(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you Well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your psalm books and turn to song number 52 Song number, I'm sorry okay, so a Mountain Baptist Church Psalms and spiritual song books page number 52 should be next to last page in your blue folders We'll sing good Christian men rejoice If you would stand We'll sing song number 52 Good Christian men rejoice with heart and land voice Give you heed to what we say Jesus Christ is born today Ox and ass before and bow and he is in a manger now Christ is born today Christ is born today. We're not we're not gonna sing the joy joy. Peace peace Just let you guys know I didn't I was supposed to tell you guys before that here. We go ready and men Rejoice with heart and soul and voice Now you hear of endless bliss Jesus Christ was born for this he hath opened and Man is blessed forevermore Christ was born for this Christ was born for this A Christian man rejoiced with heart and soul and voice Now ye need not fear the grace Jesus Christ was born to save Calls you one and calls you all to gain his Everlasting Hall Christ was born to save Christ was born to save Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again, we just want to thank you God Just for another day that we were able to hear our eight are able to hear your word thank you Lord for another day that we were able to go out and preach your word and I pray Lord that you would just bless and everything that's said and done help it to be for your honor and glory We love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all but amen Or you may be seated and again in your mountain Baptist songbooks Turn to page number eight Page Number eight in your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books will sing Psalm 126 on page number eight When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like them that dream Then was our mouth Filled with laughter and our tongue with singing Then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us Whereof we are glad Turn again our captivity. Oh As the streams in the south They that sow in tears shall reap in joy They that sow in tears shall reap in joy Then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done Whereof we are glad He that goeth forth in the wheat path bearing precious seed Shout out let's come again Shut down this come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him Then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us Whereof we are glad You Amen so welcome back to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday evening find my announcements here So I want to get the soul any numbers for the week, I know I know today we kind of had a shutout I'm not sure was there any today did anyone have any salvation today? Now we went through a lot of doors. No one answering all that and Then yesterday there was 11 right at the Parkersburg Parkersburg so winning so 11 yesterday was there any else during the week? No none else during the week So Well praise the Lord for the soul-winning efforts out in Parkersburg well I am today obviously you go out can't force people to hear but but praise the Lord for the the efforts there and all the work done in Parkersburg and everybody that went out to that so and As far as upcoming events and everything else we do have the prayer meetings on the list here remember with the soul-winning On the regional soul-winning specifically the our Sunday morning soul-winning our Sunday afternoon at 1 p.m. That's the same nothing's gonna change there, but on the regional selling times Just be on the lookout for changes there, especially on the specifically the Monday one the next couple weeks Just assume that it's not going to be there unless something changes there But on the other ones as well just be on the church group there for those that are leading those up and then as far as Bible memory for the month Luke chapter 2 is our memory chapter for the month, and then we have 1st Timothy chapter 3 and verse 6 is our memory verse for the week and so And I think we got birthdays anniversaries got all that stuff pregnancy list there be in prayer for those that are on pregnancy list Alyssa Anastasia and happy be in prayer for those that aren't feeling well. I know Sicknesses are going around Tis the season It feels like one of those days where you just want to be sick right when it's like that cold rain It's gonna be sitting at home with a blanket over top of yourself or whatever so but Yeah, I think that's about all I have for announcements that I can think of You know I was just thinking about this But I I think it'd be fun to try to do caroling sometime I don't know the logistics on that as far like how we'd go about it I did it once with a church that I went to Trinity Baptist out in Blacksville And it was like a cold rainy night So it was like my my remembrance of that was not exactly the best But I think it would be kind of cool to do like caroling thing so And maybe that's something we do next year. I don't know I just maybe just Bouncing some ideas around there so anybody that's ever done that at a different church, or you know like hey Here's how we did it I think that could be fun And yeah something to think about On the list of everything else that you guys don't have to do right you know your busy lives But I think it'd be fun That's all I have announcements the offering boxes in the back there if you want to give a tithe or an offering the mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only And then we're gonna be continuing our study through spiritual gifts and so Are you reading yeah, so brother Joseph's gonna be reading 1st Corinthians chapter 12 Force after we do one more song All right take your song books and turn to song four hundred and thirty four the regular song books We'll turn to song four hundred and thirty four we'll sing Oh little town of Bethlehem song four hundred and thirty four Oh little town of Bethlehem How still we see thee lie Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by Yet in thy dark streets shineth The Everlasting light The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight For Christ is born of Mary And gathered all above While mortal sleep and Angels keep their watch of wandering love. Oh Morning stars to gather Proclaim the holy birth And praises sing to God the King and peace to men on earth how silently how silently the wondrous gift is give So God and parts to human hearts the blessings of his have No, he may hear is Coming but in this world of sin Where meek souls will receive him still the dear Christ Enters and Oh Holy child of Bethlehem Descend to us we pray cast out our sin and enter and be born in us today We hear the Christmas angels the great glad Tidings tell oh come to us Abide with us our Lord Emmanuel All right, take your Bibles and turn the turn to the book of 1st Corinthians chapter number 12 1st Corinthians chapter number 12 and we will have brother Joseph read that for us 1st Corinthians chapter 12 And if you found your place there you'll say amen Now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you ignorant, you know that you were Gentiles carried away unto these dumb idols even as you were led Wherefore I give give you to understanding that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth. Jesus accursed that no No, man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit and there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord and There are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh in all all in all But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all For to to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit To another faith by the same Spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit To another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues to another Interpretation of tongues, but all these worketh that one and the self same spirit dividing to every man separately as he will For as the body is one and hath many members to all the members of that one body being many are one body So also is Christ For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we bond or free and have Been all made to drink into one spirit for the body is not one member But many if the foot shall say because I am not the hand I am not of the of the body Is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say because I am not not not the eye I am not of the body Is it therefore not of the body if the whole body were nigh? where where Where were the hearing and the whole we're hearing where were the smelling But now hath got said the members every one of them in the body as it hath pleased him And if they were all one member Where were the body but now are they they many members, but yet one body and? The eye cannot say unto the hand I have no need of thee nor nor again the head to the feet I have no need of you nay much more of those members of the body which seemed to be more feeble are Necessary and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable upon these we bestow more abundant honor And our uncommly parts have more abundant comeliness For our comely parts have no need but God hath tempered the body together Haven't given more abundant honor to that part which lack lacked That there should be no schism in the body But that the members should have the same care one for another and whether one members suffer all the members suffer with it Or if one member be honored all the members rejoice with it now ye are of the body of Christ and the members in Particular and God had hath said some in church first apostles second secondarily prophets thirdly teachers After that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diverse Diversities of tongues are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers of miracles Have all the gifts of healing Do all speak with tongues do all interpret a covet covet earnestly the best gifts And yet show I unto you a more excellent way pray Lord father thank for his time. We're able to gather again this afternoon Lord I thank you for your and holy word you've given to us or to ask you to be with pastor Robinson and edifies this evening Jesus name Amen Amen, so you're there in 1st Corinthians chapter 12, and we are continuing study through different spiritual gifts and This week I'm gonna be hitting on prophecy So if you look starting there verse 1 just so again that we see I Love this this passage to where verse 4 or 5 and 6 you can see the Trinity within this I don't know if you notice that Probably have but in verse 4 it says now there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit And there are diversity of differences of administrations, but the same Lord and there are diversities of operations But it is the same God which work at all and all You can see the Spirit the Lord and God and obviously God even the Father So I love that about this because when you're dealing with spiritual gifts, it's really the Father Son the Holy Ghost it's it's God that is that has dealt these out and and notice that it also says Down in verse 11 it says But all these work at that one and the self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will knowing that What we see at the end of the chapter obviously is not everybody is gonna have every single one of these gifts Some people are gonna have these gifts some people won't and and with this one We're down to and I'm kind of just going in order just to be honest With what it says here in 1st Corinthians chapter 12, so I haven't really got an order as far as Priority in the church or maybe hierarchy in the church if that makes sense Because notice what it says here in verse 8 it says for tip 1 is given the spirit by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another the faith by the same spirit to Another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles To another prophecy. So if you look down in verse 28, you'll see that actually The prophets if you will those that have that kind of gift of prophecy And I'm gonna be getting into what this is talking about But in verse 28 here it says and God has set some of the church first apostles Secondarily prophets. So when you think about the if you're to maybe it's a bad way of saying it But the pecking order if you will or like basically the hierarchy of the gifts if you will because it talks about you know Coveting the best gifts so there's obviously gifts that are better than others if you will or ones that are higher up in In the order of events there But the prophecy or you know being linked with being a prophet and and Even in Ephesians chapter 4 go to Ephesians chapter 4 You'll see this as well And what I what I believe this is dealing with in the church is the the preachers. Okay, those are the preachers now The pastor is to be a preacher. I believe he's also to be a teacher but you can be a preacher and not be a pastor Okay, like you could be a preacher behind the pulpit and not be a pastor meaning like you could be hey I preach a sermon every once a while. Well, you're a preacher, you know But you may not be a pastor you may not be a bishop, you know an overseer of a flock Okay, meaning this is that in the churches. I believe they had it they had a bishop, right? But they would also have other preachers they'd have other people that were preaching at the same time first Corinthians chapter 14 is Really a chapter on them doing that decently in an order, right? the idea is like not having like everybody preaching all at the same time in different languages and then also it needs to be in order and Basically kind of at the max three right because you only have a certain attention span, right? Now if you have me preaching someone like me preaching three times, then you may want to make that too, right? Because it depends on the length right now listen Paul preached all the way through the night and he killed a man No, he didn't actually kill But eunuchus did fall from the loft, you know because he was long preaching so You know everything I'm long. Listen Paul, I think takes the cake for that but but in Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 11 here says and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers For the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ Now that body of Christ is talking about the church So the local New Testament Church, that is what the purpose of these these positions and everything are for there now when it comes to pastors and teachers Obviously, like I said, you could be a prophet and not be a pastor and you could be a teacher and not be a pastor I believe under under it you being a pastor you need to be a preacher and a teacher like it's kind of like that you need to have those two because Well, I'll say this could you be a pastor and just be a teacher I think you're going to be missing the element of the preaching aspect that needs to be in the church and I'll say this you can have other people that are preaching but I think the pastor should be one of those as well Right. I think that that should be also You know among the skill set of a pastor now Again Romans chapter 12 touches on this as far as the different gifts Romans 12 6 says having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us whether prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith Now the first thing that I want to really hit on is the fact that prophecy doesn't doesn't always mean some prophetic Meaning when I say prophetic meaning like a foretelling of the future, okay? It could just mean like preaching something that's true Okay. Now let me show you an example that go to Proverbs chapter 30 Proverbs chapter 30 And I'm not going to read all the Proverbs chapter 30, but all those Proverbs chapter 30 is considered a prophecy But you're not going to see Proverbs chapter 30 isn't about like end times or like some event that's about to happen. It's just stating facts, right? and Notice what it says here in Proverbs 30 in verse 1 it says the words of agar the son of jakey even the prophecy The man spake unto ethiole even unto ethiole and ucol surely I am more I am I am more brutish than any man and have not the understanding of a man and Then he goes on to this whole dissertation and there's a lot of different things that are mentioned in Proverbs chapter 30, right? It's not you know, every word of God is pure You know, then it goes into like I give me neither Riches nor poverty nor riches then he goes on to talk about, you know, basically There's three things yay for that are more comely and he goes on to these different things, but they're not necessarily they're not like Future events that are about to happen. They're just stating facts, right? I mean the fact that a greyhound runs really fast isn't exactly a problem like some kind of foretelling of the future unless you don't believe greyhounds existed back then and Then they you know, they came on the scene so it's just basically preaching truth or preaching something that You know is is is fact and No, it could be future. Listen if I was preaching on Revelation wouldn't that be a foretelling of the future Now I'm not just coming up with that myself I'm using the Bible but I could preach on that and you can technically say that's a prophecy of the future but You don't have to be basically getting extra-biblical information Go to Proverbs chapter 31 For example the reason and the reason I don't believe we had anymore because all the prophets prophesied until John the Bible says and Then it talks about obviously it says God who had sundry time in diverse manner spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son and So, I don't believe that we have God speaking to us audibly now obviously the apostles were also there so a lot of them were prophets as well in the fact that they were God was speaking to them and they were penning down the Word of God and all of that. Okay No, sir for another day, but the idea here is that prophecy doesn't equate some foretelling of the future It can be but it doesn't have to be that so when you see like to get the prophecy Some people in their mind are thinking like okay. I have a gift to like foretell the future I'm a prognosticator, right? I can basically Foretell what's going to happen? now listen, sometimes you can foretell what the hat what's gonna happen because You know, you know what the Bible says about it You know what the endgame is for a lot of things and you're just I remember one time I was I told someone something and I was warning them about somebody, you know, whether it's a false teacher or something like that and That person later on like how did you know? How'd you know that person was like that? It's like well the Bible, you know, like says if they're this like let's say someone is like a reprobate You know someone that rejects the gospel and all that and then you're like that person's gonna do some like really wicked stuff It's gonna come out that that person's really wicked right and then then it happens and they're like, how'd you know? it's like You know, we had the blueprint of what what the the future is on a lot of these things And so I'm not really like foretelling the future so to speak I'm just stating facts that the Bible tells us is gonna happen. Okay, just as much as I could say Hey, there's gonna be a new heaven. There's gonna be a new earth. New Jerusalem's gonna come down of heaven How do you know? How can you tell the future? It's like well the Bible says it Okay. Now Proverbs chapter 31 is another one where you could Obviously see that this isn't necessarily talking about something in the future. It's just talking about Basically a mother preaching to her son so you have Ager the son of Jakey which is you know, obviously a man there that's preaching this prophecy. He's prophesying But it's not fitting like necessarily Foretelling as far as the future is concerned but also in Proverbs 31 It says the words of King Lemuel the prophecy that his mother taught him And so and so sometimes in the Bible you see like a prophet and you're automatically thinking like like Elijah the prophet, right? Well, how about? Lemuel's mom being a prophet But does that mean she's over there just like, you know You bring those prophets of Baal down here and I'm gonna slay him, you know, like There's a difference in how you look at that, right? So so women can be can be prophets too and I'm gonna be getting that even in New Testament dealing with this because You should teach your children. You should preach to your children. Listen, you know mothers you preach to your children the Bible Doesn't mean you're getting behind a pulpit necessarily and like preaching to them But you're you're teaching them and preaching them like hey, here's what you should do Now Proverbs 31 in verse 2 there it says what my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my vows Give not thy strength on the women nor thy ways to that which destroy the kings. It is not for kings O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine Nor for princes strong drink lest they drink and forget the law and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts Let that let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his misery no more open thy mouth For the dumb and the cause of all such as as are are appointed to destruction open thy mouth judge Righteously and plead the cause of the poor needy Now I wouldn't say any of that's really some kind of like foretelling. It's just like hey, here's what you should do Here's how to be a good king Then you get on to the virtuous woman and really you're not seeing anything about like future events there either But it's all good information. It's all good teaching and stating hey you do this you're going to prosper so in a sense you kind of are kind of you're trying to change the future with a person by your preaching, but Just so you see there that the gift of prophecy I don't believe is like limited to just the apostles when they were prophesying what God was speaking to them back when they were penning down the new testament that a prophet is someone that's just preaching and The preaching could be coming straight from the Word of God and it doesn't have to be some outside source from a burning bush or Anything like that for that to be considered prophecy and it also doesn't have to be something that's gonna happen in the future It could be something that already did happen How about preaching the gospel when we preach the gospel? What are we preaching? We're preaching something already happened, right? We're preaching the death, burial, and resurrection You know, that's not future that's past actually But either way, it doesn't really matter, you know, obviously if you're before Jesus died on the cross You're preaching something that's going to happen He's going to save it, you know, he's gonna do perform this in order for you to be saved but we're all preaching something that already happened and We're preaching that if you believe it, you'll be saved Now Acts chapter 2, Acts chapter 2 and verse 14, Acts chapter 2 and verse 14 Because I want you to see here that preaching the gospel is considered prophesying So Going out soul-wanting today though. We kind of had a big dud of a day when it comes to people Answering the door or whatever, but you know Some of us got to at least get some verses out and stuff like that. That's considered prophesying according to the Bible So when it comes to preaching the gospel And I'll say this, you know We should all preach the gospel because that that that is what the Great Commission is. Every Christian should be Preaching the gospel, but I'll say this that there are people that are really gifted at it like that. They are just they just You know, they they're very well-spoken and they they know the verses and all that stuff and listen I would say like most the people in the church have this gift as far as preaching the gospel meaning like they're really Really good at it all of that, but you know There's some that excel above others when it comes to like their abilities on it It doesn't mean that God can't use the person that's not gifted though. I think that there's some cases where Some people are like stammering through the gospel and there's a person out there that wouldn't have got saved But wasn't for that person that was giving it because they realize hey this person Must really care about what they're preaching for them to take Knowing it's outside their comfort zone knowing that it's not they're not great at what they're doing and they're saying hey, you know What I'm gonna listen to this guy because it must be important to him So don't you know, get me wrong there I think that even if you're not gifted in certain areas, sometimes it can work to your advantage when it comes to You know the work of the Lord, so don't take this out of you know Obviously when we're talking about prophesying sometimes it's just talking about behind the pulpit. Sometimes it's talking about preaching to your children Sometimes it could be talking about preaching the gospel. So don't take it to be like well, you know soul winning is not my gift No You don't see soul winning You know as being a gift necessarily I'm just saying that in the realm of gifts Like you when you think about going soul winning and having to get the knowledge and wisdom right and knowing what you know What to say discerning of spirits discernment out soul winning like there's people that have certain types of Gifts where they can discern better than others some people they can't discern at all that that person is not interested right Whatever, you know, but the thing is that sometimes but then other people are just like I know that guy's not interested I could tell by the way He's looking right there, you know and just think they can pick that up really quick and some people don't and you know it is what it is, but Now in Acts chapter 2 verse 14 it says but Peter standing up with the 11 Lifted up his voice and said unto them you men of Judea and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem Be this known unto you and harken to my words for these are not drunken as you suppose seeing it is But the third hour of the day, but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel And it shall come to pass in the last days said God I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy So notice that it's men and women right sons and daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and On my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy Now, let me ask you a question What were they doing on the day of Pentecost they're preaching the gospel right people were getting saved Thousands of people got saved because down at verse 21 it says in shall come the past that whosoever shall call on the name of Lord shall be saved They're prophesying the preaching the gospel and obviously this is a special event because God Allowed this this miracle to happen to where these Galileans The people that were there could hear their own language when they were speaking. So it was it was more of The idea of people hearing it in their own language in the idea that this this miracle was going on And so that being said is that we see that okay people can prophesy just you know, preaching truths, right? Whether it's it's Hagar or whether it's it's it's Lemuel's mother And then also when preaching the gospel we see that as well as far as preaching Being You know prophesying being preaching essentially right because they're prophesying here, but what are they doing? They're preaching the gospel because You know how it says how beautiful are the feet of them that preached the gospel peace and bring glad tidings of good things And so when they're prophesying this they're preaching it and so it's not that complicated to see That prophecy and preaching are equated there And so when you're going through these gifts Sometimes there's some that I think people get hung up on they're like well that's not it here anymore This isn't here anymore And sometimes you have to look at you know, obviously other passages in the Bible to see what you're dealing with Same thing with the miracle ones, right? You know, a lot of times we'll look at that and say well that doesn't happen anymore That's done away with But you know what? Prophesying still there and even in chapter 13 in verse 9 there It says for we know in part and we prophesy in part But when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away So the idea here is that you know, we're still prophesying we're still we're gonna know in part languages are gonna come and go all these different things are gonna happen and That's another sermon for another day as far as that which is perfect is common the idea that now we look through a glass Darkly, but then we're gonna see him face to face and we're gonna have a perfected Glorious body to where it's no longer gonna be this like we just know in part We we're gonna we're gonna see him we're gonna know him and see him as he is right and that resurrection that's gonna happen there, so But go to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 2nd Timothy chapter 4 now when it comes to in the Church of God in the Church of God, you know the idea of Having preaching okay, and I don't claim to be like some gifted preacher. Okay. I don't I don't claim to be like You know the best preacher in the world or anything like that, but I do say this is that I Can preach though right there? There's some element of being able to preach and being able to like get that point across because teaching is one thing where? You don't have to be dynamic or basically You think about preaching is like you're kind of broadcasting it right you're publishing it. You're proclaiming it and Teaching you don't necessarily have to do that right You could just kind of quietly show someone something and just teach them something whereas preaching is more of that vocal you have to explain it you have to expound it and Notice what says here in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 and verse 1 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 so when it comes to being let's say you want to be a pastor or you want to Do something like that I do think that you need to have some kind of a little bit of an element of Gift and preaching and teaching and the idea that you don't want to be you don't want to pastor a church and get up if You're like afraid to be in front of people right if you're literally like You know shaking to be in front of people, and you can't handle that type of pressure just being in front of people It's probably not where you you know and listen Nowhere does it say like you know being a pastor is like the number one thing you can do for the Lord And you know if you don't do that Then you're nothing or like or that they're gonna be so much higher in heaven you know because you know what I mean like There's a misconception there. I think when it comes to that to where it's kind of like pastor or bust. You know like no So that being said since we don't all have those type of gifts Then they may not be you know and I'm not here to say that about anybody here to be like well You don't have that gift I'm just saying that sometimes you have to look in the mirror and be like hey is that something I even want to do is That something that I would be good at is that something that do I really want to get up in front of people every single week and like and preach and teach And Notice what it says here in 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 it says I charged thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ Who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season Reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine for the time will come When they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and They shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned on the fables and you can see how teaching is Incorporated in preaching right and the idea that you're teaching, but you're doing it in a manner. That's more of a Proclamation, right It's it's something to where you're grabbing a hold of their ears and the idea here with when it comes to preaching is the fact That what are we preaching? We're preaching the word and Go to 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1 in verse 19 And now we're gonna be getting to some of these other points here in 1st Timothy I'm sorry 2nd Timothy, but in 2nd Peter chapter 1, what are we preaching? We're preaching the word And Obviously, this is the same word by the Gospels preached unto you I mean This is the same word that liveth and abideth forever that people are born again faith comes by hearing him by the Word of God So when you're preaching the gospel You're preaching the word and that's how they're gonna get saved because the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharpen any two-edged sword So but when I'm preaching the word I'm preaching what the Bible calls the word of prophecy So you can see how that would work with okay Well, as long as you say well, you know, you're not getting any information. So how you prophesying? Well, I'm getting it from here So this is the word of prophecy. So therefore I am prophesying Because I'm prophesying I'm preaching the prophecy of the Bible right? So ergo I am prophesying But in in 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 19 It says we have also a more sure word of prophecy where unto you do Well that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star rise in Your hearts knowing this first that no prophecy of the scriptures of any private interpretation For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man The holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost now We know that obviously all scripture is given by inspiration of God We know that holy men of God spake as they're moved by the by the Holy Ghost and that it's written down but it calls it the word of prophecy and You know, so when we're when I'm preaching the word I am technically prophesying because of The words themselves because of what I'm you know teaching and preaching through that now when it comes to being a preacher or being you know, There's an element there that obviously you want to be someone that's preaching right Good doctrine and you're not getting into like, you know, Jewish fables and all this stuff But I want you to go back to the 2nd Timothy chapter 4 and verse 2 2nd Timothy chapter 4 and verse 2 2nd Timothy chapter 4 and verse 2 is this is that To preach is not just a preach things That are comfortable to preach. Okay, and this is just facts of the matter There are times where I'm preaching things and I don't want to preach it. You know, it's not comfortable preaching it. I Preached a whole sermon on the sin of pornography. You think that's a comfortable sermon? But I think it's needs to be preached in the time that we live in right and there's sermons like that. They're just like That's not a fun one, you know Sunday morning sign me up I'm gonna you know hear about this one but you know what the Bible says preach in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort and I've heard people say it with all long-suffering and doctrine and so obviously it should be all good doctrine So in season out of season is the idea of whether in season meaning that whether It's basically kind of preaching to the choir. It's not like some big controversial issue You know that saying is that you should still preach it though Meaning that sometimes you may say well, why am I preaching this everybody gets this this isn't a big deal You know, I remember when the Trinity wasn't a big deal You know that everybody and then this one this stuff started getting that really high like people are starting to pull out this one this stuff and you're just like That that's an idea there and I'm not saying people drop the ball necessarily I'm just saying that that there's an idea of like preaching something that's in season Meaning like there's not a big problem with it. But hey, I need to preach that anyway a lot because you know You never know what could become out of season or what could be Try to creep in doctrinally, right? Sometimes I take for granted doctrines that are very simple doctrines and Basically, I'm like everybody knows this well, not everybody does There's new Christians or baby Christians. I Mean there's passages in the Bible that I remember like learning I'm like, oh, that's what that means and I felt like an idiot for not knowing, right? I still remember the one passage of Proverbs that I read many times where it talks about Striking hands and like it talks about like basically It's Basically talking about being surety for a friend And not knowing like I was thinking striking and when I when I think of like hands being thrown or stricken I'm thinking of fighting right throwing hands, you know, like so I'm like thinking it's like talking about fighting and stuff like that There's something so simple and that most people probably understood by by what was being said in there in Proverbs But I just remember like oh, yeah That's what that means and so sometimes we can take for granted something that we think would be pretty common Pretty like an easy thing to understand and so sometimes What I look at is being easy to understand some may not and what you think is easy to understand and something that everybody knows Maybe I don't you know It's like one of those things that I think it's good to preach things that even you think are just well-known Like everybody agrees on but it still needs to be preached Okay, and that's kind of where the in season because you may think here like well, of course in season who's not doing that, right? Because you would more so look at the out of season of where that's not happening Because that's where people are gonna start getting in You know hot water people are gonna disagree with you and all that but both need to happen So whether it's something that everybody agrees on and you're saying always preaching another sermon on eternal security It's like well, you know, sometimes it just needs to be nailed down again, you know what we need reminded of certain things maybe hit it at a different angle and Don't tune that stuff out, you know, even if it's something that you're like, hey, I got this down Well, maybe there's something else that you can add to your arsenal. Maybe there's another verse that you never thought of maybe, you know, whatever but without a season You could think about obviously, you know the pet sin of the day where people are just like Up in arms if you preach against a certain sin And so you got to preach out of season Anna scoot over a chair. You're too close so This could be out of season the idea that maybe there's a sin in the church, right? Maybe there's something that someone struck, you know, people are struggling in a church. That's a hard one, isn't it? It's hard preaching on a sin when you know that there's people that are guilty of it, right? And here's the beauty about preaching though is That preaching is not when you preach behind the pulpit. You're not preaching to any one single person You're preaching through the congregation. I Don't believe in this garbage like I see I saw this one preacher that's just literally pointing people out calling him by name and just like Like embarrassing them in front of everybody That's those garbage my friends. I can't stand that I cringe every time I see it You know where they're just like hey, are you over there, you know, like You know, you don't sleep with your girlfriend or something like it's like well if he's sleeping with his girlfriend Just tell him to leave you like you shouldn't be Like what's the point of that besides making you look like some big? you know Big tough guy or something like that The point of preaching is that it's to the whole congregation and it's really this if the shoe fits wear it. Okay, and And so it shouldn't be Thought as an individual person and so But it is still hard. I'll still say this. It's still hard knowing that I'm not preaching to any one person And there's been many times where I preached the sermon and they're just like he was preaching at me You know, he was preaching at me. I know it because I've been dealing with this, you know It's like well, you know guilty consciences usually tell us but you know I You know I don't like when I especially want to preach on us and I personally don't want to know In a lot of cases who's struggling with certain things because I'm just like I don't want to be like thinking about that person Why I'm preaching I just want to preach it and if applies to you applies to you if it doesn't it doesn't right Take it as a precautionary sermon so when it comes to preaching in season out of season, but also the idea of reproving rebuking and exhorting so I've heard people and you know, everybody has their opinions as far as how to take this that basically two-thirds of your sermons should be a rebuke and one-third should be a like like an exhortation kind of like Like so basically two-thirds are like kind of like hitting your heart rebuke all this stuff And then another one is kind of like a lifting up sermon I'm more so look at it as this way and I and is that Basically there's in a sermon There should always be a type of reproof or rebuke because none of us are perfect right everybody We're always trying to get better at something. I don't care what it is. You can be preaching the gospel You're like, hey, I need to improve that right? I need to get this better I think there should always be kind of like a reprover or rebuke in a sermon But there should always be kind of like light at the end of the tunnel So I look at this as more like holistically in each sermon Okay, because even in a sermon where it's like this heavy rebuke. I Think there should be some kind of like what do we do from here, right? not like, you know just hitting you down and just like I Guess I'm gonna go home and like tuck my tail between my legs, you know, like there should be more like, okay I have a problem. There is a problem. Here's how I get out of it That's how I view that as far as like this kind of like we're going into the woods Might have to take you to the shed, you know Might have to be beat with a shovel in the shed, you know with a rebuke or something like that, but you know what? There's gonna be light at the end of the tunnel like we we come out of that right and that's a little dark, you know If you ever notice I'm a little hyperbolic and sometimes I'm a little little extreme I think who was it Anastasia was talking about like Moonlight Sonata. She's like where I said like yeah I just want to kill myself. I'm like I don't when I hear Moonlight Sonata. I'm not like wanting to kill myself just say But So when it comes to this, you know a preacher needs to be able like someone that's got to get the prophecy has to be able to have I I Guess the grit to do that if that makes sense to basically be able to turn that on to be able to do both those and to be able to Get in front of people and actually say what needs to be said, right whether It's popular or it's not whether it's it's gonna be you know, some light sermon or not, you know that type of thing and Not just itching ear, right, you know people have itching you're not just scratching the backs of ears I'm just gonna tell people what they want to hear And listen open rebuke is better than secret love So therefore when it comes to some of these sermons you may get this rebuke But listen, it's it should come from love that guy and I don't know what this guy's name Is that older guy that like basically points at people and just starts rebuking them. That's not out of love Right. That's that's messed up So it the rebuke should be out of love because hey I care about you I don't want this to ruin your life You know, let's say I was preaching on drinking for example, like don't be a drunker. Okay? I'm not preaching on that just to make you feel bad I'm not preaching on that just you know Make you feel like you're just lower than scum if you if you drink or if you have a problem with this No, it's like hey listen I don't want you to be like the guy in Proverbs, you know Where he basically just wakes up and he's beaten and doesn't know what happened to him and then he just seeks it again Right. I don't want you to be like that guy. I don't want you to be like the guy in Proverbs 31 You know where someone's saying yeah, give that guy that you know, let him just drown his sorrows You don't want to be that you don't want to be like a loser. So therefore it should come out of love. And so So I think that there is that balance there that when it comes to having that gift of being able to rebuke But do it in love Right do it in a manner that's edifying and in a manner that that people know like hey, you know I'm saying this because I care I'm saying this because I want this I want you to improve this I want this to get fixed right and not like this this like blowhard like I don't care or maybe even condescending type of type of attitude and Some people come off that way Maybe they're not trying to be that way but some people come off that way to where it kind of feels like you're like you're Just being mean You know and don't get me wrong People will look at me and say I'm mean people look at other preachers and be like that's a mean preacher right there And they don't know me from Adam But there are people like just because we're falsely accused of that a lot of times doesn't mean that those people don't exist Right there are people That are preachers that are just mean people that are just up there trying to get something off their chest And they're just trying to be mean to be mean trying to put people down because it makes them feel better Like there are people out there that exist like that And so there is a balance there when it comes to preaching and having that get the prophecy I believe now also when it comes to this go to Proverbs chapter 58 Proverbs chapter 58 Is The idea of being dynamic and I think that this is something that You know differs obviously there could be really good preachers, but then there's some that are just really dynamic and some that are And I think this is a big thing that separates preaching from teaching okay is being dynamic And in Isaiah 58 in verse 1 it says cry aloud Spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression in the house of Jacob their sins So cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet now when I say dynamic I don't mean loud all the time Dynamic by that's actually not dynamic if I was just yelling at you the whole time, and it was just one level Dynamic is something that's kind of going like this right and So Being dynamic. I think is important especially if you're dealing with sin is that you know that leather long like hey getting You know like excited about it and just hey that preacher actually cares about what he's saying and But there needs to be kind of like you bring it up here, but you bring you down low And you know what that does is that brings in the ear Right if I'm like preaching up here real loud, and then I say hey You know what happens are we just like What what are you about to say there, you know so you know what that does it keeps you engaged You're kind of like constantly like whoa. What do you just say wait? What are you saying? You know like it's that kind of like back and forth You don't want to be like a roller coaster, and you're just like everybody's just like what in the world is going on It's like you're seasick after the sermon But there are certain preachers that are just really good at this Like just really talented at it and Like preachers that and I don't always bring up Roger Jimenez, but you know what? So be it the reason I say that about him is because he had this Like he was really good at this like the second sermon. He's ever preached. I'm just like Yeah, like you're good at this like you're very talented at it And so that being said is that some people have like kind of like this knack for they had this gift for being Dynamic and I think that that's that is it that is a gift in a lot of cases now that doesn't mean that others can't you can't like You know work on it and get better at it. You know what I mean like don't don't look at me like well It's futile. I can't be dynamic. No you can get better at it practice. You know it's preaching I almost guarantee that I've gotten more dynamics. You know since I started the church I Get comfortable behind the pulpit. It's like you're here all the time. You're in weekend week out So like that nerve goes away You're not really nervous about being up here, and so you can be more dynamic, and so I think that's important though for preaching Because here's the thing Does it really matter what you're preaching if no one's listening to you? Let me think about that if everybody's just like just sleeping during your preaching I mean it's like it doesn't really matter if you're preaching does it So you kind of have to be dynamic to really kind of pull that attention in to be like hey, what is he saying? hey, this is important and That element needs to be there. How about with John the Baptist John the Baptist was the greatest prophet to be born of women Go to Isaiah chapter 40 Isaiah chapter 40 And he preached hard against sin I mean so much that he went to prison and died for it because he preached about Herod committing adultery and so He didn't just preach the gospel. He also preached. Here's what you should do after you get saved. You know But also he preached hard against sin to the ruler of the nation So you see here that hey, you know being that but I want you to see here that he was I believe he was a dynamic preacher and And in Isaiah 40 in verse 1 it says comfort ye comfort ye my people says your God Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem and cry unto her that her her warfare is accomplished that her iniquity is pardoned For she hath received of the Lord's hand Double for all her sins the voice of one that crieth in the wilderness prepare ye the way the Lord makes straight the desert a Highway for our in the desert a highway for our God Every Valley shall be exalted in every mountain and hills shall be made low and the crooked shall be made straight in the rough places Plain and the glory of the Lord shall be reviewed shall be shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it Together for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it now This is quoted in Luke and it says all flesh shall see the salvation of God, right? This is something that When it comes to John the Baptist is that he's obviously crying aloud in the wilderness, but he's also preaching the gospel, right? He's preaching Salvation and all of that but it knows what it says here as well It says the voice said cry and he said what shall I cry all flesh is grass and all the goodliness There of is as the flower of the field the grass withered the flower faded but the Spirit of the Lord blows upon it Surely the people is grass the grass withered the flower faded but the word of our God shall stand forever this is also referenced in first Peter dealing with born again, not a corruptible seed but a bankrupt by the Word of God, which is limited in the body forever and Then it goes on to say that all flesh is as grass and the glory of the man is a flower of the grass The grass withered and the flower thereof fall is away But the word of the Lord endureth forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you So John the Baptist was not only a preacher of the gospel but he also preached to those that he got saved and in that he baptized and then he also preached to the rulers and preached hard against sin and he was a dynamic preacher and I mean He's crying aloud in Ezekiel. Ezekiel chapter 6 and verse 11 says this Ezekiel chapter 6 and verse 11 Now all out of all the prophets Ezekiel's the one I don't want to be, you know When you're like, hey, I wish I was kind of like I wish I was Elijah I wish I was Ezekiel's one I don't want to be okay. I'm just like when I read about Ezekiel. I'm like, I'm listen. I want to shake his hand you know, but and be like Brother, you know praise the Lord for what you did when you're here on the earth But no, I don't you know when I see what what God has him have to go through. I'm just like I Mean even Isaiah for that matter he had to preach for like three and a half years naked so, I mean, I you know, that's that's another one too, but Ezekiel 6 and verse 11 says thus saith the Lord God Smite with thine hand and stamp with thy foot say alas for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel For they shall fall by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence So when you're thinking about being dynamic, obviously, it's what you're saying It's your volume sometimes but also just like you know, you think about someone hitting the pulpit You know slapping the hand stomping, you know hanging from the chandeliers. No, it doesn't say that but The idea there is that there's kind of like this idea of like hey we're You know, we're getting someone's attention Right, that's kind of what you're kind of grabbing is when you're preaching you're proclaiming you're publishing it Think of like a herald not brother Harold back there But like hark the Herald angels sing right you think about the Herald they have to what they have to lift up their voice To get it proclaimed throughout the land so that everybody hears it And so when it comes to that you're dealing with multitudes of people, but you're also having to get everybody's attention and So when it comes to preaching there needs to be this dynamic Element to it, I believe at least if you want to be good at it if you want I mean we have we have enough of monotone preachers out there that Put you to sleep every time you listen to them You know what God bless the preachers out there that are monotone But they're out there preaching the gospel and they're pretty and they're preaching the Word of God faithfully, okay But here's the thing Why not be dynamic, you know, why not, you know, you know step that up a notch to where hey, you know what? It's not just gonna be this dry Like just struggle through a sermon Type of atmosphere. Okay In the Bible does talk about like how God shows it please God Through the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe and you may want to yourself. I want you girls to separate Okay, you're being distracting The idea of them, you know, why does it say foolishness of preaching because it is kind of if you think about on a man's level Okay for me to get up here and kind of get on a soapbox and Start proclaiming things the peak to a group of people. It's kind of foolish on its head Here's why it's not foolish here, you know, obviously in man's eyes and in the flesh it would be Because what I'm saying is the Word of God That's why it works Okay, whether it's preaching behind the pulpit or whether it's preaching the gospel, right? and the idea that on the surface kind of like the idea of proclaiming and publishing and preaching is kind of like this this Everybody kind of looks at it like you're kind of a foolish doing that right because the idea is that what does Proverbs say about? What we should be normally be doing Let our words be few right Let our words be few and Basically keep it in so after what you know, I mean, it's like it's it's you in the multitude of words You know is where you find yourself in trouble and so Preaching is kind of like that where the more I say stuff the more I can get myself in trouble and say something wrong But this is why when you go out soul-winding or when you're preaching the Bible is that hey? Why not just keep reading the Bible why not keep using Bible verses because there's safety in that It's harder for me to get in trouble if I'm just repeating what the Bible says So doesn't mean I can't say something stupid doesn't mean I can't make mistakes and say something wrong But in the end if I'm reading off a Bible verse, that's not wrong Right. I mean, it's like that's true. That's right so Now when it comes to preaching as well and this kind of goes into preaching out of season is that I do believe that those That will have a gift of prophecy are gonna have kind of a gift of having thicker skin, okay and Go to go to Isaiah chapter 50 Isaiah chapter 50 Think about the prophets in the Bible, you know a lot of times they had to have some pretty thick skin And what I mean by that is that there's gonna be people that are gonna come at you, you know You know whether it's you know out soul-winning you think about people coming at you You know because they disagree with you or whatever but even preaching I mean Let's face it outside these walls a lot of people Would hate my ever living guts when it comes to what I have to say, you know when it comes to the preaching you know and so You have to have some thick skin to be like, hey these people don't like me I'm gonna preach it. Anyway, you know like that kind of mentality and In Isaiah chapter 15 verse 7 it says for the Lord God will help me Therefore shall I not be confounded? Therefore have I set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be ashamed it's kind of like you kind of have to have I Know I use the term grit but here it's kind of like talking about basically kind of having a face as hard as a flint You know, it's kind of like this idea like hey come at me, you know like you're gonna try to take me out, but you know what I'm not moving and Kind of having that attitude of not moving and standing your ground I mean think about it when you preach against like the sodomites or something like that. What do they want you to do? They want you to apologize don't they like well, you're gonna apologize for what you said. Am I gonna apologize for what God said? You know, what am I who wait wait who's apologizing, you know, I'm just telling you what God said so That that kind of but you have people well, you know, you know, I don't hate him or something like that You know, I don't even they just start him hauling around trying to like make excuses trying to you know Basically get out of the hot water that they're in instead of instead of having maybe a preacher that says hey You know what? You should be ashamed that you're for it You know, like why are you coming at me trying to make me feel ashamed for what the Bible says and what's righteous and true? and holy and just Why don't you be ashamed of that like what he was just like, oh, you know, you're against women's right to choose Like yeah, I'm against women murdering their babies You know, that's that's the difference and be like well, you know, you know I'm not against the woman's right to do these this or that but I'm against them doing this though How about I'm against them killing their children? And just let it you know, let the chips fall where they may you know That's the idea is that they come at you. They want you to apologize. They want you to make excuses They want this instead you should listen obviously if you're wrong about something then there's nothing wrong with apologizing if you're wrong But if it's the Word of God and that's what it says and you're just stating that's what it says there is nothing to apologize for and you're actually wrong for apologizing for it and so Jeremiah chapter 1 go to Jeremiah chapter 1 I'm almost done here. I'm just kind of I just want to show you a couple passages here. We're dealing with this idea of having courage or having kind of like this Thicker skin I guess to where Preachers are going to have to deal with that at some point In Jeremiah 1 verse 4 it says then the word of the Lord came unto me saying before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations then said I ah Lord God behold I cannot speak for I am a child But the Lord said unto me say not I am a child for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak be not afraid of their faces for I'm with thee to deliver thee said the Lord And that's the thing when it comes to like preaching you may get this even in the church building, right? You know when it comes to like someone maybe doesn't agree with what you're saying they they're they're mad at you for bringing up something and you know what if you're right you're right and Nuts to how they're looking at you, right? It's kind of like that idea. Well, obviously This gets into the fact that hey, you better be right if you're preaching it But if you're right and the Bible says it then you know what it's kind of like nuts to what their faces looks like They could scowl at you all they want they could shake their head You know they can do all that and listen I I've been there where we've had visitors that have come in and then hear me preaching and they don't agree with it You think I give a rip what they think you think that that that actually makes me want to preach it harder, you know She's like I wasn't gonna stick on this point. But now I'm gonna rip face on this, you know if you know but There needs to be that kind of that idea like I'm not gonna be afraid of their faces Go to Ezekiel chapter 3 Ezekiel chapter 3. There's the last thing I'll show you here So what you know, what do we see is that well, you know prophesying Sometimes can be dealing with obviously foretelling the future and and all of that Where God would show prophets certain visions and you think about John and on the Isle of Patmos and obviously that's a foretelling of the future but you know when we're talking about today in the church when we're talking about prophesying we're talking about preaching just like in Proverbs chapter 30 Proverbs chapter 31 And just prophesying in general when it comes to preaching the gospel or prophesying behind the pulpit when it comes to preaching the word of prophecy so that's what I believe we're dealing with with that gift is is the gift of being able to preach and Getting into the idea of being dynamic when you're doing that and and doing it. Well, right? It's kind of like you can preach but do you do it? Well, right? Do you are you good at it? Are you are you fulfilling what you're supposed to be doing when it comes to that? Ezekiel chapter 3 verse 7 says but the house of Israel will not hearken unto thee for they will not hearken unto me For all the house of Israel are impudent and hard-hearted Behold I have made thy face strong against their faces and not and I forehead strong against their foreheads as an adamant Harder than flint have I made thy forehead. So this guy obviously has a pretty hard forehead, right? Fear them not neither being dismayed at their looks Though they be a rebellious house He's like they're hard-headed. You know what? I'm gonna make your head even harder, right? It's kind of like you'll win, you know, and that's kind of the idea that when it comes to the prophets It's like hey, they may be hard, but you're gonna be harder Right. It's just that that you know, you're gonna look back at me like that. Well, I'm gonna hit you harder with it, you know Because the the Bible says that the Word of God is like a fire and like a hammer And obviously like a sword Piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit under the joints and mirror and is it certain of the thoughts and intense of the heart so When it comes to that, obviously I think everybody to a certain extent and alike like a lot of these right wisdom knowledge and all this that you have it to Certain extent everybody has the gift of prophecy enough to go preach the gospel Okay But then you get into the aspect of okay. How about preaching in front of a church though? That's another Another realm of it right and that's where I think that some really have a gift in that area Some have it, but maybe not as much as others You know, I think that there is a diversity of the idea of like maybe the levels of gifts or the type of gift, right? And I'll say this Being a preacher Don't just emulate your favorite preacher. Okay? Everybody has their own personality and you want to you want it to be you Okay, you know everybody can be dynamic, but you don't want to be dynamic and Be like an imitator that makes sense. Like you want it to be real So, you know why and I think it's great because you know what you get different flavors of preaching Maybe like this this preacher over here. He's real, you know, like it's kind of like a different flavor and I think it's good. I think that diversity of the type of preachers because of different personalities and You know different Mentalities when it comes to that as far as how you think and how you how you do things I think that's all great. And I think that we shouldn't just be like hey, this is a great preacher here and Therefore I'm gonna imitate that I Know they did that a lot with Jack Hiles, you know Yeah, and I you know Like okay, you got it. You like Jack house, you know, but then there's everything through an extreme, right? Whereas like the haircut has to be the same they've even unbuttoned their collar You know because like at some point he was unbuttoning his collar and they're like we must do that because he did it it's like Like That that type of stuff. No, just be yourself. Just be who you are and obviously preach, right? but I don't want it to be like hey, that's just so-and-so 2.0 right and You're just like copying everything that they do and all of that. And so Anyway Prophecy get the prophecy. I Believe that, you know, we're dealing with preaching and so let's end with the word apparently how they follow we think today Thank you for your word Thank you for The souls that were saved yesterday in In Parkersburg, I do pray that you be with those that maybe heard some heard the gospel a little bit today And that heard some verses today that you would that your word would Take take root and Lord that maybe they would get saved later on or take it to heart and Lord Just pray to be able to throughout the rest of the day and throughout the rest of the week I pray that you'd be with our church I pray to be with the unity of our church and I pray that you'd help us all to be locked up with each other when it comes to the Bible and when it comes to soul winning and when it comes to everything That we do here Lord. We just pray that everything that we do would be glorifying to you And though we love you in Paris in Jesus Christ name. Amen So brother they will come and sing one more song and that will be dismissed All Right, if you would take your mountain baptist songbooks and Turn pages that Oh page number 46 Song number 46 in your mountain baptist songbooks it will sing come thou long expected Jesus if you would stand It will sing song number 46 Come long Expected Jesus born to set thy people free from our fears and sins Release us. Let us find our rest in thee Is real strength and Consolation hope of all the earth our dear desire of every nation joy