(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, good evening, everyone. Welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church. Take your songbooks and turn to song 335, song 335. We'll sing if Jesus goes with me. If you would stand, we'll sing song 335. It may be in the valley where countless dangers hide. It may be in the sunshine that I in peace abide, but this one thing I know, if it be dark or fair, if Jesus is with me, I'll go anywhere. If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere. Tis heaven to me, where'er I may be, if he is there. I counted a privilege here, his cross to bear. If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere. And maybe I must carry the blessed word of life across the burning deserts to those in sinful strife, and though it be my lot to bear my colors there, if Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere. If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere. Tis heaven to me, where'er I may be, if he is there. I counted a privilege here, his cross to bear. If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere. But if it be my portion to bear my cross at home while others bear their burdens beyond the billows foam, I'll prove my faith in him, confess his judgment fair. And if he stays with me, I'll go anywhere. If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere. Tis heaven to me, where'er I may be, if he is there. I counted a privilege here, his cross to bear. If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere. It is not mine to question the judgments of my Lord. It is but mine to follow the leadings of his word. But if to go astray, or whether here or there, I'll be with my Savior content anywhere. If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere. Tis heaven to me, where'er I may be, if he is there. I counted a privilege here, his cross to bear. If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere. Let's pray, Heavenly Father of the Lord, we just want to thank you, God, for just another service, God. We get to meet here and hear your word preached. I want to thank you, God, for the souls that were saved both today and throughout the week. I pray, Lord, that you would just continue to give us labors, that we would go forth and be able to see more people, one, to you, and we hope to give you all the honor and glory out of everything that's said and done. For it's in Jesus' name we ask all, amen. All right, you may be seated and turn in your song books to song 343. We'll sing, Revive Us Again, song 343. We praise thee, O God, for the spirit of light, who has shown us our Savior and scattered our night. Hallelujah, thine the glory, hallelujah, amen. Hallelujah, thine the glory, hallelujah, thine the glory. We praise thee, O God, for the spirit of light, who has shown us our Savior and scattered our night. Hallelujah, thine the glory, hallelujah, amen. Hallelujah, thine the glory, revive us again. All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, who has borne all our sins and has cleansed every stain. Hallelujah, thine the glory, hallelujah, amen. Hallelujah, thine the glory, revive us again, revive us again. Fill each heart with thy love, may each soul be rekindled with fire from above. Hallelujah, thine the glory, hallelujah, amen. Hallelujah, thine the glory, revive us again. So welcome back to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday afternoon. And I wanted to get our soul winning numbers first before I forget about it. Did we have any earlier this week that were saved earlier this week? And then what do we have today? I know Brother Ritchie, you guys had one. Was there any others out today? Hard knocks recently. So one saved. We're going to get that tear all of us up, soul winning marathon started here, make up for these hard knocks that we've been doing recently. But obviously I know there were seeds planted, the gospel was given to many people. So keep up the good work with the soul winning. Obviously we can't force people to get saved, but great to at least have one saved this week. So, but keep up the good work with that. And then as far as upcoming events, next week we have the men's prayer meeting or this coming Friday we have the men's prayer meeting and the harvest party. And I'm more excited because my house is finally getting built after this. So that is something that's been on the horizon for too long. But that being said, we have that coming up this weekend. And so be in your places if you can for that. And soul winning times, don't forget about the regional soul winning times on Tuesday and Wednesday. And so Brother Charles and Brother Ritchie lead those up respectively. And then our Bible memory chapter of the month is Galatians 6. So we're finishing up the book of Galatians. So if you've gone through that, then you should be getting to the end of that. We're going to do next month, we're going to do Jude. So I know that I want this to be a challenge to get this memorized because it's one chapter but it's one book. And so we're going to do the book of Jude for the month of November. So I challenge you, if you don't already have Jude memorized, to get this book memorized. And we'll work on this together as a church as far as getting your Bible memory there. And then the memory verse for the week is John 15, verse 5. And we had our birthdays, anniversaries, all that. And then just be in prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list. And so we have three ladies that are due in December. And the rest on the list here. So just a lot of babies. So be in prayer for all these ladies. And don't stop praying for them after the baby's born because the recovery process and just the transition of either of having another child or if it's your first child or anything like that, there's a lot of challenges that are involved there. And so just be in prayer for these families and all that. That's about all I got for announcements that I can think of. Again, just general church announcements, the offering box is in the back there. Mother baby room is for the mothers and babies only. And we want to try to keep the older children out just so that we don't get everything – well, we have little babies in there. We have the little ones that are on the floor and all that stuff so we don't want the bigger children to get in the way there. Now luckily we weren't just men here, but we need to get more of a first aid kid just so you know. We're running out of supplies because it just seemed like everybody needed something. We all survived. We all survived. But anyway, just be careful around the grounds, if you will, when it comes to the pond that's back here or anything like that. Also we have neighbors, and I know that there's neighbors that will still walk around the trail as if this is like public property or something like that. So just be cognizant of that, you know, that there's people around so you want to obviously keep an eye on your children and all that. We live in a perilous world and perilous times, so yeah, you want to just make sure that they're all okay. So that's it. That's about all I've got for announcements. Brother Dave's going to come sing one more song, and then Brother Shane's going to be reading Revelation chapter 9 for us. All right, take your song books and turn to song 344. We'll sing Fall Fresh on Me, song 344. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. All right, take your Bibles and turn to Revelation chapter number 9. Revelation chapter number 9, we'll have Brother Shane come and read that for us. Revelation chapter 9. If you found your place, say amen. And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth. And to him was given the key of the bottomless pit, and he opened the bottomless pit, and there rose a smoke out of the pit. And as the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and air were darkened by reason of the smoke and of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth, and unto them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree, but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months, and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he strikeeth a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it, and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. And the shapes of the locusts were like an horses prepared on a battle, and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, and as it were breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like an ascorpion, and there were stings in their tails, and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tun is Abaddon, and in the Greek tun hath his name Apollyon. One woe is past, and behold, there come two woes more hereafter. And the six angels sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying, The sixth angel which had the trumpet loosed the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour and a day and a month and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand, and I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jankteth and brimstone, and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions, and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire and by the smoke, and by the brimstone which issued out of their mouths. For their power is in their mouth and in their tails, for their tails were like unto serpents and had heads, and with them they do hurt. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues, yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood, which neither concede, nor hear, nor walk, neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you to be gathered in your house tonight. Lord, we just pray we can learn from your word. Just pray you fill Pastor Robinson with your Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name, amen. Amen. So you're there in Revelation chapter nine, and we are continuing our study through the book of Revelation. And we've already started into the wrath of God in chapter eight, and really that's when we just started into the wrath of God. So chapter six, chapter seven, we were dealing with the tribulation, the great tribulation, and we know that the saints were actually going to be there for that tribulation. And then we had the rapture, we had Jesus coming in the clouds, and a great multitude was found in heaven that came out of the great tribulation. And then in chapter eight we had the seventh seal that was opened, which I believe marks that book being opened that had the seven seals, and that's when the wrath of God started. And we actually went through four of the seven trumpets, and if you look at the last verse there of Revelation eight, verse 13, it says, and I beheld and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven saying with a loud voice, whoa, whoa, whoa, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels which are yet to sound. So what we see is actually these last three trumpets are also called the three woes, okay? Now a woe is obviously not like whoa like, you know, like you would say to a horse like whoa, you know, like holding back a horse or something like that, but more so like whoa, like whoa is me kind of thing, and the idea of an expression of just utter astonishment of just what's about to happen to somebody or destruction and stuff and things like that. So in verse one here we see the fifth angel sounds. So we're actually in this chapter we're going to see the fifth angel that sounds, or the fifth trumpet and the sixth trumpet. Now I want to make it clear the sixth trumpet actually doesn't end until like halfway down Revelation 11, actually almost down to the end of Revelation 11, and so it's not like at the end of chapter 9 here that sixth trumpet's over because we're gonna see what's going on there. Clara sit down. Give her back her chips. So in Revelation 9 verse 1 here, this is definitely not high quality production on this sermon, just so you know. You're like oh we're gonna film this, you know, for some kind of like Revelation series. You're like Clara give your chips back. So Revelation 9 and verse 1 here it says the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit and he opened the bottomless pit and there arose a smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. So we see that what happens when this sixth angel sounds. Hell is opened up essentially and so hell is opened up and the first thing that you see here is that there's this smoke that's a rising up out of this pit, okay. So I believe we're talking about hell, the bottomless pit, and you know that term bottomless pit is used to describe an aspect of hell. So hell is in the center of the earth and there's no bottom to it, okay. But it's also dark and it also has fire, brimstone, and essentially when you open up hell there's there's a lot of smoke. Now you can think about this on a physical level as far as like a volcano. Like a volcano erupts what do you normally see but just a big plume of smoke, okay. So in all likelihood we could be dealing with like a big giant volcano eruption type of thing going on here to where it fills the air in the sky with smoke to the point where you can't see. This I mean you could just look up Mount St. Helens in 1980 something, right, 1980. I wasn't born yet but when was it? It was before I was born. I know that. It was like in the early 80s. So I'm not that old yet but no but I have looked it up, okay, as far as this eruption that happened in Washington, right. It was in Washington State and so but anyway all that to say is that there was like basically just this plume of smoke and it basically would darken the skies if it was nighttime and not just in that one area where that happened but all over that region and so you can definitely see how this could be related to a volcano and what's going on here but I want you to first of all see how this correlates with the fifth bile. So if you remember the first point I was making with this is the fact that you have seven trumpets that are mentioned here in Revelation chapter 8 and 9 and actually all the way up to 11 we have seven trumpets but how these correlate perfectly with the seven vials. Now I don't believe they're the same exact plague, you know what I mean, but they're happening concurrently and they're happening to the same area. So if you think about the earth is the first thing that's hit. So the first trumpet hit it's the earth that's that's hit then it's the seas second trumpet then it's the rivers third trumpet then it's the sun moon and stars fifth trumpet or fourth trumpet and then here we see that there's this smoke and everything's made dark by reason of the smoke and all that. Notice what it says in Revelation chapter 16 and verse 10. Revelation chapter 16 and verse 10. Revelation 16 verse 10 it says, and the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seed of the beast and his kingdom was full of darkness and they gnawed their tongues for pain and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores and repented not of their deeds. So sound familiar? You're actually dealing with the same type of thing that's going on there with this darkness. Now this could be like the plague in Egypt where remember there was darkness over Egypt for three days and it was darkness that could be felt. So you can definitely see how that relates to the bottomless pit being opened up but when you have a volcano part of the world it's probably darkened by it but not all the earth, right? And when you have this vial that's being poured out I believe you're getting darkness you know over all the earth if you will and if you remember that the trumpet that we left in the fourth trumpet had to do with like a third part of the day and a third part of the night being darkened so it's kind of like this culmination of like it's kind of getting dark you know like meaning like you you have less of the day and you have less of the night when it comes to any type of light then you have hell opened up and it's like even darkening it even more then you have this vial that's being poured out and then it's just like just darkness over the face of the earth. So that's how I believe you know these things are correlating but also the thing that I think really shows you that the vials don't happen after the trumpets is because in Revelation 16 when that fifth angel pours out his vial he says that he pours it upon the seed of the beast and his kingdom was full of darkness okay his kingdom was full of darkness well if the vials happen after the seventh Trumpets well notice what it says what happens when the seventh trumpet sounds in Revelation chapter 11 verse 15. Revelation chapter 11 verse 15 notice what it says here it says in the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever. So when that seventh trumpet sounds that's a finale and obviously there's judgments that are gonna happen like Babylon's gonna be destroyed and there's gonna be this great battle of Armageddon where all these armies are coming together but in the end the Lord is you know it's not the kingdom of the beast anymore he is not given power over the earth anymore because God is basically just taking that from him and it's now given to Christ and so to me this proves that these vials are happening at the same time you just as much as Gideon the story of Gideon where they had the trumpet in the right hand and they had the pitchers that had the had the lamp inside the pitchers and they they would blow with the trumpet and break the pitchers that's the same thing that I see here is that you have these angels that are blowing the trumpet and pouring out the vial blowing the trumpet pouring out the vial blowing the trumpet pouring out the vial and you kind of have the first part of the judgment is kind of hitting maybe a third part hitting pieces but then these vials are called you know these vials are full of the wrath of God it's basically it you notice that it's more of like a full judgment it's not partial it's not just hitting parts of the earth it's hitting everything okay so that's what I see as far as that goes now let's look at this this fifth trumpet and see what happens so the sky is dark and but that's not just what's going on and actually it makes sense to Anna pick that up right now pick that up pick it up it's spilling everywhere pick it up and go back to the mother baby room right now go to mama so the locust here is what we see that come out of this this pit go to verse 3 here so revelation chapter 9 verse 3 revelat revelation 9 verse 3 it says and there came out of the smoke locust upon the earth and unto them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power so there's darkness but now there's locusts coming out of this smoke so these are literally locusts from hell now if there's anything good about winter time and I've preached on this before you know glory and winter is the fact that all the insects and bugs go back to hell where they belong okay so if there's anything if you're like oh you know I don't want to live in a place where there's winter it's like well have fun with all your insects and bugs and everything for all year round but at least when winter hits you don't have that okay you can open up your door you don't have flies and bees flying in every second of the day you may not want to keep the door open for a long time because you know it's freezing outside but that being said you know these are actually from hell I know I joke about that obviously they're not actually going back to hell yeah they're hibernating or do what they do right but the thing is here that these are actually creatures from hell now the Bible talks about worms being in hell and that there actually are creatures in hell but these creatures are coming up out of this smoke and notice what it says in verse 4 it says and it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth neither any green thing neither any tree but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads so that's talking about the 144,000 basically they're gonna hurt everybody else but them you say what about the you know us to say well we're not here so you don't worry about that you know we're already in heaven with the Lord and we're seeing these judgments take place but all those that are here on the earth they are all gonna feel the pain of these scorpion or well basically these locusts that that are stinging like scorpions verse 5 it says and to them it was given that they should not kill them but that they should be tormented five months and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he strike at the man and in those days shall men seek death and shall not find it and shall desire to die and death shall flee from them in the shapes of the score of the locusts were like unto horses prepared in the battle and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold and their faces were as the faces of men and they had hair as a hair of women and their teeth were as the teeth of lions and they had breastplates as it were breastplates of iron and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle and they had tails like unto scorpions and there were stings in their tails and their power was to hurt men five months so the thing that you need to understand here is that these scorpion or I keep calling scorpions but they sting like scorpions these locusts we're not going to kill anybody but they're just tormenting them and you can think about that these these locusts are coming out of hell and think about it's like hell on earth you're being tormented but there's no relief right they want to die now obviously people that are in hell are dead okay so don't get me wrong here it's not saying like well people in hell they want to die but they can't die no they're dead but the idea is that there's no escaping it there's no escaping the torment this is for five months this is going on so it also shows you that the wrath of God is not just happening in one day like if you thought like all these seven troubles are happening in one day or it's a you know just a short little period of time no five months this goes on that they are being stung by these locusts and notice and and think about this it's dark so you think about like how bad it would be to have these things flying around and stinging you but think about the fact that it's dark you're in the dark getting stung by all these things and good good luck trying to kill these things notice some of the things that it says about them it says that it says that the shapes of the locust were like unto horses prepared unto battle now obviously we're talking about insects but it's basically saying that this is what it looks like to a certain degree it's basically like you know I think of a horse as being like this strong majestic type of creature you know these things are gonna look fierce and then it says that they have heads as it were crowns of gold her light gold and their faces were as the faces of men so basically it's just kind of describing what this thing looks like it's got this it's basically the head of this thing's got maybe it's got like pointiness to it you think of like a crown like a like a king would have maybe it has like points to it or kind of like horns you know and then it's talking about the face is like a man that's crazy to me you know it's like the National Enquirer you know bat boy or something like that they're always like trying to throw out these things where it's like oh you know there's this goat that looks like a man's face and and all this stuff you know to me it's like oh it's a hybrid there's no hybrids this isn't a hybrid of human and locust okay but that being said there are things that will look like a like humanistic if you will and so these locusts are going to have like a face like a person which is really strange to me but that being said there's things like that then it says they had the hair as the hair of women now let me ask you this question what is that talking about I think this you know if you took out the fact that it's a shame for man to have long hair and that it's a glory for a woman to have long hair if that's not just a given fact of nature right does nature not you know it basically says that that's not nature itself teach us that it's a shame for a man to have long hair that this is it's not even saying like oh it has long hair like a woman it's just saying that's hair like a woman and you're supposed to fill in the blank because as far as I know there's not really a difference between like the coarseness or fineness between men's hair and women's hair okay actually there's probably deviations between men's hair as far as that goes as much as there is with women's hair and that there'd be the same kind of like distinction between the hair the only thing that's different is the length so these locusts have hair that's long so it's got like a face like a man it's got this long head of hair on it and it's got like this pointy type of head where it's like a crown and notice what it says here keep reading there it says in their teeth whereas the teeth of lions so who here seen river monsters you know like where you hit like these crazy like fish that have these massive fangs coming out of yours like why is this this thing exists right or you probably seen those those fish that are like down at the deepest part of the ocean that have those big giant fangs right and it's got that little light bulb that comes out on the front of it right I don't know I'm real technical I'm obviously I'm a I'm really into the zoology here but but that being said is that it's interesting that this creature is coming from down below and it's got these like teeth that are like the teeth of a lion and it's got all this crazy features to it I'm just trying to get you to picture what this would be like now praise the Lord we don't have to be here for this but it's interesting to think about what's gonna be going on and how torturous this would be it says and they had breastplates as it were breastplates of iron and the sound of their wings whereas the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle so as far as you see right here you just kind of get in the appearance and the fact that they're very very strong but it's not until verse 10 do you see like why this would be that big of a torture okay and verse 10 here says and they had tails like unto scorpions and and there were stings in their tails and they and there I'm sorry and their power was to hurt men five months so these things are stinging you now you know I remember the cicadas which we call them locusts but they're really cicadas that happened back in 1999 and I remember that it was just crazy now I think we had him again not that long ago but it wasn't that bad like it wasn't as bad as what I remembered in 1999 but I just remember like you know I was in like I just got into high school I think when that was like 1999 and and I just remember those things swarming you and they were like get on your face you know and they'd stick to your face and it was annoying but they didn't bite okay they didn't bite or sting or anything like that but obviously they're just like pelting you in the face and you're like I'm swinging my weed eater at him trying to kill these things like when I was like younger and you can imagine how annoying it would be but imagine these things stinging you like scorpions and then imagine that it's dark and imagine that you can't kill them that is what is waiting for this world okay and this is just one of those judgment you can see why this is called a whoa because then the other ones you kind of see like it's kind of like partially you know like the part of the earth is getting hit with this and you know they're not really killing a bunch of people that people are dying don't get me wrong people die and the other ones here it's just torture it's like you're not gonna die you're just gonna you're just gonna suffer you're just making them suffer and go to Joel chapter 2 Joel chapter 2 actually hits on this but the thing that I want you to see here is what these things are gonna be like because we we kind of see that okay they're gonna be tortured for five months these are pretty fierce beasts you know when it comes to these insects that they are but notice what says here in Joel 2 and look at verse 1 there Joel chapter 2 verse 1 it says blow you the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of the Lord cometh for it is nigh at a hand a day of darkness and gloominess a day of clouds and a thick darkness as the morning spread upon the mountains a great people and a strong there hath not been ever the light neither shall be any more after it even to the years of many generations a fire devoureth before them and behind them a flame burneth and the land is as the Garden of Eden before them and behind them a desolate wilderness yea and nothing shall escape them so kind of get the picture is that what we're gonna be dealing with here with these locusts is that before them meaning like in front of them it's like the Garden of Eden behind them it's a desolate wilderness basically anything that they go through it just completely destroys that's what's going on with this and then we're gonna see that these are locusts but in verse actually let me just show you in verse 25 just so you know that we're talking about locusts notice what says in verse 25 it says and I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten the canker worm and the caterpillar and the Palmer worm my great army which I sent among you I just want to show you that that's what we're talking about we're talking about these locusts now this I believe literally happened back in that day with actual locusts that destroyed like there you know the land and everything else right but obviously I think there's a future application to what's going to happen in Revelation chapter 9 and what these things are like notice in verse 4 the appearance of them is as the appearance of horses and as horsemen shall they run sound familiar what was the appearance of these locusts in Revelation chapter 9 in verse 7 it says and the shapes of the locust were like unto horses prepared on the battle sound familiar then keep reading says like the noise of chariots in verse 5 so you in Joel 2 verse 5 like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap well doesn't it say something about the noise of what they sound like in Revelation 9 and verse 9 it says and they had breast plates as it were the breast plates of iron and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running the battle so it fits hand in glove as far as what we're dealing with here we're dealing with locusts and we're dealing with the fact that they look like horses and they sound like chariot horses running you say well how could it sound like that have you heard the cicadas sounds like we're getting abducted by aliens you know like you're out in the woods it's just like this oh my kind of sound that's going on you're like how does that even happen you know but basically there's so many of them that they're making these noises that it just it's it just encompasses everything and just like it sounds like some kind of crazy monster in the woods and it's just these cicadas right now that's just an example of what the locust would sound like but it's basically saying it's gonna sound like chariots of horses coming to battle and they look like horses now let's look at Joel chapter 2 again in verse 5 it says like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap like the noise of a flame of fire and devour to stubble as a strong people set in battle array before their face the people shall be much pained all faces shall gather blackness they shall run like mighty men they shall climb the wall like men of war and they shall March everyone on his ways and they shall not break their ranks so it's basically talking about how these things are gonna give go everywhere and when it says that they're not gonna break rank basically if you think about a battle when things like let's say someone's trying to destroy them they don't break they just keep going they don't break rank if they're in the if they're on the front lines are just gonna stand their ground right and they're not gonna run they're not gonna flee you know they're just gonna keep going forward it says and they shall I'm sorry in verse 8 there says neither shall one thrust another they shall walk everyone in his path and when they fall upon the sword they shall not be wounded this is talking about the locusts by the way now we know that in Revelation 9 it says that they they're gonna seek death and you know people are gonna seek death and not find it but here we're talking about the fact that they're not gonna thrust one another meaning there's not gonna be you know friendly fire if you will you know you kind of think about how like things will fight and do things and they'll kind of kill each other in the process literally they're not gonna even hurt each other they're not gonna be wounded if they fall on a sword why because they have breastplates of iron nothing's killing these things so they're just not going to die says in verse 9 it says and they shall run to and fro in the city notice this they shall run up the wall and and they shall climb up upon the houses they shall enter into in at the windows like a thief now if you don't know that these are locusts that may sound a little weird if you're talking about horsemen they're gonna go climb up the wall and they're gonna go through a window right but if you know what's talking about insects is talking about locusts that makes a lot of sense that they're climbing up the walls they're basically just getting in every nook and cranny you think you can escape them they're coming through your windows they're coming through every hole you know you think your house is sealed they're gonna find their way in so that's what it's basically stating here is that these locusts it's not a matter of like just close all the doors and stay inside and get away from these things they're coming in after you good luck getting away from them because they're coming for you and it says verse 10 it says the earth shall quake before them the heavens shall tremble the sun and the moon shall be dark and the stars shall withdraw their shiny so you think about like this pit being opened up and you have all this smoke that's dark in the sky think about the fact that the sky is being darkened by locusts like there's so many locusts it's literally like blocking the Sun and it says the Lord shall utter his voice in verse 11 before his army for his camp is very great for he is strong they executed his word for the day the Lord is great and very terrible and who can abide it and again it says in Joel 2 25 talking about it says I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten and it goes on to say my great army which I sent among me so God is sending this this plague and it's a plague of locusts so you probably heard of the plague of locusts in the you know in Exodus remember that God's wrath is gonna be it's gonna be more than anything you've ever seen before the world has ever seen as much as the tribulation and the great tribulation that's gonna be upon this world and upon his Saints it's gonna be such tribulation such as the world has never seen that's gonna be the wrath so if the Egyptians thought that the locusts were bad how about these locusts from hell that literally sting you like a scorpion while it's dark and can't kill them and it's five months of that five months of that now go to Revelation chapter 9 there's a king over this army there's a king over this army obviously God is over at all right but basically the Bible says here in verse 11 so Revelation 9 verse 11 it says and they had a king over them which is the angel of the bottomless pit whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon now I don't know if you've heard this before but there's a lot of people that believe that Abaddon or Apollyon is the devil okay they'll say this is the devil and I'm going to show you how ludicrous that is okay this is not the devil and I think this is where people probably get the idea that Satan or the devil is the king of hell I think this is where they I'm just guessing besides maybe just extra biblical you know doctrine that they have you know to think that but the devil isn't even in hell right now and even at this point in this story he's not in hell yet so this this angel that's the king of the bottomless pit the reason that they think I I believe the reason they think it's it's Satan is because of verse one notice what it says in verse one it's in the fifth angel sound and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit so they're saying well it's this star you know that you know the devil fell from heaven and therefore he was given the key of the bottomless pit now let me ask you a question if Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil and when Jesus rose from the dead he says I am he that liveth I'm here living was then behold I'm alive forevermore amen and had the keys of hell and death why would he give those to the devil okay so the star falling from heaven is just an angel okay it's just an angel that's coming down from heaven okay just because it says they fell from heaven doesn't mean that they like sinned and fell out of there you know left their first estate you know like the the fallen angels but that's where I think they get that but here I'm going to show you how ludicrous it is to think that Apollyon or Abaddon whichever one you want to call them is it's clearly not Satan look at Revelation chapter 20 Revelation chapter 20 and verse 1 Revelation 20 and verse 1 so this star that falls from heaven is given the key of the bottomless pit you see I thought it was the keys well it's a death and hell okay so there's a key for death and there's a key for hell so there you go but that being said in Revelation 20 verse 1 it says and I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand so now the angels coming down from heaven and it's not stating he's falling you know like a star falling but I think that the reason it says a star fell from heaven is because that's what it looked like if you think about lightning you know it talks about the angels like moving and it's like lightning it talks about the cherry beams moving from place to place and it's as if it's lightning so if you saw like an angel coming down from heaven it can look like a falling star okay so I think that's probably why it stated that way but notice what says here this angel that came down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit which we know this is Apollyon this is Abaddon right from Revelation chapter 9 notice verse 2 and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years so the devil took hold of himself and bound himself in the bottomless pit is that what you're telling me now it's very clear that you're talking about a completely different person right you're dealing with this angel the bottomless pit is actually taking the devil and throwing him into the bottomless pit so the king of the bottomless pit which is Apollyon he is the one that binds Satan with a chain and throws him into the bottomless pit for a thousand years that's what's going on so to think that Apollyon baden is Satan is completely just to be out the lunch on what's being said here like how could you take that interpretation with Revelation 20 I can see how you could try to come to that conclusion if you're just reading Revelation 9 but if you read Revelation 20 there's no way you can come to that conclusion that is clearly a different angel that is binding Satan and throwing him into the bottomless pit you say well who is this angel and have we seen him before well go to Exodus chapter 12 and I'll say this I can't say this for Hebrew because I've never learned Hebrew or I have problems just learning the alphabet in here just to be honest with you but the the Apollyon that word is a Greek word is used all the time to mean destruction okay basically to destroy or to perish or to you know to be to kill like it is used a lot it's a very very you know common word okay in the New Testament and so it literally just means destruction or destroyer okay someone that destroys okay does that make sense so there's actually someone in the Bible that's called the destroyer and notice what says in Exodus chapter 12 and verse 23 dealing with the Passover it says verse 23 it says for the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel and on to the and on the two side posts the Lord will pass over the door and will not suffer the what the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you so you see the term you know now you probably heard this term the death angel right I've heard preachers say that you know the death angel came down and killed him that's not what it says I'm not saying that that's completely wrong to say but that's not what the King James Bible says it says the destroyer that's who came down and that's who killed all the firstborn okay and notice in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 10 so I just want to show you that the Bible actually defines basically an angel or you know some you know an angel that God uses as the destroyer and that's who I believe this is that's who I believe Apollyon is he's the destroyer and it's just stating that his name in Hebrew and Greek those are the Hebrew and Greek words for destroyer so but in verse 10 so first Corinthians 10 10 it says neither murmured ye as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the what destroyer so when they're in the wilderness there's certain things that happen you know the serpents you know he sent serpents among them he did other things to destroy them but in this case with the murmurers he they were destroyed of the destroyer now this could very well be talking to be talking about the gainsaying of Korah and what happened with the gainsaying of Korah what happened to open up but the pit right the pit opened up and they went alive down into the pit kind of makes sense that the destroyer would be involved in that right and the fact that he's the king over the bottomless pit okay so that being said is that that's who you're dealing with here and we get a little more light about this angel and that there's literally an angel that God has basically put as you know the gatekeeper if you will of hell and you know binding Satan throwing them into to hell or into the bottomless pit and so we see Apollyon a bad so it's not it's not the devil you know that's just that's just crazy when you think about Revelation chapter 20 now so that's the the fifth trumpet we have these locusts from hell or these locusts that come out of the smoke that comes out of hell right and you know crazy type of thing to think about and then go to Revelation chapter 9 and verse 12 Revelation chapter 9 verse 12 so if you thought that was bad it's only getting worse actually in that case they didn't die they were just tortured for five months here we're gonna have people are gonna start dying on mass and verse 12 here so Revelation 9 verse 12 it says one woe is past and behold there come two woes more hereafter verse 13 and the sixth angel sounded and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates you know the first thing I want you to see is turn quickly over to Revelation chapter 16 because we've been kind of showing you the correlation if you don't see the correlation here I can't help you okay now I think that it's been clear the correlations been very clear all the way through but look at Revelation 16 and verse 12 so we're talking about these four angels that are in the great river Euphrates and notice what it says in Revelation 16 verse 12 it says in the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates and the water thereof was dried up that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared so I mean just very simply first trumpet earth second trumpet seas third trumpet rivers fourth trumpet sun moon stars like the content of stuff that's out in outer space right then then the fifth trumpet you have darkness you know either by this pit or just in general darkness and you have people you know basically gnawing their tums for pain from these sores or whatever they're dealing with right locusts then the sixth trumpet Euphrates literally that's what it's being poured upon is the river Euphrates so these things are happening I think very clearly concurrently as far as what we're dealing with here the trumpet sounds and the rivers dried up I'm sorry that I'm sorry these these angels are loose the vials poured out the rivers dried up now the thing that I you know I just was thinking about when it when it says you know just little details that I kind of stick out to me a little bit is in verse 13 of Revelation 9 it says the six angels sounded and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God so the voice comes from the altar and it made me think of this story go to Amos chapter 9 and verse 1 Amos chapter 9 verse 1 now again I don't I'm not saying that these are exact like talking about the same event but it's interesting because both these whether it's the sixth trumpet or what's happening here in Amos 9 you're dealing with someone that's speaking from the altar and particularly here in Amos 9 you're gonna be seeing that the Lord is speaking and he's standing on the altar okay so what it says in verse 1 here Amos chapter 9 verse 1 that says I saw the Lord standing upon the altar and he said smite the lintel of the door that the post may shake and cut them in the head all of them and I will slay the last of them with the sword and he that fleeth of them shall not flee away he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered so he's standing the Lord is standing on the altar and basically saying smite the lintel of the door and the post may shake and he's basically talking about how he's gonna send judgment and notice what it says here in verse 2 though they dig into hell then shall mine hand take them though they climb up to heaven fence while I bring them down and though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel I will search and take them out fence and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea then so I command the serpent and it shall bite them and though they go into captivity before their enemies then so I command the sword and it shall slay them and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil and not for good you know he's stating there there's no escape there's no escape about what's gonna happen here that doesn't matter where you go you can try to climb up to heaven you can't try to dig down in hell you can go to the depths of the sea which is just hilarious to me you go to the depths of sea I'm gonna command the serpent it's gonna bite you you thought you got away and there's like a sea serpent down there and just eat you you know so there's no escape it reminds me you know where another passage where it talks about you know you'll flee from a bear and you'll get into your house you put your hand on the ledge and then a serpent will bite you it's just like know where you can go is safe you know it judgment is coming whether you like it or not so I think that's an interesting correlation with what's about to happen in Revelation chapter 9 because we're gonna be getting into the army of 200 million horsemen but the first thing that I want you to see here it says in Revelation 9 14 that when that trumpet sounds it says lose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates and the question you have to ask yourself is what is this talking about like who are these angels why are they in the river Euphrates what are they doing there why are they being loosed like what is this dealing with so I'm gonna give you my thought process on this go to Genesis chapter 3 Genesis chapter 3 and you don't have to agree with this I mean you don't have to say like I'm just giving you my thoughts okay and and a possibility as far as who these angels are notice what it says in Genesis chapter 3 this is after the fall a man is after they've sinned Claire look up here and stop spinning around verse 22 it says in the Lord God said behold the man has become as one of us to no good and evil now lest he put forth his hand and take also the tree of life and eat and live forever therefore the Lord God sent him from from forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken so he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherry bins and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life okay so get the picture here they're either kicked out of the Garden of Eden and he sets up these cherry bins at where the east of Eden do you remember why you know when they poured out the vial on the rearview phrase what was being prepared the kings of the what East it also says that on the east of the Garden of Eden when he you know he put these cherry bins he says that they had a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life now do you remember the cherry bins now I know I'm getting a little deep here but in Ezekiel chapter 1 those cherry bins don't turn do you remember that about them that they it says they would go you know one direction they had four faces each of them but it said they'd never turn when they went okay get my picture here that means that if you had one for each direction north south east and west how many do you have four okay so how many angels were loosed that were bound in the great river you phrase four angels okay so bear with me now go to Genesis chapter 2 dealing with the Garden of Eden okay what was in the Garden of Eden notice what it says in Genesis chapter 2 in verse 10 Genesis chapter 2 verse 10 now this is a little deep and if you don't get this it's not gonna change really the judgment okay I just think it's cool how we're coming full circle from Genesis 2 and 3 to Revelation where God's pouring out his wrath and how this was planned out from the beginning in my opinion as far as what I believe here notice in verse 10 we're talking about the Garden of Eden it says in a river went out of Eden to water the garden and from fence it was parted and became into four heads and the name of the first is Pison that is which compass compass it the whole land of Havilah where there is gold and the gold of that land is good there is Delium and and the onyx stone and the name of the second river is Gihon the same company's compass the same as it that composite the whole land of Ethiopia and the name of the third river is Hiddekel notice this that is which goeth toward the east of Assyria and the fourth river is Euphrates so literally there's four rivers that have a head maybe meaning that there's a head at this river that parts into four different directions okay and Euphrates is one of those and it's talking about how the east of Eden you had these four angels that are guarding the entrance into Eden and so it's just the thought that these are the four cherubims that were guarding that and you say why are they under the river Euphrates well there was a thing called the flood and there could be a reason why they would be underwater okay just a thought okay you know as far as what why these four angels are there you know what's going on why the river you phrase is even important dealing with this and how that correlates but then we have this army of 200 million 200 million go to Revelation chapter 9 that's what it says in verse 15 Revelation 9 verse 15 it says in the four angels were loosed which were prepared for an hour and a day and a month in a year for to slay the third part of men so this what would we see you know like when you see the first four trumpets you don't really see a time frame as far as what's going on I would imagine it's more than one day but you don't really know it could have been like first day second day third day fourth day all this stuff's going on I don't think so I think it's probably a little longer than that but with the fifth trumpet you have five months so you have almost a half a year of these locusts and being tormented and all that for five months but this with this army that's going on for a year and a month and a day and an hour okay but just for sake of argument a little over a year a little over a year this army is going out to kill the third part of men do you remember how I was talking about how in Revelation 6 where I kind of misread it on the fact that what I used to misread it if you will on the fact that it would say he was given power over a fourth part of the earth to kill not that he was going to kill a fourth part of the earth but he's given power over a fourth part of the earth to kill and here it says for to slay the third part of men he's it's literally saying that a third of man is going to die so think about our population as it is right now okay and let's just say you know I mean just just for sake of argument by this point the population has decreased a little bit right so just to make math easy here there's about 8 billion people in the world you know a little less than 8 billion and let's say for sake of argument after the great tribulation after the Christians you know are taken out you know we're raptured we're down to 6 billion okay just for sake of argument okay that means 2 billion people are dying 2 billion 2 billion not 2 million 2 billion people are being killed okay that's a huge number when it comes to how many people are dying it also shows you two that I don't believe everybody dies in the wrath of God okay it doesn't say he's killing everybody and even when you get to the Battle of Armageddon the people that are dying are those that took the mark of the beast so you'd have to argue that everybody took the mark of the beast but I don't believe that's the case so it really comes into we have no idea how many people are going to take the mark of the beast and to know how many people are actually going to die and go into you know or people that are going to live and go into a thousand year reign but go to Revelation chapter 9 verse verse 16 there so it's given that they have power they're they're basically prepared to slay a third part of men and the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand and I heard the number of them so what's two hundred thousand thousand so very simply two hundred thousand times a thousand or just just take it just add the zeros up right two hundred thousand you have three zero you have a well five zeros there but add another three zeros to that you have two hundred million two hundred million that's a massive army I mean think about this you know our you know our government I would say the United States by far has the strongest military that's out there but when it comes to the people that are in the military that are in that army it doesn't come anywhere close to 200 million I mean there's 300 and some million people in general in America alone what's in the army so think about that number when it comes to how many people would be in that army that's going after that but if you're dealing with billions of people it kind of makes sense that you have a force of that size so keep reading there it says in verse 17 it says and thus I saw the horses in the vision and then that sat on them having breastplates of fire and of Jason and brimstone in the heads of the horses whereas the heads of lions in a and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone by these three was the third part of men killed by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone which issued out of their mouths have you thought that was bad enough keep reading there verse 19 for their power is in their mouth in their mouth and their tails for their tails were like unto serpents and had heads and with them they do hurt so they're dying from this fire and brimstone it's coming out of the mouth of the horses that look like the mouths of lions but not only that they're getting bit by these snakes that's on the back end of these things I mean if matters can't get worse you're dealing with snakes now we got snakes that are here like biting people and I hate snakes hate snakes they all need to die and so when you think about this obviously people are dying and all that but then you also just have on top of that just a cherry on the top you know what you got these these serpents that are biting you from the the rear end of these horses okay and so this is just a crazy type of picture of what's going to be happening and I just want to see what these things look like you know you kind of envision it and the fact that they have these like heads like lions and you say well you know is it just all just to kind of give you a hype you know it kind of talks about how David's men had the faces of lions right I don't think it's just like hyperbole here meaning like it's just inflating it to give you like this this I think that these these horses actually have like a lion's head okay that's just me I think their tails are actually serpents and that they don't just like kind of look like serpents and they're kind of no I think it's actually a horse that has the head of a lion and has serpents for tails and that that fire is literally coming out of their mouths and killing people you say well you know creatures like that do I need to go back to the cherry events okay because the cherry bins each have a head of a lion and one of the seraphims has the head of a lion and has feet of calves and the seraphims have six wings the cherry beams have four wings so that yeah there's creatures that we don't know of or never seen before that are in heaven or in hell you know we're dealing with the locusts that the world is gonna see but they're not gonna be like just all man look at this cool creature no it's gonna be a nightmare for them but that's what's gonna be going on now the thing that you know I was talking about with with another pastor friend of mine is dealing with who are the 200 million people that are on these horses and I honestly just don't know okay just be honest with you is it angels that are riding these things I mean obviously there's four angels that are loose in the river Euphrates that are basically heading this thing up right but as far as who's actually on these horses I don't know it's interesting to think about is it save people is it just is it angels is it is it you know you know who is it right it talks about those that sat upon them and everything else so I think there are people sitting I don't think it's just an army of horses right it's talking about horsemen so that being said I don't really know and I'd be interested you know if you ever if you ever find something that maybe alludes to you know the problem that I have as far as trying to figure out who the people are that are sitting on it is that there's a lot of passages of where we're gonna come on riding on horses but those apply to the Battle of Armageddon right when we're gonna come we're gonna come on white horses and Revelation chapter 19 and so I think it'd be hard maybe with Old Testament scriptures to say well is that talking about this event or is that talking about Revelation 19 with the Battle of Armageddon okay so I'm interested you know and it's something that I'm just kind of leaving that open meaning that when I'm going through here I just want you to know that I don't have all the answers as far as all the minute details of what's going on all I know is that there's 200 million horsemen with these crazy-looking horses that are killing a third part of men and in the end that's where it what matters okay who's sitting on them you know that's up for debate as far as if it's if it's believers or if it's an angel of some sort right now the last thing here is what it says at the end of the chapter is the fact that they did not repent of their deeds it's interesting because all these repentance preachers are just like city says you got to prepare your sins did it say anything in here about them like needing to believe the gospel or anything like that actually this is just a this is a case and point of like Nineveh if you're looking at Jonah 3 and the fact that God saw their works that they turned from their evil way and you're repenting of the evil that he said he would do with them how about this they didn't repent of their here's what would have happened if they didn't repent of their evil ways he'd keep destroying them and since they don't repent of their deeds guess what he's keeping he's still destroying them but this has nothing to do with eternal salvation as far as you know they didn't repent of their sins so therefore they weren't getting saved or whatever no it's just the fact that they were digging in that they were getting all this harsh punishment and you you and me would look at this and be like they're still doing it they're still doing the sins that they were doing they're still digging in and just blaspheming God and going after God and doing what they're doing even though all this stuff is coming down on them and I'm going to give you a couple reasons why I think that's so okay because when you think about it as a safe person you're just like that's crazy that they would still like they wouldn't just in their mind say okay we messed up okay we get it okay we get it you know after the the five months of the locusts and after like the year of you know more than a year of these horsemen killing us with fire okay we got it we're getting the message here but no they're not they're not getting the message and here's some reasonings as far as why I believe they don't repent of their deeds or they don't think to change their ways as far as why this judgment is coming upon them go to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2. 1 is I believe that they're just straight-up delusional like they're they're straight-up delusional and I'm going to say this those that take the mark of the Beast God has sent them strong delusion and when you think of these plagues a lot of times it's pointing at them they're saying those that take the mark of the Beast they're the ones that are going to be hit with these sores and all these different things they're hit being hit directly with these plagues and notice what it says in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 8 it says and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the bright spirit of his mouth and shall destroy the brightness of his coming even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders so him is talking about the wicked one that's going to come that is according to you know the working of Satan and power and lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness and them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved okay notice what it says in verse 11 and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure and unrighteousness those that take the mark of the Beast when Jesus comes back he's sending them strong delusion that they'll believe anything over the truth because you can see all this stuff happening you know what they're doing they're explaining it away they're explaining it away and you can see how people do that today right like anything that happens all these these forest fires and all that stuff it can't be because California is wicked as hell when it comes to you know their policies and just all the wickedness that goes on in that state it can't be because of that no it's just because you know global warming right there's always some excuse to why something's happening it can't be because we're wicked and we're doing something wrong so I as much as craziness as that would be when you have an army of 200 million with horses with the head of lions and tails of serpents that are literally killing people with fire breathing out of their mouth you would think that they'd be like this is a little different we can't explain this away but yet they do we get there that delusional to where they're just like well it must be because of the Christians you know you know it's because we didn't get vaccinated you know we're wearing out that last booster shot but they're just delusional there's completely delusional and I'll give you an example this now obviously the Bible teaches that they're implacable you know basically you're dealing with unreasonable men the Bible talks about the literacy from wicked and unreasonable men for all men have not faith talking about there's people that literally are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth and that there are people are just unreasonable without natural affection without understanding right that there are people that way but let me give you an example and I'll close it up with this of in the Bible go to Jeremiah chapter 44 Jeremiah 44 of a case where people literally are getting punished but they come to the wrong conclusion on why okay whereas you're reading this you're like you idiot like you've got to know why this is happening like it's just very clear you're getting punished because of your wickedness and you've left God and you're like worshiping other I you know other things other than God and you're just like how are you that foolish but they're literally just making stuff up as far as like this is why this is happening and I and you know I believe that's what's gonna happen even when all that craziness is going on there's literally mountains falling into the scene onto the rivers the Sun and Moon are being darkened their hell is opened up you know all this stuff is going on locusts are coming out they're stinging people it's dark then you have like this this army of 200 million that are just killing people with fire-breathing like horse lions and you're just like how can you explain all that away or how could you not think that it's because you know God is the one doing it and they'll find every reason other than God notice what says in Jeremiah 44 in verse 15 dealing with the Queen of Heaven and sacrifice to the Queen of Heaven Jeremiah 44 in verse 15 then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods and all the women that stood by a great multitude even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt in path rose answered Jeremiah saying as for the word that thou has spoken of us in the name of the Lord we will not hearken unto thee but we will certainly do whatsoever thing goes forth out of our own mouth to burn incense unto the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink offerings unto her as we have done we in our fathers and our kings and our princes in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem for then had we plenty of vittles and we're well and saw no evil but since we left off to burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink offerings unto her we have wanted and all all things and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine and when we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings unto her did we make her cakes to worship her or pour out drink offerings unto her without our men and Jeremiah I can imagine this prophet Jeremiah just pulling his hair out and be like because like it right after this he's like that's why you're being punished because you were burning incense to the Queen of Heaven do you see how ludicrous like Jeremiah Jeremiah I have a lot of respect for Jeremiah but just the fact that he kept you know didn't just go out of his mind when they said something like that and just saying no that is the reason why you're being judged but yet they're literally saying that the reason it's almost like saying this the reason that all this has happened is because we're not doing enough idol worship because we relax on that right it's just insanity but you're dealing with unreasonable people at that point to where it wouldn't matter what happened they will not they will not stop what they're doing they will not they will not believe that nothing's gonna change their mind they're literally implacable beasts that will not be changed or moved on where they stand and the Bible is stating here even after all this they're still doing all the wickedness and it's kind of just in your mind you're like what in the world how these easy to have to destroy it all and that's kind of the answer right the Battle of Armageddon was he do he destroys every single person that took the mark of the beast wipe them out and we haven't got there yet but that's what's gonna happen so you kind of see that building up that even after all this even after the sixth trumpet and the sixth vial being poured out still there's still people that will not stop doing what they're doing and there are people that do believe it you know actually if you look at the end if you look at the when the sixth when we get to Revelation chapter 11 there are people that give glory to God and I do believe get saved before the seventh Trumpet's even blown okay so but as a whole and those that take the mark of the beast you know they're just they still do what they're doing they're they're not gonna turn from it they're just gonna keep doing it and the hammers coming still so those are those are the the first two woes we're gonna be seeing some more information on that chapter 10 it's kind of like a little interlude that before we get to before we get to the last trumpet that kind of deals with some interesting stuff so chapter 10 is one of those that there's a lot of interpretations as far as what's going on there but obviously I'm going to show you what I believe it's stating and what it means and all that so chapter 10 is one of those interesting chapters dealing with a vision and different things like that I know I know you're shocked we're in Revelation there's visions but but we're gonna be getting into the seventh trumpet when we get into Revelation chapter 11 and then remember this that when you get to chapter 12 you're stepping back in time and you're going through it all again okay but you're getting it from a different angle different perspective you're getting new information that's going through there so we're kind of coming to the finale if you will of this 70th week this seven year period of the tribulation great tribulation rapture and then God's wrath we're kind of coming to the end of it and you know what it's just gonna we're gonna start over in chapter 12 and go through that again and go further than that where you get into the thousand-year reign and the new heaven new earth and some interesting stuff for sure in there so let's end with a word of prayer to Heavenly Father we thank you for today thank you for the book of Revelation and thank you for these these these passages and Lord I know that we won't be here for the wrath that's being poured poured out but we can still learn from it and learn some lessons from it and and Lord just thank you for these passages that we can be edified from and Lord we love you and prayers in Jesus Christ's name amen so brother they will come and sing one more song and that will be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song 349 song 349 we'll see the comforter has come if you would stand we'll sing song 349 Oh spread the tidings round wherever man is found wherever human hearts and human rows abound let every Christian tongue proclaim the joyful sound the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the Holy Ghost