(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And if you would stand we'll sing heaven came down and glory filled my soul song 215 Oh What a wonderful wonderful day day. I will never forget After I wandered in darkness away Jesus my Savior I met Oh, what a tender compassionate friend. He met the need of my heart Chad was a spelling with joy. I am telling he made all the darkness depart Heaven came down and glory filled my soul When at the cross the Savior made me whole My sins were washed away and my night was turned today Heaven came down and glory filled my soul Born of the Spirit with life from above into God's family divine Justified freely through Calvary's love. Oh, what a standing is mine And the transaction so quickly was made when as a sinner I came Took of the offer of grace. He did pauper us save me. Oh praises dear name Heaven came down and glory filled my soul When at the cross the Savior made me whole My sins were washed away and my night was turned today Heaven came down and glory filled my soul Now I have hope that will surely endure after the passing of time I've a future in heaven for sure there in those mentioned sublime And it's because of that wonderful day when at the cross I believed Rich is eternal and blessing supernal from his precious hand I received Heaven came down and glory filled my soul When at the cross the Savior made me whole My sins were washed away and my night was turned today Heaven came down and glory filled my soul All right, let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again We just want to thank you God for another beautiful day that you've given us to meet in your house and to hear your word Preach to pray Lord that you just be with our pastor film with your power and spirit for us to be with you Pastor film with your power and spirit for it's in Jesus name. We ask all but Amen All right, you may be seated and turn your song books to song 228 Song 228 we'll sing. I love to tell the story song 228 I love to tell the story Of unseen things above Of Jesus and his glory of Jesus and his love I love to tell the story Because I know it is true it satisfies My longings as nothing else can do I Love to tell the story Twill be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of Jesus and his love I Love to tell the story more wonderful it seems Then all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams I Love to tell the story It did so much for me and That is just the reason I tell it now to thee I Love to tell the story Twill be my theme and glory To tell the old old story of Jesus and his love I Love to tell the story Tis pleasant to repeat What seems each time I tell it more Wonderfully sweet I Love to tell the story For some have never heard the message of salvation from God's own holy word I Love to tell the story Twill be my theme and glory To tell the old old story of Jesus and his love I Love to tell the story For those who know it best Seem Hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest and when in scenes of glory Seeing a new new song Twill be the old old story Have love so long I love to tell the story Twill be my theme and glory To tell the old old story of Jesus and his love Amen so welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and a beautiful day out there today and Just some announcements here all the service times should be normal this coming week as far as Sunday Everything should be normal the soul winning time all of that on Sunday And then the regional sewing times again just beyond the church group there as far as any meetup times and places and all that We have just on the upcoming events at the moment. We have prayer meetings So the men's prayer meeting at the end of the month the women's prayer meeting at the beginning of May And Then the kind of the upcoming events to be looking forward to is really in June June 10th, but Charles is leading up a soul winning marathon in Philadelphia And then we're gonna be leading up a soul winning marathon at Indian Indianapolis, Indiana on the 24th of June so on the 24th of June After that pastor Anderson's actually be preaching for us on July 2nd and so That'll be both services. That'll be on a Sunday and so I'm gonna stop there as far as they we're not gonna go past July right now, but as far as the events but obviously I'm sure there's other things that we can mention but And then on as far as our chapter memory we are in Psalm 11 as far as our chapter Memory for the month and then Matthew 18 11 is our memory verse for the week On the pregnancy list there be in prayer for the let's go family for tiara and and then miss Amanda Spina and then miss Jennifer signs as far as Pregnancy's go there just be in prayer for them and then pray that you pray the baby and everything's the babies are doing well and so Think that's about all I got for announcements. Is there something that I I can't think of anything right now that's going on that we If I remember I'll let you know later But that's not all I got for announcements. Who's reading tonight? Joseph's gonna be reading Luke chapter 10 for us as we continue our study through the book of Luke Before they do that brother Dave's gonna sing one more song And then we'll get into the Bible study All right, take your song books and turn to song number 229 Song 229 your some of the song books will sing since I have been redeemed Song 229 I have a song I love to sing since I have been redeemed of my Redeemer Savior King since I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed Since I have been redeemed. I will glory in his name since I Have been redeemed. I will glory in my Savior's name I Have a Christ that satisfies Satisfies since I have been redeemed To to his will my highest prize since I have been redeemed Since I have been redeemed Since I have been redeemed I will glory in his name since I have been redeemed I will glory in my Savior's name. I Have a witness bright and clear since I have been redeemed Smelling every doubt and fear since I have been redeemed Since I have been redeemed Since I have been redeemed I will glory in his name since I Have been redeemed. I will glory in my Savior's name. I Have a home prepared for me since I have been redeemed Where I shall dwell eternally Eternally since I have been redeemed Since I Have been redeemed Since I have been redeemed. I will glory in his name since I Have been redeemed. I will glory in my Savior's name All right, so your Bible's gonna turn to Luke chapter number 10 Luke chapter number 10 your Bibles will have brother Joseph come and read that for us Luke chapter 10 And if you found your place there you'll say amen After these things the Lord appointed Other 70 also and sent them two and two before his face into every city in place Whether he himself would come Therefore said he unto them the harvest truly is great, but the low laborers are a few pretty therefore the Lord of The harvest that he would send forth laborers into his harvest go your ways behold. I send you forth as lambs among wolves carry neither neither purse nor script nor shoes and salute no man by the way and Into whatsoever house you and ye enter first say peace be this house and If the Son of peace be there your peace shall rest upon it if not it shall turn to you again And in the same house remain eating and drinking such things as they give for the laborer is worthy of his hire go not from house to house and Into whatsoever city ye enter and they receive you eat such things as years as are set before thee before you and heal the sick That are therein and say unto them the kingdom of God has come nigh unto you But into whatsoever city ye enter and they receive you not go your ways out into the streets of the same and say Even the very dust of your city which cleaveth on us we do wipe off against you Notwithstanding be sure of this that the kingdom of God has come nigh unto you But I say unto you that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom than for that city woe unto thee Corazan woe unto thee Bethsaida For if if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which had been done in you They had a great while ago repented sitting in sackcloth and ashes But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment than for you and thou Capernaum Which art exalted to heaven shall be thrust down to hell He that heareth you heareth me and he that despises you despises me and he that despises me Despises him that sent me In the 70 returned again with joy saying Lord even the devil's are subject unto us through thy name He said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven behold. I give unto you Power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you Notwithstanding in this in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you But rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven in that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit and said I thank thee Oh Father Lord of heaven and earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and has revealed them Unto babes even so father for it seemed good in thy sight All things are delivered to me of my father and no man knoweth who the son is But but the father and who who the father is but the son and he whom the son will reveal him And he turned him unto his disciples and said privately Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see For I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which you see and have not seen them and to hear those things which you hear and have not heard them and behold a certain lawyer stood up and Tempted him saying master. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him what is written in the law? How readest thou and he answered and said Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy strength With all thy mind and thy neighbor and as thyself He said unto him thou hast answered right? This do and thou shalt live But he willing to justify himself said unto Jesus and who is my neighbor? Jesus answering said a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and The fellow fell among thieves which stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and Departed leaving him half dead and by chance there came in down a certain priest that way and when he saw him he passed by the other side and Likewise the Levite when he he was at the place came looked on him and passed on the other other side But a certain Samaritan as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him he had compassion on him and Went to him and bound up his wounds Pouring in oil and wine and set him on his own beast and brought him to an end and took care of him and on the morrow When he departed he took out two pence and gave them to the host and said unto him Take care of him and whatsoever thou spendest more when I come again. I will repay thee which now these three thinkest thou was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves and he said He that showed mercy on him Then said Jesus unto him go and do that Likewise now came to pass as they went that he entered into a certain village and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house and She had a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word But Martha was cumbered about much serving and came Came to him and said Lord dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve serve alone Bitter therefore that she helped me and Jesus answered and said unto her Martha, Martha Thou art careful and troubled about many things But one thing is needful and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her. Let's pray Lord father think for this time that we're able to gather together again Lord I think you're pure and holy word Lord asked to be a pastor Robinson as we stay through blue These things I asked Jesus name Amen Here there in Luke chapter 10 and we are still going through the book of Luke here and Chapter 9 We saw that we were dealing with The 12 disciples that were being sent out to preach the gospel we see that Synonymous of preaching the gospel is preaching the kingdom of God So a lot of people try to separate those things and try to say they're two different things or or anything But preaching the kingdom of God preaching the gospel The gospel of the kingdom the gospel of Christ the everlasting gospel. We're talking about the same thing Okay, and anybody that believes that there are different Gospels and that people are saved differently Is not saved. Okay, so And that that's that's my take on that as far as this dispensational gospel stuff that's out there But the gospel that that Jesus preached is the same gospel that that Peter preached the same gospel that Paul preached It's the same gospel that we preach. It'll be the same gospel that After we're dead and gone, you know if the Lord tarries that and it'll be the same gospel That's preached during the millennial rain the rain and all that but in chapter 10 here What I love about this is that it shows us some more information when you go through the Gospels You see the 12 the 12 the 12 to 12 But you also always see that there's other disciples around right you see the women and that's kind of Luke hits on that that there's Women also that are with him ministering unto him, but in chapter 10 here We see that there's these 70 others that he sent out to go preach the gospel So it wasn't just the 12 that were going out and preached in the gospel, but look at verse 1 here It says after these things the Lord appointed other 70 also And sent them to and to before his face into every city and place whether he himself would get would come Now he sent the 12 to and to as well in mark chapter 6 and verse 7 it says and he called unto him the 12 and began to send them forth by to and to and gave them power over unclean spirits and so That that principle of going to and to so when we go out soul winning and we're trying to pair up by two That's biblical And and obviously sometimes we have odd numbers and all that but if you think about the 12 you'd have six groups of two right and 70 you'd have 35 groups of two and So that's a biblical principle That's why we we stick to that as far as having a group of two or or we just don't send everybody out alone Right be like, okay well we can hit more ground if everybody if everybody can talk then everybody can just go out one by one and Go out preach the gospel and we're all just out there at every door by ourselves That's not the way the Bible teaches that we should go soul-winning It doesn't mean that you can't win somebody and that in some cases that'll happen where you're at the door by yourself. Obviously I Don't believe the Bible says that's wrong or wicked or anything like that But the rule the rule is that we're going to and to okay and this obviously validates that And then it goes on to say I mean if you think about it, right? He fed the 5,000 there were thousands of people that he was preaching to but how many people are preaching the gospel, right? He had the 12, but then these other 70 but that's I mean You're still only dealing you're dealing with 82 people going out and preaching the gospel, right? Not saying other people didn't preach the gospel But just in general kind of understanding this is that that makes sense the next thing he says here in verse 2 Therefore said he unto them the heart the harvest truly is great but the laborers are few pray therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth labors into his harvest and What you what you have to understand is that there's there's a you know, maybe it there's few that are saved Okay, but out of those few that are saved there's few out of that That are actually laborers Just facts of the matter, okay, and So the laborers are few I mean think about there's millions of saved people in America right now Imagine if every single saved person was out there preaching the gospel How many other people will get saved? Okay, imagine just in West Virginia in the churches that are saying, you know, like where they're saved people in churches Or just say people in West Virginia. I mean we run into say people all the time It's not like there's just nobody that's saved here But if they were preaching the gospel they were witnessing And they were getting people say just how many more people would get saved because the harvest truly is is ready You know, it's it's ripe on the harvest. It's great It's not like it's not like we're in want for finding people that need to get saved, right? It's not like we're just like man. It's really hard to weed through all the safe people to find people that need to get saved That just never happens, right? It's just obviously it's a blessing every once a while you run to a safer to be like praise the Lord You know you're saved and you can rejoice in the fact that we're saved and then we move on to the next door But that that's usually not that that is definitely not most of the time so we need to pray for laborers and So this is a common prayer that we have when we when we have our men's prayer meeting night Is that praying for soul winning praying for laborers? We pray that the Lord builds the church and but here's the thing when it comes to the Lord building the church You know, I pray that the Lord builds the church with laborers Okay And listen, I'm not saying that you're not allowed to come here if you don't labor Okay But in the end I want a church that's laboring for the Lord, right? because if you're laboring for the Lord then I mean that you love you, you know You love the Lord and you're wanting to please the Lord and then you're gonna want to hear preaching and then there's gonna be good Unity because we're in the work together all these things go together as far as who you want the church to be filled with Do you want to be filled with a whole bunch of saved people? They just want to live for the world and don't want to do anything for the Lord. It's like they're all saved Okay, great. But is that really the kind of church that we want to have or do you want a church of? People that love the Lord want to serve him and that are trying to do everything they can to please him now Luke 10 and verse 3 here Notice what he states here. It says go your ways behold. I send you forth as lambs among wolves So he's sending out these other 70 to preach the gospel and he's he's stating to them that hey the harvest is plenty Plentiest, you know like that. It's great But the labors are few There's a few of us that are out there basically it's it's it's It's right for the picking you need to go out there and do it but at the same time as you're going out into this harvest know this is that he's sending us out as lambs among wolves Okay, meaning there's wolves out there. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ. Jesus shall suffer persecution Listen, the there's false prophets that are out there. There are people that are trying to hinder the gospel there's unreasonable and wicked men that are out there trying to hinder the Word of God and I Look so in Matthew chapter 10 go to Matthew chapter 10 and verse 16 because he states Something very similar in Matthew chapter 10, but then he states kind of like, okay What do we how do we act if we're lambs going out there among wolves? And Matthew chapter 10 verse 16 says this behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves So basically as we're going out there we're not to be going out there just we're supposed to be harmless right gentle I talks about I'm gonna misquote how that starts in Philippians chapter 3 I Am like really blanking out right now Harmless Blameless the sons of God without rebuke, but I'm gonna I'm gonna misquote that if I don't look it up here So forgive me real quick If I don't find it, I mean it's gonna bother me. So And Do all things without murmurings and disputings and so it's in Philippians 2 and in verse in verse 14 do all things without murmurings and disputings that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without Rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as lights in the world Holding forth the word of life that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I've not run in vain now that labored in vain And the idea there is that we need to be wise right, we need to be wise and not and not be you know, like Know what what you're getting into right, but at the same time being harmless okay, so why is the serpents harmless as doves and Obviously if at all possible let us live peaceably with all men This doesn't mean that if someone's trying to hurt your family that you just lay over and let them do it. Okay? obviously Jesus said buy a sword and So we're gonna defend ourselves, but at the same time we're not trying to get into strife You know a man after the first and second admonition a man that is in heretic after the first and second admonition reject knowing that he did as such as Subverted and Senate being condemned of himself. We're not out there just trying to get in fight with heretics and just striving with people and striving about you know, just Endless genealogies and contentions about the law, right? The idea is that we need to be wise about that and just Find people that want to get saved find people that are that are you know? Right for the picking. Okay so Go to Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 kind of Touches on in the in the you say what's he what's he mean by this? I believe what he's he's getting into is the fact that there's persecutions if you're gonna labor for the Lord There's gonna be tribulation there's gonna be persecutions right there's gonna be trials and tribulations But here's the mindset that we should have okay We shouldn't be afraid right shouldn't be afraid of any type of persecution that's coming But we need to be ready for it, right? We need to understand that that that stuff happens but in Romans chapter 8 verse 35 it says who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or Persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter So you kind of think about sheep among wolves and all that But then it says nay and all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present or things to come Nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate it from the love of God Which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, and so we just need to have this mindset is like we're more than conquerors Right for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain Like that's the attitude you should have it's like if I you know, if I be offered up, you know and Upon the sacrifice and service of your faith. I join rejoice with you all right if you know He even talks about in Philippians and the fact that you know, whether by life or by death You know I'll be magnified Through my body right the idea there is that he's basically saying it doesn't matter if I die or if I live You know, I want to glorify God and That's the attitude, you know, I'm a straight betwixt two having a desire to part and be with Christ Which is far better nevertheless the body in the flesh is more than evil for you We should have that mindset of like whether we live or die We're accepted of him and we're doing what we should be doing. And so we're not like looking at tribulation like oh man, I'm afraid Persecution afraid of tribulation. What if they kill me? It's like well send me to the Lord Send Me to glory, you know Give me a martyr's crown. I mean Like they can't do anything but kill the body. Anyway, you know if it was to get that far but I also believe that God it will protect his his laborers and that You know, it'll be it He'll end up destroying the people trying to destroy you before he lets that happen unless you don't accept deliverance You know because you want a better resurrection or you know, you want more rewards because of that, right? So I go to back to Luke chapter 10 in verse 4 Luke chapter 10 in verse 4, so he sends out the 70 Sends them to and to but I love how you know the Lord he He tells you what to what the you know, you're looking for right? What the he doesn't just send you out without any charge or any expectations of what you're getting into right? He's just like know this is that there's few of you know this is that you're being you're being sent out as lambs among wolves and Then in when Jesus ministry he actually sends them out basically without any type of provisions and There's gonna be a reason, you know, like there's basically all their provisions are being met when they go out soul-winding Okay, and in verse 4 here says carrying either person or script nor shoes and salute no man by the way So see brother Richie no purse No, but later on. Okay. I'm joking but but seriously don't wear a purse But later on in Luke chapter 23 when Jesus is going to the cross He says like okay things are changing like now you doing you do need to you know Bring all this stuff with you, right? and so there's a difference between when Jesus was walking on the earth and he was in his earthly ministry and he was you know sending out his disciples physically and all that but Basically, he's like don't take any of that It says an into whatsoever house you enter first say peace be to this house And if the son of peace be there your peace shall rest upon it. If not, it shall turn to you again now This is a you know, this is maybe off topic a little bit But if you think about like the fact that when you say god bless you to somebody, right? You don't want to say god bless you or godspeed to somebody that's like some false prophet, right? But you lead off with it, right? You don't have to be like I need to know are you a Jehovah Witness before I say, you know, have a good day Right, like let's say you were just out and you're like someone holds the door open for you think thank you You know, you know have a good day And then they end up being a Jehovah Witness like false prophet and you're just like man You lead off with blessing you lead off with peace But if it doesn't return like if you find out obviously that this person should you shouldn't be blessing them You shouldn't be putting peace upon them Then that's when you know, like when you know, they're not bringing that doctrine and they're bringing false doctrine all that Okay, so you kind of lead off with that. So it's okay if you're running if you're out in the world You're just like, you know, you know, I hope you have a peaceful day I hope you have a good day. You have no idea who this person is, right and you just kind of assume, right? It's just kind of like you you automatically love one another right and you show compassion and love for one another Until you find out if you find out they're like some wicked pedophile or something like that, then you turn it off Okay, but at the same time you lead off with that and when it comes out the soul Going out soul winning we lead off with love Compassion you're given a benefit of doubt right you're going there an attitude of like peace be upon this house Let's see if we can win them to the Lord and obviously sometimes you find out that person is Like a hater of the Lord or something like that. It doesn't make sense like so you're but you're leading off with it Okay You're not going up to the door skeptical or like saying let me find out if I'm gonna put peace upon this house or if I'm gonna try to you know have compassion on them You lead off with it So it says in verse 6 there and if the son of peace be there your peace shall rest upon it If not, it shall return to you again. Okay, so it's kind of like you're just kind of throwing it out there If they if they receive you good if they don't then you know Bring it back to yourself and go on with your merry way, right? So in verse 7 it says in the same house And this is what I want you to there's a phrase here that someone could say and say see this is why we don't go door to door, okay It says in the same house remain eating and drinking such things as they give For the laborers worthy of his hire go not from house to house Okay. Now if you pulled that out without contact if you say it just says go not from house to house They'd be like see you're going house to house door to door. That's not biblical. But what is it talking about here? It's talking about lodging, isn't it? It's talking about eating and drinking and lodging in a house So what it what is stating here is that you're not to just like hop from house to house be like You know, I'm gonna stay here tonight and then I'm going over to so this other house I'm gonna eat there and it's just like you're just gleaning off of everybody in the town, right? The idea here is that if you go to a house, they receive you they're like they're they're you know, you you're lodging there They're feeding you basically God is sending them out and and he is making sure that there are some place They're gonna lodge and there's some somebody's gonna feed him So it obviously takes faith that they're going out there without any provisions Basically no money and just going out there knowing that the Lord's gonna provide and give them lodging And he's basically saying don't hop from house to house when it comes to the lodging and when it comes to the food, okay So that's what it's not saying like only go to one house and then leave that town right Because then it goes on to say in verse verse 8 It says and whatsoever city you enter and they receive you eat such things as are set before you and heal the sick that are There in and say unto them the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you So you're supposed to be preaching through the whole city and healing anybody that's there But when it comes to the lodging, you know, that's where it's like hey, you know, you stick with the house that received you, right? And there could be many reasons why that's the case I mean you think about like insulting like not good enough for you to lodge, you know It's kind of like if someone gives you I'll say this when we're out soul winning It talks about the labor is worthy of his higher If someone offers me a drink unless there's some reason that I can't carry it or I can't like, you know physically take it I Accept it. Okay So they say hey, you know, can I give you a bottle of water and be like sure thanks, you know And one because the labor is worthy of his higher, okay, so You know, it's not like it's wrong for you to take that but also if you reject someone's gift that they're giving to you It could be insulting to them Right. It's like they're offering your water and you're just like no, I don't want your water You don't say it like that, but it's kind of like I don't want your gifts I don't want anything from you know, like on the surface you could think well, hey I'm kind of being you know, I want to be nice to them I want to you know, like not be a burden to them But ultimately it's like if someone gives you a Christmas gift and you're like, no, I can't accept that not I'm not taking it It's kind of a slap in the face, isn't it? If someone like went through the trouble to get you a gift and then you're just like I'm not accepting it okay, so You know when it comes to when we go out soul winning I I tend to you know Basically unless for some reason like I'm I'm like taking I have two kids with me and I can't carry anything You know, I may just be like hey, sorry I just I just can't carry that on me right now or whatever, but thanks for the offer, you know But if they're like, hey you want water Now if they're like, hey, here's some water in a mason jar. I Don't know I might be like, you know, I might pass on that, you know, like here's my home brewed water You know that I put through the distillery for three times there's three X's on it it's like what in the world So but obviously that's where you gotta be wise wise the serpent, you know, don't be don't be just taking anything, right? They hand you brownies or something like that kids. Don't just eat the brownies that like someone hands you at the door Let your parents decide what you should eat if they give you something. Okay, most people though are very nice I remember going out so many one time and I and I was like by myself Because I remember I remember pastor and I remember talking about wanting to be a pastor and pastor Anderson said hey you should Should go out soul winning every once in a while by yourself, you know, just Not all the time, but it's kind of like if you're gonna start a church from scratch It might just be you one day right if you're starting from scratch. No one else is going out your your wife's Busy with the kids or something like that. You may have to go out by yourself So it's kind of like just kind of see what it feels like get used to it You know as far as like that goes and it's not fun. I don't like soloing in by myself But I remember going out I was by myself and it's just like people were just handed I had an app I had an apple I had like a water someone gave me like a soda or whatever and I was just like Accepting it. I didn't want it was like Mountain Dew I didn't like Mountain Dew and I was just like taking it so I'm like going to the door and I'm like putting down all this stuff and like knocking the door because people were Just like handing me all this stuff, right? But obviously it's a blessing and I believe the Lord is is blessing the work there and all that so The labor is worthy of his hire So if someone if someone offers something to you as long as it's not like wrong to take right and then I would just accept it and let's say you don't really want it, right? I would just accept it walk away and then later on you can decide what you want to do with it. Okay? but You know, that's that's what I believe on that issue now Now preaching the gospel from house to house is biblical, okay? Now let me give you an example of this just so you you know Like when you're looking there it says go not from house to house It doesn't say don't preach the gospel from house to house It's saying basically you're supposed to remain at that house and eat and drink don't go from house to house doing that Okay, that's what in context is talking about but in Acts chapter 20 and verse 20 look at Acts chapter 20 and verse 20 And While you're in Acts 20 in verse 20 Acts 5 42 in daily in the temple and in every house They cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ But then it says in Acts chapter 20 in verse 20 and How I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you But have showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house Testifying both of the Jews and also to the Greeks for penance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ So we're talking about preaching the gospel Preaching believe on the Lord Jesus Christ And from house to house publicly from house to house This doesn't mean it's only the house to house, right? I mean he would he would preach the gospel and market places where people would be with him I mean, but when you think about soul winning How are you going to period how are you going to effectively try to reach every single person You try to go to every house, okay? But there's other ways there's other places you can go soul winning There's other there's other avenues of going soul winning too, but the door-to-door house From house to house and in every house That's how you're gonna get people that you may never see out in the marketplace You may never see out, you know, like out in public or in a park or something like that. Okay? Now, you know, you know, let's say we go on a mission trip or something like that. Well, that's not our hometown we're not necessarily having to like What's the word I'm thinking of here as far as Not strategically But basically you're trying to like make sure you're getting every area like you're trying to get every area Unless you're going out like some country. You've never been to before. Let's say we go out to Greece It doesn't really matter where we go. You know, it's fresh pickings, you know, it's like we'll go We're gonna go out to the markets, you know, if there's like a really rundown area over here We might go over there and try to knock some doors or whatever but honestly we're just gonna go wherever anybody will listen to us and just test the water see what happens and Some places are going to be more conducive for so winning out in the streets than door-knocking Okay, but if I had a church, let's say that I was starting in that area. Well, I'm gonna knock every door, too Right. Let's say it's more receptive going out to an area We may focus on that and then maybe like hey, that's kind of our main push but we're also gonna go we're also gonna do door-to-door make sure that we get everybody and make sure that we get those people that are like Shut up and home and can't get out right and that happens. We run into people that can't get out You know, they're stuck. They're at home and they're not gonna be you're not gonna see them anywhere else actually you run into them and their family hasn't seen them in months and It's it's kind of sad actually sometimes the people you run into when you go door-to-door Go back to Luke chapter 10 there Luke chapter 10 and verse 10. What if they don't receive you? And Luke chapter 10 and verse 10 it says but into whatsoever city you enter and they receive you not Go your ways out into the streets of the same and say even the very dust of your city Which cleaveth unto us we do wipe off against you not withstanding be sure of this That the kingdom of God has come nigh unto you But I say unto you that it shall be more tolerable in the in that day for Sodom than for that city I want you to think about this and just the punishment that God puts on let's say a city country town apartment complex dare I say That would not receive you okay, and and a lot of these cases there's people in the in these towns that In the next verses that we're gonna get to that people got saved that were from those areas Right that people that had great faith that were in those areas, but as a whole that place is doomed Because they didn't receive it Okay, meaning like let's say you go to an apartment complex and some people get saved But then like the management comes out to you. They're calling the police on you. Well, you know, I Here's here's my stance on how to deal with that Tell them that you have right to be there If the police tell you to leave, you know, what wipe the dust off your feet and well one to that that apartment complex You know, what's interesting is how? Oh the old district Seems to have a new owner every single year. I Don't know the backstory of why they keep changing names, but they've gone through like seven different names Is it any marvel to you that that is a place that we've been kicked out of? multiple times like almost every single year The ridge is the same way is it an interesting that the places that we get kicked out of seem to just fall apart with their management Now you can say well, that's just a coincidence Maybe or maybe maybe God's judging them for for rejecting the gospel There's other places they're just like, yeah great glad you're here and so when it comes to that my my my Thing on this is that well one we have the right to be there legally, okay? But I'm gonna take what Jesus says here and apply, you know kind of like when you think about Obviously we have country state county city But you could even go down more. So let's say HOA Isn't that kind of like a little little governing body which they think that they're I hate HOA's by the way Praise the Lord. I'm not in HOA anymore I Do whatever I want when I want Okay in the balance of law. Okay, but but anyway When you think about let's say you went into an HOA community. They kick you out Well one to that HOA Well one to that that apartment complex well one to that trailer park You know rolling hills reprobate corner Up in Morgan town Okay. Now, you know, what may happen is maybe the management and you maybe whoever runs that thing gets you know You know something happens to where there's new ownership and you know what and it's kind of an open door but isn't it interesting that It seems like it goes by a couple apartment complex. It goes by area doesn't it where you're just like this place is just bad Just feel like I'm just in a reprobate corner right now and then then you have the honey holes Where you're just like people are just perceptive you can't even get past two doors Because it's just every I mean people are coming out coming over to you and all this stuff and you're just like man This is great. So So don't be discouraged when it comes to that type of stuff there's nothing new under the Sun there's always been cities that have rejected the gospel and You know what? Well one to them but Go down to verse 13 there because then Jesus is going to go further talking about specific towns Specific places that he's pronouncing wolves upon it says well one to thee Corazon well one to thee that's aida for if the mighty works have been done in Tyre and Zidon Which were which have been done in you they had a great while ago Repented sitting in sackcloth and ashes But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Zidon at the judgment then for you and thou Capernaum Which art exalted to heaven shall be thrust down to hell Now a verse that comes to mind when it comes to like this this place Capernaum going down to hell is In Psalm 9 17 it says this it says the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God It could go by nation it could go by town it could go by County and You know what if If if a certain city just rejects us as a whole and you just can't you're just beating your head against the wall You know what? We're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna knock the dust off our feet and go to a different town Now in our area, it's not really the town because we will find areas that are receptive It's usually by area within that town. It usually is in a smaller portion where it's like that area is not receptive And it's like I don't want to go there and listen we won't Listen, if there's an area we hit it once and it's just horrible. We'll wait a few years Before we go back there and then we'll think about it We want to go back there, but you know what we're gonna knock We're gonna try and knock everything but you know what if we're if we're stopped at the gate of some big HOA like, you know a Rich neighborhood and they're just like you aren't allowed to come in We don't want not a you know, we don't want anybody preaching the gospel in here. It'd be like Bye Not just mark that off the list And so but know this is that the kingdom of God has come nigh unto you know this that the gospel has come nigh unto Them and woolen to them that they didn't receive it and there's there's a there's a huge Amount of judgment on those that don't receive the gospel or don't even allow it to be preached Okay, so what I think about this is that lack Forgive that pardon the phrase but Jesus has our back Okay He has our back. I mean we're going out there soul-winning. He's sending us out there like lambs among wolves But you know what if they reject us he has our back and there's a strong Condemnation on those places that don't receive us and I believe there's a strong condemnation on those that were trying to hinder us and That's what we it's just a comforting thing to know It's like Jesus Jesus were ambassadors for him and we're out there preaching the gospel and he has our back But he's also telling us not to beat our head against the wall, right? Whether it's individually with heretics, you know first and second admonition reject whether it's just with that place Listen, you know what if there's a place that just constantly will not let us preach the gospel nuts to them nuts to that area What were the places that will receive us? Maybe one day that door will be open and And listen a lot of these key places actually which we go to we end up preaching We end up get getting people say even preaching the gospel there before and then we get kicked out right when we're done and you know What so be it? But But then there's just some places that are just completely closed off. What was that? What was that one place the heritage or Is it heritage corner? Rubber bait corner? That's just really bad Anyway, a lot of you guys know you probably think of different places, but go back to Luke chapter 10 there And notice what it what Jesus says here and this really just makes me think about the fact that the Bible says now then We are ambassadors for Christ as though God Beseech you by us. We pray you in Christ said be you reconciled to God. We are ambassadors. We are the messengers, right? He's sending us forth in his stead To preach the gospel. He's sending us out in his stead to preach the gospel and notice what he says here in verse 16 He did hearth you hearth me and he that despises you despises me and he despises me despises him to sent me Guess what if if they're rejecting you they're rejecting him and If they reject him, they're rejecting the father right and so It's that that idea that he that despises despises not you but but God right but ultimately It all goes back that they're not receiving him. They're not receiving the message right don't take it personal Don't get upset about it You know what just rejoice that you that that you can suffer shame for the cause of Christ or that you can suffer persecution because great is your reward in heaven, so That's the mindset that we should have go to Luke chapter 10 and verse 17 and the 70 70 returned again with joy And isn't this usually how we come back so winning. I mean most of the time We're coming back and we're rejoicing and you know what? sometimes I didn't win anybody or maybe I didn't have any good conversations, but you know, I come back and someone did and Then there's rejoicing right? I Can't remember The last time that we've gone soul winning where no one in the church has gotten someone say I Mean we haven't had a week in a long time Right. I can't have to look back to see when there's a week that no one got saved And praise the Lord for that because we have a lot of laborers in our church, but you know what? even if I don't win somebody I'm usually rejoicing because someone else did and Either way a lot of them rejoicing because you know what we're doing the work of the Lord We're out there warning we can't and there's all a lot of times. It's just good fellowship, right? They have a good good time with believers that love the Lord and having good conversations I Mean what's not to have fun soul winning is fun. You run into really weird people. I Mean there's always something to kind of talk about laugh about You know when you come back, even if it's not fruitful, obviously we wanted to be fruitful but in Luke 10 verse 17 they came back They returned again with with joy saying Lord even the devil's are subject unto us through thy name So you can imagine that that would be pretty cool right you'd come back if you're like casting out devils out of people And notice that it's through Jesus name right and Another place it talks about how he cast out devils with his word Okay, so if you're saying well, let's say someone looks like their demon because that's what you do preach the word Start quoting off verses Because they don't like that, you know, and I believe people are still demon-possessed and To this day, I mean false prophets are demon-possessed and and by the way Christians cannot be demon-possessed. Just so you know my Greater is he that is in you than he is in the world Yeah, you have the Holy Ghost inside of you. And if you're a devil possessed, you're not saved. Okay, so Verse 18 there says and he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven Now I'm gonna get back to that because he says it in the past tense Right, and so that's interesting right as far as it that goes But it says behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all The power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you Notwithstanding in this rejoice not so take that Pentecostals that are constantly like snake handling and all this stuff That's all they care about is that type of stuff You know what he says to rejoice and it says in that and in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you But rather rejoice Because your names are written in heaven Really what you should be rejoicing is that you're saved That your names are in the Lamb's book of life. Now. I believe that everybody's names are in the book of life but if you die without Christ or if you if you Become a reprobate then your name is blotted out But the Bible says in Rome and Revelation chapter 3 He that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment And I will not blot his name out of the book of life And who is he that ever come with the world but he that believed that Jesus is the Son of God So if you're a believer You believe that Jesus is the Christ you you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ Then your name can't be blotted out So what you need to what you should be rejoicing is that you're sealed unto the day of redemption with that Holy Spirit of promise you your names written in the book of life meaning that You you can't be heard of the second death because your name's in the book It's only those that aren't found in the book of life That names who are not written in the book of life that'll be cast into the lake of fire And so the idea here is that hey rejoicing over the fact that we're saved right that we have a home in heaven and The Idea here that when he says I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven You can imagine why he's bringing it up because they're talking about the devil's casting out devils and all this stuff, right and and he's stating it's kind of like They're saying like they cast out devils and Jesus kind of hitting them up with an even greater thing, right? Meaning like the devil, right? I I beheld Satan Fall from heaven as lightning, right? now The Bible says in Isaiah 14 in verse 12, but I want you to turn to Revelation chapter 12 Isaiah 14 12 says how art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down which didst weaken the nation's and Some people believe that the devil is already cast out of heaven, but that actually doesn't happen until the future Okay, you say well he says beheld Well, there's a lot of times in the Bible where it'll use past tense but When it's using past tense what it's a prophecy meaning like it's going to happen But what what it means though is that he called those things which be not as though they were When it says he says to Abraham I have made thee a father of many nations before Isaac was ever born Okay So God can say that because I mean it's written in Revelation 12 him falling from heaven, right? It just hasn't happened yet But you know what? Jesus saw it because he's God right? He knows he knows the he knows the the end from the beginning and so Revelation 12 verse 7. This is when Satan's gonna be cast out but Jesus is stating in the past tense because it's a prophecy like he's basically saying I saw it happen and This throughout probably you can look at Isaiah 53 and you'll see past present and future tense used about the event of the cross so tense sometimes You know when it comes to prophecy could be in past the future could be present tense But in Revelation 12 verse 7 it says and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels have failed not Neither was their place found anymore in heaven and the dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan So what are we talking about? obviously You know Satan this would apply right? So when he says I saw Satan fall out of heaven like lightning It says which deceived the world the whole world He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now has come salvation and Strength in the kingdom of our God and the power What in the world? This thing's like dictating my whole sermon right now. I heard a lot of now salvation coming and strength in the kingdom of our God and The power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night This is like job right where he's counting the the sons of God are presenting themselves before the Lord and Satan came among them Right, and what do you do? He accused job, right? So this is still going on right now, but When this is what starts off that 70th week that last that seven-year period if you will of the Antichrist And all that this is what starts it off is that Satan is cast out of heaven and his angels are cast out with them so right now There are there that him and his Devils can still go up into heaven They're going to and fro through the earth right it talks about and then he comes back and and even God's like What's coming style, you know kind of thing and he says going from to and fro through the earth that's not considered my servant job and That whole idea of Satan accusing the brethren But then it says and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their their testimony And they loved not their lives unto the death Therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea For the devil has come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time And it gives you that time. There's a time times and the dividing of time So three and a half years then the Antichrist has 42 months. And so that's what starts off and times Prophecy if you will what's going to happen in the future, but you can see it's saying rejoice. So it's not Obviously, it's not bad They were rejoicing that they could cast out devils and and obviously there will be rejoicing when Satan's cast out of heaven, right? So you can see how like hey, there's gonna be even more rejoicing when Satan comes out cast out of heaven, but you rather much more rejoice that your names are written in heaven and so You could look at this page and be like man I wish I could I wish I could cast, you know, like do with these miracles or I could heal the sick You know what Jesus is saying? You is you much rather rejoice that your names are written in heaven. Listen, are your names written in heaven? then listen, we should rejoice just as much as those 70 that came back and so I Think this is a great thing to kind of look at on our end where you know We weren't there to see Jesus in the flesh We weren't there to see the miracles or that God gave them power to Tread on serpents and do these different things at that time when he's bringing in the New Testament That we get we can say hey He said the rather more rejoice than the fact that hey your names are written in heaven. So We should be rejoicing just as much as the 70 just as much as the 12 that were there at that time Now go to Luke chapter 10 and verse 21 Luke chapter 10 verse 21 Luke chapter 10 and verse 21 It says in that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit and said I thank thee Oh Father Lord of heaven and earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and has revealed them unto babes even so father For it seemed good in thy sight all things are delivered to me of my father and no man knoweth who the son is but the father and who the father is But the son and he to whom the son will reveal him and he turned him unto his disciples and said privately Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see if I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see those Things which ye see and have not seen them and to hear those things which ye hear and have not heard them So the thing that I want to point out here is that? Jesus is Rejoicing that God the Father hid these things from the wise and prudent. Okay, I Want that to sink in Jesus is rejoicing over the fact that these Religious leader, you know these people that he's preaching his parables to that will not hear it That he's rejoicing in the fact that God chose to hide it from them And that it was pleasing to God the Father to do that okay, this goes all the way back to Isaiah 6 now Matthew chapter 13 when it's talking about the same idea of blessed are your eyes for they see and Basically it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God But unto them it is given to them in parables, then he quotes off Isaiah But go to Isaiah chapter 6 because where did this come from? as far as the idea of why he's preaching to them the parables why he's hiding these things from them and Know this is that Jesus is rejoicing in that fact For some reason there's this weird Detachment of like well God the Father. He's really mean, but Jesus. He's really nice I Mean There's this the tech listen Jesus always does the things which please the father But he's rejoicing in the fact that that's the what God the Father did He's not like man. You know I'm gonna do what you said. You know I'm gonna follow you because you're the father I'm the son. You know you're obviously hiring authority, but No, he's rejoicing He's glad that God the Father chose to do that and it pleased the father to do it that way And those who says in Isaiah 6 8 because this is brought up so many times in the New Testament throughout the Gospels in the book of Acts this idea of God blinding their eyes and hardening their hearts so that they would not see basically hiding You know these truths from the wise and prudent those that Should have known those that weren't ignorant Right, but he's revealed them debates those that were ignorant right or those that weren't Didn't know it all right and so in verse 8 here says Isaiah 6 and verse 8 it says also I have heard the voice of the Lord saying whom will I send and who will go for us great Trinity verse by the way Who will go for us then said I? Here am I send me And he said go and tell this people Hear ye indeed, but understand not and see ye indeed, but perceive not please basically you know that that all that Song you know that they're always like playing for like missions trips and stuff like that Here am I I will go There's like some child in a puddle, and they're just like please give to this missions trip But they're always singing that song like here am I I will go there'll be whole like missions conference based off that and It's like here am I send me go and tell those people hear ye indeed, but understand not Get some context for your song you know But understand not and see indeed But perceive not make the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes lest they See with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and convert and be healed You know people People are always down on what we believe about the reprobate doctrine and the fact that we believe that there's people that cannot believe Like I can't believe you'd say that no Jesus said that therefore they could not believe because these eyes said that right there You know what you know what the Bible saying is that Jesus rejoiced in that So When people are just like I can't believe you believe the rep I can't believe that that you think that God has given up on somebody Jesus rejoiced in that God the Father gave up on them and That he hid it from their eyes And you could take that as you will, but you know what I rejoice in the fact that he did that I'm glad that the Father had pleasure in that Because his ways are above our ways and his thoughts are above our thoughts and him hardening their hearts Was ended up being for the furtherance of the gospel More people got saved and just like Pharaoh when he hardened Pharaoh's heart more people got saved and the glory of God was Was was noise abroad throughout the world because of that and praise the Lord for that And I rejoice in the fact that God does that Do I always understand why he does it? I don't need to always understand it but I'll rejoice in the fact that he does it because I know that he knows what he's doing and Jesus rejoiced in it. I'm gonna rejoice in it It pleased the Father to do so she pleased us that he did so you know what we should get the mind of the Lord and Not just be like ah you know if I did it. You know I would do better You know it's like are you better than Jesus? Are you more loving than the Father? For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish But have everlasting life. Do you have more love than the Father that gave his only begotten Son? Do you have more love than Jesus that laid down his life for his friends? so I Can go on and on about that, but let's go to Luke chapter 10 and verse 25 And it's kind of the big story in this passage is the Good Samaritan right the Good Samaritan And this is only found in the book of Luke but this is a very famous story and But let's see how it started. What what prompted this story, right? so what prompted this story of the Good Samaritan and Verse 25 here says and behold a certain lawyer stood up and tempted and tempted him saying master What shall I do to inherit eternal life? So notice that what's this guy's motive as he's going in here? Is he going in here with an honest heart trying to figure out what the answer is? No. He's trying to tempt him, okay? So he's saying what shall I do to inherit eternal life? So Jesus knows the thoughts. He knows the intents So you notice that Jesus doesn't say believe on me, and thou shalt have everlasting life, right? He says it in other places in the Bible Right I mean, it's not like the woman at the well He said if you would have asked I would have given the living water But he knows this guy's trying to tempt him, so he's hitting them back Because he says what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Well, let's see what he said, and he said it to him. What is written in the law? How readest thou? And Jesus is that it's kind of like the Socratic method You know of like just asking questions I love that Jesus does this because he makes them confess to them what they believe right and this is what we do out Sulling right we're like. What do you think it takes to heaven? What do you think? Because then once you know what they think then you can throw it back on them and say well no, this is what the Bible says and Go for from there But it says how readest thou verse 27 and he answer answering said thou shalt love the Lord thy God With all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might and with all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself, okay? So he's stating you know obviously the Bible teaches this that we should love the Lord I got and we should love thy neighbor as thyself right those are found in two different passages But he's putting them together because actually Jesus states that a lot right that by this Hang all the law of the prophets the on these two commandments Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul and mind and strength and going on But then it says thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself Okay, and he said and he said unto him so Jesus is saying unto him thou has answered right this do and now shalt live Listen you keep the whole law Why wouldn't you have eternal life the wages of sin is death and sin is the transgression of law so if you keep the whole law? Why would you go to hell why would you I mean you would have life, right? but we know that no man keeps the law right everybody offends at least in one point and Notice what it says here verse 29, but he willing to justify himself so notice that he's trying to justify He knows that he can't keep that he knows that that's not possible But he's trying to justify himself because then what's he say here, and he's he said unto Jesus Said unto Jesus and who is my neighbor. This is what prompts this story, okay? So he's basically saying love thy neighbor as thyself, and he's like do this and I shall live you know do this and Yeah, I mean you would inherit eternal life right why wouldn't you if you kept everything and never sinned? but He's saying who is my neighbor though right? He's trying to like Justify himself as far as like well You know I I might have been bad to that person, but he wasn't really my neighbor, right? So let's read the story here. It says Jesus answering said a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves which stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and Departed leaving him half dead and by chance there came down a certain priest that way and when he saw him He passed by on the other side and likewise a Levite when he saw when he was at the place Came and looked on him and passed by on the other side But a certain Samaritan as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him he had compassion on him So notice what Jesus is doing here like yeah, this priest Levi They're Israelites right not only Israelites, but like the ones that are supposed to be devoted to the Lord, right? That their their inheritance is the Lord I mean, they're supposed to be the religious leaders of that nation. They're supposed to be the best of the best, right? They passed by the other side. They don't help this guy and You know But then it goes on to say in verse in verse 33 that a Samaritan well the Samaritans They don't have dealings with the Jews, right? We know that from John 4 with the woman at the well, right? The Samaritans are a mixed. They're done. They're basically a Syrians that came in they're not even they're not even technically Israelites at all. Okay when the northern came in was taken out they took all the Israelites out of there brought back people from Assyria in there and Then they took the religion and mixed it with theirs Okay, so the Roman Catholic Church essentially, right, you know, I mean you think about like Christianity in Rome And how that mixed it's essentially what the Samaritans would have been like but with the Assyrians, okay and so they kind of had like They're kind of like well, we believe in Jesus, you know, it's kind of like if you were to look at the Catholic Church They believe that Jesus is God and they believe in the Trinity But obviously their religion is like full of idolatry and all this other weakness, right? But so the Samaritan guy Helps them out. He has compassion He says he went in verse 34 he went to him and bound up his wounds and poured in oil and wine And set him on his own beast and and brought him to to an end and took care of him and on the morrow When he departed he took out two pence and gave them to the host and said unto him Take care of him and whatsoever thou spendest more when I come again. I will pray will repay thee I mean, that's a nice guy right there, right? He's not only taking care of the guy lodging the guy feeding the guy You know, he's like he gives money in advance and says hey, you know take care of this guy And if he does anything more if he needs anything else, I'll repay when I get back Doesn't know this guy from Adam, right? It's some, you know, like random guy that he saw on the street that got into this You know Got stolen from got beat up all this Verse 36 which now of these three thinks thou was neighbor unto him That fell among the thieves and he said he that showed mercy on him then said Jesus unto him go and do thou likewise Basically like go to be like the Samaritan Now you gotta imagine that was probably hard for him to like say Like first of all, they admit who was the one that actually had compassion, but notice what it says Who was neighbor unto him? So when we're talking about loving thy neighbor, I do believe it's talking about like people that are around us, right? But neighbor can mean like someone is neighborly to you Right, that's kind of used as an adjective a lot of time that that person's neighborly What does neighborly mean neighbors are usually like nice to each other. They help each other out, right? It's kind of like you go over to your neighbor to get like a you know a cup of sugar or an egg or something like that and like you're just there for each other kind of thing and So this is different than loving than thy enemy, right? Your neighbor is someone that has compassion on you that that's nice to you and it doesn't matter where they're from, right? Your neighbor doesn't necessarily mean someone that just lives next to you so that's what he's kind of getting across their neighbors someone that's You know, like like this Samaritan guy that had compassion on this guy. I mean that is he not your neighbor is he not someone that you should love and You know going on from that so when it comes to loving thy neighbor as I self You know, it doesn't just mean people that live next to you or people of your nation, okay So let's go on from there and Luke 10 verse 38 here the end of the chapter We see Mary and Martha now Mary and Martha are sisters to Lazarus, but Lazarus isn't brought up in the story We just see Mary and Martha, but in verse 38 now it came to pass as they went As they went that he entered into a certain village and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house Now this is the same Martha. I believe that came up to Jesus as thou art, you know When he says I am the resurrection of life whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believe is all this and she says Yea, Lord. I believe that thou art the Christ the Son of God which Which should come into the world But it says and she had a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word But Martha was comfort about much serving and came to him and said Lord Dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone bid her therefore that she should that she helped me and Jesus answered and said unto her Martha Martha Thou art careful and troubled about many things But one thing is needful and Mary had chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her This really does show you the priorities in life, right? She's I mean you can think about this is like You're reading your Bible or you're like getting ready for like company right Because obviously Jesus is the word, right? so, I mean literally I mean you have the Bible like standing there talking to you the word in flesh right there and Mary is choosing to listen to what Jesus has to say Then trying to get stuff together and and it's not that what Martha's doing is bad or wrong It's just the fact that what Mary's doing is better. It's actually what it says is needful So there's priorities in life. Okay, meaning that You know what reading your Bible I believe is a bigger priority than having your house ready for company Okay in this specific example right here Does that mean that you should just let your house fall apart and not prepare for company and just like be like well You know what? I did that needful part and just let everything else fall apart No, but you need to have the needful part fulfilled. Okay, where's the priorities Reading your Bible should be that's needful. Okay, hearing what Jesus has to say is needful You know having company over and and and you know Doing certain things and being covered about a bunch of business a lot of that's not needful I mean, it's it's kind of like you should be doing that, you know all this stuff I'm not saying don't clean your house. I'm not saying don't make food I'm not saying anything like that, but listen reading your Bible is more important Reading your Bible is more important than your daily food Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word But by every word of God or every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God so when it comes to this is a great story to understand how we can be just covered about with so much stuff and Just be like I got to get this done and it could be stuff that you're just like you're trying to like run a business You're trying to do work. You're trying to do all this stuff But have you read your Bible? You're just like well, I need to do all this and you know No one's helping me and it's like well reading your Bible is more important now Does this mean that you should just read your Bible for 10 hours a day and not work at all and not get anything else done? Of course not. Okay, that's taking it to an extreme right? You're like, well, I'm doing that which is needful You know what, but he that doesn't provide for his own is worse than an infidel Okay, so you got to provide for your own as well. You need to go to work. You need to get things done Okay, you need to get business done that needs to be done but listen don't leave out that which is needful Which is reading your Bible I believe on the daily basis give us this day our daily bread I believe applies to food it also applies to spiritual food and you know what if you eat three times a day Maybe look at it that you read three times a day or at least the amount that you would eat and three meals. Okay, and And You know what that that's the lesson I get from it. Obviously, there's other lessons you can pull out of that. I'm sure but When it comes to reading the Bible, that's needful There's a lot of other things that we can let go for a little bit to make sure that happens Okay, let's end with a word of prayer the only father we think for today. Thank you for a word Thank you for the book of Luke and thank you for this passage and we'll just pray that you'd help us to apply these things To our lives help us to read your word on a daily basis and help us to get that needful part And Lord to not neglect that but also help us to accomplish everything else. We need to accomplish on top of that After we do that and just pray that you'd help us to love our neighbor And help us to be soul winners The way that you'd want us to be so winners and what we love you for house in Jesus Christ name Amen, but they will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed You All right, take your song books and turn to song 306 Song 306 in your song books And if you would stand we'll sing have that have thine own way Lord song 306 Have thine own way Lord have thine own way Thou art the potter I am the clay Hold me and make me after thy will While I am waiting yielded and still Have thine own way Lord have thine own way Search me and try me faster today Whiter than snow Lord, wash me just now As in my presence