(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you Well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church Take your song books and turn to song 127 Song 127 in your sombre so sing tis so sweet to trust in Jesus And if you would stand we'll sing song 127 Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take Him at his word Just to rest upon his promise Just to know the safe the Lord Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I proved him o'er and o'er Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust him more Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus just to trust his cleansing blood just in simple faith to plunge me need the healing cleansing flood Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I proved him o'er and o'er Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust him more Yes, tis sweet to trust in Jesus Just from sin and self to cease just from Jesus simply taking life and rest and joy and peace Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I proved him o'er and o'er Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Praise to trust him more I'm so glad I learned to trust thee precious Jesus save your friend and I know That thou art with me will be with me to the end Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I proved him o'er and o'er Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust him more And let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again We just want to thank you God just for this Sunday that you've given us and thank you for the sermon this morning the souls that were saved this afternoon and throughout last week and a pray Lord now that you would just be honored and Glorified we love you for it's in Jesus name. Ask all of it. Amen. All right, you may be seated and Take your Mountain Baptist songbooks Mountain Baptist songbooks and Turn to page number two Page number two Psalm 15 and we'll sing page number two Lord who shall abide in thy? Tabernacle Shout well and I hold me Who shall abide in thy? Tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy Hail he that Fits up rightly and worketh righteousness and Speaketh the truth in his heart. He then walketh up rightly and worketh Righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart He that fact mighteth not with his tongue nor to Evil to his neighbor nor Jacob reproach Against his neighbor He that back by death not with his tongue in whose eyes Person is content body on them that fear the Lord and whose eyes Of a Person is content body on That fear the Lord he that's where it to his own hurt and change He that putteth not out His money to usury he that's where it to his own hurt and change If not, he that putteth not out his money to usury nor taketh reward against the Innocent he that do with these things shall never be moved nor taketh reward against the Innocent he that do with these things shall never be moved Lord who shall abide in thy? Tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy Amen so welcome back to Mount Baptist Church And Before we get into the announcements again We need to print off another one of these for this year whenever we get a chance I'm just writing them down on the bottom here. So So today is what the 14th yeah, so And I know I think brother Charles said we had on one on Monday What do we have on Saturday or what would what we had during the week was there any other during the week besides the Monday? And then Saturday And Then there was what we have today what we have today one Think Rob you and Rob had one, right? Yeah So one two, was there any others today Yeah, so three that's four from earlier We don't have it on the list yet, but we are gonna be doing a soloing marathon in Kingwood, so King was we went to Tara Alda In a year or so, right Was it Okay We actually have a Kingwood map over here, but so yeah, we're gonna go to Kingwood February 10th Tentatively barring a blizzard or something to like to have to keep us out so That should be a good one I I drive through there all the time like all the time because my in-laws live up in Tara Alda and so That should be a good one, but if you can make it out to that, that'd be great It's not much in Kingwood as I was just thinking about where we'd meet up at We'll figure that out I know there's a McDonald's but that's not exactly where I want to meet What's that? There is a Hardee's There's also a Pizza Hut Subway Dairy Queen Yeah, February Dead a winner. Let's go Dairy Queen Get ourselves a blizzard so Anyway, we'll figure it out but being prior for that. So Yeah, so I've been wanting to do that for a while actually brother Richie was mentioning it I was like, yes, let's do that so so We'll probably do Let's do it like an Another group on the the what's app for that and then anybody that wants to be a part of that We'll just get into that group there And then as far as service times this week everything should be normal we have We're continuing our study through the book of first set our first Samuel Tonight we are continuing our study through the spiritual gifts and Even if some people don't like it He's trying to ignore me So I do think I have I think I have a couple more servants in that I just don't want to you know, I don't want to be yeah I want to try to hit all the bases, you know, you like get under every rock You never know. There might be a Jew over there somewhere And then as far as so many times there I think brother Charles he's gonna be out of town tomorrow So that one's not happening tomorrow, but I just be on the group there as far as the other times And then the women's prayer meeting on the 21st. I'm gonna try that on that Sunday. See what happens and then the men's prayer meeting on the 26th we have our Bible memory of Genesis chapter 1 for the month and then Ephesians 4 23 is a memory verse for the week And be renewed in the spirit of your mind Got the birthdays and then be in prayer for all ladies on pregnancy list for a Lyssa Anastasia Tabby and Rachel and In prayer for these obviously be prepared for all of them, but obviously Alyssa is coming up on the due date there. I Want to say wasn't it like 8 the 18th or maybe it was maybe it's toward the end I know it's toward the end of January was when she was saying there. So either way Keep all these ladies in your prayers Be a prayer for those that aren't feeling well Samuel Hopefully is the last one to get it in my family but hopefully after After today, they'll be all on the men. So So be in prayer there. I know that a lot of families. I mean one kid goes down like especially with that age and yeah, so Be in prayer there that That we all stay healthy I think that's about all I have for announcements Yeah But Dave is gonna be reading Romans chapter 12 and we're gonna do one more song before that You All right, take your songbooks and turn to song 295 295 in your songbooks will sing back to Bethel Song 295 Oh Back to the Bible the true living word Sweetest old story that ever was heard Back to the joy life my soul longs to know Bethel is calling and I must go Back to Bethel I must go Back where the rivers of sweet waters flow Back to the true life. My soul longs to know Bethel is calling and I must go back to the Beautiful path I once trod Back to the church and the people of God Out of the cold world of sand and its woe Bethel is calling and I must go back to Bethel I must go Back where the rivers of sweet waters flow Back to the true life. My soul longs to know Bethel is calling and I must go back to the giving of money and time back to the life of contentment sublime back to protection the world cannot know Bethel is calling and I must go back to Bethel I must go back where the rivers of sweet waters flow Back to the true life. My soul longs to know Bethel is calling and I must go back to the prayer life in Christ I once knew back to its beautiful life cleansing do back to help others to conquer each goal That's all is calling and I must go back to Bethel I must go back where the rivers of sweet waters flow Back to the true life. My soul longs to know Bethel is calling and I must go All Right take your Bibles and turn to the book of Romans chapter number 12 Romans chapter number 12, and we'll have brother David read that for us Romans 12 if you found any place amen And the Bible reads I beseech you therefore brethren by the message of God that you present your body as a living sacrifice Holy acceptable under God, which is your reasonable service and be not confirmed to this world But be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God For I say though the grace through the grace given to me to every man that is among you Not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think solely According as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith For as we have many members in the bar in one body and all members have not the same office So we being many or one body in Christ and every one members of another Having them gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us or the prophecy Let us prophesy according to according to the proportion of faith Have a ministry let us rate on our ministering or he that teaches its own teaching Or he that exhorteth on exhortation he that giveth let him do it with simplicity He that will with diligence he that so it may see with cheerfulness But lovely without the stimulation of her that which is evil cleave to that which is good be kindly effects in one toward another with brotherly love And honor preferring one another not slothful in business favorite and spirit saving the Lord rejoicing in hope patient tribulation continuing continuing instant in prayer Distributing to the necessity of Saints given hospitality bless them bless them as persecute you bless in case not Rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep be of the same mind one toward another might not hide things By condescending to men of low estate be not rise in your own conceits recompense to no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men if it be possible as much as lieth in You with peacefully with all men dearly beloved avenge not yourselves But rather give place under wrath for it is written vengeance vengeance is mine. I will repay say the Lord Therefore find enemy hunger feed him if he faced give him drink for in so doing that shall keep coals of fire on his head Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good Let's pray dear Lord. I thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house But if you'll pass with your spirit, and let us all be edified Jesus name. Amen Amen so you're there in Romans chapter 12 and I'm seeing you study through the spiritual gifts and In there on Romans chapter 12 I just want to start reading there in verse 4 it says for us as We have many members in one body and all members have not the same office So we being many are one body in Christ and every one members one of another Having been gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us whether prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith or Ministry let us wait on our ministering so this is going to correlate go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 12 with helps, so we saw Ministering or ministry with on ministering and helps so Go to 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and go down to verse 27 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 27 It Says in verse 27 says now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular and God has set some of the church first Apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues It says are all apostle I'm sorry are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers and miracles Have all the gifts of healing do all speak with with tongues do all interpret But covet earnestly the best gifts and yet show I unto you a more excellent way so helps I believe is above speaking with tongues as far as like speaking other languages, but it's under You know prophets and teachers and going down the line here, but helps in ministry. I believe go together As far as what is a minister? A minister is someone basically that is helping Helping someone else you're ministering unto someone else is you're basically a servant. You're serving someone else okay, and This one may on the surface seem like all you know helps. You know like great That's my gift is I'm a help actually I believe this this gift right here Is is one of those ones where it doesn't look like it's the best gift, but you can end up Getting the most rewards with this being your gift Okay, meaning that being a minister or being a servant or being a help in the church though It doesn't look that glamorous though. You know on the surface. It's not you're not in the limelight or anything like that This is actually one that I believe you can end up getting the most rewards with Because of the fact that it is such in the in the shadow of things that are going on okay, so When it comes to like well who would be in this in this case well I do believe deacons definitely take part in this meaning that Go to go to Acts chapter 6 Acts chapter 6 now obviously deacons are an office of the church as far as up there with with being like a bishop as far as You know it getting into governments, okay? But the word deacon literally means a servant So that's what that word means so it's it basically means like a minister or a servant and so In Acts chapter 6 it doesn't call them deacons here But it's talking about administration and it's talking about men if you know like basically dealing with things that are helping out the church and when you look at this you have the Apostles who are obviously first in the church right and They are gonna appoint seven men over this this daily ministration that seems like You know it's kind of like Okay, I'm gonna go help with some tables over here. I'm gonna do this or that, but actually this work is Crucial for the for the work of God to take place okay, and so in verse Verse 1 here it says Acts chapter 6 verse 1 it says in those days when a number of disciples was multiplied There arose a murmuring of the gracious against the Hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily administration okay, so the basically there's stuff that's not getting done like the the gracious are not getting ministered to Like the Hebrews are at the church, okay, so there's something lacking here It says then the twelve called the multitude of disciples unto them and said it it It is not reason that we should leave the Word of God and serve tables So you say well, what what do they need to do here? Well if you think about it that if you're dealing with the widows The fact is the matter is you know a widow that's a widow indeed will be taken care of by the church and obviously they're Being ministered unto and pure religion is to visit the widows and the fatherless in their affliction Okay, so that's pure religion right there and so Now obviously you could go to first Timothy chapter 5 and really see the qualifications there if you're if you're a younger woman You know then that's not you're not classified. You know and your widow, and you're like you're like 35 Then you're not in that number right especially if you have family, but also the Bible says to get married, so Anyway, the idea here is that there are stuff that needs to be done in and basically apostles are saying we don't want to leave this work over here to serve tables and Basically, that's what's being done is that they need people to help with this They need people to help with this ministration dealing with the widows and the thing is is that the men they pick You know it's like the servant table You know you look at it like they're serving tables and then the men they pick you're like these are These are some stellar pics that they got here right notice notice what it says here in verse 3 it says Wherefore brethren look ye out among you seven men of honest report full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom Whom we may appoint over this business Like all churches in the business well Jesus said I must be about my father's business, and it's calling this business So you know what you know it's like when our church is set up as it is. It's incorporated And you know some people look at me like oh, it's a busy. You know you should be off the books You should not be even like register with the state well You know when you set up a church And you don't want the IRS coming that and you want the IRS coming down your throat then you go do that But the idea here is that you know you're gonna tell me that the church isn't a business I mean, we're about our father's business we're about the the business of our Lord Jesus Christ who's the head of this church to go out and Preach the gospel to every creature and to minister to the Saints. That's business. That's being done, okay? I mean, it's definitely nonprofit. You know, but you know what there's a thing called a nonprofit business isn't there so so anyway When you when you see this they're setting up some stellar guys to basically take care of tables Obviously, that's not all they're doing but You know what this needs to be done and someone has to do it and in verse 4 it says But we will give ourselves continually to prayer into the ministry of the word so What you have to understand is that when we're talking about the body of Christ? The whole point of all these spiritual gifts is that not everybody has the same office You know we all have different offices different jobs, but the idea is that if you don't have these other people that are doing other Jobs that need to be done in the church Then the other people can't do their job, right? so it's all these things need to be in place and what it's gonna come down to is that they're all necessary and Some are some positions and some gifts and some you know offices are gonna seem more glamorous than others and Being a help is not the most glamorous, right? It's not you don't get the limelight. You don't get you know, maybe the accolades that come with it or whatever But you know what what we're gonna see is that it's very much greatly rewarded Okay, and just to be honest with you Sometimes I sometimes I wish I could just be that you know That you could just kind of be in the be in the background a little bit and not be in the limelight But it is what it is and the thing is is that It's kind of like the idea of like the the roles of husband and wife how like Each one can look at each other and be like I wish I could do this I wish I could do that right there's pros and cons to every position and everything that you do There's a pro and a con, right? so Anyway, all I'd say is that when it comes to this They pick out seven men In verse five here it says and they say and and and the saying please the whole multitude and they chose Stephen a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost and Philip and Proctorus and Nickinor and Timon and Parmen Parmen us and Nicholas the proselyte of Antioch now, we know obviously Stephen Is the one that's going to be martyred in the next chapter? Philip is called Philip the evangelist and he has seven daughters that prophesy meaning that he has I'm sorry Is it five it's five dollars, right? No, four four that's right because here's how I remember that Because brother Dave had four daughters and I said, hey You know what? This is before you had this is before you had Henry and I said right now you're Philip the evangelist one more and Here's a lot your zalafahad And if you know zalafahad, he had five daughters and he died for his iniquity in the wilderness. So So Anyway, so, you know whatever it takes to remember the numbers of things right and that's how I remember it. So but anyway I think sometimes I've reverted to seven because there's seven men obviously that were picked here, but But the thing that you had to see here is that they picked these men to go over this business what serve tables To minister to the widows doesn't seem like a big deal right seems like oh, I'm getting peanuts here But notice what it says right after this It says in verse 6 whom they set before the Apostles and when they had prayed they laid their hands upon Laid their hands on them notice this in verse 7 in the Word of God increased in The number of disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith Why because you had men that stood up and said hey, I'll take care of that business you guys go do this over here I'm gonna take care of the tables, right? I'm gonna go serve people food I'm gonna go serve the widows so that you don't take time away to go do that. You can go do this over here and What happened the Word of God increased the number of disciples multiplied And there was many priests that got saved so in the end It's kind of like this indirect and obviously they were winning souls too, right? It's not obviously Philip was called Philip the Evangelist for a reason You know he's obviously evangelizing people Stephen obviously was full of Holy Ghost doing great works for God So they weren't just serving tables right, but at the same time. That's what they were appointed to do Was to do things like that and so Things that don't seem glamorous Listen paying the bills is not glamorous You know counting the offering not glamorous You know, there's a lot there, you know deal making the food for the pastry time not really glamorous, right? Cleaning the church not glamorous Cleaning especially cleaning the bathrooms right definitely not glamorous Like that's not the limelight But all those things are necessary for a church to run efficiently I Still remembered, you know when we started the church When we first started it don't get me wrong people were helping but at the same time I Was trying to do everything it seemed like I was like well, this is before brother Dave was here So like I was leading the singing I was doing every area. I was up here the whole time ready to pass out every service But also the cleaning Holly and I would clean After every service the best thing I ever did was make a cleaning list. It's still to this day I love that cleaning list. I don't know where it's at. I don't I'm not even in charge of that anymore. Praise the Lord But like do you I don't think you realize how much that took off my plate it seems trivial but that extra 30 to 40 minutes of Not cleaning and being able to go pass out when I went home It was huge right just the weight that was lifted just by that little thing and it's not little but You know, you may think that if you're clean if you're cleaning the building like ah, this isn't that big of a deal It's a big deal It's a big deal and you know what you may think you may think it's trivial, but I almost guarantee there's people that have quit Pastoring and quit churches because there was too much load on them if they just had someone clean the church for them They may not have given up And you don't know what the what? You know, basically the straw that breaks the camel's back when it comes to someone being over overloaded, right Or the fact that hey, you know what there's less people aren't complaining, you know, like the stuff's clean You know the attitudes there's there's a lot that goes into that equation When people step up and they help around the church and this is a big deal This is above speaking with other languages, you know, obviously we know that because the Bible basically puts that last and but this is something that I think is very much needed and minute ministering Those that minister in the church that help in the church And they're just you know, a laundry list of things that could be said about that. I mean think about just Coming in and getting the baptistry filled You know that takes time that takes time someone has to get here early all those different things draining it cleaning it Cleaning the towels That's just one thing that's just baptism, right There's there's a lot of stuff that Seems like it's just a small thing. But those small things is why our church I believe is is prosperous and why our church will be successful and You know what those things may not you may not even know who's doing it half the time But That's why I believe well, I'm gonna be getting to that is why this specific gift of someone that's like basically a servant Just someone that just wants to serve. They're basically they don't they don't need They don't need the the recognition. They don't need people to praise them. They just do it they do it and You know, it's a huge help Now when I think about a help Obviously think about or like a minister I think of deacons Obviously, you know that the pastor should be ministering unto the flock, right? Obviously that's in there right within that as well, but I Think that we should all be that to a certain extent, but there are some that just excel at this, right? It doesn't matter what it is. They're just like I'm gonna get that done and a lot of times people will do things for the church that You're just like Like oh, that's great. Never even asked for it, right, but they did it and And just go above and beyond and this is a great asset, you know to the church but I think about wives Okay, when it comes to this you say helps, how does that apply to wives? We'll go to Genesis chapter 2 Let's go all the way back But this is gonna apply the wise because this is comply to women in general in the church because Know this that obviously women can't be pastors they can't be deacons Right, they can't be like in those higher up positions of authority but Literally the title of a wife is a help like that's why Adam was given a wife Because no so it says here in Genesis chapter 2 in verse 18. It says in the Lord God said It is not good that that the man should be alone. I will make him and help meet For him now meet basically means fitting, right? So basically a help that's why Eve was made was to help man So when you think about helps you can definitely see and you think about in Philippians where it talks about the women which labor with me in the gospel, right? You know talking about the fact of like there's women that are helping there's women that are laboring But just in the church itself a lot of times, you know, who's cleaning the women, you know, who's making the pastries the women you know who's cleaning up and organizing and getting stuff the women and a lot of cases and When it comes to you know us as husbands a lot of times, you know, we're gonna end up getting more of the Limelight when it comes to the family, right? We're the leaders. They're the leader of your your own house Therefore, you know what happens if you guys are successful. Well, everybody usually looks at the leader, right? They look at the leader and say hey, he's leading the charge, right? But the husband couldn't have done that without the wife that's helping right because if you have a wife that's completely against what you're doing You're not gonna be successful so You know in the story obviously here in Genesis God forms all these different animals and obviously none of them are a help meet for Adam But obviously animals can help you in things, right? but obviously we're not talking there's a big difference between like an ox that's gonna plow your field and You know a wife that's gonna complete right? And so I know that you know Samson talks about if you have not plowed with my heifer, you know But that doesn't apply, you know to the same thing. It's a different circumstance Don't call your wife a heifer. Okay, so Especially if she's pregnant definitely don't go down that route so but In verse 22 here it says in the rib which the Lord God Had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man and obviously they get The man and wife are married this is before the fall of man, but But go to first Peter chapter 3 first Peter chapter 3 And this is one thing that I believe about husband and wife when it comes to I Believe how we're rewarded our inheritance when it comes to our lives Because it you know as a woman I'm sure you could probably look and say well, you know, I can't even be certain things So then you look at it like well, you know, I'm kind of like adding a disadvantage You can almost look at it that way Like I'm at a disadvantage because I can't be a pastor I can't be a deacon I can't do these different things But I don't believe you're at a disadvantage. I believe we just have different roles, but men and women can be rewarded in the world to come Just the same. Okay Now doesn't mean that in heaven you're gonna be a 33 year old man. You're still gonna be a woman Okay, you know, I know that's what isn't that what Ruckman teaches or something like that Is that we're all gonna be 33 year old men like even the women? No, you're called sons and daughters, you know, like it talks about sons and daughters of God. So anyway but you can still be rewarded I believe just as much and In full it in first Peter chapter 3 in verse 7 here dealing with husbands and wives in verse 7 here It says likewise ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel Okay, so I know it's not that hard to imagine but men are stronger than women just facts. Okay, that's Anatomy But you're giving honor to the weaker vessel Notice this and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered heirs together of the grace of life When you get married your one flesh Okay, you're one flesh. So for example I'm gonna be able to go out soul winning more than my wife. I have five kids and But I believe that we are together in what we Do together meaning this is that? Obviously if you were to look at let's say you were to look at me and brother David over here and we were going out so winning Obviously, you know we can work together in things and we rewarded on the stuff we work together But obviously my works and his works are gonna be separate in the judgment right as far as how we're rewarded But I believe that as husband and wife when you guys are working together for the Lord you're yoked up You're yoked up. So I mean what your wife is doing by helping with your children why you go out so winning I believe she's rewarded like you're rewarded for what you do So You may think well, you know, I wish I could go out and and it listen It's not that I'm not saying like don't let your wife go out so many obviously, you know We try to switch that off sometimes and try to give them time to go out and everything as well But the fact of the matter is the men are gonna go more than the women just facts It just I mean we go out to work and we're out in the workforce They're at home staying home with the children It just is what it is especially and I'll say this especially in when you're raising young children, right because obviously When your children grow up and go out of the house Well at that point, I mean, yeah, you guys go just as much as each other in a lot of cases, right? But in the situation you're in when you're raising children It's just life. I mean the fact of the matter is is that Your wife is at home cooking meals cleaning the house doing all these different things You can't expect them to do the same things you're doing But you know what because my wife is doing all that and your wives are doing that for you that frees up That time for you to go do other things okay, whether it's go to work whether it's going soul winning whether it's reading your Bible whether it's doing all these different things and Not to say that they shouldn't be doing some of these things as well, but it's gonna be at a different rate It's gonna be at a different percentage in a lot of cases But I believe that my I believe that Holly will be rewarded based off what we do together as a team right or one flash we're married and If I accomplish something I only accomplished it because she helped me So and the same thing goes for you that you only accomplish what you accomplish because your wife is helping you With your children with that, you know guiding the house and all of that. Okay, so when it comes to helps Yeah, the wife may not get the limelight but without her Listen without my wife and my kids. I wouldn't even be qualified to pastor I couldn't do this. I couldn't stand up here if she wasn't if I wasn't married to her and had children that were taken care of So when it comes to Rewards and everything. I believe that Holly will be rewarded Based off of you know, the fact that we're heirs together in the in this in this life together same thing with your wives and Wives, it's something to think about you may think that what you're doing is just like insignificant But what you're doing is I mean think about the widows. What was their job is to wash the Saints feet Right and basically they're there to to basically take care of the people that are there's sometimes where maybe you can't go out so money, but you can help those that are or Maybe you know, whatever the case may be right even prayer There are different ways to help when it comes to that and again, we should all be a witness We should all be trying to win people to Christ I'm not saying that it's only for the men to go soul wedding not saying that at all I'm just speaking reality in a lot of cases where? It's just not logistically Going to be the same percentage Just not in the in the in the cards until our kids are over and all of that Okay, so So all that to say is that being a help there at home huge huge When it comes to what you can accomplish I would not be able to accomplish what I'm what I'm doing whether at work or whether with church Without my wife doing what she's doing. Just my laundry in general I've never Maybe once I've hit the start button on the on the dryer But you know, I've done laundry before okay. I was a bachelor for a little bit but I Listen, I know how to hit start but whether I have it on the right setting or not I don't know. I don't even know where to put the laundry detergent at okay as far as I just throw it in there You know just throw it on the clothes. It'll mix in there, right, but I'm sure there's a compartment that you pour it into right? All I have to say is that she's doing that and Folding my laundry doing all that stuff. You know what that does it frees up a whole bunch of time. That's just one thing How about the cooking how about like making sure the kids are alive? You know all these different things that are there so Women, you know If you're a wife and if you have kids and all of that, hey listen, this is a huge thing Don't take it for granted. Don't think that all this is just some minute thing. It's not a big deal No You are called to be in help I mean if you're a wife the whole point of you being a wife is to help your husband and You know in 2024. I mean, I'm sure the the blue-haired feminist is just hair just turned on fire right now But that's just facts that the woman was made for the man, but the man is not without the woman Because every man was brought into this world by a woman, you know besides Adam, obviously So obviously obviously everything has its proper course and all of that now And remember this that you know, the person that rocks the cradle rules the world And at home you were raising the next generation. That's not light. That's not a light thing Huge The next generation that's coming up that next generation of Christians. I Mean my kids are with my wife more than they're with me And so that is huge for what's gonna be in the future when it comes to the next generation so but also when it comes to this idea of Let's say helps or ministering where it's it seems to be lowly. It seems to be like, you know, like oh That's not a big deal. I don't want that gift right? I want the gift where I'm a prophet, you know I want a gift where I'm you know, I can speak with all these different languages, you know and But go to go to Matthew chapter 18 I just kind of want to do it toward a force real quick on this question. It gets brought up a lot Where they keep asking this question as far as who will be the greatest Now, what are we talking about the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? So in Just know this is that there are people that are greater and less in the kingdom of heaven now, they're all all the Those that are there in heaven, right? But the idea is that there are going to be different positions of authority the Bible talks about a better resurrection Meaning that there's going to be some people that are gonna shine brighter than others It likens the resurrection to the stars and you can look up at the stars and see that are they all they all shine, right? But some are brighter than others Now Matthew chapter 18 of verse 1 says this At the same time came to disciples unto Jesus saying who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven Now this question gets brought up so many times, but there's different something there in this case Notice what Jesus says it says in verse 2 and Jesus called a little child unto him and set him in the midst of them And said verily I say unto you except ye be converted and become as a little as little children. Ye shall Not enter into the kingdom of heaven Now first of all, what he's dealing with is the fact that you need to have childlike faith, you know to get saved You need to be completely dependent on God for salvation You need to be fully persuaded that what he had promised he's able to perform and you're not trusting in yourself at all Just like a child would to a parent is the fact that you need to have Be like this child and be converted as a little child, right and children are the easiest people to get saved Because they have that kind of just complete dependent type of faith To where they can just throw it at where as we get older. We're less dependent, right? We're more independent On the way that we think think things should be But then it goes on to say in Verse 4 whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child the same as greatest in the kingdom of heaven So you have the idea of like getting into the kingdom heaven. Well, that's by believing the Lord Jesus Christ, right? That's you obviously have to humble yourself and become guilty before God, you know Obviously and realize you're a sinner and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ now shall be saved But after that if you humble yourself as a little child, then you'll be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven Okay Now children aren't in charge. Okay, just so you know They shouldn't be anyway, right I mean, that's one of the punishments that's given in Isaiah chapter 3 is that children shall be your rulers, right? There should be your governor that I forget exactly how how it says it, right? But basically that the children ruling is not the way it should be. Okay So when you're being as a little child, you're basically Being in submission you're basically You know basically being led like a child, right? Now go to Matthew chapter 20 Matthew chapter 20 Matthew chapter 20 In verse 25 Matthew chapter 20 verse 25 it says but Jesus called them unto him and said ye know that the princes of the Gentiles Exercise dominion over them and they that are great Exercise authority upon them, but it shall not be so among you but whosoever will be great among you Let him be your what minister And whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant So what are we talking about helping being a minister being a servant if you want to be great in the kingdom of heaven? Then in this life you need to minister help and be a servant Then it says in verse 28 notice, who are we following? Even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many Jesus is the greatest servant and Minister and help that's ever walked the face of the earth and we're to be like him So think about this the Lord of glory came down and ministered unto man To the point where he was washing his disciples feet The Lord of glory the the Lord that created heaven and earth Humbled himself And he became obedient even unto death right, but he was made no. What does it say about Jesus? It says he was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man He humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross So He was made of no reputation So when you think about like a help in the church, what is it no reputation you're not it's not like this reputation You're getting for it Listen no one Outside of our church pride. I say this in a lot of some cases There's things that have been done that even people the church don't know who's doing it Right, but then think about that outside the church No one outside of our church knows who's doing all that And so therefore It doesn't have any type of reputation But what did the Lord Jesus do he came he was made of no reputation. He humbled himself and became a servant and he ministered unto man and We are to follow his steps now all of us should be like this, right? But there are those that are very gifted at this like they there are certain people that just love To help out in that. It's just like second nature to them. It's like that's what I do, right? And that's a great gift to have because you know what that gift is is a lot of that gift is just having a lot of humility Humility to just serve and just be in the shadows and you know in a good way But basically kind of be in the background In a lot of cases wives you're in the background in a lot of cases women in the church. You're in the background But you know the Bible says in a lot of these cases those that do that are greatest in the came of heaven and It's interesting especially with women on the fact of just how great the faith of women is I know I preach on this when dealing with The disciples and when Jesus crucified Who went to the Sepulchre first the women who believed it first the women? And it was the men that were hard-hearted to believe what was going on That doesn't mean the women should be you know, well Mary Magdalene should be head of the church You know or like should be leading up the church. No, but That don't take away from the fact of they were going there to serve you had Mary That was that was putting the alabaster box of Ointment upon Jesus's head before he was put to death then those you know Mary and Mary Magdalene and and those women were basically getting ointment to anoint him while he was laying in the grave and so ministering helps and Their names their names are forever Written in the Bible and in the Word of God for what they did and You know, there's I could go to other places where it says for example in Matthew 23 In verse 10 it says neither Be called masters for one is your master even Christ, but he that is greatest among you shall be your servant And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be a base and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted see being a helper being a minister in the church is It's a humble position, right? It's a humble job Right. It's not it doesn't get the accolades. It doesn't get all the limelight. It doesn't get all the praise but God greatly rewards that and There's many times, you know in Mark chapter 9 Luke 9 Luke 22 where the same question is being brought up Sometimes you're dealing with parallel passages But it's a it's a question keeps being brought up who's gonna be the greatest you think about John and James and John We're basically saying can we sit on your right hand and on your left? And obviously the other disciples are mad at them But then he basically comes to the same thing you want to be on the right hand and left Jesus says that that's not for him to give but to whom is prepared of the father, but Here's how you do that. Here's how you get in those positions You'd be a servant Instead of being the chief you'd be the servant instead of being the Lord You'd be the minister And Basically the first shall be last and last shall be first Be last in this life and be first in the next But if you're first in this life life, you're last in the next now all those people, you know like when you think about like the one that's not ministering now, and they're the ones that are You know the Lord's if you will then they're still going to heaven But the idea is who's greatest who's least The more you serve the greater you'll be in heaven the more that you're just like a Surfing authority and being a lord over people The least you'll be in the kingdom of heaven now go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 And when I think about this as far as being a help or being a minister in the church Again I think of this idea of basically being unknown like you're an unknown You know kind of member if you will 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 9 it says as unknown and yet well-known as Dying and behold we live as chastened and not killed as Sorrowful yet. All way rejoicing as poor yet making many rich as having nothing and yet possessing all things You know the apostles talk about the fact of them being unknown yet Well known and there's a lot of people think about throughout history that were great Christians that we had no idea about You say well, you know, we know about Paul. Yeah, because it was written in the Word of God Right, but a lot of times the Christians that are the people that are in history that we know about weren't even good Christians or even saved for that matter think of like all the writings of Charles Spurgeon and John Wesley and Colin Calvin, it's like No, actually probably people that were the best we have no record of Because they're unknown yet well-known And The reason that we have the Apostle Paul and all these other great characters and people in the Bible is because it was penned down With a point of a diamond, right? Meaning that it was it was penned down in the Word of God in the Word of God can't pass away Like history books can or even the memory of certain people But know this is that all those Christians throughout history are well known in heaven And Again, I believe there's gonna be a lot of people in heaven that we're gonna we're gonna be like had no idea But those people even existed But yet they're gonna be like these great I mean, I'm sure we'll see like David and we'll see all these care, you know, obviously Moses and and stuff like that, but You know, Joe was the great it, you know, the the most just man upon the earth in his day. So Obviously, you know, he was great and I believe he'll be great in heaven But think about the thousands of years that have gone by the centuries that have gone by that we have no information as far as what the Christians were doing at that time and Just being unknown yet. Well known and I think about that when it comes to Those that help in the church those that minister in the church think about this in Matthew good Matthew chapter 6 Matthew chapter 6 Matthew chapter 6 in verse 1 All Of Matthew 6 pretty much it's dealing with the fact that you should do things and Not let people know you're doing it Right, whether it's giving alms praying or fasting It's like do all these things But don't let anybody know you're doing it And I think about this when it comes to those that help in the church and And a lot of times, you know I want to give I want to give those that help in the church like You know praise and I want to but at the same time I don't want to take their reward So now I don't think that necessarily your rewards taken if someone else praises you Okay, because it talks about you know, let another man's lips crazy and not your not your own. Okay, so But if you start like piping I'd be like hey I did all this it's like well according to the Bible you have reward now So but if someone else is praising you for something like I don't think that God's like I'm taking your reward away because they praise You over here. It's like you start telling people like don't talk about me. Don't say anything. I'm over here in the darkness Doing my thing, you know but But all that being the same like obviously those that do that stuff. They don't they're not looking for that right and a lot of times You embarrass them when you bring them up So that's usually one of the reason why I don't mention a lot of times when when things are done and I know who did it But you know, I don't want to like embarrass them in front of everybody because they don't like the limelight, you know But in Matthew chapter 6 and verse 1 here says take heed that you do not your alms before men to be seen of them Otherwise you have no reward of your father Which is in heaven therefore when thou doest thine alms do not Do not sound a trumpet before thee as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may have glory of men Barely I say unto you they have their reward But when thou doest alms let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth That thine alms may be in secret and thy father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly see this gift of helps and ministering is One of those ones where you can really get rewarded a lot Because it's kind of what it's one of those gifts that's under the radar or I guess easily under the radar Because it's hard for a profit, you know, like if someone's like preaching to be under the radar by definition You're not under the radar right? You're proclaiming something you're teaching it publicly, right? So it's kind of not on the radar and it's not to say that that doesn't get rewarded but there is an emphasis on doing things that no one else sees and How greatly you're rewarded for that? You want to know the integrity of a man then tell me what he does when no one's watching What do you do when no one's around That'll tell you the integrity of somebody Because when no one's around if you could do anything you want no one would know obviously God knows But that'll tell you the difference between someone that that is doing doing what they do because they really love the Lord Or doing what they do because they want other people to see what they're doing Now are we we're probably all guilty of doing something so people would see what we you know How how good we're at it or whatever like playing football, you know, like I'd love just showing that off, you know Then I'm just that good But you know when it comes to Serving the Lord obviously, there's gonna be things that are just gonna be out in the open and It's not wrong that things are out in the open but the idea is that the reward I believe that there's these great rewards that are there for Hidden works if that makes sense things that are done in the background things that are done That you're not being praised for people can't look at me like hey, look how great that person is right there No, it's just done in the background and a lot of times people have no idea that you did it But you know who does know that you did it God And I believe that that's some of the greatest reward I think sometimes we'll see these rewards and some of the greatest rewards are gonna be for things that don't seem to be that big Of a deal, but you did it in secret without anybody knowing And God rewarded you Openly for it in the life to come So I think that you know, this one's could be very much underestimated you just kind of read over it's like helps all cool I helped someone out today, you know Ministering on minute, you know ministry on ministering. Oh, okay cool Yeah, but I believe that there there's kind of like this there's so much I Guess potential I guess the way I'd look at it there there there's like this huge amount of potential to really serve the Lord in that area and To really be rewarded for what you do in that area And Just to know what it is you do something and you say hey, that's just between me and God Only God knows that I did that And You know, I believe there's something special to be said about those type of things And so I challenge all I challenge everybody to try to do something for somebody that no one knows about That no one you don't tell anybody about you just do it for somebody or you help out in a certain area And don't let anybody know That it was you now. There's a lot of cases where that's gonna be hard because You know, it's kind of like I can't fast without telling my wife for example Like I kind of have to write Like she makes a meal and I'm like now I'm not eating it. You're like You're like well, why just I don't like your food, you know, like like you've got to tell her, you know You're not gonna be like because then she's gonna get mad at you and or she's gonna get upset and you're like Oh, you don't like what I made you So obviously there's gonna be cases where like where it talks about reward, you know Not sounding a trumpet. There is a difference between sounding a trumping and telling your spouse Right that hey, I'm not eating tonight because I'm fasting you know what I mean? Like whatever so go back to first Corinthian chapter 12 and we'll end in this passage right here and the fact that I I Believe that a lot of this chapter is dealing with these this specific gift right here as far as these these gifts that seem They seem insignificant. They seem like they're not as important but I believe that the whole chat that this chapter is really hitting on the fact that hey, we all have different offices and These things that don't seem to be important are necessary And not only necessary but those I believe you could end up being rewarded even more for Than other things that seem to be You know bigger a bigger deal, okay? So in first Corinthians chapter 12 verse 20 here it says but now are they Are they many members yet but one body and the eye cannot say unto the hand I have no need of thee Nor again the head to the feet I have no need of you, so it's basically talking about like you have all these different members and The hand isn't the foot and the foot isn't the hand you know it's basically saying like we have it's one body Many different members right, but the members are different right they have different things that they do And now it's getting into the fact though The idea of saying one better than the other right like my hands better than my foot. It's like That's like saying you know like Okay, so the This washer is better than the dryer You know like when you think about like there's different that it does different things You're comparing apples and oranges when it comes to what's going on there But what it's saying here is that in verse 22 it says now nay much more those members of the pot Which seem to be more feeble are? necessary And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable Upon these we bestow more abundant honor and our Uncomely parts now uncommonly parts would be like the parts that don't look good like our feet Okay You know like the feet aren't exactly the most attractive part of the body I don't know. I don't know maybe people like feet you know, but I You know I got like hobbit feet or something like that. It's like they're not attractive like it's Not like a something. I'm trying to show off the people you know so when it comes to things that are uncomly are More have more abundant comeliness For our comely parts have no need but God had tempered the body together having Given more abundant honor to that part which lacked That there should be no schism in the body But that the members should have the same care one of them one for another and whether Whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honored all the members rejoice with it I mean think about this just on that last note You know you ever have like a headache, but it just like affects your whole body Right or you have a pain over here, and it's just like shooting through your whole body But it affects everything it affects how you think all that right? That's kind of what it is with the church is that there's different offices people are obviously have different roles that they're doing But we're all one body together But when it comes to this you think about the fact that some may say hey, you know Your face is comely, but your feet aren't okay. I don't know. I'm just giving an example here, but basically There's parts where the body where you'd be like that looks Beautiful like your hair is beautiful. You're you know whatever right, but You know these other parts your body or just kind of grows. You know they're not they don't look great, whatever And I think what it really comes down to is not really getting into a beauty contest It's not like okay. There's some ugly people in church, and there's some pretty people in church, and you've got to deal with it Okay, and he gives more honor to the ugly people That's not what this is saying okay It's more so talking about the fact that there are gifts that are more comely to us right they kind of look more You know like you would desire those more you'd rather be that right, but then the ones that don't seem as comely They're not like the one that everybody's gonna pick They're the more lowly like like cleaning the bathrooms. It's not like hey who wants to clean the bathroom Everybody's just fighting over it. He's like no me And then there's a list everybody's fighting over who's gonna clean the bathroom. No one's doing that Right I would worry about you if you were doing that you're like what is wrong with you So it's uncommonly right, but at the same time. It's necessary The things that are most uncommonly tend to be the most necessary. I mean think about your feet, right? What's the pride the ugliest part of your body probably your feet okay? But what does the Bible say how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things? But They're smiling at me is it my face is that what you're saying is the most ugly part of me Just trying to use an illustration here, but the idea here is that Whereas when we look through these gifts a lot of times you can say hey, I want that one. I want this one But which one is getting which one is more necessary? and I think I think when it comes down to it though every all of its necessary Some look better than others, but where they don't look good There's more of a necessity there right it's kind of like that needs to happen right you don't have that listen We don't have bathrooms Then listen our church that is it isn't that a big issue when we're thinking about the building when our church comes together What is the number one thing that we talked about when we're talking about a building? Bathrooms it's the most uncommonly place in the whole church, but what is the miss having the necessity of that though, right? So when you think about okay, what's the what's the the thing that needs clean the most? out of everything Not bathroom right But yet, it's the most disgusting place to be in the church right you don't want no one wants to hang out in the bathroom No one wants to clean the bathroom, and I don't blame them But someone has to do it, okay? So I hope that makes sense right with my illustrations, but When it comes to this there's there's that and it's interesting because the next one is governments Which is kind of the opposite if you think about it right someone that's a minister, but then someone that's ruling okay? when you're talking about government talking about rulers and Those are needed as well, okay? Who goes to war without being given charges right how shall they preach except they be sent like those things are necessary, okay? but You know we're gonna get into that and then Then maybe I'll be done so, but you know what? Keep telling me that you don't want to happen. I'll find some more gifts. I'll find it So let's have a little work down there father. We thank you for today. Thank you for your word. Thank you for souls that were saved Today and throughout the week and just pray that you'd help us to be a church That's unified and in as far as all the different offices Lord That that we all realize that we're all necessary For the functioning of the church and Lord just pray that you as the head of the church Will lead us and guide us into all truth and help us to bring glory to your name well We love you pray us in Jesus Christ name and then where they will come and sing one more song now will be dismissed You All right take your song books and turn to song 154 Song 154 in your song books will sing blessed be the tie that binds If you would stand we'll sing song 154 154 Let's be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love the Fellowship of Kindred minds is like to that above Before our Father's throne we pour our Art and prayers our fears our hopes our aims our one our Comforts and our cares we share our mutual woes our mutual burdens Bare and Often for each other flows the Sympathizing tear when we Assunder part it gives us