(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Jesus saves, sing it softly through the gloom When the heart for mercy craves, sing in triumph over tomb Jesus saves, Jesus saves, give the winds a mighty voice Jesus saves, Jesus saves, let the nations now rejoice Jesus saves, Jesus saves, shout salvation full and free Hills and deepest caves, this our song of victory Jesus saves, Jesus saves Let's pray, Heavenly Father, Lord, again, we just want to thank you, God, for another Sunday that we get to meet in your house and to hear your word preached, I pray, Lord, now that you would just be with our pastor film with your power and spirit, we love you, for it's in Jesus' name we ask all, but amen All right, you may be seated and take your mountain baptist song books, the psalms, hymns, and spiritual song books the blue folders that are in your rows right there and turn to page number three, page number three in your blue mountain baptist song books we'll sing psalm 24, page number three the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof world and they that dwell therein for he hath founded it upon the sea and established it upon the floods who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord or who shall stand in his holy place he that hath clean hands and a pure heart who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully he shall receive a blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation this is the generation of them that seek him that seek the face of Jacob's Selah lift up your heads oh ye gates and be lift up the everlasting and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory see the Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty in battle lift up your hands oh ye gates even lift them up he ever lasting doors and a king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the Lord of hosts he is the king of glory seal Amen, well welcome to mountain baptist church on the Sunday morning and just some announcements here our church services today should be normal so we'll have our Sunday morning service right now then we'll have our afternoon service at 4 p.m and so be in your places for that and then between the services at 1 p.m we have our main soul winning time so if you can meet up here a little before one o'clock we'll get teamed up and go out soul winning and so I think it's a little cool today but it's it's not supposed to rain so I think today shouldn't be a bad day when it comes to soul winning when it comes to weather and so my family's dragging in we had a long long day yesterday we went up to cast railroad but then on the way back I decided to hit a black bear with my van so but you know the tally is toyota one the bear zero so so the toyotas they're it seems to be just cosmetic but had the bungee cord so if you see the bungee corded you know front end of my my van you know that's what's going on there it wasn't my wife it was actually me but I don't think if you're gonna if you're gonna crash into something I mean a bear it's probably gonna be a more manly thing right you know so of course my I think my wife's been around me too long because she wanted me to go shoot it she wanted me to go back find the bear and shoot it because of what the bear did I'm like I'm not doing that it's like dark and it's raining you know I'm out there like hunting it down so anyway I don't think it made it but we'll you never know but that being said we have our soulening times during the week here so we have monday tuesday wednesday saturday and obviously the men that are leading those up just get with them and they obviously they'll send out on the church group their times and locations for those we have the women's prayer meeting coming up this saturday right so today yeah so this sat or this friday I'm sorry that's friday and then the men's will be the next week and then on the 31st we have and on on that that being said what we're planning on doing with the 27th is that we're going to try to do the football game so at like five o'clock on that friday so so any of the men and teenagers that want to come out we're gonna do we're gonna do flag football so we're not doing full contact or anything like that but and we're not doing touch football because that turns into full contact just to be honest I've been there so but anyway this time I'm going to be laced up with actual shoes with tread and you know it's going to be different so that that that scrimmage that we had the other day I mean that was just you know take it it's a preseason game I mean it doesn't really tell you what the outcome is going to be so anyway that being said so we're going to be doing that on the 27th at 5 p.m and then we're going to have the men's prayer meeting right after that so we have it shown at 6 p.m but really it's whenever we we crawl back in here after all our injuries because we're getting old and and so we'll we'll do that there so and as far as where we do it at I think but they've they're mentioned there's like maybe a field that we can go to so we'll figure that out and send out a message on that we do have the harvest party that's coming up on the 31st so that's a Tuesday and so I guess I was I was told that we're having soup that definitely wasn't my vote when it comes to that so I don't like drinking my food but you know what it's not all about me this is not a one-man show so I hey listen if everybody wants soup then you know you'll have soup but hopefully someone that I know will make pepperoni rolls or something like that I'll look over this way I'm joking you don't have to do that but it's always welcome so the harvest party so we're gonna have games and stuff for the kids so we're gonna have you know I know that we're gonna do the donut game and just different things like that so we should have a lot of fun stuff for the kids and for the adults as well but that'll be on the 31st so that's a Tuesday and then after the service this morning we're going to start the children's Christmas choir practice so so any of the kids that want to want to participate in that then after the service let's just do it immediately after the first service and then we'll figure out what songs and stuff like that and get that started I know it's it's October but it'll be Christmas before you know it I mean I just went into Walmart to get bungee cords to hold up the front end of my my van and there's just a whole Christmas section I'm not how we don't celebrate Halloween but good night the leaves haven't even fallen yet and I'm all about Christmas but come on now it's a little much so I know some have already put up the Christmas trees and all that and you know what I'm not against you to each his own you know one one man esteemeth a holiday all year long and and some don't esteem it at all I guess so anyway so that's going to be after the service so any of the kids that want to be a part of that come to the front after the service and we'll get songs picked out and all that so on the back of your bulletin there we have our chapter memory for the month is psalm 110 psalm 110 so this psalm is the one that the lord said unto my lord sit down on my right hand until I make down the enemies thy footstools thy enemy thy footstool and also thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek so there's two great prophecies of Jesus within that psalm and it's a shorter psalm so um a lot of times those psalms are good to memorize because when you're reading through the new testament you'll know okay I know what psalm that is in I know what what passage that is in so you can always go back to it uh Hebrews 4 12 is a memory verse for the week for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharp and any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discern of the thoughts and the tense of the heart I know it's a long verse but it's a good verse to have memorized um and so I hope you'll memorize that this week birthdays birthdays so what is today the 15th David Crandall's is today how old are you 17 that's crazy um so 17 um today so we'll definitely sing happy birthday to you and do we have an Anastasia um yours this week the Saturday yeah no so Anastasia what I mean I didn't yeah I mean I wouldn't know either if it's my birthday I would have to look it up on the calendar uh so Anastasia and then Abby is the 21st as well so um and then we'll get them uh after that so we have David Crandall's today and then Anastasia and Abby is on the 21st for who oh is it when's your birthday oh this Friday okay well happy birthday yeah we'll sing happy birthday as well um when you come here you have to be embarrassed I mean this is the way is there anybody here that is not on the list that's birthdays coming up so no one's going to admit it um so uh and then on the anniversaries there at my parents but that's coming up later and then uh pregnancies be in prayer for Jennifer Alyssa Anastasia and Tabby under the pregnancy list there also be in prayer for those that just had little ones so Tiara and uh and Amanda Spina and so be in prayer for them is that uh going through the recovery process all that stuff um I think that's about all I have for announcements that I can think of uh the offering box is in the back there if you want to give a tithe or an offering the mother baby rooms for the mothers babies only and so uh brother Dave's gonna come and sing one more song and before that sing happy birthday to the birthday kids and then uh brother Joseph you're reading this morning brother Joseph's gonna be reading Galatians chapter 6 for us all right take your song books and turn to song 335 song 335 in your song books we'll sing if Jesus goes with me but before we do that we need to sing happy birthday wait a second wait a second who has their Christmas tree up already who wait Richie you have your Christmas tree up already what that has to be some sort of like sin or something like that oh man dang okay you guys are ready I guess I guess you know you know that's not I mean I guess it's not as bad as like people that leave their Christmas tree up until like March or like April or something like that I guess I don't know dang that's early okay I'm like trying to like my hardest not to sing any Christmas songs anyway okay well there's that okay so let's sing happy birthdays um okay so David Anastasia Abby and Marianne right okay Abby how old are you three wait five four okay nice four years old that's awesome all right well we need everybody to stand up come on David come on yeah there you go she's a visitor she doesn't know the rebellion of the church all right so we have uh all right we have David Anastasia and there you go there we go okay all right I knew there was we were missing somebody all right we'll sing happy birthday to these what Alice she was trying to hide it and everything wait a second when's your birthday tomorrow a happy birthday great make sure to get all these down so we're missing it okay awesome awesome okay well praise the Lord any other birthdays we got kind of Jacob Jacob yeah no we got everybody your birthday up no okay all right okay all right we'll sing happy birthday here we go ready happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you you happy birthday to you all right well happy birthday to you all and we will sing song 335 it may be in the valley where countless dangers hide it may be in the sunshine that I in peace abide but this one thing I know if it be dark or fair if Jesus is with me I'll go anywhere if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere tis heaven to me where ere I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere and maybe I must carry the blessed word of life across the burning deserts to those in sinful strife and if my law to bear my colors there if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere tis heaven to me where ere I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere but if it be my portion to bear my cross at home while others bear their burdens beyond the billows foam I'll prove my faith in him confess his judgment fair and if he stays with me I'll go anywhere if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere tis heaven to me where ere I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere it is not mine to question the judgments of my lord it is but mine to follow the leadings of his word but if to go or stay or whether here or there I'll be with my savior content anywhere if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere tis heaven to me where ere I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere all right take your bibles and turn to Galatians chapter number six the book of Galatians chapter number six and we'll have brother Joseph come and read that for us Galatians chapter six and if you found your place there say amen brethren if a man be overtaken into fault ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ for if man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself but let every man prove his own work and then shall he have rejoicing in him himself alone and not in another for every man shall bear his own burden let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teaches in all good things be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap for he that soweth to his his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall the spirit reap life everlasting let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not as we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of faith you see how large a letter i have written unto you with mine own hand as many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh they can constrain you to be circumcised only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of cross of Christ for neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law but but desire to have you circumcised that you may glory in your flesh but god forbid that i should glory save in the cross of our lord jesus christ by whom the world world is crucified unto me and i unto the world for in christ jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but a new creature and as many as walk according to to this rule peace beyond them and mercy and upon the israel of god from henceforth let no man trouble me for i bear in my body the marks of the lord jesus brethren the grace of our lord jesus christ be with your spirit amen that's right lord father thank you for time that we're able to gather again this morning lord i thank you for your pure and holy word you've given to us lord i ask you be with pastor robinson edifies this morning in jesus name amen amen so you're there in galatians chapter 6 and i want you to look down at verse 11 there verse 11 galatians chapter 6 and verse 11 so galatians chapter 6 and verse 11 it says you see how large a letter i have written unto you with mine own hand as many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh they constrain you to be circumcised only less they should suffer persecution for the cross of christ so what is what is teaching here at the end is that well actually the whole book is dealing with the fact that they were saying you need that there's people saying you need to be circumcised to be saved and trying to basically bring them in the bondage and he's saying here that they're trying to just make a show in the in the flesh and it's this outward show verse 13 it says for neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law but desire to have you circumcised that they make glory in your flesh but god forbid that i should glory saving the cross of our lord jesus christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and i answer the world for in christ jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but a new creature and as many as walk according to this rule peace be on them and mercy and upon the israel of god the name of the sermon this morning is the israel of god the israel of god so what what is this talking about well in context we're talking about the fact that there's there's this physical circumcision that they're trying to force these galatians to do and not only are they wanting to do that just to make a show in the flesh but there's also false prophets that are saying that you must do this to be saved so you have the people that are just trying to do it just uh basically uh kind of like uh james uh you know the brother of the lord uh that is in jerusalem basically saying hey you know you need to circumcise all these people and trying to judaize them in that aspect but then you also have the people that are just false prophets saying that unless you be circumcised you cannot be saved and that obviously is a false doctrine that paul hits on and states that if any of you are circumcised christ shall profit you nothing and christ has become of no effect unto you whosoever you are justified by law you are fallen from grace meaning that if you if you think that circumcision is going to save you and that's part of your salvation then you're not saved and you're not trusting in the lord and but the thing is that what i want to hit on is this israel of god now i had a couple sermons i well i'm still going to preach them eventually but um that i was planning on preaching this morning or you know just i kind of have certain ideas that i want to get get a preach on but you know what the the the events that are going on today with this conflict in israel and palestine it's hard not to think about this subject about israel and about all these different things as far as this zionism stuff that's out there and so uh i can't help but preach on this um but i kind of hit on this a little bit on wednesday night where we were actually going through first amule seven dealing with israel fighting against the philistines and they're literally in fighting against that phil the philistine area was is the gaza strip so that's where actually the conflict is right now with israel and all of that but what i want to hit on is the idea here is that who is the israel of god is it the jews is it are is it those people that are bobbing their head in front of the wailing wall in jerusalem with the weird curly cube hair and uh what does that thing called on the back of their head what is it yarmulke yarmulke whatever it's called i want you to show that to me in the bible i want you to show me the star of david in the bible i'll show you the star of remfan the star of their god remfan now when it comes to this you know what you need to turn off is ben shapiro fox news and all these false teachers like john hagee and all these tv preachers out there that are just feeding you a bunch of lies and let's just go to what the bible says on this issue okay and what what does it say here when it comes to the israel of god now when you see that upon the israel of god you're at the very end of this book meaning this is that there was some context to bring you up to this not like you just threw that word out there for no reason because we're going to see that in chapter four it hits on this and other chapters it hits on this the idea is that you're dealing with the physical circumcision and the spiritual circumcision and when we're talking about the israel of god we're not talking about the physical nation of israel we're talking about those that are in christ that's the israel of god and you say well how do you know that because in verse 15 it says for in christ jesus neither circumcision available to anything nor uncircumcision but a new creature and if you be in christ then are you then you are a new creature and old things are passed away behold all things are become new and how do you how do you get become that new creature by faith in in christ jesus you're all the children of god by faith in christ jesus where's that at galatians three so i'm going to be getting through these verses and listen i have so much that i don't think i'm going to be able to get to it this morning but the idea here is that uh it says that in as many as walk according to this rule what rule right that's the question you have to ask yourself okay well as many as walk according to this rule what role are we talking about those that are that where circumcision doesn't avail anything nor uncircumcision but a new creature that's the rule the rule is is are you in christ jesus are you a new creature in christ are you saved if you're if you're according to that role then peace be upon them and upon the israel of god meaning this is that uh you know some could read this and say well you know peace be upon the saved people you know that believe on christ and then peace be upon israel like you know this christ rejecting jews that are over there and by the way in israel right now it's not just christ rejecting jews it's islam if you're to look at israel there's a certain percentage i forget what the percentage is i don't know if it's 20 that may be high i don't know but i think it's like 20 islam you know like muslims so you have like jerusalem in four different parts where you have you have jews you have muslims then you have armenians and catholics none of which are saved okay i'm not saying there's not like a saved person there but let's armenians believe you can lose your salvation catholics i grew up catholic they don't believe the right gospel they believe you have to do sacraments and confess your sins to a priest and and obviously you can lose your salvation and you have to do good works and all these different things so nothing over there in israel is is uh you know resembling anything that are in christ okay now let's let's go on from this and the idea that okay we're talking about physical circumcision i mean would anybody doubt okay when you're looking at galatians six here that they are compelling you to be circumcised and that is a show on the flesh that would anybody say that's not talking about physical circumcision there i mean i mean how else could you say that that they're talking about physical circumcision but then he's saying he's saying for christ jesus circumcision avail neither circumcision available if anything nor uncircumcision because it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you're circumcised or uncircumcised physically speaking that doesn't matter in the new testament circumcision doesn't matter anymore in the old testament obviously if you wanted to keep the passover if you wanted to be a part of that holy nation you wanted to be a part of that first covenant as far as the blessings and everything that are going on with that then you needed to be circumcised as a man in order to be a part of that okay not in the new testament and so the israel of god okay well let's let's go on from that go to philippians chapter three philippians chapter three so when we're talking about the israel of god what's what's the main thing that was being brought up there circumcision right circumcision and what you have to understand is that in the old testament i don't have all these verses because this isn't a whole sermon on circumcision but in the old testament it talks about circumcising your heart and not your flesh the idea is that circumcision was always a physical picture of the spiritual okay and throughout the old testament listen the temple is a physical representation of the spiritual that's in heaven the the arc of the covenant is a physical representation of the spiritual that's in heaven all those things and all and all the ordinances and all that are physical representations of the spiritual or shadows of good things to come or a picture of a time then present the ideas that the bible is teaching is that these physical things are representing things that are true or spiritual okay even a new testament ordinance of a baptism is a physical to represent the spiritual the physical baptism of water represents the spiritual baptism that happened the moment you believed on christ that you're buried with him and raised to walk in the goodness of light that is a physical to represent the spiritual and go to philippines chapter 3 and verse 1 philippines chapter 3 and verse 1 it says finally my brethren rejoice in the lord to write the same things to you to me indeed is not grievous but for you it is safe beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision now what's the concision the circumcision now it's another way of saying the circumcision but it's basically something that's when you're talking about circumcision you're talking about separating or like cutting off something and we're not going to get into detail on that but this it says beware of the concision notice this in verse 3 for we are the circumcision which worship god in the spirit and rejoice in christ jesus have no confidence in the flesh so what is the circumcision according to the bible is it just those that have been circumcised physically no it's actually people that have no confidence in the flesh galatians 6 is talking about people that are wanting to have confidence in the flesh and are wanting the glory in the flesh and he's saying no in christ jesus neither circumcision avails anything nor on circumcision but a new creature and as many as walk according to this rule peace be upon them and mercy and upon the israel of god the idea there is that it's not about the physical it's about the spiritual it's about that new creature okay but it says we are the circumcision well who's he talking to is he talking to a bunch of jews he's talking to israelites no he's in mastadonia philippi to the bishops and deacons specifically he's speaking to the bishops and deacons and all the saints which are in christ jesus that which are at philippi so at philippi in mastadonia he's saying we are the circumcision and what is the circumcision those that rejoice and i'm just lost my which which worship god and spirit rejoice in christ jesus and have no confidence in the flesh though i might have confidence in the flesh if any man thinking that he hath aware of the glory that he might trust in the flesh i more and now he's going to kind of speak foolishly here and the idea that he's basically saying if anybody could could have confidence in the flesh paul's like i would right notice what he says here circumcised the eighth day of the stock of israel of the tribe of benjamin in hebrew the hebrews as touching the law a pharisee concerning zeal persecuting the church touching the righteousness which is in the law blameless so he's basically saying i was a pharisee i was a he you know i'm hebrew the hebrews i'm up i'm of the tribe of benjamin i've been i was circumcised the eighth day right he wasn't circumcised later on when he was older he was circumcised the eighth day as a child like the bible says to do from from abraham with uh you know isaac right and obviously ishmael and him were circumcised later on because that's when that that whole thing started but notice what it says here keep reading there in verse uh in verse seven but what things were gained to me those i counted loss for christ ye doubtless i count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of christ jesus my lord for whom i i have suffered a loss of all things and do count them but dung that i may win christ and be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of christ the righteousness which is of god by faith so it's not about circumcision it's not about what stock you're born of it's about faith and that faith is what makes you the circumcision okay and let me prove that even further go to romans chapter 2 romans chapter 2 romans chapter 2 so in the old testament you didn't even have to be born of israel to be a part of that nation you could become part of that nation and actually the bible teaches that you could you could pick whatever tribe you want to be in so it was never about like oh just this ethnic group as far as that nation was concerned now obviously he used uh israel and those those tribes to make that covenant but anybody that wanted to join could ruth joined rahab the harlot you know like all you know other people joined in and the bible says that basically just choose what tribe you want to be in but if you're a man and you want to be a part of that covenant you had to be circumcised like if you wanted to keep the passover you had to be circumcised and so now when it comes to that that's that's one reason this is off topic but this is one reason why in the old in the old testament you had circumcision which was kind of that that physical thing that god required to do feasts and things like that and in the new testament we have water baptism which is why i believe that if you're going to take the lord's supper for example i believe you should be water baptized okay because if you if you had to be circumcised to take the passover then that's where i believe that that lies now you know you can disagree with me on that but that's just an ordinance thing now do you need to take the lord supper to be saved no of course not right none of that is for salvation but there are certain things that are in the new testament where there's ordinances laid out uh water baptism you know taking the lord's supper all that are things that we should do as christians now roma chapter 2 here in verse 28 roma chapter 2 and verse 28 because what you're constantly just say well well the jews the jews the jews the jews and when it comes to this conflict over there there's this idea and you say why are you preaching this sermon because there's this idea that we should just support this nation of israel because it's god's chosen people or something like that that nation is not god's chosen people and this is this is a lie that's being perpetuated throughout media and throughout you know pastors and and preachers out there that is being perpetuated and listen this wasn't always the case in christianity if you went back 200 years you know i'd say 100 years maybe even 100 years this was not the case this zionism stuff this is a new phenomenon okay if you already look back at let's say the reformation you'd have you have sermons like the jews and their lies and you'd have sermons about like against zionism and against all these different things this is this is a new phenomenon that has been happening since probably the late 1800s as far as this idea of supporting the jews in this judaeo-christian idea and notice what it says here in roma chapter 2 and verse 28 roma chapter 2 and verse 28 what you have to understand with context here is that paul just got done talking about a jew that rests in the law and he's basically saying you're not saved you're you're resting in the law and your hope is in the law but you know you preach don't commit adultery but thus thou commit adultery thou shall not kill but the commitment you know like the idea there is he's pointing out you don't actually keep the law like you think you do you're resting in it but you don't keep it why because in chapter three it says for all of sin it comes short of the glory of god but we have concluded all under sin whether it be jew or gentile is that everybody's under sin everybody's broken the law and he's making a point that if you're a jew and you're resting in the law and you're trusting in the law to be your to save you you're not gonna make it but then he goes on to say in verse 28 for he is not a jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh now let me ask you a question do you believe the bible this morning do you believe every word if what does that mean you know there's people out there just like well no no you know this isn't talking about you know they're they're jews though those that are out there that circumcise the flesh that follow judaism they're jews what does the bible says he is not a jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh you know what that's saying is that if you're circumcised outward in the flesh that's not considered circumcision so when paul says in philippians chapter three we are the circumcision which worship god in the spirit and rejoice in christ jesus let me ask you a question do the jews today judaism today do they rejoice in christ jesus no they reject christ jesus now i'm not here to say like hey you know i want all the jews to go to hell no i want them to get saved but you know as well as i do that they're the one of the hardest groups to win they're one of the hardest people to to get through and this kind of goes into when you get into that kind of family you know type of religions like mormonism and different things like that where if you leave you're like being cut off completely from your family that's not giving them credence it's not like giving them an excuse but you know as well as i do that religions where it's very family integrated catholicisms like that you know other things like that but judaism how much the more where they marry within the family so that they can have like pure blood jews or something like that in a lot of cases and and listen that'd be like a soundbite listen i'm not saying all jews are inbred or anything like that i'm just saying that like obviously they try to like marry within the the jewish community to where uh you know anyway so that being said is that he is not a jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh so he's saying that circumcision is not that which is outward in the flesh notice what it says in verse 29 but he is a jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart and in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of god now let me ask you you're saying well you're spiritualizing that brother am i or is paul doing that paul is saying circumcision is not circumcision if it's outward in the flesh that's not who a jew is you say well you know what they were called jews yeah they were called jews but they weren't spiritually and i'll get to that you know those that say they're jews and are not but do lie go to colossians chapter two let me show you this again where circumcision is dealing with the spiritual now circumcision was always there was always spiritual circumcision it's not like this is a new testament thing it's the idea is that people were circumcised in the heart in the old testament and before the old testament by the way circumcision was pre-old testament abraham that covenant was given to abraham before the old testament the old testament didn't start until moses which you're dealing with like 400 and some years after right so circumcision had been around for a while before you have the old testament now old testament basically took that and used that as part of the covenant okay but in new testament it says neither circumcision avails anything or uncircumcised in new testament if you're circumcised it says it says if you're if you're uncircumcised seek not to be circumcised right be not circumcised if you're circumcised don't be uncircumcised it's like i don't know how that works okay you know i don't really want to know you know like how you become uncircumcised after you've been circumcised but anyway that that being said is that i think it's just giving you both it doesn't matter right whether you're circumcised and uncircumcised don't seek either one it doesn't matter in new testament doesn't matter anymore because it's all about what's in the heart what's in the spirit colossians chapter 2 and verse 10 here it says ye and ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power in whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands you say well how do you know that this is spiritual i don't know because romans 2 says it is i don't know because colossians chapter 2 says it is it's without hands and and what is it talking about specifically what does circumcision represent okay it says with the circumcision made without hands and putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of christ buried with him in baptism wherein also you're risen with him through the faith of the operation of god who has raised him from the dead so now we have two ordinances that are physical that are representing the spiritual right you have circumcision which is talking about cutting off basically you're being crucified with christ and your flesh is being circumcised from your soul and your spirit and the idea that that that sinful flesh is being cut off from you okay and the idea here is that this is the circumcision made without hands this is obviously something that's happening spiritually same thing with the baptism when you're baptized in the spirit when you're baptized in christ you're dead with christ and you're raised to walk into this light that happens the moment you believe and those according to the faith of the operation of god so the moment you believe you know what happens circumcision and baptism happen at that exact moment and then obviously it goes on to say and ye being dead and your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses so he's talking to the colossians right he's not talking to israelites and he's saying the uncircumcision of your flesh it doesn't matter that you're circumcised physically or not you've been circumcised spiritually and blotting out the handwriting ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it and it goes on also say in colossians 2 talking about uh to not judge those in respect to any new moon or holiday or sabbath days meaning that those it says those were for a picture for it was a shadow of good things to come and but the bodies of christ and that those were pictures they were all physical things to represent the spiritual so israel the israel of god has always been there meaning in the old testament there were people that were saved there were people that were a part of the israel of god back then okay before new testament but what the new testament is stating is that the physical has now been cut off all those physical representations are done away with it's been fulfilled in christ and now the true nation of israel is what god is recognizing and meaning that that the holy nation that had been there even in the time of david and during the time of you know all the judges and during all that time and even before that okay now go to roma chapter 9 roma chapter 9 let me show you this again and the idea that there is a physical nation of israel and there's a spiritual nation of israel so what do we see so far well those that are walking according to this rule what rule that you're in christ jesus and it's not according to circumcision but it's by being a new creature that's peace be on you and upon the israel of god we see that circumcision is not regarded as that which is outward in the flesh but that which is in the heart and the spirit that's what god is regarding and that we're actually the jews now i don't go around calling myself a jew okay but biblically speaking those that believe on christ are jews are the true jews okay now in roma chapter 9 and verse 1 here i believe this explains it perfectly if you were to show okay how do you what are you saying there's two different israel's there's a physical and spiritual well i want you to interpret this and with any other way of than that okay i want you i want to know what your interpretation is of this when you read this notice what it says in verse 1 i say the truth in christ i lie not my conscience also bear me bearing me witness in the holy ghost that i have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart for i could wish that myself were a curse from christ for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh who are israelites so who's he talking about he's talking about physical israelites because who's who's writing this paul who's of the tribe of benjamin hebrew of the hebrews right he's saying that my kinsmen according to the flesh who are israelites to whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the service of god and the promises whose are the fathers and of whom also as concerning the flesh christ came who is over all god blessed forever amen so what does this talk about well the idea is that it was all you know prophesied to come through israel obviously christ came with the seed of david all of that is true and that these promises were given to them and that they it's it's for that how much more for the for the jew it says to the jew first and also the greek meaning that you know what advantage is the jew it says much in every way because unto them were committed the oracles of god right that's the advantage it's not that they have an advantage that well they don't need to believe on christ that's what the world wants you to think today is that the jews don't need to believe on christ they're just saved because they're jews no what advantage they have is that they literally their whole culture and it's like what advantage does it have to be an american much in every way because we are the most christian nation in the world this is where the gospel is being purported throughout the world meaning this is that there's a great advantage to where we're living and where we're at because of that and the same thing with israel when he's writing this is that they have a great advantage and it was promised to them but notice what he says in verse verse uh verse and six here not as though the word of god has taken that effect because what you have to understand is that do they all believe on christ actually no he came onto his own and his own received him not and that by and large the nation of israel rejected jesus that's just facts i mean they crucified him they're like well no the the romans did no it says that it says that uh that you've suffered many things of your own countrymen even as we of the jews who both killed the lord jesus right and crucified him the idea is that the jews not only the rulers but the people as well and so they crucified christ and it was their own you know his own people and notice what it says here though not as though the word of god has taken that effect for they are not all israel which are of israel now it's going to explain this further but i want you to think about that statement they are not all israel which are of israel now if there's only one israel how would that make sense unless you're going to say like there's like a bunch of uh illegal citizens in israel like we're talking about the physical nation here right and there's like they're not all technically like people of israel that are of israel but that wouldn't make sense with the rest of the verses here either way you have to look at it that there's people in israel that are not of israel does that make sense like there's people in israel that are not of israel they're not not all of israel is of israel you can look at it as that not all israel meaning like the israel of god the the actual nation of israel that god recognizes is of israel meaning that there's other people that are in that as well right it's the greeks and the barbarians the Scythians it doesn't matter who it is right either way you have to you have to delineate between the physical fleshly israelites and this other israel over here but then it goes on to explain it verse five who's i'm sorry in verse uh verse seven neither because they are the seed of abraham are they all children what kind of what children are we talking about but in isaac shall they see be called that is they which are the children of the flesh these are not the children of god but the children of the promise are counted for the seed so the children of flesh who are we talking about the israelites according to the flesh and it's saying that just because they're children of abraham that does not make them the children of god and i don't see how anybody can read this passage and think that that's the case that well no they're jews they're children of god well this gets into the aspect too that a lot of people in the world think that everybody's a child of god like just because you're born into this world you're a child of god no the bible says it's as many as received him to them gave he power and becomes the sons of god even to them that believe on his name you are all the children of god by faith in christ jesus whosoever whosoever believe it that jesus is the christ is born of god you must be born again in order to be in in the family of god that is not automatic and the jews don't just get a free pass they don't they're not just born children of god because of their lineage and so and just as much as america listen you're not just a child listen you you go to a baptist church you come to this church and your parents are saved that doesn't make you saved you have to believe on christ yourself it is a personal choice for every single person it doesn't matter your lineage it doesn't matter what church you go to it doesn't matter what country you're in you have to make that personal choice it's always been that way and so uh it goes on to say you know obviously talking about uh jacob and isan all that stuff so i don't want to belabor it but it goes on to talk about later on in the chapter that though the the sand is the sand that is on the seashore a remnant shall be saved i mean that was back in the old testament that it was only a remnant that were saved meaning that there was the physical nation of israel and they were under the blessings of god because they had that remnant there and they had the promises that god you know if you if you do this then i'll bless you but how many times were they not being blessed right i mean have you read through the old testament where they're being uh scattered they're being uh you know persecuted and they're going off into captivity like most of the time it seems like right you're just like oh finally they're actually doing what they should be doing and god is blessing them but most of the time they're being they're being uh you know persecuted or basically being chastened by god and what's going on because of their sins and roma chapter 10 and verse 1 kind of go along with that and the fact that he is i mean think about paul here does he hate the jews maybe do you know what people are going to say with this sermon they'll be like you're anti-semitic you hate the jews does paul hate the jews here he says that he wishes himself for a curse from christ for his brethren according to kinsmen according to the flesh notice what it says in verse 10 or chapter 10 and verse 1 it says brethren my heart's desire and prepare to god for israel is that they might be saved you know who hates the jews those that say they don't need christ those who hate that's who hates jews if you go and tell somebody that they don't need christ when there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved if you say that and there's plenty of preachers out there john hagee i'm just he's just the one that comes to mind because he literally states that they don't they are not in need of salvation they have their covenant and those are the ones that hate the jews no those that love you will tell you the truth and they need they need salvation just as much as anybody else they need to believe on christ just like anybody else or they're going to hell it is called anti-semitic you know what's funny about that term you know what that term comes from sem shem okay so where does who's shem but one of the three sons of noah what their claim is is that the jews are the only people from shem okay so if you're against the jews you're anti-semitic you know what's funny about that is that everybody in palestine is semitic they have semitic language they come from semitic stock i mean look where did abraham come from ur the caldees which is babylon iran oh did i step on toes listen that conflict that's going on in israel right now like it's it's bad against bad like there's there's no good guy in there it's not like you have this christian nation over here that's getting you know that that's fighting against this this ungodly nation no they're both ungodly and i pray for the innocent people there on both sides i don't want to see innocent children dying on either side and you know what we have a bunch of respecter persons today that would say all the children of israel that that that got killed you know that's tragic but you know when they bomb this this hospital over here in in in uh palestine or in in the the gaza strip and then they kill all these children and i'm and i see like i see this uh this this this guy over there in the gaza strip holding up their dead his dead daughter that was just killed and then there's just no sympathy for that just kill them all that's what a lot of preachers are saying they make it a parking lot that's what that wicked greg lock the adulterer that's still pastoring the adulterer the guy that cheated on his wife with his secretary and is still pastoring and now he's like some hipster pastor with purple lights behind him and he's the one saying just level it like like a parking lot yeah just nuts to all the innocent children that are over there right no you know we need to support israel he's got some israel shawl on with the star ram fan i mean listen i i'm against islam and i'm against judaism they're both wicked religions you're like oh you know well judaisms of the old testament wrong judaism today is the rabbitic religion of the pharisees facts i mean the talmud is literally called the rabbitic writings they're all rabbi writings from that time and that is what they hold to is the talmud and they'll say in the talmud to go with the talmud reading and the rabbi sayings over the torah over the bible they also believe that jesus is in hell right now boiling in hot excrement and they call him the bastard son of pintera and they say that mary was a whore that's what they say of your savior but yet we're supposed to support them we're supposed to be all for israel i'm supposed to put some jewish flag behind our our pulpit today that's not israel that's not the israel of god that's not the true jews if you will they don't believe on christ now muslims are wicked too they believe that jesus was just some prophet and that muhammad is some prophet and they just equate jesus to some other prophet or whatever they're obviously blasphemous as well they don't they don't accept jesus so i'm not here in this false dichotomy of like well if you don't support if you support if you don't support israel then you support hamas how about the third option i don't support either of them stop putting me into this box right it's like that you know if you don't support this republican over here then you support the democrats how about i don't have to support either one of them it's like evil and evil like well you know there's the there's the you know the the lesser of two evils which one you're gonna pick right i mean you want to play that game with them how about you don't have to pick how about the bible is not saying that we have to support israel i want you to show me in the new testament where we are to support the nation of israel i want you to show me in the new testament where the nation of israel is going to be formed again and that god is going to bring them up besides when jesus christ is on the throne i want you to show me where they're all going to believe on christ they're all going to get saved when jesus comes into class you won't find that but you'll find a bunch of rhetoric and twisting of scriptures to try to say that now to give you another verse on you know this idea this uh spiritual israel that was there in jesus day during the old testament so if you don't know this when jesus died on the cross that's when the new testament started so when he was walking here on the earth the old testament was still in force that's why he would say go take your gift to the altar that's why he would say go to show yourselves to the priest because it was still in force at the time the moment jesus died that that veil in the temple was rent the new testament started the old testament stopped at that point but in john 1 in verse 47 philip finds nathaniel and call and says hey we found the messiah and and and nathaniel's kind of obviously reluctant saying like is there any good thing coming out of nazareth you know but uh in verse 47 here it says jesus saw nathaniel coming to him and set of him behold an israelite indeed in whom is no guile now what does indeed mean it means like like that's that's good indeed meaning it's like that's truly good right that's that's something that's like verifiably it right it's kind of like that's a verified israelite right there right that that's a true israelite right there right in whom is no guile now do you believe that nathaniel was sinless never sinned in his life no i believe he's talking about the n-word nathaniel now let me give you a proof on that psalm 32 old testament by the way david wrote this psalm 32 verse 1 this is also quoted in roman chapter 4 psalm 32 in verse 1 it says blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered blesseth the man unto whom the lord impudeth not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile same terminology what but are we talking physically is nathaniel physically without guile or is he spiritually without guile and that's why he he says an israelite indeed he's a true israelite why because he's of the israel of god because he's a believer and notice when jesus says to him behold an israelite indeed and him is no god he says whence knowest thou me and he said before uh you know when thou was under the fig tree i saw thee and he says rabbi thou art the son of god the king of israel right and he's basically like you because i said i saw the under the fig tree believeth thou thou shalt see greater things than these why because he heard the master's voice my sheep hear my voice and i know them he heard jesus's voice and he's like that's it there's my savior because there wasn't like this idea where you had to get saved again there's this false idea out there that you know like they had they were saved in the old testament they had to be saved in a new testament that's still old testament right there i mean when it says believe in the lord jesus christ you know when it says he that believes on the sun hath everlasting life that's old testament john 3 16 is old testament for it says for god to love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life old testament because it's always been by faith because abraham believed god and it was imputed under for righteousness david also described the blessedness of the man under whom god imputed righteousness without works it's always been by faith always will be by faith whether it's before the old testament in the old testament or now or by the way in the thousand year reign it'll be by faith because it can never be by works because none of us could ever you know not offend in one point because everybody is guilty of the law go to galatians chapter 4 galatians chapter 4 galatians chapter 4 let me show you another place here where it delineates where it shows a separation between the physical and the spiritual and that is jerusalem okay because one of these arguments is they'll show you a psalm where it says pray for the peace of jerusalem okay and they'll say well see we need to pray for the peace well you know i could pray that that they they received the gospel piece i think that's valid but you know there's also places in the bible where god told jeremiah not to pray for them specifically jerusalem it says pray thou not for this people for their good now do you believe that or not do you believe that's what god told jeremiah by the way that's not the only place in jeremiah that he said that there's a time listen we're not to pray for wicked people we're not to pray for the good that'd be like saying i pray that god blesses jeffrey dalmer now i know he's dead and i know i keep bringing him up but i can't really you know it's just the thing that pops into my mind right jeffrey dalmer he said let's say he was still alive and in prison and be like i just pray that god blesses him you see how foolish that would be they should not be praying for a week for the wicked so now think about i pray that god blesses this person that that hates jesus does that make sense now you could pray like paul did my heart you know my desire and prayer to god for israel is that they might be saved i think that's valid you know if you want to pray for israel pray that they get saved don't pray for their prosperity listen the prosperity of the wicked is going to destroy them if anything you should be praying for their downfall so that they'll come to god same thing with america listen sometimes you know america may need to be humbled a bit so that people will get back to the things of god so people will believe on christ because god had you know blessed the poor you know the the the poor are rich in faith now galatians chapter 4 and verse 21 it says tell me ye that desire to be under the law do you not hear the law for it is written that abraham had two sons the one by bond made the other by a free woman but he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was by promise which things are an allegory for these are the two covenants the one from the mount sinai which generated the bondage which is agar now you say well you know that that's ishmael right that's not the first covenant i didn't write this did i write galatians be like oh you're so anti-semitic up there i didn't write this it's saying that that mount sinai that the first covenant is likened on to hagar the bond woman for this hagar is mount sinai now this is an allegory right it's not like the woman is actually a mountain okay but these two women sarah and hagar are likened under the two covenants hagar is likened under the first covenant and then it goes on to say for this hagar or this agar is mount sinai in arabia and answer it to jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with their children so the jerusalem which now is is who who's that liking it to hagar and they're in bondage but jerusalem which is above is free which is the mother of us all who's he writing to the galatians and he's linking himself in there paul's writing to the galatians and what are we talking about the israel of god we're talking about the fact that jerusalem new jerusalem heavenly jerusalem that is for all believers and jerusalem which is is in bondage with their children that's that's the state of affairs there's two different jerusalem's there's jerusalem the physical and then there's jerusalem the spiritual in heaven the heavenly jerusalem and there's the heavenly israel of god and those are all believers you can look at i don't have this in my notes but ephesians 2 actually i might have it in my notes but i'm not going to be able to get to it obviously ephesians chapter 2 talks about how the gentiles were aliens from the commonwealth of israel but now are that now they're fellow citizens with with the household of god right the idea there is that in the new testament that middle wall partitions been broken down all those customary things have been done away with and now all believers are a part of that nation so we see that there is a difference notice what it says in verse 30 it says nevertheless what said the scripture cast out the bond woman and her son for the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman so that physical jerusalem is it going to be heirs with that that jerusalem which is above no it says cast them out so then brethren we are not the children of the bond woman but of the free whether jew or gentile were were that of that seed of isaac and that seed of isaac is who ultimately christ now let me prove that further now i have like 10 minutes to get through some arguments by the zionists okay i hope that's very clear okay they're not all israel which are all of israel why because just because you're the children of the flesh doesn't make you children of god there's the spiritual israel there's a physical israel there's a spiritual jerusalem there's a physical jerusalem they they are not jews which are one outwardly but they are jews which are one inwardly which is in the heart and the spirit and circumcision is not that which is outward in the flesh we are the circumcision which worship god in the spirit rejoice in christ jesus and have no confidence in the flesh that is the circumcision that's today that is the israel that's today that is the jerusalem that we are to be praying for the peace of and in genesis chapter 12 this is an argument that they've heard and you don't have to raise your hand whether you've heard this or not but you know we need to bless israel because god will bless israel and he'll curse those that curse them you know i'll bless them to bless and they'll just insert israel in a lot of cases but did he say that israel is that the promise to israel no that's the promise to abraham now this is where king jane's bible is very important because the these and the thou's the ye you you your will tell you whether it's singular or plural and that is important i'll show you why that's extremely important in genesis chapter 12 verse 1 now the lord's had said unto abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that i will show thee and i will make of thee a great nation and i will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and i will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee and in thee shall all nations of the earth be blessed now you notice that i'm like thee thee thee because that's all singular meaning he's talking directly to abraham and him alone and you say well how does that apply to everybody else i'll explain how that can apply to other people than abraham but go to galatians chapter 3 galatians chapter 3 and what you'll notice and when i went through the book of genesis chapter by chapter you'll notice that this is consistent that you won't see seeds plural but you'll see seed singular and the idea that i'll bless you know i'll bless them and thy seed forever and it will keep saying seed seed seed seed okay that's important new versions they mess this up instead of seed they'll say descendants and notice what it says in galatians 3 and verse 16 now to abraham and his seed were the promises made he saith not into seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is christ so the new testament defines it for you so now when you go back to the old testament you're looking in genesis you can see that that seed that he's talking about is christ you say well how does that make sense because i mean it talks about isaac being a seed and abraham being a seat and like all these different things well go down to verse 29 it says and if you be christ then are you abraham seed and heirs according to the promise so here's how you you're a part of that you believe on christ and if you're in christ then you're abraham seed and heirs according to promise go back to verse 6 this whole chapter just really shows you what's going on when it comes to this promise to abraham in verse 6 it says even as abraham believed god and it was counted to him for righteousness know you therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of abraham so you want to be that seed of abraham believe like he did says in verse 8 in the scripture foreseeing that god would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel into abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed that's where you have genesis chapter 12 so then they which be of faith are blessed with faith for abraham does it say that those who are born of abraham that are just physically descending of abraham are blessed with him or those that believe it's by faith if you think that people are going to heaven other than just by faith in christ then you believe there's multiple ways to heaven and that there's another way to heaven besides jesus so that idea of well abraham you know that i'll bless them to bless thee and they'll use that but they'll say i'll bless them that bless you and i'll curse them that cursed you and they'll insert that and they'll say well that's that's israel that's the jews that's what they'll say that's the jews well another fallacy that israel is called the jews no juda was called the jews that israel was split into two sections the northern kingdom of israel and the southern kingdom of juda which had a few tribes compared to like 10 tribes right those 10 tribes were not called jews those in judia and juda were called jews and actually the first time jews are mentioned israel is fighting against them you're like wow the jews the jews jews no actually even in new testament you know what you'll see hebrews hebrew moses the hebrew not the jew moses wasn't a jew that wouldn't make any sense he was of levi obviously you didn't have to be a tribe of jew to be a jew because there was multiple tribes that came down and was a part of that area so it was one it was it was a term used for the region dealing with regionally where you're relocating the the country you were in okay just like we say american okay now nowadays jews can mean like it can mean ethnically they'll say like jews because of like the group that they're born into or they'll say religiously okay but when it comes to this i don't know what else i can get to on this there's so much other stuff to hit on this maybe i just need to do another sermon on all the the talking points of the zionists okay especially when it comes to end time stuff i challenge you this is your homework assignment find any place in the new testament where it states that israel is going to be established again and that god is going to set them up as a nation or that they have any uh end times relevance there's only two places in the in revelation where the jews are mentioned and they're in both places they call them the synagogue of satan you're like well what about the 144 000 the 144 000 jews doesn't say 144 000 jews it says 144 000 of israel of each tribe of israel now judah is one of those i guess you could say there's 12 000 jews there right because there is judah in there right but when you realize that that 144 000 are already in heaven before the rapture happens and they're sealed in their forehead and just like elijah and moses are going to be sent down to be witnesses i believe those 144 000 old testament saints that are already in heaven are going to come down and they're going to be preaching the gospel that's the relevance now you want to talk about relevance of old of end times prophecy when it comes to the jews is that they're going to believe the anti-christ when you think that they're just going to believe on christ the jesus said one to the jews at that time he says if you would have believed moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me so you're like no they believe in the they believe in the old testament they believe in moses do you believe what jesus said what did jesus say jesus said if you believed moses you would have believed me that means they don't believe moses jesus also says i came in my father's name and you believe me not and if another shall come in his own name him you will believe who do you think is going to believe the anti-christ i don't know look up the jewish messiah i'm talking judaism look up the jewish messiah and it'll be like reading the all the qualifications for the anti-christ look up the muslim messiah and you'll be like reading all the qualifications for the anti-christ look up the coming you know like messiah of any of these other religions you know what's going to look like the anti-christ and maybe i'll do another sermon just on uh some arguments of the zion zionism because i really wanted to get into the end time stuff but the one place that there will the the only place where there's any hope of the nation of israel where god is going to regard them is in romans chapter 11 and in romans chapter 11 it states if they continue not in unbelief god is able to graft them in again talking about the nation now let me ask you a question 1947 did all the jews just believe on christ 1948 how about before that with after the balfour declaration did they all just believe on christ when they were setting up this jewish state over in israel today in 2023 if you talk to ben shapiro does he believe on christ do any of these jews that you would you would find out there do they believe on christ do they say he's my lord and savior i believe on him and trust in him for salvation do they even give him lip services being their savior there's obviously people out there that say they're christian say they believe on christ but aren't actually saved but they don't give lip service to that are there jews that have gotten saved yeah of course i actually won a young man to the lord that was jewish and grew up in a jewish family but it's hard i'm not saying they can't get saved but it's gonna be a hard group to win and i want you but in roman chapter 11 though you know what it does say that they are the enemies for the for the gospel sake do you know why our youtube channel got taken down not this one although i just preached a sermon so our youtube channel got taken down because of a sermon i preached against the jews because i called it an anti-christ religion i said judaism the anti-christ religion you say why would you call it anti-christ i don't know because anti-christ is only mentioned actually a few times and every time it's mentioned it's talking about people that deny that jesus is the christ who is a liar but he denied that jesus is the christ he is anti-christ to deny the father and the son there are many deceivers that are gone out into the world that confess not that jesus christ has come in the flesh this is a deceiver and an anti-christ how about it says if any spirit confess not that jesus christ has come in the flesh this is the spirit of anti-christ what else would you call it so are they still still enemies the gospel i would say so because look who's in charge of youtube and all these different platforms where you're trying to get the gospel out there and they're silence silencing christians trying to stop the gospel the media do i need to mention like murdoch and like all these different names out there that they're jewishly owned like you're anti-semitic you're against the jews i'm just i'm i'm just stating facts here i'm not saying every single jew is just out to get christians okay but by and large that community has has been against christianity you know when jesus was crucified when they were having him crucified you know what they said because pilot said you know i'm washing my hands clean of the the blood of this innocent man and you know what the jews said his blood be on us and on our children and if you want to look at the fact that well they've been kicked out of all these countries it's because they're jews it's because they're god's chosen people you can you can believe that all you want i think it's a curse i think they've been cursed of god and anybody that's a part of that christ rejecting religion whether they were born into it or not you're putting yourself under a curse that they said thousands of years ago his blood be on us and on our children and why don't you look up why they've been kicked out of all these countries with their fractional reserve banking and their predatory lending i'm definitely getting kicked off you too i'm not saying there's only jews that do that i'm just saying that look up why they were kicked out of those countries well it's because it's you know it's persecution of god maybe the judgment of god but here's the here's the truth of the matter when it comes to this conflict over there i'm not for either side i'm not for hamas and i'm not for israel why and the question you have to ask yourself is these people that are for israel why are you for israel do you have a biblical reason is there some reason that you're for israel is there some like verse that you're latching on to to say i must be for israel to be right with god because that's what they make it sound like it's like well you're not right with god if you're not for israel what verse do you have my ears are open but when you go through the old testament what you have to understand is that the old testament is no longer regarded as far as the promises to give into israel jesus said the kingdom of god is taken from you given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof he said he made a new covenant with the house of israel with the house of judah not according to the covenant that he made with them when he brought them out by the hand out of the land of egypt but it says that he made a new covenant because it says because they were they continued out of my covenant and i regarded them not it's not regarded anymore and the covenant the new covenant specifically said it was for israel obviously it's for everybody but what verse chapter and verse and i'm sick of i'm sick of people that are saying they're christians saying that we need to support some wicked nation and you can listen if you want to go out and be like well i think israel is just a little less evil than than hamas okay we can we can have those arguments right is the religion more wicked you know is islam more wicked than judaism okay we can have that argument but i think it's it's kind of like what's the point of that argument is is the nation of israel more wicked than hamar or than gaza or the palestinians okay let's let's have an argument about who's more wicked Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy do we really need to have that conversation do we really need to put levels on it like that but the really the question is is that why are we wanting to bless a nation over there called israel when the bible doesn't say we should and we're actually the israel of god we're actually the jews according to the bible we're actually the circumcision according to the bible and that may be hard to hear but that's something you have to reconcile answer those verses you can't just not answer those verses and then show me something in the old testament where god says he's going to bring them back into the country when he already did right it's always like well you know and ezekiel over here he says he's going to bring them back yeah because they were in captivity and he did bring them back show me where it's going to happen again show me in the new testament because they were taking cat they were dispersed after jesus rose from the dead to show me in the new testament where it says that's going to happen so i know i've gone long but and there's so much more i mean i'm just going to preach another sermon on that but let's end with a word prayer daily father we thank you today thank you for your word thank you for these promises lord thank you that these promises that were made to abraham are also made to us as believers and lord that we can look at all these passages where it talks about you blessing us and and uh and these promises that uh of of just uh helping us and uh defeating our enemies and all these different passages that we can look at that lord that's to us as believers whether we're jews or whether we're gentiles it doesn't matter and lord we thank you for that and pray that you be with us throughout the rest of the day i pray to be as we go about soul winning pray to give us safety and lord we love you and prayers in jesus christ name amen by the day we'll come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song 356 song 356 in your song books and if you would stand we'll sing i must tell jesus song 356 i must tell jesus all of my trials i cannot bear these burdens alone burdens alone in my distress he kindly will help me he ever loves and cares for his own i must tell jesus i must tell jesus i cannot bear my burdens alone i must tell jesus i must tell jesus jesus can