(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Genesis chapter 25 here we see the birth of Jacob and Esau but we have some more we have some stuff before we get to that here starting in the very first part of this chapter here and we know that in chapter 23 Sarah died and then pretty much three years after that is when Isaac got married to Rebekah but we're gonna see Abraham's death but we're gonna first we're gonna see that he takes another wife so in verse one there it says then again Abraham took a wife and her name was Keturah so there's a Bible trivia question for you there you know what was Abraham's wife after Sarah so we see that he has another wife after this and he has a bunch of other sons that are after this but you got to think about this you know he lived to 175 we're gonna see in this chapter here before he dies and he outlives Sarah by 38 years so she died at 127 which would make him 137 when she died and so but that's crazy to think about it he had all these children after when he was you know after 137 but anyway that's beside the point but we see here that the one thing I want you to see because we're not going to get into the weeds with all this stuff as far as all the different people in here but the one I want you to see is in verse 2 there says and she bare him Zimran and Jokshan and Medan and Midian now Midian is one that you should probably kind of remember as far as a place at least and I believe that this Midian is where we get the land of Midian and it's it's significant if you think about Moses okay so go to the Exodus chapter 2 because this is the Midian is the land that he flees into when he flees out of Egypt and he ends up taking a wife in Midian and so this also shows you two you know we kind of covered this when we were talking about one blood all nations and how he had an Ethiopian woman they took for a wife apparently that was after his first wife because his first wife is clearly from Midian and not from Ethiopia so it's kind of like Abraham he had you know Sarah but then he had Hagar as a concubine and then he had we'll see other concubines apparently just kind of mentioning in there but I'm not getting into all the stuff about the concubines but but anyway Midian in Exodus chapter 2 in verse 15 it says now when Pharaoh heard this thing he sought to slay Moses but Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of Midian and he sat down by a well now the priest of Midian had seven daughters and they came and drew water and filled the troughs to water their their father's flock and the shepherds came and drove them away but Moses stood up and helped them and watered their flock so if you know the story he fled then he helps the them at that at the the well there verse 18 says and when they came to Reul their father he said how is it that ye are come so soon today and so basically his daughters came to him now what's interesting is that name does that sound that familiar you're probably thinking of Jethro now Jethro is the same person that's what we're gonna see as Jethro is is the priest of Midian he's Moses father-in-law but that his name is also Reul right and you'll see this a lot of times in a Bible where you'll look at one passage it says a name and another passage is another name it just means they have a couple names and if you think about it we all have a couple names only most of us have middle names so I did to say you know someone can't have a different name or some people have surnames right you know Simon surname Peter you know Simon Peter and so we have surnames my last name is Robinson that's my surname and so it's not that out in the ordinary when you see that in the Bible and you see one place he's called this and another place he's called this you know I just he has his he has more than one name and most of us do anyway so not a problem but you know another Bible trivia question what was Moses father-in-law's name what's his other name right but but in verse 21 there it says Moses was content to dwell with the man and he gave Moses Zipporah his daughter so we see that the high priest of Midian it gives him one of his daughters and he had seven daughters but he gave him Zipporah and that's who he had two sons with Eliezer and Gershom but but Exodus chapter 3 in verse 1 well that's what we see the name that we're usually used to it says now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and it says and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of God even to Horeb so that also tells us where the mountain of God's at Horeb all that stuff but all that to say is that when you see these names sometimes you can see where it came from so you know that tells me is that Zipporah is a long distance relative of Moses because if they go back to Abraham okay so they're not that far out of the line as far as going they go back to Abraham it's just you know obviously Ishmael lights go back to Abraham and all these other people come back to Abraham Jokshan and Midian and all those so but they're obviously not of Sarah so they're not of Isaac but just wanted you to see that you know so when you're reading through Exodus and you see Midian it's not like someone completely estranged from the group of people that we're dealing with and so it's not that out of the ordinary that you marry someone from Midian but Genesis chapter 25 verse 5 we see here that Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac okay so Isaac was the heir and so that's what we saw with Hagar remember that he cast out the bond woman and her son is the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman right that we saw that in Galatians chapter 4 we saw that in Genesis as well but here it says in verse 5 and Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac but unto the sons of the concubines which Abraham had Abraham gave gifts and sent them away from Isaac his son while he yet lived eastward unto the east country so when he was still living he sent all those sons away he gave gifts but he gave all his inheritance to Isaac okay now I'm not really getting into concubines tonight but a concubine a lot of times you know it's someone that's a wife but they're of lesser status okay so Hagar was considered a concubine even though he married her and even with Keturah you know he married her but it wasn't like his wife you know like it wasn't like Sarah okay and if you want to think about it Abraham or Abraham Solomon had 700 wives princesses and 300 concubines notice how it puts princesses with the wives and then the 300 concubines are not princesses okay so they're there I believe that he still married them but there's a lesser now obviously none of that's right okay well defending concubines here but a lot of times in the Bible and sometimes a concubine could just be someone that is like a living girlfriend so to speak but sometimes they are married it's just the fact that they're not a high-level status okay sometimes they'll marry like a servant right and the Bible talks about that how they'll marry a servant and so it's not the same as marrying your first wife so to speak so anyway that's not a point of sermon tonight but but we see that Abraham Abraham dies in this passage now what we'll see here in verse 7 it's going to talk about Abraham dying and it's gonna talk about Ishmael dying but again it's giving us information that doesn't mean that they you know Abraham died then Ishmael died and now we're talking about Jacob and Esau being born okay it's not like that okay and throughout the book of Kings you'll see that where someone dies and then it will kind of go back and cover something that's going on and it's like in so-and-so's like some year of reigning and it's like wait a minute I thought they just died okay well it's because you know he's giving you all this information about the one person and then switching to another person giving you all this information up till they die but it doesn't mean that that's the progression of like they died and then they're just starting off from when that person died okay and I'll explain that because in verse 7 it says and these are the days that of the years of Abraham Abraham's life which he lived in hundred threescore and 15 years and Abraham gave up the ghost and died and in a good old age an old man in four years and was gathered to his people and his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah in the field of Ephron the son of Zoar the Hittite which he which is before Mamre the field which Abraham purchased of the sons of Heth there was Abraham buried and we already covered that in Genesis chapter 23 as far as he bought that piece of land that cave for a burying place and a lot of the patriarchs are gonna be buried there now we see here is that he died when he was a hundred and seventy-five years so a score for anybody doesn't know what a school where that means like when you say four score threescore or you know you think of Abraham speak Abraham Lincoln speech where he said four score and seven years ago well a score is 20 so four times 20 would give you 80 right so four score and seven would be 87 years ago right so obviously when he was giving that speech 87 years ago he was talking about the Declaration of Independence and all that stuff but you know when I was younger when I'd hear that I'm like what in the world is he talking about it's like someone just speaking like another language to you right but so score when it says it was a hundred three score in 15 years that means three score would be 60 add 15 to that that gives you 75 add a hundred to that you get 175 so sometimes in the Bible when you're reading the numbers it's harder they don't say numbers a lot of times like we would say it right like we'd say 25 they say five and 20 right you're like good night and it I when we're going through this genealogy I think it was a brother Luke that that pointed out that I messed up one of them but it's because they like say that they'll be like four and thirty or something like that right and I think I put 43 instead of 34 because obviously four and thirty is 34 and it's just like it messes with your mind you gotta literally think about that for a second but anyway he's 175 you know so if Isaac was born when he was a hundred how old was Isaac when Abraham died you're like it's Wednesday night I didn't want to come here to do math it's 75 years right so you 75 years old when Abraham died when we see in this passage how old was Isaac when Jacob and Esau were born he was 60 years old that means that his boys were 15 years old when Abraham died okay so we see him dying here but he was there when they were born okay so I just want you to see that sometimes you read over that and you don't really see it and you think Abraham's already gone before these before Jacob and Esau are born and and when we get into Isaac we're gonna see that I mean he he lives a long time he was 180 and it's interesting because you know the boys he's like you know I don't know the day my death it's like well it's like a hundred years from now no it's not that far but it's close I mean it's like good night that was a long ways away you really misjudged that Isaac as far as when you're gonna die but anyway so he was gathered to the same place that that that his wife was so we see at the very beginning here in Genesis we talked about with a burying but being buried with your family you know you see it all the time where we have like you know my family has that where there's a there's a place to where my grandfather's buried where my dad's twin brother's buried where my grandmother's buried and so like kind of having a family burial spot and when you go through the book of Kings and all that stuff you'll say that they slept with their fathers that's what it's talking about right is they they'd be buried with their fathers so they're being buried where their their father their grandfather their great-grandfather and all that stuff so but going back to Genesis 25 verse 11 and a lot of this stuff is just self explanatory what we're seeing here right but we're gonna get into Ishmael here and so in verse 11 it says and it came to pass after the death of Abraham that God blessed his son Isaac and Isaac dwelled by the well-laid high Roy so we see here that God is blessing Isaac and Abraham gave gave Isaac all that he had because he's the heir but now we get into Ishmael and if you remember there was a promise in Genesis chapter 17 that he was gonna have 12 princes if you want to look back at that before we read what actually happens here but in Genesis 17 verse 20 and it says for as for Ishmael I have heard thee behold I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly 12 princes shall he beget I will make him a great nation but my covenant will I establish with Isaac which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year so obviously this was before Isaac was born but he was promising you know that that Ishmael is gonna be a great nation he's gonna have 12 princes well this is where this comes true so in verse 12 of Genesis 25 it says now these are the generations of Ishmael Abraham's son whom Hagar the Egyptian Sarah's handmaid bear unto Abraham and these are the names of the sons of Ishmael by their names according to their generations the first born of Ishmael Nebai Joth yeah good night that's why I had brother Eric read these right and it says in Kedar and Adbil and Mipsam and Mishma and Dumah and Massa and Hadar and Timah and Jader and Naphish and Kedemah so 12 of these it says in verse 16 these are the sons of Ishmael and these are their names by their towns and by their castles 12 princes according to their nations so it's just interesting they have castles so apparently had a castle way back then right so I don't know what that you know if that meant stone castles you know like you've seen England or something like that but anyway 12 princes isn't that what it was said in Genesis chapter 17 so God is another prophecy fulfilled and that's what you see throughout the Bible you see God's promising something and then it comes true God promises something it comes true and so 12 princes just like he said and in verse 17 there says and these are the years of the life of Ishmael and hundred and thirty and seven years and he gave up the ghost and died and was gathered unto his people and they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur that is before Egypt as Algoas toward Syria and he died in the presence of all his brethren so we see the Ishmael dies at 137 I was just gonna outlive him by law now Isaac is obviously about 14 years younger than him right but even so he lives to 180 so but obviously Ishmael was alive when when you know Jacob and Esau were there and all this other stuff so again we see you know Abraham died Ishmael died but they were they were he when we get into the story about Rebecca conceiving and having children they're all still alive okay so that's just how the Bible reads a lot of times is that it gives you all the information about one person up to their death and then it starts over with another person up to their death but obviously you know those things overlap if you're gonna look at it so but but we see the birth of Jacob and Esau here in verse 19 it says and these are the generations of Isaac Abraham's son Abraham begat Isaac and Isaac was 40 years old when he took Rebecca to white the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian a paid an errand the sister of Laban the Syrian now first of all to see there is that both Bethuel and Laban were Syrians okay and so just a just an idea as far as where where did Isaac or where did where did Abraham come from right because Abraham remember that Sarah are not Sarah but Rebecca was sister to Laban and her father was Bethuel and so Rebecca came from Syria and that was her grandfather would have been Nahor which was Abraham's brother okay and so you can see that connection with Syria okay and so this whole idea you know like people at that you know they look at Syria today and they look at Libya and they look at all these other places it's like and they're like oh we're the Jews and all this stuff where do you think you came from you know what I mean like you literally came from you know you think about where their lines go back to Syria back to the Caledon's back to you know you think of all those Middle Eastern countries like Syria like Iraq like Iran you know all that stuff that's where Abraham even came out of right and so this whole idea of like oh you know we have a certain bloodline or whatever it's ludicrous anyway and so I just want to point that type of stuff out you know people don't want to hear that you know like these Zionists don't want to hear that like Abraham was a Hebrew it's like where did he come from right and anyway so the birth here we see in and in verse 21 so Isaac was 40 years old when he got married so that tells us what how old he was you know we looked at that in chapter 24 doesn't tell us how old he was but right here is telling us that and in verse 21 it says and Isaac and treated the Lord for his wife because she was barren and the Lord was entreated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived now one thing I want to point out is that it says that he entreated her you know how long that was well it tells us when they're born that Isaac was 60 years old that's a good long time to be praying for you know to be barren and so just any hope out there ladies you know and I know a lot of you know everybody here has children you know that are ladies and but you know the thing is is that I know people I know people that have struggled with having children and you know unless you're at the 20-year mark you can't really look at it and say no one's dealt with this before that have gone to the extreme of using the IVF and and I'm completely against IVF I just want you to know that I'm against every form of birth control I'm against IVF I'm against all that stuff and I'm saying if I'm saying that illiterately you know if it's I think it's IVF that but but but basically you know the way that works is that you're gonna have basically children that are gonna die and you know that's just the way that works is they're fertilizing it and it's there for a life and they know most of those aren't gonna make it and so it's not it's not right but but here's the thing I know people that have done that and had children because they couldn't have children they were struggling with that and then after they had a bunch of children they they they stopped using IVF and then they ended up having a child naturally and then they started using birth control they had too many children at that point but the point I'm making there is the fact that you know don't give up on the fact that God God's the one that open and closes the womb and here we see that Isaac and treated the Lord and it was for 20 years 20 years now Isaac lived to 180 okay but I still think we can use this as an example as far as waiting a long time to have children and I know people I have friends that still don't have children that have been wanting children and they've been married for a long time but not 20 years and so I just I have heart in that you know if anybody's struggling having children I know people that want to have more children and still haven't and you know that that's the type of stuff that we just need to be praying to the Lord and you know and and I'm not judging any of those people that don't that are struggling with that it's not like I'm thinking well God's judgments on you because obviously Isaac was blessed of God here we saw that already that God blessed Isaac so it's not like you know Isaac was in sin or God was you know closing the womb because of his sin this is actually a good example of someone that was righteous doing everything they should be doing but had to wait a really long time to be blessed with children so just something to look to okay now as we as we go on here she conceived verse 22 it says and the children struggled together within her and she said if it be so why am I thus and she went to inquire of the Lord and the Lord said unto her now this is very important okay because there's a lot of false doctrine that comes up with this okay when we look at this in the New Testament or even in Malachi this is the answer this is the answer to the question I'm going to show you Romans chapter 9 but notice right here says two nations are in thy womb and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels and the one people shall be stronger than the other people and the elders shall serve the younger now let me ask you a question here I think you all know the answer the two nations of people come out of Rebecca like literally no she would not have survived that okay so we know that it was just Jacob and Esau that were born but he's when he says the elder shall serve the younger what's that talking about is that talking about the physical man Jacob and the physical man Esau well unless you can prove to me that they were literally nations right that one person and it says people not person right so everything's plural there two nations manner of people and so when it says the elder shall serve the younger it's talking about the nations that are going to come out of these two men it's very important when we go to Romans chapter 9 and I know we've already covered this in our Roman series but we're going to talk about it just for a second here and we talked about it in Obadiah when we're talking about what what it means when it says Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated and that's what when it says that Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated it's pointing back to this passage here okay and this passage actually gives you a lot of clarity because you're just reading Romans chapter 9 you this is where the Calvinists come in and say hey you know J Esau was damned before he was even born that's what Calvinists believe but that's not what the Bible is teaching here okay in verse 10 of Romans chapter 9 it says and not only this but when Rebecca also I can see by one even by our father Isaac for the children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to election might stand not of works but of him that calleth it was said unto her the elder shall serve the younger as it is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated now if you're just to read this without knowing what it's calling back to and the story that we just read you can look at this and say that's interesting meaning that he chose Jacob before he was born and he damned Esau before he was born but that's not what's talked about here clearly when we when you go back to the story what are we talking about nations and so what did he choose what was chosen you know what was what was elected before they came out of the womb before they did neither good or evil they the nations that Israel that that Edom would serve Israel that Esau would serve Jacob as a nation right and we saw that dichotomy in Obadiah when we talked about you know Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated when you're talking about the children of God and the children of the devil right and that's what we're picturing that's a parallel that's being shown there so we have the physical nations that are gonna come out of these two men we have Edom and we have Israel and those two nations are obviously gonna physically kind of show that right because Israel is supposed to be the chosen people of God that are giving given the oracles of God and they're supposed to be the light to the world right and Edom pictures the children of the devil and those that God hates right as a nation as a whole right but does that mean that everybody that came out of there out of Edom was a reprobate no does that mean that everybody in Israel back in the Old Testament was saved no but it is what they represented and as a whole you know in their time that's what God wanted it to be he wanted Israel to be that nation that he was going to use that he blessed that he loved and obviously they they missed the mark quite a few times throughout their history right but that's what this represents so when we see this story of two nations in his womb that's what it's talking about in the New Testament when it says Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated he's talking about the nations not the people in general okay because I believe Esau personally was a saved man I believe he was a worldly saved man right but I believe he's a saved man that made a lot of mistakes okay and and Jacob was it was a saved man as well just like Ishmael right God blessed Ishmael we saw that in this chapter but everybody wants to look at Ishmael like he's some reprobate okay but we do see how Ishmael is painted as unsaved people when we look at Galatians chapter 4 right and Ishmael made mistakes right but God blessed them and he blessed them with a great nation and so the same thing with Esau is Esau is gonna have a nation of Edom but it's these descendants that are gonna go into this you know these sins that they're talking about or the fact that God's gonna hate this nation right and Jacob the same way and what we'll see you know when we get to when we get to Jacob and Esau when they grow up and all the stuff that goes on with them show me where Esau is serving Jacob I'll show you a whole chapter where he calls Esau he says he calls Jacob calls himself Esau's servant and bows down to him right and and he was afraid of him and all this stuff I mean so show me again where that where that lines up as the people as the the individuals okay and so Jacob's gonna make a lot of mistakes okay and so if you wanted a Zionist type of interpretation of Genesis when we get into Jacob you come to the wrong church okay because what we're gonna find out is that Jacob made a lot of mistakes now Jacob ends up being very blessed in the end and God chose Jacob to you know as far as the seed to go through him and all that stuff but he made a lot of mistakes just like Abraham made a lot of mistakes just like Isaac made a lot of mistakes but you know that's the Bible the Bible is we have a lot of great men of God do a lot of great things but they make a lot of mistakes during the time and you know people will try to lift up these men as if they're like infallible or something like that and they'll look at Jacob and be like oh yeah he should have stole that you know he should have deceived his father you know that was that was of God it's like what in the world are you talking about you know and so that's the type of stuff and we're gonna get into that but you know right here at the end of the chapter we see well we're getting into the birth here but we're gonna see something that Jacob does to his brother Esau okay and you know it's I don't believe it was right for him to do that and I don't believe it was right for Esau to be such a baby either so that's you know they're both of them are doing something wrong and you know but anyway in Genesis chapter 25 verse 24 it says and when her days to be delivered were fulfilled behold there were twins in her womb and the first came out red all over like an hairy garment and they called his name Esau and after that came his brother out and his hand took hold on Esau's heel and his name was called Jacob and Isaac was three score years old when he she bare them so that there's where he was 60 years old and in verse 27 it says in the boys grew and Esau was a cunning hunter a man of the field and Jacob was a plain man dwelling in tents and Isaac loved Esau because he did eat of his venison but Rebecca loved Jacob okay so first of all we see some what are their names mean now it may be a little hard you know to see with with Esau but Esau I believe that name means like hairy or a hairy garment okay that's why because a lot of times when you see in the Bible and throughout the Old Testament they'll name somebody something they'll say why right and so that their names mean something and so I believe Esau means like hairy or hairy garment or like a rough garment of some sort or something rough or hairy you know so he came out all red so he was clearly a ginger right you know that's why he has no soul that's why he's a reprobate no I'm just kidding but obviously that's not true but he was I guess he was a redhead I mean it says he was red now unless that's just talking about his body you know because babies come out differently right they're pink they're red they're blue you know sometimes you think you're you gave birth to an alien or something like that as long as they're breathing I'm good but you know but anyway so it could have been just the fact that his body you know I don't think you know it could be that he had red hair whatever but but it talks about what Jacob it says that he took hold of Esau's heel okay and we'll get to Judah when when Tamar gives birth to the to Phares and Zara or Zara and Phares however you know that's where there was a breach made and that's why he was called Phares right and so we see why what Phares even means and you know Jacob what we're gonna see is means to supplant now if you think about that makes sense because he took his brother's heel you know like he was basically trying to supplant his brother because Esau came out first so he was the firstborn twin right now if you go to Genesis chapter 27 this is after Jacob steals his birthright takes his blessing and Esau is kind of explaining what his name means okay and so it kind of fits you know when we look at what you know why they called him Jacob to begin with but in Genesis chapter 27 verse 36 it says and he said is not he rightly named Jacob for he hath supplanted me these two times so I believe Jacob means to supplant okay and you can see that with the fact that he's trying to pull back his his brother back in he's trying to get out himself first right and so you know Jacob needs to supplant now what we'll find out in this chapter is Esau gets his new name so both of them Jacob and Esau are gonna be named by different names later on and Esau is renamed in this chapter and then we'll see that Jacob's gonna get a name from God and you want you want Israel's name okay and so but he sells his birthright but but the thing is that I want you to see here first is that Isaac loved Esau and Rebecca loved Jacob and I believe that there's a lot of problems when when you as when parents okay us as parents have favorites okay it never turns out good when this happens it doesn't happen good with with Jacob and Esau it doesn't happen good with Joseph and his brethren as far as having favorites showing favoritism to your children okay and obviously there's gonna be children that you you I don't want to say you you like the things that they do more and notice why Esau likes or I'm sorry why Isaac likes or loves Esau notice first of all it says that Esau was a cunning hunter but Jacob was a plain man plain meaning like you know if you had like plain bread with nothing on you know what I mean like plain like there's nothing special if you think about that about and you can think about the fathers that have children and they have that like all star football son and then they have the other son that like isn't good at sports at all right that's what I think about here is you have Esau who's a very cunning hunter man of the field right he's very talented and Jacobs just kind of like he's not he doesn't have like these outgoing talents right you know where he's just really gifted at doing something right and Isaac I think is looking at that and obviously apparently he really likes his venison okay that's what it says is because he did eat of his venison okay so he really liked his son Esau because apparently he would always go out and get food for him and feed him venison okay so that's why he loved Esau but Rebecca loved Jacob now that's one thing that we need to look at too is that just because you have children you know that that aren't like excelling in a lot of things because you're gonna have kids you know that you're gonna have one that's a lot smarter than the other one okay and that that picks up on things but you're gonna have but the other one's gonna be good at other things okay and so we just need to rate you know love them all I believe personally in loving my children equally okay and the fact that you know I may I may have more interests like in common with a certain child than another right because I may have like you know sons one day and one son likes doing things that I like to do and the other son likes doing other things right it's obviously I'm gonna gravitate toward the person to toward the son that I you know like doing things with right but that doesn't mean that I should love that son or elevate that son above the other okay and so we just need to remember that as we're raising our children that we don't we don't always compare them to each other okay because what we'll see is that Jacob's heart is a lot better than Esau's even though Jacob didn't have all these talents of hunting and all these skills that that Esau had you know he obviously had a better heart as far as following God than Esau did Jacob wasn't a fornicator Jacob didn't give away his birthright for one morsel meat right which we're gonna which we're gonna show you here and so obviously Rebecca was more so looking at Jacob's heart and Isaac was more so looking at Esau's skills okay and what does God look at God looks at the heart it also Rebecca knows if she gave birth and had you know God told her that the elder shall serve the younger and so she kind of has this in the back of her mind that God has chosen Jacob for a great nation and so you know you gotta imagine it doesn't really say that Jacob heard that you know maybe only Rebecca heard that from God as far as what was going on in her womb and everything so something to think about but but it's definitely interesting one thing I don't believe I don't believe that Jacob was a weakling okay people try to preach that where they say well Esau was this strong guy and then you know Jacob was like this little weakling okay that's gonna not make any sense when we see how you know he he moves the stone away for Rachel when she comes and when he wrestles with the man all night long until he blesses them I mean I used to wrestle okay and anybody's wrestling all night long I don't want to mess with that guy okay I don't want to touch him with a 10-foot pole you know whatever he says I'll do it right because that is that takes a lot of strength a lot of endurance and he's not a weakling okay and so I don't believe that either one of them are weaklings okay I think they just have different traits they have different things that they're good at and Jacob you know was apparently you know as we see later on Jacob has more of a heart to God and to follow God whereas Esau doesn't but Esau is very talented at what he does and so you can definitely see how Isaac would look at that and like that and so but that's where you kind of see the beginning of the end there you see where this problem comes between Jacob and Esau but in verse 29 is where he sells his birthright to Jacob so in Genesis 25 verse 29 says and Jacob sawed pottage and Esau came from the field and he was faint and Esau said to Jacob feed me I pray thee with that same red pottage for I am faint therefore was his name called Edom so why is he called Edom cuz he's faint so what does Edom mean faint that's not a good name to have okay that's not like a good strong name right you went from being known as like a hairy man you know like a manly hairy man you know yeah he definitely had hair on his legs right to faint right and so that's not a good name to be called you know like to take that name upon yourself right and in verse 31 it says and Jacob said sell me this day thy birthright and Esau said behold I am at the point to die and what profit shall this birthright be due to me and Jacob said swear to me this day and he swear unto him and and he sold his birthright unto Jacob then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils and he did eat and drink and rose up and went his way this thus Esau despises birthright now I see a problem here first of all in the fact that he gave up his birthright for lentils okay I'm not a being person personally and so you know if I'm giving up my birthright you better have like a steak and potatoes in front of me but no obviously what you got to think about with this okay when you when you're really hungry what is food to you it's it's a it's basically very pleasurable for a very short period time I guarantee as soon as he ate that that's why he despised his birthright as soon as he ate days like what did I do right and anytime and here's the thing I get hangry just like everybody else okay and you know I'm just like I'm ready to eat I'm ready to eat and I'm just like I'm angry I'm irritable you know and then as soon as I eat I'm like man I feel like an idiot for being so irritable right yeah and being so like on edge and I remember growing up my dad would you know like I just I don't know what it was on my blood sugar was always low or something like that but I would just get I get so like just not a nice person and then my daddy he'd give me food or whatever maybe like are you gonna survive that's what he'd say to me every single time he's like are you gonna live you know and obviously it's a joke because you know it's ridiculous okay it's like I hadn't eaten since lunch or something and I'm like just like crawling on the ground yeah I'm just like I'm so hungry I'm ready to eat my arm off you know and it's like one meal really you know and so it's funny because my dad would say he's like he's like you're gonna survive you know live you know obviously he's saying it kind of back-handedly but it was very truthful but if you think about that that's what he saw saying here he's like I'm at the point of death now do you think he saw would have really died do you think he had gone like seven days without eating right yay 40 days without eating and so obviously he's being dramatic and so as anybody you know as I was as a child or you know and still get sometimes when it comes to being hungry but but all that to say is that that's a you know something that's only gonna last a moment but that birthright would have lasted his whole life now and I didn't put this in my nose and I don't why didn't put in my nose but in Hebrews chapter 12 it talks about Esau with this and so he's obviously not a good example here this isn't something that we're supposed to look up to like hey this is what you want to do and starting there verse 14 Hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 it says follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled lest there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright for you know how that afterward when he would have inherited the blessing he was rejected for he found no place of repentance though he sought it carefully with tears now this is talking about his birthright being sold but obviously also into the blessing which we haven't got to yet and so that's why he said twice two times has he supplanted me because it's two things so we see here for one morsel of meat he sold his birthright okay so he's not a good example okay and and why is it Lincoln fornication with that because fornication is something that is just a momentary pleasure that's that's you're gonna completely regret the moment you do it and so that's something that it it's interesting how how how fornication is so linked to like eating food and you think about junk food you think about things you shouldn't eat and all that stuff and how it's just this momentary pleasure is pleasurable for a season and isn't all sin like that but fornication is one of those where you know it's pleasurable for a season but then the repercussions of that last you a lifetime but you know with this obviously when you're eating like a Twinkie or something like that you know it's not as extreme you know if you're like dieting and you like go off the train and you start eating like some junk food it's not as bad as giving up your birthright which is what Esau did okay so for one morsel of bread but it links that to it think about that fornication is linked to basically giving up your birthright for one morsel of meat so so stay pure until you're married you know it's something that that the Bible says flee fornication it's only pleasurable for a moment you'll completely regret it and you know it's not gonna it's not gonna be worth it it's never worth it and obviously Esau would agree with you that it was not worth it for that one morsel of meat to lose his birthright and so what is it but what does this birthright mean okay you may wonder you know have you ever read through the Bible you're like they're talking about a birthright then they're talking about a blessing you know what does all this stuff mean when it's talking about that go to 1st Chronicles chapter 5 because I was always kind of perplexed at this okay because we know that Jacob is in the lineage of Jesus you know Jesus's lineage right and then we get into Joseph where I you know Jacob is blessing Joseph and giving him the blessing but we know that Christ didn't come out of Joseph right and so that was always perplexing to me you know like why is he blessing Joseph it should be Judah because he comes out of Judah and so I'm gonna first show you that there's a difference between the birthright and the genealogy okay and first current first Chronicles I told you get first Chronicles right not first Corinthians okay first Chronicles chapter 5 and verse 5 it explains this okay and it says in first Chronicles chapter 5 verse 1 it says now the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel for he was the firstborn but for as much as he the filed his father's bed his birthright was given unto the sons of Joseph the son of Israel so you see the birthright was giving to Joseph sons instead of to Reuben went all the way down the line all the way to Joseph right so that birthright passed past all his brethren now obviously there's probably other reasons for the fact that they all sold him into you think about Reuben was the only one that didn't sell him the rest of his brethren sold him into Egypt right and obviously Benjamin's under him you know because he's younger so he wouldn't be in the list anyway but it says in the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthright so you see how those are separate and notice what it says for Judah prevailed over his brethren and of him came the chief ruler by but the birthright was Joseph's and so what's the birthright though so we see that there is a difference between a genealogy and the birthright and do Rami chapter 21 good junior army chapter 21 so I believe that when we see this the birthright the blessing and the genealogy are three different things because sometimes you'll look at the blessing and think that it's kind of linked with the birthright because I believe Joseph and his son's got the blessing but I believe they also got the birthright okay but what is the birthright I meant to read this first but I got so it anyway you'll get the point but in Deuteronomy chapter 21 verse 15 it says if a man have two wives and one beloved and another hated and they have born him children both the beloved and the hated if the firstborn son be hers that was hated then it shall be when he maketh his sons to inherit that which he hath that he may not make the son of the beloved firstborn before the son of the hated which is in deed the firstborn but he shall acknowledge the son of the hated for the firstborn by giving him a double portion of all that he hath for he is the beginning of his strength the right of the firstborn is his so what is the first what is the what is the birthright well obviously it's pertaining to the firstborn and obviously that can be taken away because it was with the Reuben and what he did but what is the right of the firstborn is a double portion okay so both sons are getting something even in this case where he has two wives one's hated one's loved right and he's basically saying it doesn't matter whichever one's first you know then that's the person that should get the birthright but it's a double portion of the inheritance okay so when Jake or when Esau sold his birthright what did he sell a double portion of the inheritance from their father the blessing what you'll see is something different the blessing is just a blessing he's not really saying you're getting in my inheritance you're he's just blessing him like asking God to bless him and giving him authority okay so there's a difference between the blessing and the birthright there's also a difference between the genealogy and so this is where people will get into the fact of okay well Jacob you know he had to steal it you know because he Isaac was gonna give it that he was gonna give his blessing to Esau right there's no doubt that if he wouldn't have gone and done all the stuff that he was doing he's gonna give him the blessing but you know obviously he supplanted his brother and he turned it around but here's the thing it the the genealogy if you're looking at the blessing as far as being the genealogy of who the the seed of Christ would come through then you're putting it in the man's hands to make sure that's done right okay the genealogy clearly goes through Jacob and it wouldn't have mattered if Isaac would have given the blessing to Esau that genealogy you still would have went through Jacob because that's who he chose and so but go to Genesis chapter 49 is the last thing I'm going to show you because we know it goes through Judah even though Judah wasn't the firstborn and Judah didn't receive the blessing so he didn't get the birthright or the blessing but we know that Christ is of the he's the line of the tribe of Judah right and so and obviously who came out of Judah David the king so all throughout the New Testament talking about how he's the son of David the seed of David and so that's all of Judah and so but Genesis chapter 49 when Jacob gives basically his account of all all his his sons and what they're gonna do and all that stuff he knows this to be true that it's gonna go through Judah and so that's this is the genealogy of the Christ that was to come and so that's interesting why did why did they say the genealogy is to be counted not of the birthright it's you know they knew back then that what was the genealogy for right usually when you're looking at genealogy you're going backwards you know I mean but they're looking at genealogy looking forward and looking forward to the next generation the next generation next generation why because they're looking for that seed the Christ that should come from the very foundation of the world that that seed would go down the line and Judah was the one that that was going to go through so Genesis chapter 49 verse 8 it says Judah thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies thy father's children shall bow down before thee Judah is a lion's whelp from the prey my son thou art gone up he stooped down he couched as a lion and as an old lion who shall rouse him up the scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come and unto him shall the gathering of the people be now this is obviously a prophecy of Jesus Christ and we're not gonna read all of it you know as far as you know all the pictures of Christ in this but we see this is very clear that Judah is who Christ is going to come through in First Chronicles chapter 5 validates that that the genealogy was to go through Judah and not through Reuben and not through Joseph and so when you're reading through that you'd be like well I kind of why is Joseph being blessed through all this because the genealogy has nothing to do with the blessing or the birthright ok so just some information as you're reading through here and you're kind of wondering why that's you know Jacob had to do it he had to do it or Christ wouldn't come through him no no that's not what it's saying and so there's a difference between the genealogy there's a difference between the birthright and there's difference between the blessing obviously it would've been cool to get all of them right you know if you're if you're Jacob you know you want all that and obviously you stole two of them right but but the genealogy wasn't something that you can steal right it's either God chose that the line to go through them or not so but let's end with a word of prayer this is this is Genesis chapter 25 the birth of Esau and Jacob dear heavenly father Lord we thank you for today and Lord just pray that you be with us as throughout the rest of the week as we go to work but also as we go soul winning and Lord just pray for safe travels especially if it's raining and Lord we love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ name Amen