(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you Well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church take your songbooks and turn to song 410 Song 410 in your some books if you would stand we'll sing faith is the victory Song 410 and Tempt along the hills of lygia Christian soldiers rise And press the battle where the night shall veil the glowing skies Against the fall when veils below let all our strength be hurled Faith is the victory we know that overcomes the world Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world His banner over us is love our sword the word of God We tread the road the saints above with shouts of triumph trod By faith they like a whirlwinds breath swept on or every field The faith by which they conquered death is still our shining shield Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory that Overcomes the world on every hand the foal we find drawn up in dread of rain Let it's of ease be left behind and onward to the fray salvation's helmet on each head with truth on curd about the earth shall Beneath our tread and echo with our shout Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world to him that overcomes the foal shall be kept Before the Shall know his name confessed and have Then onward from the hills of life our hearts will love a flame will vanquish all the hosts of nine and Jesus conquering name Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh Glorious victory that overcomes the world Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again. We just want to thank you God just for a good day You've given us Lord that we were able to celebrate Six years as a church. Thank you God for our pastor Thank you God for all of the people that make a mountain Baptist and all of the hard work that they do I pray Lord now that you would just bless our pastor again film with your power and spirit We love you for it's in Jesus and we ask all of it. Amen. All right may be seated and Turning your songbooks to song 308 Song 308 we'll sing I surrender all Song 308 all to Jesus I Surrender all to him. I freely give I will ever love and trust him when his presence daily live I Surrender all I surrender all All to thee my blessed Savior I surrender all to Jesus I Surrender humbly at his feet I bow Worldly pleasures all Forsaken take me Jesus. Take me now I Surrender all I Surrender all All to thee my blessed Savior I surrender All all to Jesus I Surrender make me save your holy thine Let me feel the Holy Spirit Truly know that thou art mine Surrender all I surrender all All to thee my blessed Savior I surrender all all to Jesus I Surrender Lord, I give myself to thee Me with thy love and power Thy blessing fall on me I Surrender all I Surrender all All to thee my blessed Savior I Surrender all Back can you hear me? It's not working. All right. Welcome back Mount Baptist Church on That's not mine, okay, that was Anna's So pretty much everybody was here For the afternoon. I don't think anybody went out soul winning, but I could be wrong. Did some people go out so any Okay, great and Let's get the solar numbers for the week Hold what was that one on Monday one on Tuesday, so two three and Then on was it how 16? 16 so 18 sorry Was it like 16 soul winners or what? How many 12? so 18 and then Three during the week. So 21 and then one today 24 That's not right any others Oh Yeah, yeah, you're right Is that cold water? 22 I Was adding three again for some reason I was adding three to 21 and then I added no anyway, it's a 22 That's what happens when you dunk your pastor, you know And the tank that's cold So And then hopefully everybody had a good time with the fellowship in between and everything there as far as service times everything should be normal this week, so Lord willing will be continuing our study through the book of 1st Samuel and so we'll be getting the chapter for this week So be in your places there on Wednesday And so winning this week. I think brother Charles. He can't lead up this Monday by the other so many times there Beyond the church group there as far as the Locations times and all that stuff throughout the week. So Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday there and then we have The women's prayer meeting this this Friday, but the this Saturday we have the sowing marathon in Cleveland, Ohio so we're gonna be making a video here soon to Disclose the location the Panera where we're gonna be meeting that and all that so But we'll be meeting up there around 9 o'clock 9 9 30 or typical And so if you can make it out to that, that'd be great. I Know the last time I went up so winning in Ohio. It was probably probably an Akron area but Usually pretty good reception up there. So There should be a good time there and then our Bible memory for the week for the month is Malachi chapter 4 and Then our memory verse for the week is Amos 5 15 We already got all the birthdays and anniversaries Pregnancy is just a praise obviously and congratulations to the spina family on their new addition there and then Also, the let's go family be in prayer for them as they just had their baby not too long ago And then be in prayer for Jennifer Alyssa Anastasia and Tabby under the pregnancy list there That's about all I have for announcements everything's pretty much the same as this morning so nothing new I Think that's it Offering boxes in the back there if you want to give it a tithe or an offering and the mother baby rooms for the mothers babies only That's all I can think of right now if I think of something later I'll let you know but But who's reading David or brother wait, okay, by the way, it's gonna be reading Ephesians chapter 6 for us Wait, what? Wait, it's the same. There's confusion Who's reading They're both pointing at each other I'm gonna make it Probably David. Yeah, you can do it after they But Dave does one more song but David will then read Ephesians chapter 6 for us Do you need this? Oh, okay, I guess you didn't need that All right, take your song books and turn to song number 85 Song number 85 will sing Jesus Jesus Jesus Song number 85 Jesus Jesus Jesus Sing along the name Till it softly slowly Slowly Sets all hearts aflame Jesus name of cleansing Washing all our stains Jesus name of healing Bomb for all our pains Jesus Name of boldness Making cowards brave Name that in all battles Certainly must save Jesus name of victory Stretching far away Crosser's more fields to the plains of day Jesus be our joy No, and this veil of tears Years Till we reach the homeland And the eternal years All right, so your bowels and turn to Ephesians chapter number six Ephesians chapter number six and your Bible's will have brother Wade come and read that for us Ephesians chapter six Children obey your parents in The Lord for this is right Honor thy father and mother Which is in the first commandment of promise with promise that it may be well with thee thou mayest live long on earth And he fathers provoked not your children wrath But bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling in singles of heart As unto Christ not with thy service as men pleasers But it's the servants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart with good will doing service as to the Lord and not to men knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth the same shall he receive of the Lord whether he be bond or free and Ye masters do the same things unto them forbearing threatening knowing that your master also is in heaven neither is there Respective persons with him Finally my brother and be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil For we wrestle not against flesh and blood Again, but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day Having Done all to stand stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all Saints and For me that utterance and for me that utterance may be given unto me that I may Open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in bonds that Therein I may speak boldly as I ought to speak, but they also may know my affairs and how I do Take us to beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord shall make known to you all things Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose that you might know our affairs and that you might Comfort your hearts peace be to the brethren and love with faith from God the Father and Lord Jesus Christ Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ and sisterity. Amen. Let us pray dear Lord Let's getting something from your word and be with pastor as we hear your word today in Jesus now pray. Amen Amen, so you're there in Ephesians chapter 6 and we're continuing our study if you will or series through the whole armor of God And so we've already hit on The Our loins go about with truth and then also on the breastplate of righteousness and the next one We're gonna see here is dealing with our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace But let's start there in verse 10. I know that I was out last week. So Just kind of get a refresher as far as what we're dealing with here with the whole armor of God But in verse 10 there says finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and the power of his might Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil And so this is really why we're putting it on it so that we can be stand against the wiles of the devil And then it says in verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against Principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand So the whole idea here is that this is a spiritual battle It's not a physical battle, but we're dealing with Spiritual things that are likened unto physical elements. So that's what they understand. Is that I'm not physically Getting up in the morning and I'm like putting on this belt of truth and then I'm putting on this breastplate of righteousness These are all basically Symbolistic of what you should be putting on on a daily basis as we're going to battle. So when you think about it There's the idea of going to work and there's the idea of going to battle and what you have to understand as a Christian is That we're doing both, right? It's kind of like a Nehemiah where they're building the wall And they have in one hand their tool that they're building the wall with in the other hand They have their sword and so there's there's gonna be times where we're just working and doing the work and then we're gonna have to fight battles And the other hand so it's kind of like maybe even at the same time you're building it and you're you're fighting a battle at the same time, but Really with this there's actually seven different pieces to this armor if you will or to the what we're putting on in this chapter There's six that are mentioned Really? It's kind of like a belt of truth if you will but being heard about the loins About the loins with truth the breastplate of righteousness these are more like having shoes or sandals of you know dealing with what you're wearing as far as Your footwear when it comes to the preparation of the gospel And then the shield of faith the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God Now you say well, that's only six. Where's the seventh? Well in Isaiah 59 I'll get to that last but the idea of that there you're putting on zeal as a cloak So you don't want to have zeal without knowledge But you do want to have zeal but ultimately that's what you're putting over all all that other stuff, right? It's this cloak that you're putting on and once you have all this other you have the shield of faith You have the sword of the Spirit now Let's put in some zeal to all of that and it's time to go to battle So it's kind of like you have all this stuff But you really need to have the zeal in the end that that you're gonna win the battle And so I'll be getting into all these but we've hit the first two there But now we're getting into in verse 15 and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace Now the first thing that we see is that what part of the body is represented when you're talking about the gospel but the feet so When it comes to the feet I do think about this as far as go to John chapter 13 And you may think I'm going off the rails here dealing with the story, but the story where Jesus washes his disciples feet. I think it's interesting why it's the feet and What I think about with this is the fact that When we're in the world If you're just looking at me right now, what part of my body is touching the world like physically speaking My feet right and your feet are always touching The world and the idea is with the gospel is that it's those that are in the world that are preaching the gospel And this is why we're still here Hey, you may ask, you know, why are we still here? What's the purpose once you get saved? You're saved eternally you have eternal life so nothing can change that but why are we still here because we need to go and preach the gospel and This story where Jesus washes his disciples feet, I just want to read this really quick and apply it but the idea here in verse 2 John chapter 13 verse 2 it says and supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot Simon's son to betray him Jesus knowing that the father had had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God He rises from supper and laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded himself after that He poureth water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel wherewith He was girded then cometh he to Simon Peter and Peter saith unto him Lord, dost thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and said unto him what I do do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know hereafter Peter saith unto him thou shalt never wash my feet Jesus answered and Answered him if I wash thee not thou has no part with me Simon Peter saith unto him Lord Not my feet only but also my hands in my head Jesus saith to him he that is washed he needeth not save to wash his feet But is clean every wit and ye are not and ye are clean But not all but he knew who should betray him therefore said he you're not all clean So when he's talking to disciples The end there is really clear that he's saying that you're not all clean. He's not saying like Not your whole self is clean. He's saying you're not all clean because of Judas Right. So it's always meaning like all the disciples. Not all the disciples are clean because there's Judas So when he's saying you're clean every wit but you only need to wash your feet and really what you think about there is the flesh and the idea that you're Still physically here in this world and that you need to wash your feet and the idea here Is that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness We know that inwardly speaking We're born of God and it says who started born of God doth not commit sin for a seed remaineth enemy Cannot sin because he's born of God. So you're clean every wit right your soul and your spirit clean every wit But the flesh says in the flesh dwells no good thing and the flesh, you know It says if we say that we have no sin We deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us and that's why we need to confess our sins and cleanse on a daily basis But the feet would represent the fact that that's what's in the world. But also when you're dealing with the feet It Really does correlate with the gospel because that's one why we're still here physically in the world is because we're to be a witness For the Lord and for the gospel, but also think about this and I don't have this in my notes But when Jesus sent them out two and two right the twelve, but then also the seventy others When they didn't receive him, what were they to do as a witness against them? Shake off the dust of what their feet The very dust that cleaves to their feet to shake that off as a witness against them So the idea of the feet are what's going to the place the feet are what's in the world That's what's touching the world and go to John chapter 17 John chapter 17 I want you to think about this. Why do we need the sword? Why do we need the shield? Why do we why do we need all these different elements? Why are we fighting this battle? Because of where we're going You know, where are we trying to go where we're trying to be trying to preach the gospel every creature I mean, that's how it ends doesn't it in the end when he says that then I may begin Utterance that it may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel that's really the end game is that we're to preach the gospel with the Word of God and We're gonna fight these battles in order for that to happen but it's where our feet are carrying us is with the preparation of the gospel of peace and In John 17 Jesus is praying to the Father in verse 17. It says and now Come I to thee and these these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them Because they are not of the world even as I am not of the world I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world without but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil They are not of the world even as I am not of the world sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth As thou has sent me into the world even so have I also sent them into the world So why why didn't he just take us out of the world? Because as Jesus was sent into the world to be anointed with the Spirit of God to preach the gospel to the poor That's what we're doing The Bible talks about how we're ambassadors for Christ and how he's given us the ministry of reconciliation in the Word of Reconciliation to reconcile the world in Christ it you know, the idea is that we are ambassadors and we are in Christ that saying be you reconciled to God and What does it mean to be reconciled to God but to be at peace with God and we have peace with God Through grace by faith right and in Romans chapter 5 it talks about that We have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and that's why we have peace with God We're no longer an entity with God and spiritually speaking. We are now at peace and That is our goal and it our feet. I believe the reason is representing that is One that's what's in the world. That's what's touching the world physically speaking. If you're just looking at me standing right now All of our feet should be on the ground Unless you're doing a handstand or something like that But then that's just weird that you're just walking around like that The idea here is that obviously physically speaking everybody's walking the world they're going and that's what's actually physically touching the earth And that's why we're still here in the world. So one why does it represent that because that's why we're still here That's why we're still in the world. But two the idea is that we need to go the gospel Go to Mark chapter 16 Mark chapter 16. I know it's a very famous verse, but it's always good to just look at it Mark 16 verse 15 There's a there's this misconception that church is where we're supposed to be preaching the gospel But that's not the case now. Listen, I preached the gospel at church after church service a week or so ago And I got to win someone to the Lord because someone came in and I got to give them the gospel They got saved praise the Lord for that I'm not saying you can't preach the gospel here But that's not the the goal of the church is not to bring Unsaved people in to preach in the gospel the goal of the church is to send Preachers of the gospel out into the world to preach the gospel. And so the idea is to go And notice what it says here in Mark chapter 16 and verse 15 It says and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature Something very similar said in Acts chapter 1 and verse 8 it says but ye shall receive power after that The Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria And unto the uttermost parts of the earth The idea is that we need to go out into the world and preach the gospel and we need to go on to the highways And hedges and compel them to come in But it's not the other way around it's not that hey Let's change the church service to where we have a rock band up here And then your pastors up here wearing skinny jeans with purple lights behind them and I'm on a barstool And I'm your buddy and we're just gonna have a you know a fun little time up here so we can bring in the world To give them the gospel? No No, the church is what it is based off what the Bible teaches and where to go out into the world and preach the gospel to every creature, but you but proverbially, and obviously you don't necessarily like obviously when I say You know the feed it doesn't if you didn't have feet you still go preach the gospel the idea here though Is that by and large you know most people have feet and that's how we're getting there right we're walking there But if you can't walk then you can still preach the gospel and all of that But obviously in this case we're talking about going and preaching the gospel And I want you to see how the feet are Coupled with the gospel notice what it says in Romans chapter 10 going again into the idea that we're going out into the world And preaching the gospel we're not bringing them into the church to preach them the gospel Listen my sermons are tailored to the saved not to the unsaved This sermon is for the saved I'm assuming who I'm preaching to right now understands the gospel, and they're already saved You know my sermon this morning was definitely not tailored to the unsaved And as you can tell I don't have an ultra call where I preach the gospel at the end of it You say well, what if someone comes in unsaved then I'll preach the gospel to them afterwards like I did a couple weeks ago And that's what everybody else does in here actually It's hard pressure for me to usually be the one to actually do that because someone's already on it And I'm like trying to find them, and there's already someone you know brother Richie You know brother Matt or somebody's like out there already talking to them before they even get to their car And praise the Lord for that, but that's the way it should be is the idea that But I'm sure you don't want me to just be preaching the gospel every single sermon You're gonna get bored real quick like well You know you can't be are you tired of hearing the gospel? Well when we go out soul winning, and then we're preaching it like three to four times, and you're going out through the week It's not that we're not hearing the gospel preached a lot But the idea of church is for the edification of the believer of the Saints the perfecting of the Saints And you can't do that. If you're just gonna stay on one topic and so There are sermons where I'm gonna be talking about the gospel and guess what I will be in the sermon Because we're talking about your feet shot with preparation the gospel, so I'm gonna be talking about that, but It's more so tailored to the fact that you need to take that and go out with it, and that's why we're fighting these battles Roman chapter 10 and verse 13 it says for whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved So that's the ultimate endgame right to be saved calling on name Lord How then shall they call on him in whom they not believed so listen you can call all day long But if you don't believe anything when you're calling it's not gonna help you And there's always those out there like well, what if you believe and you don't call well, I personally believe that's an impossibility okay, so There's people that believe that's how you get saved, but they don't believe in it themselves And so you and I've had that out soul winning and many of you probably had that too where they'll say I believe that's what It says I believe that's how you get to heaven. I'm just not ready to put my faith in that right now There's your difference between you're like where's this what's the difference there? That's it, but if someone says I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ I've trusted him as my Savior guess what they've called upon the Lord whether in their heart whether they did it with their mouth You know it openly to you But don't take out the calling on name Lord because that's taking away the fact that they're making a choice That it's not osmosis like I've just like Accidentally got saved and didn't realize it No, you're making a choice now is the accepted time now is the day of salvation you have to make that choice do you believe it or not and that's what's going on, but Again, how do they believe though and how should they believe in him whom they've not heard and actually here without a preacher notice this Right here. How should they preach? Except they bring them into the church and hear it That was this I must be reading the NIV. I'm sorry. I don't know how that got on there You know I got that Bible app sometimes it switches around no just kidding. I don't have the NIV on my Bible app, so And how shall they preach except they be sent? So it's not unless they come in no, we're sending preachers out To go out and preach the gospel so that they can hear it so that they can Believe it and call upon name the Lord for salvation That's how it's supposed to be done and notice it says as is written. How beautiful are the what? feet of Them that preached the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things But they have not all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah said Lord who hath believed our report So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and that gets into the sword of the Spirit Which is the Word of God and the idea that? You need to be born again by the Word of God and obviously that's going to be Instrumental to preach in the gospel right, but ultimately if you don't go It doesn't matter if you don't have this sword right What's the point having the sword if you're not going to use it and go somewhere with it? So when it comes to the gospel the feet are always brought up go to Isaiah 52 7 Isaiah 52 7 So this is actually quoting Isaiah 52 7 to a certain extent It's calling back to it because it says as it is written right so as it is written. Where is it written at? Okay, so in Isaiah 52 7 which is kind of our moniker verse because we're called Mountain Baptist Church And the reason that I named it Mountain Baptist Church was one. We're in the Mountain State of West Virginia So that makes sense just locally, but really the big reason is that I wanted our church name to represent soul winning I wanted it to be about the gospel and When it comes to the gospel the thing that be that's brought up in the Old Testament about the gospel is preaching upon And the idea of the feet being upon the mountains and it says in Isaiah 52 7 It says how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publisheth peace That bringeth good tidings of good that publishes salvation that seth unto Zion thy God reigneth This is also repeated in nayum 115 where it says behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publish published peace so When it comes to preaching the gospel you can say well, why is the mountain brought up? Well, I mean in Israel, obviously There's mountains. There's Mount Zion. There's all that and obviously it's talking about behold Zion thy God reigneth I mean you can imagine that the mountains the geography of it But the idea there is that that's the same thing here though I mean West Virginia is known for mountains and guess what if we're gonna go preaching the gospel Everybody that goes to our church and that's gone. So wanting out here knows that it's not flat out here Okay That there's hills. There's mountains. There's steps. There's everything right? So you're your feet are gonna be doing some walking and Any time we ever like go out with a stroller or something like that It's always a task because there's always like some steps or some something you got to climb or whatever It is what it is But the idea here is that that's what I want our church to be known for is preaching the gospel of peace Upon the mountains of West Virginia. Yeah, and unto the uttermost parts of the world So it's not like we're just binding ourselves to just where there's mountains and just you know We're going to Ohio and I don't know if you know that about that when we go to Ohio for the Sony marathon It's flat out there it's pretty flat and So we're not discriminating Discriminating against flat Landers, you know Is that a thing, you know, we're Highlanders over here no but anyway You know, that's one reason why I wanted our church you know why I called it Mountain Baptist Church because of soul winning because The fact that I want our church to be about that and that if our church stops soul winning We might as well take it off the side Mazel why are we talking? Why are we a Mountain Baptist Church? What are we what we doing here? So when it comes to preaching the gospel, they need to be sent to need to go But when we're dealing with this being shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace It's not this it's not just being shot with the gospel But with the preparation of the gospel Okay, we go out We need to know what we're preaching. We need to have the gospel Prepared and packaged so that it's it's easily digested for those that we're bringing it to Go to go to the first Peter chapter 3 1st Peter chapter 3 and verse 15 1st Peter chapter 3 and verse 15 As you're going there I always think of this verse 2 in Colossians 4 6 says let your speech be all way with grace seasoned with salt That you may know how you ought to answer every man. The idea is having an answer having you know knowing How you're gonna answer what you're gonna answer all of that, but specifically with the gospel It says in verse 15 so first Peter chapter 3 and verse 15 it says but sanctify the Lord God in your heart to be ready always to give an Answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear So the idea of being ready always To be prepared to answer right being having a prepared answer when it comes to the gospel when it comes to why do you believe? What's the reason? Right, what's the reason that you believe what you believe and can you answer that? and Being prepared for that go to go to the next chapter there first Peter chapter 4 and verse 10 because our duty is to Minister the same gift that we've been given It says in first Peter chapter 4 and verse 10 It says as every man has received the gift even so minister the same one to another as good Stewards of the manifold grace of God so it's like if you received it we should be ministering it one to another We should be I got saved by grace Hey, let me tell someone else how to be saved by grace and let's go down that line You know as far as the stewards of the manifold grace of God if any man speak Let him speak as the oracles of God if any man minister Let him do it as of the ability which God giveth that God and all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom be Praised in the dominion forever and ever. Amen The idea here is that when we speak when you're ministering that we're speaking as the oracles of God. What is that the words of God? Is that we're going there We're going out there with the gospel, but it's not just our words. It's the Word of God Being born again not a corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you So when we're going out preaching the gospel and he's we need to have prepared we need to be prepared We're teaching them the gospel We're instructing them and in to be an instructor go to go to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 2nd Timothy chapter 2 you obviously in 2nd Timothy 2 you have verse 15 where it says study to the show thyself approved unto God a workman that Needeth not to be ashamed Rightly dividing the word of truth but down in verse 24 there Dealing specifically with I believe preaching the gospel. It says in verse 24 It says in the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men act to teach patient and meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God per venture will give them repentance to the acknowledging the truth and That they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will The idea here is that while we're going out and preaching the gospel We need to be ready and we need to act to teach in in order to instruct others Now don't get me wrong here If you just got saved You know what it takes to get saved and if you had a like a card with some verses on there You can win someone the price. I mean you could just say hey boom here it is But guess what that plan that was just told you is a preparation It's something that was prepared What you say, what do you mean by preparation? Okay, let's say someone says I want to get saved. Where do you start? What do you say to them See there's something prepared. They're like, okay. Well, let me show you first. You're a sinner We're all sending control of the glory of God Because we sin it says for the wages of sin is dead And all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. We're all sinners There's none righteous. No, not one because of that we have a penalty for our sin and that penalty is death and hell At that point we need we need a Savior and then you explain to them. Okay, that's where Jesus comes in And you can explain that the virgin birth the idea that he's God in the flesh and that he came to die on the cross for our sins and Eddie You know He was he was manifest to take away our sins and in him is no sin and just going down the line to the death Beryl resurrection of Christ the idea there is that you have something prepared. I remember when I first got saved and I went to college right after that and I was rooming with the guy that got me saved and It was one of those things where eternal security obviously was the big thing that I'm like, okay, you can't lose your salvation That's where the rubber met the road And all I was thinking I was like, well if I don't know this Then who knows it who else knows who else doesn't know it, right? So I remember going out not having any plan Right, and there was this place and I went to WVU and there's places called the mountain layer which is basically a place where you can eat study whatever and It was a place where students would hang out whatever But anyway, we went there and they would have these what they call up all nights where basically you'd have free like Soda and drinks and stuff like that and you can go bowling for free and stuff like that Anyway, so a lot of students went there. So I remember we're like, hey Let's go to the mountain layer on this up all night and we're just gonna talk to people that are just sitting down in these chairs because they had like chairs and all this stuff there and We would go up to people and we say hey, you know do you know for sure you're going to heaven and Then they're like, no, I'm like, well, can we show you and then I was starting Ephesians 2 8 9 Now is that wrong is that is that you know, it's not like I was Nice good verse when it comes to salvation, but I haven't even established you need it. Does that make sense? I was completely unprepared Now I'll say this we prayed with people and I think we got some people say but the idea there was we were unprepared And we had verses that we were gonna go to and there's verses so we prepared to a certain extent But there was no like boom. Here's where we should start. Here's where we should we were just rogue every time The next person I talked to I started in another verse And it was like Russian roulette as far as which verse I was gonna bring up where I was gonna start out So It wasn't so later that someone showed me hey here's here's a prepared plan of how to do it and Just having this prepared plan that when I go up to the door I'm not just like all right, where am I gonna start every single time? I know exactly where I'm gonna start Like well, what if they're a Mormon I know You know if I go up to the door and someone says can I they can I can show them how they can be saved If it's a Mormon where you can start Romans 3 23 If it's an aseus, where are you gonna start Romans 3 23? If it's if it's if it's a Jehovah Witnesses if it's Scientologist Where are you gonna start Romans 3 23? Or maybe maybe I'll get really I'll go rogue and go Romans 3 10 Right and then I'll go in the Romans 3 23 because that's where I start and that and then where am I gonna End I'm obviously gonna end with for whosoever shall call upon name the Lord shall be saved and that's where I know I'm gonna start I know we're gonna end and maybe I'll vary the the verses in between but guess what the plan of like you're a sinner Your punishment is hell Jesus is the Savior you have to believe on him is eternal life you can never lose your salvation call upon name the Lord for salvation and Then I can mix in some verses in there But that plan is gonna be that way no matter who I'm talking to or when I'm talking to them I Believe this is very important. If you're gonna if you're gonna be efficient, okay Because you can go out preach the gospel and go rogue and go into all these different verses and I believe you can win people To Christ because the word of God is powerful and God wants them to get saved the Holy Ghost. He's You know obviously wanting them to get saved But I believe you want to be efficient effective and you want to have a lot of fruit then you need to be prepared you need to have a prepared plan when you're going out there and So but know this go to go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 Keys to this preparation Keep it simple Keep it simple. Okay, the idea when it comes to the gospel is that it is simple Whatever your verses that you go to make sure that it's simple it's easy to understand Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 It says but I fear less by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety So your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. So when it comes to The gospel here The idea is the simplicity that's in it. It's so simple that a child can understand it Actually the Bible says yet you need to become as a child You know to in order to enter the kingdom of God the reason is saying that is because you need to basically put off all the cynical like ideas of being an adult and have that that that dependent type faith like a child in Something that's simply understood which is that salvation is a gift and it's by grace is through faith. It's not of works. It's very simple and We need to make sure that your preparation of the gospel is very simple, it's not convoluted You're not like Robert breaker back here with your chalkboard and just like, you know You have no idea where everything's leading The idea is that it's just like you're a sinner The penalty for that sin is death in hell. Jesus paid it all Believe on him and only him boom. That's that's as simple as it gets And Depending on the person you may have to go in deep on some things to disprove some false doctrine that they believe, right? But ultimately if you're dealing with someone that's just ready to hear it. It should be that simple And it should be just like yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, I believe that And you can literally win someone to Christ in 10 to 15 minutes if they're just ready to hear it So keep it simple And in what's what's how simple is it the death and resurrection of Jesus Really? It's that simple as far as what saves you the death and resurrection of Jesus now Obviously realizing that you need a Savior has to be established in that preparation, right? You're a sinner you're on your way to hell I need a Savior at that point what's gonna save you the death and resurrection 1st Corinthians chapter 15 says this 1st Corinthians chapter 15 in verse 1 it says moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preach unto you which also you have received in wherein you stand By which also you are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain Meaning this is if you don't remember what I'm about to tell you then you didn't believe it If you don't if you're like I didn't even know there was a resurrection Then you obviously didn't believe it if you don't know that it exists if you don't know that's real So The idea here is that if you don't remember what I'm about to tell you then you didn't really get safe You didn't actually believe it. Okay, but it says here in verse 3 it says for I delivered unto you First of all that which I also received How that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day According to the scriptures. It's really that simple You say well, and you know, everybody believes that don't they? No, here's what they don't believe that he died for their sins That's really where The confusion lies, isn't it? Is that well, you know, but you can't just go out and do anything. Did he die for your sins or he did? Did he not? What if you commit murder did he die for your sins or did he not? Suicide did he die for your sins or did he not? Do you believe he died for your sins or do you not believe that and when someone believes they can lose their salvation? You know what? They don't believe they don't believe he died for their sins They believe that they died for some of them the little ones But ultimately they don't believe that he died for their sins and therefore they're not believing the gospel And I may be getting into that because when when it comes to this listen keep the gospel simple, but be thorough in explaining it and a pet peeve I have in Baptist churches is being shallow with soul winning Like what do you mean by that not explaining what you need to believe? Listen, if someone prays a prayer, but they believe they can lose their salvation. They're not saved Simple as that just the reason I told you because they don't believe that he died for all those sins then and When it comes to this it's not complicating it it's explaining it thoroughly and Listen the gospel is so simple that you can literally just go to Romans chapter 3 I want to show you how simple it is that you could get someone saved You don't even have I don't believe you even need to leave Romans chapter 3 Now I go to other places. Okay, but I believe you can win somebody right here in Romans 3 Personally I believe you can win somebody with John 3 16 But you're probably gonna have to explain some other things to get them to believe that But ultimately I believe the Word of God is so powerful that you could just use John 3 16 and win somebody Am I gonna play that game out soul winning though? No, I Don't know about you, but I'm not playing games when I go out soul winning. I'm gonna give them as much Bible as possible I'm gonna make no doubt that they got enough of the Word of God That they can believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Okay, but I'll say this I do believe God's Word is that powerful that it would just take one verse but Why not give more It's like sermons like well there's a verse in that sermon so it's gonna be powerful But how much more powerful would it be if you use more? So In Romans chapter 3 verse 21 it says but now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets even the righteousness which is of God are Righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe But there is no difference for all of sin to come short of the glory of God Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Whom God has set forth to be the propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness For the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God to declare I say at this time his righteousness That he might be just in the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus Where is boasting then it is excluded by what law of works nay, but by the law of faith Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law boom You got it right there all of it they're sinners that they're justified by faith I mean how many times did it say it by the blood of Jesus Christ and is it by works nay? It's not Therefore we conclude that man is justified by faith without the ease of law I mean it's as simple as that But when it comes to explaining thoroughly, what do I mean by that? Eternal security eternal security you say well, that's a made-up term. How about eternal life? Because he turned go to first John chapter 5 first John chapter 5 I Want to ask you I want you know, you know, this is a rhetorical question so you don't have the answer but When you're reading through the book of John Heaven's brought up obviously, but when it comes to being saved or or going to heaven as far as believing How many verses do you think use the term eternal life and Everlasting life or living forever and never dying compared to going to heaven Is it true that if you believe on Christ that you go to heaven, of course But you know what's brought up more than any of that eternal life So when someone says well, you know I don't think we need to bring up eternal life and we don't need to bring up everlasting life or eternal security Then why did Jesus bring it up in all those cases think of John 3 16 for God's love the world and gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life I Forgot verse 15 that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life two verses in a row right there, right? How about he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not shall not see life But the wrath of God abideth on him John 3 36 John 524 verily verily saying to you he that hears my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not Come in the condemnation, but is passed from death unto life John 6 47 he that believeth on me hath everlasting life John 11 it says, you know, I am the resurrection of life whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believe is thou this What do you see brought up all the time everlasting life eternal life, you'll never die You'll never go into combination your past from death unto what life Why wouldn't we bring that up? Why wouldn't that be the focus of the gospel? So You say why you why you fired up about that one That was the that was the rubber that met the road when I got saved I grew up Catholic and I had heard that you're saved by grace through faith and In non-denominational churches, even the Catholic Church will say that You know where the rubber met the road where it says you can never lose your salvation because Jesus paid it all That's where the rubber meets the road Not to mention all the verses that we're bringing up is for the wages assist for the wages of sin is death But the gifts of God is what? eternal life Go to John 5 verse 10 John 5 verse 10 Listen At our church if you're going out so winning you better be touching on eternal security Obviously if you're giving the gospel to a kid you don't really have to like just beat that dead horse, right? I mean a kid a lot of times they'll you're talking about a gift these eternal life and you're saying hey How long does that last for forever? You're like, well, could you ever go to hell? No, it's it's forever and they just got it but some people you really do have to like just be whipping that horse and Just hitting that hard be like no you can't lose it And if you don't if you don't believe this then you're believing there's something you have to do to go to heaven Notice what it says here in first John 5 now just so you know First John 5 13 is usually what I bring up to begin with when I'm going out and preaching the gospel Where it says in verse 13 these things have a written unto you believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know That you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God. So That's what really starting off. Hey, do you do you know that you're going to heaven? But ultimately, what does the Bible say? Do you know that you have eternal life? And What does the Bible say you need to believe in order to get? Saved to get that eternal life verse 10 It says he to believe on the Son of God had to witness in himself He did believe in not God hath made him a liar because he believed in not the record that God gave him the Son And this is the record That God had given to us eternal life in this life is in his son He that hath the son hath not like or he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the Son of God Hath not life Very similar. I mean he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life He that believeth not the Son shall not see life But the wrath of God abideth on him he that believeth on the Son he that believeth on him is Is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God It's always the same you believe you're not condemned you have everlasting life If you don't believe you have the wrath of God is upon you and you don't have life That is the premise of what we're believing But here's the thing If we don't believe the record we're calling God a liar What is the record? That God hath given unto us eternal life in this life is in his son If someone doesn't believe it's eternal life, then they don't believe the record If they believe they can lose their salvation then they don't believe that God actually was going to give them everlasting life They don't actually believe that it's eternal And it says that they're calling God a liar because in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie Promised before the world began and this is the promise. He had promised us even eternal life You have to believe you have to believe he's actually gonna do what he said It's on the Sun hath everlasting life. Do you believe it? And if something Most of the time when I get to that point when preaching the gospel and I said hey if someone says No, I can go to hell Did they believe that he gave me an everlasting life? And most time people at that point are like well no, I mean it was never lasting And you'll occasionally get the person well, you know, there's everlasting life in hell wrong No one in hell is called alive actually when it says that the the great the great white throne judgment it says the dead Which were in hell and in the sea and in the earth he brought up the dead And the dead stood before God and never calls them alive So they're not actually living there show me chapter and verse on that People always say that they're like, well, you'll either be you either have everlasting life in heaven or in hell wrong Chapter and verse know those that are in hell are dead. They're conscious, but they're dead Those that are in heaven are alive and they're forever alive because they have everlasting life That's why that those that are cast into the lake of fire. They're not found in the book of life If they had everlasting life in hell, then why wasn't their name there? But when it comes to eternal security What does it mean to believe the gospel I mean think about this Because I've had listen I've had preacher I've had a preacher one time say to me that I was adding works to salvation Because I said that someone had to believe in eternal security. They had to believe is eternal I had another preacher say I'm putting a stumbling block in The way of people getting saved because I'm basically putting this other condition there that doesn't need to be there And to me You're they're all doing everybody a disservice by not going into it because there's a lot of false conversions There's a lot of people that are praying prayers that don't actually understand what they're believing and ultimately what I'm saying here is keep the gospel Simple it is just death and resurrection. It's eternal life. That's pretty simple. But the idea is that they need to believe that though When they're calling upon the Lord they need to believe that they're getting saved from all their sins They need to believe that they're getting everlasting life if they're not believing that what are they believing? That makes sense. Like what are you doing? Why are you why are you praying with somebody that doesn't know what they're even believing? It's not a game When you're putting on the whole armor of God you are you getting ready for a game are you getting ready for war? and It's worse serious, or is it just light-hearted? And listen, I'm not saying when you're out So when you're out so when you need to be like mean and like great even just like this serious You can be light-hearted when you're talking to them, but we all know that that is a serious situation, right? It's a serious situation you're talking about someone's soul whether it's gonna go to heaven or go to hell I'm Not we're not playing games when we're going out so winning because we're going to war for the minds of men And when it comes to preaching the gospel, you need to look at that person at the door as if you're talking to your grandmother You're talking to your mother you're talking to your son. You're talking to your daughter You're talking to someone that you really care about and you want to make sure they understand it and it's not just a number And I listen I'm all about that. We wrote down numbers, right? I'm not like here to say like hey, you know, it's not about the numbers We get once one person saved in this whole church history. That's enough. No, it's not Not enough. Okay It's never enough. We're going I don't there's never gonna be a number where I'm like we've attained. Let's just keep it there. No There's never gonna be a high enough number when it comes to salvation's But I do want those salvation's to be actual people that got saved And It's just by believing but they need to understand what they're believing and When it comes to this go to Galatians chapter 3 and verse 6 and let's talk about Abraham for a second And I'm gonna end with that Abraham is The father of all them that believe and you say well, what does that mean? Basically Abraham is the mod doesn't mean for example, does it mean that Abraham is the first person that ever believed? Of course not right because Abraham's not the first person to be like created Adam was there then Abel and going down the line, right but Abraham is the model He is the guy that you look to as far as what did he believe? That's what we all should be believing right? And so when it comes to Abraham, no one thing is that the gospel was preached to him And that's what says in Galatians chapter 3 and verse 6 Even as Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness Now we're gonna talk about what that what that meant. What did he believe? Right. Well, we're gonna get into that But let's just know for one thing is that he believed God it's kind of in for righteousness before the Old Testament You know, it's always been the same by faith You're given righteousness the righteousness of Christ right know you therefore the day which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham why because Well to get not get into the the deep document basically in Abraham Christ came through Abraham's seed because we believe on Christ if you're in Christ and are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise, okay But the idea here is that Abraham is this model and it says in verse 8 it says in the scripture for seeing that God would justify the heathen through faith Preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying in these shall all nations be blessed So then they which be of faith are blessed with faith for Abraham So the gospel is preached unto him saying in these shall all nations be blessed because why because in him and in his seed And it says it was not unto Abraham and is not unto Abraham. I'm sorry Now to Abraham in the sea where the promise is made He saith not into seeds of the many but as a one and to thy seed, which is Christ. So the reason That that's the gospel is because it's talking about Christ Okay, that seed her seed of the woman which is promised in Genesis chapter 3 right after the fall and That seed went to Abraham which then went to David and down the line So the the gospel I mean the Gospel of Matthew starts off the book of the generation of Jesus Christ the son of Abraham the son of David Or the son of David son of Abraham Or whichever way but basically the idea there is that this is the seed which was the come this is the Christ Which was the come this is what they were believing go to Romans chapter 4 Romans chapter 4 and verse 1 Romans chapter 4 and verse 1 I Just want to nail this down that when we're believing the gospel. What are we believing? Well the New Testament Obviously everything's more clear meaning we know exactly what God did the performance We know that Jesus was born the Virgin Mary He's God in the flesh and that he died on the cross for our sins and rose again the third day and we can speculate All day long as far as what did they know before that? You say well, we haven't written here in the Bible, but what was spoken that wasn't written You can't just look at the Old Testament and say well, that's all they knew because Jeremiah was He was speaking about the fact that that got that Jesus was gonna be sold for 30 pieces of silver, but it wasn't written Enoch prophesied that the Lord was going to come with ten thousands of the Saints, but it wasn't written until Jude The prophets prophesied that he was gonna be called an ass rain, but nowhere is it written in the prophets? It was just spoken So when we when we're looking back at what they knew I don't think that we can really know that for sure of all the information they knew we know that job knew of the resurrection Because he says in my flesh shall I see my Redeemer? Even though worms consume my flesh and that kind of seems odd if you think about that But the idea was they knew about the resurrection There's a lot of things that they knew that we did we may not know that they knew But either way when it comes to the gospel and what we're believing It's really simple. Okay, and in Romans 4, I think it's just If you can't read Romans 4 and get it, I don't know what's right It's one of those things that if you read through this and you still don't get it then you're not saved I mean like there's just nothing to that I mean like the natural man receive it not the things of the God if that's the case But I think that a natural man that's being preached the gospel when they see this I mean as clear as the nose is on my face Romans 4 one says what shall we say then that Abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh that's found For Abraham were justified by works. He had word of the glory, but not before God for what set the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted on him for righteousness. So it's gonna explain here. What does it mean when it says he believed God? Okay Because notice what says in verse 4 now the him that worketh the reward not reckoned of grace, but of death So, you know what it's already explaining here is that what he believed what Abraham believed was that it was by grace So now we're already kind of seeing okay, it's by grace through faith Because it's not by it can't be by it, you know work or you know, because then it would be dead wouldn't be grace But then it says but the him that worketh not but believeth on him to justify the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness Now we see okay. It was by faith not by works at all Him that worketh not but believed on him to justify the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness That means when Abraham believed it had nothing to do with his works at all So now we see that okay, it's faith no works at all Then it goes on to say even as David also described the blessedness of the man on whom God imputed the righteous without works Guess what David believed the same thing And he's in the Old Testament Abraham's before the Old Testament David's in the Old Testament same thing And then obviously in the New Testament says the same thing over and over again, right? But it says in verse 7 This is what he said saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord Will not impute sin talking about future tense. He will not impute sin to your account even in the future Shall not come in the condemnation, but is past death in the life How about the fact that in Psalm 32 it says in whose spirit is no guile? Because whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him He cannot sin because he's born of God. This is exactly the same way It is now it was the same way back then and it's by faith not by works at all Go down to verse 20 though That would be good enough if I just heard that right Okay, Abraham was saved by faith not by works at all It was by grace and it was when he got saved sin wasn't even imputed unto his account in the future So you have past present and future sins being forgiven the moment you believe right there But it goes further because it goes on to explain okay, what does it mean to believe though, right? Because that's what well, you know people say well believe me do you need to turn from your sins You need to repent upon your sins You need to you need to give your life to Christ When it says believe it means like give your life to him and put it all on him In chapter and verse Okay, Abraham it says three times in the New Testament Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness Accounted to him for righteousness or counted to him for righteousness. This is the three places It says it here in Romans 4 Galatians 3 and then in James chapter 2 Let's keep reading here in verse 20 It says he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving the glory of God in Being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform and Therefore is imputed on him for righteousness So I want you to think do a little exercise with me here It's a little bit algebra But bear with me, okay So up above it says he believed God and it was imputed in him for righteousness down here It doesn't say believe does it it says he was fully persuaded at what he had promised. He was able also to perform and Therefore was imputed unto him for righteousness. So what goes together there? The believing and being fully persuaded that he was able to that what he had promised he was able also to perform What did Jesus promise that he would give you? Eternal life over and over and over again. You'll never die. You'll live forever. You have everlasting life You have eternal life whosoever believeth in me shall never die. You'll never go into condemnation Believeth in this are you persuaded or are you not? Even the rich man said hey, you know send Lazarus Up to my brothers and you know what he said, you know what the Abraham said Neither would they be what persuaded the one rose from the dead Interesting, isn't it how it uses that term? Persuaded you have to be persuaded that he's actually gonna save you Because what is the promise and this is the promise that he has promised us even eternal life You know what Abraham believed is that he was able to perform that which he had promised That's what we're actually trying to get people to believe He's actually gonna perform it he's actually gonna do it Do you believe it's eternal life because if you don't you don't believe he's gonna actually perform it That's where the rubber meets the road That your feet shot with the preparation of gospel peace you need to be prepared Obviously with a with a clear plan I'm talking like three-point plan, you know, not like some like ten point plan that crosses back over You need to just be like you're a sinner the penalty for sin is hell believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now shall be saved I mean, I mean that's the simple Plan then you fill in where you what verses you want to put in that But I'll say this most of the time I'm not spending a lot of time on their Center and they deserve to go to hell Usually they either believe that or they don't And if they don't believe it, I'm like, well, you know, god bless you. Have a nice day Maybe read this later when you get a chance Kind of like the rich man when he went away for sorrowful Jesus didn't say hey, but believe on me you have everlasting life. The guy didn't he wouldn't even admit that he'd ever sinned before I Mean if someone doesn't admit that they're a sinner, I mean you can't really go very far with them But when it comes to eternal security, I believe that that needs to be in that preparation Most of the time that's where I'm spending most my time That varies obviously sometimes I'm having to prove that Jesus is God Talk about the Trinity all that but I'll say this most of the time I'm talking about you can't lose your salvation It's eternal life because if you believe you can You believe there's something you have to do to go to heaven And ultimately, that's what it comes down to right is the idea that you think you can lose your salvation There's something you have to do to keep it And there's something you have to do to keep it. It's not by faith. It's not by grace and it's not just by Jesus so When it comes down to the preparation of the gospel of peace and being girt about What you know being girt about with truth have the breastplate of righteousness and then having your feet shot with the preparation of gospel of peace One that's why we're still here We have work to do we need to go out and win the loss to we need to go Means we need to we need to be walk Need to go somewhere with these feet But don't go unprepared You know have the verses ready And listen, I'm not saying that you need to like study how to answer an atheist or study all these different things Listen, just go out with the Word of God and you'll learn as you go There's gonna be questions that people are gonna bring up that you're not gonna know the answer to you'll figure it out But I'll say this There's nothing wrong with you. Just going out and saying hey, here's how you get saved believe it or not You know give them the choice of believe it or not and they're just like well no, what about this passage? You'd be like, well, this is what the Bible says you can believe it. You can take it or leave it And as you grow and as you go out, so any more you're gonna be able to To stop the mouths of the gainsayers when it comes to certain things and maybe you can win more people to Christ as you go On because you're able to answer that question over here answer this over here What you'll learn too is that a lot of cases if they're just not ready To receive it and they have they have all these different things thrown at you Most of the time you're not winning them. Anyway, I don't care who you are. I don't care how much Bible, you know, a Lot of times those aren't gonna be won anyway but That being said Well, if you let me ask you this do you think that I'm done preparing? Like well, you're the pastor You know You know, you're not prepared. I am prepared But do you think I'm done preparing or do you think I'm constantly wanting to learn more? Constantly wanting to figure out. Okay. How do I deal with this situation over here? What's the best verse to use over here? How would Jesus deal with this situation? You know, there's constantly more preparation that can be done. I will never attain so therefore this verse applies to all of us It's not just to the babe in Christ that's just getting in the soul winning This is for the season soul winner that is going out And listen, I still learn things to this day when it comes to going out with other people They'll use some illustration or use some verse. I'm like, that's a good verse. I'm gonna use that. I'm gonna steal that You know, we're constantly like hey, I'm gonna steal that I'm gonna use this and we're learning from each other as we go and you know, that's just the nature of Of the ministry so but as we go on through here the thing to think about here Is that this is the reason we're going to battle is the priests of gospel All these other things are really around that to get the feet where they need to go and To survive as your feet are going that direction So it's very important that we have our feet shot with the preparation of gospel of peace Let's end with a word of prayer. Dear hallelujah. We thank you today. Thank you for your word Thank you for the the fellowship. Thank you for this the six years here at Mount Baptist Church and Lord Just pray to bless us with many more years and I pray for many more souls to be saved and Lord Just pray that you'd be with us, especially with this soul in a marathon coming up Thank you for it all to see the soul saved this past Saturday with that marathon and though we love you pray all in Jesus Christ name. Amen But they will come and sing one more song and that will be dismissed You All right, take your song books and turn to song 135 So I'm 135 in your song books if you would stand we'll sing I know I am saved Song 135 I know I am saved for Christ set me free He ransomed my poor soul on the cross of Calvary And now I can see For Christ is my King I'll see his face in glory by and by You're dismissed