(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. You Well good morning everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your songbooks and turn to song 165 Song 165 in your songbooks will sing Oh worship the king and if you would stand it will sing song 165 Worship the King all glorious above And Greatfully sing his wonderful love our shield and defense The ancient of days Pavilion and splendor and birded with praise Oh town of his mind and seeing of his grace Whose robe is the light? Whose canopy is His Chariots of wrath the deep thunder clouds form and darkest his path on the wings of the storm thy Valkyrae care what tongue can resign every's in the air It shines in the light It streams from the hills it descends to the plane and sweetly distills and the two of the rain frail children of dust and Feeble as frail and be do we trust? Nor find thee to fail thy mercies how tender how firm to the end our maker Defender Redeemer and friend Let's pray heavenly father Lord again We just want to thank you God for Lord just all the blessings and all the mercy that you've bestowed upon us each And every day. Thank you God for salvation. Thank you for your word Thank you for all the salvations we had yesterday and throughout last week I pray Lord now that you would just bless and everything that we say and do help it to be honor and glory Your name and we love you and pray all of us in Jesus name. Amen. I may be seated and take your mountain Baptist songbooks Your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual songbooks and turn to page number 10 Page number 10 and we'll sing Psalm 150 on page number 10 Praise ye the Lord praise God in his sanctuary Praise him in the firmament of his power Praise him in the firmament of his power Praise him for his mighty axe Praise him according to his excellent greatness Praise him with the sound Of the trumpet praise him with the song Turi and Our praise him with the timbrel and dance praise him with stringed instruments Praise him upon Symbols praise him upon The Sounding symbols let everything that has breath praise The Lord praise ye the Lord Amen so welcome to Mountain Baptist Church on the Sunday morning and just some announcements here First of all, just be in prayer for those that are still dealing with sicknesses My kids are it's kind of going through each one now, so That'll probably be over in a couple months, you know, you know as it goes through every every child So but be in prayer for all those that aren't feeling well Tis the season when it comes to that and as far as church Services this morning and today everything should be normal. So we'll have our 4 p.m. Service This afternoon, but then we're gonna have our soul any time at 1 p.m. So that'll be We'll be getting teamed up and everything before 1 o'clock So get some lunch come back here if you want to go out sowing with us and then the regional so many times on there just be on the lookout there as far as Times locations and everything when it comes to sewing during the week We did have a good time out in Kingwood. The weather was great. So When we were scheduling I'm like, well, you know, Lord willing and we don't have a blizzard But it was like almost it was in the 50s in Kingwood and so And it was just like overcast. So you didn't have like the Sun beating on you or anything like that So we definitely covered a bunch of ground. So Hit a bunch of apartments and everything. We had 16 salvation. So Praise the Lord for that. Just want to thank everybody that came out to help with that Definitely some interesting stories even ran into some Mormons out there, you know out in Kingwood. So But But yeah, so That was a good success and then As far as upcoming events, we have the women's prayer meeting On the 18th of this month. We have the men's prayer meeting on the 23rd and Then as far as our Bible memory, we have Jonah chapter 1 Jonah chapter 1 is our chapter memory for the month And so we're gonna be doing the book of Jonah. So obviously going in the March will go in the chapter 2 So on and so forth, but those chapters are really short, so it'd be a fun one to have memorized Especially it's a fun book Every chapter is really interesting and fun. It's short So if you've never memorized a book This is probably a really good one to start off with because it's a story Stories are usually really easy to memorize because you know what's supposed to happen next So you kind of already know what the verse should say and then it's just a matter of making sure you get it Word for word, so Stories tend to be very easy to memorize. So You know, I challenge you to memorize Jonah and I don't have it memorized either. So I want to I want to memorize it myself But I think this would be a good one for kids if you've ever wanted to try to memorize a book this is a short one, but it's also very interesting book and And so it it could be a fun one there and if you memorize if any of you children memorize this book We'll make sure that we get you a nice prize You know, whether it's a Bible or whether it's something along those lines or something like that for memorizing the book of Jonah, so And then Matthew 5 5 16 is our is our memory verse for the week Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven Birthdays Pull out my calendar make sure I don't miss somebody here now did Did we miss anybody last week But they usually has the the memory of an elephant so he'll know right But we have Jacob how it's coming up this week Is Jacob here I thought I saw him maybe not no, okay, we'll get next time We're gonna get all the Jacobs next time whenever they're here. We're gonna get all the Jacobs and then Brother Chris you're coming up. So on what Thursday? and so And then we got some next week, so So we have brother Chris, so how are you gonna be brother 26 young young bucks Well Happy birthday early birthday there and so we'll sing happy birthday to brother Chris and And then on the pregnancy list there Obviously, congratulations to the Ford family on their new one. I believe it was Ruth Alexandria If I'm right about that Is the name of their their new one and so be in prayer for the Ford family there and for Alyssa and the recovery Process a lot of times that's when I can't speak from experience, but the ladies need more prayer probably more so after the baby's born with the recovery process, but also just with Especially if you have a lot of kids that you're dealing with on top of the newborn and all that So just be in prayer for them and all that and then be in prayer for Anastasia And Abby that are due this month and so be in prayer for them and then Crystal McCloy Very in prayer for her as she's newly on the list there, but due in August and so praise the Lord for it for the blessings there and I Think that's about all I have for announcements that I can think of this morning The offering box is in the back there If you want to give a tithe or an offering the mother baby rooms for the mother's babies only Brother Joseph is going to be reading first John chapter 3 for us after we do one more song And if we do them happy birthday You All right, take your song books and turn to song 293 Song 293 and your song books will sing is you're all on the altar But before we do that We need to sing happy birthday Brother Jim, it's your birthday today, brother. You didn't tell anybody We got you hey brother Jim, where do you wait? Why do you have your head down? Like one of the tallest guys in the church. I can see regardless. Okay? All right, brother hey, uh, how old are you brother 62 awesome. You want to stand up for us? You have to yeah, he had knee surgery, but he's fine. Okay You stand up right lean on something lean on one of the Joneses kids or something All right 62 and brother Chris. Yep. All right. How old are you brother? 26 All right, we'll sing. Happy birthday to both of y'all Ready? Here we go Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday God bless you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you both and We will sing song 293 You have longed for a sweet peace And for faith to increase and have earnestly fervently prayed But you cannot have rest or be perfectly blessed until all on the altar is laid Is your all on the altar of Sacrifice laid your heart Spirit control You can only be blessed and at peace and sweet rest as You yield him your body and soul Would you walk with the Lord in the light of His word and a peace and contentment all way You must do his sweet will To be free from all hell on the altar You're all you must lay Is your all on the altar of Sacrifice laid your heart does the spirit control You can only be blessed and at peace and sweet rest as You yield him your body and soul Oh We never can know What the Lord will bestow on the blessings for which we have prayed Till our body and soul he doth fully control and our all on the altar is laid Is your all on the altar of Sacrifice laid your heart does the spirit control You can only be blessed and at peace and sweet rest as You yield him your body and soul Who can tell all the love He will say from above and I'll happy Our hearts will be made Of the Fellowship suite we shall share at his feet When our all on the altar is laid Oh Sacrifice laid your heart does the spirit control You can only be blessed peace and sweet rest as you yield him your body and soul All right, so your Bibles and turn to first John chapter number three First John chapter number three in your Bibles and we'll have brother Joseph read that for us First John chapter three And if you found your place there you'll say amen Behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not Beloved now are we with the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what what we shall be But we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is And every man that hath is This hope in him purifieth himself even as he is purer whosoever commit sin transgresses transgresses also the law for sin is the transgression of the law and you know that he was manifest to take away our sins and In him is no sin whosoever abideth in him sinneth not whoso Whosoever sinneth hath not seen him neither known him Little children let no man deceive you he that doeth righteousness is righteous Even as he he is righteous He that committed sin is of the devil for the devil sin at the from the beginning for this purpose The Son of God was manifested That he might destroy the works of the devil Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God In this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil whosoever Doeth not righteousness is not of God neither he that loveth not his brother For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning that we should love one another not as Cain who was was was of that wicked one and slew his brother and Wherefore slew he him because his own works were evil and his brothers righteous Marvel not my brethren if the world hate you We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren He that loveth not his brother abideth in death Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer and he know that no murder hath eternal life abiding in him Hereby perceived we the love of God because he laid down his life for us And we ought to lay down our our lives for the brethren But whoso hath this world's good and seeth his brother have need and shut it up his bowels of compassion from him How dwelt the love God in him? My little children let us not love in word neither in tongue But indeed and in truth and hereby we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him For if our heart condemn us God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things Beloved if our heart condemn us not Then have we Have we confidence toward God and whatsoever? we ask we receive of him because we keep his commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight and this is his Commandment that we should believe on the name of his son Jesus Christ and loved one another as he gave us commandment and he that keepeth his Commandments dwell within him and he in him and Hereby we know that he abideth in us by the Spirit which hath given us. Let's pray Lord Father Thank you for this time. We're able to gather gather this morning Lord, I thank you for your pure and holy word you've given to us We're to ask you to be the pastor Robinson and if I us this morning Jesus name. Amen Amen so you're there in first John chapter 3 and Someone mind grabbing me a water if you get a chance Just because you know how I roll if I'm just drinking coffee up here. I'm gonna be I'm gonna die. So but The name of the sermon is the manifestation of the sons of God So I don't want you to get like what in the world are you even talking about? The manifestation of the sons of God. Thank you, brother and so Manifestation just means something that's basically revealed right? So it's something it's not necessary. It's not created. It's just the fact that it's there But you're not showing it right so think about if I had a veil in front of this pulpit You can't see it because there's a veil there if I take away the veil. It's manifested to you. So That's the concept that I want to get to here and I'm just gonna explain I'm just gonna state right off the bat what I'm preaching on That when we get saved we are children of God inwardly our soul Our spirit is a child of God Okay, our bodies are not yet Okay Meaning that and this is what the the reason for the sermon is one to answer maybe some hard path It's like a hard, you know verse that maybe is in this passage But in other passages as well, if you just understand this concept that we're all children of God right now inwardly and What we're what we're constantly being told to do in the New Testament is to manifest That inward Child of God. Okay, and in the Bible use terms like the inward man the new man and different different terminology But ultimately when you get saved, it's that new man inside of you that's been completely cleansed from sin that is the child of God and so That's what we need to manifest or to show in this world And it gets into a lot of different realms as far as how that's explained, you know Letting your light so shine before men were the children of light, you know, there's different things as far as how that's stated But the first thing that I want to note is that we're children of God right now The moment we believe we're children of God. Okay. So notice what it says in 1st John chapter 3 and verse 1 It says behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God Therefore therefore the world knoweth is not because it knew him not Beloved now are we the sons of God? So it's very clear now are we the sons of God because you could take that first verse and be like well We should be called the sons of God like we're going to be or you know, that's gonna happen But no now we are the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be But we know that when he shall appear we should be like him or we shall see him as he is And so what we're gonna be getting into is the fact that inwardly we're children of God in that that's gonna be outward as well eventually But not until the resurrection. Okay, so we'll be holistically a child of God if you will Body soul and spirit at the resurrection, but right now our body is not a child of God Okay, and that's what I want to get across because that's gonna I think that'll help you understand a lot of passages where You'll see the fact that hey, we we don't commit sin but then over here it says, you know, if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourself and the truth is not in us and Just understanding those passages, but one I want to say well, how do I become a son of God? How does that how does that how do you become that? How are we now the sons of God? We'll go to John 1 John 1 in verse 12, which is interesting because it even says that we should be called the sons of God Therefore the world knows not because it knew him not and the Bible says in first and John 1 he came on to his own And his own received not right and but then it says in verse 12 So John 1 verse 12 says but as many as received him To them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name which were born Not of blood nor the will of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God So we're born of God by what faith in his name and Another verse that would that would prove this as well as Galatians 3 26 for it says for a year all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus and Then in first John 5 1 it says whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God And getting you could even go even further with that where it talks about the Vic, you know Whosoever is born of God ever cometh the world and this is the victory that ever cometh the world even our faith Who is he that ever cometh the world but he that believeth it that Jesus is the Son of God So it's very clear to become a child of God. It's by faith It's by faith that we become a child of God and that that happens now And obviously when we go out soul winning is something we always point out You know that when you get when you get when do you get eternal life now? Or later right and obviously we know that he that believeth on the son Half everlasting life verily rarely saying to you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. That's what Jesus said and Has it and we are we are past death in the light because verily verily I say to you he that Here's my word and believe it on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come the condemnation But is passed from death on the light now When you look at first John There's there's things that are stating you're just like that that kind of seems confusing As far as what why it states it that way, but when you understand that inwardly you're passed from death in the life inwardly You're a child of God inwardly You will not go on the condemnation right and you're talking about the inward man then when you see passages where it seems like it's it's it's kind of stating like you you aren't passed from death on the Life or you're you know, you're you do sin or things like that You know that that's talking about the outward man, you know, that's talking about the flesh. Okay? So hopefully this sermon will just kind of help with some of these maybe harder passages to know Okay, this is clearly talking about the inward man This is talking about the child of God that's inwardly and this is talking about actually the flesh You know, the flesh is not regenerated That has not been Brought into the manifestation of the sons of God now I'm gonna be showing you that that it actually uses that terminology Manifestation of the sons of God dealing with the body and that we are waiting for that That that is not now. Okay, and Go to Galatians chapter 4 Galatians chapter 4 now when it comes to becoming Sons of God and obviously this would be daughters of God for women. Okay? We're not ruckmanites we don't believe that ladies when you're resurrected you're gonna be a 33 year old man You will still be a lady okay, praise the Lord so the thing is is that You know the Bible uses sons Mankind as kind of an all-encompassing term to mean men and women so when it says, you know, they're probably people out there that literally says well it says It becomes sons of God doesn't say daughters of God, you know, and it will just go on down the line with that but The Bible does use the terminology daughters, you know sons and daughters and other places as well So don't get caught up on that. It's it's just an all-encompassing type of like mankind women. You're included in that. Okay now Galatians 4 and verse 4 I want to point out that we're adopted into the family Okay, we're adopted into the family because we're not There's the Son of God right there's the only begotten Son of God That's Jesus only means only and he is the only begotten Son of God because he's the only one that that is God He proceeded from the Father. He's the Lord that came down from heaven were of the earth But we have been adopted into the family and he's not ashamed to call his brethren and so Which also shows you you know, what I love about this too. Is that That he is not ashamed to call his brethren and obviously God the Father isn't ashamed to call us sons and daughters Of God and showing you how strong adoption really is So if you were ever I don't know, you know If anybody's been it was adopted or if you ever do adopt children listen, I believe that's regarded as your child okay, and that's your parents like you're adopted that's your parents and And You know, we weren't born of blood into God's family We were born of God and it's a spiritual birth, right? and and obviously I'll show you the probably the most famous passage dealing with that is John 3 but Galatians chapter 4 and verse 4 it says but when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth his son made of A woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons Okay, so this is the the adoption of sons and it says and because ye are sons notice that present tense ye are sons And notice it doesn't say like You know Partial sons or anything like that. It just says you're adopted but you are sons right, there's there's no like kind of Trying to diminish that because it says because you and because you are sons God has sent for the spirit of his son into your Harts crying Abba Father wherefore thou art no more servant, but a son and if a son than an heir of God through Christ And so this is something that we are Sons right now now are you are we the sons of God and this is inwardly that this is happening This adoption is happening. It's a spiritual birth that happens and go to John chapter 3 John chapter 3 So I'm kind of first just laying the foundation that hey when we get saved there's a spiritual birth that happens There's something that happens inwardly when it comes to salvation And obviously this is a great soul winning passage because Understanding the fact that when you're born into the family you don't get unborn Okay, and so once they've always saved but also not only does it show you that once you're born You can't be unborn just like your children But it also shows you that Relationship that you have with your children and the fact that God is our father were his children and he'll chase in us you know just like your physical father would chase in you and and Dealing with the fact of how our relationship is in this life When it comes to being children of God, okay now in John 3 and verse 3 Obviously the story of Nicodemus coming to Jesus and it says in verse 3 says Jesus answered and said unto him Rarely rarely I say unto thee except the man be born again. He cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? He's answered rarely rarely I say unto thee except the man be born of water and of the Spirit He cannot enter into the kingdom of God now this is where all the you know Church of Christ people and baptism regeneration people just stop reading and They're just like see you need to be born of the water You know meaning you need to be baptized Except for the fact that The next verse literally explains it it's reiterating it because it says that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit and so Anybody that's ever had children? Knows that there's that fluid that the baby's in this is why water births are possible, right? Because there wasn't that they'd be going from like air to like water and you just be drowning your children when you're birthing them But obviously the water breaks everybody knows about that Right and you know, my truck knows about that When I gave when I had to deliver my son, you know, and I had to you know deal with that later But you know, this is something that if you've had children, you know that this is talking about a physical water birth, right? This is something that's just saying physical you're born of water Because Nicodemus is stuck on the physical right and he's making a point that you must be physically born But you need to be spiritually born and he's basically putting a difference between the two. Okay being born again is the spiritual Okay, and you can even think about the fact what comes first the natural or the spiritual and it's clearly Adams the natural and Jesus is the spiritual right the The natural man and then the spiritual man and the same thing when it comes to you're born first physically before you're born spiritually when it comes to salvation now So that being said is you're born of the spirit So there's a clearer delineation between the flesh and the spirit, isn't it? Right? Are you born of the flesh again? Like is your flesh being born again, or is it your spirit that's being born again? It's your spirit, right? It's your soul And so and obviously there's difference between the soul and the spirit but those that's what's being regenerated Your spirit has no guile your soul is being saved. That is what's going on But keep reading there because it says Marvel not that I said unto thee ye must be born again Now I want you to see that it likens this spiritual birth to the wind, okay it says the wind bloweth where it listeth meaning like where it wants to write and Thou hears the sound thereof but can't not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth So is everyone that is born of the spirit. So notice that you can't see it You don't see the wind. You're like well, I saw some leaves blowing you saw the leaves You didn't see the wind the winds carrying the leaves but you didn't see the wind but you can hear it Right there there when you think about like, how do we know whether someone's saved usually by what they tell us, right? It's sometimes you can tell by you know, you can know them by their fruits and you can see it, right? But you know unless you're winning people to Christ. I'm not gonna see that. Okay, so and Just as much as you know thinking about a tree and you're like, is that an apple tree? It's like well if it's not bearing fruit You're gonna have to try to figure it out some other ways But the same thing when it comes to those that are born of the Spirit, you know It's it's something that's it's it's not gonna be as easily seen right because it's not physical. It's inward It's spiritual. Okay, go to 1st Peter chapter 1 and verse 22 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 22 Which will get into the fact of okay, we have the spiritual, you know new man Child of God, that's a that that we are How do we show people that right? How do we manifest that and that that's kind of what the sermon is about? But it also is just answering some passages as well dealing with this idea of manifesting the sons of God Those what it says here in verse 22, so 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 22 It says seeing ye have purified your souls. So is that the body? No, it's the soul, right? And it says purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren See that you love one another with a pure heart fervently It kind of seems like it kind of seems like that doesn't make sense, right? It's like well you've already you've been purified unto unfeigned love of the brethren Why are you telling me to love one another with pure heart fervently, right? I already have unfeigned love of the brethren because inwardly you do outwardly you don't And if you don't manifest that, if you don't let that shine, if you don't let that inward man be what's basically manifest in your life Then you're not going to love one another with pure heart fervently Even though inwardly you have that unfeigned love of the brethren This is something that if you understand this concept, 1st John will make a lot of sense If you don't understand this concept, 1st John is going to be really confusing And there's going to be passages, there's going to be verses where you're like, what is this talking about? And this is why a lot of people will go to 1st John and they'll start like saying, they'll come up with some crazy doctrines Or say you can lose your salvation or say, well if you don't love your brother then you're not saved If you hate your brother then you're not saved And like these different things that they'll try to say because they don't understand this doctrine as far as the old man, new man Or the fact of the matter is that inwardly we're children of God but not outwardly Now, keep reading there though, it says in verse 23, because that sentence isn't done It says, being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever So we're talking about the same thing, being born again, being born of the Spirit And how are we born into God's family? By faith, by obeying the truth, right? And obeying the gospel is believing the gospel and it's by the word of God Because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God So we're born again, we hear the word of God, we believe it, we're born again This happens with our souls, this happens with our spirit And we're waiting for the outward man, the flesh to be changed, okay? Now go to Romans chapter 8, Romans chapter 8 and verse 14 Romans chapter 8 and verse 14 and I want to show you here So a verse that maybe when you're reading this you're like, how does this make sense? How does it, you know, like we know we're children of God Why is it stating it like this? In verse 14 it says For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God, okay? So this is where someone would say, well if you're not being led by the Spirit Then you're not a child of God, therefore you're not saved, right? But if you understand the fact that the inward man is what's the child of God And if you're not being led by the Spirit then you're not walking as a child of God Because this whole passage is talking about walking in the Spirit Because there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus Who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit That's how the whole chapter starts, right? So if you're walking after the Spirit then you're being led by the Spirit And that means that you're walking as a child of God And this is something that's stated in many different books as far as If you've received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him You are light in the Lord, so walk as children of light If you live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, right? There's a difference between being saved and having that inward man There's another thing in walking in it And if you're led of the Spirit of God then you're walking as a child of God You're manifesting that inward man, okay? So that's what this is talking about It's not saying like, okay, you're not saved if you're not being led of the Spirit It's just saying that if you're not led of the Spirit you're not walking as a child of God That's not the child of God that's walking there That's the flesh And keep reading there, it says Verse 15 You have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear But you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry all the fathers You can see definitely the link back to Galatians chapter 4 With the adoption of sons, all of that Verse 16, it says the Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit That we are the children of God So notice how this is an inward thing that we're The Spirit of God that dwells within us is going to bear witness And I'm going to get to that portion a little later As far as kind of going into that a little deeper But in the fact that the Spirit of God is going to bear witness with our spirit That we're the children of God Meaning that we are saved, we're the children of God, all of that, right? But in verse 17 it says And if children then heirs, heirs of God, joint heirs of Christ If so be that we suffer with Him that we may be also glorified together So we're all heirs of Christ just because we're saved But you want to be joint heirs with Christ you need to suffer with Him Right? So there is a difference, right? We're all children of God but are you a friend of God? We're all children of God but are you a disciple? Right? And to be a friend of God and be a disciple of the Lord That's where you're being led of the Spirit and walking in the new man Walking as a child of God That's the difference between just being saved, living in the Spirit, receiving the Lord Being light in the Lord, walking in it Manifesting it Letting your light shine before men And right now our flesh is veiling it Okay? It's not that it's not there, right? Because manifest doesn't mean that it's not there It just means that it's being covered up, right? A veil covers up something So right now we have flesh and the flesh is basically on a constant basis It's basically covering up the child of God that we are Okay? So just simple terms And the fact of how do I manifest myself? You put off the old man You unveil that flesh You put off the flesh Obviously this is a spiritual thing, right? You're not literally ripping off your body like Superman, right? Like this is something that you're spiritually doing Where you're basically not walking in the lust of the flesh You're keeping the commandments You're not doing what the body wants to do What the flesh wants to do You're doing what the spirit wants you to do Okay? And so go to Galatians chapter 5 and verse 16 Galatians chapter 5 verse 16 This is a doctrine that Well one, unsaved people They just struggle with this, right? They just struggle with the separation of salvation by grace through faith And that it's eternal life and they can't lose their salvation With the fellowship, the discipleship With the idea of walking in the spirit and being led of the spirit That is a totally separate issue And they don't understand this concept that inwardly we're perfectly saved Regenerated, no sin But outwardly in our flesh dwells no good thing And so they don't understand that concept But also there's people that are in the realm of Christianity That maybe are even saved that don't understand it And then you get into this idea of You get into this reform baptist stuff where they don't understand that And they think well there's gonna be some change You know When it says that whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin Well that just means like they're not gonna continue in major sin It's like man that you added a lot to that verse Where does major sin fit in that category? Where does continue in sin? Because you know they're like well commit there means like a continual What do you do with 1 John 5 where it says he that is born of God sineth not That's pretty blatant I don't think you can really mess with that right He sins not right But if you understand this concept that makes perfect sense right The idea is that inwardly we don't sin There's no sin imputed to our account It's all been washed away As far as the east is from the west he doesn't remember our sin Physically speaking on the other hand that's different So go to Galatians chapter 5 verse 16 Galatians chapter 5 dealing with this idea of being led to the spirit right So if you're led to the spirit they are the sons of God Notice what it says here in verse 16 And again we're talking about walking in the spirit So being led to the spirit imagine to be led to the spirit You kind of have to walk with it to be led by it right So they're basically one and the same If you're walking in the spirit you're a child of God right You're walking as a child of God Doesn't mean that if you're not walking you're not a child of God You're just not manifesting it You're veiled okay And you remember what Jesus said If the light that is in you be darkness how great is that darkness So think about like how much dark How dark is your flesh to veil the light that's in you Right And it's not saying there's no light in you It's just saying that you are literally veiling that light so much That it can't manifest itself And just think to yourself like how dark that must be You know how dark is your flesh Anyway in verse 15 I'm sorry verse 16 So Galatians chapter 5 verse 16 it says This I say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh Now if this was automatic what was he even talking about Right You know you think about like these these reformed guys Or these these warship salvation like type of Preachers out there just like well you know I got saved I really got saved I got all the way saved You know what when I got saved I didn't want to do anything I wanted to do before I smoked and I didn't want to smoke again It's like you're a liar But the thing is is that what in the world is Paul even talking about then If this is like some automatic thing that you're going to automatically walk in the spirit Then what's he even talking about Just spit in his wheels at this point He's saying this because we all walk in the flesh And we all are fulfilling the lust of the flesh If we don't make a choice every day to walk in the spirit As Paul says I die daily Paul the apostle who said that you know the things that I would I do not The things that I would not that I do But he says no longer I that do it but sin dwells within me Because in my flesh dwelleth no good thing And he's in this constant battle And he's stating this because he deals with the same thing And he's an apostle of God So you know walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh For the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh And these are contrary the ones of the others So that you cannot do the things that you would Again Romans chapter 7 exactly what Paul was stating there as well But in verse 18 But if you be led of the spirit you're not under the law Because what we're not under the law we're under grace right Spiritually speaking Spiritually speaking Soul and spirit we're no longer under the curse of the law We are under grace But our flesh is still under the law If it if it wasn't then none of us would die physically Because the wages of sin is dead And the the the sting of the you know it talks about the the law Is is the sting of death right And so when it comes to that so speak ye and so do As they that shall be judged by the law of liberty Because your flesh can still commit murder Your flesh can still commit adultery Your flesh can still lie Your flesh can still steal And it's still under the law But your soul and your spirit is no longer in the law So if you're led to the spirit you're walking in the spirit You're not under the law you're under grace So this is why you get other false doctrine out there right You get these these these new evangelicals That are just like you know well don't put me under the law brother I'm under grace And basically just opens up the window for them to just live a lascivious sinful life And just say you know what I'm not under the law anymore I'm under grace I can just do whatever I want It's like you know should we continue in sin that that grace you abound God forbid Do we make void the law through faith God forbid we yay we establish the law The idea is that obviously spiritually speaking we are no longer under the law But physically speaking we still are And there are still there is still condemnation in this life For those that walk after the flesh and not after the spirit That's what the bible teaches Now there is no condemnation in the life to come for the for the for the christian That's been taken care of But in this life we we definitely still have condemnation Notice what it says here in verse 19 So if you be led to the spirit you're not in the law Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these So what we're talking about the manifestation of the sons of god Well this is manifesting the flesh right So what's the manifestation of the flesh What what what shows you're like well how do I know I'm walking in the flesh Well if you do any of this If you do any of this then yes you're walking in the flesh Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, stripes, seditions, heresies, envies, murders, drunkenness, revelings and such like right So it's like if this isn't all inclusive Right anything that's that's a that's uh you know contrary to sound doctrine If there's anything that is you know obviously against the law of god That would be included in this list right Because sin is the transgression against god's law And obviously the works of the flesh would would be in it Now keep reading there says in such like of the which I tell you before As I have also told you in time past the day which do such things Shall not inherit the kingdom of god And people are just like see you know you you commit these sins You're not going to heaven No our bodies are not going to heaven Because flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of god But last I checked when we go to heaven right now if I were to die My body doesn't just go up there My body goes to the grave or to the dust eventually Flesh and blood should not inherit the kingdom of god But you know what my soul and spirit will And my soul and spirit no longer has sin imputed onto it Nor will it ever have sin imputed onto it Because the righteousness of god has been imputed onto it But my flesh and my flesh dwell no good thing And for the wages of sin is death therefore that will not inherit the kingdom of god And all the works that I do in the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of god It it you're not going to have rewards in heaven for committing sin I know that's kind of silly to even say right But you're not going to have an inheritance for those type of works that you're doing right Keep reading though it says in verse 22 But the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance Against such there is no law So if you're walking in the spirit that means you're not sinning right That means you're keeping the law And when you do that there's no law there's no law against you You're not under the law Why would you be under the law You're not breaking the law So if someone says they're walking in the spirit and they're openly sinning they're a liar And that's what first john really hits on It says hereby you know if any man say that that he knows him You know and he doesn't keep his commandments he's a liar right I mean it just keeps going on and on to say like if you don't love your brother And you say I love god but I don't love my brother You're a liar then you know you're not you don't actually love god if you don't love your brother right there You can't have both those things at the same time You cannot walk in the flesh in the spirit at the same time It's one or the other And and it's not to say that you know obviously No this is that none of us are always walking in the spirit Just know that's true What are what we're trying to do is walk in spirit as much as we can As much as we can And basically we're trying to starve the flesh And to the point where you know it gets weaker and weaker and weaker But know this Let him that think as he stand to take heed lest he fall Never think that that flesh is completely starved out You may get it to the point where it's kind of at bay And you know you're not really struggling with it as much in certain areas But never think that you've completely defeated it Because as soon as you do that's when it's going to come back and bite you So you constantly have to be just like pushing it down, pushing it down, pushing it down Stay over there you know Die you know And just basically you know starving the flesh feeding the spirit okay Now keep reading there it says in verse 24 it says And they that are Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts If we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit So notice that difference right We live in the spirit because we believed on Christ We've been regenerated spiritually speaking Let's also walk in the spirit though Right notice the difference there It's not one and the same If you were just like living in the spirit and walking the spirit the same thing That would make no sense This whole passage would make no sense Why would it say also right You know the words have meanings and so So let's think about some passages where maybe you would read that and be like what does that mean You know like how does that work knowing that we're children of God And you know this isn't something we get later It's not like we become you know like it we have to wait to become children of God Go to Matthew chapter 5 and verse 9 for example Matthew chapter 5 verse 9 So when you know this is that you're considered a child of God outwardly When you are walking in the spirit When you're being led by the spirit When you are abiding in Christ essentially and not sinning not breaking commandments That's when you are basically manifesting it right So when you when you think about like the the Beatitudes right These are talking to Christians okay So this is he's talking to believers here He's not talking to unbelievers when he's saying this It says blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God Now it's not saying you have to be a peacemaker in order to be a child of God It's just saying that the peacemakers are going to be called that Why because what is you know the fruit of the spirit what is one of those right Peace You're being led to the spirit you're going to be called a child of God Okay Doesn't mean that inwardly you're not if you're not a peacemaker Right and what are we talking about with peacemakers preaching the gospel piece specifically Right And dealing with the fact of obviously preaching the gospel piece bringing in your sheaves Like that type of thing that's going on there right I don't believe we're just talking about peace in general I think we're talking about specific peace which is peace with God Reconciling the world the the ministry of reconciliation that type of thing But either way when you win some of the Christ you are manifesting that that child of God You are walking in the spirit because know this is that you are abiding in Christ When you win something the Christ because without him we could do nothing I mean John 15 states that we cannot bear fruit without the vine And so he's the vine we're the branches and without him we can do nothing So you say well have I ever walked in the spirit have you ever won something the Christ If the answer is yes then yes you have And these passages where you'll see this what you're dealing with here is that It's kind of like a more so people are going to call you that people are going to see that Right they're going to perceive you're a child of God because you're winning people to Christ I can see your fruit you're a peacemaker you know that type of thing that's going on there It's not declaring you a son of God right because what declares you a son of God Even to them that believe on his name okay that's what makes you become a son of God But for people to call you a child of God or declare you like someone out on the outside Declaring it you have to manifest it right now that could be through words Like you like I said you know when it comes to the wind blowing you can hear it right You can hear what people say and but you can't see when it comes and whether it goeth Because you can't like see it right it's just kind of a way to kind of explain What you're dealing with there now go to first John chapter three first John chapter three This isn't all-inclusive but these are just some passages where if you don't understand this You're going to be like what is this talking about like how does this make sense right So first John chapter three and verse nine It says whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him And he cannot sin because he's born of God Now that makes a lot of sense when you understand the fact that you know being born Again not a corruptible seed but a incorruptible by the word of God which liveth in the By the forever and that when we're saved our sins are as far as the east is from the west He he will remember our our sins and iniquities he will remember no more And the fact that you know inwardly we're completely sinless notice in verse 10 though In this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil okay So this is where it gets into like okay what is this talking about Because what we're talking about is manifesting whether you're a child of God or whether you're a child of the devil Now when it gets into this next portion here I don't believe it's stating that It says whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God neither he that loveth not his brother Meaning this is that if you abide not in Christ you can't say you're abiding in Christ And that you're walking as a child of God if you're not doing righteousness and you're not Loving your brother okay so it's kind of giving you like that you're not manifesting that you're A child of God when you're doing that okay and i'm going to be getting into the fact of you know Because it mentions the children of the devil here as well and this is where some people will be Like well see you're either a child of devil or a child of God no no these are two extremes You have children of God those are the saved believers right you have children of the devil Those are reprobates those are people that have been given over to a reprobate mind And then what you have in the middle here which is unsaved people Is children of disobedience and children of wrath okay you ever heard the term false dichotomy That's what a lot of churches and baptist churches at that will do they'll say we were all children Of the devil false wrong no we weren't and this is not stating that if you do if you Don't love your brother then you're a child of the devil that is not what this is saying It's just stating the fact that the children of God are manifest And the devil and it's basically saying you're not manifesting a child of God if you don't do Righteousness and if you're not loving your brother because it says for this is the message That you heard from him from the beginning that we should love one another right so He's basically saying you're not manifesting yourself as a child of God If you're doing these things right hating your brother not loving your brother You know not doing righteousness that's you're not gonna you're not manifesting yourself that way But here's a way that a child of devil manifests himself It says not as Cain who was of that wicked one and slew his brother And wherefore slew him because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous The Cain there was a manifestation where you can see that this guy Was inwardly a child of the devil so I want you to think about this If a child of God inwardly is completely sinless and cannot sin What would be the opposite of that? Someone that cannot cease from sin Right and in second Peter and we it talks about false prophets that cannot cease from sin Okay, so it's polar opposites here So I want you to think about this and the fact that a child of God inwardly no sin can't sin A child of the devil cannot cease from sin Okay and they can try to mask that right We're masking it a lot of times with our flesh where we're not showing that that that child of God They're trying to mask that they are just completely unable to stop sinning Right and they're trying to hold that back hide it right Now we as believers in that know the bible we know what they are We know what they're trying to hide We know what they are inwardly and inwardly they're a bunch of ravening wolves They're a bunch of dead men's bones that they're filled with wickedness And that they are they are corrupt trees twice dead plucked up by the roots We know what they are when we know that they they are Full of a you know having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin and that they are cursed children We know what they are inwardly now I want you to think about this when look look at 2 Corinthians chapter 13 2 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 14 So I'm trying you know verse 10 here I think verse 9 a lot of times I've explained that many times you know But verse 10 is one that can be confused And what I want to make a point here is that it is not saying That if you don't love your brother you're a child of the devil But if you love your brother you're a child of God right It's not saying that okay It's stating that we need to in this the children of God are manifest Meaning if you love your brother if you do righteousness and all that then you're manifesting that But children of the devil manifest themselves a different way Okay where they're murdering and doing these different things Okay now notice what it says here in 2 Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 15 It says examine yourselves whether you be in the faith Prove your own selves know you not your own selves How that Jesus Christ is in you except you be reprobates So he's gonna keep going on here it says But I trust that you know that we are not reprobates Right so he's basically accusing them of being maybe being reprobates Now I don't believe he's just saying like except you be unsaved I think he's stating in fact you're either saved or you're a reprobate Right it's kind of like there's no way in between here You know the truth and it gets into the idea of knowing the truth and holding the truth in unrighteousness That you either are saved or you're a child of the devil right It's one or the other you're either you're either a child of God or you're a child of the devil You're an infiltrator you're a Judas That's what he's accusing them of right here And he's saying you know basically you know that we're not reprobates But I want you to keep reading there it says In verse uh in verse seven Now I pray to God that you do no evil Not that we should appear approved but that ye should do that which is honest Though we be as reprobates And you're just like what in the world is he saying now right Notice what what he says though in verse eight For we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth Now let me ask you a question Physically speaking we can all do things against the truth What are we talking about Christ in you right We're talking about inward we're talking about the soul the spirit right So once you think about this reprobates if if uh if inwardly we can do nothing against the truth Inwardly we don't sin reprobates he's saying as reprobates he's kind of like If you would imagine this that he's like it's it's like that but opposite Romans 5 does this with the gift compared to the offense right By one offense all everyone died but by one man's obedience all were made alive right The idea is that it's the opposite it's a it's a transverse you know concept right To where it's kind of like reprobates they can do nothing for the truth The children of God they can do nothing against the truth Well how can that be because all of us make mistakes inwardly speaking We can do nothing against the truth Inwardly speaking we don't sin a reprobate on the other hand a child of the devil completely opposite You say what about unsaved people they're not in the category I'm talking about right here Okay because when we're talking about here is we're talking about what happens inwardly and you say give me some proof about that we'll go to Titus chapter one Titus chapter one and the the thing that I'm getting here is that when you look at this As the inward man when you're looking at this as a spiritual thing as far as the soul Then you can understand oh okay I see what's going on here We're talking about manifesting as children of God manifesting that we're children of God If we're not loving our brother if we're not you know Doing righteousness and if we're not doing that then we're not manifesting the child of God that we are But know this is that the children of the devil also will manifest what they truly are Right they try to mask it right we're trying to unmask it right You say the complete opposite we're trying to unmask it we're trying to take the veil away They're trying to veil it they're trying to hide what they really are deep down And notice what it says here in Titus Titus 1 verse 15 It says unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving Is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled They profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient And unto every good work reprobate Listen there's reprobates out there that will do things that appear to be good okay They can hold the door open for you they can buy you a drink They you know they could buy you something they could buy you a meal They can whatever you know they can give you a gift But know this is that everything has an ulterior motive They're doing it because of advantage and they're masking it right They're masking it see when we do that which we shouldn't be doing We're veiling the new man and we're walking in the flesh right When they try to do something good they're trying to veil that wicked reprobate heart They're trying to veil it and trying to hide it by trying to do something good But every work that they do is reprobate Everything that they do is because of advantage And again I'm talking about two extremes right We're talking about like a very small percentage of the population that are children of the devil okay When you're dealing with unsafe people listen the bible talks about We're talking about okay reprobates do they have a conscience No they have a seared conscience right They are past feeling without natural affection Most of the people in the world they have a conscience They have natural affection They have the conscience which is the law of God written in their hearts And they do by nature the things that are contained in the law right So that's a totally different group What we're talking about in first john is the extremes right We're talking about Cain and Abel right Abel who was a child of God and after he died it talks about his blood And that he being dead yet speaketh He's saved and by faith you know Abel obviously obtained a good report Cain on the other hand was a child of the devil A child of the wicked one and it's showing you the converse between those two Okay so as much as we as children of God need to manifest That child of God is that's within us letting our light shine Know this is that the children of the devil also manifest themselves as well You know the bible talks about I don't have it in my notes but You know some people are like well how are we going to know who these people are Well know this is that if there's anything that's past that's that's not natural affection Okay there is no temptation taking you but such as is common to man And if it's not common to man know that that's manifesting what they really are deep down Okay but I was gonna the verse I was thinking is in second Timothy chapter three Where it's talking about Janus and Jambres It says they're ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of truth in verse seven of Second Timothy three it says now as Janus and Jambres withstood Moses So that these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith But they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was So what it's stating here is that it's gonna be manifest listen Cain's heart was manifest Right because it talks about sin life at the door right he's being rebuked for his sacrifice That he gave his sacrifice or his offering right that he gave he's being rebuked for it But you know what it's manifesting what he really was what he what he did to Abel Okay it's not saying that someone can't kill somebody and still be saved right Like someone can't commit murder and still be saved but it manifested what he was He killed Abel because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous They are despisers of those that are good And so that stuff where you know there's a lot of things that reprobates do there You're like yeah normal people can do that but then there's certain things you're just like Normal people don't do that right there's certain things that are like psychopathic right It's just kind of like that is a psychopath type of thing that's going on there And you're like that's not normal that's not natural okay and that's manifesting itself Okay so I hope that makes sense when you're looking at that passage when you're When you're seeing in this the children of God are manifest and children of the devil What are we talking about the children of God are manifest because they'll show that hey They love their brethren they do this they they keep the commandments They do these type of things and that's if you're walking in it though That's if you're manifesting that's if you're abiding in Christ okay And also this one this one isn't in my notes but when it says later on in that passage And he did hate his brother as a murderer and you know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him The beginning of the book and the end of the book start and stop with the fact of Stating that Jesus is eternal life it literally calls him eternal life This is the true God and eternal life and it says little children keep yourselves from idols amen Right that's how the book ends at the very beginning it says That which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes Which we have looked upon in our hands of handle that the word of life for the life was Manifested and we have seen it and bear witness and showing to you that eternal life Which was with the father and was manifest unto us right So that the eternal life is Jesus right in the beginning was the word and word was with God The word was God the same was in beginning with God all things were made by him without him Was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men That is what we're dealing with there is that if you hate your brother Jesus isn't abiding in you You're not abiding in the vine if you hate your brother This is simply just what it's stating If we love our brother and we know that we are passed from death into life if we love our brother, right? How do you know you're walking in a new man? Well, if you don't love your brother, you're not okay It's not saying that you haven't passed from death into life spiritually speaking It's just saying that you are not walking in the man that has passed from death into life You're walking in the the old man that is still dead in trespasses and sins. That's what's going on If you hate your brother if you don't love your brother if you're not doing righteousness You're still walking the old man. You're dead in trespasses and sins But you still have the new man. You still have the inward man. You're just not walking in it Okay, that's what this passage is talking about And the bible says go to go to matthew chapter 5 verse 14 matthew chapter 5 verse 14. It says Get our memory verse in here That what are we talking about? Well, we're talking about the fact that we have this light inside of us We have this new man. We have this child of god We need to show the world it I don't know if that's good grammar or not, but We hate to let we need to let our light shine We need we are the bible calls us children of light the children of resurrection the children of god But children of light, okay. God is light And we need to let our light shine and even it says right here ye are the light of the world A city is that is set on the hill cannot be hid Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel But on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house So notice what it's talking about not masking it not bailing it Letting it shine, okay It says let your light so shine before men that they may see your what? Good works and glorify your father which is in heaven This is why it's foolish for people to be like why you know what i'm gonna see The works of this person to see if they're saved Like well, what if they never manifest what if they're never letting their life shine does that mean that the light's not there? When you put the light under a bushel does that mean it's not there does that mean it doesn't exist If I put a veil over top of this thing right here, does that mean the pulpit's not there anymore? I'm not a magician by the way, i'm not pulling rabbits out of my hat. This isn't gonna just disappear I'm not david copperfield. I'm not chris angel start walking through stuff This is it's there. It's just you can't see it Okay And so that's why it's it's foolish to uh to use that as a marker You know like good works or a marker There's unsafe people that have good works Does that mean they're they're going to heaven? So in first peter chapter two in verse 11 first peter chapter two in verse 11 very similar uh to uh To matthew chapter five as far as this goes First peter chapter two in verse 11 It says dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lust which war against the soul again What are we talking about? We're talking about the war against the flesh and the soul Having your con your conversation honest among the gentiles that whereas they speak against you as evil doers They may by your good works, which they shall behold glorified god in the day of visitation This gets into the idea of okay bearing fruit, but let's bear much fruit Right the idea of like you need to abide in the vine, but hey let the vine purge you, you know Purge you to where you can bear much fruit and that your fruit can remain and just going on onto you know down the line to to being uh a more fruitful christian Uh, go to second corinthian chapter six second corinthian chapter six. I'm just kind of showing you just a passage where You may and and I don't want to accuse you like reading this and you're like, I don't understand what it's saying But maybe you've read through it and you're just like why is it stated like that? Why is it say it like this? Okay Second uh corinthians chapter six and verse 17 It says wherefore come out from among them and be separate set the lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you And I will be a father unto you and you shall be my sons and daughters set the lord almighty I love this passage because it also says daughters, you know, like I said, you know all the passages that just say sons It's obviously including the daughters in there as well But the thing is is that Why does it say it's kind of like an if-then statement, right come out from among them and I will be a father unto you And you shall be my sons and daughters but if you understand the fact that when you put on the new man when you're walking in the flesh you have separated yourself To the point where he's saying i'm your father, you know, I i'm a father unto you You're my sons and daughters, right if you be led of the spirit, they are the sons of god, right? This is what it's talking about and the fact that if you're separate and you're not unequally yoked and and you're not, uh, you know, obviously, uh, you know No concord with christ or belial and going down the line as far as that goes that if you separate yourselves from the world Then you're walking as a child of god if you keep the commandments You're walking as a child of god if you love your brother you're walking as a child of god and that's what it keeps stating over and over again is that that's when you're That child of god right inwardly it's still there it just hasn't been manifested It's not saying like then I will make you children of god, right then you will become children of god No, it's just stating that that's when you're walking as it That's when you're being clothed upon with that inward man And it uses different language to kind of I think the reason the bible uses so much different Terminology and language is because if you didn't get it this way You'll get on like putting on a garment right put off the old man put on the new right? And the fact that the garment's there you just haven't put it on, you know this is why in in second peter it says those that uh You know, basically it talks about adding to your faith virtue and knowledge and going down the line And it talks about those that have forgotten that they were purged from their old sins Just because you forgot you're a person from old sins doesn't mean you're not still purged from your old sins. Does that make sense? Meaning this is that It's almost like you forgot that you could put on the new man Like what do you do? And so these passages aren't negating that you're still saved they're not negating They're not saying like you got to do this to become a child of god It's just saying that you're not manifesting it. You're not walking in it, okay? Okay And uh go to roman chapter eight and I want to show you that bodily speaking Bodily speaking we're waiting For that but I do want to read this ephesians chapter two. I I already kind of stated this But I just want to read this just so you know that when we're talking about our flesh Our flesh is not a child of god right now It says in ephesians 2 1 And you hath equipped and who were dead in trespasses and sins Where in time past you walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air The spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience Among whom also we all had our conversation in time times past in the lusts of our flesh Fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and whereby nature the children of breath even as others Our flesh is still that Our flesh is still dead in trespasses and sins. Our flesh is still In it no good thing. It's not regenerated, but it will be Okay, and that's what roman's eight is really getting to so notice what it says in roman chapter eight and verse 18 One day we won't have to worry about unveiling it we won't have to worry about manifesting it because it will be manifest Right, it will be just constantly We no longer will have the flesh that we're having to reign in and put all okay It says in roman chapter eight verse 18. It says for I reckon That the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us For the earnest expectation of this of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of God So what's the creature we're talking about what we'll see here is that that's talking about the body Okay, it says in verse 20 For the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him who had subjected the same in hope because the creature itself also Shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God So if you didn't believe me, which I'm not saying you didn't that our body is not a child of God right now It is not yet Been delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God It says for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth and pain together until now And not only they but ourselves also Which had the first fruits of the Spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves waiting for the adoption to the wit the redemption of our body There it is. Our body is not a child of God right now, but it will be It will be we're waiting for it. And this is the struggle. This is that fight This is this this between the the flesh and the spirit on a constant basis that we're fighting And one day our bodies will be changed Philippians chapter 3 you don't have to turn there But you can't if you want the Philippians 3 20 says for our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Savior The Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body According to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto themselves Now are we the sons of God, but it does not yet appear what we shall be But we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is We will have that resurrected body. He's the first fruits of the resurrection. He's the first fruits of them that slept and then We which are alive remain and we are that are in Christ that Christ coming we're gonna be changed our vile bodies will be changed and holistically, we will be children of God and So right now we have the earnest of the Spirit And so there's many verses on this but I don't want to belabor it as far as that goes But it talks about the first fruits of the Spirit go to Ephesians chapter 1 Ephesians chapter 1, this is the last thing I'll show you But there's many places where it talks about this earnest of the Spirit It's kind of like if you think about like an earnest you put down earnest money on like a house For example, maybe a car or whatever. It's basically a down payment meaning this is that The fact that we're children of God inwardly is like that earnest. It's like this will happen, right? It's like you you're already a child of God Now we're the sons of God that earnest is there or waiting For that redemption of the body. We're waiting for that purchase possession and Notice what it says here in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 It says in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth The gospel of your salvation and whom also that after that you believe you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession unto the praise of his glory What are we talking about? The adoption to wit the redemption of our body The redemption of that purchase possession is the fact that I mean even God even mentions the fact that we're bought with the price and we're not it Well, we're not our own we need to we need to serve him both with our spirit and our body Our bodies are not our own it's the temple of the Holy Ghost of the Holy Ghost and so It even says in Romans 8 which I already read where it says the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons Of God we have the earnest of the Spirit. We have the first fruits of the Spirit We're waiting for the redemption of the purchase possession or the redemption of the body. We're waiting for that. But until then We're in a battle until then we have to manifest it Okay view your flesh as a veil and you're like, well, you know You're just making that up to the flesh of the veil now actually in Hebrews It talks about the veil being rent. That is his flesh It literally calls Jesus's flesh the veil which was likening it unto the veil that was rent in the temple So our flesh is it is veiling our child of God right now like who we are So just think of it that way Our flesh is veiling it. We need to put off the flesh so that we can let our light shine manifest that we're children of God and That's what we that's what our job That's what we should be doing on a daily basis And that's something that we'll be dealing with until this person until we had the resurrection. I hope that makes sense and I hope that That this helps maybe some passages where you're just like Why is it worded that way why is it seems like it's stating like if you don't do this, you're not a child of God Right and there's passages that kind of seem that way But if you understand that when it's talking like that when the Bible stating it like that What it's talking about is the fact that if you're walking in the flesh, you are not walking as a child of God You're walking as a child of wrath and child disobedience But if you do all these different things and you can say well, how do I know I'm walking in this? How do I know I'm manifesting the Son of God the being a child of God look at all the places? We're talking about being a child of God do that, right? Do that love your brother don't hate your brother, you know Do righteousness keep the commandments? Be separate from the world Do all these things and guess what you're being led of the spirit you're walking as a child of God and you're manifesting the child of God that you are and Remember this now are we the sons of God? This isn't something we're waiting for but we are waiting for the creature the body to Also notice that also right to also be delivered from bondage into the liberty of the the manifestation of the Son of God and That's what we're waiting for And so I hope that if anything maybe helps clear up some of those passages where it maybe it's a little confusing But let's end with a word of prayer probably think today. Thank you for your word Thank you for these these passages and I pray you Lord that you'd help us to let our light shine before men and Lord that We can walk as children of light that we can walk in the spirit And Lord that we can be glorifying to you Lord in this life and Lord We just pray that you'd help us with us help us to put off the flesh And Lord I pray that you would heal us from any sicknesses and anything that's going around right now I pray to be with our church and keep our church healthy and what we love you Pray also in Jesus Christ name Amen, but they will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed All right, if you would take your song books and turn to song 176 Song 176 in your song books And if you would stand we'll sing Jesus loves the little children's song 176 Jesus loves the little children All the children of the world Red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight Jesus loves the little children of the world