(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your songbooks and turn to song number 27 song number 27 in your songbooks we'll sing the old rugged cross and if you would stand we'll sing song number 27 on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross the emblem of suffering and shame and I love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain so I'll cherish the old rugged cross tell my trophies and last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown oh that old rugged cross so despised by the world has a wondrous attraction for me for the dear lamb of God left his glory above to bear it to dark Calvary so I'll cherish the old rugged cross tell my trophies and last I lay down I will clean to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown in the old rugged cross seen when blood so divine a wondrous beauty I see which was on that old Jesus suffered and died to pardon and sanctify me so I'll cherish the old rugged cross tell my trophies and last I lay down I will clean to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown to the old rugged cross I will ever be true it's shame and reproach gladly bear then he'll call me someday to my home far away where is glory forever I'll share so I'll cherish the old rugged cross tell my trophies and last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown all right let's pray Heavenly Father Lordy we just want to thank you God for this beautiful Wednesday night you've given us to meet in your house and to hear your word preached I pray Lord that you would just fill our pastor with your power and your spirit we love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all of it amen are you may be seated and take your songbooks and turn to song number 64 song number 64 we'll sing shall we gather at the river song number 64 shall we gather at the river where bright angel feet have trod with its crystal-tide forever flowing by the throne of God yes we'll gather at the river the beautiful the beautiful river gather with the Saints at the river that flows by the throne of God on the bosom of the river where the Savior King we own we shall meet in sorrow never need the glory of the throne yes we'll gather at the river the beautiful the beautiful river gather with the Saints at the river that flows by the throne of God air we reach the shining river lay we every burden down grace our spirits will deliver and provide a robe and crown yes we'll gather at the river the beautiful the beautiful river gather with the Saints at the river that flows by the throne of God soon we'll reach the shining river soon our pilgrimage will cease soon our happy hearts will quiver with a melody of peace yes we'll gather at the river the beautiful the beautiful river gather with the Saints at the river that flows by the throne of God amen welcome out Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and the deal with some sinus stuff hopefully that's all it is where I got the plague and you're all you're all infected so but no so if I'm if I'm struggling up here I don't know what's going on but I heard Sunday was pretty packed so hopefully everybody had a good time and all that and then as far as service times this week this Sunday everything should be normal and so we'll be here and then we'll have our Sunday afternoon soul winning time I was gonna say I went so winning in Phoenix and it was 110 degrees which was awesome but then I come back here it's like almost 100 degrees out here today so it's just hot everywhere I guess but but yeah so we have our solely time this Sunday at one but then also the regional times this week and I think being prayer for it Paula and Taylor they're traveling back right now right or in the process of it so just be in prayer for them as they're traveling and then upcoming events this Friday this Friday we have we're gonna do a firework show cookout all that fun stuff and so that'll be at Robinson Ridge and so brother Joseph sent out the address for that and so if you need to know where you're going let us know we can also give you directions just so when you're out there you don't think that you've gone the wrong direction so but when it comes to the fireworks show obviously with the food and everything we're bringing everything or we're gonna have everything supplied so you don't have to bring anything when it comes to the food and drinks and all that but if you want to bring something you're more than welcome to when it comes to the fireworks we just ask that obviously all the parents watch their children we're not giving them bottle rockets or anything like that but even with the sparklers and stuff like that we want to make sure that like no kids get stabbed in the face or they get burned or anything like that and then more so my dad wanted me to remind everybody he's worried about the kids with the finale this is this isn't gonna just be a couple mortars going up in the air and and popping here and there this this is gonna get intense so we may put out a warning for when the finale is about to start and what that means is that you may want to cover your ears or you know all that or your children's ears so anyway there I said it yeah but so but I mean it's gonna be pretty much like what we had last year only there may be one thing that's a little more intense so but the fireworks the fight all those fireworks are really far away so just to give anybody ease if you're coming out there well we where we set it up it's what probably a good quarter quarter mile something like that and so we're not out there like lighting them and running away or anything like that so if you've seen any of those videos where people are just like they have their they have their lawn chairs right next to the mortars and they're like let's light it all right now everybody keeps setting those like I keep getting these videos set and everything and we're not we're not rookies here okay no but obviously we do pray that the Lord will keep us safe you know because it's obviously dangerous stuff but so that's coming up if you have any questions that'll be this Friday and the fireworks will obviously start when it gets dark and then I think you know seven were we saying like seven o'clock around that time for like food and everything and so we're gonna have hot dogs hamburgers you know stuff like that so hopefully you can make it out for that and then we had the Philadelphia soul-winning marathon that brother Charles is leading up on the 15th so that's coming up our chapter memory for the month it's Malachi chapter 2 and then the memory verse for the week is Ephesians 4 30 so Ephesians 4 30 and then being prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list there so and I'm sure you got the birthdays and the anniversaries all that earlier all our anniversaries on there cool I just saw that we are in July I guess so it doesn't it doesn't seem like it's already July so before you know it it's gonna be summers gonna be over going into fall I think that's about all I have for announcements think of anything else who's reading tonight oh yeah that's right I gave you a Bible to read out of brother Joseph's gonna be reading tonight he's gonna be reading Luke chapter 19 not feeling that great right now struggling so we'll sing one more song remember I'm just gonna read and we'll get in the Bible study all right take your song books and turn to song number 61 song number 61 we'll sing we'll never say goodbye song number 61 we say goodbye and party with loved ones here below we always hope to meet again as on our way we go but off our hearts are grieving for those we never meet we'll say goodbye and sorrow till we meet at Jesus feet we'll never say goodbye and glory in the morning over yonder we'll never say goodbye and glory we'll never say goodbye up there our children leave the home nest for school or wedding bells or countries call or mission field may take them far as well now wedding bells are happy and God's way always right and absent ones will greet them and the city always right well never say goodbye and glory and the morning over yonder we'll never say goodbye and glory we'll never say goodbye up there we greet and part with dear ones we say hello goodbye and letters bind our fellowship we miss them though we try to fear ways near us and follow them with prayer but parting days are ended when we meet them and the air will never say goodbye and glory in the morning over yonder we'll never say goodbye and glory we'll never say goodbye up there Oh happy glad homecoming with Jesus and the sky for sometimes he seems far away though always if we try we find him near to help us his spirit dwells within but only perfect union have an enter and we'll never say goodbye and glory and the morning over yonder we'll never say goodbye and glory we'll never say goodbye up there all right if you would take your Bibles and turn to the book of Luke chapter 9 number 19 Luke chapter number 19 we'll have brother Joseph read that for us Luke chapter 19 and I found your place there you'll say amen and Jesus entered and passed through Jericho and behold there was a man named Zacchaeus which was the chief among the publicans and he was rich and he sought to Jesus who he was and could not for the press because he was little of stature and he ran before and climbed up into Sycamore tree to see him for he was was to pass that way and when Jesus came to the place he looked up and saw him and said unto him Zacchaeus make haste and come down for to today I must abide at thy house and he made haste and came down and received him joyfully and when he when they saw it they all murmured saying that he was gone to be a guest with a man that is a sinner Zacchaeus stood and said unto the Lord behold Lord the half of my goods I give to the poor and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation I restore him fourfold and Jesus said unto him this day is salvation come come to this this house for as much as he also is a son of Abraham for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost and as they heard these things he added and spake a parable because he was not Jerusalem because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear he said therefore a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return he calls called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds and said unto them occupy till I come but his citizens hated him and sent a message after him saying we will not have this man to reign over us and it came to pass when he was returned having received the kingdom when the command commanded these servants to be called unto him to whom he had given the money that he might know how much every man had gained by trading then came the first saying Lord thy pound hath gained ten pounds and he said unto him well thou good servant because thou hast been faithful and very little have thou authority over ten cities and the second came saying Lord thy pound hath gained five pounds and he said likewise to him be thou also over five cities another came saying Lord be cold here's thy pound which I have kept laid it up in a napkin for I feared thee because thou art an austere man takeest up that that thou layest not down and reapest that thou didst not sow and he said unto him out of thine own mouth will I judge thee thou wicked servant thou knewest that I was an austere man taking up that I laid not down and reaping that I did not so wherefore then gave us not that thou my money into the bank that my coming I might have required mine own with usury and he said unto them that stood by take from him the pound and give it to him that hath ten pounds they said unto him Lord he hath ten pounds for I say unto you that unto every one which hath shall be given and from him that hath not even that he hath shall be taken away from him but those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me and when he had thus spoken he went before ascending up to Jerusalem and it came to pass when he was come nigh to Beth Bethphagea and Bethany at the mount called the Mount of Olives he sent to two of his disciples saying go ye into the village over against you in in the which at your entering you shall find a colt tied whereon yet never man sat loose him and bring him hither if any man ask you why ye loose him thus shall you say unto him because the Lord hath need of him and they that were sent went their way and found even as he said unto them and as they were loosing the colt the owners thereof said unto him why loose ye the colt and they said the Lord hath need of him and they brought him brought him to Jesus they cast their garments upon the colt and they sent Jesus thereon and as he went they spread their clothes in the way and when he was come nigh even now at the descent of the Mount of Olives the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that it they had seen saying blessed be the king that cometh in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him master rebuke thy disciples and he answered and said unto them I tell you that if these should hold their peace the stones would immediately cry out and when they when he was come near he beheld the city and wept over it saying if thou hast known even now at the least in this in thy day the things which belong unto thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes for the day shall come upon thee that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee compass thee around and keep thee on every side and shall lay thee even with the ground and thy children within thee and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation and he went into the temple and began to cast them out and sold therein and them that bought saying unto them it is written my house is the house of prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves and he taught daily in the temple but the chief priests and the scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy him and could not find what they might do for all the people were very attentive to hear him let's pray Lord Father thank you for this time that we're able to gather again here in midweek Lord I thank you for your pure and holy word given to us and study through Luke I ask you be it pastor Robinson edifies this evening in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. So you're there in Luke chapter 19 and we are continuing our study through the book of Luke and here in chapter 19 we see we start off here with the story of Zacchaeus and so Zacchaeus always remember Zacchaeus because he was short of stature and so can relate to him because I'm not I'm not tall myself so I always want to be six foot but that's not gonna happen so but unless I wear some really tall like soles on my shoes or something like that but but Zacchaeus there's isn't there a song like they're like a little kids song dealing with Zacchaeus and like being like a really small man or something like that it's like very good like every time I hear that be like anyway so I grew up and I was I was short like growing up all the way through school until I was in high school and then I sprung out as this beautiful swan that you see today I was an ugly duckling you know but but all joking aside like I was like shorter than everybody until I was like a junior in high school and so this the idea of being short it definitely stands out but anyway I think there's a reason why it talks about a stature because he couldn't see you know what was going on but in verse 1 here it says and Jesus entered and passed through Jericho and behold there was a man named Zacchaeus which was the chief among the publicans and what and he was rich so we see our already that Zacchaeus is not just a publican but he's a chief among the publicans and he's also rich so in verse 3 here it says and he sought to see Jesus who he was and could not for the press because he was little of stature and so the reason it mentions that I don't think it's just mentioning that to like for no reason I think it's just basically like he couldn't see because of his stature and therefore in verse 4 it says he ran before and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him where he was to pass that way so we see that okay Zacchaeus is a chief of the publicans he's rich but think about this I mean he's willing to climb up a tree to see Jesus passing by and so you can you can see his heart here which is obviously I believe I personally believe Zacchaeus is a believer even though he is rich and you know obviously we were last week dealing with the story of the rich the rich young ruler who went away sorrowful and the Bible talks about it it's harder than a camel to go through the eye of a needle then for a rich man entered the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven because they trust in their riches so it's interesting that we see this man in the next chapter here and notice what it says here in verse 5 it is when Jesus came to the to the place he looked up and saw him and said unto him Zacchaeus make haste and come down for today I must abide at thy house so you can imagine that he's like he's just trying to see what's going on and then Jesus sees him up in the tree and basically says we're gonna I'm gonna abide in your house today it's very similar and I don't want to say that these are equated or anything like that but if you think about how when when Nathaniel came to Jesus if you remember Philip called Nathaniel and said we found Jesus and we found the Christ and Nathaniel's basically saying like can there any good thing come out of Galilee and while Nathaniel's coming he states or Jesus states about him and says behold an Israelite indeed in him is no guile and so Jesus is recognizing that hey Nathaniel is saved in his spirit is no guile but then Nathaniel asked like when snow was down me right like when do you know me like how do you know who I am and he says basically I he's saying before Philip called the eye I saw thee under the fig tree and so it's just interesting how with Nathaniel Jesus sees him under the fig tree and with Zacchaeus we have him like up in a tree obviously a different type of tree but but anyway going on from that in verse in verse 6 it says and he made haste and came down and received him joyfully when they saw it they all murmured saying that he was gone to be guessed with a man that is a sinner and Zacchaeus stood and said unto the Lord behold Lord the half of my goods I give to the poor and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation I restore him fourfold Jesus said unto him this day is salvation come to this house for so much as he also is a son of Abraham for the son of man has come to seek and to save that which is lost now I did a whole we did a whole sermon on Luke 15 with that idea of seeking saving that which is lost and that it can apply to to you know unsaved people getting saved but in most cases we see it's actually talking about gathering those that are already saved back into the fold right the 99 you have a hundred sheep and one leaves but it's still a sheep right you have the the coins one's lost but you still had it was there it was still her coin it just lost the same thing with a prodigal son and so I believe when he's saying for as much also at he is a son of Abraham you could say well you know he came to the house of Israel and to the lost sheep of house of Israel and you could argue that right and say well he's just stating a fact that he's he's of Israel and he's physically a child of Abraham but I believe that it goes deeper than that I believe you're dealing with kind of like Nathaniel where it says behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile right another way of saying that is a true Israelite right when you say like indeed what you're saying is truly or a matter of fact right it's not because there's there's people that are Israel according to the flesh but then there's the Israel of God there's those that are the children of God and not the children of the flesh okay so I personally believe that Zacchaeus is saved and obviously he's a publican and all and all this stuff and so obviously there's a stigma there but notice that that I believe what Zacchaeus is stating here is I don't think he's just making it up I think he's being truthful about what he does so on the outside everybody sees him and kind of as the villain because he's chief among the publicans but he's actually doing a lot of stuff you know that you know what's what's he say here says half of my goods I give to the poor and I if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation I restore him fourfold so it does show you that well for in order for him to restore someone fourfold that means he had to have done some false accusations right so he's kind of like admitting that he's done false accusations by saying he's corrected it but he's also giving half of his goods to the poor and here's the thing if everybody's if the Pharisees are down on him you know down on Jesus for for going to this public in and they're basically saying he's a sinner and all this stuff they don't I don't believe they know that he does all this which means that he is really abiding by Matthew chapter 6 which is if you give your alms in front of everybody right the Bible talks about if you're gonna give alms to the poor do it in secret don't know you know basically don't know what your your left hand do it from your right hand and basically don't sound a trumpet when you're giving to the poor or helping people out and stuff like that and so you kind of see how Zacchaeus on the surface kind of looks like a bad guy you know this rich guy that's just this chief of the publicans but he's actually helping out the poor giving half of what he makes to the poor and when he does mess up and do false accusations he's paying it back fourfold and this made me think of something that was said go to 1st Samuel chapter 16 and verse 6 now it could be that he's just trying to do good things and Jesus is saying salvation is come you need to get saved all that stuff isn't gonna help you I mean I can see that interpretation of it you know as far as that goes is that you know it doesn't matter if you give half of your goods to the poor and you do all these different things you need to get saved that could that could be you know possibly an interpretation there on that but like I said most the time when you see this he's come to seeking to save that which is lost it's applying to those that are already saved that he's gathering into his fold and gathering those that have been scattered abroad and so in verse 1st Samuel chapter 16 verse 6 what we're dealing with here is Samuel is coming to anoint the next king of Israel which is going to be David but when he first gets there and obviously Jesse is David's father and he has seven brothers or David has seven brothers right it says in verse 6 here it says and it came to pass that when they were come that he looked on Eliab and said surely the Lord's anointed is before him but the Lord said in Samuel look not on his countenance or on the height of his stature isn't that interesting now you can think about countenance is obviously the way they look right do they are they good looking you know you know what do they look like it just countless it could just be like physically like built are they strong right there'd be a lot of things when it comes to countenance but it says because because I have refused him so the Lord saying I you know I've not not not even that I haven't chosen him I've refused him but it says for the Lord seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart and I personally see Zacchaeus as someone that's people are judging him on the outward appearance whether it's his height or whether it's his his money or his job right I mean think about that he's got I got three things going bad for him as far as people like looking down on him it's like well you're rich short and your job is you know it's like if you're if you work for the IRS right that's that's how you would look at it and so but God doesn't look at the outward appearance he looks at the heart and it's kind of interesting to see kind of look into this guy and say it's it it's not always as it seems sometimes there are rich people that actually do a lot for the poor and or help out others and and trying to trying to do right and all that and so but it's just interesting that it comes right after we're talking about a rich man and how hard it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven but know this is that the Bible says there's not there's not many that are called that are wise and noble and all that but just because it says there's not many doesn't mean there isn't any I thought the whole point is that there's not many but that means that there's few that are think of Joseph of Arimathea and I'm actually gonna bring up a verse about him not that I'm really it's about Joseph as much as the idea of Joseph of Arimathea was rich and but yet I mean he's forever written down in the Bible for taking the body of Jesus and putting it in his own tomb and so don't get the wrong idea that no rich person gets saved the idea is that it's really hard and that the majority of people that get saved aren't rich but there are some that do end up getting saved and had that humble spirit I mean think about it I mean it was humble enough to say I'm gonna get up in this tree and go look if someone was like really proud they just be like why would I even why would I even trouble myself to try to see this person but to humble himself enough to climb up a tree now the kids here be like well who wouldn't climb a tree every time I come to church there's like kids hanging out the trees like monkeys so kids don't understand like that but if you're a grown adult and you're climbing up in the tree you got a purpose you know there's a reason you're getting up in that tree especially when you get older you're like this might hurt and I might regret this tomorrow but but go back to Luke chapter 19 and again if you if you come out and say well I think he wasn't saved and that Jesus is coming into his house and he basically explained to him you know you need salvation it's valid I'm not against you I'm just from all the other places though especially since Luke 15 the whole chapter is dealing with the saved and lost like seeking and saving that which is lost and it's talking about like saved people when I look at this I'm more so see the fact that he's gathering Zacchaeus into the fold and the heart of Zacchaeus seems to be right it seems like he's on the right track and that he's you know coming into the fold there so but Luke chapter 19 and verse 11 we see this parable to 10 pounds and so in Luke chapter 19 verse 11 and who here has a Bible app that says the 10 minas I have like Esau and all these different things I'm just like stop it just put what the King James Bible says it's like yeah the Greek word is Mina but who knows what that is right it's just like when people put like Hades she'll and all that stuff it's like cool you transliterated what the original language said but who knows what that means just like that stuff just even in the King James Bible app it's like there's like a little header that they mess things up and anyway I'm just venting now but every time I go through this it says that and I'm just like it's pounds just say pounds so this parable here the first thing we see is what what kind of draws out this parable and verse 11 it says and as they heard these things he added and spake a parable because he was not to Jerusalem and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear so that's the Luke is obviously kind of a very unique gospel but I just love the fact that in Luke here when he gets into a parable and obviously the narrator it's not like Jesus is saying this is why I'm saying this but the narrator is really just setting you up for saying you know think about the last chapter it's like to this end that prayer should be done without fainting right that's why this was spoken let's get into the parable and here it's stating he spoke this parable because one he is not in Jerusalem and two they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear which even after the resurrection his disciples were asking him like when's the kingdom of God gonna appear right and they're still kind of wondering if it's gonna be soon and these parables where you see when you see the the nobleman or the master of the house going away it really is showing you that that's exactly what happened no hindsight is 20 20 we know that's what happened because it's been 2,000 years or so you know around 2,000 years since Jesus was resurrected not quite but it's been a little while but this parable makes sense because hey he's still off on that journey right he's still he's seated at the right hand of the father and we're waiting for him to come back but in verse 12 here it says he said therefore a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return the thing that kind of sticks out to me with this as far as this example is obviously he's giving you a physical example of something but I remember when my friend Wes Thompson died and I remember pastor Anderson was there at the funeral and and obviously it hit us hard I mean he's only 20 years old he was like a little brother to me it was it was a hard time and I just remember him saying he said you know when obviously when a safe person dies it's still sad but you have to look at it as if they're going they went away to like another country right like kind of a faraway country that you're just not gonna be able to go visit but they're there they're alive doing well right it's kind of like the idea of like if you had a friend it's like hey I'm gonna go live in China and I'm like well I guess I'm not gonna see you right because I'm not planning on going out there and then they live out there and they're living their life and all that stuff it's kind of that mentality of if you lose a loved one that's saved is that hey just imagine that they're in a they're far away country which is really what it is right we seek a country and we seek a city who's found a builder and whose foundation and builder has got right so the idea there is that you know heaven is a faraway country and then keep reading there verse 13 it says and he called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds and said unto them occupy till I come but the citizens hated him and sent a message after him saying we will not have this man to reign over us now I want to touch on this these citizens first because you have the servants right you had these servants that he gives ten pounds to okay so meaning this is that each servant gets one pound now there's the other the other story in Matthew 20 25 where he has the three servants that he gives 10 pounds or 10 pounds to one five to the other and one to the other right so it's kind of a little different and how it's stated but it's a very similar parable as far as the whole theme and what's being said is pretty much parallel but in this passage is talking about these citizens hating him now think about it why did he speak this parable because he was nigh to wear Jerusalem and obviously speaking this because he's saying they're saying well we think that the kingdom of God is is gonna immediately appear so he's making a point that one is not gonna immediately appear because he's gonna go off into a far country and he's gonna have his servants occupied till he comes back so there's gonna be this time frame of where he's gone and we're here doing you know doing the service and and and obviously trying to be fruitful if you will and but it says that his citizens hated him and you can obviously think about the fact that he came on to his own and his own received not so when Jesus came on to Israel by and large they rejected him and it wasn't just the rulers because in acts it talks about the fact that how they condemned the just one and they crucified him and it says that as also did your rulers right so when he's preaching to him in Acts chapter three you did this and your rulers also did too so it's not it's not just like just the rulers rejected Jesus no the people did now the rulers provoke them and you can think about when it says that he basically caused the multitude in the crowd to say crucify him but it wasn't just the ruler saying that it was the people in general that were saying it and obviously there were people that weren't saying that you know the disciples and other people there were people weeping there was people that didn't want him to be crucified but by and large Israel as a whole rejected Jesus and but notice that it says that his citizens hated him go down the verse 27 notice the endgame for his citizens and I don't see anybody could read this and not think this is the Jews right that this is talking about I mean how many verses could I go to in Roman chapter 11 and other places where it talks about basically his own rejecting him and that they are enemies for the gospel sake right I mean there's so many different verses to go to but there's a lot of people that are Zionists and they think that well when Jesus comes back the Jews are all gonna get saved and he's gonna he's got this covenant with the Jews and all that well let's see what it says that he's gonna do with these people that didn't want him to reign over them when he was there to begin with right before he goes off on his on on his far into the far country when he comes back it says verse 27 but those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me it doesn't sound like a very comforting welcoming is it you know what's gonna happen though to those that reject Christ that those that hate that hate the Lord Jesus when he comes back it says that God's gonna send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all should be damned that believe not the truth but had pleasure and righteousness and unrighteousness right and so this parable and obviously you don't like oh you're gonna use a parable unless I could go to so many clear scriptures on this I'm just showing you that the parables validate the clear scriptures it's like they all fit hand in glove how many parables and how many different allegories does Jesus have to use to state that the Jews rejected him and that they're going to be destroyed because of that and Luke really hits on the fact that they're gonna be destroyed in the near future but also this is hitting on that he's going to destroy them when he comes back and so I don't see how reading through the New Testament you can come out being a Zionist you know unless unless you have a preconceived idea and you're just trying to fit a square peg into a round hole it doesn't fit the Bible actually says the complete opposite of that and so and obviously those that are Jews that believe on Christ they're saved there we're all one in Christ I mean there's neither Jew nor Gentile so it's not that no Jews got saved or that no Jew can get saved today but to think that there's some special place in God's heart for them listen God's not a respecter of persons well first of all he's not a respecter of persons but second of all the Bible says quite the contrary that those will actually be destroyed when he comes now go to Luke chapter 19 and verse 15 and let's look at this these 10 pounds right it says verse 15 it says in the kingdom pass that when he was returned having received the kingdom then he commanded these servants to be called unto him to whom he had given the money that he might know how much every man had gained by trading so like I said when I was looking at that verse where it says he's gonna destroy slay them he's come back into his kingdom right so that's I should have probably read that verse verse or at least part of that so you understood that that's after he's come back then he's doing that right but it says here that basically he's he's coming to the servants that he gave each one of them a pound now the thing with this is that it doesn't go through all ten of them right it goes for the first one second one and it says another one and then it just stops there okay and so but knows what says in verse 16 it says then came the first saying Lord thy pound hath gained ten pounds and he said unto him well thou good servant because thou has been faithful and very little thou have authority over ten cities and the second came saying Lord thy pound hath gained five pounds and he said likewise to him be thou also over five cities now the other parable where this is mentioned is you have the one that has ten talents and five talents and then basically they're doubling what they have in this case you have they both start off with the same thing and then one makes more than the other but they're still blessed but it kind of shows you that the more you make the more you're ruling over an eternity right and this kind of shows you that we're all kind of given the same amount I believe is what we're dealing with here is the fact that we're all kind of on the same level what do you do with it and how are you rewarded and the idea of also having rule over other cities see in heaven we're gonna have rule and authority based off what you did in this life but if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you have eternal life and you'll be in heaven no matter what but there is a reward to those that serve him there is a reward for those that actually do the work and are profitable servants and in Matthew it says well done thou good and faithful servant here it says well and obviously it's very similar but here it's giving you hey in Matthew 25 it says enter down to the joy thy Lord and you can't think about that abundant entrance that second Peter talks about but in this case it's giving you a little more detail as far as the fact of think about the Bible talks about being captains over fifties captains over hundreds right think about a court tourney in compared to a centurion right court you know quarter you can think about like a quarter means 25 right or a cent like think a century right a century is what a hundred so you think about you know just different different posts or basically you're over are you over a thousand or if you're a hundred over 50 over 25 over tens and there's different authority given and the more you do for the Lord the more authority I believe the Lord gives you when we're in heaven listen this isn't communism in the Bible and so the more you do for the Lord the more he'll reward you and praise the Lord for that now this this other person here though I think the big thing that people mistake is they just think that all these servants are saved like they're all believers but the Bible teaches about people being his his servant or there's places in the Bible where he'll call someone his servant that isn't that isn't saved like Nebuchadnezzar is called his servant he calls him my servant Nebuchadnezzar right and there's other places where obviously God uses people and they serve him to do a purpose but they're not saved individuals think about Caiaphas and the fact that God used him to speak prophesy something even though Caiaphas obviously wasn't saved and even says that he didn't speak that of himself because he was the high priest that year Balaam's another case Balaam's obviously a false prophet but God spake through Balaam and made Balaam say things and made it he turned Balaam's curse into a blessing and so in this case in these passages when you get deal with this wicked slothful servant I believe you're dealing with the Judas okay that's what you're dealing with you're dealing with someone that claims to be a servant claims to be a part of the fold claims to be a Christian claims to be a believer but they're actually an imposter okay that's what you're dealing with here say well what about someone that doesn't that's not fruitful and that's not an imposter but they're actually just a believer but they're not fruitful well they're just not in this in this example there's cases where you're dealing with a corrupt tree that's bringing forth evil fruit and you have a good tree that's bringing forth good fruit you're like what about the good tree that doesn't bring forth any fruit not in the example just not talking about it doesn't mean that they don't exist right it just means that that's not what's being talked about it you're dealing with two extremes you know a good I believe it is doing you know being fruitful doing what they should be and then this unbeliever that's an imposter and all that now let's get into that a little bit and let me explain it a little further verse 20 it says in another came saying Lord behold here is thy pound which I have kept laid up in a napkin for I feared thee because thou art an austere man and takest up that thou latest not down and reapest that thou didst not sow and he saith unto him out of thine own mouth will I judge thee thou wicked servant thou knewest that I was an austere man taking up that I laid not down and reaping that I did not so wherefore then gave us not thy now my money into the bank that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury so think about this on a physical level right if you sent someone out to go make money out of the pound that you gave them he's basically saying I should just put it in the savings account you know in the bank or in and invested it and just got some interest off of it it's basically what he's stating and this isn't necessarily like saying usury is awesome and you know you know banking is awesome or anything like that the Jews that if the Jews were reading this it'd be like see the Lord wants usury you know and they'll just focus on that the whole point is the physical example of it right the idea of like I was better off just to put it in the bank then to give you to you to do something with it right and he said unto them that stood by take from him the pound and give it to him that had ten pounds and they said unto him Lord he had ten pounds it's kind of interesting it's like he's taking it from the person that didn't make anything off of it and then gives it to the person that made the most think about this on just a physical level take all the spiritual meaning out of this okay take all the spiritual meaning out of it just think about on a physical level and you have a whole bunch of workers that are working for you and then you have this person over here that's slothful wicked not doing anything and actually just wasting like to the point where you're like I could just make I could make more money if you weren't even doing anything with if you just didn't even have it in your hand and he's basically saying give it to the person that's ten pounds why because he's the most profitable servant that's why because he took his one pound made it into ten give it to him maybe like that into ten that makes sense like just on a physical level why he'd be giving that to the person that made the most because I think in in this world we think about well you know there needs to be equality and all this stuff no give it to the hardest working person that actually does something with it and so just on the physical level we can understand that nowadays you don't it's like well if you have more than you should just spread wealth you know you need to redistribute the wealth like the Bible doesn't teach that I mean that's why I really love this passage because it really does show you that God doesn't teach redistribution redistributing wealth he actually teaches that if you make more and you and you're hard working then he'll give you more which is actually what he's gonna state here right after this because it says in verse 26 where I say unto you that and unto everyone which hath shall be given and from him that hath not even that he has shall be taken away from him that's a very interesting statement isn't it if you think about it wouldn't you think that the person that doesn't have should be given to and the person that that you know that this is just backwards from what the world would say like well if you don't have then you should be given to and then if you if you if you do have then you should be taken away from that person and given to the person that doesn't have it but yet it's complete opposite now there are places in the Bible where you know people in the church that have need and how there should be you know basically there should be equality in that not forced because God loved the cheerful giver and needs to be willingly right we're not gonna just tax the church because some people will have more money and be like hey you need to redistribute the wealth no but willingly we can we obviously want to help each other out so that one's ease if we have an abundance okay but in this case we're not talking about that are we actually what we're what we're dealing with here is someone that never put their faith in the Lord to begin with and what I believe this is teaching is that that opportunity for that person to get saved was then taken away that talent was taken away and or that pound in this case was taken away and Romans chapter 1 verse 3 or Romans chapter 12 I'm sorry Romans chapter 12 verse 3 we're not Calvinists we believe that God wants everybody to get saved Bible says that God not willing that Andy should perish that all should come to repentance the Bible says that that he who have all men be saved and come to the knowledge of truth and that he's the savior of all men especially of those that believe so he wants everybody to get saved and I believe that everybody that comes into this world has an opportunity to get saved or has the ability okay and notice what it says in Romans chapter 12 and verse 3 it says for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God had dealt to every man the measure of faith so I believe that every person that's in this world has a measure of faith meaning that they have the ability to believe on the Lord well it's not your faith it's God God gave you that faith right faith is the gift of God like Ephesians 2 8 9 although that's literally impossible for it to be that case the gift of God is salvation gift of God is eternal life for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works to send a man to boast that it is not of yourself is not talking about the faith and by the way where that place where it says the just shall live by faith where it's quoted three times in the New Testament it's quoted from Habakkuk where it says the just shall live by his faith meaning the just faith the his goes back to the just so and I there's many verses on this obviously about our faith and your faith and all of that and that it's your personal faith but the idea is that that faith I believe can be taken from someone that measure of faith to where someone has the ability to believe can be taken away and notice what it says in second Thessalonians chapter 3 second Thessalonians chapter 3 second Thessalonians chapter 3 in verse 1 but in in this passage it says in Luke 19 you're going to second Thessalonians chapter 3 and Luke 19 26 it says for I say unto you that unto everyone which hath shall be given and from him that hath not even that which he hath shall be taken away it's interesting because Luke 8 8 says this a little different than all the rest of the Gospels when it's talking about this Luke 8 says in verse 18 take heed therefore how ye hear for whosoever hath to him shall be given in this over hath not from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have isn't that interesting how it puts a little bit of a little difference on what it's stating there because they have the ability but they don't really have faith in the Lord right they have the ability to believe it's there for them to use and utilize they don't actually utilize it they put it in a napkin right they hide it in the earth and there can come a point where they keep hiding that in the earth they keep hiding in a napkin to where God can take that opportunity the way to where they actually don't actually have the ability anymore to believe and second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 1 it says finally brethren pray for us that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified even as it is with you and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men for all men have not faith now you could say well all men have not faith because all men are not believers but the context here is we're dealing with unreasonable and wicked men right think about there's unbelievers but then there's defiled and unbelieving right there's there's wicked people but then there's unreasonably wicked people right like there's there's wicked people there's people that do iniquity then there's workers of iniquity so in this I believe that that there's people out there that don't actually have that measure of faith anymore and that's why they're ever learning never able to come to know the truth Bible says the reprobate concerning the faith and that's why it'll say per adventure God will give them repentance the acknowledging the truth because there are people where he doesn't give that to it's been taken away and so and this is why when it keeps bring when it brings up this passage where it says that which those that have he that hath shall be given and him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath in context the first time this ever mentioned or where it's mentioned you know is in Matthew chapter 13 dealing with why Jesus spoke in parables in Matthew 13 verse 10 it says and the disciples came and said unto him why speakest thou unto them in parables he answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the key mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given for whosoever hath to him shall be given and he had and he shall have more abundance but whosoever hath not from him shall be taken away even that he hath so okay who we talking about here who's who we talking about well you it's given to so they're the ones that have it's gonna be given unto them but who are knock who's it not given to those that he's speaking parables to and notice what it says in verse 13 therefore speak I to them in parables because they sing see not and hearing they hear not neither do they understand and then it goes on to say this is like what Isaiah said when it says lest they should hear with their ears and see with their eyes and they should be converted and I should heal them so when you look at that passage about okay it's taking away that which he hath in context of the New Testament what group of people are we talking about there are we just talking about any unbeliever no we're talking about the Pharisees the Sadducees those that knew the truth those that knew what they should have done with it and they didn't do it think about this they hid it and then God hid himself from them this is a typical proverb chapter one where it says that I called and you refused but then you'll call and I'll refuse and that whole it's coming back on their own head but think about this too is that knows the conversation where it says I knew that thou art an austere man now what's austere mean well if you were to look up this same passage in Matthew in Matthew 25 it says thou art you know a hard man so that's why the Bible sometimes it's great to just look at the parallel passages because it's like he's a hard man a lot sure means hardened you know basically and I feared thee all this stuff is this thing out of your own mouth you're you're you're condemned think about this when people say that you have to do good works to go to heaven it's not just by faith you know what you know what they're usually excuses like well God you know he punishes sin hey you know God is you know I fear God you know and and that's why I need to keep the commandments and that's why I need to do it what I need to do because he's a hard austere man right it's like out of your own mouth it's like yeah because for all of a sin it comes short of the glory of God and there's none righteous no not one out of your own mouth you're condemning yourself and those same people that are saying that you know I fear thee because you know basically you're they know that God is wrathful and has anger and all that but yet they're gonna be cast into outer darkness they're going to go to hell because they didn't put their faith in Christ because they hid that measure of faith that they had now that's what I personally believe in both Matthew 25 and in Luke chapter 19 is dealing with with that that wicked slothful servant is you're dealing with that imposter okay and you're not just dealing with a typical unsaved person you're dealing with someone that knew the truth they held the truth in unrighteousness they hid it right they hid it in a napkin they hid it in the earth they didn't actually pull the trigger on believing on the Lord and so that's what I believe you're dealing with there and that obviously fits perfectly with Judas think about it think about if you were to look at the disciples the 12 wouldn't that be the same picture that you would see there all these disciples that are fruitful bringing in right it's like well done now good and faithful servant except for the one it's like the Judas right so whether you're dealing with the three in Matthew 25 or you're dealing with the 12 I'm sorry the 10 in in Luke chapter 19 you're dealing with an imposter and if there is an imposter in Jesus myths there's imposters in everybody's midst right and some are more identifiable right when they talk about speaking the birds and stuff like that I mean it's pretty pretty evident but Luke chapter 19 and verse 28 here Luke chapter 19 verse 28 we had this triumphant entry if you will of Jesus coming to Jerusalem on the cult the full of an ass look at Luke 19 in verse 28 it says and when he had thus spoken he went before ascending up to Jerusalem and it came to pass when he was come night to Beth Pidgey and Bethany at at the mount called the Mount of Olives he sent two of his disciples saying go you into the world into the village over against you in the witch at your entering you shall find a cult tied whereon yet never man sat loose him and bring him hither and if any man ask you why you why why do you lose him thus shall you say unto him because the Lord hath need of him and they that were sent went their way found even as he had said unto them and as they were losing the cult the owners thereof said unto them why loose you the cult and they said the Lord hath need of him and they brought him to Jesus and they set and they cast their garments upon the coal and they sat Jesus there on and as he went they spread their clothes in the way and when he was come nigh even now at the descent of the Mount of Olives the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen saying blessed be the king that cometh in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest and some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him master rebuke thy disciples and he answered and said unto them I tell you that if these should hold their peace the stones would immediately cry out so this is that that famous story where he's coming and and the Catholics you know called his palm Sunday obviously they put palms down and all this stuff now I do believe this actually did happen on Sunday okay that this happened on Sunday so this really is showing you or the first day of the week if you will this is showing that we're close to the cross and I believe what this this event represented was the presentation of the lamp if you understand the Passover is that on the tent on the the tenth day of the month or they they would they would get the Passover lamb they would examine it until the 14th day the even of the 14th day then they'd slay it okay so I believe that this is the tenth day of the first month and just like the lamb is presented and shown to be without blemish that's exactly what's going on with Jesus is that he's the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world he's the lamb without blemish without spot and he's being presented now this passage where he's coming riding on the colt of all the nasty is found in Zechariah go to Zechariah chapter 9 so this is a prophecy that's being fulfilled Zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 Zechariah 9 verse 9 says rejoice greatly Oh daughter of Zion shout Oh daughter of Jerusalem behold thy King cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a colt the full of an ass so we see that this is fulfilling obviously prophecy that he was going to do this but it's showing that he's coming having salvation that he's just he's righteous right he's he's without sin and he's lowly right and Jesus is obviously meek and lowly and this is actually quoted and I believe Matthew when it this story happens where it actually quotes this scripture so I mean it it's not like we're just trying to connect the dots the New Testament straight up says that this is the prophecy about this happening but one thing that just kind of stuck out to me or just I was just thinking about is the fact that it says that the colt it says where where on yet never man sat and that phrase is kind of stuck out to me because it always sticks out to me dealing with the tomb that when Jesus was laid in tomb it says in Luke go to Luke chapter 23 and verse 52 Luke 23 and verse 52 you say well what's what's the point of that well I mean it could signify purity right the idea that no man has sat on it there defiled it right or a dead body defiling the tomb or anything like that there's no corruption there could be a lot of different things you could probably look at and say why but I'm just stating the fact that it's true right that the the colt no one sat on it yet and Jesus was the one to sit on it and then with the tomb it says in Luke 23 in verse 52 this man went on the pile that's Joseph of Arimathea and says and begged the body of Jesus and he took it down and wrapped it in linen and laid it in a sepulcher that was hewn in stone wherein never man before was laid nothing in the Bible was by accident or incidental meaning that it has a meaning there's a reason why it's being stated and just those type of things I always like to kind of connect the dots as far as the idea of okay he starts going into Jerusalem sitting on a coal that no one ever sat on and all of this and obviously Jesus is worthy of all the praise that of him going in there and this is where in other passages it'll say Hosanna which is like a Hebrew word basically meaning like praise or honor so it's in here you just there's no transliteration I mean just straight up states what we're talking about blessed be the king that cometh in the name of the Lord so they know I believe they know what's going on here you know at least to a certain extent they know like hey this is the king that's coming they obviously the death metal resurrection was kind of hid from their eyes and we saw that in the last chapter but when Jesus comes into Jerusalem he's weeping over it and notice in verse 41 of Luke chapter 19 and when he was come near he beheld the city and wept over it so notice the compassion here we have obviously the famous verse Jesus wept where he Lazarus died and Martha and Mary were weeping and all that and I believe that it wasn't just mechanical and he wasn't just doing it just to kind of show that he can show emotion I believe he actually wept at Lazarus funeral because he cared about Martha he cared about Mary and even though he knew that he was gonna raise Lazarus like even if you know that your your loved ones in heaven when you see your other loved ones mourning and crying you usually it'll trigger you to to mourn and cry sometimes I'll be at a funeral and the death of the person isn't making me cry but the other people are because seeing them in pain and seeing them in that state of mourning makes me like get into a state of mourning right but in this case I believe this is real this isn't just words on a page here that he's literally weeping over what he's stating gonna say here is the destruction of this city notice what says in verse 42 it says saying if thou has known even thou at least in this thy day the things which belongeth to thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes I mean think about that it's like if you just knew what kind of reward and peace and just what you had think about it he came unto his own his own received not became to perform the promises of the fathers and they're just like no it's just imagine if you came to give a gift to somebody and they were just like spitting in your face and you're just like I'm here to help you I'm here to save you I'm here to give you something and he's weeping over the fact that all these things that they could have had but it's hid from their eyes verse 43 it says for the day shall come upon me that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee and compass the ground and keep thee in on every side and shall lay thee even with the ground and thy children within thee and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation you know what this really shows you that the destruction that happened in 70 AD was because that they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ can anybody deny that Jerusalem was raised to the ground in 70 AD or at least around that time that they were completely it was completely demolished you say why did it happen because they rejected Jesus that's why and Jesus is weeping over the fact that they rejected him he didn't want them to reject him you know the Calvinists they they want to believe that Jesus wanted them to reject him no just facts right God's not willing to any should perish but yet he sends people to hell he doesn't want that but that's what happens and that's what he does and so and Luke chapter 19 verse 45 notice that Jesus goes into the temple here it says and he went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold therein and then that bought saying unto them it is it is written my house is the house of prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves so this is why we don't have a bookstore or a church bookstore or we don't sell coffee we don't have a barista out there that's taking your orders like we don't sell anything and we don't buy anything in this church if there's anything in this church that you need or that's given it's free you know it's not like we take we don't take a mission there's no donation box listen we have the offering and tithe but that's for the Lord that's for the church that's but listen you want to give anything I'm not gonna I don't force you to give anything and there's no donation box for the pastries or anything like that and Baptist churches though in order to defend the the church bookstore will literally take a passage like this well well it's not saying that you can't sell or buy it's just that you can't be dishonest about it right it's a den of thieves therefore they were you know they were extorting people and therefore that's why you know you know that's called turning the Bible on its head taking the whole meaning out of what's being said it says that he cast them out them out that sold therein and that bought and by the way in Mark when it states this it says in Mark 11 16 and would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple he wouldn't allow people to walk through with the vessel not even that they're buying and selling it but that they're even using the temple as an avenue to go from point A to point B we're not gonna have we're not gonna have some spaghetti dinner we're not selling raffle tickets we're not selling anything and we're gonna stick hard by that and by the way this isn't the first time that Jesus did this in John chapter 2 what people just like well it's dead these they're extorting what do you think about the fact that he made a scourge of small cords and he drove them out that sold oxen and doves and by the way they're like well we're selling things of the church you know like Bibles and all that well oxen and doves are things that they were using in the temple that was literally all for the use of sacrifices and all those different things it's not that it was bad to buy sheep and oxen and doves it was bad that they were doing in the temple they ever do that stuff outside the temple and bring in their sacrifice it's not to be a house of merchandise because he says make not my father's house a house of merchandise so when people try to say well you know it's the den of thieves therefore it's because they're extortioners doesn't say anything about thieves here and by the way he did this at the start of his ministry and then he did it again at the end of his ministry now I'm not saying that he didn't do it any other time that's just what we have recorded but Jesus starts his ministry by throwing people out of the temple that are selling stuff and buying stuff and then he ends this ministry by throwing people out of the temple that are selling stuff and buying stuff but yet I'm supposed to be like yeah let's have a Christian bookstore in our in our church let's charge people to go do church events if there are Baptist preachers in here their toes would be like through the floor right now because they're getting stepped on so hard if we ever do a church event it's free and even if you want you know all we ask sometimes is that you get yourself there but listen if you can't get there you need gas money you need a ride we'll figure out a way to get you there we'll pay for your gas we'll get you a rental car we'll give you a ride we'll get a bus I don't care what we have to do we'll do that because we're not gonna make God's house a house of merchandise and I'm not gonna let people miss out on church events just because they don't have money and if well well then we can't get them to go there's something then we're not gonna do it at all we'll do something else and so it riles me up okay when when when you have that attitude that you have to like well we had to pay for this we have to do this well then unless the church can afford it then don't do it unless you can just make it free for the church and you know when we do events like like let's say this Friday there's no admission tickets there's no it's like well I need a hot dog you know how much does that cost five bucks you want some jujubes that's gonna be $20 I listen to the sermon on Sunday by the way it's little box so no we're not gonna sell anything if we have a church event everything's gonna be free and that doesn't mean that you can't like bring stuff and help out and all that stuff I'm not saying that you know obviously you can donate whatever you want to donate but know this is that it's not mandated at all did you give anything you want it you say well you know what the church has given me a lot I'm gonna give some back to the offering go for it but know this it's not required at all we're not asking for it you don't owe us a thing when it comes to these events and so that's another term for another day Luke chapter 19 verse 47 here let's end the chapter and we'll be done it says verse 47 it says and he taught daily in the temple but the chief priests and scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy him and could not find what they might do for all the people were very attentive to hear him notice this that we're days before we're getting to the cross and he just threw over all these these tables and he's saying you know take these things hence you're making you know my father's house you know basically a den of thieves and then he's teaching in there and by the way when we get to chapter 20 and 21 he's still there teaching there and so notice the power of the Lord Jesus Christ you know people just want to make it think like Jesus is like this timid like this this like weak person he's weak or he's meek and lowly but he's not weak no don't confuse lowliness and meekness for weakness and the boldness of our Savior to go in there and throw tables over and then be like and then start teaching people one rebuking them and then he's teaching people he's not running away he's not you know obviously eventually he's gonna leave and then he's gonna get betrayed because they're like well how are we gonna destroy him well Judas is gonna take care of that that's gonna come later and so that's Luke chapter 19 definitely some interesting stories there was from Zacchaeus to the parable of the ten pounds to Jesus coming in to Jerusalem on the colt the full of an ass and just that that triumphant entry if you will but knowing that he's coming in as a lamb to be slain and that that's the ultimate endgame here but let's end with a word of prayer. Heavenly Father we thank you for today thank you for your word thank you for the the book of Luke in this passage I pray you help us to apply these passages to our lives and Lord help us to not focus on the outward appearance but focus on the heart as with Zacchaeus and all that and Lord we just pray that you be with us throughout the rest of this week give us safety give us health and Lord we love you and pray also in Jesus Christ's name Amen. So today we'll come and sing one more song and that will be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song number 89 song number 89 in your song books we'll sing does Jesus care and if you would stand we'll sing song number 89 does Jesus care when my heart is pain to deeply from earth and song as the burdens press and the cares distress and the way grows weary and long oh yes he cares I know he cares his heart is touched with my grief when the days are weary the long nights dreary I know my Savior cares does Jesus care when my way is dark with a nameless dread and fear as the day light fades into deep nightshades does he care enough to be me oh yes he cares I know he cares