(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we're continuing our series through the Kings here and We're coming up to Uzziah or in we'll see in 2nd Kings Azariah so go ahead and turn to 2nd Kings chapter 15. There's actually not much in 2nd Kings on Uzziah actually doesn't mention Uzziah mentions Azariah so Azariah Uzziah same person and What we'll see here is that Uzziah reigns for a pretty long time he reigns for 52 years, so he's Besides Manasseh, he's the longest one to reign here. So you see Uzziah here. He's jumping in here during Jeroboam The king of Israel and pretty much through that because Jeroboam reigns for a long time, too But he's gonna go all the way into Pekah son of Remaliah And it's getting down close to the end there and we know that the beginning of Hezekiah reign That's when Israel is taken captive and they're taken out completely, but Uzziah is gonna reign for 52 years and in 2nd Kings Chapter 15, there's actually just seven verses on Uzziah here, but he's called Azariah here. You say well, why is he called Azariah and In another place, he's called Uzziah in the New Testament. It's Ozious So it's like an O when it's translated transliterated in the New Testament when you're dealing with the genealogy in Matthew chapter 1 but But the reason I believe that's the case is because the the priest was called Azariah so you had two Azariahs So it makes sense that and when you're talking about that priest because the priest isn't mentioned here Or i'm sorry Yeah, it mentions that he becomes a leper But it doesn't get into that whole story how that happened. Okay, just basically says god smites him of leprosy. But But it makes sense when you're reading through there that He'd be called Uzziah instead of Azariah or someone would be changing their name So you're not getting mixed up with who's talking is it the king is the priest whatever so But Uzziah is the one that when you go to other Passages as far as Isaiah and i'm going to show you in some of the minor prophets. It's Uzziah It's not Azariah that's mentioned but I believe it's the same person. He just had a different name or A different way of saying it But going on in the second king chapter 15 verse 1 there It says in the 20th 7th year of Jeroboam king of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah king of Judah to reign 16 years old was he when he began to reign and he reigned two and fifty years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Jeckeliah of Jerusalem. So we know it's the same person I mean when you're reading second chronicles chapter 26 all the information is the same It's just that the name is Uzziah instead of Azariah But he's 16 years old when he begins to reign and he reigns For 52 years and so Amaziah reigns for 29 years. Okay, so that means that It was like in the 13th year of Amaziah's reign. That's that Uzziah was born and kind of gives you an idea where he's at over here As far as you know how old he is and all that but he's pretty young I mean 16 years old to be taking over a kingdom, but he's going to reign for 52 years. Okay now I just want to read the rest of this because really second kings gives you a quick synopsis of Uzziah as far as him being you know doing right inside the Lord becomes a leper and then he dies, you know It's kind of like very quick. Whereas when we read this whole chapter in second chronicles It gives a lot more information as far as what happened with them what was going on And so going on there in verse three It says he did that which is right inside the Lord according to all that his father Amaziah had done And you kind of see the same thing when uh, you had Amaziah It says the same thing about him He did that which is right in the Lord as his father did and so remember Joash was Amaziah's father And so he's kind of going back to that but they they all weren't perfect. They weren't Walking perfect in the Lord like David did right? But going on from there it says in verse four Save that the high places were not removed the people sacrificed and burnt incense still on the high places And the Lord smote the king so that he was a leper unto the day of his death And dwelt in a several house and jotham the king's son was over the house judging the people of the land And the rest of the acts of Azariah and all that he did Are they not written in the book of the chronicles of kings judah? so Azariah slept with his fathers and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David and jotham his son reigned in his stead so That's it. You know that second king just covers that portion of it But do you see it's just like all of a sudden he just gets smitten with leprosy You're like, oh man that that escalated quickly, you know, like you're kind of thinking of the fact of okay, he's doing right You know israel or judah's still messing up with this stuff But you see that high places and they're offering incense sacrifices all this stuff in high places that's going on. So Yeah, I mean the king At that point was doing right, but he wasn't reigning in his own people, you know They were still doing some wicked things and these high places weren't taken down and all that but let's go back to second chronicles chapter 26 And I want you to see here that that uzziah the first thing he does when his father dies is he restores judah, okay So in verse two of second chronicles 26 it says he built eloth and restored it to judah after that the king slept with his father. Well You know you think about the fact that Jerusalem and all this stuff was was kind of messed up You know with his father went with amaziah. I remember amaziah Uh went to war with the king of israel and israel basically came back and spanked them, you know Basically brought him back home and tore down some stuff in in chapter 25. We see that so in chapter 25 in verse uh 22 it says and judah was put to the work before israel and they fled every man to his tent And joash the king of israel took amaziah king of judah the son of joash the son of joe has at beth shemesh and brought him to to jerusalem And break down the wall of jerusalem from the gate of ephraim to the corner gate 400 cubits. So, you know He basically took them home and spanked them, you know and just like Took down some of their walls so you can see how he's building up Jerusalem building up judah and he's taking care of things after his father dies because it wasn't exactly left to him in a good state Right because after that happens remember there's a conspiracy and amaziah uh was killed and all that stuff so Uh, but going on here. We we see that uzziah. He's doing good. I mean As far as uh, some of the stuff that's being done by him and all this But kind of like joe ash is predicated on him having a good mentor Remember joe ash who was his mentor who was the person that was that? Well, first of all, the one that saved him was Jehoiada the priest's Wife right and then jehoiada obviously was involved in that but it was all the days that jehoiada was alive that joe ash did right Well kind of goes the same way with this only there's this man named zechariah now I believe this is a different zechariah than joe ash's son zechariah which joe ash i'm sorry joe hoyda's son zechariah that Joe ash killed if you remember he martyred he was martyred and all that um, but it says here in second chronicle chapter 26 Verse 4 says he did that which was right inside the lord according to all that his father amaziah did And he sought god in the days of zechariah Who had understanding in the in the visions of god? And as long as he sought the lord god god made him to prosper. Okay, so during the days of zechariah I believe this is a different zechariah that was killed and this is a different zechariah that we see The book of zechariah now when you look at this you can almost think is this the zechariah that's you know The the minor prophet but we know that zechariah is taking place after the captivity Okay, it's very clear if you're reading the book of zechariah. He's talking about the temple. He's talking about People that like, uh, zarabable and joshua the son of joseph the high priest all those people are Clearly after they they built the temple and they're doing all this stuff that's happening then so that zechariah is definitely not this zechariah It's interesting though because zechariah seems to be a good, you know, it's not a bad name to have, you know Because you have the zechariah that was killed for Calling out the king Then you have this zechariah that's keeping the king in check and then you have the zechariah That's the book of zechariah who's the prophet that's you know? Having the great prophecies and understanding visions. So I don't know what it is about that name zechariah, but But there's some good men. There's at least three good men that had that name I didn't realize how many zechariah good zechariahs there were and then you have Technically, you know zachariah Who's the father of john the baptist, right? And so anyway But He prospered as long As he sought the lord notice that it says that he prospered and it says as long as as he sought the lord God made him to prosper go to josh it made me think of this verse Uh, you know in joshua one eight joshua one eight Is I think it's psalm one, you know, whatsoever you shall do shall prosper it talks about uh Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of your god, you know standeth the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of scornful But his delight is in the law lord and in his law Does he meditate day and night and whatsoever you shall do shall prosper it talks about this which is exactly what joshua one eight's talking about But talking about the fact of following god reading his word meditating upon his word And how you're going to prosper and have good success When you do that And so in uh, joshua one eight, it says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth But thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then Thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success This is the as true as the day is long. I mean this I mean this is back in joshua's day That this is written and then psalm one you think of the sweet psalmist of israel david that's writing that and guess what? It's still true in the day of uzziah That as long as you're if you're following god He will make you prosper that doesn't mean that everything you're never going to have Persecutions doesn't mean that you're not going to have a tribulations But here's the thing, you know god can make you prosper throughout all of that think of job that went through trials and tribulations but in the end Everything was doubled. Okay You say well it may not happen in our life or whatever so be it, you know Let it you will prosper in the end no matter what happens In this life or the next you will prosper but jesus a lot of times is promising that you will prosper in this life And the next and this isn't a prosperity doctrine because prosperity doctrine is basically saying that You know, you can have a good life now and not have any persecutions or anything going along with that Okay, but through persecutions and through all that stuff. You can have a lot of prosperity in this life And you know, it depends on what you mean by prosperity, I guess Okay, if you're talking about okay. I want to have a boat. I want to have a mansion I want to have all this or that I want to have all these material things Then you might not have that. Okay. I'm not that's not what i'm saying is prosperous I'm talking about the fact that you have food on the table. You have clothes on your back You have a place that that that's not leaking you're you're you're you're not living like a pauper, you know You're you have things, you know God's like and i'd say that most people in our church and I could definitely attest to this that god has blessed me You know as far as financially and all that stuff and i'm not rich by any stretch of imagination, but at the same time I've never been begging bread You know and all this other stuff and i've never had to to worry about those type of things And I believe it's because god has blessed and god has made me to prosper in those times and there's times that That the government's always trying to take more and more You know, every time you have to go pay your property tax It's just like you might as well just punch me in the face Because I don't own anything and just all these things that you're constantly dealing with where you feel like you're just never getting ahead But god always seems to just give you more and there seems to always somehow make it through And you know, I believe the reason that it's been the case on that not that i'm perfect But following god keeping his commandments going to church doing the will of god going soul winning reading the bible memorizing the bible And when you do that You're going to have good success and you will prosper Now in my mind i'm richer than most people in the world Okay, but it's really perspective On what you mean by rich. I have three beautiful girls. I have a beautiful wife I have a house to live in I have food on the table I have a great church with great church members that are winning people to christ on a weekly basis We get to come together hang out eat some food Sing some some songs, you know And you think about the christmas time where it's christmas time where you're spending time with family eating all this this food and all these things To me i'm i'm a king, you know and but it takes perspective to think of that because you don't want to you don't want to be envious of the wicked and the Sinners because they're always going to have more technically in materials But you know i'll trade those materials any day of the week For the relationships that I have with my family with with my friends with my church and with with god and so But all i have to say is that uzziah As long as he was seeking god and this is isn't this the truth with all these kings As soon as they stop seeking god as soon as they stop keeping his commandments what happens? They fall apart And just history is repeating itself over and over and over and over and over again To the point where you're reading through here like come on You know, they're like i've read this has happened. It's gonna happen again. Stop it You're just like you just want to talk to these people and be like, what are you doing? Do you not know what happened to your father? You know, I want to know what happened to your grandfather. What are you doing now? The interesting thing is zechariah I believe uh, you know go to go to second chronicles chapter 29. I believe hezekiah's Mother is zechariah's daughter Okay It well because it says it okay, but I believe this is the zechariah that we're dealing with here so the zechariah that uh, That is instructing uzziah and helping him to to live for the lord and all that stuff his daughter Is ends up being the mother of hezekiah and you kind of think about this. Why was hezekiah such a great king? And you think about the people that influence because it's not like these men, you know that That do great things like hezekiah and all these other kings It they just did it on their own. They didn't have any no they had people bringing them up You know mothers you think of timothy, right? of eunice and lois And his his mother and grandmother and just the fact that they brought him up with the scriptures and all this stuff and how that affects What type of man you'll be later on and it's always interesting when you see these kings and it talks about their mother And their mother was so-and-so And a lot of times it mentions it because they were a good king and that the idea of how much power the mother has On their children and how they end up or what they end up becoming when they grow up Now obviously as fathers we have a great responsibility to be good fathers and to raise our children, right? But the mothers have so much power because they're there with them for such a more Such a longer period of time when you think about the father being out working and all that now In second chronicle chapter 29 verse 1 It says hezekiah began to reign when he was 25 and 20 years old and he reigned nine and 20 years in jerusalem And his mother's name was abijah the daughter of zechariah And he did that which was right inside of the lord according to all that david his father had done So now we're getting into it. We haven't got there yet. So spoiler alert. Hezekiah is a good king now he's going to make mistakes, you know, but At the same time he doesn't really die like jehoram does where he has his disease, you know And he doesn't die like abijah who has a disease in his feet and he doesn't you know Like some of these kings there they just kind of have this really bad ending. Um But we see here that abijah Is the daughter of zechariah now this could mean that it's his grandmother because you have after uzziah you have uh jotham and And a has okay now he's 25 years old when he begins to reign so that means that He's he's into this reign here. So it wouldn't be out of the ordinary that a has married zechariah's daughter Okay But sometimes mother can mean grandmother. Okay, so it's either a mother or grandmother, but I look at it as a timothy You know a timothy where his mother and his grandmother brought him up and zechariah was obviously a great man You know, he understanding visions of the lord and instructing uzziah and so don't discredit what effect you have on Uh, you know the men out there that that can be the leaders next, you know in the next generation Uh, you ladies have a huge influence on that And whether whether good or bad it could have a huge influence on that now Going on with uzziah he ends up You know, he remember he he uh, he kind of restores judah You know after his father dies, but then in uh verse six of second chronicles 26 He's going to build these towers Or actually first of all, he's going to go i'm sorry before the towers. He's going to go and war against the philistines So the philistines, you know, you kind of think of philistines more so in the book of judges That's just constantly who they're going after and who they're fighting against is the philistines But we have the philistines here and you think of like the gaza strip, you know down there on the metatranian Uh, basically uzziah is going to take them out in verse six here It says and he went forth and warred against the philistines and break down the wall of gath And the wall of jabna and the wall of ashdod and built cities about ashdod and among the philistines And god helped him against the philistines and against the arabians that dwelt in gurbeil and the uh Mahunims And the ammonites gave gifts to uzziah and his name spread abroad even to the entering in of egypt for he strengthened himself exceedingly Okay, so He's warring against the philistines And this is a case actually this is one of those cases where he's actually doing, uh, an offensive war. It looks like At least as far as what the bible is showing here It doesn't say like the philistines were oppressing him or anything like that, but he does an offensive war and god helped him and and so Obviously god was with uzziah here and doing this but uh, but obviously the philistines were wicked They've been wicked for a long time But he basically takes out gath and you think of goliath was of where gath and he was that philistine, right? and he builds He builds cities around these places. So he's basically taking it over Taking over the philistines and his name spread all the way even into the entering in of egypt. Okay, so uh, he's basically Getting well known For his power his might and and all that now, uh, he builds these towers in jerusalem in verse nine Says moreover uzziah built towers in jerusalem at the corner gate and at the valley gate and at the turning of the wall And fortified them also he built towers in the desert and dig many wells for he had much cattle Both in the low country and in the plains and husbandmen also and vine dressers in the mountains and in carmel For he loved husbandry so It says that he builds these towers. So he's basically fortifying jerusalem But he's also got these towers where he's got these wells so you can imagine It doesn't really say why the towers are there But you can imagine the fact that when you dig these wells out there what's constantly happening in Genesis when they dig these wells people take them over or they fill them in, right? so You see this happening where you fill in a well and then they move on and then they go and dig another one Then they fill that one in and then they finally get a place where they're not going to be messed with Or they take it over they just steal the well or whatever and so you can imagine that he sets up these towers by these wells to basically Uh defend the well, you know people try to take over the well and these people on the tower are shooting them down. So Um, that's what I kind of see. He's kind of expanding out to where you can imagine if your army's going out somewhere They need water. So he probably has these wells strategically set up to where he's got a well He's got water where he's going and they're fortified to where no one's going to be able to take out the well And all that so, um, i'm just reading into that as far as he's got this great army We're going to see and the fact that he's thinking about this. So he's a very smart leader And god's obviously is prospering, uh through following god and all this so you can see uzziah is not a bad king here. I mean this He's doing some good things Now going on from that it says that he loved husbandry Now this is going to be interesting I want you to keep that in the back of your mind when I when I get to the end of this sermon as far As dealing when you get into the prophets and what's written about uzziah and all that but he loves husbandry And you know, he's like a vine dresser and all this stuff. Okay. I want you to keep that in the back of your mind But uzziah had a great army now going on in second chronicle chapter 26 and verse 11 It says moreover uzziah had an host of fighting men that went out to war by bands according to the number of their account by the hand of Jael the scribe and mayaziah the ruler under the hand of hananiah One of the king's captains the whole number of the chief of the fathers of the mighty men of valor were 2600 so he had this special group. So these are kind of like his elites if you will It's kind of like this special group of fighters you can almost look at this as like special forces if you will Where he's got these uh two thousand and six hundred men that are these elite value men, but then Under their hand is an army of over three hundred thousand So we see in verse 13 and under their hand was an army three hundred thousand seven thousand and five hundred so three hundred seven thousand five hundred, right That made war with with with mighty power to help the king against the enemy And uzziah prepared for them throughout all the hosts shields and spears and helmets and habergeons And bows and slings to cast stones So he's got he's given them all these weapons. He's got a whole host of an army He's got these this this elite group of fighting men of two thousand and six hundred and so He's getting pretty famous i'm sure people are hearing about him and he's winning these battles and setting up all this stuff He's fortifying not only jerusalem, but even just the nation he's fortifying it He's getting it ready and all this stuff now. He also has what's interesting here is verse 15 Are these engines these engines of war if you will? In verse 15, it says he made in jerusalem engines invented by cunning men to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks to shoot arrows And great stones with all and his name spread far abroad for he was marvelously helped till he was strong now you can kind of think about this in history you think of like, uh, You know, uh wars with england and you know, I think back in like the 12th century or 13th or you know 11th century and all that stuff about how they'd have these habergeons, right and what's a habergeon? well Uh or trebuchets i'm thinking about trebuchet habergeons a little different but a trebuchet Is basically like this big thing that you wind up and then it throws like a rock. It's basically You know like this big arm that's throwing this rock and I believe that's what you're dealing with And he had these big machines that would like have these big arrows on them that they would shoot. Okay, so You know, it's kind of it's interesting because I don't know how far back they say those things were made But in the bible here, this is obviously Pre-babylonian Uh, you know captivity and all that stuff with Nebuchadnezzar that this is going on that these instruments of war are there So I don't know, you know What the historians say about it, but obviously this is true that they made these inventions. They invented these engines now Engine doesn't mean it's like steam engine or gas engine here now engine just means something mechanical. Okay, so anything that's mechanical And you know, I I believe i'm sure there was steel involved it's not like we're in like in a stone age here and I use that loosely because that's like the world's view of like Well, we didn't know how to make a wheel until such and such year and all this garbage um But they had steel and all this stuff and i'm sure they you know, you think of like the egyptians. They were very they had a lot of knowledge on these type of things but Um, but anyway, it's just interesting to see that there's another place in in uh, uh, ezekiel Where it talks about engines of war and all that which is interesting because ezekiel 38 and 39 It's in 38, which is the battle of gog and magog which happens after the thousand year reign, which hasn't even happened yet. So What those engines of war are? I don't know but you can definitely see how in the future like where we're at. We have engines of war, don't we? I'm sure it's different than us. I i'm not saying because I had tanks up there or even cannons, but I mean Obviously they were you know inventing these these these things and obviously throughout history It's been going up and up and up and up to where we definitely have some We have drones now. Okay, you know, that's our engines of war. It seems like nowadays but um But anyway, he did marvelously or he was marvelously helped And I think that's interesting how it says that Because he's helped by god, you know, god was helping him During this whole time and it says till he was strong. Okay. So basically that's where we lead up. Okay, so he gets strong He's going to get high and lifted up and uzziah kind of it makes me think of nebkenezer a little bit Because the same thing happens with nebkenezer where he's high and lifted up and then god has to humble him. Okay Actually nebkenezer has a better ending than uzziah to be honest with you but in verse 16 here So in second chronicles 26 verse 16, it says but when he was strong His heart was lifted up to his destruction for he transgressed against the lord his god and went into the temple Of the lord to burn incense upon the altar of incense now In second kings, if you're just reading second kings, what did it say? God's motive with leprosy, right? It just tells you that he was smitten with rubbish leprosy, but you don't really know why But in second chronicles, it tells us why That he was trying to go in and burn incense this this this is almost a callback to saul I mean if you think of saul how he was trying to do the sacrifice that he wasn't supposed to do Right, that's where samuel came in and that's where saul's like. Oh, I forced myself and did this, you know But uzziah is basically just saying yeah, i'm gonna do this And he ends up getting mad at the priest, but I really you have to really look up to azeriah The priest because he stands up to the king here Okay So you can imagine, you know, you're standing up to the authority of the land And saying no get out of here And it really shows you too that you know, they were supposed to be a king, you know They they had a king but the king wasn't like all powerful with whatever he says goes. No, they're supposed to follow the law of god And azeriah here is following the law of god saying no, it's only supposed to be the the sons of aaron and And notice that god's going to be backing him here because of what he does to uzziah And so this is a great example of someone going against the state authority when it goes against the bible And he also had a bunch of men that followed him with him and this is what you need You need you need people to stand up for this stuff and today in our society when everybody's just losing their minds It's literally we live in an insane Society where they think there's more than two genders and they can't figure out the difference between black and white pretty much It's just it's really crazy how uh far out there everybody is But you need people to stand up because there's a lot of people that would look at what we believe and say well I don't necessarily stand with them. But as far as their beliefs on that, but I still think they're right to a certain extent meaning that Don't they would hold to us as far as our stance on sodomy on adultery on you know All these things that that people come at us for you know, the death penalty And all these things that people are just constantly saying, you know, you guys are wicked and all this stuff Most people I believe in west virginia be like, yeah, they're right about that, but they're not going to stand up With us because they're afraid of persecution because they're afraid of the mob that that loud minority of reprobates That are trying to take control of our country And which have taken control of our country in many cases And what you need is some valiant men to stand up and say no And don't let the one man that's that's standing there be standing there alone Okay, and so this is a case where azariah is going to stand up with this, but there's other men that are beside him So he's not doing this alone And in verse 17, it says an azariah the priest went in after him and with him four score priests of the lord that were Valiant men that's not 80 men 80 men went with him So We shouldn't have to fight these battles alone Obviously, we always have the lord with us But how much more you know when you see a man of god standing up for the truth and they're trying to be trying to Shut him down. That's where all the men of god need to stand up and say no i'm with that guy You guys need to stand down And we need to be like as a right, you know If if the man of guys as arise then we need to be those 80 men those 80 valiant men that say nope We're with him And you're going to take you're going to you know deal with all of us And if everybody did that, you know, once those 80 men stood up, you know what a lot of other people are going to stand up too but People are a lot of times scared. They're scared of the consequences. They're scared of what's going to happen to them And especially with jobs because a lot of these cases your job is being threatened Your livelihood is being threatened and that's why people just want to not say anything They just want to stand sit in darkness and say well, you know, I agree with them But you know, I don't want to deal with that Now going on from this in verse 18 It says and they withstood uzziah the king and said unto him it Appertaineth not unto the uzziah to burn incense unto the lord but to the priests the sons of lee the sons of aaron that are consecrated To burn incense go out of the sanctuary for thou hast trespassed Neither shall it be for thine honor from the lord god So they're not only saying listen This is only for the priests the sons of aaron, but also for them that are consecrated So it's not even just that it's for the sons of aaron They have to be consecrated to do this This is a whole process and you're circumventing all of this and going against the word of god here And he's calling him out for it And in verse 19 then uzziah was wrought and had a sensor in his hand to burn incense and while he was wrought with the priest the leprosy He In his the leper i'm sorry, uh while he was wrong I went down a verse there the leprosy Even rose up in his forehead before the priest in the house of the lord from beside the incense altar And as arrived the chief priests and all the priests looked upon him and behold He was leprous in his forehead and they thrust him out From fence. Yea himself. Hasted also to go out because the lord had smitten him. It's interesting, you know He's just like yeah get me out of here at that point when he saw that he was leprous He's like get me out of here Because at that point he realized oh, you know, he's in trouble, okay Uzziah doesn't really have a happy ending after this After all that stuff where he's following god doing what he should be doing. God was helping him He he gets this in his head that he should go burn incense against what the bible says and And it's still going to do it even after all the priests told him not to do it So notice that he had a warning now he was doing this The priest warned him and said get out of here and then he got roth and he didn't do it So he even had a chance to get out of this, okay but He's going to be a leper until the day of his death. He does not get cured of this leprosy Okay, so in verse 21, it says in whose eye the king was a leper unto the day of his death And dwelt in a several several house Being a leper for he was He was cut off from the house of the lord and jothim His son was over the king's house judging the people of the land So this is definitely where you see co-regency here Okay, because jotham and you'll see this even with the reins and where it lines up with other kings and stuff like that But he's basically jotham is reigning. Why is dad still alive and he's a leper and he's basically separated and You know that that were that that phrase a several house I believe he's talking about a separate house meaning it's a severed you can see the word sever in there Okay, so it's basically a house that's severed away from You know the rest of jerusalem right and you and this is brought up in the new testament you think every several ability It's not talking about several as in like several as in like a couple, you know I mean, it's several as in separate abilities like severed abilities, right? And so where every several gate talks about the pearls right on the 12 gates every several gate Had one pearl well, they all had pearls it's not saying like every other gate, you know what I mean It's saying every several gate meaning every separate gate had a pearl it was made of one pearl right and so You know just to kind of understand what that means this is kind of a great example to understand that because I think we all know that the lepers were supposed to go outside the camp saying unclean, you know And basically going outside of that they were not to be with everybody else. So he's basically living out there as a leper And for the rest of his life Now notice what it says in uh verse 22 So second chronicles verse 22 Second chronicles 26 verse 22. It says now the rest of the acts of uzziah first and last Did isaiah the prophet the son of amos ripe now This is where it's interesting because uzziah is actually where isaiah is preaching and he preached through his he preaches through other kings besides uzziah But also the minor prophets start with that So isaiah's or i'm sorry uzziah is kind of the marker of the kings of where the prophets start Because what's the first prophet isaiah the first major prophets isaiah the first minor prophets hosia and that's who they both start with And i'm going to show you that go to isaiah chapter one isaiah chapter one You may not have known that but that's just the truth before this you're not really in the mind of the major prophets you had You had like other people that were mentioned and all this other stuff, uh, but you know It's just interesting to see where we're starting off here now, um Isaiah one I actually want to turn there because there's something I want you to see Not too far So obviously at the beginning of isaiah tells you like what kings were around when he was prophesying and all this but uh, Isaiah one verse one. It says the vision of isaiah the son of amos Which he saw concerning judah and jerusalem in the days of uzziah Jotham ahas and hezekiah kings of judah Here o ye heavens and give ear o earth for the lord Lord has spoken I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me So who's he writing to he's writing concerning judah and jerusalem? now I believe that that chapters one through six is dealing with that Time period of uzziah. Okay, so uzziah is not necessarily mentioned by name in these chapters, but it's during his reign Okay, you say why why do you think that? Well, well in isaiah 6 1 it's in the year that uzziah died Okay, so in isaiah 6 1 that's what it says isaiah 6 1 It says and in the year that king uzziah died I saw also the lord sitting upon a throne and high and lifted up and his train filled the temple and we know this passage Dealing with the seraphims and dealing, you know, here am I send me So isaiah 6 I believe is it's probably uzziah might still been alive when he did this It's just basically this is in the year that he died So he could very well bend the vision that's going on during the time that uzziah is about to die And then go to verse chapter seven verse one chapter seven verse one And I believe this is chronological because when you get down to isaiah like 36 to 39 you're dealing with hezekiah And then after that, it's not really dealing with history. It's dealing with all these visions and stuff like that, you know, and so the history Because where did he he preached from uzziah to hezekiah? That's what it says at the very beginning So it makes sense that it would be a chronological thing now in in verse one there of chapter seven It says and it came to pass in the days of a has the son of jotham son of uzziah So we kind of skipped over jotham now again jotham and a has only rained for 16 years Yeah, 16 years each so they're not like huge rains there so um, maybe there's just not much There's not anything mentioned about um About uh, i'm sorry jotham there Uh, but obviously he was probably started Preaching and doing whatever he was doing during that time So I believe from isaiah one to six That's where you're dealing with king uzziah. Okay. Now, like I said, remember it said he loved husbandry Well, isaiah five is an interesting passage because isaiah five is dealing with uh, the vineyard of the lord And god, you know isaiah or you know is preaching this but god is giving this parable of a vineyard That's not being kept Isn't that interesting that it mentions that uzziah is like all about vineyards and all about husbandry And the vision that he's giving here in the in this uh prophecy and all this and obviously I believe this is talking about What's going to happen in the future with jesus and you know how? uh He sent he sent people into his vineyard and they they beat some and then they ended up killing the lord Jesus and the vineyard's obviously representing Judea, it's representing jerusalem. It's representing all that right, but it's just interesting that it mentions that he loved husbandry You know, it's kind of like what? Okay. Yeah, you know, what what valuable information does that give me? You know that he loved husbandry. All right, he liked grapes, you know, he liked growing grapes. I don't know But when you think about okay, well Isaiah five is during uzziah's time and i'm sure these things are being preached to the king Right and he loves husbandry and god just happens to use husbandry as an example to preach to him Okay, I just kind of think that's interesting on how that applies there now going on, you know Go to hosia chapter one just to show you that the minor prophets start off with a prophet that's preaching in uzziah's day So This is always another reason why I would say uzziah the king I wouldn't say azzariah It's not wrong to say azzariah, but notice that uzziah is always mentioned here You know when you're dealing with these prophets, they're talking about uzziah. They say uzziah so I'm gonna say uzziah. Okay You're like i'm gonna use oseus, you know, like i'm fine. That's fine. I don't care, you know, you go with new testament spelling there it doesn't really matter but Hosia chapter one in verse one It says the word of lord that came unto hosia the son of birai in the days of uzziah jotham ahas and hezekiah Kings of judah and in the days of jeroboam the son of joe ash king of israel sounds just like isaiah really Isn't it all the kings that isaiah was there so you can see how isaiah and hosia are starting at the same mark Which also shows you too that it starts over right when you go from uh, isaiah all the way to daniel That's why they're called the major prophets Because you could look at me well daniel's only 12 chapters zechariah's 14 well, daniel's obviously a main character though, right daniel is it is someone that's just You know, everybody knows about daniel and all that stuff. Whereas hosia zechariah and all that stuff They're definitely minor as far as characters. Okay, but you can definitely see Isaiah goes down to daniel and then it what it kicks right back into where you were at with isaiah. Okay And so that's why I believe it's chronological and it's chronological I believe from hosia down to malachi and I believe this would include And we'll see go to amos chapter one. Amos chapter one also shows us that this was during Uh the days of uzziah the king And actually amos is written Very much solely during that time, you know that during uzziah the king. Okay, meaning that this whole book is written during that time So in your studies, you could be looking at that and kind of seeing you know, okay what's going on, you know When it's talking about judah particularly now some of this stuff is all towards israel Okay, which you can make sense, right? Because a lot of these minor prophets are like preaching against israel because they're about to be taken out Right israel is still a nation during the time that uzziah is preaching I'm, sorry the time that amos is preaching now amos in verse one there amos one one It says the words of amos who was among the herd men of takoa, which he saw concerning israel in the days of uzziah I'm, sorry days of uzziah king of judah and in the days of jeroboam son of joash king of israel two years before the earthquake now it says that now like the the reason I point this out too is the fact that Joel was between there and I believe it's chronological so I believe joel would be in that group too and you'll see stuff about in joel about jerusalem and judah and all that stuff and I believe the A lot of stuff in joel obviously is way future meaning stuff. That's that's going to happen in our future But there's also the the immediate future that you can look at too. Okay, so The reason that I bring this up because it kind of tells you. Okay, where's joel located at? Okay um You know, I believe that he would be He'd have to be in uzziah's time you say why? Because if he wasn't it wouldn't be chronological because Amos is definitely in uzziah's time now Hosea goes past that but see I believe hosia started prophesying before amos. Does that make sense? And that's why it's it's chronological but they both started in uzziah's time That means joel had to start in uzziah's time because now if it would have been the fact that okay, he started It just wouldn't it wouldn't work chronologically, okay, so I believe joel has to be in that mix too And go to amos chapter 2 and verse 4. We actually see a judgment that god's bringing upon judah and I believe it's during uzziah's reign Why because it's during the time uzziah that makes sense, right? So in amos chapter 2 in verse 4 thus said the lord for three transgressions of judah and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they have despised the law of the lord and have not kept his commandments And their and their lies caused them to err after that which their fathers have walked But I will send a fire upon judah and it shall devour the plate the palaces of jerusalem So it's obviously putting but you could see or say well, you know what it didn't seem like they were that bad Yeah, well, they're burning incense in high places and sacrificing in high places That stuff's kind of going off in the background But as you're going through these kings like joash amaziah uzziah, isn't it always keep mentioning? Yeah, they did right inside the lord, but the people still did this so you got to understand that just because the king's doing right doesn't mean that the rest of the people are doing right and that God's going to not take it out on the whole country for what they're doing. Okay. Now what's interesting? And when I think of uzziah, this is what I think of and you're you're Maybe you have thought of this or not, but it's about this earthquake Okay And it's about this earthquake that's going on during uzziah's reign. So you saw an amos right amos one one Talks about that he's prophesying you saw concerning israel in the days of uzziah king of judah And in the days of jeroboam the son of joash king of israel two years before the earthquake The earthquake, okay. There's this earthquake that's mentioned in uh in this passage right here, but also good as zechariah chapter 14 There's this major earthquake that apparently happened during uzziah's reign that is like ringing through Uh the scriptures and I believe this earthquake is actually well, actually it's like a riot 14. This thing is very clear that it's it's an example earthquake What's going to happen in the future? Okay of this devastating earthquake and so much that When he's writing when amos is writing this he's like just so you know where we're at It's two years before the earthquake. Okay. So this had to be a major earthquake for that to be a marker It's kind of like if you're the well, this is like five years after the flood, right? It's a major event Everybody knows what you're talking about. He didn't say like what earthquake where it happened. He said the earthquake, right? and zechariah chapter 14 I'm going to read verse five then we're going to back we're going to see some context So zechariah chapter 14 verse 5 it says and you shall flee to the valley of the mountains for the valley of the mountains shall Reach unto hazel Yea, ye shall flee like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of uzziah king of judah and lord My god shall come and all the saints with thee Isn't that interesting because zechariah is pointing this out saying this is the earthquake that happened in the days of uzziah amos is saying listen This is in the days of uzziah two years before the earthquake This earthquake is a major event Some cataclysmic event that happened and we see stuff like this happen even after the bible was written. You see pompey You know where pompey was completely annihilated by a volcano and you see earthquakes Annihilating whole cultures and all these different things something Some catastrophe had happened obviously with this earthquake Because it's it's used actually to prophesy about end times. Okay, so now backtrack go to verse one there let's see what we're talking about in this vision that zechariah is showing here because It's not saying that this event's happening during uzziah's reign he's saying that it was like that They're gonna flee like they fled from the earthquake that happened in uzziah's day. Okay, so it's basically using that as an example It'd be kind of like using sodom and gomorrah as an example when when uh, you know Babylon's gonna be destroyed and using that as an example But uh, but in zechariah 14 verse 1 it says behold the day of the lord cometh and I spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee All right, so we're talking about the day of the lord here For I will gather all nations against jerusalem to battle and in the city shall be taken And the house is rifled and women ravished and half of the city shall go forth into captivity And the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city Then shall the lord go forth and fight against those nations as when he fought in the day of battle And his feet shall stand in the in the day upon the mount of olives Which is before jerusalem on the east and the mount of olives shall cleave in the midst thereof Toward the east and toward the west and they shall be a very great There shall be a very great valley and a half of the mountains shall remove toward the north and half of it toward the south And you shall flee To the valley of the mountains for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto hazel. Yea you shall flee like as you fled From before the earthquake in the days of uzziah king of judah and the lord my god shall come and all The saints with thee and it shall come to pass in that day that the the light shall not be clear nor dark But it shall be one day which shall be known to the lord Not day nor night, but it shall come to pass that at evening time It shall be light and it shall be in that day That living water shall go out of jerusalem half of them toward the former sea and half of them toward the hinders sea And in summer and in winter shall it be and the lord shall be king over all the earth And in that day shall there be one lord and his name one so What is this talking about? I believe this is talking about when we come when jesus comes on a white horse The battle of armageddon, okay Now you could say well maybe he's talking about the day of the lord as far as when he comes in the clouds And remember when you're in the old testament you can have leaps. Okay, meaning that you can have big time gaps between Even in the same verse, okay So just because it starts off with the day of the lord cometh doesn't mean that it can't be jumping to The battle of armageddon because at the end here I believe you're talking about the thousand year rain Where he's going to rain and he's going to roll over all the earth, right? But this earthquake it's interesting, you know when dealing with the day of the lord There's a lot of earthquakes that happen at the end times Okay, so you can study this out for yourself and see where you think it lies But i'll say this I believe this is happening in the end time somewhere as far as what's going on right here I personally believe we're dealing with the day the battle of armageddon And I believe that earthquake actually splits a mountain in half Like it makes a valley and it makes me think of the valley of decision the valley of jehoshaphat It makes me think of uh, the winepress of the wrath of god where there's going to be blood up to the horse bridles When the mayor's supper of the lamb, that's what it makes me think about and i'll give you my reasons But it could eat i'll say this is either when jesus comes back in the clouds Or it's when this in the battle of armageddon, okay Because obviously he comes in the clouds to gather together his elect But then we're all going to come with him on white horses that's why one of the reasons too is because the lord my god shall come and all the saints with thee meaning that We're going to be coming with him in the clouds On white horses with two edged swords in our hands and it talks about taking out the nations and all this stuff now Joel chapter 3 again remember joel Was written during the times of huzaiah and there's definitely end times prophecy there This is where we get the valley of decision right the valley of the jehoshaphat Which links to revelation obviously But in joel chapter 3 and verse 15, it says the sun and the moon shall be darkened and the stars shall withdraw their shining The lord also shall roar out of zion and utter his voice from jerusalem and the heavens and the earth shall quake But the lord will be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of israel So obviously when we know, you know when he comes in the clouds I'll just show you that go to revelation chapter 6 when jesus is coming There's going to be this great earthquake There's a great earthquake when he died on the cross You know earthquakes are like a significant marker as far as events when when god's doing something so But I think the strongest evidence is that we're dealing with the battle of armageddon the the supper lamb And all that now, uh, but you can have your own thoughts on this, you know If you say it's when he comes in the clouds, I wouldn't be against you But in revelation chapter 6 and verse 12, it says behold when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake And the sun became black a sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood And the stars haven't fell and we see all this as far as you know For the verse 17 for the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand So there's no doubt that there's an earthquake when jesus is coming in the clouds And then when he starts to pour out his wrath, there's another earthquake When so there's an earthquake and go to revelation chapter 8 But I believe there's an earthquake that's going to outdo all those okay And I believe that's what it's talking about That's why i'm saying is just you know like you fled from the earthquake in new ziah's day and I think and the reason I'm pointing this out because I want you to To think about how massive that earthquake had been during new ziah's day And why they're bringing that up as a marker of time, you know, it was obviously a massive event And I haven't looked up in the secular world as far as if they have any thoughts on this or if they even think that this is something that happened or If there's any theories on that i'm just showing you what the bible says about it, but in revelation eight verse five So this is after, you know the rapture There's there's uh silence in heaven for space of half an hour and it says an angel took in verse five The sensor and filled it with fire of the altar and cast it into the earth And there were voices and thunderings and lightnings and an earthquake And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound so before they even sound any of the trumpets They throw fire in the earth and there's this earthquake that's going on But this is where I really believe this earthquake is talked about where it's basically linking uzziah's earthquake So what's going to happen in the future go to revelation chapter 16? revelation chapter 16 It just seems to fit with zechariah 14 a lot more Because we know That jesus is going to be down here on on a horse and we're going to be with him That he's going to gather all the nations together Right, that's the battle of armageddon. He's gathering all these nations together to destroy them And it just it really seems to fit with that more than anything else But uh in revelation chapter 16 verse 18 it says and there were voices and thunderings and lightnings and there was a great Earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty an earthquake and so great And the great city was divided in three parts And the cities of the nations fell and great babylon came in and remembers before god To give unto her the cup of the wine of her fear the fierceness of his wrath And every island fled away and the mountains were not found Sounds familiar because wasn't there a mountain that was basically going to be broken in half But you know the city was broken into you know, the great city I believe is talking about jerusalem is broken into three parts But zechariah and chapter 14 Is saying it's going to be like that that happened with uzziah. That's amazing. That's crazy to think about. Okay There's been some You know big earthquakes in history, i'm sure But this earthquake that's going to make every nation fall And that's going to break mountains up to where there's not going to be any mountains found, you know, there's no island, you know You think it's tsunamis, right? Because the earthquakes can cause tsunamis and all that stuff that it's going to cause tsunamis. It's going to just cover a whole islands And you can think about that and zechariah saying yeah, it's going to be like what happened in uzziah's day So That's why I think of uzziah in an earthquake. Okay, so me personally that's how I remember uzziah, you know when I think of You know the kings i'm like uzziah and that earthquake that happened in his days, you know, and uh, You know, it doesn't really tell you much about it until you get to zechariah and then you're like, okay This this was a major earthquake if it's being compared to the earthquake. It hasn't been since men have been on the earth Right meaning the earthquake there. There's never been an earthquake that's been like that yet. Okay Now at the end of chapter here going back to second chronicles chapter 26 verse 23 Uzziah Uzziah You know, he's a leper to the day of his death and he's not going to be buried like the rest of his fathers were He's going to be buried With his fathers technically but not in the sepulchres of the kings. Okay, so in verse 23 here So second chronicles chapter 26 verse 23 So uzziah slept with his fathers and they buried him with his fathers in the field of the burial which belongeth to the kings For they said he is a leper and jotham his son reigned in his stead So I don't believe he was buried in sepulchres and if you remember jotham was kind of the same way Well, they didn't bury him with in the sepulchres of the kings and there wasn't You know that basically No one desired him, you know and all that and Uzziah kind of had that ending, you know where he's a leper and you know, they they pretty much just like buried him, you know in the field of the kings and Uh kept him away from even the sepulchre of the kings They didn't want that leprosy anywhere close to where they had to be again um, so Uh, it's interesting because you kind of think it's six feet under you don't have to worry about it But if you're in the sepulchre where you're putting other people you got to go back in there. Okay, so But that's uzziah You know, he he obviously did great things for the lord and It really just shows you that if you just stick with the bible and stick with the commandments of god You know, you'll prosper but if you deviate from that and you try to go against what the bible teaches Then there's going to be massive consequences and i'm not saying uzziah is in hell I believe uzziah is probably a safe man that's in heaven But it doesn't mean that's the way you want to go out, you know You want to go out on top you want to go out serving the lord So that's what the word of prayer the holy father we thank you for today and thank you for your word Thank you for these passages that we can learn and lord just interesting stuff to see of history And lord we just uh prayed to be with us throughout the rest of this week and help us to To bring glory to your name and I pray to be with those in our church that aren't feeling well I think specifically of bethany Just good to see her in church. But lord just pray to be with her and heal her And and lord, we just thank you for the russell family and just pray that you be with Uh all those that maybe not be feeling well or dealing with any other issues in the church or anything like that lord We love you in jesus christ name. Amen