(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. Alright, take your songbooks and what we're gonna do tonight since this is the last. Whoo! This is the last day we're seeing Christmas songs. Oh man, we still got Wednesday. No, this is the last day. We're not doing any on Wednesday. Sorry my friend. Okay, I actually do like Christmas songs. Just to let you guys know for real. Anyway, we're gonna do whatever you all songs want to do. Whatever your favorite songs are, we'll sing them. We're gonna do requests. If you don't have anything you want to sing, then we have stuff picked out, kind of. So does anybody have a favorite song we want to start with? It has to be something we know, something Christian. So we're not gonna be singing like Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree or whatever. Bethany. Anything? Two Forty-Three. Two Forty-Three? That's not a Christmas song. Two Forty-Three? Four Twenty-Three? Joy to the World? Victory in Jesus. Look at this guy. Look at this guy. Alright, Joy to the World, what song is that? Four Twenty-Three. Alright, we need two songs to start. So Joy to the World and what else? Anything? I don't think I know that one. I don't think I know that Nick doesn't know it, that's for sure. What's that? Four Twenty-Nine. Four Twenty-Nine? Okay. Okay, Four Twenty-Three and then Four Twenty-Nine. That's what we're rolling with. Just for the first two. Be thinking. Be thinking. Here we go. Joy to the World, if you would stand. Song Four Twenty-Three. Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare him room. And heaven and nature sing. And heaven and nature sing. And heaven, heaven, nature sing. Joy to the world, the Savior reigns. Let men their songs employ. Rocks, hills, and plains. And plains, repeat the sounding joy. Repeat the sounding joy. Repeat, repeat the sounding joy. No more let sins and sorrows grow. Nor thorns infest the ground. He comes to make his blessings flow. Far as the curse is found. Far as the curse is found. Far as far as the curse is found. He rules the world with truth and grace. And makes the nations prove. The glories of his righteousness. And wonders of his love. And wonders of his love. And wonders, wonders of his love. Let's pray. Heavenly Father of the Lord, we just want to thank you, God, for today. Thank you for the sermon this morning and also for all the souls that were saved this afternoon. I pray, Lord, that you would just be honored and glorified out of everything that's said and done. For it's in Jesus' name we ask all of it. Amen. Everybody may be seated. And turn to song 429. Song 429. We'll sing Hark the Herald. Song 429. Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King Peace on earth and mercy mild And sinners reconciled Joyful all ye nations rise Join the triumph of the skies With angelic hosts proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King Christ by highest heaven adored Christ the everlasting Lord Late in time behold him come Offspring of a virgin's womb Veiled in flesh the Godhead see Hail the incarnate deity Pleased as men with men to dwell Jesus our Emmanuel Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King And the heaven prince of peace Hail the son of righteousness Light and life to all he brings Risen with healing in his wings Mild he lays his glory by Born that man no more may die Born to raise the sons of earth Born to give them second birth Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King Come, desires of nations come Fix in us thy humble home Raise the woman's conquering seed Bruise in us the serpent's head Adam's likeness now we face Stamp thine image in its place Second Adam from above Reinstate us in thy love Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King It's the day after Christmas. You can handle it. You can handle it. Christmas is going to be on Sunday next time. You're going to be like, no, not even then, even when it's on the day. So anyway, announcements. I want to first get the soloing numbers, so welcome back. I know we had, did we have any on Tuesday? One on Tuesday, one on Wednesday, I think. And so that's two. So Brother Richie, you guys had four today, so that's six. You guys had one, so seven, eight, nine, ten. So you and Levi were different groups, right? You're with Chris. Okay, so we have ten total. Okay. Amen. Brother Richie, you need to take Brother Mike out soloing more often. Getting four. Well, good job with soloing. Thank you for the good work with that. We got one more Sunday before the end of the year here. As far as counting numbers, I think what we'll do, I think what we usually do there is we count up to the end of the year, so like the next Sunday after the 26th will be a little different because we'll count the numbers for, because we want to count all the numbers that we get for 2021, so we'll figure that out. As far as if there's any saved during that week after the 26th, then we'll count to this year for 2021, and then we'll get that whole number there and see where we're at. And then we'll reset it for next year. But we did break our record. I mean, we had already broken the record for last year's salvation, so that's already done. So obviously, the next coming year, we want to keep breaking that record every single year. So the kid was good work with that. As far as the general search announcements, we had the offering box in the back there. We had the mother-baby room over here. Just remember that that table over there is for soul winners, meaning the stuff on that table is for soul winners. We don't want to mess all that stuff up over there. That means the mints are for soul winners. Now, if a parent wants to give you one of those mints, that's fine, but we want to keep the kids off of there and messing with anything over there just so that we have everything in the place that needs to be for the soul-winning stuff there. So all that stuff's free, but we want to be able to use it for the soul-winning times and everything. And then as far as service times, everything's normal this week. We're going to be starting a new book. I don't know what it is yet, so that tells you that I have not done my sermon for it yet, but I don't ever do my sermon before the Sunday of the Wednesday night. Just so you know, I'm not working on Wednesday night's sermon before this. But I've had some different options. Exodus was one of them. I'm thinking about that. I've had some people say Hebrews. I'm tempted to go through Hebrews. Exodus is one that I've been thinking about doing. So I thought about doing Haggai because that would get us to the end of the year. There's two chapters in there, so then I could start fresh off in January. I need to take a little break from the end time stuff anyway, because I'm already in Revelation, so I kind of want to get on something that's a little different from that. Anyway, give me some ideas. Well, you have a day because I do have to start writing this sermon. I don't want you to be like, oh, it's Tuesday night, and you're like, hey, can you do this book? Eventually, I've got to make a choice. So as far as Bible memory, we have Psalm 2 for the month, and then we have Luke 2, 11 for our memory verse for the week, and then upcoming events, we do have the Lord's Supper this afternoon. So after this service, we're going to shut everything down. As far as the livestreams and everything, we're going to have the Lord's Supper here like we normally do. Every time we've had it in this building, though, we haven't done it here, and so we'll do that like normal. Brother Dave and I will basically switch operating a passage of our choosing, obviously about the death and resurrection, or death, basically the Lord's death on the cross, and we'll do that after the service. And then we have the New Year's Eve party that we have scheduled for, obviously, December 31st at 7 p.m. tentatively. For any type of games, we'll obviously have Bible trivia. Maybe we'll try to break out the old marker board and do a Pictionary or something like that like we did before. Popcorn preaching, stuff like that. We do have a foosball table, so I'm sure that'll be in play. But it's just going to be a time of good fellowship. We'll have some Bible games in there, but honestly just be a time to fellowship, bring in the New Year with believers. It should be a good time. So then we already got the birthdays. We got the anniversaries. We got pregnancy and prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list, as always there. So that's what I got for announcements. Am I missing something? Maybe. Am I missing anything? Can you think of anything? We'll eventually get a sign up when we stop having neighbors that are like driving down on the lawnmowers saying that we can't put a sign up. So we're kind of running into a delay with that, but anyway, we're waiting on the city to make sure that that's okay, where we have it located, but it's in the works for the sign. Yeah, anyway. It's already made, right? It's just a matter of putting it up, did you say? Yeah, so he said it was going to be up in just kind of a week if we didn't have the call. Okay. All right, that's about all I got for announcements. Brother Dave's going to come and sing one more song. Who's reading tonight? Brother Levi. So Brother Levi's going to be reading Revelation chapter 16 for us. All right, does anybody else have a favorite they want us to sing? Not all alone tonight? First in a while. First in a while? We can do that. 421. Anybody have one for the closing song? All right, for the, nobody? 27? Yeah, okay, we'll do first in a while and then we'll do 427 for the last song. All right, so song 421. The first Noel the angel did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay In fields where they lay keeping their sheep On a cold winter's night that was so deep Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel Born is the King of Israel And by the light of that same star Three wise men came from country far To see for a king was their intent And to follow the star wherever and when Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel Born is the King of Israel And to the northwest Or Bethlehem it took its rest And there it did both stop and stay Right over the place where Jesus lay Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel Born is the King of Israel Then entered in those wise men three For reverently upon their knee And offered there in his presence Their gold and myrrh and frankincense Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel Born is the King of Israel All right, take your Bibles and turn to Revelation chapter number 16. Revelation chapter 16. We'll have Brother Levi read that for us. Revelation chapter 16. And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And I first went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshipped his image. And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man, and every living soul died in the sea. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters, and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the water say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art and wast and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink, for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues, and they repented not to give him glory. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seed of the beast, and his kingdom was full of darkness, and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of the great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief, blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he should walk naked, and they see a shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air, and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices and thunders and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent, and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, for the plague thereof was exceeding great. And let's pray. God, thank you for tonight. God, thank you for the souls which saved. I pray that you would be a pastor as he preaches. Help us to learn and pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. So you're there in Revelation chapter 16, and we are continuing our study through the book of Revelation. And we are into the seven vials of the wrath of God, or the seven vials that are full of the wrath of God. And in chapter 15, we saw kind of a prelude to these vials. It kind of just showed us pretty much in like chapter 7, where you see this great multitude found in heaven, they're praising God, and all that's going on right before the wrath is being poured out. And so I just want to go through these vials, or just mention really quick going down through here. But I want you to remember this, and the word documents are horrible, because that's not right. I had seven on here. It showed me eight, but anyway. No, but what I want you to notice here is that with the trumpets and the vials, you see this same progression as far as what's being hit. So the number one thing that's being hit is the earth. You'll see that in vial number one. Then you see the sea. Then you see the rivers. Then you see the sun. Then you see there's darkness of some sort on the fifth one. The sixth one, the River Euphrates is brought up. And then there's an earthquake. Number seven, there's an earthquake and great hail. And in the trumpets, you'll see that same correlation. In the vials, you see that same correlation. And I believe that these vials are happening concurrently, meaning that you have the first trumpet that's blown, the first vial poured out. The second trumpet's blown, the second vial's poured out. And so you're basically getting these judgments that are coming out. I'm not saying they're the same judgments. I'm not saying it's just the same thing. I'm just saying it a different way. I believe that one is a partial type of judgment upon the sea, and the other one's a full judgment upon the sea. So these vials, it's the full thing coming on whatever part of the earth that is hitting or outer space, you know, when you're dealing with sun, moon and stars and everything. Let's look at the first vial here. Let's look at the first one there. It says, And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. So the first thing that you see here is poured upon the earth. So again, it follows that same line as the trumpets as well. But with the first vial or the first trumpet, you have fire mingled with hail, burning up the grass and all that. Here, it's talking about these sores, if you will, this grievous sore that's on those that take the mark of the beast. Now this reminds me, and a lot of these plagues obviously will remind you of the plagues that are in Egypt that God pours out on the Egyptians, but go back to Exodus chapter 9, Exodus chapter 9 and verse 8, dealing with the boils, right? So they had these boils and blains, and so we don't really know what the sore, you know, the noisome and grievous sores that they had or what was causing that, but it's happening particularly to those that take the mark of the beast. You're dealing with those that are past feeling, that are, there's no hope of salvation for these guys, okay? That are getting these sores and these grievous and noisome sores, and in verse 8 here of Exodus chapter 9, it says, And the Lord said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the furnace and let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven in the sight of Pharaoh, and it shall become small dust in all the land of Egypt, and shall be a boil breaking forth with blains upon man and upon beast throughout all the land of Egypt. They took ashes of the furnace and stood before Moses, and Moses sprinkled it up toward heaven, and it became a boil breaking forth with blains upon man and upon beast. And the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils, for the boil was upon magicians and upon all the Egyptians, and the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them as the Lord had spoken unto Moses. The thing that, there's a couple things that you can see there, but one thing is that the Lord's hardening their hearts. I mean, if you think about, those that take the mark of the beast, he sends them strong delusion that they should believe a lie. When he comes in the clouds. So he's not trying to open their hearts, and you'll see this kind of a theme when you're going down through these vials, where it says they repented not of their deeds, they repented not, and it keeps stating that, okay? Because you would think that when they'd see all this stuff, they'd be like, oh man, we messed up, we needed to fix this, or whatever. No, it's just kind of like Pharaoh, because you look at Pharaoh, did he repent and, you know, get things right and all that, and it's kind of the same story that you see with this, is the fact that Pharaoh hardened his heart, it didn't change his mind, it didn't get him to change what he was going to do or the way he was going to treat Israel or whatever, and the same thing we see here with these vials. So, he's basically going straight after those that take the mark of the beast, and I love how that's number one, you know, he's just going after those, the enemies. If you think about it, the seed of the serpent, you know, as far as the children of the devil, those are the ones that are really going after the children of God, and the first thing that comes out is this, you know, obviously there's fire and brimstone that's coming down on the earth, and this vial's poured out where they have these sores, and so he's kind of hitting on them to begin with. Now, look at the second vial in verse three there, it says in Revelation chapter 16 and verse three, it says, and the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man, and every living soul died in the sea. Every living soul died in the sea. Now, go to Revelation chapter eight because I want you to see that obviously it's dealing with the sea as well, but it's not everything that dies in the sea, and actually only a third part of the sea became blood, and verse eight of Revelation eight, it says, and the second trumpet sounded, and as it were, a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea, and the third part of the sea became blood, and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea and had life died, and the third part of the ships were destroyed. So you see kind of that partial, like the trumpet sounds, and it's hitting a third part of things, and then the vial's poured out, and it's just like, nope, everything's blood. I personally believe that when it says every living soul died in the sea, it's talking about people, meaning that any person that's in the sea died, meaning like if you're on a ship, you died, if you were anywhere, and later on you're going to see people, merchant ships and all that stuff, it just means that they weren't on the sea when this happened, and they didn't die when this happened, but I believe that anybody that was out at sea dies. Okay, now I don't believe that's every living, when it says every living soul, I take soul to mean a person, meaning that I don't believe it's talking about every living creature that has life, meaning like all the whales, everything died. You know, I'm not here to say that that couldn't be the case, but I've always taken soul, meaning like God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul, and I've always looked at soul as meaning a person as far as a human being, not an animal, and you can maybe debunk me on that, but find me a verse where it talks about an animal having a soul, and then we'll talk. It talks about an animal having a spirit and having life, and even having the breath of life as far as being alive, but being a living soul, that's attributed to Adam, and so I believe when it's saying every living soul, it's attributing that to human beings, people. So every person that's in the sea dies, and obviously not every single ship master and like everybody that's ever been out in the sea was out there when that happened, but at that moment when they poured out that vial, everybody died, okay? So intense judgment for sure, and you can kind of read over this because you're kind of going real quick through this, but think about everybody that's in the sea right now, every ship that's in the sea and everybody that's in the sea just died. I mean you think of the Titanic being tragic, and obviously that was a tragedy like over 100 years ago, and ships have sunk and people have died and all that, but think about every single ship that's in the ocean right now, everybody dying on it. That would be a crazy judgment, and so sometimes you kind of have to think about the gravity of what's being said here and understanding that these are immense judgments. And listen, if tribulation, if we're going to have tribulations such as the world is never seen, know this is that the judgment that's coming on this earth is such as the world is never seen either, okay? Because he's going to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you, and so he's going to recompense it back to them so you've got to know it's going to be more than ever before. When you think of all the plagues that are done in Egypt, you've got to multiply that. You've got to amplify that. I believe God's judgments are an amplification of any judgment that he's done before in the past, and that's why it's hilarious when people are like, wow, you know, the God of the Old Testament is so mean. It's like we haven't even seen the most harsh judgment yet that's coming upon the earth, and it's obviously Jesus Christ is saying yesterday, today, and forever, I am the Lord, I change not. We know that God doesn't change. He's the same God from before the Old Testament, in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament. Now, let's look at the third vial here. The third vial we see is going to come upon the rivers and the fountains of waters. It says in verse 4, and it says, And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and the fountains of waters, and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art and wast and shalt be because Thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and Thou hast given them blood to drink, for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Thy judgments. Now, what's going on here? Basically, they're getting recompensed. You shed the blood of prophets, I'm going to make you drink it. It reminds me of when they had the golden calf and they grounded the powder and made him drink it. You're going to drink that idol. But it's like, you shed blood, you're going to drink blood because of that. And it also shows you, too, that they're rejoicing. Those that are in heaven are rejoicing because they're having to drink blood. Because all those that shed the blood of the righteous, It says, and I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art and wast and shalt be because Thou hast judged thus. He's saying, you're righteous. This is right. This is a good judgment. Because he's recompensing them for the blood that they shed. This makes me think of, go to Psalm 58. You say, ah, it doesn't seem too loving. Well, you know what? You need to actually get into the Bible and see what true love is. You need to see what true justice is. You need to see what true godliness is. And you know what? The Bible actually teaches that we're going to rejoice when we see the vengeance. You know what? Just think about this. When a pedophile is dropped into the lake of fire, don't you think you'll be rejoicing? Because I will be. So there are certain things that you can think about. Put it on the highest scale of wickedness and you can think about, yeah, I'm going to be rejoicing when that person drops into hell. I'm going to be rejoicing when that person gets what's coming to them. Now obviously our personal enemies, the Bible says that we're not supposed to rejoice when they're hurt or something happens to them. Our personal enemies. But we're talking about those that hate God. We're talking about haters of God. We're talking about people that are past feeling, that are children of the devil. And these people are getting destroyed and the Bible says that we're going to rejoice. Notice what it says in Psalm 58 in verse 10. Sweet psalmist of Israel here. Let's see what he has to say. Obviously this is scripture, but you know what? People love to read the cute psalms, but I don't know what the ratio is, but there's a lot of negative psalms. Actually it's hard. I want you to find for me a psalm where there's not a negative thing said in it. I challenge you. I'm not saying it's not there, but I want you to find me a psalm where there's not a negative thing said in it. Psalm 1, it talks about the ungodly being judged. Psalm 2, it talks about kiss the son lest he be angry and now perish from the way. I mean, you want to go down the line? You want to keep going on that trail? Because I'll find you, there's negative things said in every, not every psalm, I don't want to say that, because there's psalms where it's just like praise the Lord, praise ye the Lord, everything that has breath, praise the Lord. There may be some psalms and some psalms that don't have a negative thing said in it, but I mean by and large there's negative stuff said in almost every psalm. Now, in Psalm 58 verse 10, it says, The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked, so that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous. Verily he is a God that judges in the earth. That's exactly what I think of when I think about this judgment that's coming down upon them where they're having to drink blood. Because when you're talking about the sea becoming blood, you're not really drinking the water in the sea. You shouldn't be anyway. But when you're talking about rivers and fountains of water, you're talking about water supplies. You're talking about livelihood as far as getting water. And we know that obviously this was done in Egypt and they had to dig out their water basically and get it filtered through the earth so that they wouldn't have blood in their water. But this is what the Bible says is a righteous judgment. And the angel's rejoicing, but he will also be rejoicing as well. And so you need to get a Bible view as far as what you should rejoice for and what you should mourn for. I rejoice when I hear a pedophile. I know the whole Kyle Rittenhouse thing is kind of over now, but when I hear that he shot a pedophile, I'm just like praise the Lord. And he's like the other person was like a rapist or did something like that and he killed a pedophile and a rapist. He's like man, that's horrible. I can't believe that someone would do something like that. Obviously he didn't do it because he was a pedophile. He didn't know that. The guy was trying to attack him. But you know what, it's just a bonus. If it wouldn't have been a pedophile or wouldn't have been a rapist that was coming after, I would have been like well, you have to defend yourself. It is what it is. But when you find out that, you're just like praise the Lord. One less pedophile. And listen, I don't know about you, but when it comes to predators that are out there, I wish the earth would open up right now and they would go straight down into the pits of hell right now. I mean I would rejoice. We would have a party if that happened. And obviously there's reasons why God doesn't do that and that's another sermon for another day. As far as the bigger picture and why he lets the wheat and the tares live together and all that, I understand that. But on a level of, I guess my humanistic kind of thinking as far as how I'd want it to be, I'd want them all to die right now. And obviously they're going to get theirs. They're going to be dropped into hell. Every pedophile is going straight to hell. And when I see these types of things where it's stating righteous and true are these judgments, you know what? You need to get a Bible view as far as what to rejoice over. And the world will look at that and be like, you're so mean and you're so, I can't believe that you would call yourself a Christian and you would rejoice if somebody got shot for their crime, right? Or someone died, some pedophile died. Like, yeah, who wouldn't? Who wouldn't rejoice over some child molester dying? Because that's the world we live in today, though, and there's this weak Christianity out there that's not based off the Bible. And more and more we run into it out so many more people are just like, I can't believe, you know, I can't believe in a God that would, you know, tell me that I need to forgive a pedophile. Or I need to forgive a rapist. It's like, you don't. Who are you talking to? What church are you going to? What Bible are you reading? You know, are you reading the shack? You know, some modalist book where you're supposed to forgive somebody that molested you or you had to forgive somebody for raping somebody? You don't have to forgive that. You know what should happen to a rapist? They should be put to death and the person that's raped should be allowed to go spit on their grave whenever they want. But that's righteous judgment. That's the way it should be. And you know what? The world we live in, righteous judgment doesn't go forth. And you know what? The wicked prevail. But it's not going to be that way forever. And this is just a taste. This judgment that's happening is a taste of the judgment that Jesus is going to give during that thousand year reign when he's ruling with a rod of iron. It's going to be a righteous judgment and it's going to be awesome. It's going to be great. Now, look at the fourth vial there. The fourth vial in verse 8 there, it says, And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat and blaspheme in the name of God, which hath power over these plagues, and they repented not to give him glory. And again you kind of see that hardening, like they're still not repenting, they're getting tortured with this fire. And it's interesting because remember we were talking about these angels, these seven angels are Christians, right? They're clothed in fine linen. It says, I'm your brethren of the prophets. And he's giving that angel power to scorch men with fire. Now, think about what's going on during this same time, right? So what happens during that fourth trumpet? Well, during that fourth trumpet something happens to the sun, moon, and stars, but particularly what happens is it says, So while it's dark, they're getting scorched with fire. Can you think about what that might picture? Darkness and fire. Hell on earth is what you're dealing with. It's interesting because the next one, literally hell opens up. You know, when you get into the fifth trumpet, the bombless pits open up and there's smoke and all that. And so when you're dealing with this, this is literally like you're having hell on earth. They're being scorched with fire while it's dark for a third part of the day and a third part of the night. Now obviously night's dark, but what it's basically stating there is that you're not going to have any moonlight or anything. It's just going to be pitch black. You know those nights where it's a new moon and there's just nothing. Or it's just, it's cloudy and there's just all bit of light that would come from the moon or anything like that is completely blocked out. It's basically going to be like that, but they're going to be scorched with fire during that time. Now look at in verse 10 there, the fifth vial that's poured out. And I'm going pretty quick through here, but these are pretty self-explanatory as far as what's going on here. I don't think I have to go too in depth with the fact of they have sores, they're being scorched with fire, they're drinking blood because all their water supply is turning into blood. This one's important and I think this one helps you understand too or gives you a key verse to show you that these vials are happening concurrently and that the vials do not happen after the seventh trumpet blows. This kind of locks this in. You say would it matter that much? Well I mean I want to be biblical as far as what's going on here and I don't believe that the vials are something that happened after the seventh trumpet, but this is a key verse as far as why I believe that. Verse 10 there, it says, And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast, and his kingdom was full of darkness, and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. Now, what is the seat of the beast? What is that talking about? Well you think of like the seat of a county, a county seat. It's talking about basically where is the seat of authority. So what we're talking about is the seat of the beast is where his, you know, basically wherever he stations his office, right? The capital of wherever the beast is at, right? But then it also says his kingdom, his kingdom. Well, Revelation 11, when the seventh trumpet blows, at the beginning of the days, I mean as soon as it blows, it says in Revelation 11, 15, And the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven, saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever. So would it make sense that it would say, alright, the kingdoms are the Lord's, and then it says the beast's kingdom afterwards. But this would make sense because we're talking about the fifth vial being poured out, but if that happens right after the fifth trumpet, well that would make sense, right? It's still the beast's kingdom, it's still his seat of authority, it's still in power, right? But it wouldn't make any sense for these vials to be like he's still in power, he still has the seat of authority, it's still his kingdom after that. So I believe this is a crucial verse to show you that no, these vials are happening hand in hand with the trumpets, and I've already gone through that before, but I believe this verse really shows you that. Now, also it says it's full of darkness. What caused that darkness? Well, I mean, if you went back to Revelation chapter 9, what happens when the fifth trumpet sounds? The bottomless pit is open and it says there's a smoke dark in the sky, it basically blacked out the sun to where it was dark. And it says they gnawed their tongues for pain. Well, what came out of that smoke? Locusts that were literally stinging them and torturing them for five months. So you kind of see a picture here as far as what's going on, that there's darkness, they're gnawing their tongues for pain, and blaspheme God of the heaven because of their pains and their sores. Now, this is something interesting to think about, too, is that when those other trumpets and vials are poured out, do they just stop? Or do the sores stay with them the rest of the time? Like, think about that. I mean, you have the sores that are on when the first vial is poured out, Now, with Moses and Pharaoh, they stop, right? You know, like the frogs go away, the flies go away, and it kind of stops and it's a new judgment. I don't see anywhere where it says that it stopped. And this may actually be proof that they still have those sores. Even as all this other stuff is going on, they're getting stung by scorpions, they still have the sores that they got from the first one. And it's a cumulative. Anyway, I'm not going to try to say that again. But you know what I'm talking about. Meaning that it's kind of adding up as you go, and all these judgments just keep going, going, going, going, going. Now, obviously, there's certain timeframes that it does give for the scorpions, right? It's five months. So I'm not saying that it doesn't give you some timeframe, but some of them, it doesn't. And it doesn't necessarily say that it stops when the next one happens. So something to think about there when it comes to the judgments, and obviously we're not going to be here for any of this. We'll eventually know exactly, and we'll see it happen. We're going to see all this play out. But they blasphemed God. They didn't repent of their deeds. You see kind of a pattern here. They're hardening their hearts. And you're talking about the seed of the beast, his kingdom. You're talking about those that take the mark of the beast, that are just hardened, hardened, hardened. And you know what? It doesn't matter what you did or what God did. They're just going to keep blaspheming him. I mean, think about those that are in hell. I mean, it may be the same way as well, as far as that goes. But in Revelation chapter 16 and verse 12, we're going to see the sixth vial that's poured out. Now you say, man, we're going to get done with this sermon real quick. Well, you know that's not true. That's not how I roll. No, but honestly, when we get into this sixth vial poured out, we're going to be dealing with a very popular term, or the battle of Armageddon, if you will. And I kind of want to touch on this a little bit. But in verse 12 here, so Revelation chapter 16 and verse 12, it says, And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. So this is very similar to the sixth trumpet, that sounds because you have the four angels of the great river Euphrates, right? So I mean, you're dealing with the same thing. So like I said, you can have that same correlation, like five, you know, the fifth trumpet, fifth vial, you're dealing with darkness. The sixth, you're dealing with Euphrates. And the seventh, you're dealing with an earthquake and hail. But here you're dealing with this river Euphrates and something that's going on there. Now I already preached about my thoughts on who those four angels were and all that. But here you're dealing with the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. So remember that. And then it says in verse 13, And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. But they are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief, blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. So what do we see here? We see that there's a preparation that's happening. The battle of Armageddon doesn't happen until Revelation 19. Revelation 19 is the finale. The battle of Armageddon, and it's really a battle in Armageddon because Armageddon is the place. The battle takes place in Armageddon, okay? And a lot of times when people say Armageddon, they're talking about like the end of the world, right? They're like, ah, that's Armageddon. It's like, I mean, yes, it does happen at the end of the world, but it's literally a battle between Jesus and all his saints and the Antichrist, the false prophet, and all his followers, right? All those that take the mark of the beast. It's a war is what it is. Okay? But it says that it's basically the ways the kings of the east might be prepared, and these unclean spirits like frogs are coming out of the mouth of the beast, out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. Remember, we talked about that false trinity, if you will, that pseudo trinity of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. So go back to the sermon on Revelation 13 where I talked about that, and we kind of hit on this. But these unclean spirits or these devils that are coming out of their mouths are going throughout the world and basically getting all the kings of the earth to gather at this battle. So you have basically all these kingdoms gathering together. Now, obviously at this point, the Antichrist is over all these kingdoms. So you're saying like, oh, there's other kings? Yeah, I mean, think about the king of Persia. He was over 127 provinces in Esther, right? But there was kings. That's where you get that term, kings, you know, like you talk about Nebuchadnezzar may be a king of kings. You know, obviously Jesus is the king of kings, right? Because he's made us kings and priests, but he's our king. But at the same time, there are kingdoms. It's just the fact that he is over all those kingdoms, and he's basically getting all those kingdoms together. He's gathering them together. These devils are the messengers to get all the kingdoms together to this great battle, okay? So this is the preparation to that dealing with the Battle of Armageddon. It says that it's the battle of that great day of God Almighty. So that happens in a day where this happens. This is different than the day of the Lord, the day of Christ where he comes in the clouds. So if you will, you have the second coming of Christ where he comes in the clouds, we're gathered together. But then you have, if you will, the third coming where he comes down on a white horse. Those are two different times where he's coming. And it's different. He's not coming on a cloud. He's not gathered together in his elect. He's coming on a white horse with his saints to execute judgment upon the ungodly. And he's got a two-edged sword proceeding out of his mouth, work coming down with two-edged swords in our hands on white horses and white raiment coming down to the marriage supper of the lamb. That's another term that's given to this battle. But I want to show you, go to Daniel chapter 11. I believe that Daniel chapter 11 kind of hits on this. Now, Daniel chapter 11 obviously is dealing with something that happened back in like the second century B.C. with Antiochus Epiphanes and like these different Greek armies and all this other stuff, right? But that was more of a shadow fulfillment to the true fulfillment, meaning that Daniel 11 is also dealing with what's going to happen in the future. Now, if you think about it, the end of Daniel 11 is dealing with the demise, and I'll show you, it's dealing with the demise of the Antichrist. The last thing that's said is basically, he shall come to his end, okay? But what I want you to see is verse 44, okay? Because before this we saw the abomination of desolation, we see all these different things that happened before we get to the very end here. But remember that it said that he was going to, the way the kings of the east might be prepared? It says in Daniel 11 verse 44, it says, but tidings out of the what? The east and out of the north shall trouble him. Who's him? That's talking about the Antichrist or the beast. And it says, therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many. Okay, so he's going forth to battle essentially. So he hears these tidings out of the east and out of the north and it troubles him and he's going to war essentially. And it says, and you shall plant the tabernacle of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain. I believe that's talking about in Jerusalem and all that. Yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him. Where does the Antichrist die? In the battle of Armageddon. In the marriage of supper of the lamb, Jesus takes the beast and the false prophet and casts them both alive into the lake of fire. They're the first to go to the lake of fire. They get a straight, you know, a one-way ticket, bypass, everything else, bypass, the great white throne judgment straight to the lake of fire. They beat the devil there because the devil doesn't even get cast in until after a thousand years. He's next though. And go to Daniel chapter 8 just to show you another place where it should be because Daniel 8 and 11 are very paralleled. And see my sermons on Daniel where I go through all of these chapters. But Daniel 8 is kind of the abridged version of Daniel 11. Daniel 11 gives you like a lot more detail as far as what Daniel 8 is talking about. But Daniel 8 at the very end there in verse 25 it says, and through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand and he shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy many. He shall also stand up against the prince of princes but he shall be broken without hand. So who's the prince of princes? That's the Lord. That's the king of kings, the Lord of lords. That's the Lord Jesus Christ coming down on a white horse. But he shall be broken without hand. He shall be destroyed by the sword, the two-edged sword that proceedeth out of his mouth. So he's destroyed, I believe, by God's word. I think he speaks it into existence that they're cast into the lake of fire. So it just shows you here that this battle here is dealing with the gathering nation. This is the finale, okay. And so what we're seeing when the sixth vial is poured out, you see this kind of sneak peek as far as what's about to go down. So it's like you get to chapter 19 and they just all appear there. It just shows you that when that sixth vial is poured out, that's putting this into motion. And everything that's happening in the seventh vial is happening while all these armies are being gathered together. So think about what's about, when you see the seventh vial, you're gonna be like all this stuff is assembling while basically everything's just falling apart around them. The kingdoms are falling, everything's just, there's hail, all this stuff's going on, and then they go into this battle where they're all destroyed and the fowls of the air eat their flesh. That's what's going down. But where are they going? Well the battle in Armageddon, they're going to Armageddon, I believe this is a valley. There's a lot of scripture on this, but go to Joel chapter three. I believe it's a valley that they're going into. And Joel I believe is hitting on this valley in this battle, this battle in Armageddon, this marriage supper of the Lamb if you will. And go to Joel three and verse one. And I believe Armageddon is a valley. I'm gonna show you why I believe that. I believe there's scripture to prove that it is a valley. But it says in Joel three and verse one, it says, for behold in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations and bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and parted my land. So he's basically saying, I'm going to gather all nations and bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat. Now he says I'm going to plead with them, but he's going to tell you, we're going to see in a second what that means by pleading with them. Go to verse nine, it says, proclaim ye this among the Gentiles, and let all the men of war draw near, let them come up. This is a proclamation he's making to those of the nations and everything. He's basically like, get ready. Get ready, Gentiles, get ready. He's talking about all the nations of the world getting ready for war. He's calling them to the table. He's calling them out and saying, come to battle. It says in verse 10, beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. You're going to say, I am strong. This is not a verse that's too Christian. This is a verse to the nations of the world. And you know what's interesting is that what happens after this is that, all right, beat your plowshares into, I mean, beat your swords into plowshares. Notice how it's backwards here? Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. When you go into the thousand year reign, it's the opposite. Meaning that this is not talking about the thousand year reign. This is talking about the battle before it. And when he's saying, you know, be strong. Those that are weak, be strong. He's basically saying, bring what you got. Bring the strongest able men that you got. Whatever you got, you better bring it to the table now to this battle. Then it says in verse 11, assemble yourselves and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about. Fither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord. Now this is kind of a confusing verse, but not really. Basically he's saying, assemble yourselves and come, all ye heathen. Gather yourselves together round about. Then the narrator here, Joel, you know, is speaking and saying, you know, cause all thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord. Meaning that what happens at the Battle of Armageddon? All the saints come down. Okay? So you get the picture that he's gathering all these nations together, gathering all the heathen together, and he's causing his mighty ones to come down. Then it goes on to say in verse 12, let the heathen be wakened and come to the valley of Jehoshaphat, for there will I set to judge all the heathen round about. Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, get you down, for the press is full. The fats overflow, for their weakness is great. Multitudes in the valley of decision, for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. So it's called the valley of Jehoshaphat, the valley of decision, but do you see how it's also coupled with the winepress? Because in Revelation it talks about, in Revelation 14, it says in Revelation 14 and 19, it says, and the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God, and the winepress was trodden without the city and blood came out of the winepress even of the horse bridles by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. I believe that's talking about the battle of Armageddon in the valley of decision, or the valley of Armageddon, if you will, that this is where this battle is going on. They're casting the winepress of the wrath of God because you have these trumpets and vials and everything that's happening, but what's the end of that? Their blood is going to be sprinkled up to the horse bridles of this battle that's going to happen. Is it going to be a bloody battle? Well, I'll say this. All of them are going to be eaten by birds. Their flesh is going to be eaten. Okay? So, yeah, it's going to be a bloody battle, but it's going to be a one-sided battle because we're coming down in glorified bodies upon white horses with white raiment with two-edged swords in our hands and Jesus is leading that charge. Yeah, it's going to be one-sided. They're going to be annihilated. It's going to be a complete annihilation. But how about some verses to kind of show you that I do believe that Armageddon is a valley. Go to 2 Chronicles chapter 35, 2 Chronicles chapter 35 and verse 22. I believe this is synonymous with the Valley of Megiddo or the Valley of Megiddon. Okay? I just want to show you that it's a valley. That's all I really want to show you with this is that the place of Armageddon is a valley, which lines up with Joel chapter 3 and everything that correlates with that. Even when you go through the Valley of Jehoshaphat, which I'm not going to go to, I preached on this when I was going through the kings in Jehoshaphat where there's actually a story with a valley dealing with Jehoshaphat and it has to do with God destroying all the enemies of Jehoshaphat and they just went down to spoil them. They literally didn't have to lift a finger and God destroyed all their enemies in a valley. Sounds familiar? Okay? I know maybe you want to wield that sword when we come down to white horses. I'm not saying that we're not. Okay? But in the story of Jehoshaphat, they didn't have to do anything. They just went down and basically got all the goods after the battle. Okay? But in 2 Chronicles chapter 35 verse 22 it says, but disguised himself that he might fight with him from the mouth of God and came to fight in the valley of Megiddo. Now this is a story where Josiah is just getting into trouble he shouldn't be getting into. God's warning him don't do this and he ends up dying in battle and Nico is even saying what are you doing? Why? You know? All I decide is that where they fight is in the valley of Megiddo. Okay? Go to Zechariah chapter 12. Zechariah chapter 12 and verse 10. Zechariah chapter 12 and verse 10. Anyway I believe Armageddon is a valley. Okay? That's what I'm trying to get across here. That correlates perfectly with Joel chapter 3 and this battle that's happening in Joel chapter 3 is what you're going to be seeing in Revelation chapter 19. But Revelation 16 is giving you that lead up. You know where he's saying gather, gather, come. That's what's happening. That starts when the six vials poured out. And that's kind of the point of that six vial with the Euphrates okay? Second Chronicles. Not second. It's Zechariah. Zechariah 12 verse 10. It says, and I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and of supplications and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness and shall there be a great morning in Jerusalem as the morning of Hadadrimin in the valley of Megiddon. Okay? And the only thing I really want you to see there is obviously that passage is dealing with the first coming of Christ. You could argue it's talking about the second coming of Christ because it says he cometh with chiles and every eye shall see him also they which pierced him and the fact that they're going to be mourning and wailing when they see Christ come in the clouds. But the valley, okay? The valley into the great wine press where they're going to be you know they're going to be trodden under or trodden without the city and the blood's going to come out onto the horse bridles. Now go to Revelation chapter 16 and verse 17. We get to the seventh vial so after this point the battle of Armageddon hadn't happened yet. It's just preparing for it, basically calling them to battle. And in the seventh vial that's poured out the vial and the trumpet are pretty much synonymous as far as what's going on. At this point it's pretty much like the same judgments that are basically you kind of have this all right a third part full, third part full, third part full and then it goes into kind of fighting with each other as far as complementing each other as far as what's going on there and how that goes. And then by the time you get to the seventh trumpet I believe you're pretty much just like blowing that trumpet and throwing that vial out all at once. And in verse 17 there it says in the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying it is done. And you see that in Revelation 11 when it says the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever and they're rejoicing and everything's basically it's like this finale that's going on. And you see in Revelation 11 where it says and there was great hail and you don't really see that much information and you're like oh that seems to be anticlimactic right. You have these there's the three that are coming from hell they're being tormented in five months then you get into the sixth century like 200 million horsemen with horses that have the face of a lion and they have tails of serpents and they're going around killing people and you're like what's next and you're like hail. You're like okay. But when you look at when you look at the seventh vial it puts a little more meat on that and there's also an earthquake and both of them mention an earthquake and great hail and I want you to read Revelation 11 19 first just so you see what I'm saying there it seems kind of anticlimactic because it's more so talking about how God's going to reign and they're rejoicing and they're worshipping him giving him thanks and then it says what's going on during that trumpet it says verse 19 it says in the temple of God was opened in heaven and there was two offerings and an earthquake and great hail so you see there's an earthquake and great hail but he kind of it just ends there and then it remember in chapter 12 but it turns back time if you will and you're going through the story so it kind of seems anticlimactic until you see what happens with that earthquake and hail look at verse 18 verse 18 similar thing you see in verse 18 and there were voices and thunders and there was a great earthquake okay now we see the earthquake let's read about this earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty an earthquake and so great this is the biggest earthquake the earth has ever seen okay now think about what it does what's this earthquake do verse 19 and the great city was divided into three parts I believe that's talking about Jerusalem being divided into three parts and the cities of the nations fell so because of this earthquake Jerusalem I believe the great city and you could argue that you go back to Revelation 11 as far as what that's talking about I don't believe it's Babylon because then it goes on to talk about Babylon okay so you have the great city you have all the nation cities and nations then you have Babylon being talked about okay and it wouldn't make sense that Babylon had fallen that's part of what's gonna happen but Jerusalem's divided into three parts and the cities all the cities of the rest of the nations they fall I want you to think about think about cities think about Dubai as the largest the tallest building in the world the Burj Khalifa or whatever they've named they always change the name of it and I never it used to be the Burj Dubai then it was the Burj Khalifa I think that's still the name of it but it's gonna fall and when that when that happens when an earthquake happens and you're like well don't they design for that not that hey I design buildings and we design based off of historical data of seismic activity and you design it based off of you know whatever has happened in that area so obviously in California you're gonna be designing for more earthquake loads than here in West Virginia okay but that being said if you're if you're gonna have to kill a manjaro all right you're gonna have to take in account some some movement but I'll say this no one is designing for that earthquake okay they're just you're not going to design for that no one would ever build a building if you did they'd just be too it too outlandish of a building if you beat I mean this earthquake I believe is gonna take out mountains I mean it talks about the the the mountains fleeing away or not being leveled because of this and that is an intense earthquake where basically think of all the cities of the nations just falling to the ground because of this earthquake I mean that's intense that puts a little more gravity on that seventh trumpet doesn't it oh there's an earthquake yeah but that earthquake is the biggest earthquake the earth has ever seen and then it goes on to remember us before God to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath and that is in chapter 18 you'll see that okay so you see the sequence of events that you have this earthquake and it's destroying these nations destroying these cities and then you have Babylon it's going to be destroyed in one hour okay chapter 17 is kind of like this interlude where it's just like all right let me tell you about Babylon okay chapter 17 is where Babylon come from who's the whore you know like what what's going on with this then chapter 18 is like the actual judgment of Babylon so if you get the course of events when the seventh vial is poured out and the seventh trumpet sounds seven vials poured out you have this great earthquake that's just leveling cities it's talking about it says that the island every island fled away and the mountains were not found I mean it's not that intense think what causes a tsunami but an earthquake in the ocean an earthquake that's underneath you know the ocean that's what causes tsunamis and so think about all the islands just fleeing away because you have tsunamis you have you have just cities being leveled and intense stuff that's going on then you have Babylon being judged and also in verse 21 it says and there fell upon men great hail out of heaven every stone about the weight of a talent and men blaspheme God because of the plague of the hail for the plague thereof was exceeding great now I didn't look up what a talent weighs okay but I'm pretty sure it's somewhere between 40 and 60 pounds it's something crazy it's a very heavy weight okay but I obviously it's insane I mean you think about what that would first of all do the buildings but then you think about just what that would do if it fell on your head but they're blaspheming God because of this hail I mean you're talking about heavy hail that's coming down and the thing that you know that I think of is the fact that I love how God starts he finishes the same way he starts okay go to Revelation chapter 8 verse 5 it says that you saw with the seventh trumpet that sounds the seventh vial that's poured out and notice how all this wrath starts before the first trumpet sounds okay and when the first trumpet sounds see what happens here verse 5 so Revelation chapter 8 verse 5 this is the first thing that happens the first judgment happens when the seventh seals open it says and the angel took the sensor and filled it with fire of the earth and there were voices and thunderings and lightnings in an earthquake so what started what did we start off with well fire being rained down on the earth voices thunderings lightnings in an earthquake that's what started this whole thing off then the first trumpet sounds it says in verse 6 it says the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound that and they didn't happen yet right they haven't even sound yet but then the first angel sounded in the earth and they were cast upon the earth and the third part of the trees were burned up and all green grass was burnt up I just I just love the fact that God starts it off with that and ends with that but the ending is amplified it's almost like they start off the judgment like you haven't seen anything yet you think this is bad just wait until the finale and the finale is catastrophic I mean the cities of the nations fall I mean Babylon is burned in one hour and just everything that happens is just complete annihilation and that's before you get to the battle in Armageddon before you get to that final marriage supper lamb everything's destroyed I mean the Beast Kingdom is just in ruins I mean think about when he's in this battle his kingdom is in ruins everything is just completely demolished on fire I mean he's completely defeated before he even gets to the battle he's completely defeated before he even gets started with the battle he's got nothing left and then obviously he's completely destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire so that's chapter 16 and chapter 17 like I said we'll be getting into Babylon so chapter 17 and 18 is dealing with Babylon will be I'll be getting into who I think that well first of all who it had been you know in the past but also who I think it would be if you're going to deal with chapter 19 you deal with what we've been talking about which is Armageddon or the place of Armageddon the marriage supper lamb chapter 20 you deal with the fact that Satan's cast into the bottomless pit for a thousand years you have a thousand year reign I mean it kind of fast forwards in there I mean you got a thousand year reign judgment you have the great white throne judgment and you have newer chapter 21 so what's the last thing that we saw on that timeline what we just covered right what we just covered was the last thing on that whole timeline so everything else that we're covering is all in chronological order but it's going further in the timeline okay so everything now we I mean we're not really we didn't deal with before in those other chapters we've been kind of paralleling them up to this point but now it's kind of going into that and going into that so let's end with a word of prayer to Heavenly Father we thank you today again Lord we thank you for the souls that were saved and we thank you for a time after the service where we can remember you dying for us and remembering your death until you come and Lord just pray that you'd help us be glorifying you help us to glorify you throughout the rest this week but again I would just pray that you be with us as well. Amen. Brother Dave will come and sing one more song I can't remember if we do that or not if we sing one more song but we'll go ahead and sing one more song and then I'm going to shut down everything and then we'll go ahead and sing one more song. All right take your song books turn to song four hundred and twenty seven if you would stand sing we three kings song four hundred and twenty seven. We three kings of war in it are bearing gifts we traverse afar field and fountain more and mountain follow a yonder star star of wonder star of night star with royal beauty bright westward leading still proceeding guide us to thy perfect light born a king on Bethlehem's plain gold I bring to crown him again