(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) John chapter 20. Again, I think I forgot to mention that I am going to be doing that four o'clock live stream as well for the afternoon service, where it's more of a question and answer type of Bible study. And I'm going to be getting into the timeline of the death of Christ and the resurrection as far as what day do I believe he died on? Obviously, it's not Friday, so Good Friday is a hoax. But all I have to say is that I'm going to be getting into that and showing you kind of the reasoning behind it and the verses and all that. So stay tuned for that at 4 p.m. And so but then this morning, what I wanted to touch on is kind of an aspect of the resurrection. And if you will, go to Psalm 30, Psalm 30. And the name of the sermon is Joy Cometh in the Morning. Joy Cometh in the morning and in Psalm 30 and verse five. So Psalm 30 and verse five, it says this. It says, for his anger endureth but a moment in his favor is life. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. And when I think of the resurrection, you've got to take that as a whole, as far as his death, his burial and resurrection, which is the idea of the mourning and the weeping and just the sadness that took place when Jesus died on the cross. OK, and that's what I want to kind of focus on in the fact that that sadness being turned into joy and just how that was a short period of time of weeping, mourning, sadness. But then joy in the end that will not be taken away. And go to Isaiah 54, Isaiah 54, because no doubt when Jesus died, he was not having a good time. OK, when he was on the cross, he said, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? And he gave up the ghost. It says, you know, as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. And we know that out of the belly of hell, cried I. That's what it says in Jonah, and that he went down to the bottoms of the mountains and the earth with her bars was about me forever. It says prophetically talking about Jesus and his soul was not left in hell. So we know that during those three days, you know, Jesus was paying for our sins. He was made to be the sin of the world on the cross. And then he took those sins both to the grave and to and to hell, spiritually speaking, with his soul. And notice what it says in Isaiah 54, but this also applies to us. And what I want to show you here is that you can take what what happened with Jesus with the cross and apply that in our lives, as far as the fact of dealing with hard times, tribulations, trials, even pestilences, you know, because I believe that what's going on right now is the judgment of God. You know, this coronavirus that's going to sweeping around the world and hitting America right now, I believe, is the judgment of God on a wicked nation, on a wicked world, that is. And, you know, we're in the midst of it. I mean, we're kind of dealing with it and, you know, as far as that goes. But in Isaiah 54 and verse seven, notice what it says. It says, For a small moment have I forsaken thee, but with great mercies will I gather thee. In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment, but with exceeding kindness will I have mercy on thee, said the Lord thy Redeemer. So when you think of this passage, I think of I'm honestly thinking about how the Father forsook the Son when he was on the cross. And when he for three days and three nights was, you know, dead. OK, he was dead and he took the sins of the world. He's the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the world, for the whole world. And the Bible says that, you know, that the pains of death, it was not possible that he should be holding of it. OK, because obviously he's God. He was sinless. And three days later he rose again. But what I think about during this is the fact of what was going on between when he died on the cross and when he rose from the dead. As far as the sorrow that was going on. OK, and Jesus talked about this before he went to the cross to his disciples. Go to John chapter 16, John chapter 16. And if you remember, Jesus even said, you know, how am I straightened until I'm baptized with the baptism that I'm baptized with? You know, and and it's talking about obviously the death, burial and resurrection, the death burial of the body and the soul that he was about to do. And basically, you know, he was that's what he was thinking about. That's what he had to accomplish. And but I think about his disciples and how sorrowful and they were in mourning during this time. So in John chapter 16, verse 16, John 16 and verse 16, notice what it says. This is what Jesus is saying here. It says a little while and you shall not see me. And again, a little while and you shall see me because I go to the father. Then said some of his disciples among themselves. What is this that he said unto us a little while and you shall not see me? And again, a little while and you shall see me and because I go to the father. They said, therefore, what is this that he said a little while? We cannot tell what he said. OK, this always cracks me. I don't know why. There's certain passages in the Bible where I just kind of laugh. You know, they're just like, I don't know what he's saying, you know, and they're just kind of going back and forth. They're like, we can't understand what he's saying here. So basically he says that, but they're just like not getting what he's talking about. And so in verse 18 there, he's going to explain it. I'm sorry, verse 19 there, it says, Now Jesus knew that they were desires to ask him and said unto them, Do you inquire among yourselves of that I said a little while and you shall not see me? And again, a little while and you shall see me. Verily, verily, I say unto you that ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice. And ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy. A woman, when she is in travail, hath sorrow because her hours come. But as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish for joy that a man is born into the world. And ye now therefore have sorrow. But I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice in your joy. No man take it from you. So he's basically telling him, listen, you're going to be really sad. You're going to be sorrowful. You're going to be mourning. You're going to be weeping and everybody else is going to be rejoicing. OK, because obviously the world, you know, in general rejected Christ and the Jews in general rejected Christ. The Romans put him to death. But those that were believers, they were in mourning. OK, and but he's saying, listen, that's just as much as like when a woman gives birth and the whole travail of giving birth, she forgets about all the anguish once the child is born. You know, just the joy that a child is in the world. If it wasn't so, no one would ever have children after they had that first one. So after going through all that anguish, they'd be like, nope, not doing that again. But obviously you forget about it, you know, because of the joy of having a child. And he's showing that kind of that example of that. And and it's interesting because he uses this example when it's talking about the death, burial and resurrection. But we know that also when it comes to end times, he uses this example of a woman in travail. Right. And the idea of not knowing when that child is going to be born. Right. You can know that it's about nine months. Right. You know, the times and the seasons. Right. I don't think most people, they know that they're going to have a child. They're not surprised. They go to the hospital like, oh, here's a child. Oh, man, I didn't know that. I know what happens. OK. Meaning that it's happened to people that are really overweight. And then they go in there and then they have a child. Listen, the exception proves the rule. But let's just say in general, people know that they're having a child and they know that that time is about nine months away. But all that to say is that you don't know the day or the hour. And so it's interesting how it uses that same illustration with when Jesus was going to go away for a little while. OK, so you can see how we can apply this today and the fact that Jesus has gone away for a little while. OK, but he's going to come again. OK, so in this life with all these trials and tribulations that we're going through. Listen, it's just but for a little time. OK, it's just a little time that we have to endure these trials and tribulations. Listen, joy cometh in the morning. OK. And when you think about the fact of our life and I'm getting ahead of myself as far as how short our life is compared to eternity. Isn't it but a night, really? Isn't it but just a little moment as far as the anguish or the sorrows or the pain or the infirmities, all these different things, then, you know, then what eternity is going to be with the joy and the rejoicing that we're going to have. OK, so but go to Zechariah Chapter 12, Zechariah Chapter 12, because I believe this passage is talking about Jesus's death and burial and the aspect of his disciples, his believers and how they are dealing with it. OK. Because if you think about it. You're going to have a lot more joy if there's sorrow before. OK, it's kind of like when, you know, you know, damnation, salvation, like all these different extremes, if you're in deep sorrow and then joy comes right or you lost a loved one, but then they came back to life, for example. I mean, that is an extreme joy, you know, than if your loved one never died. Does that make sense? Like so the idea of the joy that that Jesus is back, that he rose from the dead is unspeakable. You know, when you think about the sorrow that was going on before. OK, so in Zechariah Chapter 12, verse 10 here, Zechariah Chapter 12, verse 10, it says, I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and supplications. And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced. Now, you know, that's talking about Jesus, right, because that's quoted in and in John, you know, as far as John 19 there says they shall, you know, the scripture shall be fulfilled. They they they shall look on him whom they have pierced. And it says, notice, and as you keep reading here, OK, now I want to say this. When do you think this is talking about? OK, when I'm reading this, because people will use this passage to talk about, like in the future, when when Jesus comes back the second time and all the Jews are going to get saved. This is where they go to this passage right here. OK, but it says they shall look upon me whom they have pierced. And they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. OK, well, who did Jesus say was going to be mourning for him? His disciples, he said the world's going to what? Rejoice. OK, do you think that the Pharisees were mourning when Jesus died on the cross? No, they said that deceiver said he was going to rise from the dead. We need to make sure that they don't steal him by night or that, you know, the last date is worse than the first. You know, as far as our last mistake, you know, the basically they they sent people there to make sure that that never happened or that that wouldn't be reported. You know, they were not mourning at all. OK, they were happy that he died. OK, so this idea that this passage is talking about the Jews is ridiculous. OK, the Jews that were mourning were those that were believers, you know, the disciples. OK, so I'm not saying Jews weren't mourning, but it was Jews that were believers, OK, those that believed on Christ. But notice that you keep reading here, it says in verse 11, it kind of gives you a little more detail. OK, in verse 11, it says in that day, shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem as the mourning of Hadad Renaman in the valley of Megiddon in the land shall mourn every family apart. The family of the house of David apart and their wives apart, the family of the house of Nathan apart and their wives apart, the family of the house of Levi apart and their wives apart, the family of Shimei apart and their wives apart, all the families that remain, every family apart and their wives apart. And the one thing that I do see when you see the resurrection story or you see that first day of the week is how everybody's kind of separated, you know, and everybody's going to have to go find other people. The women go to the sepulcher at first and they find that he's not there. They have to go back and tell the disciples that are kind of separated. So the wives are apart from the husbands at this point. Right. You know, as far as the women from the men and the women are the ones that see Jesus first, they're the ones that, you know, go to the sepulcher first. And so you see this to ring true as far as there's this great mourning that's going on at that time. And I think about this in our time, OK, to kind of make it applicable to our situation with this pestilence that's on our land right now and the idea of doing a livestream sermon where everybody's at their house apart. OK, this is not a time where everybody's just rejoicing to the fact of what's going on in the world. OK, meaning that everybody, I guarantee at our church, would love to be here right now and especially on Sunday to be in your Sunday best. And to be here and to rejoice and to have the fellowship of believers, to go out soul winning, to tell the good news, outdoor to door, that everybody, we'd love to be doing that right now. But we're all apart. OK, so when I read this passage, you know, and I'm thinking about this during this Easter, it kind of just makes me think about, you know, the disciples and that mourning and that weeping and that time, that trial period, if you will, where Jesus is away. OK, and and so something to think about with this as far as the idea of having this little bit of time where it's not a fun time, it's not a time where we're all rejoicing and and having a good time and having great fellowship. We're not doing a potluck. We're not doing a lot of things that we normally do around this time. But I want to say this, that joy cometh in the morning, meaning that this isn't the end, I don't believe. I mean, I don't believe we're in the end times right now. And if we are, so be it. But at the same time, I don't believe that, you know, we're not going to get back to church. I don't believe that we're not going to get back to soul winning. I actually believe that when all this settles, that church is going to be thriving more than it was before. We're going to have better fellowship than we had before. I think people are going to be more excited about being in church, knowing that, hey, this is a privilege. This is something that that we may not always be there. OK, and the idea of just really not taking it for granted what you have and really rejoicing in that. And I believe that it's going to be a great fellowship after this. I believe that we're also going to see many souls saved outdoor knocking because I believe people are going to be basically their hearts are being prepared right now. I look at this time period right here is where there's a lot of mourning going on just in the world in general. When it comes to this pestilence and the stuff that's going on, whether it's the pestilence itself, whether it's the economy, whether it's just the government overreach, anything like that. Listen, take your pick as far as what someone would be worried about or someone would be fearful about. Listen, fear will cause people to get on their knees and want to get saved and, you know, sorrow, all that stuff. It prepares the heart that, you know, it's better to be in the house of mourning than in the house of laughter because it talks about the fact that, you know, that dealing with the day of one's death is better because the living will take it to heart. And so, you know, I look at this as a time where people are being prepared by God for us to win to Christ and not only to win to Christ. I believe this is also going to get a lot of people that have not been right with God that are saved, that even may have been soul wonders before or maybe they haven't been soul wonders, but they're just like, you know what? It's time to get right with God. It's time to get into the house of God because it may not always be there. You know, I take that for granted and you know what? I'm going to be there. And so I think that there's going to be a great revival after this. But you've got to see that through the time of mourning, the time of weeping, the time of tribulation, the time of trials, the time of pestilences and, you know, maybe, you know, I believe this is the wrath of God upon our country. OK, so like it was saying, you know, for a little moment talking about his wrath, but, you know, his tender mercies, you know, are going to be coming after that. OK, and so and here's the thing. All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. So I'm not worried about it. I, you know, I love God and you love God and we're trying to serve God as best we can. And you know what? I believe God will take care of us. I believe that it will all work together for good for us. But you got to see that at the end, you got to understand that joy is going to come in the morning. Go to Mark, Chapter 16, because I want to give you some examples of this in the gospels of the sorrow that's going on. OK, now Jesus said they would. So you could just take him at his word. You know, they were going to have great sorrow and, you know, they're going to be mourning and weeping. It says that Zechariah, it's going to be the morning like they lost their only son. Right. That's that's a lot of mourning. OK, now, obviously, that's prophetic because we're talking about the only begotten son of God dying on the cross for us. But at the same time, the idea of mourning over your only son dying, you know, that that that would be extreme mourning. OK, so they're in heaviness. OK, and so when you look at this story and especially when they don't believe, you know what the I know, you know, obviously they should have. And Jesus rebukes them for that. But at the same time, they're in such deep sorrow. It's almost like they just they just can't believe it. You know, they're just so far down. They don't even want to believe the good news that, you know, that's about to come. Now, Mark Chapter 16 in verse nine there. It says in verse nine, now, when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils. And she went and told them that had been with him as they mourned and wept. So notice the state that his disciples are in at this time. They were mourning and weeping, you know, that Mary came to them. And verse 11, it says, and they when they had heard that he was alive, had been and had been seen of her, believe not. And it talks about another passage how they looked at it as like an idle tale. You know, basically they're just like, we don't believe you. You know, I don't know if they're just like, you know, you just want to believe that, you know, you can imagine the thought process that they're in. They're like, you just want to believe that he raised from the dead because you just can't handle the truth, you know, and that you can imagine their thought process there. But, you know, they're in deep mourning at this time. Go to Luke Chapter 24, Luke Chapter 24. This is dealing with the two men that were on the road to Emmaus, OK? And what I notice here is how everybody separated, OK, and when you're separated during a time of mourning and during this time, that's where you're a lot more susceptible to grief and to fall into despair and heaviness, OK? And so that's that's the thing that I see with, you know, going to live stream only services is that the thing that I'm praying for with our church members is that you don't get into despair because of the separation right now. OK, and the fact that, you know, and so if any of you need me for anything or want to talk or need anything, let me know. Because that's the thing I worry about is the fellowship, OK, because obviously with live streaming, you hear the sermon, you can hear the preaching, you can hear, you know, the doctrine. But what you're missing is the fellowship. You're missing where we come together and we're getting refreshed, if you will, by that fellowship. And so but know that this isn't the only time this has ever happened to Christians, OK? Throughout the Bible, there's been pestilences, famines where people have been separated. And just the idea of that has happened throughout the Bible to believers. You think of all the times they went into captivity and how they were separated. They couldn't go to church. They didn't have I mean, the temple was gone. Right. And, you know, all those different things. They couldn't do the feast anymore. They couldn't do all that for 70 years, OK, when they went into Babylon. So it's not like it's unprecedented in that matter, but it doesn't make it easy. That doesn't make it fun. OK, but I want you to know that you're not alone. And I liken this unto the idea of this time period where, you know, they were kind of separating themselves in mourning. And we need to not be in despair like they were. OK, and Luke 24 here in verse 13, it says, communications are these that you have one to another as you walk and are sad. OK, now, you know this story, right? He continues walking and and he basically starts rebuking, basically like you fools. How do you not know the scriptures? He opens up the scriptures to them and they still don't know it's Jesus yet. And the story is obviously he goes as if he's going to walk a little further. And they call him in, you know, to basically lodge with them. And then eventually he reveals that he's Jesus. And and basically then he disappears. OK, so but but the idea I want you to see here is that Jesus is walking with them and he's saying, you know, why, you know, what what what is this what's going on? Why are you sad, you know, as far as what's going on? And they were even saying to me, you know, like, are you a stranger to Jerusalem? Have you not known like everything that's happened here? OK, go to John chapter 20, John chapter 20 and dealing with Mary Magdalene. And how she was, you know, sorrowful and weeping and and she's the first, the Bible says, that he appeared to. OK, so this is where I believe this happens, OK, because in Mark it talks about how he appeared first to Mary Magdalene. And then we see here in John chapter 20 where that actually happened before he ascended up to the father. OK, because he's going to explain that. But I want you to see her state of being. OK, so this is before anybody has seen that he rose from the dead. Now, at this point, I do believe that they have heard the angels say that. OK, so they've heard the message, you know, that he has risen, but they haven't seen him physically. OK, so in verse nine here, it says in John chapter 20, verse nine, it says, for as yet they knew not the scripture that he must rise again from the dead. Then the disciples went away again onto their own home. So notice that I want you to just really kind of see Zechariah chapter 12 here and how that's fulfilled. OK, when was that fulfilled? Two thousand years ago. OK, so and the idea of everybody kind of just separating themselves and and being in mourning in their own homes. And notice in verse 11 here says, but Mary stood without at the sepulcher weeping. So, you know, what's going on here? She's basically just weeping over the fact and Peter had already been there, you know, and all these different things that already happened. You know, as far as they saw the sepulcher, they went away and Mary just stood back. She just stood. She was just stay there and she was just weeping, OK, just in sorrow, mourning. And as she wept, she stooped down and looked into the sepulcher and see two angels in white, sitting the one on the right, the head and the other at the feet. Where the body of Jesus had lain. And they say unto her, woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, because they have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him. OK, so notice that that's the rationale is going on right now. You know, they see that he's not there. The angel said he is risen, but they're just like, you know, someone took him away. You know, someone just took him away, you know, because we don't see, you know, we haven't seen him yet or anything like that. So they are just kind of in doubt that it's just not known to them yet that he should be risen from the dead. And notice that now he's going to see Jesus or I'm sorry, she's going to see Jesus in verse. And verse 14 there says, and when she had thus said, she turned herself back and saw Jesus standing and knew not that it was Jesus. OK, so she sees this man who it ends up being Jesus, but she doesn't know that yet. Verse 15, Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou, whom seekest thou? She's supposing him to be the gardener saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou has laid him and I will take him away. So she's just she's just sorrowful that she can't even find his body. And so she can imagine like they're already sorrowful that Jesus died. OK, but they think that someone stole him away, you know, so they can't even like prepare. You remember they were supposed to be bringing spices and all that to his sepulcher and all that. And but she's basically saying, you know, just tell me where he's at and and where they laid him. And notice in verse 16 there says, Jesus saith unto her, Mary. So obviously at this point, his voice must have been revealed to her to the point where she knew who this was. OK, and notice it says Jesus saith unto her, Mary, she turned herself and saith unto him, Rabboni, which is the same master. And Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my father, but go to my brethren and say unto them, I ascend unto my father and your father and to my God and your God. Now, I've already preached on this, though, why she was not he was not to be touched, because he was the high priest that was to bring the blood into the the holiest of all into heaven and sprinkle his blood on the mercy seat. And he hadn't done that yet, which makes sense because Mary's the first one to see him. She actually sees him before he ascends up to the father. So that's an amazing privilege that Mary Magdalene has that no one else had. Everybody else saw him after he had done that. OK, now, the idea, though, is that she's in deep mourning and then all of a sudden she hears her name. OK, and she hears the savior say her name and she says Rabboni. And I and I vision this is she's just like the exceeding joy that she'd have. She's just like master, you know, and you can imagine that she's running to like worship at his feet. So to basically embrace the savior. And he said, don't touch me yet. You know, and so why else would he say don't touch me if she wasn't trying to. OK, so but the joy that she has after that deep sorrow notice in Luke, chapter 24, go back to Luke, chapter 24, when Jesus reveals himself. But what we're going to see here is that they were so happy they couldn't believe it. Right. And the idea of like, you know, that's unbelievable. Right. It's just so magnificent and so, you know, joyful that you're just like, I can't believe it. It's not that you don't believe it. Right. But it's just so miraculous that you're just like, I can't believe my own eyes. You're just like, is this real? Is this true? And in Luke 24 here in verse 36, Luke 24 and verse 36, it says, And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them and saith unto them, peace be unto you. But they were terrified and affrighted. And suppose that they had seen a spirit. And he said unto them, why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold, my hands and my feet. That is, that it is I myself handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have. So, you know, this throws the Jehovah Witnesses out the window. You know, that's just a spiritual resurrection. OK, because they're saying, you know, they thought they saw a spirit and Jesus saying, listen, I have flesh and bone. A spirit doesn't have that. OK, so and you're also seeing the hands and the feet, meaning that this is the same man that was nailed to the cross. The man Christ Jesus, our savior. And so this proves the physical resurrection here. And notice what he says here in verse 41 and what it says here, it says, And while they yet believe not for joy and wondered, he said unto them, have ye here any meat? And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish and of a honeycomb. And he took it and did eat before them. OK, so not only did he say, you know, I have flesh and blood, you know, handle me and see, you know, basically they touched him. OK, and they saw the print in his hands and his feet and, you know, they handled that. But then he not only did that, but he's just like, do you have any food? OK, so if you still don't believe that I'm not a spirit, that I'm, you know, an actual physical, I'm physically here with you, that he ate food. OK, there's a lot to see about this because we know this is Jesus in his glorified body at this point. And we know this to be true because in many places it talks about how the doors were shut and then he just appeared there. Or he vanished in front of them. So he's obviously not in the same body that, you know, as far as the terrestrial body, you know, before the resurrection, he's in a celestial body. But it's still physical, right? It's still in this physical realm where he's eating food, which makes sense because in heaven it talks about or in the New Jerusalem and all that, we're going to be eating 12 manner of fruits, you know. So we're going to be eating and drinking. And even, you know, the new wine, you know, not the new wine, but it says the fruit of the vine, it says, I will not drink this until I drink it new in his kingdom. Right. So, you know, drinking grape juice and eating fruit and and all these different things, you know, that's going to be taking place in heaven. So just a lot of neat information there as far as that goes, but the joy says, while they yet believe not for joy. Remember what Jesus said that basically, you know, you're going to forget about the anguish, you know, after you have the joy when I come back. OK. And isn't this true? And it's basically said that joy no man taketh from you. OK, so when you're going through, you know, trials and tribulations and going through dark times or even as a whole for going through dark times when it comes to, you know, what's going on in the world right now with the with the quarantining and all this stuff, when you're going through that, you just have to realize that this is just for a moment. OK, you say, well, it's the end times. It's still just for a moment because that's only three and a half years of the beginning of sorrows. And then you have the great tribulation, which is about seventy five days. That's still but a moment compared to eternity. OK, but I don't think it's going to be three and a half years. You know, I'm just saying I think that it's going to be getting back to normal here soon. But here's the thing. That's but a moment and the rest of the time that we're going to have with our savior and to do the work of the Lord, I believe. And and here's the thing. You know, the whole point of the sermon is that there's joy that comes in the morning. And so I don't want you to have heaviness. I don't want you to have, you know, sorrow as others which have no hope and all these different things as far as what's going on. You need to be looking to the future as far as the joy that no man is going to take from you. OK, I look to how awesome it's going to be when everybody's back here in the church building. I'm going to I'm looking to how awesome it's going to be, how awesome the soul winning is going to be and wonderful the soul winning is going to be when everybody's back here and we're getting on fire for God. We go when we do a soul winning marathon up in Wheeling, when we do a mega marathon, we go on a missions trip and we do all these different things. I'm looking forward to that. But, you know, listen, tribulation work with patience. And, you know, and I'm sorry, patience work, and I'm misquoting that now, but it talks about how it works hope. OK, meaning this is that when you go through tribulation, gives you patience and patience will give you hope. You know, and all these different things will help, you know, when you go through another trial or tribulation. OK, now in James Chapter four, go to James Chapter four, the idea that our life here is short anyway. OK, so. And I think when you when you go through hard times, it seems like time drags, right, because you think about this lockdown, this quarantine, all this stuff, it just seems like these weeks have been dragging, you know, from March to where we're at now. It's only been about a month since all this stuff has started. OK, I think it's about a month somewhere around there. I think it's about four weeks since since the presidential, you know, guidelines came out and all that stuff. And, you know, it's been about a month, but just the just how much that has dragged. Whereas the rest of this year, I mean, it seemed like it was flying by, right? It's just like each month going by before, you know, it was already spring. And so but now it just seems like it's dragging because you're just thinking about it. You're just like, when is this going to end? You're thinking about it, all that stuff. But James, Chapter four, verse 13, it says, Go to now ye that say today or tomorrow, we will go into such a city and continue there a year and buy and sell and get gain. Whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow, for what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away for that you ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live and do this or that. So the idea here is that you don't know what's going to be on the morrow and your life is but a vapor. You know, it is it appears for a little time and then it vanishes away. And you think about, too, that tribulation. It's only for a moment, a lot of times in the scale of your lifetime, right? If you're looking at your lifetime, the tribulation of trials, they're but a moment in a time where you're not dealing with that. And in Romans chapter eight, go to Romans chapter eight, I just want to show you some verses on that when it talks about it. It's just kind of like a moment. You've got to be thinking about it that way. Because during trials and tribulations, during times of mourning and weeping and sadness and heaviness, it drags. And you're thinking, man, this has been forever and it's like been a day, you know, or it's been a week. And, you know, what is that to a year, you know, when you think of the percentage of what's going on there. And even if this lasts about a month, you know, think about the percentage of that for a 12 month year, OK? And so that, you know, that's that's a small percentage as far as the year goes, OK? So you've got to think about it in perspective as far as the bigger picture. But think about that in eternity, right? It's nothing when you think about that. I mean, it's like a second in time, if you will, compared to eternity. And in Romans chapter eight, verse 18, notice what it says here. Romans chapter eight, verse 18. It says, For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. So notice that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared. OK, so you're not going to even be able to compare. It's kind of like the anguish of a woman that's in travail. She's going to forget about that when she has the joy of the man shot. And it's kind of like I'm sure the disciples think the same thing. Once they saw their savior and the joy that they had, I guarantee they just forgot about all the sorrow that they just had. It just kind of just negates it all. OK, and so when we're in heaven, I don't believe we're going to be thinking like, man, that was hard. And, you know, you're going to be like, you know, what is that to everything else that we're dealing with now? You're going to forget about it. OK, and even the trials and tribulations that you went through in the past, you almost just kind of forget about it. You're not still like in that pain or in that mindset after it's gone. But notice that in relation of what this is talking about, it's talking about the resurrection, right? Because our hope, our joy that comes in the morning, if you will, is the fact that we will be resurrected just like Christ. OK, and, you know, Jesus went through that toil and the pain of paying for our sins for that short period of time. And then he rose from the dead and he's in a glorified state. And you got to think about that. We're going through pain and trial and tribulations, even though we're not striving against sin and the blood, you know, like we didn't do what Jesus did. But we still go through pain and we'd go through all these different things, deaths and all this, that one day we're not going to deal with that anymore. OK, so keep going there in Romans eight and verse 19, it says, for the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of God, for the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who had subjected the same in hope, because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which had the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption to with the redemption of our body. And the glorious thing about Jesus rising from the dead is that we're going to raise with him. OK, that's the joy that's going to come when you think about our life that we're living right now and how in the end we're going to be raised to be like him. We're going to be raised to have his likeness. And go to second Corinthians chapter four, second Corinthians chapter four. So I just want to show you some verses on this and just give you that hope that, listen, this is not our home. This is not the end game. You know, we're just living life, rolling with, you know, we're basically, you know, riding the wave, if you will, as far as this life is concerned. We're doing what we can. We're we're, you know, taking the punches that we have to take and and rolling with that. And in second Corinthians chapter four and verse 17, it says for our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen, for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. OK, so this affliction is is but for a moment. OK, and and we need to be thinking about that going through this time, and I'm really speaking to those in my church as far as dealing with this time. Don't let this be a time that that you get away from the things of God. If anything, use this to your advantage. Use this to your advantage to get more Bible reading done, to get more Bible memorized, to learn some more doctrine, to study more of the Bible, to talk to people that you normally wouldn't talk to about the gospel. And try to get out of your comfort zone when it comes to witnessing and try to adapt. Try to get to the point where you're a better soul winner all around. Don't just be a door to door soul winner. OK, and I'm glad if you are only a door to door soul winner, I'd be I'd be happy with that, you know, because you're a soul winner, you know. But in the end, we should be a soul winner all around. We should be able to talk to friends. We should be able to talk to family members. We should be able to talk to coworkers. We should be able to talk to people just out on the street. We should be able to talk to people, you know, pumping gas. We should be able to go out door to door. We should be able to go to a country and talk to a crowd if we can in a in a in a park or something like that. And just being adaptable to all these different situations. And when it comes to times of where, let's say, the government and you say, well, you know, the government is overstepping and all that stuff. Let's say they are. Can you control that? Okay. And, you know, yeah. Do I think the government is going to basically take advantage of this? Of course, they always take advantage of everything. Okay. It wouldn't matter if it was a good thing that was going on or a bad thing that's going on. They're going to take advantage of it. But in the end, you know, what are you going to do about it? I mean, are we going to do 1776, you know, like style? I mean, what are you going to do about it? And here's the thing. What the Bible says is that we're supposed to to serve him, do what he tells us to do. And but we have to do it in a manner that's going to be possible. Okay. Even the disciples after Jesus died on the cross, you know what they did? They went into the upper chamber and they did not have church openly. It says and for fear of the Jews, because the Jews were coming after them. Okay. And they they were, you know, basically doing it. And there's countries right now where church is illegal and they have to have church and they have to do it in secret. They have to do all these different things. And listen, I hope that our country never gets that way. I hope that and listen, no one has called me and said, you guys can't have services. No one has tried to close our church down here in West Virginia. And so I took it upon myself to say, you know what? During this time, it's probably better that we stay apart. Most of our church is already staying home as it is. Okay. So we're already not having the fellowship that we normally have. Okay. There's certain family that I haven't seen in weeks. And, you know, it just is what it is. Okay. And I'm not saying they're I believe they're perfectly right with God because of what's going on right now. And so that being said, it wasn't normal even when we were having it during this time. But even now it's going to be a lot harder because it's going to be harder because some people that were still having some fellowship, you know, are still just with their family right now. And listen, take this as a time to when you're separated in your homes and you're with your family to get close with your family. You know, take this time to basically, you know, give them attention. Okay. And especially as a pastor of the church, I can definitely be taken a lot of different ways when it comes to when things get busy and all that stuff. But, you know, during this time, I've got to spend a lot more time with my kids and my wife and just, you know, to play with them, to talk with them and all that. And they're probably going to be sad when all this is over. You know, when I'm back at my office and I'm not at the house, you know, working from home, when I'm, you know, when I'm going to be doing other things on Saturdays or something like that or, you know, all this is going, you know, stuff is going on and all that, they're probably gonna be like, man, I liked it back when the quarantine was going on. Because, you know, children don't understand what's going on. You know, all they see is that daddy's there more, you know, that I can spend more time with them. And so you got to look at the good with it, too, when this is going on and take advantage of it. Okay. But know this, that this isn't the end. Okay. This isn't the way it's going to be forever here. And, you know, joy cometh in the morning. Okay. Now, I had you go to, go to Philippians chapter 3. I'm going to read to you 1 John 3. You're going to go to Philippians chapter 3. But 1 John 3 says this, Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. Therefore, the world knoweth us not because it knew Him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be. But we know that when He shall appear, we should be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. Okay. So this is our hope. This is our joy that we're waiting for, right? Because we're in pain growing together in this creation, right? We're in a, we're in a sinful world where there's sicknesses, there's diseases, and then there's just wickedness that's going on. And you know what? It sucks, you know, a lot of the times. Okay. When people are dealing with sicknesses and family members are dealing with sicknesses and people are dying and, you know, the stuff that's going on in the world and just all the different things that can bring you down, give you heaviness, make you mourn. You know, it's not a fun place to be most of the time, okay? But see, you know what? Most of the time, though, we make the best of it, don't we? And we have a good time, and we look past all the stuff that's going on in the world, and that's what you need to do now with what's going on. And know that, hey, listen, if anything you're thinking about is the fact that, hey, we're going to be resurrected with Christ physically, and we're going to be ruling and reigning with Him forever, and that this is not going to always be like this, okay? But in Philippians chapter 3 and verse 20, kind of the same thing, and if you remember Philippians 3, you know, this is where Paul is saying that I might be made conformable once at his death, you know, and it's not as though I'd already attained or already were perfect, but I follow after it. If that, I may apprehend that which for also I'm apprehended of Christ Jesus, and it talks about, you know, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth under those things which were before, and I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God and Christ Jesus. And then he goes on to say here, you know, why is he doing that? Well, notice in verse 20 there, it says, for our conversation is in heaven. From whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. Notice the vile body. We have vile bodies. Why? Because we have sinful bodies, sinful bodies that are susceptible to disease, to sicknesses, to all these different things. And you know what? I'm all for natural medicines and natural things as far as like good diets and all that stuff. But in the end, you know what? It doesn't really, in the end, you can still get sick. You can still get a disease, right? Because we have vile bodies. We have sinful bodies. And so some, you know, when someone gets sick, you can't just always look at them and be like, well, they didn't do this. They didn't do that. If they use this, listen, sometimes people just get sick because it's sin, right? You have a sinful body and, you know, people get sick. It's just the fallen world that we live in. Why did children get sick? Why did children die, you know? And those types of things, it's not like they were like doing very wicked things, you know, and they were, you know, not doing what they should be doing for God, you know? And so that being said is that, you know, there's a lot of sorrow and mourning that could be going on even without all this stuff that's going on right now. But you got to be looking at the joy that's going to come in the morning, okay? And that morning is going to be the resurrection. And go to Romans chapter 6. I'm going to read to you 1 Corinthians chapter 6. 1 Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 14, it says, And God hath both raised up, I'm sorry, And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power. So when you think about the resurrection, what do you think about? Because the idea of the resurrection is the proof that he's going to raise us up too, okay? It's the power of our salvation, if you will. And, you know, obviously all the pieces have to work together as far as him dying on the cross for our sins and being buried and all these different things. But ultimately, if he didn't raise from the dead, that wouldn't have done anything, okay? But his resurrection is the power that's going to raise us up as well, okay? Now in Romans chapter 6 and verse 5, it says this, For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection, okay? Now this gets in a little deeper too because it's more so talking about the fact of, hey, there's different types, there's better resurrections than others, okay? And, you know, there's the idea of the resurrection where one star differth in glory than another star. And the idea is though is that if you're being made conformable unto his death, meaning that you're living for him, you're dying daily, you're burying in your body the marks of the Lord Jesus as Paul proverbially said, right, in Galatians, that you're going to be in his likeness, right? Meaning that we're all going to be like him to some extent, okay? But the more you live for him, the more that you emulate him, the more that you suffer like he suffered, the more that you're going to be like him in glory, okay? You're going to be glorified like him. Now no one's going to be the son of righteousness, right? S-U-N, son, because the son's always going to be brighter than anything else, right? But, you know, you can try to attain as much as you can. And Paul said, you know, not as though I'd already attained, right? So he's like attaining, you know, he's like trying to, but no one's ever going to attain unto Christ, okay? But at the same time, that should be our goal. Go to 1 Peter chapter 1, 1 Peter chapter 1. And what I want to get with this is that when you're dealing with trials and tribulations, I want you to realize that, hey, it's just for a season, okay? Because when you're in it, it doesn't seem that way. When you're in it, you're just thinking, this is going to be forever. When's this going to end? And, you know, when are we going to get back to normal? And, you know, whatever it could be. But right now I'm thinking obviously about the time where we're kind of being, you know, we have to stay at home or we got to, you know, work from home. We got to, you know, social distancing, all these different things that are going on right now. And whether you agree with it or not, it's still going on, okay? So the thing is, is that what I want you to realize, though, is that it's just a season. It'll pass, okay? And in 1 Peter chapter 1 and verse 6, notice what it says here. It's 1 Peter chapter 1 and verse 6 says, Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations. Okay? So notice that he's saying, you know, you're greatly rejoicing over your salvation. That's what was just talked about, right? This inheritance, that faith is not a way. And so, but right now, you know, you are for a season in heaviness, okay? Now what's heaviness? Actually, I mean, you think of depression, right? It's really another word for depression. Because heaviness is like, if you think of gravity, like being heavy, and what are you doing? You're depressing something, right? So I think of heaviness, when I think of heaviness, I think of someone that's depressed, okay? And depression is a real thing that the Bible talks about, heaviness that you can have. And the idea, though, is that the reason I think a lot of people have depression or heaviness is because they don't believe it's going to pass. They believe that I'm just going to deal with this the rest of my life, okay? And that will cause heaviness because there's no hope, okay? The idea of the hope of something good coming in the future is what gives you that driving force to keep going, okay? And so I want you to be looking at that as far as, hey, you know what, I know this sucks right now, this stinks right now, this isn't the way that it usually was, this isn't the way that we normally do things, and you know what, I wanted to go back to normal, I wanted to go back the way it was. Listen, you just have to have hope. You have to have hope and know that, hey, this is just a season. You know, this is just about a moment and time here where we have to deal with this. And listen, you know what, it might actually be better after all this, okay? And sometimes, you know, when it comes to church or just anything in general when it comes to the things of God, sometimes it needs a reboot button, you know, like you need to kind of shut down and reboot, if you will, okay? And kind of regenerate things and get that, you know, the fire burning, if you will. And I'm not saying our church was like not on fire, but you know what, maybe there were some people in the church that were kind of fading out a little bit, okay? And maybe this will get people that were kind of fading a little bit to be like, no, I need to get into that, I need to get on fire again. It may cause people that aren't in church to basically reboot and say, you know what, you know what, I need to get into church, I need to be doing things for God, because it's a wake-up call in a lot of cases. Now, a lot of people in our church may be saying, well, you know, I was going full bore and then I was just kind of put to a screeching halt. Well, yeah, I mean, there's always going to be a plethora of different types of people in a church, okay? That shows that we have a, you know, a growing church, you know? If everybody was just like the same and everybody was just, you know, unattained, if you will, then what's the point of, you know, as far as teaching doctrine and all that stuff, we're already there. But the idea is that it kind of gives you a restart button there. And, but going on from that in 1 Peter chapter 1, talks about being heaviness if need be, right, through manifold temptations, that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found under praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen ye love, and whom though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. And I just want you to think about for a second after all this blows over. And what I don't want to happen is obviously for people in the church to be like, all right, I'm out. You know, you know, church is like doing live stream only and, you know, we got out of fellowship and I just went down, you know, I just got into, I just backslid, okay? That's why I don't want to happen. So what you have to be thinking about at this time is saying, you know what? I'm going to go the other way. And I'm gonna say, I'm gonna get stronger in the Lord. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, you know, basically talk, you know, David talks about the fact of how he encouraged himself in the Lord. And sometimes you need to get to the point where, hey, I need to do this on my own when it comes to, you know, rejoicing in the Lord, not being in heaviness and kind of getting that independence a little bit in yourself. So that when you get back in the church, you know, you're not always the one that's just depending on everybody else. Okay. And when, when, when you're in church, there's a lot of people, there's a lot of people that are just independent and, you know, they're going to do it whether everybody else doesn't do it. But then there's people that are very dependent on whether you do it. Okay. Just the way it is. Okay. There's that, that, that, that personality and mentality of like, if, if everybody stopped doing it, they'd be like, well, I'm not doing it either. Okay. But then you have the other mentality is like, well, if everybody stops doing it, I'm still doing it. Okay. And, you know, obviously the pastor needs to be that guy, right. That's going to say, hey, I'm going to keep going. No matter if everybody in church said, I'm not going to go soul winning, I'm still going to go. Okay. And, and so the idea though, is that, hey, this is a time where you're kind of going and saying, hey, I need to do this and more of an independent thing. Right. Because when you go door to door, that's not really independent because you have a silent partner at least, or you have someone that can talk. Right. And in our church, we have a lot of talkers. Okay. Which is a good thing, but meaning this, that, you know, if you got stomped, your partner can help you out. Right. A lot of times we're just fighting over the doors. Right. And be like, that was a conversation. No, that was a conversation. No, that, and you're like, guy slammed the door in my face. Didn't even say anything to me. I'm counting that as a conversation. And we, you know, it's funny and, and all that. And I love that because, you know, what that shows me is that people really just want to do it. Right. But, you know, the idea though, is that there's a lot of fellowship there. There's a lot of like leaning on other people. Listen, I've gone out soul winning door to door by myself before. I don't like it. Okay. And I've done it. I've done it. And I've won people to Christ, but it is not fun. Okay. And I'm doing the same thing I was doing with someone else. And, and a lot of times I'm going with people that can't talk or they're a silent partner and, or they don't want to talk or whatever. And, but you know what, there's just something about someone being there with you that just gives you a lot of comfort. So going by yourself is something that's really hard. Okay. Cold calling people on the phone and giving them the gospel. It's not easy. I'm a pastor for church, but you know what? I still get a little nervous and I get, I am like praying for boldness that, Hey, you know, I, you know, this conversation goes well, all these different things. And, or talking to strangers that are just out in public and you're around people, people see you when you're at someone's house, no one else sees you, right? You know, you're just kind of at the house and it's just the person you're talking to. And so it's a time that you can kind of get out of your comfort zone and still go soul winning. Okay. Still try to witness as much as you can, but you know what, if, if you're saying, well, I can't where I'm at, listen, if God wants us to get back to door to door and wants us to get back to what we were doing, then he's going to lift all this off here. But again, like I said, I think that there's a lot that God is doing in the background here that we don't see, we don't necessarily understand. And we just got to roll with the punches as far as what we're able to do. Okay. Now I go to first Corinthians chapter 15, first Corinthians chapter 15. And I just want you to see this joy, you know, obviously of the resurrection and first Corinthians 15 is the resurrection chapter. So, but verse 19 is what I want you to really see there as far as the Christian life and, and all that. And verse 19, it says, if in this life, only we have hope in Christ, we are all men, most miserable. Okay. And isn't that the truth, right? If, if, if we only have hope in this, you know, what are we working for? What are we doing all this for? You know, why, why don't we just eat, drink and be married? You know, why are we dealing with persecution from other people and all that. And, but the idea though is notice in verse 20, but now is Christ risen from the dead. And, you know, on this Easter Sunday, I think about, you know, he is risen, right? It's not that he was risen. He's not risen anymore is that he is risen. He's risen right now. And, but now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept. And so he is the first fruits of the resurrection. And notice the way it says in verse 23, it says, but every man in his own order, Christ, the first fruits afterward, they that are Christ at his coming. That's us. Okay. Whether we die before this happens or whether we're here when it happens, that will be us. Okay. We will be a part of that first resurrection where he at his coming, you know, whether we're the dead in Christ that shall rise first or whether we're here and alive and remain and be caught up together with him in the clouds, that's the hope that we have, right? So all the toils that we go through, all the trials, the tribulations, even dealing with all the pestilences, all the different things that can go on in this world, sicknesses, diseases, you know, going through all that, dealing with people dying, all that to know that, hey, listen, we have joy that's coming in the morning because we're going to be raised with Christ. We're going to be according to his resurrection. And listen, he's going to destroy all the sin. He's going to destroy all the death, all that. Notice what it says in verse 24, it says, then come at the end when you shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power, for he must reign till he hath put all things and all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. Okay. So he's going to get rid of death. Okay. And we know that to happen in Revelation 20, when it says in death and hell was cast in the lake of fire. This is the second death. Okay. Go to Revelation chapter 21. And really this is the last passage I'm going to show you, but think about the idea of when you get saved, right? When you get saved, the Bible says this in second Corinthians chapter five verse 17, it says, therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. That is not talking about your physical body right now. That's talking about your soul. It's talking about your spirit that has no guile, right? And the idea is, is that, you know, right now your body has not all been made new. This world has not all been made new yet, but it will be. Okay. When the end comes and when, when the great white throne judgment and all the dead are cast in the lake of fire, death is destroyed at that point. There's going to be no more death after that. After the great white throne, no one else will die. Okay. And in Revelation chapter 21 verse one, notice what it says. And here's the joy. Okay. So I want you to see this. This is the joy that we have to look forward to. Okay. This is after the resurrection that we have. This is all, but I want you to see what it's going to be like for all eternity. Okay. Revelation chapter 21 and verse one, it says, and I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea. And I, John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away. And he said, he that sat upon the throne said, notice this, behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, write for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, it is done. I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end and give and I, I give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcomes shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my son. That's the end game. So if you have anything to look forward to is that heaven, you know, new Jerusalem being with God forever, the new heaven, new earth, no more pain, no more death, no more sorrow, all that stuff's going to be done away. You're not going to have to be worrying about, well, what do we do over here? What do we do over here? What about this loved one that's going to die? What about this disease? There's going to be no more disease. There's going to be no more pandemics. There's going to be no more worry about government overreach. Okay. You know, all these different things that you can think about, you're not going to worry about the economy, right? You're not going to have to worry about where you're going to get your next meal. You're not going to have to worry about, you know, what about my job? What about this? What about that? No, it's all going to be taken care of, and you're not going to have to worry about it at all ever again. And so, you know, Psalm 30 in verse 5, it says, for his anger endureth but a moment in his favor is life. And you can think about that right now, right? Because what's going on right now? I believe it's the wrath of God that's going on in our country and yay in the world. Okay. But it says it's endures for but a moment. Okay. It says weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. And I think about the disciples and all those that were close with Jesus when he died and just the morning that they had, they separated themselves, right? And they were all in separate homes, separate houses, and the morning that they had when that was going on, but the joy that came after that. Okay. So I'm not saying that right now you have to just rejoice that we can't be in church right now and we can't be fellowshipping and we can't do what we normally do on a week to week basis. I'm not saying to like just say, well, praise God, that's awesome. Okay. I'm not saying that, but what I'm saying is that you got to look forward to the joy that's going to come after that. You have to look forward to the hope. You know, you have to have hope that, hey, listen, you know what? It's not only going to get back to the way it was before church wise, right? I believe it's going to be better. I believe it's going to be better fellowship. I believe it's going to be better soul winning. I believe that, you know, and Lord willing, the preaching will be better, right? You know, so maybe I'll learn to preach better. Maybe I'll learn some more, you know, nuggets of truth in the Bible and, you know, that the preaching will be great. The fellowship will be great. The soul winning will be great. And you know what? I believe that to be true. Okay. And so I don't look at this as just woe is me or, you know, just depressed and, or, or heaviness about what's going on. Listen. Yeah. I don't like it. Okay. I don't think anybody likes it, but at the same time, you know, we need to be looking for the joy that's going to come in the morning and you know what? I think that'll give you hope. Okay. So don't be like the disciples. You know, if the disciples would have really taken Jesus at his word, as far as the fact that, hey, I'm going to raise from the dead and this is going to happen after three days. If you really believed that, right, then they would have been like, all right, well, we just got to wait three days. But because they didn't really have that hope just set in them, they're like, yes, this is going to happen. They were sorrowful. They're like, this is it. We thought he was going to do this or that. And I'm saying, obviously I believe they were saved, but it was hid from them. Right. That idea that he's definitely going to be coming back in three days. And we got to be thinking about that through trials and tribulations that we're going through. Don't get stuck into that mindset that it's just, it's over. It's never going to get back to normal. And I, you know what? I see that online all the time. I see people just saying, you know, it's just this fear tactics. And all I ever see online are people posting things about, you know, the government is going to, you know, force vaccinate and all this other stuff. Listen, that's never happened in our country. And they force you to do that in public schools. But listen, we're not putting our kids in public schools. And if enough people revolted, it's not going to happen. And here's the thing. All that does when you post stuff like that, that's not implemented, that hasn't been done, you know, then all that does is put fear into the mind of everybody. You're reading it like, oh man, what am I going to do if that happens? What am I going to do if this happens? It hasn't happened yet. Okay. Now, if it happens, then we'll all talk about how we're going to buck the tide when it comes to that. Okay. And I don't think we're going to be the only ones. Okay. And it's like that when they say, well, we're going to take away all your guns. Well, good luck taking away 300 and some million guns in America. Okay. That's why Japan didn't want to come against us on land, because they knew that there was a gun behind every blade of grass. Okay. And you know what? All those in leadership positions know that the only way that they're going to take away guns is in the big cities. Okay. Because you come out to the rural areas, there's no way you're ever going to be doing that. But it's fear tactics. And I'm tired of seeing people just constantly just putting this stuff on here and saying, you know, look at this, look what they're doing over here. Look at that. Listen, can you control it? That's the question you have to ask yourself. Because I guess if you could control it, you could stop it, then all right, well, tell me what we need to do. But no one ever has a solution when it comes to that, do they? It's always just like, well, look what's going on here. Look what's going on here. Well, what are you gonna do about it? That's what I want to ask everybody when it comes to the 5G thing, when it comes to the forced vaccinations, when it comes to the government overreach, what are you going to do about it? Give me a plan. It's like the people in Virginia. Okay. And we have, you know, like, there's people that marched against that. And that's, that's fine. You know, I think that's great. You know, you should march and say, hey, listen, we want our guns. And we need to throw these people out and try to take that. And but, you know, most of the people that are putting out all this stuff, and trying to give you, give you fear, they don't have any solutions. Listen, if you don't have a solution, then shut your mouth. That's what I have to say about it. Because the idea of just putting out this fear with no solution, all you're doing, it's like, all you're doing is making people afraid. Okay. But if you have a solution, then give me that. But the problem is, is that people don't have a solution. You know what my solution is, is that I'm just going to fear God, I'm going to keep his commandments, I'm going to do what we need to do. And we're going to, we're going to witness the people as much as we can right now in the situation that we're in. And you know what, let the ships fall where they may, because God will take care of his people. And listen, if the government overreached and tried to take away all our rights, listen, they did it to all Jerusalem when the, when they were taken captive, you know, because of the wickedness that was going on there. If anything, if all that happens, it's just like, well, we deserve it. But the question I have for you is, what's the answer? How are you going to fight it? Okay. But no one ever has that. No one says, hey, all right, here's where we're going to march, and here's where everybody's going to get together. We're going to have guerrilla warfare, we're going to go after the government. No one ever says anything like that. And I'm not saying I'm for that. But what I'm saying is that no one ever has a plan. No one ever has a solution for what's going to happen. And it's always just like, well, look at this, look at this, look at this, look at this. And all you're doing is causing people to fear about things that they can't control. And, and I'm tired of seeing that. But what you really need to be thinking about is that, listen, God will take care of you if you love him, you're saved, you love him, he'll take care of you, and let the chips fall where they may with everything else. Okay, we're going to do what we can do with what we got. And, you know, when it comes to our services, you know, once you once everybody's getting back to normal, as far as, you know, the the social distancing stuff, and all that stuff, then we're getting back to normal with our church services. But you know what, I don't think it's gonna be that long. I don't, you know, that's just my personal belief with it. And, you know, we'll play it by ear, see what's going on. But I don't think it's going to be too much longer till it gets back to normal. But don't be in despair, don't be in heaviness, you know, as people that don't have hope. Okay. And so, but anyway, you know, weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. You need to be thinking about that, especially with the resurrection, with how they mourn for our Lord Jesus Christ. They were in despair, they were mourning. And you know what, after he rose from the dead, they forgot all about that. Okay. And I and I'm saying this, that when all this is over, I think you're going to forget all about it. I don't think you're going to forget about it in general, but I don't think you're going to be like, like in pain over it. Does that make sense? You're going to be like, yeah, that sucks. I'm so glad. I think it's just going to be a driving force to say, you know what, I'm glad that that's not going on right now. Okay. So let's end with the word of the Father. We thank you for today. And thank you for rising from the dead. And you know, first of all, for dying on the cross for our sins and paying that penalty. But to rise from dead, to have the power and have the keys of hell and of death. And Lord, we just pray that you would be with us throughout the rest of this week and pray to be with all our church members wherever, you know, in all the places that they're at. Lord, I just pray that you would protect them, Lord, that you would help them to get close to you, help them to have opportunities to witness to people during this time. And I do pray, Lord, that this would be over shortly. And Lord, that maybe in a matter of a week or two or two weeks, that this will all be over and that we can get back to the way we usually do things. But Lord, just pray that you'd help us to not use it to backslide, but to get closer to you. And Lord, just pray that you'd be with us this Easter. And Lord, help us to spend time with our families. And Lord, we love you. Pray all this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.