(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In Genesis chapter eight, this is what I would call the flood part two. So last week we were in Genesis chapter seven and we started getting into the flood. That's when the fountains of the deep broke open and we saw the ark was bearing up on the waters. And so this chapter is continuing with that when we're in the flood and this goes all the way out to when they get off the ark. But this sermon I wanted to more so give a timeline, so last week we more so just talked about the flood in general as far as what it represents and what it did and just other passages in the Bible how it talks about the flood and just different aspects, how the whole world was baptized in water and everything. But this week I wanted more so to just talk about the events of the flood. So if you go back to Genesis chapter seven there in verse eleven, it starts off with telling us a time frame as far as when this flood starts. So it says in Genesis chapter seven in verse eleven, it says in the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day where all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened. And so from this verse we see that it's in his life, so we're talking about his life, the six hundredth year, in the second month, in the seventeenth day of the month. Now it's going to be important to understand if you want to get some more timeline as we go into chapter eight, and spoiler, it's a year and ten days is how long from when the flood starts and from when they get off the ark, it's a year and ten days. And so because we'll see it actually gives the exact day when they get off the ark compared to this number and you'll see it's exactly that. And so, but we start off and so in Genesis chapter seven there, it rains for forty days and forty nights. So this is the story we've all heard where it rains in forty days and forty nights and you know the ark is up in the water. But that's not the whole time period, a lot of people think that the flood was just forty days and forty nights, they got off the ark right after that, that's not the case. It's actually a whole year and ten days before they get off the ark. And so in Genesis chapter seven and verse seventeen it says, and the flood was forty days upon the earth and the waters increased and bare up the ark and it was lift up above the earth. So what I believe about this, because what we'll see is that the waters prevailed for a hundred and fifty days or five months. The gist of it is a hundred and fifty days, thirty day months would be five months. And so what I believe is that forty days and forty nights is encompassed in that. And so what I believe about this is that it rained for forty days and forty nights and once it did that, that's when the ark started to get lifted up upon the earth. And the flood, the water lasted and they prevailed on the earth, meaning that it was going throughout the whole earth for a hundred and fifty days. And so I can prove that as far as why the forty days and forty nights would be encompassed in the hundred and fifty days, because of a timeline it gives on here, but that's what I believe. I mean, I don't believe the waters just came like that and the ark was up in a day. So I believe that's what was going on. If you think about where the ark was probably built at, it was probably built on the mountain or something like that, so it took a little while for the mountains to be covered. And so it does go on to say that the mountains were covered, but I believe it took forty days and forty nights before everything was covered, if that makes sense. So the ark was being brought up after those forty days and four nights. So in Genesis chapter seven verse twenty-four, at the end there, that's where we get the hundred and fifty days. It says, and the flood was forty days upon the earth, or I'm sorry, in verse twenty-four, and the waters prevailed upon the earth in a hundred and fifteen days. So a hundred and fifty days, I'm sorry, a hundred and fifty days, so it would be five months that the waters were upon the earth and every mountain was covered. And at that point is where we get into Genesis chapter eight where the waters are assuaged or abated, but it doesn't happen like that. It's not like it's just like a big swimming pool that drains and it's like done in a day. So what we see in verse one there, it says, and God remembered Noah and every living thing and all the cattle that was with him in the ark, and God made a wind to pass over the earth and the waters assuaged. The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained. Now one thing I want to point out here is that I believe that, this is my personal belief, I believe the windows of heaven being stopped and the rain of heaven was restrained, those are two different things. Because I personally believe that there was water above the firmament and that that was opened and you had the fountains of the deep open and it also rained for forty days and forty nights. Notice that it does always separate that. Even in Genesis chapter seven, it puts it as three different things that are going on. After it says the windows of heaven were opened, it's like a period and then it says and it rained forty days and forty nights. So I believe those are three things that are going on there. That windows of heaven I believe isn't just referring to the clouds opening up with rain. I believe that's actually dealing with the firmament and the waters that were above the firmament came down and so you may ask yourself where did all this water come from? Well it definitely came from the fountains of the deep. No one would dispute that but I believe it also came from the canopy of water that would be above the firmament that we saw in Genesis chapter one but also it did rain for forty days and forty nights as well. And so after a hundred and fifty days, that stops. Does that make sense? At that point the fountains of the deep are not pouring out water anymore and the heavens aren't pouring out water anymore. That's when it stops. So when it comes to that part, that's where it says that the heaven was restrained and it says the waters returned from off the earth continually and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. And so we see this word assuage and abated and so if you just look up what that term means assuage just means to make milder or less severe, relieve, ease or mitigate. And abate is pretty much the same thing to reduce in amount, degree, intensity, less and diminish to remove to emit. So basically the waters are stopped but they're also basically going away. So you imagine a flood, right? Everything starts filling up, filling up, filling up, filling up. It stops raining while everything's going to start going back down and so that's what's going on here is that everything's going down. Now it doesn't really tell us exactly how that happens. I mean you can think about it, the great deep has opened up. What I believe is that the oceans got deeper, you know, and the mountains got higher and the water just went into the deep portions. And so that's why, you know, eighty percent of our earth or whatever it is is covered in water and it's really deep in the ocean. And so, you know, you think about the fountains of the deep breaking up, well, there was a space between there where the water was so you imagine that stuff would fall. I don't know all the, I wasn't there, okay? But all I'm saying is that that's what I believe happened and the mountains probably rose up as well during that flood. We never know what could happen there but maybe the mountains are higher just because of stuff going on with the fountains of the deep. What happened to all the chamber, you know, what, if you just took out all the water out of underneath the earth, what do you have then? Just a space of air and so you can see that stuff collapsing and then the water going into that. And so that's what it says, it doesn't say the water just evaporated, it just means that it just went, it just assuaged, you know, any time you have a big rain, you have a big flood or something like that, it's going to go to the lowest portion that it can find. And that's water, it goes to the path of least resistance and so it's in the oceans, so that's where it went. So, and obviously there's lakes and stuff like that, big lakes that you would find in other places, you know, that came off the mountains and went into the lowest point. And so, but notice that in verse 4 it says, and the ark rested in the seventh month on the seventeenth day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat. Now this is how I can prove to you that I believe that from the moment the flood started it was 150 days up to this point because that's what it says, it was 150 days up to where it rested on Mount Ararat and the floods were abated and it says it was the seventh month on the seventeenth day of the month. When did it start? The second month on the seventeenth day of the month. So to the day it was five months. But it also shows you that it's 30 day months, right? Now I could show you that in a lot of places dealing with end times prophecy that we're dealing with. When you're dealing with months you're dealing with 30 day months, 42 months, compare that to 1260 days and stuff like that. But here it's just a check right there that 150 days from when it started to when the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat, it was 150 days and it shows us that it was five months exactly. So up to this point we're five months into the flood and they haven't seen the mountains yet. The tops of the mountains have not been seen yet but you say well how's the ark resting on there? Well, do you remember how high the water was from the highest part of the mountain? It was 15 cubits. So if you go back to Genesis 7 it was 15 cubits above, well that's about 22 and a half feet. Do you know how tall the ark was? 30 cubits. So the bottom of the ark was resting on the mountains of Ararat even though the water hadn't gone down to where you can see the tops of the mountains. Does that make sense? So that's how that would work is the ark is down lower underneath the water and anytime you see a ship, obviously there's a lot of the ship that's underneath the water, then it's not just on top and just floating like a lily pad. And so that's how it's resting on there because it's not until two and a half months later that the tops of the mountains are seen. So I just wanted to show you that, you know, a swage, a bait. I believe there's just synonyms for strain, you know, like all these things that's going on. The waters were pretty much, they were stopped and now since they have stopped it's time for them to go, you know, to the, they're trying for it all to drain, okay. So it's going to the lowest part of the earth they can find and that's, a lot of the territory has been changed. But again, as we were talking about within Genesis and the Garden of Eden, I don't believe that the whole geography of the earth changed as far as I believe that Euphrates is in the same place. And I believe, you know, these certain landmarks that are mentioned in the Garden of Eden, it sounds like it's the same place, you know, the same Euphrates that was mentioned there. So if you think about it, the lowest portions of the earth just got covered. So you don't know what the earth could have been like before the flood. Maybe there was just lower portions like where the oceans were or maybe that's where the fountains of the deep broke open and therefore that just became the lower portions and it just happened to be that where the Garden of Eden was, like the great river Euphrates and all these different rivers were not part of that that got into the ocean, okay. So anyway, I just wanted to make that point. So in Genesis chapter 8 verse 5, this is where we see the tops of the mountains. And it says in verse 5, it says, and the waters decreased continually until the tenth month in the tenth month on the first day of the month were the tops of the mountains seen. Now I don't believe that Noah actually saw the tops of the mountains at this time. So I believe if you know, like obviously the narrator's talking, so I believe it's seen but it doesn't necessarily mean that someone's seeing it like Noah saw the tops of the mountains. The reason I say that is because he doesn't open the window of the ark until later. And so there's this window in the ark and I believe at this point, as far as I can see, there's no other way for them to see out besides this one window that they open to let out the raven and the dove. And they don't take off the covering of the ark until way later or later on when they finally see that the earth is dried. So I'm just showing you my opinion on this. It says that the tops of the mountains were seen but it's kind of like that proverbial, you know, if a tree falls in a forest and no one's there to hear it, did it make a sound? Just because no one saw it physically doesn't mean that it's not true, that the tops of the mountains were seen. And so God saw it, so someone saw it, the host saw it, but that's just my opinion on that. I don't believe that they were walking on the decks of the ark right now seeing what's going on because I do believe this window is a big deal when they open up the window. And so, but anyway, the tops of the mountains were seen in the 10th month on the first day of the month. Now that gives you about two and a half months past where we were at. So we're now about seven and a half months into the flood. And so at this point, the ark's been resting on the mountains of Ararat for two and a half months, but now you can see the tops of the mountains. And so I'm just giving you a time, at the end I'll give you a summary of just the events that occurred here. But this is a big deal because after 40 days, after it's been sitting on the top of the mountains of Ararat for two and a half months, the tops of the mountains were seen, but now after 40 days, Noah opened the window of the ark. Now if you remember the window, go to Genesis chapter 6 before we get to him opening it, the fact that he made a window. So Genesis 6, 16, it says, A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above. In the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof, with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. I believe this window was literally above, like I don't believe it was like a side window because it's making a big point that the window was above, but then the door was on the side. Because if the window was on the side, like you'd have a window like this, you would think you'd use that same language that it was on the side. So he finished it a cubit, so I don't know if it was just a cubit squared, like a foot and a half by a foot and a half window, obviously a bird could fit out of that. You may ask yourself, okay well why would they be in this ark and there's just no windows to this thing? Well think about the judgment of the earth and think about Sodom and Gomorrah, were they supposed to look at the judgment of the earth? No Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt. So I believe they were literally shut in and couldn't even see God's judgment, they were just in this ark and couldn't see it. Now that's kind of terrifying to me, I mean think about being in this boat or this ark and you can't see anything outside, talk about seasickness, okay, hopefully they had Dramamine back then, no I don't think they had that, but that's the worst thing, if you're ever on the ocean and you're in a boat and you're getting sick, you do not want to go inside the boat and like have nothing, you need a horizon or something to look at, okay so it just makes me sick thinking about it. I'm sure they got used to it, you know they obviously survived so they didn't just not eat the whole time. Now think about that, I believe when the door was shut, I believe they were literally in this ark, they couldn't see anything that was going on outside and think about the trust that you would have in the Lord when all this stuff's going down that you can't, you're not driving that ship, okay, they don't have like a bridge up there where there's a captain and they're driving this thing around, I mean they're literally just in this thing just floating around and you know, so that's what I believe about this, you know you'll see pictures and there's like a deck and you're walking on it and there's like all these windows and stuff like that, I mean it's kind of interesting to think about the fact that all these animals are in there and there's no, I mean the ventilation, I don't know if they had ventilation shafts, maybe they did, I would imagine they did at least have ventilation of some sort, but anyway in Genesis chapter 8 and verse 6 he opens this window, so I believe this is a big deal, I don't believe that they were just walking around on deck or why would this be a big deal that he opens the window, but in verse 6 it says, and it came to pass at the end of 40 days that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made, so going back to Genesis 6 how he made that window, and he sent forth a raven which went forth to and fro until the waters were dried up from off the earth, now everybody usually thinks about the dove, that he's sending this dove out and brings back the olive leaf, but what's interesting is that first he sends out a raven, but he never deals with the raven again, the raven's not brought up again, but notice what it says here, it says something different about the raven than what it does about the dove, notice with the raven it says which went forth to and fro until the waters were dried up from off the earth, so I believe that raven was literally traveling around, obviously there were at least the tops of the mountain so it had somewhere to rest, so I mean at this point it's not like it's just pure water out there, but notice with the dove though he says something a little different, and it says also he sent forth a dove from him to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground, so there's a little difference in the way it said, the dried up from off the earth, so the dove's going to and fro until that happens, until it's actually doing that, and then the dove's just going out to see if it's happening, and he's coming back, but it says but the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth, then he put forth his hand and took her and pulled her in unto him into the ark, so up to this point they're resting on the mountains of Arad, so they're not floating around now, they've been sitting there for a little while now, over two and a half months and now another 40 days he finally opens up that window and lets out the raven and the dove, now he's going to wait another seven days before he sends that dove out again, and so in Genesis chapter 8 and verse 10 it says, and he's stayed yet other seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark, and the dove came in to him in the evening, and lo in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off, so no one knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. So what's interesting about this is that the dove comes back but it has a leaf in its mouth, so what that's showing you is that stuff's growing, so now we get to the part where the waters are abated, stuff's growing, trees are growing, and obviously there's life, there's some kind of plant life going on here, so stuff's going on, and what we'll talk about, if all the waters just came off the earth you're not just going to jump out there and go trudging through all the mud, and that's why they're staying in this ark for this period of time. So after seven days, first he sends out the dove, dove comes back, doesn't have anything in its mouth, second time he sends out the dove, has an olive leaf, so he's saying okay it's abated, but it doesn't say that the earth is dried yet, so the waters have abated, stuff's growing, so you can imagine that it's basically just a big swamp land at this point, stuff's growing but it's not something that you want to go trudging through right now. So after another seven days, Noah sent forth the dove one more time, because in Genesis chapter 8 verse 12 it says, and he stayed yet another seven days, and sent forth the dove which returned not again unto him anymore. And so at this point the dove doesn't return again, so obviously it's going to do its thing, it's going out, it's free. So the dove and the raven are the lucky ones, they get out of the ark first, but what we see next is that actually after, what I'll show to you, a timeline, is that after another thirty-six days, that's when the face of the ground's actually dry, this is when he removes the cover of the ark. So I believe this is where they're actually finally getting some fresh air, they're actually getting open, and they can actually see what's going on outside. But in verse 13, notice what it says, it says, and it came to pass in the six hundred, six hundred and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth, and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and behold the face of the ground was dry. Now what I want you to see here, first of all he uncovers the ark, so that shows you there was a covering, see we don't have really that information up before this, but there was a covering on the ark, so I imagine it's kind of like the roof of the ark, he just throws it off, you know, and now he can get out, and everybody's out, so at this point they finally have some freedom, they're out of this ark, and it says that the face of the ground was dry, so when they sent out the dove, actually, if you do the calculations on this, it's not until another thirty-six days later until he takes off this covering and sees that the ground, the face of the earth is dry, now that's the key here, it says the face of the earth is dry, because it's going to say later, because notice it says the six hundred and first year, and the first month, the first day of the month, so remember, when did the flood come? In the six hundredth year, in the second month, in the seventeenth day of the month, so at this point we're about a month and seventeen days away from being a year, does that make sense? Because it would be the second month, seventeenth day of the month, that would be a year, and so it's not quite a year yet since the flood hit, that he takes off this covering, and he says the face of the ground was dry, and so because in the next verse, notice what it says, it gives you another time period, it says, and in the second month, on the seventh and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried, and so there's a difference between the face of the ground was dry, and that the earth was dried, so just imagine if you were, you know, you just have an area that's just a big swamp, and then it's just like a really dry, it's really dry, it hasn't been raining for a while, and there's just a layer that's on top that's dry, but have you ever done that where you stepped on something, and then just like you fall into it, it's just a big mud pit? So that's what I believe is going on there, is that the face of the ground was dry, but it wasn't all dry, so that's the difference, is that the face of it was dry, but it took a little longer for it to get dry all the way down, and so if you understand soil mechanics, you know, you'd understand that that's how that stuff, you know, how water mitigates and all that stuff, you don't need to understand soil mechanics, you just go out into a, after a rainy day, and just see, you know, that it's muddy, it starts drying off, but it doesn't just dry like that, it takes a little bit of time for it to dry all the way down, okay? You don't need to be a geotech engineer to figure it out, but that's what I'm saying, is that basically there was a month and 27 days where that was going on, so the face of the earth was dry, but it took almost two more months before the whole earth was dry to where they can actually get out of the ark, so that's where they actually get out of the ark, is after one year and 10 days, because it was the 600th year of Noah's life, the second month, and the 17th day of the month, now we're in the 601st year in the second month, but in the 27th day of the month, so you just have another 10 days on there, right? And so, so just a summary of this, we see that the fountains of the deep breaks open, right? And it's raining 40 days and 40 nights, and from that point to when the ark rests on the mountains of Ararat is 150 days or five months. Then, as it's sitting there, it's sitting there for 73 days, so if you do the calculations with the days, okay, but it's pretty much two and a half months, but 73 days, it's sitting on the mountains of Ararat before the tops of the mountains are seen. So, and then it's another 40 days before he opens up the window. He opens up the window, lets out the raven and the dove, then he waits another seven days, because the dove comes back, right? Then he waits another seven days to send out the dove again, the dove comes back with, so he waits a week, sends the dove out, the dove comes back with an olive leaf now, then he waits another week, sends out the dove again, the dove doesn't come back. And then if you backtrack this, you'll see that he actually waits another 36 days, a little over a month, before he takes off the covering, he sees that the earth, the face of the earth is dry, the face of the earth is dry, but it's actually not until another 57 days or about two months before they actually get off the ark, and everything's dry and it's time to go. So, a little over a year, a year and ten days. So this is quite the journey that they went through, quite the journey to go through to get through this, but they survived. Because at the end, you know, we see that everybody survives this. Nothing was lost because in verse 15 there, it tells us every living creature that they brought on there, it says in verse 15, it says, And God spake unto Noah, saying, Go forth of the ark, thou and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives, with thee. Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl and of cattle and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth. And Noah went forth, and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him, every beast, every creeping thing and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark. I believe every creature that was upon the face of the earth was on that ark. That counts the dinosaurs, my friends. That counts bohemian, that counts, now leviathan, I believe, is the serpent of the sea, so obviously they didn't bring leviathan on there, but that counts, you know, all the stuff that you would think about that the Bible talks about. So that's why in Job we see him talking about bohemian and leviathan, that's after the flood, and you have, you know, other cases where it's talking about leviathan, you have other cases where it's talking about dragons, and so they had them on the ark, and they all came off the ark. They even go to every creeping thing, every centipede, everything, okay, was on this ark, and so everything survived, everything came off, so it's not like the dinosaurs just missed their calling, and they're standing there on a rock like, oh no, you know, we missed our trip on the ark here, and so I've seen all kinds of parodies, you know, like where the unicorns are like out in the rain and they didn't get on the ark in time or something like that, you know what I mean? And so anyway, everything, everything made it. Notice in verse 16 it says, go forth of the ark. It doesn't say come out of the ark. So again, you can see where God was with them the whole time. He said come into the ark, and then he said go forth from the ark, and so God was with them the whole time through that whole ordeal, and so, but this is just a call out to the fact that, you know, God can save you through, through troubleless times, but during that time he's saving you may not be the most pleasant trip. This was not a luxury cruise, okay? This wasn't something where they were out, you know, playing racquetball or, you know, playing mini golf on the decks. I've never been on a cruise, but I just imagine they had that type of stuff, you know, and they don't have buffet, they didn't have like buffets with like ice sculptures and all this other stuff, okay? So we're dealing with a very hard trip that they got off. I mean, I'm sure they were ready to get off this ark, okay? I would be, and so I'd just be, if I was there, I'd be like, Noah, when are we opening that window, okay? I want to be with you when you send out that dove, okay, and you send out that raven, and just when that top, the covering was taken off. But God was with them the whole time, and remember Noah saved his whole house. So that was the difference between Noah and Lot, and Noah saved his whole house. You know, I don't know if, because it doesn't give a warning not to open the window, but there could have been a story in there where they opened the window and tried to see what was going on. But you can imagine the windows above, so what are you going to see, you know? And so, and it was only a cubit, that's pretty small, okay? Think about door openings, they're like three, a little over three feet. So imagine trying to get an 18 inch by 18 inch, that's two by two. Those panels right there, to give you an idea, so that's smaller. That window's smaller than that. And so, I might be, I could probably fit through that. I mean, don't be squeezing, but 18 by 18, I think you'd be a little rough. You'd probably be stuck on that window, you know? You're like, hey, I want to see what's going on out here. So anyway, all I have to say is that I believe they, they actually didn't see anything that was going on with this flood. They didn't see, they were locked in there, and they didn't open that window until way later, until they were on the, they were, the tops of the mountains were seen. And even then, I don't think they saw anything until they uncovered it. Because at that point, if you were on tops of, if you were on the top of the mountains, because imagine, if the tops of the mountains weren't seen when it rested, that means it had to be on a pretty high mountain. So, at that point, they had to be on a pretty high mountain. So therefore, if you're looking up, imagine that the window's up there. What are you going to see besides the sky? So, just some stuff to think about, you know, and I never really thought about it either that much until I studied, you know, was studying this out. But that's pretty interesting to think about. But at the end of the chapter here, God is making a covenant with Noah. Now, this covenant's actually a little different than what the covenant we would think about, which actually is in chapter nine. So, I don't want to get ahead of myself when we're dealing with the rainbow and the bow that he sets in the sky as far as that he's not going to flood the earth again. Although, I'm going to touch on that for a second on the point that I'm making here. But this is a very, I love this last verse of the chapter because, especially in the day and age we live in with all this climate change garbage and all this carbon tax garbage and just how the, we're just going to have a perpetual summer or perpetual winter. Amen for the perpetual summer. Okay. You know, here in West Virginia, you know, I didn't think I was going to let my truck run, you know, because I kind of like this warm weather in February. So anyway, but let's read this, these last couple of verses here because, oh, I'm sorry. And first of all, he builds an altar. So, in verse 20 here, Noah builds an altar to the Lord. It says, and Noah built an altar unto the Lord and took of every clean beast and of every clean fowl and offered burnt offerings on the altar. If you remember, that's one of the reasons I believe he took sevens of these. So, you know, that's why, you know, you didn't just take two of every clean beast because then they'd be dead and you'd never see them again. So, that's why he had extras. There was also the reason for the fowls we talked about. So, that seed would, you know, that basically is for the help to grow the plants and the trees and all that stuff to have a little extra of the fowls and the winged animals. So, but he's going to make a covenant or make a promise to Abraham here. Abraham. Good night, man. I have Abraham for every topic that I talk about. Abraham's getting brought in there. So, no, Abraham's not here. Don't listen to those Hollywood movies and shows. That show's a lot out there on a boat. I never saw it, but I just remember people telling me about this when they were in the ark and Lot is like knocking on the door running in. I'm like, what universe are you in? I mean, Lot is way far after this, okay? So, anyway, Abraham's not alive. Okay, that's one point. But anyway, so, with Noah here, he offers up these clean beasts and notice in verse 21, it says, and the Lord smelled a sweet saver and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake, for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth, neither will I again smite anymore everything living as I have done. So, he's making a promise here about not trying to kill all the animals again and doing what he did here with this. But notice what he's saying here. He didn't say that man has changed. He's making that point that, you know, his imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth. So, he knows this to be true, but he's not going to do what he did here again. And verse 22, notice what it says. While the earth remaineth seedtime and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease. Shall not cease. You hear that? Seedtime, harvest, cold, heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease. And it seems like, I feel like the world today and especially Hellywood and all the sodomites and all the God haters out there, it's like they find these verses and they're just like, I'm going to find a way to perpetuate something that completely contradicts God's word, that completely calls God a liar. And I think about this because of the climate change propaganda, and that's all it is, my friends, is a bunch of propaganda. The guy that, the meteorologist who that founded the Weather Channel, I watched this clip, the guy that founded the Weather Channel completely annihilated CNN because he basically said that climate change was a farce and that it was just a big lie. And that's what you need. And a lot of these people too that look into it, they're just like, yeah. Most people say we can't prove that man has done anything. And here's the thing, even if you study way back in time, back to when there was a big warming period back before that, but think about this, the flood probably caused the ice age and it's probably been warming up since then. It's probably still warming up. I mean, the fact, the arrogance that people have when it comes to what they think out of this 100 years or 200 years of data that they have, I mean, as far as the weather, and I used to be, I used to do civil engineering stuff, but they would have a 100 year flood, a 10 year flood and all that stuff. But they don't have data way back before that as far as like how much it flooded or how much it did this. And so they're like, it's the hottest it's ever been. Really? How do you know that? How do you know it wasn't? And actually there are accounts of stuff back way before of stuff being hotter than it is now and stuff being colder or whatever. And so this whole arrogance of saying, well, you know, we're, we're doing this or that to that. Now, how about God said that, that as long as the earth remaineth, there'll be sea time, there'll be harvest, there'll be winter, there'll be day and night, there'll be cold and heat, winter and summer, period. Do you think that's an accident that he put this little promise in here that, that that's going to be true because that's like reading a newspaper today on them saying we're never going to have a winter again. Amen. I wish that were true, but that's not true. Actually, I'm sure there's a reason why we have winters and stuff like that. But all I'm saying with that is that they're blatantly saying that God lied, that God is lying when he said that promise that that would never cease. And so they're also, what I, what I think about when I think about the subject is Leonardo DiCaprio. Okay. Leonardo DiCaprio is a wicked actor. And, you know, it's funny how these actors think that I care what they think about a political issue, you know, an actor, someone that pretends for a living, literally makes money pretending to be someone else. And they're going to talk to me about like big issues like this. When he's not a scientist himself, he saw that the water was a little higher in some area and he got all freaked out about it. And now he's going to do a whole documentary on it. And so anyway, so it, so he does this documentary and I didn't watch it. Okay. But it's just this big propaganda scheme that like, you know, where he talks to Obama and talks about all this stuff and the carbon tax and all this. And, and his whole thing is that what, you know what it's called? Before the flood. Before the flood. So it's all about climate change and how, you know, all the seasons are going to be different and, you know, the cold and heat's going to change and all this stuff. But also the fact that there's going to be a big flood. Now what did God promise? I mean, we haven't got to this and I don't want to go too far into it, but in Genesis chapter 9 verse 11, it says, and I will establish my covenant with you. Neither shall all flesh be cut off anymore by the waters of a flood. Neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. Let me read that again. Neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. So both those statements, it's like Genesis 8, Genesis 9, DiCaprio is just completely just saying the Bible's a lie. And I'm sure they're going to say, oh, you Bible thumping, believing, you know, Baptist believing, you know, you're just going to say nothing to science. Show me the science. Show me where it's actually happening or where this is actually being detrimental. Actually, a lot of the scientists will say this is actually a good thing because now the crops where you couldn't grow certain crops, now it's going to be better because it's actually warmer. So actually, there's actually a lot of good things that could happen before this. But it's funny that he calls it before the flood and he's talking about climate change. Those are the two things that God promised that would not change, that he would never flood the earth again, that the earth would never be flooded again like it was back then, and that summer and winter, sea time and harvest, cold and heat, night and day would never cease. But yet the world wants me to believe that that's just a lie, that that's not what the Bible teaches. They're like, yeah, that's what the Bible teaches, but it's a lie. Let God be true in every man a liar. And we're talking about professing yourselves to be wise and becoming fools because that's exactly what these God-hating actors that pontificate their stupid morality. And Leonardo DiCaprio is a whore monger. He's a whore monger. That's all he does. That's all his life is consisting of is finding other women to whore around with. But yet I'm supposed to listen to him about some serious issue. Why did God flood the earth? Do you remember why he flooded the earth? Was it because we were draining its natural resources? Was it because we had a big carbon footprint? There's too many cows fluctuating around the world. I mean, is that what he destroyed the earth for? Well, Genesis 6 clearly tells us why he flooded the earth. And I'll tell you that same reason he flooded the earth is the same reason he's going to pour fire down upon this world. And so go to Genesis chapter 6. So we've gone through the flood, but why did he do it? Now I know we already covered this, but this is for you, Hollywood. This is for you a bunch of the belly of the beast that is that is Hollywood, that is the, you know, L.A., California, New York City, Juneork, you know, like the the the Jew capital of the world and all their their their ungodly anti-Christ, you know, Christ rejecting, God hating garbage that they're pouring out on the TV. And I'm sick of seeing it. And all they have and all they want to do is just tell me that the Bible is just a fairy tale. This isn't a fairy tale. What we're reading about the flood is an actual event that that really happened. Is it a big coincidence? Now we talked about the age of the earth and how the flood was about twenty six hundred years ago that the flood happened. Is it a big coincidence that that's how far history can ever go back? That if you went back in history and modern history and dating that it would only go back that far in any civilization? Well, that's crazy. That's a coincidence. They say it's back to twenty five hundred B.C. That's about as far back as you can go. And obviously you got the Hindus that think they and these other people that think they go way back further than that, but they're all just, you know, smoking their pipes and all that stuff. In Genesis six, verse five, it says, And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Verse eleven, The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them, and behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Why did he destroy the earth? Why did this flood come upon the whole world? Because of wickedness, because of violence, because of the evil imaginations that were in their heart continually. And you know who's destroying the earth? It's not me that has an F 150 that you know, that you know, drinks gas. It's it's the wickedness of this world is defiling the land. And the Bible says it's polluting the land and it's going to vomit the inhabitants of the land out. Go to Numbers chapter 35. And yes, I'm getting on a little side note when it comes to this. But this verse is I love this verse. I love the last verse of Genesis chapter eight, because it just puts it in the face of these bunch of Christ rejecting, God hating atheists, all these people that want to talk about their their virtue signaling, you know, everyone wants to have that that cause that everybody's just like, Oh, there's, there's such a righteous person there for the earth, you know, save the whales, save the whale, save this, save this. How about save the babies that are being aborted every single day in America? How about save the 3000 babies that are being chopped up that are being burned alive in their mother's womb? Why don't you save them and then talk to me about the whales and then talk to me about the glaciers melting. Numbers chapter 35 verse 33. It says Numbers chapter 35. I just want to go on a little tangent here dealing with what actually does pollute the land, what actually will destroy this earth and what's destroying this earth now. Why, why, why God's judgment is going to be upon this earth because of the wickedness that's in this world. Numbers chapter 35 verse 33. It says, so ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are. How are you going to pollute it? For blood it defileth the land and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, brought by the blood of him that shed it. All these babies that are being murdered, you better believe that God is not going to count them guiltless. God's wrath, God is slow to wrath and we can see that for sure that God is slow to wrath because he has not poured out his wrath on this world yet, not on our country yet, but it will happen. Babylon will fall and this, this whole land is going to have to answer for the bloodshed that's on here. But how about not just the bloodshed of innocent children, which should be number one on the list as far as what's polluting our land and what's destroying our land. Forget the carbon footprint. How about the blood of innocent children? How about fornication, adultery, sodomy? Go to Leviticus chapter 18. Leviticus chapter 18. And it's interesting because these are the two biggest things that, biggest things that all these actors like Leo DiCaprio would stand for. They'd stand for abortion. They'd stand for the freedom to commit fornication, adultery, sodomy, and all this wickedness that's in the world. The cesspool that's called Hollywood. The cesspool of Hollywood and LA and all those places where all these TV shows and all these movies are produced just to pervert the minds of our children, to pervert our minds. But in Leviticus chapter 18 verse 20, notice what it says. It says, Moreover, thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbor's wife to defile thyself with her, and thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God. I am the Lord. Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind. It is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith. Neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto. It is confusion. Defile not yourselves in any of these things, for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you. And the land is defiled, therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomitteth out her inhabitants. This is the truth. This is what's really destroying the earth. It's not because we're driving too many cars. It's not because we have air conditioning. It's not because of any of that. And a bunch of these people are too closed minded. They're in a New York City where they can't breathe because there's eight million people in this little town. Why don't you move? You know, come out to West Virginia and tell me that we're too overpopulated. Okay? Come out to other places in the country where, and say we're overpopulated. Go to Revelation chapter 11, and here's the end game. Here's what's going to happen. They polluted the land. America is one of the number one offenders of this, but the world itself is within this. It's not just America. It's the whole world that's offenders in this, and it's being defiled. It's going to vomit out the inhabitants thereof. Forget the flood. How about the wrath of God that's going to come upon this country in fire? Revelation chapter 11 verse 18. This is after he's poured out all his wrath, but basically it's talking about the fact that, or it's basically getting into the, this is the last trumpet, and getting into Babylon being destroyed. Verse 18 it says, and the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come in the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants, the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great, and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. Who's destroying the earth? These nations that are angry. These nations that have forgotten God, and any nation that forgets God shall be cast into hell, and there's so much scripture on that as far as the fact that the wicked people are the ones destroying the earth. So forget save the whales. How about save the babies? Forget this PETA garbage, and all this animal rights garbage. How about the rights of unborn children? How about the rights of children themselves? How about the rights of a husband and a wife that they have a marriage, and they don't commit adultery, and the fornication that's going on in this world? And we'll end with 2 Peter chapter 3. You're like, I'm tired of 2 Peter chapter 3. Well, we're going to go there again, okay, because this subject is when we're dealing with the flood, it couples this with the end times, so we had the flood that happened way before, and it's going to come again, but not with the flood. God is keeping his promise. He's not going to destroy the earth with the flood again. Even though DiCaprio did a whole documentary on before the flood, it means nothing, okay? The only flood that's going to be coming is a flood of fire that's going to be coming upon this earth, and every bit of the green grass is going to be burned up in one day. And so, you know, put that in your pipe and smoke it all, you people that are like for the earth and for all this stuff that's going to happen. It's all going to be burned up. In 2 Peter chapter 3 and verse 3, it says, Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last day scoffers walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of this coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continued as they were from the beginning of the creation, for this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God. They are ignorant of this, by the way. They are ignorant of the fact that God said that he would never flood the earth again. They're ignorant of the fact that he did flood the earth again. They're ignorant of the fact that God promised that there would always be summer, winter, sea time, harvest, heat, cold, and that day and night would never cease. They're ignorant of that, willingly ignorant of that. That by the word of God, the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water, whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished. But the heavens and the earth, which are now by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. It was by water before, but now it's going to be by fire in verse 10. So you want to talk about global warming? There's going to be a global warming because notice what it says in verse 10. It says, But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. The earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up, seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner a person ought you to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. There's your global warming. It's coming. But it's not the global warming that they're preaching. And don't be deceived. They are preaching. They are, the Hollywood is their, that's their profit center. And they are preaching hardcore their religion. And so don't think that they're, you know, all were atheists and all that. No, they have their religion. They have their gods. The love of money is the root of all evil. That's their god. And their pleasures and their fornication, their adultery, and all the wickedness that they propagate. But God, you know, God is a just God. God will not at all acquit the wicked. And so they will get their just rewards. And so, just remember this, God is true. His promises, none of his promises will fail. Just as much as salvation is by faith alone and you have eternal life and you'll never lose that salvation, take it to the bank that winter will always be here, summer will always be here, sea time or spring will always be here, harvest will always be here, when, you know, hot, cold, day, night will never cease. That's a promise out of the mouth of God. And so take that to the bank. These bunch of morons, these bunch of fools, they didn't make it to Genesis chapter 8. And if they did, they didn't believe it. Woe unto them. You know, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. They think their wisdom is so high above God and it's just, it's hilarious. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh. The Lord shall have them in derision. I mean, you think about that verse right there. Why do you think God's going to laugh at their calamity and mock when their fear cometh? Because you just think about the foolishness. If you just know the truth and you know, it's like when you think about the fact that the earth is only just over 6,000 years old and you have all these people saying it's billions of years old. Is it, I mean, you'd be like, man, that's cute. You know, it's like you just look at that and think, what an idiot. You know, and you can imagine why God's laughing at them because they're so dumb, because they're so foolish and they think they're wise. That's the dumbest person you ever run into that is really dumb, but they think they're really smart and they profess themselves to be smart, but they're really like the dullest, you know, tool in the shed, you know? And so, but take it to the bank, God is true. The flood, what an event that would be to go through with Noah and his family, to be locked in, to be shut in that arc for that long period of time and, you know, be trusting in God that he's going to take you through it and that you're going to get out and, you know, that it's an amazing story and obviously we kind of, we kind of, I don't know if the word would be kiddify it. I don't know what the word would be, you know, as far as you kind of make it a little more fluffy. You know, you paint the picture of the arc on there, but it's a pretty terrifying event, to be honest. Obviously it shows God's grace, but you talk about the token of God's judgment. A token has two sides to that coin and just as much as the gospel has two sides to the coin, salvation and damnation, you know, the token. And the token, and we'll talk about that next week, the token, which is the bow that he put in the sky, that reminds you that God saved the earth. But what is the main thing that you think about when you see that bow is that he destroyed this earth with water. And so we have an amazing God. We have a God that is consistent, that will never lie. Take his promises to the bank. They will come true. They'll never fail. His word will not come back void. And let's end with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for this evening and we thank you for your word. And Lord, we're just eight chapters into Genesis, but just amazing stories, amazing truths. It's like reading a newspaper in the day that we live in. And this is something that was written thousands of years ago. And Lord, we just love you for your word and just pray to be with us as we go back to work. And Lord, just pray that you'd be with anybody that's not feeling well in the church or that's dealing with different issues. Lord, just pray that you'd heal them and that your healing hand would be upon us. And Lord, we love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.