(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you Well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church Take your song books and turn to song number six Song number six in your song books will sing beneath the cross of Jesus And if you would stand We'll sing song number six Oh Beneath the cross of Jesus my fame would take my stand The shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land a home within the wilderness arrest upon the way From the burning of the noontide heat and the burden of the day Upon that cross of Jesus my eye at times can see The very dying from the one who suffered there for me And from my smitten heart with tears to wondrous I confess the wonders of his Glorious love and my own worthlessness I take across thy shadow for my abiding place I Ask no other sunshine than the sunshine of his face Content to let the world go by to no nor gain nor loss my Sinful South my only shame my glory all the cross I Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again. We just want to thank you God just for a wonderful day. You've given us God Thank you for the sermon this morning the souls ever saved this afternoon, and I pray Lord that you would just be Honored and glorified out of the message tonight. We love you for it's in Jesus and we ask all of it. Amen All right, you may be seated and take your mountain Baptist song books Your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books and turn to page number seven Page number seven in your mountain Baptist song books will sing Psalm 117 on page number seven. Oh Praise the Lord all ye nations Praise him all ye people For as merciful kindness is great toward us and the truth of the Lord endure forever Praise ye the Lord Praise ye the Lord Amen welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church on this Sunday evening here. Let me get so many numbers here So Do we have any Do we have any saved during the week during the week And then today what we have today, I know our so rather Reggie one But Jim one so two three four and then we had one so five Any others And then Oh Did you guys finish up those trailer park trailer parks up in Morgantown Okay There's two buildings left on that one University Commons The first two when you come in we kind of went to the back and worked our way. So just FYI for next week Okay, so as far as Service times this week. Everything should be normal Wednesday evening or willing We'll be continuing our study through the book of 1st Samuel. So we're gonna be We're almost through the book 1st Samuel, but we're gonna be just going right right into 2nd Samuel So really just continuing the story on and that and then Soul winning just young church group there when it comes to the soul winning times We do we did reschedule the sowing marathon in Buckhannon due to rain and all that inclement weather for the 23rd, so the 23rd, I'll be coming up and then that next weekend Where is Easter Sunday, so just know We're gonna do at the Lord's Supper on the Wednesday before The 31st there and then Easter we're gonna do a fellowship in between the services like we did last year and So we'll have candy and stuff like that for the kids and all of that So, hopefully it's a nice day that day, but we'll see Hopefully it's not snowing although I'll take snow of a rain so And So that's coming up on the schedule there We do have I know and this is kind of further in the future, but in May we have the Lancaster sowing marathon May 25th, so I know that's kind of in the future and then in June we have another one land And then we have some missions trips in April India and And then Belize and so just being a prayer for all that as far as those things are coming up there and so I Think that's It there we are starting a new series tonight and see how this goes, but I'm gonna do an Overview series, so meaning this is that I plan on going through every book of the Bible and doing like an overview of the book Okay, and so I think this is especially hopefully for the kids to maybe you've never read through the Bible And sometimes it could be daunting about what the what the books even about like what you're getting into And so hopefully this will be kind of a help to see kind of the structure of the book Maybe some key events that happen in the book because if you're reading through the book of Numbers and you read the first few chapters You're like good night How many chapters am I going through where it's just like this is how many offerings they did and you know The all you know, how many seven lambs of the first year and you're going through all this stuff But then you know that there's stories like where they spy out the land when you have Balaam, you know And and you know That's that cool story there and stuff like that. So So hopefully this will kind of help you and maybe it'll intrigue you to be like I want to read that book because You know, that sounds interesting and so so anyway We'll see how it goes. But I did I did an overview of Revelation once like back in 2017 so I'll probably do that again, but I have 66 books to get there, you know or 65 You know before I get to that point, so forgive me if I do it again after like seven years but but hopefully I think it'll be fun to kind of just see some highlights see the structure of the book and Maybe that'll help when you're reading through it to kind of know. What's it about all that stuff? So Anyway and it kind of helps too because there's certain books if I'm not doing expository I don't really get to those books and so this would kind of force me to go to maybe places that I haven't hit yet and I don't have to wait like You know seven years so I get to that book or whatever and do an expository through it. So Anyway, so we're gonna start with Genesis tonight, which is like one of my favorite books in the Old Testament. So And Then we have Jonah chapter 2 is our memory chapter for the month Romans 4 3 is a memory verse for the week for what set the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness We got through the birthdays anniversaries pregnancies just being praise the Lord for where the babies That were just born. So the the Gandy's and McShay's And then just also be in prayer For crystal McCloy with due date there in August I Think that's about what I have for announcements I think of offering boxes in the back there when you have an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only and But he's gonna do one more song brother Joseph's gonna be reading Genesis chapter 1 for us You All right, take your songbooks and turn to song number 89 Song number 89 and your stomach so sing does Jesus care song number 89 Does Jesus care when my heart is pained too deeply for myrrh and song As the burdens press and the cares distress and the way grows weary and long Oh, yes, he cares I know He cares his heart is touched with my grief When the days are we read the long nights reary, I know my Savior cares Does Jesus care when my way is dark with a nameless Threat and fear As the day Light fades into deep night shades. Does he care? enough to be Oh Yes, he cares I know He cares his heart is touched with my grief When the days are we read the long nights dreary I know my Savior cares Does Jesus care when I've tried and failed to resist some tation strong Grief I find No relief though Flow all the night long. Oh Yes, he cares I know He cares his heart is touched with my grief When the days are we read the long nights dreary I know my Savior cares Does Jesus care when I've said goodbye to the dearest on earth to me And my sad heart aches till it Nearly breaks is it on to him does he see? Oh Yes, he cares I know he cares his heart is touched with my grief When the days are we read the long nights dreary I know my Savior cares All right, if you would take your Bibles and turn to the book of Genesis chapter number one Genesis chapter number one in your Bibles and we'll have brother Joseph read that for us Genesis chapter one And found your place there you'll say amen In the beginning God created the heaven the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. God said let there be light and there was light And God saw the light that it was good and God divided light from the darkness God called the light day and the darkness he called night and the evening in the morning were the first day And God said let there be a firmament in the mist of the waters. Let it defy the waters from the waters God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters Which were above the firmament and it was so and God called the firmament heaven and the evening and the morning were the second day and God said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together Unto one place and let the dry land appear and it was so God called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters was called the seas And God saw it was good God said let the earth bring forth grass and herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind Whose seed is in itself upon the earth and it was so The earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself After his kind and God saw that it was good in the evening in the morning were the third day God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night And let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so And God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night He made the stars also And God set them in the firmament of the heaven To give light upon the earth and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness God saw it was good and The evening and the morning were the fourth day God said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath Life and the fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven God created great whales and every living creature that moveth Which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and God saw it was good God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let the fowl multiply in the earth The evening in the morning were the fifth day God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind Cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth after his kind and it was so God made the beast of the earth after his kind and cattle after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the earth After his kind and God saw it was good God said let us make man in our image After our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl the earth Of the air and over the cattle and all all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth So God created a man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and Over the fowl the earth and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth and God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the earth And every tree in which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed to you it shall be for me and To every beast of the earth and to every fowl the air to everything that creepeth upon the earth Wherein there is life. I have given every green herb for meat and it was so And God saw everything that he had made and behold. It was very good and the evening in the morning or the sixth day That's right Lord father, thank you for this time. We're able to gather again or I thank you for your pure and holy word You've given to us Lord. I ask that you bless this study in Jesus name. Amen Amen so you're there in Genesis chapter 1 which is obviously the first chapter of the Bible and you literally can see Why we get the term Genesis is from in the beginning. You know, this is the very beginning Everything that we know Where God created the heaven and the earth and This first chapter you're dealing with the six-day creation and Obviously, we believe that this is literally six days This is not some gap of time or some we don't have to explain this away and the thing about Genesis is that Genesis covers over 2,000 years of history So I want you to think about that with all the books of the Bible and just history in general when you when you calculate if you can calculate the approximate age of the you know from creation till now by basically taking from Adam and his genealogy going down the line and and There's there's other ways and obviously you have to come to a point where you're getting into modern history once you get to a certain point in the Bible, you know, and so You know, the earth is roughly six thousand three hundred years old You know as far as from the creation to where we're at right now and Genesis covers two thousand over two thousand years of that So I want you to think about that, you know, like this is a you know, fifty chapters, but you know That's a lot of history. That's a lot of time a span of time Within that and a lot of that two thousand years is within the first nine chapters So it's very interesting on just those chapters and it's just a limited information that we have That we know for a fact this is true this happened and all of that right because there's history You know, there's history book, you know, there's things that people will find in history and all that stuff But you have to take that with a grain of salt, right? You don't know if that's true. Exactly the Bible, you know is true You know the obviously this is historical You know in and even historians would look at the Bible and say hey this is Historical document, right? but we know for a fact by faith that this is completely a hundred percent accurate and so When people try to say this is just some made-up stories you know in Genesis and and all of that the question that I have for them is Where does the made-up story start and stop from where there's actual history right was Abraham a real person? Right. Do they believe Abraham was a real person? Do they believe Isaac was a real person? Do they believe Jacob was a real person? I mean at what point during that gene the genealogies that you go through Genesis. Does it go from? Fable, you know like allegorical story spiritual story, you know It's a you know help you with your life or something like that to it being an actual historical like timeline of things happening, right? Yeah, you never hear anybody explain that as far as that goes. Here's the truth of the matter You know when history starts, you know when this is not some kind of like allegorical example in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth That is the beginning. I mean historically that happened and In this first first two chapters of Genesis, you'll see the creation story the first chapter you get the the six days of creation and you'll see, you know, and obviously I'm giving you cliff notes as I'm going through this because You know, I can't go through the whole book of Genesis in one sermon, but You know the first day having an earth recreated and light Was you know light and darkness set were separated right and you have literal days that are happening So you have in that one day that was done the second day the firmament Which is the atmosphere around the earth the sky, you know where the birds fly and everything That was created on day two dry land so at the time when everything was created there was just water over all the face of the earth and Day three dry land appeared and then all the grass and trees and vegetation basically was created day four You have the Sun Moon and stars planets and all the hosts that surround in what we would consider the second heaven, right? So there's three heavens you have the heaven where the birds fly the atmosphere around the earth You have the second heaven where the Sun Moon and stars are at and you have the third heaven where God's throne is at Okay, and so that happens on day four the Sun Moon and stars planets Day five you have all the sea creatures. It's everything in the sea that was made Day six you have all the land animals and creatures right from everything from insects to you know all the lions like everything right that was on the land and man was created and so man was made from the dust of the earth and Really chapter two is where it says on the seventh day he rested so the seventh day he didn't do any You know everything was done on the sixth day seventh day rested which is the Sabbath right, you know where we get the term sabbatical Right. I'm gonna go take a sabbatical which just means I'm resting right and so you get the the seven-day week at the very beginning of you know of creation, it's it's literally how God created everything and Chapter two is More so giving you a little more information about day six. Okay. So day six God creates a garden and He puts man in it so he creates man from the dust of the earth breeze into him life and he becomes a living soul and then he puts man in this garden and Then he basically brings up all the different animals and has a name of all and then he said it's not good for a man To be alone and he ends up making a woman from his rib. Okay. So Eve is made from the rib of Adam and By the end of chapter two really everything's good, right? I mean that you have the man and his wife they they're naked but they're innocent so they don't know that they're naked and chapter three You had the fall of man. Okay, so And you go to chapter three in verse one So I know we already read chapter one. So you saw the creation story there chapter three in verse one we see the devil mentioned for the first time and This is I know we did that whole series on angels and devils and if you remember that The devil was in the Garden of Eden before he sinned So at some point after the creation the devil Sin and at this point He's already sinned because now he's tempting Eve to eat the fruit of the not of the tree of the knowledge good and evil In a verse one here It says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made And he said unto the woman Yea hath God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden But the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you shall not eat of it Neither shall you touch it lest you die or and The serpent said unto the woman you shall not surely die For God doth know that in the day you eat thereof Then your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil and when the woman saw that the tree was Good for fruit for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise She took the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig fig leaves together and made themselves aprons and You know, obviously this is a true story that's actually happened But when it comes to Genesis, even though this is very simple and you ever you can say well, I know the story I've read the story but there's so much Within Genesis when you're reading through Genesis though, the stories are very simple and kind of just on the bottom shelf There's a lot of information That Is in there that maybe you don't see okay, and I'll just give you one that just kind of sticks out to me and I know I preached on this before but dealing with children and what happens if a child dies or if you know Let's say, you know, you have miscarriages you have different things like that and the fact that children are people that are born against the world spiritually speaking, they're born innocent and One way that you can you can kind of recognize what innocence is is the fact that when they they were naked and didn't know it but then when they were when they transgressed they knew they were naked and One thing that you can kind of tell with your children as far as like are they able to understand? Are they able to understand the gospel maybe or be able to get to that point? The question is are they ashamed when they're naked? Right, that's kind of like a and I'm not saying this is like, you know, like and all proof But here's the thing. There is a point where your children are like they aren't gonna run around naked in this place right now But you know as well as I do that a lot of our children though that are at an age that They wouldn't think twice about it. They wouldn't there's anything wrong with that. Just run stark naked through the church right now And just wouldn't care because they're innocent, right? They don't really they don't know that that's a shame And there's a point where you know Where that innocency is lost and where as Paul would say I was alive once But then sin revived and I died right it's the idea of there's a point There's a day in which you die Spiritually and when it says when and when God said in the day that you shall eat it you shall surely die That happens spiritually they didn't die physically that day but spiritually speaking they did and The same thing happened and what happened when they died spiritually they knew they were naked Right that knowledge of good and evil and how that's associated with that innocency. That's Just understanding that okay, and so though it's very simple when you're looking at it. It's like I got it I've read that story a million times. We've heard it a million times Sometimes there's very important doctrine I believe that you can get from these simple passages to understand Okay, what happened? You know? Why do children go to heaven? You know when they can't believe the God you know they're not even able to understand it, right? Here's why because their soul doesn't need save because their soul was innocent They haven't died spiritually you say well. Why did they die at all because their flesh does have sin? And so their flesh Everybody's born into this world a sinner and so you'll have passages where it says you're born in iniquity Right you'll have passages like that, and then you have passage where it says they were in the womb And they did neither good nor evil You're like well, which one is it right? You're born in iniquity, or do you you're you know you've done neither good nor evil well spiritually speaking You've done neither good nor evil because they're innocent Physically speaking they have Adam's blood Therefore they had that inherent sin. That's there physically And so anyway that I just kind of want to point that out that when you look at these Passages when you're going through Genesis like the creation I mean even the Trinity is let us make man in our image, and it's very subtle. It's very like very You know like obviously the New Testament is very very much more clear on that, but just know this is that these stories sometimes Slow down read it think about it and sometimes it'll give you more information than you think that's there okay now go to chapter 4 chapter 4 again, I'm kind of spending a little more time on these first chapters because from chapter from chapter 1 to chapter 9 you have 15 it's a like almost 1600 years of time spanning between the creation and the flood and Noah his story begins in chapter 6 okay, so That's a lot of time to be spanned there so sometimes especially if you're like well, where do I slow down? I'm just gonna really think about what's being said maybe in those like nine chapters Probably six chapters actually where you're dealing with the fact of here's what happened before the flood and this is taking up a span of 1600 years To kind of maybe what was going on then and you know what was things like back then before the flood and all of that And so Genesis 4 we have the story of Cain and Abel so after the fall Adam and Eve They have children, but they have I believe I believe they're twins, but you know I'm not gonna be I'm not gonna Die on that hill, but it says in Genesis 4 1 it says an Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bear Cain and Said I have gotten a man from the Lord and she again bear his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of sheep But Cain was a tiller of the ground the reason I believe they're twins is because it doesn't say that she conceived again It just basically says she can see Bear Cain, and then she bear and again bear right and a lot of times in the Bible It'll say and she can see and bear and she can see and bear and it'll be very clear to State that these are different times, okay All that to be said they're brothers, okay, so either way But I believe that they're twins it's kind of like a Jacob and Esau type of thing but Cain and Abel Cain is the older Abel's the younger and Cain kills Abel and Verse 8 there says and Cain talked with Abel his brother And it came to pass when they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew him I want to note It doesn't say he picked up a rock Okay, now. I know that there's a lot of times. There'll be there'll be memes out there That say you know like when it comes to gun control, and they're like you know no one put restrictions on rocks You know I'm talking about Cain and Abel, and that's cute and all you know because obviously they didn't have it They didn't have ar-15s back then You know to fight each other, but at the same time we don't really know how he killed them, and I'll say this too They weren't cavemen back then Okay, so Adam and Eve You know they had a certain amount of knowledge. I mean Adam named every animal in one day You know it's not this ooga booga like like like like Adam basically bonked Eve on the head and drug her into the cave You know like this caveman type of thing no they were they were made intelligent human beings full-grown like so When it comes to what they had you know when he's telling the ground and all this stuff They could have very well had a lot of interesting equipment They may have had I mean for all we know they had swords and spears and all these different things who knows what they had Okay, and so there's this mentality of looking at these stories and being like yeah He picked up a sharp rock because they're out there in loincloths like Like the Flintstones or something like that So I think sometimes you got to flush that out of your mind because maybe you've seen it on a TV show right and all of that so So you have what you had the creation story you have the fall of man in chapter 3 you have the story of Cain and Abel where Cain kills his brother Abel and And then you have Genesis chapter 6 now I'm kind of skipping over some things you have the story of obviously Enoch who was translated Meaning that he didn't see death and all of that In these stories as well like I said you may want to slow when you're reading through Genesis Maybe just really think about these chapters from 1 to 6 of like this is stuff that was going on before the flood Some very interesting stuff plus they live a lot longer, right? I mean like the 900 and some years old And all of that so again from this point to Genesis chapter 6 You're dealing with like over 1,500 years to Genesis chapter 6 because Noah's 500 years old when God tells him to build the ark and he's 600 years old when The flood comes okay, and so go to Genesis chapter 6, and we had the flood story So we've already I mean it within I mean think about this if you're gonna read a book Right if you're like I want to read I want to you know. I'm just starting to read the Bible I really want to read a book in the Bible That's got some interesting stuff to read about Genesis is the place to be okay? I mean you have the creation story you have murder in chapter 4 You know you already have like some murder mystery story going on there you have you have the flood story in chapter 6 You're gonna see the Tower of Babel like all these different things. There's a lot of interesting things in the book of Genesis and So Genesis chapter 6 verse 7 It says the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth Both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air For it repented me that I have made them, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a just man and perfect in the generations and Noah walked with God and Noah begat three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth the earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence So why did God flood the earth it wasn't because? The the angels came down and and married Daughters of men and they made these Nephilim like giants. Okay, that's all that's all a fairy tale my friends You know what really started it is that saved sons of God married Unsaved women and then that caused a snowball being on an equally yoke to where there was violence in here The reason God if you read through Genesis 6 what you'll keep seeing is violence violence Violence violence you won't see there's Giants and you know We got to get rid of these Giants So when you're reading through the book of Genesis really it's a good idea to not read any of this extra biblical garbage That's out there Meaning don't go on YouTube and look up like okay what's Genesis 6 about because you're gonna find a bunch of garbage and just read it for what it is and You're intelligent enough to read words and see what it means and instead of them inserting all this stuff I get you go online and you look up. What's Genesis 1 talking about? What's Genesis 2 talking about and you'll get filled with? garbage Just read it for what it is and You don't need this extra biblical outside sources to figure out what's being said Genesis is written on a very bottom shelf level Like it's not high vocabulary There may be some words there may be some places where you're like, that's an interesting place, you know, like what's like maybe you Can't pronounce it very well, you know Because it's just kind of this This long name or something like that, but really doesn't matter if you know how to pronounce the name of a place to understand What's going on? right Shavee carry carry a thayum. I think is like one of the long names, but listen I don't you could call it anything and you can still get the story, right? you just don't know how to say the name of the place and so Genesis chapter 6 Noah is commanded to build an ark Chapter 7 of verse 6 it says and Noah was 600 years old when he when the flood of waters was upon the earth So he's 600 years old. That means that it took him a hundred years to build that ark. Okay so a hundred years and You know, that's really you have One thousand six hundred and fifty six years from the creation to when when the flood came and this is literally called a kind of a In the second second Peter it basically talks about how people were ignorant of the creation and of the earth in the water and out of the water Right and Just so you know we're in the earth that's in the water Meaning this is that there's there's obviously people that believe in like all there was some pre-atomite Civilization in that kind of garbage, but we know that we're in the first earth And we're in the first heaven because at the very end in Revelation It says that the first earth and the first end were passed away not the second not the third No, we're in the first I mean, this is this is the earth that that God created in Genesis chapter 1 But we are the earth that's in the water, okay meaning that before Genesis 7 essentially It was an earth that basically there were seas But it wasn't like it is now right now The earth is covered that with seas and it's covered about 80% of the earth's surface is covered in water 80% I Believe it was probably the opposite of that before the flood It's probably maybe maybe it was 80% land and 20% water and I believe everything was connected Right now obviously if you look at North America It's not connected to Russia But you can definitely see if you were to look on Google Earth you can see how there is shallow points that would connect everything right and you say well, how about across the The Atlantic way well know this is that the great fountains of the deep opened up and the water had to go somewhere Okay, and if you think about it a lot of those deep spots in the ocean were probably not as deep But since all that water came up Maybe all those chambers that were underneath the you know Where the water was that collapsed and the water went back down and that's how the water is swaged after the flood so all that to say is that There is a difference between the earth that was before the flood people were living to 900 and some years old Why how? right but when the earth is basically wrecked like that from the flood it obviously changed things and Really what you what you have to understand is that? At the very beginning you're dealing with paradise aren't you you're dealing with the Garden of Eden. There's no death Then you have the fall of man, right? Fall of man people are living a long time they're living a long time and you know, obviously things were probably bigger back then all these different things and Then after the flood now that's where we're at right now right after the flood where we're living to like, you know It's kind of you know, 70 80 years, you know, maybe a hundred, you know all that that that's kind of the time frame the lifespan of people and Then when the thousand-year reign comes of the Lord it describes conditions kind of going to pre-flood conditions where people are living longer and Where things are a lot less? You know like it is now meaning this is that it's more like a pre-flood condition But there's still death right because after you know before the flood there was death that was happening people died Adam died He may have lived to 930 years or whatever it was 950 I can't remember exactly how old he was 960 whatever he may have lived that long, but he died eventually Well after the thousand-year reign you have the new heaven new earth where there's no more death No more pain in your back to paradise. So it's kind of like paradise fall flood back to pre-flood paradise so it's kind of like if you're to think about like Okay, here's where Adam and Eve were before they fell. Here's where they came after they fell. Here's where we are at after the flood Thousand-year reign you kind of come up a little bit because things are getting a little better You know Jesus kind of renews things a little bit and then back new have newer Which pretty much means we're in the pit of despair right now, right? We're right here where everything sucks. Okay? So if you learn anything from the sermon, that's where we're at. Right? We're right here right in You know the valley of death no, but we're you know, that's just kind of the trend that you see of where things are going okay, and so Just something interesting thing about go to Genesis chapter 12 or Genesis chapter 11 the Tower of Babel so after the flood so if Anything they begin anything out of these sermons maybe get the structure of the book You have the creation the seven, you know, the six-day creation seventh day. He rested, right? You had the fall of man You have Cain and Abel you have that first murder if you will in the Bible where Cain kills Abel you have the flood you have Noah the ark where he puts all the animals on the ark and God floods the earth and it's only Noah his wife his three sons and their wives and then all the animals two by two on the ark and Then after they get off the ark Obviously just no one his family right so everybody goes back to Noah right everybody goes back to Adam obviously But all of us go back to Noah By definition you have to okay, and by the way That story of a great flood is in almost every civilization So when people try to say all that's some made-up stories like that's interesting because that made-up story is in every Civilization that's out there pretty much and it's all like eight people on an ark big flood there's deviations between the story obviously the Genesis story is the right one right you want the accurate story look at the Bible but But then after that what you have to what you have to think about okay, where'd all these languages come from? Why is everybody speaking all these different languages, right? Because if everybody came from Noah what happened and that's where the Tower of Babel happens and Genesis chapter 11 in verse 1 here Genesis chapter 11 verse 1 I Promise I know there's 50 chapters. I'm not going through a chapter here Like I said, you know when you're dealing with the first 12 chapters. You're kind of dealing with like You know a lot of information and all of that Genesis chapter 11 verse 1 it says in the whole earth was of one language and of one speech makes sense, right? I mean No One is family like he has three sons. Why would they all be speaking different languages, right? So it makes sense that they would all be of one language at this point It says and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found the plain in the land of Shinar and they dwelt there and they said one to another Go to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and slime had they for mortar and they said Go go to let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make us a name Lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of all the earth and the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men builded and The Lord said behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do and now nothing will Restrained from them which they have imagined to do now You may say well, what's the problem with that except for the fact that man's heart is, you know The heart of man is is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked You don't want man to be doing everything that their heart desires, right? It says in verse 7 go to let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one another speech so when you Where'd all these languages came from? Well, God literally Dispersed them into different languages and on one day basically they are basically this this this tower babble They're building. He just caused it to where they're all speaking Where they can all understand each other now one speaking. I mean just for sake of argument. Don't get me wrong It's not like English was a language back then but it'd be like if I was speaking English and then and then my you know My best friend over here is speaking Spanish right or someone over here speaking Greek or someone's over here, you know speaking you know Japanese or something like that and That caused them where they had to break up they had to kind of find their people if you will And when I say that I'm talking about people that speak their language To where they had to find them and then they broke off and then they basically were forced to scattered abroad Now you say what's the importance of this why is this big, you know, like what do I need to know about this? No, this is that from that point That people are constantly trying to come back to the Tower of Babel Okay, meaning that this is just an innate nature of man where they want to congregate into one spot okay, and you see this with big cities and You'll see this with obviously New World Order type of Government that's gonna happen and what you have to understand is that the land of Shinar is where Babylon Babylon of the Chaldees, right? that's where you know, there is a kingdom Babylon, but this Babylon type of mentality of one-world currency one language one religion and everybody coming together in this ecumenical type of Thought process and this all Will come to a head with the Antichrist who is going to basically be that final Babylon and there's been many Babylon's from the Tower of Babel from you have Egypt which is pretty much in Genesis, right? Egypt and Exodus yet our Exodus and Genesis you have Egypt goes into Assyria goes into Babylon and the Chaldees Which then goes into the Persians Then goes into the Grecians which goes into the Romans and that's where you get this seven-headed dragon that you see in Revelation which represents the seven basically Babylon's throughout history and in John's day five are fallen one is and one is yet to come and the one that is Was the Roman Empire at the time and so you see that all those like Egypt Assyria Babylon Persia Greece All gone right they were conquered and basically Babylon Babylon Babylon Babylon Babylon Babylon, it's basically the spirit of Babylon is throughout the ages and Tower of Babel is kind of where you see that kind of starting and God's constantly scattering it, right? And throughout time you see where these kingdoms fall Where it's kind of like all this you're all you're joining together You have this Empire where you're trying to get everybody together boom scattered And it just keeps happening Happened with all those empires And guess what even in that final one it will be scattered Because the Lord Jesus himself is going to scatter it. He's going to destroy it Okay, and so and I personally believe that if it's in our day that Babylon is America so Welcome to Babylon everybody so but Interesting stories, I mean these first 11 chapters. That's a lot of history. That's a lot of time that goes by there to where You know these stories are one. They're timeless, but they're also very relevant Right these are relevant stories to where you know you can use them because listen the Old Testament is written for our admonition It's for our learning. It's not just a fun story Though they are fun to read They're written for us to learn from them, and it's for doctrine. It's for instruction so go to Genesis chapter 12 and Really from Genesis 12 okay, so get this from Genesis 1 to 11 You really have kind of like these these chapters that are almost standalone I mean obviously Genesis 6 through 9 you're kind of dealing with the flood there and all that but really You know you could just read You know Genesis 4 and you get this story of Cain and Abel, and you just read that right Obviously, it's good to know that Adam is you know who Adam is where he came from but it's in the end like there's these These interesting stories are going down the line Genesis 12 to the end of the book you're dealing with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and his children And you're dealing with like basically kind of like 500 years of history Where they go into Egypt and That's where Exodus picks up right and Exodus really just picks up where Genesis leaves off, and you get into Israel, okay, and So Genesis 12 we see Abraham Abraham and you say what's it? What's the big deal about know about Abraham because this throughout the Old Testament you can see the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob We just I just preached about imputed righteousness and Abraham is You know basically the model of what we need to do to believe and be saved, okay? Does that mean that Abraham's the first person to be saved well? No, I mean people were calling upon the Lord in Seth's day Obviously God made Adam and Eve coats of skins Obviously Adam and Eve are saved they're in heaven right now, and so it's not saying that but it is kind of okay Here's here's a man that you want you want to get saved like him you want to walk You know before God like him Abraham is that example of what you want to be like okay and Genesis chapter 12 and verse 1 here it says now the Lord had said unto Abram Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee and I will Make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make thy name great And thou shalt be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee and in thee shall all Families of the earth be blessed so Abram departed as the Lord had spoken unto him and lot went with him and Abram was 75 years old when he departed out of Haran now what you understand is that it says in Hebrew chapter 11 verse 8 by faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed And he went out not knowing whether he went so when it says Abraham believed God, and it was imputed on him for righteousness I Personally believe that he was saved before he even left okay, and that it's just stating a fact so in Genesis 15 It's kind of the same thing about how I'm you know through all through the all nations of the earth shall be blessed That's what stated here at the very beginning of Genesis 12 12 isn't it as you go down the line It's giving you more information about it right. It's like through thy seed Right and we all know that that seed is Christ because we have the New Testament, and it's basically like through thy seed you know you're You're gonna possess this land that you're gonna be saved from your enemies It just gives you more information as you go down the line And so I personally believe that that faith that he had to leave was the same faith that he had To believe that God was gonna through him bless all nations Which is the gospel being preached that through him and his seed? Now unto Abraham and a seed where the promise is made he saith not into seasons of many But as of one it's thy seed which is Christ meaning This is that that's the gospel is that that through Abraham? Christ was going to come and that that was the who the promise was made to okay, and so we see here that Hebrews and I want you to think about this to Hebrews 11, what do we call that the Hall of Faith? You know that's what I've heard it called many times, and it talks about the elders that received a good report I want you to in your homework look at Hebrews chapter 11 and look at how much Hebrews 11 is dealing with those in Genesis Most of Hebrews 11 is those in Genesis Abel Enoch Noah Abraham Isaac Jacob Sarah like down the line until you get to like Rahab the harlot right or Moses obviously you get Moses Rahab the harlot That's all Genesis, right? Which makes sense when you think about the time frame of Genesis? 2,000 years so think about this 2,000 years is Genesis from Exodus to When Jesus you know Jesus is born of the Virgin Mary you're dealing with like another 2,000 years, right? Because then you have another 2,000 years from then to where we're at right now right so a third of history Essentially is in Genesis so Genesis is a Magnificent book to really read to be like hey. This is a lot of history packed into this one book okay and from Genesis 12 to 50 it really kind of can now you're dealing with a Not as long stretch of time, and you're kind of spreading it out on these chapters to really see okay. I'm looking at Abraham Sarah and you're dealing with Isaac being born Jacob being born the twelve patriarchs being born Go to Genesis chapter 14 Genesis chapter 14 because during Abraham's time When the story is more so about him because it kind of shifts right you kind of have the idea where Abraham it's all about Abraham. You know and then you know he has Ishmael, but God's saying no, you're gonna have You know the seed through Sarah and it's gonna be his name's gonna be Isaac and that really goes from if you think about Genesis chapter 12 to Genesis 21 is where you get Isaac being born and And before that you're just you know it's Abraham right you got a lot of stories about Abraham and like I said I'm not gonna go through every story you got to read it, but this is kind of a bird's-eye view of what's going on so really if you wanted to you know read a book and get through a bunch of world history in a Short span of time reading through the first like 11 chapters of Genesis you you've hit a lot of world history It's obviously the abridged version of I'm sure everything that happened in that time You know, but I'll say this it's I I'll say this is it's all we probably needed to know though If we needed to know more about it the Bible would write about it Again I don't get me wrong obviously there's other passages in the Bible that gives us more information that it's not there right think about You know in Ezekiel 28 with Satan being the cover the cherub that cover it and that iniquity was found in him and all that stuff and obviously Later on you kind of get some more information about stuff that happened before the flood So don't get me wrong there now the thing to understand here about Genesis Is that this is before the law this is before when I say the law I'm talking about the law of Moses The Ten Commandments that you know basically the Covenant that God was making with Israel because Israel doesn't exist right now, okay? The Jews don't exist Okay, because the Jews are one tribe in Israel and Israel is not even born yet, okay, so in Genesis 14 there's an important figure here that's brought up in the New Testament is Melchizedek and in Genesis Before you get to Moses, and you know the law coming down from Mount Sinai and the Levitical priesthood This is how they I believe from from Adam up to Moses time That they would basically get right with God on a physical basis. Okay is dealing with this priest Melchizedek and Genesis chapter 14 verse 18 it says in Melchizedek King of Salem brought forth bread and wine and he was the priest of the Most High God and he blessed him and said blessed be Abram of the Most High God possessor of heaven and earth and Blessed be the Most High God which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand and he gave him tithes of all Now the New Testament really clarifies who this Melchizedek is right go to Hebrews chapter 7 Hebrews chapter 7 Hebrews chapter 7 Really I mean, you know when you have these dispensationalists out there that are just constantly wanting to have different dispensations If you really want to divide the Bible into dispensations, you would have Genesis Which would be like the time of Melchizedek being the priest you'd have Exodus all the way to actually a lot of the Gospels because up until Jesus death you have you're in the Old Testament right and you're under the Levitical priesthood that that's the Levitical priesthood and Then after Jesus death you have the New Testament on to eternity of Jesus being the high priest after you order Melchizedek and so Salvation is the same through all those but in the end like really though is there You know, is there that much difference between them doing sacrifices? You know animal sacrifices meaning this is that from from the beginning you're dealing with animal Sacrifices all the way till Jesus dies on the cross, right? It's just the priesthood changed right from Melchizedek to the Levitical priesthood. Okay But think about this Let me read this first and then I'll kind of explain what I'm saying here Hebrew chapter 7 verse 1 for this Melchizedek king of Salem priest of the Most High God who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all first being by interpretation king of righteousness and after that also king of Salem which is king of peace without father without mother without the scent having now the beginning of days nor end of life But made like unto the Son of God abideth a priest continually You say well you're saying that that the Son of God was walking down on the earth. You mean like Genesis 18 Where God meets him in the plane and literally speaks to Abraham and he appears as a man to him You mean the other times that God is appearing to them in Genesis? Because Melchizedek I believe is the Son of God that is appearing and he is the priest But the difference is he doesn't have a mother right? He's he doesn't have he's not born of the Virgin Mary He doesn't have a bloodline Right. Jesus does Jesus bloodline goes all the way back to Adam But at that time he was not born of the Virgin Mary yet and you have basically Melchizedek who's fully God But not flesh and blood not partakers of flesh and blood you had the Levitical priesthood in Exodus Which is literally flesh and blood right? And then you have Jesus who's flesh and blood and God And you have that combination that's there that had to be there for intercession to be made between God and men So it's kind of like God man God in flesh Right when it comes to the priesthood But I want you to think about the timeline here and maybe when you're reading through Genesis because Genesis is just one book How long how much time takes place from the creation to when they go into Egypt over 2,000 years So think about this how wait how old is the earth right now just over 6,000 years How much time has taken place since Jesus rose from the dead? Close to 2,000 years right? Let's say he rose from the dead 8033 right? It's 2024. So we're not there yet where it's exactly 2,000 years But really you have like 2,000 years or so probably more than that of Melchizedek Being the priest of God and then doing sacrifices and him being the priest then you have around maybe less than 2,000 years of The Old Testament Levitical priesthood of that priesthood and now we have almost 2,000 years of the New Testament But Jesus being the priest, right? So think about that time frame right of like books that are written So sometimes you have to understand that even though the book is I know it's 50 chapters, but it's not that big, right? So if you're thinking about my Bible right here, right? If I went to Genesis chapter 50 and you're looking at like that that's kind of the the thickness of the book, right? Okay, that's Genesis. That's the rest of it, right? And even if you were to look at like, okay New Testament, you know about right there You know, they're dealing with Old Testament 2,000 years 2,000 years, right? Think of how much is written about the first 2,000 years compared to the next 2,000 years Okay, and so it's just interesting something to think about when you're reading through Genesis of how much time Has taken place in that book Okay And I think that that if anything that's why I love that book so much because it's just intriguing to me Intriguing to me to kind of like what was going on for those 2,000 years What was going on and we have such little information about it But how much more do you want to dig in and see if you can find some nuggets of truth in that? And I'm not saying to go find some YouTube video about it. I'm saying to look at what the Bible says about it. Okay, so That's interesting to me. You have the famous story of Sodom and Gomorrah. So chapter 19 go to chapter 19 So this is during Abraham's time if you know the story in Genesis chapter 18 There's three men that meet Abraham in the plane and two of them end up being angels one of them's the Lord and this is where he's basically Haggling with the Lord to not destroy Sodom, right? He's like 50 righteous 45 40 30 20 10, you know And apparently there wasn't 10, okay, the thing that I was just reading through reading through Genesis right now actually is that He says in Sodom, right so like Gomorrah, you know, it's not even like You know You can imagine be like 50 10 righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah and the city's about them, right? Just like really try to bring it down to where Maybe he won't destroy it But Sodom and Gomorrah it says in verse 24 So Genesis chapter 19 verse 24 It says the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven and he overthrew those cities and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the cities and that which grew upon the ground and so This story is infamous Anything is is that they literally find sulfur balls that you can still light on fire today in the place that they believe was Sodom and Gomorrah and Here's a proof That and listen children. Here's a proof of why you are not going to prove God Outside the Bible. Okay faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God If someone's going to believe the gospel is it going to be because they heard the Word of God and they believed it Because there was an article about how they found these sulfur Sulfur balls that basically were rained out of the sky That you can literally light on fire when they light on fire they kind of drip of like of this fire Okay fire and brimstone That they say well There must have been some like Cataclysmic event that happened from like maybe some asteroid or something like that and that's what the writers of Genesis were writing about So it doesn't matter if you find if you find every bit of evidence If you found the Ark of the Covenant you think people are gonna believe on Christ if they found the ark You know on the mountains of Ararat and they found like this wooden structure that held all these things Do you think that they're gonna believe the Bible because of that? Listen they saw Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead and they didn't believe it So, you know what Don't even worry about that type of stuff when it comes to trying to prove Don't get me wrong the Bible obviously fits with reality it fits with science It's not contradictory to reality and science, but know this is that That's not how you're gonna win somebody You're gonna win somebody just like anybody else is gonna be one and it says the power of God and salvation is the gospel of Jesus Christ so When you're going out soul winning Don't get me wrong if someone has a question about something you can quickly put in a little like hey No, the Bible is right on this. No, this is you know, the Bible scientific typically accurate on that But you go straight into the gospel again You don't need I listen I have made that mistake of sitting down with somebody at the door and spending an hour Talking about creation talking about chemistry talking about physics and talking about all that stuff You know what happened? They didn't get saved and I wasted an hour of my life Because if they're not gonna hear the Bible That's not gonna convince them right having some academic lesson with them on scientific proofs Even if you prove it, they'll just say well that doesn't mean that the Bible is right That just means that that didn't contradict in the Bible We'll have fun with the Innumerable cases of that where someone could take something that's out there that's Scientific and say contradicts with the Bible and you disprove them that it doesn't contradict with the Bible have fun with that Because that's not how people are gonna be one and listen if they don't come by hearing the Word of God They're not going to come at all They're not gonna get saved if they don't hear but you know, they don't get saved by hearing the Word of God That's what causes people to believe now This is you know, people say well, that's a fictitious story yet They find the literal evidence of it and then but also they'll say well that was just an example You know, that was just that was just back then God was really mean back then, right? Except for the fact that in second Peter and in Jude 2 Peter 2 says in turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes Condemned them with an overthrow making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly I think that it's still meant to apply today So it is not some story like all he was mean back then have you read revelation Because revelation is pretty rough and that hasn't happened yet. Okay Actually revelation is a call you you want to see all God's wrath in the Old Testament Look at revelation. It's a culmination of all of it Basically it's like all you this over here that was rough That's how he starts it Sodom and Gomorrah, he's raining fire down on those cities. That's how he starts it and how he ends it so Just something to think about there And also know this is that the flood and Sodom are two signs that are given about the end times As far as it's gonna be like the days of Sodom. It's gonna be like the days of Noah Or days a lot days of Noah and you're dealing with those are things to study to be like, okay, what's it gonna be like? you know at the end so In Genesis 21, we had the birth of Isaac. So go to Genesis chapter 21 I'm gonna blast through this Because really these stories with Isaac Jacob his sons and all that stuff You can go we can go for a long time just talking about these different stories. So again a bridged version bird's-eye view overview of Genesis here that Once you go from Genesis 12 to the end to chapter 50 You're dealing really with the store a family story of Abraham Isaac Jacob and his children and obviously Jacob is Becomes Israel all that but in Genesis 21 It says in verse 1 the Lord visited Sarah as he had said and Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken for Sarah conceived And bear Abraham a son in his old age and at the time the set time of which God had spoken to him And Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him Whom Sarah bare to him Isaac now Abraham was a hundred years old and Sarah was 90 years old when this happened obviously special case But it happens Genesis chapter 22 You have Isaac Where Abraham is told to basically he tries Abraham to offer his son Isaac upon the altar this story. I Can't stress this enough. You want to see a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ and what he's going to do to save us from our sins You want to see a picture of that? Genesis 22 when I went through the book that chapter when we were going through Genesis, I I Know I missed up on it and I as I was studying I'm like man that fits that fits The three-day journey the the wood that he lays on his son, you know when it comes to like bearing the cross He's bearing his cross up there the the ram and the thicket when its horns are caught in the thicket the crown of thorns Right there. There's so much That time would fail me of how that story pictures what Jesus was the going what Jesus was going to do And it's it's it's Abraham's only begotten son of Sarah, right? It's I mean that the picture is clear and in the New Testament when it talks about that When he was tried to basically To offer Isaac this is what went through Abraham's head. So what you when you're reading through Genesis You don't really know what Abraham's kind of thinking But in Hebrew chapter 11 verse 17, it says by faith when he was by faith Abraham when he was tried Offered up Isaac he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son Of whom it was said that in Isaac shall thy seed be called Notice what it said it says accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the dead from whence also he received him in a figure Abraham knew that if God made him do this, he would have to raise Isaac from the dead. He would have to Because God promised that through Isaac his seed would be called so it had to happen so That faith when you think about Abraham's faith You think he was fully persuaded? I mean, I think that's as bad as fully persuaded as you get okay, so that story is amazing You know, obviously I challenge you to really dig into that one and see all the different pictures that are there So Isaac is born Isaac then marries Rebecca That's a fun story in chapter 24 but then in chapter 25 we have We have Jacob and Esau that are born and I'm kind of just gonna go, you know kind of just explain these because I'm running out of time and You know You pick which story to go into and you do when you're dealing with these stories, right? There's a lot of interesting stories with these guys, but Jacob and Esau They're two nations They become two nations and their twins and obviously that the prophetic Statement that was made that two nations are within thy womb and the two manner of people and all of that this is where you get that Jacob have I love but Esau have I hated talking about the nations not the two people and Jacob ends up becoming Israel. Remember he fights with the man. He wrestles with the man all night Which is probably the Lord. Okay, and his name is called Israel Esau on the other hand his name is called Edom, which means faint So they both kind of get nicknames or I guess surnames you want to call it that or new names And so it's really Jacob and Esau Israel and Edom and those are the two nations that you'll see throughout the Old Testament Okay, and specifically Israel, okay, but Israel is a person and The nation is dealing with the twelve patriarchs. So it Jacob has twelve sons Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin and So and he actually has those twelve children with four different wives. Okay, you have Leah who most of them are coming from then you have Bilhah and Zilpah are the handmaidens of Leah and Rachel and They both have two of those sons and then Rachel has two of those sons. Okay so You have these twelve patriarchs and you have all these interesting stories that are happening with them meaning this is that Really if you think about it a lot of the stories at the end of the book of Genesis is dealing with Joseph Right Because Joseph's that younger son and they're envious of him because he's got the coat of many colors, right? I just want to read to you what it says about that in Genesis chapter 37, Genesis chapter 37 Who here has talked about their child that deserves that coat, you know, you don't have to read your hand You're like this child is the golden one. This is the one that gets the coat And By the way, I don't think that you should like do that right you shouldn't be like like saying I love you I you know, like you're afraid you're trying to be like I love you more than the rest of your siblings Just so you know that You're the best the rest of them nuts to them, you know Like obviously that's not smart to do and really what it comes down to is that I love my children all the same But there's obviously there's certain things about my children that I like about each one of them there's different attributes There's different like personalities. There's all those different things right that and so I don't believe this is kind of maybe a Hint to not do this because if you want all your siblings they hate that child then yeah You know point them out raise them up, you know, give them the code of many colors But they may throw them in a pit one day and sell them into slavery. So Genesis 37 though. It's this is kind of where it all starts with this and so Genesis 37 verse 3 it says now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children now. That's the narrator speaking Okay, that's not Joe. That's not Jacob. Just saying that It's basically just being stated that he loved Joseph more than that than all his children because he was the son of his old age And he made him a coat of many colors now what you have to understand is that Rachel he loved Rachel and He was tricked into marrying Leah and it's like Rachel was beautiful Leah was tender-eyed Which means she was unfortunate looking. I don't know like I guess she just wasn't she wasn't the prize catch where he wanted so anyway, but I think probably a big reason why he loved Joseph is because He was born of Rachel a little woman. He loved right so That's a whole nother mess, you know when you deal with the multiple wives there but But then it goes on to say and when his brethren saw that that their father loved him more than all his brethren they hated Him and could not speak peaceably unto him and Joseph dreamed a dream and he told his brethren and they hated him yet the more so Really a lot of this stuff was inflicted because I don't believe that Israel should have been showing that type of favor to one child I think that just kind of brought on a lot of that hate and so But you had the whole story where Joseph is sold So basically if you remember the story Ruben wanted to say Ruben's the oldest of the brothers Ruben wanted to save Joseph completely okay, and then Ruben left and then Judah they wanted actually the other brethren wanted to kill him and Judah saved them from killing them and Then said no, let's leave, you know, at least we can make some money off of them, right? Because Ruben's like I'm gonna put let's put him in this pit and basically his idea is like when they all leave I'll get him out and I'll bring him home right? That was Ruben's idea Judah's like well, let's not kill them You know, like we don't want that to be on our hands. Let's sell them into slavery. So they sell them into slavery and basically Throughout that whole story to the end of the book really the Lord is with Joseph and you see this story of Joseph This young man who is like 17 years old being sold into slavery and going through all these different hard times but basically just kind of Following the Lord doing what he should do and when he's 30 years old, he's standing Before Pharaoh and he becomes second-in-command of the biggest nation and power in the world Okay, and so really when you think about this story of Genesis 37 to the end of the book You really have this cool story to see of like hey Even when you're put into this horrible situation how God can bring you out of that and you can end up going from a slave to being second-in-command and basically Over everything because basic only he bit it's kind of like he was second-in-command, but he's pretty much running everything Basically Pharaoh is just like you deal with everything, you know And Pharaoh could come in and say something we wanted to but really Joseph was in control right and so It ends with Joseph dying so really you get to the end where Joseph dies and that picks up into Exodus with Them being in Egypt. So they go the Genesis ends with them going down into Egypt and sojourning there and all that So that is a bird's-eye view of Genesis and I'm planning on doing that with the books of the Bible and just kind of Seen that structure right you have really with Genesis You have a lot of history between Genesis 1 and like chapter 11 if you will of just like 2,000 years of history going on there and then Or you know close to that and then you have all these stories with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and his and Jacob's children and his sons and This is all before Moses. This is all before the first covenant. This is not old covenant Okay, Genesis is kind of like before all that. Okay, and but they are doing animal sacrifices and all that stuff They're making all for all that It's just that it's kind of like localized into a nation when you get to Moses and the law on everything It's like okay all that stuff you were doing there We're gonna localize it here. The priesthood is now the Levitical priesthood and All these different pictures are gonna be done to picture what Christ is going to do So let's end with a word prayer the only father we think for today Thank you for your word and just pray to you be with us throughout the rest of this week And Lord just thank you for the souls that were saved and just pray that you'd help us bring glory to your name Lord, we love you and pray also in Jesus Christ's name. Amen, but they will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed You All right, take your songbooks and turn to song number 93 Song number 93 in your some books will sing art thou weary art thou languid and if you would stand Well sing song number 93 Oh Are thou weary or thou languid art thou sore distress? Come to me saith one and coming be at rest Have he marks to lead me to him if he be my guide And his feet and hands are wound prints and his side Is there Diadem as monarch that he brow adorns Yea crowd and very sure teapot of thorns If I ask him to receive me, will he say me nay Not to earth and not to heaven pass away