(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When I can read my title clear to mansions in the sky I'll bid farewell to every fear and wipe my weeping eyes and wipe my weeping eyes and wipe my weeping eyes I'll bid farewell to every fear and wipe my weeping eyes Should earth against my soul and fiery darts be hurled Then I can smile Satan's rage and face a frowning world Land cares like a wild dual edge calm and storms of sorrow fall May I but safely reach my home, my God, my Heaven, my all My God, my Heaven, my all May I but safely reach my home, my God, my Heaven, my all There shall I bathe my weary soul in seas of heavenly rest And not a wave of trouble roll across my peaceful breast Across my peaceful breast And not a wave of trouble roll across my peaceful breast Let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, we just want to thank you, God, for this beautiful day that you've given us to meet in your house and to hear your word preached. I pray, Lord, now that you would receive all the honor and glory out of everything that's said and done. For it's in Jesus' name we ask all of it. Amen. All right, you may be seated and turn just one page back to song number 44. Song number 44 in your song books will sing, We'll Work Till Jesus Comes, song number 44. O land of rest for thee I sigh, When will the moment come? When I shall lay my armor by and dwell in peace at home We'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home To Jesus Christ I've fled for rest, He bade me cease to roam And lean for soccer on His breast till He can dock me home We'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home I sought at once my Savior's side, no more my steps shall roam With Him I'll brave death's chilling tide and reach my heavenly home We'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home Amen. So welcome to Mountain Baptist Church on this Sunday morning. And Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers. And so, how many mothers do we have? Raise your hand if you're a mother. That's like half the church. So Happy Mother's Day to everybody. We actually have little Mother's Day gifts for everybody. So make sure that you grab one of those after the service. Are we handing them out during the service? With all the kids it might get a little crazy if we do it now. So we'll hand them out to you after the service. Just remember before you leave to get those gifts. And we're also going to have, after the service, a baptism. So we got all the ants out of the baptistry. Craziness. But you know, it happens. But no, we got the baptistry filled up. So Josiah is going to get baptized this morning. And so hopefully it's not too cold. Actually, it doesn't feel too bad. When you get into summer, the water that comes out is a little warmer than in the middle of winter. So we're excited about that. And then as far as General Church announcements, we have our normal service times today. We have our sowing time at 1 p.m. to be in places for that. And then at 4 p.m. we have our afternoon service. And so that's as normal. And then we have our Wednesday evening service this week as well. So everything's normal there. And then our regional sowing times on Monday and Wednesday where Brother Charles and Brother Richie lead those up respectively. And so if you can make it out to those or if you can't make it out to one of these, just give me some more options there. Colossians chapter 4 is our memory chapter for the month. And so we're getting through that. And then we'll be done with the book of Colossians. And I've been enjoying going through that and memorizing that. I know others have been as well. If you're still in chapter 1, keep chugging along. If you're in chapter 2, 3, just keep going forward. When you get to 3 and 4, it's kind of a downhill slope because those chapters are a little shorter. It seems like they're a little easier to get through. But then Romans 10, 17 is our memory verse for the week. So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. And so that is our memory verse for the week. And then we have just on the upcoming events, we have the prayer meetings that we have the men's prayer meeting at the end of the month here. And then we have the women's prayer meeting at the beginning of June. And we're going to, I know Brother Richie, he's leading up a soloing marathon in Parkersburg this coming Saturday. And then so get with Brother Richie if you want to be a part of that, if you want to go out there. And then we're going to be planning the Charleston one. I think we're going to probably end up trying to do that. I think it's the 18th of June. I think that's the Saturday. I think the 19th is the Sunday. So tentatively we're going to plan that where we're going to go down to Charleston. And so we were thinking about going early, like in May, but that would be literally the week after the Parkersburg one now. So we don't want to put them too close together and then you're choosing which one you want to go to instead of maybe being able to go to both if you want to. And I'm trying to think if there's anything else, offering boxes in the back there, mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only. And birthdays, what day is it, the 8th? So Adam's birthday is today. It is your birthday. So we definitely have the same for you. And then I can count to seven, but I have to look at a calendar or I'll feel like I'm going to mess it up. But I know how to add seven to eight as far as what week we're in, but I just want to see. Actually Adam right now is the only one this week, but next week we've got some other ones. And so we'll sing Happy Birthday to Adam before we start the service, before we do the next song. And anniversaries, we've got that coming up, but not yet. And then being in prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list, we have four ladies on there at the moment. And being specifically in prayer for Ms. Ginger, her due date is the 14th of this month. And so she is feeling uncomfortable to say the least, I'm sure. But just being in prayer for the Jones family and that everything goes well with that. And we're excited obviously for a new member of the Jones family. And being in prayer obviously for Catherine, Alyssa and Rachel as well on the list here. And so hopefully the baby shower went well yesterday. So my daughters were asking me, are you going to the baby shower? I'm like, no. That is not a guy thing. The only time I've been to a baby shower is when it was for my wife and I was just picking up everything. I was just coming by to get everything. So anyway, if there was a man there last night, I'm sorry. Or yesterday and you're just like, I was there. Doing some diaper game or something like that. You make diaper cakes, you do all these different things, right? I don't know. But hopefully that went well. I think from what I heard it went well. But that being said, that's about all I've got for announcements. Brother Dave is going to sing one more song. Before we do that, we're going to sing Happy Birthday to Adam. And then who's reading this morning? I think Brother Shane. So Brother Shane is going to be reading Proverbs chapter 34 this morning. All right, take your song books and turn to song number 81. Song number 81 in your song books. We'll sing When We See Christ. But before we do that, we need to sing Happy Birthday to Adam. How old are you, buddy? 10 years old. All right. Yeah, he's already ready. He's standing up already. Take note, adults. All right. All right. We'll sing Happy Birthday to Adam. You ready? Here we go. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, God bless you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, buddy. All right, we'll sing song number 81. Of time the day seems long Our trials are hard to bear We're tempted to complain To murmur and despair But Christ will soon appear To catch his bride away All tears forever over In God's eternal day And will be worth it all When we see Jesus Life's trials will seem so small When we see Christ One glimpse of his dear face All sorrow will erase So bravely run the race Till we see Christ Some time the skies look dark With not a ray of light We're tossed and driven on No human help in sight But there is one in half Who knows our deepest care Let Jesus solve your problem Just go to him and pray It will be worth it all When we see Jesus Life's trials will seem so small When we see Christ One glimpse of his dear face All sorrow will erase So bravely run the race Till we see Christ Life's day will soon be o'er All storms forever past Were cross the great divide To glory safe at last We'll share the joys of Heav A harp, a home, a crown The tempter will be banished We'll lay our burden down It will be worth it all When we see Jesus Life's trials will seem so small When we see Christ One glimpse of his dear face All sorrow will erase So bravely run the race Till we see Christ All right, take your Bibles and turn to Proverbs chapter number 30. Proverbs chapter number 30 and we'll have brother Shane come in and read that for us. Proverbs chapter number 30. If you found your place, say amen. The words of Agar, the son of Jackie, Even the prophecy the man spake unto Ithiel, Even Ithiel and Yuko. Surely I am more brutish than any man And have not the understanding of a man. I neither learned wisdom nor have the knowledge of the holy. Who hath ascended up into heaven or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in his fist? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name? And what is the son's name if thou canst tell? God is pure. He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee And thou be found a liar. Two things have I required of thee. Deny me them, not before I die. Remove far from me vanity and lies. Give me neither Poverty nor riches. Feed me with food convenient for me. Lest I be full and deny thee and say, Who is the Lord? Lest I be poor and steal and take the name of my God in vain. Accuse not a servant unto his master, lest he curse thee And thou be found guilty. There is a generation that curses their father And doth not bless their mother. There is a generation That are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness. There is a generation, oh, how lofty are their eyes And their eyelids are lifted up. There is a generation Whose teeth are as swords and their jaw teeth as knives. To devour the poor from off the earth and the needy from among men. The horse leech hath two daughters Crying, Give, Give. There are three things that are never Satisfied. Yea, four things say not it is enough. The grave and the barren womb, the earth That is not filled with water and the fire that saith not It is enough. The eye that mocketh at his father and despiseth To obey his mother. The ravens of the valley shall Pluck it out and the young eagle shall eat it. There be three things which are too wonderful for me. Yea, Four which I know not. The way of an eagle in the air. The way of a serpent upon a rock. The way of a ship in the midst Of the sea. And the way of a man with a maid. Such is the Way of an adulterous woman. She eateth and wipeth her mouth and saith I have done no wickedness. For three things the earth is disquieted And for four which it cannot bear. For a servant when he reigneth and a fool when he is filled with meat. For an odious woman she is married and a handmaid that Is an heir to her mistress. There be four things which are little Upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise. The ants are A people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer. The conies are but a feeble folk, yet they make their houses In the rocks. The locusts have no king, yet they go forth All of them by bands. The spider taketh hold with her Hands and is in king's palaces. There be three things which go Well, yea, four are calmly in going. A lion which is Strongest among beasts and turneth not away for any. A greyhound and a he-goat also and a king Against whom there is no rising up. If thou hast done foolishly In lifting up thyself, or if thou hast thought evil, lay Thine hand upon thy mouth. Surely the churning of milk Bringeth forth butter, and the ringing of a nose bringeth forth blood. So the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife. Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, thank you today to be gathered in your house. I just pray you fill our pastor with your power and spirit. In Jesus' name, amen. So you're there in Proverbs chapter 30, and it is Mother's Day, and I do want to preach A sermon dealing with mothers, and I'm going to be preaching a sermon about Mothers raising the next generation. And there's a quote out there That I've heard many times, that the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that Rules the world. And that is true of the day is long. When it comes to Basically the influence, the need For good mothers. And whether mothers are Good or not, that's going to determine who rules the world later on. And so look at Proverbs chapter 30. Proverbs chapter 30 and verse 11 there This passage always sticks out to me because honestly It's like reading the newspaper when it comes to these Generation when it says there is a generation that's like These certain attributes. And we could point at our generation today And say that this is very much what's going on today. Verse 11 here it says, there is a generation that cursed their father and doth not bless Their mother. There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet Is not washed from their filthiness. There is a generation, oh how lofty are their Eyes and their eyelids are lifted up. There is a generation That use teeth as swords and their jaw teeth as knives To devour the poor from off the earth and the needy from among men. And so when I see this passage I think about the fact of What kind of generation are we living in today? There are different types of generations Throughout time. But know this is that there is nothing new under the sun. Back when this was written, we are talking thousands of years ago That they are stating all this information as far as there is a generation that Curses their father and doth not bless their mother. But yet we live in A generation where children are literally horrible to their parents. They curse their parents. They don't bless their mothers. And you say Well is it biblical to have a Mother's Day Where you are giving gifts to your mother? Well the Bible says that it's actually A bad thing if you are not blessing your mother. So I think it's actually a really good thing to have A day like Mother's Day or Father's Day. Typically because the nuclear family is being attacked today When it comes to the idea of a father and a mother In the home and taking care of the children And raising the children. And I just want to emphasize this When it comes to mothers, you have I mean obviously I'll get to Father's Day eventually when we get to Father's Day As far as the influence and the need for fathers. But let's Just be honest, the kids are attached to mama when they are young. And when the kids are young, that's when they are probably the most absorbent When it comes to information. And they are going to be around the mother And they are going to be around mom a lot more than dad. Especially if you are in a situation where, which is most of us at the churches Where I am at work all day and then the kids are With mom during the day. And the same thing with most Of the kids here is that they are going to be around mom More than dad. And then there are times when I am home and then we are both there. But mom doesn't just go off somewhere and Well, I mean that could happen I guess. You get home and then mom is like I am taking a break I'll see you in an hour. But that being said is that you are still Having that, then you have mother father time at the same time usually. But that's what I want to get into is the idea that we live in A wicked generation. And not to say like well this Is the only wicked generation we have ever had. It's been like this Since the beginning of time. But go to Matthew chapter 12 And I want you to see that in Jesus day he was stating That that generation was wicked. So you can say man I wish I had lived Back in these days. And Ecclesiastes kind of Talks about this as far as like being foolish to look back and be like Well that was the good old days. Because listen there is always a give and take When it comes to the good old days. Because you could say well back You know in these days that was the good old days. And if you went back to the 30's or you went back to the 40's I could show you things that were really bad back then. You know that you would say well I am glad we don't have that anymore. But I could definitely show you things that I wish it was Back like that day. Or even back in the 1800's and stuff Like that. But we live in this generation and The idea here is that we need to raise up A generation that loves the Lord. We need to raise up children that are going to love the Lord That are going to be basically vessels of truth And in a world where we have a bunch of wickedness We have a bunch of just a bunch of liars. A bunch of just Things that are out there. And the Bible talks about here where they are pure in their own Eyes. The idea of whatever they do That is what is right. When the Bible says there is a way which seemeth right Unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death. He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool. And the idea That this generation has and you are like what generation You are talking about. Well I am technically the millennial generation. Somehow I made it In there. I think it is like from 1981 to like in the 90's Or whatever. Who knows how they judge that. I was born in 85. So technically I am a millennial. My parents were the boomer generation And then you have these different generations and I think Each generation has its own issues. And the millennial generation Definitely has its issues. And generation Z or whatever That is coming up has its issues. But I think about The millennial generation is, I am 37 right. So when you think about That millennial generation that is kind of the generation Where we are in right now. Where people that are in their 30's You know late 20's, 30's, going into 40 That is the realm as far as the generation we are dealing with right now. And I see huge problems with what is going on. But I want you to just be reminded that in Jesus day there was What is considered a wicked generation. In Matthew chapter 12 verse 43 It is talking about this unclean spirit That would enter into a man. And if you think that that is not around today Then think again. The Bible definitely talks about there being devils and unclean spirits And all that. But I want you to notice here that it says in verse 43 When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and findeth none. Then he said I will return into my house from whence I came out When he has come he findeth it empty, swept and garnished Then goeth he and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself And they enter in and dwell there and the last State of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be Also unto this wicked generation. And that is kind of a warning shot to that generation because he is basically saying If you don't, like just this example here If someone were to cast out a devil from somebody when Jesus was there But they didn't get saved, right, and the Holy Ghost doesn't take up residence In there, then basically it could be worse later on And this is talking about knowing God, knowing the Holy Commandment and turning From it meaning that you know how to get saved, you know what you need to believe to be saved But then you are just like nah I don't want that. And that is what that generation was basically doing They knew the truth and the truth was literally walking in the flesh And showing them what they need to believe and they were rejecting it And he is saying the last state of this wicked generation is going to be worse than the first Meaning that it is wicked now and it is bad now but it is only going to get worse And so when you think about like ok we are in a wicked generation And we are in this like evil generation if you will We don't want it to get worse. If anything we need to turn it around And I know that you say well we are coming down to the end Of the times you know or it is the last days Yeah I do believe that it could happen in our days but what if it doesn't Do we just throw up our hands and be like alright we are done Nuts to trying to turn the world around and trying to turn our country to righteousness And you know I think about the fact that did anyone ever think That Roe vs. Wade would be overturned and that half our states in the US are going to ban Abortion. Now I have been preaching against abortion And how it is murder and that you know it is wicked and our country is going to be judged Because of that but if that happens do you understand That that is a win ok that is something where I Didn't think it was going to happen. Roe vs. Wade that was back in the 70's So I mean that was what 73 or something like that when that was That court case or whatever and so that was Way before I was born so some of you are like Well I was alive But that means so that was a long time In my eyes since I wasn't born yet so that is a long Time for that to be on the books and things being going downhill and babies being Aborted year after year after year after year and by the way it is 3,000 Year ok or 3,000 a day I am sorry 3,000 a day In America what is going on with abortion And you know what I don't believe that is an accident when it comes to That happening now that won't happen holistically in America So don't get your hopes up California and New York they are still going to Have a fast track to abortions and all that but I will say this you know what if our state is righteous And then the state next to it isn't then so be it And we can't obviously force you know we Can't change what these other states are going to do or whatever but You know what I think if you think about it the lawmakers that are in office That are going to pass the law to say ok it is banned That they had to have been raised in the mindset that Abortion is murder right that is something that is wicked We need to get rid of right so you have to think about that that Didn't just come to be right now that was in the works Meaning that there were parents that raised their children to realize The sanctity of life and that you know even if they don't believe That birth begins at conception they at least believe that that baby in the womb Is alive at some point right and that idea going down The line now there is other verses where it talks about and you don't have to turn there but In Matthew 16 and verse 4 it says a wicked and adulterous Generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given unto it but the sign Of the prophet Jonas and when it comes to that you think about Our generation which is like seeing is believing and unless you show me I'm not going to believe it but the Bible says we walk not by sight But by faith we walk by faith and not by sight and That by you know the just shall live by faith Ok so the idea here is that we shouldn't be seeking After like seeing something to believe it we should believe it because God says it You know the idea of so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God That's why we believe what we believe it's not because I saw Jesus in the flesh or that I saw the death thrown resurrection Personally it's the fact that that's what his word says I believe it and it's not by sight now Like I said there's other verses in Luke 11 29 it says that when the people Were gathered together or sick together he began to say this is An evil generation they seek a sign and there shall no sign Be given it but the sign of Jonas the prophet and what sign was that talking about That is Jonas or Jonah was three days and three nights In the wells belly so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth So what sign are they saying the only sign you're going to get the death thrown resurrection Essentially so you know what today you know what sign that God's going to give you the gospel ok the gospel Of Jesus Christ which is that Jesus died for our sins was buried and rose again the third day So that is the sign that's going to be given and the Bible Also talks about to save yourselves in Acts 2 40 It says save yourselves from this untoward generation which Untoward would mean like backward right you're not going toward You're going backward so we have a backward generation we have a wicked Generation we have an evil generation we have an adulterous generation That was back then but couldn't it be said about today And when you read Proverbs chapter 30 which is even before when Jesus was stating all that Wouldn't you say that there's a generation where they curse their father and doth not Bless their mother would you not say that that happens today on mass if not At least a little bit and then you think about The fact that there's a generation that are pure in their own eyes Think about the people that are online and people that are always you know And this is on both sides you know there's people that are Conservative that think they do no wrong but the idea is that everybody Just thinks that they are just completely pure and that you know whatever They say is right but it's based off their own thinking it's not based off An absolute truth which is the word of God and even Conservatives will state well you know these are these are absolute truths But they try to do without going to the Bible listen if you're not Using the word of God then it's not absolute okay because The word of God is the only thing that we know that's absolutely true That doesn't mean what they're saying isn't true but it doesn't hold the gravity That the Bible holds when it comes to an absolute truth okay you know Jesus says said that he is the way the truth and the life and You know Pilate even says what is truth right Pilate asked that question what is Truth but Jesus obviously knew what the truth is the word of God is truth Now go to Philippians chapter 2 And I'm kind of setting the stage Why do we need mothers to raise up a new To raise up the next generation what's the purpose here Here's the purpose we live in a wicked generation we need Good mothers to raise up children To raise up a generation that's not like what it states in Proverbs 30 And we need and you say well will that ever Happen here it doesn't really matter if you ever really have like This holistic generation that loves the Lord The idea is that that's what our job is as Christians And listen the majority is never usually what wins the Battle I mean in the Bible most of the time it's the minority but even in America's History it was what 3% of Americans that actually fought in the revolutionary war That won the war most people weren't even for it So when it comes to winning the battle You don't need the majority but you need that Tireless irate you know minority that's keen on setting brush Fires of freedom in the hearts and minds of men that's the type of Atmosphere that we need to be thinking about because you could look at our church and be like what is our church You know what is our church among so many When you think about the fact of if you have a small group Of people that love the Lord that are an example That example can set brush fires in the minds of other people And go to Philippians chapter 2 In verse 14 And here's the thing It starts with your children so I'm not asking you to go pick it You know like the supreme court or pick it You know like the courthouse and start screaming And protesting and all that stuff more power to the people that protest But you know what that's just not my thing I'm just not going to go out and do that I'm going to worry about My family I'm going to worry about this church and you know what That's where the hearts of men are going to be won through the saved Through the church house through preaching the gospel and changing The minds of men through the word of God not by me screaming You down basically this is what I believe When does that ever work that's like saying street preaching works or something When it comes to preaching the gospel another sermon for another day Philippians chapter 2 verse 14 says do all things without murmurings and disputings That you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke In the midst of a crooked and perverse nation Actually we're not supposed to be like this Violent you know like people that are out there just causing strife and contention With people actually the bible says if at all possible let us live peaceably With all men you know the idea is that we're trying to live peaceably If it's possible but we live in this crooked and perverse nation It says among whom you shine as lights in the world So remember Jesus says you know that we are the light of the world and we're supposed to shine As lights in the world but the question is how do you do it right do you just You know are you like a care bear that you just your stomach starts glowing You start shining around on everybody bad example That was probably the 80s that that was around I don't even know if they're around Anymore but no obviously the Bible actually Gives us an example of what we're supposed to do to shine that light it says in verse Verse 16 it says hold forth the word of life that may Rejoice in the day of Christ that have not run in vain neither labored in vain So how do you shine as lights holding forth the word of light Right God is light and in him is no darkness at all so if you're Holding forth the word of light you're holding forth the light Of God and that's what's supposed to shine now obviously if you're Saved then God indwells you and you are light because You're saved and God's dwelling inside of you but How do you do that well you do that by walking in the spirit And by keeping his commandments but how do you keep his commandments how do you even know what his commandments are By the word of God okay so that is what we're supposed to Do in this wicked world and we shine his light so that people see the light And say okay that that's the way we should go Okay whether it's getting saved which is obviously the first thing they should be doing Or whether it's okay that's actually the best way to go about like raising My children and that's the best way to go about how I do this or that And listen the one silver lining Of being in like a really wicked and perverse Nation or generation is that that light is more distinct When it's darker I mean think about if you were to shine a flashlight Outside right now you wouldn't say maybe it's the brightest That's ever been outside right now but you're not going to see that Light very well but if you were to go outside and it's Overcast night where you can't see the moon or stars and it's just completely pitch black Out there you're going to see that light a lot better so the silver lining To living in a perverse nation or a wicked world is the fact that That light just stands out so much more and so that people See oh there's a huge distinction between what the Bible says And what this world is saying and I see right now there's A paradigm shift when it comes to the way the world thinks today And when it comes to having children And when it comes to how you teach your children do you know that It was taboo I don't want to say really taboo but you were looked at as if you were Like going to go join a convent somewhere if you homeschooled your Children right you're just like you're homeschooling your children All right you know you the duggers you know like are you Mormon like you know like there's different things that people will kind of label you as Because you're like who does that because when I grew up most everybody I knew I went through public school right and You know most everybody I knew went through public school actually brother Matt Stuckey he was homeschooled but then he went into public school at the end Like in high school and so he was like the only one that I even knew that I was friends with that was homeschooled which kind of explains like That was homeschooled which kind of explains a lot I'm just kidding that could be a good thing he's very smart he's very intelligent I love brother Stuckey so he's doing great things out in the Philippines But all joking aside is that that was kind of a taboo subject when it came To homeschooling but now you see a paradigm shift Where people are actually like people that wouldn't even Claim to be fundamental baptists are saying you need to get your kids out of public school And I'm not here to rip on anybody that's in public school Or went to public school or has their kids in public school I'll say this though The public school that's today is nowhere Even close to what it was when I was a kid Like what they're pushing and it wasn't fantastic back when I was a kid But you know what public school when I was a kid wasn't the same As what it was when my parents went to school It was different when they went to school and it got worse and worse and worse And now we're at a point where it's not even a thought I just can't even think about them being in public school And that's a paradigm shift because of what's going on in the world Because of all the stuff that's being shoved down your throat Now go to Genesis chapter 30 in verse 1 This is a story with Jacob he has two wives which is not recommended But he married obviously he wanted to marry Rachel he got tricked into marrying Leah then he married both of them. Anyway Leah Ended up having four children and Rachel was barren She couldn't bear and so she noticed I want you to see her desire To have children and this is a big theme in the Bible When it comes to mothers the idea is that I believe this is An instinct if you will if that's a bad term I apologize but it's an instinct that women want to have children That that is just a desire that women have Obviously there's the exception that proves the rule right where there's a woman who's just like I don't want to have children I don't want anything to do with that okay but by and large women Want to have children okay and in Genesis chapter 30 in verse 1 Notice what it says here and when Rachel saw that she bear Jacob No children Rachel envied her sister and said unto Jacob Give me children or else I die so There's obviously marital problems going on here this is why you don't have more than one wife You know but the idea here is that she is at the point where She like literally wants to die if she can't have children And obviously Jacob kind of rebukes her like am I in God's stead you know what do you want me to do about It right this is probably a typical conversation between you know husband and wife If there's ever trouble having children and I don't want to Belittle that because that is something that some people Definitely struggle with and some people just can't have Children or they'll have a child but then they can't like they can't have any Children after that and a lot of people will ask me like are you going to stop You know you have four kids now are you going to stop I'm like well I'm not doing anything to Stop but I said at the same time Maybe God doesn't bless me with any more children I don't know maybe maybe maybe he closes the Womb you just don't know not everybody is going to have 19 kids and counting If they just kept going for kids you know there's a point sometimes where God just may just stop there and so But we need to have you know this attitude even though Rachel is being Unreasonable with Jacob because what's Jacob going to do like it's not like he Can control this right but at the same time you can understand The spirit and the heart that she wants to have children and God Blesses her and she ends up having Joseph and then she ends up having Benjamin As well and obviously tragically dies giving birth to Benjamin But that idea of children wanting children and that Children are not a parasite and you know what When it comes to this whole decision of Roe vs Wade and Seeing the parasites come out and Talk about how they are so livid That they can't kill their baby is Just astonishing to me like I know these people exist but at the same time They're now like very vocal about it go to Psalm 127 Psalm 127 and Instead of this idea like I need children or I want to die Like that's the right attitude even though it's kind of going extreme And you're kind of putting pressure on your husband that he can't do anything about that But that's kind of a normal attribute I think of a wife that You know and I'll say this most of the time when it comes to Not having more children it's usually the husband's choice To not have more children it's not usually the wife And so women just like to have children Now not the whole delivery process okay don't get me wrong I'm not saying they like the whole pregnancy and delivery process okay The end result of the child okay now in Psalm 127 Verse 3 let's just put this on the table children are a blessing Children are a blessing and not a parasite okay this is what the Left and all the liberals want you to think is that when you get pregnant you just have a parasite Inside your body and you're just a host to this parasite That's the language they use because what are they trying to do make it look like when they Have an abortion they're just getting rid of some parasite like a disease or something like that Whereas what the Bible teaches is that first of all Conception is a child at conception And you know because the virgin shall conceive And bear a son right a virgin shall conceive but then in New Testament It says a virgin shall be with child and so it's saying at Conception that's a child and what it says in Psalm 127 verse 3 it says Children are in heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his Reward as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man so are Children of the youth happy is the man that hath his quiver full of Them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate So children on the contrary should be Actually a blessing and something that you would want to have as much as you'd want to have Weapons of war for battle the idea If you were going to go to war would you want to have less arrows or more? I mean anybody that carries right you're like how much does that Gun what's the capacity of that magazine right? Or like it's you know mine's 10 well mine's 12 mine's 15 You know well I got a hundred round drum what do you think about that? You know like the idea is that you want more if you were to go into battle You know you obviously want to have more ammo than less okay And the idea is it's kind of likening that maybe because you're talking about the man And the men relate to that a lot more right as far as like Ammunition but the idea is happy is the man that hath His quiver full of them and I can't Imagine not having like one of my children You know once you have them it's almost like You can't imagine a world when they weren't there right it's kind of hard to To describe but the idea there is that you should Know that they're a blessing and not a parasite but I want to give you a dichotomy of the way there's women in the world that love Their children and would die for their children and then there's women in the world That don't care if they get completely just annihilated So these people exist go to 1 Kings chapter 3 1 Kings chapter 3 and verse 16 there's a story When Solomon first starts to reign and it kind of really proves Solomon's wisdom okay in 1 Kings chapter 3 And verse 16 there's a story Where there's these two harlots okay I know it's Mother's Day But we're going to talk about a couple of harlots here they end up having children Okay each one has children and they're like You know basically living in the same house together And let's just read the story here it says then came There two women that were harlots unto the king and stood before him The one woman said oh my lord I and this woman Dwell in one house and I was delivered of a child with her in the house and it came to pass The third day after that I was delivered that this woman was delivered also And we were together there was no stranger with us in the house Save we two in the house so get the picture Here you're dealing with single mothers right which when you deal with this abortion issue A lot of times it's dealing with people that are having children out of wedlock They're not married I'm not saying that's always the case but let's just put it on the bottom shelf That's mostly the case when it comes to abortions it's not because of rape It's not because of incest it's because of being you know Living in fornication and having children out of wedlock that's Typically the case and they just don't want to have the child because they Want to live their lascivious life essentially okay So that's what we're kind of dealing with here where you have these harlots which that's their Job and they both have children The woman's child died in the night because she overlaid it and she arose At midnight and took my son from beside me While thine handmaid slept and laid it in her bosom and I laid Her dead child in my bosom and when I rose in the morning To give my child suck behold it was dead But when I had considered it in the morning behold it was not my son which I Did bear and the other woman said nay but the living son is my son And the dead son is thy son or the dead is thy son and This said no but the dead is thy son and the living Is my son thus they spake before the king then Said the king the one said this is my son that liveth and thy Son is the dead and the other saith nay but thy son Is the dead and my son is the living okay so it's kind of this Conundrum where he's like how do I figure this out So this is where he's going to show his wisdom on how he figures out who's the real mother But I want you to see the different answers between these two women So what does Solomon do? Verse 24 says and the king said Bring me a sword and they brought him or brought a sword Before the king and the king said divide the living child in two and give half to The one and half to the other now I don't believe Solomon was actually going To do this okay I think he's just kind of he's obviously threatening it Because he wants to see what the response is okay that's kind of the whole story Here he's like what's the one woman going to say and what's the other woman going to say So then it says in verse 26 then spake the woman who's the living Child was unto the king for her vows yearned upon her son And she said oh my lord give her the living child And in no wise slay it okay so that Makes sense you know you'd rather your child be raised by someone else Than someone kill your child okay But then notice what the other says but the other said let it be neither mine nor Thine but divide it notice the callous Like attitude and just doesn't care Kill the child right And then it says then the king answered and said give her the living child Talking about the woman that he obviously knows is the first woman There and no wise slay it for she is the mother Thereup so obviously everybody wondered at his wisdom like man He figured that out and how you know like how he had that wisdom to Understand like the idea of like how do you pull out the emotions of the true mother Is to threaten to kill the child and like give them each half Of the child and but this is the attitude That a lot of mothers have with their own children in the womb They say divide it because They'd rather the child be cut in pieces than to actually raise that child Or even give the child up for adoption I mean this other mother at least Would have rather her child been given up to adoption if you will Than the child die see how there's two different types Of thinking in the world one is wicked as hell To think that you should just cut up a child and kill a child In the womb or outside the womb which is now on the docket Which by the way has been there since Obama Was a senator and he voted against The bill that basically said that if a child is born During an abortion and born alive and is still Alive the bill says you have to give medical attention to that child You can't just let it die he voted against it And said no just let the child die that's been going on Since Obama was a senator before he was ever president Now there are literally states that are trying to pass a bill where you can kill a child Days after they've been born months Just straight up murdering a child That's the world we live in and so why do we need good mothers You need mothers like that mother that would rather their child live in someone else's house At least that they're alive than the mother that says you know what just cut it up It's neither mine or thine That's the attitude of the world today You'll see like these women and man that verse where it talks about As a jewel and a swine snout So is a fair woman without discretion That verse right there is when I see all these Beautiful looking women I'm going to use that term loosely But on the outside they look fair they look beautiful but then Out of their mouth they say well I got a parasite inside of me and you know what I think they should be able to kill that in the womb Outside the womb and you know what we have the right As women to do what we want with that child And they'll even admit sometimes that it's a child they'll even admit that it's alive They'll even admit that they're killing that child but they'll say well It's attached to me therefore I have the right to kill it That's the world we live in today where you have a bunch of people like that And you know what there's no beauty that that person could have That woman could be Helen of Troy Which I don't know if she was really that beautiful or not So they tell me right She could be that beautiful but you know what she looks like a pig with a jewel in her snout When she says stuff like that Just makes me want to vomit I wouldn't want to touch her with a ten foot pole if I was in the dating world And by the way I thank God I'm not in the dating world right now I'm not like trying to find you know like a spouse or whatever I'm just like good luck in the world we live in Now I'm not saying it's impossible okay this is why you should get in a good church And you should be around believers and find people that are like-minded But man nowadays you got to worry about whether you're going on a date with a man or not And it's a legitimate concern That had nothing to do with Mother's Day sermon right there It's something I think back on and I'm glad I don't have to deal with Go to 1 Samuel chapter 1 So I just want to give you some mother examples here And what you're dealing with in the world and why we need mothers To raise their children for the Lord Because you need to have that compassion like that woman did that says you know what I just want my child to live So if you are the one raising that child or not that child just survives And not be like the other woman that just Is completely callous to that because here's the thing though I want you to think about this you say well she was just talking about someone else's child Let me ask you a question if you saw a baby walk in here I guess a baby wouldn't be walking in here You saw a baby and there's plenty in this church building Who here would not fight For that child not to be killed by somebody Who here would at least be grieved if that child were to die And it's not your child Listen I don't worry about my wife and I having abortions Because we're not going to do it But I do worry about the children that are being slaughtered by other people that are doing it though So you can say well you know Of course she was callous because it's not her child that's still callous Right that's still like a wicked Heart to think that you would just rather this other child die just because yours died And you know what God forbid If one of my children were to pass away I would never Wish that upon anybody in here Just because I'd be like well you know if mine dies then yours should die That's the attitude and it's just this idea of lacking any type of Compassion or empathy now in 1 Samuel chapter 1 This is dealing with Hannah where she prayed she was kind of like Rachel where she was barren and it's kind of the same situation a little bit But in verse 20 it says wherefore it came to pass that when the time Was come about after Hannah had to conceive that she Will bear a son and call his name Samuel saying because I have asked Him of the Lord now this is a story where she comes in and prays Eli Thinks she's drunk she's not and basically She leaves and Eli says that basically she's going to have a son But she's stating that I'm going to lend him to the Lord if I have a son if you actually Give me a child I will lend him to the Lord and this is what happens in verse 24 it says and when she had weaned him she took him up With her with three bullocks one ephah of flour and A bottle of wine and brought him unto the house of the Lord in Shiloh and the child Was young and they slew a bullock and brought the child to Eli and she Said oh my Lord as I so liveth my Lord I am the woman That stood by thee here praying unto the Lord for this child I prayed And the Lord had given me my petition which I asked of him Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord As long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord and he worshipped the Lord There now this is a special case where he actually is living At the house of God and she literally lends him to the Lord so to speak so I'm not saying that this is not this is not saying that give me All your children and we're going to raise them here at the church building okay but You can think about this though where does he go he goes to the house of the Lord well It talks about how the church of God is The house of God right the house it says you know that thou mayest know how to behave Thyself in the house of God which is the church of the living God so from a very Young age I believe we should be taking our children to The house of the Lord and that they should be worshipping the Lord There okay I'm not saying to just drop them off okay you should be There too but this is why we believe in a family integrated Church okay meaning this is that the children are in the church as much As possible obviously we have a mother baby room because it's just not Possible sometimes to have the little ones in here during the Church service but they can still hear the service hopefully and they can still You know at least hear the sermon later on when they listen to It online but the idea is that we have as many children and young People in the church so that they hear the word of God from a young age and that They know the Lord from a young age because that is the next generation You know this is our generation right now you know as far as my generation Where we are taking up the mantle to do what needs to be done and When it comes to living for the Lord and going out not to say that the older generation Needs to stop it's just stating that we are picking up the mantle it's our time To take the lead take charge do what needs to be done And you know what when it comes to raising children this is the generation we're Raising up the children right now and we need to know that that is the next Generation and I want that generation I want my Children to love the Lord more than I do I want your children To love the Lord more than you do I want them to do greater Things for God and I want it to be that because we're multiplying That that will just go out into the world and be more effective than we are right now Okay and that's the idea mothers that you have to understand is that What you do now will affect maybe 20 Years from now what goes on in this world You know you rocking your baby to sleep reading a big red barn You know or good night moon to your little One and showing that child that compassion that love You know reading them the bible and feeding them taking care of them Clothing them teaching them that stuff that you do very early Is going to affect who they're going to be later on and know this Is that you have more time with the children than us men do and There's obviously a place for fathers okay the big place for fathers And I'm not saying to say that fathers don't teach or the fathers don't Read the big red barn and you know read the children's books and Put them to bed and all these different things but listen mothers you're there more than we Are and that needs to be known how about one of the most Famous proverbs in the book of proverbs is a prophecy Or a preaching of a woman a mother Okay go to proverbs 31 proverbs 31 and verse 1 Proverbs 31 and verse 1 And in proverbs 1 And verse 8 it says my son hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not The law of thy mother the idea of not forsaking the law of thy Mother is mentioned twice in the book of proverbs and You know what that's something that children are going to hold on to is the stuff that their Mothers taught them that you know whether and it doesn't necessarily Have to be words it could just be what they taught them by what they do how they Treated them how they loved them you know all those things are going to Play a factor but in this case king Lamuel's mother Taught him some really good stuff okay now We usually think of this passage because the virtuous woman but look at the first portion of this It says in verse 1 the words of king Lamuel the prophecy That his mother taught him so what's going to be stated from here On out is what his mother said okay It says what my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my Vows give not thy strength unto women nor Thy ways to that which destroyeth kings it is not for kings O Lamuel it is not for kings to drink wine nor for princes strong drink Lest they drink and forget the law and pervert the judgment of any Of the afflicted give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and Wine unto those that be of heavy hearts let him drink and forget his poverty and Remember his misery no more open thy mouth for the dumb and the cause Of all such as are appointed to destruction open thy mouth Judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor And needy I want you to think about this especially in the climate And especially what I'm talking about in this sermon is kind of coming a little Bit too about certain events that have just happened with this Roe vs Wade and the abortion issue and all that that his Mother taught him this notice one of the things that she taught him in verse 8 Open thy mouth for the dumb and the cause of all such as are Appointed to destruction what does it mean to be dumb It means you can't speak okay it's not talking about being like Smart it's talking about not being able to speak the children In the womb and now the children that are born out of the womb That are being basically appointed to destruction They can't speak for themselves So you know what that mother taught King Lemuel That you speak for them that you open your mouth For them you say well you're a man You can't speak for that I will speak for that and every man will speak for that You know what if all the men in this country were to stand up and speak for that it wouldn't be going on Right now and listen the women Are speaking up too but we shouldn't be putting that on the women we should have never put that On the women to be the ones to determine whether babies are being murdered Or not that should be the men that stand up and say that you're like you don't Have a womb I don't care if I don't have a womb I have the word of God That says that it's wicked to shed innocent blood I have the word of God that says murder Is a sin and should be punished with a death penalty So that portion there and he does Then she does get into women what women should be like And so obviously for his sake as far as finding a wife and finding a virtuous woman to marry But in this passage men you can look at that first portion there and be like This is what I should be like and then the next portion women you should be looking at that And saying hey I want to be like this virtuous woman Because you fear the Lord you know The Lord shall be praised you know like those type of things and all those attributes Those are things that you should be trying to emulate When it comes to your children the idea here is that You should be the ones teaching them go to Deuteronomy chapter 6 And this kind of gets into homeschooling a little bit here It's funny you know I went to public school but there was things that my parents had to teach me Because the public school couldn't do it I still remember being In like fifth grade and my dad had to teach me like math because like the math Teacher well the teacher that was just was horrible at math Okay was horrible at math and couldn't teach it And then my dad was literally after school having to teach me math And you know all that so it's funny how that Kind of works like well you know your parents won't be you know your parents aren't qualified or Maybe you're not qualified yeah my parents weren't qualified you know When my mom was a nurse and my dad was a biotechnician at the hospital he just wasn't qualified To do that and listen you don't have to be like an engineer Or you know a doctor or a mathematician To teach math you don't have to be an English teacher to teach English And the idea that and you say well I Don't know the subject well learn the subject you know maybe you'll learn it together with your children right You don't start off usually in high school okay when you're dealing with like Doing essays and and theses you know for Work or whatever you're starting off with like reading hop on pop or something like that And teaching your children that type of stuff you're starting off small work your way up Now in Deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 4 it says here The Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart And with all thy soul and with all thy might and these words which I command thee This day shall be in thine heart and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy Children and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when Thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest Up and thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand And they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes and thou shalt write them Upon the post of thy house and on thy gate you may ask yourself you're like well this is talking about the word of God Obviously we as parents and mothers should be teaching the word of God but You know what when when thou walkest by the way and when they're in their house Let me ask you this if your children aren't there because they're in public school or you're not there Because you're out you know working while they're at public school how are you going to do that Because that's the question is like well it's just talking about the word of God Let's say for sake of argument just talking about the word of God then how are you going to do that Okay and when it comes to teaching other things other than the Bible I believe that's very important math reading you know even history Different things that you know what we need to teach our children And go to go to Proverbs chapter 6 Proverbs chapter 6 Dealing with that forsake not the law thy mother And this isn't a whole sermon on why you should home school your children All I'm saying with this is that in the end we want our children to have the best education they can If the best education is not going to be with me and my wife then I want them to get it somehow Okay the best education that they can get But when it comes to the education system even if they're really good at teaching math and writing and reading But then they're teaching them all this wickedness on top of that and they're mixing that into it Then I'm just not going to put up with that You say well you can tell them what's right Yeah I can tell them what's right but you know what There's going to be this clash constantly with the world and at the age of what my six year old That she's going to have to understand like hey what they're teaching you about the fags in school Is not what the Bible teaches on that What they're teaching you about humanism, what they're teaching you about communism What they're teaching you about economics Not that they're going to be teaching that at six Okay that might be a little extreme But what they're teaching you about this stuff and you say well they're not teaching that stuff when they're that young Well they had to pass a bill in Florida saying that they can't talk about that stuff from kindergarten up to third grade If they had to make a bill to stop people from doing it then they must have been doing it So and Florida's not exactly a bastion of liberal people Meaning that I would say it's a pretty conservative state But yet they have problems there So I'm not going to put up with my family and I'm just warning And if you come out of the sermon and say you know what I'm putting my kids in public school I'm not going to you know worry about that That's fine and here's the thing I turned out okay hopefully You know like it's not like I'm saying like you're going to go into public school and you're going to get eaten alive and you're going to come out wicked Okay all I'm saying is that you're taking a big chance with it And there's a lot of dangers with it Okay now when you get older That's a different story when you become an adult and you know There's differences between that and you know putting yourself into the world and what people are saying and having to discern between good and evil But in Proverbs 6 and verse 20 it says My son keep thy father's commandment and forsake not the law of thy mother Bind them continually upon thy heart and tie them about thy neck When thou goest it shall leave thee When thou sleepest it shall keep thee And when thou awakest it shall talk with thee For the commandment is a lamp and the law is light And reproofs are instructions all the way of light I'm sorry are the way of light To keep thee from the evil woman from the flattering of the tongue of a strange woman So when you're talking about this obviously you could link this to the word of God But it does say forsake not the law of thy mother So you think about the things that your mother teaches you How you're supposed to keep that with you when you're going your way When you're sleeping when you get up when you're awake Right the idea is that wherever you're going you're kind of keeping that with you And the more a mother can be around their children teaching them what they should be taught Because I'll say this the mother is going to have the best interest for that child more than anybody outside the home Okay obviously the father is going to be in that equation too But I'm just saying that the mother is going to be teaching your children so that they don't get into trouble That they know what's right They have the best interest of the children If you think that the government has the best interest for any of us Then you haven't done your taxes You haven't been out in the real world The government does not have your best interest at heart Politicians don't have your best interest at heart They have their interest at heart And I don't care who you're talking about when it comes to a politician I don't trust any of them There may be a rogue good one out there somewhere That has good intentions and that's fine But you know what I don't trust any of them Now when it comes to the Bible You know obviously the Bible talks about The idea of meditating upon the law and the word of God And that you'll have good success And go to Psalm 1 Psalm 1, the idea of knowing the Bible, knowing the word of God And here's the thing though You say well that's the word of God, what about things that are in the world Well the Bible has a lot of things that are just applicable to the world And it's always interesting to see things that are just things that you see out in the world all the time For example, prepare that I work without in the field And then go and build The idea of prefabrication construction That's something that's done all the time today But that simple idea that's just a It's not like some spiritual truth about how you get saved Or how you win people to Christ It's the idea, although you can use it for that And apply it spiritually But just in the physical manner It's talking about how you construct things And doing it faster and more efficient Things like that are all throughout the Bible And you're going to find out how to interact with people How about the social communications How about a soft answer turneth away wrath Knowing that in the workplace will save you a lot of heart aches When someone's just like coming down your throat And you just want to come right back at them But you know that verse and you're like oh well And you give them back a soft answer And be like well I'm sorry if I did something that you didn't like there And then it de-escalates the situation Little things like that That the Bible will just help with your career Help with your work Psalm 1 verse 1 it says Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly Nor standeth in the way of sinners Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful But his delight is in the law of the Lord And in his law doth he meditate day and night And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water And bringeth forth his fruit and his season His leaf also shall not wither And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper So the idea of having the word of God But notice that it talks about Not walking in the counsel of the ungodly Nor standing in the way of sinners Or sitting in the seat of the scornful That is something that your parents are going to be telling you Over and over and over again Now the Bible will back that up But it's something that your mother is going to be telling you Is that you don't go out with that crowd You don't sit with that crowd You don't walk with that crowd You don't stand with that crowd You don't want to be associated with that crowd Just being associated with a bunch of drag addicts Get you put in prison just guilty by association Walking with that crowd and sitting with that crowd Is going to make you like that crowd And that's something that your mother will teach you as you grow up The idea of keeping you in the right crowd You don't want to be with that guy You see, and mothers probably pick up on this a lot When it comes to like you're hanging out with this guy This friend over here or whatever And then they see that situation As far as they have that wisdom To kind of see something that you as a child don't see at all And that idea of just kind of holding that back And holding your children away from those situations We need to have our children see the world for what it is But we don't need to throw them to the wolves When it comes to you say Are you going to keep your kids in a cage You're not going to see anything I take my kids out soloing with me And they see alcohol for what it is They see the drunk coming to the door That smells like urine and feces And the environment that they live in And that's what they perceive it to be Instead of what the world says it is And they'll see where they're going up to the door And it's just a woman with a child But then there's no father And they'll be like, yeah And sometimes there's tragedies, don't get me wrong Where the father passed away unfortunately But they'll see, oh okay, not everybody has a mother and father in the house And it's not just because of a tragedy It's because they weren't doing what they should be doing They see it for what it is So I'm not saying shield them from what the world is I'm saying you need to basically Be the shield from them being corrupted by the world though Okay Because they'll see it for what it is It's like when my children ask me They ask me, why don't you put it in some public school or whatever And I said, well one thing, they teach evolution And they're like, what's evolution? Okay And I said, well it basically teaches that we come from monkeys Okay, simplified it And they just died laughing They're just like, what? Monkeys? Yeah, like orangutans, you know, or Chimpanzees, I forget which one they say we're closer to or whatever It's like yeah, they pretty much say we come from a rock But then it goes into being a monkey And then we evolve from monkeys And uh Now, let me say this They obviously thought that was ridiculous and silly But if they went through the school system You know what that's going to look like? That's a serious argument Well look at all this evidence That's not really evidence But they'll say, well millions of years have gone by All this stuff and we have just slowly evolved From Bessie the cow that was wading in water To the chimpanzees that you see today To what we are now And you know what? When you read the bible you know that hey, no, God created us in his image And that in the beginning he created us male and female And that that's the beginning When someone comes by and says, no, we evolved from monkeys You're going to laugh at it Now, I want my kids to know why it's dumb I want them to study and know why evolution is completely false And why it's ridiculous to think that We evolved from millions of years ago From monkeys and from whatever Lizards and everything else that they say we're all connected to That that is ridiculous Has no foundation in science Has no foundation in logic That the bible is actually true I want them to figure that out later on But I'm not going to feed them to the wolves And say, hey, you know, just dive into this garbage of evolution At 6 years old Or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 When you're 18, 20 years old, okay You know, listen to whatever lecture you want on evolution But you're going to at least have a little more idea of like logic and understanding Before you get to that point Now, the last thing I want to mention here Just really quick Is the big thing I think And I'm speaking for mothers, but I'm not a mother Okay, so when I speak to you, I'm speaking more as a father The biggest concern I have Is my children leaving the home And then being prepared for life After the home, okay That's my biggest concern So, at my home, my girls Will be with me until they get married Period They could be 30 years old, they could be 40 years old They'll be with me, I'm going to take care of them until they get married That's my policy So, they don't need to be worrying about getting a job Or getting a career or anything like that My son, on the other hand Not so My son, I'm going to be I'm going to be, you know, basically Getting prepared to get into a career So that he can provide And get, you know, married and provide for his family And go that route There's two different routes I'm looking at with my children But with both of them I don't want their education to stop With what we would consider like What is that, secondary education Where it's like high school or whatever Whatever they call that Where you get out of high school, right And home school, whatever that's called You know, when you're past that point I don't want my girls to stop learning at that point And I definitely don't want my son to stop learning at that point And the idea that I want to get across here I'm for higher education Now, before you crucify me with that one Let me tell you what I mean by that Okay, I'm for Learning and school And learning things after you get out of the home Or after you get out of high school When it comes to that Now, when it comes to our realm of thinking When it comes to, you know, we're a new IFB You know, and that thinking And IFB in general as far as like blue collar jobs And how that's a great job to have And it is, okay Cause in the world, when I went through high school It was like, you're either in a STEM field Or you're a loser, right Like, you know, you want to be a carpenter Oh, you want to do that You want to paint things Like, they frown on that stuff So, okay, so I'm not that Okay, I think that's great And that's a field to go into When it comes to that And a lot of people are going to excel at that And that's great And I'm all for that But I don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater Because there are fields Where you can go to college Or go to a higher education Or take classes to where you could get An engineering degree You could be a doctor You could be a lawyer God forbid But, you know, we need a good lawyer out there Every once in a while Other fields that would take a higher education Okay, now This is just my personal view on this But I want to give you a couple people In the Bible that are Christians That had a degree that was higher than that Go to Colossians chapter 4 Colossians chapter 4 And the only reason I want to say this is that With the boys Or with our sons I don't want to just cut off A whole avenue of realms Of possibilities, okay I'm not going to be pushing my son To college, okay, I'm not going to be saying like Listen, you need to do what I do I'm a structural engineer, you need to be a structural engineer And you need to pick it up after my footsteps I'm not going to do that, okay What I'm going to do is I'm going to see What he likes, what his interests are And if that's being a mechanic Great, if that's being A carpenter, great If that's being, you know Those type of fields, that's great Listen, you can make bank in those fields And you can provide, but here's the thing I want to hold this I want my son To have a job that pays well Okay, and that should be our desire For everybody when it comes to our children I want my son I hope he makes more money than I do Okay, not to be a rich man I'm not saying to desire to be rich Or like to put that on them to be rich But I want them to basically Be able to provide and all that And when it comes to higher education That means you need to cross out underwater basket weaving Something not to worry about Okay, that means That a lot of these Most of these degrees that are out there Are worthless They're as worthless as the paper that they're printed on Okay, but don't Throw the baby out with the bathwater Okay, and at least this Don't condemn people that have A higher education Okay, I'm not Condemning people that just get You know, go into the technical field Go into the What is it What is that called, vocational Like vocational schools, different things like that I think that's great, and I think that more people Should be going into that Because the reason we have all the debt in school Right now, in the school debt, is because people are going In the fields they shouldn't be going into Okay, not everybody should be an engineer Not everybody should be a doctor, not everybody should be a lawyer If we could get rid of lawyers That'd be great, but we live in a world of lawyers And I guess we've got to deal with that But let me show you You know, Luke, for example Not brother Luke, but Luke In the Bible is a physician Okay, and it says in Luke Not Luke, in Colossians 4.14 it says Luke, the beloved physician, indeed must greet you In Titus 3.13 it says Bring Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently That nothing be wanting unto them Being a soldier isn't Something either that, you know John the Baptist says, you know Be content with thy wages and do violence with no man He doesn't say, stop being a soldier There's a lot of careers And I just want to put this out here, okay That when it comes to If you want to have good doctors And you want to have doctors that aren't Trying to force vaccinations Then maybe we need some more Christian doctors Just a thought But I'll say this, you're not going to be a doctor Unless you go through the schooling Okay, this is the world we live in If you have to go through the schooling You have to take all the tests, you have to do all that You got to put in the work to do it Now, when it comes to that There's going to be courses that are out there that are going to be Bad courses and they're going to be like liberal Garbage, okay But I'm not putting my six year old into that course Does that make sense? Once you get to that point, once my son gets to the point where Let's say he wants to be a doctor Okay Then I'm going to basically I should have raised him At that point, to the point where He goes into a class and they're teaching about monkeys And then evolving into People, that he's going to be like No, that's dumb By the way, I went through college And I just got saved going into college And I just learned about this whole evolution Thing, literally while I was in college And I heard all that stuff and I thought it was A whole bunch of garbage, just like that Because the truth is powerful But if you teach someone from a very Young age that's all garbage and you show them This guy's garbage, then when they get to that point At that point they should be like no, that's That's nothing And maybe this should be a sermon for another day When it comes to this, but mothers And this is totally up to you I'm your pastor, I'm not Lording over your family I'm not saying what to do or what not to do I'm just saying that When it comes to this, I don't I don't personally Think that college is Inherently evil Okay I'm glad I got my degree I liked what I do It didn't stop there I had to work under an engineer for four Years, I had to take another test I had to take a test before I graduated I had to take a test when I got my professional license And that is higher education As in continuing learning Some of you are learning to be like electricians And you have to do like journeyman stuff And you have to do like these tests to get That electrician's license All I'm saying with that is that We should try to do that early Right, so that You know, we're not doing that It'd be like trying to be a doctor I want to be a doctor right now, I'm going to go to school right now Got four kids, trying to support my family Not going to be something you're going to probably do Okay, that's why I'm saying that with our children We need to kind of like at least Show them the options And listen, fathers and mothers This is up to you And I'm not going to force any of this My kids will be all blue collar Or if you say my kids are all going to be white collar And they're all going to go in the stem fields And they're not going to do the blue collar stuff That's your choice But what I'm saying is that I'm not against either side I'm just saying that some people May like the white collar Can handle the study to get up to that point And others just like The other point, maybe they want to start a business And they want to be in that realm Right, you know I think that we need to not Demonize either side But in both sides There are some that you would say I don't want you doing that son Right, in the blue collar realm Or I don't want you to do this over in the white collar realm And I don't want you to waste your money In the end when it comes to any type of higher education If you put money into getting Any type of thing for your career It better pay itself off You should not be getting A hundred thousand dollar degree And underwater basket weaving And then have to have this debt For the rest of your life because You put it into something like that And I know that I believe Mothers want the best for their children And for them to go out And to raise that next generation If we're going to have a great generation Down the road Then we need to prepare our children for that So let's end with a word of prayer Thank you for your word And pray that you be with us as we Have fellowship with the baptism As we come back with the soul winning And Lord we just pray that you'd Be glorified in everything that we do in Jesus Christ's name Amen. So brother able to sing one more song And then we'll go Immediately back to the Baptistry if we want so if you want to stick around for that And Josiah will get ready If he's got clothes he's Wanting to get wet in or if he's wanting to get wet in that We'll figure that out so Alright take your song books And turn to song number 86 Song number 86 In your song books And if you would stand We'll sing In the garden song number 86 I come to the garden Alone While the dew Is still on the Roses And the Voice I hear Falling on my ear The Son Of God Discloses And He walks With me And he talks With me