(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . Was that on this morning? I didn't even notice it. Well good evening everyone welcome back to mountain baptist church take your song books and turn to song 194 Song 194 in your song books we'll sing since jesus came into my heart and if you would stand We'll sing song 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Just for that I'm gonna take the time that I didn't preach this morning. I'm gonna add it on tonight So but good job out soloing keep up the good work especially down through the week So I love hearing that you know through the week just people getting saved So keep that up and then announcements here. So we have some birthdays that we need to get so It's all brother Richie's fault, but we didn't know that Jennifer's birthday Was this week so we're gonna we're gonna sing happy birthday to her, but we also have Is it Cassie? It's her birthday is it Saturday and how old is Cassie gonna be Wow Wow, so you're about the years. You're just a little older than Clara. So Clara is five. She'll be six this year. So So we'll sing happy birthday to you as well. So So brother day before we get before we do our last song We'll sing happy birthday and Other announcements pretty much everything is the same That I talked about this morning so the prayer meeting the Lord's Supper at the end of this month on the 28th there and Then the Easter fellowship, so that'll be April 4th. So we'll probably maybe try to do some soul winning Schedule soul any time on Saturday just so that it makes it so much easier just to go straight into a fellowship and Just have a good time together there I am not barring anyone from going soul winning though So if you want to go soul winning that day, you're more than welcome to But we'll probably try to maybe do Saturday do some soul winning and then going into the the fellowship there And so Bible memory so the chapter of the month is Psalm 19 and our verse of the week is Galatians 2 21 And so if you can memorize that if you have Galatians 2 21 memorized Just quote it off and you get a piece of candy We have a basket of candy there and and then also if you memorize a small or medium-sized book, so, you know like Titus or You know second Peter or you know first John We don't count the one chapter books as being a small. Yeah, that's a small book But if you memorize one of those smaller books Then we have some nice Bibles that that you can you can win And then if you do two medium-sized books, you get the goatskin one So the calfskin one you have the goatskin one and so just giving you some incentives there and then also What we're doing for the kids is that we're and I forgot that I should mention this this morning, but if you can memorize the books of the Bible like the the name of the book in order from Genesis to Revelation then we'll We'll order you a unique Bible when I say unique it's King James, okay, but meaning though that We'll basically find some Bibles that are like for boys girls, whatever and and then you can pick one of those And we'll order that for you. So for the for the younger crowd We have that option to to where you can win a Bible there. So So don't forget about that and then don't forget about the sowing time on Tuesday at 6 p.m. Brother Charles leads that up So get on the whatsapp there and No anniversaries yet just being prayer for those that are pregnant I Think that's about it that I got for announcements the sign should not fall down now Now that I say that just like tumbles down falls the whole drywall just cracks out of there So at that point I would just take that as a sign that I should not have that sign up for some reason So brother Dave's gonna come sing one more song Actually, happy birthday's song and then brother if he's gonna read Amos chapter 1 for us All right, take your song books and turn to song 185 song 185 We'll sing my Savior's love but before we do that We need to sing happy birthday To mrs. Simes and Cassie y'all want to stand up You're gonna stand up Jennifer See everybody. This is what a good church member looks like. I'm not sure if so for all the stuff for the new family We've had rebellion in the church Charles you sit up See see a lot of the adults were not standing up so all right and Cassie Your birthday's coming up. All right. Are you standing up? Hey, I stand up Well sing happy birthday to mrs. Simes and to Cassie God bless you remember here we go Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday God bless you Happy birthday to you Well, happy birthday to you both and we'll sing song 185 I Stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene And Wonder how he could love me a sinner condemned unclean How Marvelous how Wonderful and my song shall ever be how marvelous how Wonderful is my Savior's love for me For me it was in the garden He prayed not my will but thine He had no tears for his own grief spot sweat drops of blood for mine How marvelous how Wonderful and my song shall ever be how Marvelous how Wonderful is my Savior's love for me He took my sin and my sorrows he made them his very own He bore the burden to Calvary and suffered and died alone How marvelous how Wonderful and my song shall ever be how Marvelous how Wonderful is my Savior's love for me when with the Ransomed in glory his face I last shall see Twill be my joy through the ages To sing of his love for me How marvelous how Wonderful and my song shall ever be how marvelous how Wonderful is my Savior's love for me Alright take your Bibles and turn to Amos chapter number one Amos chapter one. We'll have brother Richie come in Read that for us All right Amos chapter one if you're there say amen All right The words of Amos who was among the herd men of to goa Which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel Two years before the earthquake and he said the Lord will roar from Zion and utter his voice from Jerusalem And the habitations of the shepherds shall mourn and the top of Carmel shall wither Thus saith the Lord for three transgressions of Damascus and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they have threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron But I'll send a fire into the house of his ale which shall devour the palaces of Ben hadad I'll break also the bar of Damascus and cut off the Inhabitant from the plane of Avon and him that holdeth the scepter from the house of Eden and the people of Syria shall go into captivity and occur saith the Lord Thus saith the Lord for three transgressions of Gaza and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they carried away captive the whole captivity to deliver them up to eat them But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza Which will devour the palaces thereof and I'll cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod and him that holdeth the scepter from Ashkelon And I will turn mine hand against Ekron and the remnant of the Philistine shall perish saith the Lord God Thus saith the Lord for three transgressions of Tyrus and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they delivered up the whole captivity to eat them and remember not the brotherly covenant But I will send a fire on the wall of Tyrus which will devour the palaces thereof Thus saith the Lord for three transgressions of Edom and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof Because he did pursue his brother with the sword and did cast off all pity and his anger did tear Perpetually and he kept his wrath forever, but I will send a fire upon Timon which shall devour the palaces of Basra Thus saith the Lord for three transgressions of the children of Ammon and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof Because they have ripped up the women with child of Gilead that they might enlarge their border But I will kindle a fire in the wall of Rabah and it shall devour the palaces thereof with shouting in the day of battle With the tempest in the day of the whirlwind and their king shall go into captivity He and his princes together saith the Lord. Let's pray. Do you hear me father? Thank you for everyone that has come to the second service and I pray that you just feel Pastor Robinson with your spirit And I pray that we're all edified by your word in Jesus name. I pray amen So you're there in Amos chapter 1 and we are continuing our study through the prophets So we've already done the major prophets and now we're in the minor prophets so we did Hosea and we did Joel and now we're into Amos and so Amos is nine chapters and This is well, this is one of my favorite minor prophets. There's just some really cool stuff in this book But the first thing that we see here is we do get a timeline as far as when he was prophesying this Specific message. Okay, and the reason I say that is because I do believe these books are in chronological order and we saw where Hosea goes all the way up to Hezekiah So he went from you know, Isaiah goes from Uzziah to Hezekiah and here is talking about him in the days of Uzziah Okay, that doesn't mean that he didn't prophesy later on. This is just what's written. So I believe You know Amos actually went on even further than that. Obviously just maybe wasn't written It was spoken all that now in Amos chapter 1 of verse 1 It says the words of Amos who was among the herd men of Tekoa Which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah the king So first of all, we see that who's this vision or what's this book really? Who's it tailored to or who's he talking to? Well, I'll say we'll get to is that he does talk about some other nations But most this book is to Israel the northern kingdom of Israel. Okay, and Notice what it says As you keep reading there it says in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel two years before the earthquake And go to you know Isaiah chapter 1 just so you you can see that a lot of these minor prophets are really contemporary to Isaiah they're around the same exact time and So you have the major prophet that was going on that time, which is Isaiah But then you have all these minor prophets like Hosea Joel Amos and all that and a lot of the minor prophets are actually in that time period And then you get into like Zephaniah And you get into obviously Zechariah and all that stuff which is after the captivity But in Isaiah chapter 1 of verse 1 it says the vision of Isaiah the son of Amos This is not the same Amos. Okay, but it says which he saw concerning Judah Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah Kings of Judah now we see here that it goes on even to Hezekiah's day and we know that to be true because actually a lot of There's a bunch of chapters in Isaiah where he's speaking to Hezekiah and all that But I believe personally that Amos goes even further than that It's just that this vision and the stuff that he's saying against Israel is going on during Uzziah's reign during Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel's reign Okay, now the first thing that I see here that's kind of interesting is where it talks about this earthquake Okay, so the first verse there In Amos chapter 1 it says two years before the earthquake So go to Zechariah chapter 5 Zechariah chapter. I'm sorry Zechariah chapter 14 verse 5 Zechariah chapter 14 verse 5 Because this just always pops out when I'm reading through these minor prophets is this earthquake that goes on that Happens in the days of Uzziah in verse 5 here Because that's kind of a random fact, you know what I mean? You're kind of like, okay There was this earthquake, you know, like what's the point to why there's this earthquake that's going on? Zechariah chapter 14 in verse 5 It says and you shall flee to the valley of the mountains for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azel Yea, ye shall flee like as you fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and the Lord my God Shall come and all the saints with thee So there's this earthquake that happens and it kind of just says this in passing in Amos is like this Prophecy was going forward two years before this earthquake So this earthquake was this major Cataclysmic event. Okay that people were fleeing from all this craziness was going on Zechariah is recording that basically stating that this is what's gonna happen before the Lord comes Now we actually see that to be true go to Revelation chapter 6 Revelation chapter 6 So no marvel that when you're in Amos chapter 1 talks about okay this happened two years before the earthquake the second verse is and and and he said the Lord will roar from Zion and utter his voice from Jerusalem and The habitations of the shepherds shall mourn and the top of Carmel shall wither So it's not that crazy to think about like, okay, there's this earthquake that's about to happen Just two years before it happens and then he's talking about pretty much the day of the Lord now The day Lord is brought up in this book and I'll show you that but I Always just I don't know why there's just certain things like that I'm like what what's what happened with this earthquake because you think about things like Pompeii, right you think of just Cataclysmic things where like Pompeii was a Roman city that got taken out by a volcano Right where you think about all these different things that happen where these these crazy cataclysmic events that destroy cities and destroy all this stuff and Then but what you have to understand is that there's some things we just don't know about because it's just not recorded It's not in history, but the Bible obviously is the Word of God, but it's also a history book, right? It all you know, this is what history book that has no error in it Okay, so when it says there was an earthquake in Uzziah's day There was an earthquake in Uzziah's day, but it wasn't just this earthquake where you know You're like in California. You're like holding on to the furniture. Make sure nothing breaks This was something people were fleeing from there was obviously just a cataclysmic event that was going on But in Zechariah, it's talking about this earthquake and it's basically saying this earthquake That's going to be the the basically the equivalent of what's going to happen when the Lord comes Okay, you say what is there an earthquake that happens before the Lord comes? Well go to Revelation chapter 6 and verse 12 It says I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake That's literally the first thing that happens when the sixth seal is open and we'll see that this is if you if you couple this With Matthew 24 the Sun and Moon being darkened Immediately after the tribulation of those days the Sun and Moon is darkened and all this happens You don't see in there. It doesn't mention an earthquake, but in Revelation 6 it does Okay, and it says lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black a sackcloth of hair and the moon became his blood and the stars of Heaven fell onto the earth Even as a fig tree cast their untimely figs when she is shaken in of a mighty wind and the heaven departed as a scroll When it is rolled together in every mountain and island were moved out of their places The in the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and chief captains and the mighty men and every bond men and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb for the great day of his wrath Is come and who shall be able to stand? So this is there's this great earthquake that happens and in Zechariah it's saying that earthquake that happened in Uzziah's day that's gonna be the same way that people are gonna be fleeing and Obviously going into these mountains and saying fall on us and hide us from the face of the Lamb that The day of his wrath is come and it's no marvel that it talks about the day of the Lord later on in this book okay, and So I just thought that was interesting just a little kind of Like I said when you're reading through the Bible There's nothing in there is just accidental. It's not like there's just like oh by the way, there's this earthquake Don't worry about there's nothing to worry about there. There's nothing to see there You know, I don't think that there's just stuff in there just for fluff, okay I believe that's important when you go to Zechariah you see what that's talking about. And So I just I always think that's that's interesting go back to Isaiah. I'm sorry Amos chapter 7 Amos chapter 7 Because what you see and I'm gonna be getting to this because I'm gonna go back to chapter 1 At first I want to talk about who Amos was, okay But when you're dealing with the day of the Lord The day of the Lord like you had the day of the Lord okay, the day Lord where Jesus comes in the clouds and he's basically gonna pour out his wrath upon all the world he Gathers us in the clouds all that it's true, right? but there's days of the Lord that happen in the Bible and The day of the Lord is like when that when hit the hammers coming down from God, right? God's pouring out his wrath That's the day Lord So in the Old Testament, you'll see a lot of days of the Lord if you will And so but then you have like the day of the Lord, okay There's a lot of tribulations that you can see that Well, that looks kind of like what it's gonna be like in the end, right? It even says that the days of Lot and days of Noah and just the different things It's likening it unto but then you have the great tribulation so Same thing with the day of the Lord First of all Amos was a Herdman and I love this passage Okay, the reason I love this passage is because I didn't grow up with my dad was not a pastor He was not a preacher. Okay, I grew up in a typical, you know Christian home now I wasn't you know, I didn't go to a church that believed right on the gospel But I mean brought up on Christian values right as far as you know We weren't like Muslim or Buddhist or you know Mormon or something like that We just grew up in a Christian type of home But it's not like I had this line of pastors as my like grandfather father And I'm just like jumping in the line here. I didn't have any of that and I didn't by the way I didn't go to Bible College. Okay, and You know, I didn't get under like any type of curriculum when it came to this is what the preachers did of the past No, I was I read the Bible and I you know was under leadership at a church and they sent me out To go start a church and this this chapters always spoke to me in that way meaning that you know What you don't have to have this long lineage of like, you know, you have all this background of people that went before you No, you can start now you can be that first-generation preacher and And sometimes that's better to be honest with you because the the the tendency for people once they become a pretty, you know Like they're a preacher son. The tendency is that they take for granted what they got They didn't have to earn it themselves. They didn't have to figure it out themselves. They're basically just handed this right and It's kind of like this dynasty of like well You know the father's the pastor and let's pass it off to the son and I'm not here to say like that's wrong Okay to do but you can see how that could be very easily be you know, you pass it off to the son and the son didn't earn it the son doesn't deserve it and He shouldn't be in that position. Someone else should be in that position. You see this with the Kings You know when when you think of like Dave well, like Solomon's son, you know wasn't Who should be there and just the idea that the just because someone's a great man Doesn't mean that they're children or that. Okay. So Amos chapter 7 verse 10 here. I Just want you to see here about Amos because we saw the very first verse of the the book It says that he was a hermit of Tekoa. Okay, but he's gonna expand on that It says in verse 10 then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king of Israel Saying Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the house of Israel and the land is not able to bear all his words Man, it sounds like today all this hate speech. They can't bear bear your words Bunch of snitches that everyone did ever, you know Just in the the cancel culture that we live in did they not grow up with snitches snitches get stitches like This idea that like you tattle on somebody you're gonna get like whipped on an alley somewhere I don't know. I'm not saying I'm gonna do that. Okay, I'm not a brawler But I'm just saying that this idea of like just tattling on everybody You're in the store and they're like you're not wearing your mask. I'm gonna tell it's just like you just I can't stand people like that It's like all the Karen's are coming out of the woodwork. I have an aunt Karen by the way, so I'm not against that name, but But the idea here is that they can't bear your words they can't handle words Right and and he's just tattling He's just like going up to the king and be like there's this Amos down here and he we just can't bear his words Just a little crybaby is what it is And he's the priest in Bethel now Bethel if you remember the northern kingdom Bethel Was one of the places where they had the golden calf made right? Remember when Jeroboam the son of Nebat, Jeroboam the son of Joash is a different Jeroboam Okay, you're dealing with like the beginning of the northern kingdom to the almost the very end of the northern kingdom Jeroboam is in the lineage of Jehu. Okay, but You know when you're down here the idea is that Jeroboam the son of Nebat You know that sin of these golden calves one of them was in Bethel. And so when you're dealing with this priest Amaziah, you're not dealing with a legitimate priest like of the house of God. Does that make sense? You're not dealing with you know Zadok or you know, Abiathar, you know, like these these priests are down there in Jerusalem and it says in verse 11 there For thus Amos said Jeroboam shall die by the sword and Israel shall surely be led away captive out of their own land Also Amaziah said unto Amos, O thou seer Go flee thou away into the land of Judah and there eat bread and prophesy there But prophesy not again anymore at Bethel for it is the king's chapel and it is the king's court So Amaziah is basically tattling on Amos and saying listen and seer by the way It's just an older term for profit Okay, so a seer a prophet back in those days and it says, you know They're basically saying, you know, go go somewhere else and prophesy don't do it here. This is the king's chapel Yeah, the king's chapel of you know, Baal worship or you know, worshiping this golden calf notice Amos' Reply to this so I love this Okay in verse 14 it says then then answered Amos and said to Amaziah I was no prophet neither was I a prophet's son But I was in herdmen and and a gatherer of sycamore fruit So he's basically saying I was just working an honest job. Just picking fruit, you know, and You know what? I wasn't a prophet. My dad wasn't a prophet notice in verse 16 now there I'm sorry verse 15 and the Lord took me as I followed the flock and The Lord said unto me go prophesy unto my people Israel So he's basically saying I wasn't a prophet. I wasn't a prophet's son I was just a herdman and I was taken from that God said hey go prophesy to Israel And oh, you know what? His answer is no I'm going to prophesy to Israel and notice what it says in verse 16 now Therefore hear thou the word of the Lord thou sayest prophesy not against Israel and drop not thy word against the house of Isaac therefore thus saith the Lord thy wife shall be in harlot in the city and thy sons and thy daughters shall fall by the Sword and thy land shall be divided by line and thou shalt die in a polluted land and Israel shall surely go into captivity fourth of his land So he didn't back down and you know what if he was a prophet son He might have backed down because that's the stuff that you usually see today Okay, where people that didn't earn it They didn't actually do the study for themselves and they're just basically living off past glory It reminds me of the Church of Sardis where it says you have a name thou livest But thou art dead and you're just living off old Glory and living off what other men have done before you and just living off that that name that you live But you're not actually doing something yourself and those are the people that usually back down when someone says don't prophesy that anymore don't say that anymore and You know what? There needs to be a Generation that's gonna stand up and say no, you know what I wasn't a prophet I wasn't a prophet son, but I was just working an honest job and God said go prophesy against this So I'm gonna go do it and he doesn't back down And I love that. So that's the type of man Amos is So Amos is a man that was a hard-working man that God just said hey, I need you to go prophesy and so Just to show you that light when you go into that but he also to show you that he had opposition You know when he was preaching against Israel They didn't like it Okay. Now Uzziah in the days of Uzziah or Jeroboam You're dealing with not that long. It's not that long until they're gonna be taken out completely Okay, meaning Israel is going to be taken out by the Assyrians and just to show you the map not that you can see it very well, but Where you have Jeroboam The second right there is right in here and Uzziah is right here So you had to at least be right here in the timeline and you had this much time left. Okay, so you're dealing with you know 30 40 years or so before the the nation is gonna be completely Annihilated it's gonna be taken out by the Assyrians and this book I believe Amos when he's preaching this is trying to literally God is saying hey turn from this You know get right with God and I don't believe it's just this futile type of mentality either He's just basically saying this is gonna happen If you don't come back to God if you don't, you know Basically do what God tells you to do then you're going to be annihilated now We know the end of the story We know they don't turn back to God or don't turn to God and they do end up getting annihilated But this is like a plea to that nation to do that now go back to Amos chapter 1 and verse 2 and what you'll see here is that this book starts off with basically dealing with other nations and You'll see that he deals with Damascus, Gaza Tyrus, Edom, Ammon, Moab and Judah and then he gets into Israel and the whole rest of the book is about Israel Okay now verse 2 there it says and he said the Lord will roar from Zion and utter his voice from Jerusalem and the inhabit And the habitations of the shepherd shall mourn and the top of Carmel shall wither So what this is leading up to like I said you deal with that earthquake and going into the fact that God's gonna roar from Zion You're dealing with the line of the tribe of Judah's coming So you're dealing with the day the Lord and basically each one of these nations that he's dealing with He always ends up with I will send fire Upon them. Okay, so for sake of time I'm not going to reread the whole first chapter here I want you to see the different nations that are mentioned here verse 3 It says thus said the Lord for three transgressions of Damascus and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they have threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron But I will send fire into the house of Hazael which shall devour the palaces of Benhaded So we see here that There's some poetic language that's used here And you'll see this in Proverbs sometimes where it talks about you know I think it's for three and for four, you know The idea is that or even these six things that the Lord hate yea seven are an abomination it's just a poetic way of saying seven and you're kind of leading into is like six yea seven and So it's seven. Okay, but Here it's saying the same thing. It's saying for three transgressions and for four There's four transgressions, but he's basically saying for three and for four and it's just a poetic way of putting it Okay, so we see Damascus verse six thus said the Lord For three transgressions of Gaza and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they carried away Captive the whole captivity to deliver them up to Edom verse nine Thus said the Lord for three transgressions of Tyrus and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they delivered up the whole captivity to Edom and remembered not the brotherly covenant Verse 11 thus said the Lord for three three transgressions of Edom and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because he did not pursue his brother with he I'm sorry He did because he did pursue his brother with the sword and did cast off all pity and his anger did tear perpetually and kept And he kept his wrath forever verse 13 thus that the Lord for three transgressions of the children of Ammon and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they have ripped up the women with child of Gilead that they might enlarge their border go to chapter 2 and verse 1 so it kind of leads in the chapter 2 It says in verse 1 thus that the Lord for three transgressions of Moab and for 4 I will not turn away the punishment thereof because he burned the bones of the king of Edom into line verse 4 Thus said the Lord for three transgressions of Judah and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they have despised the law of the Lord and have not kept his commandments And their lives caused them to err after the which their fathers have walked But I will send fire upon Judah and shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem So we see that all these is it's basically telling you why? What's their transgression what they do? And Damascus is the capital city of Assyria So to give you an idea of what you're dealing with as far as countries Gaza is the Philistine So you think of the Gaza Strip, right? If anybody's watched Fox News, you've heard of like Palestine and the Gaza Strip, right? That's down in the Palestinian area Tyrus is north of you're dealing with more like this the Syrian area and stuff like that as well Edom is the brother of Israel right you're dealing with Edomites or the children of Esau So they're more so going towards Egypt and then Ammon and Moab. Those are the two sons of Lot Okay, so if you remember the story at the end of Genesis 19 the two sons of Lot Ben Ami and Moab those that's where those nations came from and then obviously Judah So you see that the very beginning of the book he's basically kind of hitting all these nations and the point I'm trying to make with this is that The prophets in the Bible were not just to Israel and to Judah we see this with Isaiah We see this with Jeremiah. It even says that Jeremiah was to be a preacher of the nations And so God cared about these other nations and and he was preaching for those nations We haven't got the Jonah yet but the whole book is Jonah preaching to another nation preaching to an Assyrian nation and so Just so you know that God does care about People in other nations and he's not out just to destroy everybody and only this one group of people He's giving a chance or giving warning. Okay. Now he does hold Judah and Israel more accountable Because to whom much is given much is required Okay, if you give this whole nation your laws and you're telling them all this stuff. I mean they they had you should know better. Okay now and Go go to Amos chapter 2 and verse 6 there we see Israel. So once you go from to the verse 6 here Really? The whole rest of the book is about Israel and about what's going to happen to them and and all that now in verse 6 It says thus that the Lord for three transgressions of Israel and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they sold the righteous for silver and the poor for a pair of shoes that Pant after the dust of the earth on the head of the poor and turn aside the way of the meek and a man and His father will go into the same maid to profane my holy name and they lay lay themselves down upon clothes laid to pledge By every altar and they drink the wine of the condemned in the house of their God So there's a lot of abominations that are going on with Israel So that's kind of the beginning of the book There is that you're just dealing with all these nation these cities these nations and all this transgression That is going on and God's going to judge that now go to Amos chapter 3 and I just kind of want to go into some of these things as far as Things that catch my eye when I'm reading through the book You know things that are good to know About Amos and just things that some things are quoted in the New Testament But or things that just complement things that are in the New Testament So the first one here is the name is chapter 3 and it's the the verse I like to use dealing with marriage a lot, which is can to walk together except they be agreed. Okay verse 1 it says Hear this word that the Lord has spoken against you O children of Israel Against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt saying You only have I known of all the families of the earth. Therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities Can to walk together Except they be agreed Will a lion roar in the forest when he hath no prey will ever a young lion cry out Of his den if he had have taken nothing Can a bird fall and a snare upon the earth where no gin is for him? Shall one take up a snare from the earth and have taken nothing at all Shall a trumpet be blown in the city and the people not be afraid Shall there be evil in the city and the Lord hath not done it. So these are rhetorical questions and Basically the first question is can to walk together except to be agreed and he's giving all these rhetorical questions So yeah, the answer is no You can't walk together with somebody unless you're in agreement on where you're going at least Right. So if you can't agree on where you're going, you're not gonna be walking together You're gonna go split off me like no, I'm going this way you're going that way and The idea here is the fact that you don't want to be unequally yoked now go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 because this is a Great passage to deal with this now I use this a lot when it comes to marriage as far as who you're going to marry you want to find somebody that It's first of all a believer You want believers to get married? You don't want to marry an unbeliever, but that's not where it should stop That should just be the prerequisite. That should be the beginning right is that the person you're gonna marry is a believer But this doesn't just go into marriage. I mean, this is just in general that your friends should be on the same page with you I'm not saying that you can't talk to people that aren't believers or talk to people that aren't the same stripe as you and You're gonna work with people that aren't like that But in the end your best friends should not be someone that's going a different direction Because you're gonna tend to go where they go or whatever and 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 14 It says but are be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness And what communion hath light with darkness and what concord hath Christ with Belial or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for ye are all the temple of the living God as God has said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people So you see these same rhetorical questions That you're not to be equally yoked with unbelievers and it gives all these rhetorical questions as far as you know righteousness unrighteousness light darkness Christ Belial, which is the devil by the way and he that believeth with an infidel and infidel is someone that's not a non-believer and So it's a rhetorical question is that they don't have concord an Unbeliever with a believer light with darkness. They're not in unison. They're not walking together they're actually polar opposites and So the idea of marrying somebody that's an unbeliever is crazy now that you could win them to the Lord But do you want to take that risk when you're going into that type of commitment? But even on top of that you don't want to just marry someone other a believer, but then they don't love the Lord They don't want to do what they're just like, you know You know just a someone that doesn't work hard So ladies you want to find someone that's a believer But you want to find someone that loves the Lord that reads their Bible that wants to go to church That wants to serve the Lord that wants to provide for you. That is a hard worker Okay, and listen, I have three daughters and I was just talking to my wife. I'm like, I'm gonna be a really Hard dad to win Meaning that I feel bad for my daughters because you know, yes, they need to be saved but Listen, I will not give you know My blessing unless I believe that that that young man is a hard-working man. That's going to provide for my daughter You know and it and so I'm gonna be pretty hard hard on him I could just see that I'll be cleaning my guns, you know, like oh you want to you want to talk to my daughter? You know tell me about How many baptisms there are in the Bible now just kidding But obviously You know as a father I want my daughters to have a good husband So that is not just that's one of them for sure. That's almost like You know, if you just woke me out of a deep sleep, of course They need to be saved, you know But as far as like there's gonna be another list of things that hey Do you have do you have a job that you're gonna that you're working for? Are you are you educating yourself to where you're gonna either and I'm not saying they have to be an engineer Or go to like, you know college or anything like that and get that type of job But they better be working to have a good paying job to where you can provide for your family Okay, and not just wing it be like well, I'm just gonna go out there and wing it and and God bless those that have won it and And and are doing great and doing all that long. It is that a word? everything's looking at me weird, but all I have to say is that Ladies, you should have a standard saying hey, I want my husband to you know, obviously be saved Be good-looking. No, he's kidding Obviously, that's good You know, you're not gonna want to marry somebody unless you're attracted to them But you want to have other things on there too where hey this person is a caring person this person You know, I've seen them, you know, just the way they treat others. They have good character, you know, they have integrity They're you know, I don't know they're they're smart, you know There's other things you're gonna look at because listen if you're a smart young lady Or if you're a smart young man, you're gonna want somebody that's on that level. Okay? Because I don't care young man how pretty the girl is if if you're only talking about the weather and Clothing or something like that. That's gonna get old real quick Okay, same thing ladies if you're a very if you're an intelligent young young girl and you know, you have like all this Stuff that you'd like to talk about and then you're talking to some boy that has no intelligence at all You're gonna be like pounding your head against the wall. Be like, I don't want to talk to this person Okay, just remember you're gonna be living with them for the rest of your life So you're gonna want to talk to them. So that being said is that when it's talking about walking together Can two walk together except to be agreed and to be unequally yoked. Yes being saved It should be number one on that priority list, but don't let that be your only priority. Okay, don't let it be crazy Okay, I'm not saying that is unattainable goal. Okay You know, it's like I want to I want to marry a princess and have a castle, you know I'm like no and same thing women. You're not gonna find Prince charming You know that that that's all that's not real Okay, so don't be unattainable but also you want to have some you know type of standards that you're looking at when you're wanting to get married and be with somebody and so Anyway, I'm done with the marriage portion of this stuff And I go to Amos chapter 5 Amos chapter 5 And The only reason I say that is because listen Those butterflies wear off, you know when you first meet somebody, you know You're gonna have those butterflies. You're gonna get married and you know that stuff's there and I'm not saying like that's bad or anything like that But that stuff wears off and then you're gonna have personality You're gonna have like this communication that you're gonna have between each other and that stuff's gonna play a big role You know, do you guys get along? Do you have good personal personalities match each other stuff like that? You want that to Match up. So Amos chapter 5 verse 18 dealing with the day of the Lord. Like I said You have these kind of little days of the Lord if you will in verse 18 It says woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord to what end is it for you? the day of the Lord is darkness and not light as if a man did flee from a lion and a bear met him or Went into the house and leaned his hand on the wall and a serpent bit him Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness and not light even very dark and no brightness in it and this always is baffling to me when you think of like the pre-trib rapture for example, because The day of the Lord is supposed to be when we're raptured out But no one knows about it it's always baffling to me because How in the world would you not know when it's a day of darkness gloominess and this this this great distress and the just wrath that's being poured out but the preacher rapture they believe that well It's wrath but you know It's the wrath from the Antichrist or something like that and then it goes into God pouring out his wrath Or I don't know exactly because I don't care anymore to really look into their arguments as much But essentially they believe there's a seven-year tribulation, but the tribulation is wrath But it's the Antichrist's wrath and then there's God pouring out his wrath and you know Listen, you have the Antichrist that's that's putting Christians through great tribulation Jesus comes in the clouds saves us out of it and pours his wrath on the earth that makes sense And that's exactly what the Bible teaches and here's the thing. What what this is talking about is that To you, what is the day of the Lord? Okay to the unsaved he's basically saying You know, why would you desire the day of the Lord because the day of the Lord is not gonna be good for you go to a Philippians chapter 1 Philippians chapter 1 and What it comes down to is that the day of the Lord for the saved is salvation and rejoicing And just a day of joy and gladness The day of the Lord for the unsaved is complete opposite polar opposite. It's gonna be doom and gloom for them So When you're thinking about people desiring the day of the Lord we desire the day of the Lord I desire the day of the Lord, but listen to me the day of the Lord is gonna be salvation and redemption It's gonna be I'm gonna be lifting up looking up and lifting up my head for my redemption draweth nigh That's gonna be a great day to stand there Lord willing and see the Lord coming in the clouds to save me out of this great tribulation But for the unsaved they're gonna be fleeing and hiding themselves Into dens and rocks and mountains and saying up to the hills into the mountains to the fall on us Amos I'm sorry and Philippians chapter 1 verse 27 It says only let your conversation be has become of the gospel of Christ that whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your affairs that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel Verse 28 and in nothing terrified by your adversaries Which is to them an evident token of perdition but to you of salvation and that of God see there's a token of Perdition to the unsaved to those that reject the gospel see the gospel is a token of perdition to the unsaved and salvation to the saved and Same thing when the day of the Lord you can look at this in second Thessalonians that the the token the righteous The token of the righteous judgment of God the recompense tribulation on them that trouble you So yeah, they're troubling us and recompense, you know, they're you know, we're in great tribulation persecution but God's gonna recompense that on them and So the day of the Lord, what is that to you? You know, what end is it for you and he's talking to Israel basically saying you're on the wrong end of it You're not you're not like suffering for the cause of the Lord here. You're literally against the Lord So that means the day Lord for them is going to be destruction It's gonna be gloominess and it's not gonna be a good thing Okay, but for the saved it is and for those that serve the Lord for those that love God It will be for good Go to Amos chapter 5 and verse 25 So again, I'm just kind of going through a couple here Things in Amos that kind of stick out and this one sticks out because it's quoted off in a New Testament okay, so Amos chapter 5 verse 25 and Says have you offered unto me sacrifice and offerings in the wilderness 40 years Oh House of Israel, but you have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and chion your images The star of your God which you made to yourselves therefore Will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus at the Lord whose name is the Lord the God of hosts go to Acts chapter 7 verse 42 Acts chapter 7 verse 42 because Stephen when he's preaching his sermon is pulling this out To preach against those that are about to stone him But you see this tabernacle of Moloch and it says chion I think I guess that's how you say it your images the star of your God Notice what it says here in Acts chapter 7 verse 42 Then God turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven as it is written in the book of the prophets Oh ye house of Israel have you offered to me slain beast Sacrifices by the space of 40 years in the wilderness. Yea, you took up the tabernacle of Moloch in the star of your God Remphan Figures which ye have made to worship them and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. So we see here that You have the star of your God Remphan now. I Personally believe that this is that star of David that they have that Israel has on their flag Listen, if you ask anybody that's from there. They have no idea where that came from That star that six-pointed star Nowhere is that in the Bible, you know to say that's the star of David Okay, but I do find a star and it's the star of Remphan It's it's the star of their God when they were in the wilderness and they were worshiping this golden calf and then they were worshiping the host of heaven and God gave them up onto those things and he's calling them out for that that idolatry and You know, I believe personally that the Jews today that star that they have and by the way We're never gonna have that star of Remphan in our church. Okay. I don't care if it wasn't the star of Remphan Why would I have Israel's flag when to be a citizen of Israel? You have to to recant Christ you have to say that Jesus is not the Christ who is a liar But he denied that Jesus is the Christ He is Antichrist to deny the father and the son Whosoever denied the son the same hath not the father, but he that acknowledges the son hath the father also You know those there are people that deny that Jesus Christ has come into flesh But they are a deceiver and an Antichrist and there's no way that I'm ever gonna have that garbage Anywhere near our church, okay or near me for that matter I don't care if it's in the church, but I do believe that that's what that star came from. I Believe it came from their their God and they don't have the true God. You're like they have the father. No, they don't You don't have that if you don't have the father if you don't have the son You don't have the father Because it's one God So there are three to bear record in heaven the father of the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one You can't have one without the other You either have the father son Holy Ghost or you don't have any of it so go to Amos chapter 9 Amos chapter 9 So That's where Stephen was pulling that and think about that for a second. Stephen was preaching this from memory Obviously, it's full the Holy Ghost but full the Holy Ghost doesn't mean that you like literally the Holy Ghost is speaking for you Okay, he'll bring the remembrance things that you've heard and the things that you heard from Jesus, right? He's just pulling that out And he's just pulling out and he and if you if you look at that sermon that he preached to them I mean, it's just from Genesis all the way down and he's just preaching the whole story Just line by line teaching the whole story of what happened and he's going all the way to the minor prophets and just quoting minor Prophet stuff out and so that shows you that Stephen was a very knowledgeable Christian And so you wonder back then you're like well how much did they know about the Bible, you know Because obviously they didn't have a printing press. They didn't have all this stuff. They must have been getting it somehow They had parchments. They had books to read. Maybe they had to go somewhere to read it, but Stephen had that knowledge Okay, I wouldn't want to try I can't imagine trying to quote off all that stuff and not mess up when you're doing that And obviously you didn't mess up because it's in the Bible Okay now Amos chapter 9 so Amos chapter 9 notice what it says here and This is an interesting passage right here because it's basically stating that you can't escape the presence of the Lord Notice what it says in verse 1 I saw the Lord standing upon the altar and he said smite the lintel of the door that the post may shake and Cut them in the head all of them and I will slay the last of them with the sword He that fleeth of them shall not flee away and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered So first of all Amos is seeing the Lord so don't just read past that okay, because I'm sorry. Ezekiel saw the Lord on his throne and Don't read past that Ezekiel literally saw the Lord in heaven and then you have Isaiah who saw the Lord in his glory and And in the train that was about him and all that and you even see the stuff about the post shaking But Amos also saw the Lord standing upon the altar So don't just read past that that is quite a thing to say be like I saw the Lord now Obviously, I believe it was the Lord Jesus, you know Because if you especially if he saw his face It definitely be the Lord Jesus because no one has seen God the Father's face and lived Not yet, not till the very end But this does teach you that he's basically saying hey you're going to be destroyed and you're gonna flee but there's nowhere you can run There's nowhere you can go notice what it says in verse 2 Though they dig into hell Thence shall mine hand take them though. They climb up to heaven thence will I bring them down Though they hide themselves on top of Carmel I will search and take them out thence and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea Thence will I command the serpent and he shall bite them and though they go into captivity before their enemies Thence will I command the sword and it shall slay them and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil and not for good It's like wherever you go you try to dig down into hell. I'm there Right. I'm gonna I'm gonna pull you out of there, you know, and obviously it's no one's gonna dig down to hell But it's giving you an idea that you're digging so far that you're you know Going down to where hell's at and then you try to climb up to heaven He's gonna pull you down if you try to get to the highest mountain He's gonna take you from there If you try to go to the bottom of the sea He's gonna command the serpent to bite him and I don't know why that's always funny to me You know, it's just like you're swimming out. He's like we command the serpent. He's gonna bite you He's like I'm not gonna take you out of there. I'm just gonna have some sea serpent bite you down there So, I don't know if you can't find humor every once in a while the way that God deals with certain things You just got it. You got to laugh at the way it's something sometimes how God judges these things now It wouldn't be funny if I if I was there the one getting bitten by the serpent I mean, it's scary enough to be at the you know, like down into the bottom of the ocean But then they have some like, you know sea creature come out and just like bite you anyway This this is complementary to Psalm 139 You don't have to turn there but in Psalm 139 verse 7 it says wither shall I go from thy spirit or wither shall I free Flee from thy presence if I ascend up into heaven thou art there if I make my bed in hell behold thou art there and So the idea is that you can't get away from God. God is omnipresent. You're not gonna escape him and you know, he's everywhere So that's why they're literally in the bottoms of these mountains when the day the Lord comes They're gonna go into these bottoms of mountains. They're just like saying fall on us because they're trying to hide From the face of the lamb right? They're trying to hide from that but nothing can hide you from that doesn't matter He's already said that if you go into the bottom of the sea, he's gonna find some serpent to bite you He already said if you dig down in the hill Then he's gonna pull you back out from there. He's going to get you and even if you go into your enemies You're like, well, I'm gonna go to my enemies. I'll just serve him and I'll be safe there No, he's gonna command the sword. It's gonna slay you there So there's nowhere that's safe when you have the Lord against you and that's why it's always better to fear the Lord Than anybody else. Okay, if you're not him that is able to kill the body But fear him that is able to destroy both body and soul in hell now, obviously we can't go to hell We can't be heard of the second death. But what that stating is that man can only Hurt the body You need the fear the one that can not only kill somebody but you can throw them into hell. That means he's more powerful and Listen, you can flee away from the presence of most any man, okay? But you can't flee from God No one's gonna flee from God. You're gonna try But it's gonna be futile Now go to Amos chapter 9 the last thing I'm gonna show you here Amos chapter 9 you're like it it should be we're in the last chapter I'm just I'm uh, I'm psyching you out. I'm gonna be like go back to chapter 4 Thought I was going in line. No, I'm just kidding No, this is the last thing I'm gonna show you because this is also in the New Testament or quoted in the New Testament Amos chapter 9 and verse 11 in that day Well, I raised up the tabernacle of David that is that is fallen and close up the breaches thereof And I will raise up his ruins and I will build it as in the days of old That they may possess the remnant of Edom And of all the heathen which are called by my name said the Lord that doeth this Now this is quoted actually in Acts chapter good Acts chapter 15 Acts chapter 15. It's quoted by James Now not James the son of Zebedee. I Personally believe it's the Lord's brother. Okay, so the Lord, you know, the Lord Jesus had half brothers You know James Judas Joseph and Salome and I believe that James that that was heading up the church in Jerusalem was the Lord's brother the reason for that Galatians chapter 1 That was one of the only people besides Peter that that Paul saw when he was in Jerusalem was James the Lord's brother Who also was an apostle? now in Acts chapter 15 here in verse 15 knows what it says and to this Agree the words of the prophets as it is written after this I will return and will build again the tabernacle of David Which is fallen down and and will build again the ruins thereof and I will set it up That the residue of my of men might seek after the Lord and all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called Set the Lord who doeth all these things So he's quoting that and the reason for that is that they're dealing with the Gentiles Now where James gets it wrong is that there's no difference between the Jew and the in the Greek There there should just be no middle wall partition. Okay, so he's basically saying you know what the Gentiles They don't need to keep you know, they don't need to circumcise They don't need to do these customs and all this stuff But what James is stating which is not saying openly but the Jews need to Right. He's basically putting difference between the Jew and the Gentile and he's basically quoting this passage talking about the Gentiles Okay, so he basically just found a passage talking about the Gentiles You're like well it agrees with this, you know about the Gentiles which are called by the name of the Lord But let's look at what this passage is talking about now obviously you can see how this would be talking about the fact that Jesus is of the seed of David and He's gonna sit on David's throne and that throne is gonna be established forever, right? So you can definitely see how that would apply to kingdom wise but I believe this is more so dealing with The resurrection now read this with the idea That we're talking about the body of David, okay, so Jesus is of the seed of David and it's very clear that he's gonna be of the loins of David Now Amos chapter 9 think about this when you think about the fact that Jesus in the tabernacle I'm going to show you actually even Peter I don't have the verse written down But in second Peter talks about I must put off this my tabernacle and he's talking about his body You know after my deceased and he's talking about tabernacle of his body now In Amos chapter 9 and verse 11. It says in that day while I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen now would that not be true with Jesus when he died and It's talking about I will raise up the tabernacle of David which is fallen and close up the breeches thereof And I will raise up his ruins and I will build it as in the days of old Okay, so I believe that spiritually speaking you could definitely see how this applies to we're talking about Jesus We're talking about Jesus being a tabernacle of David in the fact that he is of the loins of David and Fleshly speaking of David go to Acts chapter 2 you say well, okay, I can see that a little bit Well, let's see where what Peter preaches in Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 verse 29. He just gets done quoting Psalm 16, which was written by David Where it says I will not leave my that will not leave my soul in hell neither will stop that That'll suffer thine holy one to see corruption in the point that Peters making is that this is not talking about David Okay Because he's not you know, David's soul didn't go to hell and he did see corruption and in verse 29 here says men and brethren Let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he's both dead and buried and his sepulchre is with us unto this day So he's making a point. He's like this can't be talking about David because he saw corruption Acts 13 says the same thing so you could cross reference that same thing is said about David there Verse 30 therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins According to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne So we're talking about Jesus was the fruit of David's loins Okay, actually there's places in the Bible where it's just straight-up calls Jesus David, you know And Ezekiel it talks about David's gonna sit on his throne. We're not talking about David the man after God's own heart that slew Goliath we're talking about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ And it says he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh and see corruption this Jesus had God raised up where have we all our witnesses and So when it's talking about raising up the tabernacle David that has fallen I very clearly see this as being the Lord Jesus Christ and the fact that he's of the seed of David and he's going to die, but he's going to be risen again and I love seeing these passages because You're always kind of wondering That he died for our sins was buried and rose again a third day according to the scriptures You're like, okay. What scriptures is he talking about? And obviously you have Jonah You have other places where it talks about the resurrection Okay, but I believe this is actually a strong one for the resurrection as well. You say well, I'm just not convinced It's talking about a tabernacle. It's just talking about physically bringing up like the tabernacle. Well go to John chapter 2 because You know, what's interesting about that is that I'm not saying you said this. Okay The Pharisees and the scribes all had this problem too when Jesus was talking about this Actually, what's interesting is that The one thing that they got him on was a false witness about him destroying the temple and rebuilding it in three days That was the one thing that even those didn't agree together, but they were close, right? they had two people that said that he's going to destroy the temple and rebuild it and that was the one thing that they you know Somehow said that this goes against him and this is why he should die Notice what Jesus says in John chapter 2 in verse 19 Jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple and in three days, I will raise it up Now notice what the Jews said then said the Jews forty and six years was his temple and building and wilt I rear it up in three days Verse 21, but he spake of the temple of his body So when he said hey destroy this temple and I'll raise it up in three days, right and And They're basically saying this took 46 years to build this building. He's like, no, it's speaking of the temple of his body So just like Peter was talking about I must put off this my tabernacle and the tabernacle of his body Okay, is the fact that when it's talking about raising up the tabernacle of David that is fallen Obviously, I understand that there is a physical realm to that as far as the fact that David's kingdom as you know It's fallen from where it's at. It's kind of in shambles and obviously Jesus is going to restore it and Isaiah 9 6 and 7 bolster that and other places bolster that the fact that he's gonna sit upon a throne and Fulfill that but I think that the spiritual application of the fact that hey, we're talking about Jesus Dying his body dying and raising again and I see this in Amos chapter 9 Like I said when you're going through these prophets, I always love to see these little things like this And I always wonder what Jesus told his disciples you know when he's like walking with him and he's expounding the scriptures and Just wonder what did he tell them that they didn't write down later on, you know that proves that this is talking about him But listen every book in the Bible is gonna have something about Jesus every book So when you go through Amos, it's no marvel that you're gonna find something in here. That's talking about the Lord Jesus Christ And I think that's a cool one. You know that when I was reading through them like man I think that's really more so talking about the bodily resurrection And talking about the tabernacle talking about the body So Amos is a great book and obviously I can't go through everything that's in Amos in the time that we have But it's one of my favorite books Like I said just Amos of who he was that he was just a herd man And he didn't grow up being a prophet or being a prophet son, but he gets he served the Lord and he was a great prophet And next week Lord willing we're gonna go to Obadiah and I know I did a whole sermon on Obadiah But I still want to hit it again because a lot of people weren't here when I did that sermon And even with Nahum, I'll still do Nahum even though I did a series through Nahum But we're gonna go through all the minor prophets and You know, there's gonna be some interesting stuff in there I enjoy the study just for myself because when I study this to do the sermon I'm seeing things that maybe I haven't you know correlated before and so I'm enjoying it personally So let's end with a word of prayer to help me follow we thank you for today Thank you for the souls that were saved today and thank you for the souls that were saved throughout this week and Thank you for the visitors and Lord. Just pray that you would give us all safe travels Be with those that can't make it in whether it's sicknesses or whatever the case may be and Lord Just pray that you bless our church and would help us to bring glory to your name We thank you for the the minor prophets and just all the truths that are in them and just help us to understand them and To use them in our lives and Lord we love you. Pray in Jesus Christ's name. Amen Brother Dave will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed You All right, take your song books and turn to song 183 Song 183 if you would stand We'll sing Oh How I Love Jesus song 183 There Is a name I love to hear I love to see it's worth It sounds like music in my near the sweetest name