(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Isaiah chapter 58 and we are continuing our study through the book of Isaiah and we're almost getting to the end so we have eight more chapters after this and so you know I'm gonna miss Isaiah I know you kind of when we go through these books you're kind of thinking well we're almost done we're almost done but you know what Isaiah has just a lot in it and so I've been enjoying each chapter but this verse right here this first verse in Isaiah 58 you probably heard a lot especially when you're dealing with hard preaching or when you're hearing preaching on hard preaching this verse is brought up a lot and notice what it says here in Isaiah 58 in verse 1 it says, So this is used a lot to talk about hard preaching and when you think about hard preaching or when you get loud about something what are you getting loud about? But you're getting loud about transgression about sin so when we talk about hard preaching we're talking about preaching hard against sin okay and we're crying aloud about it we're lifting up our voice like a trumpet it always makes me laugh because when I always think of this verse when people try to say you know they heard his voice as if as of a trumpet you know and they'll say see that's the trumpet sounding it's like is that what they mean here you know and because they try to say Revelation 4 is the rapture and you know all this stuff and but that being said is that it's just stating that a trumpet is very loud okay I used to play the trumpet in the band actually my older brother used to play the trumpet as well and you know it's a brass instrument and so it's the it's one of the louder instruments okay it always would you'd always hear the trumpet section over the french horns or just other instrument you know the flute you think of the little piccolo things when we're in the marching band he's like I don't know why they're playing because no one hears them unless you know like the marching band goes by and you kind of hear those little flutes on the end you're like oh okay I guess they're there but the trumpet section is always the one that you hear because it's loud it's it's just bold it's just it's one of those sounds that you know you it's just piercing type of sound and so that being said is that when you're crying aloud there's a lot here that you're crying aloud right so meaning that it's it's it's out loud but also the fact that you're not sparing spare not okay and the problem with preachers today is that they spare okay when it comes to this issue on sin or transgression they spare they hold back because they might offend somebody okay now that's why it's hard preaching because you know what if if you preach on sin all our toes are going to be stepped on or you're all liars okay because if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us okay you know so the idea is that you know we have to realize we all have sin so if if I preach on it and it steps on your toes well good you know welcome to the club of being a sinner okay now obviously there's bigger sins than others and then you get into sensitive topics that are gonna hurt people more you know get you know their feelings hurt more or maybe they it'll you know kind of hurt a little more than others because they deal with this sin and the other person doesn't deal with this sin and all that or maybe in their past they did that and it kind of just stings a little bit because they used to do that type of stuff or whatever the case may be but the idea with the preacher is that you're not supposed to spare okay you kind of think of the verse where it talks about spare not for his crying you know talking about sparing out the rod but it says you know spare not for for for his crying because you know thou shalt beat him with rod you know he shall not die okay now listen you know when when someone preaches on sin listen you're not going to die by hearing hard preaching okay you just need to take it take it to heart and you know what if it applies then apply it and don't get mad at the messenger okay you know if a preacher is preaching on sin and then you're just like you know what i'm offended it's like well you offended at what the bible says or you offended at you know the preacher himself okay a lot of times he offended at the preacher because of what he said but what he said a lot of times is biblical now don't get me wrong there are people that preach that preach something that's completely not biblical okay and if someone's getting up here and ripping your face off or something and it's not biblical it's not found in the bible then i'm not saying to take that to heart i'm not saying to like you know just do what they say to do or just take you know you gotta obviously look at the bible when when when hard preaching happens and you say okay is that what it says okay the bible says it that hurts but you know what it's black and white it's what it says okay but it's almost preaching hard listen crying aloud you know there's a lot of false teachers that cry aloud but they're not saying anything they're not saying of anything of substance or saying something false okay but let's just be honest most false teachers a bunch of limp-wristed uh preachers that don't cry aloud they don't spare you know i mean they are sparing meaning they're sparing what they say they're holding back what they say because they don't want to offend anybody you got a bunch of prosperity type of preachers and you know basically tickling the ears or i guess scratching the ears of those that have itching ears right but it says show my people their transgression in the house of jacob their sins and notice this too okay um go to go to second timothy chapter four second timothy chapter four when we're crying loud sparing not who are we crying aloud and sparing not to okay it says to my people okay so when you're dealing with preaching hard i'm not preaching hard to the lost okay i'm preaching hard to saved people to god's people to children of god and so you know what there's a difference between how i you know where it's to basically preach to the unsaved and preach to the saved and when it's talking about this this is not talking about you know show the world their sins and just rip their faith now listen you know jeremiah would preach to the world and there's nothing wrong with that and there's nothing wrong with the world hearing this preaching but i'm not just getting on a soapbox in the middle of the street and just preaching about the sins of the world to the to the world okay jesus didn't do that john the baptist didn't do that they preached to people that came to hear them okay and if the world hears it so be it let them hear it he that hath an ear let him hear right so i'm not against unsaved people hearing this preaching but at the same time i'm preaching it as if i'm preaching it to the saved okay because the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of god neither can he know them for they are foolish to son to him because he spiritually discerned so if if you know an unsaved person is not going to receive most of everything that i'm saying anyway then why would i tailor it to them okay i'm going to tailor it to the saved and you know what god's word is quick and powerful and sharp in any tuition sword and so you know what it's going to divide and it's going to work in someone's heart and it's going to get them to maybe uh search for the truth hear the gospel and obviously that's what we go out and do every week to preach the gospel to get them saved okay but in first or second timothy chapter four i think of this this passage here every time when i think of crying aloud sparing not lift up that voice like a trumpet it says in verse one here says i charge thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine but a time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned on the fables and listen there's nothing new under the sun so it talks about a time you know there's going to come a time there's been times throughout history where this has happened now obviously in the end time it's going to be probably more than ever right but at the same time this has been going on that happened in paul's day it happened before that that people were turned on the fables they didn't want to hear sound doctrine and they have these itching ears meaning they they want someone to scratch their ears like a dog pretty much you know like just scratching the back of their ear and they want the feel-good message they just want to feel happy and blessed they don't want to hear anything bad you know don't prophesy on to us rough thing you know but smooth things okay they don't want to know the truth they want to know something smooth okay and they don't want the truth and listen the truth is hate to those to those that hate the truth and people today they just don't want to know what the truth is because the truth hurts okay the truth in a lot of cases are just it's just going to hurt when you just put it right down the line but the bible is stating here that as a preacher you're supposed to preach the word in season out of season okay and what does that mean meaning this is that when it's popular and when it's not popular you think of what's in season right as far as clothing you know this is a popular thing to wear at this time because it's in season right but just in season out of season when whether it's popular whether it's unpopular that means that i need to preach on things even if it is popular right i don't just be like i'm just gonna preach everything that's unpopular everything you know i only appreciate if it's unpopular okay we don't we don't want to go too far with that okay but most people are like i only appreciate if it's popular if it's something that everybody's gonna end up liking and you know what there's just gonna be no qualms with this no we need to preach it all you know paul said that i have not shunned to declare unto you all the council of god and so we need to declare it all we need to preach it all whether it's in season out of season and listen there's a lot of things that are out of season today okay when it comes to the bible pretty much a lot of all that's in the bible is out of season today but you know back back you know like 40 years ago there's a lot of things that were in season okay a lot of the stuff that we get a lot of persecution for today you know was in season back then and people weren't getting persecuted for that everybody was saying amen most people were like yeah that's right but now out of season okay and you know why it got out of season because people didn't preach it hard enough because people didn't stick to their guns when it came to what's right what's righteous and so uh now this also shows you go to first peter chapter three why women should not be pastors okay so yes i'm going there this is why okay i want you to think about this verse if this is if you're talking about a preacher that's going to be preaching hard that's going to be showing you their sins right preaching your sins to you you're crying aloud you're sparing your not and you're lifting up your voice like a trumpet okay now look at this this passage here in first peter chapter three verse one it says likewise ye wise be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plating the hair and of wearing of gold or putting on of apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of god of great price so what does it say that's of great price to god is that a woman has a meek and quiet spirit not loud and lifting up their voice like a trumpet that is the job for the man okay now in 2021 that's not popular okay but i don't give a rip if that's popular you know what women are supposed to be quiet meek and meek and quiet spirit they're not supposed to be obnoxious and these loud mouths okay now obviously i don't consider myself a loud mouth most of the time okay but i'm just talking to you i'm not like really loud but when you preach behind the pulpit when you're supposed to be preaching the word of god to the saved and in the house of god you're supposed to lift up your voice like a trumpet and you're supposed to cry loud spare not and i'm going to get to other passages where you're supposed to be smiting the hand stamping the foot and getting everybody's attention okay but this is one of many reasons why women should not pastor a church okay why they should not be leading a church and preaching behind a pulpit is because they're supposed to have a meek and quiet spirit and if one of the things that a pastor is supposed to be doing or a preacher is supposed to be doing is lifting up their voice like a trumpet you see how that doesn't fit okay you're like okay i see your point there we'll go to first timothy chapter three first timothy chapter three and i'll show you another big reason why women are not to be the pastors now when it comes to a pastor that term isn't used that much in the new testament actually the term that's used a lot is bishop bishop and elder okay now these are three terms that i believe talk about the same office okay a pastor is like synonymous with shepherd okay meaning that they're shepherding the flock right and so the church is likened unto a flock the shepherd is the leader of that or basically the one that watches over and feeds the flock okay so one of the jobs that i have is to feed you okay like a shepherd feeds the flock and i'm also supposed to fend off the wolves well bishop is another term that means overseer okay so that's basically i am the leader overseeing everything that's going on okay and then you have the term elder which is just basically stating that you're not a novice okay you're not you're not a youngling if you will or someone that's real young in the faith okay this isn't talking about necessarily age as much as it's talking about age in the faith or not even age in the faith as much as it is being skilled in the faith okay and obviously that's going to take some years in the faith to get skilled in that and so elder bishop pastor those are three things that that that are a title of a pastor or their office if you will we usually use the term pastor and that's fine i'm fine with that but you know if you called me the bishop that wouldn't be wrong if you called me the elder of the church but see a lot of those terms have gotten bad connotations whether the catholic church or whether it's mormonism to where a lot of times it's just going to feel weird saying that as far as a title and you're like hey bishop robinson you know you like you know then i start sprinkling you with dust and you know whatever you know you put on the funny hat but obviously those terms aren't bad okay but in the first timothy chapter 3 and verse 1 it says this is a true saying if a man what does that say right there if a man now i know in 2021 we don't realize that there's a difference between men and women but that term man means a man okay it means they have a y chromosome that means you know they're a man okay if a man desire the office of a bishop he desires the good work see that pronoun he a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife okay so it's a man it's a he and it's a husband okay so good luck ladies that you're going to be a man and have a pronoun he and also be called the husband now i know in 2021 there are people out there that do this okay but it doesn't change reality and change the fact that the bible obviously only recognizes actual physical biological men as being men okay but keep reading there it says in verse uh in verse 2 it says the husband of one wife vigilant sober of good behavior given the hospitality apt to teach not given the wine no striker not give not greedy a filthy lucre but patient not a brawler not covetous one that rules well as his own house having his children in subjection with all gravity for if a man know not how to rule his own house how shall he take care of the church of god get the point we're talking about a man okay it doesn't give any room in here for women to be a pastor okay okay well go back a chapter to first timothy chapter two first timothy chapter two verse timothy chapter two says this in verse 11 let not the woman learn or says let the woman learn in silence with all subjection but i suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence for adam was first formed then eve and adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in a transgression so it gives you a little information as far as why they're not supposed to be a teacher in the church why they're not supposed to be usurping authority in the church because there is a difference between men and women okay adam was first formed then eve and adam was not deceived okay now you may get upset with me with me at this but you know what that's what the bible says that eve was deceived adam wasn't so if you want to say why can't a woman be a teacher because eve was deceived and adam wasn't by the serpent okay so there is a difference between how men work and how women work and why men are the ones to be the leaders why they're the ones that assert authority why they're the ones to be the teachers go to first corinthian chapter 14 first corinthian chapter 14 and there just seems to be this epidemic of churches that are just allowing women to be pastors allowing women to be teachers in the church and it's just not biblical okay now the elder women are to teach the younger women to love their husbands to love their children to be sober and you know to be discreet chase keepers at home and all that stuff and there's nothing wrong with that okay and obviously the women are going to teach their children okay we're talking about women asserting authority over the men okay so if you had a woman to get up right now guess what they're teaching men they're not teaching just children they're not just teaching women okay but i also am not a big fan of like these women's conferences okay where you get women that are just teaching women okay i'm just not a fan of that okay i'm not here to say like that's inherently wrong but i've heard a lot of bad things about those type of conferences okay as far as what's being taught and all of that okay but in general when it comes to like women in the church like if the elder if the older women want to teach the younger women or you know like you have women that have more children or older children and they're teaching the other women how to deal with that like there's nothing wrong with that okay i'm not saying like you guys that that women can't teach other women or even teach children and all that that's very true but the difference is is that you're not teaching men you're not preaching to men okay you're not a serpent authority over men and listen anybody that's going to be a leader in this church is going to be a man as long as i'm pastor here it's always going to be men that are leading this church that doesn't mean women can't do things in this church but there's not going to be someone that's in a leadership position where they're calling the shots whether it's a deacon whether it's a pastor whether it's you know a staff member of some sort to where they're the ones that are calling the shots okay and so that's just that's just what the bible teaches now in first corinthian chapter 14 and verse 27 this is dealing with the unknown tongue in in a lot of this case but it's dealing with this idea of prophesying compared to basically he's kind of separating you know prophesying to save people but then preaching the gospel to unsaved people he's kind of separating those two but when it's talking about prophesying in this chapter it's talking about preaching in the church okay because prophesying and preaching those are synonymous terms okay but notice what it says in verse 27 it says if any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interpret so this whole passage is basically saying if you came in here and um it'd be like if brother rich came up here and started speaking to gollig or something like that i don't know can you speak that okay well but let's say let's say he could speak it and he came up here he started preaching to you well you better have an interpreter okay because no one else is going to know what you're saying that's what this is talking about and he's saying that you only want to do that you want to limit that okay because it's kind of like uh if you were to watch a movie with subtitles you know it gets a little old and you can only take that so much where you're just reading a movie or reading some kind of documentary or something like that does that make sense so he's basically saying you're putting kind of putting a limit on that you know you just need to be you need to get some preachers up there that are preaching in the language that people understand okay but if you were to have someone get up here that preached that was preaching in another language you better have someone over here that's interpreting it okay and so that's what this passage is talking about it says in verse 28 it says but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to god so when we're talking about speaking what are we talking about talking about prophesying okay because i kind of want to debunk something here in the fact that it's not saying that women can't talk at all in church right as far as like we're over there you know like getting coffee or you know eating pastries and be like we're in the church building women don't speak okay we're going to sing a song women nope sorry can't open your mouth at all okay when we're talking about speaking in church women speaking in church we're talking about preaching does it you see that very clearly here that we're talking about prophesying in an unknown tongue but if you don't have an interpreter then don't speak okay talking to the men saying men don't speak if you don't have someone to interpret what you're saying if you're speaking in a tongue that no one knows okay and this is obviously a known language it's just that they don't know it in the church but keep reading there it says let the prophet speak two or three and let the other judge so he's basically saying you know when it comes to preaching time you should probably only have two to three people preaching at any given time okay it's like when you have these preaching conferences and it's just like all day long it's like it gets it gets vexing on the on on the mind you know you can only take in so much i say two is probably the limit you want to go with when it comes to like a preaching night or something like that as far as a full sermon like an hour like two hours of preaching that's a lot it's a lot to take in and if i'm preaching then it's like three hours you know but that being said is that you know he's basically just giving you some guidelines to preaching okay if any if there it says if anything be revealed to another that sitteth by let the first hold his peace for you may all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be comforted and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the problem so what he's saying here is that if you're listening to the preaching you don't just get up and start saying what you what you're thinking about right because a lot of times when i'm preaching you may be thinking to somebody like oh man that verse fits right there right and you kind of want to tell me about it or you want to tell other people be like oh you know that point right there this actually fits perfectly with that and you're kind of thinking about it he's basically saying you know just keep that to yourself and you got to go one by one you can't just have people getting up start saying stuff and it's just a convoluted mess okay the whole point of this chapter is that you do everything decently and in order but keep reading because the whole point i'm trying to get here is that are we talking about preaching are we are we talking just about talking in general we're talking about preaching okay the preaching time prophesying to the church and how you're supposed to do it decently in an order it says for god is not in verse 33 for god is not the author of confusion but a peace as in all churches of the saints so he's not talking about some gibberish he's just talking about that you need to have some order to your service okay people that are listening you just need to listen to the preaching afterwards you can get up and talk about it okay that's what he's basically stating notice in verse 34 let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also set the law and if they're they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church what are we talking about now this verse just hurts women you know they just they just you know a lot of that's the bible that's what it says okay you know what it says in the greek what i just read okay it says the same thing it would hurt just as bad if you knew understood greek and could read it in greek okay but the thing is that are we talking about just speaking in general are we talking about preaching we're clearly talking about preaching so tell me joyce myer are you the husband of one wife are you a man are you having a meek and quiet spirit when you get up and and you you're like speaking this loud obnoxious voice to all these people in this crowd and are you abiding by first corinthians 14 when it says it's not for permitted for you to speak in the church i mean you just want me to rip those out okay it's very clear what the bible says about this now this doesn't mean that women can't be preachers okay because uh yeah i i would have gotten all god's people were prophets okay but it has to be in its place go to second timothy chapter two second timothy chapter two you say man you're taking a lot of time on this one verse i am i'm not going to take that much time on the rest literally the rest of this chapter is dealing with a whole subject and i'm going to be hitting on that subject okay so like the rest of this chapter is kind of like its own like just whole subject okay this i just want to hit on real quick okay there's a difference between crying aloud sparing not and showing my people their transgression and the house of israel their sin that's different than preaching the gospel to somebody okay preaching the gospel to somebody is supposed to be gentle it's supposed to be meek and i'm not going up the door and just crying aloud and sparing not lifting up my voice like a trumpet that's how you get kicked out of apartment complex no i'm just kidding obviously we get kicked out of apartment complex just for preaching the gospel but this is the way we're supposed to do it in verse 24 so second timothy chapter two in verse 24 says in the spirit of the lord must not i'm sorry the servant of the lord and the servant of the lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient and meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if god pervent will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will so when you're preaching the gospel and you're trying to get someone saved listen you're supposed to be gentle you're not supposed to be striving with them and it talks about striving about words to to no profit and you know gendering strife with endless genealogies and all this stuff and that's where you get into a man that is a heretic after the first and second admonition reject knowing he that is such as subverted and sin is being condemned of himself and the idea is that don't just wait don't waste your time on some heretic you know if you can't be gentle and quiet talking to somebody and just a civil conversation then it's not going anywhere then it's already gone off the rails okay if you're if you're in your yelling match with somebody and it's not a friendly yelling match okay because i understand there's certain people that you just get loud with and you're having a good time you're both having a good time and you just have you know just people are like that i'm talking about a yelling match where it's not a good time and you guys are both angry at each other you know that's not doing anything okay that that's not a time you know it's not time to get angry when you're out soul winning it's a time just to move on you know find somebody that wants to hear it and be gentle okay now in ezekiel chapter 6 go to ezekiel chapter 6 and verse 11 ezekiel chapter 6 and verse 11 ezekiel chapter 6 and verse 11 you know the bible talks about preachers crying aloud sparing not lifting up their voice like a trumpet preaching the word in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine so there's gonna be a lot of reprove there's gonna be a lot of rebuking that's not fun okay and listen i don't like reproving and rebuke it's not like i just take joy and reprove reproving you know like save people okay now i don't mind reproving the world okay um but you know when it comes to people in the house of god you know what i don't take place i wish everybody we were all just doing what we should be doing and there shouldn't need to be any reprove or rebuke but you know what when i preach i'm not usually preaching to any one person anyway i'm just preaching as if there is someone that's dealing with that and it's like a phantom person if you will that's maybe dealing with that sin and needs to be preached hard because they need to hear it and chances are there's someone that's dealing with that sin and it needs preached on okay but in ezekiel chapter six and verse 11 it says thus saith the lord god smite with thine hand and stamp with thy foot and say alas for all the evil abominations of the house of israel for they shall fall by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence so notice that he tells ezekiel he's like basically you know smite with the hand so whether that means it's like kind of clapping you know you're kind of getting people's attention okay and then you're smiting with a foot now it's kind of concrete here so this kind of hurts and it's not exactly is but if you're on like a pulpit of wood you know that might have a little more effect it's kind of like when you hit this you know it has like a you know especially right here you know because it's got like that little gap right there and but if i if i was on this right if i was standing on this and i and i hit the hit with the ground you probably hear it a lot yeah if i try to hit that any harder i'm gonna break my foot so but the idea with stamping with the foot and clapping with the hands smiting with the hands is the idea is that you're getting people's attention okay it also shows you you know that the preacher actually cares about what he has to say okay you know preachers a lot of times that that don't get excited i mean you know are you gonna really believe what i have to say about a sin okay and i'm dealing with sin because you can preach a doctrine you don't have to be that exciting okay you don't have to be hanging from the chandeliers to talk about like tithing you know or something like that yeah but when you're dealing with like a sin and you're preaching hard against it you know what you got to get excited you got it you got it you got to show people like this is a big deal okay because if you're just going to be up here just monotone just be like bible says don't commit adultery and you're really monotone about it first of all you're not going to think i care that much about the subject or that i think it's that big of a deal you know it how you say things affect a lot of how people receive it okay out so any how you say you know we care about you we want you to know 100 sure going to heaven how you say that is the difference okay because if i said to somebody listen we care about you and we want you to know 100 sure going to heaven you know i don't care if what you said was right that's not how you say it that doesn't sound like you mean it okay and the same thing when it comes to preaching is that you don't want to fake it okay you want to be and listen i'm not a poster board child of being a dynamic preacher i get it okay but you don't want to fake it you don't want to be like something you don't want to just imitate somebody and you don't want to just do it and it just feels you know fake okay so you but you gotta you gotta find that if you're gonna be a preacher if you're gonna be a pastor listen you gotta get some dynamics in there you gotta you know you know smite with the fist i know i said smite with the hands but but you gotta you gotta get loud you gotta get you know to get the attention of everybody when you're getting on a subject okay but dynamics doesn't just mean loud okay dynamics also means bringing it down low okay if i just yelled to you the whole service that'd be loud okay that's not dynamic okay that's just really loud and so you gotta know when to get loud when not to get loud and when when do you usually when when do preachers when you think about all the preachers that you listen to okay of course you listen to me all the time right i'm your favorite preacher i'm just kidding but uh when you think of the preachers that you you listen to when do they usually get loud when they're just teaching on some doctrine or when they're dealing with some sin okay and most time when you hear a preacher get loud it's because they're dealing with some wicked sin that's out there that's making them angry that that they're they have this righteous indignation that's coming up and you know what that is that's the spirit of god filling them with power to preach the word of god boldly to make known the sins that are in our nation the sins that are would be in a church or something like that or that could be among god's people and so that's that's what we're supposed to do as preachers and but again what i want to say is that you know ladies you know it doesn't mean that you can't preach because the day pentecost there was the handmaidens there was the daughters they were all prophesying they were getting people saved and you know what that's biblical but you're not crying aloud when you're doing it okay and none of us should be as men we shouldn't be crying aloud when we're preaching the gospel that's why street preaching i don't believe is correct how can you be how can you be gentle and in a me you know and meekness instructing people when you're yelling a from a bullhorn to a crowd of people okay answer riddle me that okay that doesn't seem gentle it doesn't seem meek it seems obnoxious okay so um but uh you know what there are a lot of false prophets out there that are dumb dogs that can't bark and we kind of already hit on that one isaiah 56 isaiah 56 and verse 10 you can just go back a couple chapters there isaiah 56 and verse 10 it says his watchmen are blind they are all ignorant they are all dumb dogs they cannot bark sleeping lying down loving to slumber yea they are all greedy dogs which can never have enough and they are shepherds that cannot understand they all look to their own way everyone for his gain for his court from his quarter come ye say they i will fetch wine and we will fill ourselves with strong drink and tomorrow shall be as this day and much more abundant you know that's talking about prosperity these prosperity preachers that are dumb dogs that can't bark okay and you think about it you know what they what they what they can't do they can't cry aloud spare not and show his people their sins there's no coincidence that you know a few chapters later he's talking about what he wants his preachers to do okay and i and jeremiah chapter two go to jeremiah chapter two dealing with the pastors in jerusalem or in judah at that time they were transgressing okay they were not preaching what they should be preaching they were preaching prosperity and if you think about in jeremiah's day you know jeremiah is preaching doom and gloom saying hey you're going into captivity for 70 years if you don't you know turn this thing around and then it came to the point where it wasn't able to turn around and he's saying you're going to go into captivity for 70 years and they just kept denying it and they would only listen to the preacher said no it's only going to be three years or two years or whatever and then it's going to be broken off and they wanted to hear everything that was goodness and light they didn't want to hear the bad news even though it was the truth and in jeremiah 2 and verse 8 here it says the priest said not where is the lord and they that handled the law knew me not the pastors also transgressed against me and the prophets prophesied by bail and walked after things that do not profit you don't have to turn there but in jeremiah 10 21 it says for the pastors are become brutish and have not sought the lord therefore they seek or they shall not prosper and all their flocks shall be scattered they become brutish you know you know what brutish means simple simple-minded okay you think of someone that's brutish they're talking about someone that's dumb okay in our modern vernacular dumb would be like they're foolish a bunch of fools is what they become and he's he's stating the downfall of the pastors but jeremiah 315 says this in jeremiah actually if you want to see where pastors are mentioned most like that term pastors is in jeremiah okay and it's synonymous with shepherds and stuff like that but it says jeremiah 315 and i will give you pastors according to mine heart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding okay so what do you say what are you getting at here there's a lot of false prophets out there but god said that he's going to give them pastors that are after his heart that you kind of think of saul right you know when he found david he said i found a man after my own heart and he's basically saying all these pastors have transgressed they've all become brutish they're all dumb dogs they can't bark they're ignorant they cannot understand you know they're just dealing with basically all these these leaders these spiritual leaders that are just leading the people astray they don't follow after god they're they're they're foolish they can't understand but he's saying i will give you pastors according to to mine heart and it says and it says which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding and that's what the pastor is supposed to do okay i i'm not i'm not my job isn't to feed you like food okay but it's to feed you knowledge and understanding okay it's that to give you uh apt to teach if you will that's one of the qualifications of the bishop is the app to teach and you know what the bible says in jeremiah jeremiah 23 28 which i preached on this okay so i don't want to belabor this but it says in jeremiah 23 28 the prophet that hath a dream let him tell a dream and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully what is the chaff to the wheat said the lord is not my word like as a fire said the lord and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces so you know what you say you say to this to be like well you know there's all these false prophets you can think that's daunting but listen you know what god says you know those that want to you know preach their dreams okay their false visions he says let them do it but those that are going to preach my word faithfully let them do it he says what is the chaff to the wheat he kind of just lets both grow and he said what is the chaff to the wheat because god's word is as a fire and like a hammer okay so you know what our job is we're not going to go pick at some false prophets uh you know church or or organization you know what we're going to do we're going to preach the truth and let the truth break through all of that let the truth burn all of that all that false doctrine up and just preach it from the house tops and you know what what is the chaff to the wheat what is god's word to all the false doctrine and perversions that are out there it's kind of like the king james bible compared to all the other versions you know what is that you know what is the king james bible to the rest of these other versions they're like mickey mouse versions you know what i mean only that would be better because at least that's like more fun or something like that but those versions are just nothing compared to the true bible okay now go to isaiah 58 we are going to be moving on here from that verse so i'm not spending that much time on the rest of these verses but these verses are basically talking about an issue here that we get into first of all it says in verse two it says yet they seek me daily okay so when it says yet it's kind of giving you a contrast right it's basically saying you need to lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people you know their transgression in the house of israel their sin and then he gets this yet in there and it's kind of this contrast it says yet they seek me daily and delight to know my ways as a nation that did righteousness and forsook not the ordinance of their god they ask of me the ordinances of justice they take the light in approaching to god girls stop talking back there clara anna don't talk so this verse could kind of be confusing if you don't know what's going on here okay basically he's stating that they seek me daily they delight to know my ways as a nation notice that as a nation it's like a nation that did righteousness so it's not saying they are a nation that did righteousness they're seeking me as a nation it's kind of like a nation that was that did righteousness and forsook not the ordinance of their god so you know what that means that they are a nation that's not they're a nation that that doesn't do righteousness and that that has forsaken the ordinance of their God, and they're asking for all this. And it reminds me of this verse. Go to Isaiah 29. Isaiah 29 and verse 13. Because you say, well, it says, you know, the narrator is saying that they seek Him daily. Okay. Well, okay. Well, think about this verse right here. Verse 13. So Isaiah 29, verse 13 says, Wherefore the Lord said for as much as this people draw near me with their mouth and with their lips they do honor me. Now if you just read that and that was it. Okay. You already know where I'm going with this because you know this verse. Okay. That's the narrator saying that, right? They draw near to Him with their mouth and their lips honor Him. But does that mean that they're really honoring Him? Does that mean that they're really drawing near unto Him? Okay. Because what does it say? But have removed their heart far from me and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men. And this is where Jesus obviously is rebuking them and he kind of quotes this off in the New Testament. It says they teach for doctrines the commandments of men and they make void the law of God by their traditions. Okay. And the point is is that in this passage it's kind of like that where he's saying, they seek me daily. They'd like to know my law but I'm not doing it. Right? It's kind of like on this outward surface they're seeking and it's like this show that they're seeking. They want to know. It's like someone that comes to church and hears good preaching but they don't do anything with it. It's like you could say that person's seeking kind of on the outside but are they really seeking if they don't take it to heart? They don't actually apply it. They don't actually do it. Okay. Now go to Isaiah 58 in verse 3. Isaiah 58 in verse 3. So when you read that first verse and then it goes into this it kind of seems like well are they doing right? Because it's saying you know cry aloud you know show my people their transgression but you know it's a kind of yet they do this. They do seek me daily but it's basically saying they're seeking them as a nation that that did righteousness. So on the outside it looks like they're seeking him but it's just as much as someone that is that is honoring him with their lips but their heart is far from them. Right? On the outside it looks like they're honoring God. From the outside it looks like they're following God but in their heart they're not. Okay? And what matters to God more than anything? The heart. Okay? You know man judged by the outward appearance but God is the one that knows the heart. So in Isaiah 58 in verse 3 notice what it says here. It's talking about fasting. Actually a lot of this chapter is just talking it's talking about fasting but the way this is worded and with the questions it can kind of get a little confusing. At least when I first read it I'm kind of like what's going on here? I kind of had to like break this down and so if you know that he's not giving them a compliment in verse 2 he's basically stating that you're seeking me as if you're a country that didn't do wickedness pretty much. Verse 13 it says wherefore the Lord said for as much as this people draw near me with their mouth I'm sorry I'm in the wrong verse that was Isaiah 29. Verse 3 Isaiah 58 in verse 3. Anna where is Anna at? Sit down get up here I want you to sit up front Anna come up here up to the front sit right in front of Miss Taylor Isaiah 58 in verse 3 it says wherefore have we fasted say they. Okay so what's going on here? He's saying wherefore have we fasted say they. So God is kind of speaking here and saying they're saying wherefore have we fasted okay and thou see us not. So he's basically talking for them like this is what you're saying wherefore do we fast and you don't see us right? It says where wherefore have we afflicted our soul and thou take us no knowledge behold in the day of your fast you find pleasure and exact all your labors. Okay so basically he's stating that these people are saying you know we're fasting to you but you're not hearing us you know we're fasting you're not seeing it okay and he's saying when you fast you find pleasure the whole point of fasting is that you're not in pleasure okay the whole point of fasting is you're afflicting your soul but he's basically saying you're not really fasting you know you're like you're fasting but you're not really like you're still finding pleasure in in the day or whatever you're supposed to be afflicting your soul and not like having pleasure while you're fasting okay. Now keep reading there in verse 4 it says behold you fast for strife and debate so are they fasting for a good reason are they fasting for godly reasons to really get a hold of God no God knows the heart and he knows that why they're fasting they're fasting for strife and debate and to smite with the fist of wickedness now I don't know about you but that's a cool phrase right there the fist of wickedness have you ever like I've never really thought about that that phrase right there but if you think of strife and debate in the fist of wickedness and obviously you probably thinking of like brawling striking stuff like that but he's saying this is why you're fasting for strife debate and for the fist of wickedness you shall not fast as you do this day to make your voice to be heard on high so he's basically saying the way you're fasting is wrong okay you're fasting but the reason I don't hear you is because you're doing it for strife debate in the fist of wickedness that's why you're doing it it says in verse 5 is it such a fast that I have chosen he's basically asking this rhetorical question to have is this what I wanted you to do is this the chosen fast here that you fast for that a day for a man to afflict his soul is it to bow down his head as a bull rush and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him wilt thou call this that I'm sorry wilt thou call this a fast and an acceptable day to the Lord so he's basically saying is this fasting to you that you put your head down like a bull rush that you spread sackcloth and ashes under him and that you call this that did you call this a fast and acceptable and the fact that is that fasting to you that outwardly you're doing all this stuff and notice what he says in verse 6 is not this the fast that I have chosen so he's gonna tell them what it is this is what you should be doing okay it says to loose the bands of wickedness and to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free and that you break every yoke is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry and that thou bring the poor that that that are cast out of that to thy house and when thou seest the naked that thou cover him and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh so this sounds very familiar when you're dealing with the fact that these people tied mint on or they tied on mint ruin and it's but they've omitted the weight of your matters of law right and the idea you know fasting if you think about fasting okay what good is fasting if you're living in wickedness okay if you're living in wickedness and you're breaking God's commandments what good is fasting gonna do the first thing you should get in order is to stop breaking his commandments right to get right with God and then you fast on top of that okay but what they're doing is they're fasting winning you're like oh we're fasting you know shouldn't we be getting a hold of you it's like well you're you're doing all this for debate strive wickedness and he's saying you know what you know what this is fasting to God is that you you loose the bands of wickedness to undo heavy burdens to let the the oppressed go free you know basically to feed the hungry to clothe the naked you know what that's fasting to God that's the fast that's acceptable to him okay I'm not here to like basically throw out fasting where you stop eating you know I mean like fasting in the sense that we talked we think about is you basically don't eat for a certain period of time right I'm not to say that that's not biblical or that's not something you should do but listen what does God say that fasting the fasting that's acceptable to him is okay that you do away with wickedness and that you help others right love thy neighbor as thyself love is fulfilling of the law the law is fulfilled in one word even in this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself and you know if you clothe your neighbor if you've you know you're taking off the burdens from your neighbor you know like if you're doing all this stuff you're loving your neighbor you're fulfilling the law and that is what God is saying you need to do that okay if you want God to hear you in your fast you better get yourself right with God to begin with okay it's kind of like that the the cart before the horse type of thing that you know like the people that are that are tithing on all these little tiny minuscule things but they're like leaving out faith and judgment and mercy right it's like uh that's more important over there get that stuff together then talk to me about tithing on all that stuff okay there's not saying fasting like that you know actually afflicting your soul is bad it's just stating that you know what you know what's really acceptable to God you know what's better than sacrifice and whole burnt offerings obedience obedience keeping of the commandments of God that's what God wants but fasting on top of that or sacrifices on top of that you know that's all like icing on the cake that's all to go above and beyond and get you know a hold of God when you are doing all that stuff underneath of it okay now go to Luke chapter 18 to just kind of think about this okay like who did this this this passage reminded me of this okay and obviously Matthew 6 where it talks about those that fast to be seen of men right you know the people that are just showing themselves like the Catholics right on Ash Wednesday put ash on their heads and they're just like we're fasting it's Lent we're fasting for 40 days like well you have your reward okay so okay they literally do everything that's that's what the Bible tells you not to do okay and so people want to appear as if they're fasting why for for you know basically all the accolades and all the you know pats on the back if you will but in Luke chapter 18 verse 9 notice the difference between what's done you know what's done outwardly and what's in the heart okay notice in Luke 18 verse 9 it says he spake this parable unto unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others so who's he talking to you he's talking to people that thought they were righteous okay this is verse 10 two men went up into the temple to pray the one a Pharisee the other publican the Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself God I thank thee that I am NOT as other men are extortioners unjust adulterers and even as this publican I fast twice in the week so what's one of the things that he mentions he fast twice in a week oh great good job but you're still proud pompous and self-righteous okay it says I give tithes of all that I possess and the publican standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes on the heaven but smote upon his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for everyone that exalted themselves shall be abased and he that humbled himself shall be exalted the whole point of fasting is to humble yourself but if you're going to be self-righteous and and break God's commandments and live above the law then you know what that fasting isn't going to help you don't be marveling if God doesn't answer your prayers if you're not getting right with God to begin with and you're not actually doing righteousness and doing what he's telling you to do you say what am I supposed to do the Bible spells out exactly what you're supposed to do okay if you're God and keep his commandments this is the whole duty of man and you know what it's all fulfilled in love so if you're loving your neighbor if you're loving your wife loving your children and doing all that and that's why you need to know the Word of God okay if you're going to keep the commandments you need to know what they are okay so that's why you come to church that's why you read your Bible so that you can know more and more this is what I need to do and keep those commandments then if you need to get a hold of God you know what you may already be able to get a hold of God because you do those things please that are pleasing in a sight may not even need to fast but if you are doing everything that you need to be doing right and then you want to take it a step further then you fast okay fasting is like that extra mile right that extra little push but you don't just do the extra push and then leave off everything else that you were there that was supposed to be there before okay got to have it in its right place now in Isaiah 58 verse 9 Isaiah 58 verse 9 there's a couple verses here I kind of want to point out because it's basically stating that this is why I'm not hearing you okay he's kind of rebuking them and saying this is what you should be doing and this is it and if they do this in verse 9 he's stating what will happen so if you do what I'm telling you to do if this is how you fast then this is what's gonna happen verse 9 says then shalt thou call and the Lord shall answer thou shalt cry and he shall say here I am if thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke the putting forth of the finger and speaking vanity and if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul then shall thy I'm sorry then shall thy light rise in obscurity and thy darkness be as the noonday and the Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfy thy soul and in drought and make fat thy bones and now shalt be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not and they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations and thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach the restorer of the paths to dwell in now first look at verse 11 there okay now I personally believe that this verse is what Jesus is talking about in John 7 okay or he's kind of calling back to it you say well how does this apply well this is gonna be I'm gonna show you that it's talking about the Spirit of God and and I believe you know it's dealing with being like walking in the new man if you will okay because what this is gonna be dealing with is the indwelling of the Holy Ghost which is you know basically the new man you know like well obviously it's dealing with the New Testament specifically but notice what it says in go to John chapter 7 verse 37 okay now this is just my thoughts you know it may not be this verse that it's talking about but it seems a fit shall flow rivers of living water but this he spake I'm sorry this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified so it's talking about how they're gonna have the Holy Ghost indwelling a believer okay so it's talking about believing and you have the Spirit of God inside of you it's basically saying it's gonna be like out of the belly shall flow rivers of living water now what I believe about this because I showed you another verse in Isaiah and Jeremiah you know Jeremiah talks about how God is the fountains of living water okay so obviously the Holy Spirit is God and what I believe Jesus is doing here is he's combining a lot of different scriptures okay I've showed you that before where he does that where he kind of combines two different scriptures to and two different Psalms and puts them together because they're both talking about the same thing but he puts them together okay and I believe that this there is a portion of this that's being put together in John 7 and that's where it says in Isaiah 58 11 where it says and satisfy thy soul and drought and make fat thy bones and now shalt be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not now when you couple this with John 4 where it talks about that I will give thee living water and they shall spring up unto everlasting life you can see how it's talking about this water that never fails and what's another way of saying that fails not but it's everlasting eternal obviously the Spirit of God is eternal obviously he gives us everlasting life he's the spirit of life all these things are together in that but I believe this is a portion or you know Jesus is saying as the scripture said I believe there's a there's multiple scriptures that are being put together there and he's showing what this all means okay that's not really the point like I just want you to kind of look at that something for you to study later on there and so going back to Isaiah 58 verse 12 Isaiah 58 verse 12 this definitely sticks out to me here is you're dealing with the fact that he's saying you know show my people their transgression and Israel the house of Israel their sin he's saying because these people are there they're seeking after me they're they're drawing nigh unto me as if they were a nation that we're keeping the commandments right as if someone that's keeping these ordinances or that haven't forsaken the ordinances but they're fasting and saying why aren't you seeing our fast and then he's saying because this is why you're fasting because you're not doing all the things you should be doing this is why you're not being blessed but if you do all this stuff you will be blessed if you do all this stuff then I'll hear you when you call then I'll see you and notice what it says about if they do that okay in verse 12 it says and they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places they shall raise up the foundations of many generations and thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach the restore the past to dwell in now I think about this because I think of our country as being in shambles right now okay our country basically being a broken house that used to be a Christian nation actually loved God you know on you know average at least okay but now you know our country is wicked okay and when it comes down to this I don't look at this as far as you know our fight here and you say well I think the Lord's gonna come in our day it's possible okay well let's say he tarries why don't we be a generation that builds the foundation for many generations okay because we may never see the building of the work okay meaning that if we preach hard and we get people say that there could be this revival but we may only see the foundation of it you know our generation and I'm talking to like us that are like 20s 30s that have kids and all that it may be the next generation that gets to reap the real benefits of it okay but our mindset should be hey we're gonna lay the foundations for many generations okay we're gonna be called the repairer of the breach the restorer of the past to dwell in okay imagine this okay because I don't like to be a Debbie downer I don't like to be that person be like whoa is me everything's lost you know I believe God can still do great things I believe there can be revival I believe that we can win this country back to Christ and get it back on the right track and get people their sanity back in America okay why not why not have some hope when it comes to when we go out and preach the gospel that hey maybe we'll change the minds of Americans and we'll get you know get this thing back on track but here's thing we can't have you know but I'm also not that forced to think that it's gonna maybe happen in my lifetime okay but you know what we can do we can build the foundation you know our kids and the next generation will build that foundation and raise them up right and raise them to love the Lord you know what and when my generation dies and all the wicked people that are in my millennial generation when they all die with all their communist garbage that they're trying to spew out then the next generation that's taught right will lift the torch and you know what they'll call us they'll call us the repairer of the breaches they'll call us the ones that that restore the paths to dwell in okay we may not be here to see it okay you know what so what the Bible says that we ought not that the children are not the layup for the parents but the parents for the children and sometimes we need to say you know what we need to be the ones to work hard and you know build that foundation up for the next generation and you know what that verse just kind of speaks speaks to me in that manner that hey you know what I may never see those glory days of our country getting you know doing great things seeing the prosperity that would come from that and seeing you know all this wickedness being wiped away to a certain extent obviously not holy until until Jesus comes back but at the same time you know what throughout time there's Pompeii throughout time there was Greece and wickedness going on there was Rome and wickedness going on and there's been these ups and downs throughout history of wickedness that's been going on in revivals wickedness revivals wickedness revivals wickedness and you know what there were certain generations that laid a foundation for the next generation there's a certain generation that was the repairer of the breach there was a certain generation that that that would be called the restorer of the paths to dwell in and we could be that generation okay but you gotta have that mindset that hey I'm not just gonna be able to maybe enjoy that while I'm here on but you know what so what okay I'm doing it for the next generation and not only the next generation but many generations to come okay and what they can remember and say hey I remember those preachers that used to that stood up in the fire when all the wickedness when everything was falling apart they stood up and they were like a fire and like a hammer in a day when no one wanted to hear the Word of God and you know what they restored it they fixed the breaches and they were restorer of the the ways the dwelling and you know what we need we need men to stand up in this generation and do that and but we can't you know the the generation the entitled generation was like well I want it now you know I want to have all the benefits of my work now okay well as a Christian you shouldn't live that way anyway okay because we should be living for things that are eternal not temporal as it is okay so even in this life listen you know what all the work we do to try to get this country turned back around we may never see it we may never see it in our lifetime but my children might and their kids might okay it's got to start somewhere and you know what you know where it starts you know where building starts the foundation but someone's got to lay that foundation okay now the last portion right here in Isaiah 58 is a 58 in verse 13 I shouldn't appreciate you just did a whole sermon on that one right there but there is some good stuff like I was just reading through this today and just some other things in here and just a lot in Isaiah you can just preach whole sermons on but last portion here I just want you to see this it's something that just kind of sticks out to me is something that's been saying over and over again here it says in verse 13 if thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath from doing thy pleasure on my holy day and call the Sabbath a delight the holy of the Lord honorable and shall honor him so it's basically you know you're obviously dealing with Old Testament where they're keeping the Sabbath and they're doing that which is right and all that and notice this not doing thine own ways nor finding thine own pleasure nor speaking thine own words notice something that's very just popping out to you your own right not your own ways not your own pleasure and not your own words okay it says then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it so it's basically saying you need to get away from your own you know there's a way which seems right on the man but the end there over the ways of death you know the full trust is he that trusted in his own heart is a fool but the Bible says this in Proverbs 3 very famous passage you can turn there if you want but in verse 5 it says trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy past be not wise in thine own eyes fear the Lord depart from evil it shall be health to thine able and merit to thy bones so you kind of end off here in the fact that you know what you know get away from your own thinking from your own ways from your own pleasure and you need to get on gods okay get away from your own words and get on to God's words okay and that's when God's going to you know hear you that's when he's gonna bless you that's when he's gonna use you and that's this chapter in a whole is basically saying to the preacher you need to preach you need to preach against their sins but this is a people that are drawing unto me but they're not doing what they should be doing in their heart right they're doing as if it's the nation that's righteous but they're not right and that's the nation we live in today a lot of people are drawing by their mouths saying we're Christian we're Christian but they don't they don't even know God's Word they only know their their words and they're making up what God says they don't they don't believe in the God of the Bible but you know what we need to be that restorer of the way to dwell in we need to be the repair of the breach and we need to lay the foundations for the many generations to come and you know what how are we gonna do that we got to get back to God we got to keep his commandments fear God and keep his commandments this is the whole duty of man and you know what I have hope that we can do that but if the Lord comes Lord comes so but I'm not gonna give up okay and so as I'm with the word of prayer Danny father we think today thank you for your word and thank you for the book of Isaiah thank you for the Isaiah 58 and Lord just prayed you to be with us throughout the rest of this week give us safe travels keep us healthy be with all those that haven't been feeling well and I've been sick and be with all those that are pregnant Lord just I pray to you to give them safe pregnancies safe deliveries and more we love you for all in Jesus Christ's name amen