(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Hebrews chapter one. I feel like we read this one all the time for our text passage, but it's just a great chapter. And I am continuing our series through exposing false religions, and we're gonna be doing Islam tonight, Islam. And so that's obviously where we get the Muslim faith as well, as far as what they call themselves. But so I wanted to read this chapter, because honestly, when it comes to talking to Muslims, this is where I always take them. I always take them to this passage. It's a great passage for the deity of Christ. But it's also a great passage to also show you that there's no more prophets. Jesus was the last prophet to come into this world as far as who we should be looking to, and there's no promise of some other prophet coming. And so there's a lot to be said about Hebrews chapter one and really just debunking the Islamic faith and Muhammad and all that. So at first, this sermon's gonna be, you can really go off on so many different tangents when it comes to Islam, but I'm really gonna be getting into the prophet Muhammad, because their prophet Muhammad is the one who founded Islam, and everything's really predicated off him. And you can get into all these different facets of Islam and the different branches of it, but I really don't care to get into all that stuff, because they all are gonna go back ultimately to Muhammad and to the Quran and all this other stuff. Now, first of all, when did this start? So well, Muhammad was born around 570 A.D. And then he died in around 623 A.D. So to give you an idea of where you're at in time, so obviously we're almost 600 years after Christ, and actually pretty much around that time, 600 years. And it's about 300 years after the Catholic Church was started. So if you want a timeline of false religions, right? So Constantine and all that stuff happened around 300 A.D., where they made Christianity the state religion, which really meant, let's make this a universal Christian religion, and that's where the Catholic Church came into being. And then around 610 A.D., it's really where you get Muhammad with his visions and his revelations and all this stuff. Now, he was, Muhammad was about 40 years old. So like I said, about 570 A.D. is when he was born. And then 610 is really when these revelations, it says that he reportedly was visited by Gabriel, the angel, in a cave, and received his first revelation from God. So basically, the Quran is supposedly him giving a benediction of what Gabriel told him, okay? So that's what the Quran is supposed to be. And the Quran is their major holy book, okay? And they basically believe it's what Gabriel said to Muhammad, all that stuff. Now, what they'll say about the Quran is the reason that the Quran has to be of God, because Muhammad was illiterate, okay? They say, I can't believe that you're saying that Muhammad was illiterate. I'm not saying that, that's what they all say, okay? And if you look in the Quran, now, the Quran isn't that big, okay? And I've read portions of it. But it's basically just a bunch of chapters. I forget how many chapters are in it. I didn't write that down for some odd reason because it really doesn't matter. But at the same time, it's just basically these chapters with different things that are going on. But it opens up pretty much like, it's weird. It's like someone's just talking to God, okay? And when you're reading through the Bible, you don't just see a book opening up where someone's just talking to God. It's always opening up like, this is such and such at this time. Or even at the beginning of the whole Bible is in the beginning, God created the heaven and earth. There's someone writing down what God did. But the Quran opens up with, we bless thee, we believe in one God, and all of a sudden, like, who's we, and who are you talking about? Like, there's just no, it's just like this incoherent, no really introduction to anything that's being said. And you don't know where it's going, where it came from. So if you just jumped into the Quran, you have no idea where you're even at or what time period you're in or where you're dealing with. And so it's very weird when you're reading it. But according to the Muslims, that's because you don't speak their language, right? You need to know Arabic to understand the ins and outs of their holy book. Listen, if any religion teaches that you need to know their language in order to know it, then it's a false religion. Because God's word is not bound by a given language, okay? And we don't believe it's bound by any given language either, do we? Because we believe we have it in English right here. Was it spoken in English when the apostles wrote it or when Moses wrote it down? No, it was spoken in a different language. But obviously, it can be in any language. So whenever someone says, no, it has to be in this, then you know there's something wrong. And people do say that about the Bible. They're like, wow, you need to go back to the originals. And that's how you're gonna really know what it means. Then they're selling you a bill of goods. Because what they're doing then is basically saying, I'm smart, you're dumb, you need to know what I think and what I'm saying for you to understand it, okay? And so all that to say is that that's what they'll say is like, well, you don't understand it and it sounds dumb because you're reading it in English and it was written in Arabic and whatever kind of jargon they're gonna throw at you. But they'll quote off passages. So in chapter seven of the Quran, in verse 147, or 157, it says, those who follow the messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah, in the gospel, in their possession. That's who they're talking about is Muhammad, okay? Another place it'll say, so believe in God and his messenger, the unlettered prophet who believes in God and his words and follow him that you may be guided, okay? So by the Quran, now there's dispute as far as whether he was actually illiterate. Actually, people that aren't Islamic are basically saying, there's no way he was illiterate and they're trying to dispute that he was literate. Because the whole premise of this is the fact that Muslims want to believe he's illiterate anyway because they say, well, that just shows you that this has to be of God because this illiterate man gave us the Quran, okay? Well, here's the thing. He didn't write it down, obviously. Even if he was literate, it wouldn't really matter. He's just given a benediction of what was said to him. So do you have to be literate to do that or illiterate not to be able to do it? So it doesn't really matter. It doesn't change the cost to be in China whether the guy was illiterate or not. But all I have to say is that that's who you're dealing with here as a prophet is someone that didn't even know how to read and write. And you don't see that in the Bible. You don't see where it's like, well, this person, it'll say they're unlearned in, you know, pharisaical traditions, you know? They're unlearned in, you know, maybe the doctorates of the law and all these different things, but it doesn't mean they didn't know how to read and write. Because obviously, Peter knew how to write because he wrote an epistle. Obviously, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, you know, Paul, they all knew how to write and speak different languages. So this idea of like, it's such a good thing that he was illiterate is ridiculous. Now, so by their own, you know, they'll even quote off and say, well, he was an unlettered prophet, therefore he was illiterate. And that's why the Quran is so, you know, it has to be from God because this guy was illiterate, okay? And so that's ridiculous, okay? That doesn't prove anything. And if you just read some of the Quran, you'd be like, yeah, this is dumb. This book's dumb. And, you know, you just know it's not God's word. It's just like when you read the Apocrypha, you're just like, yeah, this isn't God's word. There's a reason they called it the Apocrypha, by the way, because Apocrypha means that, you know, basically unknown authorship or unverifiable, or, you know, basically, you know, they don't believe it's authoritative, okay? Now, Muhammad, now this is a big one, because he, you know, I'll go with him, but he's illiterate, okay? So, you know, people are probably gonna get mad at me because I'm gonna call Muhammad what he is, a pedophile, and that he was illiterate on top of that, so he's an illiterate pedophile, but yet he started this religion where billions of people today are following, okay? You say, well, I can't believe you call him a pedophile. And his own people do. They don't say that, okay? They don't call him a pedophile. But he married, his third wife, he married when she was six and consummated it when she was nine. That's what you call a pedophile, okay? By any spectrum of the imagination, that's a pedophile, okay? Now, it doesn't say it in the Quran, but it says it in this other writing, so they have other holy texts, if you will, but this is called the Hadith, if I'm saying that right. I don't know if I'm saying that right, a Hadith. It's basically a book of the discussions and all this different stuff. It's almost kind of like if you're looking at the Talmud and what the Talmud is to the Jews. The Talmud is like a rabbinic writings of what the rabbis were saying to each other and all this stuff, so this Hadith book is basically kind of like that. It's like the conversations of Muhammad and all these different people back then, and they hold it second only to the Quran and all their faith and practice, pretty much, and their religious laws and all this stuff. So most of the people that are Muslims hold this thing as a holy book, okay? And some people reject it, and this is why, because it does say in this book that he married a six-year-old, or at least nine, okay? I think all of them will say that he consummated at nine, okay, and some will say, well, he got married when they were nine. I don't care, nine, okay? I don't care about the six. If it's consummated at nine, that's wicked as hell. So basically, Ayesha was her name. Ayesha, I'm just reading off what people wrote about this. Ayesha's age at the time of her marriage is frequently mentioned in Islamic literature. According to John Esposito, I guess that's how you say his name, Ayesha was married to Muhammad in Mecca in 624 AD. You know how old he would be? 54. A 54-year-old man married a six-year-old, and this is their holy prophet, that they say, blessed be his name, cursed be his name, stinking pedophile. And this is a big point to be made here, that we're gonna start off with this religion, the fact that this guy married a six-year-old. And by going on from that, it says, it kinda goes into where and when this happened and all that, but basically, 624, it shows you that he was an old man, he was a man. He was an older man. And several scholars interpret this to indicate that she reached puberty at this age, which is ridiculous, nine years old? I don't care what time frame, even today with all the hormones and everything that are out there, that doesn't happen at nine years old. But it says, Al-Tabiri says she was nine at the time of her marriage, or time her marriage was consummated. And it says, and this is just literature from Islamic. This isn't like I'm getting this from a fundamental Baptist saying this, okay? This is what the Islamic literature says, and the people that are writing the literature said, okay? So you're not dealing with people that are against Islam that are saying this. But this other guy, and I'm messing up their names because obviously I don't speak Arabic and know how they pronounce these names. Sahih al-Baqaris hadith says that the prophet married, so this is where it's coming from, it's from this hadith stuff and this book that they hold to be second to the Quran, that the prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. So if there's anything to know about Islam is that their prophet was an illiterate pedophile. Let's start off with that, and then let me know that you wanna follow his teaching. Now, I'm gonna go through some of the miracles, and I'm going through some, okay? Like I said, you can go into all these different things as far as Islam goes. But some of the things that they said was a miracle done by Muhammad, and this is why he was a prophet of God. And then I'm gonna be getting into some of the stuff that they believe as far as with Jesus and God and all that stuff. So now, like I said, the number one thing that they attribute to Muhammad being a prophet is the Quran. They say, well, he was illiterate, and therefore the Quran is this miracle. It's ridiculous, okay? Might as well say that's why Joseph Smith is a prophet because he translated these golden tablets and someone else wrote it down. It's all fantasy, okay? This is all just a fairy tale that they're saying here. Now, another one, another big one is that Muhammad supposedly split the moon, okay? So he split the moon, and this is coming from the Quran in chapter 54 where it says, and this is how the chapter starts, by the way. Now, does this sound coherent? It says, the hour has drawn near and the moon has split, yet whenever they see a miracle, they turn away and say, continuous magic. Now, who is they and what are you talking about, right? It's almost like, did I miss something? Is there like something I missed? And a lot of this stuff is like, it's a different story in these different chapters, right? It'd be about Joseph over here. It'd be about this over here. But you just start off with that. It'd be like, the hour has drawn near and the moon has split. What? Who split it? Why is it split? What's going on here? And then it'll say, yeah, whenever they see a miracle, who's they? They turn away and say, continuous magic. So someone's apparently saying, well, this isn't God. This is magic, you know? But who's they and who are they saying it to? Do you see how there's no, it's just this babble of someone talking about something and talking to somebody, but we don't know who he's talking to. And it's just this, they're just talking. Just someone just talking about stupid stuff. So apparently he split the moon, okay? Now if you look up, they'll be like, well, some people say, well, he actually literally split the moon. Okay, when I say split the moon, they literally think that when you looked up in the sky, the moon was in two pieces. Physically in two pieces. Some people say, well, it was just a spiritual thing. Some people said it was an optical illusion. I'm gonna go with it never happened at all, okay? We call this guy liar in that it never happened. Now this is the funny one, okay? This is one of the big miracles of why he's a prophet. The Israel and the mirage. Now I don't know if I'm saying that right, but it basically means the night journey, okay? So basically what they say is like, well, Muhammad made a journey from Mecca to Jerusalem on this beautiful face donkey flying there, this winged beast called a burak, okay? So you gotta look up the picture of this. I should have brought one for an illustration, okay? But in their literature, they have pictures of this beast, okay? So Muhammad is said to have traveled on the back of a winged mule-like white beast called a burak, and I don't know if I'm saying that right, but it says, to the farthest mosque, by tradition, this mosque, which came to represent the physical world, was identified as the Al-something mosque in Jerusalem. So basically this happened at night, no one saw it, but apparently this is the miracle they did. Now this burak creature, basically there's not really anything said about what it looked like. They never said it, it had a beautiful face, but their literature says this, and all the pictures show this stuff, and so it says, although the hadith do not explicitly refer to the burak as having a human face, Near East and Persian art almost always betrays it so. A betrayal that found its way into Indian and Persian Islamic art, this may have originated from an interpretation of the creature being described with a beautiful face as a face being human instead of beastial. Okay, so it says, in another place, it said like a handsome face, I'm like handsome, like what are you talking about? So basically it has this like human-like face, it's this white mule-like creature with wings, and Muhammad wrote it, flew, you know, flew this winged beast, I mean this sounds like Greek mythology right here, you might as well just say Pegasus jumped out, and you know, he rode this thing, but in Islamic culture they'll say, well, they'll say like, well Abraham used this beast too, this is like a creature that apparently was roaming around and these prophets riding it around at night and flying from one place to another, okay, so it wasn't just Muhammad, but they believe Muhammad was like the last prophet, okay, so like you had Abraham, and you had David, and you have all these different prophets, and then you had Jesus, but then Muhammad was the last. Okay, so this is the, that's the funny one, you really gotta look up the Burak, you know, and this night journey that Muhammad took, it's hilarious, okay. So other things, and again, you can look at other things, it's like, oh, he, you know, caused a drought, or he caused it the rain, and all these different things, but so it says this about one of them, this is, again, I'm not getting this from like a fundamental Baptist site talking about this, this is just what they say he did, or what happened when he was around, it says, stones and trees used to greet him before and during his prophethood. Stones and trees, so they're, I guess they're really taking it literally when Jesus said these stones would cry out if you held your peace, so he's literally, they literally said these stones cried out to Muhammad when he was in his priesthood. It says he used to understand the language of animals, so he could talk to animals. So this was the original Dr. Doolittle. I don't think he knew that, but he talked to animals, so he should have been a veterinarian instead of a prophet, but so he could talk to animals apparently, and used to, I don't know if that meant like he could, now he couldn't, so I guess he was talking to that Burak when he was flying off to Jerusalem. Now, this is funny, and again, I'm just reading to you what was said here, and this is a serious list of things. He comforted a palm tree that was crying and upset after he stopped leaning on it during his sermons. I did not make that up, okay? This is what is said about his miracles. This palm tree was upset. It's like, why aren't you leaning on me while you're preaching your sermons anymore? And he comforted it, so this is the original tree hugger. You didn't know this about Muhammad, but he's the original tree hugger, he's the original Dr. Doolittle, and you know, man, where has this been all my life, you know, with all these things that Muhammad's doing? Okay, so the next one here. It is reported that Muhammad did not cast a shadow, interpreted as a sign of his light, so he didn't have a shadow apparently. Muhammad, yeah, vampire, that's right. Yeah, actually, you know, might be. I don't think he's from Romania, though. Muhammad used to hear the voices of persons who were being tortured in their graves. Okay, what? People being tortured in their graves? But then it goes on to say, he used to speak to the dead and hear them. Okay, I got a verse for you, Muhammad. Go to Deuteronomy chapter 18. Deuteronomy chapter 18. So he's speaking to dead people, he can talk to animals, he's hugging trees and comforting them, you know, that the stones and trees are talking to him. He sounds like a psychopath, is what he sounds like here. And I don't doubt that he talked to dead people, but they were actually devils, is what he was talking to, and that's who's talking back to him. Because he talked about another place where he was on this battleground and these dead bodies were speaking to him, okay? Now in Deuteronomy 18 and verse 10 it says, there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consultor with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. Do you know what a necromancer is? Someone that talks to the dead. Because necro is talking about dead, okay? Necromancy is someone that speaks to the dead, if you will. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord, and because of these abominations, the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. So yeah, Muhammad, you're speaking to dead people? You know, that's your thing? Well, the Bible says you're an abomination. By the way, you're an abomination for being a pedophile. And, you know, again, I didn't make these up. This is just like, if you just look up a list of the miracles that were done by Muhammad, you know, these are the things that are listed, and there'll be other things, you know, like, wow, he threw dust in the air, and someone was blinded, or the armies were blinded, or something stupid stuff like that, right? But these are legitimate ones. He literally comforted a palm tree that was sad because he wasn't leaning on it as he's doing a sermon. That is verbatim what was written there. I did not change that at all. That's what they said, okay? Now, the reason, like I said, the reason I took you to Hebrews chapter one is because their big thing with Muhammad is that he is like the prophet that was foretold to come. And if you notice, when I was reading about Muhammad, it says that this is he that was spoken of in Moses and the gospels. Where in the gospels did you ever see about this prophet that was supposed to come? Now, I'll show you where it says in Moses, but I'll show you that that is explicitly said to be Jesus about the prophet that should come. So if they point you to, well, Deuteronomy says that there's gonna be a prophet like unto Moses, yeah, that's Jesus. That's the Lord Jesus Christ. But go to Hebrews chapter one, because their big thing is like, well, he's the last prophet, and they'll say, well, Jesus was a prophet too, but Muhammad is the last one, okay? Well, in Hebrews chapter one, and I know I go through this a lot, but I think this really just needs to be nailed down, that God spoke the prophets in the Old Testament, which would speak to the people, but now it's through Jesus, and he used his apostles to get his word. So it was Jesus, even the gospels were written after the fact by his apostles, okay? So everything that Jesus did in his ministry was written after the fact by the apostles, but he used the apostles to write down his words, and that's the end of it, okay? There's no promise of some prophet to come. There's no promise of some other revelation to come. There's nothing saying like some angel's gonna come and give some more revelation or anything like that. You know what's promised is that Jesus is coming back. That's the promise. That's what we're waiting for. Nowhere does it say we're waiting for some other prophet in 600 AD. And Hebrews chapter one and verse one, it says, God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds. And this is where they fall at the rails because they do not believe in the Son of God. They reject the Son of God. They reject the Trinity. They reject that Jesus is God. They'll say, well, he was just another prophet. So whenever a Muslim says to you, well, I believe the Bible too, it's just that the Qur'an's added onto that, that's hogwash. You have to reject the whole Bible to even buy into the Qur'an at all. Because nowhere does it say this in the book of Moses. Nowhere does it say this about Muhammad in the gospels, like they try to say. That's a bold-faced lie. They'll say, well, the Bible's corrupted. Zero proof, zero proof that that has actually happened in the past, where there was all this stuff about Muhammad in the Bible, in the Old Testament, in the New Testament. Now, obviously, Satan's always trying to corrupt the word of God. And there's always that case where that's happening. But God's word has always been preserved throughout the ages. And to say that it was corrupt for 600 years before Muhammad came by is a bold-faced lie. And it's saying that God would not preserve his word. The same thing that the Mormons say, it's the same thing that Jehovah Witnesses say, and every cult and false religion is going to say the same thing, that God's word was corrupt until we got there. See, Christianity does not say that the Old Testament was corrupt. Amen. Never that. What did Jesus say? He said, I did not come to destroy the law and the prophets, but to fulfill. He never said, well, the law and the prophets, that's been corrupted. Here's the new revelation. And you basically have to fix all this stuff in the past. No, it's always, this is what this pictured. This is how it's fulfilled. This is what this pictured. This is how it's fulfilled. And if it's not fulfilled, that means it's still in place. And so when you say, well, we're Christian, Christianity started at the very beginning of 2,000 years ago. Oh, Christianity started at the foundation of the world. Now, obviously, Christ didn't come until 2,000 years ago. But it was prophesied. And the anointed, the Messiah was talked about throughout all the scriptures, from Moses all the way to Malachi, that that's who was to come. And it's not saying, hey, this was all corrupted, and now here's the light. Okay, you know, here's the thing. Here's the light, here's some more light. Here's some more revelation. Here, let me fill in the blanks of what you didn't understand in the Old Testament. Here's the more sure word of prophecy. It did not say that this is the uncorrupted word of prophecy and fix the corrupted. But all these religions are saying the same exact thing when it comes to that. But in verse three, it says, who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high, being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they, because he is God, he's the son of God, he is God in the flesh, and he's the express image of God the Father. And he came here to save us from our sins. And this is what the Muslims reject. Now, to go on with this point is that in the Old Testament, God used prophets and he used angels, and that's the whole point. If you read Hebrews one and two, what's the whole point? You know, if the word which was spoken by angels was steadfast, you know, it says how much more? You know, it's going into, you know, the fact that it's his son saying it. It's God himself. So if the prophets, the angels, and all them, if you believe that, why wouldn't you believe it out of the mouth of God himself? That's the whole point of what he's saying. So we don't need some other prophet. It's like, we want the B team now? You know, like you had the prophets, you had the angels, then you had God himself talking to you. Who would you pick and you say, well, we need someone else after that. You're ludicrous. Why would I need someone else when I have the son of God talking to me? It's crazy to think, well, you know, Jesus came, but we need someone else after that. It's because they do not believe he's God. They do not believe in the Trinity and they don't believe in God in the flesh, okay? Now, go to Matthew chapter 11, Matthew chapter 11, because I want to prove a point here that the prophets ended at John. The law and the prophets, you know, where it says, you know, what's written in the law and the prophets and the time of the prophets, if you will, that ended at John. John was the last prophet of the Old Testament, okay? And at that point, Jesus, you know, when it says God who had sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, that's to John, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son. And notice what Jesus says about John the Baptist and he's not selling them short, you know, he's building up John. He's saying that John the Baptist was the greatest prophet to ever be born of a woman. That's outside of Jesus, right? That's like saying Solomon was the wisest man upon earth. Obviously, there's a greater than Solomon that's here, okay? So we know it's accepted that Jesus is accepted from that, right, Jesus is obviously the greatest prophet to ever be born of a woman. But he's saying, you know, physically speaking, you know, a human being, John the Baptist, he's the greatest. That's a big compliment when you think about all the prophets that came before him. Moses, Noah, Daniel, you know, Elijah, Elisha. No, he's better than them all. He's on it. Now, in Matthew 11, verse seven, it says, and as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, what went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses. But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? Yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet, for this is he of whom it is written, behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. Verily, I say unto you, among them that are born of women, there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist, notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. Now, in another passage, it'll say, there hath not been a greater prophet than John the Baptist. So it clarifies that what we're talking about here is that he's the greatest prophet to ever live, aside from the Lord Jesus Christ, okay? Verse 11, verily, I say unto you, among them that, I'm sorry, in verse 12, and from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent taken by force. For all the prophets in the law prophesied until John. Notice how he's the conclusion to that. Because John brought in who? The Lord Jesus Christ. He prepared the ways of the Lord. And that's why, you know, he's spoken time past by the prophets to the fathers, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son. Do you see the transfer there? That it ended with John, and now it's Jesus. Okay, we say, well, you know, but didn't they have prophets in the New Testament? Yeah, preachers and apostles, but the apostles were using, they were getting revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ himself. It was the words of his son. In these last days has he spoken unto us by his son. And, you know, so, but it says, and if you will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. And obviously we know this to be talking about the prophecy that before the great terrible day of the Lord, that he'll send us Elijah the prophet. John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah. And that was that prophecy fulfilled. That, you know, that proves is that Jesus is that messenger. Jesus is that Christ, which was for to come because John the Baptist was the predecessor prophet. But he's the last one. Now in Acts chapter three, this is, you know, if they take you to Deuteronomy, where it talks about this prophet, where Moses is saying, hey, there's gonna be a prophet made like unto me. And the Lord says to Moses, I'm gonna make a prophet like unto thee, meaning that it's gonna, this prophet's gonna be like you, Moses. Well, what's one of the main attributes of Moses? He was the meekest man upon all the earth. And what's one of the biggest attributes of Jesus? He's meek and lowly. So yeah, I mean, Jesus was like Moses. And, but this prophecy in Acts chapter three is showing you that that was talking about Jesus, okay? This isn't like some other prophet that's to come and all that. Now in Acts chapter three and verse 22, it says, for Moses truly said unto the fathers, a prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me, him shall ye hear and all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass that every soul which shall not, that will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from among the people. Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after as many as have spoken have likewise foretold of these days. Ye are the children of the prophets and of the covenant which God made with our fathers saying unto Abraham and in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. Unto you first, having raised up his son Jesus, sent him to bless you and turning away every one of you from his iniquities. So who did he send as that prophet? His son. His son is that prophet which was to come. And this is talked about, you know, Stephen actually brings up that same passage in his sermon that he preaches in Acts chapter seven. So this idea that Muhammad is, there's another prophet that was promised to come, that's hogwash, that's not in the Bible. And they can say that all day long in their Quran, their holy book, that well, you know, in Moses it says this and in the gospel it says it. No, it doesn't. You have to rip up, stop saying that this is your authority as well. It's not. And they'll even say, well, it's corrupted. Zero evidence. Your illiterate pedophile prophet told you that and it's not, it's not right. Now, let's see what they say about Jesus in Islam. Because they don't, unlike the Jews, the Jews say that Jesus was crucified warrantedly for his crimes and that he's in hell and burning in hot excrement. Islam teaches that he was a good prophet but he wasn't God, okay. But let's just see a little bit about what they say about Jesus. So in the Quran, in most of the hadiths or the testimonial reports, you know, like we were talking about, mention Jesus to have been born a pure boy without sin to marry as the result of a virginal conception, okay. So they basically, they'll say they believe in the virgin birth and that he was without sin. And so they kind of hold to that, I guess, to a certain extent, but they don't believe that he's God. They don't believe this is God in flesh because it says the Quran denies Jesus as the son of God in several verses. And you can look at chapter five, verse 116, quoting Jesus as denying he is the son of God. And so they reject that and they are really against the Trinity, okay. So their big thing is we believe in one God, monotheistic, right, believe in one God. Well, your God's a false God because the true God is three in one. The true God, for there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. That is the true God. The true God said, let us make man in our image. You know, the true God is the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. You know, the true God has the Father sitting on the throne and his Son sitting at his right hand. That's the true God. And so, that's one God, by the way. One God made up of three persons and they reject the Trinity. But the big thing, and you may have heard this out so many years talking to Muslims, is that they don't believe that Jesus actually died or was crucified, okay. And so they basically, they believe he was neither crucified nor raised from the dead, okay, because obviously he didn't die. They don't believe he died, but rather was saved by God, okay. Now, they can't really deny the historical fact that Jesus died. It's kinda like they're going against a huge grain of historical evidence that there was a man named Jesus that died on the cross, okay. Outside of the Bible, just historical evidence of this, okay. This was not done in a corner and everybody wrote about it, okay. So to get away, to try to somehow get around that, because they're just saying, no, he didn't die on the cross. He, you know, God just, you know, he just went to heaven, okay. So they will basically say there's a substitution. I've had a Muslim say this to me, you know, that, well, he didn't really die on the cross. Someone died in his place. You know, he was substituted for someone else and then he went to heaven, okay. And so that's how they get around the fact that there wasn't some of that guy. So basically a doppelganger took his place on the cross and, you know, that's how it explains history, okay. And so they believe that Jesus was the precursor prophet to Muhammad and that Muhammad was the last one. Again, I already covered that. Jesus was the last prophet. You know, when you think of all the parables, how much would that mess up when it says that he sent him prophets and they beat some, killed other than the last of all, he sent his son. You know, how much scripture would that mess up if there was some other prophet that had to come? And so it just, you have to basically just rip up the whole Bible and say, nope, that's all wrong. I'm just gonna go with this book that was written in 610 AD and everything else was corrupt before that and we can't prove any of that but we're just gonna say that, okay. Now, they believe that Jesus was a Muslim, okay. So they'll call him a Muslim and he's a Muslim prophet and all this but it says that he also adopted and preached to his followers the straight path. Now, they obviously believe in work salvation. You talk to any Muslim, they do not believe that and once they've always saved, they do not believe in grace, salvation or by faith. You obviously have to work your way to heaven and all that but they also believe that Jesus is going to return and so he's kind of like their coming Messiah. So that's interesting because you think about how the Antichrist is gonna work this, okay. And he's gonna fight and kill what they call the Al-Masih something, basically the false Messiah, okay. So kind of like their Antichrist and then he's gonna establish peace on earth, okay. I know some of you have probably been with me but I've heard Muslims describe their Messiah coming and it is literally like reading Revelation chapter 13 about the Antichrist. He's gonna come and fight a battle and then he's going to have peace on earth and all this. Now, we obviously believe that Jesus is gonna come and fight a battle but he's gonna win that battle with a sword that proceeded out of his mouth and it's gonna be obvious, like it's just gonna be set up that way. It's not like it's gonna be like it is right now and it is literally like reading about the Antichrist. We're gonna have one world religion, all this stuff that's going on and I mean, it's just setting it up. I mean, they are gonna, they are going to believe what the false prophet and the Antichrist hook, line and sinker. They even believe his name's gonna be Jesus. And then you have the apostate Christians that are gonna be like, yeah, that's Jesus. You know, we must have been raptured or something. I don't know. So, I still remember when this guy was talking about their Messiah coming and I'm like, you are literally describing the Antichrist. That is the Antichrist, like every line, what you just said is the Antichrist. And it was baffling because you wouldn't think it would be that close to what it says about the Antichrist but it is true and I believe every religion's gonna be like that. It's basically, Satan's gonna prepare it away with all these false religions and by the way, Islam is a very big religion. We're talking over a billion, almost two billion, not quite, it's getting close to Christianity and when I say Christianity, that's counting two billion, you're counting a billion of Catholics, okay? So, use that term loosely. So, there's definitely a lot more Muslims than people that would consider themselves not Catholic and Christian. And so, you're dealing with a big group of people and so you can see on mass how the Muslims are gonna follow the Antichrist, hook, line, and sinker. But they say, well, Jesus, he was substituted and the Jesus that rose or that went to heaven is not the same one. Well, go to Ephesians chapter four, Ephesians chapter four because this goes into the fact too that, I mean, in all of these false religions, there's something, they just cannot take the fact that he died and that same person that died is the one that rose from the dead. You think of the Jehovah Witnesses and say, well, it was a spiritual resurrection. It wasn't a physical bodily resurrection and with Islam, it's like, well, he didn't really die, but he's the one that rose from the dead. But it contradicts all the scriptures where it says he died and was buried and rose again the third day. Do you see how Islam is not even close to being complementary to the Bible? Not even close. I mean, you have to throw it all out. I don't see what would even fit. You know how the Bible teaches the three heavens, they teach their seven. Just everything that they teach is different than what the Bible teaches, okay? So it's just, it's completely different. So, and people that don't know anything about this subject, they'll say, well, Islam is just kind of like how the New Testament is to the Old Testament. It's just adding on to it and it's going on. No, it's not even close. The New Testament, comparing the Old Testament to the New Testament is a completely different argument than comparing the New Testament to Islam or to the Quran. I mean, you're dealing with apples and oranges. You're dealing with a religion that literally spits in the face of Jesus Christ and says, he's not the son of God, he's not God. He didn't actually die on the cross. He didn't do anything that he said he would do. His whole ministry was the fact that for this hour came out into the world. The whole point of him even being here, they're spitting on that and saying, nope, he didn't really die. And in Ephesians chapter four and verse eight, it says, wherefore he saith, when he ascendeth up on high, he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men. Now what, and now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? Notice this, he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. The same person that descended is the same person that ascended up far above the heavens. There's no substitution. This isn't, we're just got this doppelganger over here that's dying just to make history make sense. No, Jesus that died on the cross is the same Jesus that saw his apostles and his disciples afterward and showed him his physical hands that were actually nailed to that cross and his feet and the side that was pierced. It's the same man that was there and it's the same one that's sitting at the right hand of the father right now. And do I really need to go through, I don't think I need to go through any more on that. So everybody gets that, right? The Bible is just constantly that Jesus died for our sins, that he rose again. I mean, that's the whole theme of the New Testament. And to say otherwise, you're just basically just ripping it out, just rip it all out, and just say, well, the New Testament doesn't apply. So do you see the bold face like, well, Moses talked about Muhammad and the New Testament or the gospel is talking about Muhammad, nowhere. It's just a made up lie. And who's the father of a lie? The devil, and the devil is the one that made up this religion. Okay, and billions of people are following him. Billions of people are dying and going to hell because of this false religion of Islam that was started by an illiterate pedophile. You know, and do I love Muslims? Of course, I want Muslims to get saved. But do I love Islam? No, I hate that Christ-rejecting, wicked religion that blasphemes my savior and sends people to hell on a daily basis. I hate that religion, and it needs to be exposed for what it is. And going back to Hebrews chapter one, and the reason, like I said, the reason I go to this chapter is because this chapter really annihilates Islam because it shows the deity of Jesus, okay? So they deny the Trinity, they deny that he's the son. But again, how do you get, and they'll even say that God isn't begotten and has never been begotten and never will beget is something, the way it words it. And what they're getting at is they're against the only begotten son of God. And they're making a point saying that that's a lie, that God ever begot a son, okay? And what they're missing there is that we're not saying that Jesus came into being when it says only begotten son, but that he was always there and that he was begotten, he was brought forth into this world, he's the only son that came forth from the father, and he's the only one that was born of the Virgin Mary that came into the world to be God manifest in the flesh to die for our sins. And in Hebrew chapter one and verse eight, and I always take this, and I've actually won Muslims going to this verse right here, okay? To show them that Jesus is God, that the son is God. In Hebrew chapter one, verse eight, it says, but unto the son, he saith, thy throne, O God, is forever and ever. A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity, therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. This is a great Trinity verse because you had the father saying thy throne, O God, to the son, but then he's saying, also, your God's gonna anoint you with the oil of gladness. So that's going back and saying, your God, the father, is gonna anoint you with the oil of gladness above your fellows, and what's the oil talking about? The spirit of God and the anointing. And why? Because he giveth him the spirit without measure, it says in John chapter three. And so this is a great Trinity verse to show you that. Now, going on from that, you don't maybe usually go on from there, but he's still talking to the son, and what does it say in verse 10? And thou, Lord, in the beginning, has laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of thine hands. You're still talking about the son. Now, this doesn't contradict anything, because in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. All things were made by him, but without him was not anything made that was made. So yeah, that makes perfect sense that you're still talking about the son. And it says, they shall perish, but thou remainest, and they all shall wax old, as doth a garment, and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed, but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. Why? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the eternal God. But do you see how the Islam completely, it completely rips out John 3.16? John 3.16, for God so loved the world that he gave to what? His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved, he that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. And all these Muslims are gonna die and go to hell because they reject the only begotten son of God. And their religion is adamantly against the fact that there's the only begotten son of God, that there's a son of God, and that God is three persons in one. They adamantly reject that, and they're all go to hell because they're believing in a different God. You can believe in one God all you want. You believe in the devil as your one God, but you're gonna go to hell when you believe that. See, the true God is three in one. That's the true God. And if your God isn't three in one, you got the wrong God. You don't have the true God. And 1 John 2.23, I want you to go to 1 John 5. 1 John 2.23 says, Whosoever denieth the son, the same hath not the father, but he that acknowledges the son hath the father also. And just many verses over and over again about denying the son, not believing on the son. But I want you to look at 1 John 5, and we use this a lot, out-souling but dealing with, obviously, 1 John 5.13. But let's just look at verse four there, dealing with salvation. Even the chapter starts off, Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. But it goes into verse four there. It says, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world? But he that believeth that Jesus is the son of God. You cannot go to heaven. I mean, these Muslims are all going to hell because they do not believe that Jesus is the son of God. And it says, This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the spirit that beareth witness, because the spirit is truth. And the big stumbling block is that they do not believe that God became a man. And this is what it's stating here, is that he came by water and blood. He was flesh and blood. He was partaker with the children of flesh and blood, and it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest and thanks pertaining to God, that he might make reconciliation for the sins of the people. And that's the big difference between what we believe and what the Bible teaches from every other religion in the world, is that God became one of us to take our place. The substitutionary death of Jesus Christ is critical for salvation. And you take away the death of Jesus Christ, you take away the fact that God became one of us to die for us, then you have zero salvation. He is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. And he died for every single Muslim that's out there. But if they do not believe that he is the son of God, that he is God in the flesh, they will die in his sins. If they do not believe that as Jesus says, I am he, you will die in your sins. And notice what it says in verse seven there. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood, and these three agree in one. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater. By the way, the witness of God is greater, a lot greater than some illiterate pedophile named Muhammad. Amen. And going on from there, and it says, for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his son. He that believeth on the son of God hath the witness in himself. He that believeth not God hath made him a liar, because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son and this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life and this life is in his son. He that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of God hath not life. These things have it written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the son of God. How many times does it say believe on the son of God, believe he is the son of God, believe he's the only begotten son of God, he sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him, but they reject it over and over again. Their Quran is constantly saying that he's not the son of God. They are, it's a wicked religion that rejects Jesus Christ. It's an anti-Christ religion. They deny that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh because they deny that God was manifest in the flesh. They deny that Moses said he was the prophet that was to come. They deny all of the Psalms. They deny Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. They deny it all. They don't believe any of it. It is all a lie when they say to you, yeah, Moses said this about our prophet. The gospel said this about our prophet. They deny it all. How could they say that the Quran's even close to what the New Testament says? Amen. And I've just touched the surface. By the way, get to the end of the chapter there. Verse 20, it says, and we know that the son of God is come and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son, Jesus Christ. Get that? We are in him that is true, even, meaning that who is the true? His son, Jesus Christ. This is the true God in eternal life. By the way, little children, keep yourselves from idols. And you know, Islam wants to talk about how they don't believe in idolatry. They have an idol. His name's Muhammad. They have an idol. It's Allah. And I know, you know, that's how they say God. No, their God is an idol. It's a devil. It is not the true God. And they're gonna split hell wide open because they believe in that. They say, well, I think you're gonna turn people off. No, they need a wake-up call. They need a wake-up call of what this wicked religion is. They need to look into the fact that he married a six-year-old and consummated at nine. They need to look into the fact that it doesn't line up with anything that the Bible says. Pick up the Bible and tell me that the Quran is anywhere close to what the Bible says at all. And then wake up and to think the fact that God said he'd preserve his word from this generation forever, and to think that it's been in darkness for all those years, for 600 years after the birth of Christ, you know, there was no Bible, it was all corrupted, and then Muhammad had to come by and fix it. There's no evidence of that, zero evidence. You say, why do you get upset about this? Because I run into Muslims all the time, and they're all going to hell. And they can be the nicest people in the world. And, you know, I'm glad they're nice. But you know what's sending them hell? This wicked religion. I wanna see them get saved. I wanna see them believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And I have nothing but contempt for the religion of Islam, because it's a wicked religion. Now, you know, you may have heard some just different things about the religion, but they hold to the five pillars of the faith. So if you wanna know, like, kind of something that they hold to is the five pillars. And this is just like anything else. I mean, you might as well just call it the five pillars of every false religion that believes you have to do good works, and fast, and pray, and all this. But here's the five pillars, just for your reference, if someone brings it up, you know, if you wanna know a little bit about what they believe. It says in verse, or verse one. First pillar. Profession of faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca. So that's the five pillars. You wanna be a good Muslim, you know, finally you gotta make that pilgrimage and say, hey, I'm going to Mecca. Now, it doesn't say you have to ride this beautiful-faced, white-looking, donkey-horse thing called a burak. So I think, you know, I think Muhammad's the only one that did that. So, you know, that's their way. They obviously believe in work salvation. Anybody that's ever talked to a Muslim knows that's what they believe, is that you have to be a good person, and that you can't just, you know, commit a sin, you can lose your salvation, and, you know, the typical idea there. Now, what's interesting is that the Quran, there's a contradiction. This is kind of a famous one. But in one portion of the Quran, it suggests that Jews and Christians and other people of other faiths will go to heaven, and then, in the next chapter of the Quran, it suggests that they're not going to. So I wanna read this for you. Now, the reason I bring this up is because there's a famous clip of this apologist, and I forget what his name, Naik, Naik something, or, I forget what his name is, but he's like a famous Muslim apologist, and this young man got up and said, what do you say about this? We're in one place that says that if you're not a Muslim, you'll still go to heaven, another place that says you won't. And he gave this really just non-answer, right? He didn't really answer it, and kind of cut the guy off, and this guy's just like, no, that's not what it says. You know, like the young man wasn't having it. And so it was really cool to see how he's just realizing, hey, they're full of it. Like, that's not an answer to that passage. But in chapter two and verse 62 of their Quran, it says, indeed, those who believe and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans, those who believed in Allah and the last day and did righteousness, notice the work of salvation there, they have to do righteousness, will have the reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve. Okay, so it's basically saying, you know, it's talking about the Judgment Day, and they're saying, you know, all those that were Jews and Christians, Sabeans, I'm not sure why they're in that group, like why that's a big group there, but all I have to say is that, you know, they're gonna have the reward, you know, they believed in Allah, and when they say Allah, they just mean God, okay? So they just believed in God and they did righteousness, okay, then they'll have the reward, and they're not gonna grieve. Well, in the next chapter, it says, in chapter three, verse 85, it says, and whosoever desires other than Islam as religion, never will it be accepted from him, and he in the hereafter will be among the losers. So profound. So, one chapter is saying, well, if you're a Christian, I mean, you'll still have your reward, you're not gonna grieve, and basically what they'll, it's kinda like the Mormons where, well, you just won't be in the seventh heaven, you know, you won't be a god, you know, like the Mormons, but you won't go to hell, you know? And so, but this guy brought up that question, well, like, what do you do with this passage? And he just gave this weird answer and didn't answer anything, he's like, you can tell the guy did not have that at all. So, kind of a blanket contradiction there. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that you'll go to heaven if you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you know? You gotta believe on the Son, you know, you either believe and you're saved, or you don't believe and you're damned. That's the way it is, and across the board, if you believe, you have his righteousness imputed unto you, and it's also even showing you work salvation, that they have to do righteousness as well, you know? They believe in God, they believe in the last day, and they do righteousness, you know? Even if they're Christians or Jews or Sabeans, they're not gonna grieve, they're gonna have the reward. And another passage says, if you desire any other religion besides Islam, you're gonna be among the losers, loser. Anyway, again, if you wanna read, I mean, read through the Quran, if you wanna just read some really bad literature. I mean, even by any spectrum, it's not good literature, okay? Even atheists will look at the Bible and say, that's good literature, it's profound. I mean, think about all the people that quote off the Bible not even knowing it, because it's such profound literature. No one's doing that with the Quran, okay? Well, that's because you don't speak Arabic. Again, you know, it's locked into that one language. But the last thing I have to say about Muhammad is let him be accursed. You know, he's in hell right now. And you know, anybody that is prophesying this and pushing this and sending people to hell, let him be accursed. The Bible says in Galatians chapter one in verse eight, it says, but though we are an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that yet received, let him be accursed. And so, yeah, he can say Gabriel came to him with some other gospel, but let him be accursed. Just like some angel came to Joseph Smith, gave him some revelation, let him be accursed. So every religion that I bring up where some angel comes to them, let him be accursed, because they're always preaching a false gospel. They're always changing who Jesus is. And the Bible says in First Corinthians chapter 16 in verse 22, if any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema maranatha. And that's what I have to say about Muhammad. Let him be anathema maranatha and let him be accursed and he's gonna burn in hell for all eternity. But I don't really care about Muhammad. I care about Muslims. I care about those that have been duped by this religion. And you know, if there's any Muslim that we talk to, we're not here to just come down on you because of this wicked religion. Listen, we care about you, we want you to get saved, and we wanna show you the truth. We wanna show you that, listen, it's actually easy to be saved. You know, there's a God that loves you and that died on the cross for your sins, his name is Jesus Christ, who became a man, lived a sinless life, was tempted at all points like as we are, but it says that who's own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree, who died, was buried, rose again the third day to pay for our sins. He says, I am the first and the last, I am he that liveth and was dead, behold I am alive forevermore, amen, and have the keys of hell and of death. And he did that because he loves everybody, he wants everybody to get saved. And he wants all these Muslims to get saved. So I'm not saying, you know, like you hate Islam, you don't wanna talk, you want them all to go to hell. No, I love them, I want them to get saved. I'm not the Fox News Baptist that says, kill them all and let God sort them out. No, I want them to get saved. There's a lot of Muslim children, Muslim teenagers, and Muslim, you know, people that are growing up in this false religion, that I want them to get saved. I want them to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. I want them to go to heaven. I don't want them to just all go to hell. But Christianity today believes that. You say, well, you're so harsh on religion. Yeah, I'm harsh on religion because it's sending them to hell. That's why I hate the religion. I'm not worried about getting duped by the religion. I'm not worried about my children, oh, they might become Muslims one day. I'm not worried about that. That's an easy thing to know that's not gonna happen, okay? But what I do care about is the fact that almost a quarter of the world is almost Muslim. And that means a quarter of the world right there are going to hell based off what they believe. And in the zeal that they have, they would just believe in the right God, believe on the gospel, and get saved, and put that zeal to the Lord Jesus Christ, we'd have quite an army of soul winners. We'd have quite an army of people that are zealous for the Lord. And I see Muslims as people that have a lot of zeal with no knowledge, and they just need to get saved and put that zeal in the right place. So I'm not here to say, well, Muslims, they're all wicked. No, there's a lot of nice people that are Muslims. They're just duped by the religion. And I hate that religion, by the way. And it needs to be exposed. And you know what, sometimes tough love. You say, well, what if some Muslim listens to this sermon? They're gonna think that Christianity hates them and all this. No, I think that a lot of people are gonna listen to say, hey, you must actually care to say the truth. Listen, someone that hates you is the one that's gonna say, oh, you're fine, like John Hagee to the Jews. No reason to preach to them the gospel. They don't need it. Well, just let them go to hell. And same thing with Islam. I say it because I want them to get saved. I want them to know the truth. And sometimes a good swift kick in the pants is what you need and say, hey, yeah, this isn't anything like what the Bible teaches. The Quran is completely separated from the Old Testament and New Testament. So now you have to make a decision. Do I throw out the whole Bible and just take the Quran or do I say that maybe there's something wrong with this? Maybe I should look at the origins of where this came to be. Have a soul check. I don't know how you really quantify that, but all I'm saying is that I want them to know that, hey, as Christians, we care about you. We want you to get saved. I don't want you to die. I don't want all the people in the Middle East to die and go to hell. I don't wanna bomb them. I don't want Palestine or anything like that. I want them to get saved. They can keep their land, but I want them to get saved. And I hope that there's a great revival in the Muslim communities as far as getting people saved and that that can be turned around. That'd be great. And so, yeah, I hate the religion. Muhammad, curse be his name, but I love Muslims and want them to get saved, okay? But that's Islam exposed. So obviously it's not everything about Islam. It would take me a long time to do that, but let's end with a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you for today. Thank you for the souls that were saved and Lord, just pray that you would be with us throughout the rest of this week. I pray that you would bless us with our jobs and our income that we could provide for our families. And Lord, just pray that you'd help us to win some Muslims to the Lord. And thank you for the opportunity that we can talk to a lot of them here in West Virginia as that there are a lot of Muslims that come into the school or work and all that. I just pray that you'd open their hearts to the gospel, open their hearts to the word of God and Lord, that you would work in them to believe on you. And Lord, we love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name, amen.