(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Isaiah chapter 21 and we're continuing our study through the book of Isaiah here and this is an interesting chapter just because a lot of times when we go through here we see the burden of you know Moab the burden of you know different places that it'll just say a city but this starts off with the burden of the desert of the sea so in verse 1 there it says the burden of the desert of the sea as whirlwinds in the south pass through so it cometh from the desert from a terrible land so this is clearly gonna be talking about Babylon okay and the reason for that is if you go down in verse 9 it goes through all this stuff and then it basically talking about Babylon falling so I just want you to see that just so you kind of know where we're going with it but in verse 9 there says and behold here here cometh a chariot of men with a couple of horsemen and he answered and said Babylon is fallen is fallen all the graven images of of her gods hath he broken unto the ground okay but what's it mean by the burden of the desert of the sea well you know I like watching these like nature things basically like I don't like hearing about evolution and like millions of years but I always like watching stuff about animals and just different things as far as you know like documentaries on on stuff like that as far as under the ocean you know just different things like that just interest me but one thing I remember watching one time I was talking about ocean deserts okay ocean deserts and the idea is basically there's these dead zones in the ocean where there's like real it's like basically oxygen starved or it's basically just not a lot of oxygen so there's not a lot of life so it's basically if you think of a desert what is a desert but a place that just is pretty much not completely but mostly absent of life right just a lot of things just can't live there it's just a really harsh climate and so usually think of a desert you think of like the Sahara you think of sand and you think of you know just really hot but there also are in the ocean as well or in the seas and I believe what it's basically is stating here or at least one way to look at this is stating that Babylon is gonna be like a desert it's gonna be like a desert in the sea and if anything the Bible knew about deserts in the sea way before anybody else did okay because this is something they're just finding out and they're also finding out that these are kind of increasing meaning that there's areas under the ocean that are kind of getting depleted of oxygen or it's basically life you know just it's kind of spreading so kind of like the Sahara or you know different deserts they spread over time and just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger the same thing with those in the ocean but it is talking about Babylon and this vision is about Babylon falling so this famous phrase Babylon is fallen is fallen there's obviously an immediate future application of this okay so in the timeline you're dealing with Isaiah here and he he's prophesying up till Hezekiah's reign okay Babylon doesn't even take Judah captive until Josiah's sons come on the scene okay and then Babylon isn't destroyed until 70 years after the captain you know after their captivity is over is when Babylon is gonna be taken out and falling so this is something that's going to be in the future but we're talking you know over a hundred years before this actually takes place so the immediate future is the physical Babylon you know you think of Nebuchadnezzar and that physical Chaldean nation that there is and go to Jeremiah chapter 51 Jeremiah 51 is talking about that so Jeremiah it's really the whole book is is dealing with the fact that Jeremiah preaching to Judah and telling them to get right with God or else and then when they don't then he's like all right you just need to you know there's no turning back now you just need to go into Babylon and just live there and just deal with it and then they rebel against that so pretty much everything he tells them to do they rebel against it but at the end of Jeremiah you kind of have these I don't want I don't know if you want to really call them appendices but kind of like these chapters at the end where it's just kind of like these judgments on different nations as far as Egypt and then you have this one about Babylon and so in chapter 51 here in verse 7 it says here it says Babylon has been a golden cup in the Lord's hand that made all the earth drunken the nations have drunken of her wine therefore the nations are mad Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed how for her take balm for her pain if so be she may be healed we we would have healed Babylon but she is not healed forsake her and let us go every one into his own country for her judgment reaches unto heaven and is lifted up even to the skies so obviously that happened you know I'll show you that way that happened as we go through here but go to Revelation chapter 14 because there's also a future application okay so that Babylon that Nebuchadnezzar ruled over and you know evil Merodach and also Belshazzar that kingdom is no more okay that's already been it's already fallen so that prophecy has been fulfilled with that but we know from Revelation that there's another Babylon that's coming okay so we're obviously in Revelation not talking about that Babylon but more so that name Babylon is given as a spiritual name just like Jerusalem is called spiritually what Sodom and Egypt there's gonna be this nation that's gonna be spiritually called Babylon okay and so in Revelation chapter 14 and verse 8 notice what it says I just want you to see where it's repeating this as far as Babylon is fallen and it says in verse 8 it says in there followed another angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication you kind of see that over and over again about this nation that's making other nations drunk on fornication drunk on an idolatry drunk on the blood of the Saints I mean you see this over and over again but go to Revelation chapter 18 Revelation 18 is where so Jeremiah 51 is where you see the judgment of that physical nation Babylon now there's definitely things that carry over to the future Babylon but in Revelation 18 this is clearly talking about the future Babylon okay so everything in chapter 18 is talking about future Babylon being judged and notice what it says in verse 1 it says and after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the great is fallen is fallen has become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit in a cage of every unclean and hateful bird for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies so you can see you know why it'd be likening Babylon unto a desert of the sea right and the fact that it's basically there's not gonna be much life left there okay it's gonna be some Devils some foul spirits some hateful birds right and what are like hateful birds you think of like carnivorous birds like vultures and just different things that are not sweet little mocking birds you know that you're gonna want to have around you okay and so we see that but we also see go back to Isaiah chapter 21 is that Isaiah was terrified at this vision okay and sometimes you just read over this but when he saw this vision he was he was afraid so this frightened him as far as what he saw it kind of reminds me of when when John saw the vision of the great whore and he basically says he wondered with great amazement right and and basically just meaning that he was just marveling at what he saw and but also it reminds me of Daniel where he couldn't even lift himself up he was just afraid when he saw these visions of the end times and just visions that God was giving him through these through the angels and stuff he just he couldn't even lift himself up and so but in Isaiah 21 verse 2 knows what it says here it says a grievous vision is declared unto me the treacherous dealer deal it treacherously and the spoiler spoileth go up o elum besiege o media all the sigh at the sighing thereof have I made to cease therefore are my loins filled with pain pangs have taken hold upon me as the pangs of a woman that travail it I was bowed down at the hearing of it I was dismayed at the seeing of it my heart panted fearfulness affrighted me the night of my pleasure had he turned into fear unto me so this is Isaiah saying this right now this is obviously a vision against Babylon but it's still terrifying okay to see this vision so this is a very frightening vision that he saw as far as Babylon falling and you can kind of think about you know it talks about Babylon falling suddenly do you remember in Revelation how long it takes for Babylon to be taken out one hour one hour that's how fast and I can't imagine what's going on I don't know if anybody saw that explosion that happened in Lebanon and and Beirut I think it was Beirut and just this building was like kind of it looked like a fireworks were going off and then all of a sudden boom just like exploded through there and it's just crazy I was also watching a documentary on Mount St. Helens and I don't know if you saw some of this footage but that was back in 1980 that was before I was born so I don't obviously remember Mount St. Helens erupting but and I've seen some footage but there was this footage of this guy who was video he was basically you know there to video the volcano but they had no idea how bad it was gonna be and basically when the volcano erupted it erupted toward the north and the whole north side of the mountain just went away and it exploded out that direction so they were all expecting me to just go up and so anyway he was running for his life and the video was like pitch black and it just makes you think of Revelation where it talks about how when the angel opens up the bottomless pit and it darkens the Sun and it was just like you see this is just like it's just like hell on earth you know and you just think about the end times and let us I mean now obviously praise God we're not gonna be here for that you know because that's God's wrath being poured out you know Babylon falling that's God's wrath being poured out and so that's not something we're going through okay so that if there's any comfort here is that you know this vision as far as Babylon and all this other stuff we're not here for that okay we don't have to worry about that now unbelievers will have to worry about that but all I have to say is that I just want you to see you know in Isaiah's mind this is a very frightful thought so you're just kind of thinking about what is he seeing right because you see Babylon is falling is falling okay but that doesn't have a lot of meat on to you realize what how it's falling you know what happened it talks about this their smoke ascending up and they're basically in revelation and I'll show you some other verses where they're just standing afar off just weeping and wailing because that great city is destroyed and how quickly it was destroyed and so who knows what's gonna happen to cause that you know city default right but it was enough for Isaiah to be completely terrified and so it's just something to think about you know the you know the terror of the Lord you know knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men and obviously you know hell is gonna be worse than any of that but by going back to revelation I'm sorry Isaiah chapter 21 there there's this phrase here and in Isaiah 21 and verse 2 there it says and a grievous vision is declared on to be the treacherous dealer dealer treacherously and so it's basically talking about actually I'm gonna get to that right after I'm in I'm in my nose it backwards here I'm gonna talk about that but it's it says go up Oh Elon besiege Oh media okay so this is clearly talking about the near future okay the the median or Medo Persian Empire okay and so the Medes are the ones that take out Babylon first okay and basically there's this the kingdom of the Medes and the Persians and then the Persians are gonna shortly after that completely take over okay and I don't have time to get into all that history there but I want you to show you how this is true so this is just a prophecy showing hey media is gonna come in and Babylon is going to fall that's pretty much you know most this chapter not all of it but most this chapter is talking about that event okay go to Daniel chapter 5 Daniel chapter 5 we see where this happens at okay so Daniel chapter 5 is dealing with the last king of Babylon and when he's gonna be destroyed it ends with him being destroyed and chapter 6 is not dealing with the king of Babylon you're dealing with the rise the meat okay and then when you get in chapter set you know into the visions then you'll finally get the Cyrus the Persian and all that okay so in Daniel chapter 5 verse 24 here just wanted you to see the writing on the wall you know that it talks about here it says then was the part of the hand sent from him and this writing was written and this is the writing that was written meanie meanie Tickle you farson this is the interpretation of the thing meanie God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it Tickle thou art weighed in the balances and art found and art found wanting pires thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians so we see that God is giving him that night okay it's saying hey you know this is where we that phrase you know the writings on the wall so he's saying hey who's going to take them out it says then commanded Belshazzar and they clothed Daniel with scarlet and put a chain of gold about his neck and made a proclamation concerning him and he said he should be the third ruler in the kingdom in that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldean slain that night right suddenly it talks about that night that King was slain okay so they were just rejoicing and drinking out of God's vessels right before that and then that night he saw that he saw that writing on the wall and that night is when they came in and destroyed him in verse 31 it says in Darius the what median took the kingdom being about threescore and two years old so he's 62 years old when this happened and we know that Cyrus really Cyrus the great was the one that really you know took over right after that okay so that being said we see that the Medes did take over and God prophesied that hundreds of years before that happened okay or a couple hundred years right I'm not really sure exactly where Isaiah was when he preached this okay in the timeline doesn't really say in the year of you know Hezekiah at this time or Ahaz or anything like that but that being said we see that the Medians they take them out and Babylon is fallen okay and go to Revelation chapter 18 because Revelation chapter 18 you see that phrase the treacherous dealer deal it treacherously and we see a lot obviously about Babylon you know with fornication and just the witchcrafts and all that stuff but the big things you really see about when Babylon is taken out is all the merchandise all the dealings right that that's done by this great city or this nation okay and so and I personally believe Babylon is the USA you know if we're in if we're if we're at the time where where Jesus is gonna come back or the end times are gonna be here then you know the USA fits the bill they are the world empire okay I don't think anybody would deny that the USA is the most powerful nation on the earth right now okay we have more nukes than anybody you know we buy up more goods than anybody and so and you think about it when the city dies or you know is destroyed everybody's weeping and wailing because no one's gonna buy their stuff okay so you got to think about who's the consumer what nation consumes everything okay and that's America now if this if Jesus doesn't come back for another couple hundred years that could change right because America could fall and then there's another great world power that takes over or something like that right so but you know until then you know until I die I'm just gonna basically say it's Babylon because that's you know I don't see you know I guess America could fall in my daytime my day but you know we'll see Revelation chapter 18 verse 9 here I want you to see this you know when it's talking about this the treacherous dealer deal it treacherously and spoil it and basically another way to look at the burden of the desert of the sea is thinking about those that are on the sea the burden of the desert of sea so think about the sea in itself being a desert okay so the desert the the the oceans have deserts underneath of them meaning it's more of a dead zone no oxygen not a lot of life in some of these areas but the sea in general you can liken unto a desert couldn't you it's just water instead of sand okay so if you think about it the burden of the desert to see would be the burden of those that are in the desert of the sea and who is crying out when Babylon falls okay so notice what it says in Revelation chapter 18 verse 9 it says in the kings of the earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her shall bewail her and lament for her when they shall see the smoke of her burning standing afar off for the fear of her torment saying alas alas that great city Babylon that mighty city for in one hour as thy judgment come and the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her for no man buyeth their merchandise anymore the merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones and a pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet and all thine wood and all manner vessels of ivory and all manner vessels of most precious wood and a brass and iron and marble and cinnamon and odors and ointments and frankincense and wine and oil and fine flour and wheat and beasts and sheep and horses and chariots and slaves and souls of men in the fruits that thy soul lusteth after are departed from thee and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee and now shall find them no more at all the merchants of these things which were made rich by her shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment weeping and wailing and saying alas alas that great city that was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls for in one hour so great riches is come to naught in every ship master and all the company and ships and sailors and as many as trade by sea stood afar off and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning saying what city is like unto this great city and they cast dust on their heads and cried weeping and wailing saying alas alas that great city wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costiness for in one hour as she made desolate so you know you could look at either interpretation of the burden of the sea the desert of the sea but it's probably talking about you know the actual sea being a desert right meaning that it's just talking about you know the desert that's in the sand you know that's on land but did you have a desert that's on the sea and those that are in the sea all the ship masters everybody that has ships they're all weeping and wailing because of the destruction of Babylon okay and so that's what I believe that why it's calling it that if you have any different interpretation that's fine with me but we do know we're talking about Babylon don't we because it's saying Babylon is fallen is fallen so let's let's go on in verse five there in verse five we see really what the vision is okay so at this point he's just basically saying he was terrified at the vision then he gets into the vision which ultimately is stating that Babylon has fallen verse 5 there it says prepare the table watch in the watchtower eat drink arise ye princes and anoint the shield for thus hath the Lord said unto me go said a watchman let him declare what he see it and he saw a chariot with a couple of horsemen a chariot of asses and a chariot of camels and he hearkened diligently with much heat and he cried a lion my lord I stand continually upon the watchtower in daytime and I am set in my ward whole nights and behold here cometh a chariot of men with a couple of horsemen and he answered and said Babylon is fallen is fallen and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground oh my threshing in the corner of my floor that which I have heard of the Lord of hosts the God of Israel have I declared unto you so what is this talking about well obviously it's a vision okay so it's it's to give you a little bit of information but it's interesting because it's talking about these guys on the watchtower you know watching and you know watchmen and dealing with that and it makes me think of Daniel chapter 4 good Daniel chapter 4 and if you remember when I was when we dealt with the whole chapter of Daniel chapter 4 it's dealing with Nebuchadnezzar and how you remember that he was lifted up with pride and then God turned his heart into the heart of a beast and he basically just roamed and you know just roamed in the grass like an ox right and for seven years seven times passed upon him okay but what's interesting about that passage in what many there's many false doctrines coming out of that passage is because they talked about the Watchers and if you're reading like the book of Enoch or some other you know fraud of a book they they'll take things like where it talks about the Watchers and Daniel chapter 4 and they'll pull that out and say well this is like talking about giants or this is talking about Nephilim you know whatever okay but really a watch the Watchers here I believe you're just talking about angels okay so in verse 13 so Daniel chapter 4 in verse 13 it says and I saw on the visions of my head upon my bed and behold a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven and he cried aloud and said thus you down the tree and cut off his branches shake off his leaves and scatter his fruit let the beast get away from under it and the fowls from his branches nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth even with a band of iron and brass and the tender grass of the field and let it be wet with the dew of heaven and let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth let his heart be changed from man's and let a beast heart be given unto him and let seven times pass over him this matter is by the decree of the Watchers and the demand by the word of the holy ones to the intent that the living may know that the most high rule is in the kingdom of men and give it to whomsoever he will and set it up over it the basis of men okay so people will take this way out of context but really what you're dealing with and I already did a whole sermon on this I don't I'm not gonna go into this but you're just dealing with angels okay angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to him them who shall be heirs of salvation and they are to be messengers and you know watchmen you know and they're basically giving a message they're watching they'll see what they'll see something and then they'll give the message okay now go to Revelation chapter 14 and you say well why is it bringing this up because every time in the New Testament when you're dealing with Babylon falling there's an angel that's giving that message okay and what happens in Isaiah chapter 21 the watchman gives Isaiah that message okay so he sees a vision of a watchman on a tower okay and he sees these horsemen coming and then they come and give him this message that Babylon has fallen okay and what you're gonna see in both cases in Revelation where talks about Babylon is fallen it's going to be an angel that tells John Babylon is fallen okay so just know this that that the Old Testament is always gonna be more cryptic than the New Testament okay so when you're in the book of Revelation it's called that for a reason meaning it's revealed okay it's not that it's not cryptic like it is in the Old Testament so when you see some of these parables or visions and they're just a little little hard to grasp who's talking and what what is that that's talking you know revelations always the place to go so in Revelation 14 verse 6 I know we've already looked at this but look at verse 8 there it says and there followed another what angel saying Babylon is fallen is fall on that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication so who told it who said it an angel okay go to Revelation chapter 18 Revelation chapter 18 and you say well why does it say is fallen when it's prophesied well I believe that when you have when you use that present tense of you know basically an event happening because if you said you know Nineveh is going to fall okay well you know obviously in Jonah we know that God changed his mind and he repented of the evil that he said he would do into them but when when God says is fallen there's no going back okay it's just a matter of when okay so it's more of this definite like this is going to happen nothing's gonna change this this will happen okay so it's basically like stating you know as it says in Romans chapter 4 he called those things would be not as though they were okay meaning that when he says it is fallen in present tense you know I know it hasn't happened yet but it's as if it had already fallen okay in God's mind okay so in Revelation chapter 18 in verse 1 notice what it says and says and after these things I saw what another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a with a strong voice saying Babylon the great is fallen is fallen and has become the habitation of devils in the hold of every foul spirit in a cage of every unclean and hateful bird so in all these cases where you see Babylon is falling what do you see you see an angel declaring Babylon is fallen in Isaiah chapter 21 you see this watchman that's seeing these horses that give them a message that Babylon is falling okay so it's a little more elaborate of basically stating that but there's also something interesting that said there when you're reading there in Isaiah 21 in verse 8 notice what it says because basically talking about these chariots and then all of a sudden they'll just say and he cried a lion I find that interesting okay because when you first read that you know it you kind of think of the you know the the Proverbs where it talks about there's a lion in the streets and you know you they won't do anything because there's a lion and so it's this whole it's like Jim Justice with the the rattlesnake that's in front of me and the rattlesnake that's behind me it's like why don't you just tell me there's a lion outside you don't want to do anything because the principle in the Bible is is that you can't just worry about things that that aren't even in that you can't even see or worry about right so and obviously that'd be silly for us to say there's a lion about you know unless there's a zoo that there there's a circus in town and the lion got free or something like that which I think actually happened in Morgantown one time that a lion actually got loose so I know that there was a Python that got loose and they never found it so hopefully it died so think about that sorry brother you know we didn't tell you about that so but but think about this in Revelation 5 you don't have to turn there but verse 5 it says in one of the elders said unto me weep not behold the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David hath prevailed to open the book and to lose the seven seals there up so when I said when he when he cried a lion and you're talking about Babylon falling it could very well be talking about the Lord Jesus Christ you know and him being that lion you know because what do they see you know seeing this vision of Babylon getting destroyed and what happens right before Babylon is destroyed before Babylon is brought into remembrance in Revelation it talks about the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and then it says it is finished and then Babylon came into remembrance okay so yeah you know the Lions coming and so I believe that's what it's talking about there and again when you're going through these passages it's gonna be a little more cryptic so but you can find some little things in there as far as how that links to the New Testament and then as you go on and and Isaiah chapter 21 so that dealt with the with Babylon okay so that one was a little harder because it talked about the burden of the the desert of the sea and you're like what is this talking about seems a little vague but then it gets into the Babylon falling so you understand that hey we're talking about Babylon we're talking about the Medes taking out Babylon and obviously the future would apply as well with Babylon that hasn't fallen yet okay but then we get into this other burden so there's gonna be two other burdens that are mentioned that's what it says here in verse 11 it says the burden of Duma he calleth to me out of sere watchman what of the night watchman what of the night the watchman said the morning cometh and also the night if you will inquire inquire ye return come so this is interesting now where's Duma now you know if you look up this word Duma in the Bible you're gonna find that it's one of Ishmael's sons okay or it's a city in Judah okay now I personally believe it's the city in Judah I'm gonna give you my reason why I believe it's it's the southern portion of Judah okay where it's a city or you know village or whatever but go to Joshua chapter 15 the reason why is it says he calleth to me out of sere now do you remember where sere out as Mount Seir okay that's Edom okay so Edom is Esau okay so that's obviously not Israel but Edom Mount Seir was where the capital was and he's basically stating that he's calling me out of Seir okay so that means that this Duma is probably near to Edom okay or to Seir okay now I'll show you that it's gonna actually make a lot of sense here now in Joshua chapter 15 verse 20 it says this is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Judah according to their families in the utter uttermost cities of the tribe of the children of Judah toward the coast of Edom southward okay and then it gets into all these different cities okay and it's just gonna list off all these different cities and villages okay but notice in verse 52 there Arab and Duma okay so and for sake of time I don't feel like pronouncing all those names I'm not gonna pronounce all those for sake of time here but you see that Duma is one of those villages or towns in Judah that is on the southern coast of Edom okay so it's down there where Edom's at so that's why it's saying the burden of Duma he called to me out of Seir okay so if you think of Mount Seir and it probably overlooks Duma you know stuff like that so you say what is this talking about well as far as a future application as far as a near future application there's gonna be honestly I have no idea you know what this is talking about so yeah if you ever wanted here when your pastor does not know what this is talking about but I'll give you I'll give you what my thoughts are as far as what you know kind of a spiritual application or even an end times application would apply here okay so we're talking about the watchman the Bible talks about us watching to the end okay and so you know it talks about watch you know and you know in prayer all this stuff but even to the very end you know that's how Mark 13 even ends you know what I say in it to you I say unto all watch right so when it's talking about the end times what you're supposed to be doing you're supposed to watch you're supposed to be ready you're supposed to be awake you're not supposed to sleep you're supposed to be those of the day not of the night okay now what does it say there when it's talking about it says watchman what of the night watchman one of the night it says the watchman said the morning cometh and also the night so that's interesting because he's basically saying the morning and the night are coming at the same time do you see that kind of sounds like the day of the Lord because for the believer it's morning it's life it's salvation but for the unbeliever it's death and it's night so basically you can look at this in the fact of you're watching you're waiting and those that are watching and waiting and those that are ready spiritually meaning they're saved then you know what they're gonna lift up their heads and look up for the redemption draweth nigh but that's not the case for those that don't obey the gospel those that are unbelievers it's gonna be wrath it's gonna be death upon them okay and just to give you a taste of that go to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 so again you know as far as the near future with Duma I don't know because that you know the Bible doesn't really mention Duma anywhere else so I'm sure there is an application that applied there I'm sure there was something that happened to Duma for this to be there but obviously you know when it comes to that that near future application it's always good to see that it's always good to see how all that ties in but honestly it doesn't really help us a lot right because it's already happened you know it's not like we need to you understand that for the bad event right because the event has already taken place so honestly in most these cases when you're dealing with this stuff we really mostly care about what applies to us right what do we need to know about this to prepare us for whatever is gonna come in the future okay so you obviously know first Thessalonians chapter 5 right where it's talking about the fact that hey you know we're children of the day we're not children at night it's not gonna take us over as a thief okay but think about this when it comes to the day of the Lord and how what is the day of the Lord to you you know it talks about Amos and just other minor prophets talking about the day of the Lord but it's basically saying what is it to you because it's a day of gloominess darkness and it's a time of travail but not to us okay so to us it's rest and so in second Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 4 it says so that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith and all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God that you may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God for which ye also suffer seeing it as a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you and notice this and to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels so to us it's rest right when he comes we're gonna rest why because we're gonna be raptured we're gonna we're gonna be caught up together with him in the clouds we're gonna lift up our heads look up for our redemption draweth nigh that's gonna be a glorious day if we're there standing when that happens but notice what it is for the unsaved it says in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power when he shall come to be glorified in the Saints and to be admired and all them that believe because our testimony among you was believed in that day so when it says watchman what of the night what of the night you think about this you know when you're in tribulation what is that this the night right you think about the darkness you know you're in darkness what are you waiting for you're waiting for the morning in the morning what is the morning represent you know the Sun rising it would represent you know like a new birth or you know basically you know awakening you know stuff like that and you think about the the dead in Christ rising all this stuff the resurrection okay when you think about night it talks about you know work while the night is coming the night comes with no man can work right what is that talking about it's talking about the end of your life right so you can look at the day as being the time where you're alive and you're here you know I'll sleep when it's night you know you know I'll die you know when it's night and so that's my interpretation of you know what that's talking about because it's saying that morning and night are coming at the same time okay now they could just be talking about the fact that the earth is not flat okay that the earth is a globe and that morning and night are happening at the same time all the time okay so I'm sure that's not what it's probably talking about but you know what you know it still preaches right you know so maybe I'll use that one day I'm joking but anyway well so we got one more burden here and then we'll be done so in verse 13 there it says the burden upon Arabia in the forest in Arabia shall you lodge and ye and oh you traveling companies of deed in them the inhabitants of the land of Timah brought water to him that was thirsty they prevented them I'm sorry they prevented with their bread him that fled for they fled from the swords from the drawn sword and from the bent bow and from the grievousness of war for thus hath the Lord said unto me within a year according to the years of an hireling and all the glory of Kedar shall fail in the residue of the number of archers the mighty men of the children of Kedar shall be diminished the Lord God of Israel hath spoken it so this is obviously on Arabia okay and it's just basically talking about how they're gonna be destroyed so you kind of see this theme you know with the burden of these different places is that this is when they're going down okay now go to Jeremiah chapter 25 this is the last place I'm gonna have you turn here Jeremiah chapter 25 I just think it's an interesting passage because it talks about Arabia but it's really just talking about all nations okay and and you know dealing with end times stuff which we were dealing with with Babylon is that all the cities of the nation shall fall at that time okay Babylon is kind of like you know you know Babylon came into remembrance and because Babylon is the big one okay but all the nations are gonna be brought into remembrance and all the nations are gonna be judged the judgment that's gonna happen at the very end is on the whole world okay so a lot of times you see these burdens and it's like this nation over here gets destroyed and this nation over here gets destroyed but it's not it's not usually like the whole world is being destroyed at the same time okay it's like you know this nation takes over this nation and because a lot of times it's another nation that's doing it right so but in the end it's not like this God's just using this other nation to do it no he's gonna be coming on a white horse and taking out you know the Antichrist and his whole army and all these nations are gonna fall so it's not a matter of like this other nation over here is gonna do it it's a matter that the Lord is just gonna destroy them all completely okay but this is a very interesting passage in Jeremiah chapter 25 verse 15 there it says for thus that the Lord God of Israel unto me take the wine cup of this fury at my hand and cause all the nations to whom I send thee to drink it okay now this is interesting because this is something that's brought up a lot right because if you think of Revelation chapter 14 talk about the wine press of the wrath of God and it says they're cast into the wine press of the wrath of God and obviously with Babylon it talks about you know the cup of her wrath and her fornication all that stuff it says give unto her double okay so she's getting she's she sewed the wind but she's gonna reap the whirlwind it's basically what's going on there okay but it's just interesting he's basically just like you filled up this cup now drink it it's pretty much what he's gonna do okay and it's a very interesting passage on just how visceral you know you kind of think about it's like you filled up this cup of blood now you get to drink it you filled up all this wrath in this cup of what you poured out on everybody else now you're gonna drink it that's that's what he's saying here okay notice what it says in verse 16 it says and they shall drink and be moved and be mad because of the sword that I will send among them now mad doesn't mean like angry here this means like crazy like David was a madman you know like as far as he was acting like a madman remember where it's like they're spittle on his beard and he's scrabbling at the door and they remember that he was like so what do I need of madmen so when we're talking about mad here that's what we're talking about is that he's basically gonna make them crazy because of it verse 17 there says then then took I the cup of the Lord at the Lord's hand and made all the nation's drink unto whom the Lord had sent me to wet Jerusalem in the cities of Judah and the kings thereof and the princes thereof to make them a desolation and an astonishment and hissing and a curse as it is this day okay so notice that obviously the near future what we see Judah is gonna be taken out by Babylon and then other nations are gonna be taken out okay so we see that in the book of Jeremiah even you see Egypt being taken out you see you know Babylon eventually being taken out and just different places taken out but notice that he started with Judah okay and notice this too that you know judgment must begin at the house of God and if I first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God right and so notice what it says as we keep reading here and you say what does this got to do with Arabia I'm getting to it Arabia is mentioned in here okay but in verse 19 Pharaoh king of Egypt and his servants and his princes and all his people and all the mingled people and all the kings of the land of us and all the kings of the land of the Philistines and Ashkelon and Aza and Ekron and the remnant of Ashdod and Edom and Moab and the children of Ammon and the kings of Tyrus and the kings of Zidon and the kings of the Isles which are beyond the sea Dedan and Temah do you see that what we were reading in there it says in buzz and all that are in the uttermost corners and all the kings of Arabia and all the kings of the mingled people that dwell in the desert and all the kings of Zimrai and all the kings of Elam and all the kings of the Medes and all the kings of the north far and near one with another and all the kingdoms of the world which are upon the face of the earth and the king of Shishak shall drink after them therefore thou shalt say unto them thus that the Lord of hosts the God of Israel drink ye and be drunken and spew and fall and rise no more because of the sword which I will send among you so he's basically saying he's just making them drink it and it's everybody he's basically just like every nation that's under the Sun you know that's pretty much what he's saying now what's interesting about this passage the last thing I'm going to show you here is what it says after this and those in verse 28 here it says and it shall be if they refuse to take the cup at thine hand to drink then shout thou saying to them thus that the Lord of hosts ye shall certainly drink right so he's basically he's basically telling them you need to willingly just take that cup and drink it but if they don't he's like they're going to drink it so it's just it's just an interesting thing the guy's like hey here's the cup drink it you dealt it out now you drink it and they say well if they what if they refuse you know I'm giving them this cup you know of this this wrath that's gonna come upon them you know what if they refuse and he says if they refuse they shall certainly drink okay you know so it says in verse 29 says for lo I begin to bring evil on the city which is called by my name and and should ye be utterly unpunished you shall not be unpunished for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth said the Lord of hosts so he's saying I started off with Jerusalem you think you're gonna escape that's the city that's called by my name and he's basically just putting it in their face he's saying listen offer them the drink of wrath but if they've refused it to say no we don't want it we're not gonna do it just tell them yeah you're gonna drink it so it's just interesting how God phrases this and just how he deals with these nations because he's basically you know giving them a chance to just you know obey you know at one point and he's like if they refuse he's basically gonna shove it down their throats is what's gonna happen okay there's no getting out of it is what he's basically saying okay so that's what I see with with this last burden of Arabia and he's basically saying you know within a year they're you know they're gonna be completely gone the year of an hireling I'm guessing that's just a certain amount of time that a hireling works okay so whatever that amount of time is you kind of think of like a school year you know that's not the best example but you know what I'm talking about right a school year there's like a few months it's not in that you know or whatever so a year of a hireling there's there's I'm sure it may be a little less than an actual full year or something like that so it's basically saying less than a year and they're gonna be completely taken out okay so that's Isaiah chapter 21 definitely some interesting stuff in there and so we'll be getting into the next chapter I think chapter 22 is gonna be really interesting there's a couple really cool things in there that will be getting into so I'm excited about that but let's end with the word of prayer daily father we think today and thank you for your word and thank you for this passage that we can read and we'll just help us to understand it help us to use it you know in our everyday lives and also you know just thinking about the end times and just things that could be happening in our day Lord how we can use that for your glory and that we watch and wait and be ready for you and for those times that happen and Lord we love you In prayer all this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.