(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We're there in Proverbs chapter 6 and we're continuing our study through the Ten Commandments and we are now on the eighth commandment which is thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not commit adultery I thought this passage here in Proverbs chapter 6 is kind of a passage that really tells you the ramifications of committing adultery and goes into that now in Exodus chapter 20 you get the Ten Commandments listed off but also in Deuteronomy 5 so just for reference I didn't want to read the you know just that passage just thou shalt not commit adultery and in Deuteronomy 5 18 it says neither shalt thou commit adultery so it says thou shalt not kill neither shall commit adultery neither so they see thou shalt not it's just a being applied and saying don't do this either don't do this either going down the line there so now with this sermon you know it's likely to offend somebody okay because when we're getting into a subject as far as marriage divorce adultery anything like that then you know you're gonna have a mixed group of everybody in that category and so this sermon is not meant to be mean or offend anybody but this is just what the Bible teaches on this subject and so we're just gonna go through that now in Proverbs chapter 6 look at verse 26 there I just want to talk about this passage first of all man I'm just like struggling you know I was doing fine until I went outside I don't know but Proverbs chapter 6 and verse 26 it says for by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned can one go up upon hot coals and his feet not be burned so he that goeth into his neighbor's wife whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent and so this is obviously telling you that hey you know there there's actually people out there that are trying to be a homewrecker okay and and there's people out there not that that literally women that that want a guy because they're married and it's crazy and it works the other way too meaning that there's men that want a woman that's because she's married and it's just like this this they they hunt for that and so you got to watch out for these people that's what it's telling us here but it's basically stating here that there's no way that you're gonna go into someone else's wife or you know under someone else's husband and not and and be innocent of that okay that's what it's stating here it's like it's as much as if you took coals of fire and put them on your your chest and thinking that your clothes aren't gonna get burned okay so it's just kind of stating that now notice what it says in verse 30 it says men do not despise a thief if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry but if you be found he shall restore sevenfold he shall give all the substance of his house now you may wonder why it's bringing this up in this saying why is it talking about a thief well obviously if you if you commit adultery you're stealing someone else's spouse okay but also the fact is is that it's basically like you steal something you pay sevenfold okay it's over right you're you're just kind of like all right you know I paid sevenfold you know the restitution has been made let's part ways and you know everybody's good right because obviously that that's another thing too if you steal something which we haven't got to yet you don't just get back what you stole okay in this case it's talking about sevenfold so you're getting back a lot more than what they stole okay but it's basically stating yet you know that kind of you it's over and done with right but notice what it says in verse 32 it says but whosoever but whoso committed adultery with a woman lacketh understanding he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul it says a wounded dishonor shall he get and his reproach shall not be wiped away and notice why so it's basically like you know how you if you stole something and then you're like you got caught and then you gave back sevenfold it's like it's kind of like forgive and forgotten it's wiped away right it's just kind of like all right you messed up but you paid sevenfold we're good right if you commit adultery on someone like look if somebody committed adultery on with your wife that doesn't get wiped away okay is what it's stating here it's not like you can somehow get restitution for that and that's what it's gonna state here it says in verse 34 for jealousy is the rage of a man therefore he will not spare in a day of vengeance he will not regard any ransom neither will he rest content though thou give us many gifts so you know it's talking about the the pride of a man the jealousy of a man meaning that I don't care if you pay sevenfold I don't care what you give that guy nothing's going to appease him okay because there's just the jealousy of a man that's there okay rightfully so right it's his wife he's rightfully should be jealous of his wife and it just makes me think of a story of someone I know that he caught his wife committing adultery in the act and he took the guy into the back porch and shot him and he went to prison for it but you know what you'd be saying well that's not that's not the way it should you know like he broke the law by shooting this guy tell that to the guy shot because did it really matter to him you know because you could say well the laws are our would protect you from that well tell that to that guy because the laws didn't stop the husband from shooting him in the face you know on the back porch okay and honestly I can't blame the guy okay now I'm gonna be getting into this because this is interesting because well adultery you know basically if two people are found committing adultery in the act they are to be put to death that's what the Bible teaches now obviously our law system doesn't apply to you know like they don't apply that law okay but this is the perfect law of liberty now one thing that's interesting is we just covered murder last week and so that was the seventh commandment and this is the eighth commandment go to James chapter 2 and I always think this is interesting how it says this because it seems like it's putting adultery as being worse than killing somebody than murder okay now this isn't all this isn't like the end-all proof of that but I just want you to read this because every time I've ever read this and when I was memorizing James chapter 2 is just like this seems like seems like it should be the other way around you know like as far as how you're saying it okay and I'll show you what I mean by this okay verse 8 it says if you fulfill the role the royal law according to the scripture thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself you do well but if you have respect of persons you commit sin and are convinced that the law is transgressors for resource will keep the whole law and yet a fan at one point is guilty of all and it says verse 11 for he that said do not commit adultery said also do not kill now if thou commit no adultery yet at thou kill thou art becoming transgressor the law okay you know you notice how it's saying it's like well if you don't commit adultery but if you kill it's almost assuming like but you did this thing over here see like we like well you didn't kill anybody but you told a lie right do you see how it's kind of like stating like you didn't commit adultery but you killed you know but so you're still a transgression of law do you see how it's kind of implying that adultery is worse than murder okay now I'm not here to say that it is or not I'm just saying that that's the way I read it it's basically saying you know you didn't commit adultery but you killed so therefore you're a transgression of law it's like the same way when we say that out solely you're like well you didn't murder anybody but you told a lie therefore you transgress the law right and obviously we would say that lying most of the time is a lesser sin than murdering somebody okay unless you're lying about someone murdering somebody and then you know obviously then that's worthy of death but all that to say is that you know adultery is a very big sin okay and so this is something that we need to all take to heart especially as you know married couples we need to guard ourselves from this and all that now go to Leviticus chapter 20 because I do want you to see that it was punished with the death penalty in the Old Testament but I want you to see here there are certain there's certain criteria that had to be met here okay when it came to putting someone when it came when it comes to putting someone to death it's not just like a willy-nilly type of way of doing it okay meaning that there had to be two or three witnesses and and notice what it says here in Leviticus 20 in verse 10 I'm just going to show you where it states this it says in the man that committed adultery with another man's wife even he that committed adultery with his neighbor's wife the adulterer and the adulterer shall surely be put to death so notice that they're both being put to death so you say well that seems a little extreme I didn't write the Bible I didn't make the loss but when you think about you know if you thought about like you're married to somebody and then someone commits adultery with your wife or the other way around and someone commits adultery with your husband ladies that the idea of just how that destroys you right it talks about a wound you shall get when that happens okay and the jealousy and all that stuff that's going on there and I'm gonna give you a reason why this is important that that law should be in place because you know the aspect of you know divorce and remarriage okay because when you take out this portion it really hurts the other portion you know as far as the person that's being wronged right because in the case of you know someone committing adultery on you right you're the one that's being wrong it's not like you did something wrong right the person that's you know like let's say their wife committed adultery with someone else you know that husband it's not like he did anything wrong okay but in the end because God's laws don't go forth they're being punished because of that okay or it's just not the way it should be go to Deuteronomy chapter 17 and verse 6 Deuteronomy 17 verse 6 by the way you know divorce is is really high in America okay and among Christians okay so that's why I said you know when you when you preach the sermon like this chances are you know someone's been divorced I know we have people that have been divorced remarried in their church we know we have people that are divorced we have people that are married we have people that are single you just have everybody in that realm okay and so you know this is something that's very pertinent something that applies let's this kind of sermon applies to all of us okay because you know whether you're single or not I mean even if you're single right and you're younger and you're coming up and you're you're wanting to get married these verses need to really resonate with you as far as staying with that person and not committing adultery and seeing the severity you say well you know our laws don't actually dictate that someone's gonna be put to death well let me ask you a question are you more afraid of the physical government or God okay because God's the one that made this law okay and just because our physical government doesn't take it out on you that doesn't mean that God wouldn't okay and this applies for all the sins that are you know in the Bible as far as fornication lying stealing and you'd be like well you know there's no law against fornication well the Bible didn't have you know the death penalty or anything against fornication but he also killed 23,000 people in one day because of it though okay so you got to understand that hey you know even if our laws aren't going to punish you because of these sins you need to be fearing God more than man anyway okay so in Deuteronomy chapter 17 verse 6 it says at the mouth of two witnesses or three witnesses shall he that is worthy of death be put to death but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death the hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death and afterward the hands of the P all the people so thou shalt put the evil away from among you now this is the way it should be done now that means that there has to be at least two witnesses of someone doing this okay so that's gonna be a problem in a lot of cases you know that how do you know or how do you prove that you have to have eyewitnesses okay and one witness can't put anybody to death that's why you know when Jesus was being put on trial they kept trying to get two witnesses to match up right and even the two witnesses that they said hey we got two witnesses that he's gonna destroy this temple and raise it up again they didn't even agree with each other then okay and and it also says that the hands of the witnesses shall be first to put him to death now the reason I say this is because I want you to really think about these two these verses here because these verses in Leviticus 20 and Deuteronomy 17 is really gonna help you explain the situation with with Jesus and the woman caught in adultery now go to James I'm sorry John chapter 8 John chapter 8 and I want you to see this because what a lot of people do is they try to say well in the New Testament it's different okay yeah because you know when when Jesus established the New Testament adultery is fine now right is that what you're saying because that's what people want you to think for some reason that well it's just fine now okay and and again you know we're not in the Levitical priesthood and we're not in a nation where these laws are the law of the land okay but if our country was a righteous nation these laws would be the law of the land okay so you know we're where we're at and actually we're kind of where Jesus was at just to be honest with you so what we have as far as not having a law to put someone to death for adultery guess what that's the way it was back in Jesus day okay so it's not like this is you know like we're living in something new this actually gives us the answer okay to what we're dealing with today in John chapter 8 verse 1 it says Jesus went out or went unto the Mount Mount of Olives and early in the morning he came again into the temple and all the people came unto him and he sat down and taught them and the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery when they had set her in the midst they said they say unto him master this woman was taken in adultery in the very act so eyewitnesses in the very act okay notice what it says in verse 5 now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned but what sayest thou so they're basically calling back to the law which we just read obviously in Leviticus that they should be put to death and if you look in that passage it talks about stoning them with stones okay so it's very accurate what they're saying okay and but notice in verse 6 here it says this they said tempting him that they might have to accuse him that should be your first key there right so they're basically saying you know what do you say though okay because they're trying to see will he say that no the laws void or will he say yes put her to death okay but Jesus stooped down and with his finger wrote on the ground as though he heard them not so when they continued asking him he lifted up himself and said unto them he that is without sin among you let him first cast the stone at her so I want to I want you to see a couple things here okay where's the adulterer in that law who is to be put to death was it just the adulteress the adulterer and the adulteress so there you automatically can't keep the law based off that you can't just kill one of them you know that's not just you can't just put one of them to death you have to do it according to the law all right so he's saying to that what they're saying to Jesus now what does Jesus say let him first cast the stone what did the Bible say about putting someone to death he had to have two or three witnesses and who was the first person that had to cast the stone the witnesses so they were the ones that had the first do it anyway and that's what he's kind of put putting forth to them and saying hey if you're without sin do it and so he's basically putting it forth to them now they're trying to catch him because what I'm going to show you ultimately is that it was not lawful under Roman law for them to put anybody to death okay so they didn't have the Bible was the law of land back then they had the Roman law which was the law of land and therefore they were trying to accuse him they're trying to get him into a trap right because the law says put him to death but they know that they're not allowed to so let's skip to that real quick in John chapter 18 John chapter 18 I'm going to show you it's interesting because a lot of these questions when it comes to the you know like adultery or even marriage and divorce and all that stuff it's found in the same book okay so the same book where whereas it's bringing forth this question as far as should she be stoned or should she not be stoned in John chapter 18 this is when they're trying to put Jesus to death notice what it says in verse 31 then said Pilate unto them take he him and judge him according to your law the Jews therefore said unto him it is not lawful for us to put any man to death okay so they're basically admitting they're like and they're stating that you know according to our law he should be put to death okay and Pilate saying hey you know judge him according to your law and they're saying it's not lawful for us to put him to death see how they were trying to they were tempting him trying to accuse him just like when they came up to him and said should you know should we give tribute to Caesar what are they trying to do they're trying to trap him okay they're trying to get him to either go against Caesar or against the Word of God okay and obviously Jesus is the best at all this right because he just nails them every single time when it comes to tribute when it comes to this case right here and so instead of like it you know basically saying well adultery is fine now and Jesus is fine with adultery what you should understand is that the Pharisees were trying to trap him okay but they were also in the wrong with the whole thing anyway right where was the adulterer okay so the adulterer should have been there and also if they were to do it they needed to be the first ones to do it according to the law the witnesses are the ones to be the first to stone them right and that's against everything in our justice system or in justice system listen the people that end up condemning people for long sentences or anything like that they're never the ones that actually execute the judgment okay they just walk away and then that person's life's ruined they don't they're not the ones that have to witness it and listen the Bible never teaches like long prison sentences so here's a way to fix that all right judge jury if you're gonna give someone like 20 years in prison you need to witness that 20 years in prison then okay you're like well I don't want to do that well then do it according to the Bible then either either they're worthy of death or they're worthy of stripes or they're worthy of restitution or let them go okay but obviously our system is not in law right the Bible is not the law of the land so we have to basically deal with what we're dealing with here now that's where Jesus comes in and this is a passage is really good because it really shows us hey you know we're not to take the law into our own hands okay so we know that the Bible says that they should be put to death and the Bible says that a lot of people should be put to death that our laws don't actually do okay so this is stating here Jesus is giving us a good precedent on how we deal with a case where we're in a government or we're in a nation where those laws don't apply okay and so if Jesus was subject unto the law the Romans guess what then we need to be subject unto the law that's here okay we're not to just go out and be like well that's that the Lord the Bible says this it's not our place the government is the one that's supposed to be doing that and if the government doesn't do that that's on them okay and we're not to basically take up arms and do it ourselves okay now keep reading there and John 8 and verse 8 it says and again he stooped down and wrote on the ground and they which heard it being convicted by their own conscience went out one by one beginning at the eldest even unto the last and Jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the midst now have you ever thought of this story literally Jesus could have threw a stone at her right because as he that was without sin like he he's the only one there that could have right because he said he who let him I'm sorry he that is without sin among you okay and he's the only one standing there that could okay but he didn't it says when Jesus lift had lifted up himself and saw none but the woman he said unto her woman where are those nine accusers hath no man condemned thee Jesus said I'm sorry she said no man Lord and Jesus said unto her neither do I condemn thee go and sin no more now what people do with this is they say well because she said he doesn't condemn her then therefore adultery is not to be condemned now on the surface that should sound really weird right that adultery shouldn't be condemned right but what you have to understand is that first of all she's calling him Lord so I believe that she's saved and calling him Lord so I believe he's basically speaking to her spiritually speaking like I don't condemn you but think about this did Jesus Christ come in the flesh to condemn the world is that why he came go to John chapter 3 it's interesting because the same book is gonna give you the answers for all of this okay why did Jesus came he came to seek and to save that which is lost right that's why he came does that mean that Jesus is never gonna judge anybody or never condemn anybody okay no but why did he come in the flesh born the Virgin Mary did he come here to be a ruler and a judge and to condemn the world is that why he came so when he says neither do I condemn me you're dealing with the Son of God in the flesh that's going to die for the sins of the world okay now what knows what it says in John 3 17 right after the most famous verse in the Bible for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but everlasting life verse 17 for God sent not his son into the world to what condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved so why was he sent into the world to condemn the world to condemn this woman committing adultery no low law already condemns her okay but that's not why he came he didn't come down here to just start condemning people to death okay and notice in John chapter 12 go to John chapter 12 just to give you another one on this so what I'm saying is that people twist this passage okay so this doesn't negate the fact that adultery should be punished by the death penalty if they were to hold to those laws okay even today what it's stating though is that the Roman law didn't allow the Jews to put anybody to death okay so they weren't allowed to do that okay so therefore they were trying to trap Jesus and in the end Jesus didn't come to put people to death okay he wasn't in authority to do that okay so this is really showing you that if you're not it if you're not in authority to execute that type of judgment then it's not your place okay you say well it's not going forth that's not your problem okay that's that's the problem of the government and that's and God will take it up with them you know for not executing that judgment okay so you don't have to worry about it now you you can know what it should be right and if anybody asks your opinion you could tell them this is what the Bible teaches is the way it should be but in the end we are not to go out and try to to execute these judgments at all okay this is something that the government should be doing now in John chapter 12 and verse 46 it says I am come a light into the world that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness and if any man hear my words and believe not I judge him not for I came not to judge the world but to save the world so just over and over again we see you know the fact that he didn't come to condemn the world he didn't come to judge the world that was already done right it's kind of like already been done been done you know like it's like the law did that Moses you know Moses brought in the law but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ okay the law is what condemns Jesus is what saves and so the whole his whole modus operandi when he came to this earth was to save not to condemn okay even right after that says he that rejected me received not my words I'm sorry he that rejected me and receive it not my words hath one that judges him the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day for I have not spoken of myself but the father which sent me he gave me a commandment what I should say and what I should speak okay notice in Luke chapter 12 one last one okay because I just really want you today I really want you to nail this down that the whole purpose when Jesus came the first time was not to judge and condemn the world but to save the world okay now when he comes a second time is he coming to save the world or is he coming to judge the world he's coming to judge the world okay so there's a big difference between his first coming in a second coming you know the second coming is gonna be the wrath of the Lamb the first coming is where the the Lamb died for the sins of the world okay there's a big difference between those two okay in Luke chapter 12 verse 13 it says and one of the company said unto him master speak to my brother that he divide the inheritance with me notice what verse 14 says it says and he said unto him man who made me a judge or a divider over you okay so just this is a simple like kind of another realm as far as just basically saying hey you know help us here divide this you know basically and be a master over us to do this or that he's like who made me a judge and a divider over you and so Jesus didn't come to come down here to start just he didn't come to rule and reign the first time he came okay now they wanted him to do that and they kept trying to put him into that position okay but every time they tried to make him a king he would get out of that situation okay because he came to be a lamb to die for the sins of the world okay and so I hope that makes sense with John chapter 8 with the woman caught in adultery it's not negating the law okay and anytime you know someone tries to negate moral law there should be a problem there okay are we saying I mean how far do you take it do you say well adultery is fine now okay we could all just commit adultery now well Jesus didn't can I mean how far do you take the fact that he said I don't condemn it because he says neither do I condemn these sin no more so he's basing don't go do it again okay but if you think about on a spiritual level level obviously when you get saved if you committed adultery you know it's forgiven okay you're not condemned you know who sort of believeth in him is not condemned that he that believe it not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God okay but that's talking spiritually right you know it says that in Romans chapter 8 it says that now you know we have no condemnation of those which are which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit okay so if we walk in the spirit we're not having common image condemnation in this world but if we walk in the flesh we do okay so there's a big difference between the spiritual condemnation and the physical condemnation as a Christian and he was obviously talking to her about spiritual I don't condemn these spiritually okay now obviously you know what he's stating there is that that sins not going to be counted against her right Romans chapter 4 talks about blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin okay and that's I believe what he's dealing with there so anyway I just want to unpack that and John chapter 8 dealing with a woman caught in adultery first of all they messed up they didn't bring the adulterer second of all they needed to be the first ones to put her to death then and they were trying to trap him because it was not lawful in that day it's actually a great passage to show you that the moral law should be what the law says but in cases where the law of the land is not going to execute that then you need to do what Jesus did which is not executed himself and not try to condemn that person himself and he's the son of God okay so if Jesus the son of God said nope I'm gonna I'm gonna be obedient unto the law of the land then how much more should we when it comes to taxes and when it comes to capital punishment when it comes to anything that's not basically telling you to go sin okay so you know I I just hope that makes sense with all that now go to Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 and I want to get into what constitutes adultery okay what constitutes you know what you know what do you have to do to commit adultery okay now Matthew chapter 5 verse 31 here that's what it says it says it hath been said whosoever shall put away his wife let him give her a writing of divorcement but I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causeth her to commit adultery and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committed adultery okay now I'm gonna get to the the exception okay so they're obviously there's one exception to the rule as far as and what you're dealing with here just to be honest with you is remarriage okay the Bible talks about how God hateth putting away which is talking about divorce but what we're dealing with here is that he's basically saying hey if you marry someone that's put away you're committing adultery and if that person that committed that does divorce marry somebody then they're committing adultery and basically stating that now go to Matthew chapter 19 kind of states the same thing and what you have to understand is that he's answering the Pharisees here because the Pharisees are trying to say that you can get a divorce for anything okay for any cause okay now when you read the law you can see how they're trying to pull that out of there right they're just trying to say well you know for any reason if I don't like her write her a bill of divorcement right and so in Matthew chapter 19 verse 3 it says the Pharisees also came unto him tempting him and saying unto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause so I want you to notice that that he's saying he's like for every cause you know any reason and he answered and said unto them have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female and said for this cause shall man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh so that by the way teaches that you should not have more than one wife okay it's two shall be one flesh or twain shall be one flesh wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh what therefore God had joined together let not man put asunder okay so he's basically saying they're saying you know can a man get a divorce for any cause okay and he's saying what God has joined together let not man put asunder so you're basically saying don't get a divorce it's pretty much what he's saying right now notice what they say after that says in verse 7 they say unto him why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away okay so he's basically saying hey there's this law though where Moses is saying you can get a divorce okay verse 8 he said unto them Moses because of the hardness of your heart suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not so so it's basically saying what I believe this is stating is that before Moses and the law there was no law there was no writing a divorcement that was allowed okay does that make sense like he's basically saying you know Moses gave you that law obviously God allowed him to give that law okay it's not saying that that's a you know like that's not God's Word okay when we get to that it's obviously God's Word and it was allowed okay but he I believe what he's stating there is that it wasn't up until Moses that they were even like condoned that there would be this one cause okay so that means from the beginning it wasn't so you say what are the laws like that the death penalty the death penalty was not instituted until after the flood with Noah okay because when Cain killed Abel he wasn't put to death remember he put a mark on him and he was gonna be a vagabond and all that well after after the flood God said you know whosoever shed of man's blood by man shall his blood be shed okay so the the death penalty was established at the flood so I believe divorce was established with Moses okay so that's what he's stating there okay now let's keep reading there to get into this and this is not a fun subject I know this okay but this is I'm just teaching you what the Bible says on this issue and and if if if you've been divorced or if you've been remarried or you know if we're married listen we all need to look at this and just say hey here's what the Bible teaches and you know just go with what the Bible teaches on this now and verse 9 there it says and I and I say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife except to be for fornication and shall marry another committed adultery and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery okay so the same thing only it says save and one and except that's what save means right if you say like save one you know like I'm gonna eat all these donuts save one right that means I'm gonna eat all these except one okay so it's just a different way of saying it so it's the same thing that he's stating there okay now notice this because you say man that's harsh saying well you're not the only ones that think that okay because notice in the next verse in verse 10 his disciples say unto him if the case of the man be so with his wife it is not good to marry right because that's pretty strict right and what did Jesus say verse 11 but he said unto them all men cannot receive the same say they to whom it is given for there are some eunuchs which were so born from their mother's womb and there are some eunuchs which were made eunuchs of men and there be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake he that is able to receive it let him receive it and I believe this is talking about being single meaning that it obviously is a very serious thing to get married okay and that's what I believe he's stating here is that you know they're like it's not good then to marry right because it's very strict on what's right and what's wrong in this area and he's basically saying hey you know some people are you know eunuchs and I and I don't believe that that's just saying like it you know they all just castrated themselves or something like that I believe it's kind of like Paul right Paul never married and he addresses that and saying hey you know if you can abide like me then then by but if you know if you can't then marry you know so that you're not gonna offend and so it's obviously not an easy saying okay you think it's changed in 2020 from being a hard saying you know or I'm sorry from back when Jesus said this to 2020 and now it's not a hard saying if anything it's harder saying today okay because you know marriage and divorce and all this stuff is very very widespread okay and go to mark chapter 10 because I just want you to see you know you know in some places it doesn't give that exception that doesn't mean the exception isn't there okay it just means that in that passage it's not really addressing it and I'll say Matthew's the only one that says the exception and again when you're dealing with this it's probably because Matthew's gonna give you the answer okay just like John when you're dealing with a woman caught in adultery guess guess what books gives you the answer to what's going on there the book of John so we'll get back to that but I want you to just see that it kind of covers all realms okay so if I wasn't married and then I married somebody that that that was divorced I'm committing adultery okay and this is kind of going back if I just want you to see all these different cases here in verse 11 it says and he saith unto them whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against her and if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another she committed adultery so it's basically saying you know it's not just the husband it's not just the man okay Luke chapter 16 and verse 18 Luke chapter 16 and verse 18 it says this says whosoever put away his wife and marrieth another committed adultery and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committed adultery okay so it's basically just covering all bases is there you know as far as married unmarried and you know it just means that you know someone that is divorced is you know you're committing adultery now I'll say this because I'm gonna be getting into the case of like looking on a woman to lust after her yeah the avenue of the death penalty is for if someone's actively married with somebody does that make sense like it's not the case of a divorced person okay so I don't believe you know because people I'm telling you people say this too and they'll be like you have people that are divorced and remarried in your church you know according to the Bible they should be put to death no that's not what that law is stating okay you're talking about someone that's actively married be like my wife committing adultery with some other guy and we're not divorced okay we're married okay and so that's what that law of the death penalty is intended for okay okay what is stating here is that if you were to remarry you're committing adultery but I also don't believe it's perpetual okay because I've heard people ask this and say okay well what if we got remarried should we leave that person no okay so meaning this is that if you were to get remarried you would be committing adultery but it's that you that's what the act of adultery was there but there's different levels of adultery as far as the sin goes okay just as much as there's different levels of murder we talked about that with murder right to be angry with your brother without a cause you've committed murder in your heart but this do you get the death penalty if you're angry with your brother without a cause okay same thing with you lost after a woman you're committing adultery in your heart but do you get the death penalty or we're gonna have the thought police now you know as far as trying to figure out who's thinking about things but so I believe that if you were to get remarried and so if you're remarried you were married you got divorced you got remarried you know obviously it's a sin I believe it's a sin but you know you need to just stay married to that person okay you made a covenant with that person don't break that covenant you know what I mean does that make sense like all right you messed up with the first one you know and let's say you messed up and you got remarried well you know what just move on from there move on God can use you and don't just you know and think about the woman at the well the woman at the well had five husbands and the one she was with was not her husband but Jesus still loved her wanted to get saved and used her in that Avenue okay so I'm not the condone the woman okay that did that okay but I'm also to say hey that person can still do great things for God they could live a great life and and have a good marriage and go on from that okay so this isn't a sermon to just condemn people that have made mistakes and done that but you know what this sermon is for for those that haven't made that mistake you know we have a lot of children in our church half our church's children so you know what you need to see is that hey when you get married this is a big deal okay a big deal that needs to be taken very seriously and just be and listen you know you could take it very seriously and it's a big deal and still get mess you know for lack of better term screwed over by somebody okay and yeah it sucks okay it happens you can't like control what people do sometimes but what we have to do is just say hey here's what the Bible says and go with that now Roman chapter 7 here go to Roman chapter 7 because what it really comes down to is that marriage is until death okay it's until death do you part not forever okay so in heaven you know we're not gonna be married so that's it ends at death and if if I were to die Holly can remarry and there's nothing wrong with that and if my if Holly were to pass away then I can remarry okay and so it's till death not forever okay but it clearly states that here in Romans chapter 7 okay like I said this is not an easy saying this is not an easy subject especially in today's realm because this stuff is just not taught okay and if I didn't love you I wouldn't preach this sermon okay because listen I like preaching doctrinal sermons and preaching stuff that everybody's just like amen and you know it's just a great time everybody's you know and no one's feeling bad about anything but listen sometimes you just need to hear what the Bible says about it we need to hear it as a precaution others need to hear it as a warning and you know all those different things now in Romans chapter 7 and verse 1 it says know ye not brethren for I speak to them that know the law how that the law hath the menu over a man as long as he liveth for the woman which hath and husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth but if the husband be dead she is loosed from the law of her husband so then if while her husband liveth she be married to another man she shall be called an adulteress but if her husband be dead she is free from the law so that she is no adulteress though she be married to another man okay so this is very clear and what you need to understand with this this this type of doctrine or this teaching is that you need to take statements that are made in the Bible okay because you can go to a story like the woman caught in adultery and you can try to assess some kind of like exceptions and different things like that but really what you used to say well what did Jesus say what does the Bible clearly command and people will go to places like Jeremiah chapter 3 and it's talking about like Israel committing adultery on God okay and they'll try to say we'll see he wrote him a bill of divorcement and you know because they committed adultery and all this stuff and they'll try to use that it's like well you're you're kind of pulling something that's kind of a spiritual application of God and like idols and stuff like that and trying to use that as an example when the Bible clearly states that it's still death okay now let's talk about that saved for fornication okay so let's just talk about that exception because there is an exception and let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 24 because that's where they're pulling it from okay the bill of divorcement is comes from this passage here and listen if you walk away from the sermon you're like I don't agree with you I think your stance is too harsh that's fine you know I can't force you to have the the belief that I have on this and and I'm not here to to say hey you got to believe this or you can't be here anything like that but you know what this is what I believe the Bible teaches on this and you say well I think you're taking too harsh of a stance as far as what that exception is that's fine but just remember this when you if you have to tell somebody that something's right or wrong what would you do okay when it comes to saying okay there's this exception okay and someone's asking you you know well would this be right or wrong and let's say I say well I think it's this extreme but you know you're fine like I I'm obviously gonna take if I if I'm not sure or if I think that hey this is something that is maybe more of a grayer area it's not explicitly said I'm going to be more conservative does that make sense okay so if you have a different opinion on that that's fine with me okay and I'll say this if someone you know gets divorced and get remarried then I'm not gonna kick people out of the church for that okay that's not a perpetual sin okay now if you go around saying okay you know glorying in it and trying to teach the kids that hey this is a good thing that happened then no you know we're not gonna deal with that but all that to say is that it's not a perpetual sin like I said if you got remarried but it's something that this is why I believe this doctrine on this now in Deuteronomy chapter 24 and verse 1 it says when a man had taken a wife and married her and it come to pass that she find no favor in his eyes because he has found some uncleanness in her okay so this is where the bill of divorcement comes in it says then let him write her a bill of divorcement and give it in her hand and sent her out of his house okay so this is where they're pulling it from so it's not like they just pull it out thin air okay it's kind of like in the place it's like you have heard it said thou shalt hate thy enemy right it's like it's not in the Bible so you know it's obviously something they're saying but it's not actually in the Bible this is something that's actually a law okay now it's interesting because in the in the New Testament Jesus actually gives a little more qualification on right it's not just uncleanness so you can see I don't want to say you can see why are the Pharisees are coming from because they're obviously trying to trap him and try to get all this other stuff but in here it's just like they found some uncleanness did she not bathe right is it how far do you take that right you know like well she just she just never bathes you know and I I'm writing her a bill of divorcement she's unclean okay now what you have to understand is uncleanness is a broader term right uncleanness can be talking about sexual immorality or a fornication adultery and stuff like that right it's a broader term it could mean that you don't bathe right it could mean that you're a leper it could mean a lot of different things okay now it says that it's found in her okay now when Jesus talks about this law he says except for fornication now you brought the uncleanness down a little bit okay now what people do in some of the new versions they'll say adultery okay well when I explain to you what this is talking about I believe adultery would be in that mix okay but the question that you have to ask yourself because fornication I believe encompasses adultery okay meaning that adultery is always fornication but fornication isn't always adultery does that make sense adultery is always unclean but uncleanness isn't always adultery okay so you have like a big subset of uncleanness a smaller subset of fornication which encompasses adultery and then you have adultery right does that make sense it's kind of like big smaller smallest as far as adultery as far as what that applies to okay and and people the reason a lot of times they'll say well I should say you know for the safe for the cause of adultery because they're saying well if I'm married ten years down the line they commit adultery there I can get a divorce okay well that's the question okay and and here's the thing I'm gonna give you my view on this okay what this is talking about and to be honest with you it doesn't say in Deuteronomy 24 when this is happening okay it just says now I'm sorry it says when a man had taken a wife and married her okay so you I I personally believe this is talking about when when they first get married okay at the very beginning okay and then he finds uncleanness in her okay the reason that I believe I'll say this there's only one place where I can prove to you that this is actually something that's justly done okay go to Matthew chapter 1 Matthew chapter 1 dealing with Joseph and Mary okay so this is clearly a case where this would apply or would have applied now obviously it wasn't executed because she didn't actually you know have a child with another man right this is of the Holy Ghost this is the Lord Jesus but I don't think it's a coincidence that this case here is is explained in Matthew 1 and then later on is saying safe for the cause of fornication okay so this is my personal belief but again like I said you don't have to take my stance on this you know I still love you and I you know you know I'm gonna tell you what I believe on this but this is why I believe that because the one case that I see here in Matthew 1 dealing with Joseph and Mary notice what it says in verse 18 now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise when as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together so they had not come together they had not consummated the marriage okay she was found with child of the Holy Ghost then Joseph her husband okay so notice in a lot of people say well they were espoused but they weren't married calls her their husband and wife okay now I'll say this consummation that needs to happen okay so this whole idea of like saying the vows and not consummating not really becoming one flesh and it's kind of it's not really you know completely done okay as far as the marriage process goes okay now notice what it says then Joseph her husband being a just man now this is the narrator speaking that means that he was a just man okay he was just in what he was doing if what he thought happened really happened okay so it says being a just man and not willing to make her a public example was minded to put her away privately or privately so it's talking about putting her way meaning giving her or divorcing her okay so here's the one case where divorce is said to be not bad okay now what do we see here he found some uncleanness in her he thought that she had committed fornication okay now the reason why I don't think you could you should say well it's it doesn't say adultery it can't be adultery what if she slept with somebody was married would that not be adultery okay I believe there's a reason why it says fornication because it encompasses every thing that could happen there okay because it never it would you know then they'd be like well I said fornication though it didn't say adultery you know if you're gonna play that card as far as fornication and adultery are different okay because like I said you know 1st Corinthians chapter 5 I didn't say this but I've just given this as an example 1st Corinthians chapter 5 it says there's fornication among you and such as should not be mentioned among the Gentiles which is that a man should have his father's wife okay so fornication and I could show you other places too where fornication and adultery are used interchangeably so that being said you know you could say well it's this fornication that can imply adultery it could but again when does that happen does that happen ten years down the road after you've been married and it's been consummated for ten years and now you're saying okay they committed adultery or they did this or that therefore that constitutes divorce okay I'm personally taking the stance that this is talking about the very beginning of the marriage okay very beginning of the marriage that this happens okay in this case is before they come together okay now this could be the case where it's something very close to that or they have come together but he found out hey this person has been with some of us or not they weren't a virgin like they said they were you know and all this okay and or they're found with child from somebody else okay so but that being said that is what I believe that law is stating okay that's the exception to where if you said the vows but then you found out something about her as far as commit her committing fornication then then you are allowed to do that now you know what's interesting about this is that this is something else that the world does is they they say well you should get back with your former husband or your former spouse okay like I've heard this too where it's like let's say let's say people got divorced and they both got remarried okay both got remarried and people literally teach this that they should both leave those spouses and go back to their original spouse I'm going to show you that the Bible actually forbids that okay so you know what the Bible you know what what would really be the case is you stay with those spouses that you thought that your wish the deeds been done right you made the mistake okay let's not make another mistake here and actually going back to the original spouse after they've already been remarried is what the Bible calls an abomination okay so I want to show you this go to back to your Deuteronomy chapter 24 notice what it says here in verse 2 so when she is departed out of his house she may go and be another man's wife so this is the case you know where it's an exception because what's the real reason why this is a big deal so you can get remarried right because if you got a divorce and you never got remarried you know you haven't committed adultery okay is it's obviously not the best thing to happen it's not something that you want but the real question is could you get remarried okay and it's stating here in this case she can get remarried okay but notice to hear what it says in verse 3 it says and if the latter husband hate her and this well I think there's a cannot common denominator with this woman right here right you know as far as what's going on here but it says if the latter husband hater and write her a bill of divorcement and giveth it in her hand and sent her out of his house or if the latter husband died which took her to be his wife notice this so she's aren't she married someone else it says her former husband which sent her away may not take her again to be his wife after that she is defiled meaning that he put her away she married someone else okay and then she's trying to come back right then she got a divorce with that guy and trying to come back to the original husband it says for that is abomination before the Lord and thou shalt not cause the land to sin which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance okay now what does teach what the Bible really teaches is that if you if you get a divorce you should try to reconcile with your spouse if it's all at fault possible that's what should happen but if your spouse marries someone else and then they get out of that marriage they get divorced or whatever and it's not because of death right which I think even in this case that'd be questionable right because in this case she got a divorce again right so it's kind of like she got a divorce then went out and got remarried and then got divorced again right and then came back the case of like if her husband died I would be questioned that okay as far as whether they whether she could come back to her original husband okay I would I would almost just go on the no on that so that being said that's what most people teach but listen if you got divorced and you got remarried stay with your spouse stay with who you're with okay stay with them and just live out the rest of your lives till death do you do your part you are it you made a mistake but just go on with that don't make another mistake by breaking that vow and then definitely don't if that don't go to the original one and now you're even making another mistake okay so let's go to another place here and first Corinthians chapter 7 so those are the two big things right there's a safe for fornication and that is that is a legitimate exception but you have to ask your question what constitutes that exception okay the only case that I see is Mary and Joseph okay and if someone asked me my opinion that's what I'm gonna give them okay unless I unless I see somewhere where that really convinces me otherwise that this could be years down the road on something okay and you know you probably hold heard of an annulment okay where people will like say the vows and then they'll have an annulment and all that stuff that's kind of what I believe this is talking about you know when it comes to the Bill of Divorcement but again you know it's not explicitly stated as far as when that's taking place so you know what I have my my personal belief on that I take a strict stance to it okay I think that's as strict as you get besides someone just saying there's no exceptions okay there's no exceptions at all but I don't think you can take that stance because Jesus said there was okay so I'm obviously gonna go with what Jesus said on this now what other people will say is like well but what if they leave you what if it's an abandonment situation okay well let's see what the Bible says about this in verse 10 there first Corinthians chapter 7 verse 10 it says and unto the married I command yet not I but the Lord let the wife depart from her I'm sorry let not the wife that would be bad let not the wife depart from her husband but if she depart let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband and let not the husband put away his wife so it's basically saying you know if they depart you know she can depart but don't get remarried is what it's stating there okay notice what says in verse 12 and this is where people usually go to to try to say hey here's an exception and it's always interesting to me how people that'll be married and then they get a divorce and be like well she's unsaved okay they're always quick to call that person a reprobate or unsaved once they're divorced to try to use this to try to justify it okay now notice what it says in verse 12 but to the recipe guy not the Lord if any man hath a wife that believe it not so we're talking about someone has a wife she's an unbeliever okay and she'd be pleased to dwell with him let him not put her away so he's basically saying hey if you're married to an unbeliever don't just divorce her don't just put her away be like well I don't want to be on equally oh you're well too late okay deal with it okay you're married to an unbeliever deal with it okay and that's what it says in verse 13 there says in the woman which hath an unbelieving hath the husband that believe it not and if he be pleased to dwell with her let her not leave him okay so this is basically calling out people you say well how would this apply well you could marry an unbeliever okay just because you're not thinking about the fact that that's important or you can end up getting saved right you're both unbelievers and one of you get saved and now you're married to a non-believer and it's basically saying stay married okay if it's all possible stay together okay but notice what it says in verse 14 now notice that this is Paul saying this is me not the Lord okay but people are always clinging to this okay now I believe that this is something that God condones okay but he's basically saying hey this isn't a law he's not saying thus saith the Lord you know what you know the part and do all this other stuff he's basically just saying hey I'm giving you some advice and you know what it happens to be good advice now in verse 14 it says for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the I'm sorry yeah for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband elsewhere your children unclean but now are they holy and basically what this is stating is that now you have a believer in the home and you know what that's a good thing because now you can reach your children you could try to reach them you know don't just let them go out because now how you gonna reach them okay it says but at verse 15 but if the unbelieving depart let him depart a brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases but God called us to peace for what knowest thou O wife whether thou shalt save thy husband or how knowest thou O man whether thou shalt save thy wife so it's basically talking about being unequally yoked you know with an unbeliever and it's stating that you're trying to win this person right you're trying to save your husband or your wife or whatever the case may be here but what they do is they look at verse 15 and they say well it says the unbelieving depart let him depart and it says a brother sister is not under bondage in such cases okay and what they'll say is that see you can get remarried where does it say that there where does it say you can get remarried say well you're not under bondage you're not under bondage to keep them with you okay saying let them depart the opposite of that is not letting them depart okay so that's what you're not under bondage is basically saying if you're not if you if you're married to an unbeliever and they leave they're basically saying calling them the peace to be like hey you know let it happen and maybe you can win them okay because the next verse is saying how do you know whether you can win them right you may win your wife or your husband or whatever but it does not say that you can get remarried because they abandon you okay now this is a harsh saying and listen his disciples said the same thing they're like it's not good that a man you know to marry then okay and notice in verse 39 at that same chapter because this is how the chapter pretty much closes here and it's all about marriage and virgins and being single this whole chapter is talking about this subject okay verse 39 says the wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth but if her husband be dead she has liberty to marry to be married to whom she will only in the Lord okay meaning that you should be marrying a believer okay that's what God wants is you to marry someone that's in the Lord okay so it doesn't negate the principle of Romans 7 it doesn't negate what Jesus said it's just stating hey in this case of if you're married to an unbeliever here's here's the the avenues that you can go here but nowhere in there does it say to get remarried if you've been a divorce there okay now like I said there's different levels of adultery if you will okay it's all sin you know but all sins not equal okay I mean it's ludicrous to think that murdering somebody in cold blood and like stealing a pencils on the same level okay but you're still transgressing the law okay so go to Matthew chapter 5 because I want to touch on this and I think this will really help you understand the difference between someone committing adultery while people are actively married someone committing adultery because they've been divorced or someone committing adultery because they had a lustful thought okay CC those are three different realms of adultery okay now the one I'm about to show you I guarantee we're all guilty of okay so that's where Jesus is coming in and basically saying hey if you think you haven't done if you haven't sin were you angry with your brother without a cause have you lusted upon a woman in your heart you know these people that are like oh I haven't committed anything you know I haven't broken any Commandments I've kept all these laws well technically we've all broken now shall not commit adultery I almost guarantee it unless you're a child okay and this law I believe this would apply to women as well okay because I think women are attracted to men too I think you know I'm a man so I don't want to understand that realm that that way of thinking towards a woman but in Matthew chapter 5 verse 27 here it says yeah I've heard that it had it was said by them of old time thou shall not commit adultery but I say unto you adultery is fine and it's not condemned anymore now I I'm being silly with that because Jesus didn't come to negate these laws like thou shalt not murder or thou shall not commit adultery no he's expounding on it actually what he's doing is making it a little more closer to home okay because a lot of us could say well I haven't murdered anybody I haven't committed adultery but what does Jesus say here it says in verse 28 but I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart okay and this is where it all begins okay so when it comes to adultery you know what the best way not to commit adultery don't look okay don't be looking don't be looking online don't be looking out in public don't look put blinders on okay and this is why I work out at 6 30 in the morning with a bunch of dudes and you know what you just need to keep yourself away from that type of stuff as far as you don't need to be seeing that you know you know what it's like man you go to the gym and everybody wearing yoga pants and and it's just like they they want you to see everything and there are people that are out the hunt for the precious life they're out the hunt for you and men that are that are that are married and all that but go to job chapter 31 and this is what you really need to think about here is that we need to really guard our eyes okay if you guard your eyes when it comes to this as far as committing adultery you you're nipping it in the bud right because you're not looking at it you're not gonna be thinking about it if you're not thinking about it you're not gonna be lusting at the person if you're not lusting at the person you're not gonna actually try to commit that act okay and so in job 31 verse 1 notice what it says here job 31 verse 1 it says I made a covenant with mine eyes why then should I think upon a maid and this men we need to be putting this into our mind saying hey I made a covenant with mine eyes and I'm not gonna do I'm not gonna be looking upon a woman to lust after her okay now this doesn't mean that listen you're driving down the road and there's and you got to watch the road okay or you know when it's talking about looking on her it's looking on her to lust after her okay it doesn't mean you can't stare at some you can't see somebody right you know you go to a meeting and there's like an attractive lady and be like you're just like this be like I can't make eye contact with you I mean they're gonna think you're nuts okay you know I can't make eye contact with this person no what you need to do is just mentally put blinders on be like I'm talking to this person because it's a job I need to talk to this person because you know whatever reason okay and so in women same thing okay don't think that you're beyond this as far as looking upon a man to where you could lust after another man okay listen there are women that are homewreckers okay they exist okay so this this applies now usually we think of men with this okay just the way we're wired as far as when it comes to this aspect but women don't think that you're above this wherefore let him to think if he stand to take heed lest he fall and and I'll just read some other ones to you Psalm 101 3 says I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes I hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me okay so if there's movies shows or anything like that it's gonna show you know well good night if you're showing naked women definitely not but I mean if it even scantily clad or things like that that would cause you to lust after another woman you need to not put your eyes on that the Bible says in Lamentations 3 51 it says mine eye affecteth my heart I want you to turn to Matthew 6 Matthew 6 mine eye affecteth my heart because of all the daughters of my city in that Lamentations is talking about how the city was destroyed and basically he was weeping because he saw what was going on and what I want you to understand is that your eye what you see affects your heart okay so you really need to guard this as far as what you're staring at what you're looking at this could apply to a lot of different things but your eye affects your heart and where your heart is there is your treasure also okay meaning that but where's it start it starts with the eye starts with what you're looking at okay and in Matthew 6 and verse 22 notice what it says Matthew 6 verse 22 says the light of the body is the eye if therefore the thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light but if thine eye be evil the whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness how great is that darkness and it's basically stating here is that your eye is going to affect the whole body do you see that so if your eyes looking at something that's evil guess what it's affecting the whole body okay and so you need to just really think about that you know then when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringing forth death there's a progression here if you're looking at somebody guess what you're gonna end up lusting after that person in your heart then if you lost out of that person you can end up committing sin and it just keeps going further and further and further until you get to the worst aspect of it okay but you can apply this to you don't have to turn it but you can I'm kind of ending with this is the fact of like drinking alcohol okay the Bible says in Proverbs 23 and verse 31 it says look not thou upon the wine when it is red when it giveth its color in the cup when it moves itself a right at the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder thine eyes shall behold strange women and thine heart shall utter perverse things and when it's talking about looking on alcohol I don't believe this is saying like you're in the store and listen if you have the standard and you're and you don't want to look at it you don't want to go down that aisle I understand you completely okay but it doesn't mean that if you were to happen to glance and see like a bottle of booze that you're like sinning what it means is that you're not looking at me like man I wish I could drink that I just really want to drink that right you're kind of lusting after you're not really drinking it right you're like I wish I could drink that right now what are you doing you're you're looking upon it to lust after it right you desire it and the same thing applies with looking upon a woman to lust after you committed adultery with her already in your heart okay now obviously that's not as severe as a sin as actually committing the act okay but that's where it starts okay and so this is a very heavy commandment okay hasn't been done away with obviously the death penalty is not something that our country does and what our nation does okay but I'll say this there's a lot of cases where someone commits adultery on somebody and in that person per the Bible can't get remarried because of what that person did and you see how the laws are just all out of whack if you if you don't do one of them it just messes up everything okay we talked about this with the justice system right with the judges and the the revenger of blood and all these different things it's kind of hard to apply them you know and you're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place sometimes when if this would have been done right you'd have been free or if this would have been done right that would have never happened because that person would have been so terrified of what would have happened to them if they would have committed that act okay and so I know we're in a broken system I know that we're in a nation that doesn't keep the laws of God but what you have to really look at is what does God think about this and we all make mistakes okay so if you made that mistake listen you know just obviously you probably already asked for forgiveness from God but if you haven't asked for forgiveness for what you've done or what you've committed and we're not gonna like be down on people that make mistakes but what we don't want to do is excuse sin okay we don't want to just excuse it okay so I'm not here to judge anybody that's that's been in those positions or anything like that but we don't want to be like well let's try to excuse it in the Bible no we're gonna say here's what the Bible states you know what if you haven't done any of that don't do it okay so what the children in this church need to know is that hey get married stay married no divorce it's not in your vocabulary okay you do that you don't have to worry about the rest of this stuff right you just you stay married okay so thou shalt not commit adultery that's a big one today I mean out of all the commandments obviously murder should be known that that's really bad but adultery is one that's being desensitized if you will it's almost promoted as if that's a good thing and you know what it just needs to be said you know this is what the Bible teaches about it's very severe and we need to think of it that way even if our government doesn't treat it that way we need to be thinking about what does God think about it so let's end with the word of prayer down the father we think today and just pray that you'd be with us today think for the souls that were saved and thank you for our church think for all our members at our church and just thank you for forgiveness Lord for making mistakes in the past and we'll just pray that you would uh just have mercy and grace on us we all make mistakes but Lord we just pray that you'd help us to to see your word see what it says and to try to keep it as much as we can Lord and just pray that you'd see that and see our hearts Lord and just keep us Lord from these things as I think of us that are married and have children and all that Lord that we would not ever get into those situations where we could commit adultery and Lord guard us from that and Lord we love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ name amen