(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Genesis chapter 42 and we're continuing our story with Joseph. So in the last chapter we saw where Joseph was pretty much exalted and he was taken out of prison and he interpreted Pharaoh's dream and he was basically put in second in command of Egypt and basically he was talking about how he was going to take or he showed how to fix the problem of the fact that there was going to be seven years of famine and he took a fifth part, so 20 percent of their corn every single year when it was plenty. So for seven years he took 20 percent and so in chapter 42 you're picking up right where you leave off where there's a famine now and that's where we pick up where Jacob's going to send his his sons to Egypt for corn. So he hears that there's corn in Egypt and he's going to send his sons to go to go get corn and obviously this is where Joseph sees his brothers again after 13 years after they they put them into a pit and sold them into Egypt. So this is where they're reuniting but this is this story is actually going to go on for a few chapters here as far as this back and forth with them and so this is where it starts though and so in verse one of chapter 42 it says it says now when Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt Jacob said unto his sons why do you look one upon another and he said behold I have heard that there is corn in Egypt get you down thither and buy for us from thence that we may live and not die and Joseph's 10 brethren went down to buy corn in Egypt but Benjamin Joseph's brother Jacob said not with his brethren for he said less peradventure mischief befall him. So obviously he's sending his 10 his 10 Joseph's 10 brothers so obviously there's 12 and Benjamin's not going to be going with them because basically Jacob's very protective of Benjamin he lost Joseph and if you know why why is he so protective of Benjamin because it's Rachel's only last living son so of course according to his knowledge he doesn't know that Joseph's still alive and so he's being very protective of Benjamin and he sends his other 10 sons to go get corn in Egypt and so we see in verse five and honestly this chapter I'm just going to be reading through it and just kind of just seeing the story of it to be honest as far as what's going on here and Genesis chapter 42 and verse 5 it says and the sons of Israel came to buy corn among those that came for the famine was in the land of Canaan and Joseph was the governor over the land and he it was sold to all the people of the land and Joseph's brethren came and bowed down themselves before him with their faces to the earth and Joseph saw his brethren and he knew them but made himself strange unto them and spake roughly unto them and he said unto them whence come ye and they said from the land of Canaan to buy food and Joseph knew his brethren but they knew him not or they they knew not him and so obviously we see that his brothers come up and Joseph's the one that's in charge of all this so he's the one that's pretty much heading this whole thing up so people come up that want corn he's heading that up and he speaks roughly to him and they don't recognize him now you can imagine he was 17 years old now he's he's 30 so there's a big difference I know when I was 17 I looked a little different than when I was 30 and so I looked like a little kid when I was 17 but all that to say is that there's obviously that but you got to understand that what he's gone through and how how your visage can change when you go through a lot of turmoil and all that stuff but also the fact that I believe the the reason that I don't think that you recognize him too was probably the way he was dressed because he's probably dressed like an Egyptian but also the fact that he was speaking a different language and we see that in verse 23 later on you kind of see how there's this disconnect between him and his brothers to where they don't really recognize them and so you imagine if you hadn't seen me in 13 years and then I'm speaking in a different language when you meet when you see me after that you could probably throw someone off as far as who you are anyway in verse 23 it says and they knew not that joseph understood them for he spake unto them by an interpreter so when he would speak they would interpret to them and when they would speak they would interpret to him obviously he's kind of playing this game with them because he knows what how he knows what they're saying and so but they probably don't understand you know that language and later on when when you're actually there's a lot of psalms about this how he how god brought them out of a land with a strange language okay and I don't think anybody would disagree that that Egyptian language is is a kind of a strange language even their their alphabet and all that stuff in the way that they did things because and our language is basically it the root goes back to Hebrew and Aramaic and all that stuff even the first letters of Hebrew is olive and bet and where do you think we get alphabet and even even in if you look at Greek it's alpha beta or alpha beta right alphabet so you can see how the language has kind of come down so Hebrew Greek oh wait a minute that's how they the bible came into be right it's Hebrew and Greek and then all of a sudden and then obviously that went to Latin Latin is pretty much that's where we get our alphabet you know as far as our letters and all that so that's kind of the lineage if you want to see of where our language came from as far as English and obviously it came from German and all that stuff too but we have a Latin alphabet that stems back all the way to Hebrew and so anyway all that to say is that that they kind of had a strange language so it wasn't like a well-known language obviously I don't think his brothers didn't understand it or why else would they need an interpreter okay and so that's why one of the reasons I think that they didn't recognize him also they probably weren't expecting to see him there let's just be honest okay they sold him into Egypt for all they know that what they believe and just from seeing from this chapter when it says and our other brother is not I think they think he's dead to be honest I don't think they think he's even alive but on top of that when you sell someone into slavery I doubt you're going to expect to see them as like the number like number two man in power in Egypt okay so I'm sure when they were meeting up with this guy they wouldn't have they would never guess that it would be Joseph and so they're obviously not seeing that but what I see with this because what we're going to see is that Joseph's going to speak roughly with him he's going to call him spies all this stuff and he's going to put him into prison for a little bit for three days actually and then we all know the story as the fact that he's going to keep one of his brothers and then they have to come back with Benjamin and we're going to get into that whole story with it but you got to understand that that Joseph was done wrong by his brothers go to Proverbs chapter 18 Proverbs chapter 18 and when you say well why is he doing this to him why is he like saying you're spies you know why isn't he just like hey I'm your brother you know guess what that dream came true you know and just put it out to him right there Joseph's kind of messing with his brethren here a little bit to be honest with you but I see this and I see a change okay when you look at this chapter I see Joseph being really harsh with them and there's not really a bunch of mercy that he's planning on putting on them but there's going to be something that changes his attitude I believe in this in this exact chapter and then from that point on he's not really being vindictive he's really just kind of almost teaching them a lesson and then in the end he's blessing them even in this chapter he's blessing them okay but I want you I want you to see where that changes but I want you to see also what the Bible says about offending a brother in Proverbs 18 verse 19 so Proverbs 18 verse 19 says a brother offended is harder to be one than a strong city and their contentions are like the bars of a castle and so obviously their blood brothers but this can apply in the spiritual realm as far as that we're brothers and sisters in Christ and so we need to always remember that as far as offending brothers and the fact that that can be a really hard thing to get over and I know we talked about church discipline and stuff like that or you know when it comes to like your brother trespasses against you and you know we talked about Miss Paula taking off my bumper and all that stuff you know that's the type of stuff that you know sometimes that can really just you know you you basically put that down into the the grudge box that you got against people and it just it's hard to win people back to you okay that's why it talks about you know not letting the your anger you know letting the sun go down upon your wrath kind of thing you know you need to get that right immediately and I'm this isn't a whole sermon on that but Proverbs talks about that to get that right while thou are in the way with him and you know not letting the sun go down upon your wrath this goes also for marriages if you're in a fight with your spouse and listen we've all been there none of us are perfect you know whenever I'm waiting for that person to come up to me and say me and my wife have never fought or whatever because I've yet to meet that person and listen Holly and I don't really fight a lot but we've definitely had fights and the one thing is that you never want to go to sleep without resolving it or at least kind of making up as far as not being angry with each other you know that's the last thing you don't want to go to bed angry but in this case he was obviously wrong I mean I don't think most of us would say that our brother sold us into slavery okay that's pretty extreme and so this is obviously something that he's kind of holding on to who can blame him he's been he's been basically a slave for 13 years he's lost a part of his life now obviously it came out good on the end and we'll see you know what what he even thinks about that you know they thought it for evil but God you know meant it for good but go to Psalm chapter or Psalm 105 Psalm 105 I just want you to see you know the fact that it wasn't a pleasant time when he was in prison either okay now obviously he he whenever there was work he was the doer of it and God blessed him God was with him but don't be mistaken that you know it was just all a bed of roses or like when he when he was sold into slavery that it was just like just like that he became like Potiphar's right-hand man okay you gotta understand that that took a little bit that took a while probably before he was trusted and then obviously he was promoted there then he's thrown into prison and I guarantee it wasn't just overnight that he was the right-hand man of the jailer there and Psalm 105 and verse 16 it says moreover he called for a famine this is talking to the Lord talking about the Lord here he called for a famine upon the land he break the whole staff of bread he sent a man before them even Joseph who was sold for a servant whose feet they hurt with fetters he was laid in iron until the time that his word came the word of the Lord tried him the king sent and loosed him even the ruler of the people and let him go free he made him Lord of his house and ruler of all his substance to bind his princes at his pleasure and to teach his senators wisdom we also see a little more about Joseph that he not only was you know Pharaoh's right-hand man with all this corn but he also taught his senators wisdom so he was he was a wise man in the land he was he was very powerful after all this but notice that his is his feet they hurt with fetters so I mean he obviously went through a lot so you can imagine what he's thinking when he sees his brethren right he sees his brothers and Benjamin's not there so I mean it's all at war at that point I mean those are the brothers that sold him into slavery and so put him into the pit they wanted to kill him and all this so you can imagine what's going through his head and why he's like you are spies you know and he's probably I guarantee he's a little angry with him right but he remembers his dream now what did they do when they came up to him they bowed down in verse six it says when Joseph's brother brethren came and bowed down themselves before him with their faces to the earth there's where that came true right you know he had those dreams and so and just going back to those dreams go to Genesis 37 Genesis chapter 37 and so Genesis 37 we'll just see that again I know we've already we've already covered that but Genesis 37 verse six I just want you to see that this is where it's coming true and so it was a true dream and Joseph wasn't just out there in left field and so in verse six it says and he said unto them here I pray you this dream which I have dreamed for behold we have we were binding sheaves in the field and lo my sheaf arose and also took stood upright and behold your sheaves stood round about and made obeisance to my sheaf and his brethren said to him shout thou indeed reign over us or shout thou indeed have dominion over us and they hated him yet the more for his dreams and for his words and he dreamed yet another dream and told his brethren and said behold I have dreamed to dream more and behold the sun and the moon and the 11 stars made obeisance to me so this is where it came true and that's how we start off the story with Joseph is in chapter 37 and now he's exalted and what's happening his brethren are bowing down themselves to and obviously Jacob's going to be coming in with all their other family all the family and all that stuff later on but he remembers this dream he remembers the dream and this is where you know he sees his brother and they bow down themselves and verse nine it talks about how he remembers his dream the dreams that he dreamed and it's kind of like recalling it imagine you know like it's been 13 years since this happened and they're bowing down and it's almost like that reminds them of like hey yeah that they hated me for this dream and this is what happened and so it's just kind of like this memory that's being brought up and you know you can you can imagine what's going through Joseph's head he's a he's human just like us I mean he's not like some he's not elevating above us okay and some people look at Joseph like you know he was sinless or something like that and they say that with Daniel too they they look at some of these bible characters that doesn't have like a big sin that's laid upon them because David the king you know no one's going to say like he's sinless because the bible is very clear that he's not but you know some of these characters they don't really tell you their flaws they're kind of in there a little bit you know with with Joseph we'll get to that eventually on my political sermon but there are flaws with Joseph but they're not like out in the open like Joseph sin the Lord was displeased with him and stuff like that so sometimes when you read these stories you kind of get this this this wrong picture I mean as far as the fact that he's perfect and he's not human okay and so I think this is kind of his his flesh coming out and wanting to just lash out at his brothers for what they did in verse nine his husband Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed of them and said unto them ye are spies to see the nakedness of the land year come now does he actually think they're spies I don't think so so obviously he remembers the dreams and he's like you're spies and he man he's giving him a hard time so you can imagine the power that he has he could just mess with them hardcore because I mean put he could put the fear of God in them for sure because he's he's in command he can have them all put to death on the spot if he wanted to and they know that and so he's just I mean imagine an accusation like that you know being a spy and you know being accused of that I mean that's usually an offense by death to most nations if you're a spy and so obviously this is going to put fear into him in verse 10 it says and they said unto him nay my lord but to buy food are thy servants come notice the language nay my lord thy servants and so he's just I mean you can imagine he's putting it on thick I mean the fact that that they they hated them and they're like are you you're not you're not gonna have dominion over us and now he's got them groveling before him as far as saying we're not spies you're my lord we're your servants kind of thing in verse 12 it says and he said unto them nay but to see the nakedness of the land and they said said thy servants are 12 brethren the son of one man in the land of Canaan and behold the youngest is this day with our father and one is not so I do believe you know we saw this you know where it talks about when it says was not or is not it's talking about someone being dead the beast that was and is not and ascended out of the bottomless pit we talked about that with the anti-christ we talked about you know Rachel weeping for her children because they are not and that's in a prophecy about how Herod would kill all the children the the male children from two years old and under and all that so I do believe that they think he's dead so you can imagine why they wouldn't think this would be Joseph you know they actually think he's dead in verse 14 it says and Joseph said unto them that is it that I spake unto you saying ye are spies hereby ye shall be proved by the life affair you shall not go forth hence except your youngest brother come hither send one of you and let him fetch your brother and ye shall be kept in prison that your words may be proved whether they be any any whether there be any truth in you or else by the life affair surely ye are spies so that didn't move him right he's just like you're spies you're spies you're spies and so now he's saying you know you need to bring your youngest brother and notice how this starts it starts off with I'm going to keep all of you except one but what's that what ends up happening at the end of the chapter they keep one and send the rest okay and so we're going to see that he's got to he's got to change around here but he as far as his attitude and I'm going to show you why why I believe he changes his attitude and it has to do with when his brother start talking to each other but in verse 17 it says and he put them all together into ward three days and I'm not doing a whole parallel on Jesus here but obviously three days when you see three days there's obviously probably a parallel there you know being in ward being in prison and Joseph said unto them the third day this do and live for I fear God if you be true men let one of your brethren be bound in the house of your prison go ye carry corn for the famine of your houses and bring your youngest brother unto me so shall your words be verified and ye shall not die and they did so so and so basically he's switching around and basically now it's just he's sending he's keeping one sending the rest and this is where once we get to verse 21 here is where I believe Joseph's kind of changing his demeanor because his brethren are going to start talking to each other and in verse 21 it says and they said one to another we are verily guilty concerning our brother and that we saw the anguish of his soul when he besought us and we would not hear therefore is this distress come upon us and Reuben answered them saying spake I not unto you saying do not sin against the child and ye would not hear therefore behold also his blood is required and they knew not that Joseph understood them for he spake unto them by an interpreter and he turned himself about from them and wept and returned to them again and communed with them and took from them Simeon and bound him before their eyes see the difference see what's going on here what what he doesn't realize there's some things that he didn't really know first of all they wanted to kill him to begin with right they didn't know that Reuben I don't believe he knew that Reuben didn't want this to happen meaning Reuben said put him in the pit don't kill him remember Reuben wasn't there when they sold him so Reuben is saying I told you not to do this and they're saying we're guilty we're guilty and this is coming on us because of that so he's seeing the remorse obviously it's not like they're just cold about it they're like oh he got what he deserved they're remorseful about it they're regretting it and Joseph's hearing this so they don't know that he can understand them so that's the key like they're just openly speaking about this and they don't know that he can understand that and that's where he he he understood and that's where he turned himself about and wept so he didn't obviously show them that he was weeping later on the same thing's going to happen when he sees Benjamin all that he can't contain himself but you can see that his heart probably softened a little bit here but it also you know you ever wonder why did he take Simeon like why did he pick Simeon well I believe he picked Simeon because Reuben is the oldest who's second Simeon Reuben didn't sell him and sell him into Egypt it was Simeon and all the rest besides Benjamin so Simeon was the oldest out of all the brethren that sold him into Egypt and so Reuben obviously has his faults and you know he should have just he should have protected his brother and not just left him alone knowing that his brothers wanted to kill him but at the same time Reuben's not the one that that did it himself right he wasn't there when he came back he was like upset about it but also you know I don't think Joseph really knew Reuben's heart on the whole matter as far as the fact that he was like you know didn't want that to happen wanted to restore him unto his father because I don't know I don't think he was like Joseph I'm gonna try to restore you to your father to your dad you know I don't think he necessarily had that conversation with him in his mind though when you read the bible in his mind he's saying you know that he's basically having to put him in his pit so that he could restore him unto Jacob later on and then when he came back he wasn't there they sold him and you know for all they know he's dead now so that being said I believe that's why he takes Simeon because Simeon's the oldest after Reuben and Reuben's kind of he kind of gives Reuben a pass so to speak and so we we see that I just wanted you to kind of see that why why is this change of heart and later on we're going to see that he actually starts even blessing his brethren before they even bring back Benjamin and so in verse 25 and again this will probably be a short sermon because this is really just kind of going down the line as far as what's going on I don't have a whole big allegory to show you with all this stuff to go real deep with it but I just kind of want you to understand really the basics of what's going on when he sees his brethren why is he going through all this you know I think the big reason is he's just trying to really he started this off I think as far as being a little vindictive a little grudge holding as far as the fact that they sold him into slavery and all that stuff and then he kind of had he has a little softened heart once he hears them talk about how they did him wrong so in verse 25 it says then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn and notice this and to restore every man's money in his sack and to give them provision for the way and thus did he unto them and they laden their asses with the corn and departed thence and as one of them opened his sack to give his ass provender in the end he espied his money for behold it was in his sacks mouth and he said unto his brethren my money is restored and lo it is even in my sack there and their heart failed them and they were afraid saying one to another what is this that God had done unto us so I don't believe that Joseph was necessarily doing this to mess with them I think he was just trying to bless them and the fact that he just gave him the corn for free essentially but to them they're like oh no like we could be accused of you know stealing this and and so to them it's like oh man you know we're in deep trouble they already have simian we're gonna go back and it's gonna be like you took the corn without paying for it kind of thing and so they're they're very afraid but I you know maybe I'm wrong maybe he did that just to make them afraid right but I don't think so I think he was just kind of you know starting to bless them a little bit knowing that that money is going to be going back to their to his family to his dad and so you can kind of see though that that they didn't take it that way they're they you can imagine you know why would they think that this guy would give them back their money right he's speaking roughly to him he's calling them spies they you know they imprisoned one of their brothers one of their brothers so you can't imagine it to be like oh he must have just been nice to us you know and giving us back our money so that's obviously not running through their head and so but anyway so they get back and and they're telling this to Jacob they're telling them what happened and so in verse 29 it says and they came unto Jacob their father unto the land of Canaan and told him all that befell unto them saying the man who is the lord of the land spake roughly to us and took us for spies of the country and we said unto him we are true men we are no spies we be 12 brethren sons of our father one is not and the youngest is this day with our father in the land of Canaan and the man the lord of the country said unto us hereby shall i know that ye are true men leave one of your brethren here with me and take food for the famine for the famine of your household to be gone and bring your youngest brother unto me then shall i know that ye are no spies but that ye are true men so will i deliver you your brother and you shall traffic in the land and it came to pass as they emptied their sacks that behold every man's bundle of money was in his sack and when both they and their father saw the bundles of money they were afraid and so obviously they're bringing this bad news about the fact that simian's in prison all the stuff that went down and all that and so later on when we get into the you know when he they have to go back and Jacob is going to basically be say to him why did you say you had a younger brother and this reminds me i watched this this video on why you should never talk to the cops okay and it's a lawyer saying this by the way but it has to do with the fifth amendment of the fact that you know you had the right to remain silent and basically the whole aspect is to never talk because pretty much it can never help you is what he said this is the lawyer saying this and there was a cop that was going to talk to him afterwards so he's not like against the cops or anything like that he's just making a point and even the the cop that came up later he's like he's right because anytime you're interrogated or they ever even if you're like a witness to something never talk to them because you can end up being pulled in this whole video kind of showed how even if you're completely innocent you can be pulled into it and be found guilty of something and so uh sometimes you know you got to think you know what we're talking about there's a time to speak and there's kind of time to keep silence when you're talking to the police don't say anything and so that's my policy anymore now i've i've been guilty of this don't get me wrong i've given him a mouthful before but um it's kind of like he gave an example if you get pulled over and let's say you know you're going over speed on the what's the first thing they ask you do you know how fast you're going and you usually give like a semi-honest answer you never say like i was going uh you know 80 and a 70 or 80 and 55 or something like that right you're going to say like well i think i was going like let's say it's 55 i think i was going about like 57 or something like that well you've already admitted guilt even though it's less than what you were going you've admitted by your mouth that you're guilty so it's kind of something like that but in this case if they wouldn't have said anything if they just said we're not spies notice how that just completely demolishes this whole thing about finally bringing their brother to them you know that was the whole argument it's like you got to bring your brother the brother needs to come in and so anyway all that to say is you know the fifth amendment's important for a reason the whole point of the fifth amendment is so you don't incriminate yourself and if you have nothing to hide that that's the whole thing you know this whole this whole idea of like oh the fourth amendment i have nothing to hide just you know search me tsa you know you can strip search me all this stuff you know i have nothing to hide that's ridiculous okay it you had the right for someone not to search you have the right not to speak to any you know not to incriminate yourself and so those those rights that we have are the bill of rights they're just basically stating what we should have to begin with but sometimes you don't think about that right you think about well yeah i don't have to but usually people do because you want to get out you want to just be honest especially if you haven't done anything wrong but sometimes it's not good to say you know especially when you're talking to someone like high up in authority you should just not say anything and let your lawyer say it and let someone else say it because then it's not going to be like a self-testimony or uh you know don't pick it apart and listen let's just be honest there's crooked people out there prosecutors will they just want to make money they don't care if you're innocent or guilty i'm just being honest with you so this is a case with this story where they spoke up and said something you know he just said you're spies all they had to say is no we're not you know the burden of proof is on joseph to be honest like if it's a righteous government the you know it's innocent until proven guilty so don't say anything is the key there you know plead the fifth you know they should have plead the fifth okay and just the fact that they if they wouldn't have said anything they wouldn't really had anything to hold on them but you see how the fact that they had a younger brother is there something wrong with having a younger brother but you see how that got turned into like oh we need to prove that and when i watched this whole thing about that it was it was something like that like if you said well you know like let's say you someone was accusing you of being in this area or something like that and you're like well no i was at this area you know well if uh if let's say you your memory was incorrect you're actually over and let's say you were you were saying well i was over at this store or this restaurant this time and you're actually over at this restaurant now they'll say you're guilty of perjury because you weren't actually there and so anyway uh i have to show you i have to show you the link to the to the video because it was very good it was very enlightening okay and the fact that you should just never say anything you know if a cop comes up to you let's say you saw something go down you saw someone get hit whatever and a cop comes up to you just be like got nothing got nothing now obviously i'm not saying that if someone got murdered that you shouldn't like you should get a lawyer and you should you know go through that but never talk to the police that's my my answer talk to a lawyer and tell them hey i saw something but i want you know go through you i don't want to just go to the police and so anyway it's very enlightening but when i see this i kind of see that too where where they kind of spoke up and they said something that wasn't asked of them he didn't say how many brothers do you have do you have another brother and so it's not like they were just answering a question they just came out and said something else and so anyway in in the world we live in and just how you know accusations are flying out there it's better just not to say anything but so he tells him this and then jacob is is pretty much blaming his sons for this he's blaming his sons for joseph which is obviously true okay now i don't believe jacob really knows what happens happened but they blamed them for what happened to joseph even though he probably doesn't know that they actually sold him into slavery but they they probably more so look at it like you didn't take care of him when he was out there you know and he got eaten by some beast or something and so in verse 36 it says and jacob their father said unto them me have you bereaved of my children joseph is not and simian is not and you will take benjamin away all these things are against me notice what rubin says here so he's pretty much reprimanding his sons you know like you let this happen you messed up and you know like i said later on jacob's going to be saying why did you say that and so which is true why did you say you know it seems innocent right they're just speaking the truth but in the end they kind of put themselves in that situation and so but notice what rubin says here get an idea who rubin is it says when rubin spake unto his father saying slay my two sons if i bring him not to thee deliver him into my hand and i will bring him to thee again and he said my son shall not go down with you for his brother is dead and he is left alone if mischief befall him by the way in which you go then shall you bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave and so he's saying no no it's not him but notice rubin what he says did he say you know kill me take this out on me he says slave my two sons now what in the world does his sons have to do with what he did okay notice how he's not he's obviously that would i'm sure hurt him but at the same time you know he's not saying you know like take it out on me take it out on my two sons okay so notice how he's putting punishment on people that aren't really dealing they're not even in the situation it's not their problem and so and so that's the difference between rubin you'll see in the next chapter judah is a reason that jacob lets him take benjamin not rubin and we'll get into all that the difference between rubin judah and joseph later on more so when we get into chapter 49 but i do want you to see chapter 49 as far as rubin's concerned go to chapter 49 because rubin remember he slept with uh with jacob's concubine and that's why he didn't get the birthright but there's gonna be something said about rubin here that's gonna make you understand why when he when when rubin comes up to jacob and says hey you know i'll i'll take him i'll bring him back and why jacob's like no no no not happening because obviously he doesn't trust rubin and so in verse 3 so genesis chapter 49 verse 3 says rubin thou art my firstborn my might in the beginning of my strength the excellency of dignity and the excellency of power notice in verse 4 unstable as water thou shalt not excel because thou wentest up to thy father's bed then defiles thou it he went up to my couch that's what he says about him so he starts off good but then obviously he's unstable as water so you can imagine something that's very strong very mighty but it's unstable and what good is that because listen i do structural engineering and you can have members that are very very strong but if they're unstable it's worthless and you know and sometimes it's just the way you attach it the way that you you set it up anybody's ever played with a rector type stuff you know and just i mean just toys stuff like that that all the pieces are all the same strength but it's how is it stable or not and so stability stability is something i deal with all the time when it comes to buildings and structures and stuff like that and water is unstable water what what's that saying meaning that it it conforms or forms to whatever you put it in you know if you put it in a any type of shape of thing it'll form to that shape so what does it do it conforms to this world it conforms and it just it just basically moves to what it's it's you know it basically it's every wind of doctrine you think of the new testament a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways the bible says and so that's who i think about when i i see rubin i see someone who's unstable and it's funny because the world always has everything backwards when it comes to things you know you think of gandhi you know all what was his you know because i always get the difference between all sin is the saint or all sin is equal hate the sinner or yeah he didn't say that hate the sin love the sinner right that was gandhi and like a lot of times when you look at the world and what they say it's completely opposite of what the bible says and i'm going to give you one bruce lee now bruce lee i was i'm i'm kind of a fan when it comes to fighting and like different stuff i did boxing i did taekwondo and i wrestled and all that stuff but bruce lee was like you know kind of one of those things especially when i grew up he was one of those guys you know you kind of wanted to be bruce lee right bruce lee is famous for saying that you need to be water and you need to and his whole idea is like you need to to move or form to what you're doing kind of thing and it's funny because the bible's completely against that obviously you know as far as the the example like he's saying we need to conform to everything and like kind of move to what you're to what you're doing the bible doesn't say that the bible says unstable is water thou shalt not excel and so it's always funny how like the world's philosophies and obviously that's that that philosophy is like you know eastern mysticism type stuff and you get into this martial arts stuff it's always this eastern mysticism buddhism uh you know yoga and all this weird stuff right and so uh i just every time i read this i think of bruce lee i'm like you're wrong bruce lee you know and so uh you're a good fighter probably i i wouldn't want to fight him or anything like that but at the same time uh and that's debatable some people are like he was awful at fighting i'm sure he could probably still beat me up you know but all i have to say is that it's funny how the world's completely opposite of what the bible says and take it to the bank usually if the world says something and you know the majority is saying it is probably against the bible and so that's why it's always funny when the world is is saying stuff you know like you know all the world is against you all the world disagrees with what you're saying it's like yeah that's probably why i'm right that actually just confirms to me that i'm that i'm definitely right on this issue because you're always wrong the world is always wrong about what's actually truth and so uh but you know every time i think of rubin i think of bruce lee okay and it's funny though because he's strong he's powerful but he's unstable as water and bruce lee's in hell by the way bruce lee is not a christian he's in hell all that eastern mysticism you know all those religions hinduism buddhism all that stuff is of the devil it's all you know and so all these people that follow that stuff they're all on a highway to hell if they don't get saved and so i'm not here to pick on bruce lee or anything like that but i am the i am here to pick on that religion and all the stuff they push and that stuff is getting very popular today this yoga and meditating you know getting in getting in your zen or whatever i don't know what these stupid words even mean but they're always talking about like uh you know meditating and getting your aura right and all this and karma it's like how how about the bible says you reap what you sow and you're supposed to get saved and you know have the holy ghost indwelling you how about that's the truth and the rest of this stuff is garbage and none of that's going to excel all that stuff is going to mean nothing and they can do all the yoga they want they can do all the meditation they want they're all going to die and go to hell if they don't believe on the lord jesus christ and just as much as bruce lee is wrong about being water you know that's all these religions all just in one and so i don't you ever read verses though and you just kind of think of different people and people have said things and you're just like that's completely against what the bible says it's like night and day i mean black and white you know as as much as light is against darkness i mean that's how opposite this thinking is and you know you see all this stuff out in the world and sometimes i just have to tune it out but all this stuff about genders and all that you know all these stupid gender fluidity and how gender is fluid and all this other garbage and it's just it's just amazing to me that that we we've come to a point where we can't even people can't even understand there's only two genders that is just male and female i saw this this meme or whatever and it showed this shirt that was for sales like you're buying it on amazon and it said there's like you know unlimited genders i forget what it said it was something like that and had the rainbow on it and then it had you had to pick male or female for your size of your shirt now that's hilarious because they're forced into it like i don't want to do it it's like that that meme where you got the two buttons and they're both bad and you're like the guy's sweating because it's so ridiculous so ridiculous that we're actually that i actually am bringing this up that there's only two genders and and people look at us like we're nuts like oh you guys are against science it's like it's like you can't even you can't even agree that there's only two genders that you know you have two x chromosomes chromosomes and you have an x and a y and that's different genders and that stuff is it's unbelievable it's unbelievable that that that stuff's being pushed today and that that i that i i'm i'm at a loss for words and i just see it constantly and so the bible is kind of like our steady rock you know don't be a ruben don't be unstable as water to the point where you're just going to sacrifice your sons to get what you need and these people are a bunch of cowards by the way i just had one you know one person uh you know obviously i've had it before but uh this person like sent me an email today on my company account like basically saying he's going to send all this stuff to my boss you know about like to show how vile i am i'm like vile i'm like the bible says that you're vile you're filthy you're a bunch of reprobates they're going to split hell wide open but i just think it's hilarious you know that that they're always like oh you're all your hateful stuff i'm like oh you don't think you think this is loving you know you're sending this to my boss or whatever uh holly's like you should you should afford it to your boss and be like hey look at what this guy has to say you know because it's a bunch of it's a bunch of garbage but it's always backwards everything that they say is backwards it's always everything bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter everything is good is evil and evil is good and so when i see this about rubin i just see how the world would literally say that being water is good and the bible is completely against that and so why why didn't jacob not trust rubin to bring back benjamin he's unstable as water he's not trustworthy and so we need to not be like rubin we need to we need to own up for our own you know mistakes that we'd make and not lay our children down in front of us as far as you know we did something wrong let's punish them he should have said slay me if i don't come back with benjamin slay me and you're going to see the difference between rubin and judah next week when we see the fact that judah what judah says compared to what rubin says and you're going to see why he prevailed above his brethren why did jesus christ come out of the tribe of judah compared to rubin okay and so but anyway that's genesis chapter 42 again not too many crazy things in that chapter no satyrs or dragons or anything like that but but next week we'll get into more of the story when they go back a second time and and benjamin goes with them and so we're almost getting done with genesis we uh we're almost there so i haven't really picked a book yet as far as uh what we'll do after that we'll probably be going into the new testament to get a break from the old um and so maybe a gospel of some sort or whatever so but anyway maybe we'll do a short book because those long books can be daunting on people you know but we'll do a short book then we'll do a big one again so anyways the end with the word of father we thank you for this evening and pray that you'd uh be with us as we go home i pray to be with us as we travel up to canain and just give safe travels and we pray to be with the weather and lord that uh that you'd bless uh us with good weather up there i know that the forecast is calling for rain but lord we just pray that you would uh maybe hold it off or but but either way lord just pray to bless the fellowship that we have i pray to you to help everybody not to help everybody to be healthy and not to be sick and do we do pray for tabby with her leg and that that would heal up and lord that she wouldn't have to deal with that very much longer and that it would just uh at least the pain would go away and lord again we prayed she'd be with us and we love you and pray all this in jesus christ's name amen