(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 294 song 294 in your song books we'll sing stepping in the light and if you would stand we'll sing song 294 trying to walk in the steps of the Savior trying to follow our Savior and shaping our lives by his blessed example happy how happy the songs that we bring how beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior stepping in the light stepping in the light how beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior leaden paths of light pressing more closely to him who is leading when we are tempted to turn from the way trusting the arm that is strong to defend us happy how happy our praises each day how beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior stepping in the line stepping in the line how beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior laden paths of light walking in footsteps of gentle forbearance footness mercy and love looking to him for the grace freely promised happy how happy our journey how beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior stepping in the line stepping in the line how beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior leaden paths of light trying to walk in the steps of the Savior upward sola poor will follow our guide when we shall see him the king in his beauty happy how happy our place at his side how beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior stepping in the line stepping in the line how beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior all right let's pray Heavenly Father Lordy and we just want to thank you God for Mountain Baptist Church thank you God for another service that we get to hear your word preached I pray Lord that we would be attentive and just have our open ears and open hearts and I pray Lord that we would just obey your word and pray Lord now that you'd be honored and glorified over everything and said and done we love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all but amen all right you may be seated and turn to song 288 song 288 in your song books we'll sing I am resolved song 288 I am resolved no longer to linger charmed by the world's delight things that are higher things that are nobler these have alert my side I will hasten to him hasten so glad and free Jesus greatest highest I will come to thee I am resolved to go to the Savior leaving my sin and strife he is the true one he is the just one he hath the words of life I will hasten to him hasten so glad and free Jesus greatest highest I will come to thee I am resolved to follow the Savior faithful and true each day heed what he sayeth do what he will if he is the living way I will hasten to him hasten so glad and free Jesus greatest highest I will come to thee amen so welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and do some announcements here I think I think the consensus is to move the women's prayer meeting from this Saturday to the 18th so that's is that a Friday so I know it's kind of short notice to move it but and see if that works out you know because basically we could basically do the second to last Friday for the women and then the last Friday for men and see how that works out but I tend to agree with I don't I don't know what husbands were saying that it it interfered but I I agree with that sentiment just because the Saturday's like Saturday's like my only day to do anything other than my church or work and so when the prayer meetings there and then Holly's going to the prayer meeting and it's not the whole day but it's like a lot of the day I obviously can't really do much of anything when I'm watching a lot of the kids so so I understand that and as long as the ladies are okay with a Friday then I'm all for that so so yeah so we'll plan on moving this August 5th one to August 18 so and then we'll see how that works out so and so then as far as the the church service times this coming Sunday everything will be normal we will have some of the other men in brother Matt Racine and brother brother Nick that's going to be preaching for us this coming Sunday and then also the Wednesday because we're gonna be out that week I'm planning on preaching when I come back but we're coming we're flying back in like late on Saturday night so so yeah we'll obviously be prepared if someone needs to step in but but as far as the service times go everything will be normal so being your places at those service times do be in prayer for and then the soul winning time as well will be normal so it was just be some of the other men that will be leading it up on Sunday and then the the regional sewing times will be obviously a brother Richie and brother Wade will be out of town so so we'll just pick those back up to the next week so but do be in prayer for this mission trip that we're going on pray for our safety of travels that brother Dave doesn't get sucked out of a plane window there's some you're not like watching videos of planes crashing are you you know it's not smart you know but anyway but being prayer for the track obviously you know they're multiple people that talk to that have gone to Greece have been talking about like the fact that there's gangs and there's pickpocketers and all that stuff so so if your pastor or your deacon ends up having to brawl with somebody what state what happens in Greece stays in Greece you know no I'm joking but at the same time be in prayer for us though that obviously we don't get mugged we don't get you know we obviously and that we see many people say that it's fruitful and all that and so just be in prayer for us there and then chapter memory for the month we're in August now so Malachi chapter 3 and then Hebrews 13 1 is a memory verse for the week but brotherly love continue and be in prayer for all ladies on the pregnancy list there we had three I'm sorry six ladies on here and so we have tiara Amanda Jennifer Alyssa Anastasia and Abby again thanks to all the ladies that that helped out with the baby shower and all that and I think that's about all I have for announcements the offering boxes in the back there if you want to give a tie there an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers babies only but they was gonna sing one more song and then brother Joseph's gonna come up and read Luke chapter 23 for us all right take your songbooks and turn to song 228 song 228 we'll sing I love to tell the story song 228 I love to tell the story of unseen things above of Jesus and his glory of Jesus and his love I love to tell the story because I know tis true and satisfies my longings as nothing else can do I love to tell the story 12 be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of Jesus and his love I love to tell the story more wonderful it seems then all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams I love to tell the story it did so much for me and that is just the reason I tell it now to thee I love to tell the story 12 be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of Jesus and his love I love to tell the story tears pleasant to repeat what seems each time I tell it more wonderful Lee sweet I love to tell the story for some have never heard the message of salvation from God's own holy word I love to tell the story 12 be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of Jesus and his love I love to tell the story for those who know when past seem hungry and thirsty to hear it like the rest and scenes of glory I see the new new song 12 be the old old story that I have loved so long I love to tell the story 12 be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of Jesus and his love all right take your bibles and turn to Luke 23 Luke 23 in your bibles we'll have brother Joseph come read that for us Luke chapter 23 and if you found your place there you'll say amen and the whole multitude of them rose and led him unto Pilate and they began to accuse him saying we found this fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar saying that he himself is Christ a king and I asked him saying art thou the king of the Jews and he answered him and said thou sayest it then said Pilate to the chief priests and to the people I find no fault in this man and they were were the more fear saying he stirs up the people teaching throughout all Jewry beginning from Galilee to this place when Pilate heard of Galilee he asked whether the man were a Galilean and as soon as he knew that he belonged under Herod's jurisdiction he sent him to Herod who himself also was at Jerusalem at the time at that time and when Herod saw Jesus he was exceedingly glad for he was desirous to see him of a long season because he had heard many things of him and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him then he questioned with him in many words but he answered him nothing and the chief chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused him and Herod with his men of war set him at naught and mocked him and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe and sent him again to Pilate the name in the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together for before they were at enmity between themselves and Pilate when he had called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people said unto them you have brought this man unto me as one that perverted the people and behold I having examined him before you have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him no nor yet Herod for I sent you to him and lo nothing worthy of death is done unto him I will therefore chastise him and release him for a necessity he must release one unto them at the feast and they cried out all at once saying away with this man and release unto us Barabbas who for a certain sedition made in the city and for murder was cast into prison Pilate therefore willing to release Jesus spake again to them but they cried saying crucify him crucify him and he said unto them the third time why what evil hath he done I have found no no cause of death in him I will therefore chastise him and let him go they were instant with loud voices requiring that he might be crucified and the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed and Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required and released unto them him that first edition and murder was cast into prison whom they had desired but he delivered Jesus to their will and as they led him away they laid hold upon one Simon the Syrian coming out of the country and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus and there followed him a great company of people and of women which also be welled and lamented him but Jesus turning unto them said daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me but weep for yourselves and for your children for behold the days are coming in which they shall say blessed are the Baron and the wombs that never bear and the paps which never gave suck then shall they begin to say to the mountains fall on us and into the hills cover us for if they they do these things in a green tree what shall be done in the dry and there were also two other malefactors led with him to be put to death and when they were come to the place which is called Calvary there they crucified him and the malefactors one on the right hand and the other on the left then said Jesus father forgive them for they know not what they do and they parted his raiment and cast lots and the people stood beholding and the rulers also with them derided him saying he saved others let him save himself if he be Christ the chosen of God and the soldiers also mocked him coming to him and offering him vinegar and saying if thou be the king of the Jews save thyself and a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek and Latin and Hebrew this is the king of the Jews and one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him saying if thou be Christ save thyself and us but the other one answering rebuked him saying does not thou fear God seeing thou art in the same condemnation and we indeed justly for we received the due reward of our deeds but this man hath done nothing amiss and he said unto Jesus Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom Jesus said unto him verily I say unto thee today shalt thou be with me in paradise it was about the sixth hour and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour and the Sun was darkened and the veil of the temper temple rent in the mist and when Jesus had cried with the loud voice he said father into thy hands I command my spirit and having said thus he gave up the ghost now when the centurion saw what was done he glorified God saying certainly this was a righteous man and all the people that came together to that site beholding the things which were done smote their breasts and returned and all his acquaintance and the women that followed him from Galilee stood afar off beholding these things behold there was a man named Joseph a counselor and he was a good man and just the same had not consented to the council and deed of them he was of Arimathea city of the Jews who also himself waited for the kingdom of God this man went unto Pilate and begged the body of Jesus and he took it down and wrapped it in linen and laid it in a sepulcher that was hewn in stone wherein never man before was laid and that day was the preparation and the Sabbath drew on and the women also which came with him from Galilee followed after and be beheld the sepulcher and how his body was laid and they returned and prepared spices and ointments and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment let's pray Lord Father thank you for this pure and holy word you've given to us Lord thank you for the ability to come here midweek and gather again ask to be a pastor Robinson edifies tonight Jesus name amen amen so you're there in Luke chapter 23 and we're seeing our study through the book of Luke and so obviously next week we'll have a little break break until we finish up the book of Luke but we are in the chapter of the crucifixion and where Jesus is gonna be crucified and in verse 1 here if you remember in chapter 22 he was led to the high priest and so you have Annas and then you have you have Caiaphas and all that and depending on which Gospels you're looking at as far as who's who's talking to who when you're dealing with that but in this in this chapter we're gonna see him being brought to Pilate and this chapter actually gives us some information about where he goes to Herod and you won't see this in the other Gospels but he goes to Herod in this in this in this passage and so we'll see that story as well but in verse 1 here it says and the whole multitude of them arose and led him unto Pilate they began to accuse him saying we found this fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar saying that he himself is Christ a king so notice just the the just brailling accusation that's made there right I mean if you looked at the passages where they asked him about giving tribute you know should we give tribute to Caesar says render therefore unto Caesar to the things that are Caesars and and then the things that are God to God right and so they are just blatantly just making false accusations they're obviously saying he's perverting a nation they're actually the ones perverting a nation right it reminds me of that story where King Ahab comes to Elijah and basically talks about how like Elijah is trouble the troubler of Israel I forget exactly how it says it but so something to that effect like aren't that he that trouble with Israel or something like that and and I just like no you are you know and I'm paraphrasing but it's kind of like that idea you know you want to just be like point point about your man like you're the one that's perverting the nation right you're the one that's just making up these lies and and but then saying that he himself is Christ a king now Jesus did say he's Christ and that is a true statement but notice how that they're putting in these false accusations that are in there and in verse 3 it says and Pilate asked him saying art thou the king of the Jews and he answered him and said thou sayest it then said Pilate to the chief priests and to the people I find no fault in this man this passage you're gonna actually see Pilate state this this state this statement of like I find no fault in him three times that Pilate is going to state that that fact that he doesn't find any fault in him so that's what you keep getting to is that it's like I don't find any fault they keep bringing all these accusations all this stuff is coming up and it says in verse 5 and they were the more fierce saying he stirreth up the people teaching throughout all Jewry beginning from Galilee to this place so Pilate is you know and if you looked at other Gospels as well you'll see where his wife Pilate's wife has a dream about Jesus and basically saying don't have anything to do with this just man like his wife knows that that Jesus is righteous and basically warning Pilate not to not to touch this guy not to mess with him right and then and then there's all this conversation that he has with Jesus to where Pilate knows hey they they brought him to them for envy right he knows this is wrong he knows that they're just trying to kill this innocent man and obviously we know he's the Lord and especially when it says later on that he says that he's the Son of God and there's that's when that's when Pilate comes in again and he's just like who art thou and Jesus doesn't answer him after that because then he's like really afraid that he's dealing with the Lord it's interesting too because you know when people think of like Nebuchadnezzar looking into the burning fire furnace he says the fourth man is like unto the Son of God and what you have to understand is that everybody knows who the true God is when you when you when you when it comes down to it they all know that Jesus is the true God they all know that God is the Father Son the Holy Ghost and when everything just kind of you know comes down to it everybody knows everybody's comparing every religion to Christianity they're comparing every God to Jesus and that's just because he is the true God now no one no one compares to Jesus and when it comes to the true God no one can come close or be likened unto him but anyway I'm getting sidetracked there go to verse 6 there because when Pilate heard of Galilee he asked whether the man were a Galilean now Nazareth is in Galilee okay so that's where Jesus obviously grew up he's born in Bethlehem but he grew up in Nazareth and so obviously in it this was prophesied as well that he was going to be in Galilee of the Gentiles but verse 7 it says and as soon as he knew that he belonged on the Herod's jurisdiction he sent him to Herod who himself also was at Jerusalem at that time now I don't want to go back to the passages where it teaches where but in Luke Luke is one of one of the Gospels that really shows you like who was Caesar who were the Tetrarchs like who was ruling at that time and if you go back to like Luke chapter 3 for example you'll see that Pilate Pontius Pilate is governor over Judea and you have like the Tetrarchs like Herod is over Galilee and then Philip his brother you know his brother is a Tetrarch over I forget what place but basically the Tetrarch means they're like if you think of a monarch that's one king Tetrarch think of Tetris there's four right so there's four different Kings over those provinces but Herod is over Galilee so if you've read you know from the beginning of Luke you already know that that makes sense that Herod is over Galilee and therefore that's of his jurisdiction and it just happens to be that Herod is actually in Jerusalem at that time okay because Galilee is not in Jerusalem right Galilee you got to go through some area to get up to Galilee and it just happened to be that Herod was there and it says in verse 8 it says and when Herod saw Jesus he was exceeding glad for he was desirous to see him of a long season because he had heard many things of him and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him now do you remember what Jesus said about those that seek a sign a wicked and what adulterous generation seeketh after a sign now who would fit that bill but Herod himself because John the Baptist said that it's not lawful for him to have his brother Philip his brother's wife right Phillips Philip was his brother and Herodias is Philip's wife and he obviously took her to be his wife and that's what obviously caused John the Baptist to end up getting put to death and he wants he wants to see some miracle done by him in verse 9 it says then he questioned him with him in many words but he answered him nothing okay so he wouldn't answer Herod a word and it says the chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused him and Herod with his men of war set him at naught and mocked him and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe and sent him again to Pilate so you may ask yourself you know why does he not answer him why does Jesus not answer him well I believe after John the Baptist was beheaded that Herod was done if you remember Herod would listen to John the Baptist gladly and he would even hear and do basically the things that John the Baptist stated I don't believe you say but he was still like he was attentive and I believe at that point Herod was able to be saved and up to that point but when when John the Baptist was killed I believe he was done because in Luke chapter 13 we see that that when Herod's brought up in Luke 13 and verse 31 it says the same day there came certain of the Pharisees saying unto him get thee out and depart hence for Herod will kill thee now that's what people said but it's interesting because Herod was just desires he was glad to see Jesus so you know sometimes there's threatened people threaten you with things you're like oh you know these people are gonna kill you and all that stuff and just like and then you you run into those people like now I don't know what are you talking about right so people will threaten and even say that other people are gonna do something and they're not actually gonna do anything right so that's why you don't worry about things that when people say stuff like that a lot of times it's idle threats and all that and maybe Herod was trying to kill him but it doesn't make sense when you see that Jesus is being brought to him and he's like really happy to see him wants to see some miracle it you would think he'd be like let's kill them you know like now's our chance but all that to say is that in verse 32 it says and he said unto them go ye and tell that Fox behold I cast out devils and I do cures today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected so he calls him a fox and I believe at this point you're dealing with the fact that that Herod is giving her to a reprobate mind he's not regarding him as a human being anymore he is he is an animal you know he is a false prophet he is and you know you know basically a reprobate and when it comes to Jesus why why doesn't he answer him right that'd be the question well you know Matthew 7 6 says give not not that which is holy unto the dogs neither cast ye your pearls before swine and you may say well what is that talking about well I mean basically you don't give your time you don't give anything to these people right you don't you basically still avoid them and so that's you know one verse I've been thinking apply but go to Proverbs chapter 1 Proverbs chapter 1 we're dealing with the Lord right because obviously you can look at Titus where it says a man a man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject knowing that he that is such as subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself right well I would say that he's had a couple admonitions with John the Baptist to the point at this point that hey he's rejected I mean John the Baptist was the greatest prophet to ever be born of a woman that's quite a statement obviously Jesus is you know even John Baptist says you know he that comes after me is preferred before me for he was before me right so John Baptist obviously he must increase I must decrease so we know that Jesus is greater he's better but at it like human humanly speaking John the Baptist was the best and what happened with John the Baptist and Herod we know the story right so I believe he's rejected but think about this with Proverbs 1 verse 24 there it says before because I have called and you refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded but you have said it not all my counsel and with none of my reproof I also laugh at your calamity I will mock when your fear cometh when your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon you then shall they call upon me but I will not answer think about that right there's gonna be time where they're calling upon him they're looking for him they're there it says they shall seek me early but shall not find me for for that they hated knowledge and didn't choose did not choose the fear of the Lord they would none of my counsel they despised all my reproof therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices and notice that after you know after he doesn't answer him they start mocking him sending him at not and basically reviling him so it's kind of like when you're dealing with a reprobate sometimes you may get that thing yeah yeah show me you know show me this and then they're not genuine though yeah it wouldn't matter if Jesus healed somebody right there he wasn't going to believe and so Herod's a good example I believe somebody that could have gotten saved and had opportunities with John the Baptist and he blew it you know and ultimately I believe when when he gave in to John the Baptist being beheaded I think he was done at that point so so now they bring Jesus back to Pilate in verse 12 so Luke 23 verse 12 it says in the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together for before they were at enmity between themselves so so get this like Herod and Pilate weren't friends they didn't get along but this whole thing I believe of like basically Pilate's trying to not trying to get out of this whole situation like the whole time he's trying to get out of the situation doesn't want he doesn't he never wanted to put Jesus to death he was always trying to get out of it and ultimately the mob ruled and they get their way but he's trying to get out of it and Herod it's kind of like also saying there's no reason to put him to death because notice what it says here and Pilate when he had called together the chief priests and the rulers of the people said unto them ye have brought this man unto me as one that perverted the people and behold I have examined him before you and have I having examined him before you have found no fault in this man touching those things where wherever you accuse him so here's the second time he says there's no fault with him no nor yet Herod for I sent you to him and lo nothing worthy of death is is done unto him so Herod didn't send him away saying he's worthy of death he basically just mocked him and just like said not so I don't care right it's kind of like in the book of Acts is a Galileo who didn't care for these things right it was like he was like the deputy or something like that and he basically just didn't give a rip like what happened whether a just person was getting persecuted or whether it was someone that needed needed judgment or not but they're basically he's like just go do whatever you want to do with them right that's kind of like the same attitude it seems like Herod just like whatever I'm not giving my judgment on this but he doesn't he doesn't he doesn't give a tell Pilate yes he's worthy of death and so it says and I will therefore chastise him and release him from necessity must release one unto them at the feast if you remember the other Gospels it will state that you know they had this tradition during the feast you know the Passover to release a prisoner unto them and if you remember he's trying to get this is like his out right I I need to release somebody so how about I release Jesus the king of the Jews right and that gets them all riled up and everything but in verse 18 it says and they cried out all at once saying away with this man and release unto us Barabbas who for a certain sedition made in the city and for murder was cast in the prison now in John it states that for Barabbas was a robber so he caused sedition he was a robber and a murderer now look at Acts chapter 3 because is the people of Israel are going to be called out for this that they they chose a murderer over the Lord Jesus Christ Acts chapter 3 and verse 13 and then they're gonna say crucify him crucify him and what I want to show you here is that it's not just the rulers you know don't listen to these false prophets like John Hagee you say well you know there's some you know Calvary conspiracy or something like that with Rome and the you know Herod and all this this garbage that guy's gonna split hell wide open it's gonna have to be split pretty far open because he's pretty big it's one of those things gonna have to be just yeah I'll have enlarged itself well that pits gonna have to enlarge itself for for John Hagee to fit down that hole can you tell I don't like him but he is a damnable heretic that's a huge Zionist and let's see what the Bible says though was it just the rulers or wasn't all the people you know he came with his own his own received him not the majority of Israel rejected Jesus we know that a lot of is you know obviously there was a lot of people that got got saved but when you think about the percentage though you know when he's feeding the five thousand think of five thousand that's not the majority that's not half of the population of Jerusalem that was there or of Judea or of you know Galilee in that whole surrounding area but it and what you have to understand too is that some of those people that were there were from like Greece and other places that came in to see Jesus so anyway in Acts chapter 3 and verse 13 it says the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob the God of our fathers had glorified his son Jesus whom he delivered up and denied him in the presence of Pilate when he was determined to let him go I mean it's very clear that Pilate wanted to let Jesus go he was determined to let him go but no knows what happens in verse verse 14 it says but he denied the Holy One in the just and desired a murderer to be granted unto you and obviously Luke is stating that right you know Luke 23 is he was a murderer and he caused sedition and that's that's the narrator speaking there so it's not like they're like just stating that he did that or like that was his accusation he murdered I don't know at least one person right but it says in verse 15 and killed the Prince of Life whom God hath raised from the dead whereof we are witnesses and his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong whom you see and know yay the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all and obviously the story here in Acts 3 is where they're being brought because they healed this guy right but in verse 17 it says and and now brethren I what that through ignorance you did it and what's what mean like WOT I think right it's kind of like I perceive I think I think that through ignorance like that's what I'm thinking is that this is just ignorance that you did this that ye did it as did also your rulers so notice that he's pointing at them he's like and also your rulers did it's not like the rulers that and you also did no he's like you did it and also the rulers did it now the rulers obviously were the ones provoking the crowd and trying to get them like causing this big tomb to mold and all that stuff to get the crowd in there but you know they riled up the mob and so they they asked for Barabbas but I go back to Luke chapter 23 and verse 20 Luke chapter 23 and verse 20 it says Pilate therefore willing to release Jesus spake against it to them but they cried saying crucify him crucify him and he said unto them the third time why what evil hath he done I have found no cause of death in him I will therefore chastise him and let him go and if you remember in I believe it's in John that he chastised you know after he scourges them him he's like behold the man and he's I think he's still hoping even at that point like hey behold him now what you have to understand is that you know there's a lot of thoughts as far as when they scourged him like what they used and all that stuff but I'll say this it was bad it had to have been bad because the Bible says in Isaiah 52 that his visage was so marred more than any man which means that basically he didn't he didn't even look like a human being you know at that point like being on the cross like he was so marred and you know it's kind of hard to imagine you know what that was like but if you imagine like they when they say behold the man obviously it's not like he just has a couple scrapes on them right I mean they it was bad and going off from that it says in verse 23 it says and they were instant with loud voices requiring that he might be crucified and the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed and Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required and he released unto them him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison whom they had desired but he delivered Jesus to their will so notice that he he he he bent to the will of the mob so when you think about injustice today which there's a lot of it right I think about these you know even in our you know our movement if you will like churches that have been through a lot of persecution and the course will literally just side with the mob and that's when you think about that it's just like man that's injustice but that's what happened with Jesus the justice system which was set up which is Rome that was over that was ruling they could have said no you can't do this they sided with the mob and the mob you know got their will by lying and deceiving and railing and just just forcefully just just just chanting and riding you know and basically just getting their way by just saying a whole bunch of stuff to try to put fear in the pilot and that's what it really came down to is what what really I believe it's in Matthew where the straw that broke the camel's back is where he states that if any man claims to be a king then he's no friend of Caesar right and basically what they're implying they're kind of like passive aggressively applying to pilot that that he's not against someone that's against Caesar right and that if Jesus is claiming to be a king then you're basically siding you're it's like treason essentially and that's where pilots just like alright I'm done and then he literally washes his hands of it and said that he's clean of the blood of this just man he knows that he's just like pilot knows his wife knows he knows yay all those Jews and everybody that is that saying crucify him knows that it's a just man well not all of them obviously there's some that were doing it ignorantly like Paul's that are like like Peter was preaching but let's face I mean you're dealing with the the chief priests and the Pharisees and all that that are that are saying this and provoking the crowd they know they know that he's actually the Christ and they want to kill him it's just like the parable where that he that they the son comes into the vineyard and they're like it's the air let's kill them so we can have the inheritance they know they knew it was the son right it's not like all I didn't know that was the son of the husband you know they know who he is they just reject him obviously so so the third time pilot is saying there's no fault I find no fault but yet he still gives in to the will of the mob and so I go to Luke chapter 23 and verse 26 we see another story if you will in here that's not in the other Gospels that's that's unique to the book of Luke if you will which is where he's going to the cross now there's some parts of this obviously that are in you know Matthew and other places as well but it's where the the women when he's speaking to the women as he's going to the cross so this is he's not he hasn't been nailed to the cross yet so this is between where they basically are putting the cross on him because that's what it says in verse 26 it says as they led him away they laid hold upon one Simon a Cyrenian coming out of the country and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus now you know this I think what some people could look at me like did Jesus ever bear the cross and I believe the answer is yes because it says that he might bear it after Jesus and for him to bear it after Jesus means that he had to have had it to begin with right so Jesus had it before for him to have it after and so Jesus is bearing the cross but as he's going to the cross and if you remember that if his visage is so marred more than any man that it's probably hard to carry this cross it's probably hard to actually get there and this is where they're offering him vinegar mixed with gall and all this stuff and he wouldn't receive it but he's the Simon the Cyrenian obviously helps him bear the cross there's a whole sermon there I'm you know for that as far as picking up your cross and bearing his cross and all that but in verse 27 here it says and there followed him a great company of people and of women which also be wailed and lamented him but Jesus turning out to them said daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me but weep for yourselves and for your children now I want you to think about that for a second would you think about where Jesus is at right now the state that he's in right now and he's more concerned about the women and their children and about that they should be more concerned about them and their children than about him that's the heart of your Savior right there that he's literally going through all that you know that such contradiction of sinners and he's he's despite he's despises the shame as he's doing this but they're just that you know these the things that he says when he's going to the cross and when he's on the cross I mean just really shows you the heart of God the heart of our Savior and the compassion and love that he has for us that even as he's going through this it's not like he's like I got to get this done then let's deal with this let me talk to you after that right it's kind of like let me go through all this no even while he's going through all this and he's going through the cross and the sins of the world are gonna be put upon him that he's thinking about them and notice what says here and he gives why it says for behold the days are coming and in the which they shall say blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bear and the paps which never gave suck then shall they begin to say to the mountains fall on us and to the hills cover us for if they do these things in a green tree what shall be done in the dry and what you have to understand is that Jerusalem is going to be destroyed not that far in the future like 40 years in the future like less than that that they're going to be destroyed and violently destroyed and I believe he's pointing to that because if you think about where that's quoting he's quoting this passage in Hosea chapter 10 and that's dealing wherein Samaria was gonna be cut off and Samaria is the the capital city of the northern kingdom of Israel and Assyria completely annihilates that northern kingdom and Samaria and it's obviously a brutal takeover and all that and actually they're all taken out of there and people from Assyria are brought back in and those that are in Samaria aren't even Israelites but they basically take the religion of Judea and mix it with their own so basically like Catholic like the Catholics do with Christianity in the Bible is it's kind of like this mixture of like paganism and Christianity and it's kind of what they did with the Samarians so basically that judgment that happened with that northern kingdom is gonna happen to Judea and and the thing is is that that was never inhabited again like it's not like that he restored that and guess what that physical like Judea isn't getting restored right as much as people want to say it is it's not getting restored until Jesus comes back and he's ruling and reigning for a thousand years and guess who's gonna be ruling and reigning with him us all the saved whether Jew or Gentile now you can also look at the the the far future application which if you look at Revelation chapter 6 the idea of the rocks you know falling on us and all that so you can definitely see that that distant future application where this is going to be coming on all the world because it says in Revelation 6 15 and the kings of the earth and great men and the rich men and chief captains and the mighty men and every bond man and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand so you can definitely say I would apply to that as well but if you remember Luke 21 is more so hitting on that near future application with obviously going into that far future application so but I just kind of want to hit on that a little bit but I just want you to think about the heart of Jesus that during that time he's saying don't worry about me worry about yourselves that's essentially kind of what he's dealing with is like you need to be weeping for yourself because of what's about what's going to happen you know here in Jerusalem and obviously you can see the far future application as well now go to Luke chapter 23 and verse 32 is here's where he's going to be crucified in verse 32 it says and there were also two other malefactors led with him to be put to death now you know Matthew for example call it says there are two thieves crucified with them and you may say to yourself like okay well what like that seems harsh we put death for stealing but it depends on what you stole right if you steal a person then then you're to be put to death right but so we don't know what they stole but also with Barabbas in one place it calls him a robber in another place it says he committed murder right so it could be the fact that there's other things because it calls them malefactors which is kind of like this all-encompassing like it they obviously did something wrong so they they were guilty of the pun you know guilty of something and here's thing you say well you know it's not maybe it wasn't uh what if it's not something they were guilty of death though according to God's law what doesn't matter because Rome was was over it anyway so if Rome says you stole an apple and you got to be put to death I mean that's what it would have been obviously I don't think it was that strict in Rome but all that to say is that whatever they did they got the death penalty and it's saying they are malefactors so it's not saying like either one of these are innocent or anything like that but this obviously fulfills the scripture in Isaiah 53 where it says and he was numbered with the transgressors and we know that that's true because in Mark it talks about when he was crucified between them that it says and the scripture was fulfilled which says he was numbered with the transgressors so we know that that's what that's talking about and he made his his his grave with the rich and in his death Joseph of Arimathea obviously we haven't got to that just yet but you know these scriptures that are being fulfilled throughout there everything falls in line but it says that it led with him to be put to death and when they were come to the place which is called Calvary there they crucified him in the malefactors one on the right hand and the other on the left so this is obviously always see that the crosses where Jesus is in the middle his cross in the middle and the other and the two are on each side that's accurate you know and so that's actually the way it was and so so they crucified him in the midst of these two malefactors and Calvary is just it's Golgotha it's basically another way like the place of the skull same thing it's not like this is some different name really it's just the fact that instead of saying like the place of the skull it's another way is to say Calvary okay so that's all that is now cow cavalry is different and who here is mix those two up you know like when you're singing like Calvary or something like that and Calvary Calvary is like cavalry cavalry is like when you have like a you know a platoon of like men coming in anyway now I'm just confused everybody but I just know every time I read this I'm just thinking like if you switch those around with the L and the B but this is just the place that's called Golgotha it's where he was crucified it says in verse 34 here then said Jesus father forgive them for they know not what they do and they parted his raiment and cast lots now who's he saying that to is he saying that to Caiaphas and Annas and the chief priests no he's saying that to those that are actually nailing them to the cross the Roman soldiers okay and actually what we're gonna see is that one of the the centurion himself when Jesus dies recognizes that that that he is the Son of God that he that was a righteous man right there and if you think about how this this relates to Stephen being stoned where it says lay not the sin to his charge and how there was a young man named Saul that ended up getting saved after that and what it comes down to is the same idea why was Paul why did he obtain mercy because he did it ignorantly and unbelief when Peter spoke to those in an action three what did he say I want that through ignorance he did this and what does Jesus say here father forgive them and then just stop talking no he says father forgive them for they know not what they do so the people he's talking to have to not know what they're doing meaning they're ignorant and even in Roman chapter 11 dealing with the Jews in general he says that he had concluded them all in unbelief in ignorance and unbelief so you know this this applies and again the forgiving them basically forgiving them of what they're doing right it's kind of like Stephen being stoned that Saul that wasn't laid to his charge meaning he was he he got saved later on he wasn't just cut off from salvation okay it says and they they they parted his raiment and cast lots and the people stood beholding and the rulers also with them derided him so the people stood beholding in the rulers also with them to ride at him so you know that means is that it wasn't just the rulers deriding him the people were too so you got it obviously the rulers were in this right the rulers were the ones getting everybody riled up and everything but don't think that it was just like this small group of people he came onto his own his own received not by and large Israel rejected him I'm not saying they're all reprobate not saying like well you know like 75% of Israel was reprobate you know and they were not able to get saved I'm not saying that but the majority of them did reject him and did deride him and all this okay so where is my place at first derided him saying he saved others let him save himself if he be Christ the chosen of God and the soldiers also mocked him coming to him and offering him vinegar and saying if thou be the king of the Jews save thyself and a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek and Latin and Hebrew this is the king of the Jews if you remember remember the the chief priest said don't write that it says this is the king of Jews but that that he said I am king of the Jews right they want they wanted to be like no no it needs to be that he said that not that he is and you remember what Pilate said he said what I've written I've written like you know it's kind of like so and obviously in another passage you'll see it'll say that Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews you know and so just because it doesn't say Jesus of Nazareth here it doesn't mean that it doesn't say this is the king of the Jews you know what it says this is Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews that's what it said and it said it in three different languages which is it's interesting in itself that the Old Testament was written in Hebrew the New Testament in Greek and Latin was that new language that knew you know the Romans language if you will that was used later and there was obviously Latin versions of the Bible later on and where do we get our language from but goes from Hebrew to Greek Latin to English and obviously there's a Germanic that gets in there as well but Latin is a huge base to our language when it comes to English okay now look at verse 39 there it says in one of the malefactors which were which were hanged railed on him saying if thou be Christ save thyself and us but the other answering rebuked him saying dust up not thou fear God seeing thou art in the same condemnation so you have these two two guys the two thieves on the cross that are basically ones like deriding Jesus the other ones saying rebuking that guy what you understand though is that in other Gospels it'll state that they were both casting the same in his teeth there was something that changed in the one guy's mind when to get him to obviously get saved and it's probably stuff that Jesus said right I mean think about it what Jesus was saying what was going on something triggered this this guy to think oh no this is the Christ and notice what he states here it's basically saying you know don't you fear God seeing you know dust out not fear God seeing thou art in the same condemnation and we indeed justly for we we receive the due reward of our deeds but this man had done nothing amiss so notice what does he recognize he realizes that he deserves this punishment right and when you think about someone getting saved what do they have to realize that they're a sinner and they deserve the punishment for the sin right death and hell that's the first two points that we get across there and he just stated it pretty simply there right we indeed justly and then this man does nothing amiss you know what that's stating is that you're dealing with there's none good but one that is God he had done nothing amiss notice that it says this man had done nothing amiss and who's you know talks about who did no sin now that was guile found in his mouth he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin in verse 42 here it says and he said unto Jesus Lord remember me when thou comest in thy kingdom so he recognizes that he's the Lord that he's sinless he's the Lord he realizes he deserves this punishment and what he says here is not necessarily to make the most sense as far as like you know please aid me or anything like that he's not even saying like save me off the cross or save me physically he's saying remember me when thou comest in thy kingdom and and then Jesus says Jesus said unto him verily I say unto thee today shalt thou be with me in paradise now paradise is heaven my friends not some holding chamber down in hell and Jesus all was in hell for three days three nights not in paradise and anybody reading that passage right there would not think that that when he said that's why be with me in paradise he was talking about anything other than heaven now I you know I don't really want to get too deep into this but you say well how can you say today shall that be with me in paradise if if his soul is in hell well notice what it says right after this in Luke chapter 23 and verse 44 I've got a whole sermon on this obviously kind of debunking what people try to say is why Jesus wasn't in hell but it says in Luke 23 and verse 44 says and it was about the sixth hour and there was darkness over all the earth until until the ninth hour now this is when Jesus says my God my God why hast thou forsaken me I believe this is when he is made to be sin for us when it says he bears our sins in his own body on the tree I believe that's when it happened in those three hours okay and it says and the Sun was darkened and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst and when Jesus had cried with a loud voice he said father into thy hands I commend my spirit and having said thus he gave up the ghost now when it he says father into thy hands I commend my spirit the Bible says that the spirit of man goes upward and that the Spirit returns unto God that gave it and he's saying to father you know into thy hands I commend my spirit when he says today shalt thou be with me in paradise obviously today because that thief died right and they broke his legs and he died you know like on the cross that even Paul says I am absent in the body but I'm present in spirit so if the Apostle Paul can say that to the Corinthian Church or to the Colossians when he says something similar to that then how much more can the king of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus himself say that I'm with you in spirit right today shall to be with me in paradise and I'll be there with you spirit even though bodily he's not I mean could could he say that I'm there with you bodily I mean even the people that believe Jesus didn't go to hell would have to say that his body wasn't in heaven that day right I mean who would say I don't know maybe there is people out there that say something crazy like that but I'm just saying like you can't say that so when it comes to this his soul was in hell his body was in tomb and his spirit returned unto God that gave it now what happened on the third day is that his spirit obviously and the Spirit of God and God the Father and himself raised from the dead and his soul came out of hell his body came out of the tomb and soul body and spirit he was risen from the dead right but I don't want to get too deep with that the idea here is that he gave up the ghost and it also shows you to that spirit and ghosts are the same thing so when you see that you know he gave the ghost you know obviously his spirit left him his spirit was in departing right I mean that's what we're dealing with here is that his life left him and his body was dead and his soul was dead because he was he says I am the first and the last time he that liveth and was dead behold I'm alive forevermore and have the keys of hell and of death that that's where Jesus was and it's not a contradiction to say that he was in heaven I mean even Jesus when he was on the earth said no man hath ascended up into heaven but he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven while he's standing there talking in Nicodemus saying that he's in heaven why because he's God but I think that you can also just say like I would say hey I'm absent and body-bound president spirit like you know it's coming Sunday I'll be absent and body but I'll be present in spirit right but I'm not here to say that I'm like literally here with you like like you can feel my presence you know like but you know what when it comes to God that could probably that could be said about it right I mean the idea is that God is obviously omnipresent all that but I don't want to get into the weeds with that because I don't want to say it anything that's not true or we don't know right sometimes we don't want to speak about things we don't want to speak about things we don't know but one thing that we do know is that his soul was in hell for three days and three nights and it never says that his soul was in paradise that's a logical leap that they're making by him saying that today shall there be in the paradise I have two verses and one in Colossians and one in 1st Corinthians 5 stating that absent a body present in spirit what's the problem I think why wouldn't that fit with what Jesus is saying okay now go to Luke chapter 23 in verse 47 and notice remember he said father forgive them for they know not what he do he's talking to the Roman soldiers well it says in verse 47 here says now when the centurion saw what was done he glorified God saying certainly this was a righteous man and all the people that came together to the site beholding the things which were done smote their breasts and returned and all his acquaintance and the women that followed him from Galilee stood afar off beholding these things and so there's probably a mixed multitude of people there's five people I don't know if the people that are smiting their breasts are like in sorrow or anything like that they could very well be like yes done you know like they're just like glad it's done or whatever but the centurion the thing that's interesting here is that in this passage it says certainly this was a righteous man that's what centurion said right well look at Matthew chapter 27 I just noticed this I obviously knew that there one place that says this was a righteous man the other place says this was the Son of God okay I knew that those were two different things are stated but notice that in Luke it says the centurion and he glorified God saying certainly this was a righteous man Matthew 27 verse 54 says this now when the centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus saw the earthquake and those things that were done they feared greatly saying truly this was the Son of God so you know it wasn't just the centurion that said he was the Son of God but the centurion did say this is a righteous man so you have both statements being said but we know that centurion said both of them okay and what you have to you say well you know why is this a righteous man because he's the Son of Man and he's the Son of God he is a hundred percent man a hundred percent God and he's a righteous man because he he's the only man that was ever good there's none righteous no not one except for Jesus there's nothing to do with good no not one except for Jesus except for the Son of Man and the Son of Man was crucified on the cross but he's also the Son of God and both are recognized right there at the cross by Roman soldiers and so you know some powerful stuff being stated there when it comes to when Jesus died I mean think about what's going on there right you have like it's dark for three hours and then when he dies just coincidentally there's a massive earthquake that happens that's like literally renting rocks in half we're not talking about a little like tremor where it's just like man did you feel that kind of felt like an earthquake it's ripping rocks in half I mean you have to be blind to think that that's a coincidence right when he's on the cross and everything's dark and then there's an earthquake the veil rips in the temple it's like you got to know like we messed up you would think they'd be like we screwed up like something something's wrong here but even the Roman soldiers obviously realize that and this is obviously a foreshadowing that the Jews reject Jesus by and large but the Gentiles will hear it right the Romans are like yes that's he's the Son of God so actually I got one more passage here we got to get to Joseph of Arimathea and then we'll be done here so in verse 50 here it says and behold there was a man named Joseph a counselor and he was a good man and a just the same had not consented to the council and deed of them he was of Arimathea a city of the Jews who also himself waited for the kingdom of God now Matthew it also says that that he was a rich man of Arimathea named Joseph who also himself with Jesus disciple I mean no doubt in my mind that Joseph Arimathea is saved but not only is he saved he is a disciple that's waiting on the kingdom of God he didn't give counsel to this he didn't consent unto this he was a good man just man that this is a good guy right here okay which also shows you too that you can be rich and still and be a believer and a follower of the Lord right it's not and when it says that it's hard you know that it's it's hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven it doesn't mean that there aren't rich men it just means that they're few and far between okay it's it's it's gonna be a small very small group okay but it says this man went on the pilot and begged the body of Jesus and he took it took it down and wrapped it in linen and laid it in a sepulcher that was hewn in stone wherein never man before was laid if you remember that he was he sat on the colt the full of an ass upon never man sat right and so it's definitely interesting on how he comes in as the lamb but after the lamb is slain know that Jesus is laid in a tomb that no one was in and if you think about it too I mean if there's gonna be all these accusations about like people stealing him and all this stuff if there was a lot of people in there and a lot of there'd be all these accusations and this is just I believe one big reason that he was in a tomb with no one had ever been in before and no one was ever laying in there before is because it just kind of takes all that out of the equation it's like there was no one else in there but Jesus so how do you answer it you know and it says in that day was the preparation and the Sabbath grew on and the women also which came with with him from Galilee followed after and beheld the sepulcher and how his body was laid and they returned and prepared spices and ointments and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment now this Sabbath day was actually that the Sabbath day after he died was the 15th day of the first month which is the technically the first day of unleavened bread that they were not to do any work as it was a Sabbath of rest so this is where the Catholic Church and just other churches as well you have this hoax of Good Friday meaning that Jesus died on Friday is because the next day is a Sabbath day but what you have to understand is that there's there's more than just the end of the week Sabbath and if you leave read Leviticus 23 you'll know that in John chapter 19 really hits on the fact that that Sabbath wasn't high day it was it was it was a special Sabbath day so that day was called the preparation because they're preparation preparing for the Sabbath which also shows you it has to be the 14 day because if it wasn't then that would have been a Sabbath day that he was killed on that make sense so that's another summer for another day dealing with the timeline and all that but let's end with a word of prayer heavenly father we think today thank you for your word thanks for the book of Luke and Lord thanks for all these passages Lord thank you for being so merciful and so forgiving and just gracious with us and Lord thank you for salvation thank you for what you did going to the cross for us and the we just we can never ever thank you enough for what how much you loved us more we love you and pray that you be with us as we go back home and as we go back to work and we pray all in Jesus Christ's name Amen but they will come and sing one more song and that will be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song 295 song 295 we'll sing back to Bethel if you would stand we'll sing song 295 back to the Bible the true living Word sweetest old story that ever was heard back to the joy life my soul longs to know Bethel is calling and I must go back to Bethel I must go back where the rivers of sweet waters flow back to the true life my soul longs to know Bethel is calling and I must go back to the beautiful path I once trod back to the church and the people of God out of the cold world of sin and it's whoa Bethel is calling and