(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well good morning everyone, welcome to Mountain Baptist Church. We're going to sing your song books and turn to song 183. Song 183 in your song books. We'll sing Oh How I Love Jesus if you would stand. We'll sing song 183. There is a name I love to hear I love to sing it's worth It sounds like music in my ear The sweetest name on earth Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Because He first loved me It tells me of a Savior's love Who set me free It tells me of His precious blood The sinner's perfect plea Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Because He first loved me My mother hath in store for every day And though I tread a dark Sun path leaves sunshine all the way Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Because He first loved me It tells of one whose loving heart Can feel my deepest woe Who in each sorrow bears a part That none can bear below Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful day Day I will never forget After I wandered in darkness away Jesus my Savior our man Oh what a tender compassionate friend He met the need of my heart Shazzles the spelling with joy I am telling Spelling with joy, I am telling he made all the darkness depart Heaven came down and glory filled my soul When at the cross the Savior made me whole My sins were washed away and my night was turned today Heaven came down and glory filled my soul Born of a spirit with life from above into God's family divine Justified freely through Calvary's love. Oh what a standing is mine And the transaction so quickly was made when as a sinner I came Took of the offer of grace. I did proffer. He saved me. Oh praises dear name Heaven came down and glory filled my soul When at the cross the Savior made me whole My sins were washed away and my night was turned today Heaven came down and glory filled my soul Now I have hope it will surely endure after the passing of time I Have a future in heaven for sure there in those mansions sublime And it's because of that wonderful day when at the cross I believed Riches eternal and blessing supernal from his precious hand I received Heaven came down and glory filled my soul When at the cross the Savior made me whole My sins were washed away and my night was turned today Heaven came down and glory filled my soul Heaven came down and glory filled my soul Amen Welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday morning, and it's a kind of a sunny day. I guess and but it's cold so and just some announcements here and So We are technically coming to the end of January, but we're gonna be changing the chapter that we're gonna be memorizing So just so when you see that on there, obviously if you're still in Psalm 12, you still have like today and tomorrow, you know Actually you have for the rest of your life to get that memorized. So don't think that like now It's like I can't memorize it now. It's not on the list But our service times everything should be normal You know Lord willing and we don't have like some flash blizzard or something like that But we'll have our service this afternoon as well at 4 p.m. And then on Wednesday We'll have our evening service at 7 p.m. Our so many times should be as normal there We have our main so many time after the service today So give you a little break to get some lunch and then get back here Try to get back here a little before 1 so we can get teamed up and go out so winning today And then on Monday for the Richie leads up to so many time He's he's active but just still kind of hanging back with you know, sore throat and being sick so He's still dealing with sickness and stuff like that. So that one Just be on the WhatsApp obviously to make sure if he's feeling up to it on Monday, but we'll give him a break, you know And then Wednesday brother Charles, I'm sorry brother Charles is Monday I guess brother Richie has two more days to recover and get right so you have no excuse brother Richie if you're watching You got two days Actually three technically if you want to look at that but no sorry brother Charles leads up the Monday So he's here right now. So he seems to be looking healthy and should be able to do it So but both Monday and Wednesday just get on the whatsapp there because obviously you'll know when They're going out what time what place all that stuff obviously that that five o'clock is kind of a tentative time But that could fluctuate a little bit there Our Bible memory we're gonna memorize Colossians You say why are we memorizing Colossians because I want to memorize Colossians and you're gonna do what I want to do now Obviously you can memorize whatever you want, but you know when I think about what the memorized I'm a lot of times think about what I want to memorize And so Colossians is one of the books. I don't have memorized and I saw I want to I want to dive into that And so if you want to join me in that journey Don't forget there are prizes if you memorize a chapter you get that soul the sword drill Bible if you memorize a Medium-sized book which are a smaller book kind of like this one right here Then you get one of those calfskin Bibles and if you do two of them Then you get the goatskin Bible. And so but there's also those The the hardback ones which is actually one of my favorite more favorite ones I think brother Brother Anthony's got it so you can hold it up there that one right there It's like a leather hardback and it's a really cool one. It's it's kind of bigger all that And so we still have a couple of those back there. So if you memorize a smaller book Obviously, it's got to be like three or more chapters. And so you memorize second John that doesn't count But if you memorize second John third John Jude Okay, we'll talk. Okay But and then 2nd Timothy chapter 2 and verse 24 1 make sure it messes up Our memory verse for the week is in the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach Patient and so that are that is our memory verse for the week and then the women's prayer meeting on the upcoming events there We have this coming Saturday at 11 a.m. So Any of the ladies that can make it out for that? Just be sure to be in your spots there We do have our missions trip that's coming up in February. I just want you to guys to pray for that Obviously we have those that are going out to that And so but we just want to be in prayer for that that everything works out. Well with that and that obviously I think the goal has been set for 100 saves so You know It's brother Richie. Yeah So I'm not listen if you come back and you get like 95 I'll forgive you but no I'm just kidding No, obviously, we don't really know what the reception is gonna be like, but obviously that's a high goal to set so I hope so, I hope you guys get a hundred people say but At the same time don't beat yourselves up if the reception isn't like police and all that so and then on the back of your in of your Bulletin there we have birthdays Really the neck the one we got a we got a sing for brother Wade. So the last great person to be born in January and so I want to thank everybody for all the birthday wishes and the Bob Ross thing that I got this morning. And so No I'm gonna leave him in there. Let's just scare people anybody tries getting into my pulpit. Bob Ross is gonna come at you. Okay But So, well, let's say happy birthday to you brother Wade, how are you gonna be brother way to be on my master 38 so you're one one year Pretty much exactly one year. What's that? Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, so Today today. We're the same age, right? so But we'll sing happy birthday brother Wade and then on The pregnancy list here just be a prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list and be in prayer for all the ladies that are Recovering and getting into having children having more children all that. Don't forget about that and General church announcements we have the offering box in the back there. We're underneath the sign that says ties and offerings We have the mother baby room over here and that's for the mothers and babies only so we want to keep that for the mothers babies and like really like little toddlers only there And I think that's about it for announcements Not all I got Brother, he's gonna sing one more song and I think But Jason yeah, brother Jason's gonna be reading 2nd Timothy chapter 2 for us and we'll get into the sermon All Right take your song books and turn to song 146 Song 146 we'll sing a shelter in the time of storms song 146 The Lords are rock and hem we hide a shelter in the time of storm Secure whatever L be tied a shelter in the time of storm Oh Jesus is a rock in a weary land a weary land Oh Jesus is the rock in a weary land a shelter in the time of storm Shade by day defense by night a shelter in the time of storm No fear alarm. No foes are fright a shelter in the time of storm Oh Jesus is the rock in a weary land a weary land a weary land Oh Jesus is the rock in a weary Land a shelter in the time of storm the Raging storms may round us beat a shelter in the time of storm We'll never leave our safe retreat a shelter in the time of storm Oh Jesus is the rock in a weary land a weary land a weary land Oh, Jesus is the rock in a weary land a shelter in the time of storm Oh Rock divine. Oh refuge dear a shelter in the time of storm Be thou our helper ever near a shelter in the time of storm Oh Jesus is the rock in a weary land a weary land a weary land Oh Jesus is the rock in a weary land a shelter in the time of storm Alright take your Bibles and turn to 2nd Timothy chapter number 2 2nd Timothy chapter number 2 will have brother Jason come and read that for us All Right 2nd Timothy chapter 2 Thou therefore my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus and the things that thou hast heard of me among many Witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others Also thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ No man that warth entanglement himself with the affairs of this life That he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier and if a man also strived for Masteries yet is he not crowned except he strived lawfully the husbandmen that laborth must be first partaker of the fruits Consider what I say and the Lord give thee understanding in all things Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel Wherein I suffer trouble as an evildoer even unto bonds, but the Word of God is not bound Therefore I endure all things for the elect sakes that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory It is a faithful saying for if we be dead with him We also we shall also live with them if we suffer we shall also reign with them if we deny him He also will deny us if we believe not yet he abideth faithful He cannot deny himself of these three of these things put them in remembrance Charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit But to the subverting of the hearers Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness and their world will eat as the the canker of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus who concerning the truth have erred saying that the resurrection is past already and overthrow the faith of some Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord know with them that are his and let Everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity, but in a great house There are not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wood and of earth and some to honor and some to dishonor if a man therefore purge himself from these he shall be A vessel unto honor sanctified and meet for the Masters use and prepared unto every good work flee Flee also youthful lust but follow righteousness faith charity peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart but foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing that they do gender strives and The servant of the Lord must not strive But be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient and meekness instructing those that oppose themselves If God pair adventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth and That they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will. Let's pray Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you for allowing us to be in your house this morning Thank you for Mountain Baptist Church Lord where we can come and hear your word preached I just pray that you would bless the preaching time prep bless pastor Robinson as he Gives the message this morning and help us all to learn and be edified and in Jesus name I pray You're there in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 and I actually want to preach a sermon on How to teach and preach how to teach and preach we have a lot of men in our church actually that have preached for this church or may have preached for other churches or just have done maybe the men's preaching time and so one of these things that You know, obviously they preach and a lot of questions are asked, you know, like how do I Structure this. How do I do this or that? And so I wanted to preach a sermon on how to preach but I don't want to leave the women out I don't you'd be like zone out and be like, well, I can't Listen to that one because You know when it comes to preaching what I'm gonna be teaching on more So is on the teaching aspect of preaching on how how what's a good way to teach? And so ladies You need to know this too because you should be teaching your children and also Ladies, you can preach the gospel too. And so this can apply and so I'm gonna be giving some principles as far as ways that I teach and and as far as Some people have told me that I'm alright at it. So I'm gonna give my advice as far as how I approach to teach Something to somebody but first of all, let's look at 2nd Timothy and I want you to really kind of keep your finger in 2nd Timothy 2 here notice what it says in verse 1 it says thou therefore my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus and the Things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou the faithful men who shall be able to teach others Also, so when you think about Timothy, he's a he's a he's a pastor. I this is pastoral epistles here You think of 1st Timothy 2nd Timothy and Titus are the pastoral epistles and so Paul's writing to him as a Pastor if you will and he's basically saying you know what you need to commit this to faithful men so they can teach others Also, so my job as a pastor is to teach you men to teach others Also, you know to basically teach you so that you can teach someone else, but ladies the same thing as well You know what? I'm teaching you as far as like how to Obey your husband's for example. I'm just giving you an example to obey your husband's submit to your husband's Well, you know what? You need to teach the younger women to do the same You need to teach others to do likewise or teach, you know, if I'm teaching the the fathers and mothers how to discipline Well, you need to teach others to do likewise You you basically take what you learn and then you teach others with that And so part of my job as a pastor is not just to teach you but to teach you how to teach so That's kind of what I want to show here now go down to verse 24 This is our memory verse And this isn't just for men, okay Like I said when it comes to preaching the gospel that's for men and women Okay Obviously here at this church dealing with families that have a lot of kids a lot of little kids The men are gonna go out more. I mean, that's just facts of life That's just how it's going to be when you're dealing with a bunch of little rugrats that you got to take care of and you Know obviously we love kids and we want to have a bunch of kids But you just got to know at that point in your life that You know if your your wife's not going to go out as much as you are, okay That doesn't mean that your wife can't go. Okay, and we do try to make times and Where we basically take a Sunday where we say this is the wives turn, you know to go out this Sunday And we'll watch the kids, you know as the men and and then the wives go out obviously It's not always only just women going out. Sometimes there's other men that are going out That can go out and don't have to watch like six kids or something like that So that being said is that notice this verse here verse 24. It says in the servant of the Lord must not strive So ladies, can you be a servant of the Lord? Yeah, so don't tune me out. Okay, so You can be a servant of the Lord just as much as the men It says in the servant Lord must not strive but be but be gentle unto all men apt to teach Patient and meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God prevention will give them repentance to the acknowledging the truth That they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will So this is talking about winning people to Christ and and just a hit on you know If God prevention will give them repentance if this isn't Calvinism teaching that well God has people are born into this world that can't get saved There are people though that come to a point where they can't get saved And so there are people in this world that are at a point where God will not You know allow them to believe because the next chapter it says there's people that are ever learning never able to come to the knowledge Of truth reprobate concerning the face. So that's what that's talking about. I just kind of want to hit that real quick We're not Calvinist. We believe God wants everybody to get saved and but there are people like Pharaoh where you know what it becomes too late for them and they they're hardened and they're not going to get saved but We don't always know who those people are and this is what this is teaching Is that you kind of you preach the gospel to every creature and you let the chips fall where they may? Okay, and it's basically saying if God prevention meaning that you may be talking to somebody that just is not gonna get saved they're ever learning and never evil, but you're you're just there to Give them the truth if they'll hear it and let the chips fall where they may that's basically what it's stating here and that when you're teaching One it says we should be apt to teach now This is obviously a requirement for a pastor Okay, the Bible says you don't turn there but in first Timothy 3 in verse 2 It says the bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife vigilant sober of good behavior given the hospitality apt to teach So if I can't teach well, then I shouldn't be your pastor Okay So that's why I say I I would say I have to be some somewhat of an authority on the issue of teaching Or what am I doing up here? Right? That's the whole one of the one of the requirements So I'm not saying the best teacher I'm just saying that obviously You know what? If you're gonna be a pastor you need to be apt to teach now, what does apt to teach mean? What does apt mean? Well, I mean usually when we think of your app to do something It's more like a proclivity or a tendency, you know, you're kind of just apt to go this route I'm apt to eat a bunch of sweets and junk food and all that stuff So I go on diets and I have to cut myself off. It's a proclivity But apt actually, you know, like older definitions of it is more like being it means prepared ready or willing Okay, which makes more sense in this aspect that meaning like apt to teach isn't just like you're just prone to teach It's more of the fact that you're ready and willing to teach right apt to teach meaning like you're willing to do it You want to do it and you're ready to do it. You're prepared. Okay, so We should all as servants of God be ready to teach somebody something, you know Whether it's the gospel or whether it's anything in the Bible, but it could be apt to teach mathematics I don't know, you know when you think about homeschooling You need to be apt to teach meaning you need to be prepared if you're gonna teach your children a subject You have to know that subject okay, and that's kind of maybe the Why people are afraid to homeschool because they're like well I feel like I'm not gonna know the subject well enough or I'm not gonna be Smart enough to know it Listen, you know when it comes to dark and we've already gone through that. All you have to do is refresh yourself. Okay And and here's thing So the best way of learning something is learning to teach it Okay, I know a lot about the Bible more So just from writing sermons and teaching it because you you learn a lot from studying to teach others and so it's actually a good tool on learning is Teaching others and obviously you should know a little bit before you shouldn't be blind going into it I'd be like I have no idea about this subject at all I'm gonna start I'm gonna start teaching it and hopefully on the way of me teaching it. I'll learn it I'm not saying that okay, but at the same time like I've learned a lot just from preparing sermons and and you know Basically, it's forcing me to dive in and study the subject That makes sense because I don't want to teach something and be wrong about it You want to know what my biggest fear is eating crow Okay, I don't want to come up here and be like, well, you know what that whole sermon I was preaching to you on such-and-such subject. I was completely wrong about that Now obviously a humble person and it would would come up here and say that Because I don't want you guys just to think well, you know what I preach on that You know, I hope you guys all think that was right and now I know what's wrong I'm just gonna let you guys think it's right just so that I don't have to you know Look like I'm dumb or something like that, you know, so when it comes to teaching There notice some elements that are here in 2nd Timothy 2 and verse 24 one is gentleness Okay When you're teaching a subject, you should be gentle about it Hey, you don't beat people over the head when you're trying to teach them something or they're not gonna listen Obviously after each meeting you're prepared Patience, okay And all you mothers that are doing homeschooling, you know what I'm talking about I mean that I don't have to tell you this but you have to have patience You know the children that are really OCD and just get upset and start throwing things because they didn't write their pee the right way You're like, what are you talking about? Don't worry about it But Children are different some children. You don't need as much patience for other children. You have to like dig in on that patience But you need to be gentle you need to be patient in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves So meekness meaning like you're putting them before you Okay, so when you're teaching somebody it should be all about them learning it. Okay, when I teach you something it shouldn't be just like You know, like if I'm teaching some complex doctrine or I'm teaching some doctrine It shouldn't be just so that you look at me and be like man pastor smart Pastor knows what he's talking about You know, it shouldn't be about that Actually, it should be the whole point of the sermon is so that you learn it so you know it. Okay Because what's the point of me knowing everything and you not knowing anything, right? I mean the whole point of me teaching is that you know it too. Just as much as me Okay, my goal is that you know everything I know My goal is not to be some dr. Fat bottom up here, which I'm not doctor, but Some guy up here. That's just like sitting high above you. I know so much more than you What I want is everybody in here to know it as everything I know and more I'd like you to know more than I do Obviously if you if you start knowing more than me, I'm gonna start up my game Okay, and that's obviously a good back and forth where you you're learning a lot of you like well, man I better know a lot. I better keep hitting it hard because my congregation knows what they're talking about They know the Bible and if I don't know what I'm talking about, you know what? They're gonna call me out for it and rightfully so but when it comes to teaching here I also want to show you go to Titus chapter 2 Titus chapter 2. I want you to see that women are to be teachers Okay Now women are not to be preachers up behind the pulpit, okay We're not gonna have Joyce Meyer Baptist Church here where we're gonna have ladies up here preaching Because you know, who's ever desired, you know, if any man desire the office of the bishop he desires good work okay, and Ladies when you can be the husband of one wife. Let me know now I know in this weird twisted gender-bending world that we live in that that's a real thing and people literally think that men can have children and You know women are men men are women so we're living in some crazy Twisted world but all of us that are in reality and understand biology and understand You know just simple things in life. We'll know that okay men are to be the preachers behind the pulpit teaching a whole congregation but ladies you can teach But you you're not a serpent authority over men is that the key here? Okay, when you're preaching the gospel you can preach the men. Okay, and that that's fine to preach the gospel, but when you're preaching Like to a congregation of like men and women and all that that's not that's not what the Bible teaches You're not to be a pastor and over the authority of men and women right when you're preaching the gospel You're not really that you're not you're not a serpent authority over that man. Are you you're just showing them? Here's how you can be saved. Do you want to get saved? Well when you're a pastor You're an authority. Okay, you're a ruler in the church as the Bible says, okay, so you you've already Messed up there by being in that position, but it also says in verse 1 here of Titus 2 It says but speak thou the things which become sound doctrine that the aged men be sober grave temperate sound faith and charity and patience the aged women likewise That they be in behavior has become a holiness not false accusers not given much wine notices teachers of good things But they may teach the young women to be sober to love their children I'm sorry to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chase keepers at home Good obedience to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blaspheme now It says they're teachers of good things in general Okay, so it's not that women can only teach women because obviously I want my wife to teach my son Okay, she better be she I shouldn't get home be like listen. I taught all your daughters, but James you're gonna you're gonna have to teach him everything. It's like obviously I'm gonna teach too, right? I'm gonna be teaching my daughters and my son, but at the same time obviously with your children, you're gonna be teaching your children Whether they're girls or boys, okay And so this sermon don't you know, like men and women this applies to as far as how to teach How do we teach? Okay. So the first point here is you need to know what you're talking about Okay, you need to study go to go to 2nd Timothy 2 again 2nd Timothy chapter 2 When it comes to homeschooling when it comes to preaching When it comes to teaching any subject you need to know what you're talking about You don't want to get up and start talking about something. You have no idea what you're talking about So the first step to teaching something or to preaching a sermon is studying it out Okay, and it says in verse 15 study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be shamed rightly Dividing the word of truth you see how this whole chapter is kind of dealing with teaching It starts off with the fact that hey what you've heard of me You need to commit unto faithful men that they may teach others also Study to show thyself approved unto God, you know workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth Then it gets down to that that, you know A servant of God must not strive would be gentle unto all men apt to teach Patient and meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if per venture God will give them repentance to the acknowledging of truth I mean the idea there is that Okay, you need to teach others what you've learned, but you need to study in order to teach them. Okay, so You don't have to turn there but Proverbs 15 28 It says the heart of the righteous studieth to answer but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things Go to first Timothy chapter. I'm sorry first Peter chapter 3 first Peter chapter 3 First Peter chapter 3 verse 15 So This kid this doesn't have to just be biblical stuff, okay Let's say you're gonna teach a history lesson to your kids well, you should probably read about whatever you're gonna be teaching them first, right and Listen you should look into that subject, right? So let's say you're reading on a certain event in history Well, there's a book that has its thoughts on that. Well, maybe you should look at other opinions Listen history is very malleable depending on who's writing that book and There most historians don't agree with each other on what the history is And you probably heard of revisionists Right. There's people that now are going back and looking at history be like that What's been taught for a long time actually isn't even right And I'm not saying I'm not here to say like one's right or wrong Okay, because I think sometimes the revisionists are actually right and I think sometimes the revisionists are wrong, right? Because the revisionist would be like well King James was a queer It's like well, I think you're an idiot. Okay, because there's no proof for that So you want to revise history and say that then you know what that's done because there's so much other history and so many other Facts that would prove otherwise. Okay, that's one example, but then there's other revisions to be like, well, you know what? How about this principle the victors write the history books? Okay, so when you think about that then you can think about like well, okay well who wrote the history and Is that accurate and So that's something to think about when you're and that's just a history lesson. Okay So what I'm saying with that is that you don't get too lazy and be like well the history book said it So I'm teaching my kids Okay Mathematics is a little different. That's pretty much black and white. Okay, so you're dealing with mathematics You don't have to worry about studying whether two plus two equals four. Okay facts, you know You can just go on with your day, you know, I have to go like look that up. Okay, but When you're dealing with other subjects that may be more To consensus like history then maybe you need to study that a little more because I don't want to teach my kids history That's just wrong. And listen, I guarantee you that there's history that I learned in school. That was wrong and Was not it was biased to a certain point of view all that right? And so that's gonna take reading that's gonna take some time and first Peter first Peter chapter 3 and verse 15 says But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always To give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear When it comes to being ready To teach or being apt to teach we need to be ready at all times to teach the gospel for example But how do we do that? We sanctify the Lord God in our hearts and the Bible says let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly Okay in Colossians chapter 3 and so when it comes to biblical stuff We need to have the Word of God in our hearts We need to know the Word of God in order to teach the Word of God in order to give an answer Right when it comes to teaching. What are you doing? You're giving an answer to a question Right. What's the question? Well, it could be anything right? It could be salvation it could be baptism it could be you know tithing You know, we're kind of talking about tithing or before the service today. That could be the question is tithing What do I tithe on? All right Well, here's the answer but in order to get the answer you have to study to know what the answer is. Okay, and You know when that comes in that's a biblical thing, obviously where you got to get into that But this could be dealing with any type of subject go to 1st Timothy chapter 4 1st Timothy chapter 4 and verse 12 1st Timothy chapter 4 and verse 12 So men if you want to be preachers You need to know your Bible. You need to study it But I'll say this Before you get too deep into your study. You need to read it Just need to read it. Okay, you haven't read through the Bible cover to cover yet Make that your first priority Don't get too deep into the weeds on your study and if you've never read it cover to cover And that's that's that's probably something every single Christian has been guilty of Right you get saved and you're like, all right I want to dive into this subject who's like never read any of the Bible you've read one book or something like that in the Bible and then you're gonna get off on all kinds of weird rabbit trails and rogue paths and and you're not gonna have checks and balances that Would be there if you've read the whole thing Okay, now in first Timothy chapter 4 and verse 12 it says let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example to the believers in word in conversation in charity in spirit in faith in purity till I come give attendance to read in reading to Exhortation to doctrine now, there's obviously more than just reading to give attendance to But reading is a big portion that you should give attendance to and and ladies this could be any subject, right? I mean when you think about what if you're trying to teach a subject to your kids You need to read on it and readings hard. Okay, so that's gonna take work But you need to read up on all the stuff that you're going to teach and you need to give attendance to that for example You know I'm gonna have requirements if I ever send someone out to be a pastor and one of the requirements is that One day have at least read through the Bible ten times Okay Now that's already ten times more than most pastors that are out there sadly, okay And you think that's a joke But it's not Like there are literally pastors like out there that have never read through the Bible cover to cover or maybe maybe they read through it Once they thought that was enough now, they just study it and they just you know search engine everything But it's not just that you've read through it ten times what's your schedule every year I believe a pastor should be reading through the Bible four times a year on average so if you've read through the Bible ten times, but it took you ten years to do it and You're coming to me and you want to go pastor a church and you're like, well, I've read through the Bible one time last year You need up your game Okay, that's not enough now Can you start a church and can you like know something about the Bible doing that? Yes, but you're not going to be prepared. Like I think you should be prepared You want to write Sermons that have material you want to write something you want to have confidence when you're preaching then you need to get serious about your Bible reading Okay, because I don't think it lightly when I get up here and preach a sermon Because I want to make sure that I'm not preaching something false. Okay, this is the Word of God This is these are biblical doctrines And so I don't want to get up here and preach something that that is wrong and I don't want to lead you down a wrong path So if I came up here and I started the church and I've only read through the Bible Let's say like two times and I'm like, all right time to start a church. I would not have confidence That what I'm preaching to you is accurate and right and all that and by the way I don't believe just because I've read through the Bible many many times that all right Well, I've arrived, you know, I've read through the Bible scores of times, but you know what? Time to just lay off and just study now. No You know what my my regiment still is at least four times a year You know what? My regime is gonna be next year at least four times You know, it's gonna be next year the next year after that four times four times four times four times four times And and you know what? That doesn't mean that says the only end that I'm gonna do that's the minimum okay, and That's you know, why because give attendance to reading and you know what if I don't read four times a year I'm going to forget and So when it comes to teaching and preaching you need to read you need to get serious about your reading and It's going to give you a lot more confidence, but it's also going to help you to not be wrong on what you're preaching Because when you preach a sermon on a complex doctrine Then you need to know that you're not contradicting yourself How do you know if you're not contradicting yourself? You don't know the Bible Does that make sense? Like you can search engine it be like well, I looked up all the places where grace is mentioned I looked up all the places where this is mentioned Well, guess what? There's some there's a lot of cases where that same subject doesn't use that word at all and The search engine is gonna help you there and you thought That you're good You thought that it didn't contradict at all and then there's this whole passage over here that completely contradicts what you said and you just negated the whole doctrine in the Bible Okay, so that's just an example of reading and and being prepared Okay, basically being ready to teach is They're being apt to teach is being prepared reading it studying it and really digging into it. Okay now What's when I think about teaching, you know what I think about I think about taking something complex and Explaining it in a simple manner. Okay, that's my concept of teaching Okay, because obviously the idea is that I'm gonna teach you something. You don't know Okay But I have to let's say it's something that's higher up there and you don't know it anything like that What I need to do is I need to unpack it in a way. That's simple for you to understand Okay, so that's the idea of preaching is simplicity Okay, if I get up here and I start just using words No one understands and I started just talking about a subject as if you know You've been studying as much as I have you've been reading as much as I have That's not gonna help you're gonna be like deer in headlights, like what are you talking about? I don't even know where you're at. Okay, you got to bring it down Bring it down and then you bring them up to where it's at. Okay, that's the idea of teaching and go to Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 2nd Corinthians chapter 1. There's a there's an old acronym And we still do that. I do this at work with engineering and stuff like that. It's called kiss K I SS keep it simple stupid You know and when I know that's kind of crass at the same time when you're dealing with things You know what? The best thing to do is just keep it simple. Don't over complicate things When it comes to designing a building, you know what I do. I keep it simple Keep it simple. It won't get messed up and it'll work. You keep you make it super complicated Someone's gonna mess up someone can get hurt You know, keep it simple when it comes to teaching Keep it simple Okay, and listen, I'm gonna get to my next point in the fact. Well, how do you teach something that's not simple? The point is is that you start with all the simple stuff get that nail down move up a notch Move up gradually as you go into to the point where okay now I'm ready for this complex You know really high in the sky type of knowledge But you didn't just jump up there, right? You didn't just go from nothing to like boom. I'm up here knowing all this stuff No one does that you have to gradually increase your knowledge to get to that point. No one just arrives overnight I'm just like, you know what? I didn't know anything yesterday now. I know everything Okay, and you know, so you're gonna gradually get up to it, but you got to keep it simple as you go Okay, and your knowledge may increase meaning that the simple stuff what's simple to you is maybe not simple to someone else Okay, so how about in second Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 12? it says for our rejoicing is this the testimony of our our conscience that in Simplicity and in God and godly sincerity not with fleshly wisdom But by the grace of God we have had our conversation in the world and more abundantly to you word Meaning that their conversation is not this complex conversation. It's just very simple Whether the way you live is simple, right? But also the idea of like how you're communicating with people is very simple. We're not going to Communicate people with this complex type of communication to where no one understands what you're saying so Like I said if I got up here and I was trying to teach you something and no one understood what I was saying I might as well speak speak another language Right, it's only you need to use words easily to be understood Okay, and in first Corinthians 14 when it's talking about using some unknown language it's as much that if I got up here and started talking about something that no one understands at all and Just started right there. You don't understand this at all and I start there and then I go up higher And you're just gonna be like lost from the very beginning. So keep it simple To keep the gospel simple. I mean think about you don't turn there But in second Corinthians 11 and verse 3 it says but but I fear lest by any means as a serpent beguiled Eve through his Subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ Because if someone's gonna say to you, you know what the Bible is too complex. It's not simple, you know God's so complex. You can't understand it. It is not I've heard people say it is not possible for you to understand the Bible What does the Bible say the simplicity that's in Christ? You know what the Bible actually is it a Child can understand it the gospel a child can understand actually, you know The Bible says unless you be like a child and get converted you can't go to heaven Okay, because it's talking about childlike faith the humbleness of a child to realize they need help. They need a Savior and So the idea of saying that the Bible is too complex. Obviously, there's complex things in the Bible Okay, but when people say you can't understand that they're selling you a bill of goods And one they're probably just it's just a cop-out because they don't want to have to do put in the work to know it Or they want to say you can't understand this come to me and I'll tell you what it says Right, it's like you can't understand that the layman can't understand that you need to come to me and I'll tell you what's up Okay, you know what the truth matter is the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you and you need not that any Man teach you but as the same anointing teaches you of all things and is truth and is no lie Even as it had taught you shall abide in him, you know truth matter is if you're a saved Christian You have the Holy Ghost inside of you You don't even need me to teach you the point of me teaching you is that I may know something you don't know Okay, that's the idea right is I know something you don't know So let me show it to you and then you run it through your Rolodex of verses that you you know and see if It's right You're sitting down there. You're judging whether this is right. Does this match up? But let me ask you a question if you don't read the Bible. Are you gonna be able to do that? You don't study your Bible. You're gonna be able to do that right, so as Those that are in the church What you have to do is say I'm gonna read and study so that when I hear something that maybe is up higher than maybe What I know I can judge that I can look at that and you're gonna take that home You're gonna study it out. You're gonna read it and see if that's true see if the search scriptures daily whether those things be so and then You could take that and then you could teach others Okay, that's the idea now When it comes to teaching, okay. Well, we need to study whatever subject we're wanting to teach Then you need to keep it simple Okay, I think I think what a lot of young preachers try to do is they want They want people to think this person like I know a lot I'm not a Novice like it's just this it's just an innate thing that you want people to to know like hey, I know the Bible Okay But what you need to really be thinking about is that I need to teach If you're gonna teach it, okay, even if it is complex, you have to teach it in a simple manner. I Don't care if you know a lot Okay, cuz you get someone could come into this church right now and they'd listen to sir We'd be like man. That's a simple sermon that pastor even know anything right But you know, I don't care. I don't care if they think I don't know anything The point is is that are you learning what I'm telling you? Okay, because it doesn't matter if I came in here and someone came in and I'm just You know saying all this complex stuff, but no one understands what I'm saying. Who gives a rip if I know a lot So go to Hebrews chapter 5 Hebrews chapter 5 the next point you want to keep it simple when you're teaching it, okay and you can teach Simple things and it'll build into more complex things, but you got to start with the foundations Okay, when you teach math you start off with simple Integers like 1 plus 1 equals 2 you put two apples down and be like, all right one apple two apples How many apples you got? There's two apples right you you you keep it really simple and You work your way up. So there's foundations. You don't just jump into algebra Right. They don't know how to add or subtract but you're gonna jump into multiplication and division Right. I mean you got to go in step by step and get the foundations prepared when you're teaching a subject. Okay, and Obviously when you're doing this, what are you gonna be patient? Gentle and meek about it. Okay I'm looking at parents because listen I'm preaching at myself as much as I'm preaching at you is that when you're teaching a subject You got to be patient gentle and meek about it when you're doing it. Okay, and Not just beating someone over the head with it And all that now Obviously if someone comes in here preaching a false doctrine if someone comes in here starting to like divide the church and they're coming in With some damnable heresy I will deal with that swiftly Okay, this is not saying that you have to be gentle with a heretic. Okay, you have to be gentle with some like Impostor in the church or something like that. Okay, but if someone in our church has a different idea about some doctrine that's not like You know, and he's not the person's not trying to spread that doctrine. You know, I'm gonna be I'm gonna be gentle with that person And we be gentle with that person they don't have to agree with everything I agree with or everything I preach we'll be gentle with that person try to teach them and you know what if they never agree with me. So what? You know and it may even turn out that one day I might find out that I don't that I'm not right about every little Thing okay, and there might be something in here that you believe that and I'm talking about smaller things, right? I'm not talking about salvation and the King James Bible and you know things that are like huge Like what I'm gonna get into is foundational stuff. This stuff better be right. Okay now in Hebrew chapter 5 verse 10 It says call to God and high priest at the order Melchizedek. We're talking about the Lord Jesus It says of whom we have many things to say and hard to be uttered Seeing your doll appearing the premise here is that we have a lot more stuff to say about Jesus and the fact that he's the high priest at the order Melchizedek, but we can't say that because your doll of hearing Why are they dull appearing? Why can't they go above? What they just said, you know, why why you know what? What's the stumbling block here? So the verse 12 it says for when for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again Which be the first principles of the oracles of God and are become such as of need of milk and a knot of strong meat For every one that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe But strong meat belonging to them that are a full age Even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised and discern both good and evil So what he's stating here is that okay. We have a lot more hard things to be uttered hard sayings if you will You know more complex things But we can't why because you need to learn the first principles You need to go back to the first principles of the oracles of God Well, the next chapter is going to show you what that is. It's not saying these people are unsaved Okay, he's basically saying you need to go back to the milk You can't handle strong meat Okay, so you have to start with the milk before you can get to the strong meat as much as I don't give James a Steak, you know, I he's gonna have milk first and then he builds up gets his teeth and works up to steak Okay Now go to the next chapter in Hebrew chapter 6 and verse 1 it says therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ That's the same thing. It was just talking about the print the first principles of the oracles of God Let us go on unto perfection Not laying again the foundation So he's basically saying we want to leave the first principles and go on to perfection Meaning we want to go above that go past the first principles, but it says not laying in the foundation What's the foundation the first principles is gonna state what these first principles are? Okay The foundation of repentance from dead works and a faith toward God, you know what that is salvation You thought that your good works got you saved you thought you know Keeping the commandments got you saved you need to repent and believe the gospel You need to repent of believing in your works to get you saved and believe on Lord Jesus Christ salvation You know what? another foundational doctrine is of the doctrine of baptisms verse 2 and I'm Laying on of hands and of resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment and this what we do if God permit so he's saying I want to go on to perfection with you if God permit but we you know if we have to lay this foundation of salvation the doctrine of baptisms laying on of hands resurrection of the dead and An eternal judgment we can't go any further Okay So here's a principle of teaching Don't go further until that foundational stuff is settled Okay, when you out soul winning do you go further with somebody if they don't if they're like, I'm not a sinner I never sin. Can you go anywhere with that person? What's the point of taking them to show them that you're gonna go to hell? They're gonna be like I don't sin So I don't care Right It'd be like well Jesus died for you. Well, I don't sin. I'm not going to hell. So why do I care, right? So you've got to start off and get the foundational stuff set or you can't go any further and teaching them anything else Okay, that's why Jesus, you know, the rich man left him sorrowful you say well Why didn't he go further with him because he thought he was good and justified, right? He's like I kept all the commandments for my youth up. What lack I yet Well, I mean, what do you do with someone like that if they won't admit that they've ever sinned or broken a commandment in their life Okay, so when it comes to teaching, you know what you got to do You got to keep it simple how you teach it, but you also need to start off with the foundational stuff okay, and So keep the foundation sure make sure that's set good because then everything else will build off of that now Another way to Teach or a good principle in teaching is using examples or using things that are similar To what you're trying to teach Go to mark chapter 4 mark chapter 4 So let's say I'm gonna teach on something. You know, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try to find something that you do know Something that's very simple that you know, but that's similar to what I'm trying to teach. Does that make sense? So like like well, I understand that right? So let me let me look at this over here, right? Let's say someone's like a mechanic right and they understand mechanics as far as like how a Car works with gears and stuff like that. Well, if I'm gonna try to explain to them ratios Guess what that person? Doesn't even really realize this but they know a lot about ratios just from understanding the gears in a transmission right and so It some of your like what are you talking about? What I'm trying to say is that you use something physical that they know they use all the time They don't even realize that that actually applies to what you're trying to teach them and they're like boom at night I use that all the time and you Transition something they know and it's something they don't know now with kids It's very simple. Like you got two apples you see it. You know what an apple is You know that there's one apple two apples. So, okay. Let's put a plus sign in between there. What does that give you? Okay, right and so you use something they know and understand something physical right and You try to teach them that Okay, and and you teach something else using something similar now Jesus does this all the time So if you want to know a good way to teach look at our Savior Okay, you want to know how to go soul winning? Look at our Savior, right? I mean Whenever I'm trying to figure out. Okay, how do I be a better teacher how to be a better preacher? Well, I'm gonna look at what Jesus did Okay, Jesus was very meek and lowly but yet he ripped face against false prophets But guess what? You know what? I want to be I want to be meek and lowly when I teach people But I'm gonna rip face against false prophets because I want to be like the best I'm gonna be like God and and try to be as much like him as I can and try to emulate what he does You know one way that he teaches is he likens Something that you don't understand on to something you do understand He does this with parables. He does this with with stories He does this with different things where he'll explain something and I want to use Jesus as an example of a great teacher and how he teaches complex things To people in a simple manner. Okay. Now look what it says in Mark chapter 4 and verse 30 March up before verse 30 Mark chapter 4 verse 30 says and he said whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God or with what? comparison shall we compare it does that sound familiar because that's constantly throughout Mark and And Matthew where he's like, what shall we liken the kingdom of heaven to you know, like what's it like? Right. I mean you're talking about something you can't see no one's you know, like you can't visually see this But what's it like? Explain to me what that's like. Okay. Well Verse 31. It is like a grain of mustard seed Now you wouldn't think that would have anything to do with heaven right like a mustard seed. What are you talking about? Now everybody knows what if you were like, okay. Well mustard yet you put on your like burger, right? Well, where does mustard come from it comes from? You know, there's a mustard tree if you will like and all this stuff and the spices and anyway a mustard seed Notice what it says here It's an herb, right? But it says it is like a grain of mustard seed which when it is sown in the earth is less than all the seeds That be in the earth. So it's basically saying it's a very small seed Okay, very tiny But when it is sown it growth up and become a greater than all herbs and shooteth out Great branches so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it So You can all picture if you've ever done any type of gardening Okay, it doesn't even have to be a mustard seed. It just has to be he's using this extreme example, right? But let's say you put like a tomato seed in the ground, right? It's small but then it grows into this great big tomato plant The mustard seeds kind of a greater example because it's even the mustard seeds even smaller than that But yet what comes out of that's even bigger than like the tomato plant, right? So the idea here is that how it's something that goes into the ground that's very small But then it sprouts out to be something very big now There's many things you can look at when it comes to this as far as the resurrection right if you think about the kingdom of heaven in the resurrection you sow your dead body and That which is so must die first and then it's raised as a spiritual body and it's showing you the difference As much as there's a difference in that grain of mustard seed and how big that is and how Insignificant that is and the difference as far as that tree and what that tree is That's the difference between your natural body and your spiritual body One example. Okay. Another example is that the seed has to die in order to produce this We die daily so that we can be fruitful and win people to Christ Jesus died so that we would all live See how it represents? Something spiritual but it's something physical that everybody can understand Can everybody understand here that we put a seed into our ground it grows into a plant or a tree? Like everybody knows that right you see that you can visibly see that And you know that that seed is a lot smaller than the tree that's out there standing right now That's the principle right very simple right small big insignificant very fruitful very, you know profitable, right The Same thing with the kingdom of heaven and he does this over and over again with different examples Okay, and shows different aspects of what the kingdom of heaven is like And he does it with physical things. Okay, so when it comes to teaching That's what I try to do. And this is why you have like the typical like three points three-point sermon Illustration poem and a prayer, you know, we kind of make fun of that right? You have a three-point sermon You have an illustration there's a poem in there for some reason And then you pray go home, you know, right The old, you know old IP you have an ultra call and then you go home, right? but There is a very good principle to have an illustrations though, right? Because an illustration may clear up the air and be like Oh, that's what you're trying to say. I Understand the illustration I understand the physical thing. You're trying to say that's what that's like. Oh, okay. Boom. There it is Right. And so in the Bible does this all the time? So sometimes the Bible is the best teacher meaning the Bible is going to use physical things to show the spiritual show the more complex Okay, so let's keep going here with just the thought process Hopefully this makes sense right you that when you're teaching you need to know what you're talking about So you need to study it when you're teaching you need to keep it simple Right and when you're teaching you need to get the foundation stuff first when you're teaching you want to use examples and comparisons things that people already know So that you can teach them something they don't know. Okay How about you know Trying to teach you God is for example. Okay, here's probably one of the hardest things to do Hey, you know why because in Isaiah 46 in verse 5 It says this to whom will you liken me and make me equal and compare me that we may be like right there You have you have quite a conundrum. We got a singular pronoun and a Singular personal pronoun and a plural personal pronoun feel like well, which one is it? It's both because there are three different record having the father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one and in that Same chapter it says this it says remember the former things of old for I am God and there is none else I am God and there's none like me Okay, you want a hard one? You Liking God to anything or anyone you can't you can't liken God to anyone right because no one like him, right? That's why you know people are just like wow, you know, they don't believe in the Trinity because they're like, well, you know There's nothing to compare it to yeah, I know he said there was nothing to compare it to this whole point But you can still understand it Be it could be understood. Does that make sense? Maybe you can't compare God the Godhead or God's being in Roman chapter 1 and verse 20 it says this for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seeing being Understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse. I Can't compare the Godhead to anything. I can't compare who God is to anyone But I can understand it It makes sense I can understand it by the things that are made because you can look at the universe's time space and matter and that's a Trinity Even our being is a Trinity in the fact that we're soul body and spirit You can look at the fact that there's time time has three parts You know three things to it You know past present future and go down the line in nature and how there's Trinity's within Trinity's within Trinity's, okay But are any of those like God? No None like them, but you can understand it Right, you can understand that the universe is made up of time space and matter You know Time is in space space doesn't matter But if you didn't have one of them It wouldn't be the universe All right. I understand that Okay Therefore God is three persons the father son and Holy Ghost These three are one God you didn't have one you wouldn't have God All right, I understand that Now doesn't mean I completely wrap my mind around it because you know why I don't have something physical to compare it to And that's why idolatry is wrong You know like making a graven image to God because there's nothing you can't compare him to an image Like it's impossible Even if you saw God to die compare to make him into a graven image You would not be able to do it justice and actually compare it to anything physical in this world Okay, and we won't really know that we will really be able to wrap our mind around that until we get to heaven but Do something about there now when it comes to You know the Bible when it comes to Understanding things examples. Okay, so you have illustrations, right? Which are very tied to examples But a lot of times you just need an example in the Bible to show you Like for example if I'm teaching on a certain doctrine, you know, I'm gonna do I'm gonna find a place in the Bible Where this was spoken about or even took took place, right? If I'm gonna talk about water baptism, you know, I'm gonna go you're gonna go places where people were water baptized So that makes sense, right? I mean would it make sense for me to talk about that and be like, you know I'm not gonna talk about John the Baptist baptizing anybody. I'm not gonna talk about you know, anybody else baptized I'm not gonna talk about Philip baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch Now I'm gonna go to the example of where it happened Okay, and the Bible says this it says in verse you get a Roman chapter I want you to go to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 Roman chapter 15 in verse 4 says this Romans chapter 15 verse 4 says for whatsoever things were written a fourth time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope and Then in 1st Corinthians 10 5 says but with many of them was God not pleased it was I'm sorry was God With many of them God was not well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness Now these things were our examples to the intent We should not lust after thing after evil things as they also lusted verse 11 now all these things happen unto them foreign samples and They are written for our admonition Upon whom the ends of the world are come So these examples, you know why they're there to teach us something So using examples when you're preaching or when you're teaching I believe is a very crucial tool in order to explain something to somebody Okay so Use a lot of examples and listen, you may use an example and that just doesn't work use a different one You know, if that example doesn't work use a different one out soul winning don't you do this all the time We use the example of a gift. We use the example of being born again. We use the example of whatever, you know like it's just like example example example example example until one of them clicks and you're like and It's funny because the ones you think will click don't click and then ones you're just like I don't think that's gonna end up clicking. They're like, boom. That's it It just clicks in their mind. You're like, I got it. That makes perfect sense They go back and like everything else makes sense to you now so use an example to Try to get them to understand what the important thing you're trying to get them to learn and understand that may be more complex How about this one go to John chapter 3? John chapter 3 dealing with Nicodemus, you know the story Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night and He says except the man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God And Nicodemus is confused. He's like, can I answer the second time in my mother's womb be born like Yeah, no It is it's hilarious when you read it because you're just like obviously that's not what he's saying Now you could say that being born again is an example. I think that's just facts Okay, meaning this is that that's just what it is. You just are born again. Okay, what I believe the example he uses though Is something different he uses the wind as example, okay so And obviously we can use being born again as an example in the Bible to show Salvation and how you can't lose you can't be unborn out of God's family all that right But when he's explaining what it what it's like to be born again or who's born again notice what it says in verse 8 So Romans 3 verse 8 says the wind bloweth where it listeth and now here's the sound thereof, but canst not tell Whence it cometh and whither it goeth. So is every one that is born of the Spirit. So what did Jesus do here? Because he's like, you know, what's what's you know, how do you know whether someone's born in spirit? Well, you can't see it Okay And that's why you know people are like, oh, I'm a fruit inspector. I can see it I can see it by what you're doing. It's like well What did you say about someone's born in the spirit? It says you can't see it, but it does say you can hear it Doesn't it? Is that interesting? Now that's a physical example, right because you don't see the wind but you hear it you can feel it Right, I can throw you off your feet, you know, like obviously the wind is something you can't see But you can you can sense it in other ways and he's just giving an example and I wouldn't take this too far Okay, sometimes when you get an example, you know, what the point trying to make is you can hear it though Can't see it, but you can hear it And How do I know whether someone's safe based off what I see them do or based what I hear them say they believe Okay So here's an example where God is Jesus is using a great example of the wind Because everybody knows what the wind if you ask the child out here be like, can you see the wind out there? They'd be like no Right. Do you see the air out there? Right now you can see the snow you can see the rain, right? So if you see the rain or snow getting blown in the wind, that's not the wind, right? That's the snow and the rain getting blown around in it. You don't see the wind though Okay, you see maybe the substance that it's throwing around so here's a great example and it's interesting because He rebukes Nicodemus because Nicodemus says Nicodemus answered and said unto him, how can these things be? Now, you know what the dispensationalist would say, you know, there's some new teaching right being born again Now, what does Jesus say here? He just answered and said unto him, art thou master of Israel? No, it's not these things You know what he's saying? He's like you should know this How are you a master in Israel not know that you need to be born again? Right. I mean that's what he's saying to him. This is in the Old Testament, by the way, because Jesus hasn't died yet Well, the point I want to get to though is verse go to verse 11 there Says verily verily I say unto thee, we speak that we know and testify that we have seen and you receive not our witness If I have told you earthly things and you believe not how shall you believe if I tell you heavenly things? See what he's saying here. I've showed you physical things Talking about physical things and you don't believe that you don't understand that how you can understand this Do you see what I'm saying there is that? Let's say you're trying to give an example to somebody to explain something more complex They don't understand an example and that's something very simple be like well, we need to learn this first then All right, let's step back from that Let's learn this Then they learn that then. Okay, you understand this now, right? All right, let's go on to the next subject Okay, and he's saying to Nick Dean is like you can't you're not even understanding physical things. I'm saying to you How can I tell you of heavenly things? Okay, and that's interesting because throughout the Bible and especially in the New Testament Jesus is constantly using physical things to explain the spiritual and it's like they're not getting it's going over their head It's Like, you know when I cast out a net there's things that are good and bad in that net Do you understand that like that? That's something very simple, right? You throw out a net you bring it in There's like a there's a toilet seat in there and there's some fish and then there's like, you know Like whatever like refuge is out in the sea, right and you're there's good and bad and there's good fish And there's bad fish and there's all that stuff, right? So that being said is that those are physical things that you don't need to be spiritual to understand You don't need know your Bible to understand. You just know from like life so That being said You need to understand simple earthly things To understand the spiritual things and when it comes to teaching kids and teaching other people things Start with the simple stuff that they understand and use that to explain the more complex now Let me explain this here in this last point. I want to make here How do you explain a complex doctrine? Okay Well the first step to explaining a complex doctrine You break it up into pieces Okay, I'm gonna use an example of this end times prophecy Okay, everybody look at end time probably like man is so complex now everybody here maybe after going through revelation You're like that's not that complex But teaching it, okay Imagine you know someone comes up to you says explain to me end times prophecy. Where do you start? What do you say? You just like here it is. It's all of it. You know, here's that chart figure it out You know, you just start telling them every little detail. You're just like 144,000 the two witnesses and they're like, whoa Where are we at, right? You don't start off with that type of stuff. Okay Here's what you do You get a structure Okay, when you do when you do a sermon you structure it. Okay, you structure the sermon Into pieces that are bigger pieces of a complex like smaller pieces of a complex puzzle But within that piece, there's a lot of complex things that could be talked about But overall the overall picture of that one little piece is pretty simple Okay You explain that get that nailed in Then you go on to the other piece you explain that get that nailed in and explain the other piece Explain that get that nailed in and be like, here's the structure this this this Got the structure Okay, after you get that structure established, okay, that's kind of your baseline foundation and be like, well, I know this I know this I know this Now, okay. Let's dive into this one over here and let's get into some really my new details So I'm gonna liken this on to The first thing you need to do is make the structure make sure that sound make sure that's simple Okay, simply understood structure Then you add on the architecture Okay, think about the building think about a building right you have Like walls that are holding it up. You have a roof that's on it. That's all you need to hold it up You don't need a drywall. You don't need lights You don't need trim You don't need chairs. You don't need furniture You don't need any of that if you do get out of that building Because it shouldn't need all that. Okay, this is a miss banking on those lights holding this building up Then you better get out of it You see what I'm saying? Is that the structure is very simple and it's it's it's very bare-bones. Okay But all these meticulous details about the drywall the carpet the the lights the the furniture all that stuff that is the details So if I was gonna explain our building to somebody I wouldn't say hey, we got these nice Hercules chairs in there It'd be like I don't care about your chairs What's the size of your building like what's holding it up, right? Does that make sense? Like you don't start off with the very minute details you start off with the big basic picture This building is like a big L shape. It's you know, this is the structure boom then you can get into all the details Okay, let me give you an example of this and then it will be done I just want to give you one example in times prophecy Let's break this up Okay, if you're gonna explain to somebody what do you break up say? Okay in times prophecy consists of tribulation rapture wrath Structure boom there. It is very simple. I can explain that to you in two seconds Tribulation rapture wrath, okay and Okay, well prove it. So what do you do when you do that? Okay. Let me show you from the Bible that That's the sequence of events and that's what it consists of. Okay, go to first Thessalonians chapter 3 first Thessalonians chapter 3 So this is this is an example Maybe this is on my mind because I'm going through revelation and you know Obviously in times would be on my mind going through the book of Revelation But this would apply to anything Okay And when it comes to any type of doctrine that I would try to teach you What I try to do is I try to break it up into maybe three points four points two points Whatever the case may be that are bigger pieces That I can break down and explain and by the end of the sermon you put it all together Okay So when it comes to this and I'm gonna explain end times prophecy tribulation rapture wrath tribulation on the Saints Rapture of the Saints wrath of God upon the unsaved Boom, that's it. I mean that's that's end times prophecy You could close your Bibles and go home, but here's the thing Let me prove it to you first Thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 3 first of all Let me show you that that the Saints are gonna go through tribulation Not only in the end times but just in general But it says in verse 3 that no man should be moved by these afflictions for yourselves No that we are appointed there unto for verily when we were with you We told you before that we should suffer tribulation even as it came to pass and you know Now when you get into Matthew 24 if you were to look at first Thessalonians 3 4 & 5 You're gonna see tribulation rapture wrath when you go through Matthew 24, you can see tribulation rapture wrath You're gonna see those in order that direction, okay, and Matthew 24 No one would dispute that that's end times prophecy. Okay Verse 21 it says is I want you to stay in first Thessalonians I'm gonna read to you Matthew 24 and you can obviously write it down if you want Matthew 24 and verse 21 it says for then shall be great tribulation such as Such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time. No, nor ever shall be So what we see first coming up Tribulation well, we're appointed unto that and Then it says the fact that hey, there's gonna be tribulations this great tribulation such as the world's never seen. Okay? Well, what's what should be next? Well in chapter 4 go to first thessalonians chapter 4 next on the list is the rapture Well, this is the most famous rapture passage in the Bible. I've never run into anybody They called themselves a Christian and they say that this is in the rapture besides people that deny there is a rapture Okay, but let's just leave them out and left field somewhere and just deal with the fact that Everybody that believes in the rap everybody believes that that we're gonna be raptured out. They believe this is the rapture Okay, so the next thing on the timeline here is rapture in verse 15 So first Thessalonians 4 and verse 15 says for this we know we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven With a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God and a dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words So in Thessalonians, what do we have chapter 3? We're appointed on afflictions and and tribulation chapter 4 We're gonna be raptured out All the Saints both the dead in Christ everybody that's died before in Christ and everybody that's alive remains gonna be caught up together with them in the clouds Matthew 24 just so you know Matthew 24 21 is where it says that there's gonna be a great tribulation such as the world's never seen Matthew 24 29 says immediately after the tribulation Okay So now we're after the tribulation in sequence immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the month the moon shall not give her light and the Stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of heaven shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other if you don't see the rapture they're Comparing that with first Thessalonians chapter 4 I can't help you. But you see what's the sequence of events? There's great tribulation after that tribulation. What's immediately happening? Jesus comes in the clouds. We're all gathered together The angels gathered together were caught up together in the clouds and so shall we ever be with the Lord? well according to my Simple structure what's next? wrath Okay, we'll go to first Thessalonians chapter 5. We should find wrath, shouldn't we? Now not necessarily, you know, like it's not like if it wasn't in first Thessalonians 5 that doesn't mean that that's not true it's just interesting that first Thessalonians 3 4 & 5 follows the same exact structure as Matthew 24 of Tribulation after wrath, you know why because it's right Okay, but let me show you here in verse 1 of first Thessalonians chapter 5 But of the times and seasons brethren you have no need that I write unto you For yourself know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night For when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman Which child and they shall not escape So What do you see? You see God's wrath being poured out, don't you? because the same day that we're raptured out is the same day that he's gonna pour out wrath upon this earth and It says in verse 9 there It says for God hath not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ You see very simple. We're appointed under tribulations and afflictions. We're gonna be raptured out Then he's gonna pour out his wrath on this earth, but we're not appointed under that Because we're raptured out so we're not gonna be there and Then Matthew 24, does it talk about wrath? Well, Matthew 24 37 Do you see that and you can look at this when you're going through Matthew 24, Matthew 24 21 tribulation So 21 tribulation 29 after the tribulation rapture happens 37 is 37 bigger than 29 and I know we're talking about simple math here, but it's 20 is Is 29 bigger than 21? Yeah, so 21 happens first 29 happens next 37 happens next. Okay. So what do we have tribulation rapture? We should see wrath verse 37 But as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be for as in the days That were before the flood they were eating and drinking Marrying and given in marriage giving in marriage until the day that Noah Entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be what happened when the flood came Did they all just have paradise on earth or did they all die? They were all destroyed Okay. Now it also likens it on the lot Right it likens is coming up to lot and the fact that you know what the same day the lot went out of Sodom and Gomorrah He destroyed it with fire and brimstone Very Simple you see how that's very simple. Here's structure tribulation rapture at Okay Prove it cuz you got to prove it right? You can't just make a structure and then be like well just take my word for It well prove it from the Bible. Okay, so the Bible very clear that structure is there now Let's get into the details I'm not going to okay my times up. Okay, but now Okay, let's dive into the tribulation what's going on how long does that go on for Who's in that? You know, what's what's the Antichrist doing? You know, like what leads up to that? You know what all that rapture? Okay, what happens at the rapture? When does that take place within that timeline? right, okay What's the wrath look like seven trumpets seven vials like all this stuff? What's going on? Do you see how you start with the structure before you start talking about like, you know a Polyon opening up the bottomless pit and locusts from hell coming out and you're just like whoa What are you talking about? But if you've established that structure be like, all right, we're talking about God's wrath Alright, we're in God's wrath. That means that the tribulation is over and all God's people have been raptured out We're with God in heaven now, we're talking about the fact that he's punishing the earth and he's using locusts Simple, okay. I hope that helps it. If anything I hope if there's any sermon you understand It's a sermon where I'm trying to teach you how to teach. Okay, so I hope that helps is that you know what? Okay, first of all, you need to study you need to you need to read and study the material you're trying to teach Second keep it simple third You got to lay that foundation, okay lay the foundation of very simple things build up from there Okay, use examples use the illustrations of things. They already know to explain things they don't know and When you explain it have a structure to how you're explaining it meaning that you're gonna teach the overall view pieces of the overall view I think about like think about like just a you know, I think like ancestry type of Tree if you will you start with the overall thing you're trying to teach break it down It's the bigger pieces break that down break that down break that down break that down Okay, but you don't start down on the most meticulous little thing and just start there Okay, because that's not smart. Okay. I hope that makes sense because obviously we should learn to be good teachers and Hopefully I'm a good teacher to some certain extent But what am I doing pastoring, you know, because obviously I need to be a teacher and teach you the Bible But that's I just want to give you an insight into how I view it how I write a sermon. That's how I do it Okay, I know it's a little it's not, you know, super Like to the point like what do you do when you're typing it out? I'm like, what do you do? I'm literally thinking of a big a doctrine. How do I break that down to make it simple? How do I structure it? That's probably the hardest part about writing this sermon is structuring it What do I talk about first? What do I go into first? That's probably the hardest thing when it comes to doing a sermon What do I do next? And you know what? My sermon ends up being when I get done with a sermon I'll end up switching all that stuff around be like no, I'm gonna hit that one first and I'm gonna move this over here and Why because I want I want to look at it as if I don't know that subject and I know I'm going off-road here Think about when you're teaching somebody think about someone that knows nothing about the subject Put yourselves in that shoe. They know nothing about that subject. What do you have to do to teach them that? Okay, that's how that's how you teach. Well now obviously I'm trying to do it better every every time every time I preach but That's the principles I use so let's end with a word prayer You know the father we think of it today thinking for your word and just pray to you to help us to be good teachers Both with the Bible but also just in general with teaching our children and even teaching maybe for our job or anything like that Lord just pray to help us to to keep things simple, but Obviously to be be able to explain complex things and what we just thank you for your word and thank you for teaching us with Your Holy Spirit and what we love you in prayer. Listen to use Christ name. Amen It's by the day of come and sing one more song and I will be dismissed You Alright take your song books and turn to song 195 Song 195 will sing I will sing of the mercies But Brother wait, I forgot to sing. Happy birthday to your brother. Now everybody sit down except brother. Wait, you stay standing up Brother Jason you sit down. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's how I'm that's how I'm gonna get you from now on All right. I'm like everybody stand. No, no, everybody sit down brother. We just say it standing up. All right, when's your birthday? What day is it tomorrow? Well, happy birthday brother will sing. Happy birthday to brother wait, right? Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday God bless you Happy birthday To you every birthday brother. All right. Now everybody else stand up. We'll sing song 195. Oh sing of the mercies