(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and it's on Wednesday. Any other birthdays? No? All right, we'll sing happy birthday, and then we'll sing song 428. Ready? Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, God bless you. Happy birthday to you. Do we sing birthday? So if it's one person, if it's one person, not you can say their name. Okay. But if it's like, if we had like three people, then God bless you. But we do sing the happy birthday song. Okay, all right. Everybody's like, I'm like, wait, do we do this here? Okay, okay. All right, we'll sing song 428. It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old. From angels bending near the earth, to touch their harps of gold. Peace on the earth, good will to men, from heaven's all gracious King. The world in silence stillness lay, to hear the angels sing. Still through the cloven skies they come, with peaceful wings unfurled. And still their heavenly music floats, o'er all the weary world. Above its sad and lonely plains, they bend on hovering wing. And ever o'er its babble sounds, the blessed angels sing. And ye beneath life's crushing load, whose forms are bending low, who toil along the climbing way, with painful steps and slow. Look now for glad and golden hours, come swiftly on the wing. O rest beside the weary road, and hear the angels sing. For lo, the days are hastening on, by prophet farts foretold. When with the ever circling years, comes round the age of gold. When peace shall o'er all the earth, its ancient splendors fling. And the whole world give back the song, which now the angels sing. All right, you take your Bible, brother Joseph is going to come up and read the script for us. You turn to Acts chapter two, Acts chapter two. All right, if you found your place there in Acts chapter two, say amen. The Bible reads, and when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven, as of rushing mighty wind, and it filled the house where they were sitting. There appeared unto them, cloven tongues as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marveled, saying one to another, behold, are not all these which speak Galileans? And how here we, every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? Parthians and Medes, Elamites and dwellers of Mesopotamia, and in Judea and Cappadocia, and Pontius and Asia, and Pamphylia and Egypt, and all the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and the strangers of Rome and Jews and proselytes, Crete and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. They were all amazed and were in doubt, saying one to another, what meaneth this? Others mocking said, these men are full of new wine. But Peter, standing up with the 11th, lifted up his voice and said unto them, ye men of Judea, and all ye that dwell in Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words. For these are not drunken, as you suppose, seeing as but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel. And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. And on my servants and on my handmaidens, I will pour out those days of my spirit, and they shall prophesy. And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath, blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and notable day of the Lord come. And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Ye men of Israel, hear these words, Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as yourselves also know, him being delivered by the determinant council and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain, whom God has raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that he should be held of it. For David speaketh concerning him, I first saw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved. Therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad, moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope, because thou will not leave my soul in hell, neither will thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption. Thou hast made known to me the ways of life, thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance. Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you, the patriarch David, and he is both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is with us unto this day. Therefore being a prophet, knowing that God hath sworn with an oath on oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne. He seeing this before, spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. This Jesus hath God's raised up, wherefore we all are witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received the father of the father, the promise of the holy ghost, he hath shed forth this which you now see and hear. For David is not ascended into the heavens, but he saith himself, the Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thy foes thy footstool. Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ. Now when they heard this they were pricked in their hearts and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, men and brethren what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost. For the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying save yourselves from this untoward generation. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day were added unto them about three thousand souls and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles and all that believed were together and had all things common and sold their possessions and goods and parted them all men as every man had need. They continued continuing daily with one accord in the temple breaking bread from the house from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily as should be saved. Let's pray. Lord father thank you for your pure and holy word you've given to us. Lord thank you for the members that are here today and those that are sick and traveling be with them. Lord I ask you edifies today and be with pastor Robinson. Jesus thank you. Amen. My wires in here. So you're there in Acts chapter two. I actually read that whole chapter and actually down there in verse 40 is where we're going to get the sermon. Verse 40 it says this it says and with many other words did he testify and exhort saying save yourselves from this untoward generation. How you want to say that untoward generation. So that's the name of the sermon is this untoward generation and so every time I read through Acts in Acts chapter two here I see that and I'm thinking yeah that's what we're dealing with today and so I actually looked up with this word see when I read that the first thing I think of is it's not towards its back you know so I think of a backwards generation you know something that's that's completely backwards and that's exactly what I believe this is talking about but if you if you looked up the definition it says unfavorable unfortunate improper and the archaic would be froward or perverse okay froward or perverse now if you look at the etymology of the word it talks about the fact that it's not not having inclination or difficult to manage unruly now what's the inclination you think of like you have an inclination to do things right it's like a propensity right and if you if you just looked up what the word inclination means it means a person's natural tendency to act or feel a particular way so what does it mean to not have inclination it means you don't have a natural feeling without natural affection you know so anyway I that term always kind of just I always think of untoward you know what that would even mean and so that's what we're living in today now they were living in it that day when peter preached this sermon when he was when he was talking to them and all this stuff I believe they were in an untoward generation and so I believe we're in an untoward generation today and there's nothing new under the sun and history repeats itself okay and so there's times that are worse I believe there's worse times than what we have today you know we're we're not Sodom and Gomorrah yet okay but you can definitely see us going towards that and we're not we're not like the Roman Empire or like the Greeks or anything like that yet where it was getting down to where it was just pedophilia and and and you know sodomy everywhere but we're getting it's going that way okay and that's what our generation our generation I feel like you know you read the news and you see all this stuff and I'm waiting for Rod Serling to come out with a cigarette and say you've now entered the twilight zone now the older generation may know what I'm talking about when I say that you know because that's before my time by the way what was that the 60s 60s that that is old black and white twilight zone doo doo doo doo doo doo doo right that's what I'm waiting for I'm waiting for him to come out like you've just entered the dun dun dun the twilight zone because that's exactly what I see when I see the news today and how backwards everything it's like there's there's no there's there's 60 genders and it's fluid gender fluidity I'm like what in the world I mean we can't even figure out that there's only two genders like that's how ridiculous our society has become but again there's nothing new under the sun and you know they've been dealing with this forever so I don't want you to think that like hey you know man well there's no way there's no way to deal with this listen the Bible has dealt with this and and and the saints have dealt with this throughout all history go to Isaiah chapter five Isaiah chapter five and when I think of this generation I think of Isaiah chapter five here I've been wanting to preach this sermon but at the same time you know when our when our main channel got a strike for me preaching a sermon on Genesis 45 about Joseph revealing his identity to his brethren there was nothing controversial in that sermon like I don't think so anyway I mean I guess the Bible's controversial anyway but it was all just about basically you know the fact that the the I was showing the parallels of Jesus and Joseph right and that got a strike and it said that it was basically a strike for violating spam or deceitful something like being like kind of like you're spamming you know something or whatever on YouTube and you know like a deceitful practices or whatever but yet they promote they promote meaning that when you click the little YouTube thing up there sodomy every single June and they have some transvestite faggot and listen you know we're live streaming on another channel listen I changed that channel to I I you know that you have to put a new Gmail every single time and you know our our email is mountainbaptistwv at gmail.com I put mountainbaptistwv2 at gmail.com and I'll go until we go to infinity when it comes to setting up new accounts and you know getting it out there and listen if they close this down you see yeah but they push and they're trying to revert the minds of children and then they put it on YouTube and they promote it on YouTube and they're going to take down a sermon that was just about Joseph and his brethren I mean that's what we're dealing with we're dealing we're in the twilight zone my friends we're in we're in an untoward generation we're in a backwards generation we're in a perverse generation where good evil evil is good is well one time that called evil good good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness and put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter well eyes and put in the right now that's the generation we're living in today we have a bunch of you know generations listen I'm not saying that the generation before us was perfect you know like the the baby boomer generation I do believe has dropped the ball but the millennial generation which I guess I'm in okay I barely made it right it's like 81 or 82 on or something like that to like 90s or whatever whatever but generations of hipsters it's a bunch of people that are just sitting at Starbucks drinking their latte typing in a computer and they think that they're wise and when they're socialistic communist they're just weird you know all these you know genders and they think they're ice and they think they can be what we reach what we do and it's the fact that but how to towards generation today and just how much it is to the bible and when you're reading the bible you look at this you look at the world and you're just like man it's completely backwards opposite it's not even like it's like well we're going this way they're kind of veering off a little bit no they're going the other direction like completely the other direction and so go to proverbs chapter 30 and I want you to know that this isn't something that like I said it's not like you know we're dealing with it it's never happened before or they never had a generation they had a generation so it's not that something moved but some guy realized there okay so why supposed to form the world if you formed this world and you're who loves this world backwards from what the bible teaches to do and what common sense teaches you to do okay you know the natural propensity to do right and not to do evil the the the the natural propensity that to say that's sweet and not bitter I mean that's what we're talking about is like just common sense black and white things okay and so in proverbs chapter 30 and verse 11 proverbs chapter 30 and verse 11 it says there is a generation that curses their father and doth not bless their mother there is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness there is a generation oh how lofty are their eyes and their eyelids are lifted up there is a generation whose teeth are as swords and their jaw teeth as knives to devour the poor from off the earth and needy from among men that's what we're living in today we're living in a generation where everybody is just pure in their own eyes they're like oh I think that's right you know I I feel this is right and it's the it's the people that you know it's many people that say you're tolerant you're not tolerant towards me you know when it comes to the bible when it comes to a preacher the gospel you're not tolerant towards us so everything they say is like this forked tongue a bunch of serpents is what this generation is a generation of vipers is what it is because they say one thing and they say well we're tolerant not to you though we're tolerant to the things that therefore you know whatever the push that's that they're not tolerant towards and listen they're not tolerant toward the bible they hate the bible and so because this generation that we're living in the backwards generation and listen I don't want you to think you know that hey you know where you want us listen most people don't agree with this gender fluidity garbage listen I'm talking about most normal people when you say we say hey that hey you're old so you know that girl wants to be a boy is that a boy when parents are giving them hormone blockers and they start you know saying that they're gonna give them a sex change and all the stuff and listen I know the kids are in here but this is something you need to hear that this is what's going on today and it boils my blood and when people think out again like oh you're not sorry no that is complete child abuse you might as well just kill the child before you start changing their anatomy that's what we're dealing with today and then and then someone will say they end up that's child abuse would be like oh you're not tolerant you're a bigot no you guys are crazy and that's what we're living in today is this untoward generation and listen you start messing with the kids you started to fight with me and this generation is trying to fight listen it's not just independent baptists that are that are against this listen most people are against that most most men their blood boils when you hear about that type of stuff I mean you think about it they're just basically just making a reprobate is what you're going to be doing and that type of stuff you know in the world you say I don't know what's a time today or it's like that you know like he shows the view where you have cackling hands on there listen it's true I mean you have what bar Walter's and all the cackling hands on there and listen this isn't going to be a politically correct sermon by the way I don't know if you got that in the beginning but you have a bunch of cackling hands on the view about why women have the right to kill babies why women should have the right to change the anatomy of their child get hormone blockers so they don't actually go through the natural cycles of a child that listen let me go out you know just remember what they support and what they're pushing listen you know like I'm not saying that you can't there's not like documentaries that you can watch like on Netflix and stuff like that but why is it that every time you open up Netflix there's some faggot on there there's some like faggoty show there's something that's trying to push stuff against on your children and it's always like cartoons and all this other stuff listen they're after your children this backwards twilight zone generation that's out there today they're after your children and I think it's getting to this point where I when you start messing with the children it's kind of like when the when the sodomites come out like oh we want to have our marriage and all this stuff and and the guys you know most guys they don't have backbone they're just like well you know they're not hurting me whatever they want to do you start messing with the children that's where every soul you know blood americans no more i don't discard and maybe I believe where where it's kind of like you know it's this fog and hot water type of thing but they they heat it up way too far and too fast because the lgbt they want to put that p on the end much that's what they want to put that p on the end of it and that's where I think everybody's going to be like nope nope and I this is what I for I foresee here they start trying to put that on there and all all of america is going to be like you know what I can what with me it's gonna be like I don't want the the homosexuality I don't want any of it and so but in proverbs 12 proverbs chapter 12 do a four-day four-star dealing with it what I want to teach is about being following your heart or you know being sure in your own eyes type of thing no one said it says in proverbs 12 verse 15 says that the way of a fool is right in his own wise but he that harks on the counsel lies you know what that tells me is that generation is pure in their own eyes they're fools they're a bunch of fools right we know that the the fool is said in his heart there is no god so we know that richard dawkins stephen hawkins who's in hell right now you know we know that all these people that uh bill mauler all these atheists githius all those people are all those people are but also people that are in their own uh morality right they're fools in proverbs 17 or 15 proverbs 17 verse 15 notice what it says here he that justifies the wicked and he that can just even they both are abomination to the lord now is that not as backwards as it gets right there you're justifying the wicked and you're condemning the just that's what's going on today you know you have you have someone that just says something right and it's you say well you know i think that uh a man and a woman you know should stay married not get a divorce take care of their children and the man should provide for the home and they look at you like you have three heads they look at you like that's wicked listen you say well that's not coming that's common my friends being a straight man today is is is a minority you know like to them it's like basically you know that is the most evil thing you can be and if you put in white there you might as well just be the devil i'm not kidding being a straight white man today you you don't even have an opinion to them they look at you like check your privilege well it's not happening here my friends because the bible teaches that that there shouldn't be a difference and actually men are the ones that are supposed to be leading listen i'm getting to that because we're living in a backwards world today this this country is keeps going backwards we had an election where it's like all more women were in you know voted into uh being uh in candidates and all this other stuff isn't this great isn't this a good movement no it's not and listen you stepped into an independent baptist church tonight or this morning sorry it's not night yet but you know maybe this sermon maybe it'll be like uh paul when he preached and eunuchus fell out of the loft i don't know but all i have to say is that we're living in the backwards generation and the this world is justifying the wicked listen it's not enough to say okay whatever you want to do these sodomites know you have to say it's right if you say it's sin if you're like well i don't care what they do but it is wrong no you say that you're a bigot you're a homophobe that's the dumbest word i've ever heard in my life do you know what phobia even means phobia is an irrational fear listen there's nothing there's nothing irrational about why why i hate queers okay that's pretty rational it's in the bible okay but all that to say is that they'll call you all this stuff and listen you just got to get to the point where you don't care that people call you this type of stuff listen they're throwing it out so much it's almost hilarious they're like oh you're a racist you're a homophobe you're a bigot you're misogynistic it's like yeah that's why i take care of my wife and my children that are all girls by the way and i pay for everything that they do and take care of them and all this stuff yeah i'm i hate women so much you know i really hate women i have i have a dog that's not it's a boy it's a girl you know i don't have one i'm the only guy in the house but i hate women i'm misogynistic and they just make up these terms by the way you know that misogynistic term i mean they just make this stuff up and they just they find all the latin and greek words and make it sound good and nice right phobia is like a greek word and and miso is a greek word and they just add in all this stuff and they they sound smart you know professing themselves to be wise they became fools and these people are just they they just want to sound smart they want to sound intelligent and when you start it's hilarious to me because these people are like so intellectual these are the academic crowd yeah i remember going soul winning in morgan town when we did a the soul winning marathon you know before when the church was starting all right it was before actually this before that we did a soul winning marathon and uh and we went into south park and and uh morgan town and i just remember they're like this is this is the academics you know what academic tells me that you're a moron listen i went to college i'm not against education but when you tell me you're an academic you might as well just tell me you're you're an idiot because the academics believe that there's more than two genders go back to biology go back to i mean it's just the basics here and so the academics the academics it you're just you're just your folly is proceeding forth from you when you say that and so uh but go to proverbs chapter 18 verse 2 and you're going to see some phrases in here that are used in the world and listen this stuff creeps into churches too by the way uh proverbs chapter 18 verse 2 it says a fool that hath no delight in understanding or i'm sorry a fool hath no delight in understanding but that his heart may discover itself man it's i feel like i just read a hallmark card isn't that what isn't that the the mentality you just need to follow your heart follow your heart you need to discover what's in your heart you need to discover who you are listen if you grew if you were born with a y chromosome you're a man you need to man up gird your loins up like a man you need to learn to provide for your for yourself first of all and then for your family the bible is very clear as far as who you're supposed to be and when you get into the world when you get into baptist churches they get into this secret will stuff it's like you got to search and see you know it's like all this extra biblical like god speaking to you where it's like you need to find out yourself listen a lot of these baptist churches bible college you're finding out they're a bunch of faggots because there's a bunch of reprobates that are in bible colleges today that's why all these pastor polka dot preachers are coming out because there's a bunch of uh people that did shallow soul winning back in the day and now there's a bunch of haters of god that are coming out and and they're wearing baptist i i just take it all the way off you know like pastor polka dot that's out there in arizona and all these other pastors that are coming out of these bible colleges they don't like baptists being on their sign they they put it in very small print they might just take it off i don't want to be associated with you but go to go to proverbs chapter 28 proverbs chapter 28 i'm going in order here as far as just some things in proverbs dealing with this subject and then i'm going to give you some examples as far as uh things that are backwards in this world but it it's it's crazy to me i mean i'm constantly every time i look at the news i'm just like i like i said i'm just waiting for rod serling to come out smoking a cigarette and and saying that we've just stepped into the twilight zone because it's that crazy actually i remember watching an episode um those of you may that may have watched the twilight zone back in the day there was one called the obsolete man and it was uh burgess meredith who was mick you know like on rocky uh was in it and um anyway it's uncanny how how like true that came to be like it was supposed to be the twilight zone as far as uh reading is obsolete the bible's the whole thing was about the fact that the bible was obsolete and like preachers were obsolete and this guy was a librarian and in the episode you know they were basically his final things is he's like i'm just going to read the bible because it was outlawed and you look at that and you're like this is in the 60s and it's like the twilight zone you're like imagine yourself stepping back in this tortarian society and i'm like it's today you know like that is what it's coming down to the bible is outlawed in schools it's obsolete you know this is archaic obsolete uh i forget what magazine came out and said that uh among the like 20 uh books that you should never read and this was like one of them you know that's what we're dealing with today and you're you're looking back at that in the 60s and they're like people are probably thinking man that's crazy that'll never happen yeah we just stepped into the twilight zone but in proverbs i had you at 28 right 28 verse 4 it says they that forsake the law praise the wicked but such as keep the law contend with them you know what this is saying is that if someone's praising the wicked and yes that's sodomites that's pedophiles that's a bunch of you know a bunch of these pro-choice you know baby killers if they're praising those people and listen they're they're you know these uh the hollywood they i i just keep seeing this clip of where they they gave an oscar to a known pedophile a known pedophile that's literally fled the country because he was charged for pedophilia and if he comes back into the country he's going to be put in jail and all the actors like all the high-end actors i'm talking jack nicholson you know like all these people were standing ovation for this guy known pedophile they're giving them awards and they're loving them for it and they're praising the wicked you know what it's saying is that if you praise the wicked you've forsaken the law so this generation has by and large forsaken the law and so that's what we're dealing with today and and go down to verse 9 there verse 9 of the same chapter notice what it says it says he that turneth away his ear from hearing the law even his prayer shall be an abomination listen i'm so sick and tired of these so-called christians listen we know of science falsely so-called but there's a bunch of christians falsely so-called today and listen you know this this comes into the realm of those that claim to be christian we know they're not saved but they're they they come in to be like well the bible says this the bible says we should never hate anybody the bible says all sin is equal you know the bible says this the bible says that jesus said judge not and it's a bunch of christians falsely so-called that are that are claiming the bible and listen if you want to be a god-hating atheist and start pushing your agenda i have more respect for you than when you start trying to invoke the bible when you start invoking the bible now you're blaspheming the word of god you're forsaking the law and these people are the ones that are they're forsaking the law they're praising the wicked and they're turning away from the law and they wonder why their prayers aren't getting answered listen you know these especially the unsaved they better be careful because maybe god won't answer them when they need to get saved you know maybe god will darken their hearts when they start forsaking the law like that when they turn away their ear from the law god's going to turn their way you know their opportunity from being saved their prayers and abomination to god now go to verse 26 there so we already saw that that the heart you know that that the fool is trying to discover its heart you know that that his heart may discover itself they want to discover what's in your heart you know and it's all this like discovering yourself and all this and verse 26 kind of adds to that a little bit it says he that trusted in his own heart is a fool but who so walketh wisely he shall be delivered we live in a generation that says just trust in your heart you know uh you can do anything if you put your mind to it no you can't no you can't you're not going to start flapping your wings out there flapping your arms start flying i don't care how much you put your mind to it there's things that you can't do okay this whole idea and listen i'm not against children you know doing what you know like finding something to like to do and doing it heartily and all that stuff i'm not saying like you know you're forced into doing one thing you don't have a choice in anything but there are limitations okay this whole idea of you know oh you know if you want to be president you could be president you know that kind of mentality i mean first of all i don't care if you say that to a man if i said it to every man here and i said listen you want to be president you can do anything you want to do just put your mind to it do you have foolish that is to say that because even if you're weird all just like try to start going into politics do you think that we're first of all we would never get elected by the way we wouldn't get elected to the treasury or anything in the city of fairmont okay you know i don't think they'd hire me to do anything probably even take out the trash they don't want to be associated with me but all that to say is that you know saying that or trusting in your heart that's what we're living in today is a bunch of fools that are trusting in their heart you know the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it that's what the bible says so that's why it says if you trust in your own heart you're a fool there's a way which seemeth right into a man but the end thereof are the ways of death by the way it says it twice there's a way which seemeth right unto man but the end thereof are the ways of death so uh it's very clear that you're not supposed to trust in your heart you're not supposed to be trying to uh you know that your heart finds itself or discovers itself listen that's you're just going to discover things that are desperately wicked is what you're going to discover you're going to dissect discover things that are deceitful that's what you're going to discover so if you're trusting in that and you're trying to discover what your heart's about you're going to come out with wickedness so why do you think that all these people they literally think they're doing right listen the left and all these people the pro-choice people they look at us like we're evil people they're like oh you're trying to oppress women no we're trying to save babies lives that's what we're trying to do but in their mind they are doing right you know the bible says that they're going to kill us in the end times and they're going to think they do god's service that's what the bible teaches so you have a bunch of these so-called christians that they're going to literally want to kill us listen a lot of people do want to kill us they want us dead and so uh but and go to proverbs chapter 29 proverbs 29 proverbs 29 there at the end of the chapter says verse 27 an unjust man is an abomination to the just and he that is upright and the way is abomination to the wicked listen they hate us we're an abomination to them it's kind of like we were going through genesis i hate to bring up genesis because i might get banned on you on uh on youtube for just bringing up genesis i mean that's just like a taboo word for some reason but to them you know to them we're we're detestable more wicked and i see that and just the way that they they approach us and the way that they they look at what what our views are but listen they're an abomination to us so it works both ways my friends and that word abomination just means that the hater detests something and so uh but listen they're an abomination to the lord listen if they're an abomination to the just then they're an abomination to the lord i mean if we can say that they're an abomination to us you better believe that god's on our side with that so i go to proverbs chapter 30 and this is the last one in proverbs i'm going to go to proverbs 30 and verse 20 this is this is what i view this generation as is like this adulterous woman in verse 20 it says so such is the way of an adulterous woman she eateth and wipeth her mouth and seth i've done no wickedness so an adulterous woman would be someone that would commit adultery be like i didn't do anything wrong and it likens it to me it'd be kind of like if there's a pie over there and i just just ate that pie and just like i didn't eat it like that's what it's likening it to so basically they're just doing wickedness wiping their mouths like as they just did it they're they're not trying to hide it they're just like yeah i i didn't do anything yeah i eat your pie you know and they just wipe their mouths and just say i've done no wickedness that's the sodomite today that's the pedophile today that's this wicked hollywood you know agenda that's being pushed out there is they're pushing out all this filth and they're saying we have done no wickedness we're righteous that's why jimmy kimmel will get up on his program and start pontificating his morality and he's done the most immoral stuff on his shows and all this other stuff and he has the most wicked people on there they're giving pedophile standing ovations they have that that that fag bruce jenner on there giving him the woman of the year listen women you should be offended that a man listen it's always funny because uh because this whole like uh feminist movement they're like all about this is like how about a man just took your woman of the year award you know it's like why aren't they blowing up about that and so so it's always funny it's and it's and it's funny too because they're like the women's rights wait a minute i thought there wasn't male and female you just presumed that that that's even women's rights right i thought there was like uh you know an infinite amount of genders there is no women yeah don't they push those things i mean it's like you're in the twilight zone you're like you're you're it's completely irrational and trying to talk to these people was like talking to the wall you might as just talk to that wall over there you have better conversation with the wall than you would with these these liberals and these people that are pushing all this stuff now this is true go to john chapter three john chapter three listen they hate us because we're telling them that they're doing wrong right we're not violent you know this whole thing about hate speech and all this stuff and they're trying to push that where you go to prison for hate speech uh you know and listen that's in canada right now if it i would be put in prison right now just for what i preached already because you cannot preach against the sodomites in canada you would go to prison and that's what's in canada and they want that to be here like nothing else they're trying to pass that stuff but listen we have the freedom we have the first amendment and it so far they haven't passed any laws to try to say that hate speech is a crime listen why do you think the first amendment was even written it was for hate speech exactly you wouldn't need to have the first amendment if it was only just goodness and light that you're saying the whole point of the first amendment is so that you can say things that will offend people and not only offend certain people but the powers that be the whole point was the freedom of the press the freedom of religion the freedom of speech so that you can speak out against the government those that are even higher above than you are and so this whole idea of hate speech is hilarious to me because that is literally what the first amendment is is that we have the right for hate speech that's literally what it's for because hate speech to them is things that are offensive they're in their safe space bubbles and it's like this generation they got a trophy for just participating listen you know we we need to not be like that with our children when it comes to that listen my dad when we played miniature golf growing up he never let us win never let us win and listen that's the way it should be because you know what when i did beat him it meant something you know i finally beat him one year i was like i was a teenager you know and i'm like i beat him and it was like this accomplishment but this whole idea of these participation trophies listen you need to lose sometimes listen when i used to when i was on the wrestling team and i'd lose a match you know what that did that made me want to train harder that made me to want to beat the next guy even more but if i would have got lost and be like oh you know you get first place yeah everybody gets first place what's the point what's the point of even going on from that no you need to lose every once in a while you need to fall but listen only a righteous man will fall seven times and get up again but what we have is a bunch of weak people in the world today and they fall down they're just like oh i can't get up i need help it's like suck it up gird up your loins like a man and you say well you know uh maybe maybe they won't survive well maybe they need to just get out of the way okay a little tough love but john chapter three verse 19 notice what it says obviously familiar passage in john chapter three but notice in verse 19 it says and this is the condemnation that light is coming to the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil for everyone that do it evil hated the light neither coming to the light lest his deeds should be reproved listen they hate us because we're approving them and saying that their deeds are evil and that's why they love darkness rather than light they love darkness they hate the light jesus says in john seven to his brethren it says the world cannot hate you because his brother didn't believe on him yet it says but me it hated because i testify of it that the works thereof are evil they hated jesus and it's always funny to me when they're just when these people come out and be like you know the whole world hates you you know that doesn't seem christ-like no actually that seems pretty christ-like that that's exactly what they did to jesus do you not remember that they killed him like i i it's it's baffling to me but listen the generation that we're living in today doesn't even know about jonah and the whale they don't know about noah and the ark they literally think that jonah of ark was noah's wife that's what we're living in today they don't know the simple stories of the bible because it's not being preached anymore and they're not going to church listen i'm seeing a difference when we go out to these students and listen the students now were born in 2000 that'll make you feel old right they're born in 2000 the people that are that are freshmen this year they were born in 2000 yeah i was in high school in 2000 okay and so that's what we're dealing with people and when we go out soul winning we used to go out and be like yeah i grew up in church i grew up in church but we kind of fell out you know now what now what's it coming out to be yeah we never we don't go to church and it's coming out to the fact that my generation that's having kids and all that they're just not going to church at all so the kids that are coming out after that are coming up out of church completely and you and you you try to explain to them a bible story david and goliath and they're just like who's that how do you not know about david and goliath i mean listen i grew up catholic and i knew about david and goliath you know like i knew about jonah and the whale i mean what books are they oh wait they don't read books that's why no it's it's a backwards it's an untoward generation and go to go to roman chapter one and i'm going to give you some examples of some backwards things in society they are basically stating that you have higher status if you're a sodomite if you're a queer you do you have more of an opinion and you're praised more they praised bruce jenner you're like why don't you call him caitlin because he's a guy it's a guy you're not using his proper pronouns yeah i'm not on purpose to be offensive to actually just be a normal person because he's a guy but bruce jenner you know they'll praise him they praise the wicked and they have a higher status because of their wickedness but then they demean those that the the straight guys that are caring for their family they literally put out articles that it's it's it's actually worse to have a father at home and you know that that have a marriage you know a monogamous relationship and they're like writing all these articles and stuff like that and it's a bunch of just baloney obviously but that's what they're getting fed today you know the divorce rate's going down because people aren't getting married they're just living in fornication and that type of stuff is just breeding wickedness in this world and these women are like why can't i find a happy relationship you know why can't i find good men listen first of all the men took off took you know they threw away their man card and they let the women rule and now the women they don't like that because women are ingrained to be followers and to be undermen as far as the authority goes and now you have men going their own way has anyone ever has anybody heard of this men going their own way i don't know if i'm saying it exactly right but basically it's where men just are like i'm done with women i'm not we're not getting married not getting in a relationship nothing like that why because you have a bunch of bull dyke feminists that are basically pushing you know like would you want to go out with one of these feminists listen to me men would you want to go out and listen i'm talking to a bunch of married men you know so obviously we don't have that situation but would you want to go out with these people that are just like men are evil you don't have an opinion my opinion's higher than yours i'll be like see you later don't want anything to do with you but here's the thing though some light at the end of the tunnel is the fact that not all women are like that okay that's what's put out there again youtube promotes this type of stuff so most women aren't like that and most i think most women think well i i need to be like that because that's what everybody's expecting okay and then the men think well i need to be a little more passive and i need to be that's why women don't like you men okay the reason that women don't like men today is because they're a bunch of passive little girls that need a man up and you need to buck society and what it says because i think most women deep down would say i want a man that's going to take charge i need a man that puts his pants on puts a belt on and like does work okay they like that and the world is saying opposite of that and then they wonder why women just don't want to be in a relationship they're with a bunch of weak men that's why i went with men that are just groveling over them i wouldn't want a girl that's groveling over me let alone if it's the other way around you know but anyway i'm getting sidetracked romans chapter one romans chapter one i'm just going to read about the sodomite here and listen all these haters that hate our church they hate the bible and they you know what they they they get on there and be like oh you know the bible doesn't teach that bible doesn't teach that there's a whole half a chapter dedicated to these sodomites and what they are and you know you want to say well that's not all sodomites well let's read it let's see verse 22 professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible god into an image made like a corruptible man into birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things where for god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of god into a lion worshiped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever amen for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections for even their women that changed the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat aids by the way and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness now notice this when i read this list notice it's all all applies to this list that we're going through here being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers backbiters haters of god despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of god that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do but the same but have pleasure in them that do them you're like man you're mean no the bible's mean that's the word of god you can put that in your pipe and smoke it because that's what the bible says about these people they're full of all unrighteousness they're full of all fornication and it goes down this list and it even says later on it says full of envy murder debate deceit malignity that's full of all of that and these people are worthy of death they know it too they know that what they're doing is worthy of death and they have pleasure in them that do it you know what they have pleasure in murder fornication unrighteousness they have pleasure in that when they see someone get killed or murdered they like it because they're a bunch of psychopaths because it says without natural affection sounds familiar to when we talked about a generation that that has no inclination which is what a natural propensity or natural uh you know desire to do things right that's what we're dealing with today and so that's what the world is praising now they won't say it like that right it's just the cute little fag that's on tv will and grace or uh big bang theory or you know i don't know what the ones are now today but but the way they had the queers on there and then they're they're saying oh you know this is nice it's fun token queer guy and they're pushing that and they're saying that's that's funny it's great let's praise them let's give them awards what's the bible say about it though quite a stark difference isn't it well what's the bible say about a man and a woman being married and having children because they hate that today the world hates that they want to destroy the family that's what hollywood is trying to do they're trying to destroy the family when they put out all these sitcoms where it's where the guy the the husband is just a big oaf and then the the the woman is is the one it's like the smart one it's always piecing things together you know he's just fumbling all he's just drooling like a little dumb animal that's all these sitcoms are pushing out today is like the man's an idiot the man's an idiot and listen we're sick of i mean people are sick of it they don't want to see it anymore and what's the bible teach though go to colossians chapter three colossians chapter three colossians chapter three and verse 18 obviously the bible talks about this a lot i'm not going to go to all the places obviously this talks about um god's plan for men and women and children and it goes even to the masters and servants and you know obviously how we're supposed to deal with christ and the church and all that stuff but it says in verse 18 wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as it is fit in the lord man that hurts the feminist ears doesn't it husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them children obey your parents and all things for this is well pleasing unto the lord fathers provoke not your children to anger lest they be discouraged and in ephesians it talks about bringing them up in the nurture and admonition nurture and admonition of lord you know what's wrong with most kids today they don't have a father the fathers and the homes are just completely gone today and even though and sometimes if the fathers are there they are so weak and and so you know whipped by their their wife that they they can't even step up into the role that they need to be in you know that's what kids need today they need that father figure to be there listen holly will spank clara throughout the day but when when i come home it's a little different it adds a little bit of gravitas to it you know when dad is the one that's spanking and dad's doing it and dad's doing this listen when my dad would come home and and i knew i needed a beating you know i would i would hide you know i was afraid you know what i mean why because you need that you need that godly fear to be put into you and something that moms just can't do let's just face it moms are the nurturers you know as far as uh as far as just the way children look at that and obviously i'm not saying they can't be afraid of spanking from their mom okay but there's a little difference than when the man's in the house and and the man's taking control and just the difference in how that's gonna uh you know how they're gonna mentally grasp that but go to isaiah chapter three isaiah chapter three it says that you know the wives are supposed to submit themselves onto the husbands that alone would be hate speech today listen that would be hate speech they they would probably want me in jail for saying that for saying that the wives should submit themselves onto their husbands and the most the world would probably laugh and be like oh yeah yeah right you know you know when i say submit i'm not talking about you they're your slave and you're like beating with a whip you know that's what people think though you know when you say that like submit submit unto your husband that you're like over there you're supposed to also love your wives and you know give your life for them so it works both ways but at the same time they'll throw out the baby with the bathwater because there's some psychopath out there that would like beat their wife or something but all that to say is that that's what the bible teaches notice what the bible says about women ruling and isaiah chapter three and verse 11 isaiah chapter three verse 11 it says woe unto the wicked it shall be ill with them with him for the reward of his hand shall be given him as for my people children are their oppressors and women rule over them oh my people they which lead thee cause thee to err and destroy the way of thy paths so what's it say about women ruling well it says that they're going to cause thee to err and it says that that's the punishment that's the that's the reward that's given to them for their wickedness is the fact that women are ruling over them and children are their oppressors and what do you have today a bunch of children slapping their parents in the face and you know cursing out their parents and then you have the women that are that are the head of the household it's completely backwards it's untoward it's an untoward generation it's an unruly perverse crooked generation that we're living in that's completely backwards of what the bible says and you wonder why it all fails you wonder why the children grow up to be a bunch of god haters you wonder why that that marriage doesn't work out because it's completely backwards because the men are supposed to be the ones ruling over their wives not the other way around and this goes into society too you you want to see you want to you want to see well how do you know that your society is going downhill see women in positions of authority the more women you see getting into the positions of authority that's how much more wicked and how much more the judgment of god's coming on our country and listen that goes into churches as well because you have a bunch of women that want to be pastors you know women that supposedly are i don't know how they do it but they're a husband of one wife you know but also go to first timothy chapter two i don't know how they get around this one they're gonna pastor they're gonna preach without speaking i want to know how they do this you're gonna preach without speaking in the church because that's what you have to do if you're gonna if you're gonna hold to the bible first timothy chapter two first timothy chapter two notice what it says and people are going to take this and be like oh you hate women you're so misogynistic listen the women here are some of the happiest people that i know some of the happiest people that i know are here at this church listening to my preaching right now that love what the bible says about this and so you know you could say happiness you know this you know what this happiness you're only trusting in your own heart and you're a fool for doing it and you're gonna you're gonna hate your life because of what you think is right and so and first timothy chapter two in verse 11 says let the woman learn in silence with all subjection but i suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence black and white that's what the bible says now i think a lot of times it's talking about church in general right but at the same time i do believe this crosses over if that's the way that god wants it in the church as far as who's in authority who's teaching and preaching that that would go outside into the world as well a certain authority over the man you know there's just something about when when you're in a meeting and the woman is like just barking orders at a man that is just backwards and you know that every man's that's getting barked at that still has their man card is is basically like hurting inside like oh this this is painful this is painful to hear and first first corinthians chapter 14 you say wow you know that's one place you know that it says that notice what says first corinthians 14 first corinthians 14 and as you're turning there in first corinthians 11 and verse 3 it says but i would have you know that the head of every man is christ and the head of the woman is the man and the head of christ is god and so the head of the woman is the man and obviously we're talking about marriage you know dealing with the man and the woman but first corinthians 14 verse 34 it says let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also set the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church that's why you know you know when it comes to when we're in the church service and i'm preaching we're not talking about when you're singing obviously we're supposed to teach ourselves and and songs hymns spiritual songs right but when the preaching is going on that's not time you know i i don't want women to say amen okay and it's the men are saying amen and you know when it comes that's why you know like in the service it should you shouldn't be like in the middle of the service asking you know that's why it says ask your husbands at home because obviously it's gonna be a distraction if you're like over there like you know like ask me to explain this right now okay because obviously it's gonna be distracting and so but notice that that that how that dynamic works in church and today we have a bunch of churches that are basically having women come up and preach and teach and do all this other stuff listen we're not going to have a lady song leader either we're not going to have now listen i'm not against having testimonies and stuff like that if we're like doing different things and i'm not saying that women can never speak at all but when it comes to when we're in the church service the men will be leading that's the way it's going to be that's the way the bible says that it should be and you say well that i don't think that that's right yeah because you're trusting in your heart because you're because there's a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death you have to go line upon line in the bible and listen listen i've been a christian for a little while now and listen it's never failed me it's never been wrong you can trust it my friends if you get anything out you can trust what the bible says in this untoward generation you can trust that if it's completely backwards of what the world says go with the bible because you will not be let down we're in we're in a generation where people don't know like left and right to up and down they're just completely lost in this world and they're just feeling it out this is your compass hold on to it it's your rock i have set the lord always before me because he's at my right hand i shall not be moved you need to have that bible right next to you and every single time the world is saying hey you need to do this be like nope the bible says go this way i'm going this way they could be going a little slightly off this way you need to stay on your path they'll be going backwards most of the time you just need to keep going on your path holding on to the bible it's not outdated it's not archaic it is what we it's like reading a newspaper today it's as relevant it is as it was back then as it as it is today and so genesis chapter 3 16 let you know you memorize john 3 16 maybe she's written a memorized genesis 3 16 which says unto the woman he said i will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception and sorrow thou shall bring four children thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee like oh i don't think that you know you should say that men should rule over women what does the bible say your husband is the rule over you that's what it says and listen i think you asked my wife that she doesn't hate her life i think she likes it you know now why because that's the bible way god doesn't hate us he's not like trying to put this on here just to make you angry and make you have a miserable life actually all these commandments are for your good the law is good it's not sinful the world's sinful and the world wants you to get away from this the devil wants nothing more for you to go away from what the bible actually teaches you to do so the bible teaches this and we're gonna have to speed through this real quick um i got off on a tangent on the other stuff uh the world says there's like infinite number of genders it's fluid the bible says in genesis 1 verse 27 so god created man in his own image in the image of god created he him male and female created he them two genders by the way you know if you're a doctor you need to know what gender they are you put on there i'm gender fluid well you're probably going to die then if you have a serious injury there's a big difference on the type of medicine that they have to give you the type i mean one i mean between someone has a lot of testosterone and someone has a lot of estrogen i mean there's a big difference when you go into the into the er you know you may identify as a woman and you're a man you're probably going to die then you know and so be it but but also in genesis 5 verse 2 it says it says male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name adam in the day when they were created man take that feminists you know there's a reason why when i got married actually brother dave was the one that pronounced it when i when we walked in for our reception is that introducing for the first time mr and mrs jason david robinson why did they say that because in the beginning he called their name adam and now we're in a generation where women's like i want to keep my last name you know what that tells me when you say you want to keep your last name you might as well just tell me you're a big feminist that hates the bible you know that that or you don't want to have you don't want to be associated with your husband or you don't want him to roll over you you know that's what they're doing you know congratulations you've kept your last name anytime i see i i every time that i see a woman is like kept her last name i'm like man that guy lost his man card whoever her husband is i don't respect him as a man so that's all i got to say about that so uh going on with uh you know the genders or whatever you don't turn there but job 38 in verse 28 it says hath the had the reign of father or had or hath or who hath begotten the drops of dew out of whose womb came the ice in the horror frost of heaven who had gendered it listen as much as you can't gender the snow that's coming out of the sky you can't gender somebody else god gendered you in the womb you are gendered the moment you're conceived you're either a man or you're a woman that's the way it is god's the one that does it you can't do it and you can take all the hormone blockers you can take all the estrogen you can take all the testosterone you'll still be what you were born only you'll be mutated and you'll hate your life and listen their their uh their uh suicide rate is through the roof people that do that type of stuff but going on you know and i probably won't get to this point really but you know the this generation is pushing socialism and communism this is this has been back and forth throughout all history you know and you know what comes down to not reading why don't you read about uh joseph stalin how he killed millions of his own people under communism why don't you read about mal say tongue or paul pott or all these other people that that killed their own people through socialism through communism like whoa it hasn't been tried yet you have the new true scotsman argument right the fallacy that oh it just hasn't been done right capitalism always has been the best form and this is in the sermon on capitalism but the bible does not teach communism by the way it doesn't teach socialism the bible says that if you don't work neither should you eat if any would not work neither should he eat that's what the bible teaches tell me again why we should have uh all these these uh uh one good night the welfare the welfare and all these programs to support people and all this stuff the socialistic garbage and it talks about the you know the slothfulness casted into a into a deep sleep and an idle soul shall suffer hunger that's what the bible teaches if you're a sluggard and you don't do what you should be doing you are going to be in poverty you're going to be hungry because we don't live and god does not promote a socialistic communistic society so that they're backwards on that the the world's for killing babies you're like oh it's pro-choice it's abortion no it's killing babies it's killing babies and you know people that women that have children and they they have these abortions at like you know 30 weeks or something like that i mean you got to be wicked if you have if you have a child growing inside your womb and it's kicking and all that stuff to to say like kill this baby you know i don't know what to say about it but the bible is very clear that it's at conception that it's a baby because in isaiah 7 14 it says that a virgin shall conceive and then in matthew 1 23 when it quotes that it says that a virgin shall be with child so the moment of conception you are you have a child exodus 12 21 gives a case where a woman is hurt she's pregnant she's hurt and the fruit departs from her and obviously the fruit's talking about the child exodus 21 verse 22 it says if men strive and hurt a woman with child so that her fruit depart from her and it gives a case that if mischief doesn't follow meaning like it was an accident okay then you know basically uh they're gonna pay you know there's a whole restitution that's there but it says but if any mischief follow meaning that it wasn't an accident then thou shalt give life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth even today on the books if you were to you know murder you know a woman that was with child you'd be you'd be uh charged with double homicide even today but you say well you know it's it's a law it's row versus row versus weight or whatever and you know it's a law the law says that that it's okay that doesn't make it right it's still murder you can make a law to just go kill children that are alive right now that doesn't make it right and you know the bible actually talks about this in psalm 94 go to psalm 94 i'm almost done psalm 94 i thought this is interesting are you saying abortion doctors should should be put to death yes that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying they're a bunch of murderers and listen abortion doctors know what they're doing you think oh they're just ignorant give me a break and forsake for sake of time i'm not going to go into what they do to abort these babies because it's disgusting these abortion doctors a bunch of reprobate unnatural wicked people that are going to burn in hell and they're going to be in the lowest part of hell but in psalm 94 in verse 20 it says shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee which frameth mischief by a law that's interesting the phrase that it uses there it's it's it's it's framing mischief by a law meaning that they're making laws to do mischief verse 21 they gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous and condemn the innocent blood what's more innocent than a baby that hasn't been born that hasn't done good or evil in verse 22 but the lord is my defense and my god is the rock of my refuge and he shall bring upon them their own iniquity and shall cut them off in their own wickedness yea the lord our god shall cut them off and that's my prayer to all the abortion doctors that are out there i hope that i hope the earth opens up and they go quick down into hell a bunch of wicked wicked people killing babies three thousand babies are killed every single day that's our generation that we're living in that's the untoward generation that's the perverse wicked generation that we're living in today that's killing three thousand babies and loving it people these people are praising it there's people that are that are praised and like in high up positions that are saying i wish i would have had an abortion leah dunham is the the woman's name that said that you know why she wanted to have an abortion so that she can play the victim card because she's all for pro-choice and she has more validity if she's had one you know go out and do sin so that you can have a higher position of status to say that that you can have abortions and these people get on here and they they they do these i've seen so much wickedness when it comes to this it makes me sick and i hope they go to hell tonight because it's so wicked and when i see my children when i saw my children you know and you see that the ultrasound you see the heartbeat and you see them kicking in the womb and you have your children and then you think about someone trying to kill them it makes you mad and the the world today looks at me like i'm nuts for thinking that way nuts for thinking that we shouldn't kill babies but that's the world we're living in an untoward generation go to act chapter 17 because here's here's the call to action listen this has been this way since the beginning of time it's always been this way there's always been wicked people there's always been canes out there that are slaying their brother because they're righteous there's always been those wicked people you know that that have always been the the children of the wicked one right and they're always against the seed of the woman they're against the saved and so you have these children of the devil and listening to the minority but they have this loud voice they have this platform and they're constantly just trying to push this agenda push this agenda and trying to get people to follow their untoward generation direction and act chapter 17 this is what we should do act chapter 17 verse 6 it says and when they found them not they drew jason and certain brethren unto the rollers of the city crying these that have turned the world upside down are come hither also whom jason hath received and these also do contrary to the doctrines of caesar saying that there is another king one jesus why were they turning the world upside down or what was why was that an accusation because they were preaching that jesus christ is the lord and they should believe on him for salvation that's what they were preaching and they were saying you're turning the world upside down and isn't that what the world's saying today they're saying we're wicked they're saying that we're backwards we're just backwards country bumpkins that believe in the bible but the bible says that they're backwards and we need to turn this world upside down in psalm 146 god's turning the wicked upside down so you're in good company if you're turning this world upside down and in psalm 146 in verse 9 it says the lord preserveth the strangers he reveal it or relieve it the fatherless and widow but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down the lord shall reign forever even thy god ozion unto all generations praise you the lord and god is constantly throughout these generations turning the wicked upside down in isaiah 24 in verse 1 it says behold the lord maketh the earth empty and maketh it waste and turneth it upside down and scatters abroad the inhabitants thereof how are we going to turn the world upside down i'm not saying to go to abortion clinics and protest i'm not saying to go get into a political platform go to go to philippians chapter 2 this is our job and people are constantly you know like oh your church is violent your church is you know you know hate speech you're you're inside listen i never said to go to an abortion clinic and do any violence i said for god to kill them there's a difference there's a difference if i say i hope they die and go to hell that's not a call to action you know and you say well you're calling god to action well you don't believe in god so put that in your pipe and smoke it right yeah put that one on the books he called god to action you know and then the guy died mysteriously try proving that one in court that god did it right when they don't believe in god anyway right but all i have to say is that uh in philippians chapter 2 i'm not i'm not saying to that we need to go out and do the political movement we need to do these marches and do all this other stuff no we need to preach the gospel we need to get these people we need to get as many people saved as we can get them in teach them to observe all things and get people on the right side going in the right direction and listen you know we need to we need to speak out to this type of stuff you know we need to be that light in this world we need to be that voice that's crying in the wilderness and saying no no and so in philippians chapter 2 verse 14 it says do all things without murmurings and disputings that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of god without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine his lights in the world holding forth the word of life that i may rejoice in the day of christ that i have not run in vain neither labored in vain we need to hold forth that word of life we need to hold forth the gospel we need to get people saved get people saved get them into the word of life and get them on the right path that's our job simple right and so all i have to say is i wanted you to see that we are living in a backwards generation we're in we're living in a generation where they'll give you a strike for preaching on joseph and his brethren in genesis they can't handle the genesis bible study i wasn't in genesis 19 i didn't get a strike for some odd reason but they'll put up all this trans garbage all this all this stuff to try to you know sexualize children and pedophilia and all this wickedness and filth they'll promote that they don't just allow it on there they promote it that's what you're dealing with you're dealing with an untoward generation a perverse generation and we need to turn it upside down with the gospel of jesus christ that's what we're going to do this afternoon too so uh you know there is there is a reason we go out soul wanting obviously we don't see people go to hell but listen we want to make a difference and if some making a difference some have compassion making a difference and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment swab out of the flesh we need to make a difference the way we do it is we get people saved preaching the bible and you know that's how we're going to turn this world upside down let's end with the word apparently father we thank you for this uh this morning and just pray that you'd be with us as we go out soul winning and just pray that you get everybody safe travels and be with those that aren't feeling well and lord just pray that you'd heal all those that are sick and when we love you and pray else in jesus christ name amen all right take your thumb books and turn to song 325 325 we'll sing trust and obey and if you would stand we will sing song 325 when we walk with the lord in the light of his word what a glory he sheds on our way while we do his goodwill he abides with us still and with all who will trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey not a shadow can rise not a cloud in the skies but a smile quickly drives it away not a doubt or a fear not a sign or a tear can abide while we trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey not a burden we bear not a sorrow we share but our toil he doth richly repay pay not a grief nor a loss not a frown nor a cross but is best if we trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey but we never can prove the delights of his love until all on the altar we lay for the favor he shows and the joy he bestows are for them who will trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey then in fellowship suite we will sit at his feet or we'll walk by his side and the way what he says we will do where he sends we will go never fear only trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey okay