(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you Well good evening. Good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church I Think that's too loud. I'm like hearing some sort of like I think it's too loud a little bit of feedback yeah It's a work in progress. It's going to be awesome when it's awesome though When it's awesome, it's going to be awesome, okay It is a hundred percent accurate All right, take your song books and turn to song three hundred and fifty five. Oh I'm sorry 335 335 yes, I have a I have a sheet up here so three song 335 in your song books We'll sing if Jesus goes with me If you would stand We'll sing song 335 And maybe in the valley where countless dangers hide and maybe in the Sunshine that I in peace abide But there's one thing I know If it'd be dark or fair if Jesus is with me, I'll go Anywhere if Jesus goes with me, I'll go Anywhere tis heaven to me where ere I may be if he is there I Counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me. I'll go Anywhere and maybe I must carry the blessed word of life across the burning deserts to those in sinful strife My love to bear my colors there if Jesus goes with me I'll go Anywhere if Jesus goes with me, I'll go Anywhere tis heaven to me where ere I may be if he is there I Counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me. I'll go Anywhere but if it be my portion to bear my cross at home while others bear their Burdens beyond the billows foam. I'll prove my faith in him Confess his judgment fair and if he stays with me, I'll go Anywhere if Jesus goes with me, I'll go Anywhere tis heaven to me where ere I may be if he is there I Counted a privilege here his cross to bear with me. I'll go Anywhere it is not mine to question the judgments of my lord It is but mine to follow the leadings of his word But if to go or stay or whether here or there I'll be with my Savior content Anywhere if Jesus goes with me, I'll go Anywhere tis heaven to me where ere I may be if he is there I Counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me. I'll go Anywhere Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again We just want to thank you God for this beautiful day for this great church And I pray Lord I want to thank you God for the souls that were saved Throughout all of last year and then also God today I pray Lord now that we would just honor and glorify you for it's in Jesus name we ask all of an amen All you may be seated and take your song books and turn to song 311 Song 311 we'll sing all for Jesus All for Jesus all my being's ransom powers all my thoughts and words and doings All my days and all my hours All my days and all my hours All my days and all my hours All my days and all my hours All for Jesus all for Jesus All my days and all my hours All for Jesus all for Jesus All my days and all my hours Let my hands perform his bidding Let my feet run in his ways Let my eyes see Jesus only Let my lips speak forth his praise All for Jesus all for Jesus Let my lips speak forth his praise All for Jesus all for Jesus Let my lips speak forth his praise Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus I've lost sight of all beside So enchained my spirit's vision Looking at the crucified All for Jesus all for Jesus Looking at the crucified All for Jesus all for Jesus Looking at the crucified Oh, what wonder how amazing Jesus, glorious King of Kings To call me his Beloved Let me rest beneath his wings All for Jesus all for Jesus Resting now beneath his wings All for Jesus all for Jesus Resting now beneath his wings Amen. So welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church. It seems like that's echoing again. They're being a little loud. I might need to bring that down a little bit. Yeah, like Brother Dave said, we are a work in progress on this new PA system that we got going on here. So we'll get it together. All right. So first thing I want to get is soul wanting numbers. I know we had so we're putting down the numbers that we had last week for this past year. I think I think Brother Wade had two because he had one like family. Right. And then then he had one on Saturday. Was there any others during the week? Two on Thursday. So that's five. Was there any others that anybody can think of? I think that's what we were counting earlier when we were talking about it. So I'm going to put five down here. Underneath. The 20 like underneath the 20th. So we had five last week by this week and then today. And I'm going to write this on here. Brother Dave, I'm going to put the first. Up to 2023, and that's going to be counting. That that's going to be this Sunday. So then next week when we have a new one of these, I'll just add these to that number. But I'm going to write it here so we don't forget about it. I think we had two today. Was there any others? Because I think Brother Jim, you had one. And then Brother Dave, you guys had one. Is there any others today? I think that's that's what we were getting there. So Brother Dave and the new year here. So keep up the good work with the soul winning. And yeah, so and we need to mark off that map. I don't know if we have yet, but we definitely covered some ground today. So if anything, we got some exercise in. Starting off the new year. And then I do, actually Brother Anthony made this chart, this reading chart. So on the soul winning table, there are this in one month reading chart that we basically just took from Baratie. So hopefully I didn't have a copyright on that. I'm sure it will be okay. But put Mountain Baptist on there. So we just like stealing things around here. No, but this is the one where you're going straight through. So you can see that it's Matthew 1 through 9, Matthew 10 through 18. But honestly, it's nine chapters a day. As long as you keep track of it, you can go wherever you want. You can do whatever chapters and whatever books you want to start off with. To me, going straight through, when you're doing something like this where you're reading a lot, it makes it so much easier to remember where you're at. You put your bookmark or you just remember the last chapter you're on and you just start from there. But these are on the soul winning table back there. So if you want to grab one of those, and then this will be a nice check off list. And obviously if you don't get through, let's say you're at Luke 2, Luke 2 to 10 or whatever, and you only made it to Luke 8, you can mark that and say, hey, I made it to Luke 8. And you're going to start there and try to catch up if you can. There's two days, though, in this month. So this is a chart getting through it by the 29th. You have two days to kind of catch up if you were to kind of fall behind. So there's that, and we'll figure out the prices. So all you need to worry about is just getting through it. And someone asked for a friend, if audiobible counts, and the answer is no. And I'm all about audiobible. I'm a firm believer in audiobible. Alexander Scorby to be exact, though it doesn't have to be. We're not going to make commandments of men here where it's Scorby or nothing, but in my house it's Scorby or nothing. No, but this is reading. And so if you want to listen to audio on top of that, I recommend it. But at the same time, this is reading it straight up. And so we'll think about what our prize is going to be for those that do it, or who get through it. And it's going to be the honor system, the trust system. So I'm not going to be at your house as you're reading through it and making sure you're actually doing it. So you have to be honest about it, and then we'll have a prize there for that. And then as far as announcements here, we have normal services this week. Wednesday we'll be getting into a new book, and I don't know yet what that's going to be. And hopefully I know before Tuesday night what we're going to be. No, I'm trying to figure out if I want to jump into Luke yet, or if I want to do a smaller book first. But I think I'm going to go through Luke. I think that's the big book that I'm going to be hitting next. But we'll find out. But everything should be normal as that goes. And then as far as soul winning this week, just be on the WhatsApp there, as far as everybody's availability, the times, all that stuff, as far as those regional soul winning times, Monday through Saturday there. Upcoming events, we do have the women's prayer meeting this coming Saturday. And then on the 21st, Brother Nick is leading up a soul winning marathon down in Sutton, West Virginia, or the Flatwoods area. So you guys can either get someone saved or find the Flatwoods monster, whichever one you want to do there. So put that on your calendar there. I'm going to try to go to that one, barring I don't have a child on the way. But still going to let you lead that up though. I'm going to put all the burden on you. But anyway, so that'll be coming up this month. And then on the back of your bulletin there, we have 1 Thessalonians 4, getting through the book of Thessalonians, as far as memorization. Ephesians 4.23, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, is the memory verse for the week. And then we've got the birthdays, and on the pregnancy list there, obviously being in prayer for my wife, and also for TR Alesco, just being in prayer for her. I don't know if we've got, she's got an appointment that's going to be coming up, but I don't know if we've got a due date yet for her, but just being in prayer for the Alesco family and all that. I think I'm still getting some reverb. I probably still need to bring that down. It's still kind of reverb-ing. I don't think that's a word, but I think that sounds, does that sound okay? Okay, right there. Yeah, I mean, you guys kind of have to tell me. I can kind of still hear a little bit of reverb, but I'm not going to talk, I'm going to figure it out. I think that's okay right there. So, anyway, as far as general announcements too, the offering box in the back there, if you want to get a tie to the offering, we will be eventually getting giving statements that have to do with taxes, all that stuff, eventually, but I don't think anybody's got their W-2s yet, anyways, to do their taxes, but we will be giving those to you if you give to where we can know that you give. Sorry, you can't help me out there. We have no idea. And then the mother-baby rooms are the mothers and babies only. Again, we just want to make sure that the ladies in there, as much as possible, are watching or at least not having a conversation while they're back there. But know this, that you are allowed to take your children back there. So when I say this, it doesn't mean I'm judging you to take your children back there. I want that to be clear. You can take your children back there, but I just don't want it to be a cop-out being in the turks. So, anyway, that's about all I've got for announcements. I think, brother David, you're reading tonight, right? So, brother David's going to sing one more song, and then brother David's going to be reading Exodus 21 for us. All right. Take your song books and turn to song 308. Song 308. We'll sing I Surrender All, song 308. All to Jesus I surrender, all to him I freely give. I will ever love and trust him daily live. I surrender all, I surrender all. All to thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all. All to Jesus I surrender humbly at his feet I bow. Worldly pleasures all forsaken, take me Jesus, take me now. I surrender all, I surrender all. All to thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all. All to Jesus I surrender, make me Savior, holy thine. Let me feel the Holy Spirit, truly know that thou art mine. I surrender all, I surrender all. To thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all. All to Jesus I surrender, I give myself to thee. Fill me with thy love and power, let thy blessing fall on me. I surrender all, I surrender all. All to thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all. All right, take your Bibles and turn to Exodus chapter number 21. Exodus chapter number 21. We'll have Brother David read that for us. Exodus 21, if you're there say amen. And the Bible reads, Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them. If thou by an Hebrew servant, six years shall he serve, and in the seventh year he shall go out free for nothing. If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself. If he were married, then his wife shall go out with him. If his master hath given him a wife, and she hath borne him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her masters, and he shall go out by himself. And if his servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, my children, I will not go out free. Then his master shall bring him unto the judges, and he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the doorpost, and his master shall burrow his ear through with an awl, and he shall serve him forever. And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do. If she please not her master, who hath patrolled her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed. To sell her unto a strange nation, he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her. And if he hath patrolled her unto his son, he shall deal with her after the manner of daughters. If he take him another wife, her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage shall he not diminish. And if he do not these three under her, then shall she go out free without money. Yet thou shalt smite with a man, so that he die, shall surely be put to death. And if a man lay not in rate, but God deliver him into his hand, then I will appoint thee a place where they shall flee. But if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbour to slay him with guile, thou shalt take him from mine altar, that he may die. And he that smiteth his father with his mother shall surely be put to death. And he that stealth a man, and selleth him, and wilt be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death. And he that curseth his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. And if men strive together, and one smite another with a stone, with his fist, and he die not, but keepeth his bed, if he rise again and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit, only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed. And if a man smite his servant, or is made, with a rod, and he die under his hand, he shall be surely punished, notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished, for he is his money. If men strive and hurt a woman or child, so that her fruits depart from her, and yet no midst shall follow, he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him, and he shall pay as the judge is determined. And if any midst shall follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, rune for rune, stripe for stripe. And if a man smite the eye of his servant, or the eye of his maid, not of Paris, he shall let him go free for his eyes' sake. And if he smite out his man's servant's tooth, or his maid's servant's tooth, he shall let him go free for his tooth's sake. If an ox go a man or a woman that they die, then the ox shall be surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten, but the owner of the flesh shall be quit. But if the ox were wont to push with his horn in time past, and hath been testified to his owner, and he hath not kept a man, but that he hath killed a man or woman, the ox shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death. If there be laid on him a sum of money, then he shall give for the ransom of his life, which was laid upon him. Whether he hath growed a son, or hath growed a daughter, according to this judgment shall it be done unto him. If the ox are put to a maid's servant, or a maid's servant, he shall give unto their master thirty cycles of silver, and the ox shall be stoned. And if a man shall open a pit, or if a man shall dig a pit, and not cover it, and an ox or an ass fall therein, the owner of the pit shall make a good, and give money unto the owner of them, and the dead beast shall be his. And if one man's ox hurt another's, that he die, then they shall sell the life ox, and divide the money of it, and the dead ox also shall they divide. O if it be known that the ox hath used to push in the past, and his owner hath not kept a man, he shall surely pay ox for ox, and the dead shall be his own. Dear Lord, I thank you for this opportunity to come back to church, Lord. I pray that you be with the pastor, and I pray that you be filled with the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name, Amen. So you're there in Exodus chapter 21. We'll be getting back there. I'm continuing this series through our statement of faith. And so we are actually on the portion of the statement of faith dealing with the fact that we believe abortion is murder. And so we're going to read the statement of faith. It's pretty simple. It says, we believe that life begins at conception and that every type of abortion is murder. So every type. Now, I'm going to be getting into just simply what we believe on this, and this really is a simple thing to understand. Killing an innocent child, whether in the womb or out of the womb, is murder. And so I want to first hit on the fact that the Bible teaches that life begins at conception. Now, some people believe that life begins at implantation, and you kids may not know what the difference between that is, but basically implantation happens after conception, and that's not what the Bible teaches. So go to Isaiah 7 and verse 14. So in our statement of faith, we reference Isaiah 7, 14 and Matthew 1, 23, and I'm going to show you why we reference those, because the Bible is going to show you that when a woman conceives, it calls that conception a child. And so it's a child at conception, and I'm going to show you another way to prove that life begins at conception, but this is one right here, is that the Bible considers as soon as a child is conceived to be a child. And so in Isaiah 7, 14, and this is fitting because obviously we just got done with Christmas and celebrating the birth of Jesus, and the fact that in Isaiah 7, 14, it says, Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign, Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel. Now go to Matthew chapter 1. So what do we see here? A virgin shall what? Conceive. And in Matthew 1, when this is quoted, Matthew 1 and verse 22, it says, Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel, which being interpreted is God with us. So you can see by the cross reference here that when the virgin conceives, there's a child. So at conception, it's a child. And, you know, obviously there's going to be people like, oh, that's not a child, that's a fetus or a zygote or whatever they, you know, like the different stages of birth and, you know, of the, you know, child in the womb. But the Bible teaches that it's a child from conception. Another way to understand that it's life, that it's a life from conception is the fact that, that as soon as conception happens, there's a separate blood type that's there. And that at conception, you have a separate blood type, and that shows you that you're dealing with a different life. Now look at Leviticus chapter 17. Leviticus chapter 17, because the question is, when's it life, right? When's it alive? And we believe that it's at conception, okay? And so when you say, well, what do you mean by every type of abortion? I mean like from everything from the morning after pill to birth control that can cause abortions, I'm talking about in most, and you say, well, you know, most birth controls, they're causing it to where you don't have a child at all. No, what most birth controls are doing is they're causing the implantation not to happen. It doesn't stop the conception, okay? So what you end up having is a bunch of silent abortions with the birth control, okay? So, you know, we, you know, we don't use birth control, obviously. You can probably tell, you know, with the kids that we have, but we don't use birth control. But I've obviously, you know, preached sermons too about the fact of, you know, how children should be spaced and the safety that's there. And that's another sermon for another day. But I'll say this, when it comes to, you know, like children being spaced naturally and all that stuff and breastfeeding and whether that works and all these different things, that doesn't negate the fact that I'm against birth control when it comes to that type of birth control that causes silent abortions, okay? So I'm against that, I'm against the morning after pill, I'm against IVF. You know, like what's IVF? IVF is where, it's basically where outside of the womb they cause conception, if you will. But what happens is you have a whole bunch of abortions that happen from that or that there's a bunch that aren't used. They're conceived but then they're not fertilized and then they die. And then you have a bunch of silent abortions, if you will, after that. So this is a big deal and you say, well, you know, what's the big difference between conception and implantation? It's actually when it comes to where probably a lot of abortions that no one ever hears about. When you think about statistics of abortions, you're thinking about where they go to a doctor and have an abortion, right? And not thinking about necessarily the morning after pill. I don't know if that's in the statistics, the morning after pill, because who knows if that is even like charted as being, you know, a termination or not. But I guarantee they're not taking the numbers of people that are on birth control that end up conceiving and don't even know it. And so this is very important to understand that life begins at conception because this is, you know, I don't think anybody here wants to accidentally have an abortion, right, and lose a child that you don't know about. And it's a scary thing and it should be something that we take seriously. And Leviticus chapter 17 and verse 11 says this, it says, For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul. Now in other places in the Bible, I'll show you in Genesis chapter 9 as well, that it says the life of the flesh is in the blood. So by definition, if there's blood, there's life. The life of the flesh is in the blood. So when conception happens, there's a new blood type. And there's a lot to do with that too, and you say, well, do they have their own blood type? Yeah, so much that they do tests on mothers to see the different blood types because depending on the baby's blood type and the mother's blood type, you can actually have a lot of basically medical conditions that you maybe have to worry about. And I don't know all that as far as which blood type, but there's certain blood types that if a mother has that blood type and the child has this blood type, there could be serious issues that could be there in the birthing process just because of different blood types. But either way, even if you had the same exact blood type, let's say the baby had the same exact blood type as the mother, there's still different DNA. It's a different blood. It's different DNA. And so at conception, you're dealing with a life. You're dealing with their own blood. And I was looking up to, they say at 21 days, the heart starts beating. At eight weeks, you can hear it. Because you know that's usually like the heartbeat bill, right? But what they don't know is that three weeks in, the heart is beating. You just don't hear it. Now, that's not when we should be cutting off when, you know, that should be like, okay, you can kill the baby once the heart starts, I mean, before the heart starts beating, okay? And you say, well, you know, they can't feel, is that how you determine whether you kill somebody, whether they can feel pain or not? You're like, well, I can't feel my right arm right now. I guess I can just chop it off and not worry about it, right? I'm justified in doing it. He said he couldn't feel it. I mean, the arguments that are used for abortion are ludicrous. And go to Genesis chapter 9 and verse 4. You say, your stance on abortion seems pretty strict. Yeah, it's strict because we're talking about killing babies. If I ever had a strict stance on not killing somebody, it's going to be children and babies, okay? And this is a big issue. Listen, when it comes to voting, I'm not against voting all out, you know, like I'm not saying like you're in sin if you vote. But I'll say this, I will never vote for somebody that's not staunch pro-life, no exceptions. Meaning this is that they are conception, you know, pro-life. And that is not an issue I will budge on. And, you know, obviously it's been good news, you know, where Roe v. Wade was overturned. And the states, a lot of the states are following suit, you know, are basically applying laws and all that as far as banning abortions. And so we're finally seeing this, you know, hopefully seeing a decline. And I was saying to statistics that in 1990 there was like 1.5 million abortions that were performed in America and it's been declining steadily since then. But it's still like close to 700,000 a year. Now the last statistic I saw was in 2019, so I'd be really curious to see what it is, you know, after Roe v. Wade and all these laws have been like basically put on the, or put back on the books on the ban on abortion to see what the case is. But Genesis chapter 9 and verse 4 here, notice what it says, Genesis 9 and verse 4 says, But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof? Okay, so it's very clear that flesh, meaning like the meat that you're eating, they're talking about eating an animal, right? But it says with the life thereof, which is the blood, shall you not eat? Meaning this is that you're not supposed to be eating blood sausage. I don't know if anybody likes blood sausage. It sounds disgusting just off the cuff. But we're not supposed to be eating blood with our food, right? We're not vampires. Do they do that out in Romania? Anything out there? It kind of makes sense. But either way, the Bible is strictly saying no. Actually, when you're eating the meat, you're supposed to spill the blood on the ground. You're not supposed to be eating the blood, okay? And it's stating that it's the light that's with that. Now keep reading there, it says, And surely your blood of your lives will I require. At the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man and the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. Whosoever shedeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made he man. And you be fruitful and multiply, bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply therein. Now when you're dealing with abortion, what you're really dealing with is the opposite of being fruitful and multiplying, isn't it? I mean the whole idea of abortion in most cases, most all cases, is the fact that they don't want to have children. They want to commit the act that causes children to be made, but they don't want to have children, and that's the reason why the abortion is happening. And, you know, people want to talk about, they want to talk about, well, what about incest and rape? Well, first of all, that's a very, very small percentage. I mean, extremely small percentage. But even in those cases, you know what you should do? Kill the rapist, kill the person that committed incest, put them to death publicly, and then save the child's life. And if anything, put the child up for adoption, but why would you kill the innocent child and let the rapist go free? I mean, am I weird for thinking that? That the rapist should be murdered, not the child? And, you know, it comes after this. Are you killing an innocent life or are you not? And when does it cease to be innocent? Just because of someone else's action, now you're not innocent? That child's not innocent because of the action of this other person over here. Now, go to Exodus chapter 21, and notice that the death penalty is the punishment for shedding blood. And obviously, shedding blood is also showing you that they're taking the life, right? They're taking the life of somebody. And I'm going to show you that a child in the womb, one, is a life, but not only that, but someone that kills a child in the womb is worthy of death. And you could like that or lump it and be like, oh, you're telling me that these women have abortions? Well, I'll say this, at least the doctors that, if the doctor who's performing that should be put to death, every abortion doctor should be put to death. And I'm not saying to go down there and commit vigilantism on some abortion doctor, but listen, they're wicked as hell, they should be put to death, and they should go to hell where they belong. And you say, oh, you're harsh on that. Listen, anybody that knows about children in the womb knows that that's a life. And those abortion doctors know what they're doing, they know exactly what they're doing, they're not ignorant about it, they're wicked as hell. And they deserve the lowest part of hell. Now, the women can be ignorant about it when it comes to abortions, and I think a lot of women are ignorant about it. And I think women need to be educated on this as far as what is an abortion. They should see an abortion done before they ever do it. That should be a requirement. Of course, it shouldn't be done at all, but in these cases, they should, I mean, if someone's going to make it legal over here, they should at least see what it is before they do it. Now, Exodus chapter 21, I'm going to prove to you from the Bible that if a child is murdered in the womb, if a child is killed in the womb, it's murder, and that it deserves the death penalty for whoever does it. Now, notice what it says here in verse 22. If men strive and hurt a woman with child, okay, so what's the premise here? Men are, you know, fighting here, and somehow a woman is hurt just with child. So you've got a pregnant woman with child, the woman's hurt with the child, so that her fruit depart from her. What is that? A miscarriage happens, right? The fruit departs from her, there's a miscarriage. And it says, and yet no mischief follow. He shall be surely punished according as the woman's husband will lay upon him, and he shall pay as the judge is determined. And so what do you think, you say, what does that mean, no mischief follow? I believe it was accidental, meaning it was not intentional, it was an accident. This is the difference between, like, first degree murder and manslaughter, okay? Manslaughter is if you were driving down the road and you got in an accident, and it was your fault, right? You were negligent, or maybe you accidentally ran through a red light, you hit a car, the person dies, that's manslaughter, right? It wasn't premeditated, you didn't have some, like, motive to kill this person, it was a complete accident, though it was your fault, right? I mean, you were in the wrong, you're the one that ran the red light, right? You know, murder, though, when you're dealing with, like, first degree, second degree murder and all that, that's where it's premeditated, right? You thought about killing that person, you got the knife or the gun, and you thought about where they were going to be, and you went there, and you, like, killed that person, right? That's what you're dealing with. So what it's stating here is that if no mischief follow, and I believe what this is basically stating is that it wasn't premeditated, it wasn't, it was an accidental act. The person's still punished, though, you see that, right? Even though it was an accident, they're still punished. They still have to pay some fine or whatever they have to do here that's determined, but notice in verse 23, and if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. Now, the woman didn't die, did she? If I say the woman died, what died? The child. The fruit of the womb. See, children are the heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Notice how it's coupling children with fruit, and it's doing the same thing here, and it's saying if that fruit depart, and mischief follow, meaning that they find out that that was malicious and intended to happen, meaning it was an intent to hurt the woman with child, and to hurt the child, life for life. The person that killed, that caused the baby to die in the womb is to be put to death. Now, that's harsh truth, but you know what? That's Bible, and I don't give a rip if anybody's offended by that. I don't think anybody in here is offended by it, but I don't give a rip if anybody in the world is offended at that. And anybody that thinks that, I mean, especially when you think about like after eight weeks, I mean, can you imagine after hearing that heartbeat on the ultrasound, and thinking like, yeah, it's okay to kill this thing that's in my wife's womb? It's insanity to hear that heartbeat and think, okay, let's do that. Now, again, I think a lot of people where it happens, they're ignorant. I'm not saying everybody that has an abortion is a reprobate and can't be saved, okay? I'm saying the doctors are, okay? I'm saying that the doctors that are performing that abortion, they have no hope, because they know exactly what's going on. You cannot be ignorant and actually perform an abortion as far as the doctors are concerned. Can there be a nurse that's there that's ignorant of it? Sure, right? The doctors are not ignorant. They're all wicked as hell. They're all going to burn in hell. And you know what? It can't happen soon enough in my opinion. And you say, well, you're so angry about it. Yes, I am, because I have four children and one on the way. And guess what? I have five children because one is already alive and has been alive since conception. And if anybody were to, you know, hurt my wife to where that child dies, they killed my child. And even our laws will even state that. That if a woman that's pregnant was killed in a car wreck, it would be a double homicide. That's exactly what Exodus 21 is saying. So not only does Exodus say that, which trumps any law that's in our land, but even the law of the land will even state that. Psalm 106. By the way, there's nothing new under the sun. When it comes to abortions, you may say, well, this is a new phenomenon. It's not. It's not new. Obviously, maybe the way that they do it nowadays is maybe different than the way they did it back then. But it's not a new thing. There's nothing new under the sun. But it's still wicked as hell. Now, in Psalm 106 and verse 37, notice what it says. It says, Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood. America today is polluted with the blood of millions of children. Millions of children. And if you ever want to see our country, I think our country can come back to God and be blessed, but it will be punished for the blood of those children. And obviously, I believe that America is Babylon, and I believe if you want to see the punishment that's going to happen to America, just look at Revelation chapter 17 and 18. If we're in that time, then that's the punishment. And when you look at that punishment, you say, well, why are they being punished like that? Well, think about all the millions of babies that have been murdered in America. Now, yea, the world, you know, when it comes to, like, obviously there's abortions all around the world, but America is guilty of millions of babies being murdered. And we finance babies being murdered throughout the world. Now, in Psalm 106 and verse 37, it says that the land was polluted with blood. Now, notice the consequence of shedding the blood of innocent children, and in the Old Testament, there's cases where they did this, where they would sacrifice their child to some god. Basically, they would give him as a burnt sacrifice. It's wicked. And the thing is that they thought they were doing God's service, but God says, that never even came into my mind. He didn't command it, never even came into his mind to think to do something like that. And notice in, keep reading there in Psalm 106, it says in verse 39, it says, Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went awhoring with their own inventions. Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance, and he gave them into the hand of the heathen, and they that hated them rolled over them. Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand. Listen, if we're not in the end times, and it's not for maybe hundreds of years, listen, America is going to be put into the hands of our enemies. Because of the wicked shedding of innocent blood that's happened in our country. And, you know, if anything, let's stop as much as we can. And, you know, when Roe v. Wade got overturned, and the states started jumping in and saying, hey, let's grandfather in those laws that are already on the books. I mean, there's just this, finally, it's like this glimmer of hope. For the longest time, I don't know about you, but I've always like looked back in time, and you're like, man, I wish it was back then. I wish I lived back then, you know, where things were simpler, or things were better. But now, it's like a time where, well, I don't want to be back in the 70s where that was still implemented, or the 80s when that was still implemented, or the 90s when that was still implemented. We're finally at a point where I can actually say it's better to be right now when it comes to the laws against killing children than it was 30 years ago. And we need to keep going with that. When that got overturned, listen, we need to keep going. Not only with dealing with abortions, but dealing with the wicked perverse stuff that's being shoved down our throats in America, and we need to keep moving forward on righteous laws that are to be passed. Now, go to Proverbs Chapter 1. Proverbs Chapter 1, when it comes to, you say, well, why are they doing this? Why are people having abortions? Well, I mean, it all comes down to greed. I mean, most of the time when people are having abortions because they're like, I can't afford to have a child, or I don't want to take the time to raise a child, I want to have my life, and have fun, and all of that. Even if they have the money to do it, or they know that they would be able to somehow get the money to do it and support a child, they don't want that to be taken from their time. They just want to have fun, and live life, and not have any responsibilities, and they don't want to suffer the consequences for their actions, essentially. And I'll say this, no one ever has enough money to have children. I mean, you've got obviously the ultra wealthy that have enough money, right? But listen, the everyday person, no one has enough money to have children. We're all struggling, we all have finances that we have to deal with, and especially as they get older. I mean, James isn't even two years old, and he eats as much as I do sometimes. It's insane. I'm like, you're not even two. And he's like eating two hot dogs, he's like eating like, he basically grazes on the rest of the kids' food. He's like a locust that keeps going from food to food after he's done with his meal. And all I can think about is like, what's going to happen when he turns into a teenager? I'm going to have to have a whole cow just for him. I'm actually already looking into having cattle. I'm being broken into it. Like, you know, finally Holly, it's all sinking in. She's been wanting to have cows for a long time, and now I'm like, yeah, I might actually have to just to feed my son. And I have another son on the way, so what's that mean? Anyway, all joking aside, listen, it is a lot of money to take care of children. It does take your time. Listen, my life is my family, essentially. I don't have time to just do everything I want to do, like before I was married and had children. It's just, I go to work, I provide for my family, and then I got to spend time with my family. And not that that's a horrible thing, you know, obviously I don't like spending time with my family. It's not like I feel like I'm in prison or anything like that. It's just the fact that obviously it does take time out of your life, and you're not going to be able to do the things that you would have done when you were single or you didn't have children. But notice what it says in Proverbs chapter 1 and verse 10. It says, My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. If they say, Come with us, let us wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause. Let us swallow them up alive as the grave, and whole as those that go down into the pit. We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil, cast in thy lot among us, and let us all have one purse. My son, walk not thou in the way with them, refrain thy foot from their path, for their feet run to evil and make haste to shed blood. Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird, and they lay wait for their own blood, they lurk privily for their own lives. So are all the ways of every one that is greedy of gain, which taketh away the life of the owners thereof. What is the cause? Why are they shedding innocent blood? Because they're greedy of gain, that's why. Because they want to have spoils, they're trying to basically get money. The love of money is the root of all evil. And if there's a cause for abortions in America today, it's because of the love of money. And the love of pleasure, the love of money, and they don't want to actually take care of this child. So what do they do? They murder it. And, like I said, I think a lot of people are just ignorant about it. Some people are not ignorant about it. And it's creepy to hear, like, people talk about it. Like, where you'll interview, like, someone will go up on the street to this woman and talk about abortion, and they'll say, yes, it's a baby, it's alive, but, you know what, I killed it and I'd do it again. I mean, you're dealing with psychopaths at that point. Because a lot of people would say, well, you know, I don't think it's a life at that point, or, you know, they'll just try to justify it and try to make a reason why it's justifiable. But once they see it, in most of the cases, when you show women or show people in general, men too, an abortion, they're disgusted by it and their whole view changes really quick. At that point, they're just like, there should only be, like, in a, like, life or death situation where you should be doing this. And in this, I just wanted to show you that the Bible is also showing you that people shed innocent blood for money. That's the whole modus operandi here, is that they want, they're greedy of gain, they want to have riches and spoils, and it's all about making money. And they don't care that they're killing an innocent life to do it. They would trade that innocent life for their pleasures in this life, for their money in this life, and to me, there's no money or pleasure in this life that's worth killing a child for. And you're saying, oh, you keep saying killing a child because that's what it is. I'm not, listen, I'm not running for office. I don't know if you know that. I'm not running for office. This isn't some political debate up here where I have to, like, parse my words here. Listen, abortion is murder. Every type of abortion is murder. There's no case where it's allowed to kill an innocent child. And that's the stance we take here, and go to Proverbs chapter 6, Proverbs chapter 6 and verse 16. Proverbs chapter 6 and verse 16. And by the way, you know, people bring up these arguments. They're like, well, what about if the mother is going to die, right? And they have to kill the baby in order to save the mother's life. By the way, that pretty much never happens. And let me give you an example. If there was a case where the mother was needing to save her life and the baby, you know, maybe the baby was, like, causing some issue with the mother, they don't just kill the baby and then go deal with the mother. They try to save the mother, and in the process, the baby might die. Do you see a big difference in that argument when you understand that? Obviously, if my wife was, like, having cardiac arrest right now and had to go to the hospital, they're going to do everything they can to save her life. But in most cases, that's not going to affect whether the baby lives or dies, especially at this time. They could probably save the baby's life at the same time. But even if they were in a time, let's say, where the baby couldn't survive outside the womb, well, if whatever they have to do to save my wife's life, the baby ends up dying, that's not abortion. Do you understand that? If there was a huge fire or just this catastrophe that's going on, and I'm saving people, and I save this person over here, and as I'm saving this person, this person over here dies in that whole catastrophe that's going on, I didn't murder that person. They died in the process of trying to save people's lives. I remember, you know, another pastor friend of mine who had twins, and there was this article written saying that he's against abortion, but he aborted one of his children. And it was called The Raw Story or something like that, which is the farthest from the truth. There's nothing raw about that story. It's completely slanted. It's completely false. And what they said is that because the one twin was getting more nutrients, they killed the other twin to save the twin's life, when in reality, they did a surgery to try to fix the whole problem, and in the end, the child that was getting less nutrients didn't make it. But they didn't just kill the child. That's the type of logic they're using right there. And when it comes to this whole argument that, well, in the case of saving a woman's life, you have to kill the baby, no doctor's like, hey, we need to save this woman's life. Let's go kill the baby first and then go save this woman's life. They're not like, let's go stab the baby in here. Let's go pull this baby out and kill this baby and do an abortion, and then let's go save this woman's life. No, they're going to save the woman's life. The baby may or may not make it, depending on what the whole process is. They may have to give her medication that would be harmful to the baby, but you know what? In those cases, you're just trying to save the woman's life and things happen, just as much as if you're in some catastrophic event where you're trying to save someone's life and someone else dies in the process of you trying to save someone else. And so these stupid arguments don't change the fact that when you go to willingly kill an innocent baby, you are committing murder. And by the way, that case that I explained right there is so minute, it's insanity, that people would use that as an argument. And what they're using is these little cases of incest, rape, or a case where maybe a woman is like having to have some kind of surgery or something that could affect the child's life in the process, that they use that to say, abortion on demand, doesn't matter. There's literally people in Congress that said that there should be a discussion on whether you can abort the baby after the baby has been born. The baby's breathing outside the womb and they're having a discussion like, hey, well, you know, the mother and the doctor should have a discussion about their options. Options? I mean, we're at the point where now it's post-born abortion. You had partial birth abortion where someone's doing an abortion and the baby survives the abortion and that whole bill that Obama signed or that, I can't remember if it was against or for it, but he was against the fact that if a baby was born in an abortion and survived, he was saying you should let it sit there and die and not try to attend to it and give it resuscitation or try to keep it alive. It's breathing, it's alive, it's outside the womb, and he's saying let it die. You're dealing with wicked, reprobate people that are pushing these laws, that these doctors that are pushing it, it's all about this right here. Those abortion doctors are all about the money. And the people that end up having abortions, they're about the money too because they don't want to support a child. They don't want the burden. But in Proverbs 6 and verse 16 it says, These six things that the Lord hates, yea, seven are an abomination unto him, a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, and heart that divides wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaks his lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. He hates the hands that shed innocent blood. So what do you think God thinks about this? He hates it. God hates abortion. It's murder, and anybody that kills an innocent child in the womb should be put to death. That's what the Bible teaches. Go to Matthew chapter 18. You're like, oh, that's Old Testament. God was different back then. No, Jesus Christ is saying yesterday, today, and forever. I am the Lord. I change not, said the Lord. I mean, same God. If you think he's changed, read Revelation. Because it's only going to get worse when it comes to the wrath of God. You saw all that stuff in the Old Testament about God's wrath? You're going to crank it up to go to Revelation. Basically everything you saw in the Old Testament is going to be a culmination of all of that on the earth. Okay, so, same God. God is angry with the wicked every day. And listen, I'm giving you a little bit of statistics when it comes to abortion. When it comes to, you know, it's like 2,500 to 3,000 babies that are aborted each day in America. Hopefully that's declining. God sees it. He sees every single one of those. I remember seeing an animation of an abortion. An animation, meaning it's not real. They're just animating it and it made me sick to my stomach and angry at the same time. That anybody could think that that was right to do. Or that wasn't murder. Or that wasn't wicked. God sees it. And then think about how long suffering God is. Because you ever think that you're, oh, I feel like I got some patience, I'm long suffering, I'm merciful. Think about what God sees every single day and hasn't burned it all to the ground. But then you also think about when He does burn it to the ground. Like, man, that seems harsh. You get a little more of the mind of Christ, don't you, when you think about what God sees and you think about what's really going on. Because sometimes we're in our bubble, we're not seeing all that wickedness, and praise the Lord for that. I don't want to see all that. But at the same time, God does. Now Matthew chapter 18 and verse 1 here, it says, At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. And whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whosoever shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offenses, for it must needs be that offenses come. But woe to that man by whom the offense cometh. So what does Jesus think about people hurting children? And that goes for abortionists, that goes for pedophiles, that goes for anybody that's going to hurt a child. This is what Jesus thinks about it. You know what? I think that that should be implemented. I think every child molester should have a millstone hung around his neck and thrown into the sea. Like we don't have a sea here. We'll find, go to a pond somewhere. They're deep enough, right? Listen, I would pay the money to transport all the pedophiles in West Virginia to go over to the East Coast and to the Atlantic, go rent a charter of a boat that will take them deep out into the sea. I don't even want it to be where it's like 60 feet, you know. I want it to be the depths of the sea, like where they're going down like thousands of feet. Put a millstone around their neck and put them down where the Titanic is laying and let them sit down there. And obviously you'd die before you ever get down there probably. But, you know, the idea there is that that's, this reminds me of when in Revelation when it talks about taking a millstone and casting into the sea and it says with violence Babylon is going to be destroyed in one hour. The idea here is that they should get a violent death. You hurt a child, you get a violent death. Think of Judas and his death. Wasn't that a violent death? He hung himself and then his bowels gushed out to where they called it the field of blood because of it. He fell headlong, so he headed straight down with a noose around his neck and something violent happened to where everything in his stomach just gushed out. Well, he deserved it. He was the son of perdition who portrayed the son of God. And listen, these pedophiles and these abortion doctors, they deserve a violent execution. And I have no qualms saying that. And listen, I'll say this, you know, we're not alone. This is a new independent fundamental Baptist church and you say, well, you know, you guys are out to lunch on this. Listen, I would reckon to say that there's a lot of people in West Virginia right now that would hold that same stance. If they saw an abortion and what it did, and especially the pedophilia. Listen, if you're not against pedophilia and you're not against them being put to death, then I wonder about you. If you don't have a disdain and hatred for pedophiles, then stay away from me and my children. There is no sympathy for that. And you know what, even outside of Christianity and outside of like independent fundamental Baptist realms, I feel like that's still, people hold to that. And praise the Lord that there's still some sanity left in America when it comes to that. But this passage here, it just leaps out to me when it comes to children. And you say, well, it's easier to have this kind of defense for the children that we see and hear and all that. And I understand that. Listen, on a human level, my child that's in the womb, I don't have this relationship right now. I mean, just on a human level, right? I mean, obviously I care for the child that's in my wife's womb. But there's a difference between that and like Anna or Emma or, you know, my other children that I have a relationship with, you know, and obviously you can see that. Like if you were to say like someone were to kill one of my children, people would be like obviously way more up in arms than if something happened in the womb, right? And but here's the thing with that. I understand that on a human level, but go to Proverbs chapter 31. Proverbs chapter 31, just because we can't see them, hear them, hear their cries, doesn't mean that they're any of less value or that they have any less right of life. And Proverbs 31 here, the last point I'm going to make here will definitely get the blue hair feminist really mad. So, and what I'm going to state here is that men, it's our obligation to take care of this problem. And women are the reason, are the big reason why this was allowed to happen, but I don't blame the women as much as I blame the men. Because the men, they're never allowed to happen, okay? Meaning this, if it was up to men voting, abortion would not be a thing. Because if you look at statistics on men that are against abortion, it's way higher than women. Women are a lot higher on, statistically, on being for abortion, being for pro-choice or whatever, that this would not be the issue that it is if women weren't voting. You say, well, you know, should women have the right to vote? Well, okay, in America, just on a constitutional level and on an American law level, go to war and then you can vote. Meaning this is that when I turned 18, I had to sign up for the selective draft. I was forced to sign up for the selective draft. Anybody that's turned 18 had to do that. And I think that's still a thing, right? You still have to do that when you turn 18. Women don't have to. And that was the big difference as far as, and a lot of women didn't want to vote because they knew that there's a trade-off. That men vote, but they also go through the front lines, right? They also are the ones that have to go to war if war comes about. And, but I'll give you a biblical reason here. Notice what it says in Proverbs 31. Proverbs 31 and verse 1. It says, the words of King Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him, what my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my vows, give not thy strength unto women nor thy ways to that which destroy the kings. So we start off here that we're not men to be giving our strength unto women. And this is where I think you get into like Solomon. Like I mean that case with Solomon where he basically just like, the women is what brought him down. He gave his strength unto them and it was his downfall. And it's not, not that it's not good, obviously this whole chapter, this is the Proverbs 31 woman, right? You have the virtuous woman in here. But it starts off stating, listen, don't give your strength unto women. You want a virtuous woman, but you have to be careful to not give your strength unto women. Because there's a lot of men out there that have given their strength unto women. And you say, what do you mean by that? They've given their man card up. That's the modern vernacular. They're like, here's my man card and my wife is the one that rules the home, right? She rules the roost and the man is not the one that's in authority. Or it's like this 50-50 double-headed monster type of deal where the authority somehow split. But it ends up being the woman in those cases. And this is where really men need to take charge. They need to take their position and authority like it should be. And it starts in the home. Listen, I can't go around just throwing my weight around everywhere I go. I don't have the authority over everybody's lives or different entities of the government. But it starts at the home that the men will take their position of authority in the home. And if they take their position of authority in the home, that translates into all factions of government and life. I mean if everybody in West Virginia and all the men and women, they had their roles set as far as biblically that the man is the head of the home, this would take place. Meaning that what I'm about to show you is the fact that we need to speak up for those that can't speak. Notice what it says here in verse 4. It says, Now this is the Beard Church Calvinist's favorite passage for why you should drink. Which, man, looks great to me. That looks like a great passage of why I should be drinking alcohol so I can forget all my sorrows and be of a heavy heart and be a big loser. I mean literally that's what it's saying. Give it to this loser over here and be like, there's my chapter in verse why I should be able to drink. You know, at that point I almost want to be like, sure. I guess so. I guess that's your verse. Go at it, you know. It says it. Go ahead, you know. It's like this verse over here that says, And they're like, it says to drink it. I don't know why I'm getting off on this subject. It's in the verse. But anyway, notice in verse 8 here, it says, Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. Now the word dumb there is not talking about stupid. Now when we say dumb, in our modern vernacular we mean you're dumb, you're stupid, right? You don't know what you're talking about. Dumb in the Bible is talking about you can't speak, right? Like the dumb ass speaking with man's voice. That may sound weird in our modern vernacular, okay? That's biblical and what it means is that the donkey, the ass, couldn't speak because animals don't talk normally, okay? I say normally because this is the case where he does, that he caused them to speak, right? So the opposite of being dumb is speaking. And can you think of a better group or a more appropriate group to put in this passage right here, Open thy mouth for the dumb and the cause of all that such are appointed to destruction than the unborn child who can't speak and give their cause for why they should be put to death, and that they are appointed to destruction. And it is our jobs to speak up, to open our mouths, and I don't give a rip what anybody thinks out in the world about this issue. If you think that abortion is okay in certain cases, you're wrong. If you think abortion isn't murder, you're wrong. And that is just point blank the way it's going to be, and if more men would stand up and say exactly what the Bible teaches on this issue, and would just stand up and say abortion is murder in every case, case closed, then I think we'd have a different outcome. Now go to 1 Timothy chapter 2 and verse 8. 1 Timothy chapter 2 and verse 8. You say, why are you hitting on this point? Because a bunch of feminists and a bunch of libtard women are going to get up here and say, you don't have a uterus, you can't have an opinion. Watch me. I'm going to have an opinion this whole time and there's nothing you can do about it. Because they want the men to sit down and shut up, and a bunch of men have allowed that to happen. Women have said, hey, men, sit down and shut up. You're not the one that's giving birth to these children. You don't have a voice. Listen, I have a voice when it comes to children being murdered. And notice what the Bible says here about women being in authority. And people are like, oh, it's such a blessing that we have all these women in authority. Yeah, Nancy Pelosi, that's such a blessing. Kamala Harris, that's such a blessing. Elizabeth Warren, you know, Pocahontas herself, that's such a blessing. I mean, oh, yeah, these women that are in office are such a blessing. How about all the justices? Everything, you know, and you say, well, Amy Coney Barrett, you know, she's one of the justices, she's a conservative, she shouldn't be there. And you're saying, oh, you're so chauvinistic, you're so, you know, listen, what does the Bible say on this issue? With those that are in authority. And, listen, can a woman have a good opinion and can a woman, like, do a good job in those positions? Yes, I mean, there's a case like Deborah in the Bible, but the question is, shouldn't Barack been the one that was actually the one doing the job and not making a woman do his job? So, when you think about, like, well, this woman's conservative. Where's her husband? What's he doing? Is he cooking pancakes for her while she goes to work? Like, what's going on? Now, and again, people are like, oh, you're diminishing, you're saying that women don't have, women have great value. Women actually have just as much value as men. They just have different roles. And the problem with America is that the roles have been skewed, the roles have been reversed, and this is the consequence of America not staying in their lane. Of men not staying in their lane and women not staying in their lane. In 1 Timothy chapter 2 and verse 8 it says, I will, therefore, that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting. And like manner also, the women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with broidered hair or gold or pearls or costly array, but with which becometh women professing godliness with good works. Notice this, let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach nor to assert authority over the man, but to be in silence. You say, oh, man, I can't believe it says that, you know, that you shouldn't have a woman to assert authority. Now, listen, there's cases where women are going to be over me in authority, out in the workforce, out in just life, and I've got to deal with it. But that's not the way it should be. And I'm going to respect those people. It's not like I'm going to be like, you shouldn't be above me. Woman, go make me a sandwich. Obviously, that's not going to work, and that's not the way it is. We live in this world the way it is right now, but excuse me if I tell you how God says it should be. We're in a broken system, and how do we get out of that broken system? Right? And I'm not saying that women can't have, like, they can't work for them. The Proverbs woman made stuff and went to the merchants and made things and made money. There's nothing wrong with that, but the problem is when you're asserting authority over the men, and specifically when you're dealing with government offices. I mean, if you think about it, like, the house is a government office, and the fact that you have the husband, the wife, the children. The church is the same way. There's governing, you know, a government, if you will, associated with the church. But then there's government outside of that in the world. And so we would say in church that men should be leaders. We say at home that men should be leaders. Guess what? Well, out in the world it should be the same way. Now, keep reading there because it's going to explain to you why this is the case. It says, for Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Here's why men should be in authority positions and women shouldn't. Because Adam wasn't deceived by the serpent, the woman was. And you can say, ah, you know, I can't believe that, you know, I think I have more discretion than some men. That's probably true. Hey, listen, the women in here probably have more discretion than most of the men out in the world. But at the same time, holistically though, those men have in their nature, they're less naive and they have the idea of having better discretion. Just because they're not actually using it and they're being big dumb animals and not doing their role like they should. Men are, they have, we have different, we have different thinking processes. And praise the Lord for that, okay. Women are more empathetic, they're more emotional. I mean, the fact that men have a whole bunch more testosterone and women have a whole bunch more estrogen should tell you that there's a difference in the way we're going to be thinking, okay. And you say, well, you know, that's why women should be. No, the Bible says that men should be the ones that are in authority. And when it comes to this, it has to do with being deceived, it has to do with how you rule and how you make decisions and how you deal with those situations. And you know what, you can disagree with me on this, but if men were only those, the only people that were in positions of power right now were men, I believe that this abortion issue would be almost a non-issue. But yet men have just listened to women that say you need to sit down and shut up, you don't have a uterus, you can't speak, and you know what, I will speak. And I will speak for those that are dumb, meaning they can't speak. I'll speak for those that can't speak that are appointed to destruction and we need to all stand up for that. And listen, ladies, you need to speak up for that too, right. Meaning that, it's not saying that you can't plead the cause for these, but the idea here is that men, we should be the ones leading the charge. We should be the ones that are in the positions of authority that are doing this, and I don't blame women for this, okay. I want to be very clear on this, I don't blame women holistically for the problems of America, I blame men. Because if we are the ones that are supposed to be the leaders and we're the ones that are appointed to positions of, you know, God says you should be the ones that are in authority, you should be the ones leading, then that means we're the ones that failed. Men are the ones that are responsible for why there's so many abortions in this world. You say, well, it's the women that did it. No, men allowed it. Last I checked, men are stronger than women and men could have just said, no, and they wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. You know that's true, right? If my wife said, you know, I'm not going to do this, I'm going to make you do this, she wouldn't be able to because I'm stronger than her, okay. And the same thing would apply, listen, men allowed women to be in authority because we are, they are the weaker vessel and by definition there's no way they could have forced it upon them. It was allowed by men to happen. And abortion is wicked, it is murder, the question is, is how do we deal with it? And I believe if we start with us, okay, meaning this is that you can only start with what you can control and the only thing you can control is your own family right now, okay. Be the head in your home that God wants you to be. And we're going to teach everybody that gets saved, everybody that comes to church to have the same model that the Bible has, the more people we get saved, the more people that we have, show that model to and say, hey, this is what God has revealed. That's going to reflect on the country. You have to start from the ground up. There's no way that we could just overnight just change this and be like, all right, all the women are out, men are in. It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. And I don't believe, and in all reality I don't think it would ever happen. I think there will always be the rebelliousness that goes on with the positions of authority. And I'm talking about governing authorities here, okay, because when we're talking about this, we're talking about people usurping authority over men. A woman can obviously usurp authority over children. We're talking about women over men, okay. So, abortion is murder. That's our stance. Not changing, okay. So that one's going to be stuck there. And I don't care, listen, I don't care if every abortion is banned and abortion goes down to next to nothing, I will still preach that it's murder. I will still say that until I die because I want it to be a reminder. Hey, by the way, we used to kill babies en masse. Let's not do that again. And let's end with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for today, thank you for your word, and pray that you be with us throughout the rest of the day and throughout the rest of this week. We thank you for a new year that we're coming into. And we do pray, especially with this issue of abortion, that less people would end up having abortions, that more people would understand what life is and the fact that they should not be committing these acts. And, Lord, just pray that you would help us as men to be the leaders that we need to be and help us to own the responsibility of fixing these problems and being the light and the voice in this world. And we love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. By the day, we'll come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed. All right, take your songbooks and turn to song 307. Song 307 in your songbooks, we'll sing Jesus Calls Us. And if you would stand, we'll sing song 307. Jesus calls us o'er the tumult of our lives, while restless see, day by day his sweet voice soundeth, saying, Christian, follow me. Jesus calls us from the worship of the faint words, golden store, from each idol that would keep us, saying, Christian, love me.