(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you well good morning everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song book saying turn to song 164 song 164 in your song books will sing praise him praise him and if you would stand we'll sing song 164 praise him praise him Jesus our blessed redeemer seeing Oh earth his wonderful love proclaim hail him hail him highest archangels in glory strength and honor give to his holy name like a shepherd guard his children in his arms he carries them all day long praise him praise him tell of his excellent greatness praise him praise him ever and joyful song praise him praise him Jesus our blessed redeemer for our sins he suffered and bled and died he our rock our hope of eternal salvation Jesus the crucified sound his praises Jesus who bore our sorrow love unbounded wonderful deep and strong praise him praise him tell of its excellent greatness praise him praise him ever and joyful song praise him praise him Jesus our blessed redeemer heavenly portals loud with those Anna's ring Jesus save your reign forever and ever crown him crown him prophet and priest and King Christ is coming over the world victorious power and glory unto the Lord be long praise him praise him tell of his excellent greatness praise him ever and joyful song and let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again we just want to tell you we love you Lord and we want to just thank you for our church thank you for your word thank you for all the mercies and grace that you bestow on us each and every day Lord I pray Lord now that you would just be with our pastor filling with your power and spirit again we love you and pray all this in Jesus name amen all right maybe seated and take your psalm books I'm sorry your mountain Baptist song books mountain Baptist songs hymns and spiritual song books and turn to song number 19 or page number 19 page number 19 and your mountain Baptist songs hymns and spiritual song books will sing Psalm 13 on page 19 how long will thou forget me oh Lord forever how long will thou hide thy face from me how long shall I take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily how long shall my enemy be exalted over me consider and hear me oh Lord my God light in mine eyes last I sleep asleep last mine enemies say I have prevailed against him and those that trouble me rejoice when I am but I have trusted in thy mercy my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation I will sing unto the Lord because he hath doubt bound to flee with me amen so welcome out Baptist Church on this Sunday morning and just some announcements here to get started service times today everything should be normal so we'll have our afternoon service at 4 p.m. we'll have our soul winning our main time at 1 o'clock today so get some lunch get back here a little before 1 o'clock we'll get teamed up to go out soul winning on that note we are gonna be trying out that soul winning app so you probably saw the message that brother Chris sent out there as far as downloading the app and we're just gonna we're gonna definitely give this a try and see how this works out and so I think it's gonna be a good way to track where we've been and not only track where we've been but how long it's been since we've been there and if this doesn't if this is maybe something that doesn't work very well in our area I think for sure it's gonna be a good thing for soul winning marathons where we don't have maps and we don't have stuff like that to keep track of it because we have our local maps but as you know even our local maps don't cover a lot of the areas that we go to when we're outside of that so so we're gonna give it a shot it seems pretty intuitive at least to use it as far as setting up the maps maybe it's a little more involved as far as like putting in the stuff like that but anyway we don't want to be those those old people that don't want to use technology we're like you know what I don't want to learn anything new but here's thing if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out but we'll give it a shot so that being said solving times during the week regional times there just be on the church group there as far as times locations everything at the end of the month here we have the women's prayer meeting on the 25th the men's prayer meeting on the 30th so winning marathon in more field West Virginia on the 24th and then in September we're gonna be doing a sowing marathon in Kansasburg PA that'll be the Saturday before our anniversary service so the anniversary service will have we're gonna have a typical fellowship in between the services celebrating seven years this September and so hopefully you can make it out to that and then that being said with the church building it's looking like staying here and getting an addition put on is definitely doable we spoke with the landlord as far as costs and all that so I think it's just matter ironing out the details but it's probably gonna be another year dealing with this space so we got a packet in on Sunday mornings Sunday mornings really that the time it's usually really really packed so so what I'm saying is that pretty much I need I need half the church to just not come anymore I'm just kidding no obviously joking there but but just being prayer for that obviously that we make the right decisions as far as everything that we do going forward with that and that the biggest thing is that we design that new space so that we can utilize every inch of this this building in that building and that and obviously we're not wasting any money all that stuff and so just being prayer there next Sunday we're gonna do a full paycheck Sunday so it's gonna be a building offering just kidding we're gonna get thermometer on the wall no but just being prayer for that that everything works out with that but that'll be really an easy transition at that point so I'm not having to uproot from where we're at right here and so and that construction can be done while we're still using this space so really until until it comes down to it I don't think they really need to blow out that you know an opening in the wall or anything like that until we get to that point so it's it's pretty much they're doing their thing over there and it shouldn't affect us over here so we're also going to be trying to expand the parking lot as far as getting more spaces there and so that being said just being prayer for that and on the backyard bulletin there we are in a new month so we're gonna memorize first John so first John chapter 1 starting this month and so first John 1 is the shortest chapter so start off with a small one and go forward and so that is our memory chapter for the month and then first Thessalonians 5 22 is a memory verse for the week abstain from all appearance of evil I could probably just do like a verse each one of those verses in first Thessalonians chapter 5 is a short little phrases but they're all good things that have memorized there so kids if you want a piece of candy just memorize that verse there first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 22 it's a short one for the week and then birthdays this month so yes brother I can't hear you sorry yours is on the 27th yeah we got you on there brother 27th of this month right yep yep so awesome what is today the fourth so so is it it's Taya not Taya right is it Taya see I always I should go with my first instinct so so Taya how are you gonna be I can't 15 15 happy birthday that's today so definitely saying happy birthday to you and Juliet's I didn't realize Juliet's was literally a day after so a lot of birthdays no less goes we celebrating here so Juliet on the fifth so that's tomorrow and then as far as I have to check my calendar here so yeah Saturday it's a brother Richie there you are oh you gonna be brother 37 I remember when I felt like you're a lot younger than me you know when you start getting older it starts getting closer you start feeling a lot closer to each other so it's 37 well so we'll sing happy birthday to all these and then anniversaries the Joneses and the Gandy's are later here so and then on the pregnancy the list there obviously congratulations to the McCloy family but be in prayer for them obviously that transition period of having bringing home two babies so so going from from two to four and so be in prayer for the McCloy family specifically for crystal obviously the recovery process all that but just being prayer for them there whenever it comes to that I know I always like I always say this and but I just want to reiterate this when someone has a baby don't expect them to be back immediately some people do come back pretty soon some people don't and in the end we need to obviously respect obviously that recovery process and everything and any any woman that gives birth and doesn't come back for a while with the baby I'm not judging you there might be other people that are judging in the church but they're wrong so that being said obviously give that family some grace there when it comes to being here and all that because that's it that's a whole ordeal to get back into the swing of things just in life so and then Rachel Howes on the list there under the pregnancy due in January I think that's about all I have for announcements the offering boxes in the back there if you want to give a tithe and an offering mother baby rooms babies only but Dave's gonna come singing while we're gonna sing happy birthdays and we're gonna sing another song and brother Nick you're reading this morning so brother Nick is gonna be reading psalm 126 for us after all that you all right take your song books and turn to song 331 331 we'll sing wherever he leads I'll go but before we do that we need to sing happy birthday to Taya Juliet Richie so I just realized my anniversary is this month I literally I was like it's like when Jason said that I were pastor I'm sorry when pastor said that I was like no I literally I have nothing so it'd be great either way Jacob no all right well we'll see him for these three and yeah okay here we go ready happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday God bless you happy birthday to you happy birthday to all y'all and and we'll sing song 331 take up thy cross and follow me I heard my master say I gave my life to ransom be surrender you're all today wherever he leads I'll go wherever he leads I'll go I'll follow my cries to me so wherever he leads I'll go he drew me closer to his side I saw his well to know and in that well I now abide wherever he leads I'll go wherever he leads I'll go wherever he leads I'll go I'll follow my cries to me so wherever he leads I'll go it may be through the shadows damn or or the stormy sea I'll take my cross and follow him wherever he that's me wherever he leads I'll go wherever he leads I'll go I'll follow my cries to me so wherever he leads I'll go my heart my life my all I bring to Christ who loves me so he is my master Lord and King wherever he leads I'll go wherever he leads I'll go wherever he leads I'll go I'll follow my cries to me so wherever he leads I'll go all right if you would take your Bibles and turn to Psalms chapter 126 Psalms 126 will have brother Nick read that for us Psalm 126 Psalm 126 the Bible reads when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like them that dream then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue would singing then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us where we are glad turn again our captivity Oh Lord as the streams in the south they that so in tears shall reap in joy he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bring his sheaves with him let's pray with your Heavenly Father thank you for our church thank you for the service and pray that you would bless pastor and fill with your Holy Spirit and help us all to learn from your message this morning in Jesus name I pray amen amen so you're there in Psalm 126 and obviously if you've been memorizing Psalm 126 then this is very familiar and we also sing this Psalm but I'm gonna be preaching a soul winning sermon but I'm gonna be specifically preaching a sermon dealing with our church policies when it comes to soul winning so I've done soul winning tips you know just kind of giving pointers different things like that as far as different aspects from preparation of the gospel to how you go up to the door like different things like that but I think it's pertinent that we just have a sermon as far as what are our church policies when it comes to soul winning just different avenues this isn't necessarily all-inclusive but these are just gonna be some points that how to deal with certain situations and you may say well how would pastor want me to deal with this what would you know that being said and some of this stuff you're gonna agree on some of this stuff some may not agree on but know this is that I am the pastor and what if you're representing our church then you have to follow the guide that I'm giving you here as far as policies are concerned okay so whether you agree with me or not you know I'm not here to you know you know battle you on this as far as on some of these issues but I will if I have to meaning this is that church policy is going to be what it is and then you know there's always going to be disagreements maybe on how we do things okay and so when it comes to this the reason why it's almost 26 a great soul winning passage but there's different thing the thing that I love about Psalm 126 is that it kind of shows you different different elements when it comes to soul winning besides just winning somebody right kind of how you go about it what you're bringing forth with you and notice what says here Psalm 126 says they that sow in tears shall reap in joy in verse 6 here says he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with them and there's certain elements in here from the fact of sowing in tears so weeping having compassion you know caring about people that you talk to the thing that I'm going to focus on as far as the first point I'm going to say as far as church policy is bearing precious seed is that when we go soul winning you need to use the Word of God okay so this is a church policy that I mean you should be doing this anyway but the thing is is that the Word of God you must be using the Word of God and go to Romans chapter 10 Romans chapter 10 Romans chapter 10 just very simply a very short verse to show you when it comes to soul winning you need the Word of God okay meaning that you don't just explain the gospel and you're in your own words obviously you do that right obviously got to explain it but you have to have scripture backed up with that okay and and you need to be used in Bible verses Romans chapter 10 verse 17 it says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so in order for someone to believe the gospel they need to hear the Word of God okay and anybody that says no you don't need the Word of God you might as well just tell me you don't need Jesus because Jesus is the Word of God in the beginning was the word and word was with God and the word was God and so to take the word out of it and I don't care if you're talking who you're talking to when it comes to this the Word of God needs to be present there okay and go to 1st Peter chapter 1 but you say well it says bearing precious seed how you know that's the Word of God well 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 23 so our policy number 1 policy well I don't know if you put it these in a category of number 1 but it's obviously very crucial a policy of our church when it comes to soul winning is that you use Bible verses okay you use scripture okay that you are showing them verses and all that and and and and that this is very crucial okay so 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 23 and here's thing this is this may be a sermon to that if any visitors come in that starts going soul winning or people are coming in and they say well what's you know what's your church policy on soul winning here's the sermon okay so the idea of a sermon a lot of times just kind of put it all into one camp of like here's here's our policies here's how we go about doing things when it comes to soul winning like I said this is kind of kind of be the major things but at the same time you know any other if anybody has any questions about any situations when it comes to soul winning just come ask me you know you can ask brother Dave but if brother Dave doesn't know the answer come to me and first Peter chapter 1 and verse 23 it says being born again not a corruptible seed but of incorruptible so here's where we're gonna see that seed mentioned okay so it's not corruptible it's incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever so you're born again by the Word of God and it says for all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man is a flower grass the grass withers and flower thereof falls away but the word of the Lord endureth forever and this is the word which by the gospel preached unto you so to try to separate the Word of God from preaching the gospel is insanity okay the Bible needs to be there and here's the thing when it comes to the Word of God obviously we can quote the Word of God and someone gets it okay but go to Rome at Revelation chapter 1 and here's a policy that I have is that you show them scripture at if it all possible okay now obviously there's gonna be exceptions to this rule okay meaning that you run into like an older lady that can't see okay well obviously you know then showing them the Bible versus isn't gonna be a thing okay but if if it's just very easily done why why wouldn't we do this okay so this is something that that one I believe you should have a Bible out with you can you win somebody with the the invitation that we have yes okay most our Bible verses as far as how we're going out soul winning is on the back of that invite and I've actually won people to the Lord with the back of the invite because they they were short on time and I was just like hey let me just show you some verses on the back there and sure right it doesn't have to be leather-bound and like in the holistic Bible here okay but that being said they can still see it but I think there is something to be said about opening up the Bible and knowing that that isn't just made up right there and this isn't to take away from the Word of God being powerful and obviously it has power whether it's spoken whether it's written right but there is something to be said about when they see it on the page when they're like there it is and they'll even say they're like there it is you know and it's just like you know the idea of seeing is believing now obviously faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and it's seeing the words of God it's not seeing Jesus or seeing heaven hell all that but I do believe this helps and notice what it says here in Revelation chapter 1 verse 3 it says blessed is he that read it and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written there in for the times at hand so there's a blessing in both okay and so this is something that I believe we should all be we should all basically be showing the Word of God and state and and go to go to John chapter 4 okay and because here's thing not here to say that people won't get saved when you quote them the verses but I'll say this there may be people that would have gotten saved if you would have shown them the verses because there are some people that need to see it for themselves right and not just believe what they're hearing interesting like I said there's not taking away from the power of the word okay but in the moment you know they're not necessarily be able to discern like that's a Bible verse right they could say well that sounds profound but it's at the Word of God you know and in their mind they may be wondering is that really in there okay and so I mean could you literally say if anybody spoke anything that you would just know a hundred percent whether that's in the Bible or not even as a saved believer that reads the Bible all the time there could be things that are said you're like is that in the Bible or is it not in the Bible right we don't have that kind of discernment all the time to where we're just like we know for sure that's in the Bible or not okay but and just take that from an unsaved person's perspective right is that you're quoting this off they're taking your word for it that's in the Bible obviously the Word of God has power and they can get saved off that but the idea here is like why not just show them there it is no doubt there it is in the Bible okay did I have you turn to John chapter 4 John 4 and verse 41 this is the the story the woman at the well and basically the woman goes into the the city and she actually wins people to Christ by telling him what Jesus told her so she's obviously relaying what Jesus said that makes sense like she's orally explaining this is what Jesus told me and many and people believe right but notice what it says here in verse 41 it says many more believe because of his own word and said unto the woman now we believe not because of thy saying but we have heard him ourselves and now this is indeed the Christ the Savior of the world and this isn't saying like she was just explaining in her own words she wasn't actually saying what Jesus said because she literally was telling them this is what he told me right but what you have to understand is that they kick they went to the source right and when they came back to the source and Jesus speaking to them directly that's like taking them straight to the Bible here's the source so I believe that there's people that obviously will get saved by just quoting them the Bible and there's some cases where that's the only Avenue available and that's why you should have Bible memorized and here's the thing when I when I preach the gospel and most of you probably do this too is that there's certain verses that you just quote while you're turning to other verses right and you're like I'm turning this verse but you're like hey by the way for example when I go from Revelation 21 showing that hey all liars shall have the part in the lake which burns the fire and burns the second death I'll say hey is that where God do you think that's where God wants you to go? and most people are like no and I say yeah because the Bible says that God's not willing to end he should perish and I'm turning to Romans 5 8 at the time right but I'm quoting off certain verses as I'm doing that just to kind of make it not awkward to be like let me turn to this all all that okay you know that's that's great you know I think that that's what I think a lot of our soul winners do anyway okay and so that being said is that I believe that one you need to be using Bible verses okay but to church policy take a Bible with you and and if all possible show them the verses and I know some people have this stigma that if we go out holding a Bible that we're gonna scare people but I want you to think about this obviously people think there were Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons all that stuff but it wouldn't matter if we were carrying a Bible we weren't okay because people don't even know what Mormons look like anymore apparently you know I come up there with my daughter at my side I'm almost 40 and they're just like you guys are Mormons it's like I don't think you understand how they do things because all the Mormons that come out are 17 okay and they're all wearing you know wearing they're wearing a certain outfit like all this stuff okay so that being said people are gonna get confused on that anyway but here's thing if someone's afraid of a book then the chances are they're probably not gonna get saved anyway or they're not gonna want to listen to you anyway okay they're just not open-minded to even talk about anything at that point and and I'm also not trying to see people like going up to him like I'm selling them Amway or something like that okay I'm not a car salesman I'm not I'm not selling you know Tupperware or makeup or whatever the guys even do that hopefully not but that being said I believe we should all take a Bible with us and and all that so that's church policy that you have is that hey you have a Bible and if at all possible show them some verses I'm not saying you have to show them every verse that you ever bring up but you should at least be showing them the verses that we have on the back of that invite right as far as least like for all sin and control the glory of God for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life to Jesus Christ our Lord at least show them the main ones okay and again there's obviously exceptions to this rule you know if you're out and you don't have a Bible but you have an invitation to be like I can't give the gospel because pastor said I have to have a Bible it's like obviously do it what you got with whatever situation you're in but if we're going out soul-winning and it's like a known time for soul-winning and you're making the effort to go out someone and just take a Bible with you you know and here's thing you never know in those situations if you need a Bible for maybe like another passage that you don't have memorized who here's had someone bring up a passage and it's like what about this passage well if you have a Bible on you just turn to it and look at it this kind of just goes into being prepared there okay so our church policy is use the Bible use Bible verses obviously I believe one Bible verse can get someone saved but here's thing why not use more right I mean don't beat a dead horse right I mean if someone understands something you have to keep hitting them over the head with it but at same time like if one verse is good why wouldn't you use two or three or four or five you know use as many as you can because in the end you don't you want to leave no doubt that hey what you're saying is validated by the Bible that this isn't just what I'm saying this is what the Word of God says okay so that is a policy that we have okay and here's thing these are policies that we have you're coming if you're going out in our name okay so I'm not a dictator over everybody's life on what they do outside of church but if you're gonna say we're with Mountain Baptist Church or you're giving a church invite then you need to follow these policies okay and that's just that's where I stand on this as far as this goes okay so next point and this kind of just a general thing go to Matthew chapter 10 and verse 16 again I'm not here to say like there's anyone in our church right now that's like not abiding by this right like we got a big problem where people aren't using the Bible or something like that but I'll say this is that I'm sure there's someone that goes soul-winning that maybe doesn't use it like they should or maybe they're a little lax in this area just know that this is our church policy and if anybody asks that's where I stand on this okay the second point is to be polite and not contentious okay well soul-winning we're not out to go get into a fight okay so this is something that and this really comes down to go Matthew chapter 10 verse 16 is that we really need to be harmless when it comes to going out soul-winning right we need to be nice polite don't take things personally with what people say to you just walk away and really the idea of turning the other cheek right so the Matthew chapter 5 case of basically not trying to get even with somebody and notice what says in Matthew chapter 10 and verse 16 says behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves so we need to be very wise but we need to be very harmless meaning that we're not people that and listen I understand people are gonna be intimidated and there's not much you can do about that in a lot of cases I mean look at me I mean I'm just I'm just screaming alpha male intimidation right all joking aside for whatever reason people will just be intimidated by you you can come up there with a smile on your face super nice jolly and people are just gonna be intimidated okay it is what it is but we don't want to make it we don't want to come up intimidating right we don't want to make it like we're coming up there like a bull in a china shop like and you got it like a scowl on your face and let me just give you an example I went out so many one time and this is wasn't here this is at church the church actually I used to go to obviously church came from and sent out from when someone wants somebody and someone know who this is and and went up to the door and it was his turn to speak or his talk and say hey you know we're from you know manual Baptist Church you know do you go to church anywhere around here and he's like no I don't go to church and then he looks at me says don't you think you should and just stop talking I'm like I wanted to melt like I was on there like the third floor I wanted to melt and just fall off the balcony underneath the railing I was just like oh like that was so painful to be in the presence and because you're linked with them right you're just like this guy's with you right it's like good night man and so you're saying like we're not going out to just make people feel bad for not going to church or anything like that honestly that's an icebreaker anyway because in the end what's our main purpose for going out so winning is to see if we can preach them the gospel right and really that first question is inconsequential I'm obviously all about telling them about our church and inviting them and all that but in the end what's more important do they they're going to heaven okay and so it and also even when you ask that question you need to be kind about it okay and because if what's what if someone said to you well I just don't really think about that don't you think you should and you're just kind of like dude like what are you doing like be nice you're coming up to someone's door be polite be nice get it good at Philippians chapter 2 and verse 14 so church policy is be polite don't go up there just trying to get into a fight I would say you know most people I would say our church you know most likely in a lot of cases they're not we're not trying to get into fights or anything like that I'll say this is that no this is that turning turning you the other cheek the reason that's an important concept is because people are going to try to provoke you okay there are people that are going to try to provoke you to be contentious to be mean to whatever right trying to poke the bear but in Philippians chapter 2 verse 14 it says do all things without murmurings and disputings that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as lights in the world holding forth the word of life that I may rejoice in a day of Christ that I've not run in vain neither labored in vain and this kind of hits on a lot of different things from the Word of God obviously taking that with us but also the idea of being blameless being harmless one because people are gonna be more receptive if you're that way okay someone's gonna be more receptive if you're nice polite you're not intimidating you're not like coming down on them you're not condescending okay that's usually the first thing you have to do it out so winning is just break down that wall where you're not coming out I'm like I'm better than you because that's what a lot of people think you're coming up to me like I'm better than you I go to church look at me you know whatever we need to break that wall and not convince them that it's true okay meaning like you come out there and be like yeah that's what I thought and that's what I see you know so we don't want to do that but we also want to be harmless so that we're blameless okay and some of the things I'm gonna bring up is really getting into the avenue of being blameless in a perverse and crooked nation that we live in is that in order to be blameless there's gonna be certain policies that I set up that are gonna try to protect our church protect our soul winners and from whether it's you know false accusations or whatever the case may be you know this is something to kind of set up there or it could be a case to set it up to that you know as our church gets bigger there's just gonna be more people and we need to have these policies set in place so that if something ever happens like this is our policy they didn't follow that okay that makes sense like we need to have that known that hey this is where we stand and I can't control what every single person does individually okay but and think about this too this kind of gets into that I've obviously having compassion if some have compassion making a difference others say with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh you know some people you know you're gonna have to be way more gentle with and some people you can be more blunt with and that just takes discernment okay as far as that goes and no one how to how you can talk to somebody or how you shouldn't be talking to somebody okay and you know that that just takes discernment but lead off with being very soft and gentle does that make sense lead off with that and if the person is just like someone that you're just like I know I can like kind of you kind of hit it off with the person to where you're just kind of like hey we can have a good conversation here and we can kind of let that wall fall down of being super super gentle with the person and just be very blunt with them right because maybe that person is a really blunt person and and they're just blunt with you and you can be blunt with them and you can just hit them right right between the eyes be like hey listen you're gonna go to hell if you don't believe this right and you just really hit him straight between the eyes with it with another person you may be like hey I don't I don't want you to be upset about this but the Bible says you know like you're gonna have to be a little more gentle okay but in the end as long as you're polite and all of that and and let me state this obviously in all these situations we're trying if at all possible to live peaceably with all men but don't take this don't think that I'm taking this to the point where you can't defend yourself okay go to Luke chapter 22 now this obviously should be last resort but obviously if someone's coming at me or at my my children or something like that if I'm out the winning and someone's trying to like literally try to hit me or they're trying to hurt me or something like that I mean obviously I'm gonna have to do what I got to do okay I'm gonna defend myself whatever means possible but notice what Jesus says here especially after he's going to the cross and he's stating that things are gonna be different concerning soul winning specifically and he says this in verse 36 says then said he unto them but now he that hath a purse let him take it and likewise his script and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one now the modern sword or bow and arrow is a gun okay and so obviously I believe that it's very biblical to be armed for the case of self-defense right and so yeah I mean if it comes down to it obviously defend yourself okay but we shouldn't be looking for a fight we should be trying to get out of that fight as much as possible but if it has to happen it'll have it has to happen you know obviously our policy is that if someone if someone's coming at you with a gun then you come right back at them or do what you got to do to defend yourself right or someone's coming at you with a knife or someone's coming at you with a baseball bat whatever the case may be you have to defend yourself you can defend people around you it is what it is okay and so so don't take what I'm saying too far here obviously be polite and all that but we're not gonna be like the Amish where we just like let people just kill us or something okay so obviously there's that extreme example there okay so policy number one Bible scripture okay policy number two be polite you can be courteous don't be contentious don't be getting into fights with people obviously if it comes down to you got to defend yourself you got to defend yourself okay go to Matthew chapter 10 that's chapter 10 now in the idea of specifically apartment complexes okay so I'm gonna be very specific with this apartment complexes places like that but this is just in general okay but it just seems this is where usually this is gonna apply could be trailer parks could be whatever anything where there's like an established there's a basically an established HOA community okay and what I'm I'm grouping these in as is basically like a community okay like a little province okay and so this gets into the idea of how do you deal with a situation let's say a manager comes up to you and says hey you got to leave I'm calling the police whatever okay here's my policy and here's think this may be different than what other churches policies are okay maybe churches that you like churches that you go to but in the end this is Mountain Baptist Church I'm the pastor here and when it comes to this I'm the one that has to answer for all these issues okay it's all gonna come back on me any way about this whether I set up a policy or I don't set up a policy it's all gonna come back to me okay so but also you know it I personally believe this is the way to go about this okay is that basically if that happens okay say a manager comes up to you or a police comes up to you listen you're there's nothing wrong with saying hey listen legally we're allowed to be here but if they don't budge on that just be like all right have a nice day and walk away go somewhere else okay that doesn't mean we'll never go back there okay but at the same time you know I believe this is a very biblical principle that if you say well you know not everybody wants us to leave I think that's true in any case okay do you think this okay good Matthew chapter 10 do you think the cities or towns here that every single person is against them do you think that in a lot of cases even the majority is against them but if the mayor comes up to you or the you know like the leaders of the area come up to you and they say we want you out of here and all of that I mean in the end what are you gonna do at that point okay and you say well are you willing to go to jail yeah obviously I'm willing to go to jail but at the same time there's only so much time that we have and what this really comes down to is it's time efficiency and the fact is that we have plenty other places to go and really the people that kick us out of those places or tell us to leave or say they're calling the cops they're the ones are gonna bear the judgment for what they do okay and actually by doing what I'm telling you to do here it actually is going to be putting that judgment on them okay and so Matthew chapter 10 verse 11 here it says and into whatsoever city or town you shall enter inquire who in it is worthy and thereby till you go thence and when you come into an house saluted and of the house be worthy let your peace come upon it but if it be not worthy let your peace return to you and whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words when you depart out of that that house or city shake off the dust of your feet verily I say to you it shall be more tolerable for the land for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment then for that city and in other places it'll say town or city and it'll basically house town city and here's the thing whether you agree with it or not you know an apartment complex is basically kind of like a community right I mean they even call like a community center portion of it and all that and I realize that obviously the Supreme Court has said that we have the right to be there and everything but in the end we have the right to be in any town but what if the whole town just said hey we're done with you you're out of here it's like well shake the dust off your feet and when it comes to this obviously apartment complexes and I've been there I've been there talking to the police I've been there talking to the management and unless unless you're gonna go to court and try to win a court case on this we're just gonna be spinning our wheels okay with this and and I'll say this obviously if it was like every place we went we had to deal with this then hey let's get the court case going here to where we can basically shove it in their face that hey we had the right to be here or if that doesn't work we're just gonna pick up our sticks and go somewhere else hey meaning that if it's gonna be that unaccepted and everybody's just like basically throwing us in jail and throwing the book at us for going out so winning then we're just gonna go somewhere else and let this place become Sodom and Gomorrah you know that's gonna be the case but here's here's the thing right now that's not the case most apartment complexes that we go to we don't deal with this but there are certain that do okay there's certain ones that are worse than others and but the policy here is that basically just just you can speak your piece really quick and then just be it be out of there right and go somewhere else and that's my policy on this when it comes to this and go to Ephesians chapter 5 Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 15 Ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 you know some people may you may you know say well you know that's not being very bold you know but here's thing I'm for winning people to Christ and I'm not here to win a battle on on how bold I can be in front of the police or the manager okay because I know I can be bold in front of them but in the end you know we want to win as many people to Christ in it listen I'll say this if those apartment complexes want to be that way then let God judge them and it's interesting because of the same apartment complexes that have been really nasty to us and all that seems to go through like ownership every six months of different ownership different names different problems that they have and I don't particularly think that's a coincidence and so so if they if the management if the management wants to be that way with us then let God deal with it but we have plenty of other places to go okay so that that's the thing is that at the moment this should be a non-issue because you know we'll just go somewhere else okay and you know here's thing we never deal with this most of the time and I say never but I mean like obviously most all the time when we go to a really poor area whether it's whether it's a neighborhood or whether it's like a low-income housing or something like that or trailer parks do we ever deal with this no so really in the case where the the most receptive places are we're not dealing with it anyway in those situations okay and so you know I just shake the dust off your feet Ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 it says see then that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because your days are evil and this really comes down to redeeming the time right not wasting our time this gets into like why the heretic after the first and second ammunition reject right that principles there because there's other people that are going to hear it don't waste your time on that don't waste your time you know dealing with stuff that doesn't have to be dealt with and listen hopefully maybe in some cases this will be a relief to you to think oh okay I'm not some horrible Christian if I'm not willing to fight this manager fight the police here okay and listen if you say well I think that's wrong stance well put it on me then you know because I'm the pastor saying to do this and if you say well I think that I should be standing up then just put it on me because that I'm the one saying to do it okay and in the end it all comes back to me anyway okay so why in my personal my stance is if it's gonna come back to me anyway then I'm gonna do it the way I want to do it does that make sense I'm gonna go I'm gonna do it the way I do it if it's gonna come back to me anyway so in the end that's the policy when it comes to apartment complexes you get resistance be polite speak your piece say who you're with and say hey here's all we're doing and if they're like no if you don't leave we're calling the police be like have a nice day okay no need to wait around waste your time and you know you say well I'm gonna still go until the police get there it's like well what if you're in the middle of conversation the police stop you in the middle of conversation you know and all these different things listen I've been there I'm speaking from experience okay I've been there I've been I fought with managers I fought with police I've had conversations broken up and all of that and this is my policy that's why I have the policy that I have because it wastes time and it can end up leading to getting halfway through the gospel with somebody and then not being able to finish it so this is where I stand on on apartment complexes okay and go to go to mark chapter 10 mark chapter 10 now this next one I'm gonna bring up I'm probably gonna have people that disagree with me on this and let me say this if you've done this I'm not against you I'm not mad at you okay but this is our policy okay and what I'm what I'm gonna say here and and I've had two separate just recently whether phone call or email about this and nothing like crazy actually the one call that I got once I talked to him they were fine and it was no big deal and then the other one I haven't heard response back but you know I spoke my peace to that person or whatever is that as adults not approaching children to preach them the gospel okay without permission okay from the guardian or parent okay and I'm gonna spend a little length on this one just because I want to give you my reasoning behind this okay and here's thing let me practice this it is not wrong to preach the gospel to children so not saying that anybody's in sin for preaching the gospel to children but I'm gonna give you my reasoning why this is my policy okay when it comes this go to mark chapter 10 verse 13 but let me just touch this is that obviously children are the ones that are if you will closest to the kingdom of God when it comes to this so when it comes to people preaching the gospel to children I get it like I'm not I yeah I mean they're gonna be some of the easiest people to win okay but in the end as your pastor I want to protect you from any false accusations I want to protect you from I want to make sure that everybody's blameless I want our church's reputation to be blameless all these different things that play into this and Matthew chapter 10 verse 13 says and they brought young children to him that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them but when Jesus saw it he was much displeased and said unto them suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God barely I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter therein and he took them up in his arms put his hands upon them and bless them now obviously this is we should suffer the little children this is why we have children in the church services all these different things but the difference here is that notice that the children are being brought to them by their parents okay and so this is something that that you know I've done this you know I preach the gospel to children and all this other stuff and and obviously got people saved and it's great okay as far as getting people safe but I want you to think about this just on a social level here okay take the gospel out of the situation you're at the mall okay and you're with your kids or your kids are roaming around or doing something and then you see an adult man talking to your child what goes through your head immediately okay like what the hell it's this guy doing talking to my child now I'm gonna tell you a double standard here and I wouldn't say it's a double standards just different standard because men and women are different okay let's say you're out of the mall and some woman was talking to your child do you have a different response yeah you're probably still like who's this woman talking to my child but do you see how the radar is a little lower on like something's about to happen here right or I'm gonna have to go throw down on somebody or something like that take it another step let's say a child that's your child's age is talking to them well now like pretty much you're just like I don't care at all right and it's like cool you know these kids are talking to each other okay so when it comes to this I'm gonna be a lot more lenient on this if it's a woman talking to children compared to a man I think in the end the man I think we just need to stay out of it when it comes to children that we don't have permission talking to okay again obviously the parents like hey can you talk to my child open door okay or they bring their children say hey can you give the gospel to my children can you talk to them about that or let's say a child this happens all the time out so like to you know or just in general you're in the neighborhood a child comes up to you and says hey you know through you guys you don't just walk on just ghost them right obviously you can reply to the person right you can fly to the kid be like hey we're with Mount Baptist Church or your parents around you know whatever and so let me give you let me give you an example of how I don't believe it's wrong to preach the gospel to children but I believe it can bring up an offense or an occasion to accuse okay and this is really this comes down to is that we want to stay abstain from all appearance of evil and we want in all cases to stay away from any false accusations or anything like that 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 23 and this is a case dealing with eating things sacrifice and idols you really how does this relate I'm gonna tell you but this is why okay so this is one reason why we don't have the bus ministry okay and all these all the old independent fundamental churches that have bus ministries listen I get it and I'm not against them and I'm not saying they're in sin but here's the different here's the thing it's a huge risk huge risk okay high risk high reward you know obviously anything when it comes to some kind of investment right and listen I used to be on bus ministries and and I would win many children to the Lord through the bus ministry and a lot of cases those kids have permission to be there right but you know that when you have when they break when you bring in the church you're opening yourself up to false accusations this is why we don't have a nursery this is why we are a family integrated church because we don't have one person watching everybody's kids no you are in charge of your own kids and that that basically alleviates this this type of not saying it can't happen but it we're trying to basically bring it to a minimum as much as possible okay well let me give you an example as far as just kind of an equivalent here 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 23 says all things are lawful for me but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but all things edify not let no man seek his own but every man another's wealth what whatsoever is sold in the shambles that eat ask asking no question for conscience sake for the earth is the Lord's in the fullness thereof if any of them that believe not bid you to a feast and you'd be disposed to go whatsoever is set before you eat asking no question for conscience sake so basically it's like if someone gives you food you don't have to ask them where it came from you know is this some like ritual food here or something like that basically just eat what's given up to you and if you don't know then it doesn't matter okay it says but if any man saying to you this is offered and sacrificed unto idols eat not for his sake that showed it and for conscience sake for the earth is the Lord's in the fullness thereof conscience I say not thine own but of the other and why is my liberty judged of another man's conscience for if I by grace be a partaker why am I evil spoken of for that which I give thanks wherefore I'm sorry what whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever you do do all to the glory of God give none offense neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles nor to the Church of God even as I please all men and all things not seeking my own profit but the profit of many that they may be saved and what this base is saying is that the unsaved person is gonna see that and think that you are regarding that idol okay even though you're not right and your thing I know that anybody's ever talked to children out soul winning their intentions are pure they're good obviously it's for their salvation all of that right outside looking in though they have no idea what your intentions are nor do they even if they knew your intentions would they be necessarily for it okay I want you to think about this on another level okay let's say a visitor comes in or someone that's visiting our church and they approach like a man comes and approaches your children or one of your children and just starts talking to them one-on-one okay are you for that or would you be like apprehensive of that be like who's this person talking and let's say you even knew like hey I'm coming I've been listening to your sermons all this stuff and you just kind of assume they're on the same page with you right does it really matter though if you don't know this person and you don't know why they're talking to your child okay so there's just something to think about when it comes to this in any end if you don't agree with me tough because I I have to make the policies okay and I have to be the one of the answers for the policies anyway and so I get it and listen I'm not here to say like that it's necessarily simple but I think it opens up a lot of risk a lot of cases where offense can be caused or things like that and and what you have to understand too is that we don't want to offend the whole community okay if we can get away with not offending the whole community the word of God is offensive of course okay but we don't want to just cause offense when it could be when it doesn't have to be there okay and so when it comes to preaching the gospel to kids if your kids can preach the gospel to them then go for it right because I mean if the parents come I'd be like why is your kid talking to them about the gospel be like well if you don't want them to and we can we can leave but you see how that's gonna be a lot less offensive right because their kids probably talk to everybody else in the world that's on the playground anyway okay and it's probably not even gonna be an issue and but I'll say this is that you know obviously I'd love to preach the gospel as many kids as possible and I do believe there's a time and place for it and let me just give you another example of cases where you say well you know I think that it's always the time to preach the gospel to a certain place or in a certain time or whatever and I'm gonna say that it's not always the case and let me give you an example go to go to Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 Jesus gave stipulations on who they the disciples were to be preaching the gospel to at a certain time okay now this isn't gonna be like dealing with a specific topic that I'm dealing with but I want you to know that there is there is times where there's restrictions put on the disciples as far as where they're to go and who they're to talk to okay I'm not the Lord obviously but I am the pastor and you know in the end when it comes to these policies I got to be the one that states it so someone's gonna disagree with me either way right it wouldn't matter which way I went on that someone's gonna disagree with me so I might as well just do with what I do so that's my policy and that's gonna be the policy for the church okay so Matthew chapter 10 verse 5 says these these 12 12 Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying go into go not into the way of the Gentiles and it's any city of the Samaritans enter you not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand so specifically preaching the gospel but it's he's saying only go to the Israelites not to the Samaritans not to Gentiles now what's interesting about that is that in the process of time there were exceptions to those rules weren't there like where there was a Samaritan woman at the well there was obviously other Gentiles the the Syrophoenician woman right all these different cases where there were exceptions to that rule even in that time okay go to Acts chapter 6 16 Acts chapter 16 actually 16 verse 6 here it says now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the regions of Galate a region of Galatia and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia so notice how this is Paul obviously on his journey with Silas right because we know where they end up they end up in Philippi but before they go to Philippi they were wanting to go to other places and this kind of gets into that open door closed door situation and obviously this is regions this isn't necessarily people whereas what Jesus it was more of the people it was the region but it was more the people like hey hit the house of Israel those that are of Israel here it's an actual region verse 7 it says and after they were come to Mysia they assayed to go in to Bithynia meaning like they were like wanting to go into Bithynia right but the spirit suffered them not so now they're wanting to go in the Bithynia but no they can't go there then it says and they passing by Mysia came down to Troas and and a vision appeared to Paul in the night and there stood a man of Macedonia and prayed him saying come over into Macedonia and help us and after he had seen the vision immediately we endeavor to go into Macedonia assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel unto them so basically now it's like okay the Macedonian call right now what's interesting about this okay is Lydia who they end up going into Macedonia and that's where Philippi is at okay and the woman Lydia do you remember where she was from Thyatira which is one of the seven churches in Asia right the church of Thyatira so they wanted to go to Asia to begin with but they were forbidden to do that but guess what they ended up winning someone from Asia when they were in Philippi so that being said is that obviously I'm all for preaching the gospel to children but they're just got it needs to be the right time and place as long as if you have permission go for it and let me state this before I get off this subject here they're going to be people that look older okay so listen I'm not here to be like just that hard on you on this okay meaning this is that I think brother Anthony I we were out still winning not too long ago we're out in Mannington and we're preaching the gospel and he was preaching the gospel this this this lady this younger lady and then as he was talking to her this this young guy came out and they were working on something and their dad was there like end up coming around to I tell that we were the FBI because we were all caring so but anyway they ended up both getting saved but the the young guy that I was giving the gospel to I thought I mean anybody was there I mean he looked 18 at least okay he's a big boy okay taller than me bigger than me right and after I give him the gospel and that had already come by and you know we'd all you know so they all knew we were there like everything was cool but I was like how old are you you know and he's like 16 or something like that I'm like was it 14 yeah no because he couldn't drive I think it was like 14 but it was like what you know like how in the world is this person this massive at age you know anybody's watched like college sports who remembers Greg Oden this is like my example that I give like that he used to play for like Ohio State he looked like he was 45 and he was like 19 okay so okay so that's obviously I'm not against you if that happens okay be like oh sorry pastor I talked to somebody that was 14 it's like listen that stuff happens like because people look over you know some people look younger and I'm like hey is your mom here your parents here and they're like I I'm 27 or something like that okay so listen just obviously use discernment you know as much as you can with this but obviously if they're like you know 9 10 11 12 usually if they don't look like Greg Oden you know like they're you can kind of discern that okay so but that's that's my policy and listen if you want to say if you want to be mad about it you know then tell Lord to be mad at me about it but that's my policy and it really comes out this is that it really comes down to being blameless not giving an occasion you know not not giving an occasion to the to the adversary to speak reproachfully and listen we have a target on our church okay because of our doctrine because of our stance we have a target on our church and we want to try as much as possible to not like allow darts to be thrown at us okay they will be okay but my job as a pastor to try to mitigate that as much as possible if we can and in the end it's gonna happen but it is what it is okay so next thing here is gonna run with chapter 10 is that we only count salvations of people that we pray with now obviously I believe that there's people that get saved that we don't pray with okay so don't take this too far this is just an this is just how we count our numbers okay so if people get offended and be like oh you know this person I believe they got it and and they said they believed in all that and it's like I'm not against you they very well could have gotten saved but unless you pray with them then we're not counting it with our numbers okay I'm not up in heaven like getting the tally anyway okay this is how I want our number to be conservative I want them to be accurate and I'll give you my reasons real quick as far as why but it's we are a church that believes that people should be calling upon the Lord for salvation I don't reject the doctrine of calling on the name of the Lord for salvation I actually believe that that is a biblical doctrine that they ask for salvation okay so in Romans chapter 10 verse 13 it says for who shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved how then shall they call him in whom they may not believe and how they believe in him in whom they may not hurt and how should they hear without a preacher and how should they preach except to be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them to preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things so obviously there's progression when it comes to salvation and you say well if they believe are they saved or they not well here's the thing you can believe that's how you get saved but you haven't put your faith in it okay that's what we're dealing with there is that the calling on the name of Lord is you choosing it you are you asking for it we're setting before them life and death choose life as it says in Deuteronomy Jesus even says to the woman as well if you knew the gift of God and who it was that said unto thee giveth out me the drink thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee living water and the thing is is that he's already saying you know it you know the gifts you know what it is just ask for it okay so we're all I wholeheartedly believe that people need to ask for salvation can that happen in their heart of course right can that happen before you even get done preaching the gospel of course but you know as well as I did okay out soul winning that when you say hey can I lead you in a short little prayer you tell God that's what I believe that's where the rubber meets the road as far as whether they made that choice or not because what usually happens there they're either they they'll say yeah sure or they'll say no I've already done that no I was already saved years ago it's like well you know but you thought that you had to be a good person before it's like well yeah you can't just go do whatever you want you know like that type of stuff happens all the time now some people are shy and they don't want to pray and you know in front of people and I get that okay I'm not saying anything gets saved but in the end we're just not counting that and our numbers okay so that's church policy there when it comes to that and the last thing I want to state here and I believe our church is very good about this okay but I want to make sure this is a policy being thorough in your presentation of the gospel this doesn't mean you have to spend an hour with them okay but this really comes down to preaching eternal security okay and I you know we can I come from a background of Baptist churches that that have been shallow on soul winning and stuff like not my church that I came out of actually pastor Huggins very thorough and anytime he ever said he got someone say it I'm like I believe that as much as I believe anybody that I have confidence in okay but there were churches that I went to where they were very shallow on the soul winning they weren't saying anything wrong but they weren't going into eternal security they weren't showing people what they needed to believe and what it comes down to is that anybody believe that they're getting everlasting life and that they cannot lose their salvation Romans 4 3 says this for what set the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness but then it explains throughout the whole chapter what that means one it's not by works but two it says in being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform and therefore is imputed on him for righteousness listen our job out soul winning is to persuade them that they are fully persuaded that he's going to perform what he said he would promise he would perform and what did he promise he's gonna perform for us over and over again eternal life right and even in first John chapter 2 next month you better have memorized is that first John chapter 2 it says that and this is the promise they have promised us even everlasting life right or eternal life I'm sorry see I need to get it down again to myself but uh and I said I was the last place but I just kind of want to end it with this is that and again a lot of these it's like we're all step walk and step I think some of these you may like have different opinions on how to deal with this and all that stuff but again I just want you to know what our church policy is this is where I stand this is my policy there's gonna be church policy because in the end I'm not just answering myself out soul winning as the pastor I'm answering for everybody and so when I when I get an email from somebody or I get a phone call from somebody I have to answer it and I have to say here's our policy and if I didn't tell you what our policy was it's on me you know to basically like well they don't know what my policy is so well then it's my fault at that point okay so again with all this stuff I'm not against anybody I'm not mad at anybody but this is our policy this is the church policy this is where how we're gonna move forward with this and go to Hebrew chapter 13 the same end here is that there is authority in the Church of God and I am the pastor I am the leader I am the bishop and in the end when it comes to what's done in the church it I would say soul winning is like the main thing that's done in our church okay and praise the Lord for that we have a great soul winning church I mean the soul winning numbers are crazy this year like this is awesome so I'm really happy with the soul winning I'm really happy with our soul winners I think we have great soul winners I think we have people that are on fire for the Lord this sermon isn't meant to put a wet blanket on anything this is more so just to say hey here's our policies because because we're so into it right that so many people are into we really just need to know okay hey what do I do in this situation how do I deal with this and all that but in Hebrew chapter 13 verse 7 it says remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto the Word of God whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation go down to verse 17 obey them that have the rule over you submit yourselves and submit yourselves notice this for they watch for your souls as they that must give account so I want you to know where my heart's coming from here is that I am the under Shepherd I have to one protect you but I also have to give an account both of myself and everything that everybody does here for the church it says that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you pray for us and listen listen pray for your leadership in church because I don't you know this but I'm a man just like anybody else I have to like determine how to do things that aren't just black and white here's what we have to do you know pray for us for we trust we have a good conversation and all things to live honestly I'm just trying to do the right thing okay so when it comes to all our policies when it comes to our church when it comes to soul winning I'm just trying to do the right thing I'm trying to do the best thing that we can do as a church and in the end you may not agree with that but you got you got at least hopefully respected to say hey that's trying to do the right thing to do and you know if you're ever in that position then you're gonna have to make those calls so I think about when we had the COVID thing that happened and I had a live stream only service for a week or two or something like that and hindsight 20 right because obviously now we know it was a big nothing burger but at the time okay we had no idea what we're dealing with I mean they were talking about like people just dropping off like flies and it's easy to look back and be like oh you know he was soft on that or whatever but in the end like when you're in that situation you have no idea what happened if I had church and a ton of people died that's on me okay and so being a leader or being in that position when it comes to this you know there's a lot of responsibility there and I'm not trying to just like hop out and be like oh there's a lot of responsibility so therefore I'm gonna be really conservative this is how I do things anyway okay everything that I laid out is how I do it so that's how we're gonna do it okay so and you know that's just and if you have any question about any other thing maybe there's a different circumstance that I didn't cover feel free to come up to me ask me about it and again let me be very clear I'm not mad at anybody you know if anybody's talked kids they got saved recently praise the Lord the kids got saved okay I'm just saying that I this is the way I think we should move forward with this this is our policy and I just want us to be above reproach and giving none occasion to the adversary staying away from all parents of evil all that type of stuff and and and and hopefully you know obviously we have a lot of opportunities to give the gospel to kids whether through permission or whatever the case may be right and so and listen kids teenagers those that are that are under adult age maybe this is a great opportunity for you to step in okay because that's your group okay when it comes to this of learning the face of the gospel and being able to talk to people that us as adult men are gonna have a harder time getting to okay and so just something to think about there when it comes to that but let's end with a word prayer the only father we think of it today thank you for this church thank you for all the soul winners thank you for everybody that does so much work in our church and we'll just help us to obviously abstain from all of evil help us to be wise a serpent but harmless as doves and just pray for many soul winning opportunities and just help us to reach it everybody that we can out soul winning and Lord just open those doors and just help us to stay deliver us from any unreasonable or wicked men we know that there's a target on our back Lord we just pray that you would help us stay away from that as much as possible and we just love you in prayers in Jesus Christ's name amen brother Dave is gonna come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song 343 on 343 in your song books will sing revive us again if you would stand we're seeing song 343 we praise thee Oh God for the son of thy love for Jesus and is now gone above I'm the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah thine the glory revive us again we praise thee Oh God for thy spirit of light who has shown us our Savior and scattered our night hallelujah thine the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah thine the glory revive us again all glory and praise to the lamb that was slain who has born all our sins and has cleansed every stain hallelujah thine the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah thine the glory revive us again revive us again fill each heart with thy love may each soul be rekindled with fire from above hallelujah thine the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah thine the glory revive us again you're dismissed