(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Isaiah chapter 6, and we're continuing our study through the book of Isaiah, and this is definitely an interesting chapter. We're going to see kind of two things I want to talk about is first these seraphims that we see at the beginning of the chapter, but then also the commission that's given to Isaiah. So there's kind of two things you see there. First of all, you see a vision, but then the Lord is telling him to do something. Okay, so that's kind of the twofold thing that's going on here, and this is really where you see a break. So in Isaiah chapter 2 and then on to chapter 5, that's all one vision, one thought. Obviously different things are going on in it, but there's no real break, but we get a break here where we get an introduction to this chapter. In verse 1 there it says, in the year that King Uzziah died. Okay, so if you remember that Isaiah preached during Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. Okay, and so where are we at? Well, when Uzziah died, but if you remember Uzziah, he lived as a leper for the last two years of his life, and Jotham reigned in, you know, basically in the house of Uzziah. So really at this time that this vision is going on, Jotham is reigning, but Uzziah is about to die. Okay, so it's in the year that he died. So you kind of get the timeline of what's going on. We're not to Ahaz yet, which is a bad king. Okay, so Uzziah is a pretty good king. He messed up, became a leper because he's trying to do things in the temple. Jotham was a good king. The only thing that really Jotham didn't do was get rid of the high places and the idols which all the kings of Judah were failing at. Ahaz, really bad king. Okay, and then Hezekiah is a great king. Okay, but in Isaiah chapter 6 here, verse 1, it says, in the year that King Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims, each one had six wings. With twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another and said, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory. And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. So what we see here is that he's seeing this vision, basically he's seeing heaven. Okay, and it's interesting because Revelation chapter 4 is going to talk about the same type of thing. Okay, so keep your hand in Isaiah 6, but then go to Revelation chapter 4. So John is going to see something very similar to this, and what we get here is that those four beasts in Revelation chapter 4 and 5 and 6, those four beasts are the seraphims. Okay, and so I want to prove that to you, but Revelation is going to give us a little more info about them. But it's interesting because in Revelation chapter 4, when John starts seeing the things that shall be hereafter, the first thing he sees is the throne. Okay, and it's kind of funny to me too when people say, well, I died and I saw my family members. It's like usually when people die, you know, or not die, but when they see these visions that are taken up in the Spirit, they're always talking about how they saw the throne of God, you know, and so I'm always kind of like, yeah, that's probably not right, you know, because they're always seeing the Lord. The Lord is who they see, the throne is what they see, the temple, all these different things. They're not like, you know, I met my grandpa and, you know, walked around and Jesus was nowhere to be found and the throne wasn't anywhere to be found. That's always this kind of stories you get and everything. But anyway, in Revelation chapter 4 and verse 1 there it says, and after this I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me and said, come up hither and I will show thee things which must be hereafter. Well, this is clearly the rapture. I'm joking. This is not the rapture because right after that in verse 2 there it says, and immediately I was in the Spirit. Okay, so but the pre-tribbers, this is their only place that they can even try to find a rapture that would fit pre-trib and but being in the Spirit is not the resurrection. Okay, so that's a ridiculous place to say and then you'd have to say that Ezekiel, that's the rapture too, when he was caught up by the lock of his hair, you know, and obviously with Isaiah seeing the throne as well. So, no, this is just, you know, God showing him this vision and he was up in the Spirit. And if you kind of remember when Paul said, I knew a man that was caught up to the third heaven whether in the body or out of the body, I cannot tell. It's kind of what he's talking about. He didn't know like if, you know, if he saw this when he was in the body or he was out of, it was like a spiritual thing where he was kind of taking up, taken up in there but his body is obviously still down here. Anyway, in verse two there it says, immediately I was in the Spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne. Sound familiar? What was the first thing that Isaiah saw? It says, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne. Okay, so sees a throne and Lord sitting on the throne. In verse three here it describes the Lord a little more as far as what he looks like. It says in verse three and it says, and he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone and there was a rainbow round about the throne in sight like unto an emerald. Okay, so jasper, sardine, you know, it's more of a red color, a jasper stone. And so if you think about it too, it talks about, well you could actually look at Revelation 1, you know, and see the appearance of the Son of Man, the Son of God, and all that which I believe is who he's looking at. Okay, because no man has seen God at any time so we know that he's looking at the Lord Jesus as far as if you're describing the features and the face and all that stuff. And we know that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the throne of God so he's on his throne but he's at the right hand of the Father. Anyway, going on from that, it talks about these 24 elders in verse four. It says, and round about the throne were four and twenty seats and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting clothed in white raiment and they had on their heads crowns of gold and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings of voices and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of God and before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal and in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. So we see here that, you know, there's a lot more information as far as what's going on with the throne, what it looks like, stuff like that. I don't want to really get into the throne as much because I just want to touch on these seraphims because we saw that in chapter six of Isaiah what it say, above it stood the seraphims. Each one had six wings, okay. So let's see about these seraphims or I mean so right here now it's going to say that there was in the midst four beasts full of eyes before and behind. Notice in verse seven there it's going to give us information about these beasts, okay. Now in the King James Bible the word animal is not used, okay. That's just not a word that was used back in 1611. So you'll see living creature or you'll see beast, okay. And people were wrongfully like if it says beast they're like that's a simple creature, okay. No, a beast is just an animal. I talked about Balaam's donkey or it talks about, you know, to ride on your beast, you know, and it's just talking about a horse, okay, or a donkey or something like that. And so beast, living creature that's just another way of saying animal, okay. But in verse seven here it says and the first beast was like a lion and the second beast like a calf and the third beast had a face as a man and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle and the fourth beast had each of them six wings about them. See how that's what we're talking about in Isaiah chapter six, okay. It's six wings but they each had different faces, okay. It says in there they were full of eyes within and they rest not day and night saying holy, holy, holy Lord God almighty which was and is and is to come and when those beasts give glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne who liveth forever and ever the four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne and worship him that liveth forever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying thou art worthy oh Lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou has created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created. So sound familiar? What did it say that the seraphims would cry one to another? Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory, okay. So we're dealing with these creatures that have six wings, okay. Now they are very similar to cherry bims, okay. You don't have to turn there but in Ezekiel and I know I've talked about this before, the difference between the cherry bims and the seraphims in Ezekiel chapter one it talks about these living creatures. So like I said in one place it will call them living creatures, another place it will call them beasts. It's just another way of saying an animal, okay. So these are not human beings with souls, okay. Angels and men are two different types of creatures. There's two different types of flesh, okay. And so if you were to think of these the seraphims and cherry bims they're like an animal, you know. Obviously they have a lot more capabilities than the typical animal that you'd have down here but or they're ministering spirits but they're not living souls, okay. There's a difference between those things and because God breathed in the man and made him a living soul, okay. And we're made in God's image and all that stuff. Now in Ezekiel chapter one and verse five there it says, also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance. They had the likeness of a man and everyone had four faces and everyone had four wings, okay. So you see the difference here though. Every one of them had four faces and they had four wings. So what are the seraphims? They all each had a different face and they had six wings. See the difference, okay. And in verse 10 there it'll tell you what those faces are. So the faces are the same type of faces, okay. But with the cherry bims it's like each one of them had all four of those faces, okay. So I know you're trying to picture this, okay, because it's obviously a crazy looking creature, okay. But in Ezekiel chapter one and verse 10 there it says, as for the likeness of their faces they four had the face of a man and the face of a lion on the right side and they four had the face of an ox on the left side. They four also had the face of an eagle, okay. So and if you go to chapter 10 there is no doubt that he's saying they each had four faces, okay. Because it repeats it over and over again so it's like very obvious that you're not reading that wrong, okay. But notice that it's the face of a lion, a man, an ox, and an eagle. And what did you see about the the beasts in Revelation? It was a lion, a calf, and then it says a man and an eagle, okay. So a calf and an ox is the same creature, same type of creature, okay. And so but the difference is obviously is that the seraphims that you see in Revelation and that you see in Isaiah six, they have six wings, okay. And they, I believe they have different types of jobs because when you when you see where the seraphims come in it talks about them being above the temple, right. It says the Lord was high and lifted up and in verse six it says above it stood the seraphims. When you read about the cherry beams it talks about above them you saw the throne, okay. So it's kind of like a different type of office if you will that these creatures had. But you know there is some I believe prophetic or basically symbolism with their faces, okay. And so I don't know if you've ever heard this before but they're each face would represent a gospel, okay. So there's four faces, there's four gospels and it's interesting because in Revelation it talks about the first beast's face was a lion, right. And it says the second beast was what? A calf. The third beast was a man and the fourth beast was an eagle, okay. And they had the appearance of a man like it talks about the cherry beams had appearance of a man but they had like calves feet, okay. So they kind of look like they had hands they had like a chest and everything as a man like their torso and their legs but their feet were different and they have these eyes that are all over the place too. So obviously they look different than a man but one of the seraphims has the face of a man, okay. Now side note if anybody if you ever look on you know the inquirer and it's like you know bat boy or you know like some like weird creature that has the face of a man or something like that that doesn't mean that it's a human being, okay. And I know I preached about satyrs one time as far as like the half goat half man creatures and stuff like that if those exist that doesn't mean that that's a human being, okay. It's probably a devil is what actually that's what I believe it is is devils but anyway not to get off on that side note but you say well how would a lion represent Matthew? Well how does Matthew start off? It starts off with a genealogy dealing with the kingly line from Abraham to David and then all the way to Solomon through all the kings even to Zerubbabel which was the governor and all that down to Joseph right the kingly line and so you see kind of like the lion representing Jesus as being the king of kings, lord of lords and so each gospel kind of has a theme to it as far as what it's getting across. If you go through Matthew what do you keep seeing as it is written as it is written it's all a lot of just straight up quotations Old Testament and going into that. Mark is more so if I were to picture Mark it's just like he's doing a lot of work right even the first chapter the first chapter is dealing with the fact that you know they didn't have any time for leisure to even eat okay that's how the book of Mark starts off is that they don't even have time to eat they're just working so hard but you just see what the thing that I see with Mark is casting out devils constantly right it's like a book of just casting out evil spirits and devils but I see it being at work so what do you think of an ox you think of something or a calf that would be a work animal right a lion is a kingly animal right I don't think anybody would deny that a lion is it's the it's the the strongest strongest among beasts the bible says you say well how in the world is a lion you're saying it's stronger than like an elephant I believe pound for pound a lion is the strongest among beasts okay you say what about leviathan pound for pound I believe it's the strongest among beasts anybody knows anything about fighting right is that you talk about pound for pound you don't say like okay this one guy over here is 120 pounds and then you put him against Brock Lesnar or something like that obviously you know the big guy's gonna win but pound for pound who's the better fighter okay who's the strongest pound for pound and that being said is that if the lion is the strongest among bees that shows that he's like the king of beasts pretty much and I believe that's what it's representing I believe mark you know with the calf or the ox would be representing you know kind of the work of the lord so but luke is a man you know it that's what would be depicted as a man well in luke is where we see the genealogy of mary which is what gave mary's the one that gave jesus his humanity okay so it's more of if you want to look at it like the son of man right the aspect of him becoming man him you know basically being the son of man all that stuff that's going on in luke and john what do you see in john but the fact that he's god okay I don't think anybody would doubt that john is the best book to go to when it comes to showing jesus deity and it's known by an eagle okay so and I don't want to get into like too much with that I just kind of want to show you that and you could disagree with that and be like I think you're off base I don't think that actually symbolizes it it does you know it's not like you would hurt my feelings if you thought that but I think it does correlate I think that there's kind of a almost a little hidden symbolism there with these seraphims and why we have four gospels because they do have different themes to them okay if not if it said the exact same thing then why would you have four gospels okay because you're going to different points of view or different aspects are being honed in on in each gospel okay and so but with the seraphims there we see that you know in isaiah 6 they're crying one to another so that's interesting to me I never really noticed that you know I just thought they were just kind of saying it but if you notice that it's saying holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of glory so they're basically saying one to another you know one at a time right because it says in verse three and one cried unto another and said okay so it's basically like they'll take turns saying it is what I believe is going on there is the one seraphim will say it and then the other seraphim will say it you know and uh and so basically night and day isn't that what it said in revelation chapter four in verse eight it says they rest not day and night saying holy holy holy lord god almighty which was and is and is to come so um these creatures are praising the lord day and night and so interesting creatures for sure as far as um when we get to heaven you know just different things that we'll see um and you say well you know what all kinds of stuff is there why don't we think about the locusts in hell you know I know that's getting to the point where it's like more of a judgment of god but the locusts they kind of come up out of hell those creatures um I don't really even want to know what the worms look like I don't think it's just an earthworm okay that are in hell okay um I'll leave it at that but the insects and stuff that would be in hell but think about the horses that of the the army of 200 million if you remember the horses have the head of lions and their tails are are the are serpents that have heads on them that will bite people and out of the mouth of the lions comes forth fire and brimstone you say well I just think that's symbolistic I don't think so I don't believe that's symbolistic at all I think that's exactly what they're going to look like and so there's some pretty intense creatures that are out there um that if you saw it would be pretty like uh you could see why a lot of the men they're just like falling on their feet as dead when they see this type of stuff um because it's you know stuff that you never see in this world now going on from that we see that Isaiah he he kind of comes to that whenever you see these uh these men of god having these visions what do you see is that they're pretty much just like I don't have any strength I can't even lift myself up and they're all constantly having to be strengthened or told it's okay and and all that Daniel's a great example of that but here Isaiah is going to say you know I'm done I'm done because basically he's like I'm a simple man okay in verse five there it says then said I woe is me for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips and dwell in the midst of people of unclean lips for mine eyes have seen the king the lord of hosts then flew one of the seraphims unto me having a live coal in his hand which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar and he laid it upon my mouth and said lo this had touched thy lips and thine iniquity is taken away and thy sin purged okay so the first thing I want to kind of get to here is you say well if Isaiah is the mini bible how does this correlate with Joshua well go to Joshua chapter five because I see here that he sees the king the lord of hosts right you know he's undone and and you see that with Daniel same thing you know you see the same thing with when John sees the son of man Jesus has to say fear not and all that and just different people that have seen visions and seeing the lord Jesus how it'll basically put you on your knees but in in Joshua chapter five here in verse 13 Joshua is going to be confronted with Jesus Christ I believe this is an Old Testament appearance of the lord Jesus Christ here and and it actually calls him the captain of the lord's host which is what did Isaiah say he saw the king the lord of hosts right and in a lot of times what do you see the kings of Israel being called the captain of the lord's host you know the captain of Israel okay so captain king sometimes those are used synonymously but in Joshua chapter 5 verse 13 it says and it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand and Joshua went unto him and said unto him art thou for us or for our adversaries and he said nay I love that right it was like not a yes or no question right he's saying are you for us are you for our enemies he's like no and so why because he's going to explain who he is because basically what it comes down to he's like no you're for me right it was the wrong question that's what it came down to right he asked the wrong question but notice in verse uh verse 14 it says but he said nay but as captain of the host of the lord am i now come and Joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship and said unto him what saith my lord unto his servant so he's worshiping this man now notice he doesn't tell him to get up okay now when you're in revelation what do you see when john is bowing down or worshiping the angel it says see thou do it not i myself you know and it's like when they try to worship peter he says i am myself and my man but then the angel says i am i'm you know one of the prophets you know i'm i'm i'm you know i'm not don't worship me right but that's not what happens here verse 15 it says and the captain of the lord's host said unto joshua loose thy shoe from off thy foot for the place where whereon thou standest is holy and joshua did so you know why because that's the lord jesus christ standing there and he's the captain of the lord's host he's the king that's standing there so that's why when he said are you for us are you for uh for our adversary he's like no you're for me right that's that's really the you asked the wrong question but you can see the same correlation with isaiah seeing the king the lord of hosts and being undone and he's in a place that's holy right and obviously you can link this to when when moses went to the burning bush and uh you know where you're standing his holy ground so um obviously it's the lord okay um but another thing that i see there is something interesting where he's saying he's undone he says that he's of unclean lips and one of the seraphims flies over okay and gets a live coal or it takes a live coal in his hand which had been taken with the tongs from off the altar okay and he's going to put this on his lips or put this on his mouth to cleanse him or cleanse his tongue if you will um and the thing that i want you to see there go to leviticus chapter 6 is the idea of how fire purges us from sin okay and uh and the idea of the altar okay so you know the the physical altar that they had in the old testament was a picture of the true see everything that was done as far as the sanctuary the holiest of all uh all that stuff the altar all that stuff represented what's actually in heaven okay so you'll see that they were talking about the temple right the temple is full of smoke the post shook smoke the post shook that wasn't down on the earth that was in heaven okay he was actually up in heaven where the actual temple's at and where the actual altars at there's these live coals that i that i believe are ever burning okay and uh and that's the way hell's going to be okay the the lake of fire and it says they're going to be tormented day and night forever and ever it's it's everlasting fire it's everlasting punishment and uh but notice what it says here in leviticus chapter 6 and verse 12 about the altar okay it says in the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it it shall not be put out and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning and lay the burnt offering in order upon it and he shall burn there on the fat of the peace offerings the fire shall ever be burning upon the altar it shall never go out okay you know the fire that's never quenched the idea is the altar and what what's put on the altar the burnt offering so for people to believe that jesus didn't go to hell first of all you got to say that the bible is not accurate when it says that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption and out of the belly of hell cried i um you know the idea that his soul was made an offering for sin he shall see of the travail of his soul and he shall be satisfied there's so many scriptures you have to deny but just think about this here that uh that jesus obviously all these sacrifices are supposed to be picturing jesus right the burnt offerings that are being done but notice that it talks about how this fire that never goes out that's upon the altar what do you think that represents probably the fire of hell that never goes out okay god's indignation that burns to the lowest hell okay and you say well why was he putting a live coal to cleanse his iniquity because that's how we're cleansed from our iniquities because jesus took that punishment you know there's a baptism that i'm to be baptized with and how am i straighten until be until it be accomplished that's what jesus said and what is he talking about the death burial and resurrection and he says i you know i i'm he that was dead and and uh i'm he that liveth and was dead and be holding on alive forevermore amen behold i have the keys of hell and of death so you know why why you know was this coal representing taking away his iniquity because that fire that never goes out is how jesus paid for our iniquities okay not the only thing right i'm not here to say well you're saying that the blood's not a part of it you know it's not just the blood listen the blood is a part of it you can't just say it's just the blood it's his resurrection too okay you can't just say it's his resurrection you have to die first okay the death barrel resurrection uh you say well you know it's just that well how about he had to be born a virgin he had to be sinless you know like you can't just take all these elements away from it now i'm not saying that everybody has to understand every little piece okay but if you say well the blood doesn't apply well then how does you know without the shedding without shedding of blood is no remission okay and we're saved by the blood of sprinkling which is on the mercy seed but all that to say is that uh i believe this is really showing you that application of the fire that purges okay even the judgment seat of christ it talks about how it's going to be revealed by fire okay as far as the judgment of our works okay that has it's not to deal with hell but it's just you know the idea of fire revealing uh you know basically purging out the dross all that stuff um but in isaiah 4 we already we already uh did this chapter but in isaiah 4 in verse 4 dealing with purging okay because it talks about uh when it touched the lips thine iniquity is taken away and thy sin purged okay well look at isaiah 4 in verse 4 it says when the lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of zion and shall have pur and and shall have purged the blood of jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of what burning okay so here's the thing when it comes to sin you that pay for yourself and burn forever in hell or you let jesus pay for it that has already done it for us okay and i think you'd be a fool to say i'm gonna do it myself okay but the idea is that hey that spirit of burning that was applied on jesus you know and uh and this is kind of a little taste of that as far as the idea you know the what washes us away from our sins what his blood does right if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness right after it said that the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses us from all sin okay but don't take away the fact that hey by the way the resurrection also is what forgives us of our sins but also the spirit of burning and judgment that was put on christ and what he did for us in hell is also something that had to be done okay so i just want to touch on that you know as you say why in the world did he put a coal on his tongue you know you kind of read that you're like that seems a little rough you know maybe give give him a bath or something i don't know you know give him some listerine but a coal because the idea of fire purging sin okay or that live coal which by the way that altar never was to go out they would constantly have that thing burning okay what do you think that represents obviously god's indignation that's going to burn forever and ever and hell is where that indignation you know his indignation unto the lowest hell which will eventually be in the lake of fire so uh going back to isaiah chapter 6 here isaiah chapter 6 so that kind of covers the vision portion of it you know where it's um these seraphims and then you know he's kind of undone and the seraphim brings this live coal and and all that so it's kind of setting up to the point of what god is going to tell him to do okay now verse 8 here it says this also i heard the voice of the lord saying whom shall i send and who will go for us then said then said i hear my send me now also this is a good trinity verse who's talking here i heard of i heard the voice of the lord singular saying whom shall i send singular pronoun who will go for us right because you have the father son the holy ghost and you see that in genesis right let us make man in our in our image um in the tower bow let us go down and confound the language but here's a great verse on the lord you know the plurality and the singular you know the three in one if you will um now the funny part about this is how this passage is completely preached out of context okay who here has heard that song here am i i will go and there's like a child in a puddle like in some foreign country somewhere and it's like you know please give us money to be a missionary to this foreign country and it's all about here am i send me i will go and it's about preaching the gospel well let's see if that's what he said to isaiah okay now i'm not against preaching the gospel okay but i am about preaching things in context okay as far as preaching exactly what you know he told isaiah to say okay so in verse nine it says and he said go and tell this people hear ye indeed but understand not and see ye indeed but perceive not make the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and convert and be healed sounds a little different doesn't it and you know you say why why are you getting all fired up because people are constantly trying to come at us and say you guys believe that reprobate doctrine well at least i'm preaching it correctly when it comes to here am i send me you know if you want to preach you want to sing that song here am i i will go go preach the reprobate doctrine and i'm going to get into you know where how this was fulfilled in the new testament but this is very biblical as far as the the the preaching the reprobate doctrine going forth and and isaiah was told to go and basically close their eyes okay and notice here too it says this in verse 11 it says then said i lord how long okay so he's basically saying how long am i supposed to be preaching this okay so if it was the gospel you'd be like well until the kingdom come you know until the lord comes but obviously this is kind of a special request that he's being made that's being made here it's kind of like when um you know a different aspect but when you remember that he wanted to send a lying spirit down to abraham which i personally believe would be you know a fallen angel okay just like the devil would be up in heaven and he basically allowed some fallen angel to go down and be a lying spirit but all i say is that um the idea here is that there's there's a purpose of why he's telling them to do this okay but this is not preaching the gospel okay this is not going into some foreign country and preaching the gospel to the poor okay and that's the one thing that's really annoying about um you know a lot of how the old ivy did things because they would literally like latch onto something and then you you would think that that phrase or that terminology was right okay it'd be like uh let's uh uh take me onto the great men you know i'll get me onto the great men they'll say that read that passage and then tell me that you want to get onto the great men okay because it is not a good thing okay now the old past you know i'll go on to the old past that's a good thing but i challenge you to look that up it's not in my service i don't want to get into it right now but uh look up you know get me onto the great men and then tell me that you want to do that okay and i've heard people say that and then it's like here am i send me i'm gonna go preach the gospel that's not what this passage is talking about now don't get me wrong the principle of here am i send me i'll go preach the gospel is a good principle in the bible okay that's definitely a principle and i'll preach that but at the same time let's get it in context with what's actually being said here and and he's basically saying you know how long and he answered until the cities be wasted without inhabitant and the houses without man and the land be utterly desolate and the lord have removed men far away and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land but yet in it shall be a tenth and it shall return and shall be eaten as a teal tree and as an oak whose substance is in them when they cast their leaves so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof okay so he's basically saying you know go there and darken their hearts darken their minds but it's not gonna be everybody okay it's gonna be a lot okay it's gonna be the majority and what does this talk about well let's look at what jesus said because jesus brings this passage up go to matthew chapter 13. matthew chapter 13 listen the new testament's always going to be the most clear on any old testament passage okay so if you have an idea what the old testament has to say about a subject and the new testament's talking about it take what the new testament says about it okay because it is the flashlight to the old testament because you could try to wonder what this is talking about in isaiah 6 but let's just see exactly what it's talking about with what jesus says so in matthew chapter 13 and if you know matthew 13 this is the chapter of parables okay now i know there's more parables in matthew but this is literally just parable after parable after parable is the parable of the sower the parable of the tares the parable of the you know like the the fish in the net you know and i'm not saying that right but you know basically it's talking about the net and all these different parables that he brings brings across here but in verse 10 here it says and the disciples came and said unto him why speakest thou unto them in parables it's a good question right it's like why are you speaking to them in parables why don't you just speak plainly or more revealed right in verse 11 there it says and he answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of god but to them it is not given now have you ever read through i mean when i first got saved i was very confused on like why he was like speaking in parables why he was saying this right until i understood the reprobate doctrine okay i understood that people that there are certain people that god is darkening until i understood that this was very confusing right because you kind of go into it that superficial christian idea of like well god loves everybody right now everybody right now and he wants everybody to believe right now that's not the case okay read through the new testament you'll find out that it's not the case okay and like i said if you don't understand this doctrine of reprobation you'll be a calvinist if you're saved i mean meaning this that if you if you believe salvation is by grace through faith and you cannot lose your salvation you either have to come to the conclusion that god turns people over to a reprobate mind at some point or you have to be a calvinist to think that they're just born that way and that they're born damned you know because there's too many verses in in the bible that says there's people that can't believe that you know are past the hope of salvation okay or cannot be saved okay so uh but the right conclusion is is that god wants everybody to get saved but there comes a point when he'll darken their heart okay now in matthew 13 and verse 11 he says that to him and then he's going to expound on that okay in verse 12 there says for whosoever hath to him shall be given and he shall have more abundance but whosoever hath not from him shall be taken away even that he hath therefore speak i to them in parables because they seeing see not in hearing they hear not neither do they understand and in them is fulfilled the prophecy of isaias okay so if you want to know what this prophecy is talking about particularly it's talking about what jesus is talking about right here but which says by hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive for this people's heart is wax gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes they have closed blessed at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted and i should heal them but blessed are your eyes for they see in your ears for they hear for verily i say unto you that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see and have not seen them and to hear those things which ye have or which ye hear and have not heard them so he's basically saying you know basically by and large these people are going to be blinded but he's not saying that they are you know and if you remember he says that he would speak to the multitudes with parables but then he would speak to his disciples clearly okay and but you know it notice here that um it's interesting because when he quotes this and when he's talking about it he says they have closed their eyes right in isaiah talks about you need to go and close their eyes okay the principle of reprobation is that they started closing their eyes first okay they held the truth in unrighteousness they knew god and glorified him not as god they were they were hardening themselves from god and then there comes a point where he's like all right now i'm hardening you to it okay so uh when he says they closed their eyes it's true they did okay but guess what guess what jesus is doing to him he's closing them by preaching to them in parables okay mark four talks about the same thing says it in a little shorter fashion but when it's talking about being healed it's not just talking about being healed physically so i want to prove that to you that when this when it's talking about that they be converted that be healed it's not just talking about like a physical healing okay it's talking about a spiritual healing in verse 10 of mark chapter 4 it says and when he was alone they that were about him with the 12 asked of him the parable and he said unto them unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of god but unto them that are without all these things are done in parables that seeing they may see and not perceive and hearing they may hear and not understand lest at any time they should be converted and their sins should be forgiven them so when it talks about them being healed it's talking about their sins being forgiven okay this goes into the fact of them being blind okay and you can go into all these passages that talk about this okay but also when you go back to the idea of the prophecy of him speaking in parables go to psalm 78 psalm 78 so i hope this really if anything opens your eyes to why did jesus speak in parables so much well you gotta understand who he's saying who he's speaking to in parables he wasn't just speaking he didn't go to his disciples off in a corner somewhere and start speaking to them in parables it was when he spoke to these multitudes of people that you know basically were hardening themselves and he's speaking to he's basically just kind of letting them get hardened you know they were starting to harden themselves and he's going to speak to them in parables but he expounded it onto his disciples so you notice in that chapter and matthew chapter 13 what keeps happening he says the parable of the sower and then he goes to his disciples and explains it to them he says the parable the the the tares and what's he do he goes over to the disciples and starts explaining it to them and when in some of the parables he doesn't explain but he says understand and style these things and they say yay so he doesn't explain it to them right so if they understand the parable then he's not going to just go ahead and explain it you know so um but he wasn't just trying to uh say dark things to his disciples okay but he did to the multitudes okay and in um in psalm uh 78 notice in verse 1 there it says give ear owe my people to my law incline your ears to the words of my mouth i will open my mouth in a parable i will utter dark sayings of old so when it talks about a parable what are you dealing with a dark saying a proverb right and so it's something that's not very clear right you're looking through a glass darkly you know it's something that you're kind of seeing it but you're not sure right and it's always foolish to get your heart your uh core doctrines from a parable okay never do that because what are you getting from from a dark saying okay you want clear statements you know uh he that believeth on the sun hath everlasting light that's a clear statement okay it's not dark okay but if you start going into like well you know the marriage feast and like you go into these different things and you're trying to say well i think he lost his salvation because you know he threw him out he didn't have the right garment but he had you know and then it'll say something like that it's like that's a parable man like what are you doing trying to base your salvation off a parable okay but going on from that in psalm 78 so it says you know i will utter dark sayings of old which we have heard and known and our fathers have told us notice in verse 4 we will not hide them from their children okay so he's basically saying i'm going to speak these parables i'm going to speak these dark sayings why is he doing that to darken their hearts okay there's a certain group of people that he's trying to darken their hearts okay and you know to to harden their hearts to close their eyes but he's not hiding it from the children okay so there's certain people that he's expounding it revealing it to showing to the to the generation to come the praises of the lord and his strength and his wonderful works that he had done can you think of what's something that jesus said go to luke chapter 10 luke chapter 10 luke chapter 10 because something he keeps saying about babes okay and he's not just he's not just he's not talking about babies okay like like my baby back there you know other babies that are in here right um he's talking about babes when it comes to um you know the wisdom of this world and um you know like the the uh so-called education of the world if you will um but in luke chapter 10 and verse 21 it says in that hour jesus rejoiced in spirit and said i thank thee oh father lord of heaven and earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes even so father for so it seemed good in thy sight i want you to i want that to resonate it was good in the father's sight that it be hid from the wise and the prudent okay that you'd be like that doesn't make sense that's the bible that's the god of the bible and listen i hope you can understand it if if you're if you're struggling with the idea of the doctrine of reparation or this idea of god darkening certain people at some point i believe it makes it makes sense okay but in the end does it have to make sense for you to believe it okay in the end this is what god said it says that it was in his sight it pleased the father that he darkened the the hearts of the wise and the prudent that were in israel but he revealed it on the babes okay and isn't that what jesus said it says it's not given none to them to hear it but it's given unto you and what about this one out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise because they were all praising him saying hosanna to the to hosanna to i'm messing it up now uh to the son of david um and so you know when he came in riding on on the colt the full of an ass um they were praising him and they and who was rebuking them chief priests pharisees right rebuking them for praising jesus as he came in he said you know out of the mouth of babes and sucklings i was perfected praise and you may have wondered too because when you look up that phrase out of the mouth of babes and sucklings it says this you don't have to turn there but it says in psalm 8 and verse 2 it says out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast ordained strength okay say well i thought it was praise well if you look at the passage we just read in psalm 78 it talks about that he will reveal it it says that we will not hide them from their children showing to the generation to come the praises of the lord and his strength okay what happens sometimes in the bible when it say you know the you know as it is written sometimes the it's it's putting two passages together that are talking about the same thing and it melds it together okay so when it says out of the mouth of babes and sucklings as perfected praise what is it doing it's taking psalm 8 and putting it together with psalm 78 because it's talking about the same thing okay so don't let that hang you up because you will go back there and be like well it doesn't say praise it says strength it's wrong and i've heard people say that they'll say like oh you know the bible is wrong and there's an error because it's not quoted it didn't say i'm going to give you an exact quote of psalm 8 okay it's just saying as it's written what is written it's just the fact that the principle and and all that together is true okay that out of the mouth of babes and sucklings ask perfected praise and and ordain strength but those principles are all put together there so i kind of want to mention that because sometimes you'll see that in the bible where it'll it'll say something a little different or it'll add in something else into it when it says as it is written but that principle is in the bible somewhere it's just putting those two concepts together in one spot whereas in another and if you're in the old testament you may have to pull it from two different areas to get that that whole thought there okay now um go to john chapter 12 john chapter 12 and i want to try to finish this up pretty quick here um because you've seen a lot of this stuff but i just want to kind of really reinforce this to see the places where this verse this passage in isaiah 6 is brought up a lot it's brought up in matthew it's brought up in mark it's brought up in john chapter 12 here it's brought up in ax it's not done you know like even after the resurrection guess what that that principle of isaiah 6 is still applying you know why because it's something that's been applying okay but particularly when that was said to isaiah it was the main application was jesus was going to come to his own and his own was going to receive him not and he was going to harden their hearts okay and he was going to not reveal the truth unto the wise and prudent unto the chief priests and Pharisees by large but he's going to reveal it unto the unlearned to the fishermen right to the the people that aren't high and lifted up in their hearts okay but in john chapter 12 and verse 36 it says while you have light believe in the light that you may be the children of light you remember what jesus said when he said when he was talking about why you're speaking to them in parables it says unto him that hath shall be given but and then hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath the idea of you have this light because it says this in john chapter one this is that is the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world i believe everybody has light that's given unto him coming into this world but you can basically have that taken away to where you don't even have light to understand anymore you know you've been taken away the opportunity and he's basically saying while you have the light believe in the light so that you become the children of light right and it says these things spake jesus departed and did hide himself from them what did jesus do he hid himself from them i mean you got to look at this in the fact that they were looking for him and he hid himself from him okay notice what it says in verse 37 it says but though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him this principle was throughout the bible okay the idea of pharaoh seeing all these signs and wonders what god do to pharaoh he hardened his heart same thing in jesus day did all these signs and wonders and it says yet they didn't believe on him so what do you do he hid himself from them so there are people that god and jesus particularly the son of god will hide himself from people okay and if jesus is hiding himself from you there's no hope of salvation okay i don't care how much you give them the okay i don't care how much you give them the gospel if jesus isn't going to save them you can't save them okay but in verse 38 here it says that the saying of isaias the prophet might be fulfilled which spake lord who hath believed our report and to whom had the arm of the lord been revealed what is that quoting isaiah 53 then in verse 39 therefore they could not believe because that isaias said again so what is saying here they couldn't believe why well they saw all these signs and wonders yet they didn't believe and he hid himself from them and what does it say they could not believe because isaias said again he had blinded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and i should heal them these things said isaias just in case you thought it was talking about some other place in the bible in isaiah these things said isaias when he saw his glory and spake of him i mean there's no doubt that you're talking about isaiah six here when he saw the lord high and lifted up and his train filled the whole you know temple and the throne and he saw the king of hosts sitting there on the throne i mean there's no doubt that you're talking about that not to mention he just quoted the passage that's in isaiah chapter six okay so you know this the the the song here am i send me first of all i don't like that song it's too emotional okay it's always like this this uh this idea of like trying to tug at your your heartstrings and you know you know why i don't you know why because it's associated with missionaries that don't actually go soul winning they don't actually do the work and they're just wasting everybody's money and everybody's time and they're just going around on deputation to get money from churches and so yeah it has a bad taste in my mouth but second of all that song has nothing to do with preaching the gospel meaning that that that passage in isaiah chapter six is talking about god darkening people's hearts okay bad song choice you know and um you know there's songs like that even in our hymnal like the lily of the valley we're not going to sing that song there's a there's another song that um that sings but it talks about the rose of sharon i'm not singing that song and it's a catchy song listen all these songs that are that are bad on doctrine have very catchy tunes like victory and jesus you notice we never sing that song because we didn't repent of our sins and win the victory okay and i don't even want to sing the 2.0 and i'm not against people that do you know and you're like what's 2.0 it's where we fix it and put the lead on the lord jesus christ in there but all that to say is that um you know we need to get context now acts chapter 28 is another place that's mentioned here where paul brings up this passage so the reason i bring up this one is because the principle still applied even after the resurrection okay i think the main application is jesus here on the earth it's kind of like everything's focused in on that right if you think about all the passages in the bible and all the prophecies it's all focusing in on jesus and what he's doing right but obviously there's still other applications to it and the fact that people are being hardened before that you think of cain all the way back at the beginning you think of other people in the bible that were hardened like pharaoh and all that stuff but uh the main focus is the fact that god you know the people that were supposed to be for god rejected him he came onto his own his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave me power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name so it's not that no one did so when you look at the end of the chapter in isaiah 6 what do you see there's a tenth right there is there is a portion that believed right there was a bunch of people in jerusalem that did believe okay but it was not the majority and anybody that thinks it's the majority is selling you a bill of goods they're probably zionists by the way okay but uh but in act chapter 28 i'm just gonna give you the right we actually went through this chapter obviously you know when we were going through acts um not too long ago but in verse 17 there i just want you to first of all see who he's talking to verse 17 it says and it came to pass that after three days paul called the chief of the jews together okay so i just want you to see that that he's calling the jews the chief of the jews together and basically what he's telling them is saying you know why he's there you know and kind of trying to clear his name with them before they even start talking to him and they're like we haven't even heard anything you know it's kind of funny because he's kind of telling him everything that happened and he's like he's like we haven't heard any such thing you know no one's given us a report but we do know that what you know what you're preaching or that sect of uh belief is spoken against everywhere okay so then he starts preaching to them and in verse 23 there it says and when they had appointed him a day they came there came many to him into his lodging to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of god persuading them concerning jesus both out of the law of moses and out of the prophets from morning till evening and some believed the things which were spoken and some believed not and when they agreed not among themselves they departed notice this this is the reason they're departing because of what he's going to say right here after that paul had spoken one word well spake the holy ghost by isaias the prophet unto our fathers who he's speaking unto our father so the main application is unto the jews okay you say well you know was it really the jews wasn't it just all is it well who's who is isaiah speaking to in these passages the kings of juda okay so it actually is to the jews okay you know people are always trying to put jew on like uh on abraham and all this other stuff and it's not wrongfully put there but in this case it actually is the jews you know that isaiah was going to okay and so anyway uh in verse 26 there it says saying go on to this people and say hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing you shall see and not perceive for the heart of this people is wax gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes have they closed lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and should be converted and i should heal them you say man i'm how many times we're going to read that well i just want to make a point that this is a pivotal passage in the new testament okay because you're reading through isaiah 6 you're like well does this really apply in the new testament i don't know did it apply to jesus when he said it multiple times bringing it up about why he spoke parables and why they couldn't believe you think it's you think it's important that paul is bringing this up at the very end of his whole like ministry as far as what we see here anyway but then he says in verse 28 but be it known therefore unto you that the sauasion of god is senteth to the gentiles and that they will hear it and when he had said these words the jews departed and had great reasoning among themselves so recap you know isaiah 6 what are you dealing with he's saying go on to this people who judah and basically tell them that your hearts are going to be darkened it's going to be you're going to be hardened you're not going to see and but he said basically there's this tent that's that's going to you know not be that right so you got the idea that he's revealed it unto babes he's revealed it unto his disciples there are people that are believing it but ultimately what he's saying the gentiles will hear it though so this whole passage is kind of building up to the idea of like hey israel by and large judia is going to reject the lord jesus christ they're going to harden their hearts from it some are going to believe it but ultimately he's going to go to the gentiles okay and what do you have the new testament right whether it's neither jew nor agree uh you know bond or free all that and the idea of the new testament that's applied there so um but anyway that's isaiah chapter six i think it's interesting seeing the seraphims but also seeing um this if you will a great commission that's given to isaiah and you say well you know uh you know so we always we should be preaching to the people listen there's many there's many people that have won the christ that probably wouldn't even listen to me if i didn't explain the reprobate doctrine to them my aunt brought it up that i talked to this past weekend about what about serial killers you know you're telling me that anybody you know like you get into pedophilia you get into a lot of this wicked debauchery that people do this that's unnatural right and i've won people to christ because i've explained to them no those people have been hardened those people cannot believe they had a chance they no longer have a chance they're destined for help and you know what they're just like okay that makes sense you know and you know who's hard to convince that of preachers that don't want to eat crow okay you know preachers that have their pet doctrines calvinists okay you know that don't you know because they know calvinists know that the reprobate doctrine completely annihilates their stupid tulip and you know if you understand that doctrine it's going to lock a lot of stuff okay and it's not in a corner okay i just touched the surface i actually just went to the places where it's quoted let alone all the places where it applies okay so let's end with the word prayer the only father we think of today and just pray to be with us throughout the rest of this week and lord just pray to be with us with this virus going around pray to keep us safe and healthy and and lord help us to witness to anybody that we can during this time and lord we just again thank you for everything that you've done for us and be with the church family and those that aren't here that can't be here and lord we love you and pray also in jesus christ name amen