beasts among us But they're being praised and honored and venerated Above everything else in our country right now You say what wild beasts are you talking about? I'm talking about the sodomites my friend Is every psychopath out there a sodomite? No, but in in light of Pride Month And everybody's just like we're celebrating pride we're celebrating pride Well, you can celebrate wild beasts robbing you of your children because you hate God's commandments You hate the perfect law of liberty and when Leviticus 2013 is read you think it's wicked Ted Cruz All did I step on some Republicans toes Ted Cruz is supposed to be the bastion of liberty That's a US senator is basically stating that Leviticus 2013 is an abomination You can't make this stuff up he's supposed to be a Christian by the way He's supposed to be a professed Christian now. I'm not saying that he's saved at all I'm just saying that he's calling himself a Christian and he says that what was it Uganda? That passed the law basically putting the death penalty on homosexuality and they said he said that it was an abomination No, you know what the abomination is you Ted Cruz You know The abomination is is all the sodomites that are out in our country right now that are running rampant that are not only running rampant But we're supposed to be venerating them. We're supposed to be honoring them in honor of Pride Month Let's bring in all the sodomites. Oh, let's bring on all the child molesters while we're at it You're like I can't believe you equate the two Listen if those queers would sleep with another man, they'll sleep with anything Disgusting It's on it's on it's on commercials when it comes to kids programs There's cartoons that are being that are being shoved in our kids faces. And you know what? They they're they're they're finally finding that line because America is starting to say, you know what we're done with this garbage People that aren't even Christians People that would consider themselves agnostic or even atheists are saying you know what enough is enough You Come after our children then nuts to everything that you stand for Now as Christians that actually believe the Bible we've been preaching this for years That they that that's their endgame. Their endgame is going after children that they're a bunch of pedophiles and Right now wild beasts in America are robbing Families of their children whether it's in school shootings and look up Look up these these guys that have that have shot up schools and see what their background is Most of them are a bunch of trans Queers and people that hate God hate the Bible that are doing this garbage And you know what you have a bunch of wild beasts that are wanting to transition children With all these drugs and just different surgeries and all this stuff every single parent that is even thinking about that Should be put in jail and the children should be given to someone that actually take care of them and not mutilate them And You know, you're saying man, this isn't a pleasant sermon on a Sunday. You know what I It needs to be preached and you know what the in America today The reason that we're in the state we're in is because there was no preachers actually preaching on this stuff 10 years ago Besides maybe a select few And they just thought well, you know, it won't get that bad Well, welcome to 2023 Where they're literally passing laws that it's illegal to not give your children Puberty blockers and give them, you know some Sex change, you know type of surgery you'd be like, I can't believe that you're saying this stuff They're saying it to our children in school. They're already they already know all this stuff that's being said You know what? You need someone up here to basically say hey, you know what that stuff's wicked and stay away from it And It's it's just disgusting listen I went to public school But nowadays I Mean, it's just it's you say well, you're just sheltering your children. You know, what are you the doggers? You know, you know go watch the documentary on the doggers, you know, you are you that now listen Listen when I went to school they weren't talking about this this garbage The big thing the big thing that was kind of like even on the radar of like dispute was dealing with like Sex education and when that should be taught or if it should be taught right and listen, by the way You know, I I went through that like one day class or whatever and guess what? None of this sodomite crap was ever mentioned I'm not condoning that education, you know as far as in schools or anything like that But you know what? It was never brought up like that that type of stuff Wasn't even it wasn't even like on the radar If it was brought up it was like don't do that. You'll get AIDS Which by the way Still true today, okay Have you heard about monkeypox? Anybody worried about monkeypox? No, because you're not a fag Because that's who gets it And listen, there may be some crass language this morning But it's because it needs to be it needs to get your attention Okay that what we're dealing with today in America is Perilous times and we're dealing with wild beasts that are running rampant in our in our in our country and they're being praised They're being praised they're being venerated and listen those that are righteous are the ones that are being condemned Anybody that speaks out against this is being condemned they're being silenced People have lost their jobs because they would say anything against this any type of athlete that would say anything against it gone gone gone And by the way, never apologize to these creatures Listen I'm all about apologizing when you're wrong But guess what you're not wrong on this issue Because I didn't I didn't actually write the standards of this issue God did So if the Bible says it you have nothing to apologize for you can apologize for God You know what people are just like are you sorry for the for what you believe on this Why would I be sorry? You should be sorry for what you believe on this It's about time that that Americans stand up for what's right and say, you know what you should be ashamed Because we have a bunch of Americans that are supporting these wild beasts these evil beasts that are supporting them and They don't have any shame neither. Can they blush? There's no shame no blushing when you have drag queen story time When you had these parades that are going on and that children are being marched in there and those parents You know are You know what I hate the fags, okay, but you know what I have no love for those parents that are putting their children through that And it disgusts me to think about children that are being brought up in families That are just supporting that and then all these families just happen to have a trans kid Like every single one of their kids is either they're a part of that that queer perverted community You Know that's statistically impossible even by the standards of the statistics of what's going on now You know what? That means the parents are putting that on them the percentage of kids in school today I forget what it was So forgive me if my percentage is wrong But it was something close to 20% of kids in schools were were associated themselves with the LGBTQ community Do you think that all of those are reprobate or do you think that a lot of those are just afraid? That they're gonna be labeled as some racist bigot if they're not a part of that community That they're afraid of being bullied So they're just like well I could be a part of this community just so that I don't have to you know face any backlash Maybe they want privilege points Listen if you want privilege points, then you need to be some like trans black disabled Leper Like it has to be like it's the oppression Olympics. How oppressed can you be? And listen to be a part, you know to be in that so-called, you know perverted community is somehow oppression Was it you should anybody that's disabled or black or like any other ethnicity should be ashamed to even be in that same category We're not the same category Perversion Wickedness is over here and then you're like whether I'm a man or a woman or I'm a you know Black white yellow, you know, whatever. It doesn't matter all that's over here That has nothing to do with perversion but yet it's been melded in there so that we can say well It's you're a racist if you're against the fags It's not a race it's it's perverted it's wickedness it's filth it's vile Now our memory verse I haven't got first to pass the first page, I don't know why I wrote notes on this Our memory verse is Proverbs 16 verse 18 says pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall Now listen, why would any Christian think that celebrating pride is a good idea for anything And listen listen America. You need to stop having so much pride in your country Now you know the Bible uses for a term instead of pride is being well pleased You Know what God the Father said about his son This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased and I know in America a lot of times when we say I'm proud Of my child what we're saying is we're pleased with our child, right? So that term pride I don't even want I don't use that term I don't be like I'm proud to be American I'm proud, you know to be a Ford owner. That's definitely not true. I'm proud, you know The pride is something that should be Look up the word pride or proud in the Bible and you won't find a good mention of it Okay, and we need to we need to know that hey that isn't something to be celebrated whether you are even talking about Perversion or if you're talking about proud to be an American Listen, I'm not proud to be an American right now You mean that you mean the flag flag that's on the the White House right now You mean like when I passed NASA and all these these government agencies over here they have some queer flag flying Supposed to be proud of that Think I'm proud of my nation Most of the people that are working for the government that are up in these high up positions are a bunch of reprobates themselves Now Ezekiel chapter 16 what people will say on this is that well, you know Sodom their problem was pride. Well Okay, let's say it was just pride. Okay I'll say this pride is the root of the matter You know how someone becomes a homo pride? Because they reject God and they're too proud to humble themselves before God and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation So pride is the root of the problem and pride is the root of the problem for Sodom but that's not why he destroyed them and They'll always go to Ezekiel chapter 16 verse 49 and say well Sodom wasn't destroyed for homosexuality It was destroyed because of pride. Well, I mean So let's have a whole pride month then. What are you just saying? Hey, hey God destroy us As you hold up the rainbow of Token that God put in the in the sky that That show that gives you remembers that he flooded the earth and destroyed every living creature Except for Noah and his family and everything that was on the ark And Ezekiel chapter 16 verse 49 says behold This was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom pride and they just stopped reading as if that's like the end of everything that's stated here Well, therefore he destroyed him for pride. Well, then we're in bad shape Because not only do we have pride but we have abominations running rampant in our country Now keep reading though It says fullness of bread abundance of idleness Was in her and in her daughters neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor needy Which is this is I mean like reading about America, isn't it? We have prosperity therefore you have idleness and listen if you were a country that was at war or in some deep Famine or something like that. No one would care about pronouns No one would care about any of this stuff listen you know what the one good thing about COVID hitting our country is the fact that the all the pride stuff was cancelled because no one Gave a rip about that stuff when everybody's just worried about surviving You say what's the answer to what's going on? Well, I'll get to that but in verse 50 it says and they were haughty notices and committed abomination before me Therefore I took them away as I saw good Because Whosoever lies with mankind is the lives of the woman both of them have committed an abomination They shall surely be put to death their blood should be upon them All dreaded Leviticus 20 That's still that's Bible that's moral law What tell me when tell me when thou shalt do no murder goes away and then I'll let you know that goes away, too Tell me when it's okay to commit adultery when it's okay to steal Then I'll tell you that that that's that's no longer applies either Well, you know it says in there that you shouldn't wear clothing with mixed fabrics Is that moral law? No, and people are they don't they don't they know that it's stupid. They know that as far as that argument is stupid They don't care. They'll do anything to try to bolster some wicked activity Go to Jude Jude in verse 7 Jude in verse 7, so we're talking about wild beasts We're talking about what the Bible calls the New Testament brute beasts And listen these these homos these pedophiles they're nothing but animals You should love your neighbor and animals not my neighbor So, I mean, yeah, I I can choose to love my dog that I have to the pet but I'm not commanded to But listen my dog as a pet is not some filthy sodomite But It's funny when people and I'll get to this because if I would call some dogs It's funny when people just like oh, you know Even dogs, you know, they do stuff that homos do it's like what we've been called on that. That's why the Bible calls them that It's like you're just proving our point so you're so you're agreeing that they're animals That what you're saying? It's funny what people are saying. Gotcha Then they just proved your point In Jude 7 verse 7 there It says even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them and like man are giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh A synonym to strange would be queer Yeah, I can't I can't believe that's in their acronym LGBTQ So, I mean if they get offended at that Don't put it in your acronym but it means strange and They they ascribe to that but yeah They're going after strange flesh and are set forth for an example setting setting us suffering the vengeance of eternal fire So why were they destroyed Because they went after strange flesh. That's why It says likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise the minion and speak evil dignities yet Michael the Archangel when contending about Contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses does not bring against him a railing accusation But said the Lord rebuked thee but these speak evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally Notice this as brute beasts in those things they corrupt themselves A moment to them for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after error of Balaam for reward and perishing to gain Saint Lachor these are spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you notice that they're with you Right, we're talking about wild beasts among us While they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds without water carried about of winds trees whose fruit withers without fruit twice dead Plucked up by the roots raging waves of seas Foaming out their own shame wandering stars of whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever So Brute beasts now what's brute beasts mean? Well beast means an animal brute means dumb. They're dumb animals You probably ever heard that person's a brute now sometimes you think of brood as being like strong But usually what what they're inferring there is they're strong and dumb, right? They're strong, but they're dumb and therefore they're a brute Okay, and so a brute beast is a dumb animal You're like, I can't believe you call them dumb animals God call them dumb animals, okay Stupid animals Like dumb means like they can't hear okay stupid Moronic Idiotic Whatever where you want to use there They're not intelligent, okay, they lack any type of like intelligence, okay they didn't start off that way, but notice in verse 17 here it says But beloved remember ye the words which were spoken before the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts These be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit It's interesting that these brute beasts are sensual Could anybody argue that this whole LGBTQ AARP thing is not sensual. That is that is what they're all about It's sensuality and they don't have the spirit and Anybody that supports that group is not right with God You know what As far as I'm concerned in this life the wrath of God is abiding on you You're gonna have a judgment if you're a if you're a saved person you you're a believer and you support this this pride Garbage that's going on right now Then the wrath of God is abiding on you in this life I'm not saying you're going to hell because obviously say people can't go to hell but listen Jehoshaphat was reviewed and said shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them to hate the Lord Therefore is wrath upon they from before the Lord and you can have wrath in this life on you as a Christian because you're still in your old man physical flesh and you're gonna suffer the consequences for Supporting those that hate God and those that are ungodly And by the way, you know, I just saw something like that that stupid meme that's out there where Jesus is washing the feet of different people and it's always like this long-haired hippie Jesus wearing a dress and It's like this is this is This is a reality and he's like washing the feet of like some prisoner and washing the feet of like, you know Someone that maybe you wouldn't like but then there's some fag Like oh this is this is the truth right here chapter and verse my friend Chapter and verse where he washed the feet of a Pharisee or a Sadducee or scribe Or prisoner no, but I can show you where he washed the feet of his disciples though Now when it comes to you know when he washed the feet now obviously Judas was in the midst of that But he's basically saying you're not all clean and that one of you is a devil And when it comes to this whole idea of you know, well we need to minister and love everybody Jesus said to the Pharisees and the Sadducees he says let them alone They say go wash their feet go minister unto them he said let them alone they'd be blind leaders of the blind And so you know the answer obviously in the world that we live in today is just you know stay away from these people and Obviously, we're not the government so we can't enforce any laws But we need to stay away from them as much as possible, but that listen Stay away from doesn't mean I can't say something against them right I'm not trying to minister unto them, but I'm ministering unto those that would be affected by them go to 2nd Peter chapter 2 2 Peter chapter 2 2 Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 and verse 12 and this isn't a sermon saying like there's wild beasts among us right now in this room. I Mean obviously it's possible that there's a Judas, right? And we should always be Beware of that type of stuff, but I'm more so talking about the the wild beasts that are among us just in this world that we need to be cognizant of you need to be aware of and Know what the Bible teaches about them in verse 12 it says But but these as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed. I can't believe you say that So the Bible says they're made to be taken and destroyed Speak evil of the things which they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption and Shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they that count it pleasure to riot in the daytime Isn't that interesting? How this stuff is just done out in the open right now Listen it's a shame to even speak of those things which are done of them in secret, but yet they're done on parades now It's just done out in front of everybody out in daylight like this They're having parades where this debauchery is going on in front of everybody. Are the cops doing anything? No They'll just yell at a Christian that's saying something about it Say are you angry with yeah, I'm angry Listen, the Bible says be angry and sin not and I'm angry at sin and I'm angry at people that that have the authority To put a stop to it and don't You're like all support support your government support the police. How about they punish evildoers and then maybe I'll support them You know, the only job of the government is the only legit job of the government is the punishment of evildoers and Yet they fail at that. That's the one thing they don't do Instead they punish righteous people Do Do some people get punished that are evildoers? Sure Right, it happens. I mean applying squirrel fines are not every once in a while But at the same time like the injustice that's going on when the fact that the people that are right end up paying everything and the people that are wrong end up getting everything and So In verse 14 there, I want you to see it says having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin Beguiling unstable souls and heart they have exercised with With covetous practices cursed children. So what are we dealing with here? We're dealing with children of the devil is what we're dealing with. We're dealing with people that are children of Belial and they're cursed but these people That are brute beasts. It Says that they cannot cease from sin and that they beguile unstable souls And here's the thing when we're talking about wild beasts being sent among the people we're talking about these wild beasts devouring and robbing you of your children and This is the line where people are finally waking up, isn't it? It was okay These wild beasts were roaming around and they were maybe hurting adults or they were doing this or that But as soon as they start coming after the children people just like whoa, what's going on? But you see how in the progression of events of as far as God Judging a nation notice how it was we're kind of down into the middle of the the punishments, aren't we? But we're not done either is it? You say well, how worse can it get it gets worse? It gets worse and the question is will our country be at a turning point where they say, you know What it's time to get back to the things of God It's time to see what the Bible has to say about this things have gotten so strange. The Bible is the only Foundation of normalcy that we can see and everybody starts getting back to that and maybe maybe we can turn this country around But we see here they beguile unstable souls They know that that's what they're going after They're trying to bring up another generation of children that will be sympathetic to them That will be come them Because they're not they're not What's the term Reproducers, they're recruiters They can't reproduce but they can recruit and This is what we're dealing with here is these wild beasts devouring the children It's interesting too that it the next thing that you see in the progression of things and Leviticus 26 It says and ye shall eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters. I eat Now That actually happens in the Bible where there was such a famine that there was actually women that were eating their children Which is insanity But you know what you can spiritualize that in the fact that these parents are literally devouring their children to get Privilege points in this world. All I have a trans kid all I have I have a queer son Why so they can have privilege points and you know, what's interesting about this is That it tends to be white families, isn't it? Because white people are being marginalized today is being like a bunch of racists Which obviously that's ridiculous and stupid, right? You're just you're a racist by proxy You're a racist just because you're born that way. You're a racist. It's like kind of sounds like racism to me, doesn't it? It's like you're just a racist because of your race But because of that because that stupidity that's out there and In order to combat that to be like I'm not a racist because I have a trans kid Therefore feel sorry for me and I'm marginalized Okay sacrifice your children upon the altar of Moloch So that you can be marginalized and have some kind of form of respect in this world You know what Nuts to all the respect that this world would give you to let you to devour your children like that and You know what I have no patience for this garbage that's out there because I love my children and I'd rather die Than let this world devour them let these wild beasts devour them. There was an interview Done by a pedophile like they they interviewed this predator this pedophile known pedophile admits it and This guy says on they asked him they're like, so how do you know who to try to go after? and one of the number one things that person says is that I first of all look at I Look, you know if there if there's a father there if the father looks like a fret I don't mess with them at all I don't even get close Yeah, so a Lot of the kids that are getting abused are the ones that don't have a father or maybe the father isn't present in their life and You can understand that and there's it goes down this line of different things when it comes to this but I Don't have the statistic in front of me about the fatherless homes, but there's a lot. I mean, it's I'm sure it's more than 50% of children that don't have a father in the home and and not because you know, obviously there's tragedy that happens and that that is what it is, but We're talking about people that The fathers don't want anything to do with their children. They're not there. They're not there at the events. They're not whatever And so a father being there is going to be a huge protection from these wild beasts Let me think about it If I'm out there with my kids and they're playing and then a bear comes out guess who's gonna be taking care of that bear And by the way the person said to if I believe that the father is a threat Because they're I bet you there are father that'll look like a threat They're just like I can steamroll that That father probably all about me he could probably manipulate that person and use great swelling words and Get past the father But if you have but if you have a father that has like one of those like hundred mile stairs You know, you know what I'm talking about? That will like pierce through someone like that I write, you know, I'm you know, you you'll go up these places like stores and stuff like that There'll be some like queer that's like working at the counter and I give them one of those stairs that Because they'll some they'll try to be friendly they'll try to do all you know, like they're trying they're always trying to get something because they're a bunch of Sociopaths psychopaths and they're obviously putting on a front to try to you know, get people to like them But I always give them that like that that hundred mile stair of like I know what you are And you can just see it like they're counting and small because they know you can see right through them and whenever there's anybody that's even close to like Like and listen, I haven't had any encounter like that But if I ever think that there's anything where I'm like, you know that person I don't want them near my children or whatever Listen that person will know that I don't want them near my children. And so You know the father being in the home is a big part of that As far as like, you know keeping them from these wild beasts The Bible says at the end of the chapter here in verse 22 it says but it has happened unto them according to the true proverb The dog is turned to his own vomit again and the salad is washed to her wallowing in the mire it likens these both male and female to the male is to the dog and the females to swine and Go to Deuteronomy 23 Deuteronomy 23 So We know that they're big dumb animals Root beasts Bible says they're vile. They're filthy It calls them dogs and swine Listen I I'm definitely not a cat lover at all. Probably more like a cat hater. I Don't like go around like hurting people's pets or anything like that But like if a cat died, I don't like it doesn't bother me if a dog it's another case I'm just like that's a little sad But when we're talking about dogs here It's we're talking about people being like enough to dogs because the dogs attributes they they eat their own vomit They eat other things that are disgusting. Okay, and so You know a lot of times animals are associated with people because of what they're likened unto right It's not saying they're actually a physical dog Like they they they're actually a dog like this is like the first mention of like trans dog ism or something like that in the Bible This is just attributes that are being given to the person based off the animal Okay in Deuteronomy 23 and verse 17 It says there shall know be no whore the daughters of Israel nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore or The price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow for even both These are abomination unto the Lord thy God So notice what it just equated there a sodomite to a dog That will make the New Testament when it talks about Dogs a lot making a lot more sense thinking of this in Philippians chapter 3 it says beware of dogs Beware of evil workers beware of the concision Who's he talking about Well second Peter says that these are like dogs right these brute beasts these false prophets are dogs The Old Testament actually even talks about their dumb dogs that cannot bark So in that case dumb is actually talking about like they can't they can't speak right If I said dumb can't mean you can't hear I didn't I was wrong. Okay, I Think I just I just like retrospect look back that I'm like no tell means you can't speak. Okay Def means you came here. Okay, so Something's gonna never see he doesn't you know what dumb means, you know whole sermon out the window People are that nitpicky my friends. They're just like all you didn't know you you misspoke So but go to Roman chapter 1 Roman chapter 1 and by the way in Proverbs 11 22 It says as a jewel of gold and a swine snout. So is a fair woman which is without discretion So this applies both ways when you're dealing with these these sodomites that it can be men It could be women but notice that the men are liking of the dogs. The women are liking them to swine And you know what the New Testament says about dogs and swine It says, you know not to render your pearls before swine, right Not to cast your jewels before that, you know it and I'm gonna I'm gonna butcher that now casting out your pearls before swine What does it say about the dogs? I'm gonna mess that up But in Matthew And obviously this does go into the false prophets and all that so it matches up perfectly with second Peter, but Yeah Give not that which is holy unto the dog That's what I was missing. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs Neither cast ye your pearls before swine lest they trample them under them their feet and turn again and rend you. Do you think They're actually talking do you think Jesus is talking about physical animals right there? Like he's actually worried that you're gonna cast your pearls before like a bunch of pigs in a in a in the slop That's there. He's just like I know that it's tempting To Do this, but you need to refrain you need to hold back from doing that No, obviously, it's a spiritual application and the dogs and swine are referring to certain people. Okay, and Romans chapter 1 here dealing with the sodomites Notice what it says here about them. Okay, so we're talking about wild beasts But what's the attributes of these wild beasts right that would be robbing us of our children? And listen here at Mountain Baptist Church and those that love the Lord I don't believe that God's gonna let these wild beasts rob our children from us Because you may say well, man, I'm scared, you know, they're gonna come after us not if you serve the Lord Show me someone in the Bible that was serving the Lord whether it's Jeremiah Ezekiel where their children were robbed from them with wild beasts When they loved God and kept his commandments The answer is serve God and fear him and I'm getting to the you know, the kind of the conclusion matter, but I you know I don't want you to be like oh man, you know, I'm afraid for my children. Listen. I'm afraid for the children of America I'm afraid for the children of this world and you know, I I care about them I don't want to see them get destroyed But listen as for me in my house, we will serve the Lord and as for me in my house I believe God will protect us from these wild animals that are out there These these freaks these perverts But you know what I do pray for the other children that are out there and when I see some sodomite You know two guys that adopt children and adopt a baby The amount of the amount of anger and rage is inside of me mixed with sorrow I can't even describe it Anger at them and sorrow for that poor little child And it you know that type of stuff will make your blood boil And But you know what? No, it just seems like the mainstream doesn't care. You know what? We'll just celebrate it and And it's just disgusting in Romans chapter 1 verse 24 It says wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness Through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves So, you know what talks about how they're gonna they're gonna be destroyed by their own corruptions It was their own vile affections. It's not like God put these vile affections in them no, God took off the governor if you will he took off the the the Basically the ability to stop from going past that which is natural and they've gone into their own vile affections And they're gonna dishonor their own bodies between themselves Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator who's blessed for every man For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women to change the natural use into that which is against nature so they were talking about the swine and Then for it says and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men Working that which is unseemly and that's that's is you know, as much as you need to know about what goes on with these people Even though they're just being allowed to do this right in public for everybody to see This is all you need to know men with men working that which is unseemly women with women and Notice what says here and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error Which with me which is HIV AIDS and all the other diseases monkey pox and everything else that goes with that So they're gonna be destroyed from their own corruptions. Listen to the lifespan of these sodomites is very small Because the way of transgressors is hard in general, but how much more for this type of stuff? But it doesn't mean that they're not going to try to rob people of their children in the short span that they have Okay in verse verse 28 It says and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things are not convenient and being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness Maliciousness notice this right here full of envy and murder So we're talking about these wild beasts robbing People of their children think about this in the fact that they're full of murder And say why would they ever do this Why would someone what what goes through someone's mind to go into an elementary school and shoot it up? Well, see here's the problem is you're thinking with a rational conscience in mind The people that do this don't have that Okay, that's what you have to understand is that we're looking at it be like Who would even dream of that? these filthy dreamers You know, it's like they don't even have a conscience yeah, you're getting ahead of me, but that's pretty much what's going on Even the world will even recognize it a whole book called without conscience By a secular person. That's not a Bible believing Baptist that states that psychopaths don't have a conscience And the Bible is teaching how they got that way though You know, what's the root of the problem pride? You know what pride caused them not to want to retain God in their knowledge You know what happened because of that they were given up to a reprobate mind You know what happened after that they went down the spiral into this wickedness and their own vile Affections into the point where they have no conscience or it's been seared and notice what it says here Full of murder envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers back fighters haters of God Psalm 139 should we love these people? the Bible says that if you love them that hate the Lord wrath of God is upon you and The Bible says do not hate them. Oh Lord that hate thee despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient parents notice this without understanding These aren't believers. It says covenant breakers without natural affection That's a big bold statement, isn't it without natural affection? Implacable unmerciful those last two ones are creepy aren't they implacable means they can't be pacified You can't placate them There's no Pacifying them. That's why you don't apologize to these people. You don't give them an inch. They're implacable anyway But they're also unmerciful They lack the ability to have any type of mercy Who knowing the judgment of God a day which commits such things are worthy of death? Not only do the same but have pleasure in them to do them all Did the New Testament just teach that they should be put to death? I think it did I think that the Bible says in 2nd Timothy that That it was an example unto those that should after live ungodly when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and turned it into ashes So but notice what it says here go to go to 2nd Thessalonians 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 Notice what it says in verse 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 2 and I have these in order so We'll blast through these and then we'll be done here It says and they and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men for all men have not faith And I believe these are people that have lost the opportunity To even believe that they're ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth that the reprobate concerning the faith They're men of corrupt minds The Bible says of these people that that unto the pure all things are pure But unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing purer, but even their mind and conscience is defiled Corrupt minds Defiled minds it says in 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse verse 2 speaking lies and hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron Meaning this is that they've lost the sensitivity of their conscience and the feelings of their conscience. They don't have natural affections Their their their their mind and conscience is defiled They don't have a normal conscience like you would have they're unreasonable That's why in your mind when you're reasoning Why would someone do that? Doesn't make any sense you can understand why someone murders somebody because they're angry at them or something like that not condoning it But you can understand that someone like someone did something to somebody they got into a fight They murdered a person you can be like Okay, it's obviously wicked. It's obviously they shouldn't have done it, but you can reason around it You can't reason why some psychopath would go into a school with innocent children and start shooting it up Riddle me that like how do you reason around there's no reason around it because these people are unreasonable these people have a conscience that's been defiled and seared and Just without conscience in general now, but it says in Proverbs 4 In verse 16 talking about evil men it says for they sleep not except They have done mischief and they their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall I want you to think about that can you imagine going to sleep and being like I can't sleep until I hurt somebody Like who I Mean who can you even wrap your mind around that where you're just like I can't get a wink of sleep until I harm somebody It's like what in the world I? Mean normal people would be like I can't sleep until I maybe I reconcile with somebody right you ever go to sleep And you're angry with somebody you're like I need to get that right with somebody because it's just bothering me right That's because you have a conscience Because you're not past feeling But if you go to sleep, and you're just like hey, I just can't sleep until I hurt somebody talk about somebody some mischief There's people out there like that and listen. It's you're like. I can't imagine that can't be right They can't be true because I've never thought that listen you're gonna have to take it by faith that these people are real Because you can't as a believer you can't Praise the Lord you know we can't get into that mindset nor should I want it would I want to be in that mindset does that make sense so I? Had some other verses the Bible says they're without natural affection in 2nd Timothy 3 What should be done to them is what? Jesus says about those that offend little children the Bible says in Matthew chapter 18 verse 6 says But who so shall offend one of these little ones? Which believe in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were Drowned in the depth of the sea that's what's best for him So what's worse? You know probably what's waiting for him in hell Now go to back to Leviticus chapter 26, and we'll be done I Say that but there's one other passage, but I can read it you don't have to turn there, but So notice that that the when you see this stuff happening You say this wasn't back in my day. Yeah, because our country's gotten worse since back then You know my parents could probably testify to the fact that people bringing guns to school And no one even thought anything about it. I was reading Charlotte's Web see my children past couple days and Avery who's a boy? Avery the brother of Fern Was going to jumping on school bus and he's like he's like oh, I don't want to forget my gun And it's a it's an air pistol. It's an air rifle like type thing, but he's just like oh, yeah It's just like normal commonplace to be like hey. I'm gonna go take my my pellet gun with me to school No thought no, it's just like that's not not like the parents like don't take that they're gonna. They're gonna put you in jail Why is it different? Because the wickedness has increased Wickedness has run rampant in our country and guess what the curses are piling up And until our country gets back to God. I don't care what president you put in there I don't put you put Ron DeSantis back in you put in the office It's not gonna fix this country into our you know and so the men and women in this country say you know what we need To get back to the things of God And we need to get back to the commandments of God we need to stop hating God's commandments And then he could start blessing us again, and maybe he'll put those wild beasts back in the woods This is those wild beasts were there but notice what it says here in Leviticus chapter 26 in verse 3 if You walk in my statutes and keep my commandments and do them then Notice that if Dan statement. Here's the condition you got to keep these commands You got to walk in them right then I will give you rain and dew season and the land shall yield her increase and the trees Of the field shall yield their fruit in Your threshing shall reach unto the vintage and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time and ye shall eat your bread to the fool And dwell in your land safely And I will give peace in the land and you shall lie down and none shall make you afraid and I will rid Evil beasts out of the land neither shall the sword go through your land That's not all the blessings that are listed there but notice Those evil beasts will get rid of them Know what's interesting is that we see it in the book of first Kings and second Kings where? When you had a righteous king and you had a righteous, you know a revival guess what they got rid of the sodomites You had Asa who started it Jehoshaphat who continued it You know that that kind of Asa, you know King Asa is just like he got the sodomites out of land Jehoshaphat is like he got rid of the rest of the sodomites that were in the land, right? He got the gleanings Joe Josiah tore down The houses of the sodomites that were near to the house of God They're like there are sodomites that live there tear down those houses. They're close to the house of God And listen, it's gonna take our country to get back to that because we as we can't do anything about this These aren't laws that we're not enforcing laws. I'm not a I'm not a police. I'm not the cops. I'm not the judge I'm not the lawyers You know what it starts when God's people get on fire for the Lord We get people saved we get them into the Bible and that's where the grassroots revival is gonna bring back our country But let's say it doesn't let's say let's say all that fails in our country is just destined for the pits of hell and that you know what the ends coming and You know the Antichrist is gonna set up his kingdom and all that stuff's happening Notice what the Bible says in 2nd Peter chapter 2 and verse 6 This is truly the last one It says and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them an ensample unto those that after should that live ungodly and Delivered just law at vexed with the filthy communication of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them and seeing and hearing Vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation and to reserve the unjust until the day of judgment to be punished So even if it comes to where this country's destroyed guess what if you are a saved believer and Even lot who wasn't right with God was delivered out of that But how much more if you're living for God, you're keeping his commandments and you love the Lord. Well, he delivered you out of that But just because I know that because I love the Lord I'm team his commandments you may say Well, you know why even speak up about it, you know, why why even say something about it? You know because you know that your YouTube channel is probably gone now or your or you know Or they're gonna try to come after your job or they're gonna try to do this or that. You know, what? It's the same reason why we go out soul winning. I Know I'm going to heaven But as every man has received a gift even so minister the same one to another is good stewards of the manifold grace of God If I know the wickedness and I know what can happen to my children I don't want to see that happen. I don't want to see other children go get destroyed by wild beasts So, yeah, I mean we I wouldn't have to preach on you all know what we believe on this I'm preaching to the choir You know what the world needs to know this is what the Bible teaches and stop listening to your conservative commentators Stop listening to the mainstream media That's afraid to even read these verses and when they're pointed out to To even the leaders of our country like Ted Cruz. He just mocks it and says well do you think that we should do this to and just mocking it as if it's an abomination and so But you get enough people that stand up. I believe that we can't have revival in our country Listen, I hope for the best prepare for the worst Okay I'm gonna preach as if we can turn this country around And we're gonna we're gonna fight as if we can turn this country around We're not in retreat mode we're on the we're on the the forefront of the fight and You know what if it all falls apart, we're gonna still be victorious So let's end with a word of prayer. Father we thank you for today thank you for your word and just thank you for these passages and Lord just some hard truths and some some just kind of Hard things to think about but Lord we just pray that you keep our children safe every single child that's in our church and Family Lord, I just prayed you you would keep them safe from any of these wild beasts whether they're actual wild animals That are out in the woods right now. Lord I pray that you keep them safe from those But Lord I pray that you keep them safe from any of these wild Devilish Sodomite beasts that are out there today and Lord just pray to protect our children protect our families and Lord Just thank you for your word. Thank you for the truths and Lord We just pray that you'd be with us. We've got soul winning today and Lord We love you in prayer house in Jesus Christ name. Amen. My day will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed You All right, if you would take your song books and turn to song number 44 Song number 44 in your song books We'll sing we'll work till Jesus comes if you would stand we'll sing song number 44 Oh land of rest for the eyesight when well the moment come When I shall lay my armor by and well in peace at home Well Till Jesus comes well Till Jesus comes well Till Jesus comes and well be gathered home to Jesus Christ I fled for rest he paid me cease to roam And lean for soccer on his breast tail he can duck me home Well Tell Jesus comes well Tell Jesus comes well Tell Jesus comes and well be gathered home I Sought at once my Savior's side. No more my steps shall roll Oh With him I'll braved as chilling time Reach my heavenly home well Tell Jesus comes well work Tell Jesus comes well work Tell Jesus comes and well be gathered