(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You Well good morning everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 178 song 178 in your song books we'll sing Jesus loves even me and if you would stand we'll sing song 178 I am so glad that our Father and have tells of his love in the book he has give wonderful things in the Bible I see this is the dearest that Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves me Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves even me though I forget him and wander away still he does love me wherever I stray back to his dear loving arms would I flee when I remember that Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves me Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves even me oh if there's only one song I can see when in his beauty I see the great King this shall my song in eternity be oh that a wonder that Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves me Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves even me let's pray Heavenly Father Lord we just want to thank you God for Mountain Baptist Church thank you God for our pastor thank you God that for your word I pray Lord now that you would just bless and everything we say and do help it to be for your honor and glory in Jesus name we ask all but amen you may be seated and turn in your song books a song 174 174 we'll sing my Jesus I love thee song 174 my Jesus I love thee I know thou art mine all the follies of sin I resign my gracious Redeemer my Savior art thou if ever I love thee my Jesus is now I love thee because thou has first loved me and purchase my pardon on Calvary's tree I love thee for wearing the thorns on thy brow if ever I love thee my Jesus is now I love thee in life I will love thee in death and praise thee as long as thou lend its me breath and say when the death do lies cold on my brow if ever I love thee my Jesus is now in mansions of glory and endless delight I'll ever adore thee in heaven so bright I'll sing with a glittering crown on my brow if ever I love thee my Jesus is now amen so welcome Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday morning and we got a packed house today and right there actually a parking lot it's pretty much completely full so and start parking in the grass but but definitely a blessing there so just some general church announcements here we have our our normal service times today and this week so nothing different there and so just remember our soul winning time at 1 p.m. so you want to be back here at the church building a little before that so we can get teamed up for that and then the regional sewing times on Monday and Wednesday and brother Charles brother Richie cleaning those up respectively and and then if you note on there that we have we're in chapter 3 now for Colossians so jumping into chapter 3 and some are just getting into chapter 2 some are getting down with chapter 1 just keep moving along with that I believe it'll be a great book obviously to have memorized and then Proverbs 13 7 is our memory verse for the week and I'm pregnant and messing up but there is that making themselves rich there is that make themselves rich it hath nothing there is that making themselves poor yet hath great riches and so that is our memory verse for the week and so a good one have memorized there and then upcoming events and kind of the big thing that I kind of want to really just talk about we have we have the Lord's Supper that's gonna be coming up on the 13th so that's a Wednesday night so a little different than normal usually we have it on the Sunday night but since it's Easter actually I believe that's the night in which he was betrayed and the which he ate the Last Supper if you will the Lord's Supper with his disciples and so I think it makes sense to do it then we moved our Tara all the soul winning marathon to the 16th and I and I apologize for those that can't make it now but my worst fears happen because what I said is that the one thing I don't want to be is I don't want it to be 40 degrees and raining and that's literally what the temperature that's what it's showing on that day and so it's supposed to be warmer than next weekend and so we're dealing with like 60 degrees or 70 degrees so if it's gonna rain at least be a little warmer but it also works out a little better too because of we're doing a we're doing a Easter fellowship as you can see there on that Sunday between services so it kind of works out better anyway to have that soul winning marathon and then we don't feel like horrible for not going so winning when we're doing that fellowship so we're kind of trading out the soul winning time for Sunday to that marathon on Saturday and so I apologize for those that can't make it I know it's kind of a switch there but there's kind of two reasons one weather and anybody said been up to Tara all the knows that if it's if it's 70 degrees here it's 60 degrees there it's a it's a 10 degree difference so if you're looking at the temperature what it's gonna be here it's gonna be colder and if it's raining here it's snowing there and so so that being said I just most the door knocking that we're gonna be doing there is gonna be outside neighborhoods houses if it was something where we were covered at least or something like that most of the time it'd be different but we're gonna be walking a lot and we're gonna be outside the time so again I apologize if you can't make it to this one but I just think with the weather especially being at Tara all the I think we want to have a little better weather there so but then again also remember too that we have that Easter fellowship I think probably what we'll do with that is that if you want to bring some kind of dessert or something like that then you can bring a dessert and we'll try to figure out how we can get food to this thing because I think it just make it easier so that especially with that marathon being the day before I don't want to put it on everybody to be like all right well we got to cook some main course or something like that right after that for the next day but if you want to make cookies or something like that you can do it on Friday or you know you don't have to bring anything okay but the idea is that we'll put a sign-up list or we'll put some kind of sheet back there to say like if you're gonna bring any type of dessert or something like that if no one wants to bring anything then we'll get something but so we're gonna do a fellowship I'm not sure what we're gonna do for food it will get fat Angelo's pepperoni rolls and just buy over a whole bunch of those you know I'm confessing my sins before you went off the rails on my diet but those things are delicious but we'll figure that if you have any ideas though as far as food goes let me know or if you're like you know what we want to make main courses and you're holding us back from doing what we want to do let me know I mean I just don't I just feel like it'd be a lot to put on any on our church with that stolen a marathon right before it birthdays and so today's what the third so I don't think any of these are yet so we do have some birthdays coming up here in April and then pregnancies being prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list and so we have 44 ladies there ginger Catherine Alyssa and Rachel and so be in prayer for them and also be in prayer for all those that just had little ones and so which is like half our church right now so but another announcement I'm gonna make is just general church announcements the offering boxes in the back there mother baby room is just for mothers and babies only and so we want to keep that for the little ones and for the mothers obviously but our office they brother Dave's and eyes office we need to keep all kids out of that that office okay now if a parent or one of us is walking in there and our kids are with us that's a different story but there's just too much stuff that can get messed up in that room and so we need to keep everybody out there I know the church building is not that big and we don't have a separate room where you can go play in but the office is not a good place for that to be so just giving you a heads up on that and I think that's about it for announcements that I can think of oh yeah with the soul with the Terrell to sewing marathon I'm talking to my father-in-law's church about maybe getting a baptistry ready meaning when we do that marathon if maybe having like a designated time we'll set up say hey you know if you win a bunch of people will be like hey we're gonna have a baptistry service basically we're gonna have baptisms at this time this is a perfect time to get baptized and maybe we could see a lot of Baptist baptisms and just make it convenient I have I haven't heard back and a definite yes yet as far as whether that's allowable it's the church that Holly and I actually got married in but the church believes right on salvation but they're not our stripe if that makes sense so I want to give you know obviously I don't want to impose on them if they're like you know what we don't want your your kind around here and yeah whatever I think they like me but we'll see but that being said is that we're gonna we're gonna try to facilitate that so just kind of keep that in mind with the solely marathon that we may be setting up a baptism time to where anybody that we get saved has that opportunity so and we'll be up there too so we can say hey we'll give you a ride we'll bring you over whatever so that could be exciting there and that's about all I got for announcements brother he's gonna sing one more song and brother yes what oh yeah we got to sing happy birthday to Allison thanks for the reminder what's that yeah did we not yeah we didn't get your anniversary it's all coming back so we have a birthday and we have an anniversary so I'm glad I'm glad I have some people that can remind me about this so we'll sing happy birthday to miss Allison and then we'll sing happy anniversary to the boards and brother Levi are you reading this morning okay so Levi's gonna be reading Proverbs chapter 13 for us all right take your song books and turn to song 397 song 397 in your song books will sing a little as much but before we do that we need to sing happy birthday to Allison how old are you eight years old holy smokes all right well get you to stand up and what day was your birthday on which was Thursday well happy birthday to you we'll sing happy birthday to out do we didn't miss any other birthdays right Lane you want to stand up again just just okay how much do you love that so we'll sing happy birthday to Allison ready here we go happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday God bless you happy birthday to you well happy birthday we got the Ford's all right what was your anniversary oh okay what day was that no just kidding Thursday all right so Thursday how many years been married brother yeah yeah eight years all right wow eight years that's right you've messed up last time didn't you yeah yeah yeah that's the camera church the next week with black eye and everything all right so we'll sing happy anniversary to the Ford's already here we go happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you happy anniversary God bless you happy anniversary to you all right well happy birthday happy anniversary and we'll sing song 397 and harvest field now ripen there's a work for all to do hark the voice of God is calling to the harvest calling you little as much when God is in it labor not for wealth or fame there's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name does the place you're called to labor seem so small and little known it is great if God is in it and he'll not forget his own little as much when God is in it labor not for wealth or fame there's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name are you laid aside from service body worn from toil and care you can still be in the battle and the sacred place of prayer little as much when God is in it labor not for wealth or fame there's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name when the conflict here is ended and your race on earth is run he will say to all the faithful welcome home my child well done little as much when God is in it labor not for wealth or fame there's a crown and you can win it in Jesus name all right take your Bibles and turn to Proverbs chapter number 13 Proverbs chapter number 13 we'll have brother Levi read that for us Proverbs chapter 13 a wise son heareth his father's instruction but his corner heareth not rebuke a man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth but the soul of the transgressor shall eat violence he that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction the soul of the slugger desireth and hath nothing but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat a righteous man hateth lying but a wicked man is loathsome and cometh to shame righteousness keepeth him that is upright in the way but wickedness overthroweth the sinner there is that maketh him sore rich there there is that maketh himself rich yet hath nothing there is that maketh himself poor yet hath great riches the ransom of a man's life far as riches but the poor here is not rebuke the light of the righteous rejoiceth but the land of the wicked shall be put out only by pride cometh contention but with the well advised as wisdom wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished but he that gathers by labor shall increase hope deferred hope deferred maketh the heart sick but when the desire that desire cometh it is a tree of life who so despises the word shall be destroyed but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded the law of the wise is a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death good understanding giveth favor but the way of transgressors is hard every prudent man dealeth with knowledge but a fool layeth open his folly a wicked messenger falleth into mischief but a faithful ambassador is health poverty and shame shall be to him that refuse it refuses instruction but he that regardeth reproof shall be honored the desire accomplished is sweet to the soul but it is an abomination to fools to depart from evil he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fool shall be destroyed he will pursue his sinners but to the righteous good shall be repaid a good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children and the wealth of a sinner of the sinner is laid out for the just much food is in the tillage of the poor but there is that is destroyed for one of judgment he that spareth his rod and hateth his son but he that loveth him chasteneth him be times the righteous eateth to the satisfying of his soul but the belly of the wicked shall one must pray God thank you for this morning God thank you for another time we can get together and hear your word preach God to pray that you'd be a pastor and help us to learn and pray these things in Jesus name amen amen so you're there and Proverbs chapter 13 and I'm gonna preach a sermon called little as much when God is in it so I'm stealing from the song but the sermon is going to be dealing with the fact of what God can do with little or a small group of people it's interesting that I'm preaching a sermon about how you know basically how God can use a small church like ours and then we have like one of the biggest attendances on that Sunday so I think the average you know Baptist Church attendance if you're to look at just average is 75 or something like that and we're at 74 today and so it doesn't really apply as much as far as like it being a small church because we're not really small anymore but obviously we started off really small we started off with around 20 I want to say somewhere around there about four years ago and but I wanted to hit on this because you know what our church may be small or even in an average size type church but I believe our church is doing great things for God and I believe that God can use a small group of people and I actually in a lot of cases prefers to use a small group of people to do great things for God and and so look at Proverbs chapter 13 and verse 7 there Proverbs chapter 13 verse 7 you don't need to be rich you don't need to be we don't need to have great multitudes of numbers to accomplish great things and notice what says here in verse 7 it says there is that maketh himself rich yet hath nothing there is that maketh himself poor yet hath great riches so go to Luke chapter 21 I want to give you an example of this and what is that talking about well it's obviously talking about great riches as far as things that are not physical riches right so you're poor but yet you have great riches because of things that are not tangible riches if you will or tangible least in this life but you could also look at this as far as like oh I don't have a lot but I have a great family right that's riches right there it's not maybe the tangible like type of riches that people would look to as far as material riches but you know having good family good health a good church you have a good job you know that that is being rich in my opinion and in whether you have like every fancy gadget or every the nicest car or whatever the case may be that that is not how I measure how I would measure success or even riches but in the world that's how success is measured you know what's in your bank account what kind of house do you have you know what type of status do you have in the world you know popularity and all that stuff will be something that the world would say that's that's what makes you rich okay but look at look at Hollywood besides Will Smith slapping Chris Rock and just that whole thing that's been going on for a week or so look at Hollywood and just the idea that they're all rich but they're all miserable they're all miserable they're all committing adultery on their spouses they're all in misery yet they have great riches they have millions of dollars and some of them have billions of dollars and yet they're all miserable and they need they need applause they need you know they make up these award ceremonies just so that they can get accolades that are given to them by their themselves right did you ever think about that that they're literally made up awards for themselves like that's a whole nother level there you know that so anyway you know you got to get out of the world's mindset as far as what the riches are but look at Luke chapter 21 in verse 1 there Luke chapter 21 verse 1 it says and he looked up and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the Treasury and he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither to mites and he said of a truth I say unto you that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all for all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God but she of her penury had cast in all the living that she had so notice God's mindset it's not about the amount of money that you put in it's about it's about the percentage if you will right and when I think of our church I think about per capita okay and what do I mean by that you know when you say like per capita you could say like there's a certain amount of let's say Christians in this area right per capita it's like 80 percent okay but there's only 200 people that live in that area right so you're not dealing with a whole bunch of people okay so per capita means like a percentage base as far as like how you're looking at it okay and what I what I like about this is that God looks at it as far as what do you have and it's based off a percentage of what you're giving of what you have and that is compared to someone that has way more than you but yet they get way more because they have way more money but as far as the percentage per capita they actually gave less okay and what I what I think about when I think about this is the fact that our church is not a huge church you know it's the average size church now but per capita on the people that do work in this church is insane compared to the normal church okay and I wouldn't trade that for the world you know you think about these churches that there's like independent there's an independent Baptist Church that's here in town and I think they're running a couple hundred I don't know for sure like how much they're running but there's other Baptist churches that are running hundreds and that are running a lot of members but what are they doing right what are they accomplishing for God right and I'm not saying those churches aren't filled with saved people okay or that the pastor isn't saved or that their doctrine isn't right on salvation okay now let me see that that dwindles whittles that down to a few churches right but when it comes to you know what's going to be sought in God there saw in God's eyes as being greater than anything else is the fact of what is the church doing as a whole and what's the percentage you know as far as what's being done and to me listen these churches that are running hundreds they they would love to have one of our family members one of our families and I wouldn't trade one of our families one of our families for those type of numbers because this this church and I just want to I just want to say how blessed and how honored I am to be your pastor of a church that does great things for God that loves the Lord and that just on a scale that you know you just don't see anymore you don't see today as much and go to Leviticus chapter 26 Leviticus chapter 26 and so if anything I want to give you some encouragement that you know what I believe our church is is stirring things up in this community I think that our church is you know seeing great things done and you know if anything I hope I hope our church will give a quick swift kick to the pants of these other churches that aren't doing anything because I'm not against these I'm not like out you know saying you know this church over here is wicked and you know you know they I want nothing to do with them I want them to get on fire for the Lord I want them to start doing something and if they start doing something even if they don't agree with us on end times prophecy or agree with us on you know Israel or you know different things like that but they're gonna go out and go soul-wanting and say you know what that church over there is making us look bad maybe we need to start doing something praise the Lord I hope that happens but I'll say this even if they started soul-wanting I still would never trade this church or these members or these families for anything because you know what a small group of people that love the Lord is is worth way more than a huge group of just saved people when it comes to accomplishing great things for God now look at Leviticus chapter 26 now these promises that are given here in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 32 are those that basically keep his commandments and precepts so what I'm talking about is not when I'm talking about like a small church compared to a big church I'm talking about saved churches here I'm not it's like when you're in Revelation 2 and 3 you're not dealing with apostate churches you're not dealing with the Catholic Church and the Mormon Church or whatever you're dealing with saved churches down the line and so what I'm talking about is if you were to look at our church compared to other you know mega churches or other churches that have a lot of numbers but aren't doing anything okay and I'm not saying there aren't churches out there that are running hundreds that are doing great things because there are okay there are churches that are running hundreds yay maybe even a thousand or more that are out soul-wanting and doing what they should be doing I'm not saying that doesn't exist but for the most part a lot of these churches they don't actually do the work okay and Leviticus chapter 26 and verse 8 Leviticus chapter 26 and verse 8 it says and five of you shall chase in hundred and then hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight and your enemy shall fall before you by the sword now this is talking about physical battles here but you obviously see how this would apply spiritually as well and that the idea five of you shall chase a hundred and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight go to Deuteronomy chapter 23 or Deuteronomy 32 in verse 30 Deuteronomy 32 in verse 30 Deuteronomy 32 in verse 30 it says how should one how should one chase a thousand and to put ten thousand to flight except their rock had sold them and the Lord had shut them up but their rock is not as our rock even our enemies themselves being judges so what the Bible is teaching here is that when you have the Lord on your side you can put ten thousand to flight you can put hundreds to flight meaning that when you have got you know if God before who could be against us but the idea here is that the small number can defeat that bigger number okay and it's not about you know the amount of numbers and in throughout throughout the the Bible you'll see this case where a small group of people God uses or even one person God uses to destroy thousands of people I mean think of Samson right with a jawbone of an ass heaps upon heaps and then he goes on to like even in his death he kills more people than he did in his whole life so add up all those and the idea there is that God can use even one person but he can use a small group of people to accomplish great things okay and go to go to 1st Samuel chapter 14 I want to show you a story here dealing with Jonathan Proverbs chapter 28 says this says the wicked flee when no man pursue it but the righteous are bold as a lion so when you're dealing with one five shall chase a hundred and a hundred shall put ten thousand the flight you know that the reason that they can do that is because they're righteous okay but if you have a church that's in wickedness you know they're gonna flee with no man pursue it the idea there is that they're fleeing even when no one's chasing them they're just afraid that their own shadow okay and there's actually cases in the Bible where it will show how people are just like fleeing just because of something they thought they saw right but in 1st Samuel chapter 14 here's a story dealing with Jonathan and his armor bearer and I want you to see there's a there's a statement that he makes here but I just want you to see the story okay so in 1st Samuel chapter 14 and verse 4 it says in between the passages by which Jonathan sought to go over onto the Philistines garrison there was a sharp rock on the one side and a sharp rock on the other side and the name of the one was Bozas and the name of the other Sene and the forefront of the one that was situated northward over against Micmash and the other southward over against Gibeah and Jonathan said to the young man that bear his armor come and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised it may be that the Lord will work for us notice this for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few so I'm not against big churches that are doing great things for God but you know what it's not like he's constrained it's not like he's looking at our church saying you know what just wait until you get a little more wait until you have a few more members wait until you get to a hundred wait till you get to 200 before you can do great things the Lord is not constrained is there anything too hard for the Lord you know the Bible is I'm going to show you here is that actually the Lord I believe prefers using a smaller number now in the world honestly 200 isn't that big when you think about you know a city of such-and-such you know population right I mean but all I'm saying here and what what Jonathan I believe is stating here is that it doesn't matter if there's few or many that God is not restrained that he can deliver okay and it's just him and his in his armor bearer here and verse 7 here he says in his armor bearer said unto him do all that is in thine heart turn thee behold I am with thee according to thy heart so here's a great example of someone following the leader here and just it kind of reminds you of Jehu and Jehonadab as well where it says is thy heart right as my heart is with thy heart and gets up in the chariot and seizes zeal for the Lord and verse 7 here it says in his armor bearer said unto him do I'm sorry in verse 8 then said Jonathan behold we will pass over unto these men and we will discover ourselves unto them if they say thus unto us Terry until we come to you then we will stand still in our place and will not go up unto them but if they say thus come up unto us then we will go up for the Lord had delivered them into our hand and this shall be a sign unto us and what I love about this is that it's gonna be the latter meaning that they're gonna say to come up but I love how he just he doesn't run away you know he's facing if they could if they say we're gonna come down here we're just gonna stand still and wait for them to come down but if they say come up and then that's just going to show us that we won we're gonna win this okay and notice what says here in verse 11 it says in both of them discovered themselves unto the garrison of the Philistines and the Philistines said behold the Hebrews come forth out of the holes where they had hid themselves and the men of the garrison answered Jonathan and his armor bearer and said come up to us and we will show you a thing and Jonathan said unto his armor bearer come up after me for the Lord had delivered them into the hand of Israel and Jonathan climbed up upon his hands and upon his feet and his armor bearer after him and they fell before Jonathan his armor bearer slew after him and the first slaughter and that first slaughter with Jonathan and his armor bearer made was about 20 men within as it were and half acre of land which a yoke of oxen might plow and there was trembling in the host in the field and among all the people the garrison and the spoilers they also trembled and the earth quaked so it was a very great trembling so get this that Jonathan it's just him and his armor bearer and he's going up to this host of this army of the Philistines and they're and they're basically down there and they're saying come up we'll show you a thing you know basically like who are you kind of reminds you of the of Goliath and David and Goliath and the fact that he's basically you come to me with staves and my dog you know and basically he's mocking him and God but but notice that when he goes up this hill I want you to see the tenacity of Jonathan the Bible states that he didn't just he didn't just run up this hill he ran up with his hands and his feet he's literally climbing up this thing like an animal coming after these guys okay he didn't timidly go up and and I just recently let me just say something here this Bible movie stuff and this the show is the most inaccurate garbage I've ever seen in my life okay I saw a clip of David killing Goliath okay and he just like David looks like this little weakling that first of all picks up one stone he picked up five it says that you know it says that he tried on Saul's armor he just held his shield and then he threw it down said I can't use that like everything's inaccurate about this thing but in this depiction he's like weekly like kind of going up to this giant he just kind of looks like scared and he's like any slings this thing Adam when David does this he runs at them like it runs at this guy furiously and takes that stone and slang it and when he's doing this he's saying I'm going basically in paraphrase form here I'm going to kill you in the name of the Lord our God and you're gonna know it basically just runs at him like a man would you know in a battle and the depiction of this you know in this movie is just disgusting in my opinion I'm like first of all you're making David look like his little weakling and second of all you know the Bible gives like details as far as how he went after him what went down when this happened I mean that chapters a long chapter you know first Samuel chapter 17 is a long chapter it gives a lot of detail about what goes down on in that story and then they're just like this guy just like it's like no he goes up and to think the stone sinks into his head and then he takes Goliath sword out of his you know that I don't know if it's laying there but he basically took Goliath sword and chops his head off with it and takes the head and brings it back to us all okay that's a little different than your cute little Bible episode that you have on TV and I don't know if it was Rick Warren on you know Brokeback I mean Saddleback Baptist Church that that made that stupid show but listen that stuff is so inaccurate when it comes to what the Bible teaches and I bet you if they made something about Jonathan they wouldn't show him going up with his hands and his feet because it would look too toxic to too much toxic masculinity or something like that so where we can't put that in there we got to you know just have him just kind of jogging up this thing so I picture him basically just grabbing like you know shrubbery grabbing stuff getting up there I mean he's coming up this rock face you know he's climbing this mountain so that he can go up and kill all these guys right imagine that you're going first of all you're going after you're going after a group of people that if you were on level playing field you would be a little afraid to take on he's literally like let me climb this mountain then I'm going to kill you and he does right not only does he kill them they're so afraid after he kills 20 of them in a half acre of land so apparently this battle was kind of an interesting battle okay it was you know they took I don't say exactly how long it took but that they were all so afraid that literally they trembled so much that the earth was shaking that's facts that's the Bible says they were literally trembling so much now that could be the fact that they were whoever was trembling was really fat and they like could really like that can just echo through the ground or that host was so big that the trembling of every single person just accumulated I'm going with that one I'm joking about the whole fat thing you know there was a there was a you know egg lawn was there you know a little past that he said he's been dead for a long time his descendants you know if he had any we're there and so but that being said is that one person in his armor bear what did they accomplish but see with that takes faith and takes it takes some zeal that goes along with that okay go to John chapter 6 John chapter 6 and verse 5 John chapter 6 and verse 5 you know and you say well how does this apply to our church well first of all a church needs to recognize who their enemies are if you don't know who your enemies are who you gonna fight and the one big problem with churches today is that they don't want to have any enemies they want to be friends with everybody you know what there are enemies in the world there's enemies at the cross of Christ first of all but then there's just enemies of God that are haters of God and I know we are all enemies and we can be enemies of God by living in our flesh and all that but you know what the haters of God are our people that are going to be my enemies till the end of time okay they're God's enemies to the end of time that's not going to change because they're without hope of salvation and you know when it comes for those that are enemies of the cross of Christ you got to recognize who they are before you can fight them and when I see the most churches today they would look up at that garrison and be like let's let's make a peace treaty how can we get along listen I'm all about if at all possible live peaceably with all men but sometimes it's not possible to live peaceably with all men and when it comes to this do you think Jonathan was thinking about a peace treaty here he was hoping they'd ask him to come up he's like waiting for he's like if they ask us to come up we know that God has delivered them into our hands and what they do they ask him up and you can imagine that Jonathan's just like yes I mean you say well how do you know he felt that way because he's literally climbing this mountain with his hands and his feet to get up there to take them out so you got to first of all recognize who your enemies are before you can ever think about taking them out and you know what these churches need to figure out who they're supposed to be for and who they're supposed to be against and you say well how do I know who is God for and who is a God against that's who I'm for and that's who I'm against period and that that's not a social structure that's not based off society that's not based off the times that's based off the Word of God and if God hates it I hate it if God loves it I love it if God's against it I'm against it if God's for it I'm for it that's the way it should be you know what if churches would stand up and just say you know thus saith the Lord this is what I'm for this is what I'm against this is what I love this is what I hate then maybe our country wouldn't be in the sad state it is in right now and you know what it's gonna be in the church house that this country is turned around if it ever is turned around now John chapter 6 here and like I said you know our church isn't the biggest church in the world and some may say you know what what are we who are we that we could actually do anything or cause any change in this world for the better well look at the story dealing with the loaves of bread you know that that Jesus fed the 5,000 with and notice what it says here in John 6 verse 5 it says when Jesus then lifted up his eyes and saw a great company come unto him he said he said unto Philip when shall we buy bread that these may eat and this he said to prove him for he himself knew what he would do so I love this for first of all he kind of asked a question like you know how are we gonna feed all these guys and he knows how he's gonna do it but he's just trying to you know pull out like his thoughts you know like what are you thinking like let's talk about this right and it says in verse 7 says Philip answered him 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little so basically we have we don't have enough money to buy enough bread for everybody here verse 8 one of his disciples Andrew Simon Peter's brother said unto him there is a lad here which has five barley loaves and two small fishes notice this but what are they among so many now without God they're nothing you know what are they among so many but with God he fed the 5,000 with leftovers and notice it's just like a lad a lad brought his lunch I mean he had five loaves so I mean he's ready to go this guy was prepared this is this child you know this this little kid he's just like you know what I'm not going hungry and so he was in bulking season and you know he's just like trying to put it down but no but there's obviously a whole lesson here with the lad obviously how a child even someone that's younger can make a great difference right the the 5,000 men beside women and children so it could be double that at least as far as they got fed there were fed by some lads bread and the fishes right and so what are they among so many well we know the answer to that it fed everybody with leftovers it had actually you know I don't to me when it says you have 12 baskets full that's more than five loaves he literally had more bread left over than what you started with and God can do great things with very few actually most of the time he likes it that way and I'm gonna be getting into that with another story but go down to urine chapter 6 there go down to verse 60 verse 60 Jesus preached to thousands and you don't believe that he preached to those people that were there and there was 5,000 men beside women and children so he preached to thousands of people okay but let me ask you this in the end who was really following him right because a lot of people can hear it a lot of people can listen to it but who actually follows it when I think about church I think about that I think about the fact that first of all to come to church you have to follow it to some degree to at least get in church okay but then there's other things on top of that that need to be done besides just coming to church now in verse 60 here it says many therefore as disciples when they had heard this said this isn't hard saying who can hear it you know what this is hard preaching hard preaching that was just you know thrown out and obviously Jesus was preaching against the Pharisees and those that were murmuring against him and he was hitting them hard with some hard sayings but his disciples are saying this okay notice who he who's saying that this is a hard saying not the Pharisees not the reprobates you know the the disciples okay obviously there could be people in within the disciples that are wolves but you know these people are saying they believe you know at least in verse 61 here it says when Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it he said unto them doth this offend you now we notice here that Jesus doesn't say I'm sorry for offending you I'm sorry that that you're offended or that this is too hard for you do you see anything like that he just says doth this offend you it says what and if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before he's kind of putting them in their place be like I was in heaven you know before I came down here and he's he kind of he's showing them like hey by the way just remember this who I am and go to verse 63 there it says it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profit is nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life and he literally explains that whole hard saying right there okay about the whole eating the flesh drinking the blood he's talking about spiritual things because what is the blood represent what is the body represent and you know going into that that whole thing as far as life okay 64 verse 64 says but there are some of you that believe not so knows who's he talking to disciples okay so he knows that there are some that aren't actually believers one of those being Judas for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray him and he said therefore said I unto you that no man can come unto me except it were given unto him of my father from that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him so the greatest preacher to ever step foot on the earth the Lord Jesus Christ had a bunch of disciples leave him for what he said then it goes on to say here then said Jesus unto the twelve will you also go away and I love that too he didn't say please don't go away I need you he says will you also go away are you offended will you also go away that's his questioning because he's not gonna change the truth and here's the difference between a church that may be filled with hundreds yay thousands is a lot of times those churches are not preaching the truth and sometimes it's not what they're saying it's what they're not saying that's basically blinding people from the truth and I'm just giving you a glimpse as far as that Jesus had a lot of people leave because of what he said now the great thing about starting a church from scratch and in a lot of cases is the fact that you know what you're getting into okay you come through this church you hear preaching you come here because you like that preaching you come here because that's what you're looking for if I would have taken over a church I almost guarantee you that a lot of people would have left if I would have just took over a church really like hey we need someone to take over this church and it's like an old IFB type Church almost guarantee that there would have been some people that would have started coming because you know they knew me or whatever knew of the church that was that I was gonna take over because they knew my stance on certain things but I almost would wonder if anybody that was even at that church to begin with would even stay now I hope that that wouldn't be the case but I almost guarantee you'd be dealing with people leaving because they were offended at some hard saying now here's here's what a preacher should do they should say doth this offend you and the question you should ask is that you know why does it offend you because great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them so if you love the Word of God why does it offend you and that would be the question I would ask them but you know what a lot of preachers do be like oh sorry I didn't mean to offend you you know I can see where you're coming from on this you know what there's some things where I can see where you're coming from because there's some gray areas when it comes to doctrine but there are areas where I'm like I don't see where you're coming from I'll never see where you're coming from you just need to get right with God and get on on board with what the Bible says black and white deal with it okay and this whole LGBTQ AARP queer faggotry garbage that's out here in America today I will never agree with it the Bible is black and white about that issue that is not a gray issue and if you don't like that then you know what this isn't the church for you you know what and you know what I love is that people in this church agree on that issue they agree with the Bible you know what we have great unity because of that and you know what I didn't write that I didn't write what the Bible says about sodomy and about you know men laying with men but that's what the Bible teaches and in this world today that is something that is anathema in Baptist churches they don't even want to bring it up well then don't come complain to me when you have a bunch of transvestite queers and drag queens coming in and teaching your children and like public libraries or in schools or anything like that don't come complain to me about it when you wouldn't speak up about it now when it comes to this he says the 12 we also go away then Simon Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go thou hast the words of eternal light and we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the Son of the Living God so there were people that stayed obviously and that stuck by even in those hard sayings and said you know what where are we gonna go you have the words of eternal light and even if you get offended by the Word of God you know what you should say where am I gonna go it's the Word of God and you know what you just need to take the offense and just deal with it and change your attitude about that subject because you know what God's right and you're wrong and listen when it comes to a lot of these issues all of us were on the other side of the fence when it came to these issues I didn't come out of the womb believing all this is right like you have to yet to learn from what the Bible says and be taught by the Word of God and by the Holy Ghost and just you know knowing what it says but people don't know what it says because a lot of people just don't read the Bible and when it comes to churches too when it comes to bigger churches that may have a lot of people there and it may look clean and look good and you know they have this nice building they have all this nice stuff they have a gymnasium you know whatever which still to me I don't understand why churches have to have this gymnasium right if we ever build gymnasium is not gonna be in the equation okay it's not just because I'm bad at basketball it's just the fact that I don't see the reason for it but go to 1st Timothy chapter 3 1st Timothy chapter 3 you can have all all these people that look good on the outside but if they don't love the Lord and don't love the Bible then that's not going to be profitable it's not going to accomplish much of anything okay and when it comes to the church the church should be the pillar and ground of the truth I want to show you verse here in verse verse 15 it says but if I Terry long so first Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 but if I Terry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth when a church is not standing for the truth and that doesn't mean that they're saying something that's false I mean that you need to speak up for the truth and now so much more than ever when it comes to everything that's going on because when it comes to this a lot of things are going to happen in this world and things are going downhill and people are going to say why didn't you say something about it and you know what when it comes to this area if everything just falls apart and goes to hell in a handbasket you know what you know what people around here can't say is that our church wasn't trying to do something about it then where were you I'll be like I'll shove so many sermons down their throat that we preached at this church year after year week after week preaching against this stuff and they can say you know what you're right you were saying that and you say well we didn't know that you were there listen we're gonna we're playing on knocking every single door so they're gonna be without excuse to know that we're here and listen people know we're here whether they like it or not okay and you know why they know we're here because we're doing something when you're out knocking people's doors you're knocking whole towns they're gonna kind of know eventually especially if you do it more than once they're like you were here you know last year like just want to remind you and if anything you know if there's anything we can accomplish I want it to be said that the Baptists are gonna you know the Baptists are here again other than oh are you guys Mormon if anything we could change in this area in north-central West Virginia is the fact that when someone comes to knock on their door they think it's a Baptist and not a Mormon because we're doing it so much that it's just like oh there's a Mormon I thought you were a Baptist for a second there until I saw your name tag and you're only 17 years old not against 17 year olds going out soul wedding okay but you're not an elder okay now second Timothy chapter 4 go to second Timothy chapter 4 and by the way I think our church is gonna grow I think our church will be a big church one day I'm not here to say like I wanted to say small us for no more you know like no you know I think we're gonna grow I hope we grow and you're like oh we're packing up we'll find another building we'll build on we'll do something I'm not worried about the space I'm not worried about you know it getting too big you know what I'm worried about keeping the truth here and I would rather our church be cut in half even at the size it is now to for the truth's sake and for those and have those that love the Lord because I don't want to just bring in a whole bunch of people that don't love the Lord and don't want to be here and there's like ah you know I'm just doing my duty being here it's like no you should like to be here I want you to want to be here if you don't want to be here don't be here now second Timothy chapter 4 verse 2 it says preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables and I believe you're talking about saved people being turned away from good doctrine obviously you can talk about how people are gonna depart from the faith and and that there's gonna be a falling away and this apostasy if you will of people going away from Christianity holistically and I agree with that but when you're dealing with this I believe you're dealing with saved people that would rather have their ears scratched and I want you to think about this one animal likes to have their ears scratched okay and I'm not here to say that these people are dogs but listen you know what you should be coming to church to hear the truth not just to get like just feel good and now a lot of times when you hear the truth it will make you feel good I mean if I was praying a sermon on salvation and that were saved by grace and and eternal security what Jesus did for us I mean that should make you feel good right but there's going to be times where I'm gonna preach a sermon where it's not gonna make you feel good and there have been sermons where I preached where I guarantee there are people that were not feeling good when I was preaching that sermon okay but would you rather have a preacher that just lets it go and let you just ruin your life or let let you not have an answer to an issue just because it might offend you or it might hurt your feelings because when it comes to you know secret love and open review there's a difference there when it comes to who actually loves you and we just need to remember that when it comes to churches with preaching sound doctrine there's going there's a lot of people that don't want to endure it they don't want to hear it they stop their ears to it the reason they don't want to hear it is because they don't want persecution for what it has to say let's just be honest yay and all that will of godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution the reason people don't preach about the sodomites is because they know that that's a hot-button issue that even people that aren't saved if they say anything against it are in jeopardy of losing their jobs or their careers or you know their money whatever the case may be that they're afraid to talk about it because they're afraid of the consequences that will come with it it's not that they don't actually agree with what we're saying in a lot of cases is the fact that they just don't want the headaches that come with it they don't want the consequences that come with it but the question you have to ask yourself is why are you a preacher then that's the question I have so these pastors that won't say anything about it they won't talk about hot-button issues they're like wow you know I just preached what the Holy Ghost lays on my heart that's the whole that that's all the counsel of God then so you better be preaching on that at some point but you know what the Bible says preach in season out of season you know what that means whether it's good climate or bad climate right and when it comes to the Word of God pretty much everything in the Bible right now is out of season it's crazy even the fact that in the beginning he made a male and female that's out of season today I'm not even talking about marriage I'm just talking about the fact that there's only male and female that's somehow out of season today that is somewhere where now you are a bigot and you are you know whatever the words they use I'm right here you're a racist because you only believe there's two genders however they pull that one out but they'll pull it out they'll be like it's based in racism you know it's white supremacy at its but at its worst that type of stuff so here's the thing here's what you got to understand when it gets that crazy at this point who cares what they think you're dealing with lunatics I mean people try to pass by lunatics and they try to pass by psychopaths for so long now that it's gotten so loony out there that I think normal people are just like I'm done with it I'm done with I'm done with the charade I'm done playing these games and you know what if anybody comes in here and is saying hey I have a preferred pronoun then you know what they're gonna get rebuked on the spot and I don't care if their preferred pronouns right I don't want to hear that garbage out of your mouth okay so these type of things are out of season today even those simple little things right there are out of season and the reason people don't preach is not necessarily they don't believe it is that they don't want the persecution that comes with it but I want you to think about something go to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 when it comes to Jesus preached the thousands and obviously saw multitude saved and it'll never be a greater preacher when it comes to preaching doctrine they'll never be a greater soul winner they'll never be a greater prophet to ever walk on the face of the earth and the Lord Jesus Christ himself okay so you know what's great about that is that you can look at it and be like well if this is the case for the greatest then you can take solace in the fact that hey well then if if I'm not Jesus then I guess that's okay right that it's not if that weren't in the same you know playing field as far as losing numbers and what I want to show you here is that he's preaching the thousands okay they come to here and preach 5,000 men so it's very least you're dealing with 5,000 but you know there's more than that okay 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 5 once you just see how many people Jesus appeared to after his resurrection and verse 5 here says in that he was seen of Cephas then of the twelve after that he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once so one time one spot he was seen of five hundred brethren at once that witnessed his resurrection of whom the greater part remain of this present but there's some some are falling asleep so if you question what I'm about to show you later on know this is that when when Paul's writing 1st Corinthians most of them are still alive okay so you can't say well they all just died right after you know they saw him they just collapsed and died you know and that's why there's not as many people you know right after his resurrection and says and after that he was seen of James then of all the Apostles last of all he was seen of me also as one when I do time and obviously Paul's talking about how he's the last apostle there go to Acts chapter 1 and verse 15 actually up for 1 over 15 so in Acts chapter 1 they're waiting for the day of Pentecost has been 40 days that he's been seen of Christ and they're waiting for that 50th day if you will day of Pentecost where the Holy Ghost is gonna be poured out and all that I want you to see how many disciples are there remember he was seen a 500 brethren at once so who knows how many people he's actually seen by but we at least know it's 500 rather than at once okay in verse 15 it says and in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples and said the number of names together were about 120 so before you get to Pentecost and when you're getting into Pentecost you know how many people are dealing with 120 that's coming from the greatest preacher to ever walk on the face of the earth that preached to thousands then a lot of those disciples left him because of the hard sayings that he had to say right they didn't walk with him anymore they walked away from it okay but even after his resurrection I mean he was seen of more than that a lot more than that you at least think that there would be like 500 that were there like I saw his resurrection but even after that resurrection remember Peters like I go fishing almost even Peter and a lot of the 12 you know were caught away and not doing what they should be doing and so I want you to just kind of let that sink in and then think about what they did go to Acts chapter 2 and verse 41 actually up to in verse 41 because all these the 120 there I believe were blessed to be there at the Pentecost and the Holy Ghost came upon them and they were to be able to speak with other languages that they never spoke before and obviously does God does this great miracle it says in verse 41 it says then they that gladly received his word were baptized in the same day there were added unto them about 3,000 souls 3,000 120 and that was one day now obviously this is a special event okay so I'm not saying they're like let's put our bar up there guys we want to tear all we're winning 3,000 too late there's not even 3,000 people out there okay but so I'm not saying to put the bar up there what I'm saying is that look what God can do with a small group of people how about in Acts chapter 4 you're dealing with two people Peter and John Peter and John you say well you know is that equivalent you know like basically you'd say well you know there's this many people so let's look at that 120 to 3,000 then you know if you had two people then you got to like do a ratio with that it's gonna be less than that well let's look at that verse one there it says and as they spake unto the people the priests and the chief and the captain of the temple and Sadducees came upon them being grieved that they taught the people and preached through Jesus the resurrection of the dead and they laid hands on them and put them in hold unto the next day for it was now eventide how be it many of them which heard the word believed the number of the men was about 5,000 now if that's the same type of language that's used when you're dealing with feeding the 5,000 I bet there was more than that because it says the number of the men was 5,000 someone's excited so that's two men that's John that's Peter and John and like all their apostles listen these stories are in here for a reason and obviously I believe that God was doing great miracles and there was a miracle that was done and all that before this before they start preaching but it says they believe which heard the word believe not saw the miracle heard the word believe because faith comes by hearing him by the Word of God and even if you saw some great miracle if you don't have the Word of God you're not gonna be born again because you're born again not a corrupt will see but of incorruptible by the Word of God was delivered in the body forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you that is how you're gonna get safe and some miracle can maybe prompt you to like look into it and be like oh this has a validity but in the end it's the word that's gonna cause them to believe go to Luke chapter 17 Luke chapter 17 so I want you to just kind of recognize that Jesus is the greatest preacher to ever walk on the face of the earth he never failed he never preached anything wrong he preached everything that was right he preached hard things he preached you know light things I think you know when you think when you think of like the things that you preach about you know having life abundantly and like all these different things that he preached that were like uplifting and comforting I'm gonna send the comforter unto you and like those type of things that he preached about everything was just like down like you know like hell and like damnation but at the same time like he preached at all and I'm not here to say like a preacher just needs to preach about the sins of the world every single Sunday and just rip on that there's other things to preach on okay there's other topics there's other things you need to hear sometimes you need to hear a sermon on how how to raise children you know there needs to be a sermon on like how to have a good marriage and and you're not gonna necessarily rip face on those sermons okay I guess you could but you're not necessarily going to in a lot of these cases or you're just gonna preach on baptism you're gonna be like all right here let me let me show you what about these about water baptism you're not gonna rip a whole bunch of face on that now I tend to do that every once a while because then I think about false doctrine and then I go rogue okay but in a lot of cases though you could just preach on something and not be like some hard thing to where people are gonna get offended but in Luke chapter 17 this is a story the ten lepers and I want to give you an idea here and when it comes to this well let's just read the story and then I'll kind of explain this last thing I want to show you here honestly because the whole point of the sermon is a little as much when God is in it and our church may be little in the eyes of this world and the eyes of even Baptist churches you know there may be other churches out here be like oh you know that's a little church and they're insignificant and they're a bunch of Andersonites or they're a bunch of new I beers or whatever they you know they try to lay me with something to try to basically discredit you and say well you're not you're nothing you know but listen little as much when God is in it and they can talk all they want and they can hate us all they want but you know what I don't really care what they think because those that do nothing end up hating those that do right and go to Luke chapter 17 verse 11 it says and it came to pass as he went to Jerusalem that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee and as he entered into a certain village there met him ten men that were lepers which stood afar off and they lifted up their voices and said Jesus master have mercy on us and when he saw them he said unto them go show yourselves unto the priests and it came to pass that as they went they were cleansed and one of them when he saw that he was healed turned back and with a loud voice glorify God and fell down on his face at his feet giving him thanks and he was a Samaritan and Jesus answering said were there not ten cleansed but where are the nine there are not found that returned to give glory to God save this stranger and he said unto them arise go thy way thy faith hath made thee whole so notice that what made what cleansed them their face so you know what all ten lepers had faith they all had faith they were all cleansed only one came back to give glory to God now a lot of times you can look at this as far as like a percentage of Christians that are gonna actually serve the Lord but I also look at this as a percentage of church like like believing churches that actually are gonna do something for the Lord is that you can find a lot you can find a lot of churches that at least have the gospel right and nowadays it's hard to find the one that has the gospel right and has the King James Bible and that believe that that's perfect without error that's hard to find these days but let's say you find that that doesn't mean they're soul winning and you know what one of my my best friends who want me to the Lord is struggling finding a church that will go soul-winning and he's happened to try to basically get with the pastor and try to get a soul-winning program started in those churches even though the right on salvation they have the King James Bible but they're not doing anything that is the story I hear over and over and over and over again and many of you may even be here because that was your story years ago and you are looking for a church that didn't just believe right on salvation but actually did something with it that actually did the work and if anything this should be a reminder to us that I believe our church is doing great things for God and it's not because I'm some great preacher it's because there's people in this church that have decided that they're going to follow the Lord that have decided that you know what I love the Bible I love the Word of God I'm actually going to do what it says and you know what we may be small but little as much when God is in it and you know what God has been doing great things with our church every single year we've been getting more people saved our church has been growing every single year and I don't think it's going to stop okay and I'm this isn't a sermon say I mean I hope we stay small like I said I hope we grow I hope we're running hundreds but you know what I don't want the change is the per capita of amount of people that love the Lord and want to do the work of God I don't want to grow on that account and listen Jesus said upon this rock I will build my church and what we need to do is stand back do the work and God will just keep building the church up he'll add to the church and you know what you say well you know what the church is supposed to be a hospital for the for the infirm you know like they kind of look at it as like a hospital right and listen I'm not against the fact that obviously you come here to get comfort and healing by the Word of God and all that as far as the sermons go but listen you know what I don't look at the church as being a hospital I look at as being a barracks to prepare you to go out the war you know the Bible says that we were been called have been chosen to be soldiers not physicians okay now I'm not against the physician okay I'm not against doctors but what does the Bible says say it says to put on the whole armor of God the Bible says to be a soldier for Christ that you need to strive for masteries that we're going to war my friends we're going to war on the the the the evil wickedness in high places the principalities and powers of darkness we are going to war against that and we're going out to win the hearts of men now here's a quote that's not a Bible quote but it's a quote that I've always liked and it comes from our forefathers which obviously were racist and you know misogynistic and all that stuff but I like this quote because I believe it reflects a Bible teaching okay and this is from Samuel Adams so it says it does not take a majority to prevail but rather an irate tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men now you may not be patriotic but you know what that gets me patriotic when you think about that idea of what started the revolution and what you know Samuel Adams was obviously a big part of that but think about that on a biblical level though how are you gonna make a difference do you need a majority to do it what does the Bible teach Bible actually teaches no that's too many you know why it's too many because God won't get the glory what it is I think I skipped the whole page actually because I was gonna talk about 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and the fact that how you use is the base things of this world but it's okay because we're already done with time so it's probably a blessing miss that page so if I was incoherent there for a minute it's probably because I skipped the page but that being said is that you know what God likes using a minority you know of people because he gets the glory for what's done because when that happens when you see you know hundreds and thousands of people say with a small group of people you know what you could say with that that had to be God it had to be God that did it and when you have but if you had like a large massive group of people you had a ton of money and you had all this stuff then people could say well you know you did it because you had all the resources and when you have a small group of people that are I don't I don't necessarily say we have to be irate okay that's maybe the one thing that I would say I don't know if we want to be irate about it okay but you know tireless it says you know tireless keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men and you know what obviously freedom you can look at that where the Spirit of Lord is there is Liberty and the idea is that our church needs to be keen on winning the minds of and women and children and that we're gonna actually get them saved and get them baptized get them to serve all things and try to do as much as we can and some have compassion making a difference others say with fear pulling them out of the fire heating even the garment spotted by the flesh our job as a church is to actually make a difference in this in this area that we're at now this is our Jerusalem you think of like North Central West Virginia is our Jerusalem eyes I look at West Virginia as being our Judea and then you know what you have Samaria would be like America and then the uttermost part of the world be like the mission trips that where you go to you know like we went to the Virgin Islands or Belize or different things like that I think that that should always be in our scope and you know what our little church can make a difference and I don't think we're a little anymore necessarily but in the world's eyes it wouldn't matter if we had a thousand they still say we were a little insignificant but it doesn't matter because you don't need the majority to win you just need a minority you need a small group of people that have zeal that love the Lord and the Lord will use that small group of people and so just remember a little as much as when God is in it you don't have to be rich you don't have to be popular you don't have to be a celebrity to make a difference if anything being a celebrity is a curse so you don't want to do that anyway so but hopefully that uplifting sermon to a certain extent it's just one of those sermons where I'm just thinking about the fact that you have churches that are really big that actually have saved people in it but just aren't doing anything and it kind of it kind of gets you a little irritated I'm what we need to focus on is what we're doing not what other people are doing so you know what if they want to do that for the rest of their lives then let it let it be you know we're gonna do what we're doing and I believe God will bless in that let's end with a word of prayer to the Heavenly Father we thank you today thank you for your word and just pray to be with us throughout the rest of the day I pray that you be this we go out soul winning but also as we come back for the preaching time and just pray that you'd be with all of us I pray that you'd lead us to people that are wanting to get saved and when we love you and pray all in Jesus Christ name amen so they will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed song 180 in your song books song 180 if you would stand we'll sing isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful song 180 there will never be a sweeter story story of the Savior's love divine love that brought him from the realms of glory just to save a sinful soul like mine isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful wonderful wonderful oh isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful wonderful it is to me boundless as the universe around me reaching to the furthest soul away saving keeping love it was that found me that is why my heart can truly say