(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we're gonna do the whole book of Obadiah tonight. I know it's one chapter so but No, I've actually been wanting to do Obadiah for a while and there's a reason for that. I'm gonna explain that but But also we're doing that We're we're basically making sure we have all the chapters covered because pastor Anderson is kind of heading up a project where he's gonna make a site where all the There's gonna be a sermon for every chapter in the Bible and so obviously That's my goal was to eventually get through the whole Bible with our expository type preaching on the Wednesday nights But it's gonna take us some time I mean we're talking 20 years or you know over 20 years to get through that when you're dealing with you know 1189 chapters but Pastor Anderson is doing it for years other pastors have done different books that are in our like circle and so Obadiah hasn't been done. So we're gonna do Obadiah Before we get into Obadiah, I want to get into when does this book when was this written? You know, what's the time frame because if when you're going into the minor prophets the first thing you want to figure out is When is this taking place because then you're gonna understand what they're even talking about? Okay, but if you notice Obadiah doesn't tell you when you know, so We're gonna I'm gonna show you how you can kind of figure out at least the the general idea of where it is So I believe first of all That the way the Bible is broken up is you have basically from Genesis down to Esther you're dealing with something That's chronological order. Okay, then when you go from Job Down to up to the Song of Solomon, that's chronological order and then you have the prophets Those are called the books of wisdom job through Song of Solomon and then the prophets the major prophets go from Isaiah to Daniel And those are all in chronological order, but then the minor prophets I believe are all Chronological order too. So you have from Hosea down the Malachi, okay, so that should tell you something as far as okay Well, if I know what Amos what's going on during Amos, you know when that time period is and I know when Micah You know what's going on with Micah or Jonah then you could say, okay Well Obadiah is between all that so it's got to be somewhere in there Does that make sense because they're all in chronological order. So if you go to Amos go to Amos chapter 1 So first just want to show you okay What time when is this when is Obadiah being written because what you're going to find is that there's actually another Obadiah that's mentioned during you remember when Elijah There was an Obadiah that helped out like 120 prophets in Elijah's day well, this is a different Obadiah because that Obadiah was back in Ahab's day and and back in that time this Obadiah I believe is it is is later on okay but But you'll find out a lot of times that there's there's multiples of certain certain names But Amos chapter 1 verse 1 it says the words of Amos he was among the herd men of Tekoa which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel. So now we see okay Well Amos is right before Obadiah and Amos is talking about during Uzziah the king and and Then during Jeroboam the son the son of Joash. So Uzziah is the king of Judah and when he's writing this and Jeroboam the son of Joash is the king of Israel Okay, and so we can see that time frame as far as Uzziah Now Jonah, what's interesting about Jonah? Jonah doesn't tell you when it was written But at the very beginning of Jonah, Jonah 1 and verse 1 it says now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, so we know a little you know at least a little more So we know that we're talking about the same Jonah because Jonah the son of Amittai is actually mentioned in 2nd Kings So we can see well when's the time frame of Jonah? So if you go to 2nd Kings chapter 14, and I know you're gonna dig deep tonight Okay, because tonight we're gonna get into okay. We're gonna be talking about when Obadiah was probably writing this vision but also when the what the vision was talking about because what we're gonna find out is the vision that he's talking about or what Was going on with Edom and what they did actually happened before You know years before and basically this is a vision of God's judgment on them for what they did before It's kind of like the Amalekites You know they were where they did something back with the children of Israel back when they were journeying in the wilderness and it wasn't until Saul and David that the Amalekites were taken out and so there's a big gap there's a big time period I mean hundreds of years that were Going on before that actually took place to where God took took out his vengeance on them, but 2nd Kings chapter 14 2nd Kings chapter 14 starting there in verse 21 so I want you to see okay, when was Jonah the son of Amittite? Jonah the one that was swallowed by a whale What kings were there when he was alive at least okay, and so a lot of these minor prophets They were there for multiple kings. You know they survived through multiple kings reigning You know Amos it looks like at least his words were during this time It doesn't mean that he died you know he wasn't there for other kings It's just when he was writing this vision, but 2nd Kings verse chapter 14 verse 21 it says and all the people of Judah took Azariah which was 16 years old and made him king instead of his father Amaziah now Azariah is another name for Isaiah, and that's exactly the king that was going on During Amos so Azariah and the reason why I believe he got the name Aziah is Because there was a priest called Azariah, and if you know the story of his Isaiah He his hand was made in he was made into a leper because he was trying to do the priests office of Azariah and so there's two Azariahs, so that's why I believe in a lot of cases It's calling him Aziah instead of Azariah, so Azariah is Aziah But as you read on in verse 22 It says he built Elath and restored it to Judah after that the king slept with his father's in the 15th year of Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah Jeroboam son of Joash king of Israel began to reign in Samaria and reigned 40 in one year So see we see these two kings that are mentioned the same in Amos so so between Amos and Jonah What do you have Obadiah now you say okay? Well you read me that but where's Jonah we'll go down to verse 25 to verse 25 so just a you know a couple verses down it says he restored the coast of Israel from the entering of Hamath unto the sea of the plain according to the word of the Lord of Israel Our Lord of the Lord God of Israel which he spake by the hand of his servant Jonah the son of Amittai the prophet which was of Gath heifer So we also get a little more information about Jonah. Where was he from so but? But Jonah the son of Amittai that's when he was he was there for the king during the king of Isaiah and during the king of Jeroboam The son of Joash king of Israel now this is Jeroboam the second because you have Jeroboam son of Nebat was the first king over The northern kingdom so that was way back when this is a different Jeroboam That's why it's careful to say the son of Joash right not the son of Nebat but So we see that that that lines up so Obadiah would be well go to Micah so Micah is right after Jonah Because you say well, okay. You know that's a little digging, but Micah is you could see also Micah obviously is coming down the line, so it's it's that's after Obadiah and Jonah So what we'll see with this is that he actually goes on a little further down the line with the kings Instead of Isaiah he goes to the next king which is Isaiah's son and actually goes all the way up to Hezekiah and so Micah 1 1 that says the word of the Lord that came to Micah the Morashite in the days of Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah Which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem so Micah see how it's going down the line We were down back in Isaiah over there for a little bit with Amos and with Jonah But you know notice that with Micah he was there for a lot of different kings for Jotham Ahaz, Hezekiah and the kings of Judah, so But when you go back to Hosea, you know what you'll see is that that Sometimes what you'll see is that I believe Hosea goes back the furthest meaning like he started his visions before anyone else did But he could also go past some of the other ones so Don't get confused by that because in Hosea in verse 1 It says he was in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah But then you have Amos that was only during Uzziah right and he doesn't go past that and so You'll find this in the end so basically he was the first one to start writing his visions But he went further than the next person that started, but he started here It's kind of like if you think of a genealogy some people outlived people Right so he just had visions that were longer or for a longer period of time than Amos did and So but it is all chronological order so that shows us that Obadiah had to be somewhere Between Uzziah and Hezekiah to the I mean to at least that extent does that make sense? Because if you were to say well Jonah could have went to Hezekiah You know it could have been they were all in Hezekiah's day too like when they did their visions Because Micah kind of gives you that that marker of the least the last place that you could go For them to be in chronological order right he wouldn't have been there past Hezekiah Because then it wouldn't be chronological order does that make sense because because Micah went all the way up to Hezekiah And if Obadiah was past Hezekiah, then it wouldn't be chronological order, so he's somewhere between Uzziah and Hezekiah and so But what's interesting about this is that during During During this time or what's going on you it'll make you understand why Jonah did not want to preach to Nineveh Because during Hezekiah's reign You know Micah was preaching all the way to Hezekiah well Jonah could have been taking place during Hezekiah's reign because what happened during Hezekiah's reign all of Israel was completely taken captive by the Assyrians, and what's the capital city of Assyria? Nineveh So why do you think he didn't want to go preach to Nineveh because they completely decimated Israel? That makes sense and so it gives you a little idea of why when you understand where he's at in that timeline Because in second Kings for example if you want to see that Second Kings chapter 17 now. I know this is deep tonight, but just kind of just try to dig in second Kings chapter 17 And I promise we will get to Obadiah as far as what Obadiah is talking about But I want to lay this foundation as far as what's going on But in second Kings chapter 17 and verse 6 it says in the ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria Took Samaria and carried Israel away into Assyria and placed them in Hala and in Habor by the river of Gozan and the cities of the Medes and Verse 18 down as you go down there verse 18 says therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel and remove them out of his sight There was none left But the tribe of Judah only so when this happened Hoshea was the last king of Israel the northern king of Israel Completely decimated from this point on from second Kings 17 right here on it's only Judah that's being talked about Because Assyria completely takes out Takes out you know the northern kingdom of Israel, but go to the next chapter in chapter 18 So second Kings chapter 18 and verse 9 second Kings chapter 18 verse 9 because it'll tell us When was what king of Judah was was there when as Israel was taken out? So in second Kings chapter 18 verse 9 it says and it came to pass in the fourth year of King Hezekiah Which was the seventh year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel that Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up against Samaria and besieged it and it and at the end of three years They took it even in the sixth year of Hezekiah that it that is the ninth year of Hoshea king of Israel Samaria was taken so in and Hezekiah sixth year of reigning Israel was completely decimated and Then you know it goes on from that because Hezekiah reigns for 29 years So this is kind of at the beginning of his reign that this happens But we see that okay when we're dealing with these minor prophets like Obadiah and Jonah and Micah even up to Micah You know what he's talking about You know could be dealing with the fact of Israel being taken captive and so I Just want to show you that that helps you understand where Jonah's at and why where's his mindset at well all these Syrians completely decimated His country so you can think about that but But also with what we see here with with Obadiah is that It's talking about Edom Okay, so this whole book of Obadiah is dealing with Edom and basically it's the vision it says in verse 1 there the vision of Obadiah thus set the Lord God concerning Edom and So this vision is against Edom. It's rebuking Edom It's basically pronouncing judgment against Edom well Edom I just want you to see is is talking about the condemnation that came out of Esau Because Edom is another name for Esau so you go to Genesis chapter 25, so just as much as Jacob was He was renamed to Israel. Well Esau was renamed Edom and Edom is not a good name to be renamed Israel was a good name to be renamed because it says as a prince hath thou power with God That was why he was called Israel, but we'll see why was why was Esau called Edom well in Genesis 25 verse 30 It says and Esau said to Jacob feed me I pray thee with the same red pottage for I am faint Therefore was his name called Edom, and so he was called Edom because he You know he was faint That's not a good reason to be called Edom, but that's why he's called Edom So when you're reading throughout the Old Testament you see Edom or the Edomites you're dealing with those that came out of Esau and so That I just want to show you that as we go into the into Obadiah But so now we did we see okay, when was Obadiah written? What was around Isaiah the king of Judah to Hezekiah the king of Judah? But what is he talking about with Edom because what we see here is that basically Edom's being rebuked for Basically treating Jacob badly and for spoiling Jacob when they were taken captive So why is it important to know when this is written? Because you would maybe look at this and say is this talking about when they were taken captive to Babylon Because when was Judah taken captive? but it's not talking about Babylon because in the chronological order of these prophets that doesn't make any sense because They're not taking captive Babylon until Jehoiakim you know after just Josiah, and if you go to Zephaniah You're dealing with Josiah, but we're not that far down the line in the chronological order And so that kind of cancels that out that we're not dealing with them going into Babylon, but what are we talking about? Well go to 2nd Kings chapter 8 2nd Kings chapter 8 2nd Kings chapter 8 And I know this is deep, but I want to explain this to you. There's a story about where Jerusalem are basically God sent in people to take the king and all the stuff in his house captive in this story dealing with Jehoram and And his son and his son Ahaziah Okay, so I kind of just want to talk about this and and it specifically because it talks about Edom revolting at this time Okay, so in 2nd Kings chapter 8 and verse 17 It says 30 and 2 years old was he when he began to rain and he rained eight years in Jerusalem so when you're looking at this you're talking about you're dealing with Jotham and Let me look at that real quick I just want to make sure that I'm giving you all the information you need to see sometimes I write down stuff And I know what it's talking about, but I want to make sure that everybody understands where I'm coming from here but second Kings chapter 8 And verse Yeah, so right before that it's talking about Jehoram or Joram and what's going on here is you'll see the Jehoram and Joram and because in this time There's like kings that are the king of Israel is called Jehoram and the king of Judah is called Jehoram So they'll be like Jehoram and then Joram. So basically he rains for 32 years in Jerusalem Well notice in verse 20 as he's raining notice what's going on It says in his days Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah and made a king over themselves So Jorah may went over to Zara Zar or however you said and and all the cherries with him and he rose by night and smote the Edomites Which compassed him about and the captains of the chariots and the people fled into their tents yet Edom Revolted from under the hand of Judah unto this day then Libnah revolted at the same time so what we see here is that during this time Edom is revolting against Israel is revolting against Judah particularly and What's interesting is that this this is where there's a so-called contradiction in the Bible because what I'm going to show you in verse 26 is Where it says that a Isaiah was 22 years old when he began to rain That's Jehoram's son, but when you go to 2nd Chronicles it says he was 42 years old when he began to rain So which one is it? well, I'm gonna answer that actually in this but so we look at verse 26 and 2nd Kings notice what it says and 2nd Kings it says 20 and 2 years old was a Isaiah when he began to rain and he rained one year in Jerusalem and his mother's name was Athaliah the daughter of Omri king of Israel So we see here that that we have you know We're saying that a as I was 22 years old when he began to rain go to 2nd Chronicles chapter 21 Actually go to 2nd Chronicles 22 because I want to show you that supposed the contradiction and I'm going to answer what's going on here 2nd Chronicles chapter 22 in verse 1 But I'm going to show you where I believe this this vision or what's going on Why Edom's being rebuked and where it is placed that in the Bible? I believe it's in 2nd Kings chapter 8 and in this 2nd Chronicles 21 actually, but 2nd Chronicles 22. I want you to see where it talks about a as I being 42 years old So 2nd Chronicles 22 and verse 1 it says and the inhabitants of Jerusalem made a as I his youngest son King in his stead For he for the band of men that came with the Arabians to the camp had slain all the eldest So a as I the son of Jehoram king of Judah rained Forty and two years old was a as I when he began to rain and rained one year in Jerusalem His mother's name also was Athaliah the son of the daughter of Omri So which one is it? Is it 22 years old or is it 42 years old? Now if you do the math actually when you look at how old Jehoram was when he stopped raining It wouldn't make sense that right after that a as I would be 42 years old Okay Because of how old he was so it wouldn't make sense What's going on here is actually answered in the chapter right before here. So go back to chapter 21 Chapter 21 and this is where I believe the captivity is talking about in Obadiah at the dealing with the captivity of Judah and Basically how Edom even relates to that because Edom was revolting at this time But notice what it says and second chronicles 21 So this answers what's going on here with a as I because all his brethren in verse 22 chapter 22 verse 1 it says all his brethren were slain by the Arabians and he was the only one that was left and Well, well back in 20 chapter 21 explains what was going on there So in verse 16 of chapter 21, it says moreover the Lord stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines and of the Arabians That were near the Ethiopians and they came up into Judah and break it in and break into it and carried away all the substance that was found in The king's house and his sons also and his wives so that there were there was never a son Left him save Jehovah has the youngest of his sons So here Jehovah has is just a as I it's just another it's just his other another name So when you read in second chronicles chapter 22 when it says that the Arabians it says came with the Arabians to the camp had slain all the eldest. That's what it's talking about Is this event right here? So what happened, you know, how do you explain that? He was 22 years old when he began to rain, but he was also 42 years old when he began to rain because when when Jehoram died of a disease now if you look in chapter 21 and verse 16 verse 18 I'm sorry. It says and after all this the Lord smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease so for the next two years it Basically, he's he has a disease and he's just basically on his deathbed. And so I believe that a Isaiah When he was 22 years old Before they went captive before the captivity happened with the Arabians and with with the Philistines Basically, he was raining kind of like a co-regency with his dad and this is very common Actually, you'll see that with Jehoshaphat and all these other kings They would even say that while Jehoshaphat was raining his son rained with them. And so basically when he was 22 years old He was raining with them well Then they were taken captive for 20 years and he didn't come back to start raining until he was 42 years old and there's a Gap of 20 years based off of the captivity That's the captivity That's in there and that's how you that's how you explain the fact that in one place It says he was 22 years old when he be in the rain. Well, that's before the captivity Well, then 20 years go by where no one's raining Because they're taking captive and so there's this 20 year gap of no one raining over Judah Because the Arabians came in and the Philistines came in and took everything and killed all his brothers and it wasn't until later on That he comes back and he rains for a year in Jerusalem at 42 years old And then he dies because Jehu comes and kills And kills a Jehoram Or it's either Jehoram Jotham I'm getting the kings of Israel messed up But but he goes and kills him and then Ahaziah is killed in the battle as well As you when you go to 2nd Kings chapter 9 So, you know, he rained for a year goes into captivity for 20 years and then he comes back it's like he's got this second chance and then yokes himself up with a with a wicked King and then He's killed So but that answers, but that's the captivity. I believe we're dealing with here in Obadiah, so So all that to say is that why why did you say? Well, when when was Obadiah written? Well that that rules out that way we can't be talking about the Babylonian captivity Right, and it's not Israel's captivity with the Assyrians because it's talking about Judah in particular and Jerusalem in particular Because go to Obadiah now we're gonna get into Obadiah now Obadiah in verse 10 Because it's specifically talking about Judah and Jerusalem. So we're not talking about the Assyrians coming in and taking away Israel at first cuff when I was reading this That's what I was kind of thinking about because of the time frame of when it was written But this is actually something that was written maybe during Isaiah during Isaiah's King Kingdom and he's kind of referring back to what happened with the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem and what was going on during Jehoram and during Athaliah's time and So I know this is deep but stay with me because I want you to understand when this is written So you understand what's going on? So Obadiah in verse 10 notice what it says with that in mind with the Philistines and the Arabians taking them Captive and coming in and taking all their substance out and just and killing all the seed of Jehoram besides Ahaziah No, and and the Edomites were revolting at that same exact time It specifically says the Edomites were revolting against Judah and verse 10 it says for thy violence against thy brother Jacob Shame shall cover thee thou shalt be cut off forever in the day that thou stoodest on the other side in the day that the Strangers carried away captive his forces and foreigners entered into his gates and cast lots upon Jerusalem Even thou wast as one of them, but thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day that That he became a stranger Neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of his Distress thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity Yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway to cut off those of his that did escape neither Shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress So this will give you a little more idea what was going on Now you understand that okay well and God that was a judgment by the way when he sent God sent in the Arabians and Philistines to judge because of Jehoram because he was a wicked King and That was sent in there But he's rebuking Edom for taking part in that basically they came in and said okay we're gonna spoil them too basically because Edom was revolting against Judah at that same time with Jehoram and During that time is when the Arabians and Philistines came in and took away captive all his sons and his wives And all the substance of his house and you can read that's what exactly what it's talking about right here to where he's taken Judah captive and he's basically saying you went in and basically Committed violence against your brother Because Jacob and Esau are brothers right so Israel and Edom would be brother nations so to speak right and so That shows you you know what's going on in this so what's Obadiah about that's what it's about. It's basically a vision condemning Edom For what they did to Israel to Judah When the Philistines and Arabians came in and took them captive and how they treated Judah When that happened now when you're reading the Minor Prophets what you're gonna find is that there's the the the physical like immediate Vision and the physical aspect of the vision. That's the physical aspect That's the like down the bare bones why this was written to begin with was because this is actually what happened But there's always a spiritual meaning There's always like an application that goes into the spiritual realm or into the realm of what how does that apply to us? Well, I believe this is this vision here is actually an allegory to show us basically Jacob and Esau their brothers and what is what's talking about here is Esau is being condemned and Jacob is being redeemed in this book and what I see is an allegory between Jacob and Esau or Israel and Edom and the saved and the reprobate and The the nation the nation of Israel the nation of Edom and the seed of Christ and the seed of the devil And so we see this with Abel and Cain right where Abel was righteous and and but but Cain was of the wicked one and you can see the allegory between those two brothers and you see the allegory between Isaac and Ishmael you see the allegory between a lot of brothers usually but there's an allegory between Sarah and Hagar Right Sarah represents New Jerusalem Hagar represents the physical Jerusalem And so you have the physical nation of Israel is represented by Hagar Hagar, which is Mount Sinai, which is in Arabia But New Jerusalem, which is above that's represented by Sarah who gave birth to Isaac, which is the seed of promise, right? So there's a lot of allegories between Ishmael Isaac between Sarah and Hagar But there's a huge allegory with Jacob and Esau and So go to Malachi chapter 1 and what I want to show you is how I see that in here because actually this book Obadiah has a lot of information dealing with end times dealing with the seed of Christ and the seed of the devil and how you know, basically the seed of the devil is mistreating us now and In our trouble in our calamity, but God's gonna put it back on their head and there's a very big end times because the we're gonna even see it even mentions the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen and we're gonna see that there's a lot of parallels to to Edom and Babylon and how Babylon is going to be destroyed and So I want to show you that but I first want to show you that that allegory between Jacob and Esau So that's what I see when I read Obadiah. I see this huge allegory of okay We're dealing with Israel and Edom. We're dealing with Judah and Edom But the spiritual aspect is you're dealing with the saved and the reprobate you're dealing with the seed of the devil Which is would be represented by Edom and you'd be dealing with Jacob or or Judah in this case is dealing with the saved Okay, and so in Malachi chapter 1 in verse 1 It says the burden of the of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi I have loved you set the Lord yet you say Wherein hast thou loved us was not Esau Jacob's brother set the Lord yet I love Jacob and I hated Esau and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness and so we see that, you know, Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated it's quoted in Romans chapter 9 and It's talking about nations though It's not talking about the physical people Jacob and Esau but they are an allegory of the children of God and the children of the devil right because God hates the children of them but he loves the children of God and Jacob is that reprobate, you know that nation of Israel was supposed to represent the children of this, you know of God and the nation of Edom was basically a representation of the children of the devil So that's why when you read on later here, it's in verse 4 of Malachi It says whereas Edom saith we we are impoverished but we will return and build desolate places thus saith the Lord of hosts They shall build but I will throw down and they shall call them the border of wickedness and the people Against whom the Lord hath a big nation forever That's pretty strong He hates them and he has a good nation with them forever and it says in verse 5 and your eyes shall see and you shall Shall say the Lord will magnify be magnified from the border of Israel. Do you see the the the allegory between Israel and Edom between Jacob and Esau He hates one. He loves the other. He has a good nation for the one and he's gonna magnify the other and So but you may say well, maybe he just hated the person Esau I don't believe so I believe Esau was a safe man But just to show you that that when he said that when he's when he's talking about Jacob and Esau being in the womb and Something he's dealing with nations of people Genesis chapter 25 Genesis chapter 25 verse 23 So I know this is deep with Obadiah, but you know, it's a minor prophet so a lot of these do pretty dense They're a little deeper. You got to dig a little deeper You got to know a lot of information going into them when you're going into these minor prophets It's the strong meat of the word Because it's it's very, you know, basically you're just getting a 21 verses here But you got to figure out where it takes place when it was written and what is it talking about exactly? Because when you're in Jeremiah, there's so much in there that you know exactly the time frame But here it doesn't give you all that so you got to kind of you know cross-reference the Bible figure out where you're at And so we found out the physical aspect of when this prophecy is taking place But how do we apply that now and what's the spiritual aspect of it that we're dealing with? So in Genesis 25 verse 23 it says And the Lord said unto her two nations are in thy womb and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels And the one people shall be stronger than the other people and the elder shall serve the younger So that promise as far as you know, Jacob have I love Esau have I hated That was talking about a future prophecy of two nations And so he wasn't hating that physical person Esau when he was in the womb That's what Calvinist wants you to think, you know in Romans chapter 9, but he's talking about nations Okay And so it's an allegory these two nations are an allegory of a group of people and you can look at Jacob and Esau being an allegory of the A child of God and a child of the devil singular But you can also look at it the nations as the children of God and the children of the devil Okay, and so but the reprobate, you know, God hates reprobate. So when he says I hate I hated Esau Why would he hate him because because it's representing someone that is rejected by God in Hosea chapter 9 Hosea chapter 9 verse 15 It's talking about people that God hates and it is specifically, you know, if you didn't get that Fully it says I will love them no more. So Hosea chapter 9 and verse 15 Hosea chapter 9 verse 15 It says all their wickedness is in Gilgal for there I hated them for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house. I will love them no more all their princes are revolters So he's saying here that he hates these people and he'll love them no more so I love Jacob and I and I hated Esau so when he hates somebody that means he's not going to love them anymore and You know, there's all kinds of places where talking about God hating certain people, but he hates reprobate That's what it comes down to. He hates the children of the devil in Psalm 5 5 It says the foolish shall not stand in thy sight thou hatest all workers of iniquity And if you look up the terms worker of iniquity, it's not just talking about people that are sinners It's talking about people that work iniquity, you know, and it's a certain group of people which would be a reprobate Psalm 11 5 says the Lord trieth the righteous but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hated So there's certain people that God hates but as we were talking about with the imprecatory prayers this morning We're dealing with people that are rejected by God the haters of God Those are the people that God hates and that's why we hate those that hate the Lord You know because God hates them and we should we should love what God loves and hate what God hates So make sense of God hates somebody I'm gonna hate somebody if God loves somebody I'm gonna love somebody And so I'm gonna walk in Jesus steps wherever they go, you know and and the footprints of Jesus We're saying that this morning and you know, he has given us the steps to follow and we should follow in his steps, but But go back to Obadiah So I want to show you that to kind of show you okay Well, how do you how do you see Edom and Obadiah being like reprobates or being like the children of the devil? We'll go to Obadiah verse 6 there And I want to show you this Because I think it's gonna come to light that that he's kind of showing you a dual thing here He's and that's when you're dealing with when you're dealing with minor prophets. You're dealing with okay This is exactly what was going on back then with them and as a certain story that happened to them But then you have the spiritual aspect, okay well, this could be talking about something in the future or this could be talking about something more of a You know catch-all kind of thing right and this story is something that applies throughout all time When you're dealing with a super certain group of people But Obadiah in verse 6 notes what it says it says how are the things of Esau searched out? How are his hidden things sought up all the men of thy confederacy? Have brought thee even to the border the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee and Prevailed against thee they that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee There is no there is none understanding in them in him shall shall I not in that day set the Lord even destroy the wise men out of Edom and Understanding out of the Mount of Esau he's saying that in Esau there is none Understanding in him and that's something that we see very clearly When you're dealing with reprobates is that they are without understanding actually Romans chapter 1 go to Romans chapter 1, but but in verse 7 there Notice what it's before you get a Romans 1 and Obadiah in verse 7 It says all the men of thy confederacy So going back to the physical aspect of exactly what this was talking about in general remember they revolted against Judah and Confederacy is that it's the rebelling against somebody so it's talking about so you can see the duel like how this is dealing with back Then you know with that certain case that happened during Jehoram and Athaliah But it also says that there is none understanding in him go to Roman you go back to the Romans chapter 1 And I know you already know this, but I just want to show this to you To kind of prove to you that hey, we're dealing with Esau It's not a big deal to think okay when that allegory would be Esau would represent a reprobate Because God hates them. He said Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated therefore it makes sense that he would have to be someone that's rejected by God for God to hate him and In this passage dealing with Edom, which is just another name for Esau Edom it says that there's none understanding in him Well in Romans chapter 1 verse 28 It says and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind To do those things which are not convenient notice verse 31 as you go through a list of all this stuff backbiters haters of God verse 31 without understanding Without understanding So what did it say about Edom? There is none understanding in him notice in Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 You see this is very consistent when you're dealing with people that are rejected by God They're ever learning never able to come into the knowledge of the truth without understanding Ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 17 It says this I say therefore and testify in the Lord that ye henceforth Walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind having the understanding darkened Being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them Because of the blindness of their heart who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lascivious lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness Again now we have where it says about these reprobates that they they're having their understanding dark And remember their their their hearts were darkened their foolish heart was darkened in Romans chapter 1 their understanding is dark And they're without understanding and go to John chapter 8 John chapter 8 and verse 42 John chapter 8 verse 42 So now we can see okay You know he's going to and it even says in verse 8 of Obadiah it says shall I not in that day set the Lord even destroy the wise men out of Edom and Understanding out of the mouth of Esau he took away. He destroyed understanding out of Esau Says there's none understanding in him. I took it away, and so he destroyed it and John chapter 8 verse 42 it says Jesus said unto them if God were your father you would love me For I proceeded forth and came from God neither came I of myself But he sent me Why do ye not understand my speech even because you cannot hear my word year? Ye are of your father the devil So who's he talking about when he says that they cannot understand? Romans 1 right here. It says they're the children of the devil It says the year of your father the devil knows down in verse 47 He is of God here is God's word ye therefore hear them not because you're not of God So it's very consistent. It says he cannot it says you do not understand my speech You're without understanding your understandings darkened and Obadiah says there is none Understanding in him and he's going to destroy understanding out of the mount of Esau see the consistency to see the allegory of dealing with Esau or Edom and Jacob and So as we continue on go back to Obadiah Obadiah in verse 1 So we're kind of skipping around in Obadiah, but I just kind of you know there's different points that one one to be made in this But Obadiah is very actually a very Good book to just kind of a little small book to see kind of some end times prophecy in here actually And so you wouldn't think that you know Obadiah is 21 verses But there's a lot in here when you see the spiritual aspect So don't don't lose sight of the actual physical physical aspect because that's definitely interesting in a in of itself to see you know This gives us kind of a little more information of what was going on when? you know as I as Or as a rise You know all his brothers were killed and what was going on during that captivity and Edom and how they treated them and all That stuff that's all these obviously something interesting to look into But you know the aspects that we would kind of grab on to and see how does how can we apply this to what we? See today. You know I think that's very interesting, but Obadiah in verse 1 It says the vision of Obadiah thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom we have heard a rumor from the Lord and an ambassador is sent among the heathen arise ye and Let us rise up against her in battle so the heathen are rising up against her in battle and Then it says in verse 2 behold I have made these small among the heathen thou are greatly despised the pride of thine heart had deceived thee Thou that dwells in the cleft of the rock whose habitation is high that seth in his heart who shall bring me down to the ground Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle and though thou set thy nest among the stars That's where I bring thee down set the Lord if these come to thee or if robbers by night How art thou cut off? Would they not have stolen till they had enough if the great gatherers came to thee would they not leave some grapes? Notice what it says in verse 3 it says it says they that seth in his heart who shall bring me down to the ground Sounds very familiar and especially since the heathen are going to be the ones that take him out Because if you know the story of Babylon Who takes out Babylon? The ten kings God had put it into the heart of the ten wicked kings that gave power unto the beast to destroy Babylon and the burner with fire So he's calling on the heathen the heathen are rising up, and they're going to take out Edom In this case, but he's saying in his heart in his heart. You know who's going to be able to take me down Well, we're going to see that that sounds very familiar to babylon in revelation, but go down to Obadiah in verse 15 Verse 15 notice what it says So this doesn't make it that doesn't make you think of babylon think of this for the day of the Lord is near upon all The heathen as thou has done it shall be done unto thee thy reward shall return Upon thine own head the day of the Lord is coming my friends, and that's something we're looking for But there was a day of the Lord There's a lot of smaller day of the Lord's in the old testament and this day of Lord came to Edom but do you see how it foreshadows the day of the Lord that's coming and How when Jesus Christ comes he's going to pour out his wrath upon this earth and ultimately babylon is going to fall How art thou cut off it talks about with Edom? You know he exalted himself above you know all you know all these nations and all this stuff, but noticing been that revelation chapter 18 revelation chapter 18 So keep that in mind you know in Obadiah Edom was saying saying in his heart who shall bring me down to the ground and You know basically it also said that the Lord Yes, that's what they Lord is near upon all the heathen as thou has done It shall be done unto thee thy reward shall return upon thine own head think about that when you read this in Revelation 18 verse 6 Reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her double according to her works in the cup Which she hath filled filled to her double how much she had glorified herself and lived deliciously So much torment and sorrow give her for she saith in her heart. I sit a queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow Doesn't that sound very familiar? Someone that's sitting up high and exalted saying hey, I'm not going to be a widow. I'm not going to see any sorrow Like America today who thinks that you know that nothing could ever bring us down And Edom was the same way you didn't thought nothing can bring them down who's going to bring me down to the earth and God said I'm going to bring you down and Babylon falls in the future and just like Edom fell Babylon's gonna fall and we see also that in Obadiah 15 It says as thou has done it shall be done unto thee thy reward shall return upon thine own head Isn't that exactly what it says with what Babylon is reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her double according to her works So it says basically coming upon his own head Babylon is coming upon her own head what she did to you You know bring on her double And the same thing with Edom So we see that and as you as you read through the rest of Obadiah there It's talking about things about how Jacob's gonna possess all these different places and isn't that what's gonna happen when Jesus Christ comes back and takes over his kingdom all the Saints are gonna possess the earth and So you can see a lot of this and obviously this stuff in Obadiah is something that literally happened and so it talks about In verse 17 of Obadiah it says but upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance and there shall be holiness in the house of Jacob shall possess their possession so you can definitely see how this could apply to end times even though it already happened in this case Right here with with Israel and Edom, but this definitely applies in the future Because when what happens at the very end you have a battle of Armageddon where you have all the saved on white horses going against The reprobates on you know on their horses with the beast and the false prophet the marriage supper of the Lamb Where we're gonna come down with with Christ on white horses, and they're gonna be all wiped out Do you see the allegory do you see the allegory in Obadiah, and how this is something that happened back then? But it's a picture of the future. It's a foreshadowing of what's gonna happen in the ultimate Battle the ultimate you know Israel and Edom so to speak is when you're dealing with The bride of Christ and the great whore you know and so there's a lot of allegories that you see in the Bible and so At the end there at the very the very last thing that said no But I it says in the kingdom shall be the Lord's and isn't that how it ends after that battle of Armageddon It's gonna be the Lord's kingdom for a thousand years And then he's gonna he's gonna present it up to the Father and it's gonna be his forever and so But I wanted to show you something to you know if we have kind of I guess a minute so that that's Obadiah, and that's kind of the Aspect of Obadiah, and you know what physically was going on with this vision well we're dealing with something to happen back in Jehoram and and I'm forgetting his name Aziah Aziah king of Judah and how there was like this 20-year gap of them being captive and how Edom treated them During that captivity or during them being besieged and taken captive and how Edom was revolting at that time So you can understand why they would do it Or you know how they did that and God is pronouncing judgment on them because of how they treated a brother when they were in distress That's the physical like here's exactly what you're dealing with with this vision but then you have the actual spiritual aspect of the allegory between the children of God and the children of the devil and Edom being without understanding and how God's the day the Lord's coming for them and they're going to be completely wiped out completely destroyed and That's what it says they're gonna be completely annihilated in Obadiah, and so that's what that's talking about That's why in Malachi chapter 1 it says that that Edom is the nation in which he has indignation forever because that nation represents All the reprobate all the rejected Does that make sense and so obviously there's people in Edom during this time that I'm sure we're saved you know But we're talking and we're talking in a generality right because Israel was never always saved You know it's not like everybody in Israel was ever saved it's just that that's what that nation represented it represented the saved and Edom represented the reprobate and obviously they were saved and lost and reprobate both those right But we're just talking about the big picture of what it represents, but it says at the end there you notice in verse 21 It says in Obadiah verse 21 the last verse there It says and saviors shall come up on Mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau And say well what was that talking about with saviors well what you what you got to understand is that? Saviors a lot is used sometimes in the Old Testament to talk about judges so if you go to Nehemiah chapter 9 It's talking about the times of the judges and instead of calling them judges it calls them saviors But even in this actually Obadiah actually explains what it means by judge by the saviors because it says that they're gonna judge the Mount of Esau Okay, so I just want to give you that you know like what in the world is it talking about he's gonna send saviors or Saviors shall come up. He's talking about like two judges how when Samson came up He was a savior unto his people he was the judge, but he was a savior and delivered those people out of Out of you know their enemy's hands, and so that's what that's talking about But Nehemiah chapter 9 and verse 27 you'll see where it calls them Saviors in this chapter dealing with the judges it says in verse 27 therefore thou delivers them into the hand of their enemies who vexed Them and in the time of their trouble when they cried unto thee thou hurtest them from heaven and according to thy manifold mercies Thou gave us them saviors who saved them out of the hand of their enemies Now the proof that that's talking about judges go back to judges chapter 2 because in judges it calls them judges And Nehemiah when it's talking about the same exact thing calls them saviors but you can obviously see how that fits because you can think of all the You know you think of Jephthah you think of Gideon you think of Samson What were they they were saviors of the country because they delivered them from their enemies, but they're also judges right? they judge the land and So in Judges 2 and verse 16 it says nevertheless the Lord raised up judges Which delivered them out of the hand of those that spoiled them in verse 18 and when the Lord raised raised them up judges then the Lord was with the judge and Delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge So just a little information as far as when you see that at the end of Obadiah It's the only the fact that hey sending saviors meaning like he's basically bringing up deliverers You know to deliver them out of their enemies hands, and they were also called judges and so But you can see how this would apply also in an end times aspect because what did he say to the twelve disciples that they? Were going to sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel So there's probably gonna be other thrones where people are judging other types of people You know you never know someone's judging the Mount of Esau apparently so But it's interesting you know that how that all fits together But that's just kind of a little nugget there at the end dealing with the saviors You know plural we're not talking about the Savior Jesus Christ But we're just talking about judges coming up, but but that's Obadiah I mean, it's a small book, but there's a lot of information in there So you know when you're looking at it first of all you get figure out. Okay? Where's the timeline where we at here? So well Obadiah is probably written between the king king of Uzziah and Hezekiah somewhere in there And it's talking about event that happened before Uzziah Uzziah is just a little before that and if you look at the timeline of the Kings Right before Uzziah was Amaziah then Joash and Athaliah and Athaliah was Azziah's mother Okay, and so it wasn't that far back. Let's say he was writing this in Uzziah's time. It's not that far back I mean you're dealing with maybe like you know 70 years back You know as far as when this happened and so this vision is talking about an event that happened before this Before he's writing it and talking about a judgment being pronounced on them And so that makes sense But that's why it's important to know when this is happening though because you would say well Judah's being taken captive is this talking about Babylon? Because that's the main thing when you think of Judah being taken captive What do you think of you think of Babylon? I think of Nebuchadnezzar, but we haven't got that far in time when Obadiah was written So it's something else, but it also gives us a lot of information And it helps you understand Why was Azziah 22 years old when he began to reign in one place and 42 years old when he went in another place? because there was 20 years where he wasn't reigning at all because They were taken captive by the Arabians and the Philistines which explains What Obadiah is even talking about? Obadiah is talking about the fact that when they were taken captive and all his brothers were killed and they were spoiled the Edomites apparently did them wrong in that time and God didn't like that And he's pronouncing judgment, but we also see that okay Well, that's the physical aspect of this vision but we have the dual meaning of the vision where we're dealing with an allegory of the the saved and the reprobate that the children of God and the children of the devil end times prophecy of the day of the Lord coming him to Completely annihilating the children of the devil and all the children of God are gonna take their possessions And we're gonna rule and reign with him and the very last portion of that verse it says in the kingdom shall be the Lord's So it's a very interesting book. So But let's end with a word of prayer Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for today and thank you for the the soul winning opportunities that we had Earlier today, but I thank you for this book of Obadiah and Lord just to show how much power are just in 21 verses and Just one little vision in the Bible and just how we can just glean so much from it and Lord Just thank you for it and just pray that you'd be with us throughout the rest of this week Give us safety in our travels and Lord. We love you and pray that your name would be glorified in Jesus Christ name. Amen