(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You're there in Isaiah chapter 62 and we are continuing our study through the book of Isaiah and this is one of my favorite verses at the very beginning here in verse one there it says for Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. And the idea here is I want to first of all explain that what are we talking about when we're talking about Zion well or even Jerusalem. Now Jerusalem and Zion are synonymous okay so when you see Mount Zion you're talking about Jerusalem okay and I can prove that to you as far as the city of David and Mount Zion and that being Jerusalem and really going into that but for sake of time I don't want to get into that but here's the point that I want to make is that there's a physical Zion there's a physical Jerusalem but then there's a heavenly Jerusalem okay so when we're talking about this there's obviously a dual type of meaning here where in the Old Testament when Isaiah is preaching there's an actual Zion there's an actual Jerusalem that that it's talking about here and you're talking about people in Jerusalem you know basically showing the way of salvation showing the way of righteousness and that is that was true okay but how does this apply to us and you know ultimately how did it apply even back then spiritually speaking go to Galatians chapter 4 Galatians chapter 4 and verse 24 Galatians chapter 4 and verse 24 because it's saying at the very beginning here for Zion's sake will I not hold by peace and for Jerusalem's sake so that's the whole point right it's for Zion's sake and for Jerusalem's sake that's why they're not holding their peace that's why they're not resting to show for salvation and righteousness so it's for that sake well okay are we talking about Jerusalem today you know I mean does this verse apply today that we'd be saying it for Jerusalem today when when it's a bunch of filled with a bunch of Christ rejecters and Jerusalem split up into like four different you know sects of like religion when you're dealing with I believe it's like Judaism Islam Catholicism and Armenianism I think I could be wrong about that fourth one but it's like four different parts of four different religions and they're all wrong okay so when it comes to me like doing it for Jerusalem's sake here here that's uh you know over in the Middle East right now that wouldn't make that much sense okay now I'm not saying there's no one over there that's saved but I'll say this it's probably pretty few and far between when it comes to those that are saved over there um in the mainstream or even in the the any type of stream over there it's it's not happening okay but look at Galatians chapter 4 and verse 24 because how does this hit home and even back then this would be true okay in verse uh 24 there says which things are an allegory for these are the two covenants the one from the mount Sinai which generate the bondage which is agar for this agar is mount Sinai in Arabia in answer to Jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with their children so the context here is he's saying that there's two women there's Sarah and then there's Hagar and and Hagar represents Jerusalem which now is okay meaning that the physical Jerusalem even in Paul's day okay which there were a bunch of saved people in Paul's day wasn't there I mean they had a church that was at Jerusalem they had the churches in Judea so they had plenty of saved people there that you could say well you know there's a physical Jerusalem but as a whole he's saying Jerusalem which is now is in bondage with her children so he's talking about the physical people that are there and by and large Jerusalem is just filled with a bunch of people that are of the flesh they're not children of God notice what it says right after that in verse 26 but Jerusalem which is above is free which is the mother of us all so do you see that there's two covenants and there's two Jerusalem's you see that very clearly that there's a Jerusalem which is now right you know it basically is talking about this old covenant this mount Sinai answers to Jerusalem which is which now is which now now is and is in bondage with their children but Jerusalem which is above is free which is the mother of us all okay and it makes sense that it's saying mother of us all because he's like the allegory is Hagar is Jerusalem which now is and the Jerusalem which is above is talking about Sarah okay and a lot of times Jerusalem is referred to as a she as it is right so I mean cities by and large you'll see cities referred to in the feminine just like ships are for some reason you know and and stuff like that but you know that being said is that it's referred to as the mother of us all it says in verse 27 for it is written rejoice thou barren that bearers not break forth and cry thou that travailest not for the desolate have many more children than she which hath and husband now we brethren as Isaac was are the children of promise now go to Hebrews chapter 12 because I want to show you a place where it's very clear that mount Zion or Jerusalem we're talking about the heavenly Jerusalem and so here we can definitely see that Jerusalem which is above okay not that which is here right now but there's a lot here that's in Galatians that I'll be hitting later on but the one thing that you prior if you think of this passage you're probably thinking of Hefzibah right Beulah and we have that song Beulah land right and and Hefzibah you know is it's just uh you know there's there's like a million Hefzibah Baptist churches for some reason it was not a million there's two right that I know of around here um but uh but that term you know people hear that term and you know that but the idea is that it's talking about being forsaken and desolate isn't it and what is it talking about when it's talking about the fact that for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath and husband and this goes all the way back to Isaiah 54 coming out of Isaiah 53 where it says who shall declare his generation right talking about Jesus but his seed shall be as the stars of this of the sky and as the sand of the sea and dealing with the fact that you know she which hath no husband shall have many more children and so going on to uh uh Hebrew chapter 12 verse 22 I don't want to get too far into that because there's so much in this chapter that links back to Galatians 4 dealing with the land being married and all this stuff but uh Hebrews 12 verse 22 again if you look at Hebrew chapter 12 what do you see you see a dichotomy of the Old Testament and New Testament it just got done talking about Moses and how you know that anybody that touched the mountain talking about Mount Sinai they'd be thrust through with a dart and basically they were afraid to even hear that voice but he's basically saying but you know we have something more glorious than that right you had Moses and this voice coming out of the sky speaking you know God speaking to them in the Old Testament but it says in verse 22 but ye are come unto mount Zion and unto the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels to the general assembly and church of the firstborn which are written in heaven and through the judge and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel so we're talking about the new covenant or the new testament and we're dealing with the fact that we we're looking we're coming on to Zion itself right they were they had Zion physically and Jerusalem physically and they had this mountain physically they're coming to and hearing the law now we come boldly into the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time and need we we are coming straight through I mean Jesus went through the veil you know the forerunner is is entered before us right and he is the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek we have a new priesthood new covenant all that's different and now it's not about Jerusalem which now is which is in bondage with their children it's about Jerusalem which is above which is the mother of us all so when you look at this passage in Isaiah 62 when it says for Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest until righteousness thereof go forth as brightness and the salvation thereof as the lamp that burneth now think about this that we're talking about heavenly Jerusalem where this general the general assembly of the church of the first born are at and what are we doing it for we're doing it for that sake why because we're wanting to fill his house we're wanting to fill heavenly Jerusalem with the saved we're wanting to get people saved and we're not going to rest we're not going to hold our peace until it's accomplished now go to uh Isaiah chapter 62 and verse 6 because I'm going to kind of skip down and I'm going to go back to the verses before this but this really links well with verse 1 notice what it says in verse 6 it says I have set watchmen upon thy walls of Jerusalem which shall never hold their peace day nor night yet are ye that make mention of the lord keep not silence and give him no rest till he establish and until he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth and this is what God is saying to us he says I put watchmen upon those walls and he's saying don't hold your peace it says they shall never it says we shall never hold their peace and it says ye that make a mention of the lord it or he that make make a mention of the lord keep not silence I love this passage but he's basically saying you just keep going don't stop speaking the word don't stop preaching the gospel don't rest don't don't hold your peace about it just keep doing it until salvation and righteousness goes forth until the praise of God goes forth why why are we doing it for heavenly Jerusalem for Zion for Mount Zion because why because we have the mediator which is Jesus Christ that's head over that city and that is ultimately the bride of Christ that's going to come down and all the saves are going to dwell in that city and that's why we're doing it why are we doing it so that more people get saved so that Jesus gets the glory for what he did when he died on the cross because he the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better than that of Abel because the blood of Jesus Christ that's why we do it and you know what everybody wants to shut us down they want to they want to cut us off they want us to just stop they're just like why don't you just rest a minute why don't you just stop we're not going to stop you know what it hasn't stopped since the foundation of the world there has been individuals that will stop but you know what the gospel is being preached from the foundation of the world from Abel all the way down the line that it's always going to be that way because the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith as is written the just shall live by faith and you know what there's always going to be a remnant that says I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God and the salvation to everyone that believe it to the Jew first and also to the green and you know what the world wants us to shut up and you know what these bunch of faggots and queers in this pride month wants us to shut up about it but you know what we're going to keep going because our God is saying listen don't hold your peace don't rest you know when we'll rest when salvation has been brought forth to the whole world when righteousness has gone forth throughout the whole world and isn't it interesting how the end of the world it says that the gospel will be preached to the whole world and then when when Jesus comes in the clouds which actually the end of this chapter kind of hits on you know Jesus coming back or the Lord coming back that that's when we'll rest let us therefore labor to enter into that rest lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief the Bible says you know our Sabbath that we're waiting for our rest that we're waiting for but right now it's not a time to rest okay I'm not saying don't go to sleep tonight but what I'm saying is that now is not the time to rest when it comes to the things of God if anything we need to get we need to get more on fire for the things of God we need to keep going and you know what this passage fires me up because I think of my God saying listen those notice what it says in verse uh verse six there says I have set watchmen upon thy walls of Jerusalem which shall never hold their peace day nor night do you know that not everybody's a watchman though there's a lot of saved people that get saved but they're not actually watchmen but it says here right after that it says ye that make mention of the Lord keep not silence and give him no rest till he established until he made Jerusalem a praise in the earth and it says that they ye that make mention of the Lord keep not silence and the idea is that he's talking about those that actually love the Lord you know because there's a lot of people that get saved but they don't necessarily love the Lord we love him because he first loved us and obviously I think when someone gets saved they love the Lord to a certain extent right but the Bible says if you love me keep my commandments that love is the fulfilling of the law so those that love God and wait for his appearing and those that are are basically uh making mention of the Lord all the time you know what he's saying those are my watchmen those are my soldiers those are the ones that are not going to keep silence those are the ones that aren't going to rest and it doesn't matter what kind of trials and tribulations come they'll still do it and I don't know this passage just gets me fired up I just think of my Savior saying just keep watching keep going keep blowing that trumpet lift up thy voice like a trumpet and you know the idea is that you're to show my people their transgression and the house of Israel their sin obviously that's true we need to we need to show that but we also need to to shine the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ and it says that it's going to uh that way the righteous go forth as brightness and salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth think about being a lighthouse okay you think about the ships coming in and just being this lighthouse where they're about you know like there's a big storm coming and you're just up there with the light what if that person just took a break and then the light went out not supposed to rest you know and you got people coming in and out so that people can go to sleep but you know what that light's always going to be burning and that light needs to keep going forth and we need to have that in our mindset the bible talks about this go to um go to psalm 127 but you know in Ezekiel chapter 3 chapter 18 chapter 33 it talks about how he had set Ezekiel a watchman let's read one verse for you in Ezekiel 33 7 it says so thou oh son of man I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth and warn them from me you know I've heard this phrase used before and I forget who said it exactly it could have been Curtis Hudson it could have been Jack Howes I can't remember exactly who was the one that said this but they said you know what uh yeah we go soul winning but ultimately we're going soul warning you know we're warning them because yeah we win people to Christ but ultimately even those people you don't win the Christ you know what you did you warned them and the bible says that if we don't warn those then their blood's on our hands you know if you see you know someone that has you know if you don't warn them about that and there's trouble coming then it says that you know that blood's gonna be on your hands but if you warn them and they still don't heed your call they don't heed the warning then you're innocent of the blood in their head that's why Paul says I am innocent of the blood of all men right because he says I preach the gospel throughout the whole world you know through Asia and everywhere he was at he basically saying and he said that to the Jews many times you know I'm washing my hands with you guys right and then you keep going back and back and back but the idea is that you don't have blood on your hands you want to you know have to say hey listen I'm doing what I can I'm going out I'm preaching the gospel and we need to have that mindset you're in psalm 127 but just a you know psalm right before that just leading into psalm 127 it says in verse six of one psalm 126 I'm sorry verse five look at that it says they that sow in tears shall reap in joy he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him and this is something that the bible promises us that they that sow to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption they that sow to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting and be not weary in well doing for in due season you shall reap if you faint not notice that if you faint not if you don't hold your peace if you don't keep silence if you don't rest you just keep going you keep going listen it will happen you will win someone to Christ and notice what it says in psalm 127 in verse one and I believe the first part of this verse is used a lot but I want you to look at that second part as well it says except the Lord build the house they labor in vain to build it and obviously when you're talking about the house of God Jesus said upon this rock I will build my church so we're talking about the house of God you know which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground the truth obviously we know that Jesus is going to build that we just go out soul winning do what we're supposed to do and get people baptized and you know what God will bring people in that are going to fill the house of God but also notice what it says in the next portion of that verse is they accept the Lord keep the city the watchman waketh but in vain so listen he said us as watchmen but listen you need to you need to put your trust in the Lord when it comes to being a watchman when you come and this reminds me of soul winning when people think I'm gonna go get someone saved without the Bible faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of God you know the the Bible is very clear that you have to be born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you so it's very clear that that God needs to be in that you know you need to be using the Bible when you go out soul winning you know have your verses planned out you know have a plan when you're going out soul winning and have God with you and obviously uh you know being spirit filled but how you gonna be spirit filled you know the Bible says uh be not drunk with wine wherein in his excess but be but be be filled with the spirit and in in Colossians when you parallel it says let the word of Christ dwell in you richly you want to be filled with the spirit why don't you be filled with the word of God which is the sword of the spirit that's how you're going to be spirit filled when you're out soul winning and how about this go to Acts chapter 4 Acts chapter 4 when I think of this passage this is what I think of okay and there's obviously other things that I'm going to touch on here but honestly when I read this passage I think about soul winning and I think about not stopping and that God's saying listen don't they want you to shut up they want you to keep silence don't they they want nothing more than you to just stop talking about Jesus to stop talking about the gospel to stop talking about the word of God but you know what he says don't keep silence don't rest be my watchman and he's saying I accept watchmen and I love this because it's kind of showing the confidence that God has in his watchmen he says I have watchmen and they're not going to hold their peace think about that for a second would you not want God to say listen I know I know brother Richie and he's not going to hold his peace I know brother Shane he's a watchman and he speaks of the Lord often and he's not going to hold his peace you know I know brother Nick he's not going to rest until salvation goes forth as brightness and I'm sorry righteous go forth as brightness and salvation thereof is a lamp that burneth you know what I you got to take these things and take them personally as if God's speaking to you because he is okay and listen most churches don't go out soul winning most churches aren't doing what we do here and so these these verses they're uplifting to me because you're thinking like no one else is doing this you know is this profitable is this something that you know you know is what does God think about this and I think about it like this God is saying listen I got watchmen and they're not going to keep their peace and would to God he'd be saying that about me would to God he'd be saying that about you but listen if you're going out soul winning you know it's kind of like when he said to Abraham he's like I know Abraham that he will raise his you know like raise his children and I'm going to paraphrase that but he's basically saying that raise his children to keep the commandments my commandments and all these different things and would to God that you could have that relationship with God where he's saying listen I got some soldiers I got some soldiers over here they're not going to rest they're not going to stop you can keep trying to push them down you keep trying to trying to put you know tribulations on them and trying to get them to stop but good luck son good luck good luck doing that because they're not going to hold their peace they're not going to stop they're not going to keep silence until salvation goes forth you know what until this world ends there's going to be people that need to get saved so my answer to that they said when are you going to stop when I die when I die or when Jesus comes in the clouds so pick which one you know that happens first right but in Acts chapter 4 and verse 18 notice what the apostles view on this was notice what it says in verse 18 Acts 4 and verse 18 it says and they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus but Peter and John answered and said unto them whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than God judge ye now that's obviously kind of a you know a tongue-in-cheek comment right because obviously they would have to say that it's you better obey God rather than them next chapter says you know we ought to obey God rather than men they just come out and say it but they're kind of putting it on them like you know judge between yourselves whether we should obey God rather than you right but then it says right after that it says we are for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard and that's the mindset that you need to have you know it's kind of like Jeremiah that didn't want he wanted to stop talking about the word of God because it was so many tribulations that it was putting on him you know he's just kind of like opening his heart up in in Jeremiah there and he said and he basically says I can't do it you know I want to stop saying things that the Bible says I want to stop preaching the word of God because it just brings me hardship with all these people that don't want to hear it but at the same time he's like I can't do it it's like this fire that's in my bones that I can't stop doing it and that's the type of men and women that we want to be when it comes to the word of God we want to be these watchmen we want to be those that God is saying listen I have some watchmen that won't keep silence I have some watchmen that will not rest and will not cease from speaking the word of God and you know what the apostles had that attitude as well and why because the Bible says you know go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that my house may be filled you know we're talking about for Jerusalem's sake for Zion's sake what are we talking about we're talking about where the church of the first born the general assembly and church of the firstborns at everybody that's saved that's in heaven obviously everybody that's in heaven is saved right but what I'm saying is that they're called the general assembly and church of the firstborn that's in the heavenly Jerusalem okay and they are you know that for that sake so that more people are a part of that assembly you know that's why we do it that his house may be filled for that sake now there's there's so many other places that I go to on that the one last place I want to hit on that is on in second timothy chapter two second timothy chapter two it says in verse eight second timothy chapter two and verse eight it says remember that Jesus Christ at the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel wherein I suffer trouble as an evildoer even under bonds but the word of God is not bound therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes that they may also obtain salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory he's saying I'm doing it for those that need to get saved that's what he's saying okay and obviously Calvinists are going to take that out of context but he's basically stating I'm doing it for those that are going to believe right I know there's going to be people that are going to believe and when we go out soul winning don't we know that we know from experience that there's someone that's just waiting to hear it that'll just just go through it and it'll just be like low-hanging fruit and you're and they're just wanting to believe it you know why we endure tribulations and persecutions why we go through all of that because of that right there you know why do we go through that people don't want to hear it or we get the bad phone calls or we get the people that yell at us at the door the door slammed in our face why do we do it well we're not doing it necessarily for their sake we're doing it for the person that is wanting to hear it for the elect's sake right and you know what it's going to be all worth it in the end and when we're in heaven for all eternity or we're with God for all eternity and we have all those people around us that we got the wind to the Lord do you think we're going to look back and be like man I wish I would have taken it easier I wish I would have not spoken up about that you know because that was kind of hard back then no this light affliction there's nothing compared to the eternal way to glory that's waiting for us and so it's no marvel that the end of this chapter talking about his reward is with him you know talking about the Lord coming um so it's like keep doing it keep pressing forward don't rest don't stop because it'll be worth it in the end you know what that takes faith though you can't see that now and uh go back to isaiah chapter 62 in verse two there i love this too obviously i love it all but i'm just saying that that first verse one of my favorite verses okay but the second verse i love this too because it just you know the personalization that how God's going to deal with us it says in verse two it says in the gentiles shall see thy righteousness in all kings thy glory and thou shalt be called by a new name which the mouth of the Lord shall name now later on it talks about like hessibah right and and the land is going to be called bule but we're actually all as safe people are going to get new names did you know that go to revelation chapter two revelation chapter two in verse 17 revelation chapter two in verse 17 and personal names and names that only only we know and and God knows and and you say what does that mean like they won't know what that like how what it sounds like i think what it's going to be is that you're going to hear the name but you're not going to know what it means only God and you will know what it means okay and i'm going to show you what what it says here in revelation chapter 2 in verse 17 it says in verse 17 he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit says unto the churches to him that overcometh will i give the eat of the hidden manna and will give him a white stone and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it so he's going to give us a new name it even talks about him basically putting our names on a pillar later on and the idea of God giving us a name you know he's basically you know looking at you and saying hey here's your name because we have given names that were given us at birth but listen we didn't have a choice over that name go to go to proverbs chapter 22 proverbs chapter 22 proverbs chapter 22 and verse 1 proverbs 22 and verse 1 says this it says a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches and loving favor rather than silver and gold you know the bible talks a lot actually about having a good name and i don't believe a name is just like that the name sounds cool or it means something cool or whatever i think it's more of the reputation that comes behind it okay having a good name meaning it's got an honor you have an honorable name and there's some people you know that their names have been tainted because maybe of what their father did or what their grandfather did to where the name's kind of been tainted it'd be kind of like if you had the last name Rothschild right now you'd be like that's a little tainted now i'm not against anybody that has the last name raw child that's like had nothing to do with global elites and all that stuff but you see what i'm saying is like some names like hitler you know that kind of has judas kind of has a negative does anyone name their kid judas anymore or hitler or you know i know his name adolf you know like they named him adolf right but the last name hitler i'm there's probably people out there that have that last name right and it's got a stigma to it now uh in ecclesiastes i want you to go to uh uh isaiah four but in ecclesiastes seven and verse one it says a good name is better than than precious ointment in the day of death and the day of one's birth so it's basically basically saying like a good name's like a precious ointment and then in song of solomon and song of solomon one two it says let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth for the love for his thy love is better than wine because of the savor of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth therefore do the virgins love thee and it's talking about that his name is like this ointment okay it's got a good smell to it doesn't stink right that's the whole idea right flies and the the uh the ointment of the apothecary sent forth a stinking savers i'm like i i'm really butchering that but basically the idea is that it smells good okay it's like perfume or cologne i guess you would say for guys but the point i want to get across here is the fact of how a name more so associates with having uh honor okay notice what it says here in isaiah four in verse one it says in that day seven women shall take hold of one man saying we will eat our own bread and wear our own apparel only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach so why is god you know renaming well you're basically taking away the approach and and obviously when we get saved you know all things have become new spiritually speaking eventually physically speaking that's going to happen but even to the point where we have a new name you're just basically taking away all reproach everything is becoming new and you even have a new name associated to yourself based off what god wants to call you and something to think about that with that too obviously i want i don't think any name is going to be a dishonoring name or anything like that obviously in heaven um you know i don't think that we're going to be it's going to be like that at all but i do think that it's going to be more honorable than others right just as much as you know obviously positions of power are going to be more honorable than others okay um but you're in the you know uh you know you see there that it's basically saying that you know most women you know when they when they get married especially you know back then when when uh uh you know they kind of had to depend on the husband nowadays it's like you know women's lib you know uh i'm an independent woman i can do what i want uh you know that was kind of the norm that the reason a lot of times women were getting married so that someone will take care of them someone will pay the bills and take and do all that and and here it's basically stating clara sit up and stop when what it's saying here is the fact that uh they're saying don't give us bread don't give us apparel we just want to be called by your name that says a lot right they're basically saying we don't need you to take care of us we just don't want the name we had before we just want to take your name that's strong nowadays you know women want to get married they want everything that that's their husbands but they don't want their name right a little backwards isn't it and uh you know someone asked me one time they're like what if you know what if your your wife didn't want to take your name i'd be like we wouldn't have got married you'd be like i mean as simple as that you're like are you serious you did yeah that says a lot okay when when the the woman doesn't want to take your last name you know because that's pretty mainstream even today okay and if you have if you're listen if you're dating somebody listen up you know young men which is you know you got a little while till you start dating but um but the idea that when you're dating a girl and she doesn't want to take your name first of all you know that kind of says like you know am i chopped liver you don't want my name but also it shows that hey they don't respect you as being the authority as being the boss you know what he created a male female and he called their name adam so you say well here's to that in the bible there it is he called their name adam so you know what i don't have a god off on that rabbit trail but yeah we're talking about these women saying we just want your name nowadays they're like ah we don't want your name i want my own name and all that no you know that wasn't even a question actually we i obviously talked about it with with holly but it was kind of a funny thing because it was just something that wasn't obvious it was obvious you know it wasn't like i had to fight her on that one and be like you know you're going to be robinson you know but there are people and i remember you know being in college and this one girl i didn't date or anything like that but you know it was like all those guys and there's you know girls and all this other stuff and they were like she was saying that she was going to keep her last name and all i'm thinking i'm like well we're never getting married i don't care how pretty the girl was like that is a tell sign that you're just going to be you know this you know not a good wife okay now that may offend someone out there but i don't care you know that's you know it is what it is but in uh and but in isaiah 62 and verse 4 notice that keep that in mind that is talking about you know having this name or this new name that's given and that the bible talks about this how how basically women will look at the name of a man as being hey this is a good name this has you know you know a good connotation to it has this good savor to it and you know what basically uh the fact is they're like hey we just want to get married but you don't take care of us we just want your name right because we want our reproach to be wiped away you know we don't want to be known as you know whatever happened over here and that was us no we're with you now okay and uh notice what it says in verse four there so isaiah 62 verse 4 says thou shalt no more be termed forsaken neither shalt that thy land anymore be termed desolate but thou shalt be called hessaba and thy land beulah for the lord delighteth in thee and thy land shall be married for as a young man marrieth a virgin so shall thy sons marry thee and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride so shall thy god rejoice over thee now there's so much you can get into with this i mean obviously the marriage supper to lamb i mean god jesus is the bridegroom and and we're the bride and new jerusalem is the bride and we're talking about for zion's sake for jerusalem's sake and then we're talking about the fact that you know we have the bridegroom the bride we're being renamed and and all this stuff do you see how all this fits together and you say what's hessaba mean and what's beulah mean well this is why i love the king james bible or i just love the bible in general because i'm sure it does this in hebrew as well but notice what it says here in the middle of the verse there it says but thou shall be called hessaba and i land beulah it's going to repeat it it says for the lord delighteth in thee so what is that saying thou shall be called hessaba for the lord delighteth in thee so what does hessaba mean the lord delighteth right so he's basically saying you're going to be called hessaba because he's delighting in you he has the light in you and then it says you know beulah you know thy land shall be called beulah and it says and thy land shall be married so what does beulah mean it means to be married see i didn't have to pull out a concordance for that you know by the way i don't speak hebrew so i wouldn't be able to do that for you anyway i'd just be looking it up on my king james bible app or something like that and showing you what it said but but a lot of times the bible does this and this is a nice little tool when you're doing your study that when you see a word a lot of times when it says like they call him perez usa because the lord had made a breach upon usa so you kind of see okay perez means breach or he's called pheraz because he had brought forth so perez means a breach or to bring forth and you know the bible does this a lot to give you those definitions of these words okay now go to isaiah 62 and verse 3 isaiah 62 and verse 3 i'm kind of jumping around but some of these verses kind of more so go together they all fit together but i'm trying to get the there's certain points i want to get across you know and one is the fact that hey he's given us a new name and the first point was the fact that hey you know for zion's sake for jerusalem sake heavenly jerusalem for the general assembly and church of the firstborn that's why we're not going to hold our peace keep silence we're going to preach the gospel and publish salvation but notice in verse three here it says it says thou shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the lord and a royal diadem in the hand of thy god now a crown and a diadem there's a little differences between them you know but basically it's the same thing right i mean if you put a diadem on somebody put a crown it's basically you know what you would think it would be but you know this language is interesting because it's saying that thou shall be a crown of glory and thou shall be you know a royal diadem unto him and it's liking us to being crowns unto god well this language is used in the new testament and notice in philippians chapter 4 go to philippians chapter 4 philippians chapter 4 because it actually talks about how people that we went to the lord are crowns for us right they're crowns of glories to us now obviously they're crowns to god but we were working with god in that you know we're we're the ambassadors we are the the ones that are given the ministry of reconciliation and we are in christ said saying be reconciled to the world i'm sorry to the world be reconciled to god and not being reconciled to the world that'd be backwards um but that being said is that hey we have a part in that whole process there and notice what it says in philippians chapter 4 and verse 1 it says therefore my brethren dearly beloved and longed for my joy and crown so stand fast in the lord my dearly beloved and notice that it says my joy and crown so paul is saying my dearly beloved and long for my joy and crown so he's basically saying hey you're like my crown and notice what it says in first thessalonians chapter 2 first thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 19 so the end the last portion there of uh first thessalonians chapter 2 and this is the way we should view it because you'd say well what's our rewards going to be in heaven well the bible talks about a crown of righteousness if if you uh are faithful in the death you know and and obviously it's talking about living a righteous life and and all that and then there's like the crown of glory that faith is not a way talking about you know elders that rule well all these different things um there's a crown of life actually the crown of life is if you hold out faith one to death then the crown of righteousness is those that endure temptations okay all that say is that there's actual crowns i believe we're gonna get but the bible is likening those that we win to christ as crowns okay notice what it says in verse 19 so first thessalonians chapter 2 verse 19 it says for what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing are not even ye in the presence of our lord jesus christ at his coming for you ye are our glory and joy so notice how he's likening them you know basically saying hey and if you know this passage obviously he's basically talking about how we basically want you to you know you heard the gospel and and you received it and and all that stuff that he's talking about with the thessalonians but that being said is that you know he's using that language where god is using that language with us that we are his crowns of glory and so think about this okay don't you want to give jesus more crowns i mean he's the king of kings and lord of lords how do you honor now we know that the 24 elders are going to cast their crowns at his feet and i do believe there's going to be actual like physical well you know obviously physical in the sense of like you know the way the world's going to be at that time uh you know new heaven new earth that we'll be able to cast our crowns before him if we've done you know we got the crown of glory crown of life crown of righteousness or whatever crowns that he gives us but it's basically stating that those that are saved are crowns of glory to him so the more people you get saved the more crowns you get to jesus think about that and you know there's many motivations of why we go soul winning i think the biggest motivation is that there's a hell and we don't want to see people go to hell but you know another big motivation why i go soul winning because he deserves the glory jesus deserves for everybody to believe on him and you know it's it's uh it's it's saddening to me that people don't okay because i think about what he did and you know we're kind of you know pulling down calvinism but that's one of the big reasons i can't stand calvinism because of limited atonement because jesus died for everybody and if you think about it all those people that are being cast into hell jesus died for them and he's not getting the glory that he should okay and uh you know when we go out soul winning you know what every person that gets saved is just getting another crown to jesus another crown to jesus another crown to jesus and that's that's one of the big motivations that i have because my savior deserves the glory he deserves for every knee to bow and every tongue to confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father but he deserves it before they die now they will do it okay that will happen okay but he deserves that to happen before they die he deserves everybody for everybody to believe on him and to give him the glory for all eternity and so that is another motivation go to isaiah chapter 62 and verse 8 isaiah chapter 62 and verse 8 this isn't that long of a chapter but this is one of my favorite chapters as you can tell it's just one of those chapters that that just gets me fired up gets me you know kind of thinking about you know why we do what we do um verse 8 here it says the lord has sworn by his right hand and by the arm of his strength surely i will no more give thy corn to be meat for thine enemies and the sons of the stranger shall not drink thy wine for that which thou hast labored but they that have gathered it shall eat it and praise the lord and they that have brought it together shall drink it in the courts of my holiness now the thing that catches my my eye when i read this passage is it's the fact that his his uh he's the lord has sworn by his right hand so when you think of the lord swearing there's something that should be brought up you know something that you think about something very famous right that he swore by an oath he could swear by no greater but so he swore by himself right then it says surely i will no more give thy corn to be meat for thine enemies okay there's something else that's being brought up that are usually put together with that okay and you may not know what i'm talking about but i'm going to show you in luke chapter one go to luke chapter one luke chapter one and verse 67 and this is where zacharias so this is john the baptist's dad so john the baptist's father is basically uh he's filled with the holy ghost and he's prophesying and notice what he says here and you know really when you're looking at this chapter in isaiah 62 i mean the chapter ends with you know that they're going to be called the redeemed uh the redeemed of the lord all that stuff and you're going to see these type of terminology that's used here but in the verses i showed you you saw that that the lord has sworn by his right hand and by the arm of his strength so he's swearing he's making an oath that he's going to basically no more let his your enemies do that you know basically take away your food and notice in luke 1 verse 67 it says and his father zacharias was filled with the holy ghost and prophesied saying blessed be the lord god of israel for he had visited and redeemed his people and hath raised up and horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant david so he's obviously talking about jesus right he's talking about the lord that's going to be raised up so in verse 70 as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets which have been since the world began that we should be saved from our what enemies and from the hand of all that hate us to perform the mercy performed our promise to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant so what are we talking about here so he's basically stating that hey there's this horn of salvation and his servant david you know through his servant david obviously we know that jesus is of the seed of david you know he's the son of david physically speaking but it says that he's going to save us from our enemies and those that that hate us and to remember his holy covenant well look at verse 73 the oath so when it says the holy covenant he's he's basically reiterating the oath right so the holy covenant the remember his holy covenant the oath which he sware to our father abraham that he would grant unto us that we that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life sound familiar because it's talking about in isaiah 62 8 it says the lord has sworn by his right hand and by the arm of his strength surely i will no more give thy corn to be meat for thine enemies then it ends in verse uh nine because it's all one one uh sentence in verse eight and nine it ends that they're gonna drink you know the you know whatever they bring in or eat whatever they bring in in the courts of my holiness now go to genesis chapter 22 because what zecharias is talking about is in genesis 22 okay what we see is that isaiah 62 is talking about this same thing okay it's kind of bringing up what's in genesis 22 zacharias is bringing this up in luke one that we're talking about the holy covenant that he's going to save us okay and i submit to you that the holy covenant is the new testament okay and notice what says in genesis chapter 22 in verse 15 it says and the angel lord called unto abraham out of heaven the second time and said by myself have i sworn said the lord for because thou has done this thing and has not withheld thy son thine only son that in blessing i will bless thee and in multiplying i will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the seashore and thy seed shall possess the gate of his what enemies and in thy siege shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou has obeyed my voice what does the bible say about thy seed right and this is cemented throughout genesis now to abraham and to his seed where the promise is made he saith not into the seasons of many as a but as a one and to thy seed which is christ and if you be and if you be christ then are you abraham seed and errors according to the promise so when zacharias is talking about being saved from enemies and salvation is coming in this oath that was made to abraham this holy covenant he's talking about genesis 22 that in thy siege shall all the nations of the earth be blessed and what does it say in genesis 3 it says that that he seeing this before uh i'm sorry it says that he he preached before the gospel and abraham saying in thee shall the nations of the earth shall the family of the earth be blessed or nations i forget which one it uses there but um but that's going back to genesis 12 okay genesis 12 he says that to abraham and then he's saying hey in thee and in thy seed because thy seed is referring to christ and isaac obviously represents that on a spiritual level right because he's the the child of promise and not of the law not of the carnal commandment but after the power of an endless life and obviously isaac was supposed to picture what jesus was going to do and you know jesus is the one that actually did that so i hope you see that because i i love how that works you'd be like well enemies you know okay saying this from our enemies well who's our enemy well obviously the devil would be our enemy but how about the last enemy that's going to be destroyed and that is death okay so when you think about being saved what do you think about being saved from death and the last enemy that will be destroyed is death when death and hell are cast into the lake of fire so that will be destroyed and you know what he's going to keep his promise go to jen uh isaiah chapter 62 and verse 10 isaiah chapter 62 and verse 10 then we'll end the chapter here anna sit up and look at me isaiah chapter 62 and verse 10 here notice what it says it says go through go through the gates prepare ye the way of the people cast up cast up the highway gather out the stones lift up a standard for the people behold the lord hath proclaimed unto the end of the world say ye to the daughter of zion behold thy salvation cometh behold his reward is with him and his work before him and they shall call them the holy people the redeemed of the lord and they shall be called sought out a city not forsaken so there's a couple things here one is the fact that his reward is with him go to isaiah chapter 40 isaiah chapter 40 it's interesting because you know you kind of think of where it says that the daughter of zion there's a familiar verse where it says to the daughter of zion behold thy king cometh you know upon uh the cult the foal of an ass right upon an ass the cult the foal of an ass and he's basically talking about him salvation coming you know and so you can see the first coming there but the reward is with me that is something you definitely see on the second coming and the idea that it even says the salvation because it says you know he was once delivered you know to bear the sins of many but it says but unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation so even in the second time it's talking about salvation why because he's going to save us physically right and we had the rapture to look forward to if we were in that time and that salvation that's there so thy salvation cometh and his reward is with him that definitely fits you know and times and and what we're looking forward to but you can definitely see how that would apply even to his first coming on how salvation is coming you know when he came the first time now in isaiah 40 in verse 9 here it says oh zion that bring us good tidings get thee up in the high mountain oh jerusalem and bring us that bring us good tidings lift up thy voice with strength lift it up be not afraid say unto the cities of judah behold your god sound familiar to what we're talking about in this passage not holding your peace not keeping silence but publishing salvation right and this is obviously our monicker verse and isaiah 52 7 kind of deals that same thing um you know uh basically the uh how beautiful are the feet of them that preach behold upon the mountains the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace i'm gonna misquote that completely i gotta really they they they it says it so many different ways there's like how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of them yeah so and sometimes it doesn't mention mountains sometimes it does but it says in isaiah 52 7 how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bring you good tidings that publishes peace that bring good tidings of good that publishes salvation that set unto zion thy god reigneth so very similar to what we're talking about isaiah 62 very similar to what's said here in isaiah 40 in verse 9 and then verse 10 here it says behold the lord god will come with strength strong hand and his arm shall rule for him behold his reward is with him and his work before him he shall feed his flock like a shepherd he shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young and if you think about when he comes the first time or the second time he's going right into his you know thousand year reign or his millennial reign and you know you can see how this would work and how he's coming and his reward is with him but revelation 22 is probably the most famous when it comes to this when you're dealing with this reward being with him and revelation 22 and verse 12 revelation 22 in verse 12 so what is it talking about you know when he cometh with salvation his reward is with him well i mean his first coming you can definitely see how his reward is with him when he rose from the dead and gave gifts unto men you know and obviously he gave he gave the gift of salvation and and all these different things and the you know the rewards of the spirit and you know the gifts of the spirit and all these different things but i don't get i'm sorry gifts and rewards are different so don't get me wrong with that okay or don't misinterpret what i'm saying there or maybe i just i just misspoke there basically he has rewards that he gives us you know even in this life as we serve him and then there's gifts that are given to us obviously a gift to something free a reward is something you work for so let me clarify that but in revelation chapter 22 and verse 12 it says and behold i come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be i am alpha and omega the beginning and the end the first and the last so jesus says when he comes he has his reward with him and if you think about it when he comes we're going to be given new bodies and ultimately before we go through the thousand year reign we're going to have the judgment seat of christ and we're going to be given rewards based off of what we've done in our body whether it be good or bad and for reference you know i'm i have it in my notes but i'm not going to read it but you can go to first corinthian chapter three and second corinthian chapter five when you're dealing with you know the judgment seat of christ and getting those rewards and all that but the last thing that i want you to see is and i go to go to hebrew chapter 11 hebrew chapter 11 where it says in isaiah 62 12 it says they shall call them the holy people the redeemed of the lord and now shall be called sought out a city not forsaken and the idea here in the very beginning if you remember you're dealing with the fact that this city is uh we're talking about heavenly jerusalem we're talking about mount zion where uh where the living god is at right the throne of god and and the idea is that that's obviously something heavenly we can't see that we kind of see it a far off you know through a glass darkly type type deal and you know what back in abraham's day they they were looking forward to that just as much as we are look what it says in hebrew chapter 11 verse 13 hebrew chapter 11 verse 13 it says these all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth so we're talking about abraham and sarah basically stating that they confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims you know that basically that you know they're just kind of you know occupying here for a little bit but they're that's not what they were looking for that's not the promises they were looking at what he was here on earth it says in verse 14 for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country so they're seeking a country and truly if they had been mindful of the country from whence they came out they might have had opportunities to have returned so he's basically stating that you know you know abraham and sarah they didn't actually have an inheritance in the land that they were dwelling in okay it wasn't until after you know with moses and and then joshua going into the land that they actually had inheritance because they say if they were mindful of it they might have you know returned unto it so if they were mindful of the things of the earth they may have just like had their mind there but it says here it says in verse 16 but now they declare or i'm sorry but now they desire a better country that isn't heavenly wherefore god is not ashamed to be called their god for he hath prepared for them a city and when you look at revelation 21 what's the first thing that it's basically stating it says new jerusalem comes out of heaven you know out of heaven from god and it talks about that he will be unto he shall be their god and he and they shall be his his children you know it's basically verbatim kind of talking about the fact that he's our god we're his children and then in uh hebrew chapter 13 and verse 14 it says for for here have we no continuing city but we seek one to come so you definitely have this the spiritual aspect that we're looking at here you know this the city that's sought out this city that's not forsaken because new jerusalem is going to be the saved it's going to be righteousness it's going to be uh holy it's going to be sanctified it's going to be the lord that's dwelling there and you know what that's what we're looking forward to that's why we do what we do now that's not how we get saved okay which is what a lot of people think is like oh you know we get saved because of you know because we're or we get saved because we're working to get to new jerusalem or whatever no i believe in the lord jesus christ i'm going to new jerusalem no matter what i do because i put my faith in christ but how many people are coming with you how many rewards are you gonna have what position of authority will you have in that new jerusalem and you know what's going to determine that whether your mind's here on earth or whether your mind's up in heaven do you mind earthly things or heavenly things set your affections on things above things that are eternal not temporal you know that's a whole sermon for another day so uh but let's end with the word of prayer the heavenly father we thank you for today thank you for the book of isaiah thank you for this chapter and just lord i pray just help us to be on fire for you to to bring glory to your name and lord to bring to give you crowns of glory and joy and praise by winning people to you i pray you be with us as we go out soul winning throughout the week but also as we go uh do this marathon in charleston i pray you be in it and lord that you help us see many saved and lord that they would all bring glory to your name and then lord we just love you pray also use christ's name amen