(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you Well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church Take your song books and turn to song 116 Song 116 in your song books will sing he leadeth me and if you would stand We'll sing song 116 He leadeth me home blessed and thine own words with heavenly comfort fraud What e'er I do where e'er I be? Still tears God's hand and leadeth me He leadeth me he Leadeth me by his own hand he leadeth me His faithful Follower I would be for by his hand he leadeth me Sometimes mid-sealings of deepest gloom sometime Borrows bloom by water still or troubled sea Still tears and that leadeth me He leadeth me he Leadeth me by his own hand he leadeth me His faithful Follower I would be for by his hand he leadeth me Lord I would clap thy hand and mine nor ever murmur nor repine Content whatever lot I see Since tis my God that leadeth me He leadeth me he Leadeth me Zone hand he leadeth me His faithful Follower I would be for by his hand he leadeth me and when my task on earth is done when by thy grace the Victories won Eden desk home wave I will not flee Since God through Jordan leadeth me He leadeth me he leadeth me Zone hand he leadeth me His faithful Follower I would be by his hand he leadeth me Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again, we just want to thank you for our church Thank you God for salvation that we know that we're saved God and that it's eternal. Thank you God for your word I pray Lord now that you would just bless the service be with our pastor and we pray all this in Jesus name. Amen And take your some books and turn just a few pages over to song 119 Song 119 we'll sing till the storm passes by song 119 In the dark of the midnight have I off Hit my face while the storm How's above me and there's no hiding place mid the crash of the thunder precious Lord Hear my cry Keep me safe till the storm passes by Till the storm Passes over till the thunder sounds no more till the clouds roll forever the sky Hold me fast Let me stand in the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by Many times Satan whispered there is no need to try for there's no End of sorrow. There's no home by and by But I know Thou art with me and tomorrow I'll rise where the storm's never dark in the sky I Tell the storm passes over till the thunder Sounds no more till the clouds roll forever from the sky Hold me fast Let me stand in the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by When the long Night is ended and the storms come no more Let me stand in thy presence on that bright peaceful shore Land where the tempest never comes Lord, may I dwell with thee when the storm passes by Till the storm Passes over till the thunder sounds no more till the clouds roll forever from the sky Hold me fast Let me stand in the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by Amen so welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and I know at least my brother my older brother is not feeling well Yeah, he I think he got exactly what I had about a month or so ago. I had like a temperature of 104 So I'm gonna pray for him then obviously he gets well here soon, but so hopefully that's not the case with it and a lot of people in the church, but As far as announcements here We have normal service times this coming Sunday. So everything should be normal there We have our soul winning time at 1 p.m And then the regional times on here just beyond the church group there to see when you it's meeting and where? The meetings are there and Then the prayer meetings are gonna be back-to-back this coming next week as far as men's prayer meeting in the women's prayer meeting and on April 5th We're gonna be doing the Lord's Supper. So We'll be doing that after the Wednesday night service and And you know, obviously you should be here for all the Lord's Supper does that we do or you know all the Wednesdays But so much more obviously for this one because we're gonna be celebrating Easter so it's a nice way of you know, obviously remembering his death and then celebrating the resurrection on that Sunday and so But then on the night there, we're gonna have our obviously Easter Sunday there We're gonna but we're gonna have a fellowship in between services. And so we're actually gonna have our soul winning time on Saturday And so we'll be meeting up here at the church by around 10 o'clock somewhere around there and then Is the solar is it April 1st that you're doing the solar marathon in Washington PA, right? So actually that'll be coming up here soon so Brother Richie's leading that one up, right? Okay So I get with brother Richie as far as locations times and all that stuff Speaking of which we're kind of talking about like the wheeling so many marathon, you know my big priority because we have so many so many marathons going on in June is The southern portion because we're kind of already we're doing obviously you're doing Washington. We're going out to Indiana And so the southern portion of West Virginia is kind of the priority so we may do that one around the time of our anniversary You know going maybe the end of August or something like that, but we'll kind of plan that one out but You guys are planning too many Sony marathons. There's not enough days in the month No all joking aside. It's awesome. But June is kind of booked up Unless we want to have a solar marathon every Saturday but but yeah, so good problem to have but We do need to try to plan out everything as much as we can there and then on the back of your bulletin there We have our chapter memory for the month which is Psalm 22 and Then we have Psalm 126 and verse 5 is our memory verse for the week. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy and on the pregnancy list there Tiara, let's go Amanda Spina and Jennifer Simes as far as the ladies to be praying for there on the pregnancy list and That's about all I have for announcements that I can think of Offering boxes in the back there if you wanna give a tie their offering And the mother baby rooms for the mothers babies only we're gonna be continuing our study through the book of Luke So we're gonna be doing Luke chapter 6 and brother Anthony's gonna be reading that for us after we do one more song All Right take your songbooks and turn to song 174 174 in your songbooks will sing my Jesus. I love thee song 174 My Jesus I love Thee I know Thou art mine For the all the follies of sin I resign My gracious Redeemer my savior art thou If ever I love thee my Jesus is now I love thee because Thou has first Loved me and Purchase my pardon on Calvary's tree I love thee for wearing the Horns on thy brow If ever I love thee my Jesus is now I love Thee in life. I will love thee and death Praise thee as long as thou lendeth me breath and say when the death Do lies cold on my brow? If ever I love thee my Jesus is now in Mentions of glory and endless delight I'll ever Adore thee and Heaven so bright I'll sing with the glittering Crown on If ever I love thee my Jesus is now All right, take your Bibles and turn to the book of Luke chapter number six Luke six in your Bibles and we'll have brother Anthony come and read that for us Luke chapter six Baris and it came to pass on the second Sabbath after the first That he went through the corn fields and his disciples plucked the ears of the corn and did eat rubbing them in their hands And certain of the Pharisees said unto them Why do ye that that which is not lawful to do on the Sabbath days and Jesus Jesus answering them said? Have you not read so much as this what David did when himself wasn't hungered and when and they which were with him How he went into the house of God and did take and eat show the showbread and gave also to them that were with him Which is not lawful to eat but for the priests alone and he said unto them that the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath and it came to pass also on another Sabbath that He entered into the synagogue and taught and there was a man whose right hand was withered and the scribes and Pharisees watched him Whether he would heal on the Sabbath day that they might find an accusation against him, but he knew their thoughts and said what and said to the man which had the withered hand rise up and stand forth in the midst and He arose and stood forth and Jesus said unto them I will ask you one thing is it lawful on the Sabbath days to do good or to do evil? To save life or to destroy it and looking round about upon them all he said unto the man stretch forth thy hand and He did so and his hand was restored whole as the other and they were filled with madness and communed one with another What they might do to Jesus? And it came to pass in those days that he went out into a mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God And when it was day he called unto him his disciples and of them he 12 chose 12 whom also he named apostles Simon whom he also named Peter and Andrew his brother James and John Philip and Bartholomew Matthew and Thomas James the son of Alphaeus and Simon called Silas and Judas the brother of James and Judas Iscariot which also was the traitor and He came down with them and stood in the plane and the company of his disciples and a great multitude of people out of all Judea and Jerusalem and from the seacoast of Tyre and Sidon which came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases and they that were vexed with unclean spirits and they were healed and the whole multitude sought to touch him for there went virtue out of him and healed them up and Healed them all and he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said Blessed be the poor for yours is the kingdom of God Blessed are ye that hunger now for ye shall be filled blessed are ye that weep now for ye shall laugh Blessed are ye when men when men shall hate you and when they shall separate You from their company and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil for the son of man's sake Rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy for behold your reward is great in heaven For in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets But woe unto you that are rich for ye have received your consolation woe unto you that are full for ye shall hunger woe unto you that laugh now for ye shall mourn and weep Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you or so did their fathers to the false prophets But I say unto you which here Love your enemies do good to them which hate you bless them that curse you and pray for them which despitefully use you And unto him that smited thee on the one cheek offer also the other And him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat Also give to every man that asketh of thee and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again And as he would that men should do to you do ye also to them likewise For if you love them which love you what thank ye have would thank have ye For sinners also love those that love them and if ye do good to them which do good to you what thank have ye For sinners also do even the same and if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive What thank have ye for sinners also lend to sinners to receive as much again? But love ye your enemies and do good and land hoping for nothing again and your reward shall be great And you shall be the children of the highest For he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil be therefore merciful as your father also is merciful Judge not and ye shall not be judged condemn not and ye shall not be condemned Forgive and ye shall be forgiven give and it should be given unto you good measure pressed down and shaken together And running over shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that ye meet with all it shall be measured unto you again And he spake a parable unto them can the blind lead the blind Shall they not both fall into the ditch the disciple is not above his master But everyone that is perfect shall be as his master And why beholdest thou of the moat that is in thy brother's eye, but perceive is not the beam that is in thine own eye Either how either how canst thou say to thy brother brother? Let me pull out the moat that is in thine eye when thou thyself behold is not the beam that is in thine eye Thou hypocrite cast out first the beam out of thine own eye and when thou shalt see and Then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the moat that is in thy brother's eye For a good tree bringeth forth bringeth not forth corrupt fruit neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit For every tree is known by his own fruit for of thorns men do not gather figs nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes a Good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good and an evil man out of the evil treasure Of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh and why call ye me and Why call ye me Lord Lord and do not the things which I say? Whosoever cometh to me and heareth my sayings and do with them I will show you to whom he is like He is like a man which built an house and dig deep and laid the foundation on a rock And when the flood arose the stream beat vehemently upon that house and could not shake it for it was founded upon a rock But he that heareth and doeth not like is like a man without that without a foundation built in house upon the earth Against which the stream did beat vehemently and it and immediately it fell and the ruin of that house was great Let's pray dear Lord Thank you for this night where we can gather midweek and continue to learn from the book of Luke How to pray that she would be with pastor Robson film with your Holy Spirit help us all to be edified this night Jesus name of pray Amen, so you're there in Luke chapter 6 and if you remember in chapter 5 is where we see Jesus basically finding Peter and Peter James John And basically calling them to become fishers and men and then in chapter 6 here the thing that I want to get to is that if you think about the chronological order of events chapter 6 Actually chapter 5 happens after the Sermon on the Mount and that's that's important because actually There's a lot of things that are stated here in chapter 6 that you may look at and be like all is this the same Thing this is the you know the same sermon that he's preaching It's a different time It's actually a different place that he's at and but obviously he's preaching the same things and you can kind of see how One thing to notice is that Sometimes in the Bible you'll have parallel passages where it is the same event the same thing You know it's just recording it two different people are recording it But there's some cases where it's a different event different place, but he's preaching the same thing right and so it does show us You know that as preachers You know we don't just preach a doctrine and then just be like well I preached that once you know and then I'm done Jesus actually I believe Repeat repeated the doctrines that he taught over and over again Okay, and it's just a way of that we can see here at how and sometimes he may add in something or he may Clarify something when he teaches it a different time okay, so but anyway in verse one here We see that the first thing is is that? You'll see a lot of this in in the New Testament where it's the Sabbath day right it's a Sabbath day and this is a big thing when it comes to you know why they wanted to destroy Jesus is because You know he's doing this stuff on the Sabbath day And in verse one here says he came to pass on the second Sabbath after the first that he went through the corn fields and His disciples plucked the ears of corn and did eat rubbing them in their hands uncertain of the Pharisee said unto them why do ye That which is not lawful to do on the Sabbath days and Jesus answering them said have you not read so much as this what David did when himself was and hungered and They which were with him How he went into the house of God and did take and eat the showbread and gave also to them that were with him Which it is not lawful to eat, but for the priests alone, and he said unto them The Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath now it's interesting like like I said that He's doing the stuff on Sabbath. They're wanting to destroy him because basically, he's He's breaking the Sabbath now, and you say well is he really breaking it well the narrator actually in John chapter 5 I go to John chapter 5 really quick in John chapter 5 verse 18 I Had this in my notes, and I must have deleted it Sometimes I'm trying to trim if I go past four pages. I got it like I'm pulling back You know I got to like take off some things and and all that so if I'm if I'm past four pages And then we're in trouble so but in verse 18 it says Or in verse 17, but Jesus answered them my father worketh hitherto And I work therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him because he not only had broken the Sabbath But said also that God was his father making himself equal with God now. That's the narrator speaking there now you know He the narrator stating why they wanted to kill him right? That the narrator is like giving them the reason like this is why they wanted to kill him because he broke the Sabbath and He you know also was saying he's God And so When we're dealing with this subject here the thing that I think sticks out is the fact that Jesus says the son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath meaning this is that for example go to Go to Matthew chapter 2. I'm sorry Mark chapter 2 Mark chapter 2 Mark chapter 2 and I want you to see something here in verse 27 Because a lot of times there's certain things that Jesus does that he's proving that he's God you know that he's not just a man and They're a lot of times wanting to kill the reason they're wanting to kill him is because he's basically making he's making himself equal to God He's he's basically putting himself as God and obviously the Bible says that Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery the equal with God right because he is God But notice that it says here in Mark chapter 2 and verse 27 It says and he said unto them the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath Therefore the Son of Man is is Lord also of the Sabbath okay, and so When he's saying here is that the Sabbath was made for man, right? There's the reason for the Sabbath was to give man day of rest. Okay, obviously the Sabbath day represents You know the fact that we're not the work and all that, you know for salvation But who does work for salvation? Jesus doesn't he and when Jesus was in the grave for three days and three nights, you know those were Sabbath days and even the day he rose from the dead was the first the first fruits the feast of first fruits and When it comes to this, I think there's a little bit of you know, kind of where he's showing. Hey the Son of Man Is Lord also of the Sabbath meaning that you know, that's a customary law that was imposed on men But ultimately that day was for man, right? So to use it as a you know, basically we can't heal anybody. We can't do anything good on the Sabbath day is One taking the Sabbath day too far as far as the restrictions on it But also he's kind of showing the fact that hey, he's the Lord He's the Lord and he's the Son of Man that he keeps it obviously Jesus states it's a lot that he's the Son of Man and You say why doesn't he just say like I'm the Son of God and I'm Lord over the Sabbath Because he's making a point that he's not he's not just God But he's also man. He came in the flesh. God is manifest in the flesh and therefore he you know has Authority here on the earth to make intercession for man, but the thing that went with this passage in particular You know aside from it's the Sabbath day and they're getting upset about it is the fact that What they're doing is not unlawful Meaning that go to go to the Leviticus chapter 23 meaning they're going into this You may say well then they're like stealing this guy's corn, you know That doesn't seem right, you know, that's I mean, you know, I okay the Sabbath day You know Jesus obviously rebukes that About the whole thing about not doing this on the Sabbath day but there's a difference between reaping your field and eating right and that's where You know, I'm not saying particularly right here They're breaking the Sabbath, but the narrator does state that Jesus breaks the Sabbath Okay, and you can like that or lump it but you know what? I'll take that as fact it's true and you know what Jesus is right and he's not wrong and Jesus can break the Sabbath and it's right And but here's the thing You could argue that they're not even breaking the Sabbath here anyway but I think when you link these as far as the fact that Therefore the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath and the fact that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath I think that does link into the fact that when it comes to Eating for nutrition because he brings up David and all this and he's you know basically starving to death because you're you have the Sabbath day or Saving someone from dying. Well, it's the Sabbath day. We can't save someone from dying You know, it's ridiculous when you take it that far Okay now and you could say well that's you know, technically that's breaking the Sabbath But the question is is that is that what the law was intended for? So technically yeah, you'd be breaking the Sabbath if you're doing some kind of work like that But is it against God's law is it something that would be a sin if you did that now Leviticus chapter 23 and verse 22 here says this it says and when you reap the harvest of your land Thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field when thou reapest Now that shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy harvest thou shalt leave them unto the poor into the stranger I am the Lord your God So this was literally an ordinance that was made that when you reap your field Basically anything that's left over or the corners me think about if you're if you're going around the corner Anybody's mowed grass knows that like when you turn around the corner and you're reading you're like mowing the grass there's like this corner section that you got to like go over and like go back and forth over to get to right and So it could be just kind of like that that when you're reaping this there's like these corners that you kind of miss when you're going through the first time and basically According to the law is that just leave that be and let that be for the strangers that come by Okay, and you can kind of think about obviously how this applied when Ruth was going into Boaz's field And she was basically gathering up the gleanings Basically, whatever was left over from you know when they harvested it they were grabbing all that right and so This is actually lawful. They're not stealing This is you know lawful to do so when they were walking through they grabbed You know, basically some of the corn that was left over and rubbed it in their hands and ate it I don't know if I want to just eat raw corn off the cob, you know, but you know what? I guess I mean obviously if you're really hungry, you know Go for it. So it's not against the law, but he also gives an example of David and David ate showbread that was not lawful for them to eat Okay, and that's the key to kind of understand that if if it's not lawful for him to eat But there's this case where it what he was blameless the Bible says Where this is at if you want to look it up is in first Samuel chapter 21 verse 6 It says so the priest gave him hallowed bread for there was no bread there But the showbread that was taken from before the Lord to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away so if you know they obviously put bread out every day, you know, and they had the table of showbread and There were some stipulations as far as whether they could eat this bread As far as his men and him but In the end he's saying it wasn't lawful for anybody to eat that bread, but the priest but yet he was blameless And it just shows you there's these there's exceptions to the rule when you're dealing with someone for example Let me give you an example of an exception to the rule, okay? meaning this is that nakedness is a shame right and You know if it would be wrong if let's say let's say, you know There was a woman that just walked in here and she was just stark naked, right? I think everybody would agree that that's wrong and she's put clothes on but if let's say that lady was like, you know wasn't an accident or Basically, she got shot or something like that and she's in the emergency room They're wheeling her off and it's a matter of life or death as far as saving her life Guess what they're gonna do they're gonna rip all her clothes off She's gonna be stark naked on on the the table or whatever so they can Heal the wounds and do what they got to do to save her life That makes sense to where like normally on normal circumstances You're not to be ripping someone's clothes off and just have them like naked in front of everybody, right? But there's obviously cases of like life and death and in these cases, what are we dealing with? we're dealing with people that are but that are basically starving they're hungry and Then you have cases where Jesus brings up later on about the fact of you know Is is it lawful to save life or take life? Right. I mean will you just let that person die? because You know, it's a shame to see someone's nakedness, right and there's obviously laws about not seeing Let's say let's say you're the doctor and that's your neighbor's wife Right and there's a law saying that you're not to uncover the nakedness of your neighbor's wife, right? And you can see how people could take that and say well that's the law you're not to do that Just let them die, you know, and that's how far people would take that but you see how obviously in extreme Situations where you're dealing with life and death and stuff like that where they'd be blameless Okay, and so I hope that helps under Understand I believe what's going on here. We're technically they're breaking the Sabbath, but you're dealing with Extreme situations where it would be they would be considered blameless and it wouldn't actually be a sin. Okay, so Go to Luke chapter 6 go to Luke chapter 6 and verse 6 And by the way Bible says it so I believe it, you know when it comes to You know, I'll Explain why I believe it's the way it is Right, I'll try to give you I'll give you my reading the reasoning logically, but ultimately the Bible says that he broke the Sabbath The Bible says that it was not lawful for David to eat the showbread but yet he was blameless that's what the Bible says therefore, I believe it and If someone says well, you know, that's a contradiction. That's wrong. No, the Bible's right. You're wrong and What you have what we have to do is say, okay. I need to understand why that's right That make sense and you may not know you may look at him be like I don't really I'm not really getting exactly why that's Right or why that works but you know his thoughts are above our thoughts his ways are above our ways and Sometimes we have to just step back and be like this is what it says This is what he said How does it fit and you may not always know right off the bat how it fits but Luke chapter 6 and verse 6 It says and it came to pass also on another Sabbath that he entered into the synagogue and taught and there was a man Whose right hand was withered now You know how the Bible says in John chapter 21 how the books wouldn't can the world cannot contain the books of the things which? were written which Jesus did and said think about like What did he do between these Sabbath days, right? And you know that he didn't just wait to the Sabbath day to do until like To work or to preach or do different things A lot of times the reason that it's brought up in the Bible is because they're trying to kill him You know, there's like this big confrontation and obviously there's a lesson to be taught there But I always kind of think about like what was going on between these Sabbath days. Like what was he doing? When people weren't trying to throw him off a cliff or trying to destroy him, right? But anyway in verse 7 here It says in the scribes and Pharisees watched him whether he would heal on the Sabbath day that they might find an accusation against him I mean think about Like how Frustrating this would be okay. Now. Jesus obviously is gonna be very frustrated here He's gonna be very angry actually the Bible says talks about how he he's angry and I'm gonna show you the verse where it states that but Think about it There's a guy that needs healed and they're literally just looking at me like is he gonna heal so they can accuse him I mean think about like just the wickedness behind that and the fact that You know, I think nuts to the guy that has the withered hand nuts to the guy that needs healed or needs saved, right? It's just a matter like no you better not do something on Sabbath day You better not try to help somebody right and it says in verse 8 It says but he knew their thoughts and said and said to the man which had the withered hand Rise up and stand forth in the midst and he rose and stood forth Now I want you to think about the things that I don't believe anything that stated here is accidental I don't believe that the way Jesus did this was accidental He knew the thoughts of everybody in there. They're like watching him whether he's gonna heal him you know what Jesus didn't do heal him in the corner somewhere and Just you know, like be healed and it like healed later on they didn't see it, right? You know, he did he put it in front of everybody He just like I'm gonna heal them in front of all of you, right? everybody that's staring at him like are you gonna heal this guy and he's just like just so I mean just think about it just like just so everybody sees this and that you know it I love how Jesus is just he doubles down on what he says because he's the Word of God and What he does is right and he's not ashamed of it and I Should have never watched the What is it the rod of iron podcast about the chosen because it just angers me when I think about that that show the chosen because I had only seen like short little clips here and there but then I saw these clips where they're like Jesus is speaking and he's just like Like Matthew's telling him I don't know about what you had to say here and you know the sermon that you're writing he's like, yeah He's like, yeah, I'm kind of concerned about that too Just like what in the world And he's just like he's just like talking with the disciples about like Yeah, you know I've been thinking about that too and that might not be the it's just like what when did Jesus ever do that? When Anybody ever questioned him, you know what you know what he does when people are angry at him or they're looking at him Like oh, what's he gonna do? He's just like just so everybody sees what I'm about to do. Boom Let's put it right here front and center. He's not like, you know, maybe I shouldn't do this right now That shows wicked by the way and I've only seen short little clips but enough that I saw was enough to know that that show is wicked and Just how it portrays Jesus is just completely unbiblical. I mean you read through the Gospels you're like the authority that Jesus has when he when he's speaking and went what he does and You even see it at the end. It's just like they were marveling that with authority He preached the Word of God right with authority. He cast out Devils with authority It's just like constantly over and over again. It's an authority authority authority and there's not this like hmm Yeah, I think I I don't know if I should be doing this. I don't know if I should say it that way Maybe I should word it this way He's having a discussion with his disciples. Like they're gonna give him some kind of revelation what he should be saying Nowhere like that in the Bible actually You just see he knows what to say when to say it what to do when to do it And he does it when he wants to do it and how he wants to do it and we are just a step back and say That's the way it should be done I'm not gonna sit there and be like, well, you know, I think you should have probably said this first then this You know, it's just this this blasphemous idea That we should tell Jesus how to say things or how to do things or when to do something Who's the master and who's the who's the servant? and it's You know anyway, so I need to get off that so I'm never gonna get through this But knows what says here he rose and stood for so he's in the middle of them, right? Then said Jesus unto them I will ask you one thing is it lawful in the Sabbath days to do good or to do evil to save life or to destroy It and looking around about upon them all he said unto the man stretch forth thy hand And he did so and his hand was restored whole as the other and they were filled with madness and Commune one with another what they might do to Jesus now in Mark chapter 3 If you want to turn there Mark chapter 3 in verse 5 this same story When Jesus looked around about them before he brings them up, you know has him, you know our heels this man In verse 5 it says and when he looked round about on them with anger Being greed for the hardness of their hearts He said unto the man stretch forth thine hand and he stretched it out and his hand was restored whole as the other That's the real Jesus Okay, and You know what these people that just want to see Jesus on a show because they're too lazy to read the Bible They're gonna get a fake Jesus They want to go watch Jesus revolution About some hippie fag that that helped some church get up, you know get more members That supposedly that that's it's it the same guy by the way That's playing the guy that's playing the queer in the Jesus revolution movie is the same guy that plays Jesus in the in this This other movie this other show, okay So If you want to if you want to know who Jesus is you want to who God is then you have to read the Bible And when I read the Bible when I when I see who Jesus is I see I see you know, obviously God in the flesh but I see a strong man that knows what to say when to say what to do when to do it and He's not Questioning what he should be doing. He's not questioning You know basically with his disciples like should I do this or should I do that? Shall we chapter a verse on that? the only time you see Jesus ever kind of Not having a question, but he's pleading with the Father saying if it's possible. Let this cup be taken from me and Obviously, it's not possible, but he said not my will but thine be done But listen guess who's above Jesus the Father so that actually makes sense right Not Matthew or any of the other disciples that that are you know? Anyway, so if you want to get grieved to go look up some clips on that The only clip I saw was where one of the disciples had this This dagger or whatever and Jesus throws it into the pond into this pond or whatever and says he doesn't need it And it's like this like hippie revolution type stuff right you know and and everybody's like all that's good, right? If you live by the sword you die by the sword right except for the fact that when Jesus was going through the cross He says if you don't have a sword sell your garment and buy one Anyway, I gotta go. I gotta go through this so we're not gonna get through this chapter So maybe I just need it. I don't know maybe I preach on that on Sunday so Luke chapter 6 Verse 12 it's Pastor Mahia's fault. I mean that's why I'm gonna blame it on him and that showing those clips He made me watch it Luke chapter 6 and verse 12 we see the 12 disciples mentioned here and It says in verse 12 it says and it came to pass in those days that he went out into into a mountain to pray And continued all night in prayer to God and sometimes you could just read past that But think about that he prayed all night So Jesus is praying to the father all night long right it says in verse 13 It says and when it was day. He called unto him his disciples and of them He chose 12 whom he also named apostles so he had other disciples But there was a 12 that he chose to be apostles right, but they were also obviously disciples And it says in verse verse 14. He's naming them off here It says Simon whom he also named Peter and Andrew his brother James and John Philip and Bartholomew Matthew and Thomas James the son of Alphaeus and Simon called Zelotes and Judas the brother of James and Judas Iscariot, which also was the traitor and let me make it Let me make one more comment about that stupid show Okay And I'm not promising. This is the last one, but I'm gonna try to make it the last one They're literally saying like penning down like they're penning down the Bible as it's going on like they're literally Like he's talking to Nicodemus, and then there's like disciples outside the door that are like writing this down like what does this mean? You know and they're writing it down Listen this verse right here where it says Judas Iscariot which also was the traitor is a proof that this was written after all this stuff happened Right I mean would you be writing this stuff down be like yeah, he called us together and Judas which also was the traitor It's like well. I guess Luke knew you know I guess I guess Matthew knew right Spoiler alert you know Of course they didn't know that you know when they're you know at the the Lord's Supper there, and so anyway Whether that's the last time I mentioned it, I don't know but but the thing I want to point out here Is that you see a lot of brothers that are like physical brothers that are amongst this twelve right you see Obviously Peter and Andrew are brothers we see James and John the sons of Zebedee obviously they're brothers, but then you see here James the son of Alphaeus and Judas the brother of James So James the son of Alphaeus I believe and Judas the brother of James. They're both brothers, okay, and When When you look at for example Mark chapter 2 and remember who was Matthew what was Matthew called in Luke but Levi right says Levi the publican or you know basically Levi was sitting at the receipt of customs Well in Mark chapter 2 and verse 14 it says and he passed by and saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of custom So in Mark it tells us Levi the son of Alphaeus, and so you can see that. I believe James Judas and in Matthew James is a man yet are Possibly brothers. I think no doubt James and Judas are brothers because it literally says use the brother James But I believe that Matthew is also brothers with you know with them Anyway, I just think that's interesting you know when you cross-reference these as far as how these things go together now in other Gospels when it's Talking about Judas the brother James his name is Labias or Thaddeus And I think it's funny because I think it's in John where Judas asks Jesus something, but it says Judas not a scarian And it just always sticks out to me. It's just like Judas not a scariot. Just so we're clear not talking about that guy, right? So Anyway, when you're looking through these different when it talks about the twelve you can cross-reference and see who's who right so obviously Judas the brother James is Labias, right? Thaddeus it's the same person different names just like Matthew and Levi same person and you see different names there and then Go go back to Luke chapter 6 here Luke chapter 6 and verse 17 And I think this is very important to kind of understand that What we're we're gonna read next is not the Sermon on the Mount. Okay now just chronologically You can know that right Matthew 5 through 7 happens before we get to Matthew 8 where he's finding Peter James and John and Andrew on the boat and it says, you know Follow me. I'll make you fishers of men, right? So When you look at this this is actually a sermon he makes in the plane, okay So it's actually you know, Matthew 5 through 7 is the Sermon on the Mount This is actually the sermon on the plane if you will. So notice what it says in Luke 6 and verse 17 It says it came and he came down with them and stood in the plane. So we're clearly not on a mountain are we? I mean quite the opposite and The company of his disciples and a great multitude of people out of Judea and Jerusalem and from the sea coast of Tyre and Zion Which came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases and they that were vexed with unclean spirits and they were healed And the whole multitude sought to touch him for there went virtue out of him and healed them all Okay, and you can kind of think obviously the story about the woman that has the issue of blood talk about the virtue going out of them when he Heals them but the thing that I really just want to focus on here is the fact that where we at We're in the in a plane. Okay Luke does this a lot where it seems like the story is a parallel story But it's actually a different story With similar information. Okay, and that's why Luke to me like obviously all the Gospels are amazing But Luke is just interesting to me because there's so many things They're just very unique to the gospel Luke as far as there's different stories that are unique You know like the prodigal son, you know, Luke 16, you know what the rich man and Lazarus There's a lot of just unique stories that you don't see anywhere else in the Gospels, but also just even things that are similar are Actually a different story that are a different place where Jesus said similar things. Okay, so You know if someone's trying to say well, there's a contradiction in Luke 6 and Matthew chapter 5. It's like well, they're two different stories Right, so you can't like put these together and be like this is the same exact timeline and he needs to say the exact same exact thing Obviously the Bible doesn't contradict anyway when it comes to what Jesus says but in verse 20 here It says and he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said Blessed be ye poor for yours is the kingdom of God So in Matthew chapter 5 we have what the the big theological term is the Beatitudes, right? which is basically these blessings and Notice that he lifts up his eyes on his disciples So when he's speaking this I don't believe he's speaking he's not speaking to unsaved people now Obviously Judas is a traitor. We know that right but at the same time It's kind of like if there's a Judas, but we don't know it Obviously if there's a Judas in the church, right and I don't know it I'm still preaching to them as if they're saved. Okay, and so when you're dealing with like blessed are the poor in spirit For theirs is the kingdom of God or blessed are be ye poor for yours is the kingdom of God He's talking to save people he's not talking about getting saved he's talking to the saved and Not only to the saved but he's talking to those that are his disciples those that are wanting to follow him and do what he says And the thing that's different if you will About Luke 6 and Matthew 5 is the fact that it says blessed are the right Whereas here it says blessed be ye poor Right think about the Sermon on Mounties the great multitude he's preaching to and he's just basically kind of preaching in general, right? and there's a mix mix kind of multitude there as far as I believe saved and lost people and What you'll notice is that you don't see stuff about hell In this passage, okay So that's kind of interesting when you have a multitude of people that's you know It could be saved people could be lost people and he's kind of hitting on things that are for save people But then he's kind of hitting on like hey, if you're right I offend II then pluck it out, you know Meaning that he's talking about the severity of hell and showing like hey you know that's not kill but If you look upon a woman a lot there are I'm sorry If you if you're angry with your brother without a cause you commit a murder already in your heart Or if you look upon a woman the less ever you committed adultery are in your heart You can kind of see how like that would apply you could see that applies to like an unsaved person like hey Know that hey, even if you do this you've sinned and you're in danger of the judgment, right? Whereas here he's kind of focusing in it on I believe save people and what you're dealing with here at these things are Things that I say person is kind of looking at it like hey I need to be doing this because we're already past the point of stuff. We already know salvation We are we're already saved. So we already realize we're sinners Okay, and so I think that there's kind of that difference that you see here from the Sermon on the Mount As far as what's brought up and what's not okay now it says blessed be poor for yours is the kingdom of God Blessed are ye that hunger now for ye shall be filled blessed are ye that weep now for ye shall laugh Blessed are ye when men shall hate you and when they shall speak Or shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast your name out as evil for the Son of Man's sake Rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy For behold your reward is great in heaven for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets so there's a lot of blessings that are if you if you're And obviously we can see in Matthew that poor in spirit, it's not necessarily talking about just being poor You know like with like material things right but more so just poor in spirit. Where's your heart at? You know hungry and it talks about hungering and thirsting for righteousness so you can obviously see that But obviously those that are poor and hungry physically a lot of times That kind of correlates with the spiritual aspect because if you need God for that physical stuff Then you need God for the spiritual stuff as well But we see here blessed are are ye when men shall hate you and shall separate you from their company and reproach you And the Bible says rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy so when people You know like cuss us out or they're angry with us or they speak evil of us, right? And I think about this a lot because I think about the fact that when people falsely accuse you, right? Like they're trying to say that you're wicked they're trying you know I mean like it's when they they invoke like the Bible on you somehow and they're trying they're twisting scripture and saying like you're not You're not like, you know you're against what Christ taught and they're just like invoking that stuff and they're speaking evil of you and they're you know, and It's easy to get really angry about that But know this is that when people do that when you're right and you're doing what the Bible teaches and they're literally Invoking God's Word on you and saying well, you know, you shouldn't do this you shouldn't judge you and just hate you and and speak all manner of evil against you that Just rejoice because you have rewards in heaven for that when people slander you when they falsely accuse you for righteousness sake then you're gonna be rewarded and That hurts listen when people lie about you and they say and they they misrepresent you right? It's like when people misrepresent what we believe It's like when we believe that, you know, once once you're saved, you're always saved eternal security But then you're like you you just love your sin and you just want to sin That's why you preach that and you just I mean in your flesh. You just want to slap them around be like you're an idiot Well, what are you talking about? It's like we preach harder against sin than all these other limp-wrist churches that teach that is by works salvation And it's just this false accusation. It's this railing accusation and it's easy to get really you know upset and angry about it, but in the end, it's like when people do that stuff when they You know wrongly charge us or they wrongly Accuses of something we're getting rewarded for it and So much so that you know leaping for joy you think about in Acts chapter 5 for example When when the disciples when the Apostles were beaten it says that they went they went they departed rejoicing that they that they suffered shame for the cross of Christ and and It's sometimes it's hard to get into that mentality, but really when people shame you or they You know, they make fun of you or they speak evil of you or you know All of that remember this is that the Bible says in and first Peter if men reproach you And I'm gonna I'm gonna butcher that so let me let me go to it before I I mess up that but in first Peter chapter 4 You know because it first Peter chapter 4 I just ripped that This Bible's falling apart It says In verse in verse 13 for example says But rejoicing as much as ye are partakers of Christ's suffering that when when he is glorified you shall be His I'm sorry when his glory shall be revealed you may be glad also with exceeding joy If you be reproach for the name of Christ happy are ye For the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you on their party is evil spoken of but on your part He's glorified and another thing to think about this is besides just the idea of being rewarded For when let's say Jesus names being blasphemed and you're being evil spoken of and what you're saying even though it's the truth Know this is that there's a reward in heaven for them speaking evil of you and Jesus is glorified when that happens Because I don't know about you But when when let's say someone like you're going up to the door and someone just blaspheming Jesus name and they're saying all kinds of stuff that's false and they're misrepresenting what the Bible teaches there And they're misrepresenting what you believe and all that stuff and in your mind You're just like this guy is blaspheming my Savior. This guy is just blaspheming the Word of God You know all this stuff and you just want to put them in this place What the Bible says is actually when when they speak when they when they're doing that and you're getting reproach for that He's actually being glorified and I think the thing that's hard to step away from that situation Is that you're like Jesus deserves the glory and you just want you want to stick up for your Savior, right? It's kind of like that in Innate kind of like don't talk about my Savior that way You know what? You just want to stick up for him and speak up for him, right? You don't want to just be like and not speak up when he's being slandered, right? but in these cases especially when you're dealing with a heretic the Bible says after the first and second admonition reject and Know this is that when that happens and let's say you're walking away and they're just like yeah, you know The next time know more about the Bible when you come to my door, you know Because it's by works and you can't go to heaven just by believing in Jesus and you just want to be like, ah, you know but the Bible teaches that actually in those cases the spirit of glory it talks about the The the Spirit of God and of glory rested upon you on their parties evil spoken of right, but on your party's glorified and That's all we can do, right? Because in those situations you want I know I've been there you want to stand up for Jesus and you want to just tell them like it is but honestly When that happens and you walk away from that heretic you're rewarded for being evil spoken of and Jesus is glorified in that and It's kind of a hard thing to to kind of you know Realize I guess in that situation because ultimately you're like no he needs to be stood up for you know Jesus needs you need you need to just stick there and just like put it to him But the Bible actually teaches that he's glorified when people speak evil, you know And when when they're evil speaking of Jesus and you're sticking up for him and they're speaking evil of you, you know He's he's being glorified now go down to verse 24 Verse 24 And I obviously I can't get into each one of these and really Expound on these, you know blessing, you know Just know this is that obviously this is talking about save people and if you do these things You'll be blessed and you'll be rewarded and that's the key here is that when you're dealing with these blessings It's not talking about salvation. It's talking about rewards Because both in Matthew 5 and in Luke 6 here when you're talking about these blessings The last thing that's said about the blessings is great is your reward in heaven So when you're dealing with all of these blessings, it's about rewards not about the gift of salvation Okay now in verse Six here. The thing that's interesting is that he puts some woes in there, right? Because you kind of have the blessed are those that do this blessed are ye when you do this But then he's putting on but woe unto you, right? So here's the negative preaching, right? And In verse 24 it says but woe unto you that are rich for ye have received your consolation And you think about Revelation chapter 3, you know with those the lukewarm Christians if you will that say I am rich and have need of nothing Guess what? Woe unto you when you're like that as a Christian, okay? For ye have received your consolation. So it's like you got your consolation now. You're not getting rewarded, right? Woe unto you that are full for ye shall you shall hunger Woe unto you that laugh now for ye shall mourn and weep I mean think about it as as a soul winner if you weep now and go forth weeping bearing precious seed bring You shall doubtless Come again with rejoicing bringing your seeds with you, right? So if you're weeping now, you're gonna rejoice later, right? But if you if you're rejoicing now and you're laughing now and just living it up now You're gonna weep later when your family members are cast into hell and you could have given them the gospel That's just one example of how this would apply to a Christian. Okay? It's not talking about like us weeping and wailing and gnashing our teeth in hell But there will be tears in heaven or if there wasn't then God wouldn't have to wipe them away That sounds like a sermon title You know, there will be tears in heaven, you know, I think someone probably said I'm sure but anyway But in verse 26 here says woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you For so did their fathers to the false prophets and listen if you're a preacher and Everybody speaks well of you then you're not a very good one Okay, you are not the preacher that Jesus wants you to be if everybody's speaking well of you There is something wrong with your preaching if that's the case and listen He's comparing it to false prophets, right? So let's say you're a preacher and you're saved and you don't have like anybody that's just like your enemy when it comes to your preaching Then you're not preaching in season out of season. You're not reproving rebuking and exhorting like you should right? you're just preaching goodness and light and Not preaching the negatives, right? It's like bless it, you know, it's like the blessings without the cursings, right? you got to have the the bless and the woes in there when you're preaching and Jesus has that doesn't he? I mean he had that in the sermon amount too when it comes to He's talking about hell fire and plucking out your eye and you know cutting off your hand and all this stuff obviously showing you the severity of hell but But anyway you know, that's a whole sermon for another day and the fact that You know those that are Christians it says Yea, and all that will love godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution if they hated me though hate no hate you Marvel not my brethren at the world hate you So we shouldn't be surprised you should be more surprised if a Christian isn't hated of the world You should be more surprised if a preacher You know if a preacher is well spoken of by all people that should be surprising and that should be a red flag Okay, unlike what the world would say it's like well How do you call yourself a preacher if all these people are just speaking evil of you? Like well you haven't read the Bible apparently, okay, because that's literally the opposite of what Jesus says When it comes to preachers, right when it comes to his disciples now go to verse 27 verse 27 and Jesus is going to talk about loving our enemies But also it talks about You Know basically he he This is this is brought up in Matthew chapter 5, but in this passage He doesn't say you have heard that it had been said of old time thou shalt Love thy friends and hate that enemies. Okay, or love thy neighbor and hate that enemies One that it never says that in the Old Testament to hate your enemies Okay, so people try to say well in the Old Testament you could hate your enemies But in New Testament, you're supposed to love your enemies No, actually what I'm going to show you is that this is this is from the beginning Okay, so what can verse 27 here says but I say unto you Which here love your enemies do good to them which hate you bless them that curse you and pray for them which? despitefully use you and unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer the also the other and Him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy code also Give to every man that asketh of thee and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again and as ye would Would that men should do to you do ye also to them? Likewise for if you love them which love you what thank happy for sinners Also love those that love them and if you do good to them, which do good to you What thank happy for sinners also do even the same and if you lend to them which hat which whom ye hope to receive? What thank happy for sinners also lend to sinners to receive as much again But love ye your enemies do good and lend hoping for nothing again and your reward shall be great And you shall be the children of the highest for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil be Therefore merciful as your father also is merciful and this really all goes back to having rewards, doesn't it? And meaning this is that If you love those that love you you're gonna be rewarded from those people that love you right here in this life It's just kind of like it's gonna be reciprocal If you if you lend to those that you know can are gonna pay you back then you're getting you're getting it back You know, I mean, it's not the idea here is that you're doing things for people that will never get back to you You'll never receive it again And the whole premise of this is that you'll be rewarded in heaven Like if you're merciful all these people that you know won't get back to you know will defraud you if you will And it's not saying that like just basically let people like murder you and your family When it says like someone smites you on the cheek Give them the other also the whole idea is that they're challenging you to a fight and you're basically not indulging them on that You're not taking them up on that and you're basically trying to not You know basically engage in You know being a striker or brawler right and when it comes to if someone takes Away thy goods ask them not again meaning. This is if if someone takes your goods The idea is just suffer to be defrauded Right. I mean Paul hits on this in 1st Corinthians that and he's not saying that This person shouldn't get their goods back But the idea is that just don't worry about it just suffer to be defrauded and just move on right you'll be rewarded So when Paul talks about that as far as like okay Let's say let's say a brother in Christ like defraud you and take something from you doesn't pay you back or whatever, right? You know obviously you could bring that to the church and try to reconcile But in the end you could just say you know what nuts to it, and you know what God is saying you'll be rewarded Now obviously the church should take care of someone that's defrauding people okay It's not that that person should get away with it It's the idea of where your perspective is that as far as like I need restitution I must get restitution or just saying you know what it's gone. It's gone. Whatever and move on if you lend to somebody Basically lend to somebody just hoping never to receive it again never lend anything to anybody unless you're willing to kiss it. Goodbye Okay, that's my advice, and I believe that's what the Bible is teaching is basically if you blend something just hope for nothing in return Basically if you get something in return it's like a bonus right. It's kind of like oh, that's cool But just just assume you're never gonna see it again Okay, and that's not to basically state that the person that that you lended it to lent Lended either way That they're not bound you know like they're they're obviously in sin if they don't pay you back That makes sense, but the idea here is that you're rewarded if you're suffering to be defrauded now The Bible teaches both in New Testament Old Testament to love thy neighbor and let me give you one great Correlation is Roman chapter 12 go to Romans chapter 12, and I'm gonna read to you Exodus chapter 23 Okay, so Exodus if you can say well is it in the law of Moses. I mean Exodus 23 is pretty much. I mean If you don't call that the law of Moses I don't know what you're gonna call the law of Moses But in Exodus 23 says this in verse 4 it says if thou meet thine enemies ox or his ass going astray Thou shalt surely bring it back to him again If thou see the ass of him that hated thee lying under his burden And what is before better to help him thou shalt surely help with him So he's basically saying if someone hates you if it's if he's your enemy you should help them bring back. Whatever is lost to them right I mean Where is it written? Where is this idea that we're supposed to hate our enemies in the Old Testament I? Mean That's the definition the Old Testament is Exodus I would say Exodus 20 literally says the Ten Commandments are the Old Testament But here's all the judgments that are coming after those Ten Commandments But in Romans 12 verse 20 it says therefore if thine enemy hunger feed him if he thirst give him drink For in so doing that shall heap coals of fire on his head be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good And you may say oh, that's New Testament yeah, but that's actually quoting Proverbs Proverbs 25 verse 21 says if thine enemy be hungry give him bread to eat And if he be thirsty give him water to drink for thou shalt Heap coals of fire upon his head and that and the Lord shall reward thee Sound familiar I mean that's like reading Luke chapter 6 right You're gonna be rewarded if you love your enemy bless your enemy and love those that hate you and that curse you and all these different things right and The Bible says in 1st Peter chapter 3 finally be of one mind having compassion one of another Love as brethren be pitiful be courteous not rendering evil for evil railing for ailing But contrary wise blessing knowing that you that you're there unto call that you should inherit a blessing right the idea Is that someone wrongs you you don't just bring it back on to them You actually bless them, and you'll be rewarded in heaven for that Now what this is not talking about is loving those that hate the Lord Okay, this is where people conflate this and they'll say well. You know it says the love our enemies it Says the love them that hate us though doesn't it it didn't say love them that hate the Lord So You can't negate the Bible and just put the Bible on its head when in Psalm 139 Psalm 139 Says in verse 21 do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee and am I not grieved with those that rise up against them Thee I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies you may say well see it says like mine enemies listen obviously Those that hate the Lord I would consider to be enemies But they're not my personal enemies like enemies that are just like against me that makes sense Like those that hate me those that are against me those that haven't been deaded against me That's different than those that hate the Lord though And obviously listen if I love my enemy, they're still my enemy aren't they My personal enemy. They're still my enemy It's not like I'd call them a friend You know, but at the same time those that hate the Lord are the ones that we're not to love okay, we're actually supposed to hate those and You know, but when it talks about that the Lord is the evil you know Obviously the Lord is kind to those that That are not doing what they should be doing and all that but it doesn't say that he's kind unto those that are Haters of the Lord that are reprobate concerning the faith You know what? I mean like people just insert this stuff as if I mean the Bible talks about the that he tried the righteous but him that But the wicked and him and that love with violence his soul hate it Now you could say that he's kind to them because he lets them to live And he gives them like breath to breathe. You know what I mean? But I don't believe that's what it's saying here I think he's just talking about the people that were to love that hate us like he's kind to them too And we need to be like him Even though they're mistreating us cursing us and all that Okay But obviously these people that I believe is talking about here are people that are not past feeling we're not talking about psychopaths here We're talking about We're talking about normal people that obviously are against us for whatever reason okay, and we need to show them mercy and Compassion and all that. Okay, so Luke chapter 6 and verse 37 I'm gonna go through this pretty quick, but it says in verse 37 says judge not and you shall not be judged Well, just close your Bibles there and go home. Don't judge But No, there's actually more just like Matthew 7 condemn not and you shall not be condemned forgive and you shall be forgiven Give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down and shaken together and running over Shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that you meet with all shall be measured to you again And that's really the principle of the judge not that you be be not judged is the idea that if you judge that judgment The the flashlights coming back on you right and that's why It goes on to talk about taking the mode out of your brother You know taking the beam out of your own eye, right? So if you're guilty of worse and then you're like trying to like judge your brother Then you know what you're gonna get the same judgment back towards you if that's the case But this also applies with positive things right being forgiven So notice that this is and also applies the giving right it given it shall be given unto you and Pressed down shaken together and running over meaning. This is that basically, a lot of times what's given back to you is more than what you gave and It goes on and say and he spake a parable unto them Can the blind lead the blind shall they not both fall into the ditch the disciples not above his master But everyone that is perfect shall be as his master and why beholdest thou the moat that is in thy brother's eye But perceiveth not the beam that is in thine own eye either. How canst thou say to thy brother brother? Let me pull out the moat that is in thine eye When thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye thou hypocrite cast out first the beam out of thine own eye and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the moat that is in thy brother's eye now All this is saying the moat is like a speck or like a you know like a little piece of wood compared to like a beam which is like a big rafter that you're putting in your You know, like you got this big giant beam that's just coming out of your eye. Okay, like a you know anyway, so the idea here is that Obviously that person shouldn't be judging that person because our big hypocrite Okay, what this is teaching against is being a hypocritical judge, you know judge if you will and People like oh you shouldn't judge, you know the homos it's like well I I'm never gonna be a homos so I can judge that all day. I want I shouldn't judge the pedophiles, you know Well, I'm not pedophile never will be a pedophile. So I'll judge that all day long But so obviously there are cases though where if you're really guilty of something then you should just shut your mouth and sit down and just Not say anything, right? It's like when people it'd be like if a parent was really bad at parenting and they're trying to give advice about parenting right It's like you're no one to talk. All right, you know, it's that type of judgment that he's talking about, right? And obviously, you know giving Bible says the God love at the cheerful giver and Obviously if you so sparingly you'll reap sparingly and it's really talking about reaping what you sow You know when it comes to this what you give it'll be given back to you kind of thing Whether it's good or bad, right? So You know that the same principle applies now I'm gonna preach a whole sermon on this next passage here, but I'm gonna read it Anyway, just for sake of going through this chapter about the corrupt tree and the good tree and verse 43 It says for a good tree bringeth not forth good or corrupt fruit Neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit for every tree is known by his own fruit For of thorns men do not gather figs nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes a good man out of the good treasure of His heart bringeth forth that which is good and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringing forth that which is Evil for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speak it I'm actually gonna preach a whole sermon on this this topic and what The fruits talking about and all that But so I don't want to I'm Sam run out of time too, but so I'll get to that in another sermon But basically it's talking about You know you bring forth that for your own kind the fruit of the womb is his reward so a person brings forth a person, you know a child a Good prophet brings forth a saved person, right? I mean, that's the fruit. I'm gonna get into that in more detail, but That's you know, basically a false prophet cannot bring forth good fruit so You just didn't get anybody saved Now Luke chapter 6 and verse 46 It ends here kind of the same way the Sermon on the Mount ends with the idea of like after he says all these things basically about building your house on a rock or The world my phone's talking or my watch is talking to me But notice in verse 46 here says and why call ye me Lord Lord and do not the things which I say You know every lordship salvation Preacher should read that verse and ask the question. Did he really make Jesus Lord of their life? And they say well, no, you know, I do the things that he say everything all the time Listen the fact of the matter is is that he's not your Lord all the time because you're not always doing the things that he Say so when it says well, no, he's my lord because no, what did Jesus say? No, if you do what I say, then I'm your lord right now obviously spiritually speaking We know that's all the time, you know, spiritually speaking but physically speaking to say that he's your lord. He's the lord of your life You know what not unless you're doing what you should be doing every single moment every single second of your life And if any of those guys that believe in what ship salvation say that they are they're a bunch of liars They're a bunch of arrogant liars. They're gonna split hell wide open Now in verse 47 says whosoever cometh to me and here with my sings and do with them. I will show you to whom he is like he is like unto a man which built an house and dig down and dig deep and laid the Foundation on a rock and when the flood arose and the stream beat vehemently upon the house and could not shake it Where it was founded upon a rock But he that heareth and doeth not it is like a man that without a foundation built and house upon the earth Against which the stream did beat vehemently and immediately it fell in the ruin of the house was great This is a great example of James chapter 1 not being a forgetful here But a doer the work and what does it say that if you don't just hear but you do the work You're blessed in your deed This whole sermon or that he's preaching here from where he's talking about You know blessed are ye that are ye poor and going down the line. He's talking about rewards and blessings He's basically saying that if you do these things, you're gonna be blessed but if you don't do these things, you're not gonna be blessed right and It's consistent with the whole Bible when it comes to this and you know I Mean obviously you can understand the fact that if you put a house on a rock compared to on the like just the ground It's gonna be more sturdy in Matthew chapter 5 instead of the earth. It says sand and so He's basically just giving you an illustration of what it's like when you don't do what he says and so That's why we should keep his commandments not to go to heaven But because we want to have we want to we don't want our house to fall in okay, we want we want to we want to obviously build up a spiritual house and We want it to endure now. Let's let's end with a word of prayer to Heavenly Father We think for today we thank you for the book of Luke We think for this chapter and pray that you'd help us to understand it and Lord just so much so many things that we can learn from it now praise you helped me to preach through the book of Luke rightly and Lord just help me to see what you want me to see in these chapters as we go through it and though we love you In Jesus Christ's name Amen, but they will come and sing one more song and they'll be dismissed All right, take your song books and turn to song 170 Song 170 in your song books and if you would stand We'll sing hallelujah what a Savior song 170 Man of sorrows What a name for the Son of God who came ruined sinners to Reclaim hallelujah What a Savior Bearing shame and scoffing rude in my place Condemned he stood Sealed my pardon with his blood Hallelujah