(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we're continuing our study through the book of Isaiah and in chapter 23 here this is the burden of Tyre. The burden of Tyre. And we'll see that Tyre and Zidon are brought up in this passage and also Tarshish but Tyre and Zidon are cities in Lebanon. Okay so if you want to know geographically where you're at if you're looking at Israel Lebanon's above Israel and then you have Syria above that okay so it's north but it's on the coast right so I think it's very evident that this is a coastal city okay you're dealing with ships and all this stuff as far as you know what's associated with Tyre is a mart of nations okay this is where people were bringing in all kinds of goods so it's basically a hub where all the goods are being brought and then it's all coming out of Tyre okay if that makes sense. So let's let's look at this again I know we just read it but the beginning of the chapter here it says the burden of Tyre how you ships of Tarshish for it is laid waste so that there is no house no entering in from the land of Kidom it is revealed to them be still ye inhabitants of the aisle thou whom the merchants of Zidon that pass over the sea have replenished and by great waters the seed of Sihor the harvest of the river is her revenue and she is a mart of nations be thou ashamed of Zidon for the for the sea have spoken even the strength of the sea saying I travail not nor bring forth children neither do I nourish up young men nor bring up virgins as at the report concerning Egypt so shall they be sorely pained at the report of Tyre so it's basically stating that hey Egypt was destroyed if you remember we already kind of covered that right the burden of Egypt and the burden of Moab and all these different burdens that we've gone through now what I'm going to show you is that this doesn't take place until at least when they're in the captivity the Babylonian captivity actually it's it's Nebuchadnezzar who's going to end up taking out Tyre okay I'm going to show you that but this is obviously in Isaiah you're dealing in Hezekiah's day around that time right and so this is a future prophecy what's going to happen and what we'll see is that there's other minor prophets and and for sake of you know time I had too many notes I could have gone into some other minor prophets that talked about Tyre and and the judgment that was coming but you'll see that very often right is that you had the major prophet talking about it and then other major prophets talking about it and then there's like minor prophets talking about it and a lot of the minor prophets are during Hezekiah's time and so it's no marvel that the minor prophets and other prophets are talking about the same condemnation that's coming but this is something that Jesus brought up okay brought up as far as he gave he gave he was using Tyre and Zidon on as an example of the judgment of God okay so go to Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 you also find this in Matthew but in Luke chapter 10 he's gonna basically use Tyre and Zidon on as an example of a city or cities that have been judged and he's basically talking about modern cities and he's saying listen you know look at them and they're the example okay we know that Sodom and in that and Sodom is brought up here but Sodom is an example of those that should after live ungodly right that they suffered the vengeance of eternal fire okay and that's something that's supposed to be an example saying hey look look at Sodom look what they did and that's coming on you if you don't if you try to go down the path they're going okay so in Luke chapter 10 and verse 10 it says but into whatsoever city ye enter and they receive you not go your ways out into the streets of the same and say even the very dust of your city which cleaveth on us we do wipe off against you notwithstanding be sure be sure of this that the kingdom of God has come nigh unto you now this is talking about soul winning right this is talking about how he sends out the 70 okay so first he sends out the 12 2 by 2 and then he sends out 70 other disciples 2 by 2 okay and he's basically stating that if they don't receive you you know just wipe the dust off it doesn't say you know like basically protest and you know picket that city no it just says basically just you know wipe the dust off your feet basically you know I'm not even let the dust cleave to me okay and you know basically leave that that that town okay so when it comes to soul winning you know if it's a really unreceptive area you know what you know wipe dust off my feet and there's certain places in Morgantown there's certain places that we've gone that are really rough places and you know what I don't go there and it's gonna be it's a really long time before I ever try to go back to that okay I'll call those the Jerusalem's okay so you know you kind of think of the Apostles and how they always don't want to go back to Jerusalem right they want to reach them but in the end sometimes you just need to wipe the dust off your feet now he's using that as an example and notice what he says in verse 12 it says but I say to you that it shall be more tolerable in the day in that day for Sodom than for that city now that's a strong statement okay Sodom was completely annihilated with fire and brimstone okay and so and it's saying that that was that's tolerable compared to what's gonna happen to the city that rejects the gospel you know rejects them going in and preaching the gospel okay and so you think well especially when people today they're like well God in the New Testament he's different that's not what I see right we did a whole sermon on the fact of how much sore punishment shall he be thought who had trodden underfoot the Son of God and counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he is sanctified and unholy thing and then despite unto the spirit of grace talking about Christians right but how much more when it comes to unbelievers he's basically saying hey it's gonna be more tolerable for Sodom than for that city that that that does not receive them now keep going there in verse 13 it says woe unto thee Chorazin woe unto thee Bethsaida for if the mighty works have been done in Tyre and Zidon which have been done in you they had great a great while ago repented sitting in sackcloth and ashes but it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Zidon at the judgment than for you and thou Capernaum which art exalted to heaven shall be thrust down to hell and he that heareth you heareth me and he that despises you despises me and he that despises me despises him that sent me and so no marvel my brethren at the world hate you right Jesus says they've hated they hated me before they hated you and the idea here is the fact that hey if they hear me if they hear you they're gonna hear if they hear Jesus they're gonna hear you okay why because you have the Word of God okay and he's telling them that you know basically when Jesus isn't gonna be on you know they're fleshly speaking walking on the earth the idea would be like well you know if Jesus was here they would hear him okay no there was plenty of people that didn't hear him when he was there here on the earth okay and so but what he's stating is that if they'll hear Jesus then they'll hear you and if they hear you they'll hear Jesus and so but all the idea there is that he's using Tyre and Zidon that means Tyre was annihilated pretty heavily okay that this judgment must have been pretty harsh for Jesus to basically he's putting that in with Sodom right Sodom and Gomorrah the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and then he said and then he's using Tyre and Zidon as an example of judgment okay so that's a pretty big deal now it's interesting because Jesus actually the Bible talks about him going into Tyre and Zidon okay so go to Matthew chapter I'm sorry Mark chapter 7 Mark chapter 7 Mark chapter 7 I just want to show you this because it's just kind of tying this together as far as there's this judgment you know where Tyre is gets gets destroyed and Zidon as well but you know in the New Testament that's an example but then he's then he ends up being in Tyre and Zidon and wins someone to Christ or you know heals this woman's daughter okay so in Mark chapter 7 and verse 24 it says and from thence he arose and went into the borders of Tyre and Zidon and entered into a house and would have no man know it but he could not be hid for a certain woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard of him and came and fell at his feet the woman was a Greek a Syrophoenician by nation and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter but Jesus said unto her let the children first be filled for it is not meet to take the children's bread and to cast it unto the dogs and she answered and said unto him yes Lord yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs and he said unto her for this saying go thy way the devil has gone out of thy daughter and when she was come to her house she she found the devil gone out and her daughter laid upon the bed and again departing from the coast of Tyre and Zion he came onto the Sea of Galilee through the midst of the coast of Decapolis so we can kind of understand obviously where he's at right because if you if you see the geography of Israel where's Galilee where's the Sea of Galilee where's Galilee at right it's north okay it's north of Samaria it's north of Jerusalem but then Tyre and Zion's above that so he's basically in Tyre he's on the border okay so he basically come into the very northern portion of Israel because his whole ministry was in Israel right for three years or so when Jesus was during his ministry when he's about 30 years old he started his ministry and for about three three years or so he preached to the house of Israel remember he told his disciples don't go on to you know the Gentiles but preach only to the house of Israel and that's why this whole story kind of comes up here is the fact that you know he's fulfilling scripture that he's supposed to be you know his whole ministry is around that though he still won people you know it's not that he didn't want them to get saved or anything like that it's just the fact that his ministry was focused on the children of Israel at that time and you know what so they would be without excuse you know because honestly if Jesus would have walked around the Gentiles they probably would more people would have believed you know and wouldn't have been as hard-hearted but that the scriptures might be fulfilled he came unto his own his own received them not you know they despised him they rejected him you know and of his own brethren you know all that had to be fulfilled right and so just to see that the Tyre is brought up in the New Testament and go to Ezekiel chapter 27 what you're gonna find out is Ezekiel chapter 27 28 and into 29 is talking about Tyre okay so there's actually a lot more information in Ezekiel about this this judgment and about Tyre as far as why they're being judged because in this passage you know you see a little bit about you know the judgment and you know as far as you know what's gonna happen but you don't really see a lot about why you know like why is this going down okay and the first thing that I want you to see here that I have in my notes is human trafficking human trafficking was going on in this entire okay now if you remember they were basically a you know a port if you will where all these ships are coming in okay and notice what it says in Ezekiel chapter 27 Ezekiel chapter 27 verse 12 okay and you'll see Tarshish brought up Tarshish is brought up in Isaiah 23 and so Tarshish is a place that's in the Isles and you could think of like Greece right Greece has all kinds of islands okay so when you're looking on the Mediterranean Sea especially around Greece there's a lot of islands okay so it's you know the Isles of the Gentiles like you're talking about in that area in the Mediterranean Sea but notice what it says in verse 12 Tarshish was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of all kind of riches with silver iron tin and lead they traded in their fairs Javan Tubal and Meshech they were thy merchants they traded the persons of men and vessels of brass in thy market the persons of men okay so they sold people slaves okay go to Joel chapter 3 Joel chapter 3 now what you're gonna see with this is that the destruction of Tyre is very similar to Babylon okay and you kind of see this over and over again right where this destruction is very similar to how Babylon's destroyed and you know what this really shows me is that God is the same okay you know he does the same thing when it comes to destroying nations and how he does it how it's described and the nations are usually doing about the same things you know why because there's nothing new under the Sun because the Lord you know I am the Lord I change not Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever and the idea is that you know the sins of man have been the same since the fall of man okay but in Joel chapter 3 and I know I have already preached through this or gone through this dealing with the marriage supper to lamb the battle of Armageddon which all this is true okay but notice who's brought up in Joel chapter 3 so who's actually being talked about in Joel chapter 3 as far as who's the immediate future application of Joel chapter 3 notice what it says in verse 4 yay and what have you to do with me Otire and Zidon and all the coast of Palestine will you render me a recompense and if you recompense me swiftly and speedily while I return your recompense upon your own head because you have taken my silver my gold and have carried into your temples my goodly pleasant things notice this verse 6 the children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have you sold unto the Grecians that you might remove them far from their border behold I will raise them out of the place whether you have sold them and will return your recompense upon your own head and I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah and they shall sell them to the Sabeans to a people far off for the Lord has spoken it so here's an immediate future application of what's going on here okay is that tire is known for trafficking people okay human trafficking and notice human trafficking of children here in Joel chapter 3 now this is something that is mentioned in Revelation chapter 18 dealing with Babylon so you know what you know that Babylon that's in chapter 18 of Revelation is future okay that's not talking about a near future application in John's day you know in the Apostles day that's talking about something that hasn't happened yet so you know what that means is human trafficking is still going on today and you know what you see it in the news now with the Epstein stuff that's going on you heard it with the NFL all the pedophilia and human trafficking and these dirt bags scumbags should all be hung in front of everybody you see I can't believe you'd say that well go to Exodus chapter 21 Exodus chapter 21 because like I said you know a lot of people want to attribute the Bible as being a book about slavery or supporting slavery the Bible never supports stealing somebody and selling them okay which is what you know our country you know basically had you know and all the countries had this okay everybody wants to pick on America but you know we did fight a war to end slavery you know to basically get to abolish it you know all this other stuff and all that to say is that other countries had it not excusing it but that slavery is not what the Bible condones or gives stipulations on right because they'll talk about stipulations as far as how long you're supposed to have a servant and it's talking about a bond servant someone that is indebted to you because they accrued a debt okay or they stole something right we read about that where someone's a thief and they have to pay restitution and if they don't have enough money to pay restitution then they have to be sold to pay off their debt okay you probably heard the old the old thing or it's probably happened I'm sure where you go to a restaurant and you don't have enough money to pay a bill what do you have to do you got to wash the dishes hey you got to pay off what you you know what you ate okay it doesn't happen anymore now they just you know don't do anything I guess or they just call the police I guess but but in Exodus chapter 21 verse 16 notice what it says and he that stealeth a man and selleth him or if he be found in his hand so it's basically saying even if you have somebody that's been stolen it says he shall surely be put to death so if you're housing or if you just happen to have somebody like well I didn't know this person was stolen or you know whatever or you know basically you didn't buy them directly like let's say someone gave you a slave right then the Bible says you to be put to death okay so you know what that's what the Bible teaches about slavery that's what the Bible teaches about human trafficking and anybody that would that would traffic women you know or traffic children you know for for money or for any reason for that matter they should be put to death stone them with stones that's what the Bible teaches and you know what today we have a lot of that you know we have a lot of pedophilia that's going on and you know what I hope this is finally the the straw that breaks the camel's back in America when there's so much of this wicked you know that they're trying to push pedophilia like it's it's a normal thing you know when it when it came to the homos it's like well you know I guess we'll be understanding but when it comes to children hopefully the men in this country finally grow a backbone and get some hair on the legs and say you know what that's enough you don't mess with our children okay and I think that is the one thing that's gonna actually get people to wake up moms are waking up you know fathers are waking up to this and you know what that was the agenda all along you know NAMBLA was an organization that's been around for a long time and that's a national North American organization of boy lovers just wicked reprobate disgusting human traffickers and you know what they I'm sure this goes pretty high into all the Hollywood actors you probably seen the Epstein you know flight list right and all the different celebrities and when you see that list of people that are on that flight list like Bill Clinton you should be surprised about that right if you grew up in the 90s and you would not be surprised about that okay but so some of you don't know what I'm talking about but but Bill Clinton was on that list other people are on that that flight list but a lot of celebrities like Tom Hanks and just talk show hosts all this stuff and then it makes you wonder why they're always purporting and supporting the LGBTQ AARP garbage because they they have to hide for their own sins because they're a part of that okay and so yeah and then but they're gonna pontificate morality to us right that's the group of people that's gonna stand up on their soapbox and talk to us about how we as Christians are not moral and that we're wicked because we follow the Bible because we call homosexuality an abomination and we call pedophilia abomination well let's see what Jesus says about if you hurt a child okay in Matthew chapter 18 because they always want to be like well you're in Leviticus you're in the Old Testament like I said Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever read Revelation and tell me about the wrath of the Lamb and tell me that that's any better or any lighter of a punishment I think I remember there's a judgment where they're gonna be seeking death and won't find it meaning that people are actually gonna want to die that they're actually wanting the rocks and the hills to fall on them and kill them so they don't have to see the face of the Lamb or see that you know the endure the wrath of the Lamb but in Matthew chapter 18 notice what it says here in verse 1 and this is why here at Mountain Baptist Church we have no patience for anybody that would even have an inkling of being a predator or that I would think that that is capable of hurting our children or anything like that that they're not gonna be here okay you say well you know they may shut us down then shut us down I'd rather not have a church I'd rather not be pastoring a church then have to have a bunch of fags and predators in this building right now and you know what YouTube doesn't like that the world doesn't like that but you know what if you if you're sympathetic to pedophiles then stay the hell away from my children and everybody in this church by the way because yeah I have no patience for that I have no patience on any level for anybody that before that type of wickedness okay because what does that say about that person anybody that would defend pedophilia pedophilia they are wicked as hell I have no remorse for that person that would defend pedophilia I can see how people have been desensitized to other stuff you know because they watch too much TV and they're not in reality they don't really know what these people are like but someone that would molest the child or think that that's normal they're not normal they must not have a conscience they must be seared there must be something wrong with them and I'm just gonna deem them a psychopath if they actually think that a pedophile is normal okay so in Matthew chapter 18 let's see what Jesus has to say about someone hurting a child in verse 1 it says at the same time came the disciples unto Jesus saying who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and Jesus called a little child unto him and sent him in the midst of them and said verily I say unto you except ye be converted and become as little children you have you shall have not I'm sorry you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven and whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me but whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned into the depth of the sea now that's it's better and they're better off taking a millstone and tying a rope around their neck with the millstone and then casting that millstone into the sea and it's interesting because in Revelation when it talks about the destruction of Babylon which is very similar to Tyre what is it like in it unto that with violence like a millstone that's cast to the sea with violence they're taken out okay is it any marvel because one of the sins that they had was human trafficking stealing souls of men and selling them and what what did it say in Joel they sold their children and sold their children and so there's nothing new under the Sun so you hear about this stuff today guess what that stuff's been going on since the beginning of the world it's wicked it's disgusting and God is going to judge that okay so when you see the punishment on Tyre or you see the punishment on Babylon you're like man that's harsh and then you think about just think about the fact that they were trafficking children and then you should be like this is great I completely understand this I think he's completely I think God's completely justified in how harsh he is right now and you know what that comes down to though is that God knows everything that they've done and we don't we're getting a little glimpse but we okay so we know that human trafficking is going on right you think of our country we know that stuff's going on imagine if you saw it though and then you'll realize why God is angry with the wicked every day now I don't want to see it okay I'm just gonna be honest with you glad I'm glad I'm not omnipresent and I don't see everything and behold the evil and the good because I you know it just shows the long suffering of God I'll put it that way but but that being said is that well that's one of the big things that I see that's one of the the fruits of this this city Tyre okay and you can understand why they were judged okay and go to Ezekiel chapter 27 Ezekiel chapter 27 like I said Ezekiel 27 28 is really dealing with Tyre okay now in these chapters it's called Tyrus okay now it's just another way of saying the same thing okay meaning that you'll see Tyrus and Zidon mentioned together in other places and so it's just like Zidon spelled with an S and not a Z in the New Testament you know stuff like that Nebuchadnezzar actually and Ezekiel is called Nebuchadrezzar okay there's an R and that's not a typo that's just you know a different variation of his name okay so don't don't be putting that as an N you know now if you said Nebuchadnezzar when you were talking about him and Ezekiel there's nothing wrong with that okay but all that to say is that it should be Nebuchadrezzar it should be Nebuchadnezzar it should be Tyrus it should be Tyre you know all that stuff okay now in Ezekiel chapter 27 verse 1 here says the word of the Lord came again unto me saying now thou son of man take up a lamentation for Tyrus and say unto Tyrus O thou that are situated at the entry of the sea which art a merchant of the people for many isles thus said the Lord God O Tyrus thou has said I am a perfect beauty so now we're getting a little picture about what Tyrus thinks of themselves okay and go to as I'm sorry Ezekiel chapter 28 Ezekiel chapter 28 it's interesting because this this nation or this this king actually is gonna be compared unto Satan okay now we saw that with Babylon if you remember we saw that in Isaiah chapter 14 when it's talking about Babylon it says you know take this proverb against the king of Babylon right well now it's gonna talk about a lamentation against the king of Tyrus okay and notice that you know basically what's gonna be said about the devil is is what the king thought about himself okay so notice what it says in verse 11 moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus and say unto him thus saith the Lord God thou sealest up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty what did it say about Tyrus what did he say about him what did Tyrus say about itself I am a perfect beauty okay so you kind of understand why you know Tyrus is being likened unto the devil okay because this passage here is talking about the devil okay it's basically it's talking about the devil but it's showing the similarities okay it's based to show it like it's talking about that one would be like now think about what you just said now think about yourself okay because that's exactly what you are your heart is just like the devil and everything that you said you know you're saying about yourself is what the devil said about himself okay so think about this as we go through here in verse 13 thou has been in Eden the Garden of God so we know we're not talking about Tyrus or the king of Tyrus right it says every precious stone was thy covering the sardius topaz and the diamond the barrel the onyx and the Jasper the sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and gold the workmanship of thy tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou was created thou art the anointed cherub that covereth I have set thee so thou was upon the holy mountain of God thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire thou was perfect in all that in thy ways from the day that thou was created till iniquity was found in thee by the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and now has sinned therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God I will destroy thee o covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty so what's going on with Tyrus here they're like oh I'm beauty I'm perfect in beauty and their heart was lifted up because of that okay and that's what happened with the devil okay says thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness I will cast thee to the ground I will lay thee before kings that they may behold thee thou is to file the sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities by the iniquity of thy traffic therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee it shall devour thee and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee all they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee thou shalt be a terror and never shalt thou be anymore so that's obviously the end of the that's how the devil is gonna end right but notice how he's coupling that this lamentation is for the king of Tyrus okay so he's basically giving this lamentation about the devil and he's saying this applies to you king of Tyrus so how would you like to be likened unto the devil right how would you like to be you know okay I'm gonna give an allegory about you how who you are king king of Tyrus the devil okay and it goes through these different things now look at the very beginning of the chapter there because it starts off talking about the prince of Tyrus and this is very interesting because what this prince of Tyrus says now it's interesting too because in the end of chapter 9 what is the Antichrist called in that passage the prince okay so you have the prince the Messiah of the prince right but then you have the false prince that's gonna come and he's gonna set up he's gonna you know confirm his covenant for one week so notice what it says here in chapter 28 verse 1 the word of the Lord came unto me again saying son of man say unto the prince of Tyrus thus said the Lord God so you say well why is this the prince the other one the king well the king is the devil himself okay the prince is actually a man okay so if you think of the Antichrist the Beast that is the man of sin that's not like it's not like a fallen angel does that make sense like the the Antichrist and the false prophet are literal people okay that are born into this world they're human beings they're not like hybrids okay they're not centaurs they're not satyrs right they're not hybrids of humans and angels okay they're just men okay but the dragon and you know in Revelation is the devil himself okay he is you know he was created in heaven he left his first estate you know he's an angel you know a fallen angel right so in this passage at the beginning you're more so dealing with what the Antichrist would be like but notice what it said here because you're gonna really see that the king of Tyrus or the prince of Tyrus the leader of Tyrus at that time the man who was leading Tyrus is basically an allegory of the Antichrist right it's like and it's interesting how this happens over and over and over and over and over again in the Bible right where we keep seeing this same picture keep happening over and over again see in Daniel chapter 11 it happens in during the Grecian Empire with someone that's like the Antichrist Antiochus Epiphanes right and then you're gonna have the same kind of thing that happens you know when Jerusalem is destroyed in 70 AD but then you have the actual Antichrist that's gonna come on the scene but you see kind of these I don't wanna say wannabes but you know it's kind of like it's not the true Antichrist it's just like Antichrist pictures of Antichrist that are coming along but where did I stop there I didn't I didn't read any of it did I so verse one did I read any so yeah I read the Prince of Tyrus verse 2 son of man saying to the Prince of Tyrus thus said the Lord God because thine heart is lifted up and now has said I am a God I sit in the seat of God in the midst of the seas yet thou art a man and not God thou though thou set thine heart as the heart of God so this guy this guy is saying I am a God okay what does the Antichrist say he's gonna say that he's God and he's gonna sit in the temple of God saying that he is God okay and if you remember he's gonna basically say that you know he's gonna reject all the God of his fathers he's gonna you know worship the God of forces and all that okay and verse three there says behold thou art wiser than Daniel there is no secret that that they can hide from thee with thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou has gotten the riches and has gotten gold and silver into thy treasures by thy great wisdom and by thy traffic hast thou increased thy riches and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches therefore thus said the Lord God because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God behold therefore I will bring strangers upon me the terrible of the nations they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom and they shall defile thy brightness they shall bring thee down to the pit and thou shalt die the deaths of them that are slain in the midst of the seas wilt thou yet say before me that slay at thee I am God that's what it says wilt thou yet say before him that slay at thee I am God so he's basically saying you're gonna say that to the person that kills you that you're God that's what he's stating you know yeah tell that person when he's when he's when he's actively killing you that you're God because he says you're not a God you're a man you're gonna die like a man it says but thou shalt be a man and no God in the hand of him that slay at thee thou shalt die the deaths of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers for I have spoken it set the Lord God now obviously this is a little different than the way the Antichrist is going to die because the Antichrist is gonna die by the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is gonna kill them with a sword that proceeds out of his mouth and they're gonna be cast into the lake of fire okay and so but you know what's interesting about this is how you know that verse where it says the love of money is the root of all evil you know people balk at that they say well you know what do you mean money you know is the root no not money the love of money is the root of all evil and be like well what about Satan well it's interesting because this whole passage is basically an allegory of the devil and the Antichrist and what does it say about his riches it lifted up his heart with pride and you know what wanting more what did what was what was Satan's downfall he wanted to be like the most high he wanted more right what was that the love of money the money the love of riches the love of power okay and so you know the Bible's true the love of money is the root of all evil not a root of some evil and the modern versions do change that they'll change that to say you know they will say like the love for the love of money is a root of evil a root of all evil or something like that no it's that for the love of money is the root of all evil okay now go to Ezekiel chapter 29 because I'm going to show you who takes out Tyrus okay so the Babylonians they pretty much take out everybody okay so if you think about it like Egypt was kind of limping along and if you remember as we were reading through here that there was a time where you know before is before Judah is taken captive where Assyria Egypt and Israel are basically like the three top kingdoms in the world okay where Israel is like the third okay and so there's a time period where I mean basically Egypt and Assyria are still around when when Babylon comes on the scene when you read Ezekiel what you're seeing is Babylon basically taking out Egypt and taking out Assyria okay now if you remember Assyria Assyria is not there's no nation that's associated with Assyria anymore because Assyria was like an empire okay and they had Nineveh as their capital city but Tyrus was also a very important city see a lot of these kingdoms didn't just have one city right it's not like there's just one city that's a city if you think of America do you think of like what's this what is the city of America well there's there's actually multiple cities that you would do like New York City LA DC but DC is not exactly like a metropolis compared to New York City okay or LA or Chicago or even down in Texas right Texas is its own country but but all I say is that when you think of like what's the big what's the big city in America well there's big cities in America okay and so when you think of Assyria you know I think of like Tyre as being one of those and I think of Nineveh obviously being like the capital because the head of Assyria is Nineveh okay so there's no doubt that Nineveh is that capital city and there's you know Nahum and Zephaniah to talk about their destruction and many other passages talking about Assyria's destruction but I believe Tyre is in that mix as well okay and it's interesting because and I don't have this in my notes as far as the the seven-headed dragon and how it's being that there's five are fallen you know and talking about the Kings throughout time so five are fallen one is and one is yet to come and that one that is when it was written was Rome which is fallen so there's there's basically six are fallen and one is to come essentially now but all I'd say is that it's just interesting how Babylon it when you're in Daniel it's that head of gold right it is the the the number one kingdom you know when you think of Babylon it goes all the way back to the Tower of Babel okay so it kind of resets with Babylon if you will as far as like they are the top kingdom in the world and no one is going to match that okay until obviously Jesus because the stone that's cut out of the mountain is gonna smite that image and that's gonna become a great mountain and obviously that's gonna be Jesus Kingdom right so in Ezekiel chapter 29 verse 17 here that's what it says it says and it came to pass in the 7th and 20th year in the first month in the first day of the month the word of Lord came unto me saying so where are we at well in the 7th and 20th year what captivity okay so when you're reading through the book of Ezekiel sometimes he'll be talking about his age right so when you start the book of Ezekiel it's talking about like in the 30th year it's talking about his age but then it says like in the fifth year of the captivity so when you're right here you're in the the 27th year of the captivity which is talking and you're still dealing with Nebuchadnezzar okay and so it says in verse 18 son of man Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon it says caused his army to serve a great service against Tyrus every head was made bald and every shoulder was peeled yet had he no wages nor his army for Tyrus for the service that he had served against it so basically it's just stating that you know Nebuchadnezzar was doing a service for God there okay and actually there's a place I don't have it in my notes here where it says Nebuchadnezzar my servant okay because God used Babylon to destroy these nations okay God used Babylon to destroy Judah okay and notice what it says here they didn't have any wages okay so they basically did this for free if you will right they took out Tyrus for free but notice what God gives them okay so God pays them pays them by giving them Egypt okay so that's what it says in verse 19 therefore thus saith the Lord God behold I will give the land of Egypt unto Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and he shall take her multitude and take her spoil and take her prey and it shall be the wages for his army so he's basically like all right you didn't get paid for that but here you got Egypt okay so you get all the spoil of Egypt okay so that's who destroys Tyrus so you kind of see when that happens right so in your Isaiah chapter 23 you're dealing like in Hezekiah's day right so this is a prophecy that's that's not gonna happen for a while right because you have to be 27 years into the captivity of Judah before you get to that point okay so it's interesting that this burden we actually see exactly when it happens okay what year it happens in the captivity now we see go back to Isaiah chapter 23 in verse 6 Isaiah chapter 23 in verse 6 so these ships of Tarshish are all mourning because the city is being destroyed okay so in verse 6 here says pass ye over to Tarshish how ye inhabitants of the aisle is this your joyous city whose antiquity is of ancient days her own feet shall carry her a far off to sojourn who hath taken this council against Tyre the crowning city whose merchants are princes whose traffickers are the honorable of the earth the Lord of hosts hath purposed it to stain the pride of all glory and to bring into contempt all the honorable of the earth pass through thy land as a river o daughter of Tarshish there is no more strength he stretched out his hand over the sea he shook the kingdoms the Lord hath given a commandment against the merchants city to destroy the strongholds thereof and he said thou shalt no more rejoice o thou oppressed virgin daughter of Zidon arise Passover to Kidom there also shalt thou have no rest behold the land of the Chaldeans this people was not till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell dwell in the wilderness they set up the towers thereof they raised up the palaces thereof and he brought it to ruin how ye ships of Tarshish for your strength is laid waste so he basically talking to Tarshish and saying you know you got nothing now and this really comes down to this is that Tyre was where all they got all their business okay you know basically Tyre was buying all this merchandise and they were distributing it out to everywhere where they were at okay and now it's gone right they just lost all they've lost all their all their clients okay so they're they're gonna be really upset about this and no Swiss says in Ezekiel chapter 27 Ezekiel chapter 27 because it talks about this and like I said very similar to Babylon's destruction very similar okay because you think of like Nineveh or even like you know this is a merchant city this is where there's like a sea okay so when you think of like Nineveh you know Assyria Egypt I guess you could see that because they're on the sea as far as like picturing Babylon in the New Testament and picturing what's gonna happen in the New Testament but but definitely Tyre because it's literally a coastal city and then you think of America America has two coasts on the west coast and the east coast as far as shipments that are coming in constantly you know you think of like you say well who's Tarshish probably China okay if you're gonna just you know as far as where do we get most our merchandise from China okay China where we got the virus right no but all I'll say is that obviously we're the ones that are we're the consumers okay and that's what it talks about with Babylon but in Ezekiel chapter 27 again this is a whole passage about you know basically a lamentation of Tyrus or Tyre in verse 25 it says the ships of Tarshish did sing of thee in thy market and thou was replenished and made very glorious in the midst of the seas and so you think about the singing there's no gonna be no more rejoicing you think about that in Revelation chapter 18 which we're here to in a second but we're not gonna see a lot of I'm not gonna read that whole chapter but it basically talks about how there's gonna be no more like a sound of the bridegroom and the groom there's like no more celebration there right it's gonna be a habitation of devils and every foul spirit right but it going down to verse 29 there Ezekiel chapter 27 it says in all that that handle the or the Mariners and all the pilots of the sea shall come down from their ships they shall stand upon the land and shall cause their voice to be heard against against thee and shall cry bitterly and shall cast upon cast up dust upon their heads they shall wallow themselves in the ashes and they shall make themselves utterly bald for thee and and gird them with sackcloth and they shall weep for thee with bitterness of heart and bitter wailing and in their wailing they shall take up a lamentation for thee and a lament over the saying what city is like Tyrus like the destroyed in the midst of the sea so you can definitely understand why Jesus is using Tyre and Zion on as an example of judgment okay because when you're reading through the New Testament you usually think of like Sodom right that's a you're like okay Sodom that's a very famous story of you know fire and brimstone coming down and destroying that city Sodom and Gomorrah but Tyre you don't really think about right because Tyre is kind of hidden away in Ezekiel so you're not really thinking about the destruction of Tyre but this was a massive destruction okay and it doesn't necessarily state you know exactly what happens but it talks about when we were reading through Ezekiel chapter 28 you're dealing with the lamentation of the devil it talks about I'm gonna bring forth a fire within thee okay you know Babylon in Revelation chapter 18 it doesn't really tell us how it got destroyed it just talks about the smoke of their burning right shall ascend up and they're gonna see the smoke from afar off so what we know is that it's gonna go up in flames we don't really know why or how it goes up in flames that could very well be that fire and brimstone comes down right I mean if you think about like the last plague that comes on the earth and and the last trumpet and last vial is what hail right and all the cities of the nation shall fall so it's very possible that you know he's gonna rain fire and brimstone down or that's what happened to Tyre okay we don't know that for sure but again you know you don't really see that it's not as vivid as Sodom and Gomorrah as far as what happens there okay but it's enough to where they're just wailing weeping just mourning over this and talking about the destruction in the midst of the sea okay go to Revelation chapter 18 Revelation chapter 18 so you see the similarities at least right a little bit here as far as you know they're trafficking humans okay they're trafficking people so human trafficking is definitely a big sin they really came down through their riches puffed them up and you know what America fits this bill right now the fact that you know we're a rich nation and you know what prosperity breeds wickedness and you know what that's why you know what that's why it says in Proverbs chapter 30 tonight did neither give me poverty nor riches okay because you don't want poverty to where you have to like steal to survive okay but you don't want to be wealthy to the point where you're gonna blaspheme God you're gonna profane his name you know you don't want to you don't want that okay so when you look at these celebrities you look at these people that have millions of dollars you're like man life would be great no it wouldn't okay you know what riches do and makes you not dependent on God I'm not saying to be done with your finances or to live you know like above your means okay but what I'm saying is that when you had that much money and you don't have to worry about any type of like help from God at all with your finances that's gonna make you a bad person okay and you know whether you're a Christian or whether you're unsaved but you know what it's easier you know dealing with the unsaved it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of an needle than a rich man entered the kingdom of heaven it's not because the way into heaven is different for them it's just the fact that the riches are gonna lift up their heart and pride and that's why the love of money is the root of all evil and so don't envy the wicked don't envy all the money that they have listen we have it way better than they do you know just living a normal life and just you know living you know not having every little thing in the world you know not having a yacht you know and not having like all these things we're not eating like ice cream with with pieces of gold you know shaved into it I mean I'm telling you people do that I mean they'll literally eat like a meal that's $10,000 because they ate pieces of gold as I think it's just because they're bored they don't know what to do with their money and they're like let's just shave off some gold into our ice cream and eat that I mean I don't know but all I have to say is that that's why in Hollywood and in these elite people like that are wicked as hell because they hate God because they've been lifted up with pride and you don't want to be like them okay and this is their end okay and Revelation chapter 18 verse 15 knows what it says it says in the merchants of these things which were made were made rich by her shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment weeping and wailing you know what if I didn't tell you where I was at when I was reading this you probably wouldn't know which city I was talking about right if I just said hey you know you got to guess which one I'm talking about Babylon or Tyre I think you'd probably you know if I was reading Ezekiel you'd probably be like oh you're talking about Babylon aren't you keep reading here it says in verse 16 and saying alas alas that great city that was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls for in one hour so great riches has come to naught and every ship master and all the company and ships and sailors and as many as trade by sea stood afar off and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning saying what city is like unto this great city and they cast dust on their heads and cried weeping and wailing saying alas alas that great city wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness for in one hour as she made desolate I mean that is like literally what we just read in Ezekiel chapter 27 I mean obvious not literally because there's different you know words that are used it talks about pilots of the sea and like different stuff like that but literally I mean that's the same exact thing that happened tire and guess what that also happened to the physical Babylon that also is going to happen to the future Babylon so and you can definitely see how America fits that bill and so if it happens in our day there is no doubt in my mind that Babylon is them as the United States it is the world empire it is you know the most consuming nation in the world right now okay so if America fell the whole world would feel it okay imagine the whole world economy if America fell and they weren't buying anything anymore everything would just come to a screeching halt okay so last thing to go here in Isaiah chapter 23 go to the first 15 verse 15 it says and it shall come to pass in that day that Tyre shall be forgotten 70 years going to the days of one King after the end of 70 years shall Tyre sing as in harlot taken harp go about the city thou harlot that has been forgotten make sweet melody sing many songs that thou mayest be remembered and shall come to pass after the end of 70 years that the Lord will visit Tyre and she shall return to her hire and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth now so basically I believe this is talking obviously about that specific nation back then you know basically they're gonna be destroyed and then 70 years is basically like to just forgotten but then God's gonna visit them and and all that they're gonna come back and but then they're gonna like basically regain riches again okay but notice what it says in verse 18 and her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to the Lord now this may if you just read that right there you're kind of like what in the world talking about committing fornication and like almost obviously what this what they're doing is not good okay but that's what it says and her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to the Lord now notice why it shall not be treasured nor laid up meaning that they're not gonna have it as a treasure and it's not gonna be laid up by them why for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the Lord to eat sufficiently and for durable clothing meaning that they're gonna gather all these riches just to give it to God's people okay now this is a principle that's found throughout the Bible go to go to Psalm 37 I'm gonna read to you Proverbs 13 22 and you may just want to even write down Proverbs 13 22 it says a good man leaving an inheritance to his children's children and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just that's exactly what's gonna happen at the very end doesn't know this whole world is gonna be given unto God's people that's what it says Daniel chapter 7 talking about how the kingdoms of the world you know the kingdoms of world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ but it also talks about they're gonna be given unto those people okay that's gonna be our inheritance okay and so basically all the goods that they've built up all the stuff that they have it's all gonna be given to us okay and Psalm 37 really hits this and you know I obviously you know your homework is just read the whole Psalm here but for sake of time I'm gonna read the whole Psalm but verse 7 here it says rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him fret not thyself because of him who prosperth in his way because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass cease from anger and forsake wrath fret not thyself in any wise to do evil so it's basically saying you see all these evil people you see Hollywood you see all these people that are rich you see Bill Gates you see all these wicked people that have a lot of money and all these nice things you know all all the riches and all the extravagant things that they do you know you see all that stuff don't envy that okay that's what God's saying here is that you know you're not to be looking at that or to think hey I should just be like them you know I should just do what they're doing because obviously they're living they're living their good life now you know as Joel's team would say but that's what it says here says for evildoers shall be cut off but those that wait upon the Lord they shall inherit the earth it says for yet a little while and the wicked shall not be gay thou shalt diligent consider his place and it shall not it shall not be right think about the end right think about in the very end in the new heaven new earth right there's gonna be a point where there's not gonna be there anymore they're gonna be an outer darkness but we're gonna be ever with the Lord and we're gonna have an eternal hair inheritance and it's gonna get to that here notice what it says in verse 11 but the meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace the wicked cloth against the just and gnashes upon him with his teeth the Lord shall laugh at him and he shall he for he see it that his day is coming notice that that you know what when these wicked people are coming against us and gnashing upon us with their teeth and they're trying to get us you know you know killed or trying to get us to lose our jobs and the persecution that comes you know what God is doing he's laughing at them you say I can't believe God will laugh at them God's laughing at them because he sees that their day is coming notice what it says as you keep reading there in verse verse 14 the wicked have drawn out the sword and have bent their bow to cast down the poor and needy into sleigh such as be a bright conversation their sword shall enter into their own heart and their bows shall be broken a little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked and that is true as the day is long for the arms of the wicked shall be broken but the Lord upholdeth the righteous the Lord knoweth the days of the upright and their inheritance shall be forever and that's what you need to remember because when you read these passages you know these passages are really showing us you say man that's kind of grim and just you know punishment because as we've been reading is like the burden of Tyre the burden of Babylon burden of it it's all like condemnation you know what that is though it's God judging sinners and wicked people and he's rewarding his people he's showing you that hey listen yeah in the world there's wickedness all this this wickedness is going on and the just are being you know persecuted judgment isn't going forth but that's not gonna be forever and you know what God has been judging the world throughout history okay kind of little by little just judging nations and you know basically taking out nations as the centuries go on but in the end there's gonna be the ultimate judgment where he just completely takes out all the kingdoms of the world sets up his kingdom and we inherit with him and so that's a great finale you know and you always have to be thinking about that okay because you can easily get depressed at what's going on in the world right now you know you can look at what's going on in the world and you're just like you know what's gonna happen you know you know what are we gonna have to do you know are we gonna have to go live in a bunker somewhere you know like what's gonna happen you know like all this stuff you're thinking about all this stuff but you got to always remember this is that you know the safest place to be is in God's will to be to be you know fighting for him working for him and think about all the prophets that didn't back down but that it's just stuck by by God I want you to name a prophet that you know basically stuck by the Lord and stuck to his guns that actually got hurt you know like think of Jeremiah you think of like all these other prophets that stuck by the Lord Samson you can't count him right because he messed up okay he wasn't really sticking by the Lord and obviously the Lord Jesus was dying for our sins okay so obviously that's that's why he came okay it's not a matter you know obviously he was doing what he should be doing and he's God but but all I have to say is that you need to just remember that in these times of just just craziness that's going on I want you to know this is that there's nothing new under the Sun okay you see I can't believe all this gender bending and homosexual listen that's been going on since Sodom and Gomorrah at least okay Pompeii Greece like all these different places and different times and different periods this stuff has happened and God has had to hit the reset button if you will and destroyed nations because of it okay and eventually you know our nation will be destroyed because of it and you know what well our job is to stay at the hand of God but ultimately we should not be the ones that are afraid they should be afraid right God's people should be finding peace and rest in the Lord right he's not he's not he's not gonna be coming after us he's gonna be coming after them and even if God were to judge this nation while we're here listen the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation and reserve the the wicked unto judgment right and so this passage dealing with Tyre it's interesting there's a lot of other places like I said you know there's other minor prophets that talk about Tyrus and that judgment so you can go to those places but Ezekiel is kind of the bigger one that really just parallels Isaiah 23 there so let's end with the word prayer the hungry father we think of today and just pray to bless us as we go back to work throughout the week and Lord just be with those that can't be here that but want to be here Lord and just pray to be with us throughout this week and be with us this weekend as pastor Jimenez and his wife come in praise give them safe travels and just pray we have a good time of fellowship this weekend and well we love you very awesome Jesus Christ name Amen