(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Isaiah chapter 18 and we're continuing our study through the book of Isaiah and this is one of those chapters It's a little more difficult to really try to pinpoint You know what's being said or who it's talking about But I'm gonna get into that and kind of give at least my thoughts as far as who this is speaking about here It's only seven verses here But what I'm gonna say here is that I believe this is really kind of leading up in the chapter 18 I'm sorry chapter 19 where we get into the burden of Egypt. Okay, and I believe this chapter is speaking to Ethiopia and Ethiopia and Egypt are a lot of times linked together and so I believe it's kind of starting off with the Ethiopia and then it jumps into Egypt in chapter 19 and in chapter 20 and so but you see here in verse 18 I'm sorry verse 1 in chapter 18 verse 1 it says woe to the land shadowing with wings Which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia. So we kind of get the idea of where we're talking about and And you can actually look up. I was looking up the the rivers in Ethiopia So there's a lot of rivers there, but you could also think of You know the Nile River, you know that runs through Egypt goes down past there as well And so there's a lot of rivers there. But but at the same time, you know, this is where we're talking about beyond Ethiopia And it says that sendeth ambassadors by the sea even in vessels bull rushes upon the waters saying go ye swift messengers to a nation scattered and peeled to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto a nation meted out and trodden down whose land the rivers have spoiled and I believe what it's basically stating stating is that is Talking to a land that's beyond the rivers But it's saying send your messengers to this nation that's scattered and peeled Okay, so it's kind of when you're reading this you're like, well, who's it talking about? I believe that basically what it's saying is that well onto the land that's shadowed with wings meaning that Ethiopia is basically Benefiting from this nation that's on the other side of those rivers, which is Egypt Okay, so this nation that is scattered and peeled that's terrible they're beginning from their beginning thereto, okay, and What I'm gonna be getting into is how this is related to really end times prophecy here because we're gonna see that At the end of the chapter or just the references that we're gonna see here I believe it's it's kind of going all the way to the very end now Obviously this is talking about something that's gonna happen in the near future Okay, chapter 19 same thing dealing with the punishment of Egypt and but then there's something that's gonna happen in chapter 19 Where it's something that happens in the near future, but obviously has a very prophetic end times application but Go to Daniel chapter 11 Daniel chapter 11 because when I see Ethiopia mentioned I A lot of times think of this passage in Daniel chapter 11 this ending of Daniel chapter 11 I also think of the Ethiopian eunuch, obviously Or that Moses married an Ethiopian woman, you know stuff like that But but Ethiopia isn't mentioned that much in the Bible to be honest with you So it's not like there's just a whole bunch of mentions of Ethiopia But if you know your geography you have Egypt, right? You have Egypt right here Israel's up here and below Egypt You have the Sudan and then below that or on the on the east coast of Africa. You have Ethiopia Okay, and you have Libya that's to the west of Egypt and all that so a lot of times you'll see Egypt Libya Ethiopia all mentioned together because they're all in that same area of Africa. Okay, so Daniel chapter 11 here in verse 40 verse 40. We're dealing with the Antichrist. Okay Now in Daniel chapter 11, I know I already did a whole sermon on this a long time ago mom I guess it was last year or something like that Then I went through the book of Daniel but in Daniel 11 you're dealing with the king of the north king of the south. Well, the king of the south is the Ptolemaic Kingdom, which is when Greece split in the four kingdoms after Alexander the Great Died it split in the four kingdoms and you had the solution Kingdom and then you had the Ptolemaic Kingdom Those are like the two major ones, right and the solution one was up north and then Ptolemaic was where was in Egypt Mainly, right? That's where you get Alexandria Egypt all these different things that are going on with that And so when you're in verse 40 here when you're talking about the king of the south, you're talking about Egypt mainly Okay Now there's a whole Kingdom that he had down there But that was pretty much the center of it was Egypt And so in verse 40 here says and at that time of the at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships and he shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and pass over now the king of the north very clearly is Talking about the Antichrist. Okay now I do believe this is a dual prophecy because I believe this happened back in This time that those kingdoms were going on, but I also believe it applies in the future as well. And so The king of the north that's where the Antichrist coming out the king of the south is the one that's getting taken over here So in verse 41, it says and he shall enter Also into the glorious land and many countries shall be overthrown But these shall escape out of his hand even Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon Notice in verse 42 he shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries and the land of Egypt shall not escape but He shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver and over all the precious things of Egypt and The Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps Okay, so Libya's to the west of Egypt and Ethiopia is kind of like south east of Egypt. Okay So Egypt is not going to be at not going to escape this and basically Libya and Ethiopia is going to be basically taken over in the same thing because they're gonna be right there next to it. Okay, and Notice as it goes on here says but tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many and he shall plant the Tabernacles of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain yet. He shall come to his end and none shall help him So it's talking about the Antichrist. He's gonna come to his end we know that he's gonna be destroyed by Jesus Christ himself the word that comes out of his mouth and We know the end that's going to be with the Antichrist there But you see how Egypt and Libya and Ethiopia are linked in there as far as judgment goes now in the near future Egypt is going to be taken out by Nebuchadnezzar. Okay, and So, you know we have Babylon coming from the north. Okay, and so the same thing in the end times you're gonna have The Antichrist Babylon in that day, okay, that's gonna be taking out kingdoms and all that stuff so You can never see the near future and then the very end and what's going on there now the tidings from the east What is that talking about? Well go to Revelation chapter 16. It says so basically he takes out Egypt Okay, which I believe is what it's talking about here Ethiopia is sending messengers unto this nation because they're getting judged because it's saying woe unto this land that's beyond the rivers of Ethiopia and Then they're saying they're sending messengers into this nation that's scattered and peeled which I believe is referring to Egypt. Okay now Does it really marvel you that someone is calling out for Egypt to help them because that's something that is Constantly said about Israel right don't go to Egypt for help and even the Assyrians are saying don't trust in this Bruised read or this broken read of Egypt. Okay, and so Another way to phrase that is scattered peeled beat it out You know trodden under basically Egypt's not the superpower it used to be. Okay, so it's basically stating that they're calling out You know sending out messengers unto this nation. That is not what it used to be Okay, it's not the superpower it used to be but it was terrible from its beginning Okay, meaning that Egypt was that first head of the dragon right Egypt was that massive powerhouse of a world nation That was there in the book of Genesis in the book of Exodus right that it was a powerhouse of a nation But it's basically saying hey, they've been meted out. They've been scattered. They've been peeled, you know They're not what they used to be and all that so But in Revelation chapter 16, you know, what is this talking about when the Antichrist basically takes out Egypt But then he's saying but then he hears these tidings from the east and out of the north that shall trouble him And he's basically gonna go forth to make war. Okay Well, it's interesting because in Revelation chapter 16 It's interesting because that same terminology of the east is brought up when The sixth angel pours out his vial so in Revelation chapter 16 verse 12 it says in the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates and The water thereof was dried up That the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. Okay The kings of the east might be prepared so he's basically hearing news from the east and it says and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of The mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet for they are the spirits of devils working miracles Which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of the great day Of God Almighty behold. I come as a thief blessed to see that watcheth and keepeth his garments lest He walk naked and they see his shame and he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon now something that's interesting too is that It talks about Go to go back to Isaiah chapter 18 there, but keep your finger there in Revelation chapter 16 Because when it's basically saying send these messengers to this nation that's meted out that's scattered That's appealed right and it says that they spoiled the rivers, right? So if you think about it Egypt all you know, the Nile was like basically they built everything around the Nile That's where they were getting all their nutrition from was the Nile Okay, but then you go into Ethiopia and there's all kinds of rivers down there as well and so really they lived off the rivers, okay, and Notice what it says in verse 3 of Isaiah chapter 18 It says all ye inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth see ye When he lifted up an ensign on the mountains and when he bloweth a trumpet hear ye So think about what's going on in Revelation? Because he's gathering he's making the way possible for the kings of the east right basically he's he's drying up your freities That's what happens there because when they blows The sixth trumpet okay, and the six vials poured out Something's going on with this river Euphrates, right? That basically there's this four angels that are down in the river Euphrates. He loosed them loosed Anyway, they're loosened and Then the way the kings of the east is brought forth so they can gather together Okay, so it's basically like the six trumpet six vial. He's preparing this to happen. Okay, and Then it says basically in Isaiah 18 is saying hey, you know all ye inhabitants of the world and the earth you need to Basically watch this watch the inside of the mountains and it says when he bloweth the trumpet hear ye now when the seventh trumpet blows The seventh vials poured out and that's when you know Basically everything crumbles and in verse 20 of Revelation chapter 16 after the seventh vials poured out It says every island fled away and the mountains were not found I'd say that's an ensign, right? I'd say that's quite a wonder right if he's saying, you know It says see ye when he lifted up an ensign on the mountains I'd say that will that'll be telling right when the mountains are all, you know, basically not there anymore. They're not found Okay, and then he says when he bloweth the trumpet hear ye Okay, and so obviously I believe that's talking about the seventh trumpets blown That's when he says the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of Our Lord and of his Christ and So and then all this stuff's happening to hail the earthquakes It says all the cities of the earth fell the mountains were not found the islands fled away and you can imagine Tsunamis earthquakes are just completely annihilating everything. Okay So back there in Isaiah chapter 18 verse 3 Notice what it says here So it's basically saying, you know look for this this ensign on the mountains when he bloweth the trumpet hear ye For so the Lord said unto me I will take my rest and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest For for the harvest when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripened in the flower He shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches They shall be left together unto the fowls of the mountains and to the beasts of the earth and the fowls shall summer upon them and all the Beasts of the earth shall winter upon them So what's going on here? He's basically saying the Lord's basically taking a rest here and he but he's he's stating here that I'm going to cut off your harvest before it's even like Right when it starts right before the harvest I'm cutting it off right basically as the sour grape is ripening, you know It's starting the bud and he's basically saying I'm cutting it all off like, you know, just cutting it off pruning it all off Okay, and you can imagine what this is talking about because the Antichrist is given power for how long for 42 months But that's cut short, isn't it? I mean he's still in power But when he comes back, it's wrath right upon the seed of the beast It's you know, he's basic hitting all these judgments that are put upon him and ultimately he only rains for three and a half years Okay, so it's basically saying you're getting cut short before you can even enjoy the fruit of you know, having a kingdom and and Notice that it talks about these beasts or these fowls of the mountains The fowls of the mountains the beasts of the earth they're going to basically eat all of that Okay, he's basically saying I'm cutting all this stuff off, right? I'm cutting you off Because what you gotta understand is that this stuff is not it's not meant to be talking about actual fruit, right? Like you're gonna be looking for this fruit that he cuts off and you see it on the ground it all represents something okay, and What it's I believe it's representing is the fact that God is gonna cut off his all his his kingdom He's gonna cut off his armies and he's gonna let the fowls of the air eat it. Okay, and We'll see what that's talking about. But first I want to talk about this, you know It talks about the the fowls summering upon them and the beasts wintering upon them and I go to go to Acts chapter 27 because You'll see this in the Bible sometimes where summer and winter are used as a verb, right and What does it mean well Basically, what it means is that they're gonna pass the summer doing this Okay, or they're gonna pass the winter doing is like if you winter, you know I'm gonna winter there Meaning that you're gonna pass your time during the winter there, right or if you're gonna summer there You're passing the time of your summer there. Okay, does that make sense? And so just to give you a couple verses in the New Testament where he uses this for winter, okay It says in verse 12 of Acts chapter 27 so Acts chapter 27 verse 12 it says because the haven was not commodious to winter in the more part advised to depart thence also if by any means they might attain to Phoenice and there to winter which is an haven of Crete and Lieth toward the southwest and northwest Okay. So what you gotta understand is that what's going on here is that they're getting into the season where you have a lot of Commodious weather, okay So there's you probably all know this right, you know, there's there's a season to go down to the beach, right? There's a season to be on the shore And around May and stuff like that, which we found out on our trip, you know, you have tropical storms You could have hurricanes even but even at in going into September you have like a lot of tropical storms You know hurricane stuff like that And so there's certain seasons that you don't want to be out there and it's basically saying they're gonna pass their time here They're gonna winter here. Okay, and you can even think of the term winter and summer the summer upon something is basically Summer's good, right summer is like a delightful time winter's not winters like, you know, there's something that's harsh, right? So if you're wintering something, you know, like I'm wintering tribulation if you will it's meaning like you're you're enduring it Right, but if you summer upon something, I believe it's more so of a you know, more of a delightful thing, right? It's it's a time that's passing or it's a season that's passing but you're like I'm summering upon that Meaning that it's more of like something that's nice that you're not You're not having to like harshly endure something right? But if you use the term winter winter is implying that passing that time is not fun Right passing that time is a little more Strenuous if you will and so in Acts chapter 27 verse 12 you see that but also in Titus chapter 3, you don't have to turn there But in Titus chapter 3 in verse 12 It says when I shall send Artemis unto thee or take a kiss Be diligent to come unto me to Nicopolis for I have determined there to winter Okay, so when I saw this, you know They're gonna winter upon this they're gonna summer upon this Titus is the first book I've ever memorized and I remember this verse vividly because I'm like what in the world, you know Because it's not talking about, you know, we were there during winter, you know He's using it like saying I'm gonna winter there like it's a verb you're doing something with that Okay, and so but I believe you know, and if you just look up the definition of like winter summer and as a verb It's basically like how you're passing your time there. Okay, so and so If you're wintering upon something, I believe it's more harsh if you're summing upon something It's not as harsh But basically what it's saying with the fowls and with the beasts is that the fowls are gonna spend the summer Eating all this and the beasts are gonna spend the winter eating all of it. Okay, does that make sense? So it's basically showing you that now go to Revelation chapter 19 to just show you how does that apply? Well, you had the marriage supper lamb where the fowls of the air are gonna literally eat all of the the men horses and everything that is Is killed at the Battle of Armageddon? Okay, so you kind of see that progression on how you know, you're gonna see this inside of the mountains you're gonna hear the trumpet and And he's basically saying I'm cutting all this stuff short basically, I'm cutting it off before it even gets the harvest and it's not even ripened yet and You know all that stuff that's not even ripened yet It's gonna be eaten by the fowls and eaten by the beasts. So the so basically by all the animals All the animals are gonna eat this stuff. Okay, and so in Revelation chapter 19 and verse 17 notice what it says Revelation chapter 19 verse 17 It says and I saw an angel standing in the Sun and he cried with a loud voice saying To all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of Captains and the flesh of mighty men in the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them in the flesh of all men Both free and bond both small and great and I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their name and their armies Gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army and the beast was taken and With him the false prophet that were that that wrought miracles before him With which he deceived them that had received The mark of the beast and them that worshiped his image both these were both these I'm sorry These both were cast alive into the lake of fire Burning with brimstone and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse Which sword proceeded out of as proceeded out of his mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh And I believe that's what this is talking about Now you may you may look at chapter 18 and be like well You know, I'm not really sure what it's talking about or you may have a different interpretation but I believe there's a lot of layers to this because obviously I think that chapter 18 is talking about a near future application with Ethiopia and how they're calling out for Egypt, but I believe they're getting punished and Basically, they're calling out for help, but they're calling out to a nation that can't help them. It's pretty much what's going on here. Okay, and And I believe it's basically leading you up to chapter 19 where he's talking about the burden of Egypt Okay, so it makes sense That that's being said now go back to Isaiah chapter 18 and verse 7 Because you're gonna see this same thing said over again but it's gonna give you a little more information because it's talking about this nation that's scattered and peeled and You know that's trodden underfoot But now it's gonna repeat that but it's gonna give you a little more information when we end it at the end of the chapter there So in Isaiah 18 and verse 7 it says in that time shall the present be brought unto the Lord of hosts of people scattered and peeled and from a people Terrible from their beginning hitherto a nation meted out and trodden underfoot whose land the rivers have spoiled To the place of the name of the Lord of hosts the Mount Zion. Okay, so you have to read it carefully Because it's basically saying a present is gonna be brought unto the Lord of a people. Okay, so Those people are the ones bringing the present Okay to the Lord and they're bringing it to the place of the name of the house the the Lord of hosts the Mount Zion So they're basically bringing it to Jerusalem. Okay, does that make sense? So this nation is scattered and peeled They're gonna bring a present now Now again, when you're reading through the Bible and you're reading some of these cryptic passages or reading a passenger Like what is this talking about? It's always good to find Phrases or something like that. You can find somewhere else Okay, and so go to Zephaniah chapter 3 and we're gonna see that When it talks about the rivers of Ethiopia, okay beyond the rivers of Ethiopia that phrase beyond the rivers of Ethiopia Is actually mentioned here in Zephaniah, okay Zephaniah chapter 3, okay So and I believe this is going to give you more information of what's being said and what you're gonna find out is that This is actually talking about going into the thousand year reign Okay, which should make sense if and you say well How are you getting all that stuff with the with the fowls and all that? Well, first of all fowls eating stuff Automatically makes me think of Revelation chapter 19 And then when we see this, I think it's gonna really show you clearly that hey This makes sense that this chapter is kind of really dealing with You know this battle of Armageddon Going into the thousand year reign where in the thousand year reign all the nations are coming to God to Jesus who's rolling and reigning there and bringing presence and bringing Basically, you know honor and glory unto him for that thousand year reign Okay, but just to kind of prove that to you again Key phrases, key words, stuff like that will help you understand. Okay. Hey, how does this apply and all that? So in Zephaniah chapter 3 and verse 9 knows what it says For then will I turn to the people of pure language that they may all Call upon the name of the Lord to serve him with one consent So I believe clearly this is talking about the thousand year reign and I believe everybody's gonna be able to You know, basically, you know, like right now There's all kinds of different languages where people are, you know, like if you're Spanish, it's Jesus, right? If you're if you're English, if you speak English, it's Jesus, you know, if you're other languages, it'll be something else Right, if you're Greek, it's Jesus, you know, so it's it's it's the same name, right? But it's it's different languages that are saying Saying, you know the same name, you know, but it just sounds differently and I believe in the thousand year reign That's what it's gonna be. You know, it's gonna be one language that's going forth To be heard there now in verse 10 there says from beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My suppliance even the daughter of my dispersed shall bring mine offering Okay. So what did you see there? You saw that You know, they're gonna bring a present unto the Lord to the Mount Zion, but Mount Zion, right? So a present or an offering I believe you could look at that as being synonymous, right? Verse 11 in that day shall thou shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings wherein thou hast transgressed against me For then I will take away out of the midst of thee Them that rejoice in thy pride and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain. I Will also leave in the midst of thee and Afflicted and poor people and they shall trust in the name of the Lord the remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity Nor speak lies neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth for they shall Feed and lie down and none shall make them afraid Okay Now I'm gonna get into that verse that's talking about the 144,000 but it's also just in by and large talking about all the same Okay, it's said about the 144,000 but it's also true for all the saved as well, but Notice that he's saying here with the those that are his suppliers that are beyond Ethiopia. He's basically saying, you know He's been he's destroying all those that are up pride. Do you see that? He's destroying all of them and what this comes down to is that at the Battle of Armageddon Not every single person on the earth is killed Okay Only those that are of the armies of the beast are all annihilated Okay, now other people die during the plagues and all this other stuff, right? But there's still people left over that are going into that thousand year reign. Okay, but what he's saying stating here Is that the people I leave over are gonna be an Inflicted and poor people and they shall trust in the name of the Lord. You see what he's saying there He's basically saying that the people that I'm letting stay alive They're not the proud ones They're not the ones that took the mark of the beast first of all But they're also not the ones that are the ones that hate God So all those that hate God will be annihilated I believe at the Battle of Armageddon and just in general throughout that whole wrath period is basically a cleansing of everything So he's basically saying hey, I'm not taking out everybody because I'm leaving people in the midst of You know these nations and specifically in Ethiopia here We're talking about that he says my suppliers, you know The daughter of my dispersed and basically it says they will call they will trust in the name of the Lord. Okay, and So I believe he's basically state he's talking about because when you read Revelation, he doesn't tell you all that right? See people want you to think that everybody's annihilated right? It's just a thousand year reign I don't know who's gonna be there that we're reigning over But Obviously, I think it's very clear that there are people that are going into that and even say people that are going into that Right and when when it talks about when the sixth trumpet right before the seventh trumpet sounds it talks about the fact of You know a third part. I think it's the third part of Jerusalem Falls or something like that that Holy City Falls and it says that it kills or it kills a third part of them I forget the number or the the percentage but it's basically saying the rest were affrighted and gave glory to God. Okay, and So I believe there's this afflicted and poor people There's this people that were afflicted during all these plagues and they ended up trusting in the Lord You know, they weren't filled with pride They weren't the people that that would not repent, you know, and they they just just curse God to the end, right? I believe those that take the mark of the beast will but they'll be completely annihilated. Okay, and Go to Isaiah chapter 19 Isaiah chapter 19 just to see a little snippet of Isaiah 19 because I believe 18 and 19 are You know linked together and basically 18 is kind of a preface or an introduction or basically kind of Jumping you into talking about Egypt. Okay, because it's talking about Ethiopia, but it's basically saying hey They're calling out the Egypt but then it's gonna get into Egypt itself in chapter 19, but notice what it says here about Egypt It says in verse 18 it says in that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan and Swear to the Lord of hosts and shall be called or I'm sorry one shall be called the city of desolation Or I'm sorry city of destruction in that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord and it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors and he shall Send them a Savior and a great one and he shall deliver them and the Lord shall be Known to Egypt and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day and shall do sacrifice and oblation Yea, they shall vow a vow unto the Lord and perform it and the Lord shall smite Egypt He shall smite it and heal it This is very interesting now. We're gonna be getting into this next week He's gonna smite it and he's gonna heal it Okay, and they shall return even to the Lord and he shall be entreated of them and shall heal them Okay So he's basically talking about hey, there's gonna come a time where Egypt is gonna be serving the Lord Okay, this is very interesting because I believe there's obviously a near future application of this Okay and maybe this is going on during I Hezekiah's time because it talks about how there's gonna be Assyria Egypt and Israel that you know the inheritance of Israel or Judah, you know That's going to basically be in harmony for a little bit But obviously that's going to come to an end because the Syria is gonna be taken out by Babylon Egypt's gonna be taken out by Babylon and a lot of these things are gonna happen, but All that to say is that there's a near future application But think about the fact of the thousand year reign when all nations will be serving God Okay, and that's where I think you're really getting pointed to here is the fact that hey There's gonna come a time and you say well, they're doing sacrifice and oblations Well, yeah, the near future application would be that wouldn't it because they're still in the Old Testament Okay, but in the future, obviously, what's the sacrifices and oblations? It's the praise, you know, the thanksgiving unto God praise is your mouth all these different things that would apply to that in the thousand year reign Okay, and so just to show you that go to Micah chapter 4 Micah chapter 4 I know this is kind of deep and you're like, it's seven verses. How's it this deep? Well, I think that there there's a lot of information in there That's showing us some more information if you will and when you cross-reference this stuff You'll see okay, you know, it's giving us a little more information. It's really validating which I think we already knew that Hey God's gonna leave over people that's gonna go into the thousand year reign that are of a tender a Contrite heart that are gonna trust in the Lord that's gonna go into that thousand year reign. Okay of those that he was judging Okay, and so it's not just like everybody There's just no one going into it there's got to be someone going into it because people are living and dying in the thousand year reign, but I believe what he's stating is that he's getting really rid of all the children of pride or the children of the devil Okay, he's destroying Leviathan and he's destroying all the children of pride because Leviathan is you know, it says that he is the The king of the children of pride in Job and So who's Leviathan? What's the devil right? He's the devil with seven heads and ten horns and That obviously represents those nations, which which is one of those heads Egypt, okay And he's gonna destroy all the heads. He's gonna break him in pieces And he's gonna destroy all the children of pride, but he's gonna leave a remnant on these nations Okay, and that's what he's stating there. But in Micah chapter 4, this is one of the places but you could also go to Isaiah Chapter chapter 2 I believe Yeah, I believe it's chapter 2, we already covered it, but Micah chapter 4 is just kind of a parallel to that Micah 4 one says but in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the Lord Shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills and people shall flow unto it and many nations shall come and say Come and let us go to the mountain of the Lord into the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us his Ways and we will walk in his paths for the law shall go forth of Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem So you notice what's happening? all nations are coming on to Jerusalem coming out to Mount Zion coming out to the Lord Jesus Christ and They're asking to be taught his ways. Okay You say well, maybe this is just talking about the New Testament. That's not happening today Okay, all nations are not coming to that now. We know that we're the holy nation, right? In any nation that will hold to the the Bible God will bless that nation and you know, like he did America But obviously America is falling off the wagon there But keep reading there. It says in verse 3 and he shall judge among many people and rebuke strong nations far off He's gonna rule with a rod of iron the Bible says It says and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks nation shall not lift up a sword against nation Neither shall they learn war anymore But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree and none shall make them afraid For the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it sound familiar when it's talking about none shall make them afraid in Zephaniah talking about the remnant of Israel that will not speak any lies or guile. Okay Now let's talk about that aspect of it. Okay, because in Zephaniah 3 13 It says this I want you to turn to Revelation 7 but in Zephaniah 3 13 It says the remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity nor speak lies Neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth for they shall feed and lie down and none shall make them afraid Okay, so none shall make them afraid but what's it say about those that are in the thousand year reign? It says none shall make them afraid. There's gonna be no more war. Okay, but specifically these the remnant of Israel I Believe this is talking about the saved. Okay now Particularly, it talks about the 144,000 but guess what they're the same too Okay, but they're just used for a special reason but as far as like during the end times I believe they're used to preach the everlasting gospel, you know, once we're raptured They're prepared to come down here and basically be a witness so there's they're not without a witness down here on the earth, okay and Contrary to popular belief the Holy Ghost doesn't leave when we get raptured. Okay God's everywhere by the way and That's what pre-trippers think they're like all he who now let us will let until he'd be taken out of the way and they're like The Holy Ghost is being taken out away, even though the Holy Ghost is never mentioned in that passage, you know, and But all I have to say is that people I believe are still getting the gospel preached unto them and they're still getting saved During that time and you know, how should I hear without a preacher? So someone has to be doing it and they obviously have the two olive branches, which is I believe Moses and Elijah as well, but But there in Revelation chapter 7 notice in verse 2 there It says and I saw another angel Ascending from the east having the seal of the living God and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels To whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea saying hurt not the earth neither the sea nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God and their foreheads and I heard the number of them which were sealed and they were sealed a hunt and hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel and just for sake of time I'm not going through all the tribes and all that stuff But basically it's it's stating that there's a hundred forty four thousand twelve thousand of each tribe that's going to be sealed Okay, we'll go to Revelation chapter 14 because what we're gonna see is that this happens right before the rapture, okay? Where they're sealed and all this stuff because right after it talks about these hundred four four thousand 144,000 it says a great multitude is found in heaven Which no man can number and it says where did these people come from they came out a great tribulation Okay, so we're talking about after the tribulation the sun and moon are darkened Jesus comes in the clouds and he gathers together his elect and we're all found in heaven great multitude with no man can number We've all washed our robes and the blood of the lamb all that stuff's true there But before that happens before the rapture happens these hundred forty four thousand are all ready in heaven Okay, so this hundred forty four thousand are are what you would call Old Testament Saints, but you could say it's even pre Old Testament right because these these could be people before even Moses right because Israel was a nation or you know the twelve tribes of Israel were before Moses okay, and so that being said these are basically They've already died they were of these tribes And they have to fit this bill here in Revelation chapter 14 verse 1 here It says and I looked and lo a lamb stood on the Mount Zion and with him and hundred and forty and four thousand having His father's name written in their foreheads And I heard a voice from heaven as the voice of many waters and as the voice of a great thunder And I heard the voice of harpers Harping with their harps and they sung as it were a new song before the throne and before the four beasts and the elders And no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand Which were redeemed from the earth These are they which are not defiled with women which were not defiled with women for they are virgins These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth these were redeemed from among men Being the firstfruits of the God and to the Lamb and in their mouth was found no guile For they are fat without fault before the throne of God Okay, so in Zephaniah, what did it say about the remnant of Israel it says they shall do no iniquity nor speak lies Now shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth and in Revelation 14, it says and in their mouth was no guile Okay, so I believe that that's not just all-inclusive to them Okay, because some of the other stuff is the fact they had to be of the twelve tribes Okay, they also had to be virgin Okay, and I don't believe that that just means like, you know, they Didn't turn from the right hand to the left from their God, okay But they were actually physically virgins Okay, and you can imagine maybe maybe these these people that died in the Lord were young They could be young men that died in battle or they you know, whatever it could be throughout Those ages of Israel being a nation There could be 12,000 of those people okay, but to think that this is talking about today You know, first of all, these tribes don't exist anymore. Okay, even Jews will tell you that they only claim to like even know like Levi because they're trying to figure out who should be a Priest or a rabbi or something like that But no one could say hey, yeah, this is the tribe of Reuben over here. This is the tribe of Manasseh I'm of the tribe of Dan, you know, which actually Dan isn't there in Revelation chapter Chapter 7 there and that's what everybody gets stuck on. Why isn't Dan there, you know That hobby horse that people have to try to figure that out It's probably because Dan didn't have 12,000 because Dan was a very small tribe and there wasn't 12,000 of the house of Dan and actually if you just look at the history of Dan It's not exactly at the poster board child of someone that was serving God. Okay Dan was where you had Micah You know the with his idol and the gods that they had there and the book of Judges and all that but all that say is that We see how that can link up with Zephaniah and Zephaniah links up with Isaiah 18, okay So, you know Isaiah 18 is talking about Ethiopia beyond the rivers of Ethiopia that same phrase is used in Zephaniah And it gives you more information they're talking about bringing a present unto the Lord and in Zephaniah says that they're gonna bring What did it say so just so I don't mess that up there they're gonna bring an offering okay So an offering a present, you know ablation you see the same kind of terminology you use there But within that it's basically saying hey, you know, this is what I'm talking about. They're going to be judged Okay, just like Egypt's gonna be judged But he's gonna leave an afflicted and poor people that are gonna trust in the Lord and those people are gonna bring Gifts and offerings unto him in the thousand-year reign. Okay, that's what I believe this is talking about but just to show you too that When it's talking about, you know it You know, they don't have any guile. They don't have an iniquity. Listen, this applies to believers and When it's talking about the remnant of Israel In the thousand-year reign We are gonna be ruling and reigning with Christ, but we are gonna be in spiritual bodies Meaning we are not going to be sinners. Okay, it's going to be a different time. Okay right now everybody's a sinner Right people aren't have souls are in heaven People that have bodies are down here on the earth But everybody that has a body is a sinner and everybody's here that's on earth is a sinner, right? Well in the thousand-year reign You're gonna have all the saved ruling and reigning in spiritual bodies with no sin Okay, so when it's talking about the fact that hey the remnant of Israel you're that's us, right? We're the holy nation We're that seed of Israel that believed on Christ. Okay, and that's everybody that's ever believed. That'd be Moses That'll be you know, Noah Enoch everybody, you know Samson Everybody will be a part of that remnant of Israel because it's the remnant that saved right though Israel be as the sand that's on the seashore a remnant shall be saved. Okay So when it's talking about the remnant of Israel and it says they'll speak no guile Well go to John chapter 1 John chapter 1 and this is what I'm ending with here because I just want to kind of drive this point home that if if Isaiah 18 is talking about, you know, basically the judgment You know going into the marriage supper the lamb but then how hey ultimately These people are gonna bring gifts unto God And and it shows that hey, he's gonna smite Egypt, but he's gonna also heal it And he's gonna leave this poor and afflicted people there that are gonna Trust in the Lord that's talking about the people that are going through that wrath. Does that make sense? That's not talking about us right because we're saved but the remnants of Israel that doesn't speak any lies It has no guile that is talking about us. Okay, and You know what when you're reading through those passages You're not gonna pick up on a lot of that stuff because it's cryptic, right? You're dealing with Old Testament and you got to parse all that together Whereas in Revelation, it's very clear, right? It's very clear in Revelation 20 that the rest of the day shall not live again till thousand years expired We're gonna roll and reign with Christ for a thousand years We're gonna be in glorified bodies that stuff's a little more explicitly clear in the timeline But in the Old Testament, you got to be like, all right I'm in Isaiah 18 that's linked to Zephaniah and you kind of Mesh these two together and see how all that works out. Okay, but in John chapter 1 verse 47 here I want to talk about Nathaniel because Nathaniel is said to have no guile. Okay so You say well, maybe he's one of the 144,000. I Guess it's possible right? But at the same time he's saying this at that moment. Okay, that's the key to remember is Notice the present tense that he uses here. He doesn't say well you will have no guile Okay, that's what it says in verse 47. Jesus saith Saul and Nathaniel coming to him and saith of him Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile Notice is no guile Okay, and he says in Israel indeed notice that he didn't just say behold an Israelite in whom is no guile He says behold an Israelite indeed. You know what that means? You know what indeed means it means truly It means it's legitimate, right He's not talking about physical Israelite He's talking about he is actually a true Israelite just as much as he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly But he's a Jew which was one inwardly and that's of the spirit of the heart right and whose praise is not a man but of God and Notice what it says in verse 48 there says Nathaniel saith unto him whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him before that Philip called thee when thou was under the fig tree I saw thee. Nathaniel answered and said saith unto him Rabbi thou art the Son of God, thou art the king of Israel Jesus answered and said unto him because I said unto thee I saw thee under the fig tree believeth thou, thou shalt see greater things than these and so this is a great example of someone who's already saved and Phil says whence knowest thou me, right and So he he realizes that that Jesus knows him why because he knoweth them to trust in him. I know my sheep. They hear my voice. They follow me and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish but it says that in him is no guile. Well, guess what that applies to every believer. Go to Psalm 32. Psalm 32. Now this is quoted. Psalm 32 is quoted in Romans 4 where it says, you know whom the Lord will not impute sin, thus is a man whose sins are covered and all that and it says in whose unto whom the Lord will not impute sin. Well, there's a little portion that's not quoted in Romans chapter 4. So let's go back to the source here in verse 1 and this shows you too that the idea of your soul being perfect and the inner man being sinless is not a New Testament thing meaning like this has been from the beginning Okay, because people have been going to heaven and you know, this is the reason why they go to heaven because their soul is perfect Okay, there's no reason to have some holding chamber down in hell or anything like that. Notice in verse 1 So Psalm 32 verse 1 blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin is covered Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord and puteth not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile. Point blank. That's why he said it to the Nathaniel. Why did he say it in the Nathaniel? Because his sins were covered because his Transgression was forgiven. Why? Because David spake the blessings of the man unto whom God impudeth righteousness without works because Abraham believed God and it was counted in him for righteousness and He was fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able to also to perform and therefore is imputed unto him for righteousness That's that's the way it's always been so put that in your dispensational pipe and smoke it but the idea here is the fact that Your spirit has no guile, okay So in the thousand year reign listen whole soul body and spirit has no guile That makes sense. Like we are completely perfected at that point We the resurrection has taken place. The judgment seat of Christ is taken in place for us and we are perfected Therefore there's no reason to be afraid. What's there to be afraid of right? We are in a perfected Sinless state there's no more reason to be afraid because we don't have the flesh anymore. We don't have sin anymore We don't have to worry about the chastening of the Lord anymore. We're rolling and reigning with Christ. We're judging angels Okay, and so I know it's kind of deep seven verses in Isaiah chapter 18 But I do believe it does tie into that and like I said when you look at these passages and I was looking through I was like who's it talking about? You know, who's he talking to? But when you find some key phrases there, I believe Zephaniah chapter 3 opens it up Right, if you didn't have Zephaniah chapter 3 I'd be like, I'm not sure, you know, it's kind of you know, obviously something that applies in the near future there But not really sure exactly Who what it's talking about, but I believe you know when Zephaniah 3 is talking about there And dealing with thousand year reign. I think that fits there perfectly and so next week Lord willing will be getting into Isaiah chapter 19 which will be getting into Egypt and also getting into that interesting passage about how Egypt Assyria and Israel are all restored and they're all serving God Okay, which I believe ties into what I was just talking about there just on a bigger level gives you more more information about it So let's end with a word of prayer. The Heavenly Father we thank you for today and just pray to you to be with us throughout the rest of this week and Lord just help us with our jobs and Lord just pray that you would Be with the Russell family and Lord just Miss Bethany and all that Lord with everything She's going through and and Lord just be with Miss Ruth with the pregnancy and just pray that everything would go well there and just be with our church families be with The men that are supporting their families and just bless their incomes there and Lord be with us throughout the rest of this week Lord, we love you in prayerless in Jesus Christ name. Amen