(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Alright, good evening everyone. Welcome to Mountain Baptist Church. If you would, take a song book and turn to song number 207. Song number 207, if we would all stand, we'll sing only a sinner. Song number 207. Not have I gotten, but what I receive. Grace hath bestowed it since I have believed. Boasting excluded, pride I abase. I'm only a sinner, saved by grace. Only a sinner, saved by grace. Only a sinner, saved by grace. This is my story. To God be the glory. I'm only a sinner, saved by grace. Once I was foolish and sin ruled my heart. Causing my footsteps from God to depart. Jesus hath found me, happy my case. I now am a sinner, saved by grace. Only a sinner, saved by grace. Only a sinner, saved by grace. This is my story. To God be the glory. I'm only a sinner, saved by grace. Tears unavailing, no merit had I. Mercy had saved me or else I must die. Sin had alarmed me, fearing God's face. But now I'm a sinner, saved by grace. Only a sinner, saved by grace. Only a sinner, saved by grace. This is my story. To God be the glory. I'm only a sinner, saved by grace. Suffer a sinner whose heart overflows. Loving his savior to tell what he knows. Once more to tell it, what I embrace. I'm only a sinner, saved by grace. Only a sinner, saved by grace. Only a sinner, saved by grace. This is my story. To God be the glory. I'm only a sinner, saved by grace. All right, let's pray. Father, thank you for this night and thank you for everyone here who was able to make it out safely. I just pray that you would bless the service and to fill pastor with your Holy Spirit and help us all to learn something tonight in Jesus' name. Amen. All right, you may be seated and turn over one page to song number 208. Song 208, Grace Greater Than Our Sin. 208. Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt. Yonder on Calvary's mount outpoured, there where the blood of the lamb was spilt. Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within. Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin. Sin and despair like the sea waves cold threaten the soul with infinite loss. Grace that is greater, yes, grace untold points to the refuge, the mighty cross. Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within. Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin. Dark is the stain that we cannot hide. What can avail to wash it away? Look, there is flowing a crimson tide, wider than snow you may be today. Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within. Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin. Marvelous, infinite matchless grace freely bestowed on all who believe. You that are longing to see his face, will you this moment his grace receive? Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within. Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin. Amen. Welcome to Mountain Baptist Church on this lovely Wednesday evening. So hopefully everybody's not completely drenched. So we have just some announcements here. Be in prayer for the missions trip that's coming up. So the men, women, all of them that are going out. So we'll be praying for you guys. And obviously, hopefully we see a lot of fruit there. And as far as everything else, as far as the church time, service times, all that stuff is the same. Nothing different there. We have upcoming events. We have our prayer meetings. We'll be putting a Lord's Supper time on here eventually. I haven't decided what weekend we'll do that, but we'll wait until more people will be here. I know some of the church will be out for the trip and everything. But we'll put that on the calendar here soon. Bible memory, we have Galatians chapter three. So Galatians chapter three is our memory chapter for the month. And then Colossians 4-6. Is that right? Do I have the right one? Yeah, okay. So Colossians 4-6, let your speech be all way with grace, season with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man. Yeah, that makes sense because that was with the sermon last Sunday. And then our sowing times there, everything's normal on that list. Obviously next week's going to be a little different as far as our regional sowing times. So we'll still have the regional sowing times, but as far as if anybody's heading it up, we'll see who will be going out during those times and all that. So hopefully the air conditioner turned off because it wanted to. So yeah, if the lights go out or something like that, then yeah, we'll figure out something. Get a flashlight and I'll hold it up like I'm telling a ghost story or something like that. We'll figure out something. But anyway, as far as upcoming events, just prayer meetings there, being prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list there. And so Ms. Joyce, Ms. Tabby, Ms. Amanda, Ms. Jennifer, Ms. Anastasia, and so being in prayer there for these ladies. And we've got a couple of anniversaries coming up. I didn't realize that your guys' anniversary is really close to ours. So you're the 22nd, we're the 26th. So we've got some anniversaries coming up at the end of the, let me turn that thing off so it's not beeping back there. But besides that, that's all I've got for announcements. We're going to do, who's reading tonight? Brother Joseph's going to be reading Isaiah 65 for us tonight. And then Brother Nick's going to sing a song for that. And we'll get into the Bible study. All right, turn your song books to song number 209. Song number 209, Sunshine in the Soul. Anybody know this one? Anthony knows it. All right, we're going to try it. Song number 209. There is sunshine in my soul today, more glorious and bright than glows in any earthly skies, for Jesus is my light. Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, when the peaceful happy moments roll. When Jesus chose his smiling face, there is sunshine in the soul. There's music in my soul today, a carol to the King. And Jesus listening can hear the songs I cannot sing. Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, when the peaceful happy moments roll. When Jesus chose his smiling face, there is sunshine in the soul. There's springtime in my soul today, for when the Lord is near, the dove of peace sings in my heart, the flowers of grace appear. Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, when the peaceful happy moments roll. When Jesus chose his smiling face, there is sunshine in the soul. There's gladness in my soul today, and hope and praise and love for blessings which he gives me now. For joy is laid up above. Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, when the peaceful happy moments roll. When Jesus chose his smiling face, there is sunshine in the soul. So, man, if you would turn your Bibles to Isaiah chapter 65. Brother Joseph will read it for us. Isaiah chapter 65. Only one more chapter to go. And if you found your place there, if you'll say amen. Amen. I am sought of them that asked not for me. I am found to them that sought me not. I said, behold me, behold me unto a nation that was not called by my name. I have spread out my hands all the day unto the rebellious people which walketh in a way that was not good after their own thoughts. A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face, that sacrificed in gardens and burneth incense upon altars of brick, which remain among the graves and lodge in the monuments, which eat swan's flesh and broth of vulnerable things is in their vessels, which say, stand by thyself, come not near to me for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day. Behold, it is written before me, I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom. Your iniquities and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the Lord, which have burned incense upon the mountains, blaspheme me upon the hills. Therefore, will I measure their formal work into their bosom. Thus saith the Lord, as the new wine is found in the cluster, and one sayeth, destroy it not, for a blessing is in it. So will I do for my servant's sakes, that I may not destroy them all. I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah, an inheritor of my mountains, and mine elects shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there. And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks, and a valley of Achor, a place for the herds to lie down in, for my people that have sought me. But ye are they that forsake the Lord, that forget forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number. Therefore will I number you to the sword, and ye shall all bow down to the slaughter. Because when I called ye did not answer, when I spake ye did not hear, but did evil before mine eyes, and did choose that where wherein I delighted not. Therefore thus saith the Lord God, behold my servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry, behold my servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty, behold my servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed, behold my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit. Ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen, for the Lord God slay thee, and call call his servants by another name, that he who blesseth him himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth, and he swereth in the earth shall swear by the God of truth, because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they are hid from mine eyes. For behold I create new heavens and new earth, and the former shall not be remembered nor come into mind, but be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create. For behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing and a people of joy, and I will rejoice in Jerusalem and joy in my people, and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying. There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days, for the child shall die and 100 years old, but the sinner being 100 years old shall be accursed, and they shall build houses and inhabit them, and they shall plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build and another inhabit, they shall not plant and another eat, for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain nor bring forth for trouble, for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord and their offspring with them, and it shall come to pass that before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock, and the dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in my holy mountain, saith the Lord. Let's pray. Lord Father, thank you for this time that we're able to gather together. Lord, again, thank you for the safety you've given for us traveling here. Lord, thank you for your pure and holy word you've given to us and the study through Isaiah. I ask you be with Pastor Robinson and edify us tonight. In Jesus' name, amen. So you're there in Isaiah 65 and yeah we are coming down to the end of the book here. We got one more chapter after this and then we're going to roll right into Jeremiah. No, I'm just kidding. We will take a break from the major prophets and do something maybe in the New Testament and get a little break before we go back before we go into Jeremiah. But Isaiah 65, a great chapter here and starting off here we actually see something that's quoted off in the New Testament. And so Isaiah 65 verse 1 here, notice what it says. It says, I am sought of them that asked not for me. I am found of them that sought me not. I said behold me behold me unto a nation that was not called by my name. Now go to Romans chapter 10 because this is actually quoted in Romans chapter 10 and basically this verse is stating that, he's talking about the Gentiles, he's talking about the fact that there's people that are seeking me, that are asking for me, that are finding me essentially. God is saying that they're finding me but basically in times past they weren't seeking him, they weren't asking for him and he's talking about other nations than the nation of Israel. And God is saying behold me behold me and unto a nation that was not called by his name. So Romans chapter 10 verse 16 there just to get some context here so we just got done talking about for whosoever shall call upon him the Lord shall be saved and talking about preaching the gospel. Verse 16 says but they have not all obeyed the gospel for he saith saith Lord who hath believed our report. So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. But I say have they not heard? Yes verily their sound went into all the earth and their words went to the ends of the world. So we're talking about preaching the gospel, we're talking about the preachers that are going the feet of them to preach the gospel of peace and it's stating that you know Isaiah said you know they have not all obeyed the gospel so he's basically saying not everybody's obeyed it, you know who believed it and he's stating that have they not heard meaning just talking about the world and he's stating yes they've heard and they've gone throughout the whole world right and then it goes to verse 19 and just so you know that because some people say well no that was just talking about Israel well this wouldn't make any sense then because verse 19 it says but I say did not Israel know? Okay so the first question is have they not heard? Right and then it says did not Israel know? And the answer to both these is yes they all knew okay but in verse 19 it says first Moses saith I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people and by a foolish nation I will anger you but Isaiah is very bold and saith I was found of them that sought me not I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me but the Israeli saith all day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people and we'll get back to that last portion there in Isaiah because actually that's the next verse in Isaiah 65 is what's being quoted off but go to go to Deuteronomy 32 because when it says first Moses says so it's basically saying first Moses said this and then Isaiah said this about Israel and it's just interesting how both these obviously these fit hand in glove but who are we talking about when we're talking about Israel and we're talking about the fact that um you know they they don't obey the gospel they don't believe that's what it says in Deuteronomy 32 and verse 19 Deuteronomy 32 and verse 19 it says and when the Lord saw it he abhorred them notice that it didn't say he abhorred their sin it said he poured them because of the provoking of his sons and of his daughters and he said I will hide my face from them I will see what their their end shall be for they are all they are a very forward generation children in whom is no faith okay now this could be a whole sermon about the fact that you know delivers from unreasonable wicked men for not all men have faith and the idea of that measure of faith being taken away from certain people but notice it says in verse 21 there it says they have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God they have provoked me to anger with their vanities so basically you understand why he's being provoked he's being moved to jealousy and then it says keep reading there it says and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation it says for a fire is kindled in mine anger and shall burn them to the lowest hell and shall consume the earth with their with their increase and is set on fire set on fire the foundations of the mountains so and by the way it's the first time hell's mentioned but the thing is is that you're dealing with a nation that has definitely people that are reprobate people that have no faith meaning that that's been taken away from them that the Lord abhors those people but there are obviously still people in that nation that he wants to get saved and the thing is that what he's saying is that he's going to provoke them to jealousy now Romans 11 talks about this and I don't really want to get into the Zionism stuff or get into the idea of you know or anti-zionism that the Bible teaches actually but the idea that you know Paul talks about provoking to emulation and that he might save some of them and the idea is that God is using basically the fact that he's going to use these other nations to provoke the children of Israel to jealousy basically looking at that like hey that should be us you know that's our God you know those were our covenants that's what he was promising to us and provoking them to jealousy in the fact that they want to get back into you know the good graces of God and so he's basically using the Gentiles as a tool to win as many of Israel as he can and Romans 11 really hits on that and the fact that you know that he has counted them all in ignorance and unbelief and the fact that he is so that we would have mercy on them and that we'd win them and obviously this is how he's doing that but go back to Isaiah 65 because we see that in Romans chapter 10 verse 20 is the verse that we first read verse 1 you know it basically says I was found of them that sought me not I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me and that's in verse 1 of Isaiah 65 dealing with I am sought of them that asked not for me I am found of them that sought me not I said behold me behold me unto a nation that was not called by my name and so that obviously is in Isaiah 65 and in Romans 10 verse 21 that's actually in verse 2 but that's not that's not the end of the sentence okay and that's what you'll find sometimes when you're will you'll see a quote especially in Romans you'll see a quote that's brought up by Isaiah or another prophet and it gives you a portion of it but then if you go back to the Psalm or to Isaiah or to wherever it's being quoted from you actually see there's a lot more attached to that and this happens a lot in the New Testament that's why it's good to go back to where it's quoted from so you can see the whole gamut of what's being said or all the details that are that's being said in that so in Romans 10 verse 21 what we see it says but the Israel he said all day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people well let's see if there's more information in Isaiah 65 verse 2 I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people which walketh in a way that was not good after their own thoughts a people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face that sacrificeth in gardens and burneth incense upon altars of brick which remain among the graves and lodge in the monuments which eat swine's flesh and broth of abominable things is in their vessels which say stand by thyself come not near to me for I am holier than thou these are a smoke in my nose a fire that burneth all the day there's the end of the sentence so we see that there is actually more information that's being given there you know and same thing in Romans chapter 15 or I'm sorry Romans chapter 11 talking about I let their habitation be desolate and they're uh they turn their back all way and and you go to you go to Psalms where that's being quoted and it just it gets mean okay it gets real mean and you go back and see where that's quoted at there um but you definitely see that God is obviously angry with that nation he is you know basically he's he's tried okay so the idea is that he's not just this wasn't something that he was just like a loose cannon it was just like one little thing set him off no he'd been stretching out his hands all the day long and what does it say in Matthew 23 you know Jesus said Jerusalem Jerusalem now that kills the prophets how long would I have you know gathered thee and I'm gonna I'm gonna paraphrase this but basically how long would I have gathered thee as a you know a hen gathered with her brood or chickens you know but you would not and so basically just for a long time you know God has been trying to you know basically work with them and and you know gather them together and he's basically stating here that all the day long I've been stretching out my arms until I gain saying and disobedient people whereas it says in Isaiah rebellious people and you know what there was a point where God's just like I'm done that covenant is done new testament is established and you know what the kingdom of God is taken away from them and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof you know obviously the new covenant is that covenant that he's talking about in the fact of the nation of all believers you know those that are in Christ and those that are of the commonwealth of Israel as it says in Ephesians chapter 2 now the verse there that's actually very familiar is in verse 5 there actually you probably heard this phrase holier than thou being holier than thou this is where it comes from in verse 5 there says which says stand by thyself come not near to me for I am holier than thou so what's the context of this you have people that are basically doing abominable acts but they're saying don't come near me because I'm holier than you I'm better than you and you know God obviously is detested by it says these are smoke in my nose a fire that burneth all the day so God you know obviously is not happy with that type of attitude go to Luke chapter 18 and I'll give you a great example of someone that's holier than thou but the things you can probably that you can learn from this okay someone that's holier than thou someone that's extra spiritual someone that's over the top spiritual these people have skeletons in their closet they're projecting you know they're basically trying to put on this big facade that there's some like just you know superstar Christian to the point where there's got to be something they're hiding something okay and you know that was one big thing with Jesse that was just a big red flag was the over spirituality and you know what it just started popping up all these things that were you know just wickedness that was in his past and that he was trying to bring back again and trying to you know plant seeds into people's minds and it's interesting because those same people are just like oh you know we need to do this we need to do that we don't want to do this and people that are super strict on their standards and listen I'm all about having standards okay but people that are over the top with their standards or basically put their standards on other people I'm talking about standards that aren't listed in the bible okay what you watch you know what kind of car you drive you know like you know what kind of house you buy you know things that like aren't explicitly taught in the bible this is what you got to do or or whatever and people that are over the top with their standards or try to push their standards on someone else that aren't basically an abomination in the bible or uh you know or explicitly taught in the bible obviously these people usually have huge skeletons in their closet and so this is a big red flag you know when someone's extra spiritual you say well what's that what's an extra spiritual person someone that's constantly telling you that they are doing all these great things for god okay someone that just constantly has to tell you about everything they do okay meaning what you know like I read this much bible this week I did this I did that I did you know like and it's just like you're just telling me everything that you did spiritually speaking it's like why don't you just keep that to yourself you know and you know the thing is is that obviously if you're going to go be a pastor and I'm going to send you out then I need to know some details about what you do okay because I need to know like hey you have a routine you're doing this or that but listen if you're just volunteering this information out there to everybody for no reason no one asked you no one asked you what your reading schedule was no one asked you about all these different things that you do and you know that type of uh you know attitude is this holier than thou attitude because what they're trying to do is trying to make themselves look better than you they're trying to make themselves look better than you and say hey look at me I'm better than you you know I'm holier than you and what are these people doing they're eating swine's flesh and and obviously you know in new testament we can eat swine's flesh praise the lord but obviously in the old testament here that was an abomination they weren't supposed to be doing that they weren't supposed to be doing all these different uh you know uh customary things or these cardinal ordinances that were imposed on them but notice in luke chapter 18 a very famous story dealing with uh the Pharisee and the publican and notice in verse 9 here it says and he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others and the idea is that they think they're righteous they think that they're like so godly and just righteous right in verse 10 there two men went up into the temple to pray the one a Pharisee the other a publican the Pharisee stood and prayed thus within himself notice that didn't say that he prayed to god he's just praying within himself it says god i thank thee that i am not as other men are that's not how you should start a prayer okay just saying that this is not how you start a prayer and be like thank god that i'm me and i'm not like anybody else in this world you know i am you know this this gift to the world you know and you know just i just want to thank you for for you know allowing me to be me you know like that is not how you start a prayer off right now keep reading there it says um i thank you that i am not as other men are extortioners unjust adulterers or even as this publican now he's looking over at this person basically judging this publican as if he's like some wicked sinner or something like that and just because someone's a publican you know basically a tax collector or whatever listen i don't i'm not saying i would be great friends with someone that works for the irs okay but that being said is that i can't just look at anybody that works for the irs and be like this person's like some wicked sinner okay i mean think of zachias and think of like other men like matthew you know and the idea is that you can't just judge that based off okay this versus the publican i'm so much better than them notice what he says here verse 12 i fast twice in the week i give tithes of all that i possess notice that he's just basically trying to justify himself and they say man i'm just so glad i'm not like these other men are because i do all this stuff now he's saying this within himself so i'll give him a little credit that he's not just saying this out to everybody else but here's the thing you know the pharisees that's what jesus was rebuking them about about their they they make broad their phylacteries they they make uh for pretense long prayer and what's the idea of this this what's pretense mean like for a show like this showy prayer where it's just like you know we come before you holy father in the name of our lord jesus christ we thank you lord and we give thee thanks lord and just like going on and on and on about uh you know and we we pray this in the name of lord jesus christ and the communion of the holy ghost and our holy blessed father and just like going on and on and on to where it's just like i can i eat my hot dog now you know like and it's like for a meal or something like that it's not like we're like getting ready to do like the lord's supper or something like that and that okay you know if they're doing the lord's supper you might get a little more like attention to detail about what you're praying about right but it's just like so i just asked you to pray for the food before we're going to eat okay uh don't go overboard and it's just this over spiritual uh type of talk the publican on the other end of verse 13 it says and the publican standing far off would not lift up so much as his eyes into heaven but smote upon his breast saying god be merciful to me a sinner i tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for every man or everyone that exalted themselves shall be abased and he that humbled himself shall be exalted and the idea of people that are holier than thou first of all it gives a big red flag that i think of an infiltrator you come in here stop talking all spiritual and just over the top i'm automatically thinking that you're not even saved you want my real opinion about the matter because that's automatically what i'm thinking i either think you're you're like some like phony that's trying to put on a facade or you're a babe in christ that needs to learn just to like use his words sparingly okay the idea of you know let your words be few okay you'll be counted wise if you just stop talking and the thing is is that uh you know when it comes to this go to go to matthew chapter 15 matthew chapter 15 what it comes down to is that with their mouth and what they say it sounds honoring it sounds like yeah that sounds great and but here's the thing even if everything that these even if everything these people are saying is true like let's say they do everything that they say that still rubs me the wrong way why are you bragging about all the stuff that you do why don't you just do it and let the lord bless you okay now obviously as your preacher sometimes i'll tell you some of my routines because i want to kind of give you an idea like hey here's how i do it maybe you can try to do it this way but listen i don't go through everything i do i don't tell you all the stuff i study i don't tell you how much time i spend either studying for a sermon or doing this or that or you know studying this language or reading this passage or doing this or that i don't tell you all that information right first of all i don't keep a log of it so i wouldn't even know what to tell you but all that to say is that you know that would be really weird if i just like every single sunday let me let me give you a breakdown of everything that i did okay just so you know how spiritual i am and you know that's the the idea is that why are you bragging about that okay in the end the the fruit is the the proof is going to be in the pudding meaning that you'll know just based off my sermons you'll know based off how i talk whether i'm actually in the bible if i'm studying it if i'm doing what i should be doing you know if you're getting new material as far as like new nuggets of truth or the preaching is better or whatever the case may be you know that should be manifest based off my work ethic and how i'm doing right and not me just telling you that you know i'd rather just you see it and not have to tell you about it you know the bible talks about let another man's lips praise thee and not their not thy own and you know even when it comes to the fact that let's say you're doing a really good job it's embarrassing when people try to build themselves up i'm embarrassed for people when they do that to themselves right when people are the one uppers you know it's just like they're just constantly building themselves up and and when when you go to an interview and anybody's gone to an interview you know the hardest thing to do is tell them why they should hire you i'm just like because i'm the greatest i am the best and and you're making a mistake if you don't hire me you know obviously they want to have confidence but it's so awkward you know because you're like listen i think i'm a great worker i think i can do this you know i have confidence that i can do this work but for me to just be like listen i am the best i'm going to be the best employee that you've ever had you know i am i was the best where i was at and i'm just the greatest you know and it's just weird because what you'd rather have is references where people are referencing you and saying listen that guy's a hard worker and you want him on your team you know and that's that's listen as an employer that's i'd rather hear that you know i'd rather hear the references of other people saying hey this person is good than the person building themselves up but imagine 15 verse 7 it says you hypocrites well did isaias prophesy of you saying this people draw nigh unto me with their mouth and their and honoreth me with their lips but their heart is far from me but in vain do they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men and that's where the pharisees were at right they had all these different doctrines commandments of men and it made it look like they were all extra spiritual right they washed their hands before they eat they did all these different extra things as far as washing pots and plates and cups and none of that was in the bible but it just made them look extra spiritual right and a lot of baptist churches can get that way too where you have all these extra things that are in the church that have nothing to do with actual bible things or related to bible things okay it makes you look extra spiritual and instead of keeping to the brass tacks of hey come to church go soul winning read your bible and do what the bible says to do and you want to add extra stuff that's great but as soon as you start adding stuff and saying hey thus at the lord you got to go do this you need to go to bible college if you want to really be right with god it's like show me chapter and verse on that and and then they'll make it look like you're a lesser christian if you don't go to bible college or if you're not full-time christian service because you know you're not actually you know working full-time for the church or something like that i guess i'm not full-time you know i'm not doing full-time christian service because i'm working a full-time job at the same time and i'm not here to be down on anybody that does work full time but the idea is that you know this type of puffing up and look at me look how spiritual i am you know it's this holier than thou attitude and this idea of like well my kids don't do this or my you know our standards are this it's like okay but it's interesting to me the people that have really really really really strict standards end up being the worst offenders isn't that kind of interesting the people that take it way way too far and i'm all for it you want to have strict standards that's fine but it's interesting the people that have these really over the board strict standards and how they want to impose them on other people and say that you're not right with god unless you do those standards and then find then you find out that they're like like crazy offenders and sins that are just like things that you wouldn't even think about okay i'm not here to name names on anybody but the thing is is that i've seen it happen and you know what the bible is showing us here it's showing you that kind of window in there that these people that are don't come near to me you know i can't fellowship with you because you you do this or you do that not listed in the bible not a first corinthians 5 you know type of thing but you know you do this or you do that you go and eat at this restaurant that has like they play bad music there or you know they have like a bar over on the end somewhere and listen everybody's got standards but if you're going to say i can't come near you because you do that you know that's that's that holier-than-thou attitude and now uh isaiah actually you know what we were talking about there where they draw an eye with me with their mouth that's actually in isaiah 29 but for sake of time i'm not going to go there so um but go back to isaiah 65 verse 6 so yeah the holier now that's where this comes from in chapter uh 65 but don't you see a lot of context with that you know the holier-than-thou type of attitude and uh you know we're accused of that that idea of like oh you're so holier than now it's like we're not over here just judging everybody that doesn't do it exactly like we do it when it comes to it listen if i say that adultery is wicked that's not being holier than thou that's pointing out sin for being sin okay that's pointing out the law does that make sense and that's where they're like you're so holier than thou because you say the homo should be put to death it's like well that's what the law says that's not being holier than thou that's just speaking what the bible says and you know you keep saying that but that's not actually the context the context is is someone that says they're super spiritual but they're breaking god's commandments you know in the in the in their closet they're just doing all these wicked things now uh go to isaiah chapter 65 verse 6 this just makes me these first these two verses here in verse 6 and 7 just uh really show you that god's not mocked you know people are going to reap what they sow verse 6 here it says behold it is written before me i will not keep silence but will recompense even recompense into their bosom your iniquities and the iniquities of your fathers together said the lord which have burned incense upon the mountains and blaspheme me upon the hills therefore will i measure their former work into their bosom so he's basically saying i'm going to take all that iniquity and all the stuff they did against me and i'm gonna i'm gonna pay them back into their bosom well go to deuteronomy chapter 7 deuteronomy chapter 7 because this is something that you need to be thinking about especially when you're dealing with a wicked world this crooked and perverse nation that we live in and you know the wicked people that are out there listen god will recompense them god will repay vengeance is mine said the lord i will repay but notice the language that he uses he's going to put it into their own bosom just like the the great whore of babylon and the idea of the fact that you know feel to her double for her sins and so they basically get a worse punishment than what they even dealt out but in note notice in uh in deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 9 it says know therefore that the lord thy god he is god the faithful god which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations i and repayeth them that hate him to their face to destroy them he will not be slack to him that hated him he will repay him to his face and specifically who is he talking about here those that hate the lord haters of god who are those those that have been given over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient and they're haters of god and he's saying i will repay them to their face he's not going to do it behind their back he's going to do it to their face the bible says in first peter chapter 3 and verse 12 it says for the eyes of the lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers but the face of the lord is against them that do evil man is it a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living god as his people but imagine if you fall into the hands of the living god and you're a hater of god and you're not his child that recompense is coming to their bosom that recompense is going to be delivered to their face and you know you can get and the thing is it's easy to get angry and to get upset over the the things that these people do and i'm not saying to not have righteous indignation but in the end you have to have solace in the fact that god will repay and i was just coming i i was driving down this is maybe a silly example of this but i was driving down down 79 today and i was basically in the passing lane i was passing this car but you know it's kind of like where the car's going like they're not really going slow but they're going slower and you want them to go so when i'm passing i'm not exactly like blasting pie the person right i'm just kind of you know where you kind of just inch by and then you get over because i'm not going to go like 100 miles an hour around somebody right and as soon as i get over to pass this person this person just comes right up on my rear end i mean like the point is like when i went to go turn into the left-hand lane i didn't even see him back there that's how fast they came up on me right and they're just right on my rear end and just like just right there like if i were to just brake check them they would have hit me for sure and so i i you know i'm like i'm not going to speed up i'm just going to go what i was going to go and i'm going to get over slowly and get over and the person just like flips me off and goes down the road just flying down the road and you know you know my flesh wants to go like hunt that person down and break their middle finger off like that's what i want to do but then i'm like thinking like no there's got to be a recompense like people reap what they sow and listen not everybody's going to be that christian that's going to be like not the brawler right plus i i like being your pastor and you know if i was on the news for like chasing someone down breaking their finger you know for you know blasting past me on the highway that's not how i want to go out okay but it crossed my mind no but in all seriousness though the idea is that you got to let that stuff go and just be like you know what they're gonna end up getting you know you almost just want to go up to be like listen man i'm just warning you because someone's actually going to like you know punch you in the face or something like that you know not everybody's gonna be like the person that's gonna just take it on the chin and uh i just think of like stories of mike's dad and how he like chased someone down and like i'll tell you this one story because it's hilarious but uh mike's dad mike maludich's dad i guess they were on a trip somewhere and someone took a two by or not a two liter of like coke that was like full and but the cap was off and they just chucked it out their window and it just smashed onto the the front of like uh john's car you know as he was driving he followed these people all the way where they were going like completely out of the way of where he was going followed them where they were going and just basically got out got in front of his hood and just like and just did like a donkey kong like basically slam on their hood and just dented it completely in now if you know john john was a big guy okay so and uh i'm not saying that was right to do but i love you know john john's in heaven you know he's a safe guy and um but that's what i want to do you know but in the end uh you know there's going to be a john that's going to go after that guy there's going to be someone that's going to go after you know that's going to actually recompense this person um you know or what whatever the case may be but it's easy to get angry and to want to take it out on them and want to recompense it yourself and all that but really you just got to let that stuff go and just be like they're going to get theirs and the idea is that obviously that person i hope that they you know get saved you know i wouldn't want them to go to hell you know because they flipped me off and and all this other stuff um but at the same time you know you just got to let that stuff go and be like the lord will repay the lord will take care of that whatever it is just put it on the lord um go to isaiah chapter 65 verse 8 isaiah chapter 65 verse 8 isaiah 65 verse 8 this is a great verse to know at least know where it's at okay when you're dealing with alcohol because this verse is a great verse to have uh dealing with the subject of alcohol in the bible that's what it says in isaiah 65 verse 8 thus saith the lord as the new wine is found in the cluster and one said destroy it not for a blessing is in it so will i so will i do for my servant's sakes that i may not destroy them all so he's given an analogy right because he's basically saying you know i'm not going to destroy all of my servants i'm not going to destroy everybody um but there's going to be a remnant and we'll get to that but at the same time it says as the new wine is found in the cluster the cluster of grapes right so what this shows you is that wine in the bible obviously sometimes is dealing with grape juice maybe you're talking about the wine that's found in the cluster okay you're talking about the grape it's not even crushed yet it's not even made in the juice it's just saying that there's wine inside of the grape okay and notice go to proverbs chapter 23 because i believe that that drinking is wrong okay being a drunkard is obviously a sin that could get you kicked out of church but in general okay i don't believe you should drink alcohol at all okay casually or any way okay and you know some people be like wow you know you're there's some like you know nyquil has it it's like you're not getting inebriated off of nyquil okay and the idea is that that's so such a small thing that you're not going to be dealing with any type of like uh effects of alcohol okay so uh we're not talking about that don't get holier now on me you know like all right you know well they cook this with like some it's like when they cook with alcohol it's all burned up there's no alcohol in it you know what i mean and uh you know some people to drink kabocha and it's got like this very small amount of alcohol or something like that what i'm talking about is like beer wine you know like alcohol that people are drinking and getting you know uh i guess what you call a buzz or you're getting like you're getting intoxicated in a certain extent right and drinking in general you need to stay away from it at all i mean like completely meaning don't be near it at all don't be around it at all um you know and not here here's the thing that you got to realize is that when you realize that wine in the bible sometimes it can be talking about non-alcoholic wine then that opens your eyes to all right jesus didn't make a bunch of booze in the marriage at cana and galley okay he didn't just make alcoholic wine you know they were they were all you know just completely uh drunk and then he just made a whole bunch of it says they were well drunk okay and then he made a bunch just so that they can be even more sloshed it's like what no the it's basically stating that they were drinking grape juice and they ran out and you know what he made his was better his was better than than the stuff they had before and uh obviously you know jesus's wine would be better but the wine comes from you know basically from the vine if you think of uh you know that term from the vine or you know like vino you know like that that type of idea is that that's what where we even get that word from but the thing is is that notice in proverbs 23 and verse 31 it says look not thou upon the wine when it is read notice that there's a time when you shouldn't look at it it doesn't say don't look don't look at any wine it says don't look at the wine look not upon the wine when it is read when it moveth or when it giveth his color in the cup when it moveth itself right at the last it biteth like a like a serpent and stingeth like an adder thine eyes shall behold strange women and thy heart shall under perverse things yea thou shall be as he that lied down in the midst of the sea or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast they have stricken me shalt thou say and i was not sick they had beaten me and i felt it not when shall i awake i will seek it yet again and you're like well you're talking about you're talking about someone being drunk it says that you shouldn't even look at it when it's read what are you talking about it's talking about when it's fermented move it itself right talking about carbonation when that happens in the fermentation process and so you know beer uh and you know just different types of alcohol some of them have that type of carbonation that happens some of them you know obviously they take that out or it depends on how they ferment it right but the idea is that don't look at the wine when it's fermented is exactly what it's stating there so if the wine's in the cluster listen we can look at grapes we could drink grape juice we could look at that but the difference is when it's alcoholic that's when we're not supposed to you know why does a marker and strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise stay away from that junk and you say well you know i still think it's just the fact that you shouldn't be drunk well listen if you don't look at it you won't get drunk if you don't drink one sip of it you won't get drunk why are you trying to tow this line and the people that are trying to justify it somehow just giving some excuse that they can be inebriated and the bible says over and over and over again to be sober to be sober to be sober to be of a sound mind he has not given the spirit of fear but of love and of power and of a sound mind and if you're drinking alcohol you're not of a sound mind i don't care if you're if you're not even drunk you're not of a full sound mind when you're drinking alcohol and so stay away from that junk it's poison is what it is and go to uh isaiah 65 and verse 9 isaiah 65 verse 9 i could probably i could do a whole sermon i need to do another sermon on alcohol and just rip that apart again because the bible does not teach drinking alcoholic wine is is a good thing at all so you're in uh you're in uh isaiah 65 verse 9 it says in verse 9 it says and i will bring forth a seed out of jacob and out of the out of judah an inheritor of my mountains and mine elect shall inherit it and my servants shall dwell there and share and shall be a fold of flocks in the valley of acor a place for the herds to lie down in for my people that have sought me so what is this talking about well i believe this is talking about the lord jesus christ himself dealing with the fact that i will bring forth a seed out of jacob no singular seed out of jacob then it says mine elect shall inherit it because it says out of judah an inheritor notice that the singular inheritor of my mountains and mine elect shall inherit it then it says my servant shall dwell there so what are you talking about this seed or this inheritor we'll go to galatians chapter 3 galatians chapter 3 and verse 16 and some of you are just like man we go to galatians 3 all the time yes we do but if you're ever out and you need to show someone this you're if you don't remember this i'm gonna be very upset with you they're like how many times have i gone to this okay no um but notice that that singular seed again and this singular inheritor it says now that abraham and his seed were the promises made he saith not into seeds as of many but as a one into thy seed which is christ so who's the seed christ who's the inheritor christ but you say well how is this servant zero like it talks like as if there's more than one person obviously inheriting this stuff yeah because notice in verse 29 galatians 3 and verse 29 and if you be christ's then are you abraham seed and heirs according to the promise that's how it works jesus is the seed he is the inheritor he is the redeemer he is the one that all the promises are made to but if you're in christ you get your guess what your joint heirs with christ you are heirs with him you're not just servants you're sons of god you're the adopted sons and daughters of god and you are in inheritance with him in all the blessings that are given to jesus anna anna quiet so i definitely see you know jesus being mentioned here and mine elect and you know people that try to try to say that the elect or the jews this is what they'll bring up is something like this you're like see you know israel's the elect it just got done saying that he's not going to destroy them all but there's going to be a seed that he's going to basically bless so there's obviously a difference between all of them and this certain group of people so he's obviously not talking about them all he just got done saying i'm not going to destroy them all because why because i i have an inheritor i have a seed that i'm going to bless and why because there's a remnant according to the election of grace because there's gonna you know at though israel be as the the stars of heaven in the sand upon the seashore a remnant shall be saved and the remnant are those that believe on christ now go to isaiah chapter 65 and verse 11 here isaiah chapter 65 and verse 11 and this is a passage you know we we got done with calvinism but the idea is that god's calling people but they don't answer and the idea is like wow you know uh you know if god calls he they will answer it's like well what's this passage talking about well it was that just kidding call it was that general call that non-effectual call that's not in the bible but in verse 11 here it says but ye are they that forsake the lord that forget my holy mountain that prepare a table for that troop and that furnish the drink offering unto that number so notice that there's a difference of people he's talking to he's saying i'm not going to destroy them all right it's just like the the blessing that's in the the new wine that's in the cluster you know he's basically saying i'm not going to destroy it all but he's stating that there's this seed there's this inheritor and his servants are going to serve him and you know talking about jesus you know who shall declare a generation there shall be a seed that shall be accounted to him for a generation the bible says and those are the saved now when it goes on it's basically saying but ye are they that forsake the lord that forget my holy mountain that prepare a table for that troop and that furnish the drink offering unto that number therefore well i number you to the sword and you shall all bow down to the slaughter because when i called you did not answer when i spake you did not hear but did evil before mine eyes and did choose that where wherein i delighted not therefore that's that the lord god behold my servant shall eat but ye shall be hungry behold my servant shall drink but ye shall be thirsty behold my servant shall rejoice but ye shall be ashamed behold my servant shall sing for joy of heart but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart and shall howl for vexation of spirit and you shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen for the lord god shall slay thee and call his servants by another name that he who blesseth himself in the in the earth shall bless himself in the god of truth and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the god of truth because the former troubles are forgotten and because they are hid from mine eyes and he's basically giving this dichotomy that they're going to be blessed and you're going to be cursed and you can kind of think about how jesus said hey you know many shall come from the east and the west and shall come and sit with abraham isaac and jacob but ye yourself but the children of the king are going to be thrust out that's what i believe he's talking about here it's like you you hate you you're you're you hate me you know you're you forsake me you're against me when i called you didn't answer and you know what you know what that means is that i'm going to bless them you're going to be cursed how's the chapter even start off with that i was sought of them that that looked not for me right and uh i'm gonna misquote that but it says i was i am sought of them that asked not for me i am found of them that sought me not i said behold me behold me unto a nation that was not called by my name and he just and then he goes on to say that i've stretched out my hands all the day long until a rebellious nation and or rebellious people and so he's basically stating to them that hey i'm going to have a seed because in christ there's not a jew nor gentile there's not a bond nor free there's neither barbarian sithian you know they're all one in christ and they're all his seed that are going to inherit their promises but they're going to be thrust out they're going to be accursed that you know all these nations that basically didn't even weren't even looking for the lord those people are going to get saved they will hear it and they're going to be thrust out and go to proverbs chapter one because this idea is that god was calling them but they wouldn't answer you know he was speaking to them but they wouldn't hear it and it's not saying that they they didn't hear what he said see when it says that they heard it not a lot of times that means that they don't want to hear it okay because a lot of times my kids will hear me say stuff to them like anna and clara back there that need to sit up and look up forward when i talk to them they hear me talking but sometimes they don't hear me okay you know what i mean by that meaning that they're not uh they're not under maybe sometimes they're not understanding but a lot of times they don't want to hear it they choose not to hear it it's a choice whether they want to hear it or not and you know what they're choosing not to hear the lord they're choosing not to answer the lord when he calls unto them and he's saying all right then you're going to be cursed and they're going to be blessed because they actually are they didn't even i wasn't even seeking them and they you know it's basically saying you know uh you know i'm giving you all these blessings these covenants these promises and i'm basically talking to you all the time and then these other people are coming after me and looking for me and and believing on me that didn't have all that i didn't have all the blessings because even in romans it talks about you know what advantages the jew or what advantages circumcision right and it's basically saying much every way because they have the oracles of god right meaning that you are blessed because you have the oracles of god and that'd be the same thing to say about those that are in america that they are blessed because they have the truth in every corner of america they have the word of god at their fingertips and they have the true gospel being preached to them and you know what they're without excuse but yet isn't it interesting that you go to the philippines and more people get saved you go down the beliefs and more people get saved i'm praying lord willing and you know you go to other places that aren't america and they end up getting saved you know and they don't have the blessing of having you know churches in every single state that actually believe right on the gospel and in most cities there's there's there's churches that believe right on the gospel and so god is basically stating that to israel that you know i've been calling to you i've been talking to you and you just wouldn't hear it and proverbs chapter 1 verse 24 says this is that because i have called and you refused i have stretched out my hand and no man regarded but you have said it not all my counsel and would none of my reproof i also will laugh at your calamity i will mock when your fear cometh when your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction cometh as whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon you then shall they call upon me but i will not answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me that's the answer of god to these people that that god has been seeking you've been trying to you know get them saved he's been trying to call out to them there comes a point where he's done with them and then they'll try to call out for him but he's like i'm not answering you and he's actually talking about he's going to mock them and he's going to laugh at them this isn't every single person by the way i don't believe god's laughing and mocking every single person that's being you know cast into hell but there are people that he is okay and there will be people that that will be i'm sure tearful over when when we see the great white throne judgment and people being cast into hell but there's going to be some people we're going to be rejoicing you know like if someone dies and they're not unsaved we don't rejoice over that you know we're sad we're sad about it we wish they would have gotten saved but if someone that dies is like a pedophile we're rejoicing over that we're like praise god you know that you know however that happened great that that's the type of attitude you have because you're a normal person that hates when people hurt children but the idea there is see the difference and by the way the person that became a pedophile was someone that god was seeking someone he was calling out for and they refused they would none of us reprove and you know what when those people die i i i believe god's laughing at them and mocking them because those same people mock us those same people laugh at us laugh at the bible laugh at jesus mock jesus they're blasphemous toward him guess what it's coming back he's going to repay them to their face he's going to put it into their bosom and you know the bible is you notice what it says at the end here it says in verse 33 of proverbs 1 it says but who so harkeneth unto me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from fear of evil see the contrast and that's the contrast that isaiah's given us here so you know take heart christian that yeah we live in a wicked world with wicked people in it you know some just unsafe people but then some really wicked reprobate people that are in in our our midst right and the idea is that know this that god's going to repay them to their face know this that that you know what we're going to be blessed in the end we're going to be eating drinking and you know uh you know having no more sorrow no more pain they're going to have the opposite for all eternity and you know just just have solace in that obviously in the lord and i was going to go to second thessalonians chapter 2 dealing with the fact that well just go to second thessalonians chapter 2 real quick actually never mind go in your your time there but it talks about the fact that um because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved talking about uh when jesus comes back um you know they wouldn't receive the truth and it says for this god god gave god shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but had pleasure and unrighteousness and so those that rejected rejected rejected when jesus comes back it's not like they're all just going to get saved when jesus comes back in the clouds they're actually going to have a strong illusion and they're going to believe a lie and they're going to be damned okay um isaiah 65 and verse 17 we're dealing with the new heavens and the new earth so we see this in revelation but honestly this subject is just not talked a lot about in the bible i mean obviously you have revelation 21 and 22 so there's definitely a good bit of information there but show me other places in the bible i mean there's some like here and there where you can kind of see this stuff but here it clearly just states that god's going to create a new heavens and a new earth okay that's what it says in verse 17 for behold i create new heavens and a new earth and the former shall not be remembered nor come into mine but be glad and rejoice forever in that which i create for behold i create jerusalem a rejoicing and her people of joy and i will rejoice in jerusalem and joy in my people in the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her nor the voice of crying now go to revelation chapter 21 but the first thing i want you to kind of notice there in isaiah 65 verse 17 is that the new heaven new earth says the former shall not be remembered nor come into mind and you know we're out soul winning um who was i with this past week levi yeah we're talking to this this lady and she was just kind of like basically saying you know i believe we're in hell right now but she was kind of being she wasn't taking that too far right she's just kind of like it's just bad you know like everything's falling apart i'm like yeah but it's not a burning fire is it and she's like no but it's still bad right so she wasn't actually saying it was hell but she was like it's like hell right and um and the thing is is though she's just like you know there's all this stuff happens i said but what you have to understand is that in the end we're not even going to remember it you know like it's going to be like so far removed from us i mean i said i said i'm 36 she's like oh i'm 60 something or something like that i'm like like but in the end though okay what is 60 some what is 30 some compared to eternity i said are we gonna even remember all the things that we went through and all that and the bio actually says we're not gonna remember that it's not even gonna come into our mind it's gonna be so far removed from us and i don't think it's gonna mean like we don't remember at all what happened i think it's gonna mean like it's like one of those things where it's over and done and you don't even like remember how bad it was right you don't remember the the heartaches like you just don't remember because it's just so far removed from you it's so far far long ago but the bible says in romans 8 and verse 18 for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us so it's basically saying it's not even comparable you can't compare that then it says in second corinthian chapter 4 and verse 17 for our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding an eternal weight of glory so you know our life is is a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away and when you get that kind of view of like yeah it may be hard now let's say let's say your life you live till 70 or 80 and it's just hardship after hardship after hardship after hardship it's like yeah but for all eternity it's going to be just paradise and those hardships you went through are going to have rewards in heaven you're going to be going through you know like all these different things that that that can be said there and so you got to look at the the end game okay and go to revelation chapter 21 because you see the new heaven new earth mentioned it says i create new heavens and a new earth in verse one of revelation 21 it says and i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea now the one thing i want to mention here is that this destroys the gap theory garbage because they say that there was like this pre-atomite civilization and this this other earth and this other like basically that was all destroyed and then it was renewed you know and you know whatever it says first earth and first or first having first earth or are passed away so it doesn't say the second one like well we're on the third now no there's only there was only one heaven and earth that was created in genesis one one and you know what the new heaven new earth that's that's the second one okay now uh keep reading there says and i i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down from from god out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and i heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and god himself shall be with them and be their god and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither shall neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away and he that sat upon the throne said behold i make all things new and he said unto me right for these words are true and faithful so we see here that you know some of the stuff that was brought up there the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her nor the voice of crying and we see that same thing like neither sorrow nor crying you know basically are going to be there anymore you know god's going to wipe away all tears now the reason i bring this passage up uh in verse four there when talking about the new heaven new earth notice that it says there shall be no more death and i go into the mother baby room now and no more death because isaiah 65 is tricky okay because you start off in verse 17 clearly new heaven new earth right no doubt new have a new earth then you start reading down and then you start getting into the thousand year reign and you're like where's this cut off okay well in verse 19 you see the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her nor the voice of crying and that fits perfectly with new heaven new earth right then it goes into verse uh 20 it says there shall be no more sense an infant of days nor an old man that hath not fulfilled or hath not filled his days for the child shall die in 100 years old well now you got people dying so verse nine or verse 20 cannot be the new heaven new earth because there's no more death right death and hell were cast in the lake of fire this is the second death you know death has been destroyed the last enemy to be destroyed is death right so that can't be talking about new heaven new earth by the way the last verse is talking about the wolf lying down with the lamb you know or feeding with the lamb and that is clearly talking about the thousand year reign uh stuff so that's why it's important to understand that there's a lot of things in the new and the the thousand year reign that kind of look very similar to the new heaven new earth because the thousand year reign is kind of moving towards that and if you think about um pre-flood conditions and i'm not saying that's exactly what it is but basically the earth was a lot more fruitful and just different things that were going on before the flood people live longer that's what we're going to see here that's exactly what it's talking about um it's people living longer and the idea here is that but people are still dying and a thousand year reign people are still living dying death is not destroyed yet we haven't got to the great white throne we're not at the new heaven new earth yet but you can definitely see a lot of overlaps okay now look at verse 20 because this is an interesting verse okay i'm just going to give you my take on it because it's definitely an interesting uh passage here of what it's talking about it says in verse 20 it says there shall be no more fence an infant of days nor an old man that hath not filled his days for the child shall die and hundred years old but the sinner being 100 years old shall be accursed so what is this talking about well what i believe is saying here let's just go down the the start at the beginning here it says there shall be no more than an infant of days nor an old man that has filled his days for a child shall die in 100 years old so the idea what i believe is stating here is that there's going to be no more children dying meaning this is that a child's not going to there's not going to be like an infant dying or a child dying right if a child's born they're going to live to 100 years old okay later on it talks about how uh you know let's keep reading there just to see some more context is they shall build houses in verse 21 and inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them they shall not build another inhabit they shall not plant and another eat for as the days of a tree are the days of my people and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands and the idea is that they're living longer and if you know before the flood people are living hundreds of years old okay and what i believe is stating is that basically everybody's going to at least live to 100 years old is what it's basically stating you're not going to have i don't believe you're going to have miscarriages i don't believe you're going to have and this is just my personal belief on this okay this is what i think is going on here is that you're not going to have them saying that what it means by an infant of days is meaning that you're not going to basically say that person only lived to an infant's age like the days of an infant right they only lived to that portion or that an old man uh didn't make it to 100 okay meaning that you know they're going to make it to 100 okay like everyone's making it to that age so people are living a long time and it says as the days of a tree i mean trees live a long time i think there's a tree that they said has been around for like four thousand years or something like that now obviously people aren't going to live that long because you know it's only a thousand years okay so um but i do believe that you're going to be going back to kind of pre-flood conditions where you have people living a lot longer okay so hundreds of years old and basically you aren't going to have people dying when they're a baby okay that's what i believe is going on but people are still dying okay the child's still going to die and when it's basically saying this child like if you were having a child this child shall die in 100 years old meaning like that is the the minimum that when you have a child minimum they're going to live 100 years does that make sense that's what i believe it's stating then the next phrase here or next statement here says but the sinner being 100 years old shall be accursed meaning that yeah in the bible it talks about people that live long you know like usually living long means that like you are you you honor your father and mother you may have long days upon the earth right and it's kind of like a mark of like hey you must be doing something right um but the idea is that he's saying yeah someone's gonna the sinner's gonna live 100 years but they're gonna be accursed okay meaning that even the sinner's living to 100 years now ecclesiastes talks about like kind of like that exception that proves the rule you know i've seen a servant that's been like uh riding on the horse and the master you know like it kind of goes through these these kind of exceptions to the point where it's saying you know i've seen someone that's that's wicked living a long life and someone that's righteous dying in the righteousness so he's seen that the idea of like a just person dying a young age and then you see like a wicked person living a long life okay and you do see that but here's the thing by and large though wicked people don't live long lives okay because they live wicked lives and and the way of transgressors is hard okay meaning people that are into drugs and into uh all kinds of you know different uh whoremongering and vornication um they tend to live a shorter span life because there's diseases there's you know like all kinds of things that can happen in that where you kill yourself with the drugs or whatever the case may be um you know people don't end up living along by and large right the whole thing but i believe basically it's stating here that even the sinner even the person that's not a righteous person is going to live to 100 years old but that doesn't mean that they're blessed okay it doesn't mean that they're like being blessed it means that they're accursed at 100 years old and you know but i basically i believe there's like this minimum lifespan of 100 years so that tells you something okay that you got people living a long time and uh then it goes on to basically state that this is the the way things are going to be you're gonna you're gonna build houses you're gonna inhabit them you're gonna plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them so this idea of you know basically things are prosperous you're living under your own vine your own fig tree and if you remember there's going to be no more war um you know it says at the very end of the chapter there in verse 25 it says they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain uh set the lord and if you remember when you go back to isaiah you know uh four i believe is it isaiah four i know it's mica five uh it's like the parallel passage but talks about the thousand year reign um nope it's isaiah three isn't isaiah three or is isaiah five i'm getting all mixed up here maybe it's isaiah two yeah it's isaiah two so isaiah two is talking about the thousand year reign and talking about the fact that there's got to be no more war this is where you have the they're they're beating their plowshares and or their swords into plowshares all that stuff um and then you have in verse 25 which is a telltale sign of the thousand year reign the wolf and the lamb shall feed together and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock and and dust shall be the serpent's meat they shall not hurt nor destroy and all my holy mountain set the lord and this is where like the child's taking the putting her hand putting their hand into the cockatrist and you know and all this stuff basically like the animals aren't going to hurt you and so there's obviously difference going on and so yeah it's isaiah 65 is tricky at the end there because you have new heaven new earth then it goes to a thousand year reign and you know usually it's like a thousand year reign than new heaven new earth that's how it's in the bible i mean in revelation uh 21 or 20 and 21 but that's why in the old testament you got to use the new testament as a flashlight you know from the new testament that the the thousand year reign comes first and it makes sense that you know if the new have new earths don't have death then that passage can't be talking about new heaven new earth because there's death being mentioned people are dying even if they're dying at an old age right they're still dying and so um isaiah 65 we got one more chapter and so uh be here lord willing next week we'll uh we'll get through that chapter and let's end with a word of prayer to him father we thank you today thank you for your word and just pray to be with us as we go back to work this week and thank you for the book of isaiah and just pray to help us to learn from it to use it for your glory we love you and pray also in jesus christ name amen brother nick will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right turn to song number 212 song number 212 we would all stand we'll sing oh happy day oh summer 212 oh happy day that fakes my choice on thee my savior and my god well may this glowing heart rejoice and tell its raptures all abroad happy day