(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good evening, everyone. Welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church. Take your song books and turn to song 422. Song 422. We'll sing Thou dost leave thy throne. If you would stand. Real quick. How many of you have sung this song before? How many of you have heard this song before? All right. I'm having my hand up. I would have my hand down. Here we go. Song 422. Thou dost leave thy throne and thy kingly crown when thou camest to earth for me. But in Bethlehem's home was there found no room for thy holy nativity. Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus. There is room in my heart for thee. Heaven's arches rang when the angels sang proclaiming thy royal decree. But in low earth thou dost come to earth and in great humility. Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus. There is room in my heart for thee. The foxes found rest in hers there nest in the shade of the forest tree. But thy couch was the sun. Oh, thou is the sun of God in the deserts of Galilee. Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus. There is room in my heart for thee. Thou camest, O Lord, with the living word that should set thy people free. But with the crown of thorns they have borne thee to Calvary. Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus. There is room in my heart for thee. When the heavens rang and the angels sang at the coming to victory. Let thy voice call me, saying that there is room, there is room at my side for thee. My heart shall rejoice, Lord Jesus, when thou comest and callest for me. Let's pray. Heavenly Father of the Lord, we just want to thank you, God, for today. Thank you, God, for the souls that were saved and Lord, the soul winners that were willing to go out and preach your word. I pray now that you would be with our pastor filled with your power and spirit, for it's in Jesus' name we ask all of it. Amen. All right, if you can be seated and take your song books and turn to song 402. Song 402. We'll sing our best. Song 402. Song 402. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. We'll sing our best. But he asks from everyone his best. Our talents may be few. These may be small. But unto him is do our best, our all. Amen. Welcome back to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday afternoon. I want to get the numbers first. And so did we have any earlier this week? I can't remember. None of you can remember. And then today what did we have? I know our group had one. You guys had one. Are there any others? So harder knocks today. Even though someone tried to come and steal our doors. No. We would have been done at that point anyway. But too safe to give up the good work with that. I am liking going down the Grafton. I think there's a lot to hit there. We need to get a map though so we can start marking all some of these areas. So we need to try to figure out that. But I do like going down there. It's not that far away. It's kind of nice because we'd be like, yeah you can come to church because it's literally like 20 minutes away. So that being said, I like that. And when we get into the wintertime, I know we'll have some indoor stuff that we usually hit. Marjory Gardens is like the go-to. You know, we try not to get shot when we go there. But it always seems to be the go-to one. But keep up the good work with soul-winning there. And then just general church announcements here. Again all the service times. The Wednesday evening is the same there. And as far as offering box back there, nothing's changed. The mother-baby room is for the mothers and babies only. Soul-winning, don't forget about the regional soul-winning times on Tuesday and Wednesday. So if you're on the WhatsApp for the church, you get all those updates and all kinds of other fun information that you may not want on our Mountain Baptist Church WhatsApp. You never know what articles are going to be brought up. Anyway, it's always fun. And if you want to get in on this 300 push-up challenge, listen, you can jump in right now. So anybody that's not in on it, you can jump in right now and, you know, mystery loves companies. That's why I'm bringing it up. I'm getting old, guys. Listen, next year, this is not getting up to 400. Okay, 300 is the max. 200 was enough for me. You guys are crazy. You want to go up to 300. My shoulders, like, my right shoulder has been hurting all week and I'm getting too old for it. So no more than 300. Anyone else sore? Please tell me someone else is sore. So, they're like, no, what is wrong with you? So anyway, no, but it's good, though. It's been fun. But it's definitely, 200 was a challenge. 300 is just like, you get done with those 200, you're like, I got to do another 100 of these. Anyway, but if you want to jump in on that, it sounds awesome, doesn't it? So you can jump in on that. We have a whole WhatsApp just dedicated to that. And so, anyway, Bible memory, we have Jude for the month, so the book of Jude, or that chapter there. So good one to have memorized. And then Matthew 2412 is our memory verse for the week. And we have on the calendar here at the end of the month, we have the men's prayer meeting, which is the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday. So, I seen all the memes where everybody's going to be on, like, jet skis out there on the ocean to go get stuff on Black Friday, because all the cargo ships can't get into the shore. So, who here is renting a jet ski? No, I'm just kidding. Listen, no judgment here if you do Black Friday shopping, but I never do Black Friday shopping. I hate shopping, and Black Friday is, like, the epitome of what I hate of everything when it comes to shopping. So, I, you know, God bless you if you go out there and you fight all those grandmas for that stuff. Anyway, all joking aside, we are having a prayer meeting on Black Friday. But, and then the ladies prayer meeting will be that next Saturday. But as far as, we're going to do a fellowship for Christmas, but we just haven't picked a Saturday. So, sometime in December, we usually try to do mid-December, early to mid-December, so we're not jumping into where everybody's traveling with family and everything. So, we'll get that together. We'll have a sign-up sheet, and we'll have all kinds of fun treats and everything there. Birthdays, we already got that. Pregnancy is being a prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list. And again, for all those that have already given birth and the recovery process that's involved there. That's about all I got for announcements. Dave's going to come and sing one more song. And then, who's reading tonight? Brother Richie. Like, I'm looking over here. This is all the new chair section. And then, Brother Richie back there. Brother Richie is going to make the pilgrimage up here to read for us. No, Revelation chapter 11 is what we're going to be reading after Brother sings the song. Alright, take your songbooks and turn to song 406. Song 406. In your songbooks, we'll sing Who is on the Lord Side? Song 406. Who is on the Lord Side? Who is on the Lord Side? Who will serve the King? Who will be his helper other lives to bring? Who will leave the world side? Who will face the foe? Who is on the Lord Side? Who for him will go? By thy call of mercy by thy grace divine we are on the Lord Side Savior, we are thine not for weight of glory not for crown or palm enter we thee army raise the royal psalm but for love that came lies for whom he died he whom Jesus nameth must be on his side by thy love constraining him divine we are on the Lord Side Savior, we are thine Jesus thou hast taught not with gold or gem but with thine own lifeblood for thy diadem with thy blessing each who comes to thee thou hast made us willing thou hast made us free by thy grand redemption by thy grace divine we are on the Lord Side Savior, we are thine be the conflict strong may be the foe but the king's own army none can overthrow round his standard ranging victory is secure for his truth unchanging makes the triumph sure joyfully enlisting by thy grace divine we are on the Lord Side Savior, we are thine Alright, take your Bibles and turn to Revelation chapter number 11 Revelation chapter number 11, we'll have brother Ritchie come and read that for us Alright, Revelation chapter 11 if you're there say Amen and there was given me a reed like into a rod and the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein but the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy city shall they tread underfoot forty in two months I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth and if any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed these have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will when they shall have finished their testimony the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified and they have the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and in half and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves and they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth and after three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them which saw them and they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them come up hither and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them and the same hour was there a great earthquake and the tenth part of the city fell and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of heaven the second woe is past and behold the third woe cometh quickly and the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever and the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats fell upon their faces and worshiped God saying we give thee thanks O Lord God Almighty which art and must and art to come because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast reigned and the nations were angry and thy wrath has come in the time of the dead that they should be judged and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets and to the saints and them that fear thy name small and great and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth and the temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament and there were lightnings and voices and thunderings and an earthquake and great hail. Let's pray Dear Heavenly Father thank you for this church service and thank you for the souls that were saved today and just be with Pastor Robinson as he preaches your word and I pray that we all have ears to hear in Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Amen. So you're there in Revelation chapter 11 and we are continuing our study through the book of Revelation and there's so many little things that I would like to preach on out of this chapter but I just kind of want to hit the two big things that we see here and the two big things that we see here are the two witnesses and the seventh trumpet itself and but there's so many little things that I'd love to hit on maybe I'll just do a whole sermon on them you know at some point but starting there in verse 1 this is something that I kind of already hit on on last week's sermon so I don't want to belabor this you know because we kind of already hit on it but I do want to just touch on this because we're getting into this chapter here that in verse 1 here it says, And there was given me a reed like unto a rod and the angel stood saying, Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein. So if you remember this is the angel that the one foot was on the sea, the one foot was on the earth and had the little book to give to John to eat but now he's given him a reed and basically saying measure the temple and it says in verse 2, But the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy city shall they tread underfoot forty into months. So we see here that there's a timeline given here and it's not saying the temple is trodden underfoot, it's saying the court and the city is trodden underfoot but we know that at this time the temple is being defiled if you will because the temple the abomination of desolation is being set up and go to Daniel chapter 8 if you will because it touches on this and but the city itself is being trodden underfoot at the Gentiles. I believe once the abomination of desolation happens there's 42 months which makes sense because when the abomination of desolation happens the antichrist is given 42 months as far as his time to reign and so the city is being defiled or trodden underfoot for that time and the thing that I see here that's very important is that there is a temple that's physically here and you say well I think this is the temple in heaven well okay are there Gentiles that are going to be trodden underfoot the court in heaven then? Or if you're talking well this is the holy city that's in heaven you know because it says the holy city right? Well are they treading underfoot the holy city that's in heaven? Right? So it doesn't make sense that this would be talking about something that's in heaven so I believe he's literally measuring the court outside the physical temple and the physical you know the city that's around about it right? And so that being said is I do believe there's going to be another temple right now there's no temple there so we had the first temple that Solomon built then you had the temple that was built after the captivity I do believe they're going to build another temple okay? Now that doesn't have to be a stone temple with all the fanciness that Solomon had because even the temple that was there in Jesus' day was nowhere near according to the Bible what the former one was when Solomon built it but it could be a tabernacle because it calls the tabernacle that Eli the priest you know Eli and his two sons that were wicked it calls that tabernacle the temple of God okay? So it could be a tabernacle it could be something that's built out of you know bars and badger skins and goat skins and you know all the fine twine linen all the stuff that you read in Exodus but that being said is I do believe there's a temple that a physical temple and that that temple is going to be defiled with the abomination of desolation and that's why in Thessalonians chapter 2 you have the antichrist or the man of sin standing in the temple it says literally he's standing in the temple so I believe that there is a physical temple and that when it's talking about the temple it's not just spiritualized into the fact that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost because that is true in the New Testament our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost but here's the thing is not the congregation the house of God right? and the temple is being referred to as the house of God in other places in the Bible so the congregation itself is referred to as the house of God the church of the living God and so we don't want to over spiritualize things to the point of we're not missing like the true like actual physical meaning that's being said here I believe he's literally measuring these physical elements and notice what it says in Daniel chapter 8 and verse 11 it says yea he magnified himself even to the prince of the host and by him this daily sacrifice was taken away and the place of his sanctuary was cast down and a host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression and it cast down the truth to the ground and it practiced and prospered so we're talking about the abomination of desolation we're talking about the antichrist here not to get too deep into Daniel here but he's magnifying himself even to the prince of the host this is where he's in the temple of God you know claiming that he is God you know sitting in the temple of God as God claiming that he is God okay? and calling himself God and verse 13 here it says then I heard one saint speaking and another saint said unto that certain saint who spake how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice and the transgression of desolation to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden underfoot and he said unto me unto two thousand three hundred days I'm sorry yea three hundred days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed so there's things that are going on here that in Revelation chapter 11 you kind of see this 42 months well two thousand three hundred days is more than that but it's not just encompassing the treading underfoot it's not saying that it's going to be trodden underfoot for two thousand three hundred days it says the transgression of desolation to give the sanctuary I'm sorry and verse how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice the transgression of desolation and then it talks about being trodden underfoot so essentially here this two thousand three hundred days is something that's more like a little over six years but when does it end well it ends the same time the 42 months ends ok it's just the fact that the 42 months is when the abomination of desolation happens and that goes from that point to the end whereas this number here is clearly at the end of it where it's being cleansed at the seventh trumpet sounding but it goes back further than that meaning that there's going to be a time where there's going to be this temple that's built and they're going to start doing the daily sacrifice because you have to ask yourself how can you take away the daily sacrifice if there is no daily sacrifice given ok and this is where the predator should come in and say see you know all that stuff already happened in 70 A.D. so we can't you know that can't be true well this number here here is showing you that that daily sacrifice is going to begin somewhere starting you know not at the very beginning of that seven year mark but somewhere within that like not even a year into it so you say well so if I start seeing the daily sacrifice given they build a temple and the daily sacrifice is given do we know it's the end? maybe it doesn't say that they're not going to try and then it fails what Jesus tells us is that when you see the abomination of desolation then you know yes and don't get me wrong if I see a temple and they start sacrificing animals I'm going to be like this might be it but it's not until the abomination of desolation that you know for sure that yes this is happening this is going down there's no doubt about it so that's what you have to understand and it's cleansed and the reason that that's important to know or to think about is the fact that since it's cleansed that means that Jesus can rule and reign from Jerusalem and then people are going to be coming unto that temple and that temple is being used. This is a whole sermon for another day of dealing with the fact of how the righteous will inherit the things of the wicked and when you get into the thousand year reign the righteous are inheriting everything that the wicked left behind and there's a lot of truth to that just think about how they went into the promised land and they didn't they were inheriting houses they were inheriting all the vineyards and everything else that was already made and done they were inheriting all that and they destroyed all the wicked people but then they inherited all that stuff so I believe that's what's going to happen when you go into that thousand year reign that temple that the Antichrist stands in and says he's God is the same temple that I believe Jesus is going to be teaching nations the law of God from so it's an interesting thing on how that gets flipped it's defiled but then it's cleansed and then you have the Antichrist but then you have the Lord Jesus that's going to be rolling and raining from that same place because you don't see Jerusalem being completely annihilated to where no one's going to inhabit it again Babylon you see that and you see Jerusalem kind of getting destroyed you know to a certain extent in this chapter but I believe it's going to be refreshed and in a thousand year reign it's going to be like going back to kind of like pre-flood conditions if you will that's a whole other sermon when you get into a thousand year reign but you know it's going to be renewed if you will to a certain extent until you have the new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem coming down at the very end so let's look at these two witnesses though so that kind of tells you you know what's going on here with the time no longer we kind of talked about that you know the times of the Gentiles being fulfilled and that happens at the moment the seventh trumpet sounds so at this point we're still in that sixth trumpet and these two witnesses notice what it says that it's going to be trodden underfoot the city's going to be trodden underfoot for 42 months right the court and the the whole city for 42 months and I believe that same exact time these two witnesses are bearing witness and notice what it says in verse 3 here it says and I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth so we see here that it's a different number but at the same time 42 months is what? three and a half years 1260 days is three and a half years you say well that's not exactly three and a half years well I've already hit on this before in other sermons they go off of a 30 day a month calendar meaning like every month is 30 days and then they have what you call a leap month okay so that's why you're going to have two 1260 days or two a time times and half a time that are going to be associated with these 42 months and those three numbers but then one of these numbers is going to be 1290 days because after if you get after six years of missing five days meaning that they go off a 360 day calendar okay if you go off of that and the fact that you're missing what five days around five days every single year then there's 30 days that you're missing when you get into that seventh year that has to be made up for and that's why you're going to get into this 1290 days which shows you why this is all ending at the beginning of the seventh trumpet you know what that means is the seventh trumpet you know how long that lasts for? 30 days does that make sense? so you have everything kind of coming to a head at the beginning of that trumpet sounding and then you have 30 days to where Babylon's coming into remembrance and you have the battle of Armageddon and you have Satan that's or you have the beast the false prophet being cast in the lake of fire you have the you have Satan that's going to be thrown into the bottomless pit and you're going to have the you know judgment seat of Christ all this stuff is going on within 30 days and then boom thousand year reign of Christ so that shows you that okay there's a little bit of time in between when the trumpet begins to sound and when you get to revelation 20 when you get to the thousand year reign okay so just to give you a little bit of timeline there but we see that these two witnesses are prophesying for these 1203 score days or 1260 days these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth and if any man will hurt them fire proceeded out of their mouth and devoured their enemies and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed now this gives a whole new meaning to fire breathing preaching do you see what's happening here? obviously not me I'm not one of the two witnesses unless I'm like trying to swallow a bug so this isn't like figurative I do not believe this is figurative I believe they are literally going to have fire coming out of their mouths and destroying anybody that would hurt them so that's like I said a whole new meaning to fire breathing preaching you think of Elijah on fire it's coming out of their mouths and obviously our preaching should be that way think of fire breathing preaching is the fact that that's the way it should be we should be lifting up our voice like a trumpet we should be clapping the hands stomping the foot and basically preaching hard against sin but here we have them actually having fire coming out of their mouths to devour anybody that would hurt them it says that they're going to be prophesying for that 42 months you know that 1260 days it's interesting because when they die literally immediately after they die and then God actually raises them from the dead that's when the seventh trumpet sounds okay so if you backtrack that that means these two witnesses are actually on the scene before we're raptured out I want you to think about that for a second because then we're going to talk about who these witnesses are if they are here for the abomination desolation that means they're here while we're here so these two witnesses are going to be on the scene while we're here while we're in the great tribulation but if anybody tries to hurt them fire is proceeding out of their mouth and they're getting destroyed by them okay now who are these two witnesses well it gives us it says these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth so that gives you a clue go back to Zechariah chapter 4 Zechariah chapter 4 because these two were talked about in Zechariah these are two men that I believe stand if you get the context here we're talking about the candlestick that's within the sanctuary right so if you get the temple of god right you have you have the outer court you have the sanctuary and then you have which is like the first temple and then you have the second temple which is the holiest of all right and obviously now even in heaven that veil has been rent but there used to be a veil there between those two temples or those two tabernacles if it will but it would kind of split it between the first tabernacle and the second tabernacle and that being said is that I believe that first the second tabernacle I don't believe is being touched does that make sense like where the arc of the covenant is at but as far as that first tabernacle or temple if you will meaning where the sanctuary is at I believe that is being defiled but that's where the two witnesses are does that make sense the two witnesses are standing on the left hand and on the right hand of this candlestick and not to get into the whole dissertation but there is the candlestick there was the showbread there was the laver and it's put and it was like all this stuff that was outside the veil before they'd go into the veil or if they had to sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat but notice what it says here in Zechariah chapter 4 verse 1 it says and the angel that talked with me came again and waked me as a man that is wakened out of his sleep and said unto me what seest thou? and I said I have looked and behold a candlestick all of gold with a bowl upon the top of it and his seven lamps there on and seven pipes to the seven lamps which are upon the top thereof now we already covered those seven lamps you remember what those seven lamps are? the seven spirits of God which are the seven eyes of the Lord okay we kind of already hit on that and talked about that but notice what it says here verse 3 and to all of trees by it one upon the right side of the bowl and the other upon the left side thereof so I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me saying what are these my Lord? then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me knowest thou not what these be? and I said no my Lord and then he changes the subject like when you read through you're like he's like what are these? and he's like you don't know who these people are? and he starts talking about Zerubbabel and you're like ah then it's like he talks about Zerubbabel and then notice what Zechariah does here in verse 11 then answered I and said unto him what are these two olive trees? upon the right side of the candle stinking upon the left side thereof and I answered again and said unto him what be these two olive branches? he's kind of like who are these people? and why aren't you answering me? three times he's asking this I just find it funny okay it's kind of like where it's like well whence came these people or where did they come from and John's like I don't know you know you're the one telling me all this stuff but it says in verse 12 and I answered again and said unto him what be these two olive branches? which which threw the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves and he answered me and said knowest thou not what these be? and I said no my Lord so it's just like who are these people? you don't know who these people are? no change the subject and he's like who are these people? who are these people? and he's like you don't know? no I don't know then he finally answers them if you want to call this like a really revealed answer here he says then said he these are the two anointed ones that stand by the Lord of the whole earth so he didn't really answer who they are right? he's just like these are the two anointed ones I think at this point Zechariah is probably like alright I guess I'm not supposed to know this but I don't know this whole passage just makes me laugh that he's just asking this over and over and over again and you know what that kind of shows me is that when you're in Revelation here and he brings up these two olive trees these two witnesses wouldn't you be thinking like alright are we going to finally get to know who these people are? and I do believe that we do know who these people are and notice what it says in Revelation chapter 11 verse 6 I believe we're going to get the answer to who these two anointed ones are who these two olive trees are that are standing before the Lord of all the earth because you know that you have the 24 elders that are sitting upon the seats and you have all this stuff that's going on you have the seven spirits of God that are before the throne you have the four seraphims that are there that are saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty you know and all this stuff is going on but there's also two witnesses there's two olive trees there's two anointed ones that are standing before the Lord of all the earth who are those guys? and notice what it says here in Revelation chapter 11 verse 6 and I'm going to read it before I tell you who I believe it is but I think it's very clear who it is Revelation chapter 11 verse 6 These have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will so we know that these are Old Testament prophets because it says in the days of their prophecy right so that's you've got to know that's who you're talking about plus you're dealing with these people in Zechariah too right does that make sense like you're if you have these olive trees that are standing before the Lord of the holy earth that are being mentioned in Zechariah that kind of makes sense that you're not dealing with you know people like in the future and so you're dealing with these two people okay well one can shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy can you think of a prophet that caused it not to rain Elijah should obviously come to mind how about someone that turns water into blood and then like can do any kind of plague upon the earth Moses right those are two that you know if you just thought about what they did when they were prophets in the days of their prophecy what did they do Elijah is very well known obviously for killing all the prophets of Baal right but before that what's he known for for causing it not to rain and Moses is obviously known for all the plagues in Egypt right the plagues in Egypt beginning with what turning the water into blood now I want to prove to you and here's the thing if you don't if you're saying ah I think I think it's someone else I think it's Enoch or whatever fine whatever but here's the thing after you see all this it's hard for it's hard for me to look at all this this evidence as far as this being these two men to just think it's anybody else there's like no the only evidence for Enoch is the fact that he didn't see death that he was translated that's your only evidence as far as why people think it's Enoch there's nothing else there's no other information that we have in Enoch besides him prophesying that the Lord shall come with ten thousands of his saints to execute judgment upon the ungodly and I'm not knocking that I think Enoch was a great man obviously he was so great that God even brought him home without him even having to see death I mean that's obviously you know a great man there but but in Malachi chapter 4 go to Malachi chapter 4 so I want to talk about who these two men are I believe it's Moses and Elijah or Elijah and Moses and I believe that Revelation 11 is giving us that information you could have gathered this I believe before you even got to that verse but I believe that verse solidifies it because if you read all this stuff that I'm about to show you and then you get to Revelation 11 you'd be like yeah that's right because it just solidifies all the other information that was pointing to that Malachi chapter 4 and verse 4 it says remember ye the law of what Moses my servant which I command unto him in Horeb for all Israel with the statues and judgments behold I will send you who Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers lest they come and smite the earth with a curse now if you think about this obviously Moses has mentioned I just kind of want to show you that Moses is mentioned in the same passage where there's prophesied about Elijah coming before the great and dreadful day of the Lord where you say well that was fulfilled in John true but there's a thing called a dual prophecy meaning that there's dual purposes to that same prophecy meaning that I believe it was fulfilled in John in part because John was his own person but it says that he had the spirit and power of Elias and John did come before the day of the Lord no doubt because the day of the Lord still hasn't happened he came before the day of the Lord he had the spirit and power of Elijah and he did turn the hearts of the fathers and he came before the first coming if you will of the Lord because John the Baptist was born before Jesus was even born but he's also started his ministry before Jesus started his ministry and he prepared the way of the Lord and the same thing with these witnesses they're going to be coming on the scene before the Lord comes the second time but I believe this is if you will the I guess main prophecy of this meaning that this is he's sending Elijah the prophet he's sending the man Elijah the prophet on the scene before the great and terrible day of the Lord which makes sense because remember we saw that if you take from when the sixth trumpet sounds back 1260 days where are you at? you're at the abomination of desolation which is before the day the Lord happens before we're gathered up right when the great tribulation starts is when they come on the scene so both are true with John the Baptist but it's also true if Elijah is one of these two witnesses that's coming on the scene now let me show you one this is where I think how else could you not see it's Moses and Elijah go to Matthew chapter 17 Matthew chapter 17 we can still be friends if you don't agree with me on this we just won't be good friends no I'm just kidding no honestly this is all secondary doctrine as far as this is not the great fellowship over but I do think it's pretty clear but if someone has a different opinion on this that's fine Matthew 17 verse 1 it says and after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother and bringing them up into a high mountain apart and was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sun and his raiment white as snow I'm sorry white as the light now this is the amount of transfiguration and if you remember I didn't put that verse in there but this is where a lot of people think there's a contradiction in the Bible because right before this he basically states that there's some of you that will not see death until you see me coming in my glory and I want to read that in verse 28 of the chapter right before that it says verily I say unto you there be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom well six days later they saw it I'm going to prove to you that that's what he was speaking of when he said some of you shall not taste of death but let's first see who comes on the scene here in this amount of transfiguration so in Matthew chapter 17 verse 3 and behold there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with them interesting why those two? it says then answered Peter and said unto Jesus Lord it is good for us to be here if thou wilt let us make thee three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias while he yet spake in other places it says not knowing what he said for he was afraid and it says while he yet spake behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud which said this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased hear ye him now you remember that same phrase was used when he was baptized right but this phrase is also used at the amount of transfiguration now go to 2 Peter chapter 1 so if you didn't believe the fact that Matthew chapter 16 is leading into Matthew 17 to show you hey this is what he's talking about when he says there's going to be some of you that's not going to taste of death until you see the son of man coming in his glory and it's interesting who's there when he comes in his glory Moses and Elijah but notice 2 Peter is going to validate that this is talking about the coming of the Lord that this event where they were standing on the mount and seeing Jesus transfigured before them with Moses and Elijah standing there that this is an account of them seeing him coming in his glory or coming you know eyewitnesses if you will and in 2 Peter chapter 1 and verse 16 for we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but were eyewitnesses of his majesty for he received from God the Father honor and glory when so this is when they were eyewitnesses of his coming when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased and this voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy mount so at that mount of transfiguration that's when they heard that voice that said this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased and what were they eyewitnesses of but his coming and who was there Moses and Elijah how about go to James chapter 5 and verse 17 James chapter 5 and verse 17 one of the things that Revelation 11 says is that they have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy do you remember how long Elijah caused it not to rain in James chapter 5 and verse 17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rain not on the earth by the space of three years and six months how long is that put that in days 1260 days 42 months a time times and half a time yeah that's exactly right you're dealing with the fact that the in the Old Testament when he caused it not to rain for three years and six months was actually a prophetic passage of what was going to happen in the future at the very end when Elijah was going to come back and do that same type of thing so tell me again that the Bible is written by man and go to 2 Kings chapter 2 now the second point I want to make here do I need to really show you like all the plagues where Moses turned the water in the wine or water in the wine water in the blood no he didn't do that not that I know of anyway but where he turned the water in the blood or he did all these plagues obviously we could go to Exodus and look at all those but we're not going to do that for a sake of time but the other point I want to make is what's dealing with both when Elijah and Moses died there was something specifically interesting about them wanting to find his body with both Elijah and Moses okay because we're talking about them physically coming back I do not believe these two witnesses that come back are in glorified bodies first of all they come back before the rapture even happens okay but also they die in this chapter they die and they're dead for three days and a half so we're not talking about them being in glorified bodies they're in physical bodies and I just find this interesting go to 2 Kings chapter 2 this is where Elijah is caught up in a whirlwind in the heaven most people believe it's Elijah okay most people believe that one of these two witnesses Elijah like I don't think there's many people that would say differently than that it's usually the Moses thing that you have to convince them of but when I show you this I think it's going to be very clear that Moses has something very similar to what happened with Elijah notice in 2 Kings chapter 2 verse 11 it says it came to pass as they still went along and talked that behold there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire and part of them both asunder and Elijah went up by a whirlwind in the heaven so this is where Elijah and Elijah are walking and he's caught up in a whirlwind in the heaven now in verse 16 these men that were with Elijah wanted to go see if Elijah was like up on a mountain somewhere like wow he's caught up in this whirlwind maybe he was tossed up on a mountain somewhere right and he's just kind of hanging out there and he needs our help I don't know what they were thinking but notice what it says in verse 16 it says and they said unto him behold now there be with thy servants fifty strong men let them go we pray thee and seek thy master let's for adventure the spirit of the Lord had taken him up and cast him upon some mountain or into some valley and he said he shall not send and when they urged him till he was ashamed he said send they sent therefore fifty men and they sought three days but found him not so and he goes on to be like I told you not to look for you know like so obviously he didn't want them to look for Elijah because he knew that he went into heaven but you know what what were they looking for they were looking for his body they were physically looking for him and he was nowhere they couldn't find him they couldn't find his body they say well see well Moses he didn't get caught up in a whirlwind well let's read about that for a second about his body in Deuteronomy chapter 34 this is where Moses dies Deuteronomy 34 and verse 5 Deuteronomy 34 and verse 5 Deuteronomy 34 and verse 5 it says so Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab according to the word of the Lord and he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab who buried him? The Lord he went up to to this spot to die with the Lord the Lord buried him now to even qualify that anymore it says over against Beth Peor but no man knoweth of his sepulcher unto this day why don't they know because the Lord is the one that buried him now the Lord is the one that caught up Elijah in a whirlwind and they couldn't find his body but the Lord is the one that buried Moses and no one knew where it was at they knew the vicinity right they knew that it was in the land of Moab over against Beth Peor but they didn't know where that was they didn't know where the body was actually at look at Jude Jude in verse 9 Jude in verse 9 Jude 1 if you have Jude 2 tear that out you know we joke about that but there are like I think Daniel they have like extra chapters of Daniel and extra chapters of like certain books so they actually obviously those are all false but in Jude verse 9 there it says isn't it interesting how like people are like fighting over like finding the body of Elijah or finding the body of Moses why do you think that was just put in there for no reason like we're just you know what we needed an example of Michael not wanting to rebuke Satan we're just going to throw in this one about Moses' body because when you read that you're kind of like okay why though like why are you disputing about the body of Moses what does that matter maybe because the body of Elijah and the body of Moses is coming back and that they're going to literally be here witnessing and prophesying in the flesh in the future and that's the two witnesses that are going to be here okay God couldn't have used their bodies even if someone took their bodies and did stuff with it or like put it on display and worshipped it you know there's so many different interpretations of why they're like well why didn't you know God want them to know where Moses' body was I mean what did they do with the Pope's body you know what I mean like people worship that thing and all these different things that they could do that would be sacrilegious and all that but that being said I think it's very clear that you're dealing with Moses and Elijah being the two witnesses I mean the Mount of Transfiguration to me is like that's it I mean you have Moses and Elijah standing there when he's transfigured about his coming you know coming the second time you have the prophecy of Elijah coming before the day of the Lord fits perfectly with the timeline of Revelation 11 where the fact is that he's going to be on the scene before the rapture happens at the abomination of desolation it fits hand in glove the prophecies that they did or that they're going to do or that they did in their days past lines up perfectly with Moses and Elijah so I don't see any contest there but that's who you're dealing with so when you're in Zechariah and you're like who is it who is it who are these people I believe Revelation gives us the answer and that shows you how Revelation is the flashlight right I'm not going to go to Zechariah and try to figure out who the two witnesses are that would be silly because I'd be like Zechariah be like who are these people who are these people you don't know who these people are no I don't know who these people are who are these people right Revelation's like alright we're going to tell you who these people are and there's not this back and forth of like who are these two witnesses it's just like these are the two witnesses here's how long they're going to be there here's what they did in the days of their prophecy here's how they're going to destroy people when fire comes out of their mouth here's how they're going to die here's how they're going to be raised again just straight up just boom boom boom this is what's going on in verse 7 here notice what it says about these two witnesses it says and when they shall have finished their testimony so we're talking about the end of their 1260 days you see how we're at the very end of we're getting to the end of this sixth trumpet and it says the beast that descended out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them so we know that the antichrist is already basically you know the deadly wound has been healed and obviously he's in his kingdom he's actually at the end of his reign at this point and obviously he made war with the saints and overcame them but at this point he hasn't overcome them these two witnesses they couldn't be hurt and anybody tried to hurt them fire came out of their mouth but at the end of their witness they do die and notice what it says here in verse 8 and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt you're like well what's this great city that's called Sodom and Egypt spiritually speaking where also our Lord was crucified so if you have any doubt this is definitely talking about Jerusalem because he was killed without you know the gate of Jerusalem but it would still be considered Jerusalem there where they were at and that is where it's called spiritually Sodom and Egypt so we're talking about the holy city being trodden underfoot but spiritually speaking it's holy because it is the land that was sanctified by the Lord to be his to be his land and everything and it will be his land one day the Lord Jesus is going to rule and reign from there and we're going to rule and reign with him from that land but right now that place is wicked right now that place is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt which makes sense because Tel Aviv is like one of the number one like queer capitals of the world and that's in Israel but Jerusalem is just like that you know that whole area is just wicked I mean Jerusalem I mean think about it Judaism is one of the most anti-Christ religions that's out there I mean who's a liar who's a liar but he's denied that Jesus is the Christ he is anti-Christ and denied the Father and the Son can you think of a religion that's more anti-Christ than Judaism I mean they are the definition I mean that is the definition of what they believe and so they are anti-Christ they are Sodom and Egypt spiritually speaking that's what Jerusalem is today so but it will be cleansed and the Lord Jesus will reign from there all that's going to come true and this is at the very end of them of the reign of the beast verse 9 here it says and they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves it's interesting because you know Jesus was dead for three days and three nights and it says that his flesh did not see corruption it's almost like they their bodies were seeing corruption you know at this point I believe I mean I think there's a reason why it's not just three days just as much as when Lazarus died it was for four days right I believe there's a point by now he stinketh right meaning that there's corruption that's going on within the body so they're all just rejoicing they're like they're dead I mean he stinks you know they didn't say that but you know Lazarus would be like he smells by now decomposing and notice in verse 10 here it says and they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth that's hilarious they're literally like sending gifts to each other they're like giving cards to each other and be like oh here's a gift card for you oh we're so happy they're finally dead these people have been tormenting us with their preaching and all this stuff for all this time for three and a half years they're finally dead and so they're just you know rejoicing over in verse 11 it says and after three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them which saw them so that rejoicing turned to fear real quick and notice in verse 12 here it says they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them come up hither and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them now when it comes to this I believe at that point they were given spiritual bodies and this is another sermon for another day or maybe when we get into the resurrection but what about the 144,000 right? when did the 144,000 are they in spiritual bodies? I don't believe I think they're kind of like the same thing with when we leave the 144,000 the 144,000 are kind of taking our place and I believe that they're in physical bodies and then they're going to all be the 144,000 the two witnesses will be given spiritual bodies and that's why it's talking about the first resurrection and the fact of wouldn't you say Moses and Elijah would be in the first resurrection so there's like these exceptions to the fact of the first resurrection being all the dead in Christ shall rise first but before when that happens those two witnesses are still on the scene so it's a very interesting thing but they do get ascended right? they do come up hither in their bodies right? the bodies are coming up with them right? it's making it very clear that the bodies the spirit of light came into the bodies and they ascended up so it's a bodily resurrection that's happening there and I believe that's a picture of the rapture if you will that's happening with those two now that's all the first resurrection it's not like a different resurrection okay? it's just the fact that at the rapture that's when all the dead in Christ and everybody that's alive and remain right there are raptured up but the two witnesses are still on the scene and if you notice that the 144,000 are brought down before that happens they're brought down before the resurrection happens and they're here with the seal of God in their head so they don't get hurt by any of the plagues if they were in resurrected bodies right? then you wouldn't have to worry about that either just something to think about and there's some things that are just a little more vague I guess or maybe not as concrete as far as what's going on there but I believe the 144,000 the two witnesses are going to be in that first resurrection they're going to be ruling and reigning just as much as we are but they're being used in that time before you get to the thousand year reign and really what it comes down to is the first resurrection I believe are those that are resurrected before you get into that thousand year reign and then the next resurrection or the second resurrection if you want to call it that the last or the end that's all those that die in the thousand year reign and then they don't they don't get resurrected until at the end of the thousand year reign like I said another term for another day but something to think about there what did I leave off there in verse 11? no verse 13 so they're caught up in a cloud I believe that they're given their resurrected bodies at that point they're not going to die anymore they've got their spiritual bodies verse 13 in the same hour so did a lot of time pass here? no, same hour so when they die that's the end of their 1260 day prophecy the same hour that they're raised from the dead it says here I'm sorry the same hour was there a great earthquake and the tenth part of the city fell and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the god of heaven the second woe was passed and behold the third woe cometh quickly so that's the very end of the sixth trumpet so the thing that's interesting with this verse right here is the fact that I do believe people get saved right here now you can disagree with me on this as far as well they give glory to god doesn't mean they got saved well it's interesting I don't have this in my notes but in Revelation 14 when it talks about the everlasting gospel coming down it says this in verse 6 of Revelation 14 it says and I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth so it's not just there to look at it and look pretty they're preaching this everlasting gospel and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters and what do we see here but they have fear and they're giving glory to god sounds familiar to what they're saying you know here's the everlasting gospel to preach give glory to god and here's the thing when you get someone saved what are you doing fear god and give glory to him that's essentially what we're preaching right fear god because you're a sinner on your way to hell give him the glory for what he did for you and you'll be saved forever I mean essentially that's what you're saying obviously you need to go a little further than that don't just go up to the door and be like you know Jesus died on the cross for your sins rose again the third day fear god and give him the glory see ya you know obviously you need to explain what that means what you mean by that but essentially I believe these people get saved and I believe these people are going to go into the thousand year reign as saved people going into the thousand year reign I don't believe everybody that's going into the thousand year reign is lost or just a child okay obviously no reprobates are going into the thousand year reign no one that takes the mark of the beast is going into the thousand year reign but there are going to be people that go into this thousand year reign and I believe there's going to be saved people or people that get saved during that time okay and I believe this is proof of that I don't believe everybody's going to take the mark of the beast and I don't believe everybody is going to be unsaved during that time that's the whole point of why these two witnesses are preaching because the whole point of why the 144,000 are even preaching they're preaching the everlasting gospel because we're not there anymore because by the way how shall they hear without a what? a preacher so that's what's going on during this wrath but see these 144,000 and the two witnesses they're not getting hurt by the wrath of God but they're preaching the gospel while the wrath is being poured out and they're a witness for the Lord and I do believe people are getting saved during that time there's a lot of people that aren't there's a lot of people that are just blaspheming I think all the people that take the mark of the beast are blaspheming God for all the torments and they're just like digging into all their sins okay but here does it say that they repented of their sins and gave glory to God no it says they feared God and gave glory to him in heaven right they were affrighted it says the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of heaven so I believe those are people getting saved right before you get into the seventh trumpet sounding so you see that the holy city or the same hour the tenth part of the city fell so that great city which is Jerusalem there that holy city that we're talking about which is spiritually Sodom and Egypt tenth part of it falls and 7,000 people die Revelation chapter 11 verse 15 now we get into the seventh trumpet sounding seventh trumpet sounding so in Revelation chapter 11 verse 15 it says and the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of the Lord of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever and the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats fell upon their faces and worshiped God saying we give thee thanks oh Lord God almighty which art and was and art to come because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and has reigned and the nations were angry and thy wrath has come in the time of the dead that they should be judged and that thou shouldst give reward unto thy servants the prophets and to the saints and them that fear thy name small and great and shouldst destroy them which destroy the earth and the temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament and there were lightnings and voices and thunderings and an earthquake and great hail so when you read this obviously we kind of got into the fact that there shall be time no longer because the times the Gentiles have been fulfilled we're getting into the time of the kingdom of the Lord this thousand year reign is going to be happening but there is a judgment that's going on here and you can read all this stuff but really in the end you have this great hail that's being mentioned now go to Revelation chapter 6 because remember that the trumpets are blowing and then the vials are being poured out the trumpets blowing the vials being poured out this is straight up like the same type of judgment okay you're going to see the same finale and at this point I believe it's just like the trumpets blowing the vials being poured out all at the same time this is the finale that's going on the kingdom of the beast has ended but there is still stuff that's going to happen and I believe that this is where you get into that 30 day period of Babylon being judged in the battle of Armageddon so in verse 17 here it says and the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying it is done sound familiar? you have the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ and then the seventh vial pours out it is done then it says and there were voices and thunderings and lightnings and there was a great earthquake sound familiar? same thing that's said when the seventh trumpet sounds such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty in earthquake and so great so when you saw that earthquake that's mentioned in Revelation chapter 11 you may just kind of look past it and be like well we've seen earthquakes all over the place right? well this earthquake is not just an earthquake notice this earthquake it says so mighty in earthquake and so great and the great city was divided into three parts and the cities of the nations fell so the great city I believe you're talking about Jerusalem that's being divided into three parts remember a tenth part fell when the sixth trumpet sound at the end of the sixth trumpet tenth part fell then it's divided into three parts I'm not sure exactly if it's just like straight up like a cracks in the earth that are just dividing the city into three parts I mean it's possible like a pie chart I don't know the cities of the nations fell think about that think of all the cities in just America right now and think of all those buildings just falling to the ground that's intense I mean that alone would be a horrific you know judgment that's upon the earth but the cities of the nations fell and great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the cup of the wine and the fierceness of his wrath so we see that there's three things that are kind of mentioned here you see Jerusalem being divided into three parts you see the cities of the nations falling and then you see Babylon's being brought into remembrance and Babylon's going to be destroyed and you know spoiler alert but that happens in one hour you're like well all that's going to happen in 30 days it doesn't need to happen in 30 days Babylon's destroyed in one hour not even a day one hour is completely annihilated and keep reading there in verse 20 there it says every island fled away and the mountains were not found now there could be a lot to deal with that I mean dealing with earthquakes you could deal with tsunamis and just different things that could be going on that are cataclysmic when it comes to this verse 21 and there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven every stone upon the weight of a talent about the weight of a talent and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail for the plague thereof was exceeding great so you see that hail at the end but it's really like this earthquake and this hail that's being brought upon the earth and the earthquake is just annihilating stuff the earthquake is annihilating stuff and then there's this great hail as if it's a talent and I want to say and I forgot to look this up but I want to say it's like a talent the weight of that is like 60 pounds or something like that it's something crazy it's something really heavy okay as far as how heavy this hail is so you've probably seen golf ball size hail right you know it'll dent your car in you don't want to get hit by it but but imagine getting hit by I think about those those segmental walls that you build like retaining walls and they have these blocks and they're like 60 pounds in a lot of cases I'm just thinking about picking up this 60 pound block and just like chucking it on someone's head I mean that'd kill people right and think about this you're like oh you'll just get in the house that might go through your house okay can you imagine being in a house and just stuff just hail just plowing through your house and what's your house roof made of titanium like most people don't I mean they got shingles and some wood sheathing you know it's going to blow through houses it's going to do some damage maybe if you're in a high rise somewhere but sorry it's already been leveled right the cities of the nation have fallen so it's like you oh you want somewhere to hide? sorry that's all been leveled now you got all this hail coming down on you so this is you may look at chapter 11 and be like man that kind of seems anticlimactic right we had like the the locust from hail that are coming out and stinging people we had the 200 million horsemen with the fire coming out of their mouths and the tails that sting like serpents or that bite like serpents and then you're like the seventh trumpet is like there's hail but then you think about what that is though there's an earthquake and there's hail and you're like oh okay I mean well we've all seen earthquakes and we've all seen hail but not like this this is going to be an earthquake that's never been before I don't think they have is it director scale that they do that on I don't think it's going to register on that okay and listen I design buildings for seismic events right we design buildings to take seismic loading which is like earthquake loading you only design it for like what is been recorded okay I don't believe this has ever been recorded and no building is going to be designed for that okay a building can only withstand what you design it to withstand and you know what buildings here you design it for like 90 mile an hour winds okay what if you had 200 mile an hour winds coming through here guess what I'll tell you this they're not designed for that and just as much as they're not designed for that type of earthquake load and so you know what's going to happen all that stuff's going to crumble it's all going to fall and then there's this hail that's coming down what's interesting about this is that this is the finale but go to Revelation chapter 8 notice how the wrath starts I love how God he ends how he starts you know in a lot of cases and when you think about the wrath when he starts pouring out his wrath what's one of the first things he does before even a trumpet sounds notice what it says in Revelation 8 verse 5 and the angel took the sensor and filled it with fire of the altar and cast it into the earth and there were voices and thunderings and lightnings in an earthquake sound familiar you have fire being rained down on the earth and then you have voices thunderings lightnings and an earthquake that's how it starts but then it ends that way but I believe it ends in a more heightened like just way that you'd never even imagine it's kind of like this is a little taste world about what's going to come in the end and then all the stuff it gets it builds builds builds builds builds and the last judgment that's being poured out is like what it started with but it's way worse so it's very interesting to see that now the last thing that I want to point out here is why like what's the segue into Revelation 12 okay because you have this finale right you're like okay you know judgment's over and you know Christ is king but then chapter 12 we still got a lot of chapters left you know we got half the book of Revelation to go here it actually kicks back in Revelation 12 to the very beginning actually to the birth of Christ and then goes starts over with we're starting at the very beginning of this you know seven year period well look at you know the fact that okay we see that in Daniel 8 that everything's going to be cleansed at the end trumpet sounding you know and the seventh trumpet sounds at the beginning of that everything's cleansed you know time is no longer the times the Gentiles done that's all over with and then you in Revelation 12 the thing that's interesting and I'm just going to straight up tell you what I believe is the segue here is that at the very end the kingdoms of the earth have been cleansed they're basically cleansed and that Christ is raining there and everything is being Satan's being cast out everything's being done right but what starts it what starts it is heaven is cleansed and Satan is cast out of heaven so if you think about how this thing starts it starts with Satan being cast out of heaven with the devil and his angels how's it end? Satan being cast out of the earth and the devil's out of the earth right does that make sense so that's the segue is the fact that you're dealing with the finale is dealing with the kingdoms of the earth being given to the Lord but in Revelation chapter 12 look at the Revelation chapter 12 verse 9 and now I'm going to be getting to this but I just kind of want to see what's the logic as far as why is this why is this the pivot point to go back okay why doesn't it go on to talk about the thousand year reign why doesn't it go on to talk about Babylon being destroyed you know what I mean like why doesn't it talk about other things after that why is this the linchpin to where we're going to go back to the beginning and I believe it's because okay yeah the earth and everything's been given to Christ but let's go back to where heaven has been cleansed from Satan and just so you know Satan is still in heaven today he can still go up into heaven and accuse the brethren today we see that in Job we know I believe that this shows us that that's still going on today until the end until we get into the seven year period of time Satan is just going to and fro through the earth and accusing the brethren night and day in heaven notice what it says in Revelation 12 verse 9 and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceived the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now has come salvation and strength in the kingdom of our God isn't that interesting that that stated the moment that Satan is cast out that now has come salvation and strength in the kingdom of God and the power of his Christ sound familiar you know it says that the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ but now we're talking about heaven in heaven this is stating this that now has come salvation and strength in the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night that's what starts off this whole thing the battle between Michael and his angels and the devil and his angels that's what starts off this whole event verse 12 there says therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them so it's rejoicing in heaven right because the devil is cast out and all his angels are cast out with him woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the devil has come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time so what starts off this whole shindig the devil is cast out of heaven that's what starts it off what ends it the fact that the kingdoms of this world are given to the Lord and ultimately the devil and his angels are cast into the bottomless pit so it's kind of like down down down down right the satan is cast out of heaven and then satan is cast into hell and then satan is going to be cast into the lake of fire so I believe that's why there's that segue there but let's say you don't buy that and you're just like whatever you know that doesn't seem like that's the turning point of why you'd be coming back to talk about this Daniel Daniel gives us the clue that you know the fact that Revelation is cut down the middle and starts over is exactly how Daniel works Daniel 5 is dealing with the end of Daniel 5 is dealing with the fact that in that night in verse 30 and you don't have to go to this but I just kind of want to show you I wanted to talk about this in Daniel 5 30 it says in that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldean slain and Darius the median took the kingdom and being about three score and two years old so Darius isn't that he's not a young buck here you know he's he's 62 years old when he takes his kingdom in chapter 6 and verse 1 it's talking about Darius right over the kingdom and 120 princes okay so you have Belshazzar dies then Darius comes on the scene chapter 7 so how many chapters are in Daniel? 12 that means that the first 6 would be the first half and then 7 through 12 would be the second half so what happens in chapter 7 in the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon wait a minute I thought he died didn't he die at the end of chapter 5 no it's because chapter 7 is going back in time to talk about these visions that Daniel had does that make sense? it's going back in time then it's like in the third year of Belshazzar then it's in Cyrus which is even after Darius it's even interesting the fact that not only does it go back in time but it goes further along in Daniel's life than the first half did and that's exactly how Revelation works Revelation goes from 1st century AD all the way to the 7th trumpet sounding it goes back to chapter 12 1st century AD goes all the way to the new heaven new earth so it's kind of like we're going down the line we're going down the line, let's go back going back, now we're going to go even further than when we went the last time Daniel's the same way where he started at the very beginning with Nebuchadnezzar goes down the line then it comes back and goes even further so no problem there and honestly when we get to chapter 12 it's going to be very evident that it's not just continuing the story of the 7th trumpet sounding and now we're talking about the devil being cast out of heaven after that so Revelation chapter 11 there's a lot I could get into there just don't have the time but hopefully all that makes sense we see that finale but there's obviously other things that are going to happen after that 7th trumpet sounds that we'll be getting into once we get into the other chapters of Revelation but we're going to step back and kind of go through the tribulation the great tribulation the rapture and into God's wrath again before we get into like chapter 17, 18, 19 and 20 where you get into stuff that's happening after that and then even further from that where we get after the thousand year reign into the new heaven new earth so that's we made it halfway so stay with me and we'll get through the whole book of Revelation so that's the end of the word prayer of the heavenly father we thank you for today thank you for your word and just pray to be with us as we go back to work this week and just help us to understand the book of Revelation and help us understand it because we could be in the times that are coming when it comes to what's spoken in Revelation and Lord just pray that you prepare us, help us to be ready to watch, to be sober we love you and pray all in Jesus Christ's name, Amen so brother Dave will come and sing one more song and that will be dismissed alright take your song books and turn to song 406 407 yeah 407 we're going to sing faith of our fathers if you would stand we'll sing song 407 we're going to sing it again faith of our fathers living still in spite of dungeon fire and sword oh how our hearts beat high with joy when e'er we hear that glorious word faith of our fathers holy faith we will be true to thee till death our fathers chained and present dark were still in heart and conscience free oh sweet would be their children's fate if they like