(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So at the beginning of the chapter here as we were talking about with When we went through chapter six is the big thing that's being talked about in chapter six seven and eight is The old man versus the new man or putting off the old man putting on the new man We're putting off the outer man putting on the inward man. And so the difference between the flesh and the spirit in this chapter is Just hitting that hard on the fact that we still have the flesh Even though our spirit is saved our spirit our soul is purified without sin But we still had the flesh that we're dealing with but I want to start in verse one there because it gives us kind of an Allegory of how we can look at this as far as when we get saved and what happens spiritually with us when we get saved so we saw We saw there was two things remember that that it likens salvation to one was circumcision The circumcision of the heart not of the flesh so the spiritual circumcision that takes place when you put your faith on Christ We saw the baptism in chapter six but now we're seeing this this liking to marriage and death and marriage and that that covenant that's made and so What it gets into is it's going into marriage like physical marriage with a man and a woman, but he's likening that to Salvation and So and about the law and how we're dead to the law because notice what it says in verse one there It says know ye not brethren for I speak to them to know the law How that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he live it so what it's saying here Is that as long as you're alive the law you're under that law? So that's why it's so important that we're dead with Christ Because we're dead to the law through him and so if we died in our sins Without that that interchange of righteousness with with Christ being dead with him We would be dead in the lake of fire dead in hell and had to pay for those sins So what it's saying is that we're dying to the law and we're being married to another right now Before we were saved we were married to the law so to speak does that make sense we're married We're under the curse of the law so now it's giving us the physical to represent the spiritual It says for the woman which hath and husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth But if the husband be dead she is loosed from the law of her husband So then if while her husband liveth she'd be married to another she shall be called an adulteress But if her husband be dead she is free from that law so that she is no adulteress though. She'd be married to another man now He's really showing this, but this is a great passage also as far as marriage, and how marriages is till death do you part and You know as far as you know you have to wait until your spouse dies to get remarried You know like in all these things and just the covenant of marriage. It's not forever Because we know that when we get into heaven. We're neither married nor given in marriage, but it's still death And so one of those spouses dies and so that's what it's likening this to though as far as being dead to the law and Being married to Christ, but first I want to see show you this is that the fact that marriage is a law Now there's a there's a thought process out there that marriage is not something that should be a law on the books So to speak and they'll say well You know the government needs to stay out of marriage completely and it should only be between the churches and what they do That's not true The the Bible teaches that it is a law and in Israel's day It was a law that that was on the books that when you got married It was a covenant between you and God But see if you were to break that covenant and you were to commit adultery you were to be put to death Under two or three witnesses and the only way that that could happen is if it's actual law That you made that covenant for them to do that so There's a lot of movement out there as far as you know you don't need a marriage license. You don't need this and that and It is a covenant between you and God But I do believe that you know there's nothing wrong with getting a marriage certificate through the state to Recognize that marriage and so this whole idea that it's you know you just go into your mother's tent so to speak like Sarah You know like Isaac did when when Sarah his mom died and you know And Rebecca him became became married now. I obviously I do believe that consummation has a lot to do with you know Like basically confirming that marriage but That is a law it says the law and she's freed from that law if her husband dies So it's it's lightning unto that But it also notice this you have the law Which is what the works of the law the deeds of the law, and it says that you cannot Marry another until you are dead to that this just shows another way that salvation can only be by grace and not by works and The fact that you have to be dead to that you have to be dead to the to the what the dead works and Hebrews 6 it talks about Repentance from dead works and the faith toward God and so you need to be dead to that You know that's dead to you meaning like doing good works to go to heaven or the law the law You know we're gonna get into that a little bit when we go We'll go through some verses as far as being dead to the law but Notice you can't get married to Jesus so speaking. It's giving us that that dichotomy there, and it's giving us that allegory of Being married to the law compared to being married to Christ being you know so you have works, and then you have grace Right and so we talked about this a lot with our Old Testament New Testament And how the Old Testament is an allegory of the law and how you know the works can't save us And then the New Testament is an allegory of grace, but everybody was always saved by grace Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord we know that salvation has always been by grace and never been by works But this is another little allegory that it's giving us with marriage and don't ever take these things to the tee Okay, because this is where people get into weird doctrines and weird perverted things when it comes to the fact that we're married to Christ and Things like that and Jack Scott was one of the proponents on this and wrote a whole book on it And I will spare you what that book said for for the sake of your years and for the sake of your conscience and that You don't have to think about that and the verses that he used, but it was just wickedness And so yes, it is like in the marriage, but it's not the same thing as me and my wife Okay, that relationship is different But it's giving you the aspect of the law and being married and just that covenant aspect of it It's not going into all the details of what a man does with his wife and so So people get they go too far with parables they go too far with allegories You know when the parable you got to look at the face value of what he's trying to teach with it and a parable is Never perfect a parable is not going to give you every little detail and you can't look at every little detail and and really Try to get all your doctrine out of all that you got to look at the main meaning of it get your doctrine from that Off clear teachings and so that's a side note His people do that like all Jesus is my husband, you know, it's like yes He's the husband of the church, but that's it. That's a picture right? The church is a group of people It's a congregation and he's the husband of that but it's a picture just as much as Mary You know this right here being dead to the law and being married to Christ or being married to another which is Christ You know, it's a picture. It's an allegory. So be careful not to take that too far So I don't think anybody here would do that But but there are people and they you know These scholars out there that want to get some new doctrine out there and and sound like they found some new thing You know, it sounds like the the the Athenians and the Greeks, you know, they're always after some new doctrine So But going on here It talks about being dead to the law and so verse 4 It says wherefore my brethren ye also are become dead to the law notice. It says are become That's present tense are become dead to the law by the body of Christ that you should be married to another even to him who is raised from the dead that we should Bring forth fruit unto God. So you see the picture that obviously with Christ We're bringing forth fruit where we're winning people to Christ and bringing forth fruit as far as fruits of righteousness There's different types of fruit we'll have a whole sermon on that eventually as far as the fruit of a Christian is another Christian the fruit of righteousness is A certain type of product of things life, you know Peace and all these other things that can bring forth but Notice that it's liking that to marriage and obviously what's the fruit of my marriage my two children? And so So the fruit of the marriage between us and Christ remember Christ is the husband and we're the laborers. He's the the the vine Or the branches so you see that that relationship and there's different types of really so it's not all just People try to pick these parts and but he's giving you the physical to represent the spiritual So we're not literally branches my friends. He's not literally a vine, you know, but it's a picture. We're not literally sheep Right, we don't go around saying Bob. Ah, you know, but it's a picture It's a it's a it's an allegory to give you a representation of our relationship with Christ so But it says for when you were in the flesh in verse 5 When you were in the flesh the motions of sins Which were by the law did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death But now we are delivered from the law that being dead wherein we were held that we should serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the letter notice what it says there says should Serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the letter Did it say that you will does it say that you have to? Does it say that a Christian is always going to and so this is something that was in and in 6 as well and chapter 6 it says In verse 4 it says even so we also should walk in newness of life So this is something that is repeated over and over again Ephesians 2 8 9 verse 10 that we should walk in them, you know talking about the works That we are ordained to that we should walk in them. So there's a lot of shoulds But it doesn't mean it's automatically going to happen in this chapter even just hammers that that is not always going to happen That Paul it didn't always happen with them and then he it was a struggle for him. So This chapter is a great chapter. I love this chapter destroys a lot of the Calvinism stuff. It destroys a lot of this This stupid doctrines that people don't that they try to propagate as far as being fruit inspectors or you know, basically trying to Say that a Christian is gonna definitely do good works So but this thing kind of explains something that it says all become dead to the law present tense Now you ever notice when you look at I do not frustrate the grace of God for righteousness come by law Then Christ is dead in vain Why does it say is dead and Not was dead in vain because obviously we know that he dieth no more and death that hath no more dominion over him Right, so he died he was dead for three days and three nights he's not still dead But when we get saved We're dead with him meaning that That transaction is going on as far as his death We're dead with him and it's giving us that that idea of being dead with him and we're raised with him in newness of life so every person that believes on Christ is dead with him and then is raised with him and that's a That baptism that takes place and so go to that collate Galatians chapter 2 Because that's obviously where we see that first But he will back up a couple verses to kind of see this same idea being taught Galatians 2 and verse 19 and then we'll read down to that that last verse that we we quote a lot Actually when it comes to the fact that we're not justified by the works the law In 216 definitely gets that too And repeats that over and over again that we're not justified by the works of law But Galatians 2 verse 19 says for I know For I through the law I'm dead to the law that I might live unto God sound familiar from what we're going through. I am crucified with Christ Nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me in the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me I do not frustrate the grace of God for if righteousness come by law then Christ is dead in vain So this is talking about the fact that our soul is dead with Christ but at the same time it's raised in newness of life and So and eventually our body will be the same way our body hasn't died yet, though So that hasn't happened physically Where we're gonna die and be raised in newness of life because that doesn't happen till the resurrection So a lot of people have died so that parts got accomplished, you know say people have died But the resurrection of the body hasn't happened yet, but as soon as you believe that resurrection happens in your soul That death bear on resurrection. You're dead with Christ and you're raised with him and that's why it says Christ is dead in vain I am crucified with Christ because you're physically right now Now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be But we know that when we shall see him we should When he shall appear we shall see him as he is and I'm misquoting that It says behold what love what manner love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God Therefore the world love us not because it all right be there for the world. I'm gonna just go to it man I'm butchering that so in first John chapter 3 We're gonna get it First John chapter 3 It's one of those it's one of those times where you it's one of those verses that you use all the time and then you just Can't get it out It says behold what manner love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God Therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not beloved now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear What we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we should be like him for we shall see him as he is Notice now are we the sons of God because we have the urns of the Spirit. We have the spirit of adoption That's in our souls, but we're waiting for the adoption of the body and we're gonna we're gonna be like him when he appears So when he appears that's when our body is gonna be dead with him and raised in newness of life And so remember he died physically and was raised again physically But he also he died spiritually and his how his soul was in hell for three days during nights and raised rose from the dead So we're gonna have the body and the spear resurrected just like Christ. He's the first fruits of the resurrection But that first resurrection is going to come of all believers and we're waiting for that. We're patiently waiting for that So 2nd Timothy verse 2 or chapter 2 verse 11 This is kind of the same thing It says it is a faithful saying for if we be dead with him we shall also live with him So that's what it's talking about and on and honestly, this is something that we do daily, right? We die daily and because the body since it's still under sin We have to basically let the body die daily and walk in the spirit We talked about this a lot about how we're gonna keep under our body and bring it into subjection We're gonna die daily like Paul says because the flesh is always warring against that spirit so We see that that allegory now. I want to kind of touch on something here and You know a lot of sermon right here I just wanted to be on this subject because once we get into verse 7 I want to teach something here and that's what happens to babies or You know infants Babies that are in the womb that die You know children that would die, you know Really young like you think of my children are very young if they were to die obviously they couldn't understand the gospel right now You know that it's not gonna understand it. So what happens to babies or infants or Miscarriages you think of all that stuff do they go to hell, you know, that's what some people teach And so first of all, you gotta think about in your in your mind if God's not willing to any should perish How would he let that happen? Because obviously they didn't they didn't have any chance to go to heaven if that if that's what they if that's actually what happened But this chapter actually really nails down a doctrine here That that we are not born Sinners like meaning like spiritually we're not born Spiritually dead that's a false doctrine That's something the Catholic Church teaches and that's why they baptize babies to get rid of original sin But a baby or a child that's in the womb Spiritually is alive Now their body is still sinful right? They come out of the womb speaking lies And my my my little girl She said, you know, like she doesn't obey me all the time and she doesn't you know So she's not always honoring to me and she does things that she's not supposed to do. She lies She she does all these things, right? But spiritually she's alive if Claire what were to die if Anna were to die right now God forbid they would go to heaven and and it's not because they are saved. It's because they didn't need saved yet Now I'm going to explain this then Romans chapter 7 talks about the but I'm going to also other passages to prove this point but this passage right here is a very good passage to understand this doctrine on the fact of there is a time in a person's life where they die spiritually and It's not automatic from when they're conceived and that's the the idea. So What some people will call this is the age of accountability? But here's the thing some people may never get to this think of people that are mentally not right, you know people that have Autism people that have down city, you know, and I'm not saying that not all them some of them can definitely understand But what we'll get into is that there's some people that Cannot come to that knowledge of good and evil and that's what we're going to cover here So in verse 7 there and says what shall we say then is the law sin God forbid? May I had not known sin But by the law if I had not known lust except the law had said thou shalt not covet now this is also teaching us to that that that law of coveting was talking about lusting and so we know that covet can mean just desire and when you look at Exodus chapter 20 and you look at Deuteronomy 5 and you look at the two places that 10 commandments are used Well and Deuteronomy 5 it says that shall not desire by neighbor's wife And so instead of covet so desiring something's not only always bad, but it can be right I should desire my wife, but I shouldn't desire my neighbor's wife, right and I should be desiring Covet earnestly the best gifts so coveting is not always wrong But we see that when he says covet what's he mean by that lusting after something? You know desiring something that's not yours or you shouldn't be desiring after so That the law taught him that though he didn't know And he what he's saying here is that there is became a point where I realized that was a sin against God But sin taken occasion by the commandment rotten me all manner concubicence for without the law sin was dead Remember the law of sin meaning that? It was dead to him. It wasn't alive. It wasn't something that was he wasn't under the curse at one point And so it goes on for I was alive without the law once What does it say Paul is saying that I was alive without the law once But notice what it says, but when the commandment came sin revived and I died so there came a point in Everybody's life, and I don't think this just applies to Paul that you die spiritually now this I believe happens at a pretty young age But There's a difference between knowing that You're disobeying your parents, and there's difference between knowing that you're disobeying God and that the knowledge of good and evil Does that make sense like I think Clara Clara understands when she does something that I'm telling her not to do and she does it anyway but that's a big difference between understanding the knowledge of good and evil knowing that that's evil and that's sin and So I don't get ahead of myself but I do want to I'm going to show you this from Genesis from Deuteronomy and some different places as far as this knowledge of good and evil and that this is when someone gets they die spiritually and So we're not talking physical here because obviously everybody is a sinner from birth and that's just inherent sin that's in the flesh and So in the commandment in verse 10 which was ordained to life I found to be unto death for sin taken occasion by the commandment Deceived me and by it slew me So the commandment the law now the law isn't bad, but what the law did is it slew him spiritually he died when that law came Wherefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and just and good was then that which is good made death unto me God forbid but sin that it might appear sin working death in me by that which is good that sin by the commandment might become Exceeding simple now notice that it does you don't just have to have God's laws remember you have God's laws Written in your conscience there comes a point in someone's life where their conscience is bearing record of the Word of God And they realize that this is this is wrong This is against God's laws and where that happens. I'm not I don't have I don't have a number He doesn't say you know at five years old. They come to this or at six years I think it's different for different people. I think some kids come to this earlier than others and some kids come to it later You know some kids can get saved. I believe at five. I've heard of it happening But I think some kids it takes till seven or eight you know like it Just depends on the child and just their their mind of understanding the knowledge of good and evil and so obviously I think we should be careful about it and make sure that we give the Gospel and we try to make sure that they understand the gospel as soon as they can but This gives us an idea the fact that children if they died at a young age like that they wouldn't go to hell because their soul isn't sinful their soul is alive their soul isn't dead and So their body would die, but they would go to heaven and so But this is taught in the Bible. This is a scriptural doctrine But this this passage really shows that just explaining it completely there, so Go to Genesis chapter 2 so Genesis chapter 2 is going all the way back But I want to show you something that About Adam and Eve and that commandment of the knowledge now We don't have the tree of the knowledge of good and evil right now So this is something that happens without them eating the fruit But it's something that happens where they come to that knowledge of good and evil so you think of Adam and Eve they were innocent Innocent they were naked so if you want to if you want to and I'm just kind of spitballing here as far as just ideas obviously my children are two and and Almost six months, and so I'm not at that point where I'm finding out like when they're gonna come to this knowledge but you think about a child that runs around naked and doesn't care and And it's because they're innocent. They don't think about shame of that And you think about when do they come to that where they're actually ashamed of that or they're caring about stuff like that and so you think about Adam and Eve and what it was like in the garden either they were naked and weren't ashamed and They didn't have this knowledge of good and evil until the day that they that fruit So in Genesis 2 verse 16 it says and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden now Mayest freely eat verse 17, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat Eat eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die now That's a key right there. Does it say that? That he'll die eventually or in the day that he eats that fruit How long did Adam live he lived for over 900 years? After he you know and we don't know exactly how long he was in the garden for maybe like a hundred years So he lived another 800 some years after that and so Adam the day he ate of that fruit He died because what happened the commandment slew him that commandment Deceived him and slew him and when he ate of that fruit He died spiritually and now he needed to get saved and this is what happens. I believe in every person That's you know when we think of people that are being born and in this world There comes a point where you have that knowledge of good and evil and you're not innocent anymore you die spiritually and So we know you know the Bible talks about in Psalm 58 3 it says the wicked are estranged from the womb They go astray as soon as they are that they be born speaking lies so we know that children do sin at that age like my You know little girl Clara, but that's just her flesh and the flesh will die. That's why a newborn would die But it's their flesh that's dying not their soul think about John the Baptist he was filled with the Holy Ghost from the womb Now unless you think he's reincarnated which some people believe that I don't personally believe that I think he was his own person But you think of like you know, I think the two witnesses are the the old prophets I don't think they're necessarily born. It doesn't say that they're born into this world again so but John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb and So you think about how could that be if he was a sinner? you know in the soul, but it's because a child is innocent a Child is innocent until they come to that age where they need to get saved and so Stories in the Bible that cover this Deuteronomy chapter 1 Deuteronomy chapter 1 and verse 39 These are kind of these aren't the clear statements about this When you coupled Romans 7 with Genesis 2 I think gives us a clear picture of what's going on here That that children are innocent to a certain point till they come to this knowledge of good and evil And this is just an area. That's a gray area. We don't know kids are different You know just as much as kids walk at different ages they crawl at different ages I think they come to this knowledge at different ages. And so I Don't believe any any child under five Would come to that knowledge now some people have said they got saved at four, but I just you know I don't know, you know, some kids are very smart at four. So maybe maybe but you know But I would say under five. I would say any child under five you think about the rapture to What would happen if a woman, you know, these are the arguments people come out What if someone got raptured what would happen to their baby, you know, and all these different things? Well, I believe all babies and anybody that's under that age of accountability will go with us So you have unsaved people that have babies You know, I believe they're coming and so that doesn't mean that babies aren't being born after that You know after that retrorection after that that rapture that's a whole nother idea right there But I do not believe that if if I would say or we you know We of course don't believe Jesus would come back tonight But let's just say hypothetically he did that my children are gonna be left here because they didn't get saved That's ridiculous. And it's not scriptural because they would they're they're they're they're perfect that you know when Jesus comes back He's coming for his own and right now He's their own so you can you can think about the fact that that they are falling once they come to this This knowledge of good and evil just like Adam fell and Eve fell And so the Deuteronomy 1 verse 39, and I'm kind of parking on this but this is something that I think is a very important doctrine a very good doctrine that that's just not taught these days and Or just not taught a lot I guess so I didn't know this you know, I've never been taught this in a church that I was sitting in and So I've heard from other pastors that I respect and listen to but I've never sat under preaching where they teach this They taught this clear they taught about age of accountability, but they didn't go to these verses they just kind of said yeah obviously God Wouldn't send children to hell and it's like yeah We know that because God's not like a Calvinistic God where he's just damning people to hell without a chance and so Deuteronomy 139 says moreover Your little ones which ye said should be a prey and your children which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil They shall go in thither and unto them will I give it and they shall possess it now This is talking about going into the Promised Land But if you remember the Promised Land is a picture of heaven we talked about this with Hebrews chapter 4 That that's the rest remember he gave them rest But the rest of the Promised Land the rest of the Sabbath all that stuff represents salvation and it represents heaven And so obviously this is a physical passage about how the little ones would go in because they didn't sin And it's saying with these particularly because there were also those that were 20 years and younger that weren't little ones or children But that were just younger and so that weren't able to go to war that was one of the big reasons Why it was 20 years old and over would would perish because those are the ones that were supposed to go to war But anyway, this is a good little passage the little ones and the children didn't have knowledge of good and evil therefore They're gonna possess it so I believe this is a good verse to show that heaven that they would go And that's the reason it's not that they got saved It's the fact that they didn't have knowledge of good and evil therefore. They didn't need to get saved spiritually But they would still die you know that that's the thing that there still is a punishment for the sin in their flesh Even though you know they had no control over that just much as you know today You know we were we inherit that sin nature in our flesh But not spiritually our soul does not inherit. That's in nature. It's our choice to sin and It's when you it's when a person comes to that knowledge, and they make that choice that They become sinners and everybody would once they come to that knowledge of good and evil. It's like no one's gonna Live a sinless life. You know with that sinful flesh in them so but second Samuel chapter 12. This is another story This is the story of David's David's child remember Bathsheba he committed adultery had Uriah killed, and then she was pregnant That's why he had him killed because he wanted to try to cover up his sin because you know It was going to be known that it wasn't his child. It wasn't Uriah's child, and so the child dies And so this is what it goes on after the child dies Because there he was fasting and they're they're they're kind of perplexed because he just gets up and starts eating after the child dies And so he's explaining to him why? You know he's not fasting anymore It says in verse 22 so second Samuel 12 verse 22, and he said while the child was yet alive I fasted and wept for I said who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live But Now he is dead Wherefore should I fast can I bring him back again? I? Shall go to him, but he shall not return to me That's interesting because David is a man after God's own heart the sweet psalmist of Israel if anybody's in heaven We know it's David so David And he spake of the blessings of the man on whom God imputed the righteousness without work, so we know that David is In heaven he's gonna dwell in the house of the Lord forever Psalm 23 so we know David saved, and he's saying I shall go to him, but he's not gonna come to me meaning that I'll see him again, but it's not until I go there That's isn't that the truth with the loved ones that we lost we're gonna go see them But they're not coming back to us unless it's some crazy event like with the Saints coming up out of the graves After the resurrection, and you know like those kind of things that are going on which you know But we're gonna see our loved ones again at the resurrection you think of when Jesus comes in the clouds That's why he says the sorrow not as others which have no hope so we'll go to them And we'll be together again But he's not gonna come back to us meaning that people don't come back to then just live with us again You know it's just we're gonna have to wait until we go to them or we die and that's what he's basically saying I'm gonna die and I'll go to him and so These are two two passages and and again You have to look at the premise first of all that God wants everybody to be saved He's not willing to any should perish So if he's not willing to any should perish it cannot make sense for a child to go to hell for sorry for a child That's in the womb to go to hell, and so it's a Calvinistic doctrine It's a stupid doctrine, and it's not scriptural, but the Bible does spell out. Why that is the case Why did they go to heaven it's not just because God's making an exception And that's what some people say is like well They're making an exception because they're young and stuff like that though. He's making an exception because they didn't sin spiritually It's not an exception. It's just the fact that they are innocent and When we get saved we are made innocent. We are made justified. We are made sinless again, and so you know that's a doctrine that I think is very clear in this chapter and Really just kind of spells this out that that he was alive once but then he died when the commandment came and The the law you know the commandment it the seeds him and it slew him So there was a time that he was alive, and there was a time that I was alive when I was a kid There was a time when you were alive when you were a kid when you were young really young and the fact that you were innocent when you're running around with your diaper on your head, and you don't care you know like you're innocent and So you're innocent because you don't have sin on your soul But there doesn't come a time where you come to the knowledge of good and evil and that's when you die Spiritually in the day that he ate the fruit he died so it has to be talking about his soul not his body and So obviously his body was gonna turn to the dust that wasn't thing that was said You're gonna turn to the dust dust that you know he came forth from the dust and to the dust you shall return and so That was definitely true physically But that didn't happen till way later So with the day that he ate that fruit he died and so You know that's a good doctrine to know and if anybody ever asked you you know What do you think about children going to heaven or you know what happens when children are? aborted All those thousands of babies that are being aborted today are in heaven so Praise the Lord for that that doesn't excuse the murder of it that doesn't excuse the blood That's on all these people's hands, but they are all going to heaven so every day 3,000 souls are going to heaven Because of a portion and so You know they they were murdered in the womb by God They're with God and so But so let's move on here That's another portion of the rest of this chapter is really covering this this The soul and spirit or the the soul spirit in the flesh in this war that's going on and so in verse 14 it Says for we know that the law is spiritual, but I am Carnal sold under sin now. What's he talking about? He's talking about his flesh? What's what you know carnal? We'll get into that what carnal means, but this is a doctrine that That a lot of fat bottom ivory tower These these preachers that think they know a lot about the Bible But they're nothing but babes in Christ because they don't know just the simple truths of Romans chapter 7 And this is something that's propagated in Baptist churches And it does make me angry because these people that are supposed to be teachers for when for the time you ought to be teachers You have need that one teach you again Which be the first principles of the oracles of God and are become such as a need of milk and not a strong meat And it angers me that these people teach this stuff because they ought to know better It's Romans Romans We give Romans John and Romans are the first two books you get the believers and they can't get this and how did you not? Make it to Romans chapter 7 and people like Paul washer. Who's a Reprobate himself he's a false teacher But it's when you have saved people that are behind the pulpits that don't get it. It's like are you even reading your Bible? When you say it's not part, you know you can't be a carnal Christian a Christian will not continue in sin Where did you get that from because it's part is definitely not from the Bible you got that from reading your commentaries Right and so this is super clear and Romans chapter 7, and it just goes back and forth. It's almost so repetitive. It's funny When you're reading it you're just a tongue twister because it's going back and forth you know the things I would I do not or the things I hate that that I do I and it goes through all this stuff about how he's Wanting to do right, but he doesn't he's wanting to do right, but sin is always with me It's dwelling in me and so This is something that it's just amazing and why do I call them babes in Christ? We'll go to 1st Corinthians chapter 3 1st Corinthians chapter 3 Because they're carnal You know they talk about how a Christian can't be carnal their carnal because they're a babe in Christ And they're a teacher that you know they desire to be teachers of law But they they understand neither what they say nor where are they a firm? And They have to step down as preachers because if you don't understand Romans if you get didn't make it through Romans And you're not qualified to be a pastor. You're not qualified to be a preacher You're a novice And you need the sincere miracle the word that you may grow thereby And if you're not eating the meat that you better not be behind a pulpit teaching other people false doctrines So Why why why you may ask me why is it if I got because I've had to sit under that type of preaching for the Past 11 years since I've been saved about how you know Oh Christians Definitely gonna do good works a Christian doesn't continue in sin if you go back to the Greek That's hogwash if you go to the English if you go to the Greek it all says the same thing that Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin For a seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin because he's born of God he is born of God sinneth not and so the Bible is crystal clear on this my friends that Spiritually we are completely sinless Completely sinless old things are passed away behold all things are become new But you know what I can still be carnal because I still had the flesh Right first Corinthians 3 verse 1 And so you know what I've sat down for for for years now under preaching under this this false idea But no more no more Thank praise the Lord I can finally stand up and say what the Bible says because the Bible is very clear on this doctrine and all this does is propagate in a Thinly veiled work salvation where you start teaching that you got to persevere unto the end that a Christian is definitely going to do good works therefore if you're not doing the works, and you're not really saved Ergo you got to do good works to be saved and all this is is this creeping in of a work Salvation the repent of your sins that I have to hold out faithful unto the end and to the fact It's just a thinly veiled confusing You know just muddying the water of the gospel, and I hate it Because the gospel needs to be crystal clear believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved He that believeth on the son hath everlasting life. There's no works involved someone can never lose their salvation You don't have to repent of one sin to be saved. Did you hear me? You don't have to repent of one sin, so don't come to tell me that well You know idol worships the sin no you're trusting in the idols therefore You need to trust in the Lord and so this whole argument of repenting all you got to repent of The one sin of unbelief that's hogwash Show me show me a Bible verse where it says repent of your sin of unbelief It's just this philosophical idea Of just trying to just put that little bit of rat poison in the gospel When it never says that never says the sin of unbelief Just use the Bible. What's the Bible say? So anyway first crazy ready to get the first Corinthians 3 eventually my friends first Corinthians 3 verse 1 It says and I brethren cannot speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as in the carnal even as on the babes in Christ What does it say it says that these carnal Christians are babes in Christ? Because if you're if you're just getting saved obviously you got a lot to get get out of your life And and amen for people that get saved and they got a lot to go and I'm not against babes in Christ that are carnal But I'm talking about preachers. I'm talking about pastors that are carnal I'm talking about pastors that are babes in Christ the pastors that are novices And it says in verse 2 it says I have fed you with milk and not with meat for hitherto you We're not able to bear it neither yet now What are ye able for you are for ye are yet carnal so he's talking to the Corinthians aren't they brethren? Didn't he just say and I brethren? And he's calling them carnal he's but what did he say they're babes in Christ So it is possible my friends for Christians to be carnal Just because someone gets in the sin starts drinking alcohol gets in the fornication Commits adultery commits murder guess who did that? David a man after God's own heart committed adultery Committed murder and he was still saved. He didn't lose the salvation. It's not like he didn't he wasn't saved yet And that's what these people try to do. They say well, he David must not been saved yet. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? But the man after God's own heart that God chose to be king when he was a little child or when he was a lad When the Spirit of God would come on him as he played and as he defeated David and Goliath, he wasn't saved so so it is possible for for For them to be carnal notice in verse 3 they said for ye are yet carnal for whereas there is among you and being Strife and divisions. Are ye not carnal and walk as men? Remember we were talking about the fact that you can walk in the spirit or you can walk in the flesh you can walk as a man or you can walk as a son of God and So that is what it's talking about. So if every day you could walk carnal I could go out tomorrow and walk carnal if I wanted to and It would be easier to do that than to walk in the spirit So 2nd Corinthians chapter 10, you don't necessarily have to turn to these 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 I may be tired tonight, but it can still get me fired up when I think about these false Ideas and false doctrines that are that are being pushed out there And the stuff that makes me more angry than anything else is the stuff that's really close to the truth That's why I hate Calvinism Because it's not like you're talking about the Catholic doctrines with the popes and all these crazy ideas I mean those things are so easy to knock down It's just batting practice my friends Just you know just hitting home runs every single time they throw something at me But it's this stuff that's very thinly veiled and people get confused and they get you know It's harder for that stuff to get flushed out of their minds, and that's the stuff I hate because that's what the devil does the devil doesn't say I mean he just puts a question mark on what God says yea shalt thou surely die That's all he did is he just put a question mark on it and that was enough For her to eat that fruit and for Adam to eat that fruit and the devil is very sneaky That's why he has all these other versions. He doesn't just call it Satan's Bible. No. He's calling it the Living Bible He's calling it. You know all these different things to where you're thinking. It's actually the Word of God when it's written by the devil and so So 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 1 it says now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ who were in presence and base among you But being absent and bold toward you But I beseech you that I may not be bold When I am present with with that confidence wherewith I think to be bold against some Which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh, so they're saying that they're walking according to the flesh the apostles For though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh Now notice according to the flesh and after you know when you think of something walking after the flesh or walking up It's according to it right. It's not after like then this then this then this it's talking about according to it Verse 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. This is another just to show you what's carnal mean it means flesh So we're not to be warring after the flesh. We're not to be going getting in the physical matters our battles a Spiritual warfare, and so he's basically saying we're not to be walking after the flesh We're not to be going after these carnal things And you just think of what is carnivore mean if something's a carnivore. What do they do they eat flesh? So carnal flesh those are interchangeable, so if someone is carnal. What are they they're they're living in the flesh They're walking after the flesh. They're walking according to walking as men and not walking according to the spirit So we see in verse and that's all out of one verse right there, so we got a look now I'm just kidding so that we got these next verses that we get into the last part of this chapter It's all the same so But I just wanted to really hit that that Paul said he was carnal Because what was he talking about though? He was talking about his flesh We also had the carnal flesh. We could all say we're carnal physically But the question is do you walk after that or do you walk after the new man the new man? Which is saved spiritually? Romans chapter 7 verse 15 it says for that which I do I Allow not for what I would that do I not But what I hate that do I if then I do that which I would not I consent unto the law that is good Now then is no more I to do it, but sin that dwells within me So we already read all this and so he's basically saying The things that I want to do I don't do them and the things that I don't want to do those are the things I do So what he wants to do is he wants to do right he's delighting after the law of God after the inward man But he ends up not doing it because sin is with him sin that dwells within me It says in verse 18 for I know that in me that is in my flesh Dwells no good thing not in soul because greater is he that is in you than he is in the world Spiritually, but in the flesh there dwell no good thing. It's all sin It's the law of sin that's warring in our members And it's warring against the mind verse 23 But I see another law on my members warring against the law of my mind So the mind and the spirit are synonymous in this chapter, so we have the flesh and the spirit the mind and the body And so your mind and your flesh are warring against each other Your mind wants to do that which is good your flesh wants to do that which is not good And so these are warring against the flesh, and you have to win those bad You have to win that battle and so go to Galatians Chapter 5 so this is this is talked about in Galatians chapter 5 same thing, but kind of gives us a little a little I guess list of things you know as far as the spirit and the flesh and Talks about the same things about walking in the spirit So In Galatians 5 16 It says this I say then walk in the spirit And you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the left flesh Lusteth against the spirit the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary to one to another to the other so that you cannot do the Things that you would sound familiar That's exactly what Romans 7 is talking about the things that I would I do not Things I would not those that I do the things I hate that do I not and so it goes through this whole list of You know basically the things that you want to do according to the spirit your flesh isn't allowing it and so And it the same thing the warring of the mind in the flesh It says that the the flesh lust against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, so they're warring against each other But if you be led of the spirit you're not under law now. We already covered this that being under law and Under grace what's that talking about you're not under the law, but under grace This is where a lot of the evangelicals try to say well I'm not under the law brother, so don't so don't tell me I needed to keep all these commandments do all this stuff don't tell me that I need to like wear jeans that fit I Need to I need to not drink alcohol and all this you know. I'm not under the law brother I'm under grace. No your spirit is under grace your soul is under grace your body's still under the law Because that's what it gets into right after it says this it says Now the works of the what the flesh are Manifest which are these and it gives this whole laundry list and we're gonna go through them this whole laundry list of works of the flesh It says so if you're if you do any of these things know that you're not walking in the spirit So if you want to know if I'm walking in the spirit look at this list and see if it's something you're doing Now some of this stuff is really extreme So hopefully you're not doing a lot of this stuff in here, but it says adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulations wrath stripes seditions heresies and beings murders drunkenness revelings and such like now You think of murderers right this explains in first John You know it says no murder hath eternal life abiding in him remember Christ is eternal life and Christ isn't abiding in you if you're murdering somebody So you're not walking in the spirit if you're committing murder They're not walking in the spirit if you're fornicating you're not walking in spirit or committing adultery You're walking in the flesh It doesn't mean that you're not saved It never says in here that you're not saved, but this is where people get confused on this notice what it says right after this It says And in that same verse in verse 21 it says of the witch I tell you before as I have also told you in time Past that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God well I guess then you're lost then if you if you commit any of these sins in here Now what this is talking about is the flesh does your flesh go to heaven? Now what's the same first Corinthians 15 first Corinthians 15? 1550 it says now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God Neither does corruption inherit in corruption, so there's your answer What's this talking about? It's not talking about you as a whole is not going to inherit the kingdom of God if you commit these things It's your flesh It's not going to inherit it Because the flesh doesn't go to heaven the flesh goes to the grave it goes back to the dust and it's not until the flesh Is going from corruption to incorruption? That's what first Corinthians 15 is all about is the resurrection It's talking about the resurrection how it's going to be it's going to be buried in corruption It's going to be buried in in dishonor that's going to be raised in honor So we we see that with the body, so that's what it's talking about It says that flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God That's why there when it says that They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God That's what's talking about your flesh isn't and same thing with first Corinthians 6 first Corinthians 6 talks about this goes through this whole laundry list Of sins that says they shall not inherit the kingdom of God It's not saying that you got to keep all this stuff to go to heaven It's just saying that that flesh you're walking in the flesh if you're doing those and that flesh will not inherit the kingdom of God It's just stating a fact It's not giving you a warning as a saved person saying you got to make sure you keep all these things it's just stating the fact that that's not inheriting the kingdom of God and Anything that you're doing in the flesh Will not be in the kingdom of God You think of the judgment seat of Christ and first Corinthians 3 all your stuffs gonna be burned up if that's what you do and You're gonna suffer loss, but you yourself are gonna be saved yet. So as by fire but you're gonna suffer loss and So first Corinthians 15 really just covers that that's what it's talking about It's not talking about you as a whole something about your flesh and blood. It's not gonna inherit the kingdom of God and so But you think about the reaping and so we were talking about the Judgment seat of God, but in Galatians 6 if you go on All right. Well, let's keep reading actually in Galatians 5 Because it says but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law Notice we're not under the law if you're doing all that Because you're walking in the spirit now this one says the fruit of the Spirit doesn't say a fruit of the Christian There's difference Because the fruit of the Spirit what is God God is love So God's gonna bring forth love because that's what he is So but a Christian am I love No, right. I'm not God so but I can bring forth the Spirit so I can bring forth love and I'm bringing forth the fruit Of the Spirit, but if I win someone a Christ that's the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life And he that win as souls is wise So the fruit of the righteous the fruit of a Christian is another soul. That's one the Christ The fruit of God is love joy peace long-suffering But what's the fruit of the flesh? Well, we know the works of the flesh now notice there's a difference between fruit and works Fruit is the product of something. So if you commit adultery That's not the fruit. That's that's the work that you're doing. But what are you gonna what are you gonna? What are you gonna? reap from that corruption death agony a ruined life You Know it talks about sinning against or committing adultery. You're sinning against your own soul like you're you're gonna reap the consequences from that that's the fruit of that and so But Galatians 6 and verse 7 says but be not deceived God is not mocked for what's over a man So if that shall he also reap but he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption so if you do all these works of the flesh, you're gonna reap corruption and That's not gonna inherit the kingdom God because we know that the flesh and blood is not gonna inherit the kingdom God But he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting Now you can look at this as far as taking hold on the eternal life, but I look at it as far as soul winning Because notice the next verse it says and let us not be weary in well doing for in due season We shall reap if we faint not think about he that soweth and tears shall reap and joy They to go forth and weepeth bearing precious seeds shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with them What are you reaping? everlasting life right if someone gets saved that's everlasting life that's being imputed unto them and nothing could take that away from them and nothing to take that away from you as far as that fruit that you produced and So I I personally believe that the the reaping everlasting life is talking about that But you could look at it as far as reaping everlasting life as far as the things of ask everlasting life eternal Rewards and everlasting life taking hold on eternal life. We're talking about Trying to attain them to the resurrection of the dead Like Paul was trying to do he said neither was I already perfect either have I already attained, you know but I he's talking about pressing toward that mark and so but Colossians 2 and verse 6 it kind of talks about this as far as in Well first of Galatians 5 it says that and they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts if We live in the spirit. Let us also walk in the spirit notice There's a difference in verse 25 there of living in the spirit and walking in the spirit It says if we live in the spirit, let us also walk in a spirit Well, it tells us how to do that notice it says let us walk in the spirit next verse Let us not be desirous of vainglory provoking one another and being one another So, how do you walk in the spirit? Don't be desirous of vainglory don't provoke one another and Don't envy one another Now you may look at these things like hatred provoking one another and You got to know that you got to take things in context because we're supposed to provoke one another down to love We're supposed to covet the best gifts, but it says thou shalt not covet it You got to take the whole Bible as a whole so when it says, you know, that shall not kill But then it says, you know, whosoever shed a man's blood by man shall his blood be shed You got to take it as a whole so you may you may look here and says hatred but then it talks about how we're supposed to You know, do I not I hate them O Lord that hate thee So you got to take the Bible as a whole and take context first Corinthians 15 when it talks about this is a side note, but first Corinthians 15 when it talks about Jesus and the resurrections, you know, the firstfruits Jesus coming back and then the end cometh, you know act It's a great white throne all that And it talks about how he's gonna make be subjected unto him that put all things under his feet talking about the Father It says it is known or is manifest that he is accepted which did put things on it because it says everything's gonna be subject unto the Son But it says but it is manifest That He is accepted which hath put all things under meaning the Father is not going to be under his feet So it makes sense and what does that mean? It means that it's manifest meaning like he said this but it's known that he's not talking about the Father, too So when you think of thou shall not kill and people will say that but it's manifest is known that it's talking about murder It's talking about killing somebody in cold blood and the Bible spells that out if you read the rest of Exodus of what? The killing is talking about that. You're not supposed to do and so But Colossians 2 verse 6 it talks about the same thing. So if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit So we're saved spiritually, but let's walk in that let's put on the new man. Let's put off the old man But in second error for a clock Colossians chapter 2 in verse 6 It says as ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him Rooted and build up in our rooted and build up in him Established in the faith as ye have been taught abounding therein with Thanksgiving. So notice the rooted and build up the established in the faith and Abounding therein with Thanksgiving is not talking about just it's not talking about being saved talking about Walking in him. So we're not supposed to just get saved. We're supposed to also walk in him But people try to mix those two together as if walking in Christ and salvation are one in the same or Being saved means that you will walk in him. Why would he be even this this commandment if it's gonna happen automatically? It doesn't make any sense my friends to keep telling you to do all this stuff if it's gonna be automatic so You know, I do believe that there are things that Christians won't do like you think it's like the unnatural reprobate stuff that's out there. I Understand that but we're talking about, you know, there's no temptation taking you but such as is common the man That's what we're talking about temptations of flesh Did you see anything in that list that's not common the man when we when we saw the works of the flesh did it say sodomy? Did it say pedophilia? Didn't say, you know, so obviously those are works of the flesh as far as reprobates go But he's talking to Christians and he's saying, you know, these are the things that You know that you could do But you know you need to walk in the spirit and so This is this chapters a great chapter to cover that, you know at the end of the chapter You know, it sees his own wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death notice the body of this death meaning that He's basically just he's like man. How long I have to deal with this body. How long am I have to deal with this sinful flesh? But then he said then he concludes with this I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord So then with my the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin So he's thanking God saying hey, you know, I have the first fruits of the Spirit. I have the earnest of the Spirit I have the adoption of the Spirit. So I have that to reign this in I Know the flesh is serving sin But you know praise be unto God for what he has given us so far to Battle that flesh and so that body will be dead eventually You know, so it's not gonna be with us forever We're not always going to be boring this warfare with the spirit and the body But we will and so we either die or Jesus comes back. So we just have to face it Just come to that conclusion that you have this simple flesh. It's always going to be wanting to do that which is wrong and so we have to make that choice daily and So this isn't talking about salvation or saved forever as long as you put your faith on Christ alone You're living in the spirit at that point. Why don't you get saved? But let us not just live in the spirit. Let us also walk in the spirit Let's end with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father Lord we thank you for today and want to thank you for everybody came out Lord just pray to be with us as we we go home tonight But also as we get to talk a little bit and fellowship a little bit and Lord we just love your word Thank you for the clear teachings of the Bible and Lord just for saving us But also being with us as we're we are trying to walk in the spirit or just help us to do that Help us to get sent out of our lives Help us to to try to attain unto the resurrection of dead Even though we know that that won't happen until till we see you in the clouds or or we die and see you in heaven And Lord, we just we love you and pray all in Jesus Christ name Amen