(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Isaiah chapter 26 and we are continuing our study through the book of Isaiah and as you know a lot of these chapters are just continuations of the last chapter and this is no different here because it just starts off in that day shall this song be sung. And so we see here that it's basically calling back to the chapter before but let's start off here what we're seeing and I believe this is a song so what you see in this chapter is a song that Isaiah is prophesying about it's obviously talking about an event but it's a song. Notice what it says in verse 1 it says in that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah and then you have a colon and then you have all this that's said after this so I believe this whole chapter is basically a song that's being sung about certain events that are going to happen. So notice what it says here right after that it says we have a strong city salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks open ye the gates that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee trust ye in the Lord forever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength for that for he bring it down them that dwell on high the lofty city he layeth it low he layeth it low even to the ground he bringeth it even to the dust. Okay so we see now obviously you know the song goes on we'll be getting to that but as you see here that we see a mention of Jehovah now the name Jehovah where it's just Jehovah and nothing else attached to it is only four times in the Bible as far as it being transliterated into Jehovah here and I did a whole sermon on this where there's like Jehovah Nissi and Jehovah Jireh and so like Jehovah that name is mentioned in other places and I've talked about what that word even means but it's always interesting to see that place where it says the Lord Jehovah and we see his name being mentioned there but really every time you see the all caps Lord that's really Jehovah that's being mentioned there okay and you say well you know the King James Bible should have put Jehovah everywhere well in the New Testament when they wrote it in Greek you know when they're penning it down in Greek where it they were quoting from the Old Testament where it said all caps Lord you know what it said in the Greek Lord so the King James translators were following suit with those that were inspired by the Holy Ghost you know to pen down the New Testament and when Jehovah was mentioned it said Lord okay so there's nothing wrong with your King James Bible that says Lord all caps Lord in all these places okay and in some places it'll be all caps God actually you'll see that in verse 8 you'll see Lord God and it'll be all caps God okay and so in that case it's actually Jehovah there now that you know if you didn't have all the caps it wouldn't matter okay meaning that I don't believe capitalizations are inspired that's why you know like you'll the people will bring up the King James Bible be like well you know over here spirits capitalize over here it's not capitalized and it's silly to think capitalization would be a part of it because in the original Greek language everything's like everything's like lowercase you know so I'm not against capitalization okay I think that's good you know I think that proper name should be capitalized you know and all that stuff but we don't want to be too nitpicky with that when it comes to when your Bible has that you know you got to throw it out kind of thing now but going on to this as far as where is this coming from it says in that day shall this song be sung well let's go back to chapter 25 in verse 8 so chapter 25 I would define as far as where it says death is swallowed up in victory or he swallowed death up in victory it says here in verse 8 it says he will swallow up death in victory and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces and he and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth for the Lord hath spoken it and it shall be said in that day lo this is our God we have waited for him and he will save us this is the Lord we have waited for him and we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation now I've already preached this obviously last week but dealing with the rapture okay which I believe this song is really following up that okay and I want you to see that in the New Testament this really does follow suit meaning that after we're raptured the Bible actually talks about how we're going to be singing in heaven okay and so go to Revelation chapter 14 Revelation chapter 14 and no marvel because there's actually one of the best resurrection verses in this chapter okay at the end of the chapter it talks about it says thy dead bodies or thy dead men shall rise with my dead body okay so you know it's talking about you know the the earth casting out the dead and you know it's talking about the resurrection in this chapter which obviously we already saw that death being swallowed up in victory what is that referring to it says when this has come to pass is when you're clothed on in mortality and you've put on you know your spiritual body okay so both these chapters are really hitting on the resurrection but we're really getting into the song singing about that okay does that make sense and and I want you to see here in Revelation chapter 14 Revelation chapter 14 and verse 14 this is the rapture in Revelation chapter 14 okay it says in verse 14 and I looked and behold a white cloud and upon the cloud one sat like unto the son of man having on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle and another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud thrust in thy sickle and reap for the time is is come for thee to reap for the harvest of the earth is ripe and he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth and the earth was reaped so you see that who's on the cloud the son of man right and it's talking about the fact that he's reaping the earth and there's this angel that's telling him to reap okay and you say well if this is the rapture why is it telling because it's the the shout of you know the archangel okay so this is this it makes perfect sense that this is what this is talking about and then it talks about how there's another angel that has a sharp sickle and they're gonna reap the vintage of the earth when it's fully ripe talking about it's it's rotten it's gonna be cast into the line press of the wrath of god okay so you have the wheat and the tares if you will you have the wheat that's being gathered up into his barn and then you have the tares that are being bound and being cast into the fire okay so there's two reaping that are going on there but the reaping of the saved is there now look at revelation chapter 15 and verse 1 so right after the rapture what do we see revelation chapter 15 verse 1 it says and I saw another sign in heaven great and marvelous seven angels having the seven last plagues for in them is filled up the wrath of God and I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire and them that had gotten the victory over the Beast and over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name stand on the sea of glass having the harps of God okay so now we see these people that have overcome the Beast who are these people but people that came out of Great Tribulation if you don't believe me I'll show you that but you know for for for this passage right here you have people that have gotten the victory over the Beast over the Antichrist they have the harps of God and it says in verse 3 and they sing the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb saying great and marvelous are thy works Lord God Almighty just and true are thy ways thou King of Saints who shall not fear thee O Lord and glorify thy name for thou only art holy for all nations shall come and worship before thee for thy judgments are made manifest so if you look at the fact of what's going on here what do you have you have the rapture then you have those that are raptured are singing to God saying you're holy true and your judgments are righteous and I'm gonna show you a little taste of the song of Moses okay because it's pulling you back to the song of Moses the song of Moses comes from Deuteronomy 32 but it's saying that they're gonna sing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb okay now I personally believe that this song right here in Isaiah 26 is is you know gonna be sung you know it's basically a prophecy of what's gonna be something now I believe that they're basically synonymous right there's a lot of the stuff that you'll see in Deuteronomy 32 and even in Revelation 15 that we just read there and you know it's very synonymous because what do you have you have the judgment you have salvation right it talks about salvation and God's our rock I'm gonna show you that but then it goes into the fact that God is judging the world and pouring out his wrath it's exactly the way things happen is you have we're gonna go through Great Tribulation we're saved out of that we're raptured out we're given harps and we're gonna sing unto God and then as we're singing about the fact that he's gonna judge the earth and that's exactly what happens because in Revelation 15 what's first thing that's mentioned is that there's these seven angels that come out with the seven last plagues that are gonna be poured out upon the earth okay and that's where you had the seven trumpets and seven vials that are gonna be poured out on the earth and on the inhabitants of the earth but we're up in heaven rejoicing and singing to God okay so that's what's going on here okay now go to Revelation chapter 7 because Revelation 7 Revelation 14 are parallel chapters if you will so just to give you a how to read revelation is that from chapter 1 to chapter 11 it's all chronological okay chapter 1 2 & 3 are all things that are going on at first century AD right in John's day and these seven churches and all that stuff that's going on once you get to chapter 4 it's things that are gonna come hereafter and the hereafter starts from 4 to 11 and then chapter 12 to 22 it comes back and retells the story with some more information and then at once you get to chapter 17 is going further with the story than it did in chapter 11 does that make sense so you're kind of like back first eight first century AD going all the way up to the seventh trumpet being being blown goes back in time to first century AD where Jesus is being born and Herod's trying to kill Jesus then it goes forward and then goes further then you're going into the thousand year reign and the finale with the new heaven and the new earth okay so that being said chapter 7 and chapter 14 are paralleled okay they're talking about the same exact thing in chapter 7 here in verse 9 it says after this I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands and cried with a loud voice saying salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne and unto the lamb and all the angels stood round about the throne and about the elders and the four beasts and fell before the throne on their faces and worshiped God saying amen blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be unto our God forever and ever amen and one of the elders answered saying unto me what are these which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they and I said unto him sir thou knowest and he said said to me these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb therefore are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them okay and it also talks about how he's going to wipe away all tears okay and I've already kind of hit this with chapter 25 okay but chapter 26 is really kind of what happens after the rapture and after the resurrection but it's recapping it right it's kind of talking about what God's doing and the fact that he's recapping what's going to happen now it goes to Deuteronomy chapter 32 Deuteronomy chapter 32 because we see that song of Moses and forsake of time I'm not reading this whole chapter okay so I'm going to give you a taste of it but just to give you an idea here about how this chapter is about judgment this is the first mention of hell in the whole bible okay so if you want to know that there's some condemnation being mentioned here it's the first mention of hell and it says that that his anger and his indignation is what fuels that you know on the it says to the foundation of the mountains it talks about in chapter 20 or verse 22 but in verse if you're in chapter 32 go back to the the last verse in chapter 31 we'll tell you that this is a song okay and I always love this because you know people are like oh you know when you sing sing songs and you always think they're supposed to be uplifting how many psalms and like this song here and in Isaiah 26 are not happy songs right you know this is I mean there are some happy moments in it right about how we have salvation but then it's talking about like destroying people you know you know there's psalms where it says do not I hate them oh lord that hate thee that god hates all the workers of iniquity it says he trieth the righteous but the wicked and them that loveth violence his soul hate it that's a song right you're supposed to be singing that to a tune okay now in Deuteronomy 31 and verse 30 at the very end of that chapter it says and Moses spake in the ears of all the congregation of Israel the words of this song until they were ended okay so chapter 20 or chapter 31 is leading you into chapter 32 which is the song okay so when you're in revelation 15 it says they're singing the song of Moses well instead of just rewriting all that and saying here's the song of Moses it's already there right you just need to know okay I need to go back and look at that okay but this is what they're we're going to be singing okay so just to give you a little taste it says in verse one it says give here oh ye heavens and I will speak and hear oh earth the words of my mouth my doctrine shall drop as the rain my speech shall distill as the dew as the small rain upon the tender herb and as the showers upon the grass because I will punish I'm sorry and I'm sorry because I will publish the name of the lord ascribe ye greatness unto our god he is the rock his work is perfect for all his ways are judgment a god of truth and without iniquity just and right is he they have corrupted themselves their spot is not this their spot is not the spot of his children they are a perverse and crooked generation and it goes on and on and on about how God's going to judge the world and and all that okay so uh that's your homework is you can go read the song of Moses and just uh you better learn it right because we're going to be singing that so uh but all I'd say is that chapter 26 is really kind of another song right and and I believe this is something that's relating to that now obviously chapter 26 is dealing with something that's in the near future as well right as far as something that was going to happen see there's there's a lot of days of the lord that happened in the history okay where god came in and saved his people and judged a nation that was oppressing them okay so that's just happening over and over and over again in the old testament and what it's really doing is picturing the true application of the the end times when that's that's going to be fulfilled fully okay so that's why you just see the stuff repeating over and over again you see stuff about the thousand year reign just repeating over and over again and it's just basically over and over again repeating the same thing because that's the ultimate that's going to happen okay now it's just like the sacrifices for example right all the killing of the sacrifices and the lambs it was just over and over and over and over year by year day by day just doing over and over but what did that picture the one true sacrifice which is jesus christ okay and once that's fulfilled it's done okay and the same thing with a lot of these other prophecies they just keep repeating themselves over and over again until you get to that one you know where it's really happening okay so what i would call those are shadow fulfillments to the to get to the true fulfillment okay so isaiah chapter 26 and verse 6 notice what it says here it says the foot shall tread it down even the the feet of the poor in the steps of the needy now this could you could definitely understand where this is coming from right because we're going to all be coming on white horses and treading down the beast in his armies okay it says in verse seven the way of the just is uprightness thou most high does to weigh the path of the just yea in the way of thy judgments oh lord have we waited for thee the desire of our soul was to thy name into the remembrance of thee with my soul have i desired thee in the night yea with my spirit within me will i seek will i seek thee early for when thy judgments are in the earth the inhabitants of the world will will learn righteousness so this is showing you that hey you know what our desire should be is that night and day morning we should be desiring the lord right we should be burning the midnight oil if you will uh to to be wanting to know god to read his word but we should also be getting up early to read his word and to know god okay and it talks about the night watch has prevented me you know david talks about this when he's talking about meditating upon the word and if you haven't like just kind of couldn't go to sleep because you're thinking about something in the bible then you need to start reading your bible some more you need to really start meditating on some more i'm not saying that's going to happen every night or all the time but there should be a point where you're thinking about the bible reading it so much to the point where you're just you just can't go to sleep because you're thinking about it so much okay now i know you've probably done that with movies right or you've watched tv to where you can't go to sleep because it's just taking up your mind and it's just you can't go to sleep because of that but you need to start doing that with the bible okay with god's word and keep reading there in verse 10 this is what i want you to see this because this is a good verse okay that uh ties in with a lot a lot it's a good truth that's in other places in the bible it says let favor be showed to the wicked now if you just read that you'd be like what in the world show favor to the wicked right it says let favor be showed to the wicked yet will he not learn righteousness okay it reminds me of ecclesiastes where it says oh young man enjoy your life you know and indulge you know and it says but know this judgment's coming you know and i'm paraphrasing that of course but but when you read this if you're just reading it like let favor be showed to the wicked so but notice it says let favor be showed to the wicked yet will he not learn righteousness in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly and will not behold the majesty of the lord lord when thy hand is lifted up they will not see but they shall see and be ashamed for their envy at the people yea the fire of thine enemies shall devour them lord thou wilt ordain peace for us for thou also has wrought all our works in us now this is a true statement here dealing with a fool and a scorner okay or if you want to go as far as a reprobate meaning that someone you try to show them favor he's like you know show favor to them but they're not going to learn righteousness okay and go to proverbs chapter 9 just to give you some verses on this and this is that the idea of not casting your pearls before swine okay lest they rend you give not that which is holy to the dogs and cast you not your pearls before swine dogs and swine are synonymous with reprobates people that are rejected by god and it's basically saying don't you know showing them favor it's like you can do it they're not going to learn it they're not going to learn righteousness okay they're going to turn around and rend you um and in proverbs chapter 9 and verse 7 it says he that reproveth a scorner gives to himself shame and he that reproveth a wicked man getth himself a blot so it's basically saying you're trying to reprove a scorner and a wicked man it's only going to be harmful to you okay notice what it says reprove not a scorner lest he hate thee rebuke a wise man and he will love thee notice that dichotomy right is the fact that hey a wise man you rebuke and you know they'll they'll like they'll accept that because they're wise okay and it says give instruction to a wise man and he will be yet wiser teach just man and he will increase in learning proverbs chapter 13 proverbs chapter 13 and verse 1 and there's many passages on this but just you know a couple here it says proverbs 13 verse 1 it says a wise son heareth his father's instruction but a scorner heareth not rebuke and so this passage here is just a true saying from the foundation of the world to the end of the world that a scorner a fool you know this wicked person they just will not you know you can try to show them favor you could try to you know basically uh you know be loving to them and try to do that but it just reminds me of these people that want to be loving to a bunch of reprobate god haters and say hey let's show them favor you know maybe we can win them over what does the bible say says yeah yeah do that yeah they won't learn like righteousness and and notice that it says in the land of the uprightness will they will he deal unjustly see even when jesus is rolling and raining there's going to be people that just will not do right you know you can have the best system obviously the best king right you get jesus he's going to rule and reign and there's not going to be any war but there's still going to be people that are going to be bucking the tide because they just will not do that and it says that when his hand is lifted up notice what it says in verse 11 here and the next point i want to get to here is that when his hand is lifted up in verse 11 they will not see okay but they shall see and be ashamed for their envy at the people yea the fire of thine enemies shall devour them so that kind of seems like contradiction right they shall not see but they shall see okay what this really comes down to is they're going to see it okay it's not like they're blind like physically like they're not seeing what's going on but they're not going to see spiritually they're not going to perceive and believe okay see a lot of times when it talks about seeing you know it talks about blessed are pure in heart for they shall see god that's synonymous with knowing god okay the pure shall know god okay and so you know they like they did not like to retain god in their knowledge therefore god gave them over to a reprobate mind and it's really kind of showing you that they see it but they're not perceiving it they're not taking it in okay it's just this surface level sight and notice what it says in revel get a revelation chapter 9 because you know this kind of starts off with we're singing and we're being saved from our tribulation and we're singing about how god's going to send out his wrath and it's really telling us that there's going to be people that will not see they refuse to see and what we're going to see here in revelation is that there's going to be people that just will not repent okay and that's something that's kind of you see over and over again here in revelation now the thing about this chapter in isaiah 26 is that i believe it's kind of it's kind of jumping to different groups of people okay because some people you're seeing here it's like you know this wicked person they will not learn righteousness then it'll talk about hey we're receiving the chastisement of the lord and so it's kind of like this uh multiple groups of people that you're dealing with because if you think about it in the world right now you have three groups of people okay you have the saved you have just people that are lost okay they're unbelievers and then you have reprobates right so basically you have uh children of god children of disobedience or children of rats just those that are unsaved that are uh non-believers okay and then you have children of the devil okay so in this passage in some cases i believe you're kind of you're dealing with like children of the devil wicked you know children of the wicked one and in some places i think you're just dealing with unbelievers in general okay and then obviously in some places i believe you're dealing with saved people because during the wrath okay i believe you're going to have those three groups of people okay so obviously you're going to have the reprobate and the unsaved okay so that's obvious during the wrath but i also believe that there's going to be people that are going to get saved during that time but they're still in it now does that make sense like they're not in that first resurrection they're not there and they're going to go into the millennium you know being saved okay but you know i believe that's where the 144,000 come in they're preaching the everlasting gospel and people are going to get saved during that wrath okay but at that point you know they're they're going to have to deal with it okay now uh revelation chapter 9 verse 20 i want to show you here that there are people that are just not going to repent i believe you're dealing with people that take the mark of the beast okay they're just not going to they're not going to be like all right we're going to we're going to stop we're going to stop doing all the stuff that's making you angry now okay and it really gives you that pharaoh type of uh mentality right pharaoh saw all these signs and wonders but you know he just kept hardening his heart and just would not repent and so in revelation chapter 9 and verse 20 here it says and the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands that they should not worship devils and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and of wood which neither can see nor hear nor walk neither repented they of their murderers nor of their sorceries nor of their fornication nor their thefts go to revelation chapter 16 revelation chapter 16 so in revelation 9 you're dealing with after the the sixth trumpet is blown okay so the fifth trumpet that's blown you have these locusts coming up out of hell that are stinging men for five months okay the sixth trumpet is blown you had this army of 200 million on horses that have the faces of lions that are spitting out fire and brimstone and then their tails are like serpents and they have power to go kill men okay and that's where they're black you know basically not repenting of their deeds and so in revelation chapter 16 what you have to understand is that when the when the fifth trumpet blows the fifth vial is being poured out okay when the sixth trumpet blows the sixth vial is being poured out so in this case we're going to start with the fourth angel pouring out his vials that means the fourth angel has done uh you know blown the trumpet which is where the sun moon and stars are darkened okay so in revelation 16 verse 8 it says and the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire so think about that compilation right the sun moon stars are darkened but you know there's this angel that's basically scorching people with fire during that time okay and it says and when men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of god which had the power over these plagues and they repented not to give him glory okay so it's basically saying hey they blasphemed his name as this is going on and they just would not give him glory go to verse 10 there it says and the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the sea of the beast and his kingdom was full of darkness and they gnawed their tongues for pain i wonder why maybe because those locusts that are stinging them and they were they're trying to look for death but can't find it okay but just by the way it's dark when that's going on just completely dark and now you got all these locusts from hell that are stinging you and it says and blasphemed the god of heaven because of their pains and their sores and repented not of their deeds now can i just get an amen that we're not going to be here for this okay because praise god you know you read through this you're like man we gotta get ready no wait a minute i'm not gonna be here for this you know and you're just like i read this i'm like thank god you know we are not going to be here dealing with that okay but uh but that being said is that's some pretty hard stuff but it just shows you that hey you know they're gonna see but they're not going to see okay they're not gonna perceive and they're not gonna give god the glory they they're gonna be they're gonna learn righteousness right god's trying to teach them a lesson you know but they just will not learn it okay and go to go to isaiah chapter 26 again and uh verse 13 here and this is where i believe it kind of switches back and forth about who it's talking about and verse 13 here it says oh lord our god other lords beside thee have had dominion over us but by thee only will we make mention of thy name and this is really something we need to be thinking about here is the fact that we're in this life and we're just pilgrims and strangers and we have masters if you will you know we have bosses you know or or even if we get to the point where we're under captivity if you will you know in this country we're under bondage and we lose our freedoms and all that stuff that that could definitely during the tribulation that's going to be the case right is that we're not going to be free you know at that point is that we we're still remembering god that he is the lord okay and this is a great passage to really just show you that hey you know there's gonna be this time of trouble you know there's going to be this great tribulation and we're it talks about the anti-christ is going to prevail against us right he's making war with the saints he's going to prevail against us that means we're not winning that battle okay it's not like when jesus comes we're like ah we almost got him no it's gonna be like we're losing this battle okay and that's when jesus comes in when all hope is lost that's when jesus comes in and it's just really saying hey remember my name remember the lord you know you have you're being lorded over by these people and you're being uh you know persecuted or even killed in a lot of these cases but you know there's the lord god in heaven and other lords are beside beside you know like these people that are called gods you know as there be god's many and lord's many but there's only one god there's only one lord okay now in isaiah chapter uh 26 there in verse 14 it says they are dead they shall not live they are deceased they shall not rise therefore hast thou visited and destroyed them and made all their memory to perish see the end of the wicked is hell is a eternal damnation and that their memory is gone okay now go to uh psalm 109 psalm 109 just to kind of see this a little bit here and i'll read this proverbs 10 7 says the memory of the just is blessed but the name of the wicked shall rot okay so the remembrance of the wicked is going to be no more okay in the very end and psalm 109 verse 13 it says let us pro uh posterity be cut off now just to give you an idea of who we're talking about here this is talking about this is a reference to judas and to uh blind israel by the way okay so we're talking about people that can't that won't see okay this is let us pro uh posterity be cut off and in the generation following let their name be blotted out let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the lord and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out let them be before the lord continually that that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth okay so you can look at the wicked and say well man they're prospering around they have this posterity they have all the things in this world they're winning the battle and listen in the very end they will be winning that battle for a short time okay and that's what you need to remember is that hey listen they have an end you know he that sitteth in the heaven shall laugh because he knows that their day is coming or know that his day is coming and so we just need to have that sight that foresight or you know however you want to look at it as far as just seeing you know the future there and the end game okay but let's say this is talking about i personally believe verse 14 is talking about uh you know for example those that take the mark of the beast or those that that die and go to hell right their memory is completely perished and go to ecclesiastes chapter nine ecclesiastes chapter nine and verse four ecclesiastes nine verse four ecclesiastes nine verse four it says for him that is joined to all the living there is hope for a living dog is better than a dead lion for the living know not i'm sorry for the living know that they shall die but the dead know not anything neither have any more a reward for the memory of them is forgotten okay now this is talking in a physical sense right meaning that the dead know nothing at all right that dead body that's in the grave is not thinking and like has a thought does that make sense so that person is either in heaven or they're in hell but their body that's what we're talking about here okay so i personally believe that verse 14 is talking about an unsafe person or a reprobate dying because it talks about they shall not rise you know they're deceased and kind of like showing their end is death okay they're not going to live again if you will okay but if you're going to take it into more of a physical sense that this is just talking about people dying you could and just say okay the memory is cut off meaning they died and it's just it's just showing you kind of the all the intricacies of that right is that a dead person doesn't talk they don't have memories they don't have you know their time on the earth is done they don't contribute anything and all that that goes on there with that so but going back to isaiah chapter 26 there i believe this is where it switches gears and starts talking about you know save people okay because it starts talking about chastening the lord and more so getting into the fact of you know uh being chastened but you can get chastened to the point where there's no deliverance okay we talked about the sin unto death you know you commit a sin unto death and uh notice what it says here in verse 15 it says thou hast increased the nation oh lord thou hast increased the nation thou art glorified thou has has removed it far until all the ends of the earth lord in trouble have they visited thee they poured out a prayer when that when thy chest uh when thy chastening was upon them so what i kind of see with this is is you know the typical christian that doesn't call out to god until they're in trouble right they're they're they they're living this sinful life living in the flesh but they're like you know as soon as they're in trouble like god chasing everybody oh god you know sorry you know it's like you're not you don't really care until you get caught you know or until you're getting in trouble okay in all reality you should be calling out to god before you get in trouble right you should be having this relationship with god this fellowship with god uh before the chastening starts taking place and if you're in the chasing process it's kind of too late to be saying hey you know i'm sorry you know as far as that goes now notice what it says here in verse 17 is it's giving you a physical application to show you what's going on it says like as a woman with child that draweth near the time of her delivery is in pain and crieth out in her pangs so have we been in thy sight oh lord now the reason i say is because it's using that personal plural pronoun of we you know so it's kind of like we have been in thy sight that way so it's basically kind of like god's people saying hey we're being chastened but we didn't really call out to you so we started getting chastened right and it says we have been with child we have been in pain we have as it were brought forth wind we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen so basically what it's saying is that you go through all this pain of child birth but there's no child right can you imagine going through like child bearing and then no child you know for no because it talks about pain and dearth for the night but joy cometh in the morning when a man child is born into the world right so the consolation to going through all that agony of childbirth is like hey there's deliverance right you've been and you they call it a delivery room for a reason right they're delivering a baby but in the end that delivering a baby and you know there's there's actually medical reasons like as far as like natural births by the way and listen if for some reason you can't have a natural birth i'm not against you and there's obviously medical reasons but natural births without like any uh epidural or anything like that it talks about how there's these hormones and like different things that that set off these things that basically give this amount of joy that's there okay and if you're numb to it you know with like an epidural or something like that then you don't really experience that as much okay you're kind of just out of it you're not really experiencing all that but that being said it even scientifically they found that to be the case you know like as soon as the child's been born it's like you know all that pain that's there it kind of just vanishes and then there's this like um euphoria if you will of like emotions and joy and and all that that's going on there and but but imagine going through all that and then there's no child okay that's basically what it's saying and what it comes down to is that you're going through all this pain but there's zero deliverance okay chastisement with no deliverance and i preached a whole sermon on this i think right i don't i can't remember what i called it but but i i know i touched on the idea of uh well sinning willfully right but also just a sin unto death you know that you could sin as a child of god and what you're dealing with is that you're not you haven't been calling on god until you're in trouble and now that you're in trouble you know now you're going to call out to him but there could be a case you know where there's no deliverance right you're just going to go through pain and just deal with it okay not necessarily that you're going to die you know but it's just like you're just going to deal with it it's not like he's going to be like all right i'll be merciful unto you here but it's more so like you're just getting that full punishment okay and so uh i believe that's what it's talking about there now the last portion here that we're going to get to is actually uh one of the coolest verses here in my opinion uh of this chapter verse 19 it says thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise awake and sing ye that dwell in dust for thy due is as the dew of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead now this is a great resurrection verse right here now this ties into everything we've already talked about right the fact that hey death's going to be swallowed up in victory what is that resurrection then you talk about hey we're going to sing this song so what do you see here it says thy dead men shall live together with my dead body now i personally believe this is talking about the lord saying this you know my dead body you know it's kind of like when you know when god says it says the lord promised to david that at the fruit of his loins it says i will sit upon thy throne so god's talking saying the fruit of thy loins i will sit upon thy throne so talking about the fact that hey god is going to come in the flesh uh through david and he's going to sit on the throne but i believe what it's saying here is that hey thy dead men shall live and it says together with my dead body because it's because of jesus's resurrection his death bell and resurrection that any of us would rise from the dead and it just clearly states that hey the earth shall cast out the dead okay it says come my people enter thou into thy chambers and shut thy doors upon thee hide thyself as it were for a little moment until the indignation be over past you know what's interesting about this is that when the rapture happens there's roughly three years of time where god's indignation is being poured out upon the earth and what does it say here it says hide thyself as it were for a little moment until the indignation be passed over past this literally is giving you that timeline right you have the resurrection and there's this little bit of time where we're up there with god in heaven you know resting and then what happens we come down with white horses and we roll and reign with them for a thousand years so that little time right that little little moment of time until the indignation be passed or over past it says for behold the lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity the earth also shall disclose her blood and shall no more cover her slain this is exactly what happens when the rapture happens the day of the lord the day lord comes and it's like a thief and a knife to those that are unsaved she'll say peace and safety but you know travail you know as a son as a son as a woman in travail sudden destruction shall come upon them and you know for us it's salvation you know the the righteous judgment of god the token of the righteous judgment of god is the fact that hey we have salvation they have perdition and so jesus comes in the clouds we we had the resurrection okay and i'll show you some verses on this but at the same time we had the resurrection and it says hey you know hide thyself as it were for a little moment because you may wonder you know like what are we doing you know because there is that space of time where we come down on white horses right if you look at the timeline you know we're raptured out and then there's there's at least five months of these these locusts that are stinging people and there's at least a year and a month and a day and a week or something like that i think it says of the 200 million army that are out killing people so you at least have a year and a half right there that's mentioned but we know that it's about three years okay because there's three and a half years from the abomination desolation to the end and there's about 75 days of great tribulation so that's two and a half months right so you're dealing with around three years of just wrath being poured out and i believe that's where it's saying hey you know wait here for a little moment until the indignation be over passed okay and you know i'm sure but you say what are we doing up there well i know one thing we're gonna be doing we're gonna be singing isn't that what it says it says awake and sing ye that dwell in the dust okay and what is it keeps what do you keep seeing after the rapture you see hey we have harps and we're singing the song of moses and the song of the lamb and we're praising and singing to god as god is literally destroying the earth that's what's going on you say wow man that seems mean well just wait until we come down on white horses with two edged swords in our hands getting ready to take out the beast in his army okay but you know what you need to clean house before you can uh start that that thousand year reign and that's what's going on and but to give you some other verses you know you say does the old testament really talk about the resurrection yeah actually a lot and this is one of those great verses i believe that talks about the resurrection i believe this is literally god saying hey your dead body is going to rise like with my dead body right it's because jesus's dead body rose from the dead it says his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption but see that's the reason why our flesh is going to be changed okay and i just want to show you a couple in the old testament because there's other ones go to job chapter 19 job chapter 19 if you get anything out of this sermon chapter 19 i mean verse 19 and 20 of chapter 26 here are just these these last three verses in chapter 26 are just great timeline verses here you have the resurrection we have a little moment where we're waiting until the indian nations passed over because god's pouring out his wrath and just kind of shows you that little key or that nugget now if you're reading through the new testament you've already figured that out okay see going back it's like hindsight's 2020 you know looking back at this passage with revelation it's like well yeah that's exactly what that is and it fits perfectly and in job chapter 19 verse 25 notice what it says so job's talking here it says for i know that my redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall i see god okay now he's saying that my body's going to be destroyed destroyed by worms but yet my flesh shall see god now flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of god but not all flesh is the same flesh first corinthians chapter 15 there's a body terrestrial and there's a body celestial so that means an earthly body and a spiritual body and what he's saying is that hey my flesh spiritually my spiritual body is going to see god because it's going to be resurrected notice what he says here as you keep reading there it says and though i'm sorry uh and it says in verse 27 whom i shall see for myself and mine eyes shall behold and not another though my reigns be consumed within me okay so obviously he didn't believe in soul sleep or like basically annihilation right he's talking about his body being completely decomposed but he's saying hey not only am i going to see god i'm going to see him in my flesh why because he's going to be resurrected okay daniel chapter 12 go to daniel chapter 12 daniel chapter 12 because it talks about the earth shall cast out the dead in isaiah chapter 26 daniel chapter 12 in verse 1 it says and at that time shall michael stand up the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation neither arms are even to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book sounds familiar you know time of tribulation which such as the world has never seen and being delivered in verse 2 it says in many of them in verse 2 it says in many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt so you know you had the rapture you know the dust of the earth casting out the dead now obviously there's two resurrections right you have the resurrection the first resurrection which is just all saved people from adam all the way to christ that is coming the second resurrection you have the saved people that are going to be brought up out of the graves and they're going to be judged judge to see the christ but then you're going to have the dead that are going to be raised but they're not going to be living okay the difference is is that the resurrection of the of the unjust are going to be basically just the soul and body coming back together but there's no life they're still dead the dead small and great shall stand before god at the great white throne and that's what daniel 12 is alluding to okay uh go to roman chapter 6 roman chapter 6 because what what i want you to see here is that the fact is is that our bodies are going to be like his and that's what it's saying here in isaiah 26 it's basically saying thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise so it's kind of saying hey you know together meaning that because his dead body rose you know he's going to you know they're going to rise in like manner okay now for sake of argument let's say this is isaiah okay you know the dead in christ shall rise first we which are alive remain shall be caught up together with the clouds and we all will rise together right you know like my dead body and your dead body we're all going to rise you know and so there's nothing wrong with that in that interpretation but i believe this is talking about jesus's meaning that jesus dead body rose that means our dead bodies are going to rise okay and so in roman chapter 6 and verse 4 it says therefore we are buried with him by baptism in the death that like as christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father even so we also should walk in newness of life for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection and that's what i believe it's talking about here is the fact that hey we're going to be like him and a verse like that you know and first john 3 3 1 it says behold what manner of love the father have bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god therefore therefore the world knows not because it knew him not beloved now are we the sons of god and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is okay so you see this the likeness of his resurrection will be like him and go to philippians chapter 3 one last verse here philippians chapter 3 and really if you want the first grantees 15 you see that all this about the resurrection that jesus christ is the first fruits of the resurrection the first fruits of them that slept and then we're going to have all day there christ is coming are going to be resurrected and then come at the end okay and so that's the the timeline of the resurrections if you will but jesus right now is the only one that's has a spiritual body okay he's the only one that has resurrected from the dead right now okay we will but right now it's just jesus okay and notice what it says in philippians chapter 3 verse 20 it says for our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the savior the lord jesus christ who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself okay so i believe isaiah chapter 26 is really showing you that you know together with my dead body shall they arise you know and it's basically saying hey in like manner like my body you know they're going to have that that similar resurrection it's going to be like his body like his resurrection and this is where paul is talking about that i may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his son he's being made conformable unto his death if by any means i might attain unto the resurrection of that what's he's trying to attain unto the resurrection of jesus okay now he said not as though i'd already attained although they were already perfect but i follow after that may apprehend that for which also i'm apprehended of christ jesus he's basically saying you know i i haven't attained unto that you know and but i want to apprehend or know christ as much as he knows me okay because apprehend is the same as acknowledge or to know right to apprehend something and so he's basically saying as much as as much i want to apprehend him as much as uh he apprehends me okay and he says i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god in christ jesus and it ends with the fact that it says hey you know he's he's gonna make our vile bodies like unto his glorious body okay and so our you know motivation should be that our resurrection is as close to jesus as possible right now jesus is the son of righteousness s-u-n okay and we are liking unto stars and glory okay so there are stars that shine brighter than others okay now no one is ever going to be as bright as the sun okay but shouldn't we be striving to attain right shouldn't you be striving to be like christ as much as possible and that's what paul's uh motivation was he says i want to try to attain unto that he's like not as though i'd already attained he's not he's like i haven't attained okay just so you know i'm not i'm not like i'm not jesus okay but that should be our goal we should be pressing toward that and so in the end you know you're going to be shining bright because you bring many people to righteousness and you know all that's true with the tree of life and he that when his souls is wise and all that so but this is a great passage it does really piggy back off chapter 25 but like i said chapter 25 you know the verse that i think of is death is swallowed up in victory which is talking about the resurrection and then you have this verse at the end here where it's talking about uh that dead men shall shall live together with my dead body shall they arise and talking about awaking out of the dust of the earth and all this and so uh these are great resurrection uh passages in the old testament and so just a great passage in isaiah chapter 26 here but it's ending with the word of prayer the only father we thank you for today and thank you for your word thank you for just great passages here in the old testament that foreshadow what was going to be done in the new testament and lord just passages that really just bolster or give us a little more information about what's going on in the new testament or in the future and lord just pray that you'd help us to use this to your glory and lord we love you for all in jesus christ's name amen