(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You Well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church Take your psalm books and turn to song 134 Sit down You Send a crack is that open look at them Anyway alright, so yeah song 134 if you would stand we'll sing my anchor holds Song 134 Though the angry surges roll on my tempest-driven soul I am peaceful for I know Wildly though the winds may blow I've an anchor safe and sure That can evermore endure And it holds my anchor holds My anchor holds Blow your wildest then, oh, gale On my bark so small and frail By his grace I shall not fail For my anchor holds My anchor holds Mighty tides about me sweep Perils lurk within the deep Angry clouds or shade the sky And the tempest rises high Still I stand the tempest shock For my anchor grips the rock And it holds my anchor holds Blow your wildest then, oh, gale On my bark so small and frail By his grace, I shall not fail For my anchor holds my anchor holds I can feel the anchor fast As I meet each sudden blast And the cable though unseen Bears the heavy strain between Through the storm I safely ride Till the turning of the tide And it holds my anchor holds Blow your wildest then, oh, gale On my bark so small and frail By his grace, I shall not fail For my anchor holds my anchor holds Troubles almost round the soul Griefs like billows or me roll Temptors seek to lure astray Storms obscure the light of day But in Christ I can be bold I've an anchor that shall hold My anchor holds Blow your wildest then, oh, gale On my bark so small and frail By his grace, I shall not fail For my anchor holds my anchor holds All right, let's pray heavenly father lord, we just want to thank you god just for Another time to meet in your house and hear your word preach Thank you god for the morning service and also for the souls that were saved out this afternoon I pray lord now that you would just receive all the honor and glory out of everything It's said and done for us in jesus and we ask all that. Amen. All right, maybe seated And take your song books and turn to song four. I'm sorry 114 114 we'll sing the great physician Song 114 The great physician now is near the sympathizing Jesus He speaks the drooping heart to cheer Oh hear the voice of jesus Sweetest note and seraph song sweetest name on mortal tongue sweet as carol ever sung Jesus blessed jesus Your many sins are all forgive. Oh hear the voice of jesus Go on your way in peace to have and wear a crown with jesus Sweetest note and seraph song sweetest name on mortal tongue sweet as carol ever sung bled jesus blessed jesus All glory to the dying lamb. I now believe in jesus I love the blessed Savior's name. I love the name of jesus Sweetest note and seraph song sweetest name on mortal tongue Sweetest carol ever sung Jesus blessed Jesus and when to that bright world above we Be with Jesus We'll sing around the throne of love his name the name of jesus Sweetest note and seraph song Sweetest name on mortal tongue sweet as carol ever sung Jesus blessed jesus Yes Well, uh welcome out back to church and welcome back on this Sunday evening and just some general church announcements But first I want to get the soul winning numbers for the week Know that my brother is still on his way in so I'm not sure maybe we should get that afterward Because they didn't say if you got anybody or not so let me get that afterwards I'll tally this up. What do we have just so I know do we have any during the week? On Monday and Wednesday, I know Everybody's been sick and then I know there's two and The other groups right so I think we have two Yeah, so we'll see what the other team has You guys had one on Wednesday, okay, so three Barring we have more from the other group that's coming in So I know they were just getting done with the gospel and somebody said that maybe Salvation there, but let's wait before we mark that down. So And then general church announcements here everything is pretty much the same as what was this morning All the service times are normal on here. We have the Wednesday Service at 7 p.m. We're going still going through the book of Exodus and so Be out there We're still dealing with the burning bush at the moment And so but then the sowing times again, but brother Charles leads up the Monday time got it right this time and so And then brother Richie leads up the Wednesday time. So he's only got two days, you know, he has no excuses No, I'm just kidding. But obviously be on WhatsApp see You know if they're going out And all that and where everybody would meeting up at Bible memory We have Colossians chapter 1 and we're going to be going through the book of Colossians. So I'm gonna be trying to stick to this and try to get Colossians 1 memorized Colossians 2 Colossians 3 Colossians 4 and so You want to join me in that journey? Colossians 1 I mean Colossians has a lot of good stuff in it I feel like Ephesians usually overshadows Colossians because they're parallel and Ephesians is the one that everybody goes to But the Colossian needs some love too. So it's time to memorize Colossians And then 2 Timothy 2 24 is our memory verse for the week And then don't forget ladies for the prayer meeting this Saturday at 11 a.m. and so Be there if you can Birthdays we got that already and then for all the ladies on the pregnancy list Just be in prayer for all of these ladies and I specifically think of miss Ruth because she's coming up here in February and I'm pretty sure it's the beginning of February, right? What's that this Wednesday Yeah, so is that the second yeah as we were talking about how they should name their child Phil like the groundhog It's groundhog's day No, no one else is for that I Mean Phil up I Mean you would easily remember that, you know, it's groundhog's day. What's your name Phil? So No, I don't know if I could do that to my child But that would be hilarious if they went and everyone with Philip though anyway be in prayer for miss Ruth and then obviously be in prayer for all the other ladies on the pregnancy list here and And That's about all I got for announcements just a general choice announcements We have the offering box in the back there by the baby room over here by the baby room Sink and the bathroom is not working right now. Everything probably froze up. Who knows? We'll be working on that and figure out what happened there so bear with us on that one, but the other bathroom should be working so Yeah About all I got for days gonna sing one more song and I think my I think brother just was supposed to read but you You want to go ahead and read? Amethyst Cal said to me Do you need to step out and listen to score we say at one time That's Cal 70 sardonyx Chrysopisis Chrysalite You want me to read it I can read it I'll read it. All right, but you're leading the scene I feel like Joseph did this on purpose Like I'm not reading this check Yeah, I should you want to do that yeah score be read it All right, take your song books and turn to song 127 Song 127 we'll sing tis so sweet to trust in Jesus song 127 I Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take him at his word Just to rest upon his promise just to know the sith of Lord Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I proved him o'er and o'er Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust him more. Oh How sweet to trust in Jesus just to test his cleansing blood Just and simple Faith to plunge me need the healing cleansing flood Jesus Jesus How I trust him how I proved him o'er and o'er Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust him more Yes, tis sweet to trust in Jesus Just from sin and south to seas Just from Jesus Simply taking life and rest and joy and peace Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I proved him o'er and o'er Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust him more I'm so glad I learned to trust the Precious Jesus save your friend Know that thou art with me will be with me to the end Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I proved him o'er and o'er Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust him more All right, take your bottles and turn to Revelation chapter number 22 1 here we go So if you're there in Revelation chapter 21 Revelation chapter 21, we'll start reading the whole chapter there So Revelation 21 starting there in verse 1 Bible reads and I saw a new heaven and a new earth For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea and I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold The tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people God himself shall be with them and be their God and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more Death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away And he that that sat on the throne said behold I make all things new and he said unto me right for these words are true and faithful And he said unto me it is done. I am alpha and omega The beginning in the end I will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely He that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my son but the fearful and unbelieving in the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and Sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone Which is the second death and there came unto me one of the seven angels Which had the seven vials full of the last Full of the seven last plagues and talked with me saying come hither I will show thee the bride the Lamb's wife And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God Having the glory of God and her light was like unto a stone most precious even like a jasper stone clear as crystal and Had a wall great and high and had 12 gates and at the gates 12 angels and Names written thereon which are the names of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel on the east three gates on the north three gates on the south three gates and on the west three gates and the wall of the city had 12 foundations and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb and he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city and the gates thereof in the wall thereof and City lieth four square and the length is as large as the breadth and he measured the city with the reed 12,000 furlongs the the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal and he measured the wall thereof and 140 and four cubits according to the measure of a man that is of the angel in the building of the wall of it was of jasper and The city was pure gold Like unto clear glass and the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones The first foundation was jasper the second sapphire the third a Calcedony the fourth and emerald the fifth Sardin x the sixth sardius the seventh chrysolite the eighth barrel the ninth the topaz the tenth a chrysoprasis the 11th adjacent the 12th and amethyst and the 12 gates were 12 pearls Every several several gate was of one pearl and the street of the city was pure gold as it were Transparent glass and I saw no temple there in for the Lord God Almighty And a lamb are the temple of it and the city had no need of the Sun neither of the moon To shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it and the lamb is the light thereof And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it and the kings of the earth do bring Their glory and honor into it and the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day For there shall be no night there and they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it And there shall and no wise enter into it anything that the file is neither whatsoever work at the abomination Or make it the lie, but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life Let's open the word of prayer to Heavenly Father We thank you today and I pray to be with me as I preach this sermon I pray to fill me with your spirit I prayed you helped me to to explain all the this passage rightly and we'll just thank you for the book of Revelation and as we're coming to the end here with these last two chapters and just pray that you'd Again, be with us and help help me to edify the church this evening and more. We love you in prayer I'll send you use Christ name. Amen. So you're there in Revelation chapter 21, and this is really the finale I mean we got done with chapter 20 where you had the great white throne judgment And this is where I mean Satan is being cast into the lake of fire and then every unsaved person that was in hell was judged according to the works and then cast in a lake of fire and that's obviously hell as well and You know, that's the finale of the unbelievers. This is really getting into The finale of where we're gonna be after that and this is where you get to a new heaven and a new earth And so there's actually going to be a new having a new earth So what we see now is going to be different After the great white throne judgment, which also shows you that during the thousand year reign It's still the same earth that you see now. I do believe there's going to be some rejuvenation if you will and that's another sermon from another day when you're dealing with the thousand year reign and the fact that I do believe there's going To be kind of like this refreshing if you will Almost going back to pre-flood type conditions if you will and then you're gonna so it's kind of like you go from Garden of Eden Paradise pre-flood conditions the state we're at after the flood. So we're in the worst state right now Then when you get the thousand year reign, it's kind of going back to pre-flood conditions a little bit People are living longer stuff like that and then back to paradise, you know And so it kind of goes, you know down back up if you will But I want you to see here notice it says in verse 1 It says and I saw a new heaven a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth Were passed away and there was no more sea now first thing to see here is that When the new have a new earth when it mentions that that there's a new have new earth It says the first earth and the first first heaven are passed away. You know what this Annihilates is this gap theory a doctrine, okay If you will, I mean obviously keep your finger here But go all the way back to Genesis chapter 1 so go back to the very beginning of the Bible Genesis chapter 1 If you don't know what the gap theory is, I'm gonna explain it to you really quick because it's Doesn't need to be explained that much. I mean, it's just basically if you ever heard of reading in between the lines a little too much I Mean that you heard that phrase like reading in between the lines. I mean this takes it to another level Okay In Genesis 1 1 it says in the beginning. God created the heaven and the earth and The earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the earth Apart in the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters Now I know that you all saw that there was some pre-atomite civilization between verse 1 and 2 Where you know there was like all this stuff with Satan and like the angels and then he had to destroy that earth So that first where it says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth That was the first earth, but he destroyed that and then when you get to verse 2, that's when the earth has been destroyed Because of all the sin and the angels and all that stuff and now we're getting into like millions of years later Where we're you know, he's creating here now See the stupidity. Okay, but here's the thing You know why they do this though is because they're they're listening to about the atheists that are saying how old the earth is Like well if they're saying the earth is millions of years old, how do we fit that into the Bible? Okay Well, let's just say there's millions of years between verse 1 and 2 of Genesis chapter 1 boom salt and Then then you explain like where you know Satan's and all that stuff. It's it's it's ludicrous Okay, but what they'll say is that well, you know that was like, you know The first heaven and earth and we're in another one and then there's gonna be another one. Well, here's problem At the very end when there's a new have new earth It says the first earth and the first heaven are passed away. So you know what that means is that this is the first one There hasn't been one that's been destroyed yet Okay So that that annihilates that that whole theory now But let's keep reading there in Revelation chapter 21 in verse 2 there It says my John saw the holy city of New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven Prepared as a bride adorned for her husband And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them And they shall be his his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God and God shall wipe away all Tears from their eyes and they shall be no there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away and He that sat upon the throne Said behold I make all things new and he said unto me right for these words are true and faithful Now in verse 4 in verse 5, I want you to see that there's a phrase there That's very familiar where it says for the former things are passed away and behold. I make all things new Does that sound familiar? Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 Old things are passed away behold all things are become new What I want to teach here is that the earth is not annihilated When there's a new have a new earth made, okay? Because it talks about because I don't believe that this earth just explodes and The universe just explodes and then a new one is just brought into existence. Okay, I don't believe that What you're gonna be dealing with here is something that's similar to the resurrection, okay I mean it basically the body's resurrected but also this heaven and earth that we see now is going to be Resurrected and lack of better terms. It's gonna be made new. Okay, and so Just as much as our body isn't necessarily annihilated. It's just changed. Okay? Same thing with the new have newer it's the old as the first have new earth being renewed if that makes sense okay, and There's key phrases that are mentioned here that are exactly like what what it talks about with us Being old things are passed away behold all things are become new because verse 17 It says therefore if any man be in Christ He is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new now Let me ask you this when you got saved because this is obviously talking about like right now so it's talking about when you get saved this happens, did you just go out of existence the moment you believed and Then you came back into existence Were you annihilated the moment you believed and then you came back into you popped you back into existence? No What happened you were crucified with Christ and you're raised to walk in the midst of life spiritually speaking and Essentially this world and the heaven and the earth that you see when we're talking about having the earth. What are we talking about? Obviously the earth is self-explanatory, right? It's where you're standing That's what you see the earth to see everything that's around you right the heaven though You're dealing with the heavens which the third heaven is where God's throne is at The second heaven would be like where the Sun Moon and stars are at because we're not flat earthers So we believe that there's actually stuff outside of our atmosphere And then you have the atmosphere where the birds fly, okay, so three heavens that's why it says that Paul said a new man that was caught up to the third heaven and so and it talks about how the heavens and The birds basically are flying in the firmament of the heaven and all that stuff. Okay, so that being said That's all gonna be renewed that makes sense Like when it says a new heaven new earth, I believe you're dealing with all of the heavens from the first second or third heaven to the earth itself, okay, and The thing is you say well what happens to God's throne it comes down God's throne is going to be here on earth. That's the big difference. Okay that you're gonna be seeing here is that He comes down and in his throne is here God the Father is going to be down here on the earth. Okay You say what's so Magical about what's going on here. God the Father is his throne is gonna be down here everything that's in heaven coming down new Jerusalem That's in heaven heavenly Jerusalem coming down to the earth. Okay, there's still gonna be new heaven new heavens as well But it's no longer like the throne is up in the third heaven and then you know We're here down on the earth. It's just no this is where the thrones at. Okay, and this is where God is Dwelling the Father Son Holy Ghost for all eternity Now it says there's no sea there's no more sea that's interesting right because right now obviously we're post flood But right now 80% of the earth is covered in oceans, right? I mean it's covered in water When the earth was created you remember it was all waters Right the the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters upon the face of the deep and then the dry land Appeared, okay Literally the the new the new earth is going to be all land no more seas Now that doesn't mean there's not gonna be bodies of water I mean, it doesn't I don't think it's stating that necessarily but there's not gonna be oceans I mean think about and when I get into the dimensions of this city New Jerusalem, I believe the earth the new earth is gonna be a lot bigger Than what we have now, okay and yours we have now it's pretty big Okay, a lot of people think we're overpopulated come to West Virginia Go past Weston Towards Charleston and tell me we're overpopulated. Okay, go drive out west You know and once you get past, you know, I don't know West Virginia Just keep going and then then you're like seeing like, you know fields and like all this other stuff in it You know that we're not overpopulated we have plenty of space for people to be In the earth that we're in right now, but now think about adding 80% to that, right? I mean think about like right now we're living on 20% of the surface area of the earth You know, I mean Now add that 80% back in there just with the earth that we had now Okay, so I just want you to kind of think about that when you're when you're seeing this With that now when it comes to being changed like I said When the new heaven new earth is created, it's like it's being changed It's not being annihilated and being brought back into existence. Just like our bodies obviously you could say like You could say that. Well, what if someone like fell into a volcano aren't they annihilated? I mean Yes, and no, okay. I mean obviously, you know, you could have it be turned to powder but matter According to thermodynamics, okay cannot be created nor destroyed Okay, so I don't care how much someone gets annihilated Their body gets annihilated their body is still in existence So that makes sense like it's still there somewhere in some essence like that matter can't be destroyed Okay, so I don't believe that everything's going to be completely annihilated and then brought back into existence but in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 It says this about the resurrection. It says in verse 51 behold. I Show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be what changed in A moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised Incorruptible and shall be changed. So notice that the dead are being changed But even us that you know, basically don't die we're gonna be changed. I want you to hang on to that word changed Okay, I'm going to show you a place where it's going to talk about the heaven and the earth being changed, okay verse Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 and verse 10 Say why are you sticking on this point because there's verses in the Bible that says the earth shall abide forever and People will take that and say that's a contradiction because it's gonna be completely annihilated and it's not actually abiding forever Where does it say it's annihilated though, right? Where does it say it doesn't abide forever, you know, what's actually gonna happen. It's gonna be changed Okay, so that's why I'm making this a point making this a point Because if someone comes at you with that you'd be like, where does it say it's gonna be completely obliterated? Where does it say it's going out of existence? Nowhere does it say that it says it's passed away But you know what we passed away to people pass away every single day, but they just go out of existence Does our body just disappear like we're Jedi's or something like that Sorry for that reference But Hebrews chapter 1 verse 10 here because obviously you can see how the resurrection is likened unto putting on clothing, right? It's like into being changed. Well, let's see what it says about the earth here in verse 10 It says and thou Lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth in the heavens are the works of thine hands By the way, this is talking about Jesus. It says But unto the Son he said thy throne O God is forever and ever and then keeps going on and thou Lord talking about Jesus Notice what it says in verse 11 So what are we talking about the foundation of the earth the heavens are the works of thine hands verse 11? They shall perish but thou remainest now people say well perish. It's going out of existence Okay. Well, let's keep reading and they shall wax old as doth a garment Notice in verse 12 and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up and they shall be what? changed But thou art the same and thy years shall not fail so it's talking about the earth the heaven and earth perishing or Basically waxing old old things are passed away Don't all things are become new. It's being changed and even here. It's basically talking about like a garment, right? It's like as a vesture thou shalt fold them up It's kind of like you're folding up this vesture and putting on a new vesture if you will putting on a new clothing and The new having a new earth at least the same thing which makes sense because if you think about it, this is the finale at the point of the the great white great white throne judgment Every single person has been changed, right? Does that make sense? Like you've had the resurrection of the just and the unjust at that point You're at the very end you have the gleamings of the harvest if you will of the saved But then you have just a straight-up like resurrection of the unjust and they're all being cast in the lake of fire Right at that point every single person is either in a new body Completely regenerated or they're in hell You know soul and body being destroyed in hell, right? Does that make sense? Like at this point, that's where you're at But having an earth is the final thing that that's that's what's being changed Right, and this is the finale Where we're dealing with this and so it makes sense that it would have that same kind of language That this is being made new and at this point everything has been made new not just everybody on the earth and having the earth but Even the earth itself and the heaven itself have been renewed. Okay? now Something else to see there in verse 3. It says in Revelation 21 verse 3 It says and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them Okay, go to Leviticus chapter 23 Leviticus chapter 23 Leviticus, what are we doing in Leviticus? Well, Leviticus 23 is The chapter that lists all the feasts of the Lord, okay So there's these feasts that were kept in the Old Testament Testament But these feasts represent something. I mean could you can anybody guess what the Passover represents? Okay, I mean so obviously, you know from that one. That's Christ our Passover right the Passover lamb the firstfruits We think that represents Christ is the firstfruits of them slut the Feast of Weeks or the day at Pentecost dealing with the harvest and Bringing the harvest as far as like you're in the midst of harvesting, right? What do you think that's talking about? Well the day at Pentecost what happened a lot of people got saved Didn't they thousands of people got saved? Then those are what you would call the spring feasts Okay, so you probably heard of the spring feasts and the fall feasts, right? And the reason they're called that is because they happen in the spring Right. It's like the first day of the first month of the year, but their year started off and You know In the middle of spring, okay But then you had the fall feast which happened like in the seventh month Okay So after you get past like the the Passover which is the Feast of Unleavened Bread and you get past the the firstfruits And you get past the Feast of Weeks or the day of Pentecost Then you get into these fall feasts which you're dealing with the Feast of Trumpets the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles Okay, those are the three fall feasts Okay, so if you think about When Jesus came the first time he fulfilled that that was all fulfilled in Christ's first coming the first those three feasts, you know, if you will with The Passover the firstfruits and the day of Pentecost very clearly in the Bible you can see that's fulfilled what we're waiting for is a fall feast which Even in the parables of the parable of the the wheat and the tares, right? It talks about how the harvest is the end of the world. Well, when's the harvest happen? In the fall, right? So So these are harvest feasts if you if you want to indulge me there I'm saying the fall the Bible doesn't use the word fall, but you get what I'm saying, right the harvest So when you're dealing with the Feast of Trumpets the Feast of Trumpets are actually dealing with the tribulation Okay meaning this is that it talks about blowing the trumpets when you're at war with your enemy and how that would be dealing with the Tribulation and how you know, we're obviously going to war he's making war with the Saints, right? you know the Antichrist making war with the Saints Day of Atonement would be the rapture and On every 50 years the year Jubilee on the Day of Atonement There would be a final there'll be a trumpet that would sound which marks the last Trump if you will You have the Feast of Trumpets blowing You have the Day of Atonement on the 10th day of the seventh month on the year of Jubilee when everybody's giving back their Possessions and they're raised from out of their bondage Sound familiar that there be this trumpet that would blow on that special occasion Which the trumpet of Jubilee, I believe is dealing with the rapture. What about the Feast of Tabernacles though? And people have used it, you know, they'd be like well the Feast of Tabernacles I think that's talking about, you know, the vials or the the wrath or something like that. I believe That it's talking about this right here The Feast of Tabernacles, I believe represents The new heaven new earth when God makes his abode with us when the tabernacle of God is with men Does it make sense like that? I believe that is the fulfillment of that final feast Which makes sense because that is the finale you say well that is at the end of the world. I mean it calls That the where you have the great white throne and you have at the end after the thousand year range It calls that the end, doesn't it? So I would say that would be the end of the world too So the end of the world and perspective of our world Before the thousand year reign will be when Christ comes back in the clouds and you have You know the Antichrist being thrown into the lake of fire But then you have the end that it talks about where you have the great white throne and you have the new heaven new earth And that's where the tabernacle of God is with men I just want you to see here what it says in Leviticus chapter 23 and verse 33 You don't have to agree with me on this because it really doesn't change Anything doctrinally I just personally believe it fits perfectly that this would be the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles instead of trying to Just shove it into something You know that's coming up in the near future Does that make sense? Like I don't think that that makes sense to do I don't think it fits actually is the only place that tabernacles ever mentioned in the New Testament So I'm going with that. Okay, you know, I'm going with that that that's where You're dealing with it. Okay and He I'm sorry the Leviticus chapter 23 and verse 33 It says the Lord spake unto Moses saying I'm sorry tabernacle is mentioned in the New Testament But when it's talking about the tabernacle of God and in dwelling with man There's something gonna pull that out and be like you don't know your Bible, you know, you know He's talking about blaspheming the tabernacle of God in heaven in Revelation 6. Sorry misspoke Leviticus 23 verse 33 it says in the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel saying the 15th day of This seventh month shall be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days unto the Lord verse 42 He shall dwell in booths seven days all that our Israelites born shall be dwell in booths That your generation may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths When I brought them out of the land of Egypt, I am the Lord your God now I don't want to get too far into the Feast of Tabernacles This isn't the sermon on the Feast of Tabernacles But the idea is that they're dwelling in something right the idea of the Feast of Tabernacles is where they're dwelling Okay, and I believe that correlates perfectly with the fact that What are we dealing with when we're talking about the tabernacle of God is with men He will dwell with them Okay, that's what you're dealing with I believe that's the fulfillment of that final feast that's mentioned in Leviticus 23 So take that as you will that's what I believe. I'm obviously right and you're wrong No, I'm just kidding Obviously, I just want to throw that out there because a lot of people have wondered what the Feast of Tabernacles represent That's what I believe it represents. I think it's very simple at that Revelation 21 verse 4 says this it says in God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes initial there shall be no more death Neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away now This is mentioned in Revelation chapter 7 and remember I believe that was like a for basically foretelling about what's gonna happen, right? It's kind of like you have the rapture and obviously people are there in heaven But it's foretelling what's going to happen in the future because in Revelation 7 and verse 16 It says they shall hunger no more neither thirst anymore neither shall the sunlight on them nor any heat For the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them until living waters of Fountains of waters and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes Now what you have to understand is that? This could be talking about at that time, but at the same time when this happens when the new have a new earth Everybody's tears have been wiped away right Because at the time of the rapture if you were to say well I'm in a new body and I'm in a spiritual body and you could say maybe technically my Our tears of being all wiped away at that point in Revelation 7 What about the people that are gonna live and live get saved and die in the thousand-year reign? So you can't say that holistically yet, but in Revelation 21 you can It doesn't make sense like at that point no one in The future will be crying or you know be in sorrow or anything like that now I don't necessarily take that stance. I think There might still be weeping even for us Up to that point and the reason being is that there's people being cast into a lake of fire right before this happens Okay now The great thing about this passage about Revelation 21 is it's basically like the former things are gonna be forgotten and That's all basically gonna be healed and I don't believe that you're gonna be sorrowing over that for all eternity Right. Let's say you had a loved one that went to hell Okay, obviously is that that's gonna be sad So I personally believe That there's still gonna be weeping and crying even in heaven and even you know During that time because you're gonna be seeing loved ones that you knew being cast into this lake of fire and I personally believe that after all that's done God's gonna wipe away all tears from all eyes and That basically it's gonna be forgot. It's gonna basically be healed It's gonna you're gonna forget about it The former things are gonna be forgotten and you're just gonna move on from there and it's gonna be joy No more sorrow no more pain and Obviously no more death and that's where you get into, you know, you don't have to turn there but in first Corinthians chapter 15 That's where it talks about then come at the end, you know When he shall have delivered up the kingdom unto the Father, right? And it says in verse 25 it says for he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death And so what you're seeing in Revelation 21 is death is gone Obviously, there's people in the in outer darkness. There's people in the lake of fire. They're there forever. Okay? But that's kind of like out of sight out of mind. Does that make sense? It's kind of like out in outer darkness that's going on out there. That's not where we're at We're in this new heaven new earth Hell is no longer in the center of the earth like that's that's that's out there. Okay completely Obviously, they're in the presence of the lamb and the presence of God obviously God is everywhere, but we're detached from that Okay, and death is no more because death has been defeated. Okay completely defeated both Spiritually physically and for every single believer from Adam to the end of the world It's been defeated and we're in a state of no more death. No more pain. No more sorrow So it's it's it's it's paradise essentially Because obviously if you died right now and went to paradise you went to heaven It's gonna be great for you, right, but there's still people living and dying. There's still people getting saved There's still say people going through hardships and all that stuff that's going on right now you can't say right now that all tears have been wiped away and Even when the rapture happens you can't say that because there's gonna be people getting saved and people that are gonna live in the thousand-year rain and that they're gonna Be resurrected at the end of that Where this is going to be a finale, okay? Good Revelation 21 We're gonna be getting into a very familiar verse. Okay, anybody's ever gone soul-winning knows this verse We usually read verse 8 but you know what it's backed up with these verses right right before this there's a dichotomy here We're always looking at the worst part of the dichotomy, which is that there's people that are being cast into hell okay, and Honestly in your soul when you probably use this To say see this is where you don't want to be what you want to be is in verse 7 Okay, you want to be in that group in verse 7 not in verse 8, okay, but in verse 6 here It says and he said unto me it is done I am alpha and omega at the beginning in the end and I will give unto him That is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely By the way in Revelation 22 it says whosoever will and take of the fountain of the water of life freely and by the way It's free will okay free will choice to take this fountain of water and he wants Everyone he's not willing to Danny should perish but that all should come to repentance We'll have all men to be saved and comes in knowledge of the truth and it's as easy as taking a drink of water Salvation is easy. It's free. It's eternal And and he's stating here that he wants people to get saved and it's by Was the same for seven it says he and he that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God And he shall be my son So it's talking about being born again, you know, obviously, you know, God would then be our Father, you know Because you know who sort of believe it that Jesus is the Christ is born of God You're all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. And by the way You say well, it says you got to overcome. Yeah, because Whatsoever is born of God over come with the world and who is he that over come with the world But he that believe that Jesus is the Christ Or believe that Jesus is the Son of God, sorry Who is he that ever come with the world, but he that believe that Jesus is the Son of God? Yeah, you should read first John before you get the revelation and if you read first John before you got revelation you read this verse You're like oh That's me You know, that's that's that's every believer Not not someone that overcomes the law, okay, we overcome the law because we believed in Christ Verse eight. Okay. Here's the dreaded verse eight because I mean we use this out so many to condemn people But really we had the good news before we got to this didn't we? It's just showing you That okay. Here's here's the stark difference of where Safe people will be And where unsafe people will be Remember I preached a sermon about polarization is good Our God is a polarizing God Like it or lump it He's a polarizing God. Look at this polarization right here He that ever cometh or he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God who serves born of God, right? He's gonna inherit all things and it says that God is gonna be our Father What if you don't overcome that what if you don't believe but the fearful and unbelieving in the Abominable and murderers and whore markers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars who have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone Which is the second death. I would say that's polarized We just got done talking about how there's gonna be no more death. No more crying. No more sorrow. No more pain We're inheriting all things We're gonna have a new heaven new earth We're gonna have paradise And we're gonna live forever with God we have eternal life and living forever dwelling with our maker and The throne of God's coming down here on earth. Everything's being regenerated Flip side. What if you don't believe on Christ you're going to the lake of fire and being tormented day and night forever and ever I Don't think you get any more polarized than that. I think that would be the definition Right Polarization would be like North Pole to the South Pole this takes us to another level Okay, as far as the poles are concerned now, I Just want you to see that obviously we kind of sometimes when we go out so many are used versus sometimes you forget The context that it's in you don't think about the context as much because the whole point you're trying to get across Is that even a liar would deserve to go to this place called like a fire? We've all lied. We all deserve hell But We've all overcome that through the blood of the lamb. Okay, because people say well you've lied won't you go to know because I've overcome And the reason how I overcome is because I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Because it's his righteousness that's imputed unto me not mine own righteousness, which is of the law But the righteous which is of God by faith. That's how I've won Christ. That's how I've overcome He's overcome the world and therefore I overcome because I put my faith in him, but if you don't What's the consequence? in eternity in a place called the lake of fire in a place called outer darkness where people are being tormented day and night forever and Ever an eternal judgment and eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels that's polarization at its peak in my opinion So I just kind of want to hit on that Obviously you guys all know that verse and for her to eat there, so I don't want to really get into depth on that Revelation 21 verse 2 Kind of stepping back to go into something else here. Is that New Jerusalem is going to come down New Jerusalem And the reason you know, I want to make a point here is that it's coming down. Is that it's already there New Jerusalem is already in heaven right now Okay, it says in verse 2 It says nice and I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven Prepared as a bride adorned for her husband now We kind of hit on this when you're dealing in Revelation 19 because the bride is who the Saints There's also the city But the city kind of represents the Saints and you can kind of see how the physical city is the bride But also the people all the Saints are the bride Okay, and they're adorned in in fine linen, right But this city is adorned with like gold and precious stones that no one seems to know how to pronounce apparently. No, just kidding Obviously, there's some hard ones in there Revelation 21 in verse 2 is kind of going it sets you up for what's gonna be said later because this chapter if I was Gonna think about this chapter I was gonna think about how I talked about New Jerusalem because it really gets into the details about this city But I want you to see go to Isaiah chapter 65 Isaiah chapter 65 talks about Because in the Old Testament it basically states that there's going to be a new heaven and a new earth That's created or new heavens and new earth that are going to be created and that's what we're dealing with here in revelation Isaiah 65 in verse 17 It says for behold I create new heavens and a new earth and the former shall not be remembered Nor come into mind and the reason that the reason I want to bring you to this passage is that right there I kind of mentioned it, but I want you to see that that's written in the Bible. Okay? We're gonna forget about this world. We're gonna forget about all the pain and all the suffering And you know the Bible talks about this how like or in Revelation, I think in Romans chapter 8 I believe is where it talks about how It's not even fair to compare You know, basically the the sufferings and tribulations of this world for what we have in store for us Basically, it's gonna be so outweighed. You're just gonna completely forget about it You're just gonna be like, what was that? Nothing Nothing, it's just like a little blip. I mean think about how long you can live on this earth Let's say you live to 80 90 100. What's that to eternity? And when you're in eternity, are you gonna really it basically? We could guess and be like, I don't think we're gonna remember it. You know what the Bible says It says you're not gonna remember it. It's not gonna come into mind As far as this world is concerned. Now, does that mean that you're gonna forget what you did in this world for the Lord? I don't think so. I think that that stuff will be remembered. I Think what will be forgotten is the sin all the strife all the you know, all that stuff that went on But what you do for the Lord will be eternal and it will be remembered forever, I believe Keep reading there It says in verse 18, but be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create For behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing and her people a joy So notice how it's showing Jerusalem as like the place but also the people right and Then it says and I will rejoice in Jerusalem and joy in my people and the voice of weeping Shall be no more heard in her nor the voice of crying and that gets into there's gonna be no more crying No more sorrow. No more pain. No more death Obviously, that's what we're dealing with there now Jerusalem which is above is the mother of us all the Bible says in Galatians chapter 4 So when you deal with Jerusalem, which now is and is in bondage with their children, that's the Jerusalem That's over in the Middle East right now This is New Jerusalem. And this is what were associated with Okay as believers whether Jew or Gentile, I don't care who you are whoever believes on Christ New Jerusalem is the mother of us all New Jerusalem is who were associated with So, you know when people go and they're like well in Psalm it says pray for the peace of Israel Or pay it doesn't say pray for the peace of Israel. Good night. I'm good design is I'm stuck in my head It says pray for the peace of Jerusalem Okay Well, let me ask you this should we not pray for the peace of New Jerusalem Which is the mother of us all You say well, why would you pray for that? I mean what well, why would we pray that you know his will be done on earth as it is in heaven you know that heavens gonna be cleansed from the devil and That's gonna be cleansed and completely done away with and and all that when it comes to Jerusalem But New Jerusalem or heavenly Jerusalem is in heaven right now I know I've kind of already went through this and talked about this in Hebrew chapter 12 You don't have to turn there, but Hebrew chapter 12 verse 22 It says but ye are come unto Mount Zion and that's the city of the living God and the heavenly Jerusalem Into an innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn Which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all into the spirits of just men made perfect So if you're to go up into the third heaven right now You're gonna be going up into New Jerusalem. You're gonna be going up to where there's actually a temple a tabernacle There's the Ark of the Covenant There's all that stuff that's that's in heaven that when Moses was given the pattern to do down here and obviously Jerusalem was picked and named for a purpose to replicate You know or basically Mir or rhyme or however you want to look at it. What's in heaven? Into the pattern of what's in heaven But we're gonna have the actual New Jerusalem coming down and it's being prepared You know when it talks about God preparing, you know, I go away to prepare a place for you You know and in my father's house are many mansions. That's a whole nother sermon for another day Is he talking about your body, you know as being a mansion is talking about dwelling places I believe it could be both, you know, the fact that we're gonna have mansions physically We're also gonna have a mansion as far as our bodies being upgraded From the tabernacle that we're in because it does talk about our bodies being a tabernacle and that being maybe Upgraded, you know the idea of the physical natural body being upgraded to a mansion if you will I think that's very possible to be talking about that. But also I believe we will have Dwelling places and all that stuff in the city. So I think it would be dealing with both Now Let's get into the city. Okay, so You know get the hairs where we're gonna get some hard dimensions and some ideas about what the city's gonna look like first of all in verse 9 here Revelation 21 verse 9 it says and there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full the Seven last plagues and talks with me saying come hither. I will show thee the bride the lambs white now He's gonna be talking about this physical city There's no doubt he's talking about the physical city because he's gonna give dimensions and gates and all this stuff Now this angel is a man Okay, I mean if you go to Revelation 22, you know, John goes down the bow down to him He's like I'm of thy brethren the prophets. I mean clearly he's just a normal prophet guy So when we get into these dimensions, he's talked about the cubit of a man. That is the angel We're not talking about some stupid Nephilim garbage of like people being that 450 feet tall like in the book of Enoch Okay, we're talking about someone that's just a normal sized human being. Okay, so it's gonna be a typical cubit Okay, and so when you look at that people could be like well how big was the angel right? So how big is this city? I personally believe it's just a normal sized human being Which a cubit would be 18 inches You know on average that's what you're dealing with. Okay So that being said I just want to kind of lay it out as a foundation there when we're getting into these dimensions Some of these dimensions are not cubits. So it's a very hard dimension that It doesn't matter how big the person is But I think it's kind of setting you up like it's the length You know the cubit according to the man and the angel and then in the next chapter show you all okay That's just a normal person, right? It's not some like Crazy cherub that's like 20 feet tall or something like that. Okay now Revelation 21 verse 10 there He says he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city the holy Jerusalem Descending out of heaven from God Having the glory of God and her light was like unto a stone most precious even like a jasper stone clear as crystal and Had a wall great and high and had 12 gates and at the gates 12 angels and names written there on which are the names the 12 tribes of the children of Israel on the east three gates on the north three gates on the south three gates and on the west three gates, so Get it there's a there's a city but around it there's this this wall and it's got three gates on each side. So So three gates on each side Four sides was I give you twelve Okay, so it's gonna have the twelve tribes the names of these gates are gonna be the twelve tribes Of Israel, so you got Reuben Simeon Levi Judah going down the line, right? So it's the twelve tribes Go To verse 21 going on with these gates So I'm kind of kind of skipping around because I just want to talk about these gates for a second Notice what it says these gates are made of Verse 21 and the twelve gates were twelve pearls Every several gate was a one pearl in the street of the city was pure gold as it were transparent glass Now you've ever heard of the pearly gates Like you open your you know that God would open the pearly gates open to me Pearly is a pearl Meaning that the gate is not made up of a whole bunch of pearls The gate is literally a gate this that is a pearl like it's basically it doesn't I'm not saying it's shaped like a pearl Like it's just a big ball, right? What I'm saying is that the gate is literally the the composition of that gate is a pearl Right. I'm not saying he carved it Okay, but let's say you had a big pearl as big as this room right here and you carved the gate out of it That's what you're dealing with, you know a gate that's straight up. Just a pearl the materials pearl. Okay, and that's what you're dealing with you're dealing with pearl gates and You know, that's where we get that proverbial, you know Pearly gates, you know, but I think when you say it like that like a pearly gate Then you get that picture that it's like a gate that's made of a bunch of pearls and it's just like outlined in pearls And all that stuff. No, it's just one. It's very clear Do you see here that it's making it very clear point one pearl. Okay, and every several gate It's not saying like every other gate is a pearl. Okay Several is a word that we would usually say like, you know, I'm gonna have several cookies or something like that It's like a quantity. Okay Why do I use? cookies and sweets as my example, I don't know but But in the Bible one thing that I always think of is when it says several ability or when it talks about How Uzziah went to a several house, right? He went and lived in a several house the day of his death He was a leper What's in that word sever meaning like it's a it's severed meaning every separate gate was a one pearl Okay, that's what it's stating. So don't get caught up on that and be like was it every other gate? You know, what's the other gates made of? No, every single gate is made of pearl Okay, and and then it says that the street you ever hear this phrase the streets in heaven are paved with gold No, it's not paved just says they are gold Okay, there's no like equipment out there and they're like got a big gold truck That's you know backing into this big paver and they're just paving these roads No, God created it as gold. Okay, but the whole city is gold and The city is the gold that's transparent as glass that's interesting, isn't it? Thinking about the properties of gold. I mean when you think of gold you think of like maybe this ring Like this is white gold. You don't see through that or you know, it's only ten carats I guess that's probably why you know, I'm not a high roller when I got my wedding ring, but When you think of gold though, the higher you're getting quality the more malleable it gets right it gets softer the higher quality you get up, but apparently Pure gold is like Transparent I mean that's interesting Isn't it like how gold works and just and the fact that it's gonna be so pure that it's transparent But yet it's not gonna just be like falling apart Okay, and not to get into the metallurgy or anything like that when it comes to like what we're dealing with here But I just think that's very interesting on like how gold works and just thinking about how it gets softer when it's more pure But how it's gonna be so pure that it's gonna be transparent at the same time and so that'll be interesting to see But also here's why it's interesting as a structural engineer When someone asks me, hey, can you come look at my building? You know, it's like falling over the hill. It's cracking whatever They're always like well, you know are the foundations good I'm like your guess is as good as mine because I can't see through that dirt just as much as you can Okay Right does that like sometimes when someone asked me a question I'm like you're just as much as an expert on this as me because I have no idea. Okay Here though what's interesting about these gates is we're gonna be able to see the foundations When you look around this building, you don't see the foundations if you do there's something wrong. Okay Foundations are always covered up. It's always like dirt covering it. You never see it But what's interesting to me? Maybe that's just because I deal with this all the time is that we're gonna literally look down you're gonna see down and See the foundations of this wall And you're gonna see that the foundations listen the foundations are the most important Well, let's just face it. We don't use the most pretty material to make the foundations I have yet to see someone take gold or some precious stone like Emerald or anything like that and be like, you know what? I know we usually use concrete for foundations I want I've never even heard people use like you know what instead of concrete. Let's just use like granite You know because you get granite countertops, right? Let's put it in the foundation You'd be a crazy person or you got too much money Did you have no idea what to do with right? You're just like, you know what I'm making granite granite foundations You know, you know why that's so stupid because no one will ever know that you have granite foundations Besides you telling them that and then I'm just gonna say you're an idiot for doing it but That is the reason I say that they're idiot for doing it because you can't see it Like there's no point to see doing this in heaven, though We're gonna be able see it. The streets are pure gold You can see listen if if you can't see through the road, then how do you know it's transparent? Okay Get where I'm coming from here. So you're gonna have to see through it. Okay, I don't and I'm not claiming to know What you're gonna see underneath that Right besides the foundations or whatever. Maybe there's some kind of like, you know, Jasper stone that's underneath it Right talks about how it's kind of like Jasper stone and there's like this light that comes from it And so maybe you see some kind of like like just oh if you're just looking under the street You would see underneath that transparent glass some kind of like precious stone very well may be the case I don't think it's just pure darkness. You're looking underneath there anything like that That wouldn't make any sense because there is no darkness or night or anything like that. I Geek out over this stuff Have you noticed this like when I look at this stuff this stuff is very interesting to me because I'm trying to figure out Like I'm trying to picture it in my mind. Okay. Now the wall here. Let's get into the wall it says Says Trump wants to build a wall, you know, it says that the last Trump, you know, all this stuff's gonna happen No, I'm just kidding But you know what it is interesting that there's a wall around the city and everybody's against walls no, I'm just kidding I don't care So the revelation 21 verse 14 It says in the wall of the city had 12 foundations and in them the name of names of the 12 Apostles of the land so it's interesting how the 12 gates 12 tribes. So you kind of had like that Old Testament like patriarch You know names that are listed in there But then you have these 12 foundations that are Basically dealing with the apostles of the land Now you say well who is that 12th apostle right because obviously Judas fell from his apostleship. I believe it's Matthias and People I feel like people will take this way too far when they're like they cast lots for Matthias He wasn't a legitimate apostle. No, I believe he's one of the twelve I believe his name is gonna be on that foundation Because I've heard people say well, I think it's Paul Paul's gonna be that 12th one. Where do you see that ever? Because there's more than 12 apostles Paul's one Barnabas is one James the brother of Jesus, you know, the brother of our Lord is one There's other apostles besides the 12. I Believe Matthias name is gonna be on that foundation. Okay, you're like, why do you fight so hard for that? Because I believe that in Acts chapter 1 that pick of that 12th apostle was of God And you say well they cast lots Yeah Well they cast lots to see who was in whose cause it was for the storm in Jonah and it came up on Jonah Didn't it? You know that there actually is a verse in the Bible in Proverbs where it talks about casting a loss and the whole Disposing of it is of the Lord Okay, so You can't just throw that out and say well This is just they they messed up and they should have just waited to see who the Lord told No, they asked the Lord and they said they were gonna use lots to be the way that the Lord was gonna answer him And that's how it happened. So Yes, I believe all the apostles from John James Peter Andrew and Matthias is gonna be on there But keep reading there It says in verse 15 It says he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city and the gates thereof and the wall thereof and the city lieth foursquare And the length is as large as the breadth and then any measured the city with a reed with the reed 12,000 furlongs the length and the breadth of this and the height of it are equal and he measured the wall Thereof and hundred and forty four forty and four cubits according to the measure of a man that is of the angel Okay, so let's talk about the city. First of all, the dimensions here What's what's a furlong well furlong is Basically one block an eighth of a mile. Okay, so how do you put this into miles? You you take that number that twelve thousand right the twelve thousand furlongs divided by eight Or multiply it by an eight, however, you want to do it, but basically you just say 12,000 divided by eight you come up with 1,500 okay, this city is 1,500 miles wide Now to give you a reference of that from the east coast of the west coast is 2,800 miles 2,800 miles that means this city is more than half of the width of the u.s. And Then the other dimension the other width it's four square, right? So it's the other width is the same dimension, right? So you're going up into Canada and all that now I obviously there's no more C So you don't have to worry about like, oh, we're spilling over to the sea. Where's this thing in the land? It's gonna be a whole new earth. No a whole new heaven. It's just coming down now 1,500 miles or 1,500 miles wide in both directions But then it says its height is equal as well now this is where people believe that New Jerusalem is a cube And I'm here to say I don't believe it's a cube at all, okay Now have you seen the pyramids? Okay, let's just talk about the pyramids for a second The pyramid if you took a pyramid you could have the same dimension both width depth and height and not be a cube Okay, because the peak of the pyramid is the same Distance as the width of the pyramid. Okay. I don't believe that New Jerusalem is a pyramid. I believe it's a mountain Okay, when you think of a mountain, what do you see? It's kind I mean you could think of it as a pyramid But obviously it's a mountain right you had the base of the mountain is bigger Than the top of the mountain the peak of the mountain is gonna be whatever size that is, but basically What I believe you have here is you have this four square city That peaks up to a mountain in the top of that mountain is 1,500 miles high Okay, this is why it's important to understand, you know, I could see athes to be like wow That would never work Look at the atmosphere. Where are we at? You know, it's like well it already covered that in verse one and two You know where it said there's gonna be a new having a new earth. Okay, and there's gonna be no more see Obviously the atmosphere is higher so we so just give you some numbers here if you care, okay The tallest mountain is Mount Everest. Okay, it's 29,000 feet tall roughly which is about five and a half miles The tallest mountain in the world right now is five and a half miles the city is going to be 1,500 miles high Just to give you perspective as far as how big this city is Okay Because I don't know if that'll I still don't think that'll because that's five miles compared to like 1,500 miles you get up the Mount Everest. Okay. Well, you got another 1495 miles to go Does that make sense like that is insane like how high that is now our atmosphere Or How about this? This is something you can understand planes fly at about 30,000 feet somewhere around there, right? So you're dealing with around five and you know, like five to six miles high Well, they better fly that high if they're going over Mount Everest. I Don't think they fly over Mount Everest. I'm gonna guess they go around it But if you're gonna go across, you know, the Alps or all that stuff, you're gonna have to go pretty high So just to give you an idea that when you're up in a plane you are up about Five to six miles high Okay, our atmosphere the bulk of our atmosphere The troposphere, okay is about five to ten miles high that's the bulk of our atmosphere The rest of atmosphere where it goes to just pure out of outer space if you will it granted I'm not some Astronomy major here like know these things that well But it basically states that it's like six over six thousand miles high Okay, but if you're gonna talk about like where you're actually still in the atmosphere where there's gonna be planes There's gonna be birds flying. There's oxygen all that because atmosphere does not equal oxygen. Okay? The troposphere is where you got to have the oxygen and all that stuff. That's up like five to ten miles Okay, because when you get up in the mountain top Mount Everest that's called the dead zone where basically you will die if you stay there Because even if you have an oxygen tank, you will die if you stay up there for a long period of time, okay And that being said I just want to give you a perspective about how big the city is. It's not a cube And it's not on Saturn. Okay? Some of you know what I'm talking about there There's some crazy people out there like I saw it. I saw this image and there's a cube In Saturn, it's New Jerusalem Listen, New Jerusalem is in the third heaven not in the second heaven. It's where God's thrones at God is not dwelling on Saturn. Okay? That's for comedic value don't take any stock in that at all because that's that that whole there's there's some really stupid stuff It's like believed out there Now so that's the city. So do you get that? I mean the city is is Basically a mountain and you say well, how do you know it's a mountain because it's called Mount Zion. That's why Case point closed. There you go. New Jerusalem's called Mount Zion, you know the heavenly Jerusalem It's a mountain therefore this mountain type of cities coming out of heaven and all that Here's another reason why it being a cube is really dumb Look at the size of this this this wall. It's 144 cubits Cubit foot and a half. So you take 144 multiply by one and a half. And what do you get? 216 feet Okay, so I have this city that's 1,500 miles high right at the edge and I got this little teeny Little teeny wall right there. Why would you do that? No one's going to do that because it doesn't make any sense. Okay, but If you have this wall, that's like 200 260 feet is pretty tall right we think about What's 216 feet? Well a story of a building is about 10 feet, right? So you're dealing with 21 to 22 story building that's pretty tall, right? I mean, I don't think Trump's wall is that tall On the border. I mean you got this is a tall wall. Okay, so let's say this is 200 feet right here Well down here at the bottom of your city is going to be starting at point zero, right? You know, like I said zero elevation, let's say Well, you keep going up. Well, you have we have 1,000. Well, let's say no you would have You'd have half that so you'd have what 750 miles or whatever to get up to the peak, right? You got to come back down, right? Yeah, 750 miles To get up to that 1,500 miles well that makes more sense because by the time you get up to the 216 feet You're far enough away from the wall where you're not worried about people jumping in. Okay, and scaling your building okay, but if you have the building right there and It's a cube the wall doesn't make any sense. Okay All right. I'm done with the cube But let's look at it. Let's look at some spiritual things here when it comes to the what these foundations represent. Okay now Obviously, I think everything has a representation in the city Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 19 Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 19 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 it says this says now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners But fellow citizens with the saints of the household of God and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone So it is any marvel that the apostles are associated with foundations of a wall Okay, and you know, there's obviously a spiritual aspect you'd be like why are their names on there? Well who wrote the New Testament? Obviously God is the author of the New Testament, but who wrote it the apostles Okay, who wrote the Old Testament the prophets And So you the apostles have great honor obviously they have also an honor that they're gonna They're gonna sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel Okay Now something interesting and maybe when we get into Exodus maybe we'll get in more into this or you know as far as these these stones are concerned or these precious stones These twelve foundations are twelve different stones. Okay. Do you want me to read them again? I Can I mean The idea here's why I'll read them again because what I'm going to show you is that there's something similar in The Old Testament dealing with I believe these same stones they may have different some of them may have different names in the Old Testament But I think it I personally believe is the same ones But in Revelation 21 verse 19 It says in the foundations the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones The first foundation was Jasper the second sapphire the third I call said to me the fourth an emerald the fifth sardonyx this the sixth sardius the seventh Crystallite the eighth barrel the ninth a topaz the tenth of chrysopis is the 11th adjacent the 12th and amethyst so It's pretty specific right? I mean, it's straight up telling you like this stone and the layer, right? I mean, it's telling you like the course of events there as the layer go to Exodus chapter 28 exit chapter 28 I'm almost done. Honestly. I just want to read this real quick to you because the last part Maybe I'll do another sermon on it. I don't want to really get in too much depth on I just looked at the clock. I'm like, wow, it's been way too much time talking about that cube Exodus chapter 28 verse 15 and thou shalt make the breastplate of judgment with cunning work after the work of the ephod thou shalt make it of gold a blue and a purple and Of scarlet and a fine twine linen shalt thou make it four square. It shall be Being doubled a span shall be the length thereof and a span shall be the breadth thereof And thou shalt set in it settings of stones even four rows of stones The first row shall be a sardius topaz and a carbuncle this shall be the first row The second row shall be an emerald a sapphire and a diamond Verse 19 it says in the third row a ligur agate and amethyst in the fourth row a barrel and onyx and a jasper they shall be set in Gold and they're closing in closings now I'll get to this when we get into this with Exodus because we're actually going through the book of Exodus This is to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. It's interesting because twelve tribes are like the twelve gates in Revelation The twelve foundations are the twelve apostles and they're represented with these precious stones but in the Old Testament these precious stones are related to You know the twelve tribes also notice that there's four rows of three isn't there isn't there four sides to the city with three gates Dealing with that And just how that links together and you know, I just kind of want to put that out there Okay, so I'm not going too deep into this and going into these colors and all this other stuff Okay, just want you to see that link there and how things link together with the twelve tribes and the twelve apostles They're gonna judge the twelve tribes There's definitely a link there between those two and the last thing here in Revelation 21 verse 22 Revelation 21 verse 22 when you're reading the Old Testament and you're seeing okay. Are we in the new heaven new earth? Are we in the thousand year rain? Here's two things Two things to know whether you're in the thousand year rain or in a new new have a new earth. Is there a temple and Is there death? Okay Does that make sense? Like if you reading through somewhere like is this new have a new earth? Is this thousand year rain? Is there a temple that's mentioned if there's a temple mentioned not new have a newer Are people dying? Well, if there are people dying it's not new have a new earth Does it make sense because there's two things two major things that I see here besides there's no more see is that there's no more death No more temple Okay, that's what says in verse 22 and I saw no temple therein for the Lord God almighty And the Lamb are the temple of it and the city hath had no need of the Sun neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof and The nations of them which are saved shall walk in light of it and the kings of the earth do bring their glory And honor into it and the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day for there shall be no Night there and they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it and there shall and no wise enter into it Anything that defileth neither whatsoever worth abomination or make it a lie that they which are written in the Lamb's book of life Now there's a lot of things you could say about that what's going on or what this is dealing with here I do not believe that there's no more Sun or no more moon Okay, I Believe it's saying that the city has no need of the Sun neither of the moon That's different than saying there's no more Sun or no more moon, right? Reason the reason why is because the light from the Lord is so Bright that it dwarfs any other light Okay, I mean think about like if you had a flashlight I turned it on in here You'd see it fine because it's always dark in here like a cave But if I went and it was like just like Brightest can be outside and I turn that flashlight on you're not gonna see me pointing it anywhere You're gonna be like do you even have it on? You ever had you never see my car lights on, you know, like because it's so bright You're like I have no idea whether they're on or not But if it was dark outside you'd be like they're on or they're not Okay when it comes to New Jerusalem, there's gonna be no need for the Sun because there's so much light but I think outside of that There will be night and day And I do believe there's going to be nations because it says the nations of them Which are saved shall walk in the light of it. I believe that there's gonna be stuff outside that city Okay, there's this new heaven a new earth and I believe it's gonna be inhabited The city I believe obviously we're all gonna be able to come into the city All the saved shall walk in it But I believe there's gonna be things outside of that and people are gonna be coming in and out of it. Okay? Now what it's making very clear is no one safe person's gonna be walking into that city Right because they're all gonna be in outer darkness. Okay, is that that's not gonna be happening at all and so Chapter 22 is kind of like it's obviously the finale still and it's kind of just going on from that So I'll kind of maybe hit on this a little bit next week You know dealing with this Actually, there is a part that I want to get into with that on a verse that's mentioned in chapter 22 So hopefully all that makes sense now that you know what the New Jerusalem does not look like and Hopefully you're getting an idea of what it does look like at least an idea of picturing it in your mind Let's end with a word prayer of the heavenly father. We think of today. Thank you for your word Thank you for the book of Revelation and as we're coming to the end here We just what a magnificent book and just pray that you'd help us to understand it and just thank you for giving us these insights to the future and more just things that we can look forward to and Just the finale that we're looking forward to and more just help us to bring glory to your name in Jesus Christ name Amen, so by they will come and sing one more song and we'll be dismissed I Write take your song books and turn to song 135 Song 135 If you would stand we'll sing I know I am saved song 135 I Know I am saved for Christ set me free He ransomed my poor soul on the cross of Calvary And now I can see For Christ is my king I'll see his face in glory by and by You're dismissed