(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to Mountain Baptist Church. Take your song books and turn to song 410. I'm guessing that's right. 410 in your song books will sing Faith is the Victory. If you would stand, we'll sing 410. And camped along the hills of light ye Christian soldiers rise and press the battle ere the night shall veil the glowing skies. Against the foe and veils below let all our strength be hurled. Faith is the victory we know that overcomes the world. Faith is the victory. Faith is the victory. Oh, glorious victory that overcomes the world. His banner over us is love our sword the word of God. We tread the road the saints above with shouts of triumph trod. By faith they like a whirlwind's breath swept on o'er every field. The faith by which they conquered death is still our shining shield. Faith is the victory. Faith is the victory. Oh, glorious victory that overcomes the world. On every hand the foe we find drawn up in dread array. Let tents of ease be left behind and onward to the fray. Salvation's helmet on each set with truth all gird about the with our tread and echo with our shout. Faith is the victory. Faith is the victory. Oh, glorious victory that overcomes the world. To him that overcomes the foe, white raiment shall be give. Before the angels he shall know his name confessed and have. Then onward from the hills of light our hearts will love a flame. We'll vanquish all the hosts of night in Jesus' conquering name. Faith is the victory. Faith is the victory. Oh, glorious victory that overcomes the world. And let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, again, we just want to thank you, God, for a beautiful Sunday morning that you've given us. Thank you, Lord, that our pastor is back and he is here to preach for us. I pray, Lord, that you would just bless him and fill him with your power and spirit. We love you for it's in Jesus' name. Amen. All right. You may be seated and take your Mountain Baptist songbooks. Your Mountain Baptist Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songbooks and turn to page number eight. Page number eight in your Mountain Baptist songbooks will sing Psalm 126 on page number eight. When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing. Then said they among the heathen, the Lord had done great things for them, the Lord had done great things for us, whereof we are glad. Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the South. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. Then said they among the heathen, the Lord had done great things for them, the Lord had done great things for us, whereof we are glad. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. Then said they among the heathen, the Lord had done great things for them, the Lord had done great things for us, whereof we are glad. What do you mean I'm preaching? You didn't get that memo? So welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this beautiful Sunday morning. It's good to be back. I appreciate all the prayers with the travel and all that stuff. One of our kids did get a fever on the way back home or Samuel is dealing with that right now. So hopefully it just stops at that. So today as far as announcements go, everything should be normal today as far as our church services. So we'll have our afternoon service after the soul winning. So we'll have our normal soul winning time at 1 p.m. today. So if you want to go out soul winning, meet up here a little before one o'clock, get teamed up, go out soul winning. We do have some men that are out, Brother Richie and Brother Dustin out on Mission Field. Are they on their way back or not? But anyway, be in prayer for them, Brother Wade who is engaged now. Did he put that out on the app there? But he sent me a text about that. So be in prayer for Brother Wade and all that. And how the mighty have fallen right now. I'm just kidding. I just preached on that, Brother Wade, about women. Don't give your strength under them. I'm just joking. But be in prayer for him. And obviously they're out there soul winning out in the Philippines and everything. So be in prayer for him. And speaking of soul winning, so I think this Monday you said no soul winning on this Monday on the regional time there. Be on the church group there for the rest of the days. But we do have the soul winning marathon that's going to be in Lancaster, PA. So these regional soul winning times might be a little different depending on when people are getting back, all that stuff. So this Saturday is going to be the soul winning marathon in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We're going to be kind of trying to reach a lot of the plain people. Right? Is that just kind of like the all-encompassing term? But Amish Mennonite area in Lancaster. Obviously there's going to be other people there too. So if the plain people don't like us and they don't want to hear us, then we'll go to the non-plain people and all that. So I'm excited about this coming up here this Saturday. So if you can make it out for that, that'd be great. And then the next month in June, June 22nd, we have the Philadelphia soul winning marathon. And so if you can't make it to the Lancaster one, maybe you can make it to the Philadelphia one. But just be in prayer for these either way. We do have this coming Sunday is going to be the women's prayer meeting and then the 31st is going to be the men's prayer meeting. So and on the back of your bulletin there, Jonah chapter four as we're in the month of May, finishing up memorizing the book of Jonah. And if you haven't memorized any of it, it's a pretty short book. So you could jump on it right now if you wanted to and maybe even get done by the end of the month. And then our first memory verse for the week is actually two verses because I wanted to do a verse, but it's kind of like in the middle of a thought. So you get two verses this week. So Hebrews 13 20 and 21 it says, Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. And so I know it's a long thing to memorize, but it's a great kind of sign off, if you will, of a book. And obviously there's a lot of doctrine in there. Jesus is the great shepherd of the sheep, the everlasting covenant, the blood of the everlasting covenant, and all of that. So anyway, so Hebrews 13 20 21. I know that's a long one to have memorized there. I'll say this kids, if you memorize verse 20 or 21, you can get a piece of candy. So but I think it's good to memorize the whole sentence there. And then birthdays, what we got this week. So today's 19th. So Zoe, how old are you now? It's your birthday today. 13, another teenager. I can see the pain in your face. I mean, Zoe's been acting like a teenager for the last two years though. So happy birthday. And so then we have, we have a lot, we have some Joneses on here, so we'll have to get them next time. And then Caleb, how old's Caleb? Two. So Caleb's birthday's coming up here this week. And then Joshua's will be next week, right? So so we have Zoe. Now Hannah and Abigail Jones is this week as well, but we'll have to get them to remember them next week. And we have Zoe and Caleb. Anyone else have a birthday coming up? Or Elaine, yours is in February, right? When's yours? Is it February? March? Is it March? Maybe it's Jacob's that's February. Yeah, we're gonna remember their birthdays. We're gonna have this like in our head. So we'll, Brother Dave will sing happy birthday to both Zoe and Caleb after we get done with announcements here. Anniversaries. We do have the McShay's. And so you're, you're, we'll get you next time, right? Yeah. So I'll say just to you, you get like imaginary hug your wife. Well, happy anniversary coming up here. So we'll get you next week. And then pregnancy is being a prayer for Crystal McCloy on the pregnancy list there due in August. That's about what we have for announcements this morning. The offering box is in the back there if you want to give a tithe or an offering. The mother baby room is for the mothers and babies only. And Brother Dave's gonna come. We're gonna sing happy birthday to those two and sing one more song. I think Brother David you're feeling, you're gonna read this morning, right? So Hebrews chapter 13 will be the scripture to be read after that. All right. Take your song books and turn to song 105. Song 105 in your song. We'll sing All That Thrills My Soul. But before we do that, we need to sing happy birthday to Caleb and to Zoe. All right. So we'll get the birthday kids to stand up. Like Zoe's like looking around like she has a choice. Like, yeah. So all right. You know what I was thinking, Lane? We could, you know what we could do? Is we could sing happy birthday like at the six month mark. So like in September, sing like a half half birthday. Yeah, we'll do it. Yeah, we'll do it. All right. Anyway, that's what we're gonna start doing. And for only Lane and Jacob. And we'll sing happy birthday to Caleb and Zoe. Happy birthday to both y'all. Here we go. Ready? Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, God bless you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to both of you. And we will sing song 105. Who can cheer a heart like Jesus? By his presence all divine. True and pure and precious. Oh, how blessed to call him mine. All that thrills my soul is Jesus. He is more than life to me. And the fairest of 10,000. And my blessed Lord I see. Love of Christ so freely given. Grace of God beyond degree. Mercy higher than the heavens. Deeper than the deepest sea. All that thrills my soul is Jesus. He is more than life to me. And the fairest of 10,000. And my blessed Lord I see. What a wonderful redemption. Never can a mortal know. How my sin, though red like crimson, can be whiter than the snow. All that thrills my soul is Jesus. He is more than life to me. And the fairest of 10,000. And my blessed Lord I see. Every need his hand supply. Every good in him I see. On his strength divine rely. He is all in all to me. All that thrills my soul is Jesus. He is more than life to me. And the fairest of 10,000. And my blessed Lord I see. By the crystal flowing river. With the ransom I will see. And forever and forever. Praise and glorify the King. All that thrills my soul is Jesus. He is more than life to me. And the fairest of 10,000. And my blessed Lord I see. All right if you would take your Bibles and turn to the book of Hebrews chapter number 13. Hebrews 13 in your Bibles. We'll have brother David read that for us. Hebrews 13 if you found your place. Amen. And the Bible reads let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers but thereby some of entertain angels unawares. Remember them that are in bonds as bound with them and them who suffer adversity as being yourselves also in the body. Marriage is honorable and all and the bed undefiled but homelongers and adulterers God will judge. Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as he have. For he hath said I will never believe thee nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper I will not fear what man shall do unto me. Remember then remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the word of God whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation. Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever be not carried away with diverse and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace not with meats which have not proffered them which have been occupied therein. We have an altar where they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle for the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin are burned without the camp. Wherefore Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered without the gate let us go forth therefore under him without the camp bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city but we seek one to come. By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks for his name. But to do good and to communicate forget not for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you. Pray for us that we have that we pray for us for we trust we have a good conscience and all things willing to live honestly. But I beseece you the rather to do this that I may be restored to you the sooner. Now the God of peace that brought again from that dead our Lord Jesus thy great separate of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you perfect in every good work to do as well working it working in you that was as well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever amen. And I beseech you brethren suffer the word of exhortation I have written a letter unto you in few words. Know you that our brother Timothy is set at liberty with whom if he comes shortly I will see you. Salute all them that have the rule over you and all the saints they of Italy salute you. Grace be with you all amen. Let's pray dear dear heavenly father thank you for today thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house pray that you fill the pastor with your spirit help us to learn something Jesus name amen. Amen so you're there in Hebrews chapter 13 and I want you to look down at verse 20 and that is our memory verse verses for the week here. I'm going to be preaching a sermon entitled the everlasting covenant the everlasting covenant or the new covenant and throughout the book of Hebrews what you're seeing is that the Bible is teaching us the difference between the old covenant new covenant but basically talking about the fact of the new covenant's better all of this but at the very end here we see that this covenant is not only better but it's everlasting okay meaning that the first covenant obviously was not everlasting because it ended okay but the new covenant is everlasting and I want to preach on that and getting into that and this is that this is a very important doctrine and if you understand this doctrine that the new testament never ends and that that's it the new testament is it and there's not another covenant after that that it'll it'll get rid of a lot of false doctrine that's out there whether that false doctrine is dealing with you know well and in the thousand year reign people are saved by works or something like that or there's like some other covenant with them or getting into Zionism and the fact that they think that there's like some other covenant for the Jews coming up in the future or something like that and if you understand this doctrine what you want that'll just kind of clear out all that false doctrine because there's only two covenants and the second covenant is everlasting okay so there's no need for another covenant and there's no there's nothing spoken about another covenant after that and verse 20 here it says now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our lord Jesus that great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant so this covenant the blood you know obviously Hebrew chapter 9 we're gonna be getting some passages in Hebrews but Hebrew chapter 9 talks about how the first covenant was not dedicated without blood meaning that they use the blood of animals for the first covenant but the second covenant or the new covenant was dedicated with the blood of Jesus Christ with the blood that that was offered with the eternal spirit of God and so this is an everlasting covenant that we are in okay so but go to Galatians chapter 4 and let me just show you here that the Bible specifically states that there are two covenants not three not one not four not many there's two covenants now know this is that when we're talking about covenants here we're talking about covenants dealing with sin right dealing with atoning for sin and what the Bible is going to teach is that the first covenant can never take away sins though it did picture what Christ was going to do and it also showed that through the blood of animals and through our own works it is not possible to take away sins okay but there are other covenants mentioned in the Bible for example there's the covenant of the rainbow right the the bow that God has set in the sky that he would not flood the earth again that he made an everlasting covenant that he would not flood the earth again right so there's different covenants that are mentioned but what we're talking about is covenants dealing with sin okay dealing with uh atonement for sin and the first covenant has its place there's a reason for the first covenant it can't take away sins but the first covenant or the law is our school master to bring us under Christ and it's always been that way from the very beginning that it's the law that convinces you of sin and you have to realize you're a sinner in order to need a savior all of that okay so but go to Galatians chapter 4 because the Bible just specifically states that there are the two covenants okay so I want the definite article means something here meaning that it doesn't say just you know here are two covenants no no so it says here in Galatians chapter 4 verse 21 it says tell me he had a desire to be under the law do you not hear the law for it is written that Abraham had two sons the one by bond made the other by a free woman but he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was born was by promise which things are an allegory now I did a whole series on allegories of the old and new testament dealing with you know basically twins in a lot of cases but some some cases they weren't twins but just two brothers and just how there's a lot of allegories dealing with the old testament in these two in the new testament in these two covenants but notice what it says here in verse 24 for these are the two covenants okay notice that definite article the two covenants not three not one not four not five the two covenants the two covenants that there will ever be okay is the old and the new the the law of moses and obviously uh dealing with jesus coming in and being the mediator new testament girls if you don't look up here and listen to me and stop talking you're gonna be in big trouble i'm talking to you emma so notice what says here about these two covenants and it's very clear that these two covenants are dealing with the old testament mount sinai the law and the new covenant which is dealing with the lord jesus christ and obviously uh dealing with the fact that that we're dealing with not the physical but the spiritual right we're not dealing with the physical tabernacle we're dealing with the tabernacle that's in heaven we're not dealing with the physical jerusalem we're dealing with the jerusalem that's in heaven notice what it says here it says in verse 24 just read read that again it says which things are an allegory for these are the two covenants the one from the the mount the mount sinai which gender at the bondage which is agar so the allegory is dealing with the two women right you have sarah and hagar hagar is obviously the bond woman that uh that abraham has with and that is not the one of promise and ishmael's older than isaac yeah i don't know if you know this but the first testament is called the old testament for a reason because it came first and notice what it says here uh in verse uh in verse 25 for this agar is mount sinai in arabia and answer it to jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with with their children so what are we talking about physical jerusalem that now is is called hagar meaning that in this allegory of hagar and sarah the physical israel the physical jerusalem is called hagar and they're in bondage because they're the children of the flesh okay then it goes on to say in verse 26 but jerusalem which is above is free which is the mother of us all which we see there's two different jerusalems right there you have the physical jerusalem that's here on the earth and you have new jerusalem or the heavenly jerusalem which is in heaven right now okay and go on read from there it says for it is written rejoice thou baron that bear is not break forth and cry thou that travail is not for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath and husband now we brethren as isaac was are the children of promise but as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit even so it is now nevertheless what's that the scripture cast out the bond woman and her son for the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman so then brethren we are not children of the bond woman but of the free and so just as much as there's only bond and free and there's only flesh and spirit there's only two covenants there's the first and there's the second there's the old and there's the new and the flesh is what's being represented there as far as that first covenant because everything is dealing with man it's a physical priesthood with physical men that die it's physical animals and physical blood of this earth everything is a physical tabernacle physical represent representations of everything that everything is of this physical world the new covenant on the other hand is dealing with the fact that that god was made flesh and we have god that's made flesh and that he is reconciling everything from the the beginning to the end and we have this going on forever and are you getting into the fact that jesus will be the high priest forever he has an unchangeable priesthood the covenant is forever it's not going to end it doesn't end when the thousand year reigns or the thousand year reign starts it doesn't end when the new heaven new earth start no he's going to always be forever the high priest and the mediator of the new covenant which is the everlasting covenant okay i mean think about this there's so many different avenues to show you that there's two two covenants okay john 117 says this for the law was given by moses but grace and truth came by jesus christ and throughout you'll just see the law and then grace right and it's not that anybody was ever saved by the law but know this is that the law is our school master to bring us unto christ the law is how we have the knowledge of sin so the law has its place as much as the first testament had its place as far as what it was representing what the purpose of it was the law was given that sin would become exceeding sinful listen there were laws obviously of not to not commit murder and all that stuff before moses and mount sinai but more laws were given to to show you that hey there are actually other things that you're doing that are causing you to sin when jesus comes to the earth you know what he does he doesn't destroy the law the prophets he's coming to fulfill and not only does he do that but he's actually showing you hey you know that you've heard that you shouldn't commit murder if you're angry with your brother without a cause you committed murder already in your heart it's like another level right he's just he's basically a magnifying glass on you to say hey i've actually i'm actually a murderer because i've done that i'm actually an adulterer because i've looked upon a woman to lust effort right those are the type of things that it's just it's just honing in that there is none good no not one there there's none righteous no not one for all of sin it comes through the glory of god and so throughout history it's just kind of like the magnifying glasses just keeps getting deeper and deeper into the fact that hey yeah we're sinners and we can't make it on our own okay and so it's always been that way but so when it comes to salvation in the gospel we have the everlasting gospel which has never changed okay but these covenants the first covenant new covenant is really just showing you in history of time of how god has basically shown his word given the law all this stuff and how he's going to accomplish what he had already promised and ordained from the foundation of the world okay the blood of jesus christ has been applied to every believer from the foundation of the world you know from adam and eve to able to seth like going down the line the blood of christ because he's the lamb slain from the foundation of the world okay but so just because god regards it though from the foundation world doesn't mean it didn't it didn't actually happen in our timeline until two thousand years ago okay so go to hebrew chapter eight hebrew chapter eight what i want you to see here is that the second covenant or the new covenant is it supersedes the first now this is what supersessionism is like the the the the big theological term or replacement theology okay and this is what the zionists can't stand they can't stand this you know what i didn't write the bible okay this is what the bible teaches is that the new covenant replaced the old covenant and i'm going to show you scriptures on this that that the old covenant the first covenant is no longer regarded it it stopped the moment the new the new covenant started and listen the old covenant is not going to be regarded again in the future and there's not some other covenant that's coming after that that god's going to regard outside the everlasting covenant okay and if you understand this then you know that hey it's done you know when jesus died on the cross and he rose again the third day listen that is it is established it's there and nothing is changing from that we're not going to be there's not a time of reformation after the new covenant has started okay that time of reformation is done it's over this is the way it is now well we have you know spiritual bodies and obviously the resurrection obviously things are going to change because of that but guess what jesus being the high priest and everything that's associated with the new covenant is still the same and it's not changing it's everlasting and so part of this deals with zionism okay but how about this how about the mormons and another testament of jesus christ that's literally what the book of mormon is called another testament of jesus christ so how do you have another testament after the everlasting testament because by the way testament and covenant are interchangeable that's what they covenant testament you'll see those used interchangeably so the old covenant old testament new covenant new testament you'll see those used interchangeably but so this will get rid of zionism this will obviously i mean do we really need another way of debunking uh mormonism besides the fact that it's just stupidity but the fact that they're caught they literally on their book says another testament of jesus christ after it after the bible clearly states in hebrew is that the new covenant everlasting everlasting covenant okay now hebrew chapter six is very clear on this about how the new testament is taking the place of the old it says in verse six here but now has he obtained a more excellent ministry by how much also he has made uh he is the he is the mediator of a better covenant which was established upon better promises i want you to notice the language there one it's a better covenant better promises right so the new testament is better i mean would you say that the blood of that the blood of christ is better than the blood of animals i mean that's just one aspect of it how about jesus christ being the high priest compared to let's say aaron i would say that's better jesus is better right everything about the new testament is better than the old okay but notice what it says here it says which was established upon better promises now is that was is that is that future tense is that present tense no that's past tense that means that better testament that better covenant was established when this was written okay it was established that means it is established at that moment in time if it was established when he's writing that means it's still established because it's the everlasting covenant right but keep reading there it says in verse seven it says for if the first covenant have been faultless then should no place have been sought for the second that means that there's fault found with the first covenant not with god though okay because notice what it says in verse eight for finding fault with them listen in any covenant there are two parties at least two parties involved in that covenant right i mean think about any type of covenant between usually it's between two people two nations whatever right think about like our lease on on on this building right there's a covenant between us and the landlord and in that covenant we are promising to pay a certain amount of money to use the facility right and they are making a covenant that if we pay that certain amount of we have it right now what if what if i what if i just stop paying what if we just stop paying that rent does does the landlord have to keep his side of the bargain no i mean he could just evict us right what if he doesn't allow us to use the place right and he's just he's just like no we're using this for something else do are we obligated to pay rent then no does that make sense like it doesn't matter on each side of that spectrum some each person has to keep their end of the deal god's not the one that broke the deal does that make sense god made a deal with israel he's not the one that broke the covenant they did they broke their end of the bargain therefore that's why it ceased okay now good night they broke that covenant before they even got the the ten commandments coming down from mount sinai which just shows you the long suffering right i mean the landlord you know if you're looking at god as being a landlord when it comes to them i mean talk about leniency talk about grace periods right when it comes to the to not evicting them eventually though they were evicted weren't they and keep reading there it says for finding fault with them he said behold the days comes at the lord when i will make a new covenant with the house of israel with the house of judah now who does it say that he's going to make a new covenant with with the gentiles now obviously the gentiles are going to be in that mix as well not it's not excluding the gentiles just as much as that covenant between israel was not excluding the rest of the world but they'd have to become a part of that nation they could all get saved and become a part of that nation and all that but when people say well the old testament's for the jews and you know because they just they all come to say jews because they're ignorant of what that even means but let's just use their bond it's for the jews you know like the old testament right but the new testament is for the gentiles is that what it says is that what it says in jeremiah 31 is that what it says here no it says it's for the house of israel and for the house of judah so we're like well no there's another covenant coming for the house for the house of israel what where show me where there's a third covenant show me where there's another covenant and i'll show you the mormon church you need a zionist might as well just join the mormon church because there's some other covenant that's coming some other testament that's coming that's what it says here in verse in verse 9 it says not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers in the day when i took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of egypt because they continued not in my covenant and i regarded them not set the lord so the new testament when this is written it says was established that means it is it it is right but then also he's saying he regarded them not past tense i mean in order for this to even make sense you got to be talking about the same group of people right for him to say like i'm making a new covenant with them well if you're making a new covenant with them you kind of had to have already made a covenant with them and then he even says not according to the covenant that i made with them right so by all metrics of logic we're talking about the same group of people okay and he's saying the new covenant was established and he didn't he doesn't regard that old covenant anymore i mean we might as well close it up for bible to just go home i mean case closed but i'm not done because the bible just covers this at nauseum that the old covenant is done and that the new covenant is established and not only that but the new covenant is everlasting there's not going to be some other covenant it's not going to end like the new covenant ends and another covenant starts up give me a break this stuff is garbage and when you understand this doctrine that the new testament is everlasting never ends it goes on forever then these other weird doctrines of zionism and all this other stuff just kind of goes out the window when you understand that the old testament is not regarded it's done away with it's not established anymore then that whole doctrine of well you know there's kind of like this dual covenants going on right now and the jews are under the old no the jews don't believe on christ they go to hell every jew from the time of christ until now that has not believed on christ is in hell right now well or if they're not in hell right now they're alive and they're going to hell okay unless they believe on christ facts and there's no other covenant they're covered under it and by the way no one was saved by that first covenant you know the covenant is obviously something that's made to you know as a nation to bless them and god was using them and all that but it was always believed on the lord for salvation calling upon name the lord for salvation it's always been that way and keep reading there it says in verse 10 it says for this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days since the lord i will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts and i will be to them a god and they should be to me a people and they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying no the lord for all shall know me from the least of the greatest for i will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will remember no more in that he saith a new covenant he hath made the first old now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away so he hath made the first old meaning that that's already happened it is old now you know this is when this is written obviously and you say well it says it's waxing old and ready to vanish away and what people want you to think the zionists what you think is like well it hasn't vanished away yet now what you have to understand is that in the time when the new testament was was was starting up right when jesus died on the cross rose again that there was still a temple and they were still doing old testament first testament sacrifices all that even so much that even paul got sucked into it even after paul got saved and he's out there evangelizing the world he comes back and james the lord brother is basically like no you need to go do this and they're doing a sacrifice and all this stuff meaning that it hasn't completely vanished away 70 ad vanished listen they haven't done animal sacrifices since then so you say well there's still judaism today but they don't keep any of it right i mean even though god doesn't regard that anyway does that make sense like god wouldn't regard it even if they were doing it okay even if they were keeping doing these sacrifices and keeping the feast and doing all this stuff right even if they were god wouldn't regard it but they don't do any of it they just they're just like oh well now everything's spiritual you know basically they don't have a place to to do it so therefore they don't do any sacrifice yet in exodus chapter 20 it says basically just make an altar of earth and do your sacrifices you don't even need a tabernacle to do sacrifice to the lord but when this is written it hadn't vanished away yet but it was about to okay that's what that's talking about it's not saying like wow you know two thousand years later it's still vanishing away no i just got done stating that he doesn't regard it so i mean even if it is still vanishing away okay and you want to say that judaism is still like it still kind of appears right it still hasn't completely vanished away which i think is ridiculous to even say that but let's say you even said that god still doesn't regard it he's not regarding it now he didn't regard it back in paul's day go to second corinthian chapter three second corinthian chapter three and verse four here's a place where we actually see both the terms new testament and old testament okay and this is really showing you the difference between the two and notice that there's not like some upcoming testament just these two the two covenants but really this is where you get into the law it was given by moses and grace and truth came by jesus christ and really if you're going to look at the first and second covenant you deal with the law and you deal with grace you deal with the flesh you deal with the spirit right and those two those contrasts that are going on there right condemnation righteousness right imputed righteousness your own righteousness the righteousness of jesus christ right and you just see that back and forth as far as what does that first represent what does the new represent right in verse four here so second create chapter three verse four it says and in such trust have we through christ to godward that now that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything of ourselves but our sufficiency is of god we also i'm sorry who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament not of the letter but of the spirit for the letter killeth but the spirit giveth light and you see that contrast and we're going to see this contrast explained through here is that the old testament is the letter and the new testament is the spirit okay the letter killeth the spirit giveth light the first testament doesn't save anything it actually kills okay not that the old testament was unholy or anything like that but paul writes about this and the fact that the law is holy it's true but i'm carnal so i don't understand the problem is is not the testament not the law it's the people finding fault with them okay that's what the problem is because and the letter kills because of transgression okay the law kills because for the wages of sin is death and sin is the transgression of the law okay so notice what it says here the letter kills but the spirit giveth life verse seven but if the ministration of death written in engraving in stones so what's the ministration of death the old testament because the old testament is stated as being the ten commandments and what's written engraving on stones the ten commandments so it's basically given a contrast here it says but if the ministration of death written and engraving on stones was glorious so that the children of israel could not steadfastly befall the face of moses for the glory of his countenance which glory was to be done away notice that it's not like this is plan b like the new testament's plan b it's like well you know god wanted to see if the new first testament would work out no god knew from the very beginning that it wouldn't work that they would not be able to do it and from the very beginning he knew that that was going to be done away with but you say what's the reason because the law is the knowledge of sin because the law was given so that sin would become exceeding sinful and if the law was given till the seed should come to whom the promise was made there was many reasons why god said of that first covenant but god always knew that that first covenant can't save anybody and that first covenant would never work with men is impossible it is impossible but with god all things are possible this is the contrast of everything that's why there's two covenants the contrast of the flesh and the spirit the contrast the law and grace the contrast of man and god that is it and there's not some third out there now if you want to say that there's a third one well you could say like before the old testament you had like the order of malchizedek where you have basically god but they're still doing sacrifices like animal sacrifices and stuff like that okay so i mean it's kind of like the same thing it's just that it's more honed into a specific group of people it's more honed into specifically um you know men being priests and all these different things okay so notice what it says here in verse eight so it's kind of giving you a contrast of the glory of the first testament meaning that obviously there was there was some glory to that and the fact that god was speaking to man and that god was giving them commandments written with the finger of god right there's there's obviously this glory there to where when moses was speaking to god i mean he had to put a veil over his face because his face shone so much because of that so there was definitely a glory associated to that because the lord the law of god is perfect the law of god is glorious obviously that's true okay but it says how shall not i'm how shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious it's basically saying that's glorious but you know what's more glorious the the new testament because the new testament is better the law is great you know what's more glorious grace you know that that's what we're dealing with here notice what it says here this is the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious it says verse nine for if the ministration of condemnation be glory much more than the ministration of righteousness exceeding glory so notice what do we see here the difference between the ministration or the covenant the old testament dealing with condemnation is dealing with or you're dealing with the ministration of righteousness you're dealing with the ministration of death or the ministration of the spirit okay these are the contrasts that it's showing so it says in verse 10 it says for even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect by reason of the glory that excels you'll be like that's a mouthful basically what it's saying is that it's kind of like if you had a really really powerful flashlight in this room right now and you could even see it on the floor right go take it outside and see if you see it with the sun out the idea is that the glory of the new testament is so bright that it exceeds so far that you can't even tell the glory of the other right because it exceeds it's just like how in new jerusalem it talks about how there's no need of the sun because of the light of the lamb right because of jesus jesus light is so bright that you don't even need the sun right it's kind of like you don't the sun isn't even doing anything at that point it's not saying the sun isn't there it's just saying that the light of of jesus is so far exceeding in the light of the sun that the sun isn't even needed at that point as far as to give any type of light it's not helping okay it's kind of like a drop in a bucket essentially is what you're dealing with there right keep reading there it says in verse 11 for if that which is done away was glorious what are we talking about the old testament the administration of death that ministration that that letter that kill us right if that which is done away was glorious much more that which remaineth is glorious that's the contrast the old testament it's done away it was glorious done away that remain is even more glorious okay it says in verse 12 seeing then that which that we have such hope we use great plainness of speech not as moses which put a veil over his face that the children of israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished present tense is abolished is done away with and this is just the truth all over the place and the fact the old testament isn't as revealed as the new even just reading it you know that it's it's not as clear as the new the new is just crystal clear it's it's just like looking through a clear glass compared to a dark glass kind of thing okay that's what it says keep reading there it says verse 14 but their minds were blinded for for unto this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the old testament which veil is done away in christ they're basically talking about people that aren't saved the jews basically like they have this veil over their face they can't comprehend they can't understand when they read the old testament what's going on but even to this day when moses read the veil is upon their heart nevertheless when it shall turn to the lord the veil shall be taken away now the lord is that spirit where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty so very clear old testament is done away it's abolished we saw that in hebrew chapter 8 very clear that he regarded them not past tense that the the new testament was established it's not that it's going to be established or that even that it's just established the day that he's writing that no it was established already when hebrews was written okay it's not even 70 ad right oh there's this interim period you know between when jesus rose from the dead and when 70 ad happens no there's no interim period there's no crossover period the moment jesus died on the cross the new testament started and the old testament stopped so facts that's what the bible teaches now when it comes to the first covenant you may see some passages in the old testament that kind of allude to the fact that in the old testament that would allude to the fact that that this is a an everlasting type of covenant or that is perpetual meaning that it's forever and go to hebrew chapter 19 i'm sorry exodus chapter 19 exodus chapter 19 and what you have to understand is that it's just like that lease example i was giving you if we had a lease that said forever in perpetuity like this lease is forever as long as you pay rent but that's the condition as long as you pay rent okay the moment i stop paying rent guess what contract broken so just because it's everlasting doesn't mean it's going to last forever right just because the covenant you're saying this is going to last this is forever this is for all eternity that this is going to last well if the conditions aren't met then then it then it ends okay and that's why it says he found fault with them and therefore that covenant was broken okay and god was in his right to do that he had every right to break that covenant even though you could say well he made that with them forever for all eternity all that stuff obviously god knows the end from the beginning i mean he knows that they're going to break the covenant right but at the same time that doesn't negate it you say well how do you know that the the new covenant won't end then right you're saying this is the everlasting covenant because jesus would have to break it okay who is the mediator of the new covenant jesus christ so in order for the new covenant to end jesus would have to fail jesus would have to because he is god in the flesh he is the mediator between god and men he is the high priest he is the one that is in control of that covenant and whether that covenant stands or falls or whatever and what you have to understand is that that's why it will never end it's an everlasting covenant think about this everlasting covenant between god the father and god the son who's going to mess up they can't right it's immutable right i mean it is sealed locked in nothing can change that when you make a covenant between god and men well we all know who the weak link is there right there's no weak link with god there's no weak link in the godhead they can't fail they're always righteous right the father son the holy spirit that's why the new covenant will never end okay so if anybody tries to come and tell you well you know this passage over here says well this is forever this covenant with this or that i'm going to be getting to that but the bible just clearly states it ends here's the thing in your if you're in your mind you're like that doesn't make sense to me okay if the bible clearly states that the first covenant ended that it was abolished that it isn't regarded are you just going to basically just take your logic over with clear statements in the bible and just like anything else it's like well i don't understand the trinity therefore it must not be true like well just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's not true i don't understand how someone can can be going to hell for all eternity just because you can't understand it doesn't make it not true okay and the fact of the matter is is that that first covenant ended i think it makes perfect a lot perfectly logical sense and as far as how that's possible and how that makes it's not like illogical but let's say you don't understand that doesn't make it not true okay notice what says in exit chapter 19 what's the condition what was the condition for this covenant with israel that's what it says here in verse five now therefore if he will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and an holy nation these are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of israel anybody's ever used excel or any type of computer programming type stuff if then statements right conditional statements listen there is a condition to salvation if thou shall confess with thy mouth the lord jesus shall believe in that heart that god has raised for the dead thou shall be saved right take that calvinist but there was condition for this covenant the only condition for the condition for the covenant of the new testament is that jesus ever delivered to make intercession that jesus doesn't fail because here here's the thing if you be in christ then are you abraham's seed and eric is according to the promise and you're in basically we're in christ we have his righteousness and as long as jesus doesn't fail that can never end and obviously he's never going to fail okay that that's a condition that will never be broken okay this reminds me of the allegory of saul and david okay the kingdom of saul compared to the kingdom of david go to uh first samuel 13th and obviously this is something that we've been kind of going through with going through first samuel going in the second samuel but the difference between saul's kingdom and david's kingdom saul's kingdom had an end saul's kingdom was first wasn't it saul's kingdom was first and it had an end but it wasn't told it it could have gone on forever because notice what it says here when saul messes up it says in verse 13 so first samuel chapter 13 verse 13 and this is another allegory of old testament new testament really it says in verse 13 it says and samuel said to saul thou has done foolishly thou has not kept the commandment of the lord thy god which he commanded thee so what's the condition of the first covenant you need to keep the covenant you need to obey his voice you need to keep the commandments right that's the covenant what was the specifically the covenant the ten commandments well they messed up on that the first two commandments there at the very beginning didn't they and they're making a golden calf all of that right but notice what it says here in verse 13 says and so he didn't keep the community for now would the lord have established thy kingdom upon israel forever notice how that was stated to saul yeah that kingdom would have been forever but not anymore right because he broke his condition that's what it says here but now thy kingdom shall not continue the lord has sought him a man after his own heart and the lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people because thou has not kept that which the lord commanded thee and in another place it talks about a neighbor that is better than thou sounds familiar the better covenant and obviously jesus says jesus mentioned many times you know solomon and all these different people is like there's a greater than than solomon here there's greater than temple that's here because jesus is greater than all and he's better than all of them okay but david's kingdom go to go to psalm 89 psalm 89 psalm 89 in verse 35 the aba's kingdom on the other end has no end and i'm going to explain to you how it has no end and the answer is jesus you know how when you go to sunday school and they're just like if you say jesus you're probably going to get a prize right like the answer just say jesus you know most of the time you'll get the answer because it's usually the right answer but honestly that's the reason that this is going to be true okay that's what it says in psalm 89 and verse 35 says once have i sworn by my holiness that i will not lie unto david his seed shall endure forever and is thrown as the sun before me and there's many other places that talk about how his kingdom shall have no end but how about in the new testament dealing with jesus when when it's prophesying about jesus being born and when when gabriel speaking to uh to mary about jesus's birth saying you're going to call his name jesus and it says he shall reign over the house of jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end and it's talking about the throne of his father david because jesus was born of the seed of david so physically speaking david is his lineage right and jesus is going to rule and reign for a thousand years yay for all eternity that's how david's kingdom is going to have no end because jesus right why is the covenant the new covenant not going to end because of jesus why is there not going to be another priest because jesus ever live it and that he has an unchangeable priesthood go to uh go to hebrew chapter seven because that's the thing there and i'll just give you a passage in exodus chapter 40 dealing with a passage that would allude to the old testament going on forever dealing with the priesthood specifically so this is actually very pertinent to what i'm going to show you when aaron and his sons are basically being sanctified in chapter 40 and all the garments are being put on them they're being anointed and all that it says this about them for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations this is also said about fenihaz if you remember fenihaz is the one that killed the midianized woman and the man and all that stuff um it basically says because of this you know you're going to have this everlasting basically through his line with the the person would be and obviously he's of aaron and all that but um but you see these verses you're like well see it's everlasting therefore uh that priesthood is is going to go on forever but listen the levitical priesthood in the first covenant all that they all go hand and glove if you don't have the one you don't have the other right it's not like there's this levitical priesthood that's still going on right now and the but the old covenant's not regarded it's like no the old covenant the levitical priesthood have to be locked instead they're they're they're part of the same thing okay but notice what it says in hebrews chapter 7 verse 11 hebrews chapter 7 verse 11 it says it therefore perfection whereby the levitical priesthood for under it the people receive the law what further need was there that another priest should arise after the order of melchizedek and not be called after the order of aaron so jesus wasn't of aaron right he's of the tribe of judah he's of david and so therefore you know this you can't say that jesus is of the line of the levitical priesthood but notice what says in verse 12 for the priesthood being changed like well it shouldn't change what would you read though right like it says it's everlasting it says the priesthood being changed meaning that it did change okay notice what it says there is made of necessity to change also the law meaning that this is the time of reformation where you have a change of priesthood you have a change of customary and all these different cardinal ordinances that were imposed on them until the time of reformation that that stuff is being done away the priesthood is changed from the levitical priesthood to the the order of melchizedek jesus christ being the high priestess or melchizedek notice what says in verse 13 for he of whom these things are spoken pertaining to another tribe of which no man gave attendance at the altar for it is evident that our lord sprang out of judah of which tribe moses spake nothing concerning priesthood and is yet far more evident that after the similitude of melchizedek there rise another priest because melchizedek didn't have beginning days nor end of life he never died but that's because that's an old testament or a pre-old testament appearance of jesus before he took on flesh and blood okay it says who's made not after the law of a cardinal commandment but out of the power of an endless life for he testified thou art a priest forever after your melchizedek for there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof not that the law is weak but that the people couldn't keep it right finding fault with them right it's weak because they can't do it if that makes sense right but it says in verse 19 for the law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did by the which will we by the which we draw nigh unto god in as much as not without an oath he was made priest for those priests were made without an oath but this was an oath by him that had that said unto him the lord swear and will not repent thou were the priest forever after your melchizedek now let me ask you a question is there any is there any way to make that more sure the lord swear okay so can god break his promise no right he will not repent that means he won't turn from it even though he can't anyway right he's swearing will not repent thou art notice it says and uh it says thou art a high priest after the order of melchizedek is he going to be or is he already art means are meaning that it's now okay it says by so much was jesus made surety of a better testament and notice this it says and they truly were many priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death but this man notice this because he continue with ever hath an unchangeable priesthood so listen the levitical priesthood changed why because of their infirmity why because they die jesus has an unchangeable priesthood and because why because he's separate from sinners because he doesn't sin and he ever liveth he continues ever so he never dies so therefore when jesus dies again then it'll be over right then the priesthood would change but that's never going to happen death hath no more dominion over him he ever liveth the bible says he was dead and behold i'm alive forevermore and have the keys of helen of death that is our savior that is the new covenant that is why it's the everlasting covenant it's unchangeable it's forever there's no repenting there's no going back there's no going back to the old testament and there's no changing into some other testament it's as clear as the nose is on my face it is as clear as the sky is outside right now i mean this is so clear how to how do people get caught up in this idea that the old testament is still being regarded right now or that there's some other covenant that's coming in the future that's going to be different than the old than the new testament no it's everlasting and you can keep reading there as far as it's just kind of saying the same thing he's consecrated as a high priest forever more right i mean how many different ways it needs to be said that it's not changing okay it's forever it's once for all go to hebrew chapter 10 hebrew chapter 10 verse 9 hebrew chapter 10 and verse 9 hebrew chapter 10 and verse 9 says this now we already saw that the old testament is not regarded and that the new testament was established but here's why they i mean that alone should tell you that they don't overlap right but how about this in hebrew chapter 9 or 10 verse 9 it says then said he lo i come to do thy will oh god he taketh away the first that he may establish the second by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of jesus christ once for all now if the new testament was established back and when this hebrews is being written it's already was established how could the old the first covenant not be taken away then if in order for that second covenant to be established you have to take away the first he taketh away the first that the second may be established i mean in order that the second is established the first has to be taken away and we already read in hebrew chapter 8 that the first that the second is already established so if it's already established the first had had to have already been taken away then we've already read that many different passages but when people are just like oh i don't believe in this replacement theology well you don't you don't have to believe in it but that is as true as can be though i mean don't call it replacement theology take called take away theology because you know what the body we know what jesus says to israel and so much that they even knew that they were that jesus was talking to them it says the kingdom of god shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof it's funny because even the pharisees that are blind as a bat back then knew that that was being spoken about them because it literally says right after that they wanted to stone them because they knew that he spoke it of them but yet today we have we have a bunch of a baptist zionists out there and just zionists across the board within the realm of christianity that are just like the jews though the jews you know that that we still have they they're still waiting for this and that basically the kingdom of god hasn't been taken away from them they're still god's chosen people they're still god's people it's like what like how is that still a thing are they they're not reading the same bible most of the time right but even in these false versions it'll still state a lot of this stuff they haven't ripped it all out like i doubt you'd go to matthew 21 and it just be like and they perceive that they were speaking about the gentiles or they they perceive that it was speaking of like i don't know just the high up rulers and not the whole nation as a whole you know like they somehow fill in the gap there by the way the bible says this about you say well how do you know when exactly the new testament started because the bible says this in hebrew chapter 9 if you're in hebrew chapter 10 still hebrew chapter 9 verse 16 it says for where a testament is there must also have a necessity be the death of the testator for a testament is of force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator live it so that makes sense if you had a last will and testament right that will and testament doesn't have any force until the person dies right at that point then that testament has force as far as what is allocated to other people right okay so you usually write it before you die just as much as jesus was setting up his church and all that stuff before he died went to the cross and died but it didn't really take force until he died that's why when jesus was walking on the earth and he would tell the leper to go take a gift to the altar and go go to the priest and all that stuff that's why all that made sense because the old testament was still in force meaning that you wanted to get right with god you wanted to go get cleansed you want to do this or that you need to go to the priest you need to go under that that levitical priesthood type of uh way but the moment jesus died that's when the new testament was in force okay and basically the time of reformation at that point was happening and the thing is is that um think about it when jesus gives up the ghost what's the first thing that's mentioned the veil in the temple is ranked from the top to the bottom the veil between the first tabernacle and the second and what did that veil represent that the way into the holiest was not yet made manifest the the holy ghost is signifying right and obviously that's the big difference between old testament new testament not just another day is the holy ghost and dwelling of the holy ghost and all that stuff that's going on there so you could say well you know he died that he had to die before it can come into force and basically it wasn't until he rose from the dead that it literally took force that he's seated at the right hand of father and whatever and you know what you can take that thought if you want okay there's three days right you know as far as like when you're talking about when it started when it didn't start but to me when the veil of the temple is rent to from the top to the bottom and we have a verse here that says that that the death of the testator is when it's in force to me that's case closed like i i don't i don't see any other to me that's like that's that's where it is that's where it stops and starts but there's no overlap either the first testament's regarded or it's not either the new testament is regarded or it's not you have to take away the first to establish the second case closed that's the way it is the bible says many times that in the time the bible was written before the temple was destroyed that the old testament was not regarded that it was abolished and the new testament was already established facts now know this is that there's people out there that think there's a there's another covenant now with all that in mind let me go to go to rome chapter 11 and i preached a whole sermon on this called all israel shall be saved but let me just tie it in a different way here dealing with this after all of that is i would hope that everybody's convinced that the old testament is has no longer being regarded that for over that for 2,000 years right almost 2,000 years now the old testament has not been regarded would everybody agree on that it's not regarded anymore right and that the new testament has been established for 2,000 years because if it was not regarded when the bible was being written and the new testament was established when the bible was being written guess what this way it is now okay now read this passage in rome chapter 11 and i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you the leaps and bounds that that people take with this now in your mind you know how many covenants are there two the two covenants okay there's gotta be one of those okay there's not three there's not some other covenant coming later rome chapter 11 verse 25 it says for i would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this one thing i'm sorry ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part has happened to israel until the fullness of the gentiles become in and so all israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of zion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from jacob for this is my covenant unto them when i shall take away their sins so what the zionist says it says well you know this is future and he's gonna have this is the covenant he's gonna have with them now you have to take one of two things here okay because what they say is that when jesus comes in the clouds they're all just gonna believe on him yet there's no verse that even comes close to that by the way i'm gonna isaiah 59 is where this is quote quoted but they take you to zechariah 12 they take you to zechariah 12 where it says they shall look on him whom they pierce and then they say well that's when he's coming in the clouds yeah look up the place where it says they're gonna look on him whom he appears when he comes in the clouds it's not a good picture they're actually weeping and wailing and mourning because of that not getting saved so they make up this imaginary doctrine that there's some other covenant coming or that the old covenant is somehow still being regarded to when jesus comes in the clouds they're all going to get saved well just hope that you're a jew when jesus comes in the clouds because before then you all go to hell right it's like all of israel is going to hell for two thousand years but if you're those lucky jews when jesus comes in the clouds then you're all going to get saved it's all make-believe it's a fairy tale there's no scripture backing that up at all and what they want to do is say well this there's this other covenant out there there's this other testament out there there's not another testament the everlasting covenant the new testament is it and if they don't believe on christ they're going to hell and by the way the new testament was made the who the house of israel and the house of judah that's what this is talking about this is talking about the new covenant go to isaiah chapter 59 let's go where it's actually quoted from okay now in my other sermon i basically explained to you that they are not all israel which are of israel so you read chapter nine before you get to chapter 11 and that his prayers to god is that israel might be saved that he didn't cast off all of israel because paul's an israelite and that it's blindness in part because not every single israelite is not going to believe on christ okay but not all reprobate but he's basically stating there is that this is why all israel shall be saved is because all israel are the children of promise and the children of promise are those that believe on christ whether jew or gentile and in christ there's neither jew nor gentile bond nor free that we're all one in christ and that that's why that's true that all the seed of israel shall be saved dealing with isaiah 55 45 that's true because it's all those that are in christ if you're in christ and are you abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise that that was made that promise applies to them and that the promise of god is not made of none effect that is actually true even though most of the physical nation of israel don't believe that's what's being stated and it's just kind of capping it off saying here's why because it's those that believe on christ it's it's the new testament because in in the new testament it's jew or gentile we're all one in christ there's no more middle wall partition there's no cardinal ordinances separating us circumcision isn't separating us you know where you live it doesn't separate you as far as that's concerned isaiah 59 verse 20 says and the redeemer shall come to zion and unto them that turn from transgression and jacob said the lord now notice this okay that's that's kind of where you see that portion in there where it talks about the deliverer coming here it says redeemer same thing right but it says in verse 21 as for me this is my covenant with them okay so in the new testament it says this is my covenant with when i shall take away their sins right but here it says this is my covenant with them saith the lord my spirit that is upon me and my words which i have put in in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth right now i was talking about the spirit is going to be upon me and the words of god are going to be in your mouth well go to the one place go to jeremiah 31 where the new covenants mentioned right because what you have in the new testament is you have two passages being brought together isaiah 59 and jeremiah 31 okay this happens a lot when stuff's being quoted in new testament and it's really just showing you that these two passages go together right that isaiah 59 jeremiah 31 go together because it says this is my covenant with them when i shall take away their sins well let's look at jeremiah 31 is this some other testament that's coming up in the future is this is this the old testament that's in the past or is this talking about the new testament because notice what it says in verse 31 jeremiah 31 31 behold the days come said the lord when i will make a new covenant with the house of israel with the house of judah not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers with their fathers in the day when i in the day that i took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of egypt which my covenant they break although i wasn't husband unto them said the lord but this shall be the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days said the lord i will put my law into their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their god and they shall be my people sound familiar to isaiah 59 and it says and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying no lord for all they they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them said the lord for i will forgive their iniquity and will remember their sin no more there you actually jeremiah 31 has both those in there right isaiah 59 is talking about the spirit of god being upon you all that and here's why it says you shall uh we're talking about no man shall teach you saying no lord because all shall know me because it's the anointing which you have received of him abide within you and you need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teaches you of all things and is truth and is no lie and even as it has taught you shall abide in him meaning this is that in the new testament we have the holy spirit of god to teach us what the word of god says you know in times past the prophets all these different things we're teaching in the new testament we have the spirit of god that's upon us we have the words of god in the heart and we have that comforter that is living inside of us teaching us the word of god bringing all things into remembrance all of that isaiah 59 jeremiah 31 new covenant and let me just end with this go to act chapter 3 you say well when did this happen when did that covenant where he's going to take away transgression from jacob happen it already done did happen and that's not proper english but who cares yeah it's kind of like you know is the first covenant uh abolished it has done been abolished it's like how the pluperfect past anyway act chapter 3 and verse 25 so when it says for this is my covenant shall take away their sins we're talking about turning away ungodliness from jacob that's what it says in act chapter 3 and verse 25 ye are the children of the prophets and of the covenant which god made with our fathers saying unto abraham and in thy seed shall all kindreds of the earth be blessed unto you first god having raised up his son jesus sent him to bless you and turning away every one of you from his iniquities guess what already done did happen that is not something in the future and that is not talking about the old testament that's talking about jesus christ coming dying on the cross rising in the third rising the third day being the mediator of the new testament which by the way is the everlasting testament the everlasting covenant that will never end as much as the sun will always be there as much as jesus will always continue to live and will never die again that he ever liveth to make intercession for us that covenant will be everlasting and it will never end there's not some new testament some other new testament coming there's not some other third covenant coming the mormons can put that in their pipe and smoke it and all these zionists can put that in their pipe and smoke it is the fact that the new testament is it is done it's through jesus christ you don't get any better than that right can you approve can you improve on perfection can you improve on jesus christ being the mediator of the new testament it's perfect it's it's it's established it's done it's that for all eternity get used to it and uh i just thought that that would be an interesting sermon to to preach you know every once in a while you got to kick those zionists down back in their hole where they belong and that's what the bible teaches on that so let's end with a word of prayer down the following thing today thank you for your word thank you for these passages and lord just thank you for being the mediator of the new testament and we're just uh just how amazing the new testament is and just how amazing the word of god is to teach all these different things and all the allegories that we see between the two covenants and lord just the purpose of the old testament the purpose obviously of the new testament and just lord uh just thank you for that and lord just pray to be with us throughout the rest of the day pray to be with the soul winning efforts today and just uh pray to keep us safe keep us healthy lord we love you and pray also in jesus christ's name amen for a day we'll come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song 208 208 in your song books we'll sing grace greater than our sin if you would stand we'll sing song 208 marvelous grace of our loving lord grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt yonder on calvary's mount out poured there where the blood of the lamb was spilled grace grace god's grace grace that will pardon and cleanse within grace grace god's grace grace that is greater than all our sin sin and despair like the sea waves cold threaten the soul within fun and loss grace that is greater yes grace untold points to the refuge the mighty cross grace grace god's grace grace that will pardon and cleanse within grace grace god's grace grace that is greater than