(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, we're finishing up our study through the book of Matthew and so we're ending on a high note because this is the best news of the whole Bible is the resurrection of Jesus Christ and like I said with the Wednesday nights we're just going to roll right into the book of Acts. So we're just going to kind of continue on with the story so to speak with the apostles and just all the acts that follow this but the one thing that I want you to see first of all that we see with what happens when Jesus raises from the dead or when the tomb is opened is we see this earthquake and it's kind of interesting and just when earthquakes happen in the Bible and just kind of correlating that and this isn't a whole sermon on that but we see an earthquake in chapter 28 but notice back in chapter 27 and verse 50 that the moment Jesus died there was an earthquake and the moment that Jesus rises from the dead there's an earthquake so it's kind of like just the start and finish of what he was doing there's you know there's earthquakes in that and Matthew 27 verse 50 it says Jesus when he had cried again with a loud voice yielded up the ghost and behold the veil of the temple was rent and twain from the top to the bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks rent and so we see that earthquake that happens the moment that he dies well in Matthew 28 verse 1 it says in the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher and behold there was a great earthquake for the angel Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it so when that stone was rolled back and the angel Lord came down to do that there was this great earthquake right it says the earth did quake when that happened so it's just interesting how that how you know just the power when he dies the power when he rose from the dead and this is something that's actually very interesting when you look at Revelation and the day of the Lord go to Revelation chapter 6 I'm just going to touch on this but did you know there's going to be an earthquake right before Jesus comes back the second time so it's kind of like his I mean you think about the the Lord's entrance or his presence you know there's there's always this earthquake because and I'm going to show you that think about this because I'll read you're in in Revelation 6 but it says in the name 1 5 the mountains quake at him and the hills melt and the earth is burned at his presence yea the world and all that dwell therein so you kind of think about the presence of the Lord there and what happened when the earth quaked and the the rocks rent and all that when Jesus died on the cross remember that centurion said truly this was the son of God just like you just barely this guy this that man was the son of God he was God in the flesh and but in Revelation chapter 6 verse 12 it says and I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood and we know this from Matthew 24 Mark 13 that immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and notice in verse 17 at the end of the chapter there in chapter 6 it says for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand and so there's that how the day of the Lord there's this great earthquake and it's interesting too in this I don't have this in my notes but in revelations 8 the same day when he starts to pour out his wrath there's a great earthquake and what's it what ends the wrath a massive earthquake actually there's an earthquake that ends the second woe and then there's an earthquake that ends the third woe so there's a lot of earthquakes there's a lot of you know but you think about the wrath of God and the presence of the Lord just basically that the mountains melt at him you know when he when he comes and so I just thought that was interesting on how there's an earthquake when he died and then there's an earthquake right when he rose from the dead and you may ask yourself well it doesn't say like exactly when he rose from dead well it does say in Mark that he rose early the first day of the week okay so it's very clear that that's when he rose and I believe that's when he rose is when this rock or this stone was rolled away and when this happened the women weren't there okay I'm going to show you that the women weren't there when the stone was rolled away because we're going to see that it was already rolled away when they got there but the keepers were there okay so that's what it gives us this information actually Matthew is really the only place where we see this the information about what was going on when the keepers were there okay and so in Matthew 28 and verse 3 it says his countenance so we're talking about the angel of the Lord that's sitting upon the the stone that was rolled away right it says his countenance was like lightning and it and his raiment white as snow and for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead men so you know this this completely just petrified these these keepers so imagine they're there when this happens when this great earthquake happens the stones rolled away and now they see this this angel Lord sitting upon the stone and they were just you know they fell as dead men you know and we see this a lot you know with visions and stuff like that where people can't stand and we saw that with John in Revelation we see that with Daniel obviously with those visions and everything but obviously they were completely petrified but just to show you you know go to Mark chapter 16 that that those see we see at the beginning of Matthew 28 that Mary Magdalene and Mary are coming to the sepulcher so you may wonder were they there when this happened but in other places like Mark 16 it's very clear that when they got there the stone was already rolled away okay so they weren't there for that event that happened but in Mark 16 verse 2 it says and very early in the morning the first day of the week they came on to the sepulcher at the rising of the Sun now in other places I just wanna mention this other places it says they went out when it was yet dark okay so what I believe happened is that basically right at dawn is when that stone was rolled away it was like right at dawn at the cock crowing if you will you know because it's showing us that you know they were basically going to the sepulcher when it was yet dark but then it keeps saying at the rising of the Sun or when it was beginning to dawn so I mean we're talking right when dawn was happening and I believe that's when he rose from the dead is at dawn on that first day of the week and so but going off from there it says and they said among themselves who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulcher and when they looked they saw that the stone was rolled away for it was very great and entering into the sepulcher they saw a young man sitting on the right side clothed in a long white garment and they were affrighted so notice that when it got there they saw that the stone was rolled away okay so it had already been rolled away and now they just see this young man sitting on the right side and so what we see though is that that young man is the same as the angel okay because this young man is gonna say the exact same thing in Mark 16 that the angel says in Matthew 28 okay and you say well which one is it is it a young man or is it an angel both okay so basically angels like Gabriel and Michael they look like men they can look like men okay so sometimes you'll see him like a man you know and and you know stuff like that so but also if there are angels you know as far as revelation is concerned there are those that are called angels that are actually old test you know like saints that have already died that are messengers and showing visions to to john because if you remember in revelation he starts to bow down to this angel that's showing them this vision he says see thou do it not i'm one of your brethren i'm one of the prophets you know basically um saying he's not he's not an angelic being he's uh you know he's a saved person okay because angel just means messenger okay and that's exactly what they're doing here but um but it just shows you that hey this angel looks like a young man so it's showing us that when they saw this angel it didn't look like the cherubims that ezekiel saw at the river kebar okay so um they're just seeing it looks like a person sitting there okay now um going on to matthew 28 where we see what the angel says to that to them when they get there in verse five it says the angel answered and said unto the woman or unto the women fear not ye for i know that you seek jesus which was crucified he is not here for he is risen as he said come see the place where the lord lay so that's one of the most profound statements in the whole bible is that he is not here he is risen as he said and um i love that it's it's present it's not saying he was risen because when it says he is risen that's showing you that this is something that's perpetual this isn't something that's going to change you know he is risen now he's i mean even today he is risen and you know this isn't something like well he rose and then you know he died again or something like that no he's still risen from the dead and he'll always be risen from the dead because the bible says that he said i am he that liveth and was dead behold i'm alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death so um this is the great victory right here this is what pays for our sins because obviously the cross and him become being made sin for us is how he's going to purchase our sins but if it wasn't for the resurrection we're getting our sins you know the resurrection is very important and so this is what separates christianity from every religion in the world because no other religion has a prophet that actually raised from the dead and that's still alive okay and so uh this is a very important uh thing obviously this is our salvation's banking on it but you know when it comes to this we always have to point out too especially when we're out soul winning that this is a bodily resurrection okay this isn't just some spiritual resurrection you say why are you bringing that because the johoba witnesses don't believe that that jesus had a bodily resurrection and in luke go to luke chapter 24 i'm going to show you a place where you can really just just nail them to the wall with this on the fact that it's uh it's a physical bodily resurrection and not just a spiritual resurrection now they got a whole bunch of different crazy views too but uh but this is the obviously a damnable one to say that jesus didn't physically raise from the dead that is the resurrection we're not talking about listen people in the old testament and all that they all they all spiritually resurrected so to speak because they're all in heaven but actually happened the moment they believed you know the moment you believed you were buried with him in death and you're raised with him and newness of life spiritually so that happens the moment you believe and then you're just to be asked from the body to be present with the lord when you die right and so uh but anyway in uh in luke chapter 24 and verse 36 it says this it says and as they thus spake jesus himself stood in the midst of them and set them to them peace be unto you but they were terrified and afraid and supposed that he had been a spirit or had seen a spirit so this is perfect you know they're literally saying you know they they're thinking me as a spirit and isn't this what the johoba witnesses say they're just like oh you know it's just a spiritual resurrection okay well let's see what jesus has to say about that and it says and he said unto them why are you troubled and why do you do thoughts arise in your hearts behold my hands and my feet that it is i myself handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have and when he and when he had thus spoken he showed them his hands and his feet so there's no question here this actually comes up in the bible it's always funny you know when you have these false religions and there's literally a passage like a whole passage against what they believe i think that's hilarious because it just shows their ignorance of the bible or it really just shows their hatred for the bible and just you know not wanting to even regard it and just wanting to go completely against it because this is saying listen does the spirit have flesh and bones and you know you know that you know what that tells me though is that when we have our spiritual body we're gonna have flesh and bones now he doesn't say flesh and blood now the life of the flesh is in the blood but what's the life you know eternal life is obviously the spirit of god that's living inside of us you know when we have that so it's obviously going to be different in heaven and when we when we have our spiritual bodies that um you know we don't we're not going to die we're not going to have hunger or anything like that but we will still eat you know there's still going to be food and all these different things that are going to he eats you know that's another thing that he does is he says do you have a honeycomb or do you have any food and they give him a honeycomb and a broiled fish and he just eats it in front of them so how much more proof do you need that this is not a spirit but he obviously has special abilities with this spiritual body because the doors were shut and then he showed up in the midst of them right and then when on the road to Emmaus they didn't recognize him right so they kind of he kind of hid his uh the way he looked so to speak so there's obviously special things i don't know if you can fly people have asked me that i forget who asked me if we're we're gonna be able to fly if we are that's i'm definitely down for that but uh i'm gonna superman my way around everywhere but i will say obviously we're gonna be caught up in the clouds i mean if anything we're gonna be carried by the angels the places but it says we're gonna be as angels in this aspect that we're not gonna be married or given in marriage but um i don't know if that means that we're gonna fly like angels like swiftly and stuff like that anyway this isn't a sermon on that i don't know i'm getting off on that track but all that says that that's the passage is taken to you know if you if you had a joe witness that actually is interested and they had a legitimate question about this most time when you're dealing with joe witnesses you're wasting your time you know and and you want to stick with the gospel anyway but if they say listen i believe it's spiritual proof if you prove me wrong then i'll hear it well luke 24 is the place to go now here's another thing now this is just a side note and this this is where um where they just really uh make a mountain out of a mole hill okay is they don't believe jesus was on the cross like he don't believe he died on the cross even though there's all these mentions of the cross the bible like bear my cross you know like all these different things they believe he died on a stake and he died like with his hands up like this so one nail through the two hands one nail through the through the feet and all this stuff and i love the way brother rich he said at one time he preached a sermon and he said that joe witnesses are geographically retarded and what he said was he's like they're mixing up the romans with the romanians okay because the romanians that's where transylvania and like where you had uh vladimir the the impaler okay and and children just you know shut your ears because it's it's kind of like that horror story thing you know where they would impale people with a stake or whatever and uh you know that's a completely different country and so it's obviously by you know by just history that that's the way they did it with the cross and all that stuff but the bible says the cross but here's another way to prove that okay and you say why are you getting off on it well we are talking about how jesus died and how he showed himself to his disciples to prove that it's him okay and uh go to john chapter 20 john chapter 20 i just want to give you a little proof text to show you that that there was a nail in each hand okay you say well why does it say you know well in some places it'll say you know who his own self bear are sins in his own body on the tree well there's a lot of reasons why it would call it a tree first of all it's wood but second of all um it talks about cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree okay and that's something that was in the law so even when they hung somebody like by a rope on a tree it was saying cursed is everyone hangeth on tree and you got to take him down at night and there's this whole thing on there so it's it's the picture obviously you know of you know the law saying that with you know uh basically doing away with iniquity and all this but um so that terminology of the tree and the cross and all that stuff fits in there but in john 20 verse 25 it says the other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the lord but he said unto them unto them except i shall see in his hands the print of the what nails and put my finger in the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side i will not believe so this is obviously thomas doubting and uh you know he was saying you know i need to be able to put my fingers through the the prints in his hands and so what's that saying is that it wasn't just one nail where he was up on a stake somewhere and they say well you know they use two nails or whatever but their whole thing is like how he it was just one nail through his hands all this stuff and who cares you know like like that's such a minute little detail you know that's the the hill you're gonna die on you know how about the fact that it's by grace through faith and jesus is the son of god and he is god in the flesh that you need to get that straightened out now we'll go talk about like how what type of cross or you know what the cross looked like and all this stuff uh when he was nailed to it um but all that to say is that you know there's all kinds of weird religions i know islam go to ephesians chapter four uh islam teaches that that that's a different jesus that died than who rose from the dead well the angel actually when we read this in matthew 28 disproves that because it says this jesus uh i think we uh where it says he is risen he's not here he is risen actually i maybe i was reading from a different one here getting mixed up on my verses i was looking at there yeah so matthew 28 uh five it says i know that you see jesus which was crucified he is not here he is risen so it's it's even clarifying here that the same person that was crucified is the same person that's risen okay but ephesians chapter uh four really hits that too ephesians chapter four and verse eight it says wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led captivity captain to gain gifts on the men now that he is now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things so i don't know how much clearer you can get from that besides it's saying it's the same right it's the same person so the same person that descended the same person that ascended right and so islam you know you can put that in your pipe and smoke it but that's just you know they obviously don't believe that jesus is god and so they got some weird views about that as far as that was one of those things where i didn't know that for a long time i remember soul winning and and the the muslims that we were talking to were very nice it's not like they were mean or anything like that or you know crossed towards us but they were just kind of explaining what they believe on that i was like wow i didn't realize that that you thought it was a different person because what it comes down to is they believe that jesus is a good prophet right so they don't they don't hold to judaism where they believe that jesus got his due rewards for dying on the cross you know and so they actually believe that jesus was a good prophet a good man and you know he's kind of out there with moses and all them right so you kind of have moses and jesus and mohammed and it goes on the line so let's think i got a weird way of getting around the fact that he rose from the dead and that he's god so um but going back to matthew chapter 28 and verse 7 matthew chapter 8 and verse 27 this angel obviously is telling them that he's risen he's not there in verse 7 says and go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead and behold he goeth before you into galley there shall you see him lo i have told you and they departed quickly from the sepulcher with fear and great joy and did run to bring his disciples word so he's saying you know go tell them to go into galley and what we'll see go to mark chapter 14 before he goes to the cross mark 14 actually tells us this is where he says listen when i'm risen from the dead go to galley so i'll see you in galley is pretty much the last one of the last things he says to them so in mark 14 verse 26 it says and when they had sung in him so this is after the the lord's supper the last supper if you will they went out into the mount of olives and jesus saith unto them all ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written i will smite the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered but after that i am risen i will go before you into galley so he told them this and this is constantly when you read these passages like in in the end of the gospels it's constantly saying go tell them to go in the galley go to galley go to galley and like reminding them go to galley because that's where i'm going to see you at and so uh that's what obviously they're going going to do that um what's interesting is that uh jesus actually appears to the women first note marvel actually because the women are the first ones to try to go to the sepulcher so um that shows you a little bit of something about uh the love that the women had for him the women were there at the cross when he died besides the disciple whom jesus loved which i believe is john but that's where he had that famous uh story where uh jesus sang to john or the disciple whom he loved behold thy mother and woman behold thy son and basically kind of saying you know take care of her and there was all the marries which hurt a lot but there's like five no i don't i don't know how many marries there are i didn't count them on before this sermon but there's a lot of marries mary magdalene and and all that so um but we see actually in mark chapter 16 that mary magdalene is the first that he that he that is seen or that sees him in his resurrected state that actually makes a lot of sense because we're going to go to john chapter 20 where that happens but in mark 16 9 it actually explicitly says that she's the first one and verse 9 it says now when jesus was risen early the first day of the week he appeared first to mary magdalene out of whom he had cast seven devils and so side note since when did and correct me if i'm wrong but where does it say mary magdalene's a prostitute okay this is kind of a side note but i've always heard this you know and you got these weird religion you get this weird like and i never watched the da vinci code or anything like that but i know there's like weird like theories that jesus had children with mary magdalene and she was a prostitute and they always try to bring up this type of stuff to try to you know basically say that condone sin is what they're trying to do but the only thing i see about mary magdalene is that she had seven devils you know when that he cast out of her but um anyway that's a side note it's one of those things where people say stuff and then you're like yeah it's not in there but go to john chapter 20 we'll see that where he sees her well actually this makes a lot of sense why uh what's being said here and i preached on this before but the fact that she's the first one to see him i that makes everything makes sense actually because she he's going to appear unto the other women as well before he appears unto the men okay but this is the first so in john 20 in verse 15 it says jesus saith unto her so this is where just a you know set the stage here that mary magdalene's at the tomb and then he sees this you know gardener and he thinks it's the gardener but it's actually jesus it says jesus saith unto her woman why weepest thou whom seekest thou she's supposing him to be the gardener saith unto him sir if thou have borne him hence tell me where thou hast laid him and i will take him away jesus saith unto her mary she turned herself and saith unto him roboni which is to say master so so obviously when he said mary he it sounded like jesus and knew exactly who it was but notice what it says in verse 17 jesus saith unto her touch me not for i am not yet ascended to my father but go to my brethren and say unto them i ascend unto my father and your father into my god and your god mary magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the lord and that he had spoken these things unto her now i preached on this before because you say well why does it say touch me not well that's because he hadn't ascended up to the father yet and it talks about in hebrew chapter 9 how he had to take his own blood into the holy place so the sprinkling of his blood on the mercy seat hadn't been done yet and so uh it makes a lot of sense that she's the first one because nowhere else does it say don't touch me actually all the other places saying handle me and see you know like put your hand thrust your hand through my side so obviously there's a it's not that no one could ever touch him but this is showing us that this is after he rose from the dead but before he ascended up to the father to go into the holiest of all in heaven into the true place that's made without hands to apply his own blood to the mercy seat and i preached a whole sermon on that i think it was a blood of sprinkling i named it or whatever but so when you see that that makes a sense you know mark 16 confirms it that she is the first one to see him okay so she sees him before he ascends up to the father to do that but then in matthew chapter 28 we see that he appears unto multiple women okay so matthew 28 verse 9 it says and as they went to tell his disciples behold jesus met them saying all hail and they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him then said jesus unto them be not afraid go tell my brethren that they go that that they go into galley and there shall they see me so again he's telling them again go into galley go into galley but you see how that makes sense and when you look at this passage it's actually kind of interesting because peter actually before mary magdalene seized jesus peter ran to the to the tomb went in and then went back home and so there's this kind of back and forth where they're kind of going to the tomb and coming back and and they're telling the disciples but you know peter kind of already knew about it and and all the stuff that's going on so it's kind of a little confusing when you read it but pretty much this is how it went is that the women go to the to the tomb the the stones already rolled away and then what it says is mary magdalene actually runs back to get peter and then the other disciple outran them and there's that whole story where they're running to the to the sepulcher and peter goes in sees the stuff and walks away or walks back goes back home and then after that is when mary sees jesus and what i believe happens after that is that she sees jesus and then mary magdalene and all the ladies see him again as they're going back to tell the disciples again so there's kind of this back and forth where people are going to the grave but you don't really see that unless you put it all together and see all the gospel accounts and how that fits because people will be like oh that's a mistake no it's not it's just that you have to put it all together but all i have to say is that mary magdalene is the first to see him and then the other women and then you know he shows himself to his disciples to the two at Emmaus you know and all that stuff that's going on with the disciples and so um it's definitely interesting on how all that that goes on now matthew 28 verse 11 from verse 11 verse 15 i'm going to label this section the jews and their lies okay um this is just like straight up talmud right here um as far as uh what's being done here with these keepers or these these men that kept watch and uh you know this is in the bible this is straight up bible of what happened so this is really what happened and no marvel because when you read if you read the portions in the talmud about jesus it's like yeah it's still told unto this day so matthew 28 and verse 11 it says now when they were going behold some of the watch came into the city and showed unto the chief priests all the things that were done so basically they're coming in and telling all what happened and notice what it says verse 12 it says and when they were assembled with the elders and had taken counsel they gave large money unto the soldiers saying say ye his disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept and if this come to the governor's ears we will persuade him and secure you so they took the money and did as they were taught and this saying is commonly reported among the jews until this day so you have the jews bribing people and paying them off to tell a bunch of lies man how things have you know there's nothing new under the sun is it and you know you say oh you know you're you're down on the jews listen they're the ones that said his blood be on us and on our children and they're the ones that have been getting kicked out of countries ever since for fractional reserve banking and uh you know all kinds of uh jewsery you know usury whatever you want to call it you know and the bible says that who is a liar but he that denieth that jesus is the christ he is anti-christ is denied the father and the son who's ever denied the son the same hath not the father but he did he that acknowledges the son hath the father also and you know i'm so sick of these people with a juda judeo-christian no i want nothing to do with judaism judaism is what matthew 28 verse 11 15 is about about paying people off and lying about our savior and it's interesting because they say well you know uh remember in matthew 27 it says uh we need to set a watch over the tomb because remember that deceiver said and so that's what the jews are calling jesus they're saying he's a deceiver but what does the bible say go to second john chapter one second john well there's only one chapter but second john and verse seven there second john and verse seven second john and verse seven it says for many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that jesus christ has come in the flesh this is a deceiver and an anti-christ so it's interesting that they're calling jesus christ the deceiver when they're the deceivers they're the anti-christ right and you know anti-christ's plural because you know anybody that denies that jesus christ is an anti-christ and you know it's it's just uncanny how it talks about this here and just you know obviously the lies the false witness everything that happened uh and how they they put jesus to death but even afterwards they just can't get away from it you say well why did they pay off these soldiers well because it was they would be put to death if they fall asleep on the job um we'll get to that in the book of acts you know the famous story of the philippian jailer where we go out summoning we give that story where it says what must i do to be saved and they said believe on the lord jesus christ not shall be saved in the house in that story he's about to kill himself you say well why well earlier when peter gets taken out of prison by the angel of the lord the keepers were put to death because he got out and so basically that philippian jailer was going to kill himself while they fled because he was going to be put to death and that's what he's that's what they're doing here is basically saying we're going to give you a bunch of money to say that you fell asleep you didn't see all this stuff you know that you fell asleep and that his disciples stolen by night we're going to pay this amount of money and we're also going to you know basically make sure that when the if the governor hears about this then you know we're going to secure you we'll make sure that nothing happens to you so that's what they do you know that's how far they went to make this big bold face lie and you know that's what was going around jerusalem you know when you think about when the apostles were preaching jesus that's what was going around was that lie that his disciples stolen by night but you know what the word of god is quick and powerful and sharp and any two-edged sword you know they can they can make up all kinds of lies about jesus and that's not the only lie that's been made about jesus there's all kinds of false religions and and cults and and and and just blasphemous things that have been said about jesus and who he is throughout the ages ever since he's risen from the dead um but uh going on from this and what we end the chapter with here is what we would call the great commission okay and this is kind of the this is what i would call the first works if you will of the church this is basically this is what he's commissioning us to do after he left when he when he when he ascended up to the father send it up to the father and we'll get this ax chapter one because it's kind of reiterated because what he's saying right here is when he first when they first see him you know they're in galley on this mountain and then when we get to ax chapter one they're actually on the mount of olives so he's actually seen of them for 40 days okay so there's this 40-day period that goes on there we'll get to that uh when we get into ax but uh but going to matthew chapter 28 we'll read the the rest of this chapter here and then i just want to talk about this great commission in matthew chapter 28 verse 16 it says then the 11 disciples went away into galley into a mountain where jesus had appointed them so notice that he appointed even a mountain so they he said to go into galley but on top of that he had an exact place where he said to go okay and verse 17 it says and when they saw him they worshipped him but some doubted and jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo i am with you all way even unto the end of the world amen so this is what we would call the great commission and mark 16 it kind of hits on this as well it's a little different i don't believe it's the exact same location and where they're saying this at because he kind of goes into some different stuff but it says in mark 16 15 and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature okay so um you know that that same commission of preaching the gospel but we see kind of three things here so there's three kind of separate things that are mentioned here go ye therefore and teach all nations so i believe that's where you're getting into preaching the gospel preach the gospel to every creature okay and mark's just like you know what if you if you don't get it that i want you to preach the gospel to everybody i'm gonna say all creatures right you know to every creature um but all nations and you know you know people you know how people will twist stuff to be like well that's not technically a nation over there so do we really need to give them the gospel you know so uh you know sometimes you wonder why it's worded a certain way that's why but um so teach all nations preaching the gospel baptizing them in name of the father and son and the holy ghost obviously so we're supposed to uh basically baptize new believers so once you get saved and that's why the etheopen eunuch obviously says what the tender me to be baptized and philip said if thou believeest with all nine heart thou mayest so that's the requirement is to believe and then it says teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you so there's three things there i see preaching the gospel getting baptized and teaching them to observe all things okay so those are three separate things um so that kind of shows you that progression you get saved you get baptized and then you get into church and learn it all that's pretty much that's the progression it shouldn't be in any other order than that right you don't get baptized before you get saved and you're not going to learn all things before you get saved so salvation is the foundation and then you get baptized then you you learn all things ephesians chapter 4 kind of hits on this ephesians chapter 4 and verse 11 on that third point there of teaching them to observe all things this is where pastors come in and pastors and teachers as far as the church is involved this is why you come to church so that one doesn't really ever end right you know you get saved that's you know that's what you do you get saved then you get baptized but then observing all things you know or learning all things because this is obviously in the action of you doing it to someone else right but you can look at how you're receiving it right you're receiving the gospel you're getting baptized and then you're learning all things well that that that third prong of that never really ends okay unless you want to say you've arrived okay but i don't think anybody here is going to say that ephesians chapter 4 and verse 11 it says and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of christ and this is what we're dealing with the perfecting of the saints right you get saved you become a saint you get baptized and then you perfect that and you what is that getting edified you know edifying the church or the body of christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ and so we're just striving you know paul was even saying uh you know that i may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings if by any means i might attain unto the resurrection of the dead not as though i'd already attained i either already were perfect but i follow after that i may apprehend that which i for which also i'm apprehended at christ jesus and you know so he he's saying i'm striving for that i'm trying to attain unto the resurrection of dead i'm trying to attain to the point where i'm walking a new man so much that i'm as if i'm in the resurrected state they said not as though i'd already attained though so even the apostle paul is admitting that he hasn't already attained so uh you know we're all striving for that we're all striving for perfection as far as you know knowing everything and walking in everything that we should be doing but we're all going to come short of that in our lives so i mean that's going to be a constant battle of the the spirit and the flesh um but uh that is the purpose of that that last prong there i do want to hit on this though uh the baptism and the name of the father and son of the holy ghost and i will be hitting on this more some you know as we go through the book of acts because this is where you get the bat baptizing in the name of jesus only okay and so they'll go to acts and say well you know it doesn't say you know that they baptize the name of the father and son only goes well the thing you got to realize with the book of acts is that it's a story of what people did so we're actually going to go through acts and we're going to see that there are some things that paul did that was wrong actually in the book of galatians do you know that it says in galatians chapter 2 that paul was stood peter to the face because he was to be blamed so peter obviously did things that were wrong okay and all that says i don't think actually where it says they baptize the name of the lord jesus or to be baptized in the name of the lord jesus is wrong okay um it never says this that they baptize in the name of the lord jesus only you know that's what it never says that's where you'd have a problem that's where you'd be like okay well what is this talking about why is it saying that well what they'll say with this and why i'm going into this is because they'll say well it says over here they baptize the name of the lord jesus over here it says they baptize the name of the father son the holy ghost ergo the father son and the holy ghost are all one person so that's where that modalism they try to fit modalism into that here's here's the truth of the matter what does baptism represent death barrel resurrection right and more so about the resurrection right it's more so about how we're raised to walk in newness of life right and so when you're baptizing somebody you're you're picturing what christ did did you know that the father raised jesus that the son raised himself and that the spirit raised jesus and what this comes down to is that they'll say well that means they're all one person no that just means that they're all collectively in the process right and just because it doesn't say like the father son and the holy ghost raised jesus from the dead like that like that you can put it all together does that make sense like it'd be kind of like we're all working on it'd be kind of like this you know uh you know i i uh finished my basement you know and i i you know put up you know all this framing i put up the drywall and all that stuff but i said and then someone said well brother joseph finished that basement and put up the drywall and did this stuff and then you said well well justin did that too and you know brother anthony did that i guess we're all one person then right no it's just we all worked on it together does that make sense it's just that you don't have to say all of us in one sentence to realize that's true right and so go to galatian chapter one galatian chapter one i'm going to show you where it says that the father raised him i'm going to show you where jesus says he's going to raise himself and i'm going to show you where it says the spirit raised him and so that that's why you're saying in the name of the father and the son and holy ghost um because they all took part in that you know they were all in that process of raising him from the dead that that if you if you will the actual baptism which is the death barrel resurrection of christ and so in galatians one and verse one it says paul an apostle not of men neither by man but by jesus christ and god the father who raised him from the dead okay so they're plainly god the father raised him from the dead okay go to john chapter two john chapter two john chapter two and verse 19 john chapter two and verse 19 john chapter two and verse 19 it says jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple and in three days i will raise it up then said the jews 40 and six years of this temple and building and wilt that rear it up in three days but he spake of the temple of his body when he says temple there what's he saying destroy this body destroy my body and i'll raise it up in three days so or in three days i'll raise it up so jesus is clearly stating hey i'm going to raise up this body now there's other places where it says that john chapter 10 go to john chapter 10 where he's saying that john chapter 10 and verse 17 it says this it says therefore doth my father love me because i lay down my life that i might take it again no man taketh it from me but i lay it down of myself i have power to lay it down and i have power to take it again this commandment have i received of my father it's very clear that jesus raised himself from the dead and you say well i thought it was god it's because he is god okay so go to go to roman chapter 8 roman chapter 8 i'm going to show you the spirit roman chapter 8 and verse 11 roman chapter 8 and verse 11 it says this it says but if the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you so who's the spirit that dwells in you obviously the holy ghost and that's the spirit that raised him from the dead now go to acts chapter 20 or i'm sorry acts chapter 20 acts chapter 2 and this is one i use out soloing a lot um so in acts chapter 2 and verse 31 acts chapter 2 and verse 31 it says he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption this jesus hath god raised up whereof we all are witnesses you know the term god a lot of times in the bible it can just kind of be the catch-all for the father right it'll say god and our lord jesus christ and and it's thing but sometimes it could be saying when he says god it could be talking about the holy ghost when it says god it could be talking about the son and sometimes god just means them all it means the father son and holy ghost so after seeing galatians 1 john 2 and romans 8 dealing with the father raised up jesus that the son raised himself up and that the holy ghost raised him up when he says god raised him up guess what that's the father son and the holy ghost raising him up and so um i hope that makes it and i read this verse you know because uh you know you say well maybe that'll confuse people because it kind of seems like jesus isn't god there if god's raising him up but it makes sense when you look at john 2 because he is god but he's raising himself up okay and so it's just showing you that collective uh work of the father son and holy ghost to accomplish this so um but i want to say this too you know when it comes to baptism i don't believe you have to say anything okay nowhere does it say that you have to like have this you know usually i say you know buried with them in death raise the walk and newness of life and i get that from romans chapter 6 okay but nowhere does it say like this is what you need to say when you baptize somebody okay and it's not about what you're saying it's on the behalf of who you're doing it okay but when someone says this when they say well i baptize you in the name of the lord jesus only you know that's a problem because now you got some weird like doctrine that's denying the trinity okay but i you know for example if we had if we had a baptism where we had like let's just say 20 people were in line to get baptized okay i'm probably going to say i baptize you in the name of the father and son of the holy ghost and i'm just going to keep dunking people okay and probably not going to say that on every single time imagine that the thousands of people that were getting baptized in the book of acts and all that and so that's my personal take i don't believe you have to and even if you said i baptized in the name of the lord jesus i don't think that's wrong okay the problem is is people that say you know if you do it differently you're you're a heretic if you say the father and son the holy ghost listen match chapter 28 is the only place that's commanded on how you say it so if you wanted to be very strict about this this is the place where jesus says to do it okay because you say well in acts you know acts 2 38 that's peter saying it i'm going to take jesus over what peter says in the book of acts again peter's not the narrator in acts chapter 2 now i believe he's right and i don't believe that's wrong i'm going to get to that okay i don't think there's anything wrong with what he said i think it's you know everything he said is what we should be uh believing in and all that so but all that to say is that i'm gonna take what jesus said over peter and it's always funny how people always want to like say well paul said this and i'm gonna counter what jesus says with that it's like listen if i were to do that which i'm not going to because it's ridiculous it all fits but if i were gonna say okay i gotta i gotta pick one i'm gonna pick the lord jesus christ does that make sense like who would you pick would you pick the apostle paul over the lord jesus christ would you pick peter over the lord jesus christ now anyway so uh it's just kind of ridiculous how people get into that type of stuff but but again like i said i don't think there's anything special you have to say i don't even think you have to say in the name of the father son holy ghost it just needs to be known that that's the authority you're doing it under does that make sense that i'm not doing it in muhammad you know i'm not doing it in some other god i'm doing it in the name of the father and son the holy ghost i'm doing it in the true god you know that's who we're baptizing them in and then the end the chapter there it says in verse 20 matthew 28 it says teaching them to observe all things whatsoever commanded you and lo i am with you always even unto the end of the world amen that's such a profound statement and i just think of um you know uh i will never leave thee nor for safety in hebrew chapter 13 it says let your conversation be without covetous and be content with such things as you have for he hath said i will never leave thee nor for safety so that we may boldly say the lord is my helper i shall not i will not fear what man shall do unto me and so um you need to remember this now it's interesting this that how matthew goes full circle remember how i showed you in matthew chapter 2 where it says that the the wise men came to see him that is born king of the jews what happens in matthew 27 what's his accusation this is jesus the king of the jews this chapter ends with it saying lo i am with you always even up to the end of the world what did matthew chapter 1 start off with with the lord jesus well go to matthew chapter 1 and verse 23 matthew chapter 1 and verse 23 matthew chapter 1 and verse 23 it says behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name immanuel which being interpreted is god with us lo i am with you always even unto the end of the world the lord jesus christ is with us he is immanuel he is god with us and it's amazing how that work how matthew is kind of you know chapter 1 god's with us chapter 28 jesus is with us and will be with us into the end of the world chapter 2 he's he's born the king of the jews chapter 27 he's you know killed under the accusation of being the king of the jews and even says in john to this end was i born you know it so i didn't go that far i didn't say well chapter three chapters i didn't do that but i just noticed those certain things when it comes to that um and just how you know how that works with god being with us and you know jesus being immanuel and just what that means um and uh go to zechariah chapter 8 and verse 23 because if we if we abide in christ and if he if you were here for my uh first john series dealing with um how the holy ghost is is dwelling inside of us and he never leaves right you can grieve the holy ghost it says not to do that but you know the holy ghost is indwelling you and living inside of you but if you're sinning then the father and the son aren't making their abode with you right you need to abide in christ by walking in the new man by walking in the spirit by keeping his commandments right and for people to know you know that god is with you you really need to be walking in the new man you know that's that's how the children of god are manifest if that makes sense is by walking in the new man in zechariah chapter 8 and verse 23 it says this zechariah 8 verse 23 says thus saith the lord of hosts in those days it shall come to pass that 10 men shall take hold out of all languages of of the nations even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a jew saying we will go with you for we have heard that god is with you can you think of an event where this is going to happen we haven't got there yet we're going to get into the book of acts and you got to lay off you know like where it's like oh you know this is where it says salvations of the jews because that's where the lord jesus came out of you know as far as salvation and the covenants of promise when it says jew here and when it's saying salvations of the jew we're not talking about modern day judaism that's based off the rabbitic talmud okay we're talking about the religion of juda that was the true religion of salvation by grace through faith and what it's saying here is that there's going to come a time where all languages of all nations are going to come unto him that is called a jew and you're going to say god is we've heard that god is with you so you can imagine these these disciples here the 11 disciples that he's saying this to i'm with you always even until the end of the world how they're going to go on to preach the gospel to all nations and it what was just said in matthew 28 go ye and teach all nations and lo i'm with you always even up to the end of the world and i believe that's you know i could be wrong on this but zechariah 8 is that kind of a fulfillment of how you have these disciples that are of juda right because jesus whole ministry was to jerusalem and how these jews that are christians are going to go evangelize the whole world paul the apostle philip john peter all of them are going to go out and how they're all these other nations are going to come in and basically say you know we've heard that god is with you and you know just something to think about with that but anyway i think that's one of the most profound statements in the end of the matthew 28 lo i'm with you always even up to the end of the world amen by the way if it says always i always know there's something wrong there so um i don't know if that makes any difference honestly if there's an s on it or not but um but i always look at that when i'm looking at a new bike if i get a king james i look at little things like that to see if like they're tampering with it um but anyway that's matthew matthew uh we just finished it um great book and so i'm excited to go into the book of acts um and i was thinking about going to an old testament book um but we did do daniel so and i'm doing the king series so we will be in the old testament on our uh evening uh services so we started off with saul and we're going to be going through all the kings and so um just trying to get go through all the stories and just kind of really nail down that line and everything so um i always try to you know with my sermons try to keep it to where i'm not just like in the old testament and all my sermons for a long period of time or vice versa i kind of try to you know spread that out a little bit so let's end with a word prayer to him father we thank you for this evening thank you for everybody that came out and lord just pray that you'd be with us throughout the rest of this week with our jobs i pray that you'd give us safety i pray that you would bless our families financially and just help us to provide for our families i pray you deliver us from any unreasonable wicked men that would ever try to stop us from providing for our families and lord just pray that you'd be with brother jeff as well and and just pray that you'd just be with us protect us and lord we love you and pray all in jesus christ's name amen you