(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. You Well, good morning everyone, welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 315 Song 315 in your song books will sing take my life and let it be And if you would stand We'll sing song 315 Take my life and let it be Consecrated Lord to thee Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of thy love at the impulse of thy love Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for the Take my voice and let me see always only for my key Always only for my key Take my silver and my gold not a might would I withhold Take my moments and my days Let them flow in ceaseless praise Praise Let them flow in ceaseless praise Take my will and make it thine It shall be no longer mine Take my heart It is thine own It shall be thy royal Throne it shall be thy royal throne Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord We just want to thank you God for another day that we get to Come out to your house and hear your word preached I pray Lord now that you would just be with our pastor feeling with your power and spirit also be with the Just our anniversary service the activities to follow the service and we love you and pray all of us in Jesus name. Amen And if you would take you may be seated take your song books and turn to song 121 Song 121 We'll sing like a river glorious Song 121 Like a river glorious Is God's perfect peace Overall victorious And it's bright increase Perfect yet it flow with fuller every day Perfect yet it grows with deeper all the way Stayed upon Jehovah Hearts are fully blessed Finding as he promised Perfect peace and rest Hey In the hallow of his blessed hand Never folk can follow Never traitors stand Not a surge of worry Not a shade of care Not a blast of hurry Touch the spirit there Stayed upon Jehovah Hearts are fully blessed Finding as he promised Perfect peace and rest Every joy or trial Falleth from above Traced upon our diome By the Son of love We may trust him fully All for us to do They who trust us wholly Find him wholly true Stayed upon Jehovah Hearts are fully blessed Finding as he promised Perfect peace and rest Church on this Sunday morning and this is our sixth year anniversary to the day So we started in 2017 on September 17th so make sure I got the right bulletin here yep so good to be back thanks for all the prayers with the traveling and all that stuff so we made it back safely all our children are still alive you know like all those things when it comes to vacation that's kind of my big goal is that I keep my children alive but but big day today we're going to have a big fellowship in between the services for our anniversary service and so we're going to have food and everything else out at the pavilion there's a there's a bounce house out there for the kids to jump around on but I do say this that you need to watch your children over there and make sure that you're there when they're bouncing in that house so they're not hurting themselves or hurting other people or all that stuff so I think there's a limit to the amount of kids that are in there I don't know what that limit is off the top of my head there is a dunk tank out there and I really regret that decision because I was looking at the weather this morning it was in the 50s this morning when I woke up and I'm like what why did we do this so maybe it's just gonna be brother Dave in the tank I don't know I brought stuff to get in that thing but do you want me let me ask you a question yes would you want me to get in that thing I see a lot of head shaking so I thought I thought you guys loved me no but I I brought stuff to get in there or whatever so it's hopefully someone in here knows CPR when I have hypothermia when I get in that thing but all joking aside we're having that fellowship in between so we're as far as our normal soul winning time I'm not obviously saying anybody can't go soul winning but obviously there's gonna be that fellowship in between there so if anybody's wanting to go soul winning get with me a brother Dave and we'll figure out places for you to go and and people to go with and all that stuff and so you know we're obviously if you want to go so winning you will send you out to go soul winning but we do have a soul winning marathon and we actually had a solar marathon yesterday that went really well that brother Charles led up we're gonna do another soul winning marathon in the Cleveland area and so that's gonna be this coming Saturday and I need to make a video on that actually and we need to get that Panera or wherever we're gonna meet up at and then we're gonna we're gonna do a video on that so I'll give you some more details on that as far as the meetup place but that'll be this coming Saturday so and then so if you can come out to that that'd be great and then the regional sewing times as well this week are on the list there so if you want to go out someone during the week there's those times and the men that lead those up the the prayer meeting the women's prayer meeting will be this Friday so remember that we've changed the women's prayer meeting from being a Saturday morning to a Friday evening and then the men's prayer meeting will be the next Friday and then like I said we had that soul winning marathon that's that's gonna be in Cleveland Ohio so we'll give you some more details about that as far as the meetup place for it our chapter memory for the month is Malachi chapter 4 and so we're memorizing the book of Malachi so and then Amos 5 15 is our memory verse of the week hate the evil and love the good and establish judgment in the gate it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph so that is our memory verse for the week and then birthdays we pretty much have to sing to the whole Gandy family right so what's today's the 17th so we definitely have Avery because it is her birthday today but we have to sing to Dave Tabby I think even Clara because I think technically Clara was we were out yeah so we didn't so Rose Spina but the spinas are still out today right so we'll get her later obviously you know when they come when they come in the church and all that stuff so but be in prayer for for Amanda as they just had their their little girl there and then Jasinth is coming up tomorrow right so why can I there okay is she not here okay so we'll get her later and then as far as the last one here so I'm like I can't like see anybody for some reason so we'll have to get David McShea later and then and then Levi you're not till next week so get you later and then anniversaries we have the Morris's on here so we'll have to get them later and then so just remember all that whatever I just said that's what we got to pray here what we got it we got to sing there for and like I said on the pregnancy list there congratulations to the spinas on their new arrival and then be in prayer for the Alaska family and with their new baby and then be in prayer for the ladies on the list here Jennifer Alyssa Anastasia and Abby on the pregnancy list there and so be in prayer then everything goes well there I think if there's anything else on the announcement list just so everybody knows we're all good you know there's no there's no commotion in the church or anything like that so I know there was some drama online and stuff like that but but we're all good and but just so you know that and so I'm happy to be back and I'm happy to be a part of this church and everything I'm trying to there's anything else that there is there anything else as far as like the food or anything like that or we'll figure it out after the service so the offering boxes in the back there if you want to give a tithe and offering the mother baby rooms and mother for the mother's babies only and yeah I think that's it we'll figure it out I'll make an announcement later I forget something so brother Joseph is gonna be reading Amos chapter 5 for us after you do one more song all right take your song books and turn to song 116 song 116 in your song books will sing he leadeth me but before we do that we need to sing happy birthday to Clara Tabby Avery and myself I'm the most important one on this list I can sing to myself see myself all the time you gotta go sit down and then stand up when I tell you to all right all those that he mentioned stand up that means you brother Dave so who else we have Avery Abby the rest of the Gandhi's I'm just kidding so let's sing happy birthday to all these happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday God bless you happy birthday to you all right all right so we'll sing song 116 he leadeth me Oh blessed on Oh words with heavenly comfort from what air I do where air I be still tears God's hand that leave with me he leadeth me he leadeth me by his own hand he leadeth me his faithful follower I would be for by his hand he leadeth me sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom sometimes Eden's borrowed bloom by water still or troubled sea still tears his hand that leave me he leadeth me he leadeth me by his own hand he leadeth me his faithful follower I would be for by his hand he leadeth me Lord I would class thy hand and mine nor ever murmur nor repine content whatever lot I see says tears my god that leadeth me he leadeth me he leadeth me own hand he leadeth me his faithful follower I would be by his hand he leadeth me and when my task on earth is done when by thy grace the victories won Eden's cold wave I will not flee since God through Jordan leadeth me he leadeth me he leadeth me own hand he leadeth me his faithful follower I would be for by his hand he leadeth me all right take your Bibles and turn to the book of Amos chapter number five Amos five we'll have brother Joseph read that for us Amos five right between Joel and Jonah it's a little trickier to get to small book Amos five and if you found your place there you'll say amen hear ye this word which I take up against you even an lamentation Oh House of Israel the Virgin of Israel is fallen she shall no more rise she is forsaken upon her land there is none to raise her up for thus saith the Lord God the city that went out by a thousand shall leave and hundred and that went which went forth by an hundred shall leave ten to the house of Israel for thus saith the Lord unto the house of Israel seek ye me and ye shall live but seek not Bethel nor enter into gal Gilgal and pass not in to bear Sheba or Gilgal shall surely go into captivity and Bethel shall come to naught seek the Lord and you shall live lest the lest he break out like fire in the house of Joseph and devour it and there be none to quench it in Bethel ye who turn judgment to wormwood and leave off righteousness in the earth seek him that maketh the seven stars in Orion and turneth the shadow of death into the morning and make it the day dark with night that calls for the waters of the sea and pour them out upon the face of the earth the Lord is his name that strengthen it this the spooled against the strong so that the spooled shall come against the fortress they hate him that rebuketh in the gate and they abhor him that speaketh up rightly for as much therefore as you're treading is upon the poor and you take from him burdens of wheat ye ye have built houses of hewn stone but ye shall not dwell in them ye have planted pleasant vineyards but ye shall not drink wine of them for I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins they afflict the just they take a bribe and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their right therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time for it is an evil time seek good and not evil that ye may live and so the Lord the God of hosts shall be with you as ye have spoken hate the evil and love the good and establish judgment in the gate it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph therefore the Lord the God of hosts the Lord saith saith thus willing shall be in all streets and they shall say in all the highways alas alas and they shall come the husbandman to the morning and such as are skillful of lamentation to wailing and in all vineyards shall be wailing for I will pass through thee saith the Lord well unto you that desire the day of the Lord to what end is it for you the day of the Lord is darkness and not light as it if a man did flee from a lion and a bear met him or went into a house into the house and leaned his hand on the wall and a serpent bit him shall not the day of the Lord be darkness and not light and even every dark and no brightness in it I hate I despise your feast days and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings I will not accept them neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat breasts beasts take thou away from me the noise of thy songs for I will not hear the melody of thy voils but let judgment run down as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream have you offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years O house of Israel but you have borne the tabernacle of your malloc and Cheyenne your images the star of your God which he made to yourselves therefore I will cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus saith the Lord whose name is the God of hosts pray Lord father thank you for this time we're able to gather together this morning Lord thank you for your pure holy word Lord I thank you for the seven years of Mountain Baptist and ask that you continue to guide and grow this church Lord Lord I ask you be with pastor Robinson edifies this morning Jesus name amen almost seven six years although I like I like where your heads at we're already we're already time flies and you're having fun though so but but yeah I know I when it comes to you know six years it's kind of crazy how long it's been which we're still a young church I mean six years is not like ten years and we haven't been here for a decade but but it just seems like just recently we started this thing and we had that built the original building that we were in and all that so it's been a blessing and obviously seeing the church grow seeing the soul saved all of that this sermon this morning is called hate the evil and love the good and this is more so gonna be geared towards a church hating the evil and loving the good and the idea of what type of church you want to have and what type of church I believe God wants us to be and look down in Amos chapter 5 verse 14 there Amos chapter 5 verse 14 is this idea of there's this balance of loving the good and hating evil and we want to not leave off either one of those and that's what says here in Amos chapter 5 verse 14 it says seek good and not evil that you may live and so and so the Lord the God of hosts shall be with you as you have spoken hate the evil and love the good and establish judgment in the gate it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph now the whole premise of this chapter is dealing with how Israel is going to be taken captive because of the fact that they are actually you know perverting judgment and they're doing all these things that they shouldn't be doing and this is where Syria and well we're talking Damascus actually of Syria is dealing with this but then we know that ultimately Israel is gonna be taken out by Assyria which is a different country but the idea here is that he's basically calling out to them saying hey you need to hate the evil and love the good and establish judgment or you know this is gonna happen to you and the idea is that if you do this then it may be that the Lord will be gracious and that he'll actually keep you from captivity and keep you from judgment and this is a principle that the Bible teaches throughout as far as hating the evil and loving the good and in the world that we live in hate is a bad word for some reason and among Christians they think that like well you should never hate anything or hates bad and they'll almost use it like a cuss word like as far as like oh you should never say that word hate yet the Bible uses it all the time and a good sense now can hate be bad of course can right but you need to be hating the right thing and hating the evil is something that we need to do go to Romans chapter 12 Romans chapter 12 and verse 9 Romans chapter 12 verse 9 now in the Bible there's different terms that are used to talk about hate for example there's a poor loathe despise right there's a lot of different words that are used or synonyms if you will and to me a poor if you pour something to me that seems a little stronger I'm not saying it is don't quote me on that me like well pastor Robinson has qualified which ones are more severe you know it's just when I when I say I loathe something you know or I pour that it seems like you're putting a little more intensity on that hate if I say I hate that over there and you're you're like do you hate that I abhor it you know it's kind of like you're putting another level on it but again I think a lot of times we're just dealing with synonyms here and just if you didn't understand what that he hated it or if you're trying to say well you know should we really hate it or should we love it less you know and it gets into this idea of like redefining what hate means but the Bible uses different terms to basically illustrate the same thing in verse 9 here Romans chapter 12 verse 9 says let love be without the simulation a poor that which is evil and cleave to that which is good so now we have what we're supposed to hate evil we're also supposed to pour that which is evil a poor which is another word that would mean to hate something to loathe something things like that go to Hebrew chapter 1 Hebrew chapter 1 this is our Lord Jesus and let's see what it says about him when when God the Father is talking about the Son Hebrew chapter 1 verse 8 Hebrew chapter 1 verse 8 verse 8 here says but unto the Son he saith I throne Oh God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom so obviously Jesus is God the Son is God just as much as the Father and it says here in verse 9 thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity so notice that you see the same type of thing that's you know love that which is good hate that which is evil here it's saying that he loved righteousness and hated iniquity therefore God even thy God has annoyed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows so obviously he's talking about how God the Father is God as well to Jesus and God the Son is God to the Father and because we have the Trinity the Father Son the Holy Ghost and the Bible says there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one they're co-equally God there's three separate persons but co-equally God and that's another sermon for another day but the idea here is that Jesus it says that he loved righteousness and hated iniquity so when people say well Jesus didn't hate anything false it's not true and you say well you know I I thought that well you need to stop thinking of what you thought God who God is or or what the Bible says on an issue you should actually look at what the Bible actually says now when it comes to hating evil okay what I want to define some terms for you what I'm gonna say here is that hating evil is the beginning of knowledge you're like man hating something is the beginning of knowledge well go with me on this journey on defining terms here because notice what it says go to Proverbs chapter 8 Proverbs chapter 8 Proverbs chapter 8 and verse 13 Proverbs chapter 8 and verse 13 so pretty simple so far shouldn't love that which is evil and we definitely shouldn't hate that which is good it should be the other way around right we should love and we should hate that which is evil and love that which is good and Proverbs 8 and verse 13 it says this it says the fear the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance see in the evil way in the froward mouth do I hate okay so what's what's the definition of fearing the Lord then hating evil that's so you can put here in the Lord equals hate evil okay now go to Psalm 19 Psalm 19 and verse 9 he's like oh that doesn't make sense you know I mean is that right fear I mean hate fearing Lord you know hate you know you need to hate the fear the Lord that seems wrong that seems not right that seems you know yeah that doesn't seem pure well let's see what the Bible says about that and Psalm 19 and verse 9 says the fear the Lord is clean enduring forever the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous all together you know when people look at it say well you know you shouldn't hate anything Bible says it's clean and it endures forever all that those judgments in the Old Testament you know where God put the get put the death murderers and adulterers and sodomites and all these different people you know what that's that's that's that's that's that's not that's not pure that's that that's wicked really because the Bible says that his judgments are true and righteous all together it says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil and the fear of the Lord is clean that means it's clean all together to hate that which is evil and then go to go to Psalm Psalm 111 Psalm 111 verse 10 I'm just defining some terms here a plus B equals C I mean this is pretty simple pretty simple math here your Lord hate evil fearing the Lord is clean that's a good thing I shouldn't have to define that right it's kind of like we should know that fearing the Lord is a good thing right it's not wrong to fear the Lord it's be considered clean right and righteous but just so you know it says it but then it goes on to say in Psalm 11 verse 10 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom so here follow me in this logical journey here the fear of the Lord is the hate evil the fear of the Lord is beginning wisdom therefore hating evil is the beginning of wisdom that's not the only obviously fearing the Lord you know you can fear Lord and just fear him because of who you are and fear the Lord because of who he is don't get me wrong I'm not I'm not pigeonholing just fear the Lord is just being hating evil but you know what the Bible if you're gonna look up the fear of the Lord it's the hate evil it's clean and that's the beginning of wisdom so the fear of the Lord is the beginning wisdom a good understanding have all they that do his commandments and praise endureth forever go to Proverbs chapter 1 Proverbs chapter 1 Proverbs chapter 1 let me just give you some other verses on this the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord and the fear of the Lord is the hate evil pride arrogance seeing the evil way and the froward-mouth do I hate listen you can't claim to be a wise man you can't claim to know wisdom and knowledge and not hate evil literally it's impossible in Proverbs 1 verse 5 it says a wise man will hear and will increase learning a man of understanding shall attain into wise councils to understand a proverb in the interpretation the words of the wise and in their dark sayings so what's the premise here what are we trying to do we're trying to understand doctrine we're trying to understand deep things of God we're trying to understand parables and dark sayings well how do you do that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and knowledge and instruction I want you to see that dichotomy here those that love wisdom will fear the Lord and attain more wisdom the opposite of that is despising it and if you love evil you despise wisdom and you despise knowledge knows what it says in Proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 give instruction to a wise man in Proverbs 9 verse 9 give instruction to a wise man and he will yet he he will be yet wiser teach a just man and he will increase in learning the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding so over and over and over again we see here that the fear Lord is the beginning of knit of wisdom knowledge you're going to understand those those dark sayings the parables the proverbs like you're going to understand these things if you fear the Lord but how do you fear the Lord you hate evil you hate pride and arrogance see in the forward now you have to hate that which is evil in order to attain unto wisdom and knowledge and listen there needs to be a balance here because you don't want to you don't want to just be hating everything you don't want to love everything the whole point the whole premise here a poor that which is evil and love that which is good is that you have both right you love something and you hate something but you should never be I just need to love everything what I'm gonna what I'm gonna preach about today is the fact that if you try to love everything you end up hating that which is good that's the end game you end up hating that which is good when you love that which is evil to love that which is good you have to hate that which is evil by definition go to Micah chapter 3 Micah chapter 3 Micah chapter 3 Jonah Micah name you find Jonah the one over Micah chapter 3 Micah chapter 3 and what this comes down to is that there's a lot of churches these days a lot of pastors these days that actually love the evil and hate the good and what they they end up doing is they they end up wanting to they want they want to just basically take off this first portion and just do the love portion right and they don't want to hate anything because to them hate is bad yeah when I get done with a sermon if you think that hate is bad in all cases then you don't know your Bible at all I mean you haven't attained them to the beginning wisdom yet so in proper I'm sorry in Micah chapter 3 and verse 1 it says I said here I pray you Oh heads of Jacob and ye princes of the house of Israel is it not for you to know judgment who hate the good and love the evil who pluck off their skin from off them and their flesh from their bone off their bones who also eat the flesh of my people and flay their skin from off them and they break their bones and chop them in pieces as for the pot and as flesh within the cauldron I mean we're seeing a pretty vicious type of mentality here that's going on in Micah but he's stating that is it not for you to know judgment but you hate you actually hate the good and love the evil whereas in Amos it says you need to hate the evil and love the good they have a completely backwards and you know what the Bible says about those that that hate it says in says in Proverbs one where we were seeing where it says the fear of the Lord is beginning of knowledge right Proverbs 129 says for they for that they hated knowledge that did not choose the fear of the Lord so get this to fear the Lord you have to hate evil and if you fear the Lord you have the beginning of knowledge but the opposite is true meaning this is that because you didn't choose the fear of the Lord and to hate evil you actually hate knowledge you hate wisdom you can't have it both ways you have to hate that which is evil in order to love that which is good and I'll say this it's no marvel that there's pastors out there and there's churches out there that love that which is evil and they just can't understand this for some reason let me ask you a question is that shocking to you when you see what we just read there is it shocking to you that they just can't they just can't get it and you show them in the Bible where it says we need to hate that which is evil we need to hate those that hate the Lord and I'm gonna be getting into these verses we need to actually hate certain things in this world and they're just like no we should never hate we should never do anything like that and then you're just like why don't you see it because they haven't got to the beginning of knowledge yet and you know what in a lot of cases in a lot of cases you're dealing with unsaved people in some cases you're dealing with saved people I'm gonna be getting into that and the fact that you're dealing sometimes you're dealing with saved people that are in this case and well one to them if they love that which is evil and hate that which is good obviously in the world you can kind of expect that to be the case but go to uh go to Psalm 97 Psalm 97 Psalm 97 now there's a church that I'm not gonna name because they didn't name me but there's a church that literally loves pedophiles and homos to the point where they kicked out people that love the Lord and want to go soul winning I mean that if that isn't the definition of loving that which is evil and hating that which is good I don't know where you go from there and listen there's gonna be judgment upon that upon that pastor upon that church for that I mean that'd be the conclusion to my message when I get to that but the thing is is that what I want to understand is that we don't want to be like that and this is a sermon listen if there's a church out there if there's pastors out there they're just like no we should love everything we should love the sinner hate the sin well listen you why don't you just get a poster of Gandhi and put it on behind your pulpit because that's his quote all sin is equal nope Jesus said that those that brought that delivered you unto me or delivered me unto you hath the greater sin put that in your pipe and smoke it and they have the greater damnation if you can't see that stealing a pencil when you're in grade school and and murdering somebody in cold blood are two different levels of sin I can't help you you're either willingly ignorant or you're evil I mean I guess you could just be not intelligent right and you just can't understand things and that can happen I guess there's three categories there you're just a dunce and can't understand things and don't know English grammar don't know logic or you're willingly wanting to be ignorant of that or you're evil and so in Psalm 97 I know this is this too hard of a sermon on our anniversary but listen the thing is is that we want our church to have both we're gonna love that which is good and hate that which is evil we're gonna love souls we're gonna go out and give them the gospel and get them safe but I'm also gonna hate that which is evil listen yeah the sodomite agenda out there I hate it by the way I hate the sodomites too I hate the pedophiles I hate you know what I hate the the the wicked reprobate people that are that are running our country and putting into the ground guess what I hate those evil people listen I love the people of America and I want to see them saved and I want to see them get back to the things of God and I want to see America actually get back to being a Christian nation and actually love the Lord and do that which is right but the way to do that is not just a love everything that the wicked people do and love all that stuff and I'm gonna be getting the verses on this but the thing is is in Psalm 97 verse 10 here says ye that love the Lord hate evil listen if you don't hate evil then you don't love the Lord does that mean you're not saved no listen we left him because he first loved us it doesn't say thou shalt love the Lord and thou shalt be saved it says believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved listen should we love the Lord though yes and listen if you love evil then you don't love the Lord simple as that he preserved the souls of the Saints he delivered them out of the hand of the wicked go to Proverbs chapter 6 you know the Lord hates things right go to Proverbs 6 and verse 16 and listen I don't have this in my notes but let me just let me just read to you you're going to Proverbs chapter 6 I want to read to you the first church that's that's written to in Revelation to Ephesus I want you to see something here and this is unto the church the angel of the church of Ephesus write these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walked in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles or not and has found them liars and has borne and has patience and for my name's sake has labored and has not fainted nevertheless I have a few something I have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy first love remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works now that's a whole nother term for another day I believe is dealing with soul winning and the first works of the Great Commission and loving the lost and getting them saved and all that but then it says or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy candlestick out of his place except I'll repent but this thou hast so it's kind of like he's like rebuking them like hey you need to get back to this and you get back to the first works here but you have this but this thou hast thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans which I also hate so notice he's saying you need to get back to the first love right so the first works you also you're but you're doing one thing right here you're hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans and notice that he said which I also hate that's the Lord Jesus speaking there stating that so you got to think about these churches and how we should be thinking about how Jesus would speak to us now I don't know what the deeds of the Nicolaitans were or the doctrine of the Nicolaitans right I you know but all I know is that Ephesus hated it and Jesus hated it you know what that means is that there's deeds out there that we should hate and that God hates and I'm sure these preachers out there be like well we hate the deed you know we just love the sinner you know and let I'll give that in a minute but here's thing though in Proverbs chapter 6 and verse 16 it says these six things that the Lord hate ye seven are an abomination unto him a proud look a lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood and heart that divides wicked imaginations feet that be swift in running to mischief a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among brethren so the Lord hates at least seven things here and you're like well it says six listen it's a poetic way of saying it okay it's six yay seven and what you're getting into is that when it says eight abomination is something you detest or you you despise right you say well that's the Lord though he can hate things we can't oh you know that you know things that are an abomination to the Lord you know we can't we can't there can't be things that are abominable to us and it was weird even saying that right because that's ridiculous but how about this go to Proverbs chapter 29 Proverbs chapter 29 I know I've had I've had some people say like when I say that place is an abomination to me they're like you can't just put that out there like that abomination is just like any other word okay it's not like it's like the vine you know like where it's like well you can only say what the Bible says is an abomination listen Burger King is a Burger King is an abomination I mean maybe you don't agree but you should I hate that place okay it's disgusting but listen abomination just means something you detest you hate you loathe you're poor you wish didn't exist like Burger King it's definitely that but no so says in Proverbs 29 verse 27 it says in an an unjust man is an abomination to the just and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked you know that word abomination sometimes the wicked will use that against the just how about the fact that the it talks about the Egyptians that when when when Israel was in Egypt before they before they got out right pharaohs like do your sacrifices here and he said we can't because they're an abomination unto the Egyptians and they even talked about how being a shepherd was an abomination to the Egyptians so that word can be used it doesn't mean that it's right right you can say well I think you're you're loathing and hatred for Burger King is unfounded and that's your opinion you're wrong but that word can be used in that manner okay meaning this is that you know what to the unjust person I'm an abomination if I'm righteous okay and if I'm righteous to an unjust person is abomination to me meaning that someone that is wicked breaking the commandments you know I detest that it would at least you should right that's the idea that if you're just and then you detest the un the unjust deeds of somebody else right go to a go to Proverbs chapter 17 Proverbs 17 verse 15 this is what happens here okay I'm just gonna even my thoughts as far as why when pastors are are trying to say that they love like very evil people and I'm talking about like pedophiles okay let's just put it on the bottom shelf here if a pastor or anybody let's just say says they love a pedophile there's one of two things happening there one they're lying or two they actually do and they're a reprobate themselves those are my two categories okay now why would they lie about it is the question that you'd ask yourself right why would you lie about it well I think one could be persecution right they're afraid like well in the world we live in you know we don't want to say that this is bad or these people you know these these bad because we're gonna get cancer with their jobs you know we're gonna get all this persecution that's definitely up there right but I think this is the other one this is the one that I see a lot of is that they want to look over spiritually they want to look righteous okay they want to virtue signal you're like I can't believe you use that term it feels disgusting saying it so bear with me okay I'm gonna use terminology that's out in the world today right it's like we were talking about you know you know Riz and you know like all this this this you know kid you know like the hip culture language right bear with me okay but what is virtue signaling now listen if you ask some blue-haired feminists out there they probably have some other definition but I'm just gonna define to you what I believe they they're saying by virtue signaling is that they're basically trying to basically put a banner up saying I'm virtuous like look at me I'm a good guy I'm right you know like I you know I'm a virtuous person like they're signaling it okay so what I believe a lot of these preachers are doing by saying outlandish things like that like I love pedophiles which listen most every unbeliever out there is gonna say they hate a pedophile okay or you know or it's like well did you love Hitler yeah I love Hitler I love Mussolini I love Stalin I love Jeffrey Dahmer it's like I don't hate anybody ridiculous just not true you're lying to yourself and then anybody that says that they're either lying or if they're telling the truth and they're very wicked person themselves and they have pleasure in them to do them right they're a Roman chapter one person okay so you have to like figure out which one that is okay but if they're lying why well I think they're virtue signaling they're trying to say hey look how compassionate I am I even love a pedophile yet the Bible says you actually hate that which is good when you love that which is evil like that you actually you know are doing the opposite that's what says in Proverbs chapter 17 verse 15 it says he that justified the wicked and he that condemneth just even they both are abomination to the Lord so this verse should be the moniker of some churches today and one particularly in Ohio I'm really excited about the solar marathon in Cleveland just say no condemning are justifying the wicked and condemning the just I want you to think about this this is what preachers do this is what churches do they say well you know we and we know all sin is equal right well there's where you're wrong to begin with you might as well just close your book and go home because you know it's like when people start off with a false premise then they want you to listen to their whole dissertation after that like no everything you're basing your whole like spiel on is wrong based off that first assumption so they say well we know that all sin is equal no it's not by definition if there are different punishments for each sin then it can't be equal now would any sin send you to hell yes it's funny that some people would go to like James chapter 2 and say well whosoever offended than one point he's guilty of all whosoever you know keep it the whole law and fenneth in one point he's guilty of all it's interesting because the passage that that's mentioned in it literally gives you an example and says you know it says thou shalt not kill and thou shalt not commit adultery yet if thou kill or if thou kill and yet if thou can I'm gonna misquote it but it basically if you kill but you don't commit adultery your transgression of law but did it say you're also an adulterer no it didn't it just says you're transgressed for the law what is pointing out is it doesn't matter what point you break you're guilty of the law doesn't matter it could be that's or not bear false witness could be that's or not covet doesn't matter which point you break you you've transgressed the law but it doesn't say well you know what you committed murder therefore you're an adulterer you're a rapist you're like all these different things you're sodomite like that's what they do you know what they're doing they're justifying the wicked when they say well you know what you told a lie that's just as bad as being a sodomite you're justifying the wicked is what you're doing you're justifying the wicked saying well we're all in the same plane we're all in the same spot no one's one's natural ones and natural listen you start saying that well you know we're just as bad as a pedophile you're justifying the wicked you're justifying their deeds and saying it's not that bad it's not that bad yet you know what the death penalty was put on some sins some sins didn't have any penalty obviously there was there was consequences to your sins right but there wasn't like a criminal action like you know penalty that you had to pay okay so that's what I see in churches today is they justify the wicked and they condemn they end up condemning the just in order to justify pedophilia and sodomy and that to be in church this church kicked out guys that love the Lord and want to go so long I mean that not not not to not to embarrass you guys like that but it's just like that that is like is that not like the Word of God coming to life right there justifying the wicked and condemning the just we want to do a soul-wanting marathon no no we love pedophiles therefore we're not going soul-winning what like it's almost like I'm in the Twilight Zone I'm ready for what is it Rod Serling to come out smoking a cigarette saying you've now just entered the Twilight Zone imagine if you will a church in Cleveland Ohio that loves pedophiles and hates soul-winners it's like it should be an episode so when it comes to this it's baffling to me but it's not surprising because there's nothing new under the Sun and what we should realize and you say well where do we go from here well I always look at this I always try to point out those things which are false and say I don't want to be like that we don't want to be like that we want to be a church that God will say you know what you're doing right keep moving forward or a church is saying hey you're doing all these things right I have something against here you need to tighten this thing up right here okay so when I look at all those churches in Asia that he's writing to I'm like okay we need to make sure we get have this stuff right we want to make sure that we have our first works we make sure that we don't have fornication going on in the church we make sure that we're not letting women preach in church you know there's all these different things that you can look at and say hey this isn't going to happen we're gonna we're gonna hold this tight we're gonna keep these things going over here so that the Lord is blessing our church and all of that now go to Psalm 139 Psalm 139 Psalm 139 and just to give you some verses here on the fact that there are people that we should hate now what I've been speaking about mostly is just hating evil in general right hating the deeds of the wicked it should it should gross you out I should you should hate that and listen you should hate your own sin right I mean the first step to getting to try to cleaning things up in your life is to hate the things that you're doing that are wrong like I hate that I need to get rid of that not justifying it you justify it I mean isn't it the first step in like all these like seven ten step plans to getting clean or whatever is the first step is admitting that you have a problem right admitting that there's something wrong I shouldn't like that but if you don't if you don't hate that what you're trying to get rid of then you're not gonna end up getting rid of it I think about this one when it comes to dieting okay and take it for what it is but listen anytime I'm like hey I need to lose weight which is all the time but anytime I'm like that you know what you know what I look at I'm just like I hate the way I look and you're like man are you that self-deprecating listen I'm not going to take it seriously unless I really despise how I feel how I look or whatever right and you say well that's vain the way you look well I hate the way I feel I don't know I hate the way I feel when I look in the mirror but you have to start off at that point right like whatever if you really want to get that gone right there's something you want to lose whether it's weight whether it's sin or whatever it is you really have to detest it or you're not going to get serious about losing it if you start justifying it you look in the mirror and be like I look good you know we're when I was lifting with my friend Mike we were always in bulking season you know that was our justification for eating donuts and all these other things right it's bulking season it's time to get big and we have the bigger all-over method right and anyway that's not the route to go let me just stop it there okay but I related to dieting because dieting is hard man it's not easy like losing weight is hard hard work in order for you to actually go through with it you have to really hate it if and listen sin is pleasurable for a season and for for you to get rid of it and not do it you have to hate it you start justifying it you're not gonna you're not gonna actually do the hard work to get rid of it if you start justifying you know whatever it is when you're dealing with that I think I think when it comes to eating and weight and all this stuff that is very good correlation with like sin and listen donuts are pleasurable for a season all that stuff that's why I related to that because I have a problem when it comes to sweets okay that's just me personally and I have to like hate it and just be like I don't want it and just hate that donut but in Psalm 139 verse 19 it says surely thou wilt slay the wicked Oh God depart from me therefore Oh you bloody men for they speak against these wickedly and thine enemies take thy name in vain do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee and am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee now this is a question right he's talking to the Lord he's saying do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate you you're like well is he in the flesh is he is he right to do this what says I hate them with perfect hatred I count them mine enemies now what does perfect mean complete right so what it means is that complete hatred it's not like well I kind of love them and I kind of hate them right it's like partial it's complete I completely hate them right those that hate the Lord search me Oh God and know my heart and try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting now it's funny because people are just like well you know David is in the flesh there at the same time the Bible talks about when it's talking about the Psalms it says so spake the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David so the Holy Ghost it's the narrator in all the Psalms and the Proverbs Ecclesiastes like all these books you're dealing with the narrator when you're dealing with the epistles you're dealing with the narrator now if it says Peter said this then okay Peter could be wrong with what he's saying because it's the narration and talking about what someone did or what someone said okay but this is ridiculous to say it's otherwise I mean do they take the verse of before this where it says I'm fearfully and wonderfully made and be like well is he really is that really true or is that David speaking there but they pick and choose which ones they want to say is inspiring which isn't go to second chronicle chapter 19 verse 1 second chronicle chapter 19 verse 1 now listen that group of people that hate the Lord is a very small group Romans 1 hits on this I mean if you want to really look at it it's those that do unnatural sins okay if you're like okay who's a hater of God well I mean the the the kind of like telltale sign is if they do something unnatural like pedophilia homosexuality they eat people like I mean there's different things like Jeffrey Dahmer and like these these wicked like crazy psychopaths right where you're listen if they do something that you you as a natural human being are repulsed by like you're not tempted by that there's nothing taking you but such as this common demand there's no temptation taking you but such as this common demand there's common temptations adultery fornication even like murder anger like all these things are natural like temptations not justifying them they're just natural but then there's unnatural things that the Bible says they those people were given over to reprobate mine and that they're haters of God now in second chronicle chapter 19 verse 1 there's nothing new in the Sun because it says this in Psalm 139 says this in second chronicle chapter 19 verse 1 it says in Joshua the king of Judah returned to his house peace to Jerusalem and Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them to hate the Lord so the Prophet is coming out to Jehoshaphat the king of Judah and he's asking him a question should you help the ungodly and love them to hate the Lord and he he doesn't he doesn't answer the Prophet just gives him the answer because it says therefore is wrath upon you are upon me from before the Lord that's consequence for loving them that hate the Lord well I need to love everybody I'm just gonna be safe I'm gonna be safe and love everybody false this is why you need discernment there's a time to love in a time to hate you can't just say I'm just gonna love everything if you say I'm just gonna love everything do you love that which is evil do you love the false way do you love all the deeds of the Nicolaitans do you love do you love the the pedophiles those that hate the Lord do you love those people because the Bible says the wrath of God is upon you from before the Lord notice the next verse there says nevertheless there are good things found in me guess what he's saying that's a bad thing that you love them and hate the Lord it's bad but he's saying nevertheless there are good things found in me and that thou has taken away the groves out of the land and has prepared thine heart to seek God so Joshua isn't this lost case he's a good King he just messed up because he yoked up with those that hate the Lord and specifically I think he's talking about Jezebel another sermon for another day like that's Old Testament though go to Luke chapter 14 Luke chapter 14 Luke chapter 14 verse 25 how about this in Hosea chapter 9 verse 15 it says all their weaknesses and Gilgal for there I hated them for the weakness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house I will love them no more all their princes are revolters that's what God had to say about these this group of people in Hosea chapter 9 doesn't mean he never loved them I mean by definition if it says I will love you no more he had to have loved you at some point right for that to even make sense but the fact of the matter is that he hated them and there I will love them no more and Luke chapter 14 verse 25 I think this is this should be New Testament enough for you to know that hey there's some people that we shouldn't love now with that in mind what does the Bible say as far as who we should hate those that hate God right and before we go into this verse I want to think about that who can that be can that be a family member are there people in the Bible that were family members that hated the Lord yeah there are so when it comes to this verse I want you to think about that in this this aspect that what if a family member hated the Lord it says in verse 25 it says and there went great multitudes with him and he turned and said unto them if any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yea in his own life also he cannot be my disciple and whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple now in Matthew it says he that loveth father mother going down the line more than me is not worthy of me that's most cases right most cases whether they're saved or not saved you need to love God more right but in a case where if there was someone that's in your house someone that you that you're very close to that's family that hates the Lord to be his disciple not to be saved I think did Jehoshaphat love them to hate the Lord yes and it was obviously against them right I believe Josh that was a saved man he's in heaven this doesn't affect salvation but the idea here is that you can't be his disciple if you love those that hate the Lord whether it's family or not and obviously Jesus is given a hard saying there on it being a family member that even a family member that we shouldn't love those that hate the Lord that God is the one that we're supposed to love above all and we're supposed to obey his commandments and it doesn't matter who it is we're not gonna be a respecter of persons be like well I hate this person over here that I don't know but because this person is my family member then I'm gonna show them partiality no so I was gonna do a tour de force through some Psalms here but I'm kind of running out of time shocker but let me just give you some Psalms here to think about you write these down and this is in no way all-inclusive okay because time would fail me to show you this of Psalms where it talks about God hating certain people but in Psalm 5 it says this in Psalm 5 5 it says the foolish shall not stand in thy sight thou hatest all workers of iniquity thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man like what does he hate all sinners no workers iniquity are a special group of people that's another sermon for another day those that commit iniquity and those that work iniquity are two different things and there's these workers of iniquity that the Bible puts in its own category these are a certain group people these are like evil men that can't sleep unless they do evil unless they cause someone to fall there's there's those type of people out there whether you want to believe it or not there's people out there that literally can't sleep unless they do evil okay it says in Psalm 11 verse 5 so it's funny because you know when it comes to these preachers it's like we God doesn't hate anybody it's like you didn't make it to Psalm 5 and they're not long Psalms they're very short at the very beginning we're not talking to Psalm 119 like well I didn't make it through the 176 verses and it was like the 176 verse even so if you're a preacher you should have read that but either way Psalm 5 really Psalm 11 verse 5 the Lord tried the righteous but the wicked and him that loveth violence is soul-hated there's a difference between committing violence and loving violence too so what are we dealing with we're dealing with people that God hates and say well should we should we hate that which God hates yes we should love that which God loves and hate that which God hates now listen that is a small group of people because listen there's a lot of people that commit sins listen that pastor for all I know that's in Ohio he's saved but he's obviously doing very wicked stuff as far as loving that which is evil and hating that was good that pastor saved I love him you're never don't hate the brethren never I love him I want him to get right but listen if it if he's not saved and he's actually you know someone that has pleasure in those that do these things as far as the the sodomites and the pedophiles and all that then I hate that guy I I get the benefit of doubt I say he's a pastor that wants to look righteous that wants to look like he's he just he's just always so compassionate look at me and how loving I am don't you want to be like me don't you want to be as loving as I am listen you can't love children unless you hate pedophiles there I said it and listen if you love pedophiles and get the hell out of our church this is Mountain Baptist Church and we hate pedophiles and we will not stand for it our church is comprised of more children than adults and we will protect our children and listen the Bible it's not like I'm like let me go rogue from the Bible here no the Bible says they hate these type of people and you know what that that's something that our church stands for in our church I want our church you say what what do you want your church to be known for preaching the gospel loving that which is good loving souls going out preaching the gospel but our church should also be known for hating that which is evil not one or the other both there's gonna be some people that are gonna see our church and be like that church loves souls that church goes out soul winning that church really cares about the community and wants to see them say you know what other people can say that's a hateful church over there that church preaches against all these you know these sins that church over there is like they hate pedophiles guilty as charged I want to be known for both I want our church to be hey that church down there hates sodomites and pedophiles but that church you can't you can't deny it they go out and knock the doors they go out and they preach the gospel whether you agree with them or not both you don't want a church that doesn't go soul winning and just up here just like I hate fags I hate pedophiles and that's all they talk about right you want you want both and listen if you have just the hate you're not gonna have the love and if you have just the love you're not gonna have the hate and listen you're not going to love that which is good and hate that which is evil if you don't do both you're gonna end up loving evil if you try loving all the good and you know what you're gonna end up doing if you just hate it if you just start like oh it's all about hate you're gonna end up hating that which is good there has to be a balance there has to be a balance in the fact that we love that which is good hate that was evil Jesus loved righteousness and hated iniquity God he tried the righteous he loves the righteous but those that love violence his soul hated both those are true at the same time and like I said you know this is an old phrase I guess but you know you can't can't love the flowers unless you hate the weeds you can't love the wheat unless you hate the chaff when we put into biblical terms the chaff are the children of the wicked one the wheat are the children of God and in between are all the children of disobedience and wrath that need to get saved and I'm sick and tired of churches trying to love the chaff over here that are just trying to murder and kill and that they're brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed and it's like they're going to a cemetery trying to win those people to to the Lord but they'll just forget about the droves of people that are just waiting to say what must I do to be saved so there's so many verses on this the Bible says I hate every false way in Psalm 119 it says in Psalm 101 verse 3 it says I hate them I hate the work of them that turn aside I will not know a wicked person listen we're not to be just buddy buddy with wicked people and when it comes to this it's like when you're when you love that which is evil you're trying to be a friend of the world the Bible says the adulterers and adulteresses know you not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God love not the world matter the things that are in the world we're not to be listen for God so love the world he gave his only begotten son and we're talking about loving the world to where hey we you love the world to where they get saved but you don't love the things of the world right now the come full circle on this go back to Micah go to Micah chapter chapter 3 where it says who he's talking about people that hate the good and love the evil and I'll end with this and I think about Paul in Galatians where it says am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth it's like these Christians will be like an enmity with you because you're just telling them the truth you're like here's a Bible verse you're like ah they just don't want to see it that's the Bible all has to fit together you can't just pick and choose it's not a buffet this isn't Golden Corral Baptist Church praise the Lord you shouldn't come out of here with a stomachache now listen if it's sweet to the mouth and bitter to this to the stomach I guess you know the Bible does teach that when it comes to the Word of God because sometimes things are bitter sometimes it hurts to hear the truth listen the kisses of a friend or the kiss of the the kisses of an enemy are deceitful but the wounds of a friend are faithful or faithful are the wounds of a friend and sometimes you know what you need to get a kick in the pants sometimes truth hurts and in Micah chapter 3 we saw that there are these people that hated the good and love the evil let's see what their consequence is and then we'll be done it says in Micah 3 4 says then shall they cry unto the Lord but he will not hear them he will even hide his face from them at that time as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings thus that the Lord concerning the prophets that make my people err that bite with their teeth and cry peace so they're basically these prophets that are basically biting with their teeth but then they're like oh it's peace right oh you know we're at peace and you're like biting and devouring somebody right he that put it not into their mouths that eat that they even prepare war against him there therefore night shall be unto you that ye shall not have a vision and it shall be dark unto you that ye shall not divine and the Sun shall go down over the prophets and the day shall shall be dark over them then shall the seers be ashamed in the diviners confounded gay they shall all cover their lips for there is no answer of God but truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord and of judgment and a might to declare unto Jacob his transgression into Israel his sin so Micah saying these guys over here God's not answering them he's not gonna give them a vision they're not gonna see anything anymore but Mike on the other hand he says I'm full of power by the Spirit of the Lord and knows what he's doing he's he's proclaiming the sins of the people by the Spirit of God it says hear this I pray you ye heads of how the house of Jacob and princes of the house of Israel and a poor judge that a poor judgment and pervert all equity the heads thereof judge for reward and the priests thereof teach for hire in the prophets thereof divine for money yet will they lean upon the Lord and say is not the Lord among us none evil can come upon us therefore so here's their mindset they're like oh you know the Lord's with us you know is he not with us and you know basically there's not going to be any evil for all that we're doing here therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as a field think about that you've got all these houses got everything else is gonna be plowed over like a field and Jerusalem shall become heaps in the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest listen when it comes to these these type of churches that are out there that love the evil and hate the good God will take care of it if these are saved guys that are that are pastoring these churches God's gonna judge them I'm not going on a crusade after them I'm not gonna like pick at them or anything like that you know what I'm gonna I'm just gonna wait and see what the Lord does with it he'll deal with them and you know what it wouldn't surprise me if those churches just completely fade out if the lamp goes out of those churches completely but what we need to do is move forward and say you know what we're not gonna be like that church so we're not going to love that which is evil we're gonna love that which is good we're not gonna hate that which is good we're gonna hate that which is evil and when it comes to our church I want our church to be known for love obviously I want our church to be known for being a loving church that cares about people cares about the congregants cares about the community cares about the people in this community wants people to get saved cares about children wants children to be safe listen in order to love the gospel for people to get saved I have to hate false prophets and I have to hate every false way when it comes to the gospel if someone's preaching that you have to be saved by works then I hate that false way and I have to in order to love the people that need to get saved by grace through faith alone if I love the children in this church I'm going to hate those that would hurt them point blank you say well you're just overzealous on that you know you're you're going too far you you kicked that one person out you didn't have any evidence listen I would rather kick someone out of the church that I thought could be a predator and then not be a predator I'll I'll bear that judgment I'll bear it as a pastor you know what I don't want to bear is giving someone the benefit of the doubt when I think they might be and then they hurt a child if you hey listen if you're not a duck don't quack like one and don't walk like one but know this I'm watching know this any predator that wants to come to this church we're not idiots we're we're we're so cautious when it comes to that and listen parents be cautious don't just lean on me every parent in here should be saying hey you know what I'm watching I'm looking out for that but it starts to with the fact that the those in the church also hate that which is evil and love that was good I love the children this church therefore I hate those that would hurt them I believe that's what God wants I believe the Bible is very much on that side and our church is gonna remain that way and listen if this church ever wants a pedophile or they want sodomites they want those type of people in this church then I'll give you the keys today and you can have some other pastor but I won't be in a church that's like that and I won't have my kids in church that's like that I would rather not be in church and go to a church that's filled with pedophiles and sodomites and know this that any sodomite out there you're like well they haven't committed the act listen if they'll sleep with a man asleep with anything you're like I can't believe you'd say that well then don't believe it but it's true now let's end with a word prayer to Heavenly Father we thank you today thank you for your word thank you for a church and I pray it should be with us as we celebrate our anniversary and Lord I know maybe it's a hard sermon for anniversary service but listen the things that that you hate I want to hate Lord the things that you love I want to love and I want I want to do that which is right and I want our church to do that which is right and Lord let it never be said that our church would hate the good and love the evil and would help our church to tighten up anything that needs tightened up would help us to see anything that maybe we need to do better or or anything like that Lord I pray that you'd help us to give us wisdom and knowledge so to be a church is glorifying to you and Lord a church that's safe for children to be in and Lord we just thank you for that I pray to bless the food that we're gonna eat here in a little bit I pray that you to keep everybody safe as we're fellowshipping and with the stuff out there for the kids and everything else Lord and just thank you for six years here and pray for many more and Lord we love you in prayer in Jesus Christ's name amen everybody Levi's gonna come and sing one more song and then just one thing on that that that bounce house too is you don't want to have any glasses or any sharp objects like any of the kids that is just want to be careful with that type of stuff just caution there turn in your song books of song number three so we'll sing all four verses of song number three I hear the Savior say light strength and need a small child of weakness watch and pray find in me thine all in all Jesus paid it all to him I owe sin had left a crimson stain he washed it white as snow Lord now indeed I find thy power and thine alone can change the leper spots and melt the heart of stone Jesus paid it all to him I owe sin had left a crimson stain he washed it white as snow for nothing good have I whereby thy grace