(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, good evening, everyone. Welcome to Mountain Baptist Church. Take your song books and turn to song 259. Song 259 in your song books. We'll sing Jesus Saves. If you would stand, we'll sing song 259. We have heard the joyful sound. Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Spread the tidings all around. Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Bear the news to every land. Climb the steeps and cross the waves. Onward, tis our Lord's command. Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Loft it on the rolling tide. Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Tout to sinners far and wide. Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Sing ye islands of the sea. Echo back ye ocean caves. Earth shall keep her jubilee. Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Sing above the battle strife. Jesus saves, Jesus saves. By his death and endless life, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Sing it softly through the gloom when the hark for mercy craves. Sing in triumph over tomb. Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Give the winds a mighty voice. Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Let the nations now rejoice. Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Shout salvation full and free. Highest hills and deepest caves. This our song of victory. Jesus saves, Jesus saves. And let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, again, we just want to thank you, God, just for the beautiful day you've given us, and Lord, just for the service this morning, the souls that were saved this afternoon and throughout last week, I pray, Lord, now that you would just be honored and glorified out of everything that's been done. We love you and pray all of this in Jesus' name, amen. All right, you may be seated and take your Mountain Baptist Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Psalm Books, those blue folders there in your chair. Your Mountain Baptist Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Psalm Books, and open to page number one. Page number one, we'll sing Psalm 11 on page number one. In the Lord put on my trust, I'll say ye to my soul, flee as a bird to your mountain, for lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the stream, that they may privately shoot at the upright in heart, if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven, his eyes behold, his eyelids try the children of men, the Lord trite the righteous, but the wicked and him that loveth violence, his soul hateth, his soul hateth, upon the waken he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone and horrible tempest, this shall be the portion of their come, for the righteous Lord loveth righteousness, his countenance doth behold, doth behold the upright, and the Lord put on my trust. Amen, well welcome to Mountain Baptist Church. On this Sunday afternoon, just get some announcements here, but also some wedding numbers for the week. What did we have, did we have any saved during the week? I think Richie had one. Was there any others during the week? And then today, I know that one, two, three. So praise the Lord for that. So four total for the week. But you guys had the right spot. So our side didn't, was there a railroad tracking between us or something like that? But good job with the soul winning during the week here. And then as far as announcements go, church times and all that stuff are normal this week. So Lord willing on Wednesday, we're gonna be continuing our study through Speck and Samuel. So be in your places on Wednesday. Did I say Sunday? Wednesday, Wednesday evening. But tonight we're gonna take a little bit of a break on overviews of the books of the Bible. And we're preaching a different sermon tonight. Might do that next week too. There's just a lot of different topics, which is always fun. And as far as soul winning goes on the regional times there, I think Monday, I don't think that's happening this Monday, but on the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, you'd be on the church group there. As far as times, locations and everything. Women's prayer meeting on the 25th, men's prayer meeting on the 30th, soul winning marathon this coming Saturday on the 24th in Moorfield, West Virginia, and Cannonsburg PA soul winning marathon on the 21st of September, right before our anniversary service. Chapter memory for the month, 1 John chapter one. And our memory verse for the week is Psalm 118 verse eight. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. And we've got the birthdays, anniversaries, all that. And so on the pregnancy list there, we're in prayer for Rachel Hiles and Crystal McCloy on the recovery process there. But praise the Lord for everything going well there. Be in prayer just in general for sicknesses, all that fun stuff. For whatever reason, pretty much, I'm pretty sure every month there's a child or somebody that's sick. So I guess it must be the nature of the beast. Usually you think that just in the winter time, but pretty much every month, someone's sick. So it is what it is, I guess. I think the kids just need to stop licking doorknobs or something like that. I don't know what's going on, but it just seems like there's always a sickness. So that's what I got for announcements. Offering box in the back there if you wanna give tithes and offering. Mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only. But Dave's gonna come and sing one more song. And I believe for the shame, he's gonna be reading actually Romans chapter two for us after that. All right, take your song books and turn to song 220. Song 220 in your songs. We'll sing Jesus is all the world to me. Song 220. Jesus is all the world to me. My life, my joy, my all. He is my strength from day to day. Without him I would fall. When I am sad to him I go. No other one can cheer me so. When I am sad he makes me glad. He's my friend. Jesus is all the world to me. My friend and trial sore. I go to him for blessings and he gets me. He sends them more and more. He sends the sunshine and the rain. He sends the harvest golden grain. Sunshine and rain, harvest and grain. He's my friend. Jesus is all the world to me. And true to him I'll be. I could eye this friendly night when he's so true to me. Following him I know I'm right. He watches over me day and night. Following him by day and night. He's my friend. Jesus is all the world to me. I want no better friend. I trust him now. I'll trust him when life's fleeting days shall end. Beautiful life with such a friend. Beautiful life that has no end. Eternal life, eternal joy. He's my friend. All right, if you would take your Bibles and turn to the book of Romans. Romans chapter number two in your Bibles and we'll have Brother Shane come and read that for us. Romans chapter two. Romans chapter two and the Bible reads, Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man. Whatsoever thou art that judgest, for wherein thou judgest another thou condemnest thyself. For thou that judgest doeth the same things, but we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God, or despiseth thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance, but after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasureth up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God. Who will render to every man according to his deeds, to them who by patient continuance and well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life, but unto them that are contentious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doeth evil of the Jew from the dead. triath the Jew of men that is due with evil of the Jew first and also the Gentile, but glory, honor, and peace to every man that worketh good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile. For there is no respect of persons with God, for as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law. For not the hearers of the law are just before God, the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles which have not the law do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law or a law unto themselves, which show the work of the law written in their hearts, for their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another. In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel, behold thou art called a Jew and restest in the law, and makest thy boast of God, and knowest his will, and approvest the things that are more excellent being instructed out of the law, and art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness, and instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which has the form of knowledge, and of the truth in the law. Thou therefore which teaches another, teaches thou not thyself, thou that preach'st a man should not steal, doest thou steal? Thou that say'st a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? Thou that abhorrest idols, doest thou commit sacrilege? Thou that makest thy boast of the law through breaking the law dishonorous thou God? For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you as it is written. For circumcision barely profiteth if thou keep the law. But if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision. Therefore if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision? And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature if it fulfill the law judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost doest transgress the law? For he is not a Jew which is won outwardly, neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew which is won inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the letter, whose praise is not of God but of men. Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, thank you to be gathered in your house tonight. I pray that we could just be edified and fill the pastor with your spirit. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen, so you're there in Romans chapter two, and I'm actually preaching a sermon entitled The Blasphemy of Tongue Talkers. So The Blasphemy of Tongue Talkers, and I'm gonna be preaching against this idea of this gibber-jabber gobbledygook speaking in tongues that's a Pentecostal thing, but it's in other churches as well. But I've done other sermons on this and really kind of gone through all the different arguments that the tongue talkers have. This is really gonna show you just the fact that this movement of this speaking in tongues is very wicked and it's very blasphemous, okay? So I'm gonna be getting into the fact that, yeah, it's wrong, but it's also very blasphemous in that they're blaspheming the name of Christ, they're blaspheming Christianity, that it makes Christianity look like a joke, makes it look like a circus, and it's not biblical, and we're gonna get into that a little bit here. But you may wonder why we're in Romans chapter two, but I want you to see what it says here. Now, in Romans chapter two, it's talking about a Jew that's resting in the law, but what you have to understand is that Pentecostals, these tongue talkers, are not saved, and these people are resting in the law. I've never met someone that says they speak in tongues that's actually saved. Every single one of them always believes you can lose your salvation, and most of them would say you need to speak in tongues in order to prove that you're saved, and that if you're not speaking in tongues, then you're not really saved, and so you're dealing with a bunch of people that are basically trusting in their good works, trusting in some kind of spiritual gift or something like that in order for them to go to heaven, and so they're not saved. So they do really represent, in a sense, someone that's basically trusting in the law to get them saved and not, obviously, in the grace of God. And so verse 17, it says, but behold, thou art called a Jew and resteth in the law. And notice that it says thou art called a Jew because at the very end of the chapter, it's stating he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly. So it's the idea that you're called a Jew because you're outwardly one, you're physically one by circumcision of the flesh, but you're not really a Jew in the sense of you're not actually saved, okay? So it says thou, and resteth in the law, makeest thy boast of God, and knowest his will, and approvest the things that are more excellent being instructed out of the law, and are confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which has the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law. So basically, when you talk to these tongue talkers, when you talk to these Pentecostals that are out there that say, you know, I speak in tongues, all this, they're always basically claiming to be an authority on the word of God, aren't they? They're always stating that, you know, yes, I know the Bible, I'm basically a teacher in a church, or I do this or that, or it's like some woman pastor or something like that, who knows, like it's always something that's not biblical in a lot of cases, but they are attesting to not being a babe in Christ, they're attesting to basically be a mature Christian that is, they are some kind of guide or a teacher, okay, when it comes to that. So a lot of times, they're hard to talk to because they think they know a lot. They think they know the way of salvation, they think that they know the Bible, and ultimately, they're not saved, and they're a natural man that needs to get saved. But keep reading there, because this chapter, a lot of times, is taken out of context. A lot of people that believe in works of salvation will go to chapter two, but they won't dare go into chapter three. And what you have to understand is chapter two is setting you up for chapter three. Chapter two is basically stating that, yes, you will have eternal life if you keep the whole law and you never sin. And it's a setup for chapter three because it says, for all of sin, come short of the glory of God, right? So the idea there is that, yeah, you can have eternal life and glory and honor and all that if you do well, right? If you don't sin, if you're continuing and doing well, here's the problem, no one can do that. So that's why chapter three is so important in the fact that, because here's the point that's gonna be made here. This Jew that's resting in the law, Paul was making a case to him. He says in verse 21, Thou therefore, which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? Thou that preach'st that man should not steal, dost thou steal? Thou that say'st that man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? Thou that abhor'st the idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? Thou that makest thy boast of the law through breaking the law dishonors thou God? So he's making a point here that you preach against this stuff, but don't you commit some of these things too? Don't you commit sin? And that's the whole point. If you're gonna rest in the law, then you can't be guilty in one point, because he that will keep the whole law and yet defend one point, he's guilty of all, right? And so it doesn't matter what point you break. If you're a transgressor, you need a savior, and the law isn't gonna help you. And therefore, in chapter three, it says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the beads of the law. So when people go to chapter two and try to prove work salvation, it's like, okay, work salvation. Be perfect, never sin. Too bad you've already missed the mark. But that being said, is that when it comes to this, notice in verse 24, it says for the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you as it is written. And listen, Pentecostal church with this tongue-talking garbage is blaspheming the name of God. It makes Christianity look like a joke, it makes it look like it's a circus, and it is blasphemous. And so when it comes to this, I've done other sermons where I'm more so just defending the fact that speaking in tongues is not a thing and that this is not biblical and all that. This is on offense, my friends. This is really saying the people that do this, okay, they don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to biblical teaching or doctrine, that they are completely out to lunch, they have no scripture to back this up, and that is blasphemous, and they're blaspheming the name of God. Go to Psalm 74, Psalm 74. Psalm 74 and verse 18. I still remember going soul-winding with, remember Scott Brook years ago. He was a friend of ours, like brother Richie and I and everything. And we went through this door, and I was giving the gospel, and this guy was Pentecostal, but he was talking about speaking in tongues and stuff like that. And I basically told him, I said, well, I said, the Bible talks about tongues, but I said, it's not this gobbledygook type of language. And Scott about lost it. He's like, I can't believe you just told that guy that what he does is gobbledygook, or whatever. I forget, I said something, and then I said something else, and jibber jabber, like barking like a dog or something like that, and just said it straight to the guy's face. But here's the thing. I don't believe we need to mince words with this. This doctrine is so stupid that they believe in. It's so blasphemous. It's so idiotic that it doesn't deserve the credence of saying that it's even to be taken seriously. I'm not saying to go up there and just slap him in the face, and be like, what are you doing? Like, obviously, try to just get around that and just get to the gospel, right? But it's not like I'd be like, well, I see where you're coming from. No, there's no seeing where you're coming from with this one. There's some doctrines where people will come up to you, and they'll give you a verse, and you'll be like, I get it. I get where the confusion is. I get how you can kind of come down that path. There is no confusion here, okay? This is so clear that this is not talking about what they're doing, that they had to put the Bible on its head. There's no evidence for this at all. And let's go to Psalm 78, or I'm sorry, Psalm 74 in verse 18. It says, remember this, that the enemy hath reproached, O Lord, and that the foolish people have blasphemed thy name. And listen, the Pentecostal movement is just a foolish movement, okay? One, they don't have the right gospel, right? So they're already on bad ground there, right? Now, then they're not the only group of so-called Christians that have the wrong gospel, but they are known for this, right? If you were to talk about like, explain a Pentecostal to me, right? The first thing that you're gonna probably think of is speaking in tongues, right? This idea of this jibber-jabber type of stuff that they say is some spiritual language, they're gonna automatically, that's what's gonna come to your mind. Or it's just gonna be this kind of crazy running around, jumping up and down, like hanging from the chandeliers type of thing, jumping in back of the trees, kind of just crazy circus type stuff that's going on, right? Or you can maybe think of snake handlers, right? It kind of goes into that realm too. They'll take it to like handling a bunch of poisonous snakes, and I don't know how many people have died from that, but there's definitely some videos out there, just stupid people, like holding these snakes, getting bitten by venomous snakes, not going to the doctor and just dying. So, go to Acts chapter two. Now, where does Pentecostal come from, like as far as that moniker for it? Well, it's gonna go back to the day of Pentecost, right? Makes sense. And so what they're claiming is that they're basically the church as an Acts two type of church. Acts two, at the day of Pentecost, when all these great works were being done. Okay, so let's see if they're, what they'll say is that, well, we're speaking a heavenly language and people can't understand it. Chapter and verse, chapter and verse on this garbage. And here's the thing, show me where there's ever this heavenly language that no one can understand in the Bible. They're like, well, it's angelic. Show me an angel that's ever spoken that no one understood. I'll wait, because it doesn't exist in the Bible. The whole point of angels is so that you can actually get a message and understand what's being said. When it's talking about having the language of angels, it's more so talking about the fact of how you speak, right? And being kind of like Stephen where his face was as if you saw the face of an angel, right? The idea of having maybe an angelic way of speaking, or when you're thinking about an angel where you're talking about a messenger, so you're dealing with the fact that someone is very gifted in speaking. And not some gibberish, should've run to honda, you know, like weird gibberish. And so Acts chapter two, if they're Pentecostal, and they're going back to the Pentecostal, day of Pentecost, let's see if it pans out for them. So let's look at this. And when I say they don't have a leg to stand on, I mean, this completely is the opposite of what they say, speaking in tongues is. Verse one here, it says, and when the day of Pentecost was fully come, there were all with one accord in one place, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Now I think at this point, they just close up their Bible and be like, see, they spoke with other tongues. It's just like, oh, okay. Well, there you go. I mean, we're just gibberish language now. Except for the fact that it explains what they were speaking because notice what it says in verse five, it says, and there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. So imagine that you had Jews from every nation, I mean, we're talking Spain, we're talking like just every place that you can imagine where they would reside. And going down the list here, and it'll give you the specific locations. When I said Spain, I meant Rome, not Spain. I'm thinking of Rome where he's talking to Rome. He's talking about how he's gonna go through Spain. Anyway, side note. But in verse five, devout men out of every nation under heaven. Now, when this was noise abroad, the multitude came together and were confounded because notice this, that every man heard them speak in his own language. So when we're talking about tongues, what are we talking about? Language, very clear. And when they spoke other tongues, were they speaking some jibber jabber or were they actually speaking a known language that people understood? No doubt here. I mean, anybody with a brain in their head that knows English grammar knows what's being said here. Is that they spoke a language that they normally don't speak and the people heard it in their own language. So keep reading there. They were all amazed and marveled saying one to another, behold are not all these which speak Galileans. And how here we, every man in our own tongue wherein we were born. So you've probably heard the term mother tongue. Like that's my mother tongue, right? That comes from the fact that you think about your mother land, your mother tongue. That's like English is my mother tongue because that's my first language. That's what I know. And, but then you can say, well, okay, I can speak this language over here too, but that wouldn't be my mother tongue. It's not what I grew up with. So they're all saying we can hear in our own language and our own tongue wherein we were born. And it gives a list here, Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the dwellers of Mesopotamia and Judea and Cappadocia and Pontus and Asia and Phrygia and Pamphylia and Egypt and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, Crete and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. Any doubt, I mean, who's reading this and thinking, yeah, that's jibber jabber. That's some gobbledygook that they're saying out there. They're just out there just rolling on the ground foaming like a dog, foaming like a dog, like barking like a dog. Yeah, that's exactly what they were doing there. And they'll say, well, you know, they thought they were drunk. Those are what it says here in verse 12. It says, and they were all amazed and were in doubt saying one to another what mean it is. So basically they're just like, what is going on? What is going on here, right? Others mocking said these men are full of new wine. Now new wine is clearly grape juice. That's the definition of new wine is that it's not old, which means it's not fermented. Meaning that they were basically just kind of mocking them like, y'all, you're over here like, you guys must be like on something here. And they're like basically talking about stuff that's even alcoholic. Like, y'all, yeah, you're like high on something. You're like drunk on something that's not even capable of getting you drunk because no one can get drunk off grape juice, okay? You can get fat off of it, but you can't get drunk off of it. So, and what this really comes down to is that they didn't know what was going on. They're probably hearing like, yeah, this person's speaking to me in my own language and this other person's probably like, you're crazy. There's no way. There's no way that they're just speaking a language they don't normally know, right? And basically just kind of doubting what's really happening there, okay? I mean, could you blame them for doubting what's going on? Because I don't think anybody would hear if I just started speaking in German right now, they'd be like, what? Of course, most people probably don't speak German so they wouldn't even know if I'm like speaking it or not, but if you spoke a language and then I just started speaking in your language, that would be what you're dealing with there. So Dave Pentecost, what are we dealing with? We're dealing with this miracle where God allowed them to speak other languages that they normally don't know, okay? So this is obviously a miracle. This is something that's outside of the typical realm of spiritual gifts. And what we're dealing with here is the baptism of the Holy Ghost that was going on. And what you have to understand too, is that the reason a lot of this stuff was happening is because God was doing signs and wonders to confirm the word of God. At this moment, the New Testament was not written. So you don't have the gospels, you don't have, I mean, good night, Paul's not even saved at this point. So think about all of the books that Paul wrote, none of that's there. So what you have is that in the New Testament, obviously scripture is going to be written, but the word of God is being confirmed by signs and wonders done by the apostles, and that is something that's obviously special at that time. So today you don't have this case. Now, could God do that? Of course he could, right? Could he cause any believer to do that? Sure, but here's the thing, is that what's happening in any Pentecostal church right now? Is anything close to this happening in a Pentecostal church? Not even close, because they can't duplicate something like that. So because they can't duplicate what really happened, they have to come up with some weird circus act and basically make up the fact that this is some gibberish stuff. Now, what they'll do is they'll go to 1 Corinthians 14, go ahead and go to 1 Corinthians 14, and they'll say, well, it's an unknown tongue, right? They spoke in tongues there, but there's also an unknown tongue, and they'll basically just butcher chapter 14. And chapter 14, in a nutshell, is talking about the fact that there are languages that are unknown to the church. If I came in here and I just started speaking Greek to you, I busted out my Greek New Testament, I started reeking it off, and I start preaching to you in Greek, that's an unknown tongue to everybody that's in the room. Maybe some people are studying it, I don't know, right? Or maybe you know a little bit, that's one thing, right? But that would be an unknown tongue. What if Brother Richie came up here and started speaking Tagalog, right? Not that I don't think he's saying that he's fluent in that, but what if he started speaking that? He just came up here and started speaking that. I mean, well, Jennifer would get what he's saying. Maybe not, she'd be like, you are bad at that. But that's what it would be like, right? And the fact of the matter is, is what's the point? What's the point of me getting up here and speaking it? How about the Catholic church would do that? They'd speak in Latin, and then no one understood Latin at the time. This is why they didn't want the Bible translated into English. And by the way, the translators of the King James Bible wrote in the translators to the readers why they even wanted to translate the Bible into English, and they cited chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians as the reasoning that an unknown tongue cannot be understood, meaning that in the vulgar language, meaning the common language, that you have a book that's sealed if you don't understand what's being said, if you don't understand the language, and that that's what's being referenced to, okay? But let's just look at what the passage says here in 1 Corinthians chapter 14. I'm not going through the whole chapter. I've done a whole sermon on this whole chapter. I've done a whole sermon going through the chapter, dealing with unknown tongue, but it's simply just an unknown language to people that are around. Obviously, the person that's speaking it is not unknown. But, and that's why it's saying that, well, you speak well, and you're blessing God well, and you're praying well, yeah, sure, because God understands all languages. So if you're speaking to God, it's not like you have to worry about what language you're speaking to him in. Does that make sense? God knows all the languages. But not everybody in the church knows all the languages. In verse seven here, what I wanna make very clear is that there is no such thing as a language that no one knows, like in the world, okay? What you understand is that 1 Corinthians is written to the church at Corinth, okay? It's written to a specific congregation. But then, but if you broaden that out, right, what's an unknown tongue in this church right here may not be an unknown tongue somewhere else, okay? For example, if I were speaking Greek, guess what? If we went to Greece, that wouldn't be an unknown tongue. Actually, English might be there in a lot of cases would be the unknown tongue. So maybe if I went there and I'm speaking English but not Greek, to them, that would be an unknown tongue, and I need to interpret into Greek for them. So that's what this whole passage is talking about. Let me prove to you that in this passage, it states that there is no such thing as a language that has no, like there's no one that understands it, okay? Notice what it says in verse seven. It says, and even things without life, giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harp? For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? For ye shall speak into the air. Verse 10, there are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, meaning like it's basically saying there's so many. I mean, I don't know how many languages, I didn't look it up as far as how many languages are in the world, but there's a lot, okay? At least hundreds, probably a thousand, I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong about thousands, but there's a lot of languages that are out in the world. Okay? There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification. None of them is without signification, meaning that there is no language out there to where there's no, basically, way of signaling what it means. And what people wanna state is that, well, there's this language, but no one knows it but God. No, in this world, there is no language, there is no voice that doesn't have signification, that doesn't have a meaning, that doesn't have people that actually speak it. If there is a language that no one speaks or no one understands, it's not really a language. That is the definition of a language, is a group of people that are communicating with each other. Now, obviously, there's dead languages where people, like Latin, for example, no one is born speaking Latin anymore, right? What it means to be a dead language is that you don't have native speakers anymore. You don't have people that are born speaking that as their first language. Hebrew, for example, was a dead language for a long time. Not that no one could read it or understand it, it's just the fact that no one was born speaking Hebrew and growing up speaking Hebrew until, like, the 1800s, okay? So, don't get me wrong, just because someone's not born speaking the language doesn't mean that the language doesn't exist, okay? But here's the thing, someone spoke it at some time, it used to be a spoken language that was conversed, or people could at least read it and understand what's being said, or it's not really a language. That's the definition of a language. So, this idea of some gibberish language, well, guess what? That's not a real thing. What that is is just made up gobbledygook, just like I told that guy at the doorstep. And go to chapter 14, verse 21. What's funny about this is how backwards everything is, right, it's like, we're Pentecostals because we speak with tongues, can you understand what you're saying? No, not at all. In the day of Pentecost, that was the whole point is that they could understand what you're saying. So, it's backwards, right? Then, if you went to one of these Pentecostal churches, you know what they do? They speak in tongues among so-called believers, and I'm gonna use that in quotations, because obviously I don't believe that most people in those churches are actually saved, but they would say they're saved, they would say they're all believers, and guess what, where does the tongue-talking happen? In church around believers, isn't it? What does the Bible say about this? Now, let's just say, for example, that this chapter's talking about some gibberish language. It's not, but let's say it is. That's what it says in verse 21. In the law it is written, with men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people, and ye, and yet for all that will they not hear me, saith the Lord. Wherefore, tongues are for a sign not to them that believe, but to them that believe not. So here's what's backwards about that. The Pentecostals are constantly speaking in tongues around other believers, and the Bible says it's not for believers, it's for unbelievers. Here's the real truth of the matter. It's for getting people saved. It's for preaching the gospel, which is exactly what happened on the day of Pentecost. God allowed them to speak in other languages so they can give them the gospel, and they can hear the wonderful works of God in their own language for them to get saved. Notice what it says, keep reading there. It says, but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe. Meaning, prophesying preaching is to be in the language that everybody understands, and if you're not preaching, listen, if you are speaking in a foreign language to a congregation, you are not prophesying, you are not preaching, by definition in the Bible. You are speaking in an unknown tongue, and that is not allowed in the church, according to 1 Corinthians chapter 14. So if you come into a church, if I came in here and started speaking Latin to you, guess what, I'm not really preaching to you, I'm not really prophesying unto you, I'm actually in error because I'm preaching to you in an unknown tongue, no one's being edified, only myself understands what's being said in God. And it's not profitable, it's not edifying to the church. But keep reading there, it says in verse 23, if therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned or unbeliever, will they not say that you are mad? Now, let's just say for a second we're talking about the gibberish. Isn't that exactly what happens in a Pentecostal church? Listen, I accidentally walked into a Pentecostal church one time, not accidentally, I think I was going there for some reason, I didn't know they spoke in tongues though. It's like one of those liberal, like, chestnut ridge type things, okay? Where, who knows what you're getting, right? You're just kinda rolling the dice on what you're getting in those churches. But there are people and they're speaking in tongues. And let's say, for example, this is talking about that. It's literally speaking against that, saying, aren't people gonna think you're crazy? Mad meaning crazy? But here's the thing, here's what it's really talking about. If someone walked in and everybody's just speaking different languages, right, this guy's speaking Spanish, this one's speaking German, this one's speaking Greek, this one's over here speaking Russian, we got a click, we got some African click language over here, like, people are gonna be like, what is going on right now, right? And listen, someone's coming in, they're not learning, they don't know these languages, it's just gonna be like, it's like coming in and just hearing a bunch of noise. And they're gonna think, these guys are crazy. Right, but if they come in and you're prophesying, meaning you're preaching in a language they understand, then they can learn, then they can know. And the unbeliever can end up getting saved off of hearing it in their own language. That's what it says here. But if all prophesied, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all. So it's talking about whether an unbeliever comes in, or whether it's just someone comes in that's not learned in the language of that tongue that no one knows, or that he doesn't know. It says, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all, and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest, and so falling down on his face, he will worship God and report that God is in you of the truth. Listen, if you don't speak to him in language they understand how in the world are they gonna even know the gospel? How are they gonna know what you're even saying? How are they gonna know what you're preaching? That is 1 Corinthians 14. Not some gobbledygook, it's just talking about speaking with other languages. Paul ends it with that forbid none to speak with tongue, but it needs to be done decently and in order, and if I were to speak in a different language then what everybody understands, there has to be an interpreter. There has to be an interpreter. If there's no interpreter you need to sit down and shut up. Now it says sit down and be silent, but I feel like that's pertinent. Because listen, if no one can understand what you're saying then what are you even doing? There's no point, pointless, okay? So when it comes to, those are the two main passages by the way. I mean does any of that pan out? Acts chapter two, how? I wanna know how they think that has anything to do with what they're doing. It baffles the mind. I'm just baffled at it. I don't understand it and how that could even be used at all as proof for what they believe and what they do. Then 1 Corinthians 14, which is like, it literally says there's so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them are without signification. None of them are without it. Maybe in that church the people don't understand the significance of it. They don't understand the meaning of it. But in the world they do. Meaning that, listen, it's not really a voice then. It's not really a language if no one in the world knows it. And by the way, linguistic people that deal with languages all the time have studied what the Pentecostals do and there is no rhyme or reason. There is nothing about it that would give any indication of it being an actual language. It's garbage. So that being said, you're like, pastor are you against speaking in tongues? I don't think it needs to be said. This is a foolish movement. And here's the thing, here's what makes me angry about this tongue-talking movement is the fact of the matter is that they blaspheme Christianity with it. The healers, the Benny Hens out there, like these people that are basically putting Christianity as a banner over it is giving Christianity a bad name. So some people when they think Christianity, you know what they think of? They think of Benny Henn hitting people on the head and like knocking people over. People being slain in the spirit, convulsing on the ground, speaking some gibberish. They think of a circus. Listen, this isn't just to the Pentecostals. Listen, you know what some people think of Christianity? They think of a rock band and a bunch of limp-wristed men and a bunch of masculine women going to some rock concert and calling it church. And the name of God is being blasphemed through them. And it makes me sick. Listen, sometimes it's funny watching them, but I'm always in kind of a straight betwixt two of thinking it's funny and being disgusted, right? When someone's like convulsing on the ground, it's kind of, you know, when you see the Benny Henn reel where they put a lightsaber in his hand instead of the coat that he's whipping people with, and then he starts electrocuting him like he's the dark lord of the Sith. I mean, it's funny. It's funny, but then I just kind of like, after that I'm just like, but it's so just maddening and sad when you think about the fact that that's what people think of Christianity. And so go to Isaiah chapter eight. And what I want to state here is that those that speak in tongues are either faking it or they're devil-possessed, okay? They're either faking it or they're devil-possessed. I don't believe there's any other way to look at this because it's not biblical. It's not the spirit of God. But I want you to think about what happens to someone when they're devil-possessed, okay? Because I've, listen, I've talked to people that came out of that realm, and they'll say yeah, they basically tell you to just kind of fake it until you make it, right? Just kind of fake it until it kind of comes natural and all that stuff, and that's how they tell you to do this. Now, I don't know from personal experience, this is just what people have told me, okay? And then other people have said, you know what? I remember just blacking out and then just kind of waking up on the floor, which tells me that they weren't in the driver's seat, okay? If you don't remember what happened, that is not the spirit of God, my friends. That is a devil. That is being possessed by a devil. Now, let me give you some clues as far as what does someone that's possessed act like? And let me ask you if this resembles something, okay? Notice what it says in Isaiah chapter eight and verse 19. Like, I can't believe you'd say that these people are devil-possessed, I said it. And you know what? Look what the Bible says on this. It says in Isaiah eight and verse 19, it says, and when they shall say unto you, seek unto them that have familiar spirits. Familiar spirits is just another word in the Bible for an unclean spirit or a devil, okay? So familiar spirits and unto wizards that peep and that mutter. Should not a people seek unto their God for the living to the dead? So we're dealing with people that were like wizards, necromancers, like people like that. It talks about them peeping and muttering. And what do you have when people that are in Pentecostal church and they're starting to get slain in the spirit? They just start muttering stuff, right? It's kind of under their breath and they're like, ooh, you know, it's just kind of like, it's creepy is what it is in a lot of cases, but they're just like, they start talking to themselves. They're kind of moving back and forth and they're just, it's just like Tourette's sometimes where it's just kind of like there's a spirit there, but it's not the Holy Spirit, okay? I don't even believe it's their spirit. I believe that there's devils involved in this. So they're peeping, they're muttering. Go to Mark chapter nine, Mark chapter nine. If I'm going to Mark, you know I'm going to some devil-possessed person, right? Mark chapter nine, and this is all in sincerity. What does the Bible say about someone that has familiar spirits? They peep and they mutter. And what does that mean? It's kind of like an onomatopoeic type of phrase, meaning like peeping, muttering. It's kind of, you're kind of saying it as far as what they're doing. They're mumbling, muttering to themselves, they're peeping. They're kind of just making nonsensical type of things that they're saying, right? And Mark chapter nine, verse 17 here, it says, and one of the multitude answered and said, master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit. Now we're going to see is that this dumb spirit, dumb meaning like they can't speak, okay? Says wherefore, or I'm sorry, where so ever. Notice what's happening to them. So later on, we see it's a foul spirit and the spirit cries out and stuff. So we know it's a devil, okay? So familiar spirit, unclean spirit, foul spirit, evil spirit, these things are talking about devils, okay? But it says here, what happens to him when this spirit's taking him? It says wherefore, where so ever he taketh him, he terrorith him, he fometh and gnasheth with his teeth and pineth away. Isn't this exactly what happens in these Pentecost churches? They're literally convulsing on the ground. They're doing stop, drop, and roll fire drills. Listen, you've all probably seen the videos of what these people do. It says, I speak to thy disciples that they should cast him out and they could not. So basically, this is a story where he brought his son to him, but the disciples couldn't do it and obviously, this has to do with prayer and fasting. They didn't have enough faith to do it. But in verse 19, it says he answereth him and said, oh, faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? Bring him unto me. And they brought him unto him, and when he saw him straightway, the spirit tear him, and he fell on the ground, wallowing, foaming, wallowed, foaming. So he's foaming at the mouth. And these people in the Pentecostal churches, they're just like, they're not in the driver's seat, okay? There's people faking it, but there are people that are literally not in the driver's seat. There is a lot of devil possession going on in these places, okay? Notice what it says here. Keep reading there, it says in verse 21, and he asked his father, how long is it since this came unto him, and he said, of a child? And oftentimes, notice this, it hath cast him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him. Listen, who here has seen people, like they do crazy stuff, and they're just like, oh, it's the Holy Spirit, jumping in the baptisteries, jumping into whatever. I mean, there's probably where they're jumping into a fire, who knows? I mean, would you put it past, someone's gonna YouTube it later, and find that some Pentecostal person jumped into a fire. This is the circus mentality that happens in these Pentecostal churches, and it is garbage. And this stuff is giving Christianity a bad name. You know, those same people are just like, you're a Baptist, you're in that dead as a doornail church. No, we're in reality. And what it comes down to is that Pentecostal movement is all about the outward appearance of spirituality. They're all about the physical. They're all about the physical baptism. They're all about the physical manifestations to where you can tangibly see it. They're all about just seeing it on the ground when someone's foaming at the mouth, and they wanna say, that's the Holy Spirit of God. That is the devil, my friends. That is not the Spirit of God. Keep reading there. It says, but if thou canst do anything, have compassion on us, and help us. Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Praise the Lord. When it comes to salvation, it's all about faith. It's not about works, it's not about anything like that. And notice what it says here in verse 24. In a straight way, the father of the child cried out and said with tears, Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief. And then it says in verse 25, that when Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him. And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him, and he was as one dead, insomuch that many said, he is dead. But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose. So even at the very outset of what's happening here, as that spirit's leaving him, it's like one last time, you're gonna basically tear him apart. And then that spirit left, to the point where they thought that the child was dead. But, obviously, he wasn't dead, Jesus raises him up, and all that. Now I want you to think about this, okay? So that's obviously creepy, when it comes to these tongue talkers. And listen, I link the tongue talkers with these Pentecostals that are foaming on the ground, barking like a dog, because they go hand in glove, okay? There's obviously different realms of people that kind of fake it, and all that stuff. But listen, when you're letting the devil get in the driver's seat, and they start jibber jabbering this stuff out there, then you know what, all this other stuff's possible as well. And go to Mark chapter three, Mark chapter three. And this is personally, this is my personal belief on this. This is why I believe a lot of these tongue talkers are actually reprobating, okay? Because this is really close to what it says about blaspheming the Holy Spirit, blaspheming the Holy Ghost, okay? Now, again, the people that are faking it, the people that are, you know, all that, but listen, the people that know what they're doing, they know that this isn't the Holy Spirit, they know that this is all a bunch of malarkey and baloney, that, I want you to think about this. Notice what it says here in Mark chapter three and verse 28, meaning that this is very dangerous. Listen, if people are in a Pentecostal church that are in this realm, this is very dangerous, because this gets into the point that they're blaspheming the name of God, but they're actually more so blaspheming the Holy Spirit of God. Because all this stuff that I mentioned to you, they're saying is the Spirit of God doing it, but who's actually doing it? The devil, okay? So think about this, Mark chapter three and verse 28, it says, verily I say unto you, all sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewithsoever they shall blaspheme, but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation, because they said he hath an unclean spirit. So when it comes to the blaspheming of the Holy Ghost, what is that specifically? Saying that Jesus had an unclean spirit, which was saying that the Holy Spirit is a devil. And it says by the prince of the devils, he does cast out devils, right? So he's saying that the Spirit of God is a devil. What are the Pentecostals saying? They're saying that devil is the Spirit of God. Kind of backwards, but they're basically saying it in reverse. Now, when it comes to this, it kind of goes into churches that preach a false gospel. The leadership is definitely, when I think about who would be beyond hope of salvation, it's usually the leadership, because the leadership are not ignorant. They know what they're doing. And judging by whether that leadership actually knows the gospel or not, as far as whether they've gone past that point, but see how dangerous this is. You know, we, you know, listen, I've laughed at videos and stuff like that. This is very dangerous. They are not only blaspheming the name of Christ. They are blaspheming the Spirit of God by saying that a devil is the Spirit of God. Whereas the Pharisees were saying the Spirit of God is a devil, okay? And whether there's a difference in that, I'm not dogmatic on that, okay, of whether you go the other way. But to me, it's kind of like, if A equals B, then B equals A, you know, kind of that type of deal, where that's not always the case, but it can be the case, right? Where, yeah, it doesn't matter which direction you go with that, it's still blasphemous to either say that the Spirit of God is the devil or to say that the devil is the Spirit of God, okay? Because either way, you're basically saying the attributes of the Spirit of God is that someone is speaking some gobbledygook, the Spirit of God is someone foaming at the mouth, being torn, throwing himself into the water, throwing himself into the fire, peeping, muttering, that that's the Spirit of God? That's blaspheming, and that is getting really close, if anything, to the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. And so it's no marvel that you have these wicked, reprobated people in the Pentecostal movement, okay? I'm not saying it's reserved just for the Pentecostal movement, but do you see how, you know a lot of times we talk about, well, is anybody who's reprobating, have they all blasphemed the Holy Spirit? And it's a good question, because I don't believe necessarily that you have to blaspheme the Holy Spirit to be reprobated, but that can definitely be an avenue in which you would become a reprobate. But in this case, they are literally right there, like, okay, this is exactly what the Pharisees are doing, just the opposite. Just kind of the converse to it. Go to Ephesians chapter five, Ephesians chapter five, because you know what they say when it comes to this? They'll say, well, I'm drunk with the Holy Spirit. You need to be drunk with the Holy Spirit. That right there is blasphemous, you know? It's blasphemous to say that the Holy Spirit is making us drunk. Now what they do is they'll go to Ephesians chapter five, in verse 18, or they'll talk about, a bunch of people are saying that they're filled with new wine, just because you have a bunch of idiots that are out there basically like, we don't know what's going on, they must be drunk on like grape juice or something like that. Oh, okay, well then, you know, speaking to someone in a language that's their own language is drunkenness. Right? But here's the thing, they'll take a verse like this, Ephesians chapter five, verse 18, it says, and be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit. This is a complete contrast. It's not saying, well don't be drunk with wine, be drunk with the Holy Spirit. It doesn't say be drunk with the Holy Spirit, it says be filled with the Holy Spirit. If you're filled with alcohol, yeah, you'll be drunk. But be filled with the Spirit, it's a complete contrast. Don't be drunk, be sober. Notice what the Bible says in 2 Timothy chapter one, in verse seven, 2 Timothy chapter one, verse seven. How about this, in 1 Peter, you're trying to get, 1 Peter 1, 13 says, wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober. Over and over again, I will the young man be sober. You're like, well, what does it say that we can't, you know, do certain drugs? Be sober, because the Bible's on the offense, okay? If you're on drugs, you're not sober, then you're not keeping that commandment. So how about this, speaking of the Spirit of God, well, I think, you know, the Spirit of God is like, when you're filled with the Spirit of God, you're like a drunk man. How wicked is that? Notice what it says here in 2 Timothy chapter one, verse seven it says, for God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Not madness, not a circus, not craziness, of a sound mind. Show me where Jesus looked like he was drunk, and Jesus had the Spirit of God without measure. So if you're gonna say, well, you know, it depends on how filled you are, Jesus was filled with the Spirit more than any other man ever will. He is the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and show me where he was anything but of a sound mind and sober. It's blasphemous to say that being filled with the Spirit is like under drunkenness. It's literally giving you the contrast. That's like saying, like, well, don't kill but heal. Well, you know, healing's kinda like killing. What? It's a complete contrast. It's like, believe on the Son, don't, or he that believe is not the Son. Well, it's kinda the same thing. No, it's not! Complete contrast. Good, evil. I know we live in a world where everything that's bitter is called sweet, and sweet is called bitter, and light is called darkness, and darkness is called light. The Pentecostals are literally taking the Spirit of God and liking them unto the devil, which is why the name of Christ has been blasphemed by these tongue-talkers. Go to 1 Peter, chapter five, 1 Peter, chapter five. I'll end with this. This is more of an offensive, it is offensive, but offensive sermon, meaning that I'm not on the defense. Listen, the burden of proof is on them to show me anything about this jibber-jabber garbage. There is no proof. Acts, chapter two, nothing. It actually says the opposite. 1 Corinthians, chapter 14, nothing. It actually talks about the fact that there is no voice out there that is not without signification, meaning that there's a way to signify that voice, and if you tell me, no, there's a voice that's heavenly that no one can signify, that's not what that chapter's talking about. The burden of proof's on them. We have the Bible. We have actually what the Bible says on this that is very clear. They're talking about known languages, and that they are liking the spirit of God unto the devil. We believe that the spirit of God actually gives us soberness, and that we are called to be sober, and being filled with the spirit of God is actually to be of a sound mind. It says in 1 Peter, chapter five, verse eight, it says, be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, is a roaring lion walking about, seeking whom he may devour, whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren which are in the world, that are in the world, but the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered awhile, make perfect, stabless, strengthen, settle you. Listen, the Christian is supposed to be settled, rooted, grounded, stable, sober, vigilant, not drunk, not a crazy person, not foaming at the mouth, not laying on the ground, looking like a nutcase. Christianity is all about gravity, sincerity, and Pentecostalism is a mockery of the Bible, of Christianity. Tongue talkers are not saved. You're like, that's anecdotal, show me one then. And listen, if someone is saved and they think that tongues are a thing, then when you show them what the Bible says, you know what they're gonna do? They're gonna hear the shepherd's voice and they're gonna be like, no, actually, that isn't a thing. I'm not saying a saved person can't think that it might be because they don't know, right? They're just not studied up on that, they just heard things about that, they've been bewitched on certain things like that, of course, people can be off on that, but if you show them, hey, here's what it says in Pentecost, they heard it in their own language, they're gonna be like, case in point. It's like when I didn't realize that Jesus went to hell. You know, when I was saved for a while, I didn't realize the Bible says that his soul was in hell. You know, then someone showed me Acts chapter two where it says his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did seek corruption, this Jesus had God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses, and I'm like, there it is, boom, that was it. Like he was in hell. Next doctrine, you know what I mean? It's not hard, okay, and this isn't a sermon to say if people don't think that he suffered in hell, they're not saved, okay? I'm just saying that that's just an example, but tongue talkers, the blasphemy of tongue talkers, and listen, there is no proof in the Bible about this gibberish language. Actually, the only proof about gibberish language is talking about wizards that have familiar spirits. So if that's who you're trying to emulate, have fun with that. The only thing that actually shows people foaming at the mouth, rolling around on the ground, casting themselves in the water, casting themselves in the fire, are demon-possessed people. So guess what? It doesn't actually pan out for the tongue talkers. So, you know, there's some times where some of these things, you ever, there's certain arguments and certain doctrines where it's not even worth hearing out. Does that make sense? And I'm not saying it's not worth preaching on this, because obviously this is a prevalent thing that people believe in and all that, and what does the Bible teach on it, right? But there are certain things where I'm just like, that doesn't even warrant a response, like a defense. And what I mean by that is that there's certain things where I'm like, I see where you're coming from, let me show you why that's wrong. Here, I don't see where you're coming from, you're completely out to lunch, and here's why, right? That's kind of the difference between tongue talking and let's say someone that is believing in a pre-trib rapture, for example. Even though I think a pre-trib rapture's pretty dumb. You know, I can say, well, I can see what you're saying with this verse, but let's look at context and see what we're talking about here. Tongue talking, I'm like, no, there's no, there's nothing. You have nothing that supports this. So, reject it out of hand, but here's, let me just answer it and let me rebuke it real quick. So, the last thing we have tongue talkers, I'm gonna be, probably next week, I'm probably gonna be preaching on just some different topics to dealing with, whether it's baptism, different things like that. Stuff that we deal without soul winning, you know, where people are constantly trying to attack internal security, attack the gospel, and all of that, but let's end with a word of prayer. The only follow we think of today, think of your word, thank you for these passages, thank you for the passage on the day of Pentecost and just seeing how clear and how just wondrous your works were there on causing people to hear in their own language the gospel, and Lord, just pray that you'd help us, Lord, if some that are maybe trying to learn other languages, specifically for the purpose of soul winning and reaching people that don't speak English, Lord, just pray that you'd help them and help them to learn those languages, and Lord, we just love you and pray, and God bless you in Jesus Christ's name, amen. But the day is gonna come, sing one more song, and then we'll be dismissed. All right, take your song books and turn to song 270. Song 270 in your song books, we'll sing Just As I Am. If you would stand, we'll sing song 270. ["Just As I Am"] As I am without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me, and that thou bidst me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come, just as I am, and waiting not to rid my soul of one dark blood, to thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come, just as thou toss about with many a conflagment and many a doubt, fighting and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come, I come, just as I am, for wretched blind, and wretched blind, sigh riches healing of the mind, I need in thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come, I come, just as I am, thou wilt come, thou wilt receive, wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, because thy promise, I believe, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.